RetroPie Redream Set up Guide - Full Speed Dreamcast Emulation On the Pi4!

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hey what's going on guys it's ETA prime back here again retropie 4.6 was recently released with support for the Raspberry Pi 4 and today I'm going to show you how to set up the redream emulator so we can run our Dreamcast games at full speed using our Raspberry Pi for running retropie now this is just a base image I've installed a few games here and if you go into add Dreamcast games you'll notice that there's no Dreamcast section yeah and that's because we need to add the redream emulator from the experimental section and in order for redream to work you have to be using a Raspberry Pi 4 you can use the 1 2 or 4 gigabyte model I have the 4 gigabyte model here and I do recommend overclocking it will help out I'm overclocked to 2.1 gigahertz on the cpu and 700 megahertz on the GPU first thing we need to do is make sure we're connected online I'm connected with Ethernet you can use Wi-Fi if you'd like we're gonna head over to configuration and from here we're gonna go to retropie setup now whenever I go in here I always update the retropie setup script just gonna click OK yes and like I said you have to be on line for all of this to work all right so now that we have that updated we can head to manage packages manage experimental packages and from here we have a redream option we're just gonna choose this by making sure okay is highlighted and we're gonna choose the first option install from pre-configured binary yes give it some time to finish up and we now have redream installed on a raspberry pi for running retropie we're going to backup exit and now we need to add some Dreamcast games and I do want to go over this in the video real quick I'm going to be adding them over network from my Windows PC so I need to grab my IP I'm gonna go to show IP at the very top here my IP is okay so here we are at my Windows PC we're gonna go ahead and transfer some Dreamcast games over to my Raspberry Pi I have some on my desktop in a folder called Dreamcast now redream supports CDI and GDI games GDI are what I usually use but for some reason as making this video with retropie four-point-six emulation station isn't pulling the GDI out of the folder so it's gonna be a subfolder there it's still very usable like this but you will have to go into that subfolder and then choose the game to start the game now with GDI games you're gonna have the GDI file your bin and your tracks just like you would with an older PlayStation 1 game using been in queue files usually it picks up this right out of the folder but it's giving us subfolders so a lot of people might be interested in using CDI right now but with GDI keep in mind you can use cheats with redream and with CDI you cannot it's just a little quirk its God I'm not sure exactly why I prefer using GDI but a lot of people will be using the CDI format so I have both here I'm gonna go ahead and open up a file explorer and at the very top I'm gonna type in my IP which was here we have bios's configs and roms we're gonna go to roms we now have a Dreamcast section so I'm just gonna take all my games from here place them right in there it's going to take a little while to transfer over we can restart emulation station and then all of our games will show up for Dreamcast so I'm going to let this finish transferring over that will move back to my PI all right so we're back at the raspberry pi we're exactly where we left off we're just going to exit this menu here press Start on the controller scroll down a quit and restart emulation station this is just going to refresh our roms list and now if we scroll over you'll see we have a Dreamcast section we're gonna enter this menu and as you can see we have all the games we added all the ones and why are the CDI games we can start them directly from here and at the very bottom here we have that GDI game it's in a subfolder if we enter the subfolder we can start the GDI from here most people will be using these CD eyes right now so we're gonna go ahead and launch it and remember redream is a standalone emulator we're going to start Marvel vs. Capcom 2 you and we're now playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the Raspberry Pi for using redream so I have an xbox one controller connected and if I press my hotkey which I set up as my Xbox button it'll bring us into the redream emulator now we can navigate this menu using our analog stick on our controller and there's a few things I like to change in here first up we have input if you cannot get to the menu by pressing your hotkey you can plug a keyboard in and press escape it'll bring you to this menu here you'll navigate to input and from here you can choose your controller so I got the Xbox one as controller and now we can configure the controls from here you can map this how you'd like to you can set the analog dead zone and we also have our main menu button escape on a keyboard or joy 8 you can change this if it's not working from your controller so I'll back up next thing I like to change is video so we'll enter this menu window size we want to set this to 1280 by 720 so now we're at 1280 by 720 with the window size I leave frame skip to Auto and I want to turn on my FPS counter it'll be up in the top left hand corner I leave vertical sink on we can go to system and there's not much more you need to change in here we have the region language broadcast NTSC if you want to run these at 60 and cable VGA so that's it I'm gonna go back to now playing you can save your game from right here but I'm gonna resume the game and I'll skip right into some gameplay so here it is I have that FPS counter up in the top right hand corner we're getting a constant 60 with Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and I've had really good luck with everything that I've tested on the Raspberry Pi 4 with this overclock and redream it's just really awesome to see Dreamcast games running at full speed on the Raspberry Pi for using retropie to exit I just press the hotkey and navigate to exit within redream it'll bring us back into the emulation station menu so I'll go ahead and start up another game will go with Soul Calibur and I'll just skip right into some gameplay and yeah that's pretty much it you now have full speed Dreamcast emulation running on your Raspberry Pi for using retro PI and I definitely recommend doing a little bit of an overclock I would at least go to 1.8 gigahertz but I'm overclocked to 2.1 on the CPU and 750 megahertz on the GP everything that I've tested with redream on the PI 4 like this has run great but that's pretty much it for this video I really appreciate you watch and I know there's going to be a lot of new users now that retropie has been released for the Raspberry Pi 4 and if there's any other tutorials you want to see just let me know in the comments below but like always thanks for watching you
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 91,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, how to dreamcast retropie, how to raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi projects, redream emulator, redream raspberry, redream raspberry pi, redream raspberry pi 4, retropie 4.6, retropie raspberry pi 4, retropie raspberry pi 4 image, retropie raspberry pi 4 n64, retropie raspberry pi 4 ps2, retropie raspberry pi 4 vs 3, retropie redo controller setup, retropie redream, retropie reduce input lag, retropie reduce lag
Id: 1CGSLeUSkj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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