64bit Retropie with GameCube & Wii. Raspberry Pi 4.

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okay so i got a message from monker the other day uh about a new build and uh if you have a look on my channel and just type monkey you'll find there's loads of things that monker has built and loads of operating systems and various different things that won't normally work monkey has got to work on the pi 4 and uh definitely been a very very big asset to the pi 4. now this new one is very impressive so if i type in retropie wiki and go to the home page so this is where we get all the information about retropie and scroll down to gamecube and click on it you can see here this is only for x86 builds not the raspberry pi and if we skip back and we do the same to the wii there you go x86 builds not the raspberry pi right so let's close this down and let's boot up 64-bit retropie so i'm using a micro sd card 16 gig magics and you can see here well there's another it's 128 gig micro sd card which has got the roms on it's one that i often experiment with retropie so it's just starting up now you can see it's just starting to load all the roms that are in there 27 systems and if i grab my controller and just sort of flick through you can see that we comes up now so i've got a couple of games in here although i haven't got a wii controller configured but uh yeah sega saturn and playstation psp and the one that i was really looking forward to is nintendo gamecube so let's try a bit of kelly slater's pro surfer and if i press a button very quickly it will launch into this which gives you various different options now the only thing i've changed on here is the default video mode so select default video mode for dolphin is uh it was defaulting to 1920x1080 but i've dropped it right down to 720x480 4x3 so let's launch that and i've been really impressed by all the intros so the sound and the videos and everything else all seems pretty good i'm pressing the button quite quickly i'll let it play a little bit of this but yeah all of this i think is probably the best i've seen on pi and i haven't played around with any of the settings yet apart from that video mode i am overclocked to 2-2 i'll show the config.txt in a minute so press start to get into this all of this is nice and smooth not glitchy either so let's just get in and surf i'm not sure what the button is to stand up yet but once i'm standing i'm alright so if i just hammer the buttons so all of this seems to work all right as well here we go so the audio goes a bit choppy in this bit but uh but it's still fine right so if i hammer the buttons there you go so i'm up let's get a bit of speed and as you can see uh although the audio is a bit choppy uh it is performing pretty well oh let's get a bit of speed get away from that i do like this game it is enjoyable let's land backwards and if i can oh no no not that way there we go and let's get back in the waves see if we can risk it a bit oh i wasn't very close was it oh nearly anyway so you can see that that's looking pretty impressive this is the best i've seen it on the pie and the fact that it's running in retropie so it's super super easy so i put it back into twister just to show you my overclock settings uh so if i call up the boot folder so that'll be this one and go to config.text and the only things i've added or changed are these so overvoltage of 8 arm frequency 2200 and gpu frequency 750. i haven't changed anything else this is all as it came so if i close these down so if i just show you the sd card that i've got the roms on so this is in a little sd card reader it's one i just use for testing retropie so if i go to 128 gig and i've got all sorts of things in here because i use it for transferring things retropie mount roms and the folder is gc that's where all my gamecube games are and i guess i must have a wee one as well yeah so there's we with the two roms in there whatever the optimist i also have a ps2 folder as well uh so you can see i've got roms in there but obviously ps2 isn't on pi at this stage you never know i don't think it's ever going to happen but i put it in there ages ago but i also use this to test on my m1 mac and i keep me to do that with a playstation 2 emulator so monkey shared this with me on google drive and also monkey said it was okay for me to share it with others so i'll put a link either in the description or a pinned comment if you want to download this and try it out so if i copy that into my browser it'll open up this link so retropie arch rpi4.image.gz now the first couple of times i just tried writing this with raspberry pi imager to an m.2 drive and two an sd card but then i realized i needed to unzip this i found that twister os didn't unzip it for some reason and the same with raspberry pi os in the end i ended up using ubuntu mate and i'll just switch over to that so the way i've got it to work this is a usb 128 gig usb stick so if i open that up the file i copied over to here and i right clicked and opened within grampa and this bit takes a little while and this really does take a long time i just left it before but i wonder if in twitter os and raspberry pios i just didn't leave it long enough because it didn't really give you any good indication it was unpacking the file so maybe i sort of got impatient and and tried something else but yeah this has been a minute or so and it's still doing this and you can see while it's still doing that this image so the zipped image that you download is 2.6 gig the unpacked version is about seven is 6.2 oh there you go so that one's finished in the background so all i did was i just left clicked and i dragged it to the desktop i'm not going to do it now because obviously i've already got one there so let's go back into 64-bit retropie now i've just looked and the gamecube is actually mostly 640 by 480 and so i figured i'd try that as a resolution because that might give me a little bit more performance so let's launch smuggler's run press the button when it's starting up select default video mode and drop down to 640x480 which is the lowest and let's pick that top one there and then launch okay so this is 640 by 480. i've definitely noticed that things like the startup screens and the videos play better in this than i've had on anything else on the pie so smug does missions let's go with that sounds right in this bit menus are nice and snappy and i don't know a way of accessing more of the controls so in the retropie menu it says i think it's select and x i've tried all sorts of button combinations and i can't seem to get any extra access to maybe something like frame skip which might give me a bit better performance so audio choppy again here and so maybe there'll be a setting for the audio because the overall game play yes it is a bit slow it go it goes faster after a while um but uh but the overall gameplay is reasonably smooth little break is probably yeah that one's break there we go and uh yeah so so i think the handling yes i can see it's it's a bit slow but um some gamecube games are obviously gonna be better than others so some some use less resources it's a nice crash uh so let's quit out of that so hulk's usually really good but last time i tried this it didn't load but i'll try it now i've got it on 640 by 480. yeah so it gets stuck at this point and i think when it gets stuck i can't even quit out of it i know i can so auto model easter so things like the intros tend to work pretty well yeah nice and smooth no stuttering on the audio so if you download this let me know in the comments what games you've had success with and also if there's any other settings or if you've been able to access more of the settings menus yeah i can hear the audio's a bit stuck around here but it was on smuggler's run and it was on kelly slater so maybe there's an audio setting that we can change that might help yeah so this this is very slow uh i haven't tried this on uh say what a monk has built with manjaro with the standalone dolphin emulator in it yet yeah it's definitely too slow to play let's have a look at it and we haven't tried n64 yeah n64 might be an interesting one here we are so let's try dave mirror bmx challenge i don't have the controller properly set up for this but just to show that it launches and starts off a wii game again all the intros are nice and smooth so i can get to this bit but uh because i haven't got a two button it's not going to let me go any further so i need to investigate that a bit further and i also found um atari jaguar was better performance than i think i've had before atari jaguar is a terrible one to emulate for in fact let's go for a super low video mode i can't remember uh yeah so i can also do 640x480 on this as well so definitely that faster than i've had this running before and it is actually playable although really difficult and the track is so hard to see what's going on but i like the way it uh the track sweeps around and goes up and down and everything for a jaguar game this was pretty impressive back in the day it has got some really quite nice simulation style handling on it so thanks very much to munker for sending me this uh it is very impressive especially to see gamecube on there and let me know how you get on with this if you download it from the link and if you've got any settings or games that work particularly well in it thanks very much for watching please like and subscribe you
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 30,471
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Id: AEJBxayJL38
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Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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