Troy Brewer on Marcus and Joni Show

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he's aiming to radically impact today's generation we sit down with Troy Brewer next [Music] [Music] we view the world through the lens of our circumstances instead of through the lens of God's greatness which means that our circumstances and our inabilities and our shame and our hurt and our curse is much greater than the greatness of God but when you get filled full of the Holy Spirit and when you give your life to King Jesus and as you begin to walk this walk this out the same exact timeline is real but now you've entered Redemption into the picture which means you are aware of something completely different [Music] well I love the name of that church open door yeah and the Bible says the whole I present or give or show you an open door yeah when you see an open door you're supposed to go through it pastor joy Troy brewer is somebody that's anointed he is gifted God has placed in him the ability to interpret dreams he and Bible prophecy to give forth prophecies and that's a neat thing when God talks to you but you know why God talks to you because you're somebody who listens there's so many of us we're always talking to God and asking God this or complaining about that sometimes we just need to be still and quiet and listening to the voice of the Lord so that he and his wife Liana pastor open-door Church and Burlison thousands of people are a part of that church and Joni they're way ahead of us they have six grandchildren a half a dozen so please join Joni me as we welcome pastors Troy and Liana brewer [Applause] [Music] well I love seeing the video about open-door Church especially all about outreaches so that's showing the love of God but it's also showing the love of the church amen because a lot of churches don't do that and they say well it takes too much time costs too much it's too messy too many problems but why do you all do that why is it so important let's ask miss Liana that why are those outreach is so important to you and pastor Troy and to open-door church because that's the heart of the Lord you know he gave to us first and he gave us so that we could give and so it's just being a part of his family you know we we've gotten to see your guys's family and your kids and the love that they have for the Lord and that comes from you and so the love the father has for us we give to other people in the same way so we try to demonstrate how He loves us all right pastor Troy in that video I saw that gigantic cross oh my goodness and I love the architecture of it how big is that cross and were there any challenges zoning wise okay listen getting that and not only getting it but keeping it listen that's my that's my good friend max grinders and that is actually in Kerrville Texas giant prayer garden but no but you need to know that story because it's 77 feet tall and seven inches that's the prophetic number of 777 on he's actually a very good friend of mine and I'm on his prayer council and he built that as a prophetic place so it's the place where all of us go continually to really crowd such a great artist because once I if Joni starts asking questions she really loves pastor Troy brewery's ministry I won't get another see you go ahead no I Tony you're better you're you're you're better question asker oh yeah we could tell her about it though when we first started and you didn't even want to be on time then you sit there with me for months sit there and we could be Purdy totally I never say any the holy silence going once she started we had been able to stop her stem I say no she does great yes yes you do great all right so this dream thing I know that people out there have these questions just like I did I'm gonna ask you know on your behalf because I know you think this sometimes how do you know if it is a dream from God if it's a and I don't even know if this true I'll have to ask can the devil give you a dream because I've heard Johnny talk about fear of a stranger or it was pepperoni pizza dream or it's just something that's so strong a desire and it manifests itself in a dream and maybe there's some other categories that I don't even know about that's great so what do I know that well you can tell what a tree is by the fruit of bears right on so what we're looking for by the Marcus is we're looking for first of all if you're saying hey is this a pizza dream or even in our pizza dreams the Lord can move upon our humanity and speak to us through the common things in the daytime so you can also speak to us through common things within our own dream life there are very significant dreams where the spirit of Lord will come in and he'll show us something that's so striking and it's so incredibly like that's obviously God but I find some of the most powerful places in the Lord are very subtle and you have to be willing to seek those things out and so you were asking me how do you how do you how can you tell the difference between those things I've had people say well I know that the Lord would never bring fear to me well I'm not gonna say that he won't bring fear but I will tell you this he will not bring terror and he will not bring hopelessness to you there's a very very very very sober part of God that we have to take very seriously well you have to pay attention and so sometimes it's not it's not fear in the sense of terror it's fear and then hey you need to pay attention to this and this is very divorce it's like a warning job exactly right yeah but you know if the devil brings us a dream it tends to be in very dark colors it always tends to have something hopeless we always tend to be powerless in it I've never seen the Lord stand me up and call me powerless ever you can tell what a tree is by the fruit it bears and we're looking for the fruit of the Holy Spirit okay go ahead well he's got my question you know I know that your dear friends with with John Paul Jackson I was actually on his show several times and so of course there probably wasn't anyone any better than interpreting dreams and I'm no John Paul I want to say that he's got some of his congregation here I like when he says right on that Roy tell us a little bit about how you got really interested in understanding spiritual dreams of course the Bible uses dreams throughout God would speak prophetically through dreams warning dreams about the future etc etc even to people who weren't in a relationship with God that's a neat thing about dreams - yeah that's true yeah well one of the main reasons that the Lord likes to speak through dreams is we spend a third of our life dreaming so if I live to be a 75 year old man I will have spent 25 years of my life sleeping so once you think about that a third of every 24-hour day cycle we're asleep and certainly the Lord does not abandon us at the night time as a matter of fact the Bible says in Psalms night team it says day and a day he utters speech and night unto night he reveals knowledge right so daytime is for hearing God's speak and nighttime is for deep revelation knowledge okay and many times revelation knowledge is an invitation to encounter God that way so when I first got saved I didn't know the difference I I was not you know I was pretty much unchurched and when I really got saved I didn't know that that was a taboo thing I thought that everybody heard God speak or at least everybody in the body of Christ acknowledged that God was speaking both daytime and nighttime and it was just one of the early ways that the Lord began to speak to me prophetically was in dreams and so I thought it I thought that was what everybody did it wasn't until years later that I found out that that was actually questionable within the body of Christ and really shocked me like oh really you're not sure that God does that Wow because he does he must really there are still people that question and said well you know you shouldn't talk about that or you know it doesn't mean that but God has spoken some very powerful prophetic dreams too it's personally well especially to her animal to you too yeah but not like what are some of this symbolism and that you see in dreams that people don't understand as it relates to vehicles or weather or tornadoes or those kind of things okay well there is the general application of those things and then there's there and then there's the specific application of that and that's not complicated it just simply means to say that brother Marcus the Lord knows you better than anybody and there's there's there's some things that'll mean something to you that it will not mean to me because this is a very relational process it's very intimate and all intimate things are incredibly relational right but with that said generally there's some pretty good ground rules and there's some very good explanations all the way through the Word of God and of course we get the whole counsel of God through the Bible so we go to Genesis and we go all the way to Revelation what does it mean within the Word of God so it's like where are their cars at in the Word of God so there's no cars there but there are certainly vehicles they're certain there's chariots there are ways that you move around right and you can apply that that away I actually had a dream last night and there was an island involved in it and I knew right away what the island meant because I know that islands represent different things at different levels but for me it really represents specific isolated ministry places where God wants to meet me specifically that's separate from everybody else I also had a picture last time because we prayed before we went to sleep last night Lord please because we knew we're gonna be talking about this God God we we're open to hear you speak tonight right one and he did and he spoke to us and there was actually a big silverback gorilla that was on this this island when I woke up I felt like he was just a pizza dream and then when I started telling me in about it no I knew oh my gosh that really was the Lord because silver represents Redemption yes and we were actually saving girls on this island and that's a big part of the redemptive work that we do is save girls out of sexual trafficking and so it meant some very specific things to me so we get the interpretation of dreams through the Word of God and through how we walk with God okay okay so like what Joni was saying so a vehicle then today since they didn't have cars you know cars or trucks if you have a dream and you're in a car what could that mean it typically means ministry it typically means you know how you go from how you move from one place to another in ministry specifically in ministry cycles here's what I think we should do we were scheduled for pastor Troy to preach and he's an excellent preacher so I can tell that you're interested in this I know that I am and I'm just gonna take my prerogative as the head under under the lord of course and we'll go on with this if you have a dream that you would like to share today you can call and the prayer partners to write it down we'll get it to pastor Troy or go today sir calm click on comments write it out or if you'd like to ask it live over the air like talk radio then you're welcome to do that I'm gonna get my second question ecstasy Liana Joanie's are here punching me that means that she's got something to say if you don't have something that I'm just like you know I I'm just gonna surmise because I see this happening with Joni and me that when you're married to somebody a long time and you love them and you spend a lot of time together then you can become not exactly like your spouse but you can take on qualities and things from one another you learn from one another so Liana has that happened to you just like you were he wasn't even believing that dream was from God and you're saying yes so is that been happening it does happen it does he has taught me so much through through the years in ministry cuz you know it's kind of like Joni at the beginning I'm like I'll just sit and watch you that's great you know Lord's called me to be your helpmate and I'm happy doing that and but I have learned so much through his ministry and you don't even know you're learning it until you need it and just like this morning he was talking about that and I was like no that that's the Lord speaking to you and usually it's him telling me yeah oh no that's God speaking and so I don't know have it until I need it but I have learned that mm-hmm our Joanie you have you got any questions that are coming in I see you looking at your phone I'm looking at my phone because they're actually coming in here and so I'm gonna say that's what artists pay attention she's not looking at her Instagram she's doing the program when you see me looking at my phone on their program is because they're sending it to you so I can read it there but here is Karen from Washington State she said I'm 66 years old of course past childbearing years but I dreamed I was in the hospital and I was pregnant awesome and of course I think I know what that means but what do you think that means well I think it's also significant that she's 66 and number one I just want to say the Lord sees you and he loves you and I blessed him very very very sweet friend sixty-six books in in the Bible Wow so she's with the Word of God wow there's a revelation that she's receiving right now that she's actually going to give birth to and this is the year that your baby is born this is that year so so protect your baby protect that thing that everybody else says your past that time no you're not listen this is the Lord's timing what I never wanted to be pregnant that's good here is a Keith and Mildred from Brentwood California watching today what does the number 11 mean and why does every day it's one hour plus 11 for instance if she looks at the clock it might be 211 411 611 that's a great word well you know a lot of things within the Word of God have dual meanings and so many times numbers all the way through the Word of God will have dual meanings in the negative and I'm just gonna say that she's not seeing this because this is negative but I'm gonna give you the negative first it tends to represent disorder it's what happens between 10 and 12 perfect order and perfect government we tend to get in between that place we mess it up but that's not why she's seeing that in fact I get asked this question more than any other question because God is speaking to so many people through the number 11 right now so the number 11 is this amazing number that has to do with heroes rising up and what I mean by that it means exploits of faith not just regular faith but Hebrews chapter 11 is the Hebrews hall-of-fame of faith right okay Veterans Day in America is 11:11 right World War one ended on 11/11/11 right it has actually lived in eleventh hour the leavened day at the eleventh 9/11 and we had 9/11 exactly nine represents fruit-bearing and eleven represents rise up in faith well that's a word for us one minute so I believe that if you're seeing 11 everywhere everywhere that the Spirit of the Lord is saying have faith have faith have faith not just nominal faith but giant faith I have I'm gonna read in just a moment that came in from again Washington State we love Washington if you would because we're 2019 this is a really important year and and I'd love for Marcus to hear kind of what you shared on the table about all the significant things that have to do with 2019 as it relates to even the Hebrew calendar amen okay well you you do know brother Marcus that we have two different calendars we have a Hebrew calendar and well then we have us and then we have a switch is a moon counter and then we have a solar calendar which is the Gregorian calendar and on the Gregorian calendar it's the Year 2019 and in the Hebrew calendar is the year five seven seven nine okay so let's start off with the Hebrew first and do you remember day time utter speech not time reveals knowledge yes so Greg Orion calendar is about hearing God's speak and the Hebrew calendar is about revelation knowledge Nate okay so in the in the Hebrew calendar the year five seven seven nine and we actually focus on the seven nine we actually focus on that now let's let's just look at it as a sermon five seven seven nine seventy seven and is in the middle nines on one side and fives on the other five represents grace okay which is god-given ability to overcome something nine represents fruit-bearing and seven represents the church the word church is in a Bible seventy seven times the term house of God is in a Bible seventy seven times there's seventy seven generations from Jesus I'm sorry from Adam all the way to King Jesus and then there's the birth of the church so a year of great grace of fruit-bearing for the body of Christ hallelujah one other thing - I'd say about the Hebrew calendar of 79 or five seven seven nine if you ask one of our Jewish brothers and sisters what year is it they'll say se or 79 79 on the atomic scale is the number of gold amazing okay so this is a golden year this is a golden year gold represents the divine nature of God it represents royalty it represents finances that's true it does but it also represents the manifest presence of God so this is a year that we're jumping all over that and also with what happened with the fire and the people responded with restoration it's though the enemy may have tried to do things throughout the year even this year there's just an there's an extra grace if you will upon God touching and moving and restoring your restitution talk a little bit about that I want to say first of all that this tack this attack that has come against this network is it's futile it's not going to happen and I want to see I want to I want to speak into your lies and just tell you this that we have been in such prayer for you guys and we love y'all so much and we know that when a terroristic attack comes it's meant to offend us and that means to off end us to keep us in a place where we are no longer fixed well that's not going to happen here because you guys love the Lord and your faithfulness is going to be seen through this and I want to prophesy accelerated timeframes into your life one okay that is just like the building of the wall right it's gonna happen so quickly for you guys it's not gonna go on and on and on it's not gonna linger and just declare that over your life that no place of anxiety no place of fear there's none of that for you and there's gonna be people who have never stood with you who are gonna stand with you and the Lord is gonna use this to rise up you prophesied it while ago beauty for Ashes there are literal ashes there and the Lord promises beauty for that and I want to just you know Lana and I I just want to do this and I'm not doing this publicly because this is you know a big deal for us I'm doing this publicly to encourage other people to do this we we want to give you guys five thousand dollars from yeah and we do we do want to do that we will stand with Israel in prayer and then we want to stand with you in standing with this wheel so what about that for toothless a proper thank you well that means so very much and and I'm telling you what he prophesied from the very moment I would have thought man I should just be devastated over this I shall lose mad I should be thinking oh my god is there sin in our life that would make a mistake what's going on why are we being attacked but I have not had one second and I this is not a testimony to me God sometimes will give a supernatural grace in the time of trouble that we can't get any credit for it we don't deserve it and we didn't do anything for it to happen but God just decides to do it so I want to say thank you to you Troy and Liana and whoever else today if the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart to do something you do that we're gonna get this restored whether you give or not please know that we're not gonna stop the work of God amen but sometimes God wants to give us opportunities to be a blessing yeah and to receive a blessing I really feel like that's for many of you today so you feel that way call or go online and just whatever the Lord leads you to do you know I was I wanted you to finish that about by the way thank you you both are so illegal that's so awesome but the that whole restitution reconciliation restoration I really felt like when people heard really what's going on kind of in the in the spirit realm is it will related to this year yes that it's gonna give them courage and faith to believe what you say when this was all happening Joanie cited you and one other person about 2019 beers a year of restoration so encourage those people that are watching that they haven't seen it yet but it's gonna happen this year okay so very 2019-20 is a number that means expectancy and 19 like 19 is literally the upgrade of 11 do you know how was you know how was saying that hebrews chapter means export of fates okay exploits of faith there are nineteen people listed in Hebrews chapter 11 Wow nineteen people named there so this is a year of huge restoration this is a year of where the enemy comes against you one way King Jesus is going to the King Jesus is going to bless you seven times so in the very places where we are attacked is the place where God Almighty has come in to restore the Lord does not bring the attack but he is employing the attack he'll say I'm gonna make that attack work for me and I say this to every single person that's watching this right now that in the very places where you are being attacked this is the place where the Spirit of the Lord is coming to you to bless you and to restore you and this is that season right field this is that year it's not next year it's not ten years from now it's actually this very moment this is the word for this new season so all right well let me read this one because I promised India I know we've got somebody on the line as well this is Jennifer who's watching too in Washington State Auburn Washington I'm watching Daystar live we were talking about submitting dreams I had one about one and a half to two years ago it's interesting when you remember a dream from two years ago it's something that kind of been printed and hey Paul's shouldn't when we have a dream when we ride on guys we should look at what steel freshener in it I was drawn to go into a room that was pale green in color it felt kind of like a dinner club atmosphere there were many others gathered in the room men and women the floor was a brown dance floor we started mingling and trying to meet everyone then suddenly a golden light shone overhead and started spinning out patterns of yellow and red white and blue we started to walk in the kind of swirling pattern with each other like a pinwheel the women's clothing we were in identical skirts and blouses started to take on the colors of the lights but in diamond patterns after a while we dispersed any idea what that dream makes wow that sounds like a good one do you want to go first do you want me to go okay so I would say first of all the room that you're entering in that looks like a dinner club is a place where the Lord is meeting you okay he says behold I stand at the door not knocking if any man will hear me I will come in and sup with him okay so it's a meeting place where the Lord wants to be made manifest now the colors are very important and it's really good that she pays attention to the colors because that's a huge way that the Spirit of the Lord speaks to us is through colors the pale green the pale green room so green represents life okay and it being pail represents that it's in the first phases of it it's not dark green yet okay so early stages of a new place that the Lord is meeting you all right and there you are and you're your family there's ministry you all belong at the same table it's good and then a gold light remember this is a golden year right represents the manifest presence and the glory of God right probably happening this year is happening this year and it's interesting that she paid attention to the red white blue colors well if I was going to say hey what does red white and blue me we would know exactly what that means that that represents a move within the United States of America that she is going to take a tremendous part in so there are regional moves of God and she's a key player within a regional move of God or we're getting to the call but let me just say that the conference is coming up about dreams and about the visitation of the Holy Spirit let's put up that information and pastor Troy give everybody an invitation oh thank you so much well my good friend Jamie Galloway is gonna be joining me in a Monday night Tuesday night Wednesday nights we're gonna be gathering every night on Monday night we're gonna be specifically doing dreams Tuesday night we're doing visions and wishing out were doing encounters and not only are we gonna be doing the interpretation of those things but we're gonna be releasing those things to everybody who is there live and everybody who's watching wherever they're watching those are all different by the way which is great that is really neat for some of you it would be worth the investment of your time and money to get on a plane come to Dallas go down to Berlin it's just south fort worth wrist alright Janice is on the line from Wisconsin what is your dream to share with pastor Troy Brewer today about three years ago I had a dream about my grandson Matt and right away and the dream the voice said Matt is dead and I said the next phase of the dream I saw it was like a character that I did not see the car but I saw his dead body like authorities over him and rolling him and he was definitely dead there has been great devastation in my family his my daughter is totally and they waited against me and her father died like 47 years ago there was a dream that he died of a cerebral hemorrhage that happened it was accurate and this half-sister sherry is in affiliation was mapped and she has been very very devastatingly nasty with me and I told Matt just a few days ago stay away from her and I want a restoration with my family with my daughter and out of this I'm very very afraid about this dream okay Janice well I think he's got it and we're just about out of time so Troy what are you well here's what I would say to that Janice your grandson is not going to die that's not a dream about your grandson dime that's that's not a dream it's a great it's a dream about the legacy that you are leaving okay that there's an attack against your very legacy okay you said that his name is Matthew Matthew means the gift of God yeah right and it's the gifts that God has given you to reach your very family right and you said yourself that you recognize that there is a there's a there's something between that and I want to just tell you this listen and again again a car a car wreck literally literally means a ministry wreck and friend I want to just tell you stand firm listen listen the Lord is not out to murder a grandchild I promise you he's not he loves Matt but Matt is actually a symbol in this dream and it has to do with the threat that is against the legacy of the ministry that you have for your very house that's so encouraging Joanie we're almost out of time okay so I knew where this was gonna happen so we got like tons here but here is someone from Tampa always having a dream of sexual activity all right like well that can't be of god right you're like okay what I do at this okay well here's here's what's really you do the same thing in your sleep life that you do in your in your daytime life you have to consecrate yourself to the Lord and like it seems like so much of my dreaming is carnal well friend I just want to just encourage you and tell you if so much of your dream is carnal then again consecrate yourself and say listen my date I'm thinking belongs to the Lord their sleep time thinking I also belongs to the Lord yeah I encourage you in that okay here is quickly from Pennsylvania I was in in the car with my stepdad he he's already passed and the stepdads fingers change into snakes and trying to grab her see a lot of people see snakes that are in dreams they sure do well again I I'm not gonna say that every dream comes from the Lord I'm not gonna say that I'm saying that God can employ those things but I don't that doesn't sound like to me a dream from the Lord it sounds like to me a threat to make you feel powerless to make you remember bad things to make you be fearful of bad things you know I would not receive that so let me just limit this when you have a dream you don't know what it is you just say God I trust you that's right I said it to you now pastor Troy Brewer has a wonderful booklet that's available you could go to his website Troy brewer calm that helps you it's a guy that tell us where's your bout a lot of little symbols and meanings of them and let's put up the information again about the great conference coming up about dreams and the encounters of the Holy Spirit there it is June the 10th through the 13th and if you're ever in the Dallas Fort Worth area go by and visit open door church and I mean University to pray one thing I want you to remember is that sometimes your Mehcad in a dream that's not a bad thing it means transparent and in a dream it means that God may be killing something that's in the flesh doesn't mean that you're dying in the naps very good here we got pastor Troy please listen prayer father I thank you Lord God Almighty sir God that you're still small voice is coming to us God in the daytime and also in the nighttime now God make us feel and small enough Lord to hear your voice I pray father God sir that you would hang these things we declare God that it is the anointing that breaks the yoke you and thank you for a father in Jesus mighty name Amen well we love you God still speaks I think he uses dreams because he's got a captive audience we're not looking at a fall on a computer or a TV you just dream the dreams of God and let God speak to you today amen
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 3,080
Rating: 4.970149 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: OUVG2G9j0qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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