Becoming The Head MASTER VAMPIRE In Minecraft!

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the master vampire ruled over this minecraft server and she's the most powerful vampire around but when one player discovers a secret part of the mod they become her biggest rival now the master vampire must find a way to put a stop to this new evil vampire on the loose especially before he destroys every player and vampire player on the server will our master vampire be able to put a stop to his plans oh that was a nice fight to go through just come over here perfect nice landing okay um oh hello master vampire welcome back oh what are you doing here i thought you were on the hunt with ian well i was but then ian went off and did his own thing he said my vampire laugh wasn't good enough oh come on have you been practicing yeah i've been practicing for days here here watch um you know what i you're getting so much better straight yeah you're getting so much thanks i've been working on it for days yeah i can tell uh any luck capturing the human players by the way uh um about that not yet but um ian said he's working on it so i trust him okay good good wow [Laughter] [Applause] my queen lady if he dies can i have his room please oh my god silence i just have a room i know pierce here speak to me i need i.e.d yes yes what do you need speak to me i need some vampire fruit punch sippy juice oh my god one only master vampire's drink in the shade of red please okay all right what fine you know what here take some of the sippy juicy juice there you go oh okay all right all right thanks for that that was perfect no problem but tell me what happened wha wha wha what happened here oh yeah yeah it was ian he did this to me and he's now now he's out to get all of us wait what i know yeah no way i just saw you not too long ago well yeah she was with him besides ian isn't that stupid to go against the master vampire all right just putting that out there okay you know what i think happened you know i think he did why i think that you just did this to get a hold of my one of my juicy juice drinks all right oh master vampires i was immortal i was going to die you're a vampire hey look i know what i heard him say he said he was gonna take your crown and then he set me on fire i i don't know what other proof you need from me the fire i was on fire all right fine fine you know what let's go search his room i will see if you sir are lying or not because he has done that before i'm just putting that out there all right if you betrayed us yes exactly all right so everyone turn back into a bat we're going to go to ian's room okay come on come on okay okay okay okay all right ian and okay ian i am respecting your privacy by knocking but i'm also asserting my authority as the master vampire by coming in anyway all right there we go okay okay all right ian ian where are you i'm telling you i don't think he's here i think she set me on fire outside the house not in here all right well you know what let's look around for a few clues uh oh is this okay um diary all right all right yes stand back only master vampires can read secret vampire diaries okay oh no oh look do you want to get in trouble from ian or not all right i'm taking the hit for everybody you're the master fan okay fire secret vampire diaries give me a second all right let's see what he has all right so ian's diary okay this could be good this could be good i don't know all right so let's read it all right it says sorry i got nervous dear diary i was today years old when i learned about the vampire crown the crown lady aphmau's on her head that's right yeah that makes your super powerful vampire i didn't know anything about that until today otherwise i had a very good day after i made cookies oh you made cookies i didn't get any cookies i didn't eat cookies you didn't get any vampire cookies because you didn't show up i don't know what you were doing okay all right so let's see that doesn't really sound like he's up to anything all right i'm gonna keep you know okay okay okay keep keep breathing keep ready there's got to be something more yeah exactly let's see all right so let's see dear diary i think i'd make a very good vampire leader but pierce said i was dumb i think i'm going to prove him wrong also i tattled on him for stealing aphmau's vampire red fruit punch juice and aphmau put him in timeout it was a good day smiley wait he called me out oh what a shirt i didn't want to rat you out okay but that's the reason why i got caught last time i don't believe you i don't know i i really don't think he's up to anything okay one more one more i promise if we don't freak anything in the next one then he's i'll say that he's good all right all right fine one more fine fine let's read the next one okay let's see three two there we go dear diary i found a way to steal aphmau's crown it is an item in the graveyard and i'm going to go get it today i just need to leave mac behind so she doesn't get any ideas plus she really needs to work on her laugh it's still very bad wish me luck oh he made fun of your genuine oh my god it's better than last time that's what good means okay but okay it is very improved real talk real talk we have a problem here he is going to try to take my crown all right we got to stop him all right what's the plan he's had a problem he okay he's playing with powers he doesn't understand okay what do you mean just come on we need to find this great bear before it's too late i think i have i think i have a good place to look we just gotta fly off let's go all right this is the graveyard oh yeah yeah yeah be careful because if he's planning to take the crown he's up to no good trust me when i say ian doesn't know what he's dealing with here pierce are you okay are you still on fire sorry i was just a little singed still i found a little bit of fire still my bad it's perfectly fine all right so stay close stay close okay we gotta find him and if he has what i think he has we may be in trouble so come on let's go all right all right um what do you think he has uh something [Music] oh it's the vampire hunters okay we really don't need this right now you know we really don't well we don't want smelly vampires on our server trying to suck our blood oh my god yeah look we really really don't have time for this so here have a diamond have to have a divine block you can have it on black right here it goes down black for you yeah for you yeah i guess i have a diamond block okay that's what's going on no you guys don't get that in books you get time for juicy juice awesome oh thanks seth now come on come on chad let's go see what's going on oh oh no this isn't good what's up what the hell uh what happened to you well allow me to explain it all happened when i was picking up a book in aphmau's room so i started reading it and i discovered isn't that nice to start reading oh my god [Applause] shut up that's not the point that's not the point i am so proud of you for reading oh my god because knowledge is power you're smirking stop it oh quiet listen i have discovered the ancient vampire's tomb and i took all the powers inside which means i am also a master vampire now and that's not all my first task will be to take over the server ian trust me you have no idea what powers you're dealing with try to stop me if you dare i guess we'll just have to stop you then how about this oh yeah oh what oh now i am going to bite out all of your powers don't worry this won't hurt much how could i curse you i thought i took your power from you but don't you worry i'll be back once i make my own vampire army [Laughter] wait where'd it go oh leave this okay no we have to go get ian now well yeah but what about these guys we'll deal with them later ian's heading to the village oh it's just the village [Music] okay so now what we got we got him we got then what do we do yeah queen what do we do we have no choice we have to take out ian the only way i know how but first we have to fight in to make sure he doesn't raise an army let's go help all those vampire hunters all right wait help them help them what but we hate them but they really really do not like us okay yeah they don't like us but do you want weak vampire hunters or strong vampires who are on ian's side which one uh i mean maybe he is a good leader i don't know oh my god let's just get out of here weak vampires got a gun come on come on maybe we could turn into a bat all right perfect let's go off we go oh my god he's already taking over the village oh no it's already started come on kawaii we gotta protect the village all right so guys you have to go help the vampire hunters okay i'm gonna go [Music] i know you learned how to read okay you can do better than this stop it with the reading thing oh my god okay all right i'm still coming over there you're going to have to catch me first come on where'd he go take these vampire powers for my own oh gears what no no no you can't have them i've heard these i wonder what are you doing oh you know i can just take you down over there as well oh ian where'd you go now i have one more surprise for you yeah what's that you see this tower here why don't you take a look inside no no get back in there the baby bats no they are and if you don't give me your powers i am going to blow up this whole tower and all of the baby bats inside you monster so oh i know i learned from the best now give me your powers fine take them yeah no yes fine how about you go do something with it then something productive like learn to read better i mean i mean look at everything i think i did a pretty okay job but now i'm gonna do even better it's gonna be awesome it's gonna yeah yeah uh you're right i'm gonna go uh have some fun again you think we're trying to be good oh my gosh all right go back into a bet you should be able to do that come on no no no no no come on you can still turn into a bed just oh darn it it doesn't work 100 maybe just a little bit come on let's go okay i'll try ugh okay i think we got away yeah what's going on what are we doing i'm like not being vampirey it's not fun it's okay all right so let me explain let me explain everything that you need to know ian got his powers from a dead vampire all right and that dead vampire has a weakness there are two blood crystals in the world that give in his powers if we find them and break them right in front of him we can take our powers back but we have to find where they are and i know where they both are okay yeah all right all right all right we have a plan i like okay i didn't want to have to use it but i guess we're gonna have to all right come on let's get going yeah ha ha we may have to walk walk come on it's okay i keep turning back from a person to a bat let's get going okay all right it's back here again oh boy bad memories here yeah exactly exactly but we're fine we're fine for right now in here this way this way whoa it's literally right here literally right here oh we just have to go downstairs let me just get down here oh no oh are you sure are you sure about this let's not risk it the ceiling's too low so if you go into bat form you're going to fall into the lava okay okay okay oh my gosh enough times today i'm not a big fan of this don't worry you're i've got this oh okay i guess this means last jump let's jump come on you got it there we go oh so scary i don't like you fire rocks yeah you got it oh my god all right come on we gotta go find the next one let's go back the way okay let's go back through it again [Music] it's easy come on all right here's the next spot and don't worry don't worry i still have i saw the shard and we should be good okay yeah you should have a lot of that just for oh oh this looks scary this looks scary how is this worse i don't know i don't think it could be worse oh no okay all right here we go here we go careful careful it's a little it's a little bit tricky to navigate but we should be fine okay okay see what is this what's that what do you want to do you first you first okay here we go and uh ah okay i made that i'm okay okay right guys [Music] spicy so spiky oh my gosh pierces [Music] it hey look at you yeah yeah ow i thought i was okay i'm just gonna pull me back in oh no ah you've got this yeah i guess we got all kind of made a little bit all right come on let's grab this crystal and head out we're pretty good minions aren't we we've got this guys don't worry okay let's get back let's go smash this right in front of ian's face and see how he looks oh my god come on come on we gotta see what's going on where are they there's so many explosions oh my god i don't think they're gonna hold up much longer all right you guys you guys go off to the vampire how did you help them i'm gonna go check out ian okay okay good luck oh wish me luck i hope i can make it up there did the vampires actually help us been a hard time you know well well yeah mal if it isn't the weakest vampire master on the server what are you doing here are you gonna nibble me with your little baby vampire teeth oh i'm so scared you know what you know what if nibble means challenge you then yes i'm here to do just that [Laughter] yeah right just wait right here you know i think i'm gonna turn those hunters over there into vampires and then no one can stop me oh yeah how about these how about these things right here do you know what these are by the way what the pretty rocks oh i see you didn't finish reading the book that i had ah no duh i didn't finish reading because reading is dumb no what a shame because if you kept reading then you would have read about these blood crystals and how they're i don't know kind of the source of your power that's right and if i break them like this they go what was that it's like my power it feels halved or something those these crystals are the source of your power that you got from the dead vampire so me breaking them like this just wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no no hang on there we go okay what happened what happened looks like i got your crown and your powers oh and i think there's also something else something that kind of comes with this no okay no no i i i'm still a vampire you know i still transform them don't they look great oh fine fine go get them oh why why so how do you feel now that you know you didn't read the book all the way through and i don't know what this was about ian explain yourself guys i just wanted to become the master vampire i had this plan it all went wrong and now everyone's here oh geez you got something to say friend explain yourself i'm sorry yeah well sorry isn't good enough you destroyed my house and at the village for that matter and you made fun of max evil laughs yeah and you put here some time out fell even said okay all right ian well you know what i think i think you've learned your lesson what else could possibly happen to you today uh i know at least i get to keep my cool jacket come on what is that what what yeah and a nice new color of garlic i hate juice time to go yeah let's leave don't worry let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,585,496
Rating: 4.8859496 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft vampire pranks, pranking my friends as an vampire in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, vampire pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, master vampire minecraft pranks, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft blood moon, master vampire, i became a vampire in minecraft, pranking my friends as a vampire in minecraft, vampire aphmau, aphmau, vampire
Id: YV1d6tz3sF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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