Wolf Song: The Movie

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my purpose in life has never been clearer destiny tends to change without notice whipping life into a chaotic spiral and destroying peace and hope sometimes the only Escape is to run and never look back it shall be as we have graded my place indeed shall be yours how can I keep your spot one for me brother this won't take long I'm afraid this is all I can bring you now [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] alpha this better be the death alpha has invaded the ghost tier pack I think they all might be dead we have to get out of here no I will not run from him we go to war when he arrives honey be reasonable yes honey be reasonable give me the book it disappeared I swear [Music] do you hear that let's check it out yes men come back here hello sure Yasmin you shouldn't be so snippy with your sister who are you are you how do you know she's my sister when you've been around the Sun as many times as me child you can recognize siblings when you see them what is this place who are you my name is Ursa this is a womb of warriors I am the keeper of the cave this is the place where true warriors are born I sense vengeance in your heart who holds your vendetta the most evil wolf anyone has ever laid eyes on your hatred sounds warranted how would you like to give him what he deserves [Music] are you okay little brother I hit my pad on something let me see it's okay to be scared sister do you think things will ever go back to being the same do you think dad will ever take us to the beach again dad isn't coming back out we've waited long enough for him to return besides we don't need anyone but each other [Music] this is more regular thanks University vault house I want to see don't forgive me [Music] looks like the blizzard is over Cara our pawsley Prince I can see where I've been I can track you by more than just that your smell alone gives away your location what is that strawberry dog shampoo we don't want any trouble we're just passing through you're here for a reason now if you don't want to be spotted then follow me otherwise you can stay here and let the hunters get you your choice follow me I'm gonna take you to my friends we'll be safe there there are others lots of wolves live around here wolves keep low and follow me my name is Damian my friends and I live in the barren lands currently it's where we're headed now can you explain to me why you decided to help two dogs like us none of this seems to make any sense I didn't even know your species existed anymore a lot of us been captured but even the humans can't find where I live I don't trust it I know but maybe he can lead us to food don't forget the reason we're out here little brother if they find us then they'll put a bullet through our skulls without even saying hello first but his scent is wild free familiar she-wolf your name is Carl right that's not creepy at all I have excellent hearing young one it's right through here [Music] whoa my friends meet the pack my name is Hana it's so very nice to meet both of you this is lightning he's reliable tracker and kill prey faster than know the word escapes me a very accurate and quick surge of electricity hello I'm melody this is Anora and this wolf over here is chance pay no mind to his bullcrap hey you always find a way to hurt my feelings and since when is anything that came out of my mouth crap and this is Yasmin hi I'm kind of busy right now I gotta go your brother isn't still gone is he hadn't seen him sometimes he goes on prolonged hunting trips I'm sure you'll meet him sooner or later and lastly this is Myra hello Myra your fur is absolutely beautiful she's mute but she's accented herbes and healing I like your feather thank you my boyfriend gave it to me oh yes kidding I would like to try something alador how does he know our names no it's creepy Hey you look a little nervous don't worry this is just initiation it's going to be alright [Music] what did you do to him he's alright he's just sleeping how is this possible if you relate it then the same can be done for you [Music] you you no you see efficient to a point but sloppy did you see how she blindly charged she wasn't even aware that I have my eyes locked on her the entire time she got you though I'm not as young as I used to be yeah but you better look out looks like someone's trying to take your spot but seriously let's not let's not go killing a leader now you have to tell them sooner or later they'll hate me forever that's not they will forgive you get off me whoo-hoo we are matters little get your paws off him it seems he is important to you well then I'm in luck all we asked for is a bit of cooperation call your pack Oh fearless leader you look like a cat staring at a pile of unguarded catnip excuse me go on admit it tell me how you feel about mr. two-color I don't quite understand what you're talking about melody don't play dumb don't you think for a second that this conversation is over not cool Anora what's the big idea sorry Cara I just couldn't resist why [Music] okay what are you doing why don't you help them I can't help because those are the rules that Damien made for us to live by what's one on one battle and feeling their way it's the only stupid way our friends could get hurt don't you care how you coward it's strategy like oh boy beat up by a girl you act surprised of course not I just don't fight girls [Music] that strategy of yours seems pretty cowardly why don't you face me you know you're kind of cute too badass good but not good enough why don't you just crawl back to your master come now be nice it won't be hard to just give in then all of this will go away all of it will go away leave them alone and fight me he'll kill you you fool fine then let him kill me my life is not worth any more than all of yours I don't know what this is about but if you have to kill me to leave my friends alone then bring it on you would give you a life for these loners are you gonna keep talking pretty boy or are you gonna fight me [Music] that's enough [Music] Damian helps him this is his fight tarah not ours you why are you doing this your walk with free will you can hunt and sleep and play whatever you want I can tell you don't want to do this don't let yourself be controlled by fear door you'll be okay the snake was a Python and wasn't venomous what about the bite wound it doesn't look fatal it'll heal right Myra get up you old dog I don't want to make you look too bad let's finish this I don't want to fight you I get it now Raina I'm sorry but I can't do it any longer the death alpha was wrong this is what a pack should be you must leave the last thing we need right now is hellhounds wait please accept my most sincere apologies we aren't El hounds whatever you are we don't need it you coming here demanding surrender and now you're changing your minds this has got to be a trick Damien don't listen to him wait what exactly are you looking for I've been growing more and more distant with the Death alpha and his pack ever since the mistake they treat me differently they treat us all differently but you guys you guys value each other's lives so much that this one would give himself up to protect his friends and to protect someone like me despite the poor way things here are run it is clear that you all care for each other what's that supposed to mean do you honestly expect us to believe you care for each other Balder and Brendan are my brothers and Raina is my cousin they are the only family that I've got now last thing we need are four more mouths to feed especially one as big as hers please stop fighting Damien I trust them oh you're too trusting no listen I think everyone is messed up and done bad things but no one is too far gone for redemption if we have forgotten how to forgive then how can we expect anyone to forgive us I think everyone deserves a second chance I agree with alador shocker you won't regret this stop you can't just come in here and become part of the pack can I make a suggestion no I've made my decision man I don't trust any of you please even if you don't take me and all my family we aren't going back there's a legend but someone pure of heart I think I found him if I wasn't trustworthy I would have given a warning how by now to have the nearest patrol pick him up I know he isn't trustworthy Damien but none of us are if you really think about it any one of us could turn traitor at any moment it's easy to judge and harder to trust sometimes what's harder is necessary fine one night but tomorrow you're all gone Lightning chance watch them Cara let's get out of here for a while want a train there's an old legend about wolves with elemental powers there was some dispute over the power between the element of wolves and the hellhounds a huge war broke out Lots animals died yada yada yada anyways when the two alphas fought each other one of the wolves special attacks missed and hit this dream split it right in half today I'm going to teach you to jump it the important thing is to keep your eyes I mean something in front of you don't look down but keep your face straightforward I can do this you you'll be able to do it one day Cara he has been stay close Dora arrow you're back are you all right am i all right I just got attacked by a flying bird brained wolf I'm incredible you're okay you big drama queen whatever we have a situation arrow are you coming or not one moment yes Ben Nora it's not safe out here anymore you should come back to Damien's territory with us yeah you feel free to stay here in fact I insist on it this is Cara arrow arrow Cara she's been living with us for about three or four days Damien's orders and she's proving to be pretty trustworthy so try to be nice to her fine come on I guess don't worry his bark is worse than his bite don't you have anything better to do I'm just following orders I wouldn't expect you to understand I'm getting too old for these petty games don't worry Damien we've got y'all back don't push me we don't need your help you want trustworthy pain I had a feeling you would fail the death key pack so I made arrangements to pick up the slack here you're telling me I knew it will continue getting attacked as long as they're here go home Cobalt I had nothing more to do with you I'm beginning to lose my patience with all these poorly planned attacks poorly planned us isn't that half the fun you know we're quite exhausted we've come to take away that pure hearted puppy of yours czar told us all about him after that we'll just leave you and your puny band of losers alone you must have overheard me I haven't seen him in days I swear oh that's rich that's really really funny you know I'm usually the one who makes jokes out of the two of us but I think you're really catching on get out of here you're wasting our time yo pay for that wimp that's enough now get off my territory before we chase you off come on Odie this is this is ridiculous [Music] [Music] whoo excellent team effort out there did you see me did you see me in that fight they call me the grim reaper for a reason nobody calls me that shut up don't criticize me in front of them you you at least we know who we can trust what they caused this wait they're on our side absolutely positively unquestioningly n o Damian I have to go they have my brother I said no Cara don't argue with me you aren't the boss of me just because you showed us how to live out here doesn't mean you can make my decisions for me I said no and that's final hey let her go how do I expect myself to be able to free Hamid or what he's already dead Baro what do you want I think we got off on the wrong paw before let me make it up to you how [Music] Cobalts how dare you there are two embedded two loops later where is the second now I'm strong I'm valuable please please look look listen she won't be any trouble to you I promise and if she is I will dispatch her myself okay my squad dispatcher but they would not do it without my leadership you wouldn't do well to trust him let him speak speak you wouldn't do well to trust this wolf I saw him in battle today my friend beat him easily in one-on-one combat he ran off letting his soldiers do all the fighting [Music] that should teach you about lying to the dead I forgive you sir I should have explained mcc's planed the rules to him he should he should have known how to behave in your presence before I even brought him here that you should have now leave me leave him sire I need a word with him alone now it's nice to finally meet you why lad or how do you know my name I know many things you can know many thanks to if you join me I'd rather die than join you look out that cave opening right there son what of it it's a training base look closer we have over 25 fine female specimens all at your disposal all you have to do is join me any one of them [Music] fight me like I said I'd rather die I see well then I guess we have no other choice [Music] last chance I'll never follow you take him to the torture grounds it's time to break this wolf you how is this master I don't see enough blood our leader once more if what that runt said about you is true then fear for your health I would fight for you until my dying breath for your sake you better be telling the truth yes of course anything for you my my one person benevolent beautiful leader don't be weird who hired this guy anyway I'm so sorry sir keep this up I sense an impending battle how dare you down on me you regret the day you ruined my reputation you scum you're lucky we're under orders not to kill you yet you lot don't you take a break he's to be fresh for his second beating of the day say 20 minutes you yes you catch me a rabbit I am starving don't you dare look at me like that yes you gave me attitude with that look you know I am I am ah how can we never get a lunch break lunch break how would kill just for joining knife there's enough for you both when you wake up we'll be long gone don't worry kid I'll get you out of here can't watch them do this see when you work can you walk I think so this is bad he's too weak to move hang on kid this might hurt [Music] why why are you helping me I'm not a bad wolf the death offer took over my maximum force to serve Him I haven't been with them long and never seen him do bad things but this time he's gone too far I would never forgive myself but let it go on what's your name my name is blaze thank you for helping me blaze they're coming I can't let them find place they'll kill him if they see him helping me kid get out of here are you doing don't let him get away after them [Music] you did great kid don't worry that all of us come out of the Hunts unscathed you know when we're still amateurs huh Thanks arrow this really helped yeah this is usually what I do cat got your tongue never mind I'm glad you're feeling better so how come you live in the barren lands shouldn't you be in an actual pack one not made up of loners I like Damian's home well enough they take care of my little sister for me when I'm away so I don't mind it don't you ever get I don't know lonely don't push your luck with me she-wolf being alone is what I'm good at getting away from all the rumors and pointless legends I can be free when I'm alone I understand where you're coming from no you don't maybe it wouldn't be so bad to talk to someone about these things I can tell you're already on the verge of insanity from being alone all the time and fYI your social skills suck who needs social skills when you're always alone anyways I can help you with that and maybe I can help you with your dry hunting moves dry yeah I'll show you good luck catching me easier that catching the blind mouse usually it works better with my brother I'm used to chasing and catching smaller wolves than myself husband is maybe an expert all right I'm in what I'll help you get your brother back Billy yeah I understand how important family is so I'm willing to help but I refuse to go anywhere near the death keep territory why I'm not ready for that yet but have you ever heard of the ha loads the death alphas past is as much reality as its legend it's important that you understand your enemy before facing him it'll help me it will long ago wolves are mindless emotionless killers the gods being displeased at the pointless violence gave the Wolves thoughtful minds free will and the ability to have emotions life became simple but there was a problem when they died their souls had nowhere to go so the gods created which is known as the stone of souls dead wolves would rest there after their lives ended but there was a problem living wolves became greedy and easily at as the power of the souls within the stone this would make the souls inside suffer so the gods decided to make the stone more of a prison this made the power harder to access only the pure of heart could use the power and the book of legends was created as a guide after that the gods hit the stone making it nearly impossible to find and as an added measure the gods created beings known as the ha loads to guard the stone originally there were nine hollowed each receiving a gift of the element power death life nature ice smoke fire electricity dark and light they stopped the power-hungry and protected the innocent but peace was still far away the hellhounds and Hades were outraged that canines other than them had such a power Cerberus in particular so he ordered his younger brother to take an army to earth and a giant war broke out the hollows were powerful but they were outnumbered and were killed Cerberus his younger brothers stole the death howl powers and destroyed his body he also took the stone of souls this event gave him his name the death alpha his search for the pure of heart and the book of legends hasn't stopped since can't the gods just create more hollows as far as I know becoming a hallowed makes you a completely different wolf it's almost as if we were reverted to our original state you know before we got free will and emotions so that doesn't mean the gods can't Shang is maybe there aren't any wolves selfless enough to do that anymore well maybe we could just look for the stone of souls I mean if becoming a hallowed is too hard then maybe we can find a way to access its powers instead not bad Cara you're aren't as dumb as you look how did you act like a tree and die in a forest fire what was that you heard me well Hart you a ray of sunshine I'm ready to go back now lightning we have a plan we're going to need everyone's help how can we help we need to go to the meeting grounds are you sure this will work just let us handle it you guys go and do what you need to and Carl come back alive why are you cuz that's what a pack does for each other okay I I think you're good thanks sir is that you I haven't seen you in ages dear Lord the years have not been kind to you how's that trick knee great no thanks to you [Music] Reyna I thought you turned on me what are you doing here I have always stayed loyal to my pack blood is thicker than water after all where is the rest of czars pack that doesn't matter right now we have a bigger problem here rather far from home come on out I know you're in there hello friend who are you why were your worst nightmares you [Music] tired yet I won't lose to you giving the contact with her this is a better [Music] what happened last night ow my head what's that noise that my friend is a call from a desperate wolf who said that show yourself who are you it's customary to state your own name before you ask others to state theirs my name is Cara I'm fallen how did you get captured too busy brushing your hair puppies you've got something to say actually yes I have a lot to say I'm so tired of you fighting lettuce older wolves rest I won't stop fighting not until I escape or I'm dead don't be stupid wait say that again please say that again dumb kid think they know everything my son was never this idiotic and if you wanted to repeat that was the explanation your arrows dad aren't you arrow do you know Yasmin where is she safe yes is Kota and basil with her I understand serves an old woman right to hope please leave her alone [Music] ha take that Punk didn't even see me coming I was like going all ninja on you that was pretty impressive I was just uh you know practicing my moves you are what my hunting skills I can catch anything I want you're fast but you aren't very smart you probably attracted a lot of other predators by gloating excuse me practicing door moves you know you're a girl you're even a wolf wait what are you doing out here shouldn't you be getting your belly rubbed or something I like my freedom my humans understand that just moved here names Luke I'm Damien I don't love you anymore but I love her you are my son I refuse to let you defile my bloodline with such a lowly war book your razor old father I see a new era was except I am the alp I do baby no go to the no matter how much I how she didn't answer are you ok yeah no matter phase 2 needs to be started sorry Damien Yasmin I'll be back soon with Cara what are you doing hey wait a minute where did you go I hello boys I haven't seen you around here before are you new no well yeah yeah we're uh we're we're new we're totally new I'm chase and this is uh they're obviously trying to break in sister you're probably right May let's take them to Daddy for a present you para wotcher we'll go get the death alpha yes sir Cara you idiot why would you go and get yourself lost like that hey what are you guys doing in my bedroom uh uh she's freaking useless where's our friend she put up quite a fight but once she recovers from all the wounds we gave her she will be an excellent slave you guys need serious help you're kind of cute step aside Omega she's obviously talking to me yeah yeah I totally am cute aren't I you know you're such a chance tell me what we need to know wait why are we doing this why am I doing this they're just a bunch of sheep wolves come on Kendon let's get him chance want me to carry her I don't need your sympathy I was just trying to help oh why do you have to be so oh really sure I just I just put the sugar cubes in the unicorn hat car I swear I do not have time for this Rayna We Need to Talk don't worry guys I'm okay I'm just bleeding and bruised there's nothing to talk about now pick her up and let's go I am second-in-command of my pack and a man to be treated as such and that's why I treat you like that you think you're so big and mighty you know better than the rest of us you're one to talk you act like you're my equal you're nothing special you're just another soldier and that's all you have no right to come into my pack and push me around like you're better than I am I don't think I'm better than you are but I do want to be your equal I'm just as good a fighter as you are you want to be my equal you just want to take my place in the pack admit it go on tell me the truth why do you treat me this way oh because I like you okay you you are disgusting dad Rayna I want you to rip his throat out [Music] kill him you orphis piece of skin that's what a pack does each other [Music] no I won't do it you've always been weak you pathetic piece of trash I don't have time for this Mia may but the dogs in her cage daddy has work to do get out of here now we'll take care of them and then we'll be right behind you I can help you can barely stand all you'll do is get in the way now go try and find ZAR if you can [Music] Ubik now to grow a backbone and for what a male you're pathetic ray besides why would he want someone like you the rut no one could ever love you you for like two minutes okay all right fine you are a traitor it's simply in your nature but seriously look around you do you really think you can beat all of us no no you can't blaze old friend there's a she wolf in the bushes she's my friend please make her leave I'm one of the good guys you didn't have to bloody bite me then now leave me alone before you attract attention if you want to free the pure of heart then you need to follow me how do I know I can trust you well I have this is that follow me Cara what are you doing here my father put us in here after he caught us in the caves what about my brother he's usually in here the must have I met the torture field again really sorry blondie oh one more thing here your pack has probably been looking for this now go before we're caught it's too late I'm head soldier now you know I've done I single-handedly captured your friends foiled your plans and made your worst nightmares a reality see you're a failure you always have been and now I just get to show everyone how pathetic you always were just answer this one question why are you doing this excuse you please tell me you remember what you did to me I you don't I should have known wolves like you they only care about themselves you don't care about who or what you stepped on to get where you are it was early spring I just turned a year old just a puppy that's what happened hey kid where are your parents still after that hey can't even control his bladder even a weakling can become strong under my reign would you like to become strong kill your friend and I'll let you live come on let's just let them go they aren't worth the trouble perhaps you're right cobalt I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you when you were a kid but you don't have to do this switch sides with me you can start over like I did and find the truth no you don't understand this is who I am I love it sir I'm not ashamed of what I've done Hangul and I was brought into the light before the end my memory will haunt you even after I'm dead and that thought alone gives me peace do your worst no brain it's too late alright you love alador you're next you little twerp you'll break you sooner or later wait there he is technically we do need the pure of heart - it's too dangerous [Music] you're the one who's a fool feel it don't even think about it a girl like that would never be interested in a worthless tool like you I guess that's all we can do today we'll start again tomorrow though you two guard him once he's stable enough to move we'll take him back to the prison cells and put him in with the other low-lives [Music] thanks alador you're going to be alright I knew you would come back for me [Music] none of this is your fault don't talk like that you're going to be fine you have to get out of here leave me behind I've been in pain for so long [Music] I need you I'm not the pure of heart Cara you are don't try to speak you sound insane they all think it's me but I know the truth the truth is alador alador ow ow ow hey Cara come on we have to get out of here you oh good it's just you what happened her brother is dead and sorry I smell the Fox you're just smelling things cuz you're tired you all look tired why don't you all rest you're close enough to home I can keep watch and we can head back when you guys don't look so half-dead as much as I hate to admit it he's right we can't keep going we'll die before we get home at this rate thank you for listening for once lightning don't take me wrong arrow I hate your guts but Damian he's like a father to me he raised me from when I was a puppy and he never asked for anything in return the only reason I even tolerate you is because he said it was okay for you to be here but still he told me to keep Cara safe I'm sure you and I both know why that makes her like a sister to me how could I say no to that so let me spell it out for you you heard her and I will break you do I make myself clear yeah yeah crystal damnit I haven't slept since they left now that I know they're safe hello handsome who are you you should leave here a monster has been hanging around right in this very spot the monster don't worry I'm sure a strong handsome guy like you could take him No yeah no doubt since I'm certainly both of those things Hey but um where where's the monster and now he'll be around here soon I'm sure stupid monster hate being scared guys guys come on get up there's something lurking around here we need to go stop being such a wimp there's nothing here what was that whatever it was it's close [Music] you see what happens when you don't listen to me don't worry guys you're home now that's great guys welcome back nice to see you now Ron what's the rush what am i doing this is ridiculous Erol [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good shot what are we doing that old man and that big tattooed freak are fighting for us right now and we're just standing here [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what's wrong how could anything disintegrate like that that wasn't just a bear it was a demon I mean it was fine the way you did it but you know I was about to attack it myself I had the perfect planned strategy of taking that thing down I was gonna lunge behind it and then duck under it as it swiped at me and take it down just like that but I guess you guys didn't get to see any of that because Rayna had to go in and rush in front of me Yeah right you were trying not to cry when you were growling Damien you're badly wounded Damien it's just a scratch we have to get him back to camp if we don't then he'll die this might sting just a little bit I'm so glad you're back in one piece huh really I mean of course you are I mean why wouldn't you be it's me we're talking about remember I mean who else am I going to boss around uh-huh shut up what happened to Damien what happened to you a hunting accident it's Tim you know right he was attacked by a bear who is she she's fallen rhino where's that a door and Zaher Zaher was killed by cobalt and his pack in an attempt to distract them and protect us what it wasn't easy to watch you were watching and you didn't save him Brendan no we had no choice there was a family Raina you have no excuse I'm sorry please don't hurt lightning why do you care what about alador he's dead I know what that thing was excuse me that bear she's not nor Denari bear she's a shapeshifter and she works for the death alpha he probably knows our location now they'll most likely be here shortly are you saying that thing was tracking us never mind that now I hear that our plan worked Cara where is it here I've been keeping it close to me ever since I'll adore Cara we don't have time for that this is very important with the stone of souls and the pure of heart we have a secret weapon but I need to know right now if you can use it so stop feeling sorry for yourself and stand up alador is the pure of heart not me Cara I need you to trust me what's happening try to relax the pain will be temporary Tara can you hear me everything will be alright [Music] you calm down salad or [Music] why did you have to go it matters license is a lot you must go back to us and do what you were meant to do I need your help follow the home you'll never be a long time I'm not the time you are who you are it's all right Cara stand to your feet you look absolutely beautiful you call this beautiful I'm a monster how dare you you're nothing of the kind how can you call such a gift from the souls not beautiful a gift from your brother what strange that it activated without the song I beg your pardon according to the book of legends the stone of souls can only be activated by the pure of heart with wolf song have other wolves souls in my body know just their power they're lending it to you temporarily [Laughter] doesn't stand a chance now man she's so boss your brother must really love you to set you up like that wish I had a brother like that I'm so confused you are the pure of heart you now have the stone of souls the souls inside of that stone hence all of the good wolves that have ever died are in that stone they've been there for a very long time so when the stone comes in contact with someone like you hence a pure of heart it senses that and gives that being a little bit of their power and energy it goes into the Pure Ones body and makes them change form once the stone of souls has taken off of you you go back into your normal form but I imagine it'd be very painful oh and one more thing you can only change into that form a few times because the more you take it off the more of your soul it takes if you do it too much you'll disappear into the stone forever oh my god I'm sorry but did you say I could die using this thing yes and once you feel comfortable in it then take off the stone and rest we don't want the death alpha to see this coming in the meantime we should continue on with Phase two yes lightning The Gathering is in two days then we can head to the meeting grounds well you be fit to travel I will be ready when the time comes [Music] you you you [Music] you you hello pure heart or whatever those pack of ignorant fools calls you Mia hey nice to see you again have you been falling back off I know how badly you wanted to be the pure heart but face the facts you aren't and you never will be you really think I care me Mia you take blondie this white one is all mine of course sister oh come on aren't you glad to see us don't want to fight you too bad cuz I wanna fight you know bolon fashion competition Oh May let the poor broken heart I mean here whatever alone we have more important things to worry about oh yes you won't get away with this in the death key pack it is considered very rude to interrupt I know it's tough living on the barren lands with that group of barbarians but please have a little decency hey sister let's have some fun good idea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what about me white wolf do I instill fear in your heart [Laughter] [Music] oh great how am I supposed to get by now you move it how am I supposed to move this it's huge what are you a cub it's no use I can't move it you don't move it with your body you move with everything you are you move with your soul all right no more games you have come far young warrior what is this place you're in the Cave of dreams Kota take basil Yasmine and get them out of here I want to help you listen to me right now could you posture one you have to run and never come back to this place do you understand why why spirit why have you brought me here you must learn how to control yourself what I can't Aegis you have to get your emotions under control or you will die I don't think I'm strong enough doing the right thing is what will bring you through the storm wait come back hey there stiff how is the family I hate you whoa whoa whoa lighten up buddy oh it's just kidding whatever I just want to get through this stupid chamber idle ride simple all you have to do is get through that it's no way I'm getting through that simple you can never doubt any movement you make you gotta own it oh by the way Boulder [Music] okay I did your stupid test am I done now well I was just starting to have fun but we can always schedule another playdate in the future now it's time for your rebirth well this is it you are now what is known as a hallowed with this you have a new name Kota you are now known as arrow and you will bear these red marks in your fur to symbolize everything you've given up to gain this power you have struggled in the past with your fear and emotions when you write your most powerful form the hallowed will take over your body your fear will leave you as will your emotions permanently only use your most powerful form when you're ready to give up the things you love most Damien we have a situation Mika Zoda you what did you do with Zoda and Mika we slaughtered them just like we're going to slaughter you how could you listen to me I want you to work this gym for me we need you to be a sacrifice for us that's all we want if you do this I'll leave your friends and family alone no ifs ands or buts one life for many what do you say I can't trust you to keep that promise besides how am I supposed to know what happens when you kill me I could be helping you do something even worse no I refuse she's been taken by only bringing a few of us would be less of a threat why are they here what's this I damien descended to the power twist pack and current lone wolf challenge alphas up from the pack of case violation what growl still you'll have to come here and challenge me during our gathering on the grounds that I need every strong wolf I can find to take down the death alpha I have a plan to take him down but first I need allies so we came here do you accept my challenge I don't get it why don't they just kick us out why are they even letting us in here for only pack wolves are allowed simple it's a pike law to accept all challenges it matters little who issues challenge if an alpha doesn't accept the challenge then he's woodenly giving up his role to the challenger why didn't he go to each territory individually why humiliate himself like this I mean no offense but he isn't as young as he used to be Damien has every intention of getting as many walls to help in the battle as he can that's why he's planning on fighting or forward them that's suicide just like that you guys are in for it now we will follow you I Demian descended to the power twist back and current alpha of case violation challenge alpha Gunther from the pack of sacred life Oh No it's really irritating when some lone wolf come right in here and start ordering around all of the alphas like he owns the place makes me sick you honestly think your little plan will work face it you're leading Keith violation you're bender warned us a certain death you've got no chance you're a coward Gunther the death alpha will affect all the packs it's a shame that a lone wolf like me has to step in and lead when the actual office laid back and allowed the carnage that's going on to continue in their backyards oh dear you mongrel you pretentious corpse alpha delyth alpha vector I don't have a doubt in my mind that this lowlife will challenge you next so how about we all settle for a wager what is it alpha Gunther we don't have all day and I would like to go home and hunt eventually can't be I'm sure this will be much faster how about all three of us play with him I mean fight him and if he wins we'll go along with his foolish plan but if we win he's banished and that includes some barren land he and his hopeless pack will have to run far away so we're never bothered by him again that's a bit harsh Armin I'm tired of all this fighting and if this makes them leave quicker than whatever alpha dealeth you can't be serious the poor guy is half-dead as it is it doesn't surprise me that you have a soft spot for him why would you say that because you're my brother my brother died a long time ago my min - what about me if we win zette gets his leadership as well if that's what you wish lightning don't interfere this is a fight amongst leaders but Damian that is an order why would you give you a life - such a pointless cause everything I do is for my family I would think you would respect that stop if you wish brother I will be their opponent after all I'll fight amongst alphas is a fight amongst alphas thank you come on Damien you've gotten him sorry alpha vector but I can't let you win right now you have become a good leader indeed but will you die for your cause I'll look after your family so be it you doing sacred light will help you you can't be soon oh shut up Zeb here's wounded died for its cause the least we can do is listen to his plan and see if we can help case violation is also on your side me with you copycat always swayed by alpha compass ways do you have a better plan we all know how dangerous this will be blood it will be spilled without a doubt I just want to make sure every drop counts hey don't worry about it I know you and I aren't related but I always thought of you as kind of a brother and I protect my family I I don't know what to say you can shower me with adoration later let's just win this war okay I intend to later you wanted any condition to fight it'll take more than a little scratch to stop me I can lead your group just tell me what I need to do hands you're only a pup I must leave my comrades in Tibet if you go out there you'll just be in the way we can't look after you and fight - how dare you I can look after my I want to rip the flesh off my packs murderer first that can't be arrow your destiny is not to defeat the death alpha I won't allow them to push my family around while I sit back and let someone else lead I suppose it won't do any good argue with you lead well well I'd rather die sir I respect you none have ever spoken to me in this way except the ghost tear pack and your brother they're all dead now you're either the bravest wolf in the world or the stupidest [Music] now want a business you there beat her down a bit [Music] kill him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] long time no see friend you're right last time I saw you you won't whimpering with their tail between your legs and running away now back off before you get hurt puppy arrow you don't have to do this run away they're too many I'm tired of running you won't touch her you sniveling doc and who's gonna stop me you're looking at him you couldn't stop a paper bag blowing in the wind let alone evil itself oh you're too good stopping me I'll give you a taste of my powers I'm sure you're well-acquainted with them [Music] only users [Music] your judgment is impossible I killed all the hollowed nature [Music] [Music] but I can try you think you can stop me that easily [Music] that's no fun I won't you just warned before I kill you this one does not have it it meets in this future we'll see about that I guess I have tilde force of nature you have this - say hi to soda for me sorry oops my fault ready not sorry about that sorry my bad whoops Mia may how's our sister been why must you live in the past relax sister you have plenty to fight right here may stop it stop you're hurting her shut up Mia if you cave then they win but may your baby you're pregnant where's the big mouth to kill my leader watch who you're calling big mouth meat for brains you will pay dearly for your mistake yeah yeah worth it Reina that's how you jump a log what are you guys doing here had to make a quick delivery [Music] right now [Music] why aren't my powers working on you [Music] you've taken everything from me my brother my friends [Music] you know we could've been something you and I but now you're nothing but a waste of skin I had a deep suspicion that you would use a stone of souls against me which of course frees the souls from inside their cage states and allows the user the stone full access of their powers and as you can tell all of those souls out much my power just enough to count for something don't act so surprised I'm really not as dumb as you might have guessed I understood the risks I anticipated your reluctance and managed to get myself some unexpected insurance so to speak he has a much weaker heart than you so easy to make him do my bidding kill her I should cut you open right now stop it move aside are you crazy face it Cara look at his eyes he's gone I forgive you for leaving alador and me when we were pups do what you like but you're not allowed to walk out on me again I know I knew as soon as I saw you that you're my dad tell us about the legends death I think early on for that please oh please daddy we want to hear it well alright but don't tell your mother we promise okay this suppose little puffs it all started with the saloons did it all you're my hero dad one day I want to be just like you like you he told us about souls and how each species has a different stone to go into when they die you remember you told us about the legendary pure heart how anyone could be the pure of heart not even know it I have lived a full life kill me before I lose control again the spirit II put inside me is too strong for me to control what no I can't let you go yet I just got you back I have made many mistakes in my past but what's going on right now is better than any individual so do what is right you are my daughter I would much rather die by your fangs than succumbing to the evil of this world Damien do it now show everyone what honour and dignity really looks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want daddy to live don't you after him [Music] he's he's dying arrow I love you my times in this place has comforted I will now depart from this mortal [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ThunderKathryn
Views: 9,251,419
Rating: 4.8060403 out of 5
Keywords: ThunderKathryn, Wolf Song, movie, film, animated, animate, wolf, wolves, kara, alador, arrow, the death alpha, independent, TK, OST, beautiful, music, sad, epic, song wolf, wolfsong, song, thunder Kathryn, original animated wolf movie, wolf movie, animated wolf movie, wolf song thunderkathryn, wolf song thunder Kathryn, wolf song part 9, original movie, wolf series, original animation, original story, wolf story, wolf animation, wolf song animation, wolf song episode 1
Id: 9aoRElXiAtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 43sec (5743 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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