How To Set Up & Map Sega Dreamcast Games w/ ReDream Emulator On RetroPie Raspberry Pi - RetroPie Guy

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hey everybody retropie guy here today i'm going to show you how to set up the brand new sega dreamcast emulator called redream so this brand new emulator is actually a really amazing emulator we're able to now play a lot more dreamcast games and we're actually able to play them super well the issue with the older emulator for retropie was that we had a very limited amount of games that ran smoothly on the retropie 256 gigabyte game collection card that we have we only have about 24 or 25 utilizing that older emulator so on our 512 gigabyte game collection card we're actually able to have 93 games available so it's a huge jump and they all run super well so the settings do differ quite a bit from the old dreamcast emulator on retropie so i want to get into that today and show you exactly how to go about setting these up because if you jump into your dreamcast games you're going to find that even if you've already mapped your controller and you jump into these they're not necessarily going to carry over and you're actually not going to be able to exit your games your hotkey function will not work so you're going to have to go through some different setting options here in order to set everything up so a couple things that we're going to need in order to set this up is we're obviously going to need our gamepad controller which i would recommend doing something with analog sticks versus you know like a super nintendo or or something like that that just doesn't have enough controls built into it to utilize these dreamcast games so playstation controller works great it's got the dual analog sticks a bunch of 8bitdo controllers work really well as well so just something to consider before you go in and start mapping your controls for dreamcast games you want to make sure that you have a controller that can actually play those games properly that being said we also are going to need a usb keyboard in order to set this up so now i'm going to be using this wireless keyboard that we have available on our website it's fully wireless connects through the usb port on your raspberry pi super easy to use it's got these backlit options too so you can change colors i think they're about 15 on our website we'll put a link in the description below so you can check these out if you don't already have a keyboard it's just nice to use these for the various things that you might need on the retropie system you know entering in wi-fi credentials altering settings like we're doing today just stuff like that it's super nice to have a very compact keyboard so you're not working off of a full-size keyboard you know that's wired in this is just so much more convenient so that being said first thing we're going to do is we're going to pick up our controller we're going to navigate to our dreamcast games once we get to them here we'll open this right up now you can jump into any game it really makes no difference because we're going to be utilizing the settings here so i'm going to jump into this games capcom game here we're going to let it load in so you'll see this now loading page once you get past that just make sure that your usb receiver is plugged into your raspberry pi for your keyboard so on my raspberry pi if you looked at it i have two receivers one for my playstation controller and one for my keyboard all right so once our game loads in we're going to take our keyboard here we're going to hit the escape button that's going to bring us right into our redream settings page here so now we have to navigate over to input so now the navigating on this is kind of strange we're not going to be utilizing our arrow keys like you would think we'd be doing or enter button we actually have to use a combination of our letter buttons here so in order to go left we have to hit a in order to go up we have to hit w in order to go down we have to hit s and in order to go right we have to hit d now to make our selections we have to hit the l button this is a really strange way of doing it but it is what it is so you can see here we are um currently highlighted on the save button here now you might be highlighted in a different spot everybody's system might be a little bit different with this so you first need to hit one of these buttons just to see where you're at i was on the save button there so this is where i started on save so you can actually like i said before we'll put this in the description as well but it will be the w button to go up so i hit w i'm up on the exit now you can see that um yellow underline under exit so now i want to go to the left in order to go left i'm going to hit the a button and i want to go over to input once i'm on input i'm going to hit the l button here to select it so just like that we jump into our inputs here so you can see that on port 0 it's registering the keyboard here so we want to go ahead and select this option we're going to hit the l button to select this because we want to change this port to configure our controller here so once we do that we'll hit input device again l there and you can see that now you'll have different options here so my next option down from auto here is the tgz controller which is actually my playstation controller right here so if we go down with the s and we select that with l we're now going to be configuring this controller over here so we'll be able to no longer be using this and we'll be able to control everything from this once we set everything up so we're going to go down to customize bonds first we've already selected which device we want to be customizing so we'll go down here and select l to confirm this selection so here you can see i've actually already done this so i'm going to actually just navigate over and reset this just so i can walk through the exact uh bind configuration for you alright so this is how it would look for you since you haven't set this up yet so you want to actually navigate over from the x you want to be actually where it says left joystick up so in order to do that we're going to hit the a button that's going to highlight you can see where it's highlighted now the actual function all right so once we've selected that first option we're going to now select it again on here and use our gamepad controller that we're setting up to map each function to this specific controller so we hit the l to select this it says waiting so now we're going to do left joystick up which is right there so now you have to navigate down so we'll hit the ss we'll go over to the left again we'll select this option now which is left joystick down left joystick down so now for left joystick left we're going to select that option and we're going to go left so this process does take a little bit of time it's not as user friendly as retropie's main mapping section but again it is what it is we're at least going to have a really great emulator once this is fully mapped so next option is left joystick right same thing go to the right you do have to just make sure you see that when i did that it jumped over to the x because it actually saved the mapping from our gamepad controller and also took advantage of that function direction that we were doing on there so now we have to go down and to the left on our keyboard in order to set this up for the next option all right so now on here we're going to hit l again now we're doing the d-pad d-pad up go down on our keyboard hit l d-pad down on our gamepad controller down to the next option on the keyboard l d-pad left next option down l d-pad right and now left trigger now for this particular emulator you can do your left trigger as your shoulder button or as your trigger however you want to do it i'm actually going to do it as my shoulder button but again you can configure these however you want if you want to change up the buttons i'm just doing it how i would do it and showing you the walkthrough tutorial here i'm just doing it how i would do it and showing you you know exactly how you would navigate through all these functions you can obviously change these around and you know configure this however you want so next option down left trigger l i'm going to just do my left shoulder instead down to right trigger select l right shoulder which i'm doing as the trigger so now we have to go to the right in order to go to the right we hit the d button have to use that twice i'm going to go all the way up to the top here by hitting the w and start with the a button and work my way back down so same thing hit the l on your keyboard now hit the a button so if you actually are using this wireless playstation style controller that we have on our website this actually matches up really well with the dreamcast controllers you can see that the a on here matches up with the a on the screen same with b y x all that all right continuing on we are going to go down with s again select the b button b button on our gamepad controller s again to go down l to confirm x on our gamepad controller now the y button and now the start button so for turbo you can do this again however you want based on your specific controller i'm going to be using that left trigger button since i did my trigger previously as the shoulder button again do it however you feel comfortable however you want that setup to be on your specific controller so s to go down to turbo l to select it hit the button you want now you can skip screenshot you can utilize it whatever you want to do i'm just going to do that as my r trigger and main menu i actually just skip but you can again use it to whatever button you want you can use some of these extra buttons on here whatever you want to do i'm just going to skip it in this case here all right so this next option here is exit emulator this is going to be our hotkey so on this controller and on most controllers unless you have the 8bitdo and you want to utilize some of the extra buttons you're going to be using the select here so l to confirm that hit the select button on your controller and you're good to go so now there is no save button it automatically saves upon exit on here so don't go down and hit reset binds thinking that that's going to save everything and reset it from what it was when you first got on here if you hit reset binds you're going to wipe out everything you just did and start this process over as much fun as this was i don't want to do it again neither do you don't hit reset buttons if you hit something wrong on here and you know say you went to configure and map your y button and you hit the x by mistake just jump over with the d button to this little x here hit l and do that i'll actually do it here just to demo that you'll see that it wipes out that selection which is nice we don't have that function in uh the regular built-in mapping on retropie so that's one nice thing that i like about this over the stock retropie mapping so i'm just going to map this again real quick and we're good to go so in order to get out of here hit your w button navigate up to the top it jumps onto the exit there you can hit the l button you should be actually able to do this from your controller now which you are so let's test this out make sure everything worked you can set aside our keyboard we don't need that anymore so i'm able to navigate here i will jump into a game and we'll just make sure that we can properly utilize our hotkey and jump out of this and then we know that everything did save properly and we're good to go so we're just going to give this a minute to load up i did mute all of my audio here so that's why you're not hearing any sound as that dreamcast screen loads in alright so if we hit the start button you can see everything's working we were able to advance by hitting start before we weren't able to do that because this was not configured so let's just see i'm not going to waste time jumping into this game or anything but let's make sure that we can we can move around with that same thing here yeah everything works so let's hit our hotkey which is select and start just like that we've exited our rom so we're good to go here all right so that's going to do it for today i just wanted to walk you through the process for setting up your gamepad controller with redream i think you're really going to enjoy this brand new sega dreamcast emulator it works so much better than the other one did with so many more game options too and i think it's only going to get better with future updates too so once we've gone through this mapping process and fully set everything up i really think you're going to enjoy this so if you found this video helpful please give us a thumbs up be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel we do a whole bunch of different tutorials like this gameplay demos product reviews previews of different products that we have available so definitely subscribe to our youtube channel to stay up to date on everything that we're doing and of course check us out online on our website thanks for watching
Channel: RetroPie Guy
Views: 2,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redream, emulator, emulation, game emulator, retropie, raspberry pi, retropie guy, video games, sega, dreamcast, sonic, console, video game, video gamer, gamer review, game review, playstation, games, xbox, sega genesis, master system, sg1000, arcade, mame, arcade1up, classic, retro, retro gamer, retro gaming, computer, computer game, raspberry pi 400, 400, how to, controller, configuration, configure, mapping, map
Id: zP2r93t3yww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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