Kenneth E Hagin The Believer's Authority 03 Reigning with Our Authority 110288

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let's open our bibles again tonight to scripture that we looked at each evening because this is a series of lessons on the authority of the believer or the believer's authority and really to get the most out of what we'd say tonight you need to have heard the two lessons that went before and you'll get more out of it that way and if you were not here to hear the lesson then i encourage you to get the tape to be good to get the tape anyway for the simple reason you don't get everything that's said you don't retain it somebody said to me recently a minister of the gospel certain tapes said they'd listened to at least 50 times and they listened recently and said just it's in the night after they've gone to bed so just set straight up bed said man i never heard that before amen well it was there all the time but somewhere in the lord the holy ghost just quickened it to their spirits well we open our bible to first to ephesians chapter 1 and we begin to read with the 16th verse where paul said that i cease not to give thanks for you making me mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all now this continued to read into the second chapter because after all this goes right with it paul didn't write a letter in chapter and verses man divided that way and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins where in time past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom also we all had our conversation manner of life or conduct in times past in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature the children of wrath even as others but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with christ by grace you're saved and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus then in the third chapter of ephesians is another prayer that paul prayed for the saints at ephesus beginning with the 14th verse of the third chapter for this cause i bow my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of christ which passeth knowledge that she might be filled with all the fullness of god now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us unto him be glory in the church by christ jesus throughout all ages world without end amen then in the 10th chapter of luke in the 19th verse is another one of our texts for this series luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold i give unto you power our authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you father we thank you tonight for the privilege to come together again in the name of the lord jesus christ to lift up our voices in prayer and song and praise and adoration unto thee our lovely lord and savior and our wonderful heavenly father we thank you again tonight for your precious holy written word and for the great mighty holy spirit whom you sent to indwell us to be our teacher to be our god we trust him to live bigness tonight to speak to our lips to unveil the word of god unto our spirits and we pray for all of us that we shall not just be hearers of the word only but we'll be doers thereof not deceiving or deluding our own selves but being doers of the word in the name of jesus a man now you'll notice in this sixth verse of the second chapter of ephesians and has raised us up together let me reiterate if you want to get the most out of this message tonight you need to have heard what i said last night and then you need to have heard what we said the night before now turn with me to the book of colossians the first chapter in the book of colossians paul is writing to the church at colossae and though he takes a little different viewpoint he's really saying the same thing that he said to the ephesians just using the different words let's notice beginning to read with the 15th verse of the first chapter of colossians who is the image of the invisible god the first barn of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consists now he's talking about jesus you understand now look at the 18th verse and he is the head of the body everybody say body he is the head of the body what's the body the church the church who is the beginning and the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have preeminence for it please the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him i say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven hallelujah you see christ was quickened by the operation of god the father notice colossians 2 12 buried with him in baptism wherein also you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of god who has raised him from the dead i said christ was quickened by the operation of god the father this this scripture says the same as it does in ephesians help you use little different words that we are raised with him hallelujah hallelujah through the faith of the operation of god he was quickened quicken means made alive by the operation of god and we were at the same time amen hallelujah now let's read a little further here in colossians 2 13-15 and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross now look at verse 15. do you wear your shouting clothes tonight and has spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it hallelujah now notice notice that the working here is on the part of the father god it is he who quickened the saints together with christ and forgave their trespasses it is he who brought it out the adverse decree of the law which stood in the way of his people and nailed the the council handwriting to the cross canceled handwriting to the cross of his son god formed the plan of redemption not man it's he who spoiled the principalities and the powers that had oppressed and had uh dominated and those principalities and powers endeavored to oppress and keep from happening the resurrection of christ but thank god he spoiled him that means he defeated him hallelujah and he led captivity captive in his triumphant possession therefore paul is saying here that the agent is god the father it's god who gave him a name above every other name notice also that god strips the power of the air remember over here in ephesians it talks about the prince of the power of the air of the authority that had been theirs now death is a penalty of sin i'm not just talking about physical death i'm talking about spiritual death first it's a penalty and sin of sin and when christ bore the burdens of the world's guilt on the cross these powers of the air sought to exercise their ancient prerogative and hope to hold him under their power we must remember that even physical death is not of god it's of the enemy death is still an enemy i'm talking about physical death now the bible says it's the last enemy that shall be put underfoot and won't that be a grand and glorious day thank god but thank god spiritual deaths been put underfoot now hallelujah now these powers endeavored to hold christ but in the wisdom of god the father and the yielding of jesus the righteous one to the death thank god he discharged the long established bond of the law the father nailed the canceled bond to the cross of his son stripped the devil and the principalities of their authority and handed that authority to his son [Music] hallelujah now notice what it said made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it now paul's words here to the colossians correspond to the elevation of the son of god above his enemies as mentioned in the book of ephesians he's stressing what paul is doing is stressing the father god's working in the active overthrowing of hostile powers and defeating satan in ephesians he points out that the son is seated above these powers and has authority of the throne of god and right here i want to emphasize that i want you to note it i want you to make emphasis on it right here is where the church is failed i said right here is where the church has failed they've seen that jesus is the supreme head of the power of the church but they have failed to see that the head is wholly dependent upon the body amen wholly dependent upon the body for carrying out his plans that we are seated with christ in heavenly places and that his exercising the authority over the powers of the air will have to come through his body your head the bible uses paul in every church he wrote to talks about where the body crashes the head well your head can't do a thing in the world except through your body let's see your head get up walk out of the service when the service over leave your body here let's cut your head off and see what your head can do without your body you know we say very often well the lord don't need me but i need him no we need him and he needs us amen i said amen now we can understand as never before what jesus meant when he said in matthew 18 18 whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven you see that's using authority upon the earth isn't it isn't it yes now i want you to notice that heaven didn't do anything until something was done on the earth what things so ever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven what's everything you shall loose on earth shall be loose in heaven notice nothing was done in heaven till something was done on earth do you notice that see that's using authority upon the earth sometimes when praying i know in my own experience you know we've touched the edge of this a lot of us have but you see without correct teaching and correct understanding we didn't know how to continue in it but i know in my own experience through the years i i've gotten over into this and i really didn't understand what the bible was saying but but i just simply knew and of course the holy ghost will always lead you in line with the word but i i can remember uh my well i've had a number of experience along this line with some of my own relatives who were near death and in praying the lord said to me whatever you say about them that's what i'll do i said well all right lord you go ahead give sometimes two or three years sometime five years sometime i'd say more and every single time he did exactly what i said do well he wanted to do that all the time but until something happened on earth he couldn't do it and i tell the story very often about our sunday school superintendent of the last church i pastored who was injured in an accident in the oil field doctor said he just couldn't live had to die and i remember four o'clock in the morning because i sat up with him every night and the third night i was walking up down the because the nurse you know he's intensive care and they wanted somebody there because they thought he's gonna die in a minute and so i was there at night time and and and and i i drifted off to sleep and and i woke up and i thought he's dead he looked like he's dead the nurse you know was looking at his fingernails and pulling his eyelid back up and looking at his eyes even pulled the sheet up off his looked at his toenails and uh and i said is he dead she said i thought he was but he isn't quite dead i said i'm not supposed to tell you this but said he he can't possibly live well i just went out in the hallway and exercised authority that i really didn't know ahead said lord i'm just not going to let him die just argue his case praise god and he didn't die he lived and then when he came back to church he got up and thanked everybody for their prayers now see he's unconscious there on the bed and uh and and i never told a soul about that because i'm praying at four o'clock in the morning you know just in a whisper out in the hall the hospital and then he said you know don't ever feel sorry for people who die christian folks he said i never remember of landing because he fell into this machinery last thing i remember my foot slipped and i was falling i don't remember hitting and he said then i don't remember anything else because he was unconscious there for those two or three days and he said then when i woke up when i came to in the hospital i never did hurt wasn't in any pain they thought he ought to be but he wasn't praise god god sustained him and kept him but he said the only thing i remember is during this time that because when i came to they said it had been three days and i didn't realize been that long but he said evidently i must have died because he said i guess that's when i thought he's dead he said i left my body and i ascended and i went up and he said i i heard the the heavenly choir i heard the angel sing and then the saints sang amen amen and then i saw jesus and said he came to me and i was just about to fall down before him and tell him how much i loved him and he said to me you'll have to go back and i said he said i said to him i don't want to go back he said you'll have to go back to the earth he said i said i don't want to go back to the earth said jesus said well you'll have to said brother hagin won't let you come [Applause] and brother hain said the lord turned around and sought her pull like a curtain like you'd pull a curtain you know and said i heard brother hagin's voice say lord i'm not gonna let him die said see he won't let you come and he said the next thing i knew i woke up in the hospital well uh i i'm thoroughly convinced that the church has more authority than they've ever used yet or you're listening to me and god wants us to wake up and walk in the light of that authority amen praise god praise god i remember in the case of my own mother we were we were preaching out in this in our course no no we were been in coos bay oregon and then we came over where else was that somewhere over in central oregon holding a meeting and word came to know that she is very serious and and and finally i called the pastor because sometimes ken folks can be very you know they can get all emotionally involved and the pastor said uh brother hagin i believe i'd come to find you said she's calling for you and it's very serious thing and so on so we we uh we with the agreement of the pastor we just closed the meeting that night night and came on in but before we closed the meeting and and before i was to preach i was in the youth hall beside the main platform just walking up and down praying talking to the lord and i said now lord first of all you know just plant her case using authority you see see we have authority in prayer as well and i said now lord you see mama was uh was only 69 years old she would be 70 in about a month all right uh or actually she's 68 years old she'd be 69 years old about a month and so i sat down lord uh you know i'm just not gonna i'm not i'm not satisfied the lord you see he said to me you'd be better off she'd be better off if you'd let her come on home see that part of the bible he said just as much true as the rest of it depart and be with christ this is far better and she'd be better off if you'd let her come on home but i said now lord i didn't have a daddy my daddy left i never know what it means to have a daddy and mom was the only one i had and some way or another i just can't give her up just now and besides that she did so much for us she tried to keep the family together until she had a complete nervous mental and physical breakdown trying to make a living for us four children and she did so much and sacrificed so much for us and i've never been able to do anything for her and i've just now got about to the place where i can and i know it's selfish but i said you promised us at least 70 or 80 years and longer if you want it you know long life and i said if she doesn't live her time out i'm not going to be i'm not going to be mad at you but i'll tell you one thing about it i'm going to remind you of it every single day and then i said when i get over into eternity i'm still going to ten thousand years so now i'm going to remind you of it and he said to me just as plain as you talking to me he said all right i'll do whatever you say to do about i said well give her at least 80 years he gave her 80 years when she hit 80s she started dying in just a few weeks she'd gone amen she said to me son it may be time for me to go i knew it was but i didn't tell her i said yes it may be and and so i'm convinced he said i said isn't that wonderful brother hagin to do that i believe i'll get him to pray for me hey you can do the same thing ugly [Applause] amen amen it belongs to you that that same authority is yours wake up praise god amen he'll hear you just as quick as he will me i said and i could just stand here tonight and tell you experience like that experience those are i guess are most of the too outstanding but experience after experience and when the sun rose in the morning it wouldn't exalt exhaust all of them amen praise god no earth the father i remember he said to me one time i i remember this well i'll give you another experience uh we were we were preaching in uh in california and actually my wife you see i talked about when we first married and i said to her because she said last night i mentioned you know this chronic throat condition the first real cold spell she'd have a chronic throat condition all of the winter and so she said well i'll go to the doctor tomorrow and get them in those days we didn't have the so-called miracle drugs and you know and get my throat mopped out or swabbed out you know and and and so knowing that she didn't know that i could act for her i said no we won't go to the doctor tomorrow and get your throat swabbed out that will leave you and will never come back well it left her she didn't have a sore throat all in the winter it never has come back it's been 50 years now glory to god well we went along for several years and i could just get results for her but we were passing our last church 1946 through 1949. we went over to a larger town we were in the oil field went over to a little larger town very often do some shopping and there was a doctor friend there he wasn't a christian uh later on did become a christian uh but we had good fellowship together he he more or less agreed with me amen and and so uh my wife said to him one time when we were there his nurse his wife was his nurse and we were we'd stopped by if we went to that town usually go by their office and you know if we didn't have anybody there uh and sometimes a period you know where there's a lull of patience well we'd just fellowship with him talk to him and so my wife had difficulty sleeping and she had uh uh very nervous and and so she mentioned that to him and and so he examined and he said well uh i would give you something to sleep but you're type of person that would become addicted to it so i would do that and i would give you some medication but you probably wouldn't take it anyway at which you probably wouldn't at that time but he said i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna give you this diet and so he gave her a diet sheep and then he answered the question he said do you drink coffee she said oh yeah he said well anybody's nervous you ought to drink coffee he said you ought to quit oh she said i'd quit you know she could she tried to and couldn't she tried too good she's addicted to caffeine you know you ought to get addicted to anything are you listening to me i remember when i was pastor that i just baptised didn't even have the babylonian goat i passed that little country church and to supplement my meager income at christmas time i i worked you know in a place of business there just prior to christmas you know a few weeks and right next door to where i was working in a business there was a cafe and we'd take a break you know and somebody said well let's go get us a coke so we'd go next door and get a coca-cola they didn't have any uh cold drink in in in the store a lot of times now they do for employees and then after a while it's your turn we'd go get a coca-cola you know you'd get a coke for a nickel in those days and before you know you're drinking six seven coconuts every day and so then those weeks are over christmas is over every time i walk in front of that cafe i want to coax the man couldn't understand it before i know it it just automatically turned in to go get me a coco [Applause] and i realized what i was doing one day and so i just stopped dead still right in front of the rest of the cafe and i said i wouldn't let a little thing like a coca-cola dominate me from this day forward i'll never drink another coca-cola and i never have amen i never have i never have i won't be bound by anything oh you're listening to him so she tried to quit she did cut the coffee down but she couldn't cut it out and so we were back in the process of time for several weeks stop by to see and visit with the doctor and his wife and so he said well how are you doing well she said i'm doing better he said well what about the coffee did you quit the coffee no she said i thought i could but i can't and so she said uh he said well anybody's nervous is you you're just squeezing the last little nerve energy out you should quit so we started back home we were driving those 11 miles back to our town and i said to her i'm going to pray that the next cup of coffee you drink and make you sick you'll never be able to drink another cup of coffee then i got to thinking about it and so i just exercised my authority and i just simply said she didn't hear me said so it couldn't have been psychological i got off by myself i said the next cup of coffee she drinks it'll make her sick and she'll never be able to drink another cup of coffee she got up the next morning made the coffee as usual been drinking it for years drink that cup of coffee and made her sick she's never drink another cup of coffee from that day to this in fact sometimes even yet just the smell of coffee will make her sick amen i said amen well you see uh she said later on i thought i didn't try to build here's what i'm coming to i didn't try to build my faith and excise faith more i thought that my husband could always have faith for me see because i did for about 10 years or better are you following me yeah and get results for it but the time came that i couldn't do it because god expected her to learn authority for herself god expected her to have faith so she developed a garter and that garter kept growing and growing and we'd pray and seek god i'd lay hands on it and i'm off in meetings then we left the church now and it's gotten worse and worse and i'm off in meetings and when the word of knowledge would start operating through me i may be a thousand miles away but see when you get over into the spirit realm there's no such thing as distance and and and i may be a thousand miles away but the word knowledge just start operating through me and i'd see and know things about people here in the building to minister to them concerning their needs as the spirit wills but i'd also see this in the spirit that if my wife was operated don't you die well then i wouldn't say anything to her you see because i didn't want to tell her she and then she said later she wouldn't say anything to me because she knew herself in her own heart she's operating don't you die so then we were in california and she'd grown worse and worse and one night we was in our big trailer we'd got off to sleep and i woke up just as she was starting out the back door of the trailer there's a back there's a door there to our back bedroom and i just reached up and got her in time laid her back down and she uh got her quiet down i saw she was incoherent she didn't even know where she was or what she's doing because we were in california and she thought she was in texas and i got to quiet down and eventually got her off to sleep and i lay there the rest of the night and prayed all night long actually eventually spoke in psalms all night long i think that's the first time i i'd spoken in psalms but i never spoken in psalms all night long but i spoke in psalms all night long and so i i began to pray after i got her off to sleep and and i said now lord uh you know uh i i i saw this in the spirit and i knew it on the inside of me that she's operated on for this thing and her face not that level to receive him she'll die and so i'm just going to ask you to let her live and not die i said after all you know i'm only oh about 37 years old you know i'd marry again so uh but you see i've already got her trained now that's what i told the lord just exactly i don't want to go through all that again dear lord these women are hard to train some of you fellas never have got them trained they've got you trained [Applause] so just let me keep her and so i prayed on that way then i had this note of victory and spoke in psalms the rest of the night now that's august you see and we went on back home then actually it's august of 1958. we got back home and i'm holding a meeting in my home church our home church there in garland first assembly god church and one night a spirit of prayer fell on us and everybody hit the floor praying and i just stepped down off the plant farm there's some steps there and knelt by these steps and prayed oh i must have prayed 45 minutes another tongue just hard and fast you could pray and then i got up off my knees and sat down out there and on the steps just sitting there singing in other tongues and uh and most everybody was gone there's a few folks still in the altar two or three people praying but that might have been 36 or 40 people around over the building and suddenly i looked up and i stood jesus right in front of me about three or four feet away from me and he began to talk to me about things i'd been praying about the month before but one thing i was praying about was finances and he told me how would things come out and i was wanting to sell that big old trailer got got hooked with it because they've come out with the 10 feet wide and it's only eight feet wide so and and so uh but he's told me exactly see if i'd obeyed him ahead of time who would have been in the shape finances in and so he said by next march march of the next year sure enough that's exactly when it went and then concerning the ministry and then he said to me tell your wife to go ahead and be operated on she'll live and not die and you know we just went with joy into that operation and and and and the doctor said after you know they they thought she's gonna die on the operating table they said after we was hilariously happy because we knew she wouldn't but they're scared to death because they thought she would they didn't have inside information like we did you see and they said it was just absolutely a miracle how did she survive but he said to me i'm going to do that for you just because you asked me hallelujah he said no father no earthly father desires or wants to do for his children any more than i do no earthly father desires to do more for his children than i do if my children would just let me see we must cooperate with the lord in faith and the way you cooperate with him is to take your place of authority are you listening to me hallelujah praise god you see the lord is hindered a lot of times in his plans for the church and his plans to be carried out on the earth and his plans to be carried out in our lives because his body the church his body has failed to appreciate the deep meaning of his exultation and the fact that we are seated with him at the right hand of the father the holy spirit comes to dwell in us and to guide us but jesus said he'll guide us into all truths you can't follow the holy spirit apart from the word he'll guide you into all truth the truth of the word i remember a minister very used of god at one time just faded away and became nothing but he'd pick up the bible wave it around said i don't need that thing i've got the holy ghost i'm following the holy ghost you can't follow the holy ghost apart from the word you're headed for trouble the spirit of god does not lead us apart from the word or it has to be in line with the word you see the word of god is of the spirit of god because holy men of old wrote as they were moved by the holy spirit and you don't understand the word necessarily with your head you understand it with your heart paul prayed here that the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened another translation reads the eyes of your spirit the eyes of your spirit in life the word of god is of utmost importance the writer of smith wigglesworth's life story brings out the fact that wigglesworth was first of all a man of the word and second a man of the spirit of god and that's a good safe combination isn't it hallelujah now the the believer must be constantly arrayed with certain kinds of armor they sing about it tonight if we're going to be able to take our place of authority turn to ephesians 6 now finally 10th and 11th verses first finally my brethren be strong in the lord and the power of his might put on the whole armor of god how much of it whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil this man that he's talking about here which is every believer and every christian is a mark to man therefore the devil will do everything in his power to keep you from coming to this knowledge then after you do come to the knowledge he'll oppose you and he'll try to steal it from you there will be tests you know after all it wouldn't be any need for the soldier and paul gets his his his uh illustration from the roman soldier wouldn't be any need for him to have on any arm if he's not going into combat in fact that's when he wears it amen sure there'll be tests and the devil and there'll be trials and the devil wants you to throw up your hands and say it won't work for me but it will work for you and if it didn't work it's because you didn't work it not god's fault god's word doesn't fail and so the enemy remember we looked at the scripture said your adversary the devil adversary means enemy the enemy bitterly resists your entrance into his domain because he's exercising the authority of the powers of the air and he wants to continue to exercise them and he resents interference he'll concentrate all of his forces against you in an intensive warfare if attacks against your spirit are successfully resisted then assaults will come in your mind and assaults will come in your body and in your family and in circumstances and you might as well get ready for their coming amen you see the place of special privilege has become a place of special danger you need to know that there is no truth that encounters such opposition as does the authority of the believer the spirit prayed through paul let me reiterate that the eyes of the people will be open that they would know the full provision that god has made for them and for their safety now then let's continue to read let's look at those two verses again then continue finding my brethren be strong in the lord in the power of his mind put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness and high places wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girded about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taken the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit now the different parts of this arm armor symbolizes certain spiritual attitudes which the believer must maintain wearing the armor the believer is protected and unhampered in his ministry of authority all he needs to be concerned about is that he keeps his armor bright and well secured about him now first there's a girdle of truth which represents a clear understanding of god's word like a soldier's belt it holds the rest of the armory in place then second there's a breastplate of righteousness that has a twofold application first of all jesus is our righteousness amen first of all we put him on it also indicates our active obedience to the word of god then third our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace this is of a faithful ministry herald in the word of god and then fourth is the shield of faith now we know that a shield is a covering for the whole body this indicates our complete safety and refuge under the blood of calvary where no power of the enemy can penetrate they overcame him by the word of their testimony praise god and the blood of the lord jesus christ hallelujah then there's a helmet of salvation which is referred to in first the first thessalonians 5 8 as the hope of salvation the hope of salvation is the only helmet that's able to protect the head in these days of turning away from the truths then finally there's the sword of the spirit which is the word of god this shows that the word of god is to be used in an active sense the other weapons are more or less defensive weapons but the sword of the spirit which is the word of god is an offensive weapon now notice the next verse what's the next verse verse 18 what's the next word praying see you've got your armor on now you're ready to pray that's the reason a lot of people's prayer is not any good never works they don't have any armor on and satan attacks them praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints we're ready for for the prayer fight now because we have on the armor and praying in the spirit gets the job done now then listen to this though we have authority we're talking about the believer's authority or the authority of the believer though we have authority over the over devils and demons circumstances in their own lives we do not have power or authority over our fellow men or their wills if we did we could just make everybody get saved tonight amen go into the millennium tomorrow see you could take any truth of the bible and push it to the excess it'll do harm and a lot of people have tried to exercise authority over somebody else's will and make them do something they wanted to do well if you could do that then i'd just exercise authority over everybody here tonight have all of them give me a hundred dollar bill amen amen i remember uh several years ago to be more explicit 1954 i went to california to preach a count meeting for the foursquare folks and i got a minister friend of mine from fort worth to go with me i'd held several meetings in fact several meetings after i'd held meetings in his church up two meetings at this time in his church and held three more the process of time now he was 50 some odd years old and he had sugar diabetes he had given himself a shot in insulin every day for uh 25 years and better well i wanted to teach him and as long as i have people with me i can control any situation but you see i can't go live with people and they can't live with me all the time see they'll get out from under my domain so when we backed their car cars we drove out we backed out in the middle of the street and i turned and said to him you won't register any sugar as long as you're with me well he was with me for a couple of weeks and i know he'd get up in the morning time sometime because see the way they did it in those days we're talking 54 like i said they'd check their urine in the morning time see get the sugar content either increase or decrease the amount of insulin it take he had been taking insulin for 25 years better 27 years he's 57 ever since he's 39 and he had just he'd come out of the bathroom just said that beats anything i've ever seen beats anything i've ever seen didn't register in sugar at all beats anything ever seen he said i and he'd tell me sometimes i'm bound to register sugar in the morning i had a piece of pie and lunch and a piece of cake and supper not supposed to eat either one of them not supposed to eat either one of them and he'd come out of the bathroom the next morning that beats anything ever seen and and and then i i came back to his church for a meeting in the process of time and he told his people he thought that's marvelous what brother hagin did isn't that wonderful he said i was back home ten days now he's with me almost two weeks and and he said i was back home ten days before i started rinsing sugar again he didn't know what god is trying to teach him you can do the same thing i didn't have any more thought than he did oh you're listening to me but i'm glad to say thank god that he finally saw it my wife and i visited the home when he was 71 he'd be 72 in a month he said to me brother hagin it's been over two years since i've had a shot of insulin now you ask any doctor there's dr hunting from the time he's 39 until he was 69 30 years he was on anything his pancreas didn't work they've been dead 30 years they don't start working but he's his doctor his doctor took him off of it he's producing his own insulin he finally found out finally dawned on him amen he's got just as much authority as i have he could do the same thing i could do amen are you listening to me what i want you to see is this see i had control over unseen forces that are with me and are present with me but i didn't have control over his will when he got away from me you see he got back just exactly like he was did you ever stop thinking about do you ever notice this have you ever been in in some of these meetings now i i know there are people here presents been in great healing meetings and days gone by and there was a revival of divine healing here in america of 1945 through 19 or 1947 through 1958 and uh the there they they were just tense up everywhere a lot of folks in tents i held a two or three ten minutes didn't own one just rented one but but the lord told me to stay in the churches but we'd see some of the greatest miracles you've ever seen right there in front of people like a blind person i mean been blind several years they could see it's quite obvious i know i put a i put a a song book up front and said read that song i'm thinking about a minister's wife phil got business wife over in arkansas i was in a meeting she read the song i i got i had a you know not a big print but the bible's a little larger but somebody had a little testament small print she could read every word of it just fine that then in my own as well as other people's meetings i had deaf and dumb people i mean instantly healed could hear a watch tick everybody hurt and is in your meeting for several days i mean just talking to everybody and i ran long meetings where some of these other fellows didn't and uh two or three weeks later here the same people are back for healing again see they never understood what happened you see right there in my in in the presence of that man anointed of the spirit of god they had authority over that condition and took authority over it when that person got back on their own they're on their own i remember my wife and i went to pueblo colorado the first four square church told a meeting the pastor said to me uh brother hagin you know brother roberts he's still in his tent meeting he just held a tent meeting there all the full gospel church cooperated he said there's a lady over here young lady 28 years old had polio couldn't walk crippled got saved and then got healed and and she started coming to my church because his church was he got the cards it was closer to him she got filled with the holy ghost the meeting's over and for a month i mean she's right there in the church just just just well and after a month she's right back like she was she's crippled again can't walk great miracle took place marvelous well he ought to have been able to helped her but that poor pastor bless his heart didn't know himself so he said i just told her brother hagin's coming in about a month just wait and he'll tell you so i sure enough i came she came to the services morning and night i began to teach her you know her authority came up and laid hands on her foot straightened out leg grew same length same big around as the other and she is healed this time she kept it because we went back a year or two later she still healed now what made the difference when she realized her authority i was preaching in 1954 january 1954 in tucson arizona the first assembly god church brother gilmore was pastor at that time and teaching in the daytime brother gilmore said to me said brother hagin i see something now i didn't understand before you ever been to tucson you never saw so many people with arthritis in your life because it's dry you know arthritis don't do so bad you don't hurt so bad i think when it's dryer climate so on a lot of sun and and so here was a lady that had been bed fast three years her body is as stiff as a two before just stretched out like a two before a plank brother edward be parent he was a healing man as though dave came to the to brother gilmore's church they took put this woman in an ambulance and brought her out there and she was instantly healed walked up and down the next night her doctor came and tucson had two newspapers like we do here a morning and evening edition like we do here in tulsa and they had her picture on the front page of the paper the doctor's picture there witness to the fact that for three years she had been as stiff as a board and she's walking can't find a trace of it well they had to move out of the church they can't get the crowds and they had to go down to the civic center and run the meeting two or three weeks amen brother gilmore said to me six weeks after the meeting's over now and see she had been well here for two or three weeks and then for six more for nine weeks or a month or two months a little bit better she's just fine but they call me she she had no pentecostal background denominational no teaching they called me wanted me to come i went to the house there she is again just as stiff as a board i saw that happen everybody's meeting my own as well because i held longer meetings i saw that happening i saw that happen brother branham's meetings marvelous deliverances sometime time they got out of the building they were right back like they were i saw that happen everybody now why well you see right there at the moment in the prison they could exercise authorities a man of god amen i saw that happen catherine kuhlman meeting in fact i ministered to some of the people that had marvelous deliverances but then they were the process of time right back came to my meeting i got them healed and they stayed healed now why i taught them to use their authority amen now a lot of these people recognize that a lot of these have endless but that's not their minister they don't have time they're just there for a short time i was preaching in phoenix i had a meeting in the first assembly of god church there where the brother shores was pastor and when i got to town picked up even paper there's announcement in my meeting but there's an announcement of brother branham speaking he's going to be in the auditorium i'm in the church well we're voice both of us are in the voice of healing together so i had morning services well as nightshade brother branham came to my first morning service on monday we started sunday night he had a sunday afternoon meeting and then just night meetings and he came to my morning and he said brother hagin if i knew you was here i wouldn't have come i said boy you're not going to hurt me i'm not going to hurt you that's a sense you won't be able to get them all in anyway but if i knew you were coming i sure wouldn't have come well the pastor said some of the rest of the churches responsible and didn't let him know he didn't know anything well about it he wouldn't he wouldn't have he wouldn't have scheduled a meeting at that time so brother branham came nearly every morning the first week because he was only there a week himself i was there three to my meetings and a lady said to me in this church said brother hagin you know brother brandon's in town i said yeah sure know that she said you know i was healed five years ago of terminal cancer in his meeting i said yeah i knew your testimony very wealthy woman and and then got the baptism holy ghost and i've been coming here then the pentecostal church since then and so she said uh uh but now i i have developed a a respiratory problem i know where this asthma what it was and then a stomach problem no cancer now she'd been healed of five years of terminal cancer and i'm going to go get his meeting i said i don't blame you i'd go myself what busy preaching go ahead i just wanted to tell you though so you know why i'm not here for the week was out though i saw her back in my meeting and she come up and told me said you know said i i got in the heating line brother brandon by the word of knowledge didn't operate to told me exactly what was wrong with me but it didn't get healed and then i went through some of his men made an appointment to see him because he said i'm one of his partners and and contribute greatly to his ministry and said i went to him and began to ask him well why did i get healed this time he said what you need to do sisters be in those morning services over there in brother hagin's meetings so she said i came back over here well we ran three weeks two services a day monday through friday and at the end of the meeting she came up shook at me said brother i just want you to know i'm completely healed all my respiratory problems have gone all my stomach probably gone i'm completely healed i got it on my own faith this time i know how to keep it what does that mean she learned how to walk in her authority she learned what belonged to her now that's a needful and that's necessary can you understand what i'm talking about how needful it is how necessary it is amen praise god praise god so you see many times you can minister to people and right at the moment because they're there in your presence and give you permission to control the situation but then when they get away from you they're on their own amen you have authority over the devil and demons and sickness but you don't have authority over human wills we need to realize that thank god we can pray for those folks but the main thing is teach them god's word hallelujah until that word is built into their spirit consciousness on the inside of them and they know exactly that it's theirs not just because somebody else did it isn't that wonderful isn't that wonderful like brother braun isn't that wonderful what brother hagin did isn't that marvelous didn't know realized right at the moment he could do it himself and that god was trying to teach him that he could see a lot of christians sometimes just unconsciously yield to the enemy but you can take authority yourself yes say it out loud i have authority over the enemy i have authority over demons and evil spirits and everything that belongs to the devil did you ever stop to think about that we can take authority over fear you don't have to entertain fear you remember what second timothy 1 7 says turn there for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind now notice that the bible calls fear a spirit doesn't it he has given us though a spirit of power he's given us a spirit of love he's given us a spirit of sound mind before i ever even knew i heard anybody preach pentecostal preacher i never heard the word full gospel i'd been saved healed raised up from a death bed but i got a hold of scripture and if doubt came i'd just talk to him i'd say doubt i resist you in the name of the lord jesus christ i refuse to doubt if fear came i'd say fear i was tempted to fear just that we all are i resist you in the name of jesus the bible said resist the devil he'll flee from you you'll resist doubt and it'll flee from you you resist fear i don't know what some people are waiting on before they start resisting the devil i i saw a picture of a little kid scared me i didn't know any difference you know it's only about six seven years old and the cartoonist in the local newspaper drew a picture of the devil and he had the devil you know with a pitchfork and and see me being from texas you know he had he had a head and horns like a texas long horn and then a long tail and hoofs and a pitchfork and i guess maybe people wait until something like that comes along then they're going to start resisting resist what does resist mean amen well one thing about it you know if if somebody comes up and and and they start to take hold you said well i'm just going to give you a whip and you push them away from me that's one thing resist me push it away from you you see them see on television sometimes they arrested somebody for something else and then they said they also arrested for resisting arrest now why did they resist what they mean well they fought back they hit the officer they kicked him they fought they resisted well that's what resists resist the devil that means give in to him bow down before him fall down before him now it means fight back that means push him away from you but what i mean the devil anything that's of the devil fear doubt sickness that's really a lot of christian people are sick they don't resist sickness they invited you hear people say very often well i'll tell you that's going around i guess i'll get it next and sure enough they get it amen i said amen i know you know i tell the story sometime about that in california's holding meeting came epidemic of the asian flu i read in the los angeles time headlines said 2 million people in los angeles area had it little town west covina where i was preaching two high schools there then this was in the 50 1958 october 1958 november 1958 and both high schools had to cancel their friday night football game i read the local paper one team had 39 on the squad not one of them showed up for practice all got the flu the other had 41 men on their squad only two showed up for practice well they can't very well play a football game with two people our building in nighttime was full had a nice crowd in the daytime but the crowd fell off i sat in a platform counted everything that moved including me and crowd fell down to 40. and then the next morning and morning service i counted me and five more six of us all together we'd been having a whole lot more than the 40 in the morning services see but i counted my wife had gone to the beauty shop to get her hair fixed and so i was there the pastor was there two visiting pastors and two lehman i went ahead and gave him a bible lesson just like the building was full the bible's the same you know those two laymen left we four preachers standing there talking three of them are pastors that's on everybody's mouth everybody's lips the flu i just stood quietly didn't say anything they're talking these three three full gospel tongue talking pentecostal divine healing miraculous believing [Applause] finally one of them spoke up and said brother hagin i hadn't said aren't you afraid that you'll get the flu i said no i don't mind telling you i'll never have the asian flu that's 1958 and i ain't had it yet been 30 years the pastor stepped up and whispered in my ear i wouldn't say anything like that for anything in the world i said why the pastor said why don't you know the devil will hear you i said yeah i know the devil will hear me i said it for his benefit he's the one i wanted to hear i want him to know i've got authority over him amen amen my wife and i after well after we'd moved out here schools out here just before school started we went took a trip down to texas stopped by to visit some of our folks don't come in here we've got the flu he had it first then give it to his wife my aunt said don't come in here we've got the flu my wife and i said well don't bother about it we won't have the flu yeah you'll get it just as sure as the world no i said we won't we went in sat down visited with them well if you get the flu don't blame it on me i tried to get you not to come in here i said don't bother about it we won't have the flu and we didn't have the flu but we could have had the flu we could have said yeah we'll be the next one i'm sure that'll come down with it amen now you can just translate that into different areas of your life just use that for an illustration amen you see too many folks sit idly by and wait for jesus to do something about it but you've got to do something about it jesus has already done something about it god's already done something about it we often realize sometimes that certain trials and things that happen in our lives are the working of the enemy and christian people cry out to god to rebuke the enemy and to alter the circumstances but god's word tells us to rebuke the enemy ourselves resist the enemy the authority over him is yours their responsibility is yours look again now in conclusion to ephesians chapter 2 but god who is rich fourth verse in his mercy for his great love wherewith loved us even when we were dead and sins just quickened us together made us alive together with christ by grace you're saying has raised us up together and made us sick together in heavenly places now where is this all right look in the 21st verse of the first chapter far above all principalities that's where we're sitting far above all power and might and dominion hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god let's come back again before we conclude to that verse in matthew 18 19 it keeps popping up king james translate verily verily i send you whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven i like the 20th century translation it reads like this what things ever you refuse to be permitted on earth will be refused to be permitted in heaven hallelujah you see it's up to you to refuse some things it's up to you to take your place and know and recognize your authority hallelujah now don't go running around trying to exercise authority over somebody else or somebody else's domain just see to it you exercise authority in your domain in your dominion and they'll see it like it want it and then you can tell them how
Channel: Full Tree Ministries
Views: 188,055
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Keywords: Full, Tree, Ministries
Id: QCy-d9-jj_8
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Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2013
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