[Reupload] The Missing Light : FULL Episodes 1-10. Blixemi's Animated Series. (2012-2014)

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[Laughter] you you my mother often told me about the times when it wasn't like this how we used to be free I've never asked her she was alive then or if they too were nothing more than stories but those times are gone [Music] I'm not sure what happened that night all I can remember is mother hardly grabbing me I'm running off I wasn't frightened though my do I was so young when it happened yet I distinctly remember smelling fear it didn't come from me or my mother I just knew we came from a place that held the fear what if you're downwind then it means that you're in the correct position to strike very good and if you're upwind keep moving downwind until your scent will go unnoticed fantastic work Artemis while this training is paid off for you I know you're going to prove yourself tomorrow Ida sorting thanks but maybe I could use another year of training I could stay with you and hush you must not say such things it is our tradition that when a pup which is two years they must be sorted it is the rules well I think may I have your attention please we are informing you that the annual sorting is quickly coming upon us it is in this region's best interest that's all youth are groomed well and ready it's about time we got our own meal that's not to keep the guards waiting hurry now you take your one rabbit for your meal and you leave got it hurry up head officials still will be here early to gather the youth for the assessment the young have been preparing for months now they will be tested in differing subjects depending on how they do they will be sorted by the Queen according to their worth excuse me I have a question shut it time for questions will be tomorrow oh that pup can never keep his mouth shut it's almost as if he was born without a filter you scared me half to death I want to stay out of my thoughts it's super creepy I just hang out with you too much that is all have the youth ready by Sunrise nOCA I know we've been preparing for this for a long time but I'm still scared you know I know exactly what you mean art mother said that if you get on the bad side of the guards you could be placed in the lower ranks or worse this isn't really helping my nerves Luka well you asked but we don't have anything to worry about as long as we blend in with the rest of the pups from the other regions then we should be golden I hope you know I'm gonna be glued by your side I don't think I could do it alone I wouldn't have it any other way no it's time for bed you've got a long day ahead of you after tomorrow we'll be considered adults and we won't even have a bedtime we'll stay up into the wee hours in the morning watching the Stars and neat arts now meet you in the clearing at sunrise we'll travel together sounds good the next morning came so quickly it felt as though I'd barely closed my eyes before I was shaken awake again you could tell everyone was emotional it was heavy in the air each said goodbye to their families differently some sat in silence with each other drawing in the last moments of togetherness others showed openly that they didn't want to go others put on a strong smile to not show fear while others seeped and anger and before I knew it it was my turn to say goodbye now Artemis you try your hardest and remember everything we've gone over you can do this you're ready I I know you are thanks mom I'll come back I promise I'll be waiting for you my dear no you run along don't you worry about me I'll be just fine a welcome youth today we start the journey of serving the Queen aren't you excited of course you are I was assigned to be this region's supervisor this means I'll be in charge of keeping you all in order now before we begin let me start with the roll call still here very good I believe the next one on the list is Nuka yes I'm present sir all right now Caden are you here Caden Caden oh here here I see all right then Pepa here and lastly Altimas um here sir good everyone seems to be more or less accounted for today we will be traveling to the kingdom to meet the other four regions once there we will begin our assessments to properly place you and when do we know a silence pop you will learn all you need to know when we get there understood good now let's head out we traveled for a long time jumping over fallen logs and crossing rivers I'd never traveled so far in my life before we finally arrived at our destination around dusk I swear if we had kept going any longer my paws would have fallen off welcome all region 1 are you all accounted for yes sir here in accounted for region 2 yes sir we have made it here promptly perfect region 3 region 5 yes no boys and girls may I introduce you to our dear and most lovely welcome my young loyal subjects this day is the most important day of your little lives for some of you this day could bring you great joy wealth and comfort and others well anyway I shall be overseeing you as you progress through the challenges I will see some of you in a few moons and the rest will only ever hear of me good luck youth and may you do your best my assistant will be taking over the explaining from here tomorrow we will begin the challenges to figure out your strengths your weaknesses and where to put you in regards to ranking for today however just get yourself settled in I will return tomorrow speaking the challenges now keep care of yourselves and sleep well [Music] [Music] [Applause] it was all a dream though it seemed so real I I don't know what it is or what it means but perhaps a walk will clear my head [Music] good morning little one I did not expect anyone to be awake trouble sleeping we should be cold nope nope I just wanted to be ready for the day now that's the spirit why don't you get your friends and meet here once everyone is awake [Music] I trust you all had a good sleep but before we get going let me introduce you to our section leaders they will be the ones assessing you and handpicking you for their ranks kitty how about we start with you well of course I'm part of the hi squad well we all are I specify in the hunting area of our kingdom isn't that just peachy anyways I will oversee all of your hunting habits and choose which of you will prove yourself to be capable hunters good luck today Thank You kitty but don't be fooled because of her silly outlook she is one of the most skilled hunters in the entire kingdom thanks I continue from here I am Whisperer and I do try to stay close to my name I specify in the spy area of the kingdom and I watch all of your potentials and see which of you darlings will be fit enough to be known as one of my ranks do your best today and remember I'm always there thank you for your sure I am Koopa my region will know me already but for those who don't I specify in the card ranks sleet and chose me to be his successor I will watch your potential as well keep in mind that I will only pick a select few all right enough guys quit scaring them lastly as you all know I am Blythe more or less the central organizer or voice for the Queen when she's away but I am also part of the hi squad I specialize in unique opportunities last year I recall meeting this fine young wolf who had quite the voice on her we recruited her out of the regular ranks to showcase her talent around the kingdom oh I'm getting quite a bit ahead of myself basically I get to find out what your special skills traits are so do try and showcase everything that you have dotting could we please move on now I'm sure the pups are dying to get a move on already puppies I want you all to break into groups of four you will all move out towards the exit and there you will find tasks ahead of you finish the challenges as they arise have fun [Music] you [Music] I couldn't help but notice you fair beauties from my spot over there I seem to be stuck without a group and being with you you would just simply make this joyful experience all around mind if I join you fantastic I'm Holt by the way might I have the pleasure of knowing your name I'm art Renuka it's so nice to meet you ah Nuka lovely and how about you my dear I'm Artemis and I'm ki great shall we head over to the opening looks like everyone's about ready to go alright groups move out and head out to your designated areas there you will find the task they doubt for you now get going you'll be watching we always do [Music] [Music] here I think this is where we start oh there's a message here for us it says welcome to task one you've only just started your very first job is to bring us a meal in the forest uncharted how cute it rhymes but why do you think it means I bet they want to test her hunting I mean we've never been in this forest before could that count is uncharted like how we're thinking let's split up and meet here with our caches are you sure we're supposed to do that like I mean should be really split I think you just like telling us what to do don't you agree Nuka huh Luka [Music] what the what is going on [Music] oh come on so not what do we did well done all of you I will take all that with me you also great potential head on forwards your next challenge is just up ahead there's no sense in hiding I know you're out there hey I need to come and yet you show no fear why because because I believe that everything has a reason I knew that's my choices one day would come back to haunt me it was all a matter of time I felt as though something was going to happen this evening and Here I am looks like destiny has played its part brave words but I'm not convinced if you knew all along that I was coming why not try and save yourself I've been hunted for my choices he's that fateful day and I would be hunted until the day I died perhaps I I simply got tired of running you could end all of this they're after you because of what you hid your pop your actions will make you marked for death and yet if you merely tell us who she is and what provoked you to hide this would all end you would finally have peace rather die than sacrifice her that is what you wish them so be it you must understand that Iago will stop at nothing to get what she desires and your death will of all been in vain all you've managed to do is take your child's precious mother away well duh I had my doubts about him but he is proven to be more useful everyday er Gras will be pleased to hear this new development I should head back though I wouldn't want anyone to become is that you what are you doing out here life I I wa shouldn't you be at your post assessing your quarter of the youth what's your big idea about coming out so far at this time of night you know better than to I could ask you the same question dear I saw your sickly sweet love for the pups making you ill surely you're not just taking these nice straw about the territory to clear your mind for as you stated we are a rather far from the assessment point what is your business here love know your place whisper being your superior you have no right to question my actions but I'll let you know that I am on special orders from the Queen herself you on the other hand have no authorization i order you to return to your post we can discuss your actions further when I have time to deal with you oh I'm so frightened the Queen's that were pet is about to punish me have mercy o whisper have you forgotten with whom you're speaking to i order you to it is funny i remember your training myself seems like just yesterday you were the scared little pup in there clearing yourself my how things have changed well madam I will do as you wish but don't forget this night change is coming for you dear and you just made an interesting twist to your story yeah hey you alright art oh yeah I'm fine just seems as though the wind is especially cold tonight [Music] my queen I've used from the lower regions ah whisper how lovely of you to stop by what is it the the pub you were looking for my sources have confirmed that she's part of a batch of pups that are don't you think I already know that I need answers not more questions that is what we are working on mine age we sin will find answers we will find her for your sake whisper I sincerely hope so someone fetch me Blythe I need to speak [Music] not too shabby Bearcat you've done alright today you've all proven yourselves today and your hunting stealth agility and speed tests go ahead and head back to the clearing and wait for the other groups oh thank goodness I thought we'd never get done ah come on gated we've got to head back you can die there oh you're funny oh by the way you did really well back in your stealth test back there you're you're amazing d thanks Caden come on guys you can continue your shameless flirting when we get back to the grip I for one don't want to be the last to show despite my best efforts we were still the last ones to arrive but there seem to be a lot of us missing surely there was more of us before we left wasn't there the ones that did show up seemed so tired so night in fact the whole atmosphere of the clearing seemed very different than when we first came I'll come back my little friends Blythe is unable to make it I will be in charge for gradual ations on making it this far the queen is very proud of you just as we are your next step in hey Luca don't what do you mean making it this far where is everyone else come don't worry little fluffy you've risen to the top everyone below you taking care of this was only supposed to be the first test no one said anything about being taken care of we can't just abandon those pups I know you're curious but you mustn't worry no question but if you want more information I'm sure I can send you in the direction they went [Music] Nuka remember what you told me we can't be drawing attention to ourselves Luca please just stop already y'all now if you mind if I step in oh of course as Kittitas mentioned before congratulations you've proven yourselves worthy of serving the Queen but there's just one more thing over the course of your assessments we've noticed some oddities about a select few of you while normally this is Bligh's area I've been asked to step in he knows you look worried little one but there is nothing to fear in fact it's quite the opposite you've been summoned for a personal meeting with the Queen I consider you very lucky indeed come with me my dear just me I you and your two little friends may come along but step lightly we are to make the kingdom tonight so you can prepare for your meeting with the Queen in the morning old state of mind he was totally kidding it was weird and it seemed as though they knew each other when the four versus I felt the yearning believes of all the other problems they were just sitting there condemned to death I've not been able to shake this feeling all night as soon as we arrived in the kingdom the feeling inside of me strengthened as though something is pulling in me perhaps I'm just tired you've got a very important day tomorrow g-good why are you calling out for me right now hurry no fight the Queen did your little rebellion is too late we'll just have to see about that [Music] you whisperer really should be more careful with her spies they clearly can't seem to keep their muscles shut but it sure makes my job easier there's something seriously wrong with you kid come now this is no time to fool around we have to act quickly the Queen knows that Artemis is connected to the light my guess is that she's going to use her to gain full control of it seeing how she failed to last time we need to get Artemis before a Agra has a chance to sway her that's where you two come in what do you need twitching hearing let's do give me a girl good-lookin hold on there nc you're a few steps ahead say twitch do you two still have your connections in the kingdom of course miss perfect I need you two to go down to the kingdom and do your regular act you must get close to them become their friends make them trust you before they trusty Accra the fate of our kind rests on you but no pressure [Music] come on Essie we gotta go don't disappoint me same oh my apologies no need to apologize I was the one who was in the way you'll have to excuse me live fancy seeing you here but if he wouldn't mind I've got some important business to attend to [Music] Oh miss Blythe the Queen wishes to speak with you oh I'm alright thanks Bobby I'll head up there right now you don't look too busy why don't you head up and grab your meal for today you deserve a break oh wow thank you so much Blythe I'll see you later readings madam good evening sir I was told the Queen wished to see me yes she's waiting for you inside I was informed that you wish to see me life my loyal assistant you've been so busy as of late I've hardly gotten a chance to sit down and speak like we used to my apologies ma'am come now Blythe you may drop the formalities I've known you since you were up you're like a daughter to me you know that don't you of course no my dear what do you have to report well I'm sure you've already been informed that she has been brought into the kingdom yes yes I thought it is a great achievement for us dear the finding of this pup has taken a great deal of pressure off of me although there's one thing left bothering me there has been rumors that the rebellion has grown more powerful since our last encounter is this true I the rebellion you say I'm not entirely sure but I will put it under a full investigation make sure you see to it yourself I don't want that evil fighting do-gooder leader of this to foil yet another one of my plans I wish I could get my claws on her I to make her watch as a precious little Scouts were slain in front of her show her the agony of losing forwards in head and lightness Oh terrible sorry dear I get sleet and his guts on a full-scale search across the country I'll find her if it's the last thing I do now go you've got work to do Thank You mess you rise and shine [Music] oh hello the dudes where you're young you're young [Music] were your personal guards for your visit yeah that's it Oh your guards we're gonna make sure uses long nice and ready to see it Queenie uh you guys aren't like the other guards we've seen more more ugly guards alrighty and I thought Caden was off the wall so what made old Queenie bring you all down here hmm you're too good for the uh not exactly well I'm not entirely sure uh well my little friends stick with your auntie se she will show you the ins and outs of everything around here you're just lucky I like you kids otherwise well if you're just lucky I guess dear Lord I hate it in a row you three are being asked to be brought to the Queen's quarters I was only told to bring the three so as for you two you'll have to stay behind fair enough we'll wait for them here where exactly are we going well you see when the moon is at its fullest light the Queen calls together a gathering of thorns all the ranks from around the kingdom come together to hear the Queen speak what normally goes on in these meetings well there's normally a great feast the Queen goes through the news and orders for the upcoming weeks here we are Artemis I believe um yes that's me you go on ahead the Queen is inside she wishes to see you I you in the dark ah thank you now off you go the Queen awaits [Music] ah at long last I finally got the chance to meet you I've been waiting a long time for this dear hmm it seems as though you're not used to the company of royalty it is normally custom to bow for one of such prestige stature oh I'm sorry your highness let's better theory it is key you've got much to learn but I am a wonderful teacher you know I can just tell you and I will become quite the team and I'm really sorry miss but I've been wondering this since we were brought here what makes me so special I mean no disrespect but uh well oh my little darling come here one day everything will become clear to you here I've got something for you it's something special my mother gave to me when I was about your age this is beautiful please keep it with you wherever you go think of it as a token of our beautiful new friendship now how are you long back to your friends kitty and whisper should be there with them they'll be getting you three ready for the meeting tonight Oh Artemis before you go sometimes our so-called friends are only with us to gain power for themselves I want you to remember who your real friends are they can be the ones to talk in your luminous [Music] alright now we've been trying to spruce you up for the meeting isn't that exciting with fur oh I'm just beside myself dealing with longer fur and I'll handle the girls well that sounds great oh wait do I your posse call me oh yes I think I do oh boy I better go and see what she need come here handsome I don't find hard I'm not okay with this quite the little talker isn't he I'm sure Whisperer will take care of him though she better what was that dear oh nothing you've got to work on that you just don't know when to keep quiet do you you hey kitty I am what are you gonna do to get us ready oh my little dear you just wait and see you're in good paws such important visitors must look top-notch you'll be the belle of the ball hey now come along we've got some serious work if we're going to make that little friend of yours look at least semi good voila all done Wow pretty miss you look amazing I must say I've outdone myself the queen is going to be very happy that was the most traumatic how touching young love don't you think it'd be a shame if something let's - alrighty guys it's time you all look great fantastic work you two now remember you're guests of honor don't forget to smile and at least make it seem like you're enjoying yourselves let's just get this night over with come on smiles everyone and three two one with all gods heading into the front along the western side border our top soldiers report there's been little movement within the western forest it is believed that the Paks within have either died off or have surrendered after we eliminate the main alpha pair they've been left extremely weak to put it lightly it shouldn't be long now if everything continues to go as planned we will be in perfect position in two Dawn's oh this is just perfect once we obtain the last of the pecks we will be able to claim the entire mossy forest whisper you've got excellent timing and I see you've broke three little friends we shall get to that in just a moment but before that kitty what is your report for the Hertz greetings your highness my main scouts have reported that the herds have just begun to move north which is expected this time of the year with any luck we should be able to head them off just before they hit the ravine that is great news when will the next catch be broken oh I've been told to expect the fresh catch to be brought in just in time for the next gathering well until then my patrols will continue to send out rabbits as the source for the region's we may just have to continue to reduce rations to them it seems as though there is more than enough food to go around why wouldn't they just evenly share those here Artemis Tia what Richmond did you say you and your little friends are from a region for your highness very well kitty be shown that direction for receives an extra share say it's from Artemis oh you betcha ah and with that my loyal friends I wish to introduce you to a very special young girl Artemis come up here for a moment meet Artemis for those of you who do not know she is my newest apprentice I expect the highest amount of respect to be given to her treat her as you treat me while I am here I wish to call upon Kitty and Koopa I want you two to train both circadian and Miss Nuka to become the next Royal Guards to miss Artemis year they will aid in her continual protection as you wish your heinous very well now my subjects I wanted to give a very warm welcome to your newest line of royalty princess Adam I hate interrupt punished but I've urgent news I've just been informed that we've been harboring a traitor did she just say she's from the newest batch of pups being trained to become a hunter has been reported that she has been smuggling food to the low regions rather than taking it to her trainer where is this pup we have her outside waiting for your command bring her in you art isn't that pepper we used to play with her Anoka I can't watch hello again small one you've got quite the timing normally small matters such as these are dealt in much quicker manner but it seems all the Queen wishes to handle the situation herself I must say this is either a very good thing for you or well well now we have a little traitor among us may I ask what is the first thing one learns in training it is good and right to serve the Queen for shame and what did you not do when you gave our food away serve the Queen precisely but you must understand the regions are starving they've got almost no food most pups died before they come into the world and those who are unlucky enough to be born into this British control either die within the day or forced into a life of hell oh honey I wouldn't have done that and here I thought we could fix you but clearly I was mistaken Cooper it is time to rid ourselves of this Matt please Cooper don't do it it would be my pleasure no I'm sorry I never should have no please I beg you please [Music] poor little sweetheart it's that one Blythe where she had often do not be afraid Artemis there is something you must see this is what the queen is doing she will stop at nothing you believe that you cannot be touched by her power but you are wrong you are the only one who can stop all of this it is up to you it will not stop with the death pepper there is so much death to go how do you what can I do not trust her there is much that you do not know meet me near the north border the night before the next gathering there is not much time any months went by Artemis was continuing to grow with each passing day she and her two friends took a permanent stay at a kingdom alongside the Queen each day being molded into the Queen's young apprentice taking lessons and spending much time with iographer the Queen it seems as though everything was going exactly according to plan we however had other plans hey have you seen are you narrating hey hey uh no oh so are oh I see would you like to finish off the narration I thought you'd never okay so like he was the same Artemus began regular meetings with our leader who was getting ready to see our safe little hideaway camp she be sure she could trust her at home today was the day our leader was gonna bring the nuts little anymore little dudes into our camp and start the next phase of our plan and here we are Artemis this is our cabin whoa there are so many here how did you he does their own story they've all come to seek shelter and protection from the kingdom this is one of the last few places that they can truly feel safe you see we've been awaiting your return patrol for has their report for you thank you now Artemis I've asked Vince to show you around our camp if you've got any questions she will be sure to answer them hello friend it looks like I'll be showing you around let's not waste any time let's get going whoa this place is huge look at all that food what are those guys doing over there why are they taking it away well I'm sure you've met Fe already but the ones taking out the prayer the scouts you see we work not only protect those who are hidden from the kingdom but we also work to provide what food we can to the lower regions it's a new project our leader started a few months ago called Project pepper wow you guys are incredible this place is incredible and you did this all without the Queen knowing yep it's said that I'll need to found this place when she was very young and worked to make it what it is today you know Artemis everyone is so excited that you're here we've been waiting for this for a long time really me you said if I had any questions I could ask you well I do have a question who exactly is this leader of yours why does she do all this with such risks Artemus do you know what shade wolves are by any chance my mother used to tell me if them back when I was just a pup she said that they were a powerful race of wolves that had the power to change the color of their fur but I thought they were just a myth that's what everybody thought but rumor has it that they were in fact real executed long ago when they were believed to be evil some say that very few exist today and they will be the ones to save us from the Queen perhaps our leader is holding on to this hope as well my my how you've grown I suppose I should have figured you'd come to see me seeing her I do not have time for your idle chatter I've got to met us at a thermo important such an temper on you one would think I deserve a bit more respect after all I've done for you my old friend I've come in search of your head you're beginning to lose control over the light how did you know I know you well enough to guess that you'd come seeking my knowledge once she'd begun to lose your grip it was only a matter of time you must tell me how to weird it once more I can see the wisps of color seeping back into their eyes I'm losing power you're not losing power love they are gaining hope you've work to surround them in fear this is a loader to become too strong for them to compete with however the late can sense something far greater than even I can understand it consents hope but how I've kept him the one to control the light she has the power within now and it is locked away with her well under my control I should be stronger than ever that is where you are wrong with link does not made up merely of illumination one cannot exist without the other where there is late there must be shadow I do not have time for your riddles you are right that you have captured the one of light but there is another I came to part you were only half right there must be two to control the wind miss your highness lived on it they found us we've found them it's what we feel so what I've been waiting for there's no time to lose get Artemis back to the kingdom she cannot be seen here get all the gun out and head for the lower regions they can take shelter there after all this time scent of our gods to lock the area make sure that leader of this does not escape she cannot hide from me bring my armor it's worth it's worth nothing paws yourselves yes remember your tasks we still have precious time the safety of our youth is our top priority twitch get your best Scout to ensure Artemis makes it back to the kingdom I must prepare the soldiers yes of course oh I am so ready bring me some clean but to kick I'm ready for action put me in the frontlines to Jersey let's see I've got something much more important I need you to do you need to take Artemis back to the kingdom as fast as you can go oh come on twitch I don't want to be a messenger Oh fight who's gonna watch your back during the battle hmm I think I can handle myself out there our leader told me to send my best Scout with Artemis I don't know without a doubt that's you I'd love nothing more than to fight side-by-side with you like old times but Artemis needs you to survive on her own without me okay you've convinced me but you watch yourself out there during the battle promise me you won't go and get yourself killed ye of little faith promise me come on say it out loud so I can hear you oh all right I promise all right come on little dude we gotta get you back homes even sound keep going Essie we have to go back what are you talking about girl why are we running away we should be helping them after all they've done they don't deserve to be slaughtered by the Queen's guards oh no their own with the faster I get get you home the faster I can get my little tail back to the battle and help let me go with you the Queen will listen to me if I were to miss you you have no idea what you're up against her now do you need to be in the kingdom loopy far more over there we have to keep moving is everyone in place yes ma'am made the guard show us mercy you will need some more than my mercy to get out of this one yeah nice little setup you have here you have made it quite difficult for us to locate you although I am sure that was no accident enough of your games Agra your little pet speaks da see it seems like a fine young Laurium who once if disposed of you perhaps we can find him a nice drafty spot in the servants quarters and the rest of your members will make lovely practice dummies for our killing squats do you agree sleet but of course we are always looking for warm traitorous flesh of my dead body oh that's precisely the plan oh well then what are you waiting for you heard her go forth and bring them down every last one of them we waited far too long for this no use running now my first battle I have to show them that I am strong now show them I'm a true warrior and leave their leader to me [Music] hmm oh right this way ha yeah we made it and no one seems to suspect a thing all right I need head back good luck Artemis I see be safe oh she's gone what have I done Artemis is that you where did you go Kanan I the rebellion the war uh yes so I've heard the Queen has finally found that rebellion scum did they hurt you are they coming here don't worry I'll protect you you don't understand the rebellion the rebellion is nothing more than a group of stupid savages hell-bent on creating turmoil under the Queen's rule they deserve whatever they've got coming how can you say that you've been under her control for far too long what happened to who you used to be oh wait where's Nuka she's in your battle squad she's joined the war effort princess come on let's get you to your room the rebellion must have scared you senseless don't call me princess don't call me anything I don't know who you are anymore but it's clear that the Queen has changed you but I will ensure that she does not do that to me aim for the throats move quickly as we've trained [Music] it can't be she must be the other half of the light fleet bring her to me and nice that's so strong now that won't your friend yeah [Laughter] you're going to pay for that kitty whisper kill him you guys better not have finished all the fun without me they have yet to see the rap thank goodness I could see I need you to listen to me I need you to do me one favor don't don't talk like that you're you're gonna be okay I know you don't have much time they've been taken white boy you need to save them you you mean we need to save them not messy I won't be coming with you anymore no no do it do it I can't do this alone I need you you can no no twitch toe leave me please twice - don't you dare leave me do this please I love you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] well it's nice of you to join me daughter [Music] well you to find your missing [Music] where you're going might be scared we reach new high [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blixemi
Views: 105,035
Rating: 4.9208899 out of 5
Keywords: Blixemi, Blix, The Missing Light, Themissinglight, TML, Wolves, Dogs, Animated Series, Animated, Youtube Series, Eyagra
Id: eUjNvx0giKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 5sec (4385 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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