"The Most Important Things You Should Know About Healing" | Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin | *(Copyrighted)

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glory to God and for the great mighty Holy Spirit whom you've sent to be our teacher and guide we trust him today to give us utterance and we trust him again today to unveil and to unfold and to reveal the Word of God unto our spirits in Jesus name Amen praise God we're talking about the most important things that you ought to know about healing will not go from in detail but just real hurriedly first of all it is God's will to heal and God's will to heal you because it's in this redemptive plan Isaiah 53 verses 4 & 5 Matthew 8 17 first Peter 2:24 will reveal that fact unto you and then secondly it's God's will that you be healed because sickness comes from Satan that is he's the author of it acts 10:38 Luke 13 16 John 10:10 first John 3:8 will establish that fact praise God and then the third thing we dealt with that is how that God dealt with sickness in the Old Testament and how that that relates to the New Testament will not go into detail about that but the New Testament said that in the eighth chapter of Hebrews that we had of have a better covenant established upon better promises hallelujah and under the Old Covenant God said to his people you walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments and he said I'll take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days you'll fulfill hallelujah and if we have a better covenant established on better promises you'd already include all that the Old Covenant gave us and more - or else it's not better amen but thank God it's better and then we dealt with the thought that you should know the difference between God initiating he and man initiating his own healing God does things sometimes he's a sovereign being he he can't do anything separate from his word because if he did he'd be a liar you can't make himself out of lie Bible said it's impossible for God to lie but healings in line with his word and you'll find that God moves and gifts of the Spirit manifestation of the Holy Ghost in ways sometimes that will astound you and people get healed that you're just sure they would amen but that's not the ordinary way see that's that that happens occasionally but you and I can initiate our own healing by appropriating the promises of God and the Word of God praise God now let's come today oh and we dealt with again another thing that was that healing yesterday that healing is not always instant sometimes gradual and we dealt with the thought of why it's not always instant and why it is gradual and we're not going to detail about that again but there's some great truth there that should help us and bless us now then another thing that you need to know about healing is this that God's method now notice what I said God's method is spiritual and it can be lost now first of all healing I'm talking about God's healing now you understand is not mental as Christian science and unity and other metaphysical teachers claim and neither is it physical as we think from the standpoint of medical science but the Word of God teaches that when God heals he heals through the human spirit now don't misunderstand me at all God that's put into the human body a mechanism we call it nature that will heal you and but that's not this healing we're talking about here though it does come from God it is not this healing that we're talking about here and that the Bible talks about though God's in it amen and though in connection and then medical science is found out you know that by certain doing certain things and taking certain medicines and different things that it will help nature do its work it'll speed up the healing process well thank God for that praise the Lord amen and then a lot of times when you pray in connection with that that'll speed up the process even more amen and of course that is God and God at work all right that's still not the healing that we're talking about here praise God in other words we should bring out the fact that there are different areas to healing amen and thank God for all of them praise the Lord Amen but what I'm talking about here is the the I call it divine healing and we call it spiritual healing we don't mean God healing your spirit God's his spirit and he does it he meant now you see when man heals and and and folks have got a whole lot of help by people dealing with them through their mind amen I said they've got a whole lot of help but man's a spirit being and God deals with us through our spirits not through our minds naturally in the natural world people have been helped as people have discovered certain techniques of you get in your mind on the right thing and people have improved I mean people are not even Christians and Christians as well by getting their mind sort of straightened out and get thinking more perfectly and so on and so forth yet God does not heal you through your mind God is not a mind the Bible said God is a spirit the Bible said in proverbs 28:27 the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord now that means then that God will enlighten you through your spirit he'll use your spirit to guide you he contacts you through your spirit God's a spirit he doesn't contact you through your physical body see I can contact you I may never contact your spirit but I can contact you physically through your phyllo cup shake hands with this man amen I can contact you intellectually mentally we begin begin to talk along with certain line discuss a certain subject I may or may not be able to contact you spiritually unless your spirits in tune with spiritual things amen but now dog does not contact you through your body because he's not a man the Bible said he does not contact you through your mind he's not a mind jesus said God is a spirit and the Bible said let me said again that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly amen Paul writing to the church at Thessalonica 1st Thessalonians 5:23 said I pray God your whole spirit he starts on the inside of men comes to the outside and soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of the Son of Man certainly God is interested in the body I want you to do something with it Paul said to the Romans Romans 12:1 and 2 Saints everywhere he said and Romans 1 70 dresses that epistle to all the being Rome beloved to God and called to be Saints alleluia and he said I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies under God a living sacrifice you were to do that he wants transfigured bodies secondly verse 2 he said it be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of God and so he wants transfigured bodies and transformed minds but you see I'm talking to Christians now your spirits already been recreated and born-again become a new man in Christ 2nd Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any man be in Christ he is not he's going to be when he gets to heaven not he's going to be in the sweet by and by but he is present-tense a new creature a new creation hallelujah and so it's to your spirit that he's in part of eternal life and it's through your spirit that he works healing starts in your spirit I'm talking about even divine heat in physical heating for your body and it works to the outside I've known a lot of times I had things that my body said you don't have but I knew it in my spirit because that's where you get it first hallelujah and though I might look at my body and my body said no you don't have that I just laugh at that because I know on the inside of me hallelujah I remember several years ago and folks didn't understand it and I didn't know so much about it at the time but it caused me to give quite a bit of study to it and I I found out why I remember back in the years ago down in East Texas a lady had double pneumonia now this is before the days of the miracle drugs and his very deadly thing you know and people were sick in their homes and she was sick at home and the doctor just finally said well I've just done all I could do told her husband I just done all we can do and I just don't believe she'll heal past midnight tonight well he got busy and got some of the chair they had already been praying but he got more Church folks over there they just had a real prayer meeting there and the whole power God fell upon him and and she set up bed and said I'm healed I'm heal God didn't see she knew it in her heart she lured in her spirit well the the doctor came back and examined and said their lungs are just you know he could tell but listen to cross you know they're still congested and said sometimes the doctor says you know well sometimes people get better for the diet he still thought she's going to die he still thought she's gonna die but for three days actually she didn't even sleep for three days night she set up bed in the class he's healed and that third day she's alright now she knew that in her spirit she knew that in her spirit and that's where you got to get it first see you know in your spirit that God has heard an answer your prayer you don't have the answer it may be money you know you look at your hand there's no money there you look at your billfold there's no money that you filled your pocket no money's there I've been there many times they met but I knew in the spirit honey on the inside I knew and it's mine I declared it's mine glory to God it's mine hallelujah and and so see I got it first in the spirit now what we need to realize is that everything you get from God you get it first in your spirit now I'm not for instance what a person is born again you know you can't tell it's a moment about them it'll show up on the outside of its me because we're supposed to put the new man on on the outside but it's in your spirits it's in your heart praise God so the end it is same things true with healing see need to realize that we said again that man is a spirit being he has a soul and he lives in a body and life's greatest forces are spiritual they're not material or natural or physical they're spiritual love and hate fear and faith joy and grief are all of the spirit now it's a remarkable fact that when Jesus comes on the scene as a healer he demands faith you remember again and again we looked at it in this class's Jesus declared thy faith has made thee whole the true blind men we talked about yesterday Jesus said believe you that I'm able to do this they said yeh Lord he said according to your faith so be it done unto you the woman of this year blood he said daughter thy faith has made the whole go in peace and behold of my plague he says all things are possible to him that believeth member that man the ninth chapter of Mark's Gospel man who came on behalf of his son the son he said was lunatic oftentimes he falleth into the fine he falleth into the water had some kind of spells or seizures of some kind and if I can't do anything the man said to Jesus if thou canst do anything how mercy on us and help us the 23rd verse of the ninth chapter of Mark Jesus said if thou canst believe all things and many a few things all things are possible to him that believeth hallelujah all things are possible he said to him that believeth and then Jesus gave us that great classic text that we all love mark 11:24 what things have you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and he shall have them amen well we could multiply these statements but all of them prove one thing that is that all of Jesus healings were spiritual he demanded faith and faith is born of the spirit now in the Old Testament the Word of God said 100 saw 107 Psalm the twentieth verse he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions I noticed that he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions now in dealing with how God dealt with sickness under the Old Testament you remember we looked at this song that hundred and seven Psalm we just read the 20th verse here but you remember that he said fools be talking about the Jews though the fools because of their iniquities and their transgressions are afflicted and when I'm talking about them drawing nigh to the gates of death then the crimes of the Lord in their distress and he's saved with him out of the distresses he sent His Word and healed them you see sin had brought the disease upon them but the word delivered them now the word that God teaches us that we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God it doesn't mean that you're sick because you've sinned or done something wrong it means that we fell heir to sickness and disease because of Adam's sin the Bible said for a for by one man sin death entered into the work talking about spiritual death so death spiritual death is passed upon all for that all of sin and sickness and disease you see is a product of spiritual death they we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God now he sent his word and he loved them the word that he sent under the Old Covenant was spoken through or by the prophets but the word that he sent under the New Covenant is the Lord Jesus Christ the word is the healer today now then first of all the Bible said in John's Gospel the first chapter the very first verse in the beginning was the word amen in the beginning was the word let's turn back then just read that I think if I quote these things that folks just just miss it a lot of time later run off of them so like water off of a duck's back but just read it for yourself now notice John's Gospel very first chapter the very first verse in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made now skip down there to that fourteenth verse and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us that's he's calling Jesus the word and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth now there you see Jesus is the the Living Word they met but now then God has given us this written word remember I said the word is the healer today well Jesus is the healer amen but then God's given us this written word to unveil and to reveal to us the Living Word you can't separate the living word and the written word they're really one just like you and your words one so God in His Word or one and so it's the living it's a written word then that tells us that the Living Word the Lord Jesus Christ surely he has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted it's a written word that tells us about the Living Word that the living word is written of the Living Word by His stripes ye were healed it's a written word that tells us about the Living Word that himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses it's a written word that tells us about the Living Word the Lord Jesus Christ first Peter 2:24 who his own self by our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin shall live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed hallelujah so the word is the healer today and men it's healing upon the word that is by acting on the word that action is called faith I said that action is called faith in fact the word that God teaches us that without action that faith is dead so our faith is revealed in action faith without works King James translation said is dead being alone Weymouth translation translates it faith without actions now you show me your faith went on to say wave translated without your actions and I'll show you my faith by my actions amen Smith Wigglesworth would say faith is an act I remember dr. Duncan said he was here young men in England Great Britain when was worth was an older man and he said sometimes wiggler just run one side of the platform another for ten minutes and say nothing but faith is an act you run over on this side of the platform and yell faith is an act you run over on the other side of the platform and yell faith is an act you'd run back over on this side of the platform and yell dr. Duncan told me personally faith is an act for ten minutes just say that Oh see you won't see him press that on folks faith is an act faith is an act being a bridge he said faith is an act faith is an act faith is a hacked well you know down here in our broke faith is an act amen somebody answer Raymond T Ritchey arraignment T Ritchey was a healing evangelist of yesteryear and I heard him say this somebody asked him actually he he went to the hospital with someone to pray with her one of their loved ones or something and he began to talk about faith and this person on the Med said what is faith they were a Christian all right and even a Pentecostal Christian Full Gospel Christian but but so many asked the question and I thought he gave just this simple definition is you fine he said faith is just acting like the Word of God is true amen well what's faith in your word somebody see you know you've heard people in the Metro talk about somebody said but I don't have a bit of faith in their word but then you could be talking I'm talking just in the natural now and someone else say something and and say you say well I don't believe it but they said well so-and-so said oh well now if they said it I believe it amen amen because you know you know them you know their words good faith in the person's word is just acting like their word is true I remember one time I I was a I bought up I was holding a meeting I was away from home we lived in Garland Texas and a modern air conditioning I had a little little twenty we had a little 26 foot a travel trailer my wife and I we'd Park it ride Mother Church long time - had facility I'd just hook up everything but I had an air conditioned air that was built in but it wasn't adequate so I bought a roof-mounted and so I that there's a fellow there I was hold a meeting in town and and he was in that business and he sold it to me just that for you know just to his cost just wholesale and then installed it farm it for $25 and so I didn't have the money you know I might have had $100 but the whole thing cost about 300 and something installed and so I just simply made along this is telephone call to my back because I and and and I'm leaving you see on Sunday the meetings gonna close so and he really he installed it on Saturday on afternoon ordinary what he woke but he installed it for me on Saturday afternoon and we can close the next day you see so I called ahead of time on Friday when the bank was my banker you see and I told him I'm buying such and such a a conditioner and I told him what I'm giving for it and evidently he looked look what he said oh my and I said I'm gonna borrow the whole thing I'm not gonna put anything down on it more to borrow the whole thing and he said my you're getting that wholesale yeah yeah I said I loaned it to you I said well now I've got to give this fellow a check because he's going to install it but see and so I said then when I get over there you know because I'm coming back home and when I come back there well then I'll come up there and sign the note you know and so on all fine fine I mean he even if it's checked out in ahead of time where we will take care of it when I see I dis acted on his word now why cuz I knew him I knew his word was good I'd done business with him before and and if I can act on the word of the banker who I can't act on God's word faith and mr. Mitchell's word was just acting like what he said was so and I just went right ahead and wrote that check out in the fall confidence he's men and if I hadn't had his word fart boy I mean it would have been a good check but because I had his word for it was good and you see I think a lot of time people try to like write checks on heaven and they don't know the word on it so it's no good but find out what the word says and then you can do it in faith and it'll work can you say Amen healing thank God belongs to the believer we found that out the first step we took here that healings and God's plan of redemption and the word is the healer today praise the name of the Lord now then I said that healing is spiritual and it can be lost we need to realize we have to hold fast to that which God has given us now I remember years ago way back 1939 and you know most of what I know I not only learned it from the word but also learned by experience I meant remember what the Lord Jesus said to me many years ago he said I want you to go teach my people faith I've taught you faith through my word I permitted you to go through certain experiences and you learned faith both through my word and by experience now go teach my people what I've taught you so my wife and I had held a meeting in January of 1939 the Blackland in north central texas and here was a man an older gentleman that had gotten back to God during that meeting he's a Mac Schneider and then he got here he had author itis and he got healed well about five months later that pastor left and he contacted me and said brother Hagin I'm leaving I've accepted the pastor's another Church and the church board asked me to contact you to see if you would be interested in passed in this church well the Lord all men have been talking to me about it before I ever got the message from him and so I we went there to Pastor but we were pastor there then for June July and August three months eighth month from January you see and so I was walking the town one day to get my mail to low town you know of 2,000 population or so I got my mail in a post office box in the post office and so and then you know maybe to pick up an item or two or something but anyway primary to go to the post office and so I saw this older gentleman as I was walking I had to go pretty well within a block of his house and about a block away from his house he was he had his cow small town that awaited 1939 didn't have all the ordinance you got then you could keep a count he had Cal they're in town see and he had to let that cow out on this vacant lot vacant lot you know grown up you know grass nearly knee-high and he had drive a stake or stop as we'd call it down in the middle of the that that lot and then tie that rope or chain to that and that cow could graze around all of that lot and never get Alvis in the streets you see and so I decided well I'll go buy right away and howl at mr. Williams and so I just detoured about a block out of the way and about time I got up there why he was securing that rope or chain or whatever he to this stake and I walked up and said something to him he finished and and it started to get up and he grabbed it and I got ahold of no don't don't don't I mean he said no just give me time he's still on his knees he just started to get it just give me time I'll make it no don't touch me it hurt worse and I got ahold of them tried to help up you see because I'd pull on him you know and move him too fast or something you know and so finally though I mean it's you know the time like that it seemed like you know it's ten minutes that's probably what in a few second but he finally I mean he pushed himself up little by little you know so I'm trying to hold his back straight you know sort of got up your no off his knees and then this just sort of finally got it up oh he said I said what's the matter oh he said that's coming back on me well I said brother witness I thought she was healed well he said I thought I was too I said well what happened well he said day before yesterday more than three mornings ago you know said he said I've been alright ever since last January and you laid hands on me eight months to come and go he said I was milking the cow and a pain hit me in my right hand first and it went up my arm and into my shoulder and then over into my back and ever since then I've been able to use my arm much and if I get he said I get in bed and can't get out I have to have to sort of roll out sorry sorry just lie flat on the bed I mean on the floor you know get flat flatten his back out first Forked and then you know and anybody tries to help me oh he said just kills me just kill you I just been in such pain I said no kidding that pain hitting me first right there I said well now you know what you did I said the minute that that pain hits you in that hand I'll tell you exactly what you said you know probably to yourself you said well I thought the Lord healed him I guess he didn't he looked at me sort of startling I got what he said that's exactly what I said I said you see when you did that you opened the door and said come on back in mr. devil and put him back on me and he obliged you yeah but now he said I believe you know that's what gets us in trouble is going by what we believe instead of what the Bible said you know he said I believe if God ever does anything it's just always done but I mean in other words I said now you mean this now if God ever healed you then you're always healed yeah that's right if you get anything else from God then it's how you always have if it came from God you've always got it yeah well I said no even that strange that poor Jesus didn't know that I said he appeared in a vision to John on the Isle of Patmos and in those who read those first three chapters of book of Revelation he appeared in a vision - Jesus - John Jesus did on the Isle of Patmos and gave him a message for those seven churches see those seven churches literally existed at that time now they have a message for us we know that but they literally existed seven churches of Asia Minor and - one of them he said hold fast that was I asked he said Jesus didn't know they they couldn't lose it so he said hold fast I said didn't that strange maybe you ought to turn over that and read that reckon you may be as confused as he was amen now notice for instance you'll find that he made a similar statement to one of the other churches but look here in the second chapter of Revelation 25th first but that which you have already hold fast till I come now one of the others he said to another church he said hold fast that which thou hast well why would you have to hold fast to it you know what hold fast me that means old time and these hold on to it because there's an enemy that's arrayed against you he's going to try to take it away from you now what would you think if I gave you the end of a rope I said now you hold that tight hold that fast hold on to that you know exactly what I mean don't you but what did Jesus mean when he said hold fast that which not asked he met hope I hold it hold tight hold on to it he meant that you may have to exert some vigor a vitality and energy bless the Lord amen but hold fast that which thou has well the same thing would be true over here in the healing area then hold fast to it hold fast to it well brother with him said I may be wrong I said no maybe about it you are wrong amen I said no what you did is open the door and let the devil just put that right back on you instead of you rising up and meeting the devil the adversary with the word now remember this you're no match for him any other way except with the word now remember what what Paul said right under the church at Ephesus about taking on you putting on the whole armor of God he describes the armor and then finally says the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now that was the only thing the only weapon of the older armor that you had to fight with all the rest of them were defensive protection shield of faith whereby you'll be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy but take that word sword of the Spirit which is the word the Word of God that's what you gonna fight the devil is the word of God and I said instead of you rising up with the word they and commanding that he leaved that his symptoms go you yield it see it's very simple you received your faith your healing all right a lot of times through gifts of the Spirit sometimes there's a they said Mutual for everybody's believing God and it's easier things happen he meant but then when the devil took advantage of your lack of faith and brought the symptoms back and camouflages the whole thing you're filled with fear instead of faith he said well I thought I was healed I guess I'm not and got back into unbelief but why did you yield because you didn't know the word as you should have what you should have done is take that word and face the devil with the word you had no foundation in your life you were like the man who built his house on the sand the storm came and destroyed it now you see a lot of time people will take that when Jesus gave us the story the parable of the man that built his house on the sand there the man built his house on the rock he said well that rocks Christ that's partially true all right but you read the story in Jesus they'll tell you who the man is that built on the rock and that's he that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them that's a man that knows the Word of God does it that's a man that stands when the storms on the storms come in to all of us because we're living in this world where Satan is God and he'll see to it that to come notice that the storm came to both of them one stood near there were didn't know understood was the one breast God that had the words of Jesus the word of God in other words and did it did it acted upon it the one that failed was the one that did not have the word of God or didn't accept at least and didn't act upon it or didn't do it so then you see I said to brother Williams the Bible said resist the devil you're free from him I stood there in that that's the way I got my start teaching faith just on a one-to-one basis I very seldom taught it in church I'd refer to it but I stood there I wasn't even a teacher in those days 39 and I talked to him about an hour and I just kept on till I finally got him to see it he just kept off so you can always tell him somebody gets it their eyes are lined up I just kept on I'd approach it from a different standpoint approach it from I've talked to people for two or three hours one person two or three hours I don't have that kind of time today but I could do the same thing how is it in the end I've talked to people now I mean just one person that way for justice kept on just kept off and and once you get that in them that's the reading you get them healed every single time they'd see it I'd keep up with him till they didn't see it so I said well what if he hadn't say well I've been there yet talking to him praise God you go with that kind of determination to get somewhere see one of me and so he saw it and and received his healing and this time he held on to it praise God for evermore now I said to him I said another thing to him I said now brother with him just think about what you said you said to yourself that's exactly what I said I thought the Lord healed me I guess he didn't when that pain struck you in your hand the first symptom returned you see others followed them now I'm going to ask you a question how long had you had this condition until you were here last January 25 years 25 years he said I've been to doctors he said I've been to doctors in Greenville been to doctors in McKinney I've been to doctors in Dallas I tried every kind of the Indian remedy anything anybody suggest nothing work finally said I just got off just stayed on pain you know something to relieve the pain just I actually just take aspirin mostly see my god help more near thing finally they found that out recent time and so I said well I want to ask you another question now in all of those 25 years that you had this condition that did grow progressively worse alright but in all those 25 years was they one single day that you were without pain you know without taking aspirin or something in other words was your one say not a one not a 125 years there not one single day you were you without pain you took something for pain yeah now then I laid hands on you and the name of the Lord Jesus can I see this is August last January 8 months ago I laid hands on you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and from that moment till this month see just three days ago you never had one pain no not a one have you taken anything no never took anything I haven't taken an aspirin haven't taken anything for pain then for almost eight months she practically eight months here you are without any symptoms without any pain in any way shape form or fashion and then you said you thought God heals you guess he didn't because a pain hit you in the hand well I said a twelve-year-old kids when I don't have sense or no he's healed amen yeah I guess that's wrong but I said you sure a word so I just kept after him praise God till he saw it and then we got him healed again and then I said now if any symptoms returned you know what to do now yeah I know what to do I'm not going to accept it I'm gonna resist it the Bible said risen you're familiar with that aren't you resist the devil he'll free from you what are you waiting on kill you start resisting I remember when I was a little kid Oh maybe six years old something like that and in the local newspaper our cartoonists had had drawn his concept I guess of the devil and he had the devil with long horn so like well these old Texas Longhorn steers you know and he had him with a long tail and he had a pitchfork in his hand and I guess maybe some folks are waiting to something like that comes along for them to start resisting but you see anything that's of the devil is the devil amen I mean fears of the devil it's not of God the Bible said God has not given us a spirit of fear doubt is not of God it's of the devil unbelief is not of God it's of the devil sins not of God it's of the devil sickness and disease is not of God we prove that on a second point here it's in the devil amen well resist the devil amen now what if the thought came to you yours over visiting we'd say your neighbor's house and they had to go in the other room for some reason another and you looked at a nice a $20 bill lying on table something said just get that $20 bill they'll never know the difference what do you do give in to that no you resist that would be just like the devil to tempt you wouldn't it I said be just like the devil wouldn't it no you'd resist that you say I'll resist you Satan in the name of Jesus amen well do the same thing with sickness and disease but God I mean if the devil tries to bring it back on you resist it resist it you see when you know that by His stripes you are healed and we know that we've already studied that we've already read that again and again and again but in this series of lessons Matthew 8:17 himself took our infirmities by sicknesses isaiah 53:5 by whose stripes you are healed first Peter 2:24 by who because Peters looking back by whose stripes you were passed in back there you were healed that's when it happened the mind of God when you know when you know that by His stripes you are healed and you know that in your spirit just like you know that two plus two is four in your mind the devil won't have any more authority over you the way you're going to get to know that in your spirit is by meditating upon it with your mind until it filters down into your spirit down in here and then you'll be just as certain you'll be just too sure that himself took your infirmities and by your sicknesses just as sure as you are in your head in your mind that two plus two is four now you know that don't you what if somebody come along too I tell you know two plus twos not four well you'd laugh at him would you well if the devil comes along tells you no you're not here you'd laugh at him if he brought symptoms back on you're still f.c when you know the power and the authority of the name of Jesus and you know that that name belongs to you you have a right to use that name then when the devil lays siege to your life in any way and Satan will try to fill you with fear you'll simply laugh at him and just simply say Satan did you know that you were whipped Jesus quipped you now he knows it he don't want you to find it out the Bible said concerning Jesus that he spoiled principalities and powers that's the devil all his coal cohorts amen making a show of them openly triumphing over them in it now you leave my body in the name of Jesus friends no one listen to me carefully and that's the reason we keep teaching along this night no one can maintain his healing which has come as a result of another's faith our biomass faith all of us believe in God together or by manifestation of spiritual gifts unless that individuals faith is developed through the word so that he can maintain his own rights in his Redemption remember I was preaching a number of years ago in Tucson Arizona made reference to this and teaching some of these same truths and remember the pastor said brother Hagin I understand something now I didn't understand it I just couldn't figure it out there was a healing of analyst of yesteryear Everett be parent now ever it be parents wife was a sister too what's your name Oh miss cumin and that's where miss Kuhlman got that the way she ministered was from parrot wasn't something that God just dropped on her see that's the way we talk about we talk about the somebody's a man not falling on somebody the way the man will come they don't just fall on you the way the man who comes is by association environment and influence did you hear me I said did you hear me go back to the Old Testament I prove it to you real easily just take up the two prophets Elijah and Elijah how did Elijah it's caught mantle in double portion come on Elijah he stayed right with him he said I'm going over he said I'll not leave you stayed right with him and that mantle came on him through environment influence Association they and so that's the way that mantle came on Miss Kuhlman was by association environment influence people who fall under the power and brother parents meeting I saw it he's the first forever salt now people fell under the power and Amen man fierce persons meetings people fell under the power and dr. Charles s prices meetings amen you'll find out those people that associate closest to me the same anointing will come on them I didn't pray it on him they didn't necessarily ask God for it but they're called of God and the Holy Ghost manifest himself and so they learned you can learn spiritual thing just like you can learn natural things how you are you listening to me so this pastor said brother parent came there to his church many years ago you'll find out no he ever been to Tucson or not but you'll find more authorities' people there than he's fair else it's dry you know and they send him there doctor sent him there and so here was a lady that had been bed fast for three years and her body was just too stiff I've seen two other persons way her body was just like a - before you can't bend the - before her body was from neck down needman neck was affected was just as stiff as a - before and she had been bed fast that way for three solid years well they put her in an ambulance brought her out there to the meeting and went brother parrot ministered to her the power God came on her and she is instantly healed got off the stretcher walked up and down the aisles of the church well the two papers in Tucson picked that up the next day they had a picture of her right on the front page next night reporters were out there the medical doctor was out there attesting to the fact subscribing to the fact witnessing to the fact that this is a miracle a supernatural manifestation this woman for three solid had authorizes longer than that but for three solid years her body's as stiff as a two before just stretched out straight cannot be bent in any way shape form or fashion well that kind of free advertisement they had to move out of the church they can't get the crowds in there blocked out to 333 blocks around so they went down to the city auditorium and had a glorious meeting for about two or three weeks Brother parrot had to go on because of other obligation now the pastor said to me six weeks after the meeting was over so probably about eight or nine weeks after the woman was healed six weeks after the meeting is over six weeks after the meeting is over now that woman is not a member of his church he's remember one of the other denominational churches there in town but the woman's sister called the pastor would you come and so he went to the house and the woman was back just exactly like she was bed fast her body as stiff as a board and here's the tragedy that Pastor said to me I didn't know what to tell her dear God a man like that's got no business bastard he ought to be herding sheep or working in a mule barn or something didn't know what to tell her but he said since in you I understand that he said I didn't understand people that's me well I said you see she was here no doubt through a manifestation of the Holy Ghost of the Ministry of ever to be parent but she had no foundation of the word in her no word and I said that no one will ever be able to maintain their healing very long without developing the faith of your own I saw that in in the days of the force of healing that's one reason that changed my ministry in the days of the voice of him you know from 1947 through 1958 there's a revival to divine healing on here in America in the force of healing number of we Minister I was in on that oh I don't know 80 of us maybe a hundred of us all healing ministers sort of banded together all of the healing evangelist was in the force of healing except brother Roberts and we'd have a healing convention every year over Thanksgiving time he had first few we had where he'd meet with us and but I saw that in every one of those that was the most used of God I remember from brother Roberts came to Dallas put his tent up 1948 November of 1948 is there three weeks my wife and I were still pastors in East Texas we were past until 1949 November 1948 was when Richard was born just after that meeting and so we were there one night visited a meeting and we saw a lady come up in the heating line my wife immediately recognized her we knew that she was deaf we knew her when she began to lose her healing I had prayed far she kept on losing it just he lost all of it had no hearing whatever cause we preached in a church my wife knew the woman the one was old in there but senior ever since she's a little girl because her cousin live right next door to them adjoining farms and this woman would come to visit her cousin and my wife you know and the cousin was probably about the same age see she's a little older than that so we knew we know we know she came up i watch the real coast she came up in the heaving line and so brother Roberts looked at the card and it told what's wrong with us she's deaf so he laid hands on her he put a finger in each year he commanded the spirit of deafness to leave and then she's facing him you see then he turned her around where she cannot see or read his lips and said very quietly now you repeat after me I said what's your name she said Rubik where are you from she said Trenton Texas then what church you're member of said Assembly of God he said repeat after me and whatever I say hallelujah she said hallelujah got lower in Lord to her just a whisper she's hearing perfect no doubt about it anybody can see that well we rejoiced my wife tried to get to her after the service dismissed to congratulate er but in a crowd of several thousands you know it's difficult to do so we never did contact her now that's a November of 1948 well at Christmastime of 1948 we went up to North Texas we were pastor in East Texas but we wanted to North Texas to celebrate Christmas with our kin folks and we were at my mother's on Christmas Eve and then that night we drove up to Sherman Texas to my wife's mother and daddy to have Christmas dinner on Saturday Saturday of 1948 the Christmas was on set on on on Saturday 25th day you know over December 1948 Christmas date was on Saturday you remember that of course and so we had Christmas dinner there then by prior Arrangements we were going to go back down to Garland Texas and preach Sunday morning and Sunday night the day after Christmas someone in my church we had several preachers of young preachers in it wouldn't feel my pulpit and so we went back down Sunday morning and preached there in Garland Texas Sunday afternoon we went over to wildly Texas ten miles away to visit with a friend of ours young men that I know in fact he and I started school together the first grade and later on he had come to know God now he's passing the Full Gospel Church so we went over there to visit with them so we're visiting with them and some other folks come by to visit a sister of this woman I was talking about that was deaf and her husband and so they came by to visit we were all sitting in the living room visiting and these folks could stop by on this Sunday afternoon and we renewed acquaintance with them because we had preached in their church he was a when we'd preached there he was Sunday School Superintendent the church his wife was a Sunday school teacher her daddy the daddy of both of the women was a deacon in the church and so she said so we as I said renewed acquaintance and so my wife mentioned the fact about Ruby being healed Oh Rita you knew she got it yes my wife said we were there that night well she said for six weeks she's been able to hear perfectly for six weeks she's perfectly all right but said we just came that we all had Christmas dinner there yesterday at her house there in Dallas you see all of them all of them Full Gospel people and she said she's beginning to lose her healing there are times that it'll just go off like he snapped your things she came here with a and then it'll come back on like he turned to here and ate on off him did she don't have one on you know come and go she symptoms are coming back are you following me now and she said when we left she said and she began to cry said we are we afraid you to lose your healing I got some mad I walked out of the living room into the bedroom then shut the door and stood there in the cold she's wintertime they had a stove in the living room and didn't have central heat it stood there in the cold hella cooled off I didn't want to say the wrong thing [Music] that those people know at the devil and those people for listening to it played right into his hands played right into his hands see what happened sure a Ruben lost her healing sure she lost her healing yeah well now if she's really healed Oh she'd still be healed although they're stupid people I just will always have them long as these people for six solid weeks she could hear perfectly never had happened before and all the years she's deaf how come for six solid weeks how come it only started when somebody laid hands on her in the name of Jesus Christ and the ears were open how come for six solid weeks you can hear perfectly you know that happening to anybody just you know just sort of accidentally no no no you see the thing about it they're in that tent meeting there's a mass faith everybody's believing God not only that but brother Roberts was anointed by the Holy Ghost specially to minister but you see my point was this and I want to reiterate it no one will ever be able to Maine Nate maintain their healing for long without developing a faith of their own in God's Holy Word while all those were believers all those are spirit filled people I've taught in the church there a god that didn't hear a word I said while they are together around there and said rubens to the said oh we're just all scared just after dad we're afraid you're gonna lose it know what I said Ruby wished ending with yet the devil's not gonna put that back on you we're standing with you man now let's just rebuke the devil and rebuke every symptom and victory would have been won but instead of that she lost it she lost it it's harder to get him here that second time that is the first time I'll tell you that right now I know I've been there he meant right here in the state Oklahoman I first came to Oklahoma to preach 1950 here's a man they brought to the meeting older men I know I found out from his daughter lived with her 72 years old now she brought him up he can't walk by himself he had a cane and then she's hold on to his arm I mean with the cane and his daughter holding on to his arm little frail man about 72 I mean he's stagger around like a drunk man then he had on hearing aid well we got to him I asked his daughter what's wrong with well she said you can see he has a hearing aid I said yeah I could see that she said well he's deaf without the hearing aid and then secondly I mean he could not hear what I was saying with a hearing aid and said secondly he walks with this cane and I said we had him to the clinic Oklahoma City and the doctors have said there's something that happened where they explained her to his balance in apparatus and said to them that said to them that he will go that he'll have to you know go from the cane to a wheelchair and from the wheelchair to bed and from the bed to his grave that's the verdict medical science and she said he's grown steadily worse than I guess he ought to be in a wheelchair now said if I turn do something with his cane he'll fall on the floor and then third she said he has a severe prostate problem and the doctor said you reading he's an operation but that his heart can't stand it they put him to sleep you'll never wake up well I said the Lord would heal him she said I know it I know it he said they meant well I laid hands on it both ears was roost I mean he could hear your watch tick I got someone's pocket watch he put up that he get here he heard perfectly I know we talked to him in normal tones before and after the service I took the King away from said walk he walked just as straight as you walked or anybody else walk she said but that prostate gland trouble that he'd get in such pain that he'd go into convulsions chew his tongue she said I put a spoon in his mouth friend find his teeth down on me but he's perfectly healed he came on back because they brought him from 35 miles away they'd come back and visit he'd cept that listen to the word no hearing aid talk to him after the service normal tones no walking cane walk perfect never had any more pain or symptoms from the prostate problem well I ran longer meetings the rest of them that's how company to change my my ministry I saw that these other fellows meetings because they ran shorter meetings now that first meeting brother robbers ran three weeks don't back out he used to run longer but I ran three four or five fact there in that meeting we ran eight weeks see and that happened about the second week so about three or four weeks later you see which would be about six weeks later I get up to preach one night and oh look out that right in front of the pulpit second pew from the front and that sets this a man beside his daughter and he's got a walking stick and he saw her leaning on it and then I could see he's got his hearing aids on one on either ears and so I got up to preach you see him before you know I never even opened my Bible I said isn't that the man that was healed here two three weeks ago he never even heard me but his hearing aid on aids own she spoke up and said his daughter spoke up said yes that's that's him I said what happened she said he lost his healing well I said bring him up here so she got up and stood up said he wants you he's a hat and she's right there by Mohammed said he walks you he's a hell got his hair days on silk it she said get up pulled him up so he got up got his stick sorry wasn't gonna get that so some of the officers came and helped him I mean just his work bad did she ever was except the prostate gland trouble never came back on never had any more pains with it there were problems finally they got him up here I said what happened to you he's just a Conca didn't say anything to him his daughter said he's talking here I said what happened to you he looked at her she said you'll have to halt it louder and I was already hot she said he came hardly here now he came hard to hear now even with the hair that he's worse than the everlaw's so I yelled out loud gotten closer and yelled out loud I said tell me what happened and so they think you came here so they howl allowed to and so he yell back we stood down the air at one another well you know after you prayed for me I was alright for about ten days I never had a bit of problem I could hear perfectly I didn't need McCain his daughter spoke up and said I tested him out in our little old home you know said we just had to linoleum on the floor in his bedroom and she said I got behind him with a showed him the straight pin said now I'm gonna drop this pin you tell me when I drop it see if you could hear it hit the floor that's pretty keen hearing it and so she said I waited a second to and I said drop it he said no I waited a second to Moore said did I drop it he said no she said about that time I dropped that pin and he said you dropped it right then I heard he hit the floor that's pretty clean keen he ran didn't it but he said in a town up there about 35 miles north of here when they bring the male in they close the post-office down you know itself don't have but two people working there and they put the mail in the boxes or if you get it generative you gotta wait to open the window up you see and I'm waiting now he said for him to get my mail out of the box I'm bussing me and standing around talking and suddenly he said my hearing went off just like he turned to hearing a doll for five minutes I couldn't hear there's either way off and on for two or three hours I could hear then five minutes it came here two or three hours I get here next day said start at the same time ten o'clock in the morning in the post office sitting around talking to these men my hair and went off 15 minutes I couldn't hear come back all during the day for two or three hours I could hear he'd go off for 15 minutes then he'd come back third morning ten o'clock in the morning down at the post office now you see he still can walks all right without the cane or anything but his hearings come in the door so he said the third morning ten o'clock morning waiting for the put up the mail you see we're standing around talking my and went off was off for an hour didn't come back then after an hour come back take him some time 3045 minutes put up the millions he standing around talk is he they come back said then in the afternoon it went off and never did come back so I got this so these old hearing aids out put them on and then when I did then I couldn't stand up I had to get McCain I couldn't walk without it and I've been worse than ever well I said - all right we'll get you delivered again but now I'm going to teach you how to hold on to it because it can be lost see we need to teach people to get here but we need to teach him how to stay here now that first time the minute I touched his ears I mean that fast both ears was over did you know it took me 45 minutes to get one arrow took me 45 minutes working on one ear to get it away that first time they open like that I guess I worked with that fella over an hour all together before I got him going again I took that cane away from said don't let me ever catch you with it again he he walked a straight line he heard perfectly God his hearing aids off now I said stand right there I guess I spent probably nearly two hours with him that's my service that night I'm going to teach you how to resist the devil how to hold fast that which thou has I said I'll tell you exactly what happened I knew because I knew what happened with brother Williams back then 39 this is 1950 now I said the minute that your hearing went off you couldn't hear for five minutes the first symptom returned you said I thought the Lord healed me I guess he didn't well he said that's exactly what I said I said when you said that you opened the door and said come on back in mr. devil put it back on me and he abides J but I stood there less God told him now five years later I went back to the same area southeast corner Oklahoma down there Broken Bow idabelle Hugo went back in that area with a meeting the same man now 77 years old five years later in every service no hearing aid no walking stick no problems no problem still here talk to me in normal tones I went back ten years later now he's 82 same man no hearing aid no walking stick no problems Tory to God hallelujah because he learned to hold fast that which thou hast amen he learned to develop his own faith in the Word of God for himself understand yes you see folks come here bless their hearts all of which we could keep them longer I know from experience and get them healed but o if you could keep them long enough to get them settled and established in the word because when you get back on your own you're on your own you're on your own and you're an open pray out there to the enemy unless you've got people around you knows how that dear woman Ruby those four gospel people order known but sometimes they're full of unbelief they'll put more fear and scare into you than the devil his crowd will you might as well say Amen so in hell you better get a hold of this whoever Keith whatever I'm about to get wound up I'm liable to start meddling I better not amen I said Amen I said Amen well not your to know that that's one of the important things you ought to know about healing Laurie to God [Music]
Channel: RHEMA - Kenneth E. Hagin
Views: 462,537
Rating: 4.8228278 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Kenneth E. Hagin, Rhema Bible Training College, Rhema Bible Church, Kenneth W. Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, Denise Hagin Burns, Kindle The Flame Women’s Conference, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Campmeeting, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Winter Bible Seminar, Rhema Lights, Rhema Word Partner, Rhema Word Partner Club, Rhema Podcast, RBTC Music Live
Id: W-U8LerWvLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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