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[Music] hello and welcome to let's talk with bishop rc blakes rc is an author empowerment teacher and the proud pastor of the new home ministries of new orleans louisiana and houston texas his message circles the globe his conversational and candid approach to challenging content makes him a relevant voice to all generations get ready for a life-changing transformational conversation [Music] what's up hello hello hello this is rc blakes and thank you so much for coming back to see about me i'm always so grateful when you all come in i love to see you just coming in and when we get a chance to share together well today i want to look at something i think will i think this conversation will be a great help to um many ladies who are really trying to put it together in your own mind relative to um what a great man thinks or what a great man is looking for in a great woman when i first titled this i called it five secrets about a great man he may never tell you because a great man i call him a king um is not always going to be as verbose in terms of what he's looking for he will talk a lot about where he's going who he is what he offers but as it pertains to vetting a particular or potential woman to be his mate or his wife he will pretty much observe and see if those qualities are there and so i want to kind of dive into the mindset of of a great man of a king of a man because a lot of the rhetoric that you hear today is not it's not the language of kings if you look in proverbs chapter 20 uh verses 6 and 7 it says most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find the just man walketh in his integrity his children are blessed after him now this text is talking about how common men [Music] promote themselves you know i'm this i'm that i'm rich i'm i'm high value i'm uh you know i'm the boss i'm the man they they promote themselves but a faithful man an authentic man a king of a man a great man is governed by his integrity in other words he's governed from within he's not trying to create a facade you know externally that will mislead misguide misdirect you but a great man is governed by his his heart's integrity he measures himself by being on the outside what he really is on the inside a lot of what you see represented today as as manhood is really um it's really low level men that are painting an image of uh being high level guys and when you you know you you can't reconcile the two you can't reconcile the image from the character well a great man is governed by his character and his image is simply a reflection of his character he's governed from within and then then the question is asked who can find such a man and i like this because you know we're accustomed to uh reading or reciting the text that says who can find a virtuous woman but here it says who can find a faithful man i think that's important because it takes a king to find or recognize a virtuous woman and it takes a queen to recognize a faithful or king of a man so all of that other stuff can't really measure up because there's not enough depth for a common man to recognize a queen of a woman or a common woman to recognize a king of a man so a woman that um a woman that would attract this kind of man must understand the heart of the man because remember he's governed by his integrity he's governed by things from within from his character from his core from his most vital dimension and so a woman that would recognize and attract this kind of man will have to understand something about the man's heart now most women are not accustomed to dealing with kings most women are not the world is filled with clowns in fact about it what i'm seeing today the world is filled with and i'll use some of this um this urban language that i'm learning the world is filled with pimps and simps now pimp is not nothing new but simp is something that i just recently came uh became aware of the world is filled with pimps and sims what the world is missing is the third category of kings and see when you when you hear when you hear people um you know spout off about their rhetoric relative to what a man is they're really talking about one of two categories they're either talking about pimps or they're talking about simps and you automatically know that here's a person who does not really have a complete perspective because there's a third and most vital category called kings this is the classical man who's not a pimp who's not a simp but he's a king let's let's let's let's break it down a pimp and these are my definitions um a pimp is a male who silently struggles with low self-esteem he's an underachiever and he silently struggles with low self-esteem and he subsidizes his low self-esteem by playing psychological games on women to manipulate them it gives him the manipulation of women gives him a sick but false sense of manhood to manage females to his advantage gives him a false but sick sense of manhood he's a pimp and he brags about it because this is what he learned from the broken generation of men that came before him this is what he hears in the barber shops this is what he you know he he learns through certain exploitative um media or entertainment that you know to be a man i i need to be able to manage manipulate control emotionally abuse women listen to what the bible says relative to this concept of manhood this pimp thing second timothy 3 1-6 says this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents no respect for authority unthankful unholy without natural affection then it says they're going to be truth breakers false accusers incontinent fears despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lost these are guys that are self-consumed that find the most gullible credulous woman and they move into her life and they lead her away based on things that she feels she needs or desires pimps then you have simps now a simp is a feminine man that submits himself to a woman as his leader as the leader of the house and he becomes almost like a child not not a co-equal in the house but she becomes the boss he becomes just you know a third or fourth child he's he's the he's the other child in the house he loses himself and he even loses his woman's self-respect in the process he lacks vision or self-respect now a lot of guys feel like well you know i'm just going to let her have her way and do what she wants to do and i'm just going to say yes yes yes to everything and that's the way to keep my woman happy and to keep her home that's the fastest way to make her lose respect for you and to drive her away from you because though a woman does not want a tyrant that is going to emotionally abuse and subjugate and control and manipulate manager that's not the will of god it is also not the will of god for you as a man to be a man that allows a woman to just tell you what to do like a child you jumping and hopping and everything like a little kid and you think that's going to keep your woman happy you're losing your woman and she may have started off thinking that this you know is going to be good because he does whatever i tell him to do but she will eventually come to learn that this is not really what she wants she does not need a pimp she does not want a pimp and she certainly does not need a simp first timothy chapter 3 verses 3 through 5 says talking about the qualifications of a bishop or one that would be a leader in the house of god well you know the same thing applies to being a leader in your own house or in the family says not given to wine this man should be not given to wine no striker not greedy or filthy looker but patient not a brawler you know not not not a hothead not covetous not selfish and self-centered but one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god if you can't be a leader if a man can't be a leader in his relationship with his woman what makes him believe or what makes you believe that he can be a leader in any other sectors well now let's get to the matter the third the third category is the one we want to focus on the king now a king is a man who knows who he is he knows where he's going he knows who he needs and he feels no need to impress anybody he knows his role and he is deep enough to respect his woman's role a king is a man that does not feel the need to be in control of a woman managing a woman manipulating a woman a king is a man that does not will never allow a woman to subjugate him and rule over him lord over him like a child a king is a man who knows who he is he knows what power he possesses he's deep enough and secure enough in himself to look at his own woman and recognize the giftings that are in her and fall back when a situation best suits her a king is a man that is man enough to say babe won't you take the lead on that i got a million and one balls in the air i'm trying to juggle why don't you take the lead on this or take the lead on that he doesn't have a problem with that he he's not a man that's running around uh telling his woman you must submit you must submit no no he's a man that honors his woman so well that submission is her natural response that's a king so you have pimps you have simps but then you have kings i'm talking about the mindset of a king i i want to help you to look into the mindset of a king things he may never tell you number one this is only for you women that desire kings you know this is only for you some of you women you want to pimp sad but your broken consciousness has you in a position where that's what you're looking for you you you're moved by that some of you women you you want a simp you want a little little man that's you know maybe go and make a paycheck but he's nothing but a child at the house i'm talking to women that want a king and the way he thinks five things that he may never tell you number one exclusivity is everything a king wants a woman that will be his exclusively now just clearing up based on a conversation i had again with chingy it's virtue you know a man is looking king is looking for a virtuous woman and that does not mean a woman that is virginal or a woman that has never had sex but what it does speak to is a woman who manages her reputation her sex life in a fashion that she has the kind of character and qualities that a king knows that if she's in a relationship with me it's exclusive i never have to worry about coming home finding somebody jumping out of my window exclusivity for a king is everything so to be too available initially you know to be a woman that shoots your shot i put something on instagram talking about that and a certain person said well shoot your shot lady shoot your shot go get him i didn't respond to it because i recognized it was the it was the the voice of broken consciousness but to be too available initially decreases interest in a king a king is not interested in a woman that um is running him down pursuing him like she's the dude she's the dude you know why it says it says to him that if she's pursuing me like this she may very well be pursuing two or three other people like this a desperate looking woman never will never attain the interest of a king because he will not trust her ability to be exclusive he will not even trust her desire to be exclusive and one thing about kings kings will never share kings will never share king is not going to be in a position where you know he's um wondering that's that's that's another great quality about a king you don't have to worry about a king you know checking your phone and putting trackers on your car and all of that kind of thing because a king is going to live his life the right way with you as a woman and so he he he expects that you're going to give him that in return and he believes that if you don't it'll be exposed and when it's exposed he'll just simply dust his hands of it he'll move on he'll drive tears and he'll move on because exclusivity is everything to a king especially when it comes down to his woman if you look in proverbs chapter 31 verses 11 and 12 it says the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her talking about that virtuous woman so that he shall have no need of spoil she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life but notice it says the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her a king needs a woman that um that represents or embodies should i say exclusivity because a king is going to have to trust his woman he's going to have to trust her with his money he's going to have to trust her with his name he's going to have to trust her with his reputation he's going to have to trust her with his brand and so when a king begins to make a move towards a woman he has to feel like this woman has the kind of virtue that i can trust her and that she will be mine alone there's a certain way if you pay attention when you're in social settings there's a certain way the woman of or the wife of a king carries herself she's very polite she's very polite when she moves into a social setting she's not with her nose in the air she's not walking around like she's better than somebody else it doesn't matter that she's you know dior chanel from head to toe she doesn't matter she's very polite she's very humble but there's this um invisible boundary that makes everybody in the room especially men know you go you you go this far and no further her man does not have to walk around staring staring dudes down and all of that he can go on about his business because his queen knows how to move through the room and yet respect herself and him in a way that she makes everybody know this is exclusive you you don't even have you don't even have a shot over here because learning to carry yourself in a way that models a woman that knows how to be exclusively the woman of a king of a man is important and he's looking and see a a king of a man is is is analyzing and um not judging there's another word i'm looking for but he's he's he's looking at how a woman carries herself and he's looking for certain tendencies in her he's looking at how accessible she is to certain kinds of people uh he's looking at um you know how desperate she is for a relationship a king is always attracted to a woman who's number one happy and fulfilled within herself but yet has a personality that says i'm open to the right kind of situation he's not looking for a desperate woman that just needs a man and just want a relationship because he concludes in his mind that you know if she's desperate for a relationship now she's probably been desperate and she'll probably be desperate and so she's not the one i'm looking for when a woman can carry herself in a way that says i'm happy i'm fulfilled within myself but i'm open i'm open to the right situation if it suits me now number two a king represents or king values rather a woman that represents herself well a king values a woman that represents herself well this is why i tell you all and sometimes you get angry with me you know and you want to type crazy stuff and i don't respond to you i tell you all you know when you get on this instagram and you turn around taking a picture of your behind putting it on instagram you are eliminating um you're eliminating certain kinds of men you are eliminating the kinds of men that are looking for wives now you're attracting the kinds of men that are looking for bed bed experience and men that will keep running you in and out of the bed and creating all these soul ties and just in constant constantly increasing your body count a king values a woman that represents herself well now i know you don't have to listen to me i'm not your daddy i have grown daughters they don't always do what i tell them to do people get grown they make their own decisions you know what i'm saying so i you know i i i can't control nobody i'm married to woman i can't control her thank god she on instagram taking no booty shots but a king is looking for a woman that represents herself well her temperament no angry woman he looked for a woman that you know go take over the situation her temperament a woman with a feminine temperament brains ambition and all of that but a feminine temperament her energy that when she when you know when you look at her you you experience her she makes the world brighter she makes the load lighter and a woman's presentation the way you present yourself now a lot of times you all get angry with people that tell you the truth about how you you present yourself in in public um arenas and you you know you you go off on people you want to cancel everybody but the reality is you're canceling yourself you're out here you're out here presenting yourself to the world you know unless you have a little simple of a husband that is content with you looking any kind of way on social media or wherever else you go if you're a woman out here looking for a husband in your presentation of yourself if you know this is your 100 and you giving this thing 30 you're doing a disservice to you you're doing a disservice to you why would you leave out of your house misrepresenting yourself you ought to be at eighty percent just going to to the walmart to the grocery store you don't know who you're gonna meet especially if you so if if you're waiting on god to send you a husband a man is looking for a woman that presents herself a certain way her temperament her energy and her presentation it when a woman presents herself well it speaks of her self-respect i ain't doing this for nobody bae i'm not asking you to do this for anybody i'm asking you to do this for you because you respect yourself that much you know i'm i'm sitting here i'd comb my little hair comb my little beard out put my little shirt on and my little jacket to talk to y'all well i'm a 56 year old man at the time i'm filming this ain't nobody expecting no uh you know no glamour presentation from no 56 year old dude i could have very well got on here with the t-shirt i slept in and and just let me talk about what i want to talk about you know rubbing stuff all out my eyes but because i have self-respect i present myself to you in a way at least in the best way i possibly can i i do the best with what i'm working with because your presentation speaks of your self-respect when i'm when a king sees the way you represent your self he understands that this is a reflection of your self-respect proverbs 31 29 many daughters have done virtuously but thou excellest them all see the king is always looking for the woman that has such a high self-esteem and a high self-respect that she goes head and shoulders above the average woman not to be not not not not to please somebody not to please some man that's lording over her and and um dominating her but because she has self-respect it it signifies not only the woman's self-respect but it also signifies a woman that will represent him well if if a woman has the level of self-respect that her presentation is phenomenal the king says in his mind well here's a woman that will more than likely represent me well you see this is important because a man a man a king of a man wants a woman that inspires him and represents him better than he represents himself my wife represents me better than i represent myself my wife is literally my better half my wife can move into a room and she doesn't even have to say a word people love her people gravitate to her and people in on many occasions have developed a high self a high estimation of me based on the quality of the woman i have in my life that represents me listen to what the bible says here in first corinthians eleven seven through nine for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of god but the woman is the glory of the man the woman is the what glory of the man the brightest spot in a man's life is his woman for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man she represents him in a way that he can't even represent himself because when a man is married the world will will conclude certain things about that man based on the quality of the woman he has guys that are in corporate america they want a certain kind of woman because she may determine if he gets the promotion if he gets certain opportunities or not it's the quality of his woman now when we look at letter c uh a man values a woman this is number two that represents herself well because letter a it speaks of her self-respect letter b it signifies a woman that may represent him well but then let us see it speaks of the quality of children she may produce see this all of this is going through the mind the mind of a mature man a great man a king of a man he's not just he's not he's not just looking at a woman that stimulates him sexually but he wants to know does this woman have self-respect can this woman represent me properly and when i when i join with this woman and we have children together can this woman produce since we like to use high value can this woman produce high value children and high value children speaks of can she put the kind of character does she number one have it in her to instill the kind of character come on somebody into my seed because while you know while life has him pulled away in working and maybe even her he understands that it is the it is the quality of the mother's heart that massages and formulates the internals of the children the father represents you know the um disciplinary dynamic the father lays down the law but the mother is the one that massages the soul of the children and the children internally most of the time take on the characteristics of the mother and so he's looking at the way you represent yourself because he can when he looks at you he can see what kind of children you will raise he sees what kind of children you will produce just for clarity we're not talking about biologically what they're going to look like we're talking about the character of a mother is transferred to the hearts of the children and of course the father is well to a certain extent but children children wear they start out in their mother's womb they hear the first voice they hear is their mothers they know their mother's the the beat of their mother's heart the rhythm of their mother's heart they are rocked in the arms of their mother they bond with their mother years before they really bond with their fathers and so when a man looks at a woman and the way she represents herself he is simultaneously looking to see now is this the quality of children i'd like to see in my life there's nothing more yeah yeah yeah there's there's there's nothing more um um lamenting or lamentable if that's a word there's nothing sadder than making babies with the wrong kind of woman just like it's horrible for a woman to have children for the wrong kind of man there's nothing worse than a man being at a certain level in having a certain heart and a certain mind about life and messing around and making babies with a woman that does not represent the qualities he'd like to see in his children so when a man gets to a certain level a wise man he's thinking about all of these things and when he's looking at how a woman represents herself if you look in proverbs chapter 6 verses 20 through 23 it says my son keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother bind them continually upon thine heart tie them about thy neck when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepers it shall keep thee and when thou awakest it shall talk with thee for the commandment is a lamp and the law is light and the reproofs of instruction are the way of life the quality of woman that a man pairs with determines what kind of children they produce together now number three these are five things that are in the back of a of a but really at the front of a man's mind but are not spoken when he's trying to analyze if a woman is uh the kind of woman that he can make his queen number three a king waits for a woman that draws the line he waits for a woman that draws the line remember i told you about uh when a woman is married to a king of a man he can they can move in and out of social circles and she'll be the most polite and humble person in the room but there's this this this this uh unspoken undeniable invisible boundary that she puts around herself that makes everybody know don't play with me like that don't just don't don't move beyond this well a king is looking for that kind of woman that draws the line not a woman that's desperate not a woman that doesn't only cross the line but jumps the fence swims the river crawls through the jungle climbs up the mountain to try to get to a man but a woman that draws the line and enforces the line a woman that says before i disrespect myself and run out here and and and get all in this masculine energy and run a man down and pursue a man and try to grab a man i will find my happy place within myself which is the only place it really resides anyway i will live my life for purpose and fulfillment and i'll be a blessing to the world for all of my years before i come down off of my place of virtue a king is looking for a woman that draws the line there are not enough women today that are drawing the line too many women are just just i mean let me leave it alone i don't want to get in trouble i may get canceled a man wants a woman that has limits and enforces them in spite of consequences you see that's that's another thing that i love so much and i mean y'all i know y'all probably get tired of hearing me talk about my wife but it's the only woman i got that's my wife so i got a right to talk about it that's another thing that i love so much about my wife man not only when i told my wife you know i'm confused trying to figure this out i don't think i want to get married i think you ought to move on not only did she presto magic got out of there she she never called me back she never tried one time i talked to us if i called for her she never ran me down she never popped up in places that i i would be a frequent she drew the line and she well i drew the line and she enforced it but another thing i love about my wife is that she would never allow she never allowed nor does she allow me to go to any place that she deems slightly disrespectful if i'm talking in a way if or if i'm using language that she doesn't like it doesn't matter if we had dinner she's going she's going to give me a look that's going to make me know wait a minute you crossing the line and you know what as much man as i am i respect that and i back back from that and i leave that alone because you know a king respects a queen that draws the line even when you look at uh the nature shows and you see the the the male the alpha male lion that runs the pride and you see the the queen i guess you would call her the the main one um you know the time she don't like something he doing with the kids or something and she'll sling that paw and homeboy back back and he'll go on by his business and he'll respect that because kings are drawn to women that draw the line see in in some cases you have not drawn the line you've allowed society and everything else to tell you well because you're you're at this age or because you weigh this much or because you're this weight or because you don't make this amount of money or because you you're not a part of this uh sorority or you're not and so now you've just constantly your your self-esteem is constantly sank and now you you out here just you know you you like that person that says that woman that keeps saying if you do it again what are you doing you you constantly redrawing the line redraw if you do it again no no no kings love a woman that draws the line and enforces the line you're not going to go out and cheat on a queen and keep running back here talking about you made a mistake you sorry now you know she may she may accept your apology the first time but when you go back and you do this again i promise you i promise you i promise you i promise you i promise you because queens draw the line and kings are looking for a woman that draws the line you know why because kings have firm boundaries see a king wants from a woman what he's going to give to to that woman that's all he's looking for he's looking for a woman that is going to reciprocate the honor that he's going to give to her proverbs 31 and 10 says who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies what do you think a price is it's a line it's a line that's why when you you you go to you can go to um chevrolet and you can haggle y'all can sit there for six seven hours haggling go to forge you can haggle um you know you get to mercedes it's not gonna really be no haggling may have a conversation but it ain't gonna be no haggling you either can afford this or you can't but when you get over there bentley and you get over that a rolls royce it ain't no haggling this is the price we don't even need to have no conversation this is the price a price is a line it's a boundary this is as far as this is as low as i'm going and i'm not going any lower now you either come up to meet my standard or move on to ford move on the chevy you may not maybe you're not supposed to be on this bentley lot and that's what a king is looking for he's looking for a woman that draws the line and see this is important on a lot of different levels because the quality of a man's woman can rescue that man from calamity because it doesn't matter how great of a man you are there can be seasons in your life where maybe things are not going well and your head is all over the place you have to know you have a woman at home that has drawn a line and has created certain standards and there are days that you're going to have to be able to look at your woman and just watching her and the standards that she has established and won't back down off of will restore your sense of perspective relative to who you are and what you're fighting for now number four a king needs a woman listen to this very carefully high value seems to be the buzzword all around the world today um but a king needs a woman to create a high-value partnership with i don't hear a lot about high-value partnerships i think i think the equivalent to the concept in terms of how i'm seeing it would probably be the power couple and some say well and i guess everybody has their own way of thinking about things some say well you know high value man wants a woman that's just going to be stay cute and have babies and be be nice and i suppose some men do want that but there are days that you have you have kings who have what kingdoms and a kingdom is beyond the grasp of any individual so a king needs a woman that has the uh the intellectual capacity and that does not necessarily speak of educational accomplishments but the intellectual capacity um the temperament the the visionary capacity to be able to join with him that they can create a high-value partnership he's not even opposed to her having already begun the process of building her own kingdom out and then there's the merger of of two kingdoms and and so a real man is not looking to lord over his woman nor is he looking to take advantage of her accomplishments he's not looking to slide in and just use her a real man a king of a man is looking for a woman he can build with now watch this this is where questions remember in in queenology i wrote in the book queenology queens ask questions that only kings can answer when a woman begins to ask questions pimps and sims get nervous and they probably get gone they don't want they don't want to entertain questions kings love questions because as the queen or the potential queen is asking king questions he is also gleaning from the depth and the quality of her questions her level of consciousness i'm preaching better than y'all sheldon and and it attracts him to her when she's asking him questions because he's looking for a woman that he can create a high value partnership with let's do this thing together ying and yang right um when sheba went to she heard about king solomon shared about how rich he was how wise he was and she said well i'm go check this out she went down there to check it out and the bible says she went to prove him with hard questions and when when homeboy got through answering her questions the bible says she had no more spirit within her some some say well that means she fainted the dude had it going on so well well kings entertain in appreciate questions and kings can answer questions and they love questions because it signifies that i have the potential here for one that can create a high value partnership proverbs 31 10-12 says an excellent woman this is the amplified version says it says an excellent woman one who is spiritual capable intelligent and virtuous who is he who can find her her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls the heart of her husband trusts in her with secure confidence and he will have no lack of gain high value partnership she comforts encourages and does him only good and not evil all the days of her life this woman had all of these different uh things going on businesses and what have you and she still had a great man that sat in the gates meaning he was in the place of government and council and yet he had a powerful woman and together they created a high value partnership kings are looking for uh not indep not dependents but independent women that can run their own kingdoms you know king views a queen as as himself in a dress proverbs 18 22 says he who finds what a true and faithful wife finds a good thing and obtains favor and approval from the lord a man is looking for a woman that can help his life to multiply now you know your accomplishments your educational accomplishments you know you're buying your own house and all of that kind of thing that will scare off little pimps and sims it will but your accomplishments are not going to do anything but arouse the curiosity of a king now you're not going to have dudes hollering at you every day because kings out in the street all day long howling at women you got to just keep doing your thing and being patient and you know ask god to create the the moment in the time where the right quality of man will see you you got to also make certain i don't know why i'm going off on this that you keep your life available and stop filling your life in your bed with all of these uh these clowns and crowns make certain that you're legitimately available god is not going to create a a connection between you and and and the kind of man he has for you as long as you got the kind of man that you're settling for in your life it ain't going to happen listen to what first peter 3 and 7 says and this is a this again is coming off of point number four a king needs a woman to create a high value partnership with first peter 3 and 7 says likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel watch this and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered it's a what high value partnership he honors the wife the wife submits to him and together they they create something together that they could have never been separately and then number five uh here's here's something that you you need to know and i'm done about a king of a man a great man if you respect him you can have anything if you respect him you can have anything now this will require that a lot of ladies that you do the healing that you need to do because a lot of you are great women but you're still dealing with the impact of the pain from your previous experience and so you wear it on your face and that's fine i feel you we've all a lot of us most of us have been there where something traumatized us and it showed up on our face you wear it in your energy it comes out in your tone comes out in the way you deal with people and in a lot of cases you're disrespecting respectable people based on something a clown or a clown in a crown did to you previously you're allowing the pain of your past to poison your present opportunities if you respect a king you can have anything you see women need to be again i got this from from chingy i want y'all to understand that you know i'm not a woman so when i when i when i listen to a woman who has this insight i glean and i learn and absorb it since i talk to women so much but i learned this from cheney women need to be cherished and i mean i knew it in other terms women need to be cherished while men need to be respected if a man cherishes a woman he can have anything a lot of husbands trying to figure out why i can why my wife why is it that my wife doesn't want to you know make love to me you haven't cherished in a while you can't run up in your marital bed like you can pay for a prostitute or something it doesn't work like that not with a wife if if you if you haven't cherished her if you haven't honored her her body ain't gonna work for you now she may try to do her just a marital duties and all of that but you know you're not gonna get what you know you you're not gonna get what you know she got until you what cherish her uh you woman needs to be cherished a man needs to be respected and of course you can flip-flop that but you know at the top of the top of the heap man cherishes a woman if he cherishes a woman he's going to what automatically respect and honor if a woman respects a man she's going to automatically what cherish him as well but those are the two pinnacles respect the man cherish the woman when when a woman learns to respect a man glory to god i feel like preaching here listen to what ephesians 5 22-27 says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now all of those verses i read you know what it's you know what these verses say wives respect your husbands husbands cherish your wives if you if if if you wanna if you want a king to cherish you respect him if you want a queen to um respect you or cherish you if you want a queen to respect you cherish her if you want a king to cherish you respect him and so a man is looking for a woman that is respectful a man is looking for a woman that is respectful now let me give you some let me just give you some things that come off as disrespectful and we don't mean it and i'm not talking down to you because these are things that i even have to work on you know coming from a family of leaders and uh take charge people like the blake's house my brother my father even my mother you know you almost have to kind of like you know fight to make your point because everybody's kind of like you know you say what restaurant are we going to you get four different answers at one time so with that being my you know upbringing there are times that i kind of learn to interject myself while another person is talking and then i learn that that's disrespectful and so now when i do it i pull back and i apologize i'm sorry uh please continue you know but i had to learn that never meant to be disrespectful well a lot of ladies do that you know brother you you you and a guy talking you know having a great conversation and he's making a point and then you cut him off and you make your point um as a lady you pull back and you let that man finish his finish his uh statement and then you make your point and then watch this let me just help you in terms of uh drawing that line if he tries to cut you off unintentionally politely say wait a minute let me finish my see king loves that i apologize dear i apologize it didn't mean any harm and and then you you you learn see you learn to you learn to yeah you learn you learn the you learn the yin yang dance so if you respect him you can have anything a man will give a woman that respects him can have anything there's nothing that i have that lisa cannot have lisa respects me to the highest to the highest i don't i don't uh she she handles all of my money i don't go around trying to see and check see what's going on what they got no no lisa need neesa wanna spend it she can spend it because she respects me and i cherish her because nothing she wouldn't give wouldn't give me nothing she wouldn't do for me nothing i wouldn't give her nothing i wouldn't do for her but you got to learn that so those are five things that um a king may never say to you i know this was a long one but i wanted to take my time for those of you that really want to dig in some people just want sound bites you want to dig in and know what's in my head that's why i take my time and do it like this now listen don't forget to go by my website and sign up for my mailing list and check out all of the online programs pick up a couple of them and um and of course you know those of you that may need counseling there's a link in the description for better help counseling if you use that link they'll give you 10 off and and in return they will make a deposit for the referral into r.c blake's ministries now let me pray for you before i let you go today father i thank you for just the wisdom you said in your word god that you've given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness i thank you dear god that the word of god is a document for successful living even here on earth and now god my prayers that you will cause this wisdom to plant itself into the hearts and minds of everyone that's listening in jesus name bring healing bring wholeness bring clarity bring change in jesus's name well i'm rc blake's and you know you know you're on top and going higher i don't care what it looks like you're on top and going higher so guess what lisa and i thank all of you as well that have sown into our lives we love and appreciate you thank you so much but lisa and i want you to know we will see you at the top god bless you i love you until next time [Music] we here at rc blake's ministries want to thank you for spending this time with us today rc and lisa are always honored to have you with us don't forget to reach out to us by visiting our website at while you're there you may join our mailing list and receive a free download of the laws of manifesting your vision by rc blake's also look at all of the online programs by rc you may find all books written by rc and lisa once again all of us here at rc blake's ministries want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and as we always say see you at the top you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 81,802
Rating: 4.9488034 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist
Id: DOqTflwxeDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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