Pandemonium Episode 1

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oh hey you're back early yeah I got pretty lucky  today look at what I caught no way you caught a   hawk that's amazing it wasn't easy but I somehow  managed to do it aren't you proud of me yeah how   much do you think we'll get for it it has to  be worth at least 100 coins maybe even more   we should go to the trapper right now  before the storm rolls in good idea   race you there what don't be a turtle  come on alright alright I'm coming hello can I possibly sell this sure how much  you want for it how does a hundred sound   okay how about 90 80 75. look 20 is the highest  I'll go at 20. you're kidding right no I'm serious   can't you raise it just a little higher it's just  that hawks aren't very common around here and   I think 50 could be a reasonable price please keep  talking all you want but I ain't changing my mind   fine have it your way well that was disappointing  yeah she sure ripped this off   but hey 20 is better than  nothing right yeah I guess ugh why is it so crowded today it's never this  crowded i think they're getting ready for war what   what are you talking about what war i read it in  the paper this morning there are some revolts of   north apparently well it was a matter of time  our leader makes a lot of poor decisions what   did he expect all we can do is try not to get  involved well that's going to be pretty difficult   because tomorrow they're coming to draft new  soldiers no problem we'll just keep our heads   down lie low and maybe we'll be okay but what  if something does happen what do you mean like   what if we get split up what if you get drafted  and i don't or the other way around we do that   won't happen they can't split us apart  how do you know like i said if we don't   draw any attention to ourselves then we'll  be fine they'd skip right over us i'm sure   would that be enough though i don't want to  lose my favorite sister i'm your only sister   ha ha but i'm scared Rosalina i don't want to  end up in the middle of a battlefield i don't   want anything to do with war and i most certainly  don't want you to be in that situation either   i promise you we'll be okay i won't let  anything bad happen to my little sister   rain we're gonna get drenched race you home  hey wait that's my thing you can't beat me   i'm the queen of racing not anymore i'm gonna  take your crown haha i'd like to see you try how close are we now well I'm not sure most of  the markings on this map are hard to make out   so I have no idea where we are crazy conspiracy  theorist lady completely scammed us unbelievable   I told you she was shady you told me nothing  how could I have known she would rip us off why are you all by yourself out here little  guy huh please I'm just a messenger I wasn't   gonna cause any harm to anyone oh so you're a  messenger do you by chance have a map on you, no   I don't I think you're lying can I uh  see that satchel of yours for a second   but these messages are strictly for officials  to see don't worry I won't look at them stop right there stop harassing messenger okay and  stop reading the message thank you well that was   rude uh well here's this again by the way uh could  you take us to your base I would like to speak   with your leader why do you want to talk to him  that's none of your concern so uh can you please   allow us to your base but I'm on a very important  mission right now can't it wait no not really okay okay okay uh listen I'm gonna give you  two options you see I have a friend and she   is a leader of quite a big group and it's hard  to feed everyone when the people you work for   keep taking their food I think they would really  like some extra and they don't care what it is if   it's edible they'll eat it I mean you're pretty  small but they'll be happy with any offering   what? what are you gonna do to me I'm not gonna  do anything just yet now hold on you have your   second option if you take us to your base right  now then I won't sell you to the hungry tribe and   personally I don't think being eaten alive would  be all that fun cause I can promise you they're   not gonna cook you first and they're definitely  not giving you salt or pepper so what'll it be   I'll just take you home base good choice wake up Vivian wake up I think  we have company what's happening   look raiders they're heading right this way  and there's a lot of them too holy hecking heck   that is a lot of raiders hurry go wake  up the others I'm heading down there turn around now or prepare for war and let go of  axel now ah don't worry I wasn't gonna hurt him   look we're not here to cause any trouble I promise  we're only here to speak to Cayson well I've heard   of such a thing as raiders not wanting to cause  any trouble don't believe me fine whatever but   I didn't come this way to leave empty-handed  what do you want from us that's what I'd like   to speak to your leader about we'll  wait here all night if we have to greetings Cayson i've gone through so many  hoops just to get to you and i hope you can   forgive me if you've ever received any threats  from me in the past who are you my name's Chance   i'm the leader of the south pacific tribes never  heard of it well yes uh we aren't from around here   but uh i was hoping we could make some sort of  deal deal well guess what you're not getting any   of my land and that's what you're thinking i was  not gonna ask about your land case and besides uh   no offense uh your land is terrible there's too  many mountains and not enough meadows hey what's   wrong with the mountains they're so pretty  quiet sorry sir what do you want from me then   look i want to be your friend not just a friend  but your best friend but i'm his best friend i   said quiet Kade so you want to be allies well  don't you need a bigger army i see you keep   recruiting new people in it every day and uh  i've seen you started taking children in too   i see you're desperate and well i can help you  let me join with you and we will win this war so   you want to ally with me to defeat the  rebellion why i hate them too for the   same reasons that you do you can't let  them keep brainwashing your subjects   soon enough they'll be your whole population  and then they'll dethrone you and next will   be me to be dethroned and every leader here in  the entire northeast we need to get rid of them   i don't know about this guy sir he seems a  little suspicious i mean just look at him   he's gorgeous what i don't know but i don't trust  him what do you suppose i should do with him then   we'll just knock him out and then throw  him into the lake then tell his followers   he got abducted by aliens seems realistic  enough right no one will have ever guessed you know I can hear you right shoot he's on  to us hurry I'll get the rope but he's right   we need a bigger army to cross  rebels this is our chance   and this is our chance I get it because his  name is chance uh what the pun you made sir   the heck is a pun never mind I forgot  you don't have a sense of humor very well Chance I made a decision I will  let you ally with me but you may lead your   army and I will lead mine sounds great you'll be  very happy that you've joined with me when we win huh it can't be huh hey what are you doing  out here hey come back here I was asking you   a question who are you talking to Kalee Nyx  I saw someone I think they were spying on   us oh Kalee don't be silly why would anyone be  spying on us in the middle of the woods it was   probably a rebel spy preparing an attack on us  shouldn't we go after her it was probably nothing   now let's get a move on fine but if we get  attacked I'm blaming it on you okay Kalee yeesh she's such a brat what a dump this  place is i can't believe people live here   good morning everyone of south middle village i  know you all have been anticipating our arrival   and unfortunately we bring bad news we do not  have enough supplies to distribute amongst   everyone here and to other villages as well the  bi-force truly does apologize i'm grateful brats   settle down everyone i know how disappointed  you all must be but there is a reason behind   this our army is expanding rapidly and we need  as many supplies as we can get please continue   to farm and build weapons to support the army and  in return we will continue to give you protection   Kalee here will explain the rest the by force is  still needing a lot more soldiers for the army   this war won't be easy to beat the rebellion is  rising again and they're getting bigger by the day   in order to win this arms race we are recruiting  individuals from every town into the army each   is selected depending on their skills if  your name is called you have been selected   Atticus come over here wait but i i can't go i  have children not my problem get in line please   they're too young to care for themselves on their  own i can't leave them last is Summer Summer i   decline you don't have an option get in line like  everyone else you can't force her to go with you it's you the spy I saw in the bushes my sister  can't go with you there must be a mistake   maybe you switched her name with mine how dare  you question the government you blockhead peasant   now I said get in line I don't want to make things  harder than it already is sorry commander you   should be Summer Summer I said I wouldn't let them  take you i can't let them please commander please   she's my sister i can't let her go to war back off  fool one more word from you and you'll be executed   commander yes may i have a word with my  sister quickly before i leave make it quick Rosalina goodbye goodbye and Rosalina be strong all right everyone we will be back  within a week until then take care
Channel: Purple Un!verse
Views: 375,828
Rating: 4.9765577 out of 5
Id: ITcuzFcaIL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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