RetroPie 4.6 Released With Raspberry Pi 4 Support! Its Amazing!!

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Pretty much what I noticed with Lakka. The GPU didn't get much of an upgrade from the Pi3.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Absentmindedgenius 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys this ETA prime back here again and today I'm super excited because retropie version 4.6.1 in the description you can download the raspberry pi 4 image right here but keep in mind PI 4 support is still in beta but this is a public beta that you can use right now and there's lots of systems that are working great in here before we get into a little bit of testing in this video I'm going to test some n64 will go at PSP and even some dreamcast just to see how it performs on the Raspberry Pi 4 using this new release of retro PI I did want to go over the changelog very quickly here now you can read through all of this on your own time if you want to but there are some notable changes here so like I mentioned there is support for the Raspberry Pi 4 it has its own dedicated image that you can download and flash to an SD card this is still in beta as you can see retropie 4.6 with beta support for the Raspberry Pi 4 they go on saying that constant work is done with retro PI and this will improve in time and I'm sure it will but right now it still listed as a beta either way you look at it it's still awesome to see this being released for the PI 4 finally now we'll move down here to the changelog changes since 4.5 raspberry pi 4 support the image is now based on raspbian Buster stretch is no longer supported by the Raspberry Pi so all of these images that are released now and in the future until they change it up is going to be raspy and Buster there's been some improvements to the retro PI packaging system and if you go into the retro PI set up and try to update it will only update if the updated binary is available now in the past you could just update right over what you had it's the same exact release and people thought they were getting new features and new improvements but it's the same release you were already running retroarch has been updated 1.85 a new notification system with chivos badges support and I will be doing a dedicated video on all of these new improvements our GUI for retroarch can now be themed support for real CD ROM with the ability to dump the disk image now this is something I wanted to cover in this video unfortunately the USB cd-rom drive that I have is pulling too much power from the PI and it won't work properly so I have ordered an externally powered USB DVD reader and hopefully that works so I'll have that up in the next couple days I'm going to show you how to load ps1 games Neo Geo CD and a few others using a cd-rom and retroarch directly on your Raspberry Pi improved disc control system for games that use multiple discs or multiple cartridges we can now use in 3u files to easily swap through discs inside of retro large retro achievement support for ps1 Sega CD and PC engine CD have been added emulation station has been updated to 2.91 and there's a lot of other new updates in here mainly due to updating the cores the one that I'm really happy about and very interested in is support for redream on the Raspberry Pi for now redream works amazingly well in raspbian on the Raspberry Pi 4 we can run most games at full speed with this emulator here using the Raspberry Pi 4 and a little bit of an overclock so I will be showing this off in the video instead of using fly cast or raycast I will be using redream when we test this out so it's here it's ready to go it's still in beta but a lot of stuff is working great in here so I'm gonna leave a link to the official retropie website you can go ahead and download it and I will have a full install and setup video coming up soon so keep an eye on the channel but now I think it's time to move over and just test out some of the harder to emulate systems that didn't work well on the Raspberry Pi 3 like Dreamcast PSP and n64 keep in mind I'm using the Raspberry Pi 4 for a gigabyte model and I do have the CPU overclock to 2.1 gigahertz so with all this out of the way let's jump right into it and see how this new release performs alright so here it is retropie running on the Raspberry Pi 4 keep in mind I am overclocked to 2.1 gigahertz on the CPU and 700 megahertz on the GPU this will make a difference in the higher-end games but overall performance has been great with this build of retropie for the PI 4 and one thing I should have mentioned when I was going over the changelog is the scraper is now fixed I was able to scrape my games here with no issues at all and it worked really well there was one that I missed with Dreamcast and I think it was because it was named incorrectly but overall scraping is fixed in these newer builds of retro PI which is a big plus for a lot of people just like older builds we have themed support I've downloaded one here we got tronky Fran one of my favorites video support I added videos myself to a few of these systems just so I could take a look at it and it works great so yeah I can tell you right now that even though this is beta I've had really good luck with it now with the Raspberry Pi 4 if you want to go back to the older stuff nes super nintendo pc engine NeoGeo it's gonna run just as well as it did on the Raspberry Pi 2 3 or 3b plus even better in some cases but I know a lot of people are super excited about the Raspberry Pi 4 because we do have a more powerful arm CPU and they want to be able to emulate dreamcast in 64 and PSP at full speed so those are the three main systems that I'm going to test in this video but before I get to that I did want to test one PlayStation game I just want to make sure we're getting the same performance as we did with the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ so we're gonna go with bloody roar - so here's bloody roar - I definitely wanted to throw this in here just to make sure was performing as well as the Raspberry Pi Queenie + and as you can see I do have the FPS up in the top right hand corner we're at a constant 60 with this one and this is definitely a harder one to emulate for ps1 so ps1 is good to go on the pipe for moving over to some n64 using moopan 64 next this is Mortal Kombat 4 performance with this one is outstanding as you can see we're getting a really good frame right here at 60fps every once in a while when there's a lot of effects on-screen I do notice a dip but overall I think it's performing pretty well with each one of these games I'm set to the 4 by 3 aspect ratio and the resolution is set to 640 by 480 I didn't try dropping it down or taking it up any at all here we have Super Smash on the multiple Yoshi stage really good framerate everything seems to work pretty well but just like Mortal Kombat 4 every once in a while I do notice a dip you know I had to throw this one in there Goldeneye double-oh-seven unfortunately performance here isn't really great I'm still at 640 by 480 and if you drop the resolution down I'm sure it would help a bit but overall this is just a problematic game for this emulator and this board moving over to PSP I'm using the standalone version of ppsspp and with this overclock on the Raspberry Pi for running this version of retro pipe performance is outstanding with a lot of the games that I tested this is Tekken 5 2 X resolution with no hacks on so I wanted to take it up a bit and test Tekken 6 if you mess around with the PSP emulator on low-end devices you know this is a harder one to emulate not as bad as some of the others like God of War but I'm at 2x resolution no hacks on I do have splines set below and we're getting full speed with Tekken 6 on the Raspberry Pi 4 keep in mind I am overclocked to 2.1 gigahertz on the CPU and 700 megahertz on the GPU [Music] so I wanted to go with 2x with Ratchet and Clank but unfortunately I had to drop this down to 1x I don't have any hacks on no frame skip and we're getting a constant 30 here this is what it ran at originally on the PSP and this is playable I really wish we could have hit that 2 X resolution mark but overall it's still playable at one and finally for PSP we have chains of olympus 1x resolution I have all the hacks on and it's unplayable like this so I'm going to go ahead and turn frame skip off this is going to cut the FPS and a half from 60 down to 30 which makes it more manageable I mean it is playable like this but I'd like to have a better looking game so we're going to try to go up to 2x resolution with that frame skip on and unfortunately it's not playable like this so if you want to play Chains of Olympus on the PI for 1x with frame skip will get you by and finally at least for this video we have some Dreamcast emulation using the redream emulator you will have to install this from the experimental section but it works amazingly on the raspberry pi especially with that overclock as a lot of you might know there is a premium version of redream this allows you to upscale and have more savestates but this is the free version of redream built into this version of retro PI for the Raspberry Pi 4 no upscaling is available you get one save state but it works great here so I would stick with this unless you really want to upscale a little bit I do have a full video coming up on the channel showing you how to set up redream properly on the Raspberry Pi for using retropie so if you're interested in that definitely keep an eye on the channel but here it is running Marvel vs. Capcom 2 at full speed on the Raspberry Pi 4 we're at a constant 60 I do have the FPS listed up in the top left hand corner and most every game that I've tested with this emulator works great on the PI 4 [Music] [Applause] nice sees pegs let's go [Music] so all I can really say here is I'm thoroughly impressed with this beta build of retropie for the Raspberry Pi for they've done some really awesome work here and performance has increased from the old Raspberry Pi 3 and 3 B+ especially with that overclock on the PI 4 now in the end it's still a beta you might run into a few issues but it's definitely worth trying out this is one of the best retro front ends that I've tested on the Raspberry Pi 4 so far and it's only gonna get better from here I know we waited a while for retropie to release but I'm glad they took their time because this is turning out to be one of the best retropie releases I've ever tested and we'll have a few more videos coming up in the next few days I definitely want to show you how to set up redream in this build here and I'm also gonna do a full install video because there are people who are new to the Raspberry Pi and retropie who just picked up PI 4 specifically for this build if you have any questions let me know in the comments below but like always thanks for watching you
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 433,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, eta prime, retropie 4.6, retropie raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 4 retropie, raspberry pi 4 retro gaming, raspberry pi 4 retropie image, raspberry pi 4 retropie build, raspberry pi 4 retropie n64, raspberry pi 4 redream, raspberry pi 4 retropie setup, raspberry pi 4 retropie ps2, retropie redream, retropie dreamcast, retropie n64, pi4 retropie, pi4 retroarch, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi projects
Id: wSRGdwz7DPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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