"Born To Raze Hell" | Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin | * (Copyrighte Protected)

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raise your holding names whatever God for Holy Ghost five amen amen amen you may be seeking father we thank you again tonight for the privilege that we have to come together in the name of Jesus to lift our voices in prayer and praise and adoration and Thanksgiving unto you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies which are ours we thank you again this night for your precious holy written word and we thank you for the great mighty one the holy spirit whom thou has sent to indwell us to be our teacher and to be our guide we trust him too not to live begin us to think through our mind speak to our lives unveil the Word of God unto our spirits will give you all praise honor and glory for everything that's wrong in our minutes when we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen amen praise God if you have your Bibles tonight you could open them first of all to John's Gospel amen are the First Epistle excuse me we'll get to John's Gospel in a minute but first John first John the third chapter first John the third chapter and notice verse a he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning now that's a little bit blind to us because all of us have failed but actually the Greek as a continuous word our aspect to it means continues to sin our practices sin we may miss it because we don't know any better sometimes amen but thank God we don't practice sin we don't make a practice of sinning amen because we're children of God but the thought I want to get over to you is this for this purpose for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil hallelujah now then turned to Hebrews the second chapter Hebrews chapter 2 and notice verses 14 and 15 for as much then as the tude and our partakers of flesh and blood he talking about Jesus he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage now you need to understand that there's more than one kind of death spoken of in the Bible and here he's not talking about physical death you see the Bible talks about spiritual death the Bible talks about physical death the Bible talks about the second death which is being cast into the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone amen but Satan ruled through spiritual death but thank God Jesus it said that he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil hallelujah now then again a text we looked at last night Emmonak added again Colossians the second chapter in the fifteenth verse talking about Jesus and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it that is in his death burial and resurrection all of it you see not just one part of it but you see thank God for Calvary but if he had just died on Calvary and that was the end of it we still wouldn't be redeemed thank God he was raised from the dead hallelujah but not only was he raised from the dead but he ascended on high and the book of Hebrews tells us that he carried his own blood into the Holies of Holies to obtain an eternal redemption for us and then think of the Bible tells us that he sat down at the right hand of the Father you know if he hadn't sat down that the redemptive process wouldn't have been completed don't thank God for all of it amen in his death burial resurrection ascension and seating at the right hand of the Father he spoiled principalities and powers like I said let's not that words Paul as we use it today we don't exactly understand what he's saying here but he's just talking about he defeated or destroyed he may another translation said he stripped demon power from around us hallelujah another translation said he made them prisoners of war hallelujah glory to God and I said last night I like particularly first Corinthians two six that talks about the King James talked about the princes that ruled this world and Moffatt ran they said the dethroned powers that rule this world now why do they rule the world if they're different because the world doesn't know it amen but we know that they are dethroned and they can't and do not rule us so really in one sense of the word you could say that the message tonight is a sequel to the message last night so if you weren't here last night actually what I was talking about with victory over all the power of the enemy hallelujah praise God amen I heard the minister say some years ago that he pulled into a filling station to get some gasoline and you know they had part of it you just help yourself now the parts you know they're laid on you so he drove up to that this the pumps were they'd wait on him and a young man came out to pumping gas he put the nozzle into the tank was pumping the gas the men said this minister said I noticed he had tattooed on his arm born to raise hell Ari ISE raised hell well the word raised means to cause to rise up that means he's born to cause hell to rise up dictionary said raised means to cause to come forth when he meant when he said that born to raise hell I'm born to make hell come forth and probably live that way and then the dictionary said to raise means to give rise to and so when he said I'm born to raise hell I'm born to give rise to hell and then again the dictionary said to raise or a ISE means to elevate so when he's had on his arm I'm born to raise hell I'm born to elevate hell he meant and then again the dictionary said to raise means to exalt and so when he had on his arm tattooed I'm born to raise hell I'm born to exalt hell and then again the dictionary said to raise means to increase and so this man on his arm he had tattooed the word born to increase hell I'm out to increase el Heath but I thought about you know that's the world for you that's sinners for you now we don't believe in tanto in your arm tattoo in your arm for the simple reason that your bond is the tip of the Holy Ghost and according to the Bible you're forbidden you're for amen are you listening to me amen - Tamar are there are degrees are to the body in any way amen not something folks for they got saved they have gotten tattooed well take it off if you can if you can't keep it covered up amen amen amen amen but now then I think maybe with invisible ink we order tattoo you know invisibly on our arm or across our chest or somewhere I'm born to our acel born to raise hell Raz Raz II accorded the dictionary means to demolish for to demolish he'll to raise Raz he means according to the dictionary to destroy well we read here about Jesus destroying amen hallelujah might destroy our race the works of hell the works of the devil accorded the dictionary raise RAC means to remove utterly hallelujah demolish destroy remove other day we take an old building a lot of times you know that's dilapidated we raised it on other words demolish it destroy we are born to raise hell a man amen amen for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might raise hell now turn with me turn with me to John's Gospel the 14th chapter and I'll just prove it to you John's Gospel the 14th chapter let's start reading here with the tenth verse Jesus is speaking believe it's now not that I'm in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you are speaking out of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works remember what those works one sees benefits they might destroy the works of the devil he doeth the works believe me that I'm in the father the father in me or else believe me for the very works sake verily verily now a lot of times when we say very differently to us it might not mean much in our culture but in that land and under that culture they tell us to say verily verily is equivalent to us saying I tell you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me you believe on him well you could write right beside this verse that's talking about me this means me he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my father now how are you going to do those works and raise hell and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you shall ask anything in my name I'll do it now a lot of times people have thought that he's talking about prayer here but he isn't talking about prayer actually the Greek word translated to ask also means demand whatever you demanded my name I'll do it oh no you're not demanding something of God you're demanding it of the devil amen and later on in the sixteenth chapter of John's Gospel Jesus said about prayer whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give it to a men that's prayer but here he's talking about using the name of Jesus like they did in the Acts of the Apostles no he's not talking about praying to Jesus because if that's what he's talking about then the early church never didn't do it you go through the Acts of the Apostles and underline every time and if it tells you to whom they prayed every time it tells you God not one single instant in the Acts of the Apostles did they ever pray to Jesus so if that's what he meant then they missed it but that's not what he meant that meant like Peter and John at the gate called beautiful as they were going into the temple through the gate called beautiful at the hour of prayer the Word of God tells us that they're set by man a lame man crippled man who never had walk the Word of God tells us that he was set there daily to beg arms and seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple he asked in arms and Peter fastened his eyes on him with John said look on us and they looked on him expecting to receive something of him and that's the reason he told him to look onto me won't you arouse his expectancy and he looked on him expecting to receive something of him and then Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up what he demanded in Jesus then he asked in Jesus name that arrives up walk and whatever you ask in my name I'll do it and thank God he did it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the works that I do shall he do also and even greater works than these shall he do because I go unto the father now what did the ministry our works of Jesus we know in his death burial and resurrection that we can't do that he did that for us and that's a once and for all thing he's our substitute but here he said the works that I do he that believeth on me shall he knew also well the Word of God concerns said in Matthew's Gospel the ninth chapter in the 35th verse talking about the Lord Jesus that he went about there citizen villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom healing all manner of sickness in the manner of disease among them hallelujah so his works or ministry consisted of teaching preaching and healing hallelujah and so when we teach the Word of God where we're raising hell that's the reason all hell gets mad about it amen tries to stop it because when people know the truth the truth will set you free now he didn't say didn't just say the truth of set you free said he shall know the truth he shall know the truth it's knowing the truth that sets a man free the truth and the truth that sets you free well the devil don't want people to get a hold of the truth he'll bind and blind their minds with religious thinking amen sometimes with wrong Church thinking but thank God the Word of God gets your mind renewed with the word and think in line with his word hallelujah and knowing the truth and acting on the tradition oh the truth of the truth of such a free R it'll make you free hallelujah well that can come about my teaching the word thank God for doing the works of Jesus and so when we teach the Word of God we're raising hell Raz amen demolishing demolishing and the devil don't like for you to demolish his ideas and you'll find out in a lot of church circles really a lot of it isn't the Word of God and it is that revelation knowledge that came from the Word of God but it's just simply ideas that either human and a lot of times satanic that Satan has robbed people amen of the real thing but thank God for the word thank God for the word you shall know the truth and the truth of sexy free amen and then when you preach the gospel you're you are raised in hell and he'll certainly does get raised doesn't it demolished but also it comes to the front amen it'll raise its ugly head you know when we talk about Hannah we're talking about Satan and all of his cohorts we're talking about the kingdom of darkness and he doesn't want light he in fact he doesn't like light but thank God we're children of light not children of the darkness amen and then healing thank God for healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease the Bible said concerning Jesus in acts 10:38 who went about doing good and healing healing is good a man who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil well he was certainly raised in hell wasn't he a man demolishing the works of the devil now Satan as we said less that has been potentially defeated Jesus victory is ours but what is ours potentially must if it's going to do it any good become ours in reality in other words really ours amen the scripture said whom the son has set free is free indeed another translated said whom the son has set free is really free hallelujah but sometimes those are just words that people read our words that people say and there's no reality to it it's acting upon God's Word it's acting like God's words true it's acting like God's Word so that brings the reality of it into our lives hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when you get people healed you're raising hell hallelujah glory to God whoo what about doing good the works that I do said you do also whoo what about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil amen satanic impression sickness is satanic oppression the court know what Jesus said here but thank God we have the name of Jesus and when we exercise that name we were raised in hell you remember the Acts of the Apostles the seven sons of Siva you remember they saw Paul casting out Devils so they found a person that was demon or devil possessed and they said we adore thee in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches come out of him and the devil in that man using his voice spoke up and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you they had no right they had no authority to that name they had no authority to be Raz raised in Hell huh amen and he that man wreaked on those seven folks and and whipped all of them they ran out you know amen but thank God not so with you and me he knows me he knows you if you a child of God he knows you and when you cast out Devils praise got you a raise in hell we're born that's what we were born for it's to raise hell hallelujah hallelujah now you get people delivered from all things that may bind them in a number of different ways by teaching the Word of God by preaching the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word I tell the story sometimes in one of my meetings I saw this very distinguished and well-dressed person I don't know because I've never been to this city to to preach before I've been there but not to preach didn't know this congregation I don't what this person is remember they're con Gaugin or not but I asked the pastor who is that person that so just stands out from the crowd well he said I don't know he's not one of our folks in far as I know that live here in our city but I'll find out so he in the past you introduced himself and you come to find out that this person was the office manager of one of the leading evangelists of America and now they believe in the Word of God all right in a new birth but they didn't know about healing but this person was discovered that they had terminal cancer and so they came to my meeting in Devon because medical sciences said we could do nothing and so then I got acquainted with the pastor introduced me to them and so I knowing you see from the background that they had no teaching and you see Jesus put teaching first didn't he the scripture said he went around about their villages and cities teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel healing you see a lot of folks want to get to the healing but they don't want to take time for the teaching or the preaching and that's the reason they miss it amen and so I said to the person well just just being ever set particularly the day service because we taught on faith in the day time you see we call it faith seminar or a faith clinic oh I'm gonna be here every service as long as the meaning runs well we ran the meeting far up for four weeks and that person stayed all that time when we got over into the third week actually now the Bible said in the 14th chapter of Acts and you know that's what the Apostles and not just the Apostles but what the ministry was doing and the people did in acts epochal they're still raised in hell amen amen and and so the scripture says in that 14th chapter of Acts about the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas that they were ministering in a certain place and it says this and they're the seventh verse of the fourteenth I've says and there they preached the gospel and in the eighth verse says and they're set by a man that was lean crippled from his mother's womb who never had war the next verse said the same the man heard Paul speak who steadfastly beholding him and perceiving that he had faith said stand upright on my feet and the man leaped and walked praise God and was healed amen well Paul was raised in hell he's demolished in the works of the devil wasn't he a man I said a man praise God but now here's what I wanted to get over to you you see that's one way not the only way but one way it's a folks you know that don't know the Bible that say well you know of course there Paul was an apostle paul being an apostle had nothing to do with the heating of this man the Bible said he had faked to be healed look at that ninth verse he had faith to be healed he wasn't here because Paul was an apostle he wasn't here because Paul had faith he's healed because he had faith but where did he get faith he got faith from what he heard Paul preached for a faith comes our teach because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God a man now all Paul did was preached and then he perceived the man had faith now why how could he perceive that well I'll tell you I said to this individual who was office manager of this leading evangelist of America I said to them just come and be in the services because faith comes by hearing and hearing with the word and when when the faith comes out know it well among the morning I was teaching and I look back there you know when I saw this person and their face was lit up like a neon sign in the dark the interests of his words giveth light and it's just like a light on their face well I knew then that they've got ahold of it faith had come amen she doesn't take any effort on the part of the will of man to get faith as soon as the light comes fates there as soon as the light comes faith is there amen and so our new faith was there so I'm just stopped right in the middle of my Bible lesson and ported the individual out said that's it that's it you've got it amen and they stood up to lift their hands and praise God and started talking in tongues amen speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance hallelujah well we're raising hell policy destroying the works of the devil now again you remember in Isaiah the tenth chapter the Bible tells us that the that the yoke shall be destroyed the yoke shall be destroyed the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing hallelujah hallelujah well there's yokes of all kinds of upon people they're bound at other times in many different ways but it's the anointing that destroyed not only breaks we say break co but destroys the yoke destroys the yoke Leonore t well the word of god's are norton hallelujah the word of god's are knotted and you teach the word of god under the anointing and many times the the yoke is broken the yoke is destroyed that meant that individual that was the office manager praise god of this leading evangelistic ministry what's instantly the yoke was destroyed the yoke of sickness and not only that but he's filled with the holy ghost speaking in other tongues Neversoft behold it goes a moment is life but you see the same anointing the same Holy Ghost then a healer of failure if you just yield to it and a hard time when you yield doing mother just insist it all work praise God the anointing everybody say the anointing it is the anointing of the Holy Ghost and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing hallelujah but now everybody doesn't receive on that level I don't know why but there's a number of reasons why but thank God God in His great mercy in his great provision is made provision for folks to receive at various levels and he'll meets you wherever your faith is can you say Amen praise God Amen hallelujah now then many times there are manifestations of gifts of the Spirit you know in the 12th chapter first Corinthians Paul said but the manifestation the seventh verse first Corinthians 12 but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal four to one is given the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit and then he goes on to list seven more manifestations of the Spirit among those manifestations or special faith King James discounted the gift of faith another traveling haunted special fee because you see we already have saving faith we already have general faith we already have Bible faith and so it is a special a manifestation of faith and so to another you see special faith to another the working of miracles to another the gifts of the healings in the plural well to another prophecy to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of time but all of these worketh all of these worketh that one and self same spirit in other words that's the way the Holy Spirit works we're talking about works well it was by the Holy Ghost that Jesus did his works he didn't do those works because he was the son of God though he was the son of God because the Bible tells us that he laid aside his mighty power and glory when he came into this world and and he he didn't do any works until he was anointed with the spirit you remember Luke's Gospel they're the the third and fourth chapters tells us about him being baptized but John in Jordan and as he came straight way up out of the water the Holy Ghost action a visible form of the Dove came and landed upon him and God spoke from heaven and said this is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased hear ye him a man it was after he was a nought it now then as you come into the fourth chapter then the fourth chapter of Luke it says that he returned in the power of the Spirit hallelujah into Galilee and they went out of Fame of him through all the region around about and he taught that's the first thing he did after being an author that the whole to go hand he taught in their synagogues the scripture said being glorified of all and then it said when he was come to his hometown of Nazareth he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and there was delivered under him the book of the prophet Isaiah and he found the place where it is written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me and if you go on reading you see the two primary things he had known him to do was to preach in the heel hallelujah hallelujah praise God forevermore hallelujah well thank God for the anointing thank God for the Holy Ghost thank God for the manifestations of the Spirit thank God for the gifts of the Spirit hallelujah and when we operate in those things we were raised in hell ah demolishing demolishing the works of the devil amen praise his holy name forevermore amen praise God so teach the word preached the word hallelujah ye you to the Holy Ghost he wants to manifest himself these things belong to the church somebody said well do you have this gift or that give no the church has all of them I said the church has all of them they are manifested through individuals as the spirit wills and I thought no that the more we know about them the more we'll be able to yield to him and flow with the Holy Ghost amen praise God forevermore well I didn't know these things I was born again all right and I got healed because I just saw what the Bible said about faith in prayer and that works when you pray believe you received you shall howl and on the bed of sickness partially paralyzed had been mostly paralyzed and hadn't walked and in bed fast 16 months two serious organic heart troubles an incurable blood disease the doctor said that if you didn't have anything else wrong with the incurable blood disease alone would prove to be fatal to you but on that bed I got born again now I was a church member I you know I trusted church membership church membership won't say got even longer than the church all right but get born again first amen but I got born again thank God if you were born again then the holy ghost resides in your spirit and bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God the Holy Ghost within amen and he's in there to lead you and guide you but see I had no teaching nobody told me too many times folks don't know that he tried his best to lead me into healing and eventually did and I was healed I was healed I mean in less than 15 minutes when I began to act on God's Word I'm standing out of the bed with paralysis gone and heart problems going blood disease gone and then I said to myself and I wouldn't call you that but I said to myself you a poor silly fool if you were to listen you could have been up from here nine months ago but you see I didn't know you're supposed to listen to that inward man that inward monitor a man a man and so therefore as your young Baptist boy I preached healing laid hands on people and noted it with all because I found all that in the Bible have got people healed now I didn't have any manifestation of the Spirit I didn't know about those things we Baptists stayed out of the traffic chapter first Corinthians we stayed out of the 14th chapter first Corinthians now we got into the level chapter first Corinthians about the Lord's Supper and practice the Lord's Supper we skip the twelfth chapter and we got over into the thirteenth chapter first Corinthians the great love chapter we skipped the fourteenth chapter because you get in there and get confused and we we got into the fifteenth chapter first Corinthians you know the great resurrection chapter and they're all good and great but thank God for the twelfth then the fourteenth chapter first amen brother John Osteen said when he was pastor and he pastored a since revival church in Baytown Texas for 15 years and so he said one Sunday morning he is preaching from this twelfth chapter he had enough nerve to get into it as Baptists and he is preaching about these gifts and these gifts of healings are the doctors and medical science you know that are gifted and these languages are those that have studied languages and then whiskers you know and he said the Father I got to saw eyes get away with finally sitting right in the middle of my sermon I stopped said folks just discount everything I've said I don't know a thing to worry about what I'm talking about some way another his heart told him some ways neither his spirit was telling him you know that's not it that's not it you don't know what you're talking about and sure enough he didn't know what he's talking about one time I remember before I was Phil and I believed it healing and I went around Full Gospel folks because they preached healing and it strengthened my faith but they preached being filled with the spirit and speaking with tongues and I said to myself well now put up with a little Fernandez ISM to have some fellowship around faith in healing I believe in the Holy Ghost all right but I don't believe in that tongue business and one time in my little country church is a Baptist pastor I submit a derogatory remark about tongues the moment I did in my heart smoked me my spirits you see and I stopped right there and rectified said folks forgive me I don't know what I'm talking about I shouldn't have said what I said it's wrong I just don't know anything about it forget and Lord forgive me and went on amen praise God you need to learn to listen to your heart a lot of things you wouldn't say if you'd listened to your heart a lot of things you wouldn't do if you listened to your heart you know what I mean your spirit not down in here on the inside of you amen amen but I'm talking right now about raising hell I'm talking about demolishing the works of the devil the anointing of destroy demolish our destroy amen the anointing she will destroy the yoke the yoke of bondage shall be destroyed by the anointing now that comes a lot of times by teaching the Word of God the words are naught him and people believe it and people act upon it now this man in the 14th chapter of Acts who was crippled never had more crippled from his mother's womb was instantly healed through his faith not Paul's faith not because Paul was an apostle well now you know some people said the Apostles had that kind of power when the last apostle died all that ceased that's ignorance gone to seed amen this man was he because he had faith if he had if you could be heated by having faith then you can be healed by having faith now if faith worked then it's works now faith hadn't been done away with has it amen how did he get faith and where did he get it the Word of God said the same the same the man heard Paul speak what did Paul speak that calls faith to rise up in it the seventh verse says and there they Paul and Barnabas preach what the gospel the gospel good news good news good news hallelujah where are many times the bonded in this case the bondage was sickness the bondage was disease the yoke you see abundance the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing amen did you see Jesus defeated the devil Jesus put him to Martin or Jesus dethroned him but he's still ruling in this world because the world doesn't know that but thank God we know that and so we're out hallelujah to raise hell amen born to raise hell amen and one way of doing it is by teaching and preaching the Word of God amen now another way of course is just simply yielding to the spirit responding to the Holy Ghost as he may manifest himself amen as he may manifest himself thank God for the manifestation of the Holy Ghost glory to God amen I was preaching several years ago 1952 to be more explicit about it in the month of May down in Broken Bow Oklahoma now the southeast corner of Oklahoma several churches were cooperating together with the meeting and the First Assembly of Church there had built a new brick church right down on the Main Street seat about eight hundred and more than that were crowded into it but I came through a side door one night into the service I'd stay back and pray till they got through with all their preliminaries because I didn't have any singers or anybody to help me I'm just traveling alone and I didn't want to get out there you know because the the Pentecostal people's you know they're criticized people that's got to ritualism and formality but they're in rut chill ISM they're in a rut and you can't get them out of their rut they're going to take up 45 minutes to an hour every night well I didn't want to go through all that 45 minutes of unprofitable goings on cause so many times it was Amen I wanted to come fresh from the presence of God so I stayed back and prayed and didn't hear what went before say Amen and so as I came through a side door under the platform I knew just about the time the gun returned to service to me every night and so I came through the door I saw this man lying on the stretcher there and then I looked at congregation over and I saw six distinguished-looking gentleman over here to my right all sitting together on one pew about four or five pews back from the front and I just said to myself you know on the inside of thought who are those fellows because they look very distinguished-looking gentleman and on the inside of me the Holy Ghost said they are so-called ministers from such in such a church and I want you to change your subject I had the subject already I want you to change your subject so I changed the subject and I began to preach and at one time I could poke probably 3/4 of the New Testament so he said change is said there I got no nuts or nothing no nuts anything notes I just took off preaching amen and quoting the New Testament and I got out under the police and I said some folks said if you heal the sick like Jesus and the Apostles did why don't you heal everybody like they did I said they didn't Jesus didn't heal everybody the Apostles didn't heal everybody one of these fellows leaped to his feet he's going to challenge me to on either side pulled him back down and I said to them now I wouldn't preach anything I couldn't prove by the New Testament I'm a stickler for the New Testament I said some folks said we believe New Testaments speak whether you Testament speaking sound where it sounded I said they were a difference between me and them is they lie about it and I actually do it thought I'd needed them a little bit while I'm at it amen now I said open your Bibles in the New Testament to Mark's Gospel the sixth chapter in the fifth verse now you can read can't you if you came to read get some money close by to read it for you so you know we're getting it right and it read and he talking about Jesus could they do no mighty work his hometown of Nazareth didn't say it wouldn't do it said he couldn't do it and he could there do no mighty work say they laid his hands on a few sick folk and healed them well Jimenez a few not many is it that's all he managed to get healed and his hometown no other times he got everybody here but now why why didn't he healed everybody all right go on reading the next verse and he marveled because of their unbelief if unbelief hid it and then unbelief him hinder him now and so if he's going to help them he's got to do something about their unbelief so go on reading and he went around about their cities and villages teaching in their synagogues teaching the word for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word amen amen well then I came to the close of my message and I wished I could do it more often but it ain't me do it I came to the close of my message and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man speak silence a violent of this congregation I'm going to stand on this platform and speak to that man on the stretcher and he's going to rise up well right here in front of all of you and if he does it then I'm a false prophet if he does then this is a sign it's a sign unto you it's a sign under me that his spirit is upon when he's called men to such a ministry I didn't he didn't God did amen the man walked off well well unless you told you you can't just do that you can stand there and holler all day no teaching the word get him to believe her to agree with you see but sometimes he men it's the anointing that destroys the yoke amen now those folks though they were wrong they were sincere and honest they came to me after the service key they saw that mineral they they had kept given the New Testament they told me we didn't know that verse was in the New Testament and he could there do no mighty works they said we gonna keep coming they kept coming every night they'd shake and it just his friend and laugh and talk said I don't you one thing but we're learning things they said they knew just a bit that we never did know was in there before see that's why God does things as a sign sometimes to help religious people who are sincere and honest but just don't know any better amen amen I don't think we particularly need a sign here tonight but if we did he can do it go Richard God thank you man but you see we were out raising hell hallelujah that's one way to raise hell amen the anointing the anointing the anointing the anointing the anointing they go shall be destroyed because of the anointing the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me if Jesus said well the works that I do shall he do also we'll just have to have the Holy Ghost and then on to do it also around so we're not gonna do it thank God for the anointing now the old preacher called it the ointment thank God for the ointment well the Bible don't talk about the ointment of the Spirit but then somebody asked him said what is that augment you keep talking about well he said I don't know what it is but said I know when it ain't well I'm just about in the same book I may not know what it is but I know winning a thank God for the anointing thank God for the anointing thank God for the anointing halleluja halleluja so you know the truth the truth and set you free hallelujah teacher preach the word and the anointing the yoke is destroyed through manifestations and gifts of the Spirit the yoke is destroyed hallelujah the yoke of sickness in that man's body doctor said they he oughta been dead ten days ago how he's live we don't know amen but the yoke was destroyed hallelujah through a manifestation of gifts of the Spirit amen several years ago some of goodwill you know we with use with was in Philadelphia I wish it'd happen more often with me I can't make it happen if he could I knew it but they were four ladies sitting down off the platform over to one side in wheelchairs suddenly the anointing came upon now the anointing had been upon me to preach there is an anointing to preach there is an anointing de ministry there is an anointing the same there is an anointing to pray but the Holy Ghost also anointed manifests himself praise God holy goes in and on Ennis and on Lois terms and so said then the anointing came upon me and I knew exactly what it was Smith Wigglesworth says wouldn't the gift of faith or special faith is a manifestation you know ahead of time what God is going to do and I knew ahead of time what God is going to do so I pointed to one of the ladies the second one is four of them sitting in wheelchair the second one to the two the two they're there right my life she said you talking to me I said yeah I'm talking to you then I dropped my hand and I said to her now sister I'm looking standing right here on the platform and speak to you I'm gonna say to your eyes that walk in the name of Jesus when I port to you and say that get up more so I part of June said rise and walk in the name of Jesus she stood up started walking didn't walk too good to begin with but no helped her the more she walked the better she walked oh she's walking fine we learned later she'd been in the chair three years with rheumatoid arthritis then I don't know that but she had emphysema what she said to some of them at the book table two or three days later I still can't believe it well it wasn't her faith then was it it wasn't her faith was it it wasn't her faith because she still can't believe it she knows it so because she's standing there talking walking amen well it wasn't my faith because it had been my faith I could done the same thing with the other three ladies now I can minister to them in faith by laying on a hand because that's one way to minister but I can't say the same thing to them unless the Lord said say it to him amen so it wasn't my faith what was it it was a special manifestation of faith that's one way thank God for special faith say that loud thank God for special faith hallelujah hallelujah thank God for special faith praise God that's one way the anointing see the yoke shall be destroyed the yoke in her life happened to be rheumatoid arthritis - that chair for three years emphysema difficulty in breathing but thank God the yoke was destroyed the anointing destroyed the yoke hallelujah thank God for the anointing praise God that's one way that's one way but remember what Jesus said in the seventh chapter of John's Gospel the 37 through 39 verses the last day of the feast Jesus stood and cried and said whoever man is the first let him come unto me and drink as this scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believeth on him should receive for as yet the Holy Ghost was not given because Jesus was not yet glorified now he's talking about the Holy Ghost isn't he I remember that jesus said read from Isaiah the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me hallelujah now notice in connection of the Holy Ghost he said out of his belly shall flow a river no no rivers rivers rivers out of his belly or another translation said out of his innermost being it's out of your spirit because the Holy Smoke of the single or brigade a secret Arabic I hear Ilocos on Armonk at the everyday Oh koto bracket a safe in the anger died over spirit dwells in your spirit Holy Spirit communes and communicates with your spirit your spirit will pass that information on to your mind and if your mind is thoroughly renewed with the word then acting upon it will bring marvelous results the glory of the Lord shall be in manifestation the power of God shall be manifested the name of Jesus shall be glorified that's what I said in tongues hallelujah personal who get a pass a hole no get a pass Oh Coco look at a paso HoCo look at a listen if he hear what's being said that's what I said in John's amen listen here give me that what's being said it'll change your life it'll set you in another direction it'll cause you to excel yeah Cooper an England a memory dude Salonika Brigida for the Haitians go to double G's mama Rideau Lucas Omaha you know what I said Juliet now do it KC time another significant acoustic manner also coordinated a daily now some times recently and I'm gonna get into it a little bit more during the week what I'm going to touch on a little bit right now but in our Holy Ghost meetings the Lord said to me pray in the morning time the day sessions teach on the subject of pray a prayer and teach prayer both by precept and example that means by word indeed so we teach the word and then we pray amen well for over a year actually about 15 months now in these meetings we again and again in praying the Spirit of God keeps talking about the spirit I keep praying it out and sometimes you'll pray it out meaning the spirit of knowing and the spirit of seeing will be in manifestation read he's talking about the revelation of gifts you see will be in manifestation and a greater measure than what you've seen here too for again and again he said the spirit of seeing the spirit of knowing well now it always worked with me from the time I was baptized in the Holy Ghost but he said it's going to be a greater manifestation and we're talking about now the the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing sometimes we know what it is is sickness sometimes we don't sometimes it's just a matter of laying hands on them just to be blessed sometimes this is a matter of the joy being restored hallelujah praise God but a lot of time I'm teaching or preaching well sometimes in praying before I ever go to the service I see myself do certain things in ministry in certain ways sometimes I'm preaching and I see myself Amen so I just act that out then I goalie hymns on people because you see in that method the anointing destroys the yoke sometimes you know what you're ministering sometimes you don't I saw myself while ago or back when I was over that way a little bit I saw myself lay hands on this man here I don't know what for I D at all get up stand up here praise God forevermore but whatever it is sometimes you don't need to know sometimes it ain't none of your business that's just between him and the Lord or her in the Lord who ever did but whatever it is see by the laying on of hands by leaning on the hands God's anointing is transmitted and it's the anointing it's the anointing they samehada consume I like at that being hard-headed towards others will also carry over into your spiritual life and you will be hard-headed toward God refusing to listen and do what he said now then change your thinking think in line with him and be kind and tender hearted towards all everyone everyone and the blessings of the Lord upon you shall come the some on honey some Allah honey moaning it's your way no you can't have your way want it to be God's Way God's Way yes Lord yes Lord see more Oh to Licata thank you Father yeah the anointing yeah my my my my my my that which has followed you like a little dog a little pup far along behind you for so long that which has harassed you and held you in bondage is now broken gone in Jesus hallelujah take your hand off of him read Malone Shaima hula cada Betty no more bondage hallelujah Thunder I saw myself I saw myself lay hands on this bin you say what fine don't know just saw myself laid hands on it say what fine I don't know really didn't any of my business yours either but God can minister to him if he wants to and whatever he needs he's well able to meet that need yeah yeah yeah stir up stir up the gift that's in you stir up that which has been given you ha ha walking in the light walking in the light of the revelation that's coming to you brings a rich dividends great power sigh mahaki tea for the gating Kusum tucker pockety sanaka local athena did it in the name the name the name the name the name of Jesus now Satan you leave them alone you've arrest him and held him back from walking in the fullness of what you have for him what the Lord has for him now I jury you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth desist in your maneuvers leave him alone harass him no more go ahead laugh at it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah well we're raising hell you
Channel: RHEMA - Kenneth E. Hagin
Views: 36,543
Rating: 4.8941312 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Lynette Tipton Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, Denise Hagin Burns, Rhema Bible Church, Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Rhema Bible Training College, Rhema Bible College, Kindle The Flame Women’s Conference, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Campmeeting, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Winter Bible Seminar, Rhema Lights, Rhema Word Partner, Rhema Word Partner Club, Rhema Podcast, RBTC Music Live
Id: PyDw9wgde1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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