Phantom Eyes | Episode One - Wolf Animation

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[Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] look at our pups aren't they just perfect yes we've made some fine pups they'll be a great addition to the pack [Music] i do worry though about kyra's ability to hunt she'll be fine and she has nova to look after her all right and she's very smart she'll figure out ways around it you have nothing to worry about the pack works as one and we protect each other no matter what i know love but i still worry nova is a good sister though this is our first litter i know how you feel but no harm will come to our pups i'll make sure of it you're such a good alpha and a wonderful father i'll try not to worry so much however our pack is on the small side this is true but for now what we have will have to do in the coming year when the pups are older we can seek out new pac members i agree let's focus on the girls and little orion for now gotcha that's no fair you know this is my bad side orion you just cut us by surprise let's have a real fight and see who wins no thanks nova you're too tough for me you are right there that's true and i wouldn't want to hurt you all right pups you finally ready for a decent meal yes well today you're finally gonna get it because we're going on a hunt yes and today will be talon's first hunt so wish him luck talent are you excited i wish i can go on a hunt too oh i'm really excited but a little nervous too i've been around the territory but that's about it don't worry talon you'll be fine and mouth will be here to lead us he's a great hunter with a lot of experience i know you're complimenting me and also making fun of my age but yes darling will do fine i won't let anything bad happen to him just stick with the pack and work as one and you'll be fine stick to the pack got it hey guys i feel like this hunt isn't gonna go very well well don't tell talon that you'll only worry him what do you mean you feel like it won't go well i can't explain it it's like i can of see what's gonna happen it won't be good i think that feeling it's just your stomach telling you you're hungry i got faith in the little guy i could be wrong you're usually right with these things though i guess we'll find out phantom nix tala you stay at the rear echo talon and leica keep up with me we'll go for a straight on run at her if we need to we'll circle up but not until i say so [Music] talon slow down pup talon call back with us oh stupid pup come back you're gonna get kicked [Music] talon wait for us back wait here i'll get him the hunt is off taylor stop you're not working with the pack watch for the doe's legs [Music] what were you thinking what were you thinking you flea biter you could have gotten yourself or mavu hurt calm down mavu is okay talon is just a pup oh you better watch it girly because unlike you i care about the oldest member of our pack and not some loner's pup hey like don't be so harsh i mean i of course i agree with you but you know just don't be so harsh on him echo you're not helping instead of arguing why don't we make our way back home all right let's go marvel and talon can talk it out between themselves fine but when opal hears about how her father was almost destroyed by this deer he wasn't almost destroyed it's a small kick mabu is strong just stop this please guys please marvel i'm really sorry telling my child it's okay we all make mistakes it's just important that we learn from them but that deer could have killed you they all said so i'm awful talent please listen to me latke is over dramatic the doe's leg barely got my jaw and i knew the risk when i went after you it's what a pack does we fight for each other and risk our lives for each other do you understand yes i do i was just so excited to go on my first hunt i understand we all are and today your excitement got the better of you but we learned a lesson today you learned that it's important to stick with the pack and now you know what can happen if you don't i learned it the hard way i guess i guess we both did i promise i'll rip out the throat of every deer i see i see we have another lesson to learn why do you think we hunt the deer to eat and survive correct and why do you think the doe ran and kicked me to survive yes exactly we don't take revenge because the doe kicked me she only did what she needed to the doe knows we hunt her to survive and we know she runs to survive understand don't live with hate in your heart poop yes malvu i guess i have a lot to learn we are all still learning and we'll all help you along the way but what will we tell hayden opal they'll be so mad at me don't worry they won't be upset with you accidents happen my daughter is a very kind and understanding she wolf and hyde can be intimidating at times but he has a good heart oh you're all back so how did the hunt go not very well i'm afraid well we had some trouble but we're all fine fine we're not all fine mama took a hoof to the face what happened tell me why my pack goes hungry it's all talon's fault hush it's no one's fault it was his first hunt no one's first hunt is perfect a doe kicked me i'm fine we lived it's okay well that scar makes you look more distinguished my thoughts exactly i'm glad you're all right mavu but i'm going to lead the next hunt and talon will stay with the pups no he will join us mistake is a lesson he will learn and become a great hunter there is no need to be upset with him not every hunt will be a success even for seasoned hunters my mate is right each mistake is an opportunity to learn and i'm sure talon will take the stay in and learn from it i will i promise we know you will now don't worry about this why don't you go ahead and get some rest wise words come now pups who wants to hear a story [Music] what kind of story would you like to hear pups we want a scary story tell us about the one with the evil shadow wolf a happy story about a wolf who sleeps in the sun beans i think i'd rather hear a happy story no tell us a serry one grandpa okay okay it won't be too scary there is a wolf who lives in the shadows he swallows puffs hole when they misbehave i thought you said it wouldn't be too scary he's black like the night and walks quietly like an owl flies his face is a horrid skull with scratches all over and he does he have bat wings and glowing red eyes and breathes fire and a snake for a tail what sounds scary to me oh no pups he's a wolf like you or i but something went wrong it became something of hate and spy it said that his mother loved him so but his father did not and so he slashed his skull so hard that the fur melted off it's said that he has a powerful magic but the magic was stolen we don't know where he stole it from the rightful owners are dying without it and one day there'll be no more so a hero must go and save them all right father i think that's enough ghost stories for one day wouldn't you agree oh mom it was just getting good we're ready for bed now now you three need to go to sleep fine [Music] [Music] huh [Music] ah rest tala i'll talk to him your mind seems clouded today is something bothering you more so than usual my dreams of becoming more consistent and lifelike darker as well would you like to talk about them yes thank you i usually burden taller with my dreams and visions but i feel awful for making her worry about me so much i know she looked tired so i let her rest so i could come out to speak with you so tell me what's on your mind well my dreams or um visions as i've come to call them have become more and more consistent and i'm honestly worried by them before i would get them for simple things like earlier today i saw what would happen with talent and the hunt not all of it but pieces of it were shown to me but this dream i just had it was so dark i could feel something trying to get me at first there was a voice calling me a soft and kind voice a voice i've never heard before but then there was another voice and one that was dark menacing and was calling me but not like it wanted me to join it more like it wanted me so it could destroy me what do you mean by destroy you like kill you and that's what it felt like i'm i'm just so confused opal my dreams feel so real and i'm afraid of what can happen to me in them even though i know it's just a dream i feel like i'm fighting for my life phantom you know if you ever need us we're here for you i'll be fine i think i'll go for a walk though sounds good you take care but while you're out can you patrol the west border of course i won't be gone long so don't wait up another vision huh what was it this time he said he was drowning and two voices were calling to him he seemed very upset by it i'm worried about him hyde i really am worried what for was this vision a sign of danger i don't know but i trust his visions even if he's unsure about them whatever it was about can't be good i see what you mean well we can do all we can for him but it's up to him to accept the help [Music] i know i know i wouldn't worry he'll be okay he's with us his pack his family and we'll protect him from any voices [Music] me [Music] uh you
Channel: biddie bones animations
Views: 52,047
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: wolf, wolves, phantom eyes, wolf animation, phantom eyes animation wolf, animated, cartoon, tvpaimt, cougar macdowell, Mike Joseph, Oehring, arreis, biddie bones wolf animation
Id: 7TaZ2aL0ZqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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