Return of the Master VAMPIRE In Minecraft!

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in the dark of the night the master vampire rises in minecraft this beautiful vampire has become the ruler of all mobs and vampire players on the server but when vampire hunters appear to steal her baby back it's up to her and her vampire friends to find out who took them and bring the baby bats back home can the master vampire find a way to save the knights it's so nice to be queen master what excuse me yes master vampire yes what is it i i have but one very humble request fine you may speak to me about this one request that you have it ah thank you thank you thank you i must i must ask my master i must know did you eat all the food in the fridge what yeah uh i went to go check the fridge you know i was feeling a little peckish and there's like no potatoes no steak no no nothing there's nothing in there like not even the red fruit punch that way vampires drink you know how i like it it's so good i know that i thought you were gonna ask like a big question with your the way you came in this is a big question you know what's my biggest question he's talking about this red food punch drinking okay yes that one i need it i am low on food right now and i want to keep living and plus it's so cute i need it please please look look i'm the master vampire all right i need to eat more so i can protect all the vampires and vampire players on the server okay okay so um no no no i i i know you're the master vampire i don't mean to like question your authority or anything but like like do you think we can go hunting then maybe like you know we can go hunt some other minecraft players on the server or minecraft what is a minecraft a miserable little pile of pixels oh okay so so like can we go hunting fine fine come on let's go hunting yeah come on let's see who's on the server i'm excited they're so excited you were gonna be hunting like other minecraft players for the first time this is gonna be so much guys yes yes i know come on let's go look around see if we can find anybody hey use my vampire powers wait what wait is that is that zayn and kawaii wait wait come over here come over here i know they can't really see us but okay that's it in kauai show wait why are they near our vampire mansion i don't understand okay okay listen hear me out the two of them out here in the forest no one else knows they're here probably they could be our lunch mm-hmm okay you know what i'm not super hungry right now but if you are how about you go for it are you go for it and i'll watch okay i want to see you hun i've hunted you've got to hunt it's your first time as a vampire i want you to see i want to see you this place really creeps me out zayn look don't worry kawaii chan we're just here to do one thing and then we're getting out of here just really hope matt curry's up with her plan don't you feel like someone's watching us on the server though i mean no not particularly no no i got this i got this be gone creature of the night there's no way this little thing is going to stand this at all wait he's a vampire there we go don't worry i'll help you i'll help i [Music] what was that there it's been done come on kawaii shane let's get out of here okay did you hear that huh i oh i can't hear anything over the smell right now oh my god it sounds like he's coming from the mansion come on we gotta go check it out come on i'll help you i have to get over there come on let's uh yeah i gotta what i guess i'll pick you up as a bat here oh it feels so good come on let's go let's go oh i'm flying and pull yourself together oh no did i ever tell you how much i love being a bat oh my god look the house is on fire what happened whoa smoke everywhere how did that happen wait what you think zayda kwaichan did this i i i don't know probably come on are you okay are you just you're just a little you need a freak yeah uh just uh and um garlic it'll do things to you garlic is not wait a minute the the baby bats the baby bats oh right oh my god oh my god the babies the babies the babies okay all right this is our most valuable treasure because we're gonna be the next vampires okay where are they go no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god and they're all so cute i love being unclean oh my god oh no oh no oh they oh someone exploded the oh my god they took the baby i think i think i think it was them it had to be it's the garlic people oh the garlic people oh my god the babies are gaudy it's no time to laugh okay all right i'm not laughing i'm sad did you hear that moving around upstairs come on let's go see what's going on someone's still here maybe it's in kauai maybe they're still here just get ready to bite them okay anything that we have to do to protect the babies let's go find out all right just be sneaky all right be very smooth like this okay uh where is that sound coming from that's my echo location all right where's oh let's see oh hey let me use mine you're you've got some weak echolocation game it's coming garlic it's coming up from this way oh okay wow these vampires are loaded i'm glad i stayed behind to get treasure instead of getting stupid bats i'm gonna go stop her okay all right okay just look out she might be a garlic person oh my god i got this don't worry ah wait stop wow ow ow what's happening i'm getting out of here wow stop stop no no oh my gosh oh someone's trying to leave so soon you're the vampire queen yeah exactly master vampire i know well you're too late we the vampire hunters have already taken your bath and there's nothing you can do to stop us nothing huh i don't think i don't think she understands the situation that she's in okay you know what how about this how about i get you to help me get my vampire backspace help you not in a million years i would never help you oh will you see uh wait what's that on your hand right there oh uh what oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh you've become one of us now he just became a vampire hunter oh welcome to the server then you're a vampire now okay now you serve me all right mac now that you're under my command tell me where they took my baby bats to well uh about that so i just became a vampire hunter and kwai chan and zane and uh they didn't really tell me where their base was they were about to show me but um yeah i i don't really know and now they're probably not gonna trust me they're probably not gonna tell me so didn't tell you well they were about to ah okay okay it's fine and it's fine all right now i think we can find a way for mac to still be useful [Laughter] vampire i'm new to being evil it's part of the job that's all good evil laugh oh my god there we go perfect the wall got her come on let's go ian you'll revive we'll meet you at the coffins all right you ready you ready is this even gonna work are you guys sure look look look look trust me we just need you to help us find out where they're keeping the baby bats okay okay i'll try i don't know if they're gonna trust me all right well look we're gonna this will work yeah yeah watch our watch this is how we're gonna do it okay so first things first there you go yeah transform i'm gonna transform and now watch ian pick me up pick me up pick me up and there you go and then now you pick ian up there you go oh you pick me up okay there you go no no no are you a vampire what i'm trying i'm trying this is harder than it looks okay god all right perfect perfect perfect all right now you're like exactly all right now you captured us your story is you captured us and you need to put us where the baby bats are okay so go okay make it believable all right your vampire cry us poor captured bats oh no wow hey guys i brought some beds max there you are yeah great right where where should i put them oh don't worry about that you can just you can just leave them right here and we'll take care of it later i mean i mean i have them i might as well i you know i might as well put them where they're supposed to go i mean there's a little cage in kauai chan's house you can leave him there until we take him to the main base okay um but uh where was the main base again i i forgot mac i'm telling you you're worrying about this too much we've got this but but you know i just want to prove my worth you know and really do some extra work around here like i i can just i can i can just do it you know you blew up a vampire house i think you've already proven enough it's okay man oh go ahead we already know that there's no way you're gonna betray us at this point all right all right all right i'll just go to choice house as long as you say i won't betray you that i mean that sounds good enough to me nice cover yeah you did a good job sorry i kept bringing your ear okay all right so obviously that didn't work out a hundred percent nope nope they definitely did not want to tell me where that house wasn't trying to keep their secret bases yummy cake why are they trying to keep those secret bases secret that okay all right all right so so here's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do all right i'm taking your stuff yeah just take some of her stuff okay she took our baby bats we can take their stuff all right so mac you still need to stay on their good side okay so you're gonna have to act with them all right so what we're gonna do stop stealing everything oh my we're supposed to be your good punch supposed to be elegant i want revenge okay we will get revenge for our baby bats don't worry all right so mac here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go annoy kawaii and zayn until they make you take us to their secret base okay until they make it i like it exactly sounds good all right let's go ian come on come on come on good luck she is not allowed to laugh anymore oh my god she's working on it it's okay all right what are we gonna do they're cool on fire i like fire fire oh bats don't like fire so be careful wait what what what what is happening outside oh no no one just got in the house one just got in the house get away get away you someone use the garlic just no no no no no no no good idea i would try to put the pool out but i figured water would actually work but it didn't seem like it didn't work at all no not you too oh um they got loose i'm sorry uh yeah no kidding whoa okay i i didn't know that this was gonna happen my out here i'll help you put them out all right just hurry up i have a lion look at me alliance with you see i'm putting them out [Music] i cannot get in the house all right max pick us up pick us up come on what do i do oh no she got it i got them great oh good easy i got them under control chaos it's good we're good all right so where's where's the secret base fine look you sh look just go behind my house there's a hole back behind there you can get to it that way just get these things out of here yeah okay help me out with oh them look at guys we found it perfect perfect get inside okay get inside let's go see where the pads are all right oh we gotta go [Music] oh this is so good yes all right wait now where now where all right i don't know let's go look around come on ian let's go come on guys we gotta go find out we're going through a long tunnel are you sure this is it oh yeah i'm sure this is the right way this is totally it look at this place of this i don't want to be i don't want to become a garlic person yet so what we got to do is we got to save those baby baths i'm going to all right i'm going to go see if there's any way to get them out so i have to be careful you can do it anyone can make it you can whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay oh there is oh but we can't go in oh i'm not god looks like there needs to be a key oh careful careful i think i'm okay oh god oh god wait wait wait wait oh it's the garlic yeah okay we need to get a key we gotta go find a key from kauai chan zane so all right so mac here's your first lesson all right you gotta turn to a bat all right you know how to turn to god turn okay um no but i can figure it out i can do this come on oh my god you're laughing did i do it look at her look oh she's a beard okay you also have cool vampire powers too so come on okay all right here we go whoa whoa whoa whoa what is all this uh that's a little odd wow what is that oh where is that coming from i don't know where is it it's those little bats again oh they're back oh i'm gonna get these little things oh it's cold it is freezing within the armor oh hello you two how are you doing what what oh we're this way what are you doing here oh you know just uh here because i overheard you guys kind of took something from me i don't know what you're talking about oh i think you know what i'm talking about so you're gonna hand over the key that i need to get the baby bats out how about that or else i'll just have my bats launch more of an attack on you i see where you're coming from um counter argument no no no no no and a little bit of this i don't like the garlic paper it's three versus one youtube macbook you have two i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm working a bat cage looks like i got your little key here this back page key you got it we got it yeah let's get out of here [Music] they're using mine carts what oh no oh no oh no okay all right okay i didn't take out the rail system i have an idea there you go you can do it i made it i think you guys listen my power that you little rats my minecraft power is weakening no you have to save them you're the only one who can uh i knew that this garlic would come in handy oh no drop this little act and leave those bats where they are otherwise you're gonna bring a whole lot of hurt onto the town and on yourselves okay you know what i'll drop whatever i have in my inventory just so you can have it i got a red fruit punch drinky drink for vampires it's really good ian likes it it's so great i love it i didn't even get this arrow that belonged to my my rich family of vampires and i i have something i have something to do what do you have give it to them because i'm about to die oh my god it's okay bad flying dog okay and the last thing that i have is one of the most rarest treasures in minecraft ever are you ready i'm listening first off your carpet is bad i have a new carpet for you bye all right i got this i got this i got this don't worry guys keep them busy all right baby bats let you go don't go there no no no no no no no no no no no no they're everywhere don't worry i have more where that came from oh don't you do it don't you do it oh and you know you know why is this happening maybe i have a few more of these things you know no i think there's one more authority what are these things oh they may be ice creams you know there's something to keep you guys a little busy maybe something we were crazy enough as it is oh yeah some blizzards here oh my brother love this this is all kinds of awful no look at that great work master you're welcome look at that maxi now you know how this is how important the bats are here all right the bats are going to live here now this is their secret base and clearly marked as theirs exactly exactly and we are just going to live here as well [Music] okay we really need to work on that for you okay yeah really we're gonna laugh okay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,276,999
Rating: 4.8727374 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft vampire pranks, pranking my friends as an vampire in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, vampire pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, master vampire minecraft pranks, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft blood moon, master vampire, i became a vampire in minecraft, pranking my friends as a vampire in minecraft, vampire aphmau, aphmau, vampire
Id: 5CDePYdoPas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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