2- “Faithful Witness and Being Set Apart ”

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[Music] hello everybody I'm Troy Brewer and I'm with prophetic numbers dot-com and in this video I'm going to be teaching you about the prophetic significance of the number two here we go now I've been researching this for a long long time and I learned a long time ago and I learned to believe that this is what the number two represents guys I believe that the number two represents a faithful witness and it has to do with being set apart and this number also has to do with manifest power as to a testimony I don't love testimony being being made separate and godly division you cannot be a faithful witness if you are the same as the world now in the negative it tends to represent what believers should be separate from and it tends to be what believers should be a witness to now here are some twos in a Bible that support this thought are you ready there is male and female which are two in separate and they are meant to join together in unity to form one flesh one day to on I should say this on day two of the creation story the Heavenly Father separated the waters right so again you have godly divisions showing up and separation happened on day two there are two nature's of mankind evil which is flesh and good or higher nature which follows after the Holy Spirit guys know these two nature's also mirror the two trees within a garden the Tree of Life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil is like choose you know who are you standing with that's what them number two is always about in the Hebrew culture the number two requires us to discern the difference between good and evil by looking inward to see who is on the throne of our heart is it God or is it ourselves have we booted God off the throne of our heart and we sit there I'm the king of my own heart no or not your division is only true is only truly good I should say division is only truly good if it leads to building and to gathering which is multiplication not tearing down in isolation which is reducing or division our God is a multiplier amen it's a big deal now when it comes to division in separation this is what the Bible was talking about you find it in Genesis chapter 1 where it says and God said Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and so there you have it the number two it's all about faithful witness awesome this if you like this kind of teaching I want to ask you to do a couple of things number one will you please like this and go yeah I like this it'll help the whole world learned about prophetic numbers calm and then I would have asked you would you please share this and invite people and you go there yourself go go and find me find this video and many many many others and all kinds of resources at prophetic numbers calm god bless you so much [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,272
Rating: 4.9809523 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, prophetic numbers
Id: etqXWdvqmWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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