Let's Rewrite 'The Power of Three'

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uh wow thank you guys i mean i know i've been doing this for a while now and everything but it is truly humbling to reach this kind of milestone so a very belated but earnest thank you i've been wanting to make this video for a while now so this seems like the perfect opportunity how about we take a look at the power of three what worked in this arc what didn't and how would i rewrite it if given the chance this is going to be the spiritual successor to my rewriting the new prophecy video in a video i wanted to make for quite a while so strap in and let's do this let's rewrite the power of three now before i can even begin to explain how i would rewrite this particular arc we've got to talk about the power of 3 arc as a whole for a bit this might be surprising but i actually have a lot of nostalgia for this arc in particular even if these books haven't aged particularly well in my opinion these books were coming out at the height of my own warriors obsession back in junior high and i was just really really into the mystery of this arc i loved jayfeather lionblaze and holly leaf a lot and i was so excited for each new book that came out that i would beg to be driven to the bookstore the day it came out and i would stay up all night reading it so that i could talk to my friends and the internet in general about the book the next day i was so excited for any little hints at the greater story that i didn't even care that the books seem to be moving super super slowly just ever so slowly oh but it had to be leading up to something really really awesome right there's just so much weight put on the prophecy and there's all this intrigue with the ancient tribe cats and soul and and [Music] okay i won't lie i was actually still pretty on board even after sunrise came out and it turned out to be a bit of a disappointing ending but my enthusiasm did eventually die midway through omen of the stars and to omen of the star's credit i don't think it's fair that omar the stars often gets the most hate and is the point that most people stopped reading the books because i really think that power of three just exhausted people many including myself have a lot of nostalgia for it but it's overall the weakest arc when i put aside my fond memories of it especially after i eventually did finish reading one of the stars power of three just gets worse in hindsight it's not to say that omen of the stars doesn't have its own fair share of issues it definitely does but power of three really set up that disappointment by hyping up the prophecy book after book only to completely abandon its narrative in the last two books for something only tangentially related ask most warriors fans to tell you the important plot beats of the site outcast eclipse or even long shadows and other than the most important chapters can they even remember anything else that happened and then it just becomes increasingly clear in omen of the stars that the narrative didn't really have any satisfying answers to our questions and i think that's what really lost people had omen of the stars not been piggybacking off of the power of three with the same story most of the same characters and the same pacing issues all one of the stars wouldn't have been such a slog to get through and i don't want to say that the power of three is bad for going off on a tangent either in the last two books on the contrary i think that long shadows and sunrise are easily the most memorable books from the arc just the story bits from these two books have fueled more animation maps than i think any other part of the warrior series so it's definitely got that going for it but i also don't think that it's controversial to say that most people recognize that there's just something not right with the power of three every book goes on and on without saying much giving only scraps of new developments and hints that things are about to get good we promise and i'm sorry we're gonna pick on outcast here for a little bit can you even tell me what happened in this book what is this book doing here what does it have to do with anything storm for who what are you guys doing here try get lost besides the dullness of the first four and a half books the fire scene with ashfur and holly leaf subsequent breakdown is thrilling but it never really scratches that itch that it set out to scratch you know we have this huge life-changing prophecy of doom and promise to power and then the ark wraps up with no catastrophic war or power struggle it ends with interpersonal conflict and the death of one of our leads which again is not bad i love this conflict and holly leaf's downfall it just doesn't have much to do with the main storyline a lot of speculation floats around about how these two arcs were written power of three anomalous stars that is most of us agree that it seems that they were written without a strong idea of where they would end and if it turns out we're right about the production of this particular arcane and if it turns out we're right about that it's safe to say that a lot of these problems come from the main writing team not truly knowing where this arc was going from start to finish we do know that even the three's powers weren't decided from the get-go and the only real thread connecting everything was that fire scene vicky has said that the scene inspired the whole arc she didn't even know who or why the scene was happening at first but the pieces of the puzzle just slid into place which is so fascinating to me because the foreshadowing about the three's true parentage and ash for scheming is truly the standout stuff from this arc no questions asked it has set up plenty of clever foreshadowing and the payoff is legendary it's just everything around it that's kind of well it leaves a lot to be desired if the three's powers weren't decided until the first book of omen of the stars that means that everything connected to the prophecy and powers didn't have anywhere to go for a whole six books there isn't that same foreshadowing and consideration given to the main plot as the b plot it also means that the authors had no idea how the powers were meant to tie into the final battle as well and by the time they got there it was a little too late to integrate it in a meaningful way and the powers playing second fiddle to family drama isn't all bad either i love the family drama i want more interpersonal conflicts in my warriors books but even that only gets so good because of the ripple effect this drama has on character motivations you have to kind of make some big leaps in logic to really make this all work and some of the characters like holly for example have a pretty sudden shift in character for the sake of keeping the plot moving which also brings us around to the problem of character agency so for an example ashford tries to kill jay feather holly leaf and lion blaze not because they're in a prophecy and they're special or anything like that or because ashfur has a personal vendetta against them in particular but because it would hurt squirrel flight this is a conflict that doesn't really involve our leads they had no choice over the actions that put them in this position and this is how conflict works in every single one of these books except for the last one where hollyleaf takes an active role in the story and she only does this after learning that she shouldn't be a part of it for characters who are supposed to have the power of the stars in their paws they really have very little power over any situation that they are put into considering what the prophecy is and how devastating it's promised to be you would assume that these characters would be protagonists that are forces of nature in and of themselves and other characters just kind of have to live in the whirlwind that they create around them instead of the opposite jay feather holly leaf and lion blaze are constantly swept up in the tide of previous characters actions and either reacting to or dealing with those outcomes so that's a lot of my big negatives however i do want to say there are still a lot of things that i love about this arc like i said before i love jayfeather lionblaze and holly leaf especially the potential each one of them had to be dynamic characters i love the mystery and intrigue around the prophecy i love that we get three characters perspectives each book it makes the three feel like a unit i love seeing jade feather holly leaf and lion blaze grow up and the more day to day squabbles inside thunderclan which felt appropriate since we were still getting used to the lake territories as a whole and it was fun to have a group of protagonists that never even knew the old forest to begin with and so they were experiencing all these new things in this new territory as well the apprentices that grew up with r3 here are at least in my eyes some of the last thunderclan cats that actually get some proper development you know at least from the background character department there was a lot more rivalry between apprentices here and not just in thunderclan but in other clans too we get brees pelt and heathertail in this arc we also get introduced to tiger heart dawn pelt and flame tail as kitts i like all of these characters there's some cool follow-ups with the new prophecy characters too like crowfeather squirrelflight brambleclaw leaf pool and mothwing but they don't overshadow the new characters most of the time it's a good balance so yeah there's some pros and cons out of the way as you can see i'm pretty conflicted about this arc and as a result i'm conflicted with how i would go about rewriting it as well this is going to be a long video because i have a lot more problems that mean fixing in this arc than i did in my new prophecy video and if you remember my main thesis for that video was that the problem wasn't the story the problem was the way it was written by just changing whose perspective we saw the story through it changed how attached to the characters you became i have the opposite problem here though my problems all stem from the story but not the way it was told so that gives me a whole different conundrum because it's easy to come in here and be like well let's just scrap everything and let me tell you the story i would have done instead i don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water here i want a satisfying way to make this story work or at least something as close to this story as i can get so after a lot of deliberating brainstorming and finally coming to the conclusion that in order to rewrite the power of three into something that i would find satisfying i had to break a few canonical eggs so since that's the case here's the rules i gave myself we are keeping the threes pov in each book so we've gotta find a way for each character to grow and be important in each title none of this five chapters where lionblaze does absolutely nothing in the whole of night whisper shenanigans like last time i'm going to be adding my own characterizations to help flesh out the narrative we're going to keep things as canonical as possible while also allowing events to be shuffled around a bit between omen of the stars and the power of three since these two arcs are so closely knit this shouldn't cause too much of a problem and for those of you wondering yes i'm planning a follow-up video for own of the stars eventually one of my biggest problems with the power of three is the slow pace so things are going to move a lot quicker in this rewrite which also means there's inevitably going to be some cuts and additions i make to the narrative in order to help escalate conflict and all that jazz okay with the rules out of the way here are the five key problems i have with the story that i want to address in my rewrite number one the ableism surrounding jayfeather's medicine cat position number two lion blaze the boy is boring this will not do he's supposed to be another brambleclaw s character who could turn into a fighting mcphyderson bloodbath so let's play with that his power is also super op so we've gotta find a good use for it number three holly leaves sudden heel turn to warrior code crazy town an equally sudden death number four soul enough said number five giving the prophecy in power some meaning even in this arc this also includes other background stuff like giving rock a purpose the ancient tribe cats and yeah galore it's a bit of a mess so with these guidelines in place let's start at the beginning with the site a quick refresher for those who don't remember what happened in this book i won't be doing a summary for every single book because things start changing drastically but this is probably the one that's going to have the most similarities so quick refresher holly jay and lion are apprentice jay paul wants to be a warrior and has given breithart as his mentor lionpockets ashfur as his mentor and holly paul wants to be a medicine cat and trains with leaf pool jay pawn hollypop eventually switch because jaypaw is basically forced to be a medicine cat by starclan and hollypaw sucks at it grace stripe returns along with his new mate milly this causes a brief bit of drama where thunderclan isn't sure who should be deputy greystripe who was the deputy before he was presumed dead and lost forever or brambleclaw imo these are both terrible options firestar eventually decides to keep brambleclaw as his deputy the clans hold an all-day gathering in order to celebrate the way they've come together since the great journey and the apprentices participate in some good old fashion friendly competition near the end of this gathering breeze paw gets trapped into a sinkhole and jay paul lying upon crowfeather save him that's the basic gist of things if you want a more in-depth summary i recommend watching moon kitties i spoil videos for this arc i did before writing the script and it was a godsend thank you moon okay so here's what i change a quick warning we're going to be talking about ableism here for a hot minute so please prepare yourself essentially i'm going to rewrite this book so that thunderclan has to tackle their ableism head on and see what that looks like i hope i do this justice but i'm always willing to listen to feedback on this part this is based on my own rather limited experience and what i've heard from other people in the community jake hits blindness and the way that his story plays out in this book is the topic of a lot of back and forth on one hand the reveal of jake hits disability and his passion to prove himself is palpatable jaypaw became an instant fan favorite with the release of this book his story is relatable and you really root for him so that's why it really really sucks that despite his best efforts jaypaw is forced to become a medicine cat and not only does this suck for j-pop but it continues this not-so-great trend of putting disabled characters in the medicine den as though being a cat doctor is somehow more suitable for them mini rant time i don't buy this idea that somehow being a medicine cat is easier than being a warrior therefore more suitable for disabled characters to do with proper thought put into it there's no reason jaypaw shouldn't have been allowed to become a warrior if he wanted or any other disabled cat for that matter and yes this includes cinderpelt 90 of a warrior's duties are just going out on patrols and hunting and a three-legged or a blind cat wouldn't have that many difficulties here ask anyone with a three-legged or blind cat especially if that cat was born blind they usually get around just fine and could defend themselves as well some considerations for their disabilities would have to be taken yes and they might be a bit more of a risk in battle or they might need to retire early and if they wanted to be a medicine cat at the end of the day that's fine too of course but just forcing it on them is just such small brain thinking plain and simple and it just seems to romanticize the idea of quote-unquote broken people being able to heal able-bodied people ugh so in my rewrite instead of wanting to be a warrior jk is just really trying to find a way to be an active member of the clan because the clan has basically decided to keep him as a kit longer than holly and lion with the implication that he'll be moved to the elders then eventually and never even be given the opportunity to train holly paul and lion paw get apprenticed while jay kitt stays in the nursery some clan cats like foreign claw and spider leg resent jay kitten say things like he's using up valuable resources he doesn't contribute anything to thunderclan which is horrible but on the other side of things firestar and his family say that jay kidd is part of the clan just like any other cat but they won't allow him to do anything even though he wants to in the midst of all this breithart stands up for j kitt and begins training him privately after a while jkitt realizes he wants to become a medicine cat and breithart helps him learn the territory and uses her past medicine cat training to show jkitt how to care for herbs so that he can prove his worth to firestar and leafpool for the position even at the beginning jake hits powers are starting to emerge he can feel the emotions of his clan and how they resent and pity him and this makes him bitter and gives him all of his angst that we know and love him for starclan visits jay kipp one night in his dreams and encourages jay kitt to continue pursuing to become a medicine cat starclan tells jay kitt that it's important he keeps faith in them they allude to his powers being something that without their help could destroy him ominous [Music] now during all this of course holly paw is training with leaf bull to be a medicine cat for the time being this mostly stays the same as the book with a slight addition that when she is a medicine cat apprentice she feels ostracized from the other thunderclan apprentices she doesn't get their in-jokes and feels like she's being left behind this builds up as time goes on and she gets more frustrated with medicine cat duties it's not bringing her the glory recognition or satisfaction she thought it would for lionpaw i want to focus more on the apprentice dynamics and give lionpaw a bit more character development reminder the apprentices around this time are paw hazel palm mouse paw cinder paw honey pot and poppy paw the other apprentices are jealous of lion paw for picking things up so quickly and because lion pot isn't very humble about his prowess either they pretty quickly start to exclude lyon paw and call him a show-off ashfur also turns out to be a hard mentor to please two guesses as to why and the second guest doesn't count with no real friends and no holly power j kit to hang around either he begins training in the dark forest tigerstar and hawkfrost feed into lionpaw's ego and in a way are the closest things to friends that lionpaw has made so far as much as lionpaw loves being better than everyone else at fighting he does feel guilty for talking to tiger star and hawk frost who he of course knows or bad lionpaw is going to start off as a big brat and pretty punchable cocky better than you attitude and a tendency towards bullying i want readers to be like i would never wish harm on a child but someone please punt this little twerp into the lake entitled rude boy who thinks he's hot stuff cause of his skills and his daddy is thunderclan's deputy this'll make sense later at lionpaw's peak obnoxiousness he tries to talk to holly and jay about his problems but both are kind of bitter towards him as well holly paul wants to be better friends with the other apprentices so she doesn't understand why lionpox can't just get over himself and be nice and while jk understands the struggle of not getting along with their clan mates he's still bitter about not becoming an apprentice at all and thinks that lion paw has it pretty easy compared to him jake hits powers also allow him to read lion paws emotions and j kid is taken aback by what he finds unlike most of thunderclan cats who jake hit mostly feels pity from jay care realizes that lion paw doesn't really have any feelings towards him whatsoever only apathy so the kids are all being crap to each other and going through a time my changes here are all done in the hopes of really putting our protagonists through some tough character development right off the bat but also hopefully foreshadow their roles for the rest of the series each character is going to go through their own problems with self-worth and handling it in a different way jay holly and lion start off as ambitious but loving siblings to each other but then things pretty quickly become complicated and messy putting a strain on their relationship as each becomes more burdened with their own problems they forget to care about each other and while lion paw starts off pretty unlikable readers will have holly paw and in particular jake it to root for as we get to the back half of the book grace stripe and milli arrive only this time instead of showing up at a gathering grace stripe and millie show up during a border patrol lion paws on lion paw is the first to notice the different scent and charges in after the intruders attacking them without hesitation just like tigerstar and hawkfrost showed him how to do linepaw's clanmates are horrified that he attacked greystripe and this begins lionpaw's wake-up call that he's been too brash and big-headed he begins to realize that the other apprentices were right about him and his ego is shattered even bramblecloth scolds lionpop pretty harshly and tells lionpod that he's extremely disappointed in him not just for attacking greystripe but for his general attitude as thunderclan debates on how greystripe and millie are going to fit back into clan life this parallels holly pawn j kids problems as well through watching greystripe reintegrate holly paw realizes that she'd be happier training as a warrior and when millie becomes part of the clan this gives jkhitt the courage he needs to tell firestar in leafpool that he wants to become a medicine cat apprentice and he can prove he's capable of doing it after all if a former kitty pet can walk into camp and become a warrior why shouldn't he get a chance though he can feel his clanmates doubt and pity him again j kitt also feels brightheart's pride and confidence in him jake hits nerves do get the best of him a few times and he makes a few unfortunate mistakes but overall does the job firestar questions how jay kitt learned all of this and instead of outing bright heart he tells firestar in leafpool that a starclan warrior taught him everything this half-truth seals the deal and j kitt finally becomes jaypaw a leaf pool's apprentice j-pop feels strange unfamiliar emotions from leafpool and firestar is also strangely hesitant towards j-paw's apprenticeship j-pod doesn't know what to make of these emotions other than assuming that they still don't believe he can do it he burns with anger but also determination to prove them wrong about him as we reach the climax of this book the clans still go to the all-day gathering but this time jay paul lionpon hollypop are enjoying the gathering together before the gathering begins the siblings have a heart to heart where they each apologize for not being there for each other jay paul finally feels like he's where he belongs and is peers once again with his siblings he confesses that breithart was the one who helped him learn everything and while lionpaw has recovered a bit from his shame of attacking greystripe he's still a bit withdrawn but holly paw and jay par just happy to have gotten an apology from their meat-headed brother another thing to note is that throughout this book we would still get introduced to breeze paw and heather paw lion paw in particular has had a few confrontations with bree's paw at the end breeze paw still nearly dies until j-pop feels his distress through his power and he lion pot and holly paw go save him teamwork yay the clan celebrate jay paul lion pawn holly pause heroics and things end on a nice little note about finding out where you belong teamwork and communication yay only now we get the epilogue that's right there's no prologue to the series only epilogues firestarters receiving a dream from starclan instead of any particular starclan cat visiting firestar he can only explore a hostile and dark forest and the words of a thousand ancestors cry out beware three will come kin of your kin who hold the power of the stars in their paws firestar wakes up in a cold sweat as he hears commotion outside his den we as the readers now realize that this took place several moons ago as fire star sees leaf pool and squirrel flight walk into camp with jkid holly kit and lion kit as newborns and firestar looks on with uncertainty okay that was a lot of setup and some definite changes but i'm hoping that all of this will strengthen the narrative and characterization and give us some juicy foreshadowing of things to come next we move on to dark river or as i'm going to call it dark passage this title changes for multiple reasons one i think the tunnels play a larger role in the story than the river itself two in my version of events a lot of the flooding river stuff is going to be removed entirely sorry fallen leaves and number three passage has multiple connotations so while the title is literally talking about the dark tunnels and the clans it's also about j-pod lying upon holly paw growing up and the dark passage could imply a harsh period of time for the trio that they need to pass through so it's been a few moons since the end of the site j-paw is doing well in his medicine cat training holly paw has caught up to the other apprentices and lion paw is no longer an egotistic show-off however lionpaw still hasn't managed to make any friends and is still training in the dark forest ryan paul wants to be a better person but he doesn't know where to start and feels like he's messed things up too badly with the other apprentices ashfur is still as impossible to please as ever and the only way lion paw feels good about himself and his abilities is with tiger star in the dark forest even though he can't help think of what happened with greystripe and the guilt that comes with that one night lionpaw sneaks out of camp to clear his head and ends up running into heather paw they start hanging out with each other as an escape from their problems he finds out that she's been having similar problems in winclan with making friends and living up to her clan mates expectations of her they hit it off and agreed to meet up at night in the tunnels that heather paw has found under the clans now that she's caught up in training holly paw's becoming extremely popular with the other apprentices and really is sort of the leader of the pack hollypop is delighted to be looked up to so fondly by all of her clan mates and tries to use her authority for good she solves minor disputes and gets praised by the older warriors for her calm reason and maturity and finally we have jaypaw who finds the stick and learns about the cats that used to live around the lake and their history he experiences the whole jay's wing history up to the cats leaving for the mountains and them becoming the tribe he also learns about the tunnels under thunderclan and wingland territory and how they used to be used as a rite of passage for the ancient cats instead of cats drowning down there though some would just simply vanish their bodies never found and after the ancients have seen this happen time and time again they decided that the tunnels under the territory are haunted which is the main reason they decide to leave rock appears briefly mostly to make jpaw question the existence of dead cats outside of starclan so we're just gonna get all of that past history done in one book instead of dragging it out for two whole series some of this stuff will come back though and over the stars i swear trying to tie this whole ancient cat thing into the plot and have it mean something was a time but i hope you like where i go with this anyway after figuring out his place in the clan the experience with jay's wing makes jaypaw question things again if the cats who lived here before didn't belong here does that mean he doesn't belong here either is that why he's seeing these things what does it mean he notices firestar watching him and avoiding him at the same time this will be paw's conflict throughout most of the book in the middle of the book lion pawn holly paw take their warrior assessment and holly leaf becomes a warrior while lion paw does not this drives a wedge between holly leaf and her brothers holly leaf believes her hard work and devoted following of the warrior code has gotten her where she is and she doesn't understand her brother struggles to fit in holly paw has empathy issues after this line pau's meetings with heather paw start to become less frequent on heather paw's end lion paul waits for her but heather paw only shows up occasionally it seems she's having an easier time in winclan now she comes back one night and tells lionpod that she is now heathertail paw gets jealous and accuses heather tail of being just like holly leaf ready to abandon him when she gets what she wants when he gets angry with her heather tale rips lion pon a new one telling him that he's being a loser by moping around and not just choosing to be a better cat and that she's done with these nightly meetings it's over between them they continue shouting when crowfather hears them and goes into the tunnels and finds them in his panic lionpot attacks crowfeather and severely wounds him heather tail calls lion paw monster and lion paw runs away after hearing more wind clan cats in the tunnels including breeze paw after this lion paw is at his low point haunted by the guilt of training in the dark forest heather tales words and his brutal attacks on greystripe and crow feather lionpaw vows to become a better cat for real this time he goes to the dark force to tell tiger star in hot cross that he won't train with them any longer tigerstar implies they found other cats who will gladly take his place in training and with his help they found a way to get to them hogfrost is betrayed to see lionpaw leave in many ways hawkfrost has been a better mentor than ashfur and it stings to leave that behind lionpaw finally starts to make a turn around in thunderclan he's messed up his chances with the apprentices he grew up with they've all become warriors now but he makes an effort to help him befriend the younger apprentices who just got started foxpaw and icepaw since he's not training in the dark forest anymore he starts sleeping better and begins to realize that he was always grumpy with his clan mates partly due to not getting enough sleep and feels like a weight has been lifted from him since he isn't lying to them anymore either his powers truly start to come to him at this time not that they've been missing before but with this change of character comes a sort of upgrade and this clues lion pot into the fact that he might just maybe be different from other cats at the very end of the book he gets to retry his warrior assessment and passes during the epilogue of this book firestar gives lion paw's warrior name lion blaze this is from jaypaw's perspective and he notices firestar giving holly leaf and lionblaze the same awkward distant treatment that he's been feeling this whole time jaypaw can't take it anymore with firestar's weirdness around himself and his siblings just as he's trying to figure out ways to confront his leader about it firestar calls jaypaw into his den to speak with him privately it's here that firestar reveals the power of three prophecy to j-paw but before he can get a reaction from j-pop or even a confirmation that firestar knows that it's jay holly and lion the book ends okay hang on to your butts because this is where we start tossing the rest of the books into the proverbial salad bowl and like when i'm forced to eat a salad bowl i'm just going to start picking and choosing what i want and leaving the rest behind like the garbage that it is so next up is long shadows yep we're jumping right into the good stuff now we start right where we left off fire star tells jay paul about the prophecy and that he's been watching jay holly and lion and thinks that they are the cats the prophecy is talking about at first japan is relieved by this news it means that he does really belong here in thunderclan as a medicine cat and not only that but he's special the powers he has mean something j pot is a bit bitter towards firestar though for keeping this from him and his siblings and is doubly pissed at his siblings for keeping whatever powers they might have away from him after jaypod has a bit of time to cool off firestar talks to him again and apologizes vowing to try and help jay holly and lyon the best he can j-paw reluctantly agrees and they fetch holly leaf and lionblaze to tell them the truth as well firestar decides to start personally mentoring the three of them in order to help though it has to remain a secret with firestar's mentorship the three become closer again jaypaw comes clean about his power to feel clanmate's emotions and lion belize recalls his own awakening to his powers in the last book though he still doesn't tell anyone about his training in the dark forest and secretly is relieved that his powers didn't come from tiger star after all holly leaf concludes that her power must have to do with leadership as the readers we know that she hasn't had any sort of awakening like jay paul or lionpop but hollyleaf is confident that this must be it so no one questions it firestar doesn't know what to make of these abilities but he tells them to keep an eye out for messages from starclan overall things seem to be looking up for them a few more months goes by hollyleaf gets an apprentice rosepaw and takes to her position as a mentor pretty quickly it's still common to see holly leaf thinking about satisfying those ambitions she had back in book one she still wants glory and recognition and so far despite her inner thoughts being a bit selfish and her compassion a bit questionable especially after holly leaf catches rose pop breaking some minor wire code rules holly leaf seems like a good person overall whose heart is in the right place at least she's wise genuine and charismatic if a bit strict lion blaze is sure that his power is only good for hurting cats so he stays away from conflict as much as possible he begins reforming his relationships with the apprentices he had grown up with honey fern mouse whisker and hazel tale all forgive lion blaze pretty quickly but cinder heart and poppy frost take a little longer to come around though they do eventually barry nose and lion blades never become real friends so to speak but they do form a healthy rivalry with each other that sort of doubles as a bit of an estranged bromance jaypaw gets his medicine cat named jayfeather from leaf bull and starts getting dreams from starkland filled with smoke and he can't see in his dreams he calls out to his family but can never find them jayfeather tells leafpool about these streams but she tries to insist that they're just nightmares jayfeather is convinced it's a warning from starclan about something but doesn't know what it could be as a general note uh the way that jayfeather communicates with starclan is being completely scrapped he still regains his sight whenever he dreams but he can't dreamwalk at least not yet and instead of starclan chatting up jayfeather like he's some roleplay askblog starclan actually kinda keeps jayfeather at an arm's distance in their interactions if anything they come off as really desperate to keep j feather under their thumb but also are easily threatened by him jayfeather though he is fairly clever is still a young cat and pretty easily manipulated by them rock appears every now and then but just as a mute ghostly spirit whenever jayfeather asks starclan about him they look horrified and confused jayfeather is sure that rock has something to do with the ancient cats but he's not sure what or how this could tie into the prophecy after mentoring jay holly and lyon again firestar talks to holly leaf alone and expresses concerns for her brothers telling her to do her best to keep them on the straight and narrow firestar trusts holly leaves power more than the lion blazes and jay feathers to do good for thunderclan and overall feels a kinship with holly leaf due to her similar interests in helping clanmates and leading hollyleaf gives rose paw her warrior assessment and firestar is proud of hollyleaf's skill at mentoring so all that's well and good but then the infamous fire scene happens it's basically the same but now we're going to do some good old-fashioned mentor death because firestar is going to get mortally wounded here trying to help his clanmates escape jayfeather hollyleaf and lionplay stay back with firestar but firestar eventually convinces them to escape before he dies as a fun little bonus here for people paying attention and a little foreshadowing holly leaf nearly dies multiple times during the scene but ends up nearly escaping due to lion blaze and jayfeather's help they get caught in the fire and squirrelflight jumps in to try and help and ashfur intervenes ashford tries to get the three killed to hurt squirrel flight so she reveals the truth that jay holly and lion aren't actually her kits ashfur says he doesn't care this will hurt scroll flight anyway and that's when jayfeather blurts out that firestar is dead this shocks both ashfur and squirrelflight and the fight stops ashford backs down saying losing firestar is only the beginning of his revenge on squirrelflight the book ends in much the same way with the three freaking out over not knowing their biological parents wondering how that affects the prophecy and then ashford turning up dead by the end of the book firestar is also dead so yeah now we get bramblestar yippee at the end of this book we get an epilogue with leaf pool very similar to the prologue that begins sunrise with her finding the fur in ashfur's claws and knowing who the true killer might be next book with long shadows taking the spot of book three we've hit the midpoint and we still have three books to go so next up is sunrise in this book i want to keep the kind of murder mystery meets absolute shitstorm of family drama vibe that the book was going for so a lot of that stays the same but again we'll be moving some stuff around bramble star is now of course the leader of thunderclan and the clan is in complete disarray after the deaths of ashfur and firestar the clan wants answers and tensions are high squirrelflight is avoiding jayfeather lionblaze and holly leaf's bombardment of questions she only tells them that she promised not to tell anyone about their real parents but she wants them to know that she will always love them like her own the three can't settle for this though and each tries to find clues to the truth during this book bramblestar will have to pick out a new deputy and for the sake of this being my rewrite it's going to be sandstorm sandstorm is hesitant to take the position because she's still grieving firestar but she agrees she's a good deputy but everyone in the clan can tell the cats closest to firestar like sandstorm and grey stripe are ready to retire to the elder's den this is when leafpool and hollyleaf have their first confrontation leaf pool tells holly leaf that she knows she killed ashfur after leafpull promises not to tell anyone and keep holly leaf secret holly leaf questions leaf pulls motives and leafpool reveals the truth that she is her mother and crowfeather is her father holly leaf runs away from the scene finding out that she is a half-clan medicine cat-borne kit shakes her down to her core jayfeather and lion blaze notice holly leaf acting strangely but she won't speak to them anymore then honey fern gets bitten by the snake saving briar kit and sandstorm gets injured while organizing warriors to plug up the holes in the camp to stop future snakes from getting inside the clan has become super paranoid that starclan is trying to send them a message by punishing them bramblestar is trying to find his place as the new leader of thunderclan but everything feels different a part of thunderclan died with firestar and thunderclan cats are looking for something to fill that hole left behind before the next gathering leafpool is seen by lionblaze coming out of bramblestar's den but when he asks her about this again she doesn't respond jayfeather is determined to figure out what all of this could mean for the prophecy did they all imagine it firestar seems so sure but everything is different now how could they have the power of the stars if everything turned out like this and most importantly who are their real parents then the gathering happens and instead of holly leaf interrupting the gathering bramble star calls her forward to speak it turns out that holly leaf had told bramblestar everything from ashfur's treachery she might have blamed firestar's death in the fire on him till her heroic victory over him to avenge their old leader and to her great shame the truth about her heritage and now in an attempt to make things right with starclan holly leaf is telling all four clans all hell breaks loose bramblestar confronts squirrelflight and leafpool right then and there one star shames crowfeather jayfeather and lionblaze are horrified at everything taking place clouds cover the moon and end the gathering but what's been done cannot be undone when thunderclan gets back to camp sandstorm chides bramblestar on his rash behavior and treatment towards scroll flight the clan begins to squabble about what should be done about squirrel flight and leaf pool lion blaze stands between his clan mates and his mothers furious and confused but determined to not let anyone hurt them jayfeather rushes to hollyleaf urging her to try to fix this mess hollyleaf steps up and explains again why she did what she did ashfur was a traitor and while what squirrelflight and leafpool did was a betrayal of their trust firestar wouldn't want to see his clan mates turn against his only children like this even though holly leaf is standing up for leaf pool and squirrel flight she also has a lot of contempt for them and doesn't hide it very well however this is also the time where holly leaf chooses to reveal to thunderclan that herself and her brothers are part of a prophecy from starclan and were being trained by firestar to fulfill it so thunderclan should cut leaf pool and squirrel flight some slack so after holly leaf just drops all the bombshells uh leafpull decides to resign as a medicine cat scrollflight and bramblestar get cat divorced sandstorm retires to the elder's den and for the cherry on top bramblestar makes hollyleaf his new deputy because she is quote the only cat willing to be honest with him ouch epilogue new location new character we're near the sea where midnight the badger lives a mysterious cat is talking to her and he asks her where he can find the power of three midnight asks the mysterious cat what he would do with that information she is not pleased that this intruder already knows too much and soul replies i'm going to extinguish their power for good next book outcast we're repurposing this title and instead of it being a traveling book about the tribe of rushing water it's now seoul's introductory book things are still a mess in thunderclan but a new normal is starting to take shape hollyleaf is an admirable deputy even with her strict following of the code and people feeling a little not sure about her many prefer holly leaves temperament and maturity compared to bramblestar at least who is still pretty emotional and brash after feeling betrayed by squirrel flight and still coming to terms with leading in firestar shoes he's not in a great mindset to be taking over the leadership role to say the least and i don't feel like this is out of character for bramblestar either because the dude does kind of tend to shut down in the middle of a crisis especially ones that revolve around his own feelings and while hollyleaf might be getting along fairly well with the rest of the clan jayfeather and lionblaze are less than thrilled with her both brothers feel just as betrayed by holly leaf as they do towards their mothers they notice that the clan treats them differently and take note how hollyleaf positioned herself to get the least amount of backlash after everything was revealed and left jayfeather and lionblaze to deal with everything after the fact so while hollyleaf is looked at as a hero jayfeather and lionblaze are the unfortunate outcome of code breakers and dangerous cats in a prophecy jayfeather is struggling in the medicine den without leaf pool more than anything he wants her back but he doesn't know how to process his feelings towards her either lion blaze has actually decided to talk to leaf pool and squirrel flight about his feelings and is the first cat to come to their defense when he overhears gossip lion blaze eventually forgives both of them recalling his own arc with earning the forgiveness of his peers in this rewrite we are making lionblaze an emotionally developed character and he is going to thrive this is the payoff for him being an absolute doofus at the beginning of the ark and with this forgiveness lion blaze gains the resolve to use his power to protect those important to him this will act as the power that gives lion blaze his actual invulnerability so in my head before he just had incredible strength and he couldn't be beaten in battle but he could be hurt at this point he gains the realization that so long as he is protecting those he loves he also gains invulnerability reports surface about a new small group of cats lurking just outside clan territory shadow gland saw them and was impressed enough by them to at least report it to bramble star there's nothing to be done about it for now though so pretty soon our characters forget about it during a half moon meeting the medicine cats get to the moon pool and find soul there seemingly after communing with starclan they're shocked and angered that a stranger is using the pool soul takes special interest in jayfeather as he explains to the medicine cats that there are portals one can take to speak to the dead and he's on a pilgrimage to find them he describes a few of these portals mothming and cloud recognize him describing the moonstone and jayfeather recognizes the description of the cave of pointed stones from his dreams about the tribe of rushing water soul also mentioned skyclan's whispering cave and a dark tunnel that leads to an equally dark forest but none of the cats present know what he means by those soul also mentions that the moonstone is a dead portal abandoned and forsaken it leads absolutely nowhere now he wonders aloud coolly but threateningly if perhaps the same fate will happen to this portal the medicine cats become unsettled and demand sold leave still cool and unbothered soul leaves but jayfeather feels like he's being watched on his whole journey back to thunderclan soul showing up at the moon pool rattles the clan leaders blackstar appears in thunderclan and tells bramblestar that he plans on giving little cloud a permanent bodyguard for the time being and encourages jayfeather to have one as well ramblestar and hollyleaf assigned lionblaze to a very begrudging jayfeather at the next gathering they learned that one star has started sending his warriors to patrol the moon pool to make sure that the intruder doesn't go near it again this angers the other leaders fearing that winclan is making a claim to the territory like usual the clans are bickering amongst themselves hollyleaf breaks up the argument and reasons with the other leaders that for the time being keeping the moonpool safe from this intruder is more important so wind clans should be allowed to continue patrolling the place but not marking it as their own territory thunderclan will also send warriors to do the occasional patrol to make sure that the stranger is no longer trespassing as the book progresses rumors spread about soul sometimes he's seen with other cats following him around sometimes he's alone some rumors talk about small miracles he's performed in front of witnesses and some start blaming seoul for their bad luck while hunting sure that the strange cat has placed some kind of curse on them the mysticism around soul particularly bothers jay feather after all he's supposed to be the cat with the powers so what good are his abilities next to a cat-like soul so one night after lion blaze falls asleep jayfeather sneaks out of thunderclan camp and heads towards the moon pool to try and find soul he knows lion blaze and holly leaf wouldn't approve and he think and he doesn't think that seoul has any good intentions for him but if he's really supposed to be a powerful special prophecy cat then he should be able to survive whatever soul can do maybe seoul can help him figure out the mystery behind rock after looking for most of the night jayfeather finally finds seoul or rather soul finds jayfeather jayfeather doesn't reveal his involvement in any prophecy but says that he wants soul to teach him what he knows so that he can become a better medicine cat soul agrees and they decide on when and where next to meet near the shadow clan border where there aren't as many patrols around the moon pool so now we have jayfeather training with seoul lionblaze playing his bodyguard and hollyleaf is deputy of thunderclan things continue like this until one night lionblaze notices jay feather is missing unsure of what to do lion blaze goes to holly leaf and the two follow j feather's trail until it leads them to seoul at first they just watch but other cats surround lion blaze and holly leaf and announce their presence to seoul now soul has all three cats right here this is what he's been waiting for he reveals that he knows about the prophecy and wants to prepare them for their destiny lion blaze immediately rejects seoul's offer he's heard this live from tiger star holly leaf and jayfeather are taken in by seoul though holly leaf rejects seoul and chastises jayfeather for his recklessness jayfeather spits back that hollyleaf has been the reckless one lately and that he plans to continue training with seoul no matter what they say holly leaf reasons that she'll come train with soul but only to make sure that her little brother is safe sure holly leaf so behind the scenes of all of this soul training the clans are getting extremely antsy and protective of the moon pool and its surrounding territory even shadow clan and river clan cats have started showing up around the moon pool and it's led to a number of fights both around the moon pool and on other territories as river clan and shadow clan warriors pass through winclan and thunderclan territory as a new leader bramblestar tries to assert his authority by telling shadowclan cats that they can't just walk through thunderclan any time they want the path around the lake is only supposed to be used in emergencies and wind clan is guarding the moon pool from strangers but blackstar refuses to listen and lo and behold since traveling to the moon pool takes a good chunk of time and energy warriors patrolling the moon pool have also been caught hunting and this has only added to the tensions of all four clans and added another layer of confusion when warriors pass through smelling like prey or carrying it at the next gathering an enraged one star claims that moonpool territory belongs to winclan it is the closest to them and technically has always been a part of their territory the other clans must not trespass again or they will be attacked no one likes this misty star doubts winclan's ability to protect it sufficiently enough and blackstar wonders aloud how long before winclan decides to cut the other three clans away from starclan altogether without getting something from it bramblestar agrees with misty star and blackstar but adds that he doesn't want riverclan and shadowclan passing through thunderclan on a daily basis to patrol the moonpool the other leaders accuse thunderclan of trying to dictate to the other clans before things get too out of hand the medicine cats speak up they say that this whole situation has gotten out of hand and this is not what their warrior ancestors would want blood should not be shed at a place as sacred as the moon pool they should go back to the way things were and deal with soul if it becomes a problem not before the medicine cats also bemoan having warrior bodyguards around all the time but agree to let a few warriors accompany them to the half moon meetings if their leaders feel it's necessary reluctantly the leaders agree to this arrangement but it's pretty clear that none of them actually plan on following through with it everyone goes home and individually holly leaf jayfeather and lionblaze decide to take the situation into their own paws and do something about all this blaze decides to use the tunnels to check and see if winclan is keeping their promise jayfeather decides to try and go ask starclan for advice and he gets kestrel flight and willowshine to come with him and hollyleaf decides to go find seoul they all have middling success down in the tunnels lionblaze quickly overhears that winclan plans to continue their claim on moonpool territory other clan leaders be damned jayfeather goes to the pool but starclan won't speak to him and with a bit of dread he realizes that he hasn't been able to talk with starclan since he started training with seoul jayfeather is determined to find a way to them however and this is how he awakens his dream walking ability he walks into kestrel flight's dream and tracks down starclan cats himself starclan is angry and afraid of jay feather and his siblings powers and decided to cut off access to him altogether though now that he can dreamwalk they are realizing that jayfeather is a force to be reckoned with that they can't just ignore when holly lee finds seoul and it's just the two of them alone hollyleaf demands that soul tell her his plans soul tells holly leaf his backstory that he grew up as a kitty pet near skyclan territory but he always felt like he had a bigger purpose a higher calling he left his kittypet life to join sky clan and here's where we're changing more of seoul's backstory he felt called to be a medicine cat and commune with the warrior ancestors soul trained at first as a warrior but continued yearning to train as a medicine cat when he finally did start to train he was a natural addict he understood starclan's messages better than any other medicine cat and soon skyclan was looking to seoul as their spiritual guide eventually soul was good enough at seeing omens and prophecies that he started to make ones up that in his mind would help the clan towards a better future and finding clever ways to stop other omens from star clan from coming true this angered star clan and eventually skyclan's leader leaf star finally caught on to what he was doing before being banished seoul attempted to destroy skyclan's other means of communicating with starclan so that they would depend on him but skyclan warriors stopped him soul insists that the clan's dependency on starclan was more harmful than helpful starclan would send prophecies that they knew nothing about or to push forward their own goals or and he would emphasize this one particularly to hollyleaf encourage cats to break the warrior code they were much better off without their ancestors cats who were just as foolish dead as they were alive and of course listening to soul's own wisdom instead hollyleaf gets taken in by this not right away but she does see the reason in this she asks if that soul's real mission to remove starclan and put capable she thinks of herself and her brothers cats in charge of the clans soul laughs and says yes of course you have the power of the stars after all what else would i want hollyleaf's obvious villain red flag alert isn't working too well so she agrees that maybe seoul's plan wouldn't be so bad okay i know this is a long one but i've had to make up most of this book's material from scratch but we finally reached the climax lion blaze rushes back to thunderclan camp to tell bramblestar the news about winclan holly leaf and jayfeather are still missing where are thunderclan's deputy and medicine cat uh oh the tension is at a boiling over point bramble star is enraged by this news and plans to send a group of warriors to the moon pool to get the message through to winclan that the territory around the moonpool does not belong to them scroll flight and leaf will protest telling bramblestar that this will only escalate things he doesn't listen because of course he doesn't and of course thunderclan no sooner than gets the moonpool when winclan also arrives they fight and jayfeather wakes up from his communion with starclan kestrel flight waking up kicked him out of starclan and the three young medicine cats hear the battle going on down the hill the fighting stops when bramblestar and one star face off one star loses a life and when he comes back he wakes up terrified star clan has warned him of the power of three prophecy and that j feather lion blaze and holly leaf will destroy star starclan starclan has turned their backs on our protagonists and proclaimed them as a threat to the clan's very way of life epilogue seoul and holly leaf team up and make their way into shadow clan territory seoul has been communicating with shadow clan and creating omens that point towards a rough season for shadow clan soul tells holly leaf that they're going to stop shadow clan from destroying themselves in the fight over the moon pool holly leaf and seoul are going to strike a deal with shadow clan and prove their power okay i know things are getting a little crazy now but stick with me we're finally at the last book eclipse okay so now we have holly leaf and soul working together as a dynamic evil duo bent on stopping the clans from listening to star clan star clan has turned their backs on our protagonists and things are bad so after the battle at the moonpool thunderclan isn't sure what to do with the three bramblestar is also in critical condition from his fight with one star and needs jayfeather's aid but the cats who were at the battle and heard one star's message from starclan are extremely wary of jayfeather and lionblaze bramblestar is unconscious jayfeather calls leafpull back into the medicine den to help him with bramblestar they get bramblestar stable but he's still unable to speak and essentially in a coma for now he hasn't died yet but he can't talk to them jayfeather and lionblaze go out to address the clan's concerns hollyleaf still hasn't returned which frightens them but jayfeather promises that he and his siblings aren't trying to destroy starclan he has a medicine cap for starclan's sake this doesn't really help but it at least cools things down for the time being everyone recognizes that lion blaze's skill in combat helped them win at the moon pool and bramble star needs jayfeather's help so for the time being they kind of have to trust them but where's their deputy where's holly leaf hollyleaf returns the next day she ignores most questions thrown at her about where she's been and takes over as acting leader in bramblestar's absence no one knows how long bramblestar will be out so hollyleaf makes lionblaze her acting deputy now the three are in charge of the whole clan and cats are really starting to feel uncomfortable with all this patrols around the moonpool haven't stopped winclan has laid an even stronger claim around the territory hollyleaf says that they'll wait for bramblestar to regain consciousness before acting though secretly she's fine with letting winclan waste their time with it after all they don't need the moonpool anymore and as you can probably imagine with the setup evil holly leaf is pretty thoroughly put in place here i want to really have a lot of time to explore her breakdown and self-righteousness throughout the back half of the arc her mental state will have been deteriorating since the murder of ashfur and the reveal of her real parents and her bitterness towards her clan mates leaf pool crow feather and starclan will steadily grow hollyleaf is going to be clinging to her power here for as long as possible before the inevitable drop she's been visiting bramblestar and using her previous medicine cat training knowledge to secretly poison him keeping him in bad condition and unable to lead this will also serve as a setup for her using deathberries she's also like i mentioned before working with seoul jayfeather has turned away from seoul and is led to believe that hollyleaf has two j feather knows soul isn't the key to unlocking their powers anymore and they don't need him to fulfill the prophecy plus jayfeather is majorly freaking out about starkland turning their backs on him jayfeather's powers also tell him that holly leaf is hiding stuff from him but he can't coax it out of her lion blaze hates being holly leaf's deputy but he stays because he thinks it's the best way to keep an eye on her who he's beginning to suspect the worst from he tries to talk about this with jayfeather but jayfeather won't listen to lionblaze despite jayfeather's prickly exterior he can't believe something like that of his sister so lionblaze works alone in monitoring hollyleaf holly leaves onto him though and much more clever she keeps lying blaze busy when she goes to meet seoul and manages to keep lionblaze in the dark about as much as possible only a day or two has passed and an impromptu gathering is called blackstar announces that they've decided to stop following starclan and start following seoul's wisdom instead he's proved through his prophecies that he's more reliable than starclan which is impossible to reach anyhow because of winclan's intense border marking misty star and one star are shocked by this news but hollyleaf congratulates blackstar's decision maybe all the clans should look for an alternative method of receiving prophecies since the moon pool is guarded by wind clan one star stutters and says that winclan was guarding it for the sake of all the clans not to keep it away from them seoul also makes an appearance at the gathering and decides to give the clans his own prophecy star clan will abandon them when seoul makes the sun disappear from the sky and the moon pool will be destroyed only soul and he'll look to hollyleaf certain other cats with a greater wisdom than starclan will guide the clans after that shadowclan goes home after all of this and the other clans sit in shock panicking about seoul's message how could the moonpool be destroyed seoul surely can't make the sun disappear can he should they attack shadow clan and drive soul away would that stop all this from happening the clans return home without any answers as days grow closer to seoul's prophecy the wheels start coming off the cart one star and misty star announced that they plan on joining forces to protect the moon pool and ask thunderclan to join them holly leaf aligns thunderclan completely with seoul and shadowclan when holly lee finally declares her alliance with seoul lionblaze has had enough he gets together with cinderheart fox sleep ice cloud and barry nose and together the group decides they've got to find a way to stop hollyleaf squirrelflight overhears these plans and also joins her son's rebellion lionblaze tells them about the tunnels beneath thunderclan and wind clan that they can use to travel discreetly to talk to the other leaders while down in the tunnels lionblaze and the others notice unfamiliar cat scent someone else has been down there though they do smell faintly of soul unknown to them soul has been putting the other cats with him down to work in the tunnels before jayfeather stopped training with him jayfeather revealed the location of the tunnels when he tried asking seoul about rock he found out that the tunnels go below the moon pool and plans to dig beneath it to destroy the pool and dry it up seoul's followers are willing to put themselves in harm's way to accomplish this mission so on the day of the eclipse the clans are ready for all-out war much like in the original book eclipse the other clans are ready to fight shadow clan to get to seoul and shadowclan is going to defend what they believe is their new way of life without warrior ancestors before thunderclan is forced to join shadowclan's forces jayfeather and leafpool catch hollyleaf in the medicine den poisoning bramblestar jayfeather is heartbroken how could you do this hollyleaf how could you do this to our father bramblestar's condition has worsened from all the poisonings and before holly leaf can fully grasp what she's done rainbow star loses a life to the poison she meant to keep him unstable not kill him jayfeather rushes to bramble star and leafpool confronts hollyleaf with tears in her eyes leaf lets out all her anger with leaf pool in that moment she hates being half clan her existence goes against the code and she killed ashford to try and hide it but it's done nothing but bring her more misery she hates leaf pool for doing this to her they have their iconic deathberry confrontation and holly leaf bolts that's it i can't do this anymore she screams jayfeather feels the despair from hollyleaf stronger than ever like a tidal wave of emotions that has been locked up and waiting to burst hollyleaf no come back jayfeather can't stop her though bramblestar wheezes back to life his new life from starclan healing the poison of his previous wounds once he gets a moment to collect himself leafple and jayfeather try their best to fill him in but don't have much time to explain thunderclan can turn the tide of this fight if they join with riverclan and winclan and stop seoul bramblestar gets to work warriors of all clans are meeting at the thunderclan border of winclan misty star and one star agreed to rally there and attack shadowclan and thunderclan until they give up seoul bramblestar has a short amount of time to stop thunderclan from fighting on the wrong side as ramble star gets there the sun gets covered by the moon and the eclipse begins the sun disappearing causes the clans to panic and the fighting begins no one really sure what side they are fighting on anymore or what this will accomplish lion blaze and his team sit in the tunnels they figured out seoul's plan to drain the moon pool from below and plan to sneak attack any unknown cats they find down there to protect the moon pool until the sun comes back and soul is proven wrong they do catch souls accomplices just in time and drag them out of the tunnels only to be shocked when hollyleaf rushes by them and darts into the tunnels herself with a gasp of horror squirrel flight dives into the tunnels after holly leaf but it's too late holly finishes seoul's work and the tunnels collapse under the weight of the water above and on top of holly leaf squirrel flight barely makes it out in time so as not to get washed away holly leaf is gone now and seoul's plan has worked the moon pool is destroyed and this stops the clans fighting jayfeather has rushed onto the scene now and a sorrowful lion blaze fills him in on what hollyleaf has done the clan cats panic what are the clans going to do without the moon pool how do they talk to starclan now suddenly jayfeather gets an idea he jumps onto the collapsed pool and begins digging thinking that jay feather is grieving for holly leaf lionblaze tries to stop him but jayfeather says that he might be able to save starclan lionblaze helps him dig bramblestar squirrelflight crowfeather and other clan cats begin helping cats from all four clans the soil is damp and muddy but they keep digging together when they reach the tunnels again jayfeather notes that they haven't found hollyleaf's body he shudders at the thought but thinks this might be a good sign jayfeather and lionblaze go into the tunnels to search insisting that they need to do this alone bramblestar allows it and stops the other cats there from protesting jayfeather fills lionblazen on his plan when he first met seoul sull mentioned that there was a portal to the afterlife inside dark tunnels that lead to a dark forest jayfeather thinks he can use his dreamwalking ability to find starclan from there blaze timidly confesses that he knows what the dark forest is and he doesn't think they're going to find any starclan cats there we have to try we have the power of the stars in our paws so we have to do this what about holly leaf they can't bear to think about it i don't know what about the prophecy we can't think about that now when the brothers feel that they've been walking into the tunnels forever and everything has gotten much too dark to see jayfeather smells something something that smells like decay and blood vine blaze can soon see the familiar trees of the dark forest they've made it but now what do they do they hear rustling lion blaze is worried it might be tiger star instead holly leaf appears holly leaf lion blaze growls jayfeather can hear the anger and hurt in lion blaze's voice and without warning jayfeather feels himself get pushed behind lionblaze's large body jayfeather is always quicker than his brother anticipates and he darts around lionblaze now that they are in this world for cats that are no longer living jayfeather's dreamwalking sight is beginning to come to him but something isn't right the edges of jayfeather's side are blurry and he can only make out hollyleaf's silhouette but it is undeniably her jayfeather can still smell his sister's earthly scent feel her ebbing push and pull of emotions like a wave hollyleaf jayfeather's voice is a crack as much as he's happy to be reunited with both of his siblings the way it should be he thinks jay feather also feels white hot anger holly leaf what have you done how did you both get here it's her only reply jayfeather can feel lion blaze's hackles fall behind him thankfully this won't turn into a fight jayfeather got us here holly leaf do you know where you are what you've done i've made a horrible mistake i'm in the dark forest aren't i where's star clan hollyleaf's voice trembled you destroyed the moon pool holly leaf jayfeather couldn't help himself what did you think was going to happen and for what is this what you wanted is this what the prophecy was for hollyleaf and lionblaze were silent jayfeather could feel their eyes on him then a new emotion came from hollyleaf clear as day shame jay feather i thought you were the clever one but maybe not what do you mean i'm not part of the prophecy never was this of all things should prove it i was never powerful like you in lion blaze the shock of this revelation made them stop then lion blaze shook himself and stepped forward that's ridiculous you just destroyed the moon pool you've been outsmarting my every move to track you and soul for the last several days you're one of the most powerful and capable cats i know holly leaf holly leaf chuckled wistfully well that's true but i don't have any powers never did the way you and jayfeather came here of your own free will that's something i could never do i tried to fool myself into thinking that the prophecy was about me trying to force myself into the prophecy make it come true i thought if i could bring down starkling with soul then the prophecy had to be about me but it just made me souls lackey and got me here jayfeather shook his head but that doesn't make any sense where the can of firestar's kin who else could the third cat be i don't know holly leaves sighed sadly but it isn't me jayfeather was stunned and angry and sad that's not fair he could feel hollyleaf's worries fears of being excluded from her brother's big destiny all of these emotions that holly leaf had been keeping a tight hold on for so long he wonders if holly leaf is only now feeling them herself come back with us holly leaf we have to find star clan we can figure it out with your help you can still fix this holly leaf laughed a sad loud laugh you still don't get it jayfeather i can't do anything not anymore i'm dead the truth that jayfeather was avoiding hit him like a stone holly leaf lion blaze's gruff voice was serious he lowered his head this place that you're in the dark forest it's i know she cut him off but i've made my nest so now i have to sleep in it the siblings became quiet what was there to say to something like that hollyleaf shook out her fur and then rushed both of her brothers and purred as she rubbed her head against them you have to go you won't find starclan here and now you've shown me the portal to the world of living cats i'm afraid what will happen if the dark forest cats find it my atonement starts now i'll protect this portal for as long as i can they parted and after a heartbreaking moment of silence lionblaze added you won't do it alone jayfeather realized his brother's intentions but couldn't stop himself from shouting what he looked desperately between his siblings no no no no i can't lose both of you in the same day lionblaze touched his head to jayfeather jayfeather could feel his brother's resolve strong as a rock though regret and sadness also weighed heavily on him nothing jayfeather would say could change his mind i have to lionblaze stated i have my power for a reason i'll stay here with holly leaf and we'll protect the portal together you have to go back jay feather find the third count of the prophecy and figure out how to reach starclan again i know you can do it ragefilled jayfeather why do i have to do everything myself this this isn't fair he paused and let himself sigh to try and ground himself fine you big stupid furballs i'll do it you won't be trapped here forever i promise i'm going to get both of you out of here jay feather holly leaf mewed with shock the three siblings curled around each other again this was goodbye jayfeather didn't know when he'd see them again but he would see them again both of them we believe in you jayfeather lionblaze bumped his head with jayfeather one last time we'll see you soon yeah jayfeather nodded with determination see you soon epilogue a few weeks have gone by and the clans are returning to a new normal bramblestar is leaving thunderclan once more squirrelflight is his new deputy and while everyone still stares sadly up at silverpelt when they think of their lost communication with starclan the clans are getting by seoul has vanished his followers have been chased off but there's been no sightings of the mysterious tom since eclipse blackstar was desperate to find him at first but the hunt proved fruitless jayfeather has been determined to think of a way to get starclan back but hasn't come to any conclusions yet he has however noticed that white wing and cloudtails kits ivy kit and dovekit are just about to become apprentices and he can't help but wonder if one of them could be the third cat of the prophecy that they've been missing this whole time dun dun duh the end oh okay so that's my take on the power of three we end with j feather alone in thunder clan holly leaf dead and lying blaze in the dark forest with holly leaf it's a gut punch of an ending but that's what sunrise was too when it first came out and everything is as up in the air as before i think the biggest changes i made were fire firestar's early death and then everything that has to do with soul i hope that with just these additions it helps raise the stakes properly and i hope you agree another big change of course is the ending with lion blaze choosing to stay behind in the dark forest this gives lionblaze and his powers something more meaningful to be doing in omen of the stars cause unfortunately he just doesn't really have anywhere to grow in that arc it also feels like a task suitable to his power when lion blaze is fighting other clan cats it really doesn't hold any suspense because you know that lion blaze is invincible and the best fighter ever so having him stay in the dark forest gives him some actual stakes is he going to be able to guard the portal is he invincible to an army of dead cats how are he and holly leaf gonna manage can he protect the clans while also keeping holly leaf spirit safe it just seems like a good place to leave lion blaze at the moment and dear lord i literally brainstormed for months on how exactly i would fit all the weird loose ends from this arc in here like rock and the ancients and the important character deaths and soul and try and get the dark forest invasion foreshadowing in but i know i miss some stuff so here's a rapid fire of other things that should probably happen at some point in these books but i didn't feel like mentioning them in my grand summary of things storm fur and brook they return to the tribe just i don't know they go back bye and purdy joins thunderclan welcome back you silly old man not important but you know i figured i'd tie up that loose end brees pelt he hates crow feather for nearly killing crow feather in the tunnels and he swears vengeance crowfeather disowns jay feather lion blaze and holly leaf when the truth comes out just like in the books and bree's heart takes this as further justification that he needs revenge on all three of them not just lion blaze now when one star dies in the fight against bramble star and hears the prophecy brees pelt then goes to full i need revenge on all of thunderclan especially jayfeather holly leaf and lion blaze this gives breespelt a bit more of a gradual ratification and doesn't just make his main problem daddy issues though he still definitely has that going on for him johnny pelt still has her litter of kits tiger kit flame kitten dawn kit probably sometime in outcast and she asks for bramble stars aid when black star aligns with seoul but when she finds out that ramblestar is in critical condition she returns to shadowclan i love the idea of lion blaze covertly working with them like the three do in the books so maybe he tries to have them help spy on holly leaf fallen leaves has not been needed from the story entirely but he is one of the cats that jay's wings saw go into the tunnels and never come out i'll come back to this in my omen of the stars rewrite cinderheart is just going to live her normal wire life maybe sometimes she has memories of cinderpelt's life but that's going to be as far as it goes she's just living a good life and i'm not touching the whole cinder pelt possession thing with a 10-foot pole and i think that's mostly it that's my rewrite of the power of three i know that without knowing how i'd rewrite on one of the stars you can't really get the full picture yet but i hope that this was still a fun time i can't promise that the omen of the stars video will be soon because it takes a long time for me to write this stuff and i like spending a long time brainstorming everything but it is coming eventually i ask that you please be patient as i work on some other things as a palette cleanser first and again i want to thank everyone for subscribing and enjoying my content your support means a lot and i'm so happy that i get to make videos like this i probably should have said this at the beginning of the video but this video is replacing drawing a blank for this week and based on how long this has taken me to record this we'll probably replace drawing a blank for the next few weeks because yeah this this is a really really long video i'm so sorry i'm so sorry oh my god i'm so sorry to me who's going to have to edit all this anyway i've taken up enough of your time thank you all let me know what you thought about this rewrite i'm really eager to know i've been working on this for forever um but have a wonderful day and remember to please stay inspired you
Channel: TennelleFlowers
Views: 361,384
Rating: 4.9674754 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, tennelle flowers, tennelle, power of three, jayfeather, lionblaze, hollyleaf, sol, rewrite, speedpaint, drawing a blank, simmy speaks, rewriting, let's rewrite the power of three, erin hunter
Id: D0G_40Q4A_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 43sec (5143 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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