Complete PS1 Setup Guide. RETROPIE. Raspberry Pi.

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[Music] hey what up everyone some of you in the comments suggested for me to do a play session tutorial how to set up the PlayStation emulator so that's what I'm going to show you guys in this video this is assuming you have retropie 4.2 and then before we begin though first thing you want to do is you want to get your retropie connected to your Wi-Fi I'm not going to show you how to do that if you need to learn how to do that let me know because I can just make another video basically you just go here to retropie and you go to Wi-Fi and you need to keyboard for this and then you just hit connect the Wi-Fi networking from here pretty much you select your your network name and then you punch in the password it's pretty simple or you can make it even simpler and you can just plug in the ethernet cable whatever works for you so once you got your Raspberry Pi connected to your Wi-Fi the first thing we want to do is we want to make sure we've got the latest version of the emulator so what we're going to do is we're going to update it so the way we do that is we go here and go to retro PI we go I set up and then we go to man packages packages and then we're going to look for the PlayStation 1 which is library so PS CX or something like that PC SX there we go here it is so it's it's going to be installed this is the one that comes with so what you're going to do it's hit okay and then I've heard that it's a lot better if we update it from the source because the coding is better and there's a lot of things to it they're better but just for the sake of this video so it doesn't take very long I have to do a lot of editing I'm just going to hit update from binary there we go it's all updated less likely to have any bugs none of that crap so we're pretty much done with this alright so one thing to point out is most of the information can be found in this website github the retropie get help I'm going to link it in the description that's pretty awesome it's going to have everything pretty much you need and like information like what BIOS folder you need where to put it the extension like the file types that are supported by the emulators it's pretty cool I'm going to link it in the description we're going to be using this as a reference a lot so the first thing I want to show you guys is this is the emulator we're using right L our pcs X rearmed and then it shows us the ROM folder where it's supposed to be so once you've got your game is ready or your roms or whatever this is the folder where you're going to want to put them all right so I'm going to show you guys how to do that in a bit but I'm just showing you that everything's in here and also when you download your games the most common format it when they're compressed it's going to be like dot 7z so you want to make sure you have like WinRAR or something to decompress it with something to distract it with and once you've extracted that's when you can go ahead and move the games which I'm going to show you how to do in a sec and then of course we have the BIOS in here this is this is the BIOS that they recommend for us SC pH 1 0 0 1 dot bin alright and keep in mind this is just for Windows if you guys need me to do a video on Mac I can I can certainly do that in the future but this video is going to be for Windows only but it's pretty similar I got to say so assuming you have your games and your roms ready in all that crap what we're going to do is once your retro PI is connected to your network the same network as your PC of course make sure it's the same one same Wi-Fi you should have a retro PI folder in here if you if you click here under network you double click there it should come up in here as retro PI and this is pretty much it this is what we will transfer the roms and the BIOS and all that good stuff if however you don't see it here then that's pretty common it happened to me once what you want to do though is if you don't have it there pretty much you're good you're just going to want to type down here so if you just click on the search bar right here and then you highlight everything you can just do backslash backslash on caps retropie just like that and then hit enter and there we go it's going to it's going to pop up for you and then once you once you got it in here if it doesn't save automatically for you just right-click on it and hit pin to start or pin the quick access and then it'll show up here look see going to be there forever pretty handy assuming you have the rums the game what we're going to do is let me just open up two windows in here oh I like this be a sec okay much better all right so like I said when you download your files your PSX games normally they're going to be in this format dot 7z so we're going to go ahead and extract it you and depending on what kind of game you get you might get a bunch of files or you might just get a bin in a queue I got a bunch of files in here mostly introduced tracks so once you've got your games extracted in here what we're going to do is we're going to refer to this website so the ROM folder this is where our games are supposed to be so this is where they're supposed to be PSX we're going to look for that ok we're in here we're in retropie we're looking for PSX they're going to be on the roms of course and double-click on roms to scroll down ESX that's it this is where all the good stuff is all the game know what I'm going to do now is we're going to go ahead and just transfer all of these you can drag and drop them I really like then it's going to transfer over your Wi-Fi so it usually takes a little bit longer than USB USB copies files a lot faster but I just hate like unplugging it and plugging it back in and you can't actually transfer the BIOS folder you can't transfer the BIOS folder if you're using a USB it has to be done over Wi-Fi or so I believe maybe I just don't know how to do it but if you're doing it this way then you definitely need your your retropie to be connected to your Wi-Fi or well so you can get that BIOS I'm just going to go ahead and speed this up a little bit for you guys alright so mine is pretty much done what I like about this emulator is that most games can run without biles like it's as simple as that so right now if you want to go over to your retro pie let me show you guys real quick okay so we're here in our retro pie now and what we want to do is just we're going to hit quit okay so we're going to hit start we're going to hit quit and then restart emulation station every single time you transfer anything from your PC to your retropie you have to restart the emulation station otherwise it's not going to take effect so we've restarted now what we're going to do we're going to go over to Playstation and when I was going to say is here it is this is our new game right here so let's just try to play that and I should say on the bottom left is going to say they didn't find any BIOS see no PlayStation BIOS file found add for better compatibility but it's really that simple I mean the thing is if you play without BIOS you more likely to have bugs and the frames are going to skip a little bit and sometimes you it's just going to slow you know and along on a lot of other things so it's definitely a lot better if you have BIOS but if you don't care that much then you're pretty much good to go but right now let's just go back to our computer I'm going to show you guys where to put in your BIOS folder let's head back to this website and then as you can see it tells us like it tells us the BIOS that we need so SC pH one zero zero one so go ahead and search that and pretty sure it's all over the Internet and once you've found it pretty much I'm going to show you right now where we're going to put it one thing I forgot to mention is when you extract your games if you're extracting a PlayStation 1 game it should be in one of these extensions otherwise they're not going to be worked so double-check that you know if you're like oh my god it's not working definitely double-check the extension the file type because if it's not one of these then it's not going to accept it and if you scroll down just a little bit it's going to tell us where this goes so BIOS here we go look the BIOS file is named SC pH 1 0 0 1 dot bin and it's going to be placed here home slash PI slash retropie slash bios ok so this is the folder where I keep all of my BIOS files on all my good stuff so this is the one we really need at CP h 1 0 0 1 I've heard that it matters if it's capital letters or not honestly I've tried it both ways it doesn't seem to matter maybe I'm wrong but some people have a debate about that so I personally don't care so what we're going to do is once you have your bin file your BIOS we're just going to go ahead and find the correct location to transfer it to so down here we're going to go to network again and your file manager we're going to go to network it retropie and then hit BIOS that's it this is what we're going to put it so we're just going to drag and drop go and that's pretty much it now like I said we're going back to the retropie and you have to restart alright so we're here back a direct reply and we just transferred the BIOS folder so what we're going to do is we have to restart we've restarted go over to PlayStation and your games going to be here and when you launch it it shouldn't say that there's no BIOS anymore there we go it then say it it's just recognizing the controller pretty much it now I'm going to show you guys how to do it like how to transfer the games over a USB which is honestly a lot similar assuming you have a USB of course let's just go ahead and open up our File Explorer and then I named mine portable doesn't matter what you name it so you're going to want to format it of course it has to be completely empty you can't have anything on it so if yours happen to have something make sure to do any backups that you need you know transfer any photos any important files that you may need to your computer and then once your once you're done with that what we're going to do is we're going to right click here and we're going to click format and then you don't have to touch any of that you can the file system can be default that's I like it and then you can just name it whatever you want I personally just name an affordable penguin channel and then format options you can do a quick format it really doesn't matter I just take a little bit longer and some more authority if you uncheck this box so we're just going to hit start tsa warning formatting will erase all data above a lot for my complete just like last time so you're pretty much done folks here and then we're going to find that okay so we're going to find a USB it's right here and what we're going to want to do is I want to open it and then right click new folder we're going to create a folder okay and it has to be named retropie let's put it all in capital letters I don't think it matters honestly but just in case name a folder retropie all caps and that's pretty much it now what we're going to want to do is right-click on the USB and hit eject and we're just going to go ahead and unplug the USB now and plug it into our Raspberry Pi now when you plug it into the russ berrie pi you might want to give it a couple seconds because yours might might start flashing I don't think all of them do that mine doesn't really just give it like 30 seconds maybe a minute tops and then it's pretty much going to program and it's going to fill it with all these folder it's like you know the BIOS folders that run folder is all that good stuff so once it's done flashing we're going to restart this again emulation station and there we go you're good to go ahead and unplug the USB all right so moving over the computer or just plugged in the USB should come up now there you go all right so let's find out USB and as you can see if we go here and we double collect on retropie it's going to have these folders these three folders can say BIOS and figs and then roms now for the BIOS so I don't know if you can actually transfer the BIOS folder so here I mean I've tried it but it doesn't seem to work for the games you're literally going to do the same exact thing you're just going to want to drag and drop on your USB the game again just like this I'm not actually going to do it because I don't want to have dublicate okay and remember the games the games don't go in the bio folder it going roms and then you scroll down a little bit and PSX where is it right here this is where you want to drop off your games okay once you drag and drop your games we're going to take a little bit PlayStation games take a little bit longer than any other platform so once it's done we're just going to go ahead and safely eject our USB there we go and now I'm just going to go ahead and move over to the retro pie alright so remember when you plug in the when you plug in the USB you're going to want to give it a couple of seconds and then once it's stopped blinking just go ahead and hit restart voila you should have your PlayStation icon in there you should be ready to go but we're actually going to test this to see if we if the BIOS actually copied over I don't think it did see no known PlayStation BIOS on so this is what I explained at the beginning you do need to have your retropie connected to your Wi-Fi if you if you want to use the BIOS and for a lot of games you do need the BIOS is very important because it runs a lot smoother and that should be other guys you should be ready to go know one thing though that I do want to mention is if you're like me let me just go back oh you something real quick I'm just going to go back out of this okay and I hit start and hit configure input and yes so if you're like me I'm using an Xbox one controller I don't know how the other devices work but if you're like me and you map that exactly as i showing you d-pad up d-pad down d-pad left teapot right start select a B I have an Xbox one controller and I'm a panic exactly like it's telling me to do then XY left bumper right bumper trigger by trigger um right thumb up down up down left right up down left right exactly like it's telling me right we're going to hit okay but when you when you go into the PlayStation games it's not going to be it's not going to be like a PlayStation going to be like weird like some buttons are going to be mapped differently so I'm going to show you how to fix that so once we're here or any interface honestly once you launch a game if you hit select and X at the same time it should bring this mini up this is like the retroarch configurations go in here we can just change all the controllers and all that good stuff so that's again that's select an X so from the top we're just going to scroll down okay so we're here we're going to scroll down hold on okay so from the time we're going to go to quick menu and then we're going to scroll down a controls there we go and then the way I have it is the cross the cross has to be an a I'm going to give you guys some time so you can map it just like I did so the Cross has to be the a the square has to be the X and those are the only two those are the only four you need to change you don't need to change the bumpers the whole extra start you don't have to do any of that you just need to chase across the square and then the triangle and circle circle needs to be to be and then triangle has to be why okay once you're done with that you can actually save the game remap so you don't have to every time if you don't save the game every time you load this game you're going to have to remap all the controllers again so instead if you just hit save game remap file it's going to save it for you and you can actually even load it when you're playing different games because say for example if we're not playing this game we're playing a different game it's going to have all my stuff controllers so you can just go to controllers you can go here and then we can hit load remap file and then it's going to be there see I have multiple ones I don't know why but you can just load the same game file and then once you're done you can just hit select the next and it's going to exit out of this interface now your controllers should be working just like a playstation controller oh my god for a second I was actually scared I was like where's all my data I'm not going to start this again so yeah I'm just going to test it out for you guys real quick make sure that's working awesome you're going to notice too if you if you play without BIOS you're going to notice the graphics are going to look a lot shittier they're going to look terrible and then the the trans transitions and the frames are going to be all up and you know it's not good anyways that's pretty much it guys I really do hope this helped you if it did make sure to hit the like button so other people can see this video too if you have any suggestions on new videos anything like that just let me know in the comments also you know subscribe if you want to see more videos like this of course I livestream a lot like a lot of Resident Evil games and shooter games and stuff you can follow my twitch if you want to see me live-streaming all useful links are going to be in the description and also if you want to support this channel you can donate donations are not really expected but they're really appreciated so yeah that I think that's pretty much it I hope I didn't miss anything honestly some part of me keeps bugging me saying hey some people are going to ask some questions in the comment hey that's what it's for right so any questions you know let me know in the comments I'll try my best to help you out again I really do hope this helped give it a like I'll see you guys later take care thanks for King I [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Puzzles
Views: 222,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps1 retropie setup, retropie ps1 setup, ps1 emulator, ps1 emulator setup, retropie ps1 guide, retropie guide, retropie setup, ps1 set up retropie, set up ps1 on a raspberry pi, ps1 on a raspberry pi, raspberry pi, retropie tutorial, ps1 emulator tutorial, ps1 retropie tutorial, how to set up ps1 on retropie, how to, puzzles, retropie emulation, retropie emulator, ps1 emulator retropie, ps1 emulator raspberry pi, how to setup controller, Controller setup retropie
Id: K29g8-gipDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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