"Incline Thine Ear" | Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin | *Copyright Protected

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my son attend to my words 20th verse incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they referring to my words they my words are life and to those that find them and health to all their flesh my words are help through all their flesh so you could sort of say it this way words of life words of health hallelujah amen and it's all in his word glory to God and so we notice that he said attend unto my words that means give his word undivided attention everything else out his word in then he said incline near to my sins that means drink it in through the ear gate that means open your ears to God's sayings and if you open yours to God sins then you have to close them to all other sins and then it means that you're to look as well as listen let them not depart from thine eyes now what not depart from thine eyes my words just keep looking at those words keep them we're in the midst of that heart why praise God for their life words of life words of life their life to those that find them words of health words of healing glory to God words that act like medicine the margin said my words of medicine to all all your flesh Amen well we're just taking this one statement and using it more or less as a main theme incline your ear an incline thine ear unto my sayings so we're doing that we're looking to see what Jesus said along this line not everything he said you wouldn't have time but some of the most important things that he had to say for instance we look there into the fifteenth chapter of Matthew and we read the 21st through the twenty eighth verse but we found out among other things that Jesus said that healing is the children's bread well inclined ear unto that Amen that belongs to you praise God amen say it out loud again everybody healing is the children's bread say it again say it again then healings my bread now some folks need to say that long enough till it registers on me inside of it you know if if if it's just all up here it won't work for you amen but it's when it gets here on the inside of you amen so healing is the children's bread jesus said then healing is our family right because we're children of God when the family of God did belong to us healing is our gospel right because healing is a part and parcel of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ healing is our legal right because the New Testament praise God is a legal document sealed by the blood of Jesus belongs to us healing is our redemptive right praise God because it is in God's redemptive plan himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses healing is our needful right because we need it and God's provided it healing is our prayer right because he said what things have you desire when you pray believe you receive them you'll have them and the healing is our divine right praise God because it belongs to us our divine Heavenly Father has provided divine healing for our mortal bodies praise God and healing is our table right for he prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies amen now you could preach our rest of the year on that now they could just pick up them one by one amen and and a hallelujah amen glory to God all right your land the fifteenth chapter Matthew turn back to the eighth chapter turn back to the eighth chapter Matthew while we're doing that I'll remind you that made announcement yesterday but that David Horton is going to start 10th meeting tonight over and northeast corner North Peoria in 36th Street time 7:30 be there September the 20th that starting tonight through the 29th of September every night you're invited to come David's total lot of times here for in fact it used to be one of our regular teachers here all the time and so you'll be blessed I told him when it's talking about I'm gonna toss it I'm gonna tell everybody go out and hear the wild man hey may he get in a while some time but I think nearly all of us do do it I mean you get you get three or glory to God they man all right turn back to the eighth chapter of Matthew and let's look a little bit further remember now our our main theme' incline thine ear incline now near well I know the beggin you read that scripture but you know I don't believe it just that what you see you're not inclined the year to what God said you're inclined in your ear to your beliefs well one fella said to me I got the best bus right right to my beliefs is you have I said no you don't know neither one of us have any right to our beliefs we do have a right to breathe the Bible the Word of God but we do not have a right to our beliefs incline your ear oh well I've heard all that before well you're not inclining year he didn't say that the word that God would work for you by having inclines you here but incline year present tense it's it has to be a ongoing thing continuous action inclining Amen I said they meant now they wouldn't anybody for instance we'll just stick for this because this text said here my words are helped to all their flesh and if my Bible now my King James Bible Cambridge Bible says over in the margin that the Hebrew says my words are medicine all their flesh well we take you you know last year perhapses you had some kind of a virus or infection or something and you went to the doctor and he gave you medicine you know for that infection some kind of penicillin or something I don't know I'm not a doctor so I don't know but we will just say that and so this year now you got another infection of doc said well not now you need this this although I had that last year but what you had last year ain't gonna do you a bit of good this year amen so his words are medicine that you see it does this no good to say well I heard that I've heard that know for medicine do you know good you have to stay honest you have to keep keep taking it amen that's the reading he said incline here incline here and he didn't say having inclines you here or you're going to incline here but present tense and again I lien tree emphasized Romans 10:17 so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing it doesn't come by having heard it has to be a continuous thing all right let's read here from Matthew chapter 8 verse 1 through 4 when he that is Jesus now was come down from the mountain that's from the Mount where he preached the Sermon on the Mount great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean and Jesus put forth his hand and touched him now incline the air to his sayings touched him saying touched him saying incline your ear to his sayings or my scenes God said well what Jesus said is God saying it because he said the words I speak unto you they're not my own they're my father see men saying what did he say I will hallelujah be thou clean now read through the four Gospels carefully underline everything he said you never find one single time where he ever said I won't not once not even once not even once I will be thou clean now notice this that the leper believed that God could but he questioned God's will he said if thou wilt or will the way we talk date and if you will you can make me clean so he believed he could he meant but he questioned his will many today follow the unbelieving theory of the leper more than to do the plain teaching of Christ because Christ settled the issue about his will that's where he was doubting he said if you will you can make me clean or whole jesus said I will then God said I will praise God be that clean now if he ever said I will - 1 then he's saying I will - all 4 he's no respecter of persons when it comes to his gifts he's no respecter persons the only thing he called some people to the ministry but that's not being a respect to a person that's just putting the vector load on you don't pay God hey man hallelujah so then it's sad that men would rather follow the doubting of the leper than they would the faith of Jesus jesus said I will now you read a little further in this same well we read the fourth verse less less notice here the fifth verse of the same opening and when Jesus was entered into Capernaum there came unto him a Centurion beseeching him and saying Lord my servant life at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus saith wash said in other words well here is saying again he said didn't find ear to my sayings saith I will come and heal him hallelujah Jesus never did say I won't never didn't say I won't and he never will say that to those who believe him and who have faith you'll notice as you go on reading here that the Centurion answered answered Lord I'm not worthy thoughts that has come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for I'm a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my servant do this and he do with it when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I send you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel now Jeff stops thinking about he calls this great faith great faith doesn't he what is the ingredient of great faith after all it's found right here just faith in his word he said just speak the word only you don't have to come to my house I've got faith in your word my faith in your word and in your authority just speak the word own that's all you got to do just speak the word only and my servant will be healed hallelujah she said I've not found so great faith and if you read little father he told a man go thy way you're known be it under the even as thou wilt and of course the servant was healed a self same hour praise God forevermore well then while you here in this same 8th chapter mile this is a good chapters and it's the preach heating out up pretty god just stay here all day look down there into that 17th verse that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by you saya so that's Isaiah the prophet saying saying saying saying remember our theme is inclined ear to my sings that's what he said way back there in Proverbs didn't it God said my son to tend to my words inclined ear to my sins well the words that I speak unto you Jesus said they're the word diseases other words of the father if you already hear God speak in listen to Jesus hallelujah well what does God's Word say in kind ear to my words listen to Jesus listen to the Word of God well that it might be fulfilled that was just spoken by Isaiah singing here's what Isaiah said by the Holy Ghost about the Spirit of God by the word of God the Word of God saying heart what does God's Word say himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses well yeah that's in there alright but well I can't find a buddy in that scripture why do you want to put one in their farm amen now let's back up here just a little bit and read and we'll get even more out of it in that 13th verse that I referred to when Jesus said saith unto him that is said unto the Centurion go thy way and as thou hast believed so it be done unto thee I believe he's saying that to all of us today go thy way and as thou has believed so it be it done unto you praise God just gold and as you believe so be had done to you and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour and when Jesus was come into Peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them now verse 16 when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with Devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses now there's a lot of truth a lot of truths you might say and nuggets of truth that we could expound on here but I think that one great truth that we can see that sort of shines out above all the rest of them is that some folks because they believe that that it is God's will to heal some you know but not God's will to heal all that he just got through healing Peters mother-in-law see and so I think the reason the Word of God connects this with him healing the mass right next the masses next is so that you know that healing isn't just for a favored few or somebody special like the mother-in-law of an apostle you see Amen so that same day that same day because it was a Sabbath that same day that Peters mother-in-law was healed an evening that is at after six o'clock in the evening an evening when the evening was come that is when six o'clock came they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with this word and he healed all that were sick that is all in that crowd that were sick why did he do it let's listen to the sayings of God's word that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses like I said I believe thoroughly that that's put right in there right next to him healing you see we see him healing the Peters mother-in-law but like I said somebody say well yeah but she was the mother-in-law of one of the apostles you know but it didn't say himself took Peters mother-in-law's infirmities and buyer Peters mother-in-law sicknesses Amen or someone might say if you back up to the first part of the chapter of the the leper there who who believed that he couldn't doubted whether you will or not well yeah that was just sort of an isolated case or the synturion well the leper was a Jew and the sin turns you know as a Gentile or a Roman and so God just wanted to prove his power to the Romans you know so they know his authority you know that's the way some people interpret it but you see so you wouldn't get carried away on that he sums it all up by saying himself took our not the lepers not just the Centurion servants Palsy not just Peters mother-in-law's sickness and fever himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses and it's on that basis that he heal all in that multitude that was sick hallelujah incline your ear incline thine ear unto my sayings the Bible contains God's sayings hallelujah praise God now Jesus is the I like to put it this away the the will of God in action what is God's will is it God's will to heal me well here's where we fail you so many times if you deal with sick people I have been in the healing ministry for 50 years now actually 51 years and you always find out that the biggest majority of the time where the hang-up is is concerning the will of God even though people may make some effort some many times that thought is lurking in the back of their head so to speak well it might not be God's will to heal me well I know God does he but you see those folks have not and are not inclining their ear to God's sayings when you're inclined year to what God says you know so Jesus I'd like to put it this way he said I came not I did not come to do my own will but the will of him that sent me then is he carrying out the will of God look at look again we look at many many times but like I say all the time just because I've had one t-bone steak doesn't mean I'm not going to eat another in fact I'm planning on eating one tonight I don't look at said well I've had one of them no friend it's continually feeding your body that keeps it strong amen it's continually feeding your spirit amen hallelujah that keeps it strong keeps your faith up feet along the line or divine heel you're building your building healing and health into your body into your flesh because Lee my words are our health to all their flesh well acts 10:38 you're familiar with it how god now remember with this thought in mind inclined ear to my sins remember this thought in mind I came not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me jesus said how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with it wonder if he was doing the will of God when he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil wonder if he was carrying out the will of God on the earth amen I believe he was don't you I said I believe he was don't you I believe he was don't you well if he was carrying out the will of God on the earth then has God's will changed no no it see that verse enough is enough - alone is enough to convince us it's God's will to heal today now here's another angle let's look at it from this standpoint you've got your Bibles it over to the book of Hebrews I hope these verses so many times and I don't know maybe I make a mistake by doing so you read them and write them mark them praise God didn't let them register on your consciousness inner consciousness now look at Hebrews the very first chapter in the very first verse God everybody say God now we know you see that is God our Father because we've been born again God who at sundry times and in divers manners speak in times past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son amen now then then Jesus is God speaking unto us that is it here is that right Jesus is God speaking unto us what he's saying when he went about doing good and healing all was pressed to the devil wonder what he was saying it's God's will to heal a few not God's will heal everybody know that would know what he was saying God was trying to reveal to men and see to them that I am the kind loving Heavenly Father wonder what he was saying when when he speaks spoke to us by Jesus we looked at it you know there in the seventh chapter of Matthew when he said if he then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more when your father which is in heaven give good things unto them that what he was saying he's saying just like you as a father love your children desire the best for them give good things to them so I the Heavenly Father praise God love my children just as much and more how much more how much more how much more how much more hallelujah how many of you folks if your children your little child was burning up with fever would healed it if you if you could you would make it well thank God God can well if I don't God do it anyhow well he's not the one in the authority there you're the one in the thorat it if you would believe him take his word then you'd permit him to do it God can only do what is permitted to do all God's omnipotence oh he can do anything he wants to do no I came if he could he'd make you shut up sometimes amen oh no gods are all-powerful omnipotent doing thing you wouldn't know he can't because if he could it'd make you ping your ties Oh somebody told me nobody in Oklahoma would be that stupid of course don't y'all tell anybody but a fellow down in Texas told me personally uh-uh he said this is back then and during the World War two you know oh he said I know I don't believe in it to me perfectly I might because I'd said something after sir come up to me I won't tell you something I said well tell me I want you to know I don't believe in that time they in bidness I said neither does Hitler Mussolini mr. Stalin or the devil that's awful bad company being with he looked at me like I'd slapped him in the face with a wet dishrag blinked his eyes like a toad frog in the West Texas healed stone sputtered a time or two and said yeah I guess that's right Dean then walked off amen that is bad gut to be in with him Hey amen I said a man how come me to get off on that well it's so anyway praise God he been had he met ya you see what we've got off on was there well if it's God's will if it's God's will he'll do it you know if it's God's will to heal me he'll do it and he didn't do it so it must not be as well well you see God or Jesus is not the one that's in authority in your house you are see the body's a house you live in and you're the one has authority over that house I don't have authority Oh what you do you've met guardian or you've let the devil in and in your home you're the one that's in the thought whoever's the head of the house praise God's is wonders in authority and you have authority that's the reading you can believe for your children as long as you're small as soon as they get a big grown man got a house and then they're the one over there house your mother and father don't have authority or without dr. Eaton he said that God ordained that you know how much trouble we'd say you might be taking another little side journey here sometimes these side journey helps as much the mainline does but if folks just listen to the bank about how much I bought nearly all the trouble in this world is brought on by humans themselves in cooperation with the devil of course use me and all of me all the tears that I shed they're selfish if folks and just do what the Bible said all the Gunder just do what the Bible said he had to save them so much of misery amen then you turn back to the beginning and see just what God said Genesis is the book of beginnings you know that don't you you know that don't you all right you turn back to the second chapter of Genesis and see how how God what God has to say now notice here that in this second chapter of Genesis thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and so on and so forth and then the fourth verse these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth then the eighth verse of the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden so on and then the the Bible tells us that it is not good in this eighteenth verse it is not good that man should be alone I will make him a help meet for him and out of the ground the Lord formed every beast of the field ever filed there and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and once they ever had him call every living creature that was the name thereof and Adam gave names to all cattle to the fowls there to ever beast of the field but for Adam there was not found to help meet for him the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon at him and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof instead there off and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man now here's one wanted to get to therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife that saw that mother no problem a lot of times therefore shall a man leave and that means a woman - she leaves her father and mother and cleave cleave you know what cleave means well look it up know that don't let me have to do all your studying for you putting an old simple English hang on to breath God hold on to don't turn loose cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh work the same way for the woman somebody was talking about and I'm almost ashamed to admit it anybody ever came to Raymond is that stupid and ignorant bless their darling hearts and stupid heads graduate ARIMA not here got married you know didn't have enough sense to leave his mom and daddy before you know it you know a year or two of marriage broke up actually he's the one that did it wasn't her she that she had stayed with but he sent her back home you know I said well I can't understand them I said well in the first place when you get into disobedience you've opened the door to the devil in the first place he already left his mom and daddy Orton stayed with them I don't mean he can't live in the same town but I'm talking about it stayed with him being under their cocktail and under their Dominion domination and authority are you listening to me when you disobeyed God along one line it makes it really stiff disobeyed got along another line you get into disobedience you open up to the devil it's just better to listen to what the Bible said amen let the Bible be the final authority well I'll go back to this again where we started there where we left off and you see you've got Authority in your house and you always your children are there they're under your authority but when they get up grown and get married and get out on their own then they have authority over their house you don't spiritually naturally or way too many time people try to and that's where they're getting the mess but you see God cannot do anymore in your house then you let him do because you see he made man gave him the will of his own he said behold I stand at the door knock If any man will let him open the door of his heart and even after you become a Christian you don't lose your will your free moral agency you can incline here to God and sin if you want to you can closed years to God sings and so if if you will make it possible he's saying how much more if he didn't to be an evil listen to his sayings if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to his children not them that ask him and remember that's in faith if you'll read the surrounding verses amen you see he wants to do it but he can't do it till you do you give permission to do so so to speak and that is asking and then thank God he can and thank God he will hallelujah well Jesus then the God who at sundry times and divers manners speak unto our fore fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken unto us he's spoken unto us by his own son then Jesus in his ministry was God speaking to us wasn't he what's he saying to us what was he saying here in acts 10:38 again when he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil he is telling us that Satan is the oppressor but that God is the deliverer Jesus is the deliverer God anointed him to be the deliverer praise God Jesus is the healer so then where do these things come from mystery the world says the mystery of this and the mystery of that no mystery at all if you get in the mystery book praise God did it it'll unveil the mystery to you amen hallelujah because you see the Holy Ghost is the teacher no mystery at all about it Satan is the Defiler Satan is the Tormentor Satan is the disease and sickness bearer or the author of it very easy and very simple to see that go over to the book of Revelation and when Satan is finally eliminated from human contact or rather from the earth the Bible said there will be nothing that'll hurt or destroy so anything that hurts and destroys where does it come from Satan must be the source because when he's eliminated then there isn't anything that hurts or destroyed jesus said said in kind ear to his sins the thief is come John 10:10 but for to kill to steal to destroy but I'm come hallelujah that you might have life might have it more abundantly praise God and then sickness or disease comes to someone they said well you know God may have put this on me now for some purpose he's got some great mystical you're no purpose in mind and folks bless their hearts of plead right into the hands of the devil and have been robbed of the blessings the healing the health that God wanted him to enjoy God is a healing God hallelujah God wills that you be well my son attend to my words incline here under my sins let them not depart from for thine eyes keep them in the midst of thine heart for they my words are life life unto those that find them my words are health to all their flesh must must be God's will or he wouldn't have given us his word must be God's will why would it not be God's will then when he tells us in other words if healing was not the will of God for all of his children then God in His Word gave us directions to get out of his will and missus will that's that be correct but can you see that no incline year to my sings praise God hallelujah well if God wants to do it why don't you just do it anyway see again people have the wrong picture of God they have a distorted view of the character of God and if they listen to the Word of God then they'd get the right picture of God and their view would not be distorted in come here to my sayings they my words are are our life life to those that find them and health to all nothing about that all their flesh I read this scripture I thought about a I think about every time I talk along this line I think about an incident happened with my wife and I we were speaking several years ago in Albuquerque New Mexico we spoke on Saturday night to a full gospel businessmen's chapter meeting there then on Sunday evening we began we had a faith seminar there for about a week I think five days actually and is our own seminar we just used one of the local churches use their auto and put it on her cell but anyway speaking to begin with to this full gospel of businessmen chapter we sent folks who want to be filled with the spirit to a prayer room and a different prayer room and and said now you wait there I'll be in there in just a moment and my wife and I'll coming an instruction pray with you well on the weight of that prayer room a lady stopped us and said brothers has taken me which may I speak to you and I said well you had to be in a hurry because these folks have been waiting 15 to 20 minutes because we went on doing some other thing ministered to the sick and I said you'll have to hurry and so she walked along with us she just blurted out said you know I'm 47 years old and this is the first new pair of shoes I've ever had on in my life well we both looked at their feet could see she had on new pair of shoes well now that could be interpreted a number of different ways you could think well maybe a no poor woman has been support that couldn't afford shoes finally at 47 years got enough money by parachute or you was wondering you know a lot of thoughts flashed through your mind she quickly went on to explain I was born with a crippled foot and I never had a pair of shoes that is you could wear one one shoe one foot was normal wear shoe all they but I never had on a parachute as you see in my life because this crippled foot the shoe wouldn't fit you had to have a special shoe for it and then crippled and so she said I and that leg was shorter than the other the crippled leg and wasn't his big around is the other one and and she said I I never you know there was out in public and so on so forth but she said somebody gave me a set of your tapes then we had those reel-to-reel tapes and and first those bigger big ones and then at this time we had that five-inch reel-to-reel and they gave me a set of them we called it the faith's series then I think they called it faith classics now and so she said and I was raised up a Pentecostal Church Full Gospel Church but she said I you know nothing to do send it home never out the public never worked or anything and I listened to those tapes but she said I couldn't get a thing in the world out of them I couldn't get a thing well it didn't mean a thing in the world to me but I listened to all of it and I listened to him again and again and I thought about what if she to quit the third time said well I didn't anything out of that now she said after six months now you think about that after six months of daily listening to those tapes you could put it this away solder after six months of incline in their ears to God sings she said that nobody prayed from and I've been prayed for I see many times you know full gospel church Pentecostal church pray for the sick and know what people they're all everything every vanities come along would pray for the sick problem usually they didn't know today's been an ornithologist I'm the Hensley don't body this time laid hands on me no body no no nobody prayed for me in fact I didn't even pray myself did you notice this you know of course prayers right now don't misunderstand you understand not it might be a little in prayer cause the Bible teaches that you understand that but go back here to proverbs for just a minute now look at that again my son to attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sins let them not depart from for thine eyes keep it in the midst of thine heart for their life and to those that find them and help to all their flesh if they pray no not a word about praying there I mean is it see now don't misunderstand me see on that level God meets your prayer a lot of times and we're not belittling not speaking against that but I'm just making a point that not one word said about prayer that that you have to pray to make it work all you got to do to make it work is just attend to my words incline here to my sent but I don't before your eyes keeping the Misses on heart so she said six months of solidly listening to those tapes nothing else to do every day you'd home 24 hours a day nothing that's dude well you've listened sick listening to those tapes that foot just grew out and straightened up that leg just straightened up see that word got and then got to work it can you see that can you see that you see our problem is a long time we've seen God work miracles and do supernatural things and we're waiting for him to do something like that and he does and that works sometimes but this will work all the time see I can't guarantee you that there will be gifts of healings in manifestation today in this service because they are manifested as the Spirit wills I can't guarantee you that they'll be working of miracles manifested here today because they're manifested according to 1st Corinthians 12:11 as the Spirit wills I can't guarantee you that special faith the gift of special faith I have it manifested through me sometime but I can't guarantee you that it'll be manifested here today because 1st Corinthians 12:11 said that all those nine manifestations of the Spirit are manifest there's the spirit wheels I'll tell you one thing I can guarantee you that this word worked for you every day glory to God this word will work for you every day hallelujah I said hallelujah now huh because God stands back of every word spoken here that Serena said to tend to my words well now what if she had to stop just think about what if she had listened for three months and stopped no she just kept listening wonder if she had to stopped after six months even if she hadn't got a result I don't know but she said after listening six months without prayer without anybody know though that foot just straighten out became not we looked at his normal normal just as normal as the other foot besides that she said at age 46 I see she's past at 47 birthday now but at age 46 see that same deformed foot I was born with that little toe and it needs 46 I grew a little tumor someone said well I don't believe that well he won't work for you then forget it amen amen now then well we could look there and see that her feet are normal and she got on a new pair of shoes we could see that part we accepted a testimony but right on the other I don't know about you but I'm a great one to prove things I like her and you know the facts of God's Word is proof hallelujah but right on the other hand this dear lady spoke up and said oh there's someone that you know it's good friends of yours that used to be my pastor and said to read I know I heard you mentioned their name on those tapes we said who well they said brother and sister Goodwin jr. Goodwin who at that time was passed to the First Assembly of God Church in Pasadena Texas brother Goodwin's alive then he's going to be a thought sister Goodwin lives here in Tulsa now and so we said oh yes they're good friends of ours you know oh yeah sure well in the process of time we saw the good words and my wife we've got the moments a name and and and my wife began to talk to sister Goodwin about him and when she said that you meet his sister Goodwin said oh the little crippled girl when I when she was their pastor they were she was back in her 30s and sister Goodwin was in her 60s so she's just a girl to her amen she said all the little crippled girl my wife said well she's not crippled now we saw her she's perfectly here sister Goodwin said well she is crippled of when we were her pastor and her mother said that she is born that way so you see here is their refutable proof that she was crippled that she is four that her testimony is correct and we saw her foot just as good as the other way amen how did it come about not now don't misunderstand me though I am NOT speaking against manifestations of the Holy Ghost you know that now for instance this this summer we were there in Philadelphia getting for our third meeting and see over two-year period you know first years first time with her and with twice in Cincy now when we were there that first time in a meeting well there was a four lady sitting over here in a wheelchair and suddenly the anointing the Holy Ghost came on me and there Nona came and I knew exactly what it was because I've had that manifestation for it was a manifestation of special faith the Holy Ghost gave me at that moment and I said deported to one of these ladies and Goddard said you told me I said yo you and then I dropped my hand I said to her now I'm gonna point at you again and when I do the Holy Ghost will come on you you get up and walk out of that chair and so I did she got up walked out sure now I could not minister that way to those other three ladies in that chair now why because the manifestation of the Spirit is given us the spirit wells I can minister to him by laying hands on them in faith and them in faith receiving the impartation amen I said that to you just to illustrate to you see that we're not unless we get about but but we've seen things like that and a lot of times we were waiting on them they make or they may not I don't know man if it's me that's reading God don't put that in your control we'd do it every service and that might not be his plan right now but but you see the the Word of God will always work that's the reason we constantly teach and preach the word hallelujah amen trying to get people to Incline there we can guarantee that look we've got inclined ear unto my sayings well that lady you see that lady was not healed I'm talking about that lady back now Bakr key now with the crippled foot born that way deformed foot and so on leg limb and little toe she wasn't heal by working of miracles she wasn't healed by gifts of healings she wasn't healed by special faith or some ministry because there's nobody that administers she's sitting home by herself but by listening after six months she said that began to get inside me and that foot just begins it didn't just happen like that in the strainer just gradually begin to straighten up praise God and become till it became normal hallelujah I said hallelujah that came about by hurry inclining our ears to what God said that's not the only way to be heal buts one of the best ways amen praise God forever cuz once you learn that boy you were you you you've got that your your long way down the road amen you found out God worked for John Lake said dr. John Leake said I think that's his opinion course and I concur with him I think he said a lot of time that our instant healings are accursed to us people get healed instant and go away and forget it like the nine lepers only one of them returned to give thanks to the Lord but when a person is healed gradually then they learned as I walk by faith you see I'm better and better and better than things are working then they'll also learn a great spiritual lesson amen and that works for them the rest of their life praise God forevermore well thank God for his word he inclined everybody say incline venir unto my sayings I am inclining my ear unto God cigs for his sayings his words are life unto those that find them his words are life unto me and his words his saying is health to all of my flesh from the top of my head to the soles of my feet walking in the word so I'm walking in life and I'm walking in health I'm walking in the word and the word is working in me and that word produces healing and health I'm healed I'm full of life I'm healthy because I'm walking in the word and the word is working in me you were to make a song out of that time glory to God well hallelujah I'll tell you if we went home now we'd be blessed with me I get thrilled with the word oh I get thrilled with the word I know harder to do for you yeah I guess I get more thrilled teaching the healing from this standpoint that do any other praise God even minister under the North Sea this is the way I was healed this is the way I was here I know the condition I was in I know I never ran and played you see for for 17 years like other little children just sit around you know and look at other children that would laugh and run you know like a charm bird almost never normal never a normal childhood became totally been face I know what it means to lie there bed fast 16 long months that's a long time to be in bed if you nobody ever tried sometimes 16 long months I know what it means to be that you can't even turn over on the side they turn you on the sheet you can't feed yourself somebody feeds you you're alive on the inside but it seemed like you're in a cage your body is paralyzed it won't work right it's it's it's a terrible thing it's it's impossible to describe almost I know I've been there I've been there just stand at the ceiling I've been there when it's daytime you wish this night when it's nighttime you wished it was day I've been there when the doctors have shook their head five of them said we can't do anything I mean you just have to die I've been there in the daytime when the sun shining bright on the outside but that room seemed to be filled with the darkness of death death hung like her like a guru mo fear I've been there when they said son who do you want to preach a funeral what what songs do you want a son I've been there when they said who do you want for pallbearers I've been there but all thank god I've been there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've been there when the light came shining in the instance of his words giveth a light but you see his words can't find entrance until you incline your ear to his sayings the inference of his words giveth light I've been there I knew somewhere nothing I couldn't understand couldn't figure it out I got a hold of mark 11:24 way back there the first became med fast didn't know what it meant didn't know how to work it but I've been there and in the night time and then in the times when when you were dying I just repeated that verse it was just words to me then but but somewhere another I knew it was there it's all there and I just repeated those words I quoted that verse one night all night long no tenant you know thousands of times all night long quoted mark 11:24 all that long but finding the light shine to go over it to God glory to God glory to God glory to God I became healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet praise God well yeah but now brother Hagin God didn't called you to preach it didn't work cause he'd call me to preach it work because I incline the air to God saying Amen stand up right now praise God hallelujah that's long enough we could go on and on and on and on known but I find that much further out have an East Texas brush arbors field praise God almost had one anyway praise God hardware you're the same key good good good good good good good good [Music]
Channel: RHEMA - Kenneth E. Hagin
Views: 359,550
Rating: 4.8377571 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Kenneth E. Hagin, Rhema, Rhema Bible Church, Rhema Bible Training College, Kenneth W. Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, Denise Hagin Burns, Kindle The Flame Women’s Conference, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Campmeeting, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Winter Bible Seminar, Rhema Lights, Rhema Word Partner, Rhema Word Partner Club, Rhema Podcast, RBTC Music Live
Id: w-a0GdQTamw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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