Twelve: The Finale

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mommy all right let's start over blossom to your vision I just cool my turret if it keeps raining does that mean we gotta stay inside all day I want to play outside today we'll see you'll see now give me a moment and grab some breakfast okay off you go okay oh wait 30 seconds into the day Barney so stressed out could have great hair at 16 [Music] that's good for you wait I'm uh I'm not fighting well he started it photog her did not you're the food hugger accusin called me a dummy head blossom are you being a tattletale [Music] oh shoot Lily stop pestering your sister then stop being a baby that wasn't even me alright I'm going to be mean if you all don't start acting nice to one another understand but for now we can do story time [Music] gather round now and Lily no mushy oh wait where's time I mean blossom everyone comfortable yeah Oh Oh tell us the story of Robin Hood no that one's boring oh oh I want to hear the princess and the front one again how about I tell you a different story hey good idea kiddo there once was a young cat in a faraway land she was traveling yes she was a traveler but one day there was a huge storm like the one this morning yes but it was far worse and it was dark and stormy and scary and the cat almost didn't make it she was saved saved by an ugly red monster with wings teeth and horns hey wait a second and his name was empty a it sounds like a nice monster yeah he kind of does doesn't he it was trapped under a curse the curse of telling awful puns and laughing at his own joke Oh No ah ha ha ha ha very funny daddy um yes but this curse can only be lifted if they kissed like the like The Princess and the Frog oh god no I mean no dear the curse could only be lifted if the girl helped other people and was kind [Music] [Music] and the monster was free from his curse did they kiss now well I'd say that's enough story time for now well maybe just one more there once was a princess named ivy who was trapped in a castle by the evil dragon reed and she had to escape but thistle wasn't going to back down without a fight they jumped at zhenya with full force then maple swooped in love is not a choice Rose told the evil witch down with The Seagull King Lupin cry and in the end willow and his friend clover with on many adventures together pretty great stories to tell huh now you kiddin those kids are fast asleep hey you got a point there parents never seem to get a break do they yeah reminds me of my own they're probably still looking for me don't sweat it too much kid I'm sure your parents are doing fine you'll be home sooner than you think it's done great so far I mean look at the stories you've lived through yeah but it just wasn't fair what I did to them it was stupid and selfish of me you do something like that I used to think my life is so awful and my problems were so hard to solve when really it's such a good life they tried so hard to make me see that but I was just so caught up in myself that I didn't listen hey well think about it if you listen to them then none of this would have happened I mean destiny has a pretty funny way of working now seriously I've met her myself which is crazy yeah I believe it this whole thing has been crazy you me I would have never imagined doing anything quite like this in my lifetime after lifetime oh yeah I do too sweetie [Music] daddy was a very good man he was a good father to you sorry I'm sorry you see me like this mommy cry goodbye rooo you're never alone you have three wonderful children loving you more than anything else in the world and you don't have to face Oaks death alone they're going through it too I know you want to protect them but this is a pain you all share and you have to learn to face your problems instead of running away from them because otherwise you'll get yourself hurt yeah trust me on that one she speaks from experience and oak seems like a nice guy and he's bound to be in the overworld and guess what you'll meet him there someday I'm sprite and I'm gonna tell you something room something coming from well okay my mother is a strong person like you and as I grew up I started to do stupid things that he just grew apart but despite everything I just admire her so very much my father too I just I love them so very much and I'm so honored to be their child and I know I'm gonna take the light they gave me and do great things with it because they were always there for me no matter what what I'm getting hands you're a good mother room and your kids need you just as much as you need them coming from me the other side of you mommy he wanted me okay yes dear everything's going to be fine I'm sorry for leaving him on like that we should have stayed and talked it's okay everybody cries yeah well baby sometimes but if any of you time lily blossom if any of you ever feel this way please talk to me we all lost daddy and we'll all get through it together understood hey have an idea how about we cheer everyone up play telling funny stories extra long story time today that makes me so happy can I tell a story go right ahead blossom dear it's the story we all know remember the first time we saw snow remember those good memories we have nothing to be sad about right yeah so is everyone done being babies now cuz I will go play outside yes yes we can go now you know really proud of what you said back there dude oh well it's true I was really close to my parents when I was under but I don't know what happened I mean they were always there for me and we shared everything together so I thought ruin the trip what should do the same well it's definitely gonna help them cope hey you know what I think you'll be a great parents and take it up really think so yeah sure if you got your whole life ahead of you anything's possible possible wait no [Music] mom mommy Lenny went past the fence again oh not again I'll be right back and don't you two move Lily Lily dear Lily you better not be hiding normal Lily oh hey just ahead go left [Music] [Music] it's okay mom mommy are you okay really know what happened but don't you dare run off like that again any of you good now come here you three Lilia mummy is such crybabies - hey you're the one who cries the most every day chill I wouldn't be talking [Music] Maru I hope I was able to help you just a little today I wish we had more time together cuz it really come to love live leave awesome in time I know you'll take good care of them and they'll go out to be amazing people someday well times almost up so best of luck [Music] [Music] that's for awhile happily your how long has it been let's count it just for fun nataly's floor god that was definitely for yeah [Music] six yeah six no I remember seven yeah seven twelve yeah twelve so I'm to next vessel twelve are you okay my god I think 12s hole the number 12 look okay 12 fastest was all we needed 12 souls 12 days it's been 12 days yeah yeah really nice job me Oh oh my gosh whoa so this is it then not quite there's still one last thing you need to do what are you waiting for we're all ready this floor I can take anything me you're about to make the biggest decision of your life and your afterlife okay nothing I can say can prepare you for what I'm about to ask you to do and witness what you see you're freaking me out what do you mean it look let me explain it for the past 12 days you lent me your soul mind and body to help 12 individuals scattered across the earth and help fix problems in their lives but now you have to make a choice but before I ask you to choose I'm gonna give you two options okay and I'm just gonna warn you there are pros and cons to each option but it's completely up to you how you choose your fate and the fate of IV Heather thistle evany Rose Cypress fennel Lupin poppy mallow willow Andrew I'm ready option 1 same thing as last time I bring you back to life as we planned and everything you've done for the vessels good and bad never happened right everything will go back to the way it was 12 days ago and the vessels lives looking to you on the way it would have if you hadn't interfered I want you to open the pocket watch now okay I want you to physically see how their lives would have been if you hadn't helped them okay sounds good fair enough also um a little warning some of this might get a little graphic and some vessels fate/stay the same with or without your help okay here we go why don't you go and catch me a fresh bird instead of napping all day long what if I don't want to what did you just say to me nothing love Oh God anything to make you happy I was never strong enough does he the outside world to see what lies beyond my friends to run free perhaps my body just wasn't meant to take me there perhaps with stars will someday everyone in the world is out to get me every single one of them huh damn it look damn it I hate you I I hate them does this hurt sick of it I'm sick of it Daisy Daisy Daisy where are you over here papa it's the bad human gone No I got you I got you why would you keep secrets from us rose because I was afraid that you wouldn't accept me and then you yell at me just like you are right now rose that's ridiculous we would love you no matter what hurts to know that you felt that way let alone keeping you and violet a secret from us you just don't understand I was scared I was I'm sorry it was just it's all right rose it may take some time for us to understand but don't keep secrets anymore we love you it's been days since juni was adopted I I wonder how she's doing I hope she's happy with her new family I I don't think I could tell them the truth I feel like the pain of holiness feeling inside will hurt less than if he were to reject me but it's just a stupid feeling it'll go away soon I just need to learn to get over it that's it quiet Lupin I am sending you away from this pack for your own safety you understand yes I don't need excuses you're lucky I'm keeping these idiots from tearing you to shreds this instant count your fortunes and leap up you have no business here yes ma'am I sure hope primroses having fun at the party it's too bad I chickened out but Lotus is right it's pretty dangerous for me to go to parties so it'll be okay [Music] what happened are you alright take a deep breath everything will be okay it's okay it was my fault for being stupid enough to go then I got hurt but it'll be okay I promise it's just not fair you were you were pretending this entire time I know not exactly we've been dating for weeks and apparently I'm in love with someone who doesn't exist no no no no ginger please don't get upset I can explain I I don't want to hear it mellow oh just get away from me I wish someone would play with me besides me I wish I had a mommy and a daddy and brother and a sister and a gazillion million friends it I don't I just don't and I never never will it's alright it's alright calm down it was just a vision okay Shh it's okay deep breath okay none of that actually happened all right but it could so I want you to keep that in mind okay now now take a look at your outcome may I no but hey it's not over look two kiddos named Heather inside twins I think also kudos on the creativity with those names they have grandkids someday too but I'm not that good at metaphysical foresight so I can't get the names physical appearances oh boy who on earth is that that's your buddy Simon yeah don't worry he changes a lot in the future and so do you you'll live a long life full of family friends and happiness of course you'll have your misfortunes but that's what makes it all worthwhile Oh crazy you even think about it as much as I go home I can't stand to see the vessels go through those things and hey hey hey hey don't get too far ahead of yourself okay you still have another option alright that option being everything you've done for the vessels remains exactly the same mistakes and all but in order for that to happen you're going to have to give up your own life I know it's a lot to ask but I want you to take a look at some of the vessels lives after you interacted with them it'll do you some good Oh IV uh would you mind rounding up the hunting group for today oh not at all I'll take the lead for now oh great I'm so glad to have you here honestly our pack keeps growing him offering safe homes to those in need I couldn't ask for anything more I'm glad I'm here too I feel like I belong people my family now and I feel wanted accomplished and I I couldn't be happier oh if only you could see this you would paint forever and ever perhaps someday I will see you here but until then I have a lot of exploring to do oh uh hey Xenia what are you i dis banded the game today what what just want things to be the way they used to be I just want us to get along again this'll xenia disbanding the gang isn't gonna change anything no it will all right took it down about routing it needed to stock all I'm asking now is for your forgiveness lives you should for grudges right Mabel okay so seriously any way that I can repay you for all that you've done come on Eponine I've told you a hundred times you don't have to thank me just take care of Daisy no head on towards the town I was raised in fine missile and o-tar I say you okay I trust you Thank You jasmine for everything the barn is jazzy I love you you take good care of each other night here hey rose I want to talk to you the reason I got so upset with you and violet was because I was just trying to protect you and I didn't want you to get hurt but I I guess I was the one who hurt you and I'm really sorry it's how can you really I knew you'd understand eventually it's still hard trying to cope with these new ideas but I'll do my best to make you happy both of you doll I see hugs where am I it feels like I'm dreaming but I know I'm not I'm just lost I can't see Sidda well well look what the human dragged there it smells odd um what exactly am I looking at cause it's alive calm down this is the newest addition to our family my name is gardenia but you can call me gar for short uh-huh hmm well Cosmo it looks like we have a new little brother I guess you could say that hey why don't you stop terrorizing the birds and down to the beach or something maybe if you get a moment of peace around here for once [Music] well I suppose a sunbath would be nice yeah why not though then load is try to juice the rat out from under the couch and chase it and come on pops finish the story yeah you were just getting to the good part one second guys hey hey you know Lotus packed me too many treats and I hate to waste one you wanna hold and share I'm sure yeah I just want to forget what happened and be friends again besides it's story tell anything about you I do too I really am sorry I hope you know that I do I do now come on everyone's waiting oh okay oh you're kidding yeah Mel and I haven't been bros for that long at all if you really want to believe that but now we're as Titus to me Milo I had no idea you had such a long journey over here yeah it was slightly mortifying and scarred me for life but it was worth it crates airplanes we're tasting dog treats hey what matters now is that you two lovey-dovey goobers have each other which by the way what happened without my help you're welcome yeah it must have been destiny I guess so [Music] [Music] strong and patient strong and patient strong and [Music] and patient are you okay here let me help you [Music] Jill drew hey I'm not a thief you're not a goose piece is plural time yeah well the goose is have sharp teeth [Music] Wow I never would have known once I did it I never thought someone like me help so many people that's the beauty of change kiddo anything's possible with the right attitude but I want you to remember the the consequences of this outcome right you're about to witness something that no beings supposed to see so let me know if it's too much okay pretty tough I think I can handle it okay here we go may where are you may May this isn't funny may mate [Music] make me wake up honey come on Mae Mae Mae wake up please wake up what everything's gonna be okay come on come here Phoebe Phoebe it's Mae Mae come on wake up me oh come on you're strong girl come on Mary [Music] I just hope I'm sorry I'm sorry this shouldn't have happened it was my job to protect you listen to you love you but I didn't do enough I should have tried harder if only I did if it's your smile okay I just want to see the life in your eyes you just want so much and now you're gone Phoebe please [Music] please don't blame yourself please please don't I could hit more by was harsh I didn't listen so shut down and then damn it James hey stop it please no matter what we do no matter what we try we supper baby be supper we have our lives or a long time I think stars are finally giving us ease but why they like [Music] sorry I'm sorry May [Music] my dear hey hey hey hey hey hey hey breath okay deep breath it's okay look the rest is out of my range of sight okay I'm sure the afterlife will be a whole different adventure though it was for me anyway luckily you get a choice and not many people do so now that you've seen both spectrums yes make choice to live or die to save or sacrifice it's so clear I don't want to save myself I know what I do someone's going to suffer no matter what I choose someone somewhere will prosper Who am I in all this it's a wife granted I lost it the only reason I deserve to live again is because I changed and grew and helped others but even at that do I really deserve anything I had my chance at this point the rule is even with me so if I know what I have to do I don't like the sound of that you know what I have to do I can't say that I do vessels deserve to live and be happy more than I do I had my chance and I wasted it it's my own fault why should others suffer for my stupid actions as much as you're right do you know what that means right it's funny cuz I've killed so many innocent people and it's it's part of being a reaper but [Music] it's hard when you act actually know them last thing I want you for it I see you upset just good just get it over with wonders long enough okay no no sorry I can't do it I can't yes seriously I'm sorry I can't kill you I can't do it this is what I want okay I'm sorry it's hard but just think about the vessels think about all those people I want them to win what them to be happy I so very much for them to do everything I do why are this all I want please [Music] kill me [Music] [Music] you you [Music] you're damn right it isn't geez don't you ever pull something like that I can't young lady I mean it this is exactly what drove her away stop yelling at her she needs to know this is wrong thievery we can't allow her to think this is acceptable if she were to do this again [Music] [Music] no May for God's sake what is that he was here he made a mistake me what what are you what are you talking about it was real it was real he was a real person I died up there and we traveled across the world helping people come here honey pomp calm down calm down okay calm down look look I don't know what all that means but I think you're just exhausted okay you're just tired why is that me me I believe you may look I'm sorry we argued in front of you earlier but we'll find your friend later okay for now can you please comfort your mother she's been devastated for God how long has it been 12 days 12 days 12 days too many little lady now come on your mother is waiting [Music] oh look at that kitty made it back home miss you so much baby Katie the names in practical trickster and full-time recur at your service I think you should really did take what I had to say into account know what you're right you're not mad anymore you've changed but that doesn't mean that you're not you you can't just push the old way away because she's a part of you she's who you look back on and see how far you've come yeah I'm tired of his jokes too hey as long as we remember those good memories we had nothing to be sad about right I can't believe you pimp wait why not what hey over here hey oh oh come on even faster than that somebody I'm serious really cuz I think it's absolutely hilarious now you got the wrong Reaper kid oh good to finally see you yep a back you business baby man it feels great to be me again well you certainly look less repulsive gee thanks man hey wait a second oh hey what was that for ya brought me back to life uh yeah that was part of the deal I want you to kill me you really are lacking in the mind Department aren't you kiddo alright look the final decision of yours was just a little test just to see how far you've really come if you remember our deal in the beginning had nothing to do with you losing your life the whole point was to free me and bring you back it took everything in between to get us to this point so I'd say mission accomplished hey the May I met 12 days ago would have saved yourself in a heartbeat but you didn't it's gotta mean something just means you're a jerk it's a practical trickster and full time Reaper at your service well then guess how are you thanks not only for saving me but for teaching hey that's what friends are for and for the record the vessels are fine everything you did for them good or bad say the same nothing's changed so in the end we all got what we wanted oh that's a relief yeah back to the riff now huh yeah I hate to say it I'm really gonna miss you oh this is worse I actually I want you to have it this is a token to remember me by are you sure yeah trust me I'm sick of looking at it and if you ever need to contact me in the rift using the pocket watch would be ideal okay a lot better anyways no matter how much I say you changed there's some parts of me that will always be there it's me too well I should probably get going I have a lot of work ahead of me right banished to a pocket watch again I'm your girl is that your way of saying stay out of trouble your imp I know you're gonna get in trouble but hey hey more faith than actually don't I I guess this is goodbye wrong goodbye into my dictionary get up see you soon see you soon wait imaginary stuff ah come here miss you so much what was that nothing [Music] thank you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] Misha looks like you're out of time
Channel: PetPyves
Views: 68,767
Rating: 4.976717 out of 5
Keywords: twelve, series, finale, ending, last, episode, conculsion, 12, animation, animated, animatic, cartoon, cats, dogs, pet, peeves, petpyves
Id: FYM4GrltQPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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