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hey hey hello hello hello this is rc blakes and i of course i'm excited to be able to share with you once again now i need you to uh really do me a favor i need you to invite someone to come into this discussion today uh this is going to be a very very important and uh significant discussion and it comes from you know a good place it comes from the heart of of a man that is the daughter of or the father of three daughters and i just want to speak to something that i'm finding to be uh very prevalent today in today's culture and society i call this the generation of broken consciousness it's the generation where women really have no longer have a clue as it relates to who you are what your true worth and value is and as a consequence society has convinced you that you are slaves when you are really rulers that you have to beg for what actually already belongs to you it's broken consciousness and there are too many women today that are in hot pursuit of men too many women are in hot pursuit of men and the unfortunate reality is that this disposition within the woman today is playing a significant role in women finding it challenging to develop healthy committed relationships my grandmother used to say if you've heard it before i'm sure if if if a man can get the milk for free why would he buy the cow well if a woman is desperate for a man and if a woman is in pursuit of a man why would that man ever make the effort to pursue the woman and beyond that why would he ever take the step to actually commit to that woman anything that is readily available the value of that thing drops like a rock it doesn't matter what that thing is worth if it does not know it's worth and it makes itself readily available to any takers the value of that thing the worth of that thing is immutable but the value in terms of how the world will respect it and how the world will respond to it will drop like a rock even in a neighborhood if you you know your neighbors would get quite angry with you if the value in the neighborhood was five hundred thousand dollars on average for a house and you sold yours for three hundred why would they be angry with you they would be angry with you because because you sold your house for three now you've caused the the overall estimated value of all of the houses in that area to drop so when we have one sister that um is selling her morality and selling her values and is in pursuit of a man she doesn't realize it but she's she's impacting the whole community of the sisterhood now i know a lot of people are not going to care for this message but i'm i'm really not delivering it for for you to necessarily like it uh per se but i i just feel the need to get it out it's always a bad idea for a woman to aggressively go after a man always and i'm going to share some of my thoughts with you today now some say well you know he's a preacher and he's older so he's old foggy and he's whatever whatever you can say what you want um i'm looking at what you all are doing today and it ain't working it's not working bowing down on one knee woman bowing down on one knee asking a man to marry her it ain't working it ain't working and i'm gonna show you why in a minute if you if you go to proverbs 18 22 it says who so findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the lord not who so findeth a husband who so findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the lord now some people take that text to the extreme and they say well the woman doesn't need to do anything you know the man is going to search her out and find her she can sit in the corner with her mouth poked out and be mean and angry and if it's meant to be he will find her well i'm i'm not i'm not from that particular school but i am from this particular school a man that would be considered a husband is a man that is in pursuit of the woman he views as a wife if a man does not have enough gumption to be in pursuit of you there is a man that probably does not deserve you or there's a man that is just simply not your particular husband not interested or whatever but the man that god has for you [Music] is a man that's going to have enough energy enough motivation to pursue you you're not going to have to you know chase him around the block and hold on to one league and you know no no no no no no um who so findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the lord you see a real man takes a lot of pride in the fact that he went after his woman after his prize and he won takes pride in that a real man does not take pride in the fact oh my my wife ran me down and she caught me she she made me give in not a real man a real man takes great pleasure in the fact that he went after his woman and he won you hear me tell all the time about me and lisa's story you know we had dated and i i said well you came to a point where i said i'm not going to get married and i said to her you may as well move on and she she left she didn't hang around and begged me to change my mind she didn't call me she wasn't stalking me she literally went on with her life and then it came to me that you know you just let your wife go and when i when i realized what i had done she was already in a relationship with with another man a professional baseball player and um i called her and said hey you know long story short you're my wife you know you the lord told me you're my wife and i know you you know i know you got this little thing going on with this little baseball man or whatever but you're my wife and long story short she left the little baseball man came to me well i take pride in that i take pride in the fact that i have a woman who had enough self-love listen to this very carefully i have a woman who had enough self-love and enough self-respect that when i gave her the slightest clue that i was moving in another direction she loves herself enough and as much as she loved me she loved herself more she loved herself enough to leave me wherever i was and to move forward with her life and then i had to come to myself and go and find my woman and win my woman back well a real man takes pride in the fact that he had to do the hunting okay let's go to the let's go to the first biblical uh love match god made it if you go to genesis chapter 2 verses 22 through 24 it says and the rib which the lord god had taken from man adam made he a woman eve and then god brought her unto the man now god has just introduced him god put even proximity to adam where he could see her where he could smell her where he could observe her experience her and listen to what verse 23 says and adam said this is now bone of my bones in flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh what did we glean from this text this is the first biblical account of the first relationship between a man and a woman and the first thing we see here is that god brought them together and when they got in proximity in view of one another it was adam that opened his mouth and spoke it was adam that made the first move and adam said it was adam that recognized who eve was it was adam that recognized her potential and purpose in his life it was adam that affirmed eve it wasn't eve saying oh you you so fine you blow my mind i want you marry me marry me it wasn't eve dropping down on one knee saying i'm bone of your bone flesh of your flesh marry me marry me no no no no no eve just set back in the cut and let the man do his job it's the man's job to take the lead holy moly okay number one i think i have maybe five points here i want to share with you why it's always a bad idea for a woman to pursue a man number one when when a woman pursues a man when a woman goes full force after a man she gonna get her man at any cost it is the manifestation in the woman of pure masculine energy when when you have a mindset that you're gonna go get your man and you're gonna take this man and he gonna you know you know i see you i i like what i see i see what i want i'm going to have you we can do this the easy way or the hard way that is the manifestation in the woman of pure masculine energy chingy and i uh had an amazing conversation you ought to go check it out on the channel uh relative to you know feminine versus masculine energy and this is some of the stuff she was talking about it is the manifestation of masculine energy and watch this masculine when a woman is manifesting masculine energy masculine energy especially on this level always this kind of masculine energy always repels masculine men when when you are functioning in in the role in the in the emotional and social role that a man should function in relative to a relationship between a woman and a man the more masculine you project yourself as a woman the more feminine type of man you're going to attract and when i use that term feminine relative to men i'm not talking about sexual preference there are many feminine heterosexual men a feminine man is simply a man that does not want to lead is is is content with being kept does not want to make decisions will sit back without any problem and let you as the woman run the show until you wake up one day and realize i'm tired of running the show i need a man that has enough gumption to run the show but that ain't the way you started when you pursue a man you run a man down it is the manifestation of masculine energy which always repels masculine men listen to what first peter 3 and 7 says likewise ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor to the wife is unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered he says what is he he says ye husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel in other words have enough masculine energy to lead if if a man does not have enough masculine energy to lead and to honor and to protect he ain't enough man for you you will always attract listen to this statement very carefully you will always attract the opposite of your energy a woman that hunts will always locate a submissive subservient man that is in his mindset and temperament as prey and that may be cute in the beginning but as time moves on and his life goes through its various stages and changes a woman is going to need a man that's able to be the man but if you have to run him down [Music] if you have to do the hunting in the beginning um what makes you think that he has enough of that in him to be able to sustain and maintain a relationship because if you if you if you have to enter the relationship with masculine energy the only man that's going to really be cool with that is a feminine man a real man in fact about it a real a real masculine man is afraid of an overly aggressive woman you know i was thinking about um my own life when i was younger and running you know doing all of that kind of stuff um overly aggressive women i don't care how beautiful they were they never appealed to me i never wanted to go any further than probably an initial conversation with an overly aggressive woman because an overly aggressive woman felt like i was dealing with another dude i'm a heterosexual man i have no interest in being romantically connected with anything masculine and so when you start talking about being a woman and getting you kicking i'm gonna take you i'm gonna have you regardless well you are repelling the very kind of man that you subconsciously desire and you are attracting the exact kind of man that you do not desire you're attracting feminine men that are cool with being kept don't mind spending your money they don't have to go to work they won't they'll sit around your house and you know they'll cook the food and they'll do all of that kind of they'll let you make all of the decisions and when there's a bump in the night they'll let you get the gun they'll let you get the bat of the butcher knife and go check it out and then when you get to that point in life where you need a man to really motivate you and turn you on it ain't gonna be in him because if you have to pursue a man you'll never attract the kind of man that will be able to sustain you in proverbs chapter 2 verses 16 through 19 it says to deliver thee from the strange woman even from the stranger which flattereth with her words which forsaketh the guide of her youth and forget it the covenant of her god for her house inclineth unto death in her paths unto the dead none that go unto her return again neither take the hold of the paths of life a real man is always afraid of an overly aggressive woman you'll never get one that's why you always end up with men that you don't respect they may be good-looking boys cute boys they may you know they may be great at sex but they're horrible at keeping your attention and and and winning your respect it's because any man that you have to pursue does not any man that will allow you to pursue it does not possess true masculine energy now he may be a pimp or he may be assembled but he ain't a man the three of three different things there a pimple and a man of three different things a man is one that is committed to the protection and uh and the development of womanhood that's the that's the first and greatest test of manhood is that he is committed to the protection and the advancement of womanhood and a true man is not going to give a woman that is pursuing him aggressively he's not going to give her the time of day now number two when you pursue a man aggressively you are simultaneously not only are you projecting masculine energy that's repelling the kind of man that you desire and need but you are secondly you are misrepresenting your virtue now this is something i learned in that conversation with changi you need to go and watch that that conversation we had it was amazing if you're looking for you can find her on chinese world on youtube i think soon to be black swan academy if i'm not mistaken but just put in chingy c-h-e-n-gi we had an amazing conversation and this is something that i learned in that conversation this wasn't like something and this was something i learned and it was like a light bulb moment when when a woman is in her masculine energy to that extent that you want to even pursue a man run a man down it misrepresents your virtue it misrepresents your virtue and here's the things chinese specifically said she said there's a vast difference between virtue and virginity now virginity is the ultimate virtue but a man is not expecting virginity from a woman you know no man realistically is expecting a woman of a certain age to necessarily be a virgin that's not an expectation but every man that would be a husband and is looking for a wife desires virtue in his woman and what's the difference virtue speaks to doesn't speak to the fact that okay i'm a virgin but what virtue speaks to is the fact that a woman manages her sexuality carefully she is not loose with her body she is not loose with her sexuality he can trust her he can believe that she can be committed to him alone when a woman is overly aggressive it misrepresents her virtue sometimes you know it'll make a man feel like and believe that you don't have that kind of um discipline restraint that that he requires in his woman that you know discipline that comes from her being a virtuous woman when a woman pursues a man she lessens her value as a wife in that man's eyes and sometimes you know it's it's the culture you're you're raised in it's the stuff you're listening to it's the rhetoric you're listening to that makes you feel like i better go out here and take this because you know the talk is ticking and i'm about to hit the wall and i better go and get me a man and you go out there and the man looking at you sideways because you're misrepresenting your virtue you know a virtuous woman sits back and she allows a man to take the aggressive approach and she simply you know he leads and she simply you know she rocks with him you know what i'm saying she ain't letting him go by himself now he make a move she make a move he make a move she make a move you see but but but when you you you jumping out there you jump in the gun and you making the first move homeboy's like wait wait wait wait i don't think this is what i'm looking for i don't think this is what i want and you don't realize it but it's false advertisement false advertisement you are misrepresenting your virtue you are you are more of a woman than that but because society has put this pressure upon you you know this desperation for you know a man at a certain age now you out here jump in the gun and don't realize that you mis you're misrepresenting your virtue you you actually emotionally and psychologically and spiritually you manage your sexuality better than that you're just in pursuit of relationship to a point that you've gotten desperate for it and you're sending off the wrong signal titus 2 3 through 5 says the age women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children watch verse five to be discreet here's the word chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed but the word i want you to hone in on two words really discreet and chaste now this this term chase in the greek is the term hagnose and it means freedom from defilements or impurities that you carry yourself in a way that when when when when a man looks at you he views you as being a woman who manages her virtue well and she's the kind of woman that is loyal and and is balanced in her emotions and can be trusted in the role of wife doesn't matter what your past is he's looking at your present and how you're functioning and how you be when you're in pursuit of a man you misrepresent all of that now number three when you pursue a man aggressively when you over pursue a man well when you pursue a man period as a woman it may be interpreted as desperation and when a woman is desperate you know in this uh relational economy it's the same as putting blood in the ocean if you bleeding in the ocean you know what you're going to attract sharks you know what those shrubs those sharks are going to do devour you when when you out here swimming in these relational seas and you have just the slightest semblance of um desperation you're bleeding in the water bay you're bleeding in the water and you constantly attract you will constantly attract sharks a woman that is in pursuit is usually motivated by desperation and or a sense of lowered value that's a that's a that's a concept that we're hearing a lot of today that you your values decreasing your value is decreasing you gotta understand the difference between your value and your worth there's nothing that decreases value in a woman like a woman that runs in and you know saves the day and does the role of the man when when when you are in pursuit of a man it is it is usually because it's motivated by desperation and a sense of lord value this is a sign to predators of what emotional weakness and you know what happens when predators sense that you are emotionally weak they manage and manipulate you they take advantage of you the bible says you know this is one of my favorite texts when i'm dealing with points like this in second timothy 3 and 6 it says for this sort of they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust well what a lust things that you desire and long for so so desperately you know what i mean and what is the world done the world has given you all of these ideas of because of your age because of your size because of your race you don't have much of a shot so you you need to get desperate you need to do some things that you normally wouldn't do and what happens is this this is the kind of woman that certain kinds of men creep into your life and lead silly women laden with sins led away with divers lust because if you continue to live with this mindset it will pile one failure one infraction on top of another you'd be laden burdened down with sins and led away with divers kinds of lust because it was never the creator's plan for you as a woman to pursue the king kings will never be pursued by queens the day a queen wakes up and feels like she's going to pursue a king is the day she will lose him the fourth reason the fourth reason a woman must never pursue a man is that the disapproval the the potential for disapproval will shatter the woman's self-esteem you see whereas a man can move in and a man can make a move and a man can be rejected time and time again he can go on this side of the room and get rejected two or three times and then he'll shift and he'll move to this side of the room and he'll try again over here until you know somebody accepts him a woman will get rejected one time on this side of the room and then leave the entire event because the woman is not built to sustain rejection i believe this kind of thing here is one of the meanings of you know the husband giving on unto the wife is unto the weaker vessel i think it means she's physically weaker and then i think her emotional construct relative to the ins and outs of relationships makes her more vulnerable to certain hurts whereas a man can take one rejection one rejection after another after another after another the woman is not built to sustain every time every time a woman every time a man says no to a woman there there is a significant drop in her self-esteem level now she may play it off she may smile it off she may grin it off but there's an impact to her self-esteem now you take a man just to give you you know a means of kind of seeing where i'm coming from a man is impacted similarly when he has one financial rejection after another man is trying to hump and get it for his family and he's putting in applications and you know he goes in and they say well no no no every time he hears no you can see him come home and you can see his spirit sinking when it comes down to earning for his family well likewise for a woman that is constantly pursuing a man or men and being rejected the potential for rejection is too risky for the woman to step outside of her role and her place to try to play the man's role the more the woman pursues and is rejected she is being broken sometimes not realizing it every time a man turns you down your spirit has been impacted it's not healthy it's not healthy for you to go out to somebody tell you well you know you had an age no you got to just shoot your shot man come on shoot your shot come on man come on man because every time you miss you you're gonna you're gonna think less and less and less and less of yourself if you look in proverbs 13 12 it says hope deferred makes the heart sick another one of my favorite texts what is that saying when when you really want something or you really need something or or you really desire something and you hoping and wishing that this happens and and you're taking risk and everything else trying to make this come to pass and every time you you you strive for it you get knocked back it makes the heart sick you know and that could mean a lot of different things it makes you see yourself in a diminished capacity it it it can harden your heart to the world it can make you more vulnerable to people that should have never been in your life because every time you're you're hoping and wishing and you don't get it it makes the heart sick so so a woman was not built for repeated rejection a woman needs the safe affirmation of a husband a woman is not built to be out here in these streets shooting her shot at men having men saying no no thank you no thank you no thank you do you know what that does to the spirit of a woman for a big old rusty man to tell you no thank you you're not even supposed to put yourself in that position i don't care i don't i mean i know that a lot of people that don't agree with me and they're out here telling y'all you know you know raise your skirt up and and drop your yo put all your cleavage out and shoot your shot and you know what what you're doing you shoot your shot year after year after year after year and your self-esteem is in the tank your self-esteem is in the tank you misrepresenting your virtue so there may be a husband in the house but when he's looking at you shooting your shot at that dude over there he can't identify you and your self-esteem is being diminished and impacted every time you go out here calling yourself pursuing a man any man that you have to pursue ain't worth having so my prayer is that i don't see you on instagram bowing down on your knee asking somebody to marry you that's my prayer okay number five and i'm done number five and i'm done when a woman pursues a man it relieves the man of the basic responsibility of leadership a man that needs a woman to start the relationship by leading should not be surprised or expected should i say to lead after the relationship has started so if if you have to go and find the kind of man that needs you to pursue him and jump start him you cannot have the expectation that after you all have you know created the relationship and created the wedding and all of that and then after the fact now you want him to be a leader if he wasn't leader enough to see what he wanted go after what he wanted and lead the way from the beginning what makes you think he going to be able to carry the ball because you relieved him of the basic responsibility of leadership and then in a lot of cases they engage your pursuit just for the sex you thinking it's gonna end up one place you think it's for a lifetime and it's really just for the night time another hit on your self-esteem but you have you have just relieved the man of the basic responsibilities of leadership if a man is not enough leader to approach you in a way that uh moves you and respects you why would you have the expectation that this is a man that can lead you moving forward if you started the relationship bleeding you're gonna have to finish leading because you just got yourself a feminine man a masculine man will no thank you won't have any of that because a masculine man is not rocking with a woman that's out here shooting her shot no ma'am you will always get a little feminine man oh and the bible says in ephesians 5 23 24 for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in in everything now we're not getting into all of the submission thing here but notice the bible says that the husband is the head of the wife that means he has to be what capable of leading if a man can't leave from the outset okay if if you don't know how to back the car out of the driveway safely onto the street why would i trust you to drive through the you know the interstates of the united states of america if when we started you you didn't have enough skill to back the car get the car on the road safely why would i pull over and let you take the wheel when we're out here on the interstate if a man can't start it he's probably incapable of finishing it and you never gave him a chance to figure out if he could start it you were so desperate for a man that you did his job for him now let me say this so i don't want i don't want to close with this here i'll just give you this really briefly because i don't want to raise an issue and not have a solution and i'll just give it to you really really quickly um how do we remedy this you know going back to that conversation chingy in our head she was talking about you know how um a woman can be in a public place and a man she said something powerful that is so true she said if a man is interested in you he will make eye contact that doesn't matter how far across the room he is he gonna he gonna be looking at you he's gonna be he's gonna stare at you and you know he's gonna look at you not not disrespectful and not not in a creepy kind of way but some kind of way he's gonna constantly make eye contact with you if he's interested all the woman has to do is smile not your head and smile that's all you gotta do and what does that say that says to the man okay it's cool for you to approach because see a real man is not going to run the risk of disrespecting you he doesn't know if you're engaged he doesn't know if you're married he doesn't know where your head is so you have to give him the signal okay it's you know it's cool i feel your energy it's cool and all you gotta do is smile you ain't gotta say nothing just smile and and and uh he's gonna keep making eye contact and all you have to do is just keep a pleasant you know and and before you know it he'll start making his way around if he's man enough to lead he's making his way around he'll say hello you know i am and then you say hello i am you know pleasant pleasure to meet you so far and so on but what happens is see we get all of these mixed signals we get these mixed signals because those of you who are guarding your virtue virtue watch this you've been taught in certain circles you know religious culture and you know even just strict families that you know a woman a woman a chaste woman should enter the world with a frown on her face and every man that says hello he's trying to flirt don't ever respond to flirting so you got men that are sincerely just saying hello and you won't even speak and you you walking around like this here and then you and you say you come on on a chat at night you say i don't know why man never never responds to me well because you walk into the world like that and because you know brother's speaking to you but because you you you are conscious of your virtue you're overly conscious of it to the point that you are repelling the world trying to make certain that everybody know i'm not a loose woman to smile is not being loosed listen to what the bible says in proverbs 18 24 a man that hath friends must show himself friendly if if you want somebody to warm up to you you got to at least be friendly and i know this is a point of contention i don't i don't feel like i i don't feel like i got to smile what i got to smile for well if i mean if you want to be by yourself and if you want to just kind of live in your own world by yourself you don't have to smile but if you want people in your life on on all levels you're gonna have to smile if you want your children once they get grown to come back home and visit you you're gonna you're gonna have to smile but you're gonna have to have a you know pleasant demeaning spirit if you want a man you got to be able to smile you got to be able to say hello hello and if enough a man takes that he tries to get disrespectful now you know how to shut that down and keep it moving but don't be guilty of somebody sincerely greeting you and you're not well adjusted or trained enough to be able to respond appropriately so there there are three things that i i've listed that i just i think are you know just common sense for a woman that says okay i'm i'm not a pursuer i'm not going i'm not going to pursue but how do i respond to a man that is that is pursuing how do i put myself in a place where you know i may be pursued number one be polite do you know how do you know how many women are are impolite i know i'm gonna probably get a lot of thumbs down on this right now but do you know how many women are are literally just rude and impolite for no reason i mean for absolutely no reason just just rude for no reason and and i know you know in a lot of cases you've been hurt by a lot of ignorant men that have disrespected you and all of that but you know the sign of a healthy mind is to be able to put all things into context and because joe did that to you yesterday doesn't mean that jim is going to do that to you today you have to be able to see jim for who jim is and be able to function like a well-adjusted person yourself as opposed to being impacted by what joe did to you yesterday you got to be able to put that to bed that's the root of bitterness that's springing up and constantly troubling you and it's it's it's misdirecting misdirecting your life unawares you gotta just just be polite not loose not not easy not fast but just polite hello good evening polite number two be well groomed be well groomed you know everybody's talking about what size a woman is supposed to be it's not really about no size because no no one man can tell you what another man desires in in the physicality of a woman every woman is some man's type every woman is some man's type i promise you i've been a man for 56 years at the time this this message here every woman is some man's type but you know what every man needs from his woman needs his woman to be well groomed and cared for she he needs to see that she takes care of herself doesn't mean that you go and waste money you don't have on labels you can't afford but it means that you really care about your presentation to the world and why is that important to a man that's important to a man because the woman is the man's prize the man is not the woman's prize the woman is the man's prize and the world judges the man by the quality of his woman they ain't judging her size her complexion they're judging how polite she is they're judging how well cared for she is so every man wants a woman that is going to what represent him well and then you have to just appear interested you have to just appear interested you can't just be you know you meet not meeting a guy you can't just look like you you know you're off in the cloud somewhere you know guy trying to talk to you this is for you single ladies of course i'm not talking to married women but guy trying to talk to you you spending more time with your girlfriends talking about nothing and poor guy trying to have conversation with him you seem just completely disinterested because somebody taught you wrong that you know when a man is interested in you never show interest and that's how we go from one ex stranger we go from one extreme to the other and then what happens is that brother takes that as a sign of rejection and he moves on and he leaves you because all you got to do is if you live your life this way be polite be well groomed and just appear interested when people are interested in you see people are interested in people that are interested if if a man shows interest in you the way you feel and feed that is the show interest in his interest and then you can figure out later if this is a man that works for you or not but you're not going to know the whole story if you appear disinterested and what what makes a woman um initially come off as being disinterested is that you're judging this man from um from a shallow um a shallow materialistic or visual perspective you're judging this man based on what he looked like or what you think you you're not taking the time you're not investing enough time or interest into the situation to dive deep to see what's in this man's man's soul and so you know this is just my my piece man this is how i feel about it you know it's my it's i approve of this message i know a lot of you probably do not but it's my message you know what i'm saying and and i hope that i hope that you hear my heart on this because i'm seeing a lot of you make a lot of mistakes in this area and you know just on another note quite honestly you you got to get off of the desperation thing for the relationship and you really need to think about the fact that while you're spending all of this time in desperation for a relationship you've not really figured out who you are why you're here what you're supposed to accomplish as an individual that's that's really the the greater message that's that's that's the real travesty that while you have spent decades desperate for a connection with a man you've not connected with yourself and when you stand before your creator he ain't gonna ask you about your marriage but he is gonna ask you about what did you do with what i gave you did you manifest what i put within you how fruitful was your life and all you'll be able to honestly say is well i squandered all of that because i was so desperate for a man and i spent all of my life trying to get a man and never seem to get one if you if you work on finding yourself you will be healthy enough to be found by someone else let me pray for you father i thank you for this time that i've had with oh people from all over the world and now god my prayers that you will allow my words to resonate and to change their hearts and god i i pray now in jesus name that you will bring healing where hurts have been bring clarity where people have been cloudy my prayer fathers that you will pour your anointing over all of them in jesus name amen amen amen now listen don't forget to stop by my website rcblakes.com sign up for my mailing list uh check out my online programs queenology uh queenology 2.0 the training for reigning um soul ties wisdom for women in ministry transcending the father wound go to amazon check out all of my books very soon we're going to have new books coming and audio books that are actually on the way actually done it's just a matter of time and just know that lisa and i love you we're getting ready to start in the month of august uh 2021 we're going to we're we're going to launch our our third mordecai mission group um mentoring session now only take so many women in these sessions it's a three-month it's a three-month it is a three-month project we we meet every week and it's about two hours of meeting you know where i'm teaching and and opening the floor for um discussion and and questions and the ladies get a chance to bond even now we're we're in the winding down the the third uh part of um this particular mordecai mission the last four sessions in other words and it's been a blessing so those of you that are interested in that i think somewhere in the description you'll see something relative to mordechai mission you'll be able to hit that and just select the august september october uh dates and i'd love to see you in the the august uh class well i love you i thank god for you and hey on behalf of lisa and i thank all of you that have sown into my life into our lives thank you for all of your support and love we love you and we thank god for you and um just know that you're on top and going higher so guess what i will see you at the top god bless you god bless you have a great evening [Music] you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 726,785
Rating: 4.908967 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC BLAKES, RC
Id: MxAYmPiEI90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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