Minecraft But We're WEREWOLVES And VAMPIRES!

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the ultimate minecraft battle is on our server minecraft werewolves or vampires one vampire and one werewolf take each other on by seeing which one of these powerful monsters can take over two normal players minecraft villains each one will be fighting head to head to spread their curse to other players which one will be able to curse the other players and take over the server or will the players have the last laugh okay so i've been living in the woods by myself for a little while and i've made this adorable little house um and of course i've made the house across from a village over there for no reason in particular it's not like i want to go over there and you know just bite a few people and you know curse them and stuff like that but that's beside the point problem there's been some weird stuff going on like for example i've seen lots of bats in my house and not only that but outside somewhere in the mountains over there i also happened upon a cemetery with some coffins in it it was really spooky so now i'm kind of just here by myself hello oh what's a cute little werewolf doing living all by herself uh being happy and where's that voice coming from wait why am i scared what are you zayn what are you doing here isn't it obvious um that you're rude and couldn't use the front door like a normal person yeah that's that's pretty obvious front no listen i am no normal person uh you pour your milk before the cereal is that what you do look at me dummy what am i right now hmm fancy suit hair kind of slicked back right scary eyes oh you're going to prom no but for the love of i'm a vampire oh uh uh you are a werewolf which means we are mortal enemies plus i couldn't help but notice your house here so i was thinking that i'd just take it for myself no way get your own house you freeloader i figured you'd say that so how about this then a little competition if it's look if it's who looks cuter um i'm pretty sure i got you beat on that one you know just no no this is this is not about you okay listen there is a village right down the road from here okay there are only two people in it right now a boy and a very cute girl how about whoever can turn both of them into a werewolf or a vampire wins the house but this is my house and shouldn't you fight for it little wolf i mean i made it so do you just normally go barging into people's houses without ringing the doorbell or anything i'm a vampire remember so that does that just make you like automatically rude i am a monster i do not care about look little wolf it seems like you're just afraid of me wait what i'm not besides you're so afraid you run away from your own reflection you can't look in a mirror that's that's just how scary i am and it just seems to me like you're not monster enough fine you know what you're on you okay you okay buddy yes i just thought of something funny uh why are you thinking about your face hey get back here don't close the door on me all right so here's the village if you go up to the gate over here hey pierce kawaii hey how's it going oh why uh what yeah you have uh yeah you know what thank you for noticing my beautiful smiles just both of you oh god jesus and i've got a brand new wardrobe as well mine is silk and all that exactly look at my ears it really fits your old aesthetic so it works oh yeah wow really uh cute it really really went all out with it okay and my eyes why don't you think my eyes are beautiful yeah they are i'm here because i've started a bakery businesses right great that's really great but if and i want people to join so if you would like to join how about you you know i'm not very good at baking i'm sorry no it's okay you can learn with your mortal soul by giving it to me as a werewolf you know i mean sorry i meant like a care wolf you know like we care about these cakes well it's clear that she's a little bit confused all the sugar is going to her brain so here's what i'm offering i just started a brand new orchard with all these nice shiny red apples they are some of the juiciest apples you can find out there and i think it would be great if you help me come pick some of those that does seem healthier is just a pursuit i mean you get a lot of exercise going out and grabbing the map exactly see you get it okay but look those are apples this is cake all right look at that cake all right look at how this cake yeah look at how red and shiny this apple is much like other things that are red and shiny like my eyes you could fake them too that's right that's true you know what hey you still should work together and make yourself like yeah no thank you i don't want to how about how about and hear me out you like have you ever considered becoming a werewolf i think that'd be cool you know just a little pool i really haven't i haven't taken the time to think about it no no sorry so if if not so much a werewolf then what about the werewolf's mortal enemy bats did you know would you know who that would be yeah fleas they're bloodsuckers just like you right [Music] i know what you are oh no you know what i am i know what you are wait what is this say it what is he goff vampire oh [Music] [Applause] come on she's a werewolf oh okay yeah definitely not i'm out of here boy that took you a little time thanks for blowing our covers zane now we gotta do this the hard way whatever i can do to make sure you don't have the advantage come on let's go wait until night then all right let's see the sun's going down are you sure you're gonna be able to take them all from me you're just going to have to watch to find out aren't you i guess i'm gonna have to all right look there's one over there on the house too bad it didn't accept our cake and apples even though cake is better you know it you know it you know it is all right fine they're gonna need to have a nice bright red apple so i don't suck anything else that's bright red eyes are bright but all right so you know what you just get out with me let's have a little competition remember if we can turn both of them whoever turns both of them first gets the house all right all right by me here we go [Laughter] well how about some some fire how would that work huh that that is exactly not what we want in this village so thank you all get out right here you want to join i'll give you one last chance cake oh shoot nope i'm good i've got no cake no thank you i don't need the extra calories today okay well you know what you know what okay oh he's got he's good are these cobwebs not good enough for you oh my god [Laughter] guys if you're enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe also werewolves or vampires let me know all right you how about this no no no no no no no no fire stop turning that thing on fire i mean if you set that vent on fire sure great if i go to the vampire will you guys join me if you get rid of the vampire i will definitely seriously consider it consent no that's not good enough i will i will put you on the agenda on my to-do list oh my god oh my god worry about it all the time you know what how about you come over here mr vampire together kawaii that's the case why don't i bring in some friends oh no oh no where are they where did you get all these cobwebs from you know what maybe it's my fur okay that's disgusting that's really gross yeah i agree i don't i'm not sure if a werewolf team's not my thing you know he likes to go shop at hot topic how about that huh okay okay that's the fair point uh counterpoint [Music] he's a giant mosquito i also don't i also also don't like mosquitoes oh god this is a tough fist wait i don't want to be either of you no she's not house trained how about that wow i mean am i i don't know all right that's it i gotta call my boys all right i'm calling the boys boys can stay out of town it's okay boys let's go the boys do not need me back in town they're coming back to town oh and they're going after all your animals no no no no come on that does sound nice actually i do get cold in winter you join me you don't have to feel any kind of hot or cold you feel nothing you you have no feelings i am out of here oh you're abandoning village the villagers are on their own i'm gonna get out of here oh don't worry that's fine look i know these words like hey hey hey where are you going where are you going see cool the cool part stop it with the arrows all right the cool part about being aware of is that i'm immune to your little arrows all right what do you mean that's all i have yeah it doesn't really hurt me you know my fur and everything so um i'll give you one last chance join me how about arrows okay join me no no no no shame no what a shame you should have taken the cake well no bye no you should have taken the cake no i'm still mad at you i now we can keep that house what about a house what are you doing oh [Music] seems we're at a bit of an impasse i guess we are if only i knew what impasse meant haha you've got your werewolf i got my vampire but now i'm also going to have your house good luck non-flying shut up all losers we gotta go let's go we gotta go get em let's go oh no we come come on we can go all right here's the house oh i can't believe they took it over oh it's a house here what so it's their house no okay all right all right so i didn't tell you this right so basically it was gonna be the werewolf gang's house it's gonna be our house all right cool but the vampire said that he wanted a competition with me because he wanted my house do you know what you know what he took my house he just took it without asking so that's what that's okay well yeah just happened mike was legal he took someone's house you should've locked your doors i'm just saying that he's locked my door he can't do the chimney all right let's go inside let's go inside with you yeah let's get them on no oh they put their coffins next to each other that's gross they're going to get cooties oh no they're over here oh i'm glad you came over for a little bite i don't want to take a bite that seemed counterproductive oh no no no no no i think i think we only have one choice we have one choice only one take we will lead we let them have the house this house has a really good just be quiet all right i got this okay cool what are you going to do what's the place what's happening trust me don't worry i got this keep them busy okay hey look at me i'm a distraction have some more whirlpools all right let's stay away from our blood banks oh wow floating candles how terrible it's so tacky i don't know i'm kind of enjoying it it's kind of a spooky sort of aesthetic you get that at what a pier one or a happen no oh man ah hey look at that now nobody has a house i really don't see how that's working for any of us well yeah okay you guys really did not think this through joke's on you i just got to blow up a house well i guess you didn't really think through this competition didn't you neither did you so i'm not sure who you're trying to blame here all right how about this how about this how about we call a truce all right i i really do not see the need to fight anymore after all this is yeah the house is gone no there's nothing to fight over i guess that's true so i [Music] i don't know go get drink some blood or something yeah you know what i can use a pepsi as well let's let's let's go come on you're right on my back let's go you run out of my bags is that what it's always been made out of i don't know man i'm just does it look like i look at the ingredients no i just consumed let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,361,492
Rating: 4.8891916 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft werewolves and vampires, werewolves aphmau, alpha aphmau, vampires aphmau, vampire minecraft mod, werewolf minecraft mod, werewolf vs vampire fight, minecraft pranks, minecraft siege, playing minecraft as a werewolf, transforming into a werewolf, minecraft challenges, becoming a werewolf, becoming a vampire, minecraft tower defense, becoming dracula in minecraft, minecraft dracula, vampire pranks, werewolf pranks, tricks to play on your friends in minecraft
Id: lBrKl6fVB4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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