Warrior Cats: Into the Wild: The Movie [COMPLETED]

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I mean, I gotta respect their initiative. That's a lot of blood, sweat, and tears put in a difficult style of animation. Besides, it's not like SSS is finishing anytime ever, so I welcome the effort.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mewzs 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I respect their effort, it seems pretty well done, but to be honest, who has the time to watch a 150 minute LPS movie?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shadowrosesxx 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I've seen these a few times in my recommended, but didn't click them. Someone really put a lot of effort that.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wildchandelure 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

I have yet to watch these, but I have seen them in my recommended videos multiple times. ...is it any good?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chronos_the_Cat 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
*Thunder-clap - cats fighting and hissing* *Oakheart attacks Tigerclaw* Tigerclaw: (Angry) Oakheart! How dare you hunt in our territory! The Sunningrocks belong to Thunderclan! Oakheart: (Confident) After tonight, Tigerclaw, this will be just another Riverclan hunting ground. Tigerclaw: (Bitter/Angry) You may swim like otters, but you and your warriors do not belong in this forest! *Tigerclaw throws Oakheart aside* Redtail: (Desperate) Tigerclaw! This is useless! There are too many Riverclan warriors! Tigerclaw: (Insistent/Angry) No, Redtail. Thunderclan will never be beaten! This is our territory. Redtail: (Determined) Thunderclan will honor your courage, Tigerclaw. We will have another chance to avenge this defeat. Redtail: (Shouting) Retreat, Thunderclan! Retreat! *The Riverclan cats cheer as the Thunderclan cats retreat* Oh spotted leaf I am deeply worried by tonight's  defeat ThunderClan have not been beaten in its   own territory since I became leader these are  difficult times for our kind season is new leaf   is late and have been fewer kits so in decline  me it's more warrior that it is to survive but   the year ago its beginning there will be  markets when green leaves from perhaps but   training our young to become warriors takes time  if ThunderClan is to defend its territory then   we must have new warriors as soon as possible it  was a message from Stalin failure learn conserve   our own fire but fire is feared by all the class  you've never been wrong before spotted leaf it's   dark line of spoken then it must be so fire  will save our clan here you go a few feet up where are you off to rusty Oh smarts you're  not going into the woods are you so slow up   you wouldn't get me out there it's  dangerous there are huge Wildcats   who eat like rabbits for breakfast and and  sharpen the claws on old bones I doubt it   well I'm going to look around we'll stay  long well don't say I didn't warn you either kitty bet you put up quite a fight for  a tame kitty point you will get if I ask you   I'm gray Paul by the way I'm trying to be a  Thunder Clan warrior what's a kitty sound like   you're doing out in the woods don't you know it's  dangerous if you're the most dangerous things the   woods up offer and I think I can handle it oh I'm  far from the most dangerous if I were even half a   warrior I have been an intruder like you some real  ones to think about anyway I didn't think it was   worth hurting you since you're obviously not  from one of the other clans well your clue you   must have heard of the four warrior clans a hunt  around here I belong the ThunderClan the other   clans always try to steal praise more territory  especially shadow clan they're so fierce they   would have ripped you to shreds no questions asked  they come to take prey that's rightfully ours it's   the job of ThunderClan warriors to keep them off  of our territory when I finish my training I'll be   so dangerous I have the other clan shaking their  flea-bitten skins the most dare come near us then   so you're not a warrior yes why did you think  I was I won't be a real warrior for ages has to   go through training first hit have to be six moons  old before they can even begin training tonight is   my first night out as an apprentice why don't you  find yourself with no nur with a nice cozy house   instead your life will be so much easier there are  plenty of house folk who would take in a kin like   you all you have to do is see where they can steal  more homer for a couple of days if they'd feed me   pellets that look like rabbit droppings and soft  slop no way I can't think of anything worse than   being a kitty pet they're nothing but two like  toys eating stuff I doesn't look like food making   dirt a box of gravel sticking their noses outside  only when their two legs allow them that's no life   out here were wild and free we come and go as we  please until you piece it a fresh-killed mouse you   haven't lived have you ever tasted Mouse no more  yet I guess you'll never understand you weren't   born wild it makes a big difference you need to be  born with warrior blood in your veins or feel the   winning your whiskers kitties born in a two-leg  Nest could never feel the same way it's not true   I smell cat from my clan you should go they won't  be pleased to find you hunting our territory yes I   will see anyone quick run what's going on here  Bluestar you shouldn't be so near the tooling   place grandpa I know why in art I'm sorry who  is this he's no threat he's not another clan   warrior just a to luck pet from over the fence  this is Bluestar she's the leader of my clan and   Lionheart he's my mentor which means he's training  me to be a warrior thank you for the introduction   Braveheart you fight well for a two-leg pet great  boy is stronger than you but you used your wits   to defend yourself and you turned to face him when  he chased you I've not seen a kid you bird do that   before and you do seem to have a natural hunting  ability you would have called that Mouse if you   hadn't hesitated for so long why star this is a  kid pet he should not be hunting in ThunderClan   territory send him home to his two legs send  me home but I've only come here to hunt for an   ass or two I'm sure there's enough to go around  there's never enough to go around if you didn't   live such a soft overfed like you wouldn't know  that you're plenty of food you're too leg left   already you come here only to hunt the sport but  we hunt to survive if not thought of it that way   before I'm sorry I will not home here again but  it's survival here really so hard our territory   covers only part of the forest we compete with  other clans for what we have and this year and   late new leaf needs praise gas is just quite  very big big enough our territory can support   us that there is no prey left over are you all  warriors in summer warriors others are too young   or too old or too busy caring for kids to hunt  and you all live and Shumway together perhaps   you should find these things out for yourself  would you like to join ThunderClan if you did   you would train a great push become a warrior  but he wasn't born as a clan cat he can't join   our clan he doesn't have warrior blood running  and in vain worry oblige too much of that has   been spilled lately understand that blue star does  not make this offer lightly if you wish to train   with us we will have to take you into our clan you  must either live with us and respect our ways or   return to your two-leg place and never come back  you cannot live with a paw in each world can i   right think about your awful yes Lionheart will be  here tomorrow at Sun high given your answer then hey you rusty how was it last night did you catch  anything or did anything catch you we're not some   Wildcats what did you get into a fight sort of  were you hurt what happened there's three of   them and you fought all three no just one the  other two came later just to talk how come they   didn't shred you to pieces they just warned me  to leave their territory but then they asked me   to join their plan why would they do that  I don't know I think they need more pause   in a clan I wouldn't trust them if I were you  smudge I've heard them out times me up my mind   I'm going to join them that's a horrible idea I  may never see you again don't worry my house folk   will get another cat you'll get along with them  just fine you've been along with everyone but   rusty I'm going to miss you it won't be the  same I'm sorry smudge but this is something   I have to do I'll miss you too I guess I can't  persuade you otherwise let's at least spend one   last morning together you started with me you  have a lot to learn even the tiniest clan kid   knows when another cat is nearby can you tell  if I'm alone you star in grape or aren't with   you this time that's right what someone else is  this is white storm one of thunder clans senior   warriors hello young one I've heard a lot about  you come we can speak more once we were in camp we are very close to our camp now  use your nose rusty you must be   able to set it are you small cats  there will come a time if you were   accepted into the clan when you will  know each cat sent by name follow me there's so many you came lionheart was convinced  he would not well what do you think he kept up   well on the return journey despite his puny  size he certainly seemed strong for a kitty   pet then I shall announce his arrival for the  clan let all cats old enough to catch their   own prey gather together here beneath the high  rock for a clan meeting let's call it 100 clan   knees more warriors never before have we had so  few apprentices in training it has been decided   that Thunder clan were taken outside of Trinita  worry I have found a cat who is willing to become   an apprentice for underground Lionheart and  wife don't have met this young cat and they   agree with me that we should train him with  the other apprentices look at his collar he's   a kitty pet what's a kitty Pet always a kitty  pet this clan needs wild born worried is it a   minute not another soft mouth to feed that's  has this long tail smells your fear rusty you   must prove to him in the other cats that your  fear okay your collar is a mark of the two legs   that noisy jingling will make you a poor hunter at  best and worse it will bring the two legs into our   territory looking for the poor lost kitty pet  who fills the woods with his pitiful tinkling   make me kitty the newcomer has lost his chu'lak  collar in a battle for his owner StarClan has   spoken it's proved all this young cat has been  released from the hold of his two leg owners and   it's free to join ThunderClan as an apprentice  from this day forward until he has earned his   warrior name this apprentice will be called  fire pool in honor of his flame-coloured coat lucky that roasted chicken is missing right  hey curry fight fire fall longtails warrior   although healing finishes training two moons  ago that scar you left on its ear wall and   forget you spoil his good looks that's for  sure thanks grateful he put up quite a fight that's reason Paul but why is he alone where's  tiger claw Raven paws an apprentice and Tiger   claws his mentor's he went out with Tiger : red  tail at sunrise on a Michigan River clan where   two blue stars deputy but why did Raven Paul  come back alone oh it's red tail he he's dead   the mid-size River Glen warriors decide the  stream not far from the sunny rocks Oh Carl   he was all alone he rented a car to his hunting  parties out of ThunderClan territory he had been   a crippling warrior to be Connor territory would  give the Tokra back down he said his clan had to   be fed no matter what we spread it that's when  the river clan cats attacked everything was a   blur the fighting was vicious I saw her head  ready open to the ground but then o star clan - how did this happen Tiger code he died with  honor struck down by Oh cart I couldn't save   him but I managed to take old carts life while  he was still gloating over his victory Red Tails   death was not in vain for I doubt we'll see River  clan hunters in our territory again battaile was   a brave warrior his loyalty to fund a clan could  never be doubted he would have made a fine leader   the spawns hand Paul be upset who is just poor  and simple there are two apprentices like us dust   Paul was redtails apprentice so I wonder who his  next mentor will be red tail was also san Paul's   father red he'll be remembered with honor even  if he wasn't the strongest warrior he was quick   and clever who's this he's the new apprentice  fireball she smells like Kitty putt I was a   house cat what I'm going to try to be a warrior  oh yes now I remember bluestar mentioned that she   stumbled across some straight kitty pet so she's  actually going to try you out is she right that   I shall watch your progress with interest come  on fire fall let's grab something to eat okay this is the fresh kill pile here five Paul you  can have the first bite what do you think it's   print astok it is all high tide with the  ball is it an extra two tigers the time has   come - now names on declines a new identity  I say these words for the body of red shell   so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice  Lionheart will be the new deputy of thunder class why why why why didn't she make Tiger Claw WT  probably because Lionheart has been a warrior   longer but she was also a mentor to young  dustbowl since there have been no delay in   the training of our apprentices I shall appoint  Duff called new mentor immediately dark strokes   you already filled first apprentice so you  will continued of course training you define   mentor and Tiger cool and I expect you to pass on  your fine skill to dust cool I shall keep a vigil   with red tails body tonight before we bury him  at sunrise meeting dismissed come on fire ball   I'll show you every sleep the apprentices  Den is over here how many apprentices are   there not as many as usual just me you raise  and pause dust paw and temple so here comes   a new apprentice oh he smells like a kitty pet  don't sell me I'm going to have to share a den   with that revolting stench you'll have to  excuse and fall she's not usually this bad   tempered I'm sorry about your solar simple  I wouldn't expect to keep up like you to   understand Santa I expected you to be a little  more welcoming to this newcomer I'm sorry white   storm I just didn't expect to be training with a  Jenny pet that's all I'm sure you'll get used to   it Santa now it's getting late and training  starts tomorrow you should get some sleep we're gonna sleep anywhere as long as it's not   near me don't mind her you can  sleep i nee thanks grape all this is my home now I am a member  of owner quite a fire Paul wake up training begins at sunrise I've just spoke at  a lion heart Raven Paul won't be training with   us till as loon gets better he'll probably  stance by early spend for another day or   two lion's heart thought you and I could  train with him and tired call this morning   we better hurry though they'll be waiting oh  okay let's go in the future I expect you both   to be punctual you have not yet been assigned  a mentor fire paw for now Tiger Claw and I will   share your training today we are going to  show you the edges of our territory so that   you know we'll you'll be hunting and what  boundaries you need to protect gray paw it   wouldn't do you any harm to remind yourself  of the clans outer limits yes tiger claw we're approaching River clan territory  the sending rocks are over there this   is the boundary between thunder  client and River clan territory   we'll follow the river as it  leads straight to four trees what's for tree it's where all the territories  of the four clans meet cool as grey pod told you   this is for trees wind clan lives in high ground  ahead of us and shadow clan holds power over there   and the darkest part of the forest whoa so many  grams yes I'm sure you can see now why our prey   is so precious and why we must fight to protect  what little we have well I can't the client work   together and share their hunting grounds and so  fighting each other that is treacherous thinking   kitty pet don't be too fierce Tiger gone ways if  the clans are new to this apprentice they speak   from your heart you'll fire huh so make you a  stronger warrior one day before claims do come   together peacefully in a gathering each move  your is where they meet the truce lasts for as   long as the moon is at its fullest I see come  on let's keep moving this is the thunder path   give me two first time but don't worry the  monsters never leave this underpass you'll   be fine as long as you don't go too near well  I think it's time we returned to camp you have   seen all our boundaries now and I expect you  must be getting tired fireball yeah kindness cheer up Raven pop I know you don't like training  but you're not usually this miserable I was I'm   just worried about getting my shoulder hurt again  oh stop whining warrior should suffer their pain   silently you do best to learn to hold your tongue  Raven Paul today we are going to practice stalking   can any of you tell me what you must keep  in mind when hunting mice step lightly quite   right fireball all of you show me your best stock  very nice fire off your pace and form of movement   will come later but your Crouch is perfectly  balanced it's better than Raven paws I suppose   even after two moons of training you're still  putting all your weight on your left side his   injury is bothering him that's all injuries are a  fact of life you should be able to adapt even you   fireball have learned something this morning if  we're even Bob picked up things as quickly as you   he'd be accredit to me instead of an embarrassment  imagine my apprentice being shown up by a kitty   pet well I'm more lopsided than a one-legged  badger I think I'll settle for hunting stupid   mice they won't stand a chance I just wander up to  them and sit on them till I surrender concentrate   young grave ha this is no time for your jokes  perhaps you might focus your mind better if you   try out your stocking for real I want each  one of you to try catching real prey now go Kurt cache Firefox you'll be a fine hunter one  day my first solo mission as an apprentice I   need to catch as much prey as I can who who's  there ah ah a puny apprentice easy prey for   yellow paying off not such an easy prey huh  not bad young apprentice but you'll need to   do a lot better your and ThunderClan territory  you need to leave and who's going to make me   I will hunt then I your or maybe you'll  just stay awhile hot enough yet yeah if   I weren't so hungry and tired I'm shredded you  would amass dust push me on I won't stop you what are you waiting for you're acting as  soft as our Carrie pet I'm an apprentice   warrior ThunderClan don't tell me thunder clan  is so desperate that they have to recruit kitty   PES now Thunder clans not desperate prove it then  act like a warrior has finished me off you'll be   doing me a favor you seem in an awful hurry to die  yeah well that's my business what's your problem   kitty are you trying to talk me to death ah we  hear are you kidding me Kenny I'm going nowhere uh-huh rabbit oh well hello again kitty here I  thought you'd gone to fetch some of your little   warrior friends yeah well I might still do that  and don't call me kitty look if you don't want   this ah you know I do want it this is the  first fresh kill I've had in days someone's   coming stifle what have we here it seems you've  captured as a shadow crime cat and when I know   well your shadow clans medicine cat aren't  you what are you doing so far into sunder   clan territory i was the shadow clan medicine  cat now I choose to travel alone myself cat is   no use to us let's kill her now as for this  kitty pet he should be punished for feeding   this fleabag keep your claws in dark stripes  all the clans they could be other fans bravery   and wisdom it may help us to hear what she has  to say come we'll take her back to camp then   we'll decide what to do with her and fire pool can  you walk or do you need help I've still got wags   have you heard of yellow thing I've heard some  apparently she was a warrior before she became   a medicine cat which is unusual I can't imagine  her as a loner though she's lived her whole life   in shadow clan watch you later a loner is a cat  that is in part of a clan or cared for by two   legs tiger claw says they're untrustworthy and  selfish they often live around to a dwelling   but belong to no one and catch their own prey  we might end up more once blue stars finish   me bluestar very fair she won't throw you out she  certainly seems we've had such an important shadow   clinic as a prisoner I'm sure she's not going  to make a fuss about you feeding the poor old   fleabag may all castes old enough to catch their  own prey join here together for a Klan meeting I'm sure you've all heard about the  prisoner we brought back with us today   but there's something else you need to  know afraid I have some very grave news   today I traveled with the patrol into wind  climb territory the air was filled with the   scent of shadowgraph almost every tree  had been sprayed by shadow clan warrior we can't be sure we saw signs of the battle  where we found nobody from either class how   can one kind of seem juveniles chatter can yeah  but on a group and has many uses within the health   regeneration I could interrupt that now we don't  know each other clans new leader broken stocking   no hint of any threat towards them we must the  last gathering perhaps yellow Fang has answers   after all she is of shadow clan I have no traitor  nothing would make me share the secrets of shadow   clan with a brute like you in any case Thunder  clan must prepare itself our need for warriors   is great we shall get around this by speeding  up the training of our apprentices they need to   be ready even sooner to fight for our clan one  young chat has been sharing mentors with grey   pool and Raven pool by teaching him I'll speed up  the training of all three of friends food I shall   take on fire pool as my own apprentice so fire  pause to be rewarded not punished defeating an   enemy warrior when he should be feeding his own  clan fireball is my apprentice now I will deal   with them yellow Sun will be allowed to stay here  until she recovered her strength we are warriors   not savages she had to be treated with respect  and courtesy but the clan cannot support yellow   Fang we have too many mouths to feed already don't  need anyone to care for me I'll split open anyone   who tries rifle as punishment it will be your  responsibility to care for yellow thing you're   supposed start very well meeting dismissed I  would like to speak my senior Warriors alone stop right there kitty pet you can call me what  you like I'm just following Bluestar's orders   you are a kitty pet though aren't you I used to  live with two eggs when I was a kitten kitty Pet   blood is not the same as warrior blood why don't  you run home to your two legs now instead of   looking after me it's humiliating being bossed  over by a kitty pet lucky you you're going to   have to get used to being cared for until you're  well enough to look after yourself you spit fool   bag of bones look I didn't mean you have spirit  kitty pet now I'm tired of my leg hurts I need   sleep and something to put on this wound go and  find that pretty little medicine kind of yours   and ask her for some herbs I think goldenrod  would help and while you're at it I wouldn't   mind a few poppy seeds that you want the pain  is killing me haha spotted leaf yellow fee need   some herbs for a wound goldenrod in some poppy  seeds ask what most of those in my den affection   marigold please - if she dresses her wound  with that it's okay - infection we're here Thanks tell yellow song to get easier and  hopefully I don't know message get independent   Ireland others are paying can be useful as it will  help me go tell one feeling thanks spotted leaf   carry ago yellow frame good now before you leave  me in peace find me something to eat I'm starving another day look after that manger of fleabag  a fire pop I bet you wish you out training with   us don't worry fireball blue star will have you  back into training before long boys white storm   teaching you today strand pong we're doing battle  training he's going to teach me how real warriors   fight how about you grape off Lionhearts taking  me to the great some more I practice my climbing   I'd better go he'll be waiting see a grape  off here about time the base of my tail is   just like very but I can't reach it give it  a look would you you're mighty smoke inside   stay home right from you scrubs alright I think  the kids are finding it hard to become find to   the camp they're getting restless I don't care  how restless they are just keep them away from   me don't you like kids did you never have kids  of your own you know medicine caps don't have   kids but I heard you are a warrior before that  I have no kids okay then there are a couple of   ticks but I can't pull them out I should hope you  didn't even try you idiot I don't want any kick   heads embedded in my rear thank you very much a  spotted leaf or a little mouse boiled rub on them   splash of that and their breathing holes and  they'll soon loosen their grip I'll get some now can I have some Mouse bile for yellow  thing sticks in a moment if you're   busy I can come back later no you're fine  what was it you wanted Mel file yes please the most is so compiled don't get any in your  mouth or you'll have a cell types of day present   I'm going to text and then wash your paws in the  stream not with your comb hold still yellow thing sir bottom thanks Kitty bad now shoo Firefall where are you off to you ought to be  helping with the preparations I just got back   from putting mouse ball and yellow things ticks  so now you're off to the nearest stream hmm well   don't come back without fresh kill we need as much  as we can find will do what are you doing up here   fireball Lou I have to put mouse ball and yellow  things tick how about you we were lying hard and   types of fall they've gone to join the next Patrol  they said that Raven Paul and I have to spend the   rest of the afternoon hi thing I was just told  the same thing everyone indeed back at camp you   think we were about to be attacked at any moment  who said she want me looks like you've done all   right today yeah and we still got the rest of  the afternoon the hunt want to join us you bet so done you three here you've been busy  you might as well add that last lot to   the fresh-killed pile for tonight and take some  of it back to your done with you you deserve a   feast I hope you've not been neglecting yellow  fang with all this hunting fire Paul I tended   her this morning very well hey guess what Raven  Paul managed to squeeze a compliment out of old   tiger call this morning really what do you have  to do fly I kind of crow how do you manage that   it was an old one when it was huge even Tiger  Claw couldn't find fault with that he's been in   such a bad mood sir bluestar took you as her  apprentice well hang on Mick doctrines Lion   Heart was made deputy he's just worried about  ShadowClan and the extra patrols you should try   not to bother him fire paw no I forgot to take  yellow paint her share you a here I'll take or   something no I better go this is my punishment  my errors no one will notice they're all busy   eating you know me quiet as a mouse and quick  as a fish wait here great boss stop right there   where are you taking those mice um not helping  young fire Paul by feeding that greedy traitor   over there are you I was feeling hungry I  was going to take them off and eat them by   myself oh really well if you're so hungry you  might as well eat them here and now what now better now much good thanks for trying great pop I was quick thinking  are your paw you bet for nothing where is my chair   are you gonna be okay grandpa ah I think I ate  too much go and see spotted leaf I'm sure she'll   find something to help hey hope so fire paw where  are you welcoming yellow Fane how are you doing   yelling my bones ache been raining all night since  just after noon your body must be soaking wet   why are you mean close to the nursery it's more  sheltered there what and we kept awake all night   by those new wing tips I'd rather get wet then at  least let me fetch you some dry bedding well don't   just stand there like a startled squirrel go and  fetch me some moss how is yellow thing today her   bedding is what so I was going to fetch her more  I'll ask one of the Queens to see to that if she   fish enough to hunt for herself yet I don't think  so the chicken work will not fail it is time for   you to return to your training samples you'll need  to work hard to make up for the time you've lost   finally III I mean uh Thank You blue star you  can go out with Tiger Claw this morning I've   asked him to assess the warrior skills of all our  Princeton don't worry about yellow sign I'll make   sure someone seems to how while you're gone now  go I expect our waiting for you thanks we'll start Lionheart and I have spent the last few weeks  trying to teach you how to hunt decently today   you'll have a chance to show me how much you've  learned each one of you will take a different   route and hunt as much prey as possible and  whatever you catch will be added to the fresh   kill pile Raven Paw you will follow the trail  beyond the great Sycamore as far as the snake   rocks that should be easy enough for your pitiful  skills gray paw you'll take the route along the   stream as far as the Thunder path great what paws  for me and finally you fire paw it's a shame your   glorious mentor couldn't be here today to witness  your performance for herself in any case you shall   take the route through the tall pines pass the  two led place into the woods beyond and remember   I'll be watching and assessing all of you now go  I'll be passing by the tunic place I wonderful   see lunch rusty is that you oh well I called  Firebaugh now well then fire paw it looks like   your new house folk don't feed you enough you  certainly weren't that scrawny when you left I   don't need to like speed I've got a whole forest  of food to eat so you mean you're really living   with those wild cats yeah I live in ThunderClan  what's it like living wild is it as good as you   thought it would be it is and I Know Who I am  now here kitty kitty smudge where are you hmm   I should be getting home it's almost real time  why smudge it was nice seeing you again you too oh I can't believe you called him a de Ravin  Paul did it bite you no I was too quick for   it I wonder who blue star was used to go to  the gathering tonight the full moon I hope we   get to go this gathering will be an important  one it will be the first time the coins have   met since when crime disappeared but wonder what  shunran's say about it sample and dust laws been   twice already so maybe blue star will choose one  of us this time after all we've been training for   most three moons now fire paw blue star wants  to see you now if you can spare the time okay Tiger Claw told me that he saw you talking with  the cats from the cheer leg place today he was   sure some old friend smudge we grew work together  when I was a kid II pet do you miss your old life   fire pool do you wish to leave the plan no of  course not my place is here this is my home   where I saw a smart today I saw what my life would  have been if I stayed with the two lakes it made   me certain that I had made the right decision I  could have never been satisfied with a soft like   of keep I'm glad to hear that I spoke to yellow  sang earlier she's a wise old scat and she thinks   a lot of you but there's something about her that  I don't trust she will stay with underclassmen now   but remain as a prisoner the Queen's will care  for her you must concentrate on your training   yes you start although you showed bad judgment  today and talking to a health care [ __ ] claw   was impressed by your hunting skills in fact he  reported that you all did well I am pleased with   your program all three of you can come to the  gathering tonight thanks you two start but what   about Sandra in the spa they'll remain behind  and guard the camp you've earned this fire pool well what'd you say tiger claw told us you were  sharing tongues with a kitty pet this morning   are you in trouble I know although Blue Star  Wars please she thought I might want to leave   ThunderClan you don't though do you of course  he doesn't yeah course not but you'll never   guess what she said we're all going to the  Gathering what really our Sam pond does fall   coming to nope they have a stable Hynek birth  the camp ooh let me talk to them I can't wait   to see the looks on their faces I can't believe  we're going instead of them especially after   Tiger Claw something with so much today that  was just bad luck but we all call it loads of   bran the assessment that must be what the sight  of it I wonder what the gathering will be like   it'll be great I thought all the best warriors  will be there quaff a stone fur maybe was more   than bad luck that tiger claw was there right  as I met up with smudge she sent me so close   to the tunic place was he trying to test me  doesn't he trust I'm loyal to ThunderClan what elbows cats down there oh there's  crooked star River clans leader where he's   that light-colored tabby right beside the great  rock wow he's huge his jar looks like it's broken look there's broken star shadow clan leader  he was pretty nasty yeah he certainly got a   reputation among the clans for not suffering fools  gladly and he's not been leader for long just four   moons since his father ragged star died what  is the leader wind Quinn look like pulsar I've   never seen him but I know he's black and white  with a really long tail I wonder show up maybe   you're just late when I am here be patient Raven  PAH the sky is clear tonight's a lot of plenty   of time this is a good opportunity to meet your  enemy listen to them remember what they look like   and how they behave there's a great deal to be  learned from these meeting and say Whittle don't   give anything away they might be used against us  after the night's true surrendered don't worry   we won't well I'm gonna go find Lionheart you  having or even fall no thanks I'm going to find   some other apprentices we were to see we're  tired Paul way I guess we'll meet up later the battle was vicious three warriors  tried to hold me when I threw them off   I fought them off until two were knocked  out and the other one ran off into the   forest like a kid crying for its mother  he didn't mention Kelly no cart vendors   for Red Tails death maybe he doesn't  want to offend the river by lawyers still roost and Winkley the meeting hasn't begun  yet they may still come look there's running those   he's the new shadow clan medicine cat apparently  I can see why they call running nose yeah I can't   see why they appointed him you can't even cure  his own gold since the two legs came and fill   the fourth hard earth and string flops the herbs  had disappeared knocked it die needlessly cold   weather it never would have happened in a time  of the great plan cat the great cats would have   killed any two-legged dared enter their territory  it tiger clan roamed before still the two legs   wouldn't have built this far into our land what  tiger clan tiger clan is one of the great cat   clan they used to run before tiger clan our cats  of the night biggest horses with jet black stripes   then there's Lion Clan oh I've heard of them they  had yellow fur and golden names like rays of the   Sun and then there's that other one spotty clan or  something like that I think you were referring to   leopard plan young brave oh don't you youngsters  know your ancestor history they were the swiftest   cats huge and golden spotted with black spots you  can thank leopard clan for the speed and hunting   skills you now assess ain't know why there's a  trace of all the great cats in every cat today   you're a shadow clan apprentice aren't you how  old are you uh Nick smooth Roger ball where are   you I've got to go it was nice meeting you he's  very small for six moons he sure is anyways come   on fire Paul let's see what Raven paws up to are  we showing everywhere once watered to leave the   bramble bushes all right right I can scream I  just bought him a huge warrior in some school   yelling in some bushes when the ground shook I  heard a warrior scream it was over until white   technique I'm Tring to ominous fog horn okay  dead owl I mean wash off help higher quality   cotton little warrior who would have thought  that Raven Paul is such a good storyteller I   don't care cross to that Oakheart killed red  tail and then Tiger Claw killed Oh heart and   vengeance but if Richa was the one who killed  oak heart would you rip what good what finally   red children wailing child care guava is pale  and destroying to the world Tiger glance on him   into the bushes lower oh Christ dying words is it  true that occurred had never lost a battle before no surely didn't start the meeting all-star I  don't know have you noticed the wind clan can't   hear we can't start ventilating clean caps of  all clubs welcome it's true that wind plant is   not present but broken star wishes to speak anyway  friends I come to speak to you tonight about the   needs of shadow claims where's Tulsa waiting plant  warriors leader of shadow clan it is my right to   address you here we all know that the hard times  of lief bear and late new Leafs have left us with   little prey and our hunting grounds but we also  know that wind clan River clan and thunder clan   lost many kits in the freezing weather that  came so late this season shadow clan did not   lose kids we are hardened to the cold north wind  our kids are stronger than yours from the moment   they are born and so we find ourselves with many  mouths to feed and too little prey to feed them   what are you getting who cares the needs of  shadow clan are simple in order to survive we   must increase our hunting territory that is why I  insist that you allow my shadow clan warriors to   hunt in your territory share our hunting grounds  that's absurd grant would never compromise before   why should we start now should shadow clan be  punished because our kids drive do you want   us to watch our young star you must share what  you have with us must why must we do anything   when clans fail to understand this and we were  forced to drive them out of their own territory   and if we have to we will drive you all from  your hunting grounds as well in order to feed   our hungry kids private house can do that each  year the two legs spoiled more dark territory at   least one clan must remain strong if we were all  to survive I do not ask for your answer now you   must each go away and consider my words but bear  this in mind would you prefer to share your prey   or be driven out and left homeless and starving  I have already agreed to allow shadow grab some   hunting rights and the river that runs through  our territory we were not consulted how could you   start I feel that this is best for a clan for all  the clans there are plenty of fish in the river   it is better to share a prey and just still blood  fighting over it and what a ThunderClan loose nah   have you two agreed to this outrageous demand I  have made no agreement with broken stock except   that I shall discuss his proposal with my client  after the gathering I also bring news that is   important to the safety of your kids a shadow  clan cat has turned rogue we chased her out of   our camp but we do not know where she is now she  is a mangy old creature and has a bite like fury   that must be yellow thing he's talking about is he  talking about yoking she dangerous I warn you do   not offer shelter to her and until she's caught  and killed I heard you two keep a close eye on   your kids well it's never golden flowers today I  wonder behind with the camp virtually unguarded I   tried to tell you she was a thing Joshua who star  have to listen to reason now and get rid of her   before she harms any of our young she might be a  groat some time but i can't believe that yellow   Fang would be a dangerous case you must return to  camp alone he was rude I have to get back to camp   can worn yellow faint yellow faint don't faint  weak up it's important I wasn't sleeping what's   wrong with you broken star is trying to get the  others to turn against you so he has kept his   promise what promise shadow cleanse noble leader  promise to drive me from every clan territory he   said that our kids were in danger as long as we  sheltered the shadow clan row he didn't see her   name but it was pretty clear he was referring to  you you have to leave before the others get back   you mean they actually believe the broken star  dark strips are that you're dangerous the other   types are scared of the things you could do Tiger  Claw is trying to come back and I don't know what   I think you must go before they get here what did  broken stormy that he warned us to keep close eye   on her kids what are you really do something  like that would I what were you armored tips do   you think so no of course not I don't think you  could ever harm a kid well why would broken sir   say such a terrible thing I love that dirty old  rogue hit and hurt our kids we should have never   sheltered that fugitive yellow thing is going to  pay she can't stay here no they're coming you have   to get out of your yellow pain fire Paul wait you  believe I'm innocent I'm grateful for that if you   believe me then others could - I know blue star  will give me a fair hearing I can't run forever   I'm much too old I shall stay here and face  whatever your clan decides for me but we're   not careful what if he he's headstrong he knows  the power he has over the other clan cats they   are in awe of him but even he will obey blue  star but yellow seed now go fire paw don't get   yourself into trouble by being seen here with  me there's nothing you can do for me have faith   in your leader and let her decide what happens to  me you went to warn yellow Fang didn't you yeah I   did but she won't leave she trusts blue star to  treat her fairly and maybe we should trust her   tell what happened look at Soros amended hunting  rights for shadow planted our territory he also   warned us about a rogue shadow clan cat who  will harm our kids it has to be yellow Fang what's going on I have given no order to attack  our prisoner thanks long time we got back in time   the kids will say of course they are but you are  going to throw him out aren't you throw her out   you should kill her right now and what has she  done to deserve that you were at the gathering   broken star said she broken star only said the  very the rogue somewhere in the woods he did not   mention Yellow Sun by name the kids are safe and  for as long as she is in my clan yellow Fang will   not be harmed in any way I will leave now status  with you look star there is no need you have done   nothing wrong and you will be safe here it is time  we discuss the real threat to our clan broken stir we have already begun to prepare for an attack  by shadow clone we must control our borders more   frequently when clan is gone river kind of given  hunting right to shadowkhan warriors ThunderClan   stands alone against broken stone and we're not  going to give in to broken stars demands clans   have never shared hunting rights before they  have always managed to support themselves in   their own territory and there is no reason why  they should change but can we defend ourselves   against the shadow clan attack when the clan  couldn't manage it and river clan won't even   try but we must try we will not give up our  territory without a fight I should travel to   the moon stone tomorrow the Warriors of star  time will give me the strength they need to   leave Thunder climb through this dark time  you must all get some rest we have a lot to   do when daylight comes I wish to talk alone of  Lionheart now what's the moonstone it's a rock   deep underground much shine to the dark all  the clan leaders have to spend one night at   the moon stone when they're first chosen they're  the spirits of star clan share with them share   what with them I don't know I only know that the  new leaders has to sleep near the stone and as   they sleep they have special dreams after that  they have the gift of nine lives and take the   name star Raven Pau were you thinking blabbering -  those are practices well it seems as though you're   about to reach another important step in your  training what's that blue star wishes for you   fire paw and Raven paw to accompany her on the  journey to the moonstone tomorrow no fair dust   paw and I have been apprentices longer we should  go instead you'll make the journey soon enough   for now Thunder clan needs your strength and  skill at the camp I will remain here also when   are we leaving at dawn you need to rest now but  first go to spotted leaf and collect the herbs   you'll need on this journey it's a long way the  herbs will give you the strength to suppress your   appetite there will be little time for catching  prey well then you better go see spotted leaf you two have a traveling tab yes please there's  enough here for you to and revamp all these how   to stop your hunger pangs during the journey  and give you strength thanks spotted leaf with   Lok travel safely it must be a long way to  the moonstone we have never been given herbs   for Sheena where it is beyond clan territory  at a place called the high stones a lies deep   underground in a cave we called mother  mouth wow that's cool but we better get   some sleep it sounds as if it may be the  last comfortable night will after a while that was scary have a safe journey my friends we will just as  you will keep the camp safe deputy I trust you   I will boost our and thank you remember you  three are almost warriors don't forget what   I've taught you and listen to blue star and  Tiger Claw they've made this journey before   you have not your sign heart see you soon isn't  the shoe prints wood yeah but we have to pass   through shadow cleanse territory to get there  all clans are entitled to safe passage to the   moonstone but shadow clan seems to have no  respect for the warrior code anymore so be   alert I'm starving I haven't eaten since last  night didn't fireball gives you the traveling   herbs from spotted leaf there's posts to suppress  your hunger you know yeah but no bad so I didn't   eat them I know that's what they were for I'm  sorry you are hungry Raven bull but we mustn't   hunt outside our territory we'll follow the  warrior code even if ShadowClan don't hmm I   smell a shadow clan Patrol but they are upwind  they won't know we're here if we keep moving   but we must hurry if they move ahead they'll  detect us it's not fast at the edge of wind   clan territory now come on we'll get there  by nightfall as long as we keep up the pace the hug you're fine they're tied up as  they always are when we pass them they're   no threat to us is that another Thunder path  yep it runs from shadow clan territory can   you see the high stones behind it do we have to  cross the Thunder Pressman we sure do we'll go   one at a time Raven paw you first but try your  cloth no tiger cool I'll go first there's the   gas this will be the first time crossing for  these apprentices let them see how it is done off you bill Raven paw now you've seen  how it's done go the one on you - here   goes nothing who is nice knowing you fireball  Oh move you idiot I thought you were gonna be   fresh kill me to do legs can be so ruthless do  you want to rest before we go on no I'm okay this is mother mal we'll wait here until  the moon is higher you should hunt if   you're hungry and then get some rest come on  Raven Paul you said you were hungry coming come on it's time how will we find our way in  such darkness I've been here before I know the   way just follow my friend Raven porn grey pool  you will remain on God outside yes star by a pool   you will accompany me in taiga chlorine to the  moon stone re it's too small in here in the air   tastes stale are you sure you know the way blue  star yes hi - cool have faith in your leader I   don't like the feeling of this place I'm getting  out of here Tiger Claw fireball I'm still here it   is all right young warrior don't be afraid Tiger  Claw was just surprised by the power of the moon   stone in the world above Tiger Claw is a fearless  and mighty warrior but down here where the spirits   of star clan speak a cat needs a different kind  of shrink what do you feel young fire pool um   only my own curiosity good I'm a speaker star  clan now wait here I can't be woken prematurely Wow it's so beautiful how the moon lights up  the stone I hope everything is okay blue star   she looks like she's having a bad dream no no  this can't happen no not now Oh fireball here's   blue start hurry we must return to the others what  did you learn we must return to camp immediately   I just pray we aren't too late keep up or even  Pau you're holding us back sorry Tiger Claw I'm   coming are you okay yeah I'm just a bit tired  what a Tiger Claw say when he came out of the   cave you wanted to make sure we were still  guarding entrance why did you sense anything   strange about him the only thing that was strange  was that damp old cave he's playing a little edge   he wasn't the only one what do you mean the  fur on your neck stands up whenever you see   Tiger Claw these days you nearly jumped out  of your skin when he came out of the cave he   just prideful that's all you have to admit it  was a bit creepy my mother male I suppose so so what's it like in size fireball did you see the   moonstone yeah I did it was amazing it  was better than I imagined it would be look it's a loaner this is Bali he lives near  this to Laguna I haven't seen any acclaim for   some rooms how are you blue star I'm well and  you Bali has the prey being running since we   last passed this way not too bad one good thing  about living by two legs is that you'll always   find plenty of rats nearby you seem to be  more of a hurry than usual everything all   right what yes it's just that I don't like  to be away from my class for too long as   always blue star you were tied to a clan like  a queen to her kids I just wanted to warn you   that there are two dogs that lives near here  now they will Fred this time of night you'd be   safer cutting through the cornfield instead  once asked the yard we know about the dogs   we saw them earlier thank you for the warning  Bali until next time our paths cross bye that   was it journey come we must continue home you  trust the word on that loner tiger cruel Ali as   a friend I would trust him with my life you can  cut through the yard if you would rather face the   dogs but I am taking Valley's advice and going  this way fine take a cross sure is in a news this feels like prey what was that no Raj  out fight burns like fury fireball right on   boss help there's no use in fighting the rats  we'll just keep coming we have to get out of   here burger get off fires aah Oh No Raven pop  oh come on we've got to go you two keep running   I'll hold them back but you start just go get  to safety and I'll catch up don't worry about me hi - cool help bluestar don't worry I've got Jeff they're still coming you do we hold them off oh  crap they're treating blue sir are you okay yes   barley you've sent us into a trap I didn't know  the rats were here I'm sorry why did you send   us this way the dogs I didn't want it to the  dogs were tied up when we passed them earlier   but too late untie them at night they garden  yes honest tiger call blue SARS injured it is   there anything we can do she's in the paws of  StarClan now is she dead I don't know we must   wait and see stir Clint please send her back  to us we start it's alright I'm still here I   have lost a life but it wasn't my last jinxed or  Clint right Raven paw fetch cobwebs for Bluestar's   wounds gray paw you should go find marigold or  horse tail to keep the infection off barley I   think you've done enough damage for one day I'm  so sorry that this happened wish you all quick   recovery yeah thanks should I put them on her  wounds you know things show me how very well if it had not been to Tigerclaw those rats  would have eaten me alive I must remember to   thank him who was it tiger caught it was mm-hmm  it's been a long time since I've seen you lose   a life blue star how many have you lost now  that was my fifth I have four lives remaining   hmm we should rest here while you recover no  we must get back to camp as soon as possible   I have to keep going are you sure you're fit  to travel you just lost the light I'll manage Oh No loose heart we shouldn't be crossing  here what if we run into a patrol don't worry   about shadow clan Warriors you won't find any  here today how can she be so sure yeah I can   still smell the scent of shadow clan maybe the  breeze carried it down from one climbs territory quick bit of a shock I'm roommate  I'll count to being a cop remember   your training and try not to die oh no my  kid don't worry Fausto oh god the nursery   thank you for hope Thunder clan have  anyone other than she cats and pregnant   Queens to fight their battles you're  going to regret saying that my heart   yeah you're back grandpa do you remember your  training I do ah I'm done great pay for that get off me and don't come back Wow when did you start as a fighter oh that  rocks which the shuttle Clint deputy what   is he doing over there rather nursery haha no  no get away from then I'm gonna chew on these   kids never shut up you old bag of bones no no  don't wait for the mercury stop right there ginger hi let me go you Fox sorry but we've  those kids alone you'll have to go through   me don't worry Blackfoot is god I chased him off  the kids will be okay I'll protect them I think   single thing clear don't forget your bravery get  out and don't come back they're finally gone that   fighting was brutal the rumors about how broken  star trained his warriors must be true everyone   all right our kids safe I think I heard fire posse  someone was in the nursery all of our kids are   safe thanks to yellow saying a shuttle can warrior  killed brave rose Hill and was trying to steal the   kids from their nest but yellow paint bottom ah it  was no ordinary shadow clan warrior either I saw   him was Blackfoot what the shadow pen deputy wow  you're so brave yellow saying what's wrong Blue   Star spotted laces with lion hunt he was injured  in the battle it looks bad no not Lion Heart there is no help for Lionheart now I've done all I  can he is on his way to join Dark One all I can do   is his pen for the journey there no not mine for  here's where they'll insist is no no no he's gone   there must be some mistake he can't be he can't  leave me I'm still in training he has so much   more to teach me before I can be a warrior why not  iein heart you were a wonderful mate our kids will   be proud to have you as their father I will never  let them forget your name my son my little warrior   you would have been a great leader you've made me  so proud Lionheart you star clean light your past thank you for your wisdom you've taught me  so much I would not be a member of thunder   clan if it weren't for you and your kindness  you were the best deputy and friend anyone   could wish for I don't know what I'm going to  do without you Lionheart blue star goes right   by pretty bad may I see to them later please  help the clan first very well I'll go and see   if anyone else needs treated then also I  agree off this is a great whole time RiRi I seems everyone my treat you now  glue stir yes si ma thank you sorted   Li hello bleep ah hmm leave him here  I'm sure blue star will excuse him it is nearly moon high and it is once more my  GT much much too soon to name Thunder clans   new deputy she born to choose Tiger Claw do you  think who else could it be he's our strongest   warrior if you ask me Tiger Claw should have  been chosen long ago he's the obvious choice   hush show some respect for a red town Lion  Heart and keep your Josh at two blue stars   about to speak I say these words before the body  of Lion Heart said of his spirits may hear and   approve my choice I have not forgotten the cat  that avenge the death of red tail and brought   his body back schewe ThunderClan meets the scale  of therapy more than ever now tiger claw will be   the new deputy of ThunderClan ThunderClan I am  honored to accept the position of Clan deputy   I never expected to gain such a high rank by the  spirit of Lionheart hand red tail I vow to serve   you as best I can Oh Oh she shouldn't done that  she's never told him what are you talking about   pirate boss why should she won't be Jenny's every  soft her red tail it was Tiger Claw who killed it   Oh are you telling fire paw how I protected red  tail he was just saying he wished you had been   there to say blind heart as well that's all hmm  very well uh Raven paw what are we going to do ah hat dawn the elders came and took Lionhearts  body to the burial place and gray paw help did   the whole or the great warrior would now rest  fireball fired puck come on wake up looosers   colt another meeting it's freezing I can't even  remember the last time I hate I wonder if we'll   have a chance to hunt today just before the battle  our leader lost another life now that she only has   four of her nine lives left I'm going to appoint  a bodyguard to stay at her side constantly no cat   will be allowed to approach her unless the guards  are present dark stripe long tail you will act as   blue stars guards yes Tiger Claw we can't talk  to our own leader unless a bodyguard is present   that's absurd sir is it tired cold because two  closest friends to guard a leader I don't like   this it doesn't seem right it's never been  like this before Thank You tiger cool for   your loyalty but the climb must understand that  I am still here sir them no catch of hesitate   to approach me and I am happy to speak to anyone  with or without my bodyguard as the warrior code   says the safety of the client is more important  than the security of any single member and now I   wish to invite yellow Fang to join ThunderClan  noble things joining under quid but she was a   shadow Queen cat she was awfully brave at the  battle yesterday she saved all of those kids   I think yellow Fang would be a lovely addition  to our clan her actions last night proved that   she is brave and loyal if she wishes it we  would welcome her as a full member of this   clan I am honoured blue star and I accept your  offer wow I can't believe booster did that last   night we successfully defended ourselves against  ShadowClan the best still a great threat they're   a pair up we began this morning we'll continue  our boundaries will be patrolled constantly and   it's not assumed that the war is over shadow  clan attack while we were away from cam they   chose their moment well how did they know  that the camp was so poorly defended do they   have eyes inside our camp why is he staring at  Raven PAH was it someone among us was it Raven   paw breathing pod let me get with this why is he  staring at you like that Raven ba are you um we   stole the wild before sunset we must concentrate  on rebuilding our camp meanwhile if you suspect   anything or anyone tell me be assured anything you  say will be kept in confidence meeting dismissed reven pot where'd he go I think he ran off to  help white storm in half he'll collect twigs so   they could patch holes in the battery wall  he clearly doesn't want to talk I was awed   what Tigerclaw said during the meeting and  the way he gives staring at Raven PAH it's   like he was hinting that his own apprentice  had betrayed the Klan we'd better go and   help him don't you think uh you go I'll be  there in a moment I want to check on yellow   thing and see if she's okay after her fight  with Blackfoot All Right see you fire ball fire paw I'm glad you've come I wanted to check  that you were right old habits stay longer than   old sensei I suppose so anyways how are you  feeling yellow thing this old lake injury   is playing up again but I'll be fine how did you  manage to fight Blackfoot off Oh Blackfoot strong   but he's not a clever fighter fighting you was  more of a challenge really I've known him since   he was a kid he hasn't changed a bully but no  brains I'm not surprised blue star asked you to   join the clan you certainly showed your loyalty  last night perhaps a truly loyal cat would have   fought at the sight of the clan that raised her  but then I'd be fighting for my two legs well   said youngster but then you have always been a  thinker do you ever miss shadow Quinn I missed   the old shadow class the way it used to be until  broken star became leader yes he changed the clan he always knew how to give a good speech he  could make you believe a mouse was a rabbit   if he set his mind to it perhaps that is why  I was so flying to his fault I bet you can't   guess who the new ShadowClan medicine cat is  not running nose yep ha ha ha ha but he can't   even cure his own cold that's what great boss  said I'll leave you to rest now call me if you   need anything else today wait before you go fire  paw I heard you were in a rap fight did they draw   blood it's ok spotted leap treated my wounds of  marigold sometimes marigold isn't strong enough   for rat bites go and find a patch of wild garlic  to roll in I think there's some not far from   the camp entrance that will draw any poisons that  the rats may have left although you're done mates   might not think me for my advice well I do thanks  yellow thing go carefully young one where do you   think you're going but yellow thing told me to go  and you don't take orders from that rogue go and   help with the repairs no cat is to leave the camp  tonight yes dark Street more like dirt stripes house yellow Fang she's fine she said wild garlic  would be good for my rat light I was on my way to   find some but dark stripe ordered me to stay in  camp wild garlic I what am I trying that my leg   still stings I could sneak out and go get some  no one would notice if I slipped out of this   hole here it'd only take a couple of rabbit hops  I don't think that's a good idea well cover for   you Thanks oh yeah the garlic patches definitely  that way what is that scent is it shadow queen no   just Tiger Claw and two other cats dark stripe  and long tail I wonder what they're doing out   here star clan knows my apprentice is showing a  little promise from the start but I never expected   him to turn traitor Craven paws not a traitor  how long did you say Ravan Paul was missing on   the journey to mother mouth long enough to  have traveled to Shadow clans camp and back   that's impossible he was with us the whole time  he must have told them the Thunderer clans leader   and their strongest warrior had left the camp why  else would they attack when they did where's the   last clan to stand against shadow clan we must  remain strong and the clan would be better off   without a traitor like Raven bah I have to say  I agree with you dark straight even though he's   my own apprentice uh-uh can't they see it's all  just an act at Raven pond to trouble no of course   not if Tiger Claw asked darks tribe and longtail  would throw themselves into the river I'll believe   whatever dirt he feeds them I can't tell raven  paw would have heard he'd be terrified what can   I do Tiger claws the clan deputy no one's going to  listen to any accusations made behind apprentice   but Kraven paws in danger it's the sly spreads he  could be exiled or worse there's only one thing I   can do I've gotta tell blue star what I've heard  and somehow convince her I'm telling the truth now look with the garlic dark stripe  is prowling out there never mind then   we can get some tomorrow you look pretty stiff  I'll go get you some poppy seeds from spotted   leaf no don't worry about it I'll be fine  it's really no trouble I'll be right back are you okay spotter please the spirits  of Stockland of restless I think they're   trying to tell me something what can  I do for you I think grape al could   do with some poppy seeds for his leg his  rabbis are still hurting him the pain of   losing Lionheart will make his injuries  feel wet but he'll mend in time don't   worry in the meantime all right poppy  seeds will help just give him one or two Thanks wait ah fire pole star Khan spoke to  me moons ago before you joined the fight I   sense they want me to tell you this now they said  only fire can tear that one won't take care cycle SIA only fire can serve our class fire I can  serve our class save our class five five five   why did she share that with me surely fire  is an enemy to all who live in the forest I   don't get it how can fire save the clan gray  paw Tiger Claw wants us to begin training at   Sun high oh come on grape ah ah those poppy  seeds must have really knocked him out are   you awake yeah are you going to wake him I've  been trying to training is about to start ah   great Paul wake up Tiger claws waiting Oh what  yeah yeah I'm coming his great Paul coming yeah   but he's only just woken up training will  do him good he's grieved for long enough   long enough lion hearts only been dead for two  days he'll grieve as long as he needs hey guys   bluestar will be ready for you in a moment player  Paul her wounds are healed wow this will be my   first training session with blue star melts cool  fireball I wish Lionheart was still here great   Paul you can join my apprentice and I that is  if Raven paws up for it after all he got some   pretty nasty metal stings while the rest of us  were fighting those rats I'm fine now let's go come buy pool she's not traveling with dark stripe  of mom tail maybe I'll have a chance to tell her   what I heard about Raven Paul last night will your  guards be joining us I bought a dog strap and long   tail to help with the camper pass the keyring  ThunderClan space is our first priority I'll   tell her about Raven paws soon as we leave camp  what am I gonna tell blue stars the tiger claw is   plotting to get rid of his apprentice and all the  lies saying when she asked me why tiger claw wants   Raven Park on I can't just say that it's because  he is the only one who knows that tiger claw   really killed red tail I have no evidence that  he did that other than Raven claw story at the   gathering sighs oh oh sorry coming blue star where  are the others I've oughta tied a closure take the   other apprentices to another part of the forest  today I want to concentrate on your fighting   skills today and I want to you to concentrate on  them too which means no distractions I've got to   tell her now she needs to know the danger Raven  pausing I won't have another chance like this yeah   do I have your attention now yes booster sorry  that's better fire cool you've been with us for   many moons now I have watched you fight with the  rats you were quick with the ShadowClan warriors   you were fierce your outwitted grape or on the  very first day we met and you defeated yellow   sang with your cleverness too but one day you will  meet an opponent with all of these things as well   quick and fierce and clever my duty to prepare  you for that day okay I'm ready to learn let's see   how you fight attack me she's twice my size it'd  be a waste of time to begin with the usual past   fights and wrestling but if I could leap straight  onto her back with a powerful enough jump I might   be able to unbalance her her ah yes interesting  strategy that's your eyes betrayed while you were   aiming now try again I'll look at her shoulders  but aim for her paws that way I'll hit her when   she goes to duck yeah Wow Noah try something I  don't expect even yellow thing wasn't this tricky   fight Restless fire poor you're strong and quick  but she was led to keep control of your speed and   body weight so it's not so easy for me to knock  you off balance try again I'll get her this time I   did it oh no her wounds I hope they didn't reopen  blue star hat was much better now it's my turn you did well fire pool but that's enough for  today I can't wait till grape on Raven pop   out what I've learned we'd better get back to  count then oh right raven pod i forgot to tell   blue star about what Tiger Claw said how did the  time slip away so quickly where's Raven paw not   back from his task yet look at that Tiger Claw  send me fishing and I stepped on a sharp stone   in the stream that looks pretty deep usually  gets spotted Lee to take a look at it by the   way where did Tiger Claw stand Raven paw I don't  know I was up to my belly in ice-cold water I know   Tiger koalas back already though really don't  worry about it Raven pole will be back soon I'm   sure of it well I'm going to find spotted leaf  see your fire Paul Shirley Raven paw would be   back by now I wish I had told blue star when I  had the chance I certainly don't want those two   overhearing anything I have to say to boost  our I'm starving maybe I should go and hunt   I might run across Raven Paul in the forest  Raven paw hey fire boy look at all this prey   I caught it's enough for all three of us and it  should taste extra good since it's from shadow   clan's territory you hunted in shadow clan  territory well yeah that was my task Tiger   claws sent you into enemy territory to hunt we  have to tell blue star that was too dangerous   look just keep this quiet okay I survived and  I even caught some prey that's all there is to   it you survived this time tireless looking  just if your share and keep your mouth shut should we save some for grape ah you  want to see spotter please he cut his   paw I don't know when he'll be back  well I'm tired I need to go to sleep Raven PAH there's something you need to know  something I heard last night when I was out   looking for the wild garlic I heard Tiger  Claw telling darks tribe and long tale that   you betrayed ThunderClan he told them that you  slipped away during the trip to mother mouth   and told shadow clan that the camp was left  unguarded what exists of course you didn't   but dark start the longtail believe you did and  Tiger Claw persuaded them that they should get   rid of you no no why would Tiger Claw want to  get rid of you Raven PAH he is one of the clans   strongest warriors what threat are you to him  because the river clad deputy didn't kill red   tail tiger claw did so Tiger Claw didn't kill  oak heart no he did it after red jelly killed   Oh cart tiger claw ordered me back to the camp  I wanted to stay but he yelled at me to go so I   ran into the trees I should have kept on running  but I couldn't leave while it was still fighting   I turned and crept back to see if Tiger Claw  needed help by the time I got near all the   river clan warriors had fled just leaving just  red tail and Tiger Claw red tail was watching   the last warrior running away and tiger claw yeah  tiger claw jumped on him he sank his teeth into   the back of his neck and red so fell to the  ground dead that's what I read I don't know   if tiger claw saw me or not I just kept running  until I got back to the camp why didn't you tell   blue star if would she have believed me do you  believe me of course I do don't worry I'll sort   it out in the meantime just make sure you stick  close to me or gray paw does he know I've been   wanting to get rid of me not yet but I'll tell  him it's okay Raven paw I'll help you through this hey guys you sound better how's your pond spirally  put some gunk on my cut and made me lie still for   hours I must have fallen asleep by the way I hope  that burned out there was for me I was starving   yeah it was a raven piccata yesterday Tiger  claws to him into shadow clans be quiet you   two there were some of us who are trying to sleep  and stuff some moss in your ears come on fire paw   brindle face had her kids last night let's go see  him all right at last something for ThunderClan to   celebrate hi spotted leaf good morning typo can we  play your dance Bible please yes but early Henri   you fall can help we saw head thanks buttered leaf  yay have you two come to visit the new kids uh-huh   it's one at a time only you'll have to wait blue  stars in with brindle face now alright well you   can go in first grade paw I'll go into yellow ping  while I'm waiting alright hey yellow ping are you   going to see brindle faces new litter yes I don't  think I'd be very welcome what but the Queen saw   how you protected frost for his kids even so  a she cat is very protective of her newborns   especially when it's her first litter I think  it would be best if I stayed away alright as you   wish but I'm going to see them it must be a good  sign having new kids in the camp well not always Firefall have you come to see thunderclouds  newest members yep well when you finished   come and see me in my dad yes blue star  another chance to tell booster about Raven   PAH thanks star clean the kids are really  cute but I mentioned me get back to my paws   after being cooped up all night I'm off to  find some fresh kill I'll save some for you   if I catch anything all right thanks grape ah  you can go in now fire PAH oh they're adorable   how are you feeling brindle plays a little  tired but the kids are strong and healthy   ThunderClan is lucky to have them I was just  talking about them with yellow fame Oh yellow   thing was asking about my kids well I brought  them up I asked her if she'd like to visit them   ah the kids are still so new I don't think her  coming in would be a good idea don't worry she   didn't want to see them anyways I had better  leave you in the kids to rest see ya booster   may have accepted yellow thing in the ThunderClan  but there are still some cats who don't trust her by Paul come inside we have much to discuss there's no need longtail I think I'll  be safe enough with young fire ball   very well blue star brindle faces  kids are lovely lovely they may be   but they mean more mouths to feed and the  season of leaf bear will be here soon oh   don't listen to me the first cold always  worries me come make yourself comfortable thanks I'm still aching from our training  session yesterday you fought well young one   thank you booster but I could still smell the  stench of shadowkhan in the camp I had heard to   never see our enemies break into the heart of  them to class in so many deaths fast red tail   down Lionheart about red tail I placed now of  Tiger Claw his deputy Thunder clan may still   appear strong do you really trust Tiger Claw to  protect the clan there was a time when Tiger Claw   a young warrior that I see it for the strength of  his passion such energy needs castle channeling   but now I see how much respect the clan has for  him I know he is ambitious but that's what makes   them one of the bravest cats I've ever had the  honour to fight alongside but oh sorry did you   have something to tell me fire fall they did but  nevermind I'll handle it myself very well you know   broken star will return he made it quite clear  at the gathering that he wants hunting righted   all the clans territories we fought him off once  we can do it again we can certainly try star clan   alali your courage young fireball I I think  you ought to know that in the battle of the   rats it was not my first life that I lost but my  seventh what but you don't I forgot and as a clan   believed it was my fifth because I don't want  to see if for my safety but just two more lives   and I will have leave you to install huh I see  thank you for sharing this with me booster I'm   tired now off you go fire pool I expect you not  to repeat this conversation to anyone of course   not I'll see you later I can toluse talk about  Tiger Claw she trusts him to protect the clan   if she found out about him it might destroy  her last bit of hope that ThunderClan could   stand strong against broken star I'll have to  figure out how to protect Raven upon my own right kick Thunder kid who are you I can't get  born kit this isn't funny is everything all right   Frost fur no it's not my kids I can't find them  anywhere someone has taken my kit are you sure I   don't know what else did it sobbing quick search  the camp white storm stay where you are warriors   patrol the camp boundary apprentices search every  den what's going on frost furs kits are missing   quick help me search the Warriors been naughty  naughty kit where are you there's no kids in here   let's check the apprenticed in Freedom Hall did  you hear about the kids they're missing are they   in The Apprentice den you haven't seen them have  you no they're not but I'll help you look for them the kids aren't in the Warriors or apprentice  den sand pollen dust paw Chuck the elders done   was that yellow thing where's she going in such  a hurry last I heard the kids were going to help   spottily serve her herd maybe there with her now  she's dead no no why spotted leaf Oh cat why her   what happened who who would do such a thing she  wasn't even a warrior she couldn't defend herself   she was killed by a warrior's blow spotted leaf  no think nothing did gone she's not in camp she   must have snuck out with her I knew it no thank  you i bleep and took my pigs do you really think   that's true star Clem has spoken yellow thing I  always knew she was a traitor now I know how she   managed to fight off the shadow clan deputy  it was all a setup to let her trick her way   to our clan we have to find her and make her  pay no it can't be the other thing of who he   killed spottily how could this have happened why  would young a thing kill a medicine cat wasn't she   wants herself I bet she did this so the shadow  clan could invade our territory that mangy cat   must have been planning this all along none of  this would have happened if we hadn't allowed   her to stay in the first place I never trusted  her Gustave what do you say if yellow sang has   killed spotted lead I'm stolen frostburg kids  she'll be hunted down without mercy ThunderClan   will make her pay for what she's done she won't  get away with this what favor pop our vengeance   must wait there is storm coming and I am not  prepared to risk more lives if ShadowClan has   our kids they will come to no immediate harm  I suppose broken star workers recruit to his   class or its hostages to force us to allow him  to hunt in our territory as soon as the storm is   passed a patrol will follow young man and bring  back our Chiefs but if we wait her central will   be lost in the rain if we send out a search party  now efforts will be wasted anyway in this weather   the central law really be lost by the time we're  ready if we wait until after the storm we stand   a better chance of success I suppose you're right  now I'd like to discuss the plans with my deputy   please Tyler cool I'll meet you in my den in a  moment yes blue star by 4 come I need to speak   with you fire pole where is yellow Fang do you  know fire port you must save your grieving for   later but I I saw yellow thing go through the camp  boundary do you really think she killed spotted   leaf and took those kids I do not know I want  you to find her and bring her back alive I need   to know the truth you're not sending Tiger Claw  Tiger Claw is a great warrior but in this case   his loyalty to the clan may cloud his judgment  what do you mean he wants to give the clan the   Vengeance of desires no cat can blame him for that  the clan believes yellow fan has betrayed er and   a tiger for thinks he can reassure the clan by  handing them the dead body of yellow Fang that's   what he'll do you're right huge yellow thing  without questioned if we find that she really   is a traitor that I will kill her myself but if  not I won't like an innocent cat die would it be   a little thing welcome back she'll come if you ask  her to if you say so gustar I'll do it now leave   at once but be careful you'll be on your own and  there may be enemy patrols about the storm will   keep our warriors and camp for a while but when  it clears I'll send white storm with the Patrol I can't leave without sharing tongues with  spotted leaf farewell these sweets oddities   she couldn't have done this on her own  no thing must have had help someone from   ThunderClan a traitor perhaps you've  heard what enclose been saying about   raving boss happy it's something to do with  it I've never felt comfortable within myself fireball I've been looking everywhere for you  where are you going to look for yellow thing   on your own rooster asked me to bring yellow  thing back to camp what why you maybe she thinks   I know yellow thing this and that I'd be able  to find her more easily but Tiger Claw is the   best tracker in the clan what Tiger Claw might  not bring her back what do you mean Tiger claws   out for revenge he would just kill her what if  she just thought it weak and took the kids isn't   that what she deserves do you really believe that  she did do you think she's innocent I don't know   and neither does blue star she wants to find out  the truth that's why she's sending me instead of   Tiger Claw but if she ordered Tiger Claw to bring  her back alive get a rope traitor what was that   all about Raven paws in danger what I have to  get him away from ThunderClan before anything   happens why what about finding yellow Fang  there's no time to explain you'll just have   to trust me there must be a way to get Raven paw  away from here like what well I have to take him   somewhere Tiger Claw won't find him somewhere he  can survive without the clan Oh what about barley   you mean take Raven pod to the to lake please  yeah yes that certainly is the best option I knew   I could trust you grape ah all right now let's  get Raven paw do you really think that Reagan   had something to do with the kids golden listen  you heard with Tiger claws been seeing Raven ah come on we're taking you to barley barley  why because you'll be safe there did you   see what frosty did was only going to check  on the kids it's not safe for you to stay in   ThunderClan any longer come on we must hurry  thanks fire-pot you there where are you going   well done fire pool I see you persuaded  your friends to go with you Thunder clan   has brave apprentices Tiger Claw if they're  willing to run an errand in weather such as   this surely this is no time for an errand one  of Brendo faces kids have the cost five four   is offered to fetch them culprit for huh  does he really need his friends to go with   him in this storm I think he's lucky to have  the company off you go you three thank you this way there's a fallen tree up here we can  use it to cross be careful its slippery are you   going to tell me exactly are we to get rape and  Paul way because he knows the tiger claw kills   redtail your claw killed a redtail during the  battle with river-clyde I I saw him well why   would tiger claw do that I don't know maybe  he thought blue star would make him deputy I overheard tired of talking to dark stripe  and long tail on the night Lionheart was   killed he wants to get rid of Raven pop get  rid of him you mean kill him you saw the way   frost for whimper Raven on today Tiger claws  been hinting to everyone that Raven paw is a   traitor but he'll be safe with Marley we're  getting close come on we can't take you any   farther Raven aww we have to get back and find  yellow thing before the storm passes will you   be able to find barley alone yes I remember the  way watch out for the dogs how can you be sure   barley will welcome me just tell them you got an  adder once now go and don't worry I'll make sure   everyone knows you didn't betray ThunderClan  what if tiger claw comes looking for me he   won't I shall tell them you're dead Oh cat  could ask for a better friends than you two   thank you I'm sure our paths will cross again  in the future I'll see you guys good luck with   finding yellow fate my fur is dripping wet can  we stop for just a second it's only a little   further and if we stop now we might be too late  blue star will be sitting out of patrol soon we   have to find yellow thing before they do why  don't we just head straight into shadow clan   we need to pick up yellow things tent first I  just hope it doesn't lead to shadow clan camp she came through this way I sent  fear why would she be afraid maybe   because she did it getting close to shadow  clans territory this Tiger Claw was right I always thought I'd have more warriors  with me when I finally entered ShadowClan   real right we can do this are you scared my  mother warned me about the Spencer shadow   clan many times my mom never taught me such  things maybe I'm lucky for that the storm is   clearing out look for shadow clan patrols  you look for the Patrol bluestar said she   was sending I can't send yellow thing anymore  there's too much mist percent is there I can   smell that though what tip son I smell a lot  of tips here I smell it too and something else quite coming from up there are you sure yes  I knew ThunderClan would blame me where are   the kids we can smell their blood have you harmed  them I don't have them how dare you think I would   do such a thing I have no idea where the kids are  why did you run away then why did you kill spiders   spotted Rufus dead you didn't know how could I  I left the camp as soon as I heard the kids were   missing how do we know you're telling the truth I  know who took the kids I picked up his scent near   the nursery who was it Chloe's one of broken  stars warriors and I know for a fact that as   long as those kids are with shadow clan they're in  great danger but surely even shadow clan wouldn't   harm kids don't be so sure broken star intends to  use them as warriors but they're only three moons   old that hasn't stopped him before he's been  training kids as young as three moons since he   became leader and had five moons he sends them out  to battle surely they'd be too small to fight they   should still be in the nurseries that age I see  now the apprentice is at the gathering it weren't   just small they were kids broken star doesn't care  about that he has plenty of kids to spare and if   shadow clan runs out he can always steal them from  other clans after all we're talking about a cat   who killed kids from his own clan he killed kit if  he killed shadow clans kids why wasn't he punished   because he lied he accused me of their murder  and shadow clan believed him is that why you   were driven out of shadow clan you have to come  back with us and tell all of this to blue star   not before we've rescued Frost first kids they're  not safe in shadow clan ThunderClan patrols will   be coming this way soon I can't stay here I still  can't wrap my mind around that how could a leader   kill kids from his own clan broken star insisted  on training them too hard and too young he took   two of the kids away for battle practice they were  old before moon zl-- he were already dead when he   brought them back to peace they bore the scratches  and bites before you're not as apprentices he must   have hopped in himself there was nothing I could  do when their mother came to see them broken star   was with me he said that he had seen me standing  over there but why didn't you tell her it was   broken star I couldn't why not broken star shuttle  class with her pressing star was his father his   word is law we'll rescue the kids together tonight  but we can't stay here I can smell the Sutter clan   patrol coming if Tiger claws with them you don't  stand a chance yellow thing he'll kill you before   we can explain your innocence there's some peat  moss this way it'll be wet after the rain our   sense will be disguised there hurry under here  there are several cats new patrol traveling fast   I can't recognize the individual sense of the  cats but it's Thunder Glen are we really going   to try and rescue kids from shadow clan alone  we're only apprentices I might be able to find   us some help from inside shadow clan not all the  cats support broken star what do you mean when   he became leader broken star forced the elders to  leave the security of camp they had to live on the   boundary and hunt for themselves these are cats  who have grown up with the warrior code some of   them might help us and I might be able to persuade  the thundercloud patrol to help us too I can speak   to them I might be able to make them believe my  story grape on fire PAH you wait by the dead ash   until I return but can we really trust yellow  thing to bring that help we are those kids only   hope you must trust me I will return soon we can  trust her she saved frost for his kids when shadow   clan attacked if she wanted to hurt them she would  have so have we done the right thing I don't know   if we have we'll be heroes and the kids will be  safe but if we were wrong and trusting yellow   thing then we're as good as dead I smell white  storm I think he's coming with a Patrol is Tiger   Claw with them I don't think so fire paw she told  me I might find a friend out here now I understand   what blue star meant we need your help we have to  rescue the kids tonight are you with us of course   sire bah it would mean raiding shadow clans camp  can you lead us there no but yellow fame can she   asked some old friends of hers to help us now  you two found yellow Fang I don't understand the   traitor is going to help rescue the kids she stole  yellow Singh didn't take the kids and she didn't   murder spotted leaf either she wants to help  us bring the kids home if you are sure fire paw what's taking her so long we don't know how  far it is to the shadow clan elders camp   yellow things probably on her way back now or  she might be happily sharing tons with shadow   clan while we sit here like fools waiting to be  ambushed so come I know she will well said young   fire paw thanks for having faith in me yellow  thing you're back don't worry I brought help let me introduce my old friends this is ash fur he  is one of the clan elders and this is night pelt   he was a senior warrior before ragged star was  killed but was asked to retire due to his cough   and this is one of our elder Queen dawn cloud two  of her kids died driving elephant cliff you cannot   allow breakfast and continue training kicks ah  ha so this band of elders is supposed to help us   get our kids back we will have strength in numbers  you've come for your kits you will help you rescue   them what's in it for you we want your help to  get rid of broken star he's broken the warrior   code and shadow clan is suffering so it's that  simple is it we just drop into your camp snatch   the kids kill your leader and go home you would  not need as much resistance to seem I think we   do not wish to let the innocent life any more  kids be lost God's right frost risk kids must   be saved you are clearly skilled warriors but  are there enough of you we need to know what   we'll face when we raid the shadow clan camp the  olden SiC the shadow clan are slowly starving and   the casualties among our kids are more than we  can cope with but if shadow clan is such a mess   how come you've shown so much strength lately and  why is broken star still your leader broken stars   surrounded by a small group of elite warriors  they're the ones to fear because they would die   for him without question the other warriors obeys  orders only because they are frightened it will   fight by a sight as long as they think broken  star is going to win however they thought he   would lose they would fight against him not for  him what sort of loyalty is that our clan was not   always like this when ragged star led shadow clan  we were feared for our strength but in those days   our strength came from the warrior code and clan  loyalty not from parent bloodlust if only rocket   started lived longer how did ragged star die  there were so many rumors at the gatherings but   no one seemed to know for sure he was ambushed by  a warrior patrol from wind clans yes that is what   most cats seem to think these are bad times  indeed leaders being picked off in the dark   instead of an open and honorable battle is there  any way of taking back the kids without alerting   the whole clan they'll be very closely guarded  broken star will be expecting ThunderClan to try   and take them you won't be able to steal in the  secret and open attackers our only hope then we   must concentrate our attack on broken star and his  inner circle night pel ash for a dawn cloud will   lead me into the shadow clan camp they will say  they have captured me we have to make sure broken   star and his warriors are out of their dens news  and my capture will bring them into the clearing   once they're all out in the open I'll give this  signal for you to attack very well yellow Fang   please lead the way to the shadow clan camp over  there's the camps entrance it smells awful it   should their fresh kill pile is the carrion  place they crow food shadow Plains warrior   so you sort of battle not hunting so we eat  whatever we can find all right under clan I did   not clump a bracket for there it's both told stole  disguise our scent wait here listen for my signal prove it cheater and what do we have here  a we found our sculpting on the edge of our   territory so you dare to return yellow Fang  your time is up I warned you before now you   will feel the wrath of a shadow cloud do you  really think you bested me you mouse brain   you stole kicks from Thunder clan and killed kids  from your own clan you've broken the warrior code   one too many times broken star I'm done making  excuses for you you will pay for what you have   done to this glad ThunderClan you put them into  el camp you to ally with this excuse for a clan   least under clan fights with honor you spoiled  shadow clan when you became leader we used to   be respected now the other clans only listen  to us out of fear and to think I trained you ah Blackfoot can't you see Birkenstocks  corrupts the clan is starving and we can't   continue following him he'll only lead us  further into the dark you are my enemy now   I won't hold back Don cloud under blood  attack get off me you we back ah I got   you now apprentice we turn under grant kit but  why should I you're just a useless kitty pet   apprentice what makes you think I'll take orders  from you ouch quit what go of me you must have   eaten your brains if you think you can be late  like me you evil ThunderClan cat ah what a kit   this is not your battle it is so and I know kit  yeah yeah the one find your mother this is not   your fight to win you're a kit you shouldn't be  out here but I'm not scared I want to fight you weak excuse for a cat you'll pay for the  pain and suffering that you help broken   star cosmic plans what are you talking about  I haven't done anything you you're the one   who killed spotted lead ah and what if I did  that good-for-nothing medicine cat couldn't   even defend herself ah how dare you she she  was my friend haha what's up Thunder clan   warriors do not kill in battle don't let  your emotions control you fire PAH what he   killed spotted leaf vengeance is not worth it  an honorable warrior does not need to kill to   win their battles killing claw face would make  you just as bad as him I I suppose you're right it's working they're leaving look are glad  me for here to save us hey I want to go and   fight beside them not so fast little Missy stay  in here where it's safe the fighting will soon   be over wow the only thing is fighting broken  star you change shadow class brainwashing our   kids making them obsessed with that link  kid and marigold kids didn't even want to   play games that didn't involve fighting a  warrior's training a kitchen and have to   worry about those kinds of things you stupid  medicine cats I never thought you would be on   and my father sure you know Joe record store you  killed your own father you found his body didn't   you recognize my fur between his claws no this  this can't be it was a soft and foolish leader he   deserved to die what about bright flowers kids did  they deserve to die too they were weak if I hadn't   killed them another warrior would have I was doing  them a favor they were only kids I should have   chewed you two when I had the chance yellow Fang  but I'll fix that soon enough I won't let you hurt   her you'll have to go for me you dare challenge  me don't waste your time apprentice I've shared   dreams with star Claire you'll have to kill me  nine times over before I join them do you really   think you can defeat me oh well I I it looks to  me that you're a little outnumbered broken star   you are a disgrace to star clan we trusted you  you don't love to be our leader we'll be better   off without you leave now while you're still  alive kid murderer you are no longer welcome here   you can run me out of shadow Claire but I will  return stronger than ever we'll be here waiting   with our claws on sheet we won't go easy on you  next time now leave this isn't over kitty pet should we go after them they might come back  what if they go for ThunderClan next I don't   want to be broken star you'll be broken star no  I'm flat but you have to be broken star but you   just stinky head stop arguing Thunder Glen one  and now we're going home now huh we fire paw   yep you'll be back in a nursery soon watch the  nursery I want an adventure you'd think after   all the excitement you've been through today that  you'd be happy to go home silly kid who are you   calling Stewie he's calling you silly silly ha he  it's amazing how kids can joke about such serious   things they seem to have even made it into a  game I'm just glad that they're okay and we're   playing like it's wood it's such a relief are  the kids okay it's ShadowClan hurt them they're   fine just a few scratches but Bracken kid has  a pretty nasty cut on his ear could you take a   look at him yellow Fang we need to stop the  bleeding running nose fetch me some cobwebs   yes yellow Fang I feel like an apprentice  again you help shadow clan rid itself of a   brutal and dangerous leader and for that we are  grateful but it is time you left our camp and   returned to your own I promised your hunting  grounds will be free of shadow clan warriors   as long as we can find enough food in our own  territory Quentin peace for one moon night belt   ThunderClan knows you need time to rebuild  your clan yes blue star my thanks one stone and you yellow Fang do you wish to return  with us or stay here with your old clan   mates I will make the journey back with  you Thunder clan will need a medicine cat   for yourself as well as your kits indeed  thank you we should be getting back home   then under Clan let's move out I'm sleepy  I thought you said you wanted to adventure I'm so sorry that I blamed you I  hope you find happiness yellow thing   I have ThunderClan as my home now I'm a  sparkling light you're past my daughter we should be getting back I patched a  Bracken kids here he'll be all right   now but he's too tired for the journey  back to Thunder gland I can carry him   I'm sure he'll appreciate that I can't  believe we did it we drove out broken   storm rescued the kids it would not have been  possible if not for you fireball you did well my kids hey my little darlings aren't you alright  it wasn't scary at all yeah but Nicole was so   brave they fought a broken store yeah he ran  away because inspire cop bright kid lazuli   wood was skinned but nah well it sounds like you  for what through a lot today your father would   be very proud of how brave you were you should be  very thankful to what the other casting a glance   risked to save you so the kids are alright they're  fine just a little tired it's been a long day for   them well done white stone stocking on with you  thank you but it's thanks to this young apprentice   that we even found them in the first place it was  nothing really look it's yellow thing what is she   doing here why did you bring back the traitor  she's no traitor she killed spotted leaf oh   yeah look between spotted leaf claws you'll find  the brown fur of claw face not yellow fangs great   for mouse' go and check the body rape ha is right  spotted leaf wasn't attacked by yellow fang it was   claw face she didn't kill her we were wrong she's  innocent what so she didn't kill spotted leaf that   doesn't mean she didn't help shadow clan steal  Lion Heart and frost first kids without yellow   thing we would have never recovered the kids she  knew that a shadow clan warrior had taken them   she was searching for them when I found her she  risked her life returning to her old territory   it was yellow Fang who thought up the battle plan  that got us into the shadow clan camp and gave us   a chance to defeat broken star I can't believe  that you'd blame her remember the battle and   thunder clan she protected the kids then and now  she saved them once again fire paw is Right yellow   Fang is an ally to this clan she fought alongside  us like a true ThunderClan cat I'm glad to hear   that who can start dead no he escaped but he won't  ever lead shadow clan again a promise shadow clan   that will leave them in peace until the full moon  broken stars leadership left their clan in chaos   that was a wise and generous offer light storm  yellow sang I wish for you to take spotted leaves   places medicine cat to ThunderClan I'm sure you'll  find all has supplied as she left them Thank You   blue star shadow clan is not the clan I once  knew Thunder clan is where my loyalty lies now   yellow thing is our new medicine cat isn't that  great gray paw where's Raven pool yeah where is   my apprentice strange that he disappeared with  broken star Firebaugh do you know are you saying   the young apprentice betrayed has climbed to be  with broken star that's outrageous if you think   he was helping broken star and you're wrong Raven  pies he's Raven paws he's what spit it out already   Raven Paul is dead he died honorably fighting a  shadow clan patrol he was so brave by pol what's   going on I'll tell you everything later I never  said that Raven Paul was a traitor we're even Paul   might have made a fine warrior his death has come  too soon and his loss will be felt by many of us   for a long time liar the clan will miss Raven Paul  we shall mourn him tomorrow last however there is   another ritual that must be performed when I know  Raven Paul would have taken pleasure in fire full   grey pool you have shown great courage tonight did  they fight well like storm like warriors Bluestar I can't believe this is happening we're  going to be warriors Wow warriors grape   huh warriors I blue star leader of ThunderClan  call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on   these two apprentices they are trained hard to  understand the ways of your noble code and I   commend them to you as warriors in their turn  fire pool grey pool do you promise to uphold   the warrior code and to protect and defend  this clan even as the cost of your life I do   as you wash then by the powers of star clan I  give you your warrior name grapples from this   moment on you will be known as grey stroke dark  line honors your bravery and your strength and   we welcome you as a full warrior of thunder  climb very strong very very dry fire pool   from this moment on you will be known as fire  heart star clan honors your bravery and your   strength and we welcome you as a full warrior  of thunder clan by a heart I am proud to have   you as my warrior so have your plan well young  one thank you I will Wow you're a warrior graced   right you kids are supposed to be out here oh  no fair come on I'll take you back to your mom it is almost Moon high in the tradition  of our ancestors fire heart and grace   right must sit in silent vigil until  dawn and guard the camp alone while we   sleep meeting dismissed don't think you  can outwit me kitty bet watch her back we'll start I must speak with you before I  begin my vigil it's about no fire heart but   this is an important ritual fire heart you can  speak to me in the morning now is not the time   I suppose new stars right Tiger Claw isn't  a problem that can be salt overnight I hope   Raven paw is doing okay he would have made  a fine warrior but he'll be safer with Orly   I'll prove to the other clans that I'm not just  some kitty pet I'm a warrior now I will fight   for my clan no matter the cost broken star  will pay for everything he's done my sweet   spot at least I'll continue on living every  day for you I'll live a life that would make   you proud and one day I will join you again  in star clan but for now we start gran light   your path how long would you in your dreams but  remember breath by hot fire alone will save us you
Channel: pinkbunnygirl43
Views: 2,857,357
Rating: 4.785152 out of 5
Keywords: pinkbunnygirl43, Littlest Pet Shop, LPS, pinky, Warrior cats, warriors, into the wild, warrior cats into the wild, warriors into the wild, lps, lps warriors, lps warrior cats, littlest pet shop, littlest pet shop warriors, warrior cats lps, firepaw, rusty, pinkbunnygirl, into the wild movie, warriors movie, movie, warrior cats movie
Id: oCYs9lnq1tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 35sec (9035 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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