Rev Kenneth E Hagin Spiritual Nature of Man Lesson 3

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well we call it spiritology right at the moment we're talking about men on three dimensions so you have those three books to study over this period of time and incidentally we'll not have a test till we get through which will be about eight weeks hence so you don't have to bother about uh tests in the middle or whatever we go right on through and then give a test at the end be over somewhere in the middle of january wherever you know whenever this semester ends amen all right these three books are number one man on three dimension now that's what we're discussing at the moment and if you want to follow us in our thinking well we'll cover a good bit of that add some to it and omit part of it but you'll have it there in front of you the man on three dimension then secondly the human spirit and then third how to be led by the spirit of god amen now we left off the last class uh here was second corinthians five fifth chapter number six uh through the eighth verse therefore we're always confident always confident that is positive isn't it knowing that while we're at home in the body we are absent from the lord we here refers to the inner man are the spirit man verse seven for we walk by faith not beside verse eight we are confident now there's that word confident again praise god i like that don't you we're confident i say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord so then the body is not the real you is it because he said we are confident i say and willing rather to be absent from the body we when physical death comes will be absent from the body well where are we did we cease to exist no thank god we are present with the lord again i like that thought that in both of these verses the sixth the eighth verse we have that word confident sixth verse he said we're always confident eighth verse said we are confident now paul knew what he was talking about and he was confident that the inward man is at home in the body but when we're absent from the lord that inward man praise god is present with the lord amen now living in the natural and in this physical world it's difficult for people to realize that the spirit world is far more real than this physical world is spirit world was there first god who's a spirit created this world now so many times people think of individuals existing only in their physical bodies and a lot of people think that when you're dead that that's it you just cease to exist but the bible the scriptures tells us that the real man is the inward man the hidden man of the heart and that he is an eternal being spirits must be eternal they never die god's a spirit can he die no well man is a spirit he has a soul and he lives in the body the real man the hidden man of the heart is eternal being he'll live on long after our earthly house has returned to dust hallelujah now at the moment we are endeavoring to locate the human spirit i think to some extent we can see we did that but while we're on the subject of man on three dimension let's discuss the other two parts of man his second dimension which is soul amen now you know of course that in our original text that we began with in first thessalonians 5 23 paul was praying and did pray for the church at thessalonica that your whole spirit soul and body three dimensions be preserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ amen now as we stated earlier in the other lessons discussing and dividing the spirit and soul that the soul is the intellect it's it's man's sensibilities it's a part of man that reasons and thinks it deals with the mental realm now like i said we we also see that paul deals with this threefold man spirit soul and body and uh with our spirit we contact the spirit realm with our bodies we contact the physical realm with our souls we contact the intellectual realm now is any other realm you contact if there is let me know i don't think so amen amen now i want you to notice that paul in his teachings tells us that we are to do something with our bodies and with our minds now it's not our bodies that were born again become new creatures in christ it's not our minds that was born again or in other words our soul became a new creature in christ it was our spirit now let's notice in romans the 12th chapter the very first verse first where paul writing to the saints in rome actually he addresses this letter in romans 1 7 to all that be in rome beloved of god called to be saints and it applies to all that be in broken arrow or wherever you are from beloved of god and called to be saints wherefore i beseech you brethren so you see these people were saved i beseech you brethren that you present your bodies you do something with your body not god you you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service king james translation another translation said present your bodies to god the living sacrifice hold except on him which is your spiritual worship he said here to present your body to god is spiritual worship now in the very next verse verse 2 of this 12th chapter of romans notice that paul goes on to say something about the mind which is man's intellect which is his soul he said that we're to do something with our minds and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god now may i reiterate that paul here is writing to believers he's not writing to heathen he's not writing to the people of the world he's writing to born-again spirit-filled believers yet notice this that their christian experience though they're born again become new creatures though they have been filled with the holy ghost notice that their bodies or their minds have not been affected by this experience it's up to them then to do something with their body it's up to them then to do something with their mind he told them that they're going to have to do something see a lot of time we don't take responsibility we'd be glad if god would do something he's not going to do anything to your body he did something with your spirit amen i said amen so he's not going to do anything with your body or with your mind of course he'll help you if you'll make a dedication consecration now as we said to you we contacted god with our spirit and our spirit the inward man the hidden man of the heart became a new man everybody's a new man new man in christ you remember that text in second corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in christ what about him he is a new creature so if he's a new creature he's a new man amen can you say amen hallelujah new man but the body is not new body don't keep wanting to go up right on doing things it always did that's the reason you have to as paul said i keep my body under and your mind needs to be renewed uh ff bosworth said the first thing that god asks a person when they're born again is to change your thinking we need to think in line with god's word amen so then it's up to us not up to god up to us to do something with our bodies and with our mind present your bodies a living sacrifice be not conformed to this world be ye transformed by renew the renewing of your mind now the one of the greatest needs of the church today is that people would have renewed minds renewed with the word of god they'll never be successful christians unless they do that's a reason so many struggle and live on a lower level when they could be living on a higher level is because they fail to get their minds renewed with the word see just because that a person's a christian even filled with the holy ghost and speak with other tongues that doesn't mean that he has a renewed mind that all has to follow being born again being filled with the holy ghost the mind becomes renewed with the word of god now that's one reason that god put teachers in the church those who are really called to teach you understand anybody from the natural standpoint could teach someone else what they know and that would be fine and good but there are those that is particularly called especially i should say call to that office anointed by the holy ghost praise god thank god for the teaching gift the teaching office amen now what's their purpose their purpose is to teach the word so it's to help us to get our minds renewed with the word now many times those who do teach that we're talking about teaching in general are just teach from a natural standpoint so to speak now much of what they say may be true or may not they've gained a lot of knowledge of the bible through through natural study and they dispense that to others but thank god for those who are anointed amen with the holy ghost to bring out revelation knowledge amen so god has given us teachers and then he's given us his word i'm so glad we've got the written word of god amen and we can feed upon that word ourselves and we can renew our minds both methods thank god for teachers and thank god for the word of god the privilege of feeding upon god's word like i said earlier i learned many many years ago and i'd say many times to our children when they were small and family let's feed our spirits instead of saying let's read the word let's feed our spirits by so doing we become more spirit conscious and conscious of the fact that we are a spirit so we can renew our minds to bring the revelation you see of the knowledge of god's word to our thinking and then get that word inside us by meditating upon it and thinking upon it so our minds are renewed then by two methods one by feeding upon the word of god in our own private study and meditation and secondly being taught by spirit anointed teachers and so by those these two methods we can grow in the strength and the knowledge of the word and can walk in the light of god's word and our minds are renewed daily with the word of god hallelujah now then people ask the question i've had them to ask me this in different forms but when you sum it up brother hagin how can i make my belief in god's word more than just mental agreement see it's one thing to mentally agree that the bible is true another thing to really believe it well first of all we have to understand the difference between real faith and mental agreement or some people call it mental asset mental accent or mental agreement agrees that the bible is true but doesn't act on it real faith is acting on god's word the person who just has a mental asset or mental agreement will tell you i know i know what god's word said i know god's word's true i know the promises are there and i know that i are to have them but for some reason other i don't but real faith says i have it now real faith in the word says i have it now not because i see it not because i feel it but because god promised it i said before i used this illustration quite often i pastor nearly 12 years and a church is a family very similar to your natural family have all the same problems that you have in a natural family in your natural family do you ever have any financial problems i'm sure in your natural family do you ever have any discipline problems i'm sure well right on down the line any problem that you could have in the natural family you're going to have in the spiritual family because they're a family also well i know more than once sitting with the church board discussing some of these problems that had arisen time we went around each board member commented on it finally we got to the last one that was set to my right the more you talk about something the bigger it gets the more you talk about god the bigger he'll get now far as god concerned he can't be any bigger but as far as you're concerned you can be bigger amen more you talk about how much you love your wife your love will grow and develop the less you talk about i have to probably be able to how come you demand that overhang the more you talk about anything the bigger it gets well say amen it's so anyway and so uh we got to the last board member here sitting to my right he looked at me almost looked like in desperation and said oh my god brother hagin what in the world are we going to do and i just sort of laughed and i said we're just going to act like the bible so you know just making that statement every man around the table drew a long wrong breath you know it is it we weren't acting like the bible so by exalting the problem we want to exalt god how big he is he's bigger than any problem isn't he isn't he hallelujah thank god thank god now hebrews 11 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen i like another translation it said faith is giving substance to things hoped for faith is giving substance many times my own experience the devil said well you don't have it i said yeah but my faith is giving substance to it my faith is giving substance to it i just kept saying that it wasn't very long until it materialized because my faith was giving substance to it and it is i like that translation amen so our faith gives substance to it and we can say it is mine hallelujah now i just wanted to touch briefly about the soul i'm going to come back later on and discuss some points there that will be beneficial to us but business we're now talking about men on three dimensions and our main thought is talking about the spirit of man i want to spend more time with that well let's talk about the body now easy to locate your body isn't it pinch yourself you'll find out what is there the flesh is there so this look at what the scriptures have to say about the body as we've said man man spirit or man is a spirit and that's the inward man that's the part of man that knows god the body is the outward man that's the physical that's the house in which we live we've established that again here in romans 12 1 i beseech you brother by the mercies of god that you present your bodies everybody say present your bodies a living sacrifice hold it separate unto him which is your reasonable service which is your spiritual worship another translation said notice he said i beseech you therefore brethren so he is writing to christians it's up to us not up to god god tells us what to do if we do it we become recipients of his blessings if we fail to do it then we just miss out on it i don't know about you but i want everything god has for me don't you now if the bible tells me to do something i always believed i could do it i don't believe god is unjust do you if he asked me to do something that i can't do or couldn't do i have a right to challenge his justice amen but thank god he's not unjust and if he told me to present my body to god that means i can and if he told me to get my mind renewed that means i can if we don't do anything with our bodies and we don't do anything with our minds then nothing will be done now i want you to notice this notice here in romans 12 and paul did not say to present yourselves to god did you notice that did you notice that because you see the real self which is your spirit already belongs to god you've been born again hallelujah so he didn't say presents yourself he said present your body now why because you already belong to him you as a child of god already belong to him you can't very well present something to someone which already belongs to him amen i couldn't call you up here take the bible out and say i want to present you with this bible you've already got it it already belongs to you amen so uh you wouldn't have any right really to take uh something out of you know a handkerchief out of some man's pocket say here i want to present you with this i want to give this to you wouldn't have any right to go out here through the back door there and there's brother keith moore's car and i'd say here i want to give you i want to present this car to you it already belongs to it doesn't it neither can you take something that belongs to god already belongs to him and present it to him it's already his amen but thank god you can present your body to him this outward man this earthly house you can now why because see you're the caretaker of that body not god not the holy ghost now the holy ghost is in there to help you do your job he's a helper do you ever notice it ever didn't say jesus said i'll pray the father and he'll send you another doer he said out he'll send you another helper comforter or help a paraclete amen he's a helper and so we not god not the holy ghost are the caretakers of this house this body we ourselves must present our bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god hallelujah now who's going to do it we are who's we we is the man on the inside isn't that right we is the inward man we is the spirit man hallelujah now there are those who say well it doesn't make any difference about the body doesn't make any difference what it does the old body isn't going to heaven anyhow but it must make some difference i said it must make some difference about the body what it does what we permit it to do for the simple reason that he wants transfigured bodies and paul himself said in first corinthians 9 27 i believe the last verse of the chapter said i keep under my body well paul does it make any difference about your body and what you do with it i keep under my body now why do you do that who is i somebody tell me who the eye is that's your spirit being that's the real man body must not be i then because i keep under my body i bring it cause his body it into subjection subjection to what to the inward man i keep under my body i bring it into subjection now why well paul doesn't make any difference you know the whole body is sinful anyway that old natural body is not going to help him anyway what difference does it make lest by any means in other words if i don't keep my body under lest by any means after i've preached to others i myself have become a castaway who wants to become a castaway now what do you mean castaway well uh you ever been to a junk yard a lot of stuff there they've cast away i think there's a spiritual junk heap but i don't want to wind up on the spiritual junk heap do you amen i remember in the days of the healing revival here in america from 1947 through 1958 there was uh the voice of healing actually at one time every healing of andes in america was in the voice of healing except brother roberts he had already started his paper and uh but it's about 120 of us i was one of them and so there was a young man a my acquaintance and of course the remember the same full gospel denomination that i was a member of and also was in the voice of healing and the lord spoke to me one day and said go tell him unless he develops his preaching ministry he's going to wind up on the spiritual junk heap well i knew what he meant with that expression well he lived there in dallas i lived out at garland suburb dallas so i contacted him one day we drove out we drove out there to white rock lake actually sat there about an hour and a half and talked because you see you can't build a ministry on spiritual gifts thank god for spiritual gift don't misunderstand me but uh god worked through this young man through the word of knowledge and gifts of healings i've seen him you know maybe stand up there for oh long time see that lady right there that pink blouse on oh me yeah stand up tell her exactly what's wrong with it she'd be instantly healed that gentleman over there but you see if the anointing if the anointing is not there to do that then go ahead and preach and teach the word well he said people come and and you know back in those days it's it's uh you know crowds of three and four and five thousand was something extraordinary but they'd come because of the spectacular supernatural so he said well folks come they expect me to perform well if you're performing you're in trouble amen no you see i said to him by by endeavor to operate a gift with anointings out there you throw yourself wide open for satanic deception now again and so uh for a while he did much better and god sent me to speak to him the second time and then we were in a meeting and uh every year we'd have a convention voice of healing convention over thanksgiving time thanksgiving of 1954 now i'd spoken to him first in 1953 the summer of 1953 so the fall of 54 made us about 15 months later and uh incidentally we don't we'd you know have three services a day different ones of us to speak at different times in ministry but uh uh between time we'd have some meetings among ourselves just we folk just we healing evangelists our ministers i said to him 1954 we were discussing some things and i said to them when you all are all gone i'll still be out there they looked at me what do you mean i said you're building on spiritual gifts and i'm building on the word words eternal well where are they huh they're all gold but i'm still out there glory to god hallelujah thank god for the no not bragging on me i'm bringing on the word well i left uh philadelphia we had this this uh healing convention over thanksgiving time in the old met in philadelphia i thought you know being old and probably tore down redundant and i said that without really knowing and somebody told me no they didn't do that they didn't tear it down they just redid it refurbished it so i guess it's still there everyday so i went from uh from uh that convention up to scranton pennsylvania and was there in a meeting for three weeks and then just just about christmas time only owner could get in two weeks i went back down to elizabeth new jersey just across the river from new york city to the trinity pentecostal church where brother a.a swift was pastor and we i stayed in the parkage with the pastor and his wife and um we were discussing some of these things one day now brother swift he was 72 and i was about 36. he's about twice old as me i may have been 37 that year and so uh uh he got to baptize the holy ghost in 1908. he went out he and his wife and two children as missionaries to china and not in china's open commissioners in 19 and 11. no organization in pentecostal groups in those days so there's no no no no folks to support him amazing by faith so brother swift said to me oh brother hagin i'm so glad you spoke to this young man called his name he said he comes every year over here to glad tidings tabernacle where brother sister robert brown were pastor in fact they'd pioneered that work he comes every year i go over there and hear him now listen to me real carefully because a lot of folks don't know this but in spiritology we ought to learn it he said i go over there one night he's operating in the spirit i go over there next night he's operating in occult powers same man he said i got well acquainted with our powers those years i spent in china now what happened to him well you see if the anointing's not there to minister he tries anyway to minister when he does he throws himself wide open to familiar spirits they come in and accommodate him say what happened to him just exactly what god said he wound up on the spiritual junk heap solemn thinking isn't it amen i said amen well thank god for the word of god let's get back to everywhere it'll take a little side journey but that still has to do with spiritual things doesn't it does make a difference to god what we do with our bodies we are told that we we we we the inward man the real man the new man in christ needs to you need to do something with your body now that verse that we quote so often second corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in christ he's a new creature all things have passed away behold all things become new now many people trying to get folks to join the church well you can't get in church by just you can't get into christ by getting into church but folks who are in christ should get in church amen they want them you know a lot of time to do better they wanted them to try to live right but you know uh i i never have tried to live right myself i just got born again and you got born again then you live right hallelujah so that's the thing that we need to do is to get ourselves get people born again now it's good for folks to live good do better but that won't make you a christian just being in church on sunday or any other day wouldn't make you a christian any more than sitting in the garage would make you an automobile are sitting in the barn would make you a mule you have to be born again born that away striving to do good and striving to do better is not christianity it's merely a religion christianity is being born again christianity is receiving the gift of eternal life christianity praise god is becoming a new man in christ jesus a relative of mine years ago came to visit us we were pastor of the church i think really they cut short their visit oh i couldn't live this way boy i couldn't live the way you folks do now why well the spirit's never been changed amen but they got born again one day became a new creature i noticed they lived just like we did enjoyed being with us enjoyed being around us came to this at the time come to go didn't want to go he said isn't this wonderful praise god forevermore hallelujah i remember my oldest brother he had a son who's now saved filled the spirit in church but anyway he promised him on his deathbed that he'd meet him in heaven so my nephew came and graduated here find a surrender god graduated from rhema a little over two years ago started to work there in dallas and my nephew said all the time when he starts at work i'm going over to get saved showing up very first service he is over there marched right down now got born again got filled with the holy ghost hallelujah and uh he said to my his other cousin and my nephew said tell uncle ken i'm going to come up there and whip him said what do you mean for him not telling me how good this is then he laughed of course i told him but he wasn't ready to receive it you see you can't know how good it is just for somebody telling you amen i could have made an ice cream cone here right now licking on said boy this is good and you believe it's good but if you're going to find out for yourself you're going to get one to lick you on amen amen now now his wife said i'll tell you one thing i know he's i know he's changed because somebody cut him off you know driving a car cutting off you know then they had to stop red light said if he hadn't been saved he'd have been out of the car with that cussing that fell out pulled him out of the car and whipped him but instead of that he just drove up beside said god bless you brother why he's changed folks on the job where he worked he never said a word but folks on the job men said what's happened to you what do you mean what's happened to you are you a different person what do you mean i'm different well you don't cuss anymore you don't drink anymore one fellow folk upset i notice you haven't even had a cigarette what have you well he said he got born again one fellow said can i be born again i i want that and right there on the job he got it glory to god well there's a change there's a change on the inside it starts on the inside then it shows up on the outside hallelujah i said hallelujah glory to his holy name forever so we receive the wages of sin the bible said is death but the gift of god is eternal life so then the life of god comes into our hearts into our inward man into our spirits and makes us a new man we don't have to make ourselves new we couldn't do that anyway we do have to do something with our body and we do have to do something with our mind but the real me hallelujah we don't have to make new god made it new therefore if any man be in christ now here's another little side thought when i was bed fast 62 years ago almost 63 now i uh what wouldn't my own you know had no television had radio but depression days and and there wasn't hardly any i don't know but two religious programs that was on now sometimes on weekend there'd be more of them but even the commercial stations would sell time to if folks had the bonding churches but they didn't have the money so what money on but they were only only two programs that i knew of that were christian program that was on daily monday through friday one of them was on in the morning time of about eight to nine o'clock and it was really a pentecostal church but they never did advertise this pentecostal because this pastor got different businesses to sponsor it see pay for that hour and so he'd give him a plug you know so all he ever did was just mention the new birth and they all believed in that you see now he would advertise his church and tell her not necessarily give the name of it but just this just said they just called it pete and garland because it's a corner pete and garland and folks would go and get saved then they'd tell them about the holy ghost one thing about it now he was on in the morning time then at noon there was a meeting on or he was on wr this other man then there was a uh at noon time on krld stronger station there was a program called radio revival 12 noon every day monday through friday brother w e hawkins was the speaker now brother hawkins was formerly a methodist minister but when they started teaching evolution in southern methodist university a man has sprung from a monkey well he just couldn't go along with so he just withdrew uh they started teaching evolution in the baptist baylor university frank norris who was pastor of the first baptist church in fort worth and he'd run five thousand people on sunday night but he advertised on the radio and newspaper that he is going to have dr white dr white was president of baylor going to have dr white's kinfolks on the platforms sunday night so i went out to the zoo and rented got got one cage with a baboon in it and another with some monkeys and had him on the plane we're introducing the doctor man sprung from a monkey well he said maybe dr white did but i didn't i'm an offspring of god well of course he got into trouble with the southern baptist movement you know and uh they wouldn't seat him at the convention but anyway maybe it's extreme but what he said was so man did not spring from him again now i wonder about some folks sometimes hey amen what i started to tell you was brother hawkins said something one day that helped me miserably and i guess really revolutionized my life brother hawkins uh and he kept encouraging people to do he didn't just say it that one day that he said this one day for the first time but then he kept on saying it encouraging people he said go through the new testament and find the expression in christ in whom and in him hallelujah well he gave one or two you know like this one here now he said write all of them down then begin to confess that's who i am that's what i have in christ i start doing that i think that's the thing that made the difference in my life and others i started doing that on the bed of sickness well i was healed then of course dr uh brother hawkins believed in prayer but he didn't know anything about divine healing but thank god i was a baptist boy reading grandma's methodist bible finally got a little light on the subject walked in the light of it and got healed but i had already got a hold of a number of these not all of them because about 130 some 33 i guess the 34 but i uh i uh this one here was one of my favorites therefore if any man be in christ he's a new creature in christ in christ in christ in christ i come off of that bed of sickness and affliction and i told everybody i met i'm a new creature i'm a new i'm a new creature well i remember i went to town just a few days after i was healed on a saturday and i ran into a friend of mine clarence alexander he was left-handed we all called him lefty now i've been bedfast 16 months oh about the third month after he came and visited me one time never did come back anymore the world will soon forget you so here we renewed acquaintance because we had been just like that before i'd become a bed fat no we saw one of us you saw the other you know we just and so uh he said see he's the same old creature he always was but he began to talk about things that we had done and he went on and on and i just really i what he's saying i remember it but i didn't pay much attention to it because you see i'm not interested in things like that anymore we finally sat down on the running board of the 1934 ford v8 not all young folks know what a running board is well bob said let him ignorant be ignored still so find somebody that knows and ask him we sat down on the run boy so finally he turned and looked at me and he said kenneth you act like you don't even know what i'm talking about well if it hadn't been for you and he pointed down to a bit i always had two outstanding abilities i could always open any lock and i could tame a wild animal any animal and i'd open this lock off this building now i didn't go in because it's afraid of the dark another thing mama taught me not to steal so i didn't steal any cat and i did help them eat it after they stole it yeah now what do you say i had to tell you so you know he pointed to this we couldn't have got in that building if it hadn't been for you you act like you don't even know what i was talking about i said lefty the fellow that was with you boys that night's dead oh kenneth hagin i know you did i know you never die but you didn't that's i see he's only thinking physically because he's natural you didn't die that's you sitting there on that running board i said lefty i'm a new creature what do you mean you're a new creature see he's looking at the outward man i said this new man this new creature had never stolen anything don't want to not a party anything's wrong and according to therefore if any man be in christ he's a new creature i said the fellow that was with you all that night's dead he's a new man now i'm living in the same body i lived in but i'm a new man he got up looked at me and backed off just kept on looking finally went around the corner the building and peeped back around looking at me i told everybody i met i'm a new creature folks would say to him and now i went back to denominational church because there wasn't any full gospel church in our town i'll be perfectly honest here i started teaching a sunday school class in another church they asked me to and so i did i had more in my sunday school class than i have had in some whole sunday schools churches i pastored because i had those that were 18 years of age boys our girl men are women up until they got married some of them didn't make it so i still had something that's 42 or 3 years old and they would have they'd have class parties and at christmas time a party and at these sunday school parties they'd drink beer and drink curse and have sex and so on now i'd leave when they got to go and order a bunch of junk so i don't believe this is carol they said what makes you different than us you don't ever curse you don't ever drink you don't go to work or dances and on and on even though his baptism didn't even go to picture shows what makes you different i said i'm a new creature you know folks who started crying they said could i see most folks want to be new they're tired of being the old self to you thank god we'd get them saved get them really born again well no nobody taught me i just got i just got became a new creature if you're a new creature you're a new creature thank god oh things passed away behold all things have become new now after we're born again we still do have trouble with the flesh paul must have had muscendi he wouldn't have to keep his body under if he did but didn't want to do something wrong with him would he no now but we don't have trouble see we have trouble with the flesh but you don't have trouble with the real self the real man the man on the inside he wants to do right now some folks said we have to die out to the old self see because folks don't understand spiritual things we have so much many misconceptions that mislead people well when we were born again the old self's already dead that's what i told lefty fellas with y'all that night's dead i'm a new man we have a new self in its place no we don't need to die out to self we need to die out to the flesh we need to do something with the flesh but some folks that didn't deflect the old self no it isn't the flesh is the same body it was before you got born again same flesh before you were saved but the man on the inside which is the old self which is the old you has become a new self or a new man therefore if any man man man man everybody say man be in christ he is what new creature another trend they said a new creation well if he is he's a new self then isn't he isn't he isn't he this inward man has become a new man when he does then all things are passed away all things have become new he's a new creature in christ hallelujah hallelujah i keep saying that because i want to identify that inward man i got a letter the first year we have in school rhema bible training we had first two years we're over in sheridan road christian uh church you know use their facilities that first year we graduated you know just 57 students started out i think was 72 i think one two a month the whole year but this didn't pass never made it just hung in there but didn't make it and but anyway some dropped out different reasons just like you do now financial reasons sometimes different reasons occasionally have a discipline problem family you know and uh next year i saw we we're gonna have quite a few students we did we're gonna have at least 200 we did graduated 187 of them but i got a letter the first year from a young man that was then made to penitentiary in texas huntsville texas to penetration he said brother uh hagin i'm writing you to let you know first how much i appreciate the books and all he said uh methodist minister comes in once uh once a a week has a bible study here and he passes out your literature in fact he's a spirit-filled man he got in under my ministry but he's still pastor of a methodist church at that time and so he said he got me saved i got born again and then he gave me that it was blue back in those days uh study faith study course and he said all of the inmates fellow prisoners and guards laugh at me when i tell him i'm getting out on parole because it's coming up for him to be considered they said well you don't get out on parole first time because when you've killed a policeman now he said if i kill the police if it's all evidence points i did i didn't intend to actually i was high on drugs don't know what it did but evidently i killed him but i tell all them i'm a new man i'm a new creature the fellow that did that's dead i'm living in the same body shoulder and he said when i get out i'm coming to rhema sure enough the next year he showed up he came up the first time somewhere another he convinced that parole board he's a new man in christ came to reign we just had one year of school then sometimes we'd put different ones up to preach just to give him a little crack so he didn't have all what all we got now didn't have teachers didn't have ever and uh and i'll tell you that boy had an anointing to preach and so he graduated raymond went down to texas as an associate pastor assistant pastor to a friend of mine and still there after all the what what now about 19 18 years still there still there hallelujah faithful for god and then the pastor down there because it's integr began to get up a petition to get the the the the governor of the state and we also signed it uh had recommended and so the governor granted him a full pardon but see this life when he comes into a man changes him i mean it makes right living in upright citizens out of criminals hallelujah it makes wholesome amen and upright and clean and good women out of prostitutes hallelujah hallelujah thank god for the word well you better stand up before i get to preaching or meddling one of the two you're getting anything at all out of this i don't know whether you enjoyed not but i'm enjoying teaching you praise god so so let's just keep going while you say you're dismissed
Channel: Rhema Bible Training College Australia
Views: 14,750
Rating: 4.9331102 out of 5
Id: _ee5xUtzz44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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