Complete Dreamcast Setup Guide. RETROPIE. Raspberry Pi!

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[Music] hey guys what's up I just barely finished setting up the Dreamcast on the retropie and it took me forever honestly I'm not gonna lie took me like four hours and I noticed there was you know bits and pieces and different videos from different people every time I was getting closer to finally launch it I kept on getting the new error I don't know something came up so I just want to show you guys how I set up the a Dreamcast on the retropie now keep in mind though this only works for retropie 4.2 that's a newer version so before you watch this make sure that your retropie version is updated now the first thing we want to do is dreamcast is not it doesn't come installed it comes as an optional like a package so we have to actually install Dreamcast first the emulator have to install the first so that's what we're going to do now now we're going to go to retropie setup and then we're going to go to manage package and we're going to select optional packages and then from here we're going to want to scroll down a little bit and the package we're looking for of course is broadcaster at sit right cast and then we're going to hit install from source apparently it's better I don't know why honestly but I think it's more thorough or something that's better it's recommended that you install it from source it takes a little longer but it's better apparently so now we're just going to let it do its thing I'm just going to speed this up a little bit I'll see you guys in a bit alright guys so it's done downloading pretty much took me like five to six minutes and from here I think well most of you will pretty much be done and what I mean by that is let me let me show you real quick I'm going back out back out to the emulation station and you'll see the well we're going to restart I'm sorry I forgot to mention that we have to restart the emulation station and then you should see the little Dreamcast icon pop up here so when I first did this I actually didn't have this option right here that says start broadcast and we do need this if you don't see this in here or a system manager and what we have to do is we actually have to update the source and I'm going to show you how to do that right now we're going to go back let's update it anyway regardless you go to setup again the manage packages and it's optional packages look for the same one there you go right an update from source and it's probably going to take a minute or two again the reason why we're doing this is because if you don't see the system manager or the star try cast option in there then you're not going to be able to configure like the format the VM use like it's kind of like the memory card so if you don't if you can't do that then the memory cards pretty much are not going to work you're not going to be able to save the progress of your games and you know this is all going to be messed up so you might as well do this right after you download right cast make sure you just hit update from source and then this is probably going to take a while so I'll see you guys in a bit alright guys so it's done updating pretty much that took me about three minutes or four minutes now something I forgot to mention though is this screencast we're just going to hit back by the way we're just going to exit out this a Dreamcast icon it may not show up now because you don't have any games on yet so don't worry about that we're going to we're going to fix that now so I'm just going to head over to my computer now and show you guys something you need to do alright guys so what I wanted to show you is of course you need you need the BIOS to be able to run the games and you know so if you have your rum so you have your games downloaded already a lot good stuff make sure to have your BIOS ready and you're going to need these two files they need to look exactly like this one it's called DC underscore boots dot bin and the other one says DC underscore flash bin I'm pretty sure they're all over Google so just go search that right now and once you have them you're going to want to make sure they're on this folder right here I'm going to show you okay I'm also I'm pretty sure well I've heard that when you download right cast like retropie includes these when you download them it might be true it might not just in case you should download them anyway but I'm going to show you so if you go to configs and then we go to a Dreamcast G this folder right here is going to say data and this is pretty much where they'll be if if they're like pre-loaded in there they'll be here so you can just move them to your BIOS folder from here if they're not though just go ahead and download them when you download them you're going to want to drag them to this folder right here we're going to go to rums actually no that's not right I'm sorry so it's on there but it's on the BIOS folder it's right here this is where we want to drop them yeah of them here along with all the other PS crap and then that's pretty much it once you've got your your two BIOS in here these two guys in here and then you've got your games of course on the realms your games are going to be stored here okay retropie roms Dreamcast that's where your games are going to be stored and of course you all should know this by now but the format's that it can run its CDI or GDI if the games are like in a sip format or rar format you have to extract them otherwise it's not going to work but remember game games go and roms and then the bin files the DC flash and all that good stuff it goes to the BIOS right here so it should be good from here so let's go over to the retropie now alright so now we're going to see this little Dreamcast icon right here and then before we get started that though because some of you are going to go right into it and then right into your games but you might find out that your controller is not going to be working so that's something I'm going to tell you how to do now so we're going to go to retropie setup because if you launch a game your controls are like some of you may be able to use it because I think they're like two different controllers are already like auto configured so you can play with them but most of you guys are going to have problems with it I currently have an xbox one controller hooked up and when I launch the first game it didn't work and it doesn't work with retroarch like the joypad configurations it don't work with Rett ROG so it's different now what we're going to do is we're here on the retropie setup and we're going to select the configuration rules and then for me it's the first option right cast you can cast simulator by cast and select this option right here and then just hit configure input devices whereby cut and now you might have more options in here you can barely see it on it maybe zoom in for you but anyways there's there's a rect it's recognizing the controller pretty much up top and then right next to it there's going to be a number it says device / input / event - it'll have a number right next to it so it's going to say please enter the device ID pretty much you're going to need a keyboard for this okay oh you can do this through the computer I mean if you know an hour SSH into it I might make a video on that later but for now I'm just going to plug in my keyword on the retropie and show you guys real quick all right so we've got two hooked up now again the ID is right next to the the pad it's going to recognize it's going to have the name up top and then I'm just going to go ahead and enter - and it's going to say do you want to map a button to exit the emulator that's good because if you if you guys notice I mean probably some of you launch the game and notice you can't really exit it that's because there are no hotkeys are enabled or anything like that so pretty much around I'll have to configure all of that now you won't hit yes just on the keyboard it's going to ask you do you want to map a button to exit the emulator you want to hit Y and then enter and then it's going to say press that button now so on your controller you're going to hit the Y button no not the Y button sorry whatever you want that button to media exit um I actually hit select cuz on the Dreamcast there's some select button so it's not used for anything so I just press select and now it's going to ask you do you want to map the a button I'm gonna hit Y enter and then it says press the a button now and with our controller we're going to press the a button whatever you want that to be you want to map the B button yes again enter there's the B button on your controller and then just keep on I'm going to show you guys real quick now there are a couple optional ones I'm not sure if it's required I don't think this is required I've actually tested it with a couple games that doesn't seem to matter so it's going to ask you do you want to map the C button so on here I'm just going to skip it go ahead no so hit the end hit enter and ask you if you want to map the D button that doesn't work either so ahead no or n now it's going to ask you if you want to map the X button say yes that and then we're just going to hit the X and map the y yes hit the why you want to AB Z these not needed say no art button of course we need that sometimes yes guard I'm at the d-pad 1 now this is important so it hit yes and then it's going to ask you to press left on your d-pad whatever controller using just press left now it's going to ask you to press up that's it and now it says you want to map the d-pad second I'm not sure what that means I didn't use the analogues or anything like that so I'm just going to hit no and hit no and then trigger yeah we want to map the trigger so hit yes and then it the trigger the left trigger and we're going to hit yes again it's going to ask you to the right but the right trigger you want to map the analog stick yes press move the analog stick as far left on that and as far up as possible and everyone we're done that's pretty much it it's going to be configured now so we're going to we're an exit and now we can go back actually we're going to restart the emulation station and go to Dreamcast and now you should see this option right here you're going to see either star try cast or or system manager either one so we're going to go there and again this is what's going to help you this is what I was talking about at the beginning of the video so this is going to help you save your games and stuff otherwise your VM use are not going to be working so this is kind of annoying but you'll you'll notice when you're launching the games like it won't save the date and time settings it keeps forgetting them it's not going to save them there is a way to fix it but I just I don't know exactly how to do it because it requires like commands and stuff and I'm not really good with that so for now I'm really just going to skip this I might make a video a lot later pretty much what we're going to do here is we're going to go into file we're doing is formatting these cards the memory cards are just deleting the whole memory so we can use them so we're going to select the top one we're going to select all and then delete all it yes and then this doesn't matter that's just a customize you can do the little spine leaves and things I don't care whatever that without one now we're going to delete the bottom one pull back like the bottom one like doll lead off yes you don't do this they're not going to be able to use your memory cards you're not going to be able to save your games and stuff and that it's pretty much it once you're done with both both of those I'm sorry we're going to just quit this and you're pretty much ready to on any game yeah guys that's pretty much it I mean I hope that helped you like I said you know it really took me a while to put this together because you know not a lot of people have you know some people's videos are missing some details themselves so I hope this helped you if you have any questions at all let me know in the comments or send me a message I'll definitely try my best to help you out yeah if this video helped you just you know give it a thumbs up so other people can see it guys for watching I'll see you next time you
Channel: Puzzles
Views: 149,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dreamcast retropie, dreamcast set up, dreamcast emulator, retropie emulator, raspberry pi setup, raspberry pi set up, dreamcast retropie raspberry pi 3, dreamcast retropie controller setup, dreamcast retropie raspberry pi 4, dreamcast retropie setup, sega dreamcast retropie, sega dreamcast, how to play dreamcast games on retropie, how to install dreamcast on retropie, how to add dreamcast roms to retropie, how to play dreamcast ganes on retropie, dreamcast raspberry pi, Reicast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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