Retired Pimps interview-Gino and DC

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- [Pimp] You feel me, sometimes you've got to put your hands on a bitch and let a bitch know that you ain't gonna play with 'em, you know what I'm saying? 'Cause we all out here taking beneficial chances for this shit--. - Oh man, you gotta pay me to look at this, man. You gotta pay me to look at this. - [Pimp] You know what I'm saying? Instead of sitting in jail, so that's what we gon' do and that's the role, that's more than a 50% chance of the role, then yeah, bitch don't play. You feel me, you gonna have to put your hands on a bitch, so, it's like. The best things to do is to have you a white bitch, you feel me? If you have you a white bitch, or an asian bitch, a bitch that's not black, if you have you a bitch that's not black, I promise you, you ain't gonna have to put your hands on her, and she's gonna bring you a little bit more money. You know what I'm saying? When you dealing with black bitches, African Americans, you know what I'm saying? You gonna have to put your hands on them to intimidate them, and that's just because where we come from, you feel me? And due to the circumstances and situations that I'm pimpin', you hoeing, I know you a real bitch and you know I'm a real nigga, so some shit a black man ain't gonna, some shit a black man can't tell no black bitch, you feel me? Like you can tell a white bitch, like look, go walk the blade with no shoes on. - Press stop. - Press stop. - You can press stop on that. - [Interviewer] What do you guys think of that? That's a new era? - That's a guerrilla pimp. - Yeah, that's some other shit. - That's a guerrilla pimp. That's a guerrilla pimp, That's a guerrilla pimp, Yeah, I mean that's, that's not where I come from. - [Interviewer] Your game had much more class and style and respect, and--? - Well you know, I'm a gentleman before anything, I was raised by my mother. She didn't teach me to physically abuse people, because that sounds like abuse to me. Now don't get me wrong, when somebody get out of line, you may have to do something, but not like that, to me, to me, I don't know about him. - What'd you make of that, D.C.? - It was all over the place, to be honest, you know. - Well he was all over the place because he was swiggling. - [Interviewer] I mean the relationship, I've talked to a lot of pimps now and a lot of girls that have had pimps, and it seems like a lot of the females want, they seek out a pimp, they want that relationship. It's not like the pimp is making them do it, they seek out these guys, and they say, hey, I want you to be my pimp. - Well, let me tell you, since the beginning of time, a lot of women associate and get hit with love. So that would be that type of woman, because if I can't talk to you and we can't come to a mutual understanding in conversation, you need to go. Because you can have me put in jail, and I'm not going to jail for you. No money, nothing, so that's where I stand with that. And that's just me. - [Interviewer] Thank you. All right, G No, and D.C. - Yeah. - Yes. - [Interviewer] You guys grew up where? You're from L.A.? - I was born and raised here in L.A., yes. - [Interviewer] And D.C., where you from. - L.A., born and raised. - [Interviewer] And the neighborhoods you guys grew up in, were there pimps when you guys grew up? You're both older gentlemen, so I'm wondering how the game has developed and changed over the years. - Well, I can speak on me, I was brought up, my father was in the life, my uncles kind of ran this city of L.A. Back in the 60s and 70s, they were very prominent people. So this was the only thing I knew. I didn't see nothing else but that, I saw my daddy and his friends, which I consider, call my uncles today, they had the big fancy cars and all that stuff and it inspired me to be in the game. So that's how I really. - [Interviewer] What year was this, when you were a teenager? - Shit, no man. I saw this from a kid, like six years old, seven years old. - [Interviewer] And what year was this? - 1966. - [Interviewer] 66. - Yeah we moved to the west side in 66. I came from the east side, and we moved to the west side in 66. And I went to good schools, I didn't have to take this lane that I took, I just did it because it was what I wanted. So that's how I really got into it and like I said, that was in 1966. I saw the Cadillacs, the jewelry, the money, the girls, I saw all that. So, you know. - [Interviewer] Would you say the role models you had growing up were similar? - Well, you could say for the most part. Yeah, I grew up on the same side of town, on the west side, so it was the same thing going on over there. - [Interviewer] Do you think the pimp-prostitute thing has being going on for as long as man has been around, or? - Oh, fo' sho'. - In some form? - Yeah. In some form, yes. - They say it's the oldest profession, so. - Yeah. Yeah. - [Interviewer] How has it changed over the years? - Oh wee, golly, I mean it's took, shit a 180, you know, it's not the same today, what all this new internet stuff, and the laws changed, so that makes it a lot different, you know. - [Interviewer] Much harder to--. - Yeah, it's like, you know, I wouldn't advise nobody to do this, nobody. I mean you know, if you wanna go to prison for the rest of your life. I decided, one day I was sitting in jail and I decided I was a bad criminal. So, I changed my life, I said well, if I get caught 33 times doing all different type of stuff, this ain't working for me, I'm a bad criminal, so I came home and I changed my life. - [Interviewer] So you're no longer doing it? - No, I'm no longer in anything illegal at all. - [Interviewer] You're a respectable businessman. - But I'm still in the life because the life is life, it's just I'm playing in a different field. - [Interviewer] There's nothing you're doing that's gonna put you in jail? - No, nothing illegal, nothing illegal, I'm a fashion designer, I do events, I give three big events a year. So, it's nothing I do that's illegal, but it's still the knowledge I got from coming up in the life and just use it to what I'm doing now. - [Interviewer] And the circle of friends continues. - Well, yes, because I never wanna forget where I came from. I'm gonna have love for my peers that I came up with. I'll never say, I'm better than you, or I can't deal with you because whatever. I don't do that, so. It's still the same. - [Interviewer] And D.C., similar story for you? You're now a respectable businessman? - Yes sir, I run a restaurant now, and I've been in the business for the last four years. Simply Delicious, southern Creole cuisine, in Midcity, LA. And I've been doing income property for the last 25 years, also. - [Interviewer] And did your experience in the game help you guys with what you're doing today? - Oh fo' sho'. Me, I can't speak on him, but it did with him, too. I mean I'm around him a lot, I've been knowing him since he was younger. We just utilize what we learn there and put it in a legitimate form. I mean think about it, think about all the people that turn their life around. That were in the game at one point in time, and now they just don't do it. I mean, most people my age, and I'm 60 years old. I just turned 60 last month. He's a little younger, but most people our age, you'd be a fool to get out here and try to do this stuff now. - [Interviewer] How many girls would you have in your stable, back in the day? - Well, I'mma tell you honestly, around three. I just had three. - [Interviewer] And D.C.? - Well I had a string at one time, but sitting them down all at the same time didn't pan out, so I'd say about six, five to six consistently, on and off. - [Interviewer] These are African American girls or white girls, Hispanic? - It was a mix. - A mix? - Yeah. - All walks of life. - [Interviewer] Something for everybody. And did it ever, I've heard some stories in the typical stereotype of pimps is that there's an intimidation and violence and all that stuff. Was that part of your thing? - Well, that was there, it was a lot of that, because I would say, a lot of cats can't accept the news. When they female chose up on 'em. So some of them kind of had the cowboy approach, where if you get your heart stolen, you might get into a shootout. It's like stealing someone's horse, you know. If they not straight lace. But if they straight lace, they understand how the game go. - [Interviewer] So, violence was part of the game back then. - It came with the territory, you know. - [Interviewer] And prison also? - Yeah all that goes with the territory. - [Interviewer] What was the longest your girls have stayed with you? Any one of them, what's the longest a girl has been with you? - Man, I just had one just leave me after seven years. I mean and then, she worked a square job and stuff, but she was really a good girl, and then one day she just woke up and decided she wanted to be on drugs. So I'd say, seven years. Because in any lifestyle, when you're dealing with women, they come and they go. They don't come to stay, I mean. They come going. So every day I used to look at them girls and say, man are you guys still here, are you guys crazy, or is it me? I can say seven years, what about you D? - Yeah, I mean, seven, eight, nine, yeah. I had got decent runs, five years, six years, depending over the decades that I was in the game. Each decade, I had my share of runs. - [Interviewer] Were you guys married when you did this? - No. - No? - I was. - You were? - My ex wife, the mother of my children, who I love dearly and always will love. She understood my lifestyle. And you gotta understand, when I did anything, because I wasn't just pimping, I was doing it all, that's why I said I was bad criminal. Because I was getting arrested and it was like, this ain't working. You look up one day and you done been arrested 33 times. But she understood my lifestyle, she knew it was all just to make a better way for us to live. - [Interviewer] You were supporting the family. - Exactly, and she was accepting to a certain extent, as much as a woman can be. - [Interviewer] What was the arrangement with the girls? Would you keep all of the money? - Yes, when it came to that, but sometimes when they did other things, we made deals, because it wasn't just about that with men. It was, we did other things, we did jewelry, we did it all. So we had to make a deal, because you wanted everybody to be happy. We wanted to cut the pie up fair. When it came to other than dealing with this pimp stuff. - [Interviewer] D.C. same thing? You would keep the money? - I would manage the money, yeah. - [Interviewer] And what you would provide is security? - Definitely that came with the territory. - [Interviewer] And did you guys have children? - I do, I got two children. - D.C.? - No kids? - Well I got kids, but not coming up throughout the game. - [Interviewer] Lets say one of your daughters or sons decided to follow your footsteps. - I don't think so, that's not gonna happen. - You know, it's funny you say that, because I really feel fortunate, because of my era, everybody was doing something illegal to make money. That was the hip, slick, cool thing to do. But none of our kids followed in our footsteps, and I think I had a generational curse, because I followed in my grandfather's footsteps, and then in my father's footsteps. And I just thank God every day, both my kids are grown, they're doing their own thing, they're legitimate people, they pay taxes every day, I mean every year. - [Interviewer] So you did something right. - Yeah, it's all through the grace of God. Nothing I did. - [Interviewer] And did you have sex with your girls? - Yeah. - Yes. - That also came with the territory. - [Interviewer] D.C., did you do prison time? - Well, I got caught up in some stuff, but I don't wanna get into that. - [Interviewer] No problem, I won't push you. What are the qualities you think a pimp needs to be successful, to be a good pimp. - Be true to the game, and true to yourself, and straight laced with no chase. Just be straight laced about the business. - G No, what do you think? - The me, the quality is for a good mack, a mack. Not just a pimp, a mack. He has to represent himself as a king. The world has to revolve around him. You're coming into my world, I'm not coming into y'all's. So, you gotta be dressed, you gotta give them something that they've never seen before. When you walk in the room, the whole room should be looking at me. That's the way I dress, that's the way I feel because I put myself on a pedestal. So if I don't feel good about me, how I'mma feel good about having you? - [Interviewer] The pimp's style has changed dramatically over the years. - [G No] Oh wee, we watched the video the other day, and it was like, really? - [Interviewer] One of the videos on my channel? - [G No] No, no, just a video, period about this new wave stuff. I call it new wave. - [Interviewer] Yeah, some people call it guerrilla pimping and stuff like that. - Yeah, well that's been going on since the beginning of time. So we not gonna talk about that. I'm just talking about their attire. The way they represent theirself. I thank God I'm not into this today. 'Cause I couldn't do it. The skinny jeans, and I guess the rapping you know, they wanna be rappers. - Yeah, well a lot of them come up without no good background following it. And you know, they took all the class out the game and they think it's hip to run around with the urban clothes on with their pants hanging off of 'em, and when it started changing, and they started coming out with the clothes, two, three times too big, big T shirts, and it just was a big change, you know, and that was in the early 90s that I can recall when it started surfacing. - Well they really don't have morals and principals today, anything goes, they're playing with kids, it's just a whole different thing. I tell people that recognize me, go another direction, don't do this. - [Interviewer] Were drugs a part of the picture? - Huh? - Were drugs a part of the picture when you guys were in your heyday? - With me, yes. - And your girls? - No, not with them. - But you were using? - I've always used, yeah. - And crack was a huge drug? - No, that came later on in life. I was brought up around, like I said, I was brought up around the game. Cocaine was inseparable back then. It was a pimp drug, it was a hustler drug, so that's how I got in and then it elevated to different stuff along the line, like I told you I was down here for three years. Then I came home and the wine bar. - [Interviewer] So you got out of prison and the put you up in housing? - Yeah they put me there. - [Interviewer] That happens a lot. - Yeah, they put me there, but I had a house at the Encino. I had found two girls and they got into this internet stuff, and they got me rich, and they've got a house in Encino, and it just took off from there. This life has a lot of ups and downs. The good, the bad, the ugly, and if you're gonna get into it, be ready to accept everything that goes with it. Because it's not all peaches and cream. Sometimes we had to cut up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just to eat. It's not what it's cracked up to be. But the blessing part if to live to be our age. And live through it. - You don't make it out the game successfully past 30, which most people don't, coming up in the game. Because all the trials and errors that you encounter, and sometime it just be on people and not in them. - Yeah, exactly. - I'm talking about the ism, the game. So, a lot of it have it on them and it's not in them, so they just go through a phase, a fast or something. And it's not really who they are. - [Interviewer] It's not cut out for everybody. - Yeah, they just slide in the game off of crack and they had found it appealing, and think they can do it. - [Interviewer] What, of all the women that you've had work for you, which is your personal favorite? - You know, with me, I have to love them all, a certain amount of love, because that comes with the respect that they give me as a man. So I gotta cherish them, so all of them had a special part of my life. Like recently, just last month, a friend of mine got killed and she was a working girl. They found her, I got a call, we had went to Las Vegas on a vacation, me and her, and she wanted to stay with me, and I said, no, you gotta go back to your family. And you got a kid and stuff. She gave me a donation, but I didn't do anything with her as far as putting her out there, now she did all this on her own, but I'm not turning down nothing, as far as somebody giving me a gift. And I got a call like three Sundays ago, or was it two Sundays? Three Sundays ago. And they said, so and so was found in a motel room with her throat slashed. It really bothered me, because when I put her on that plane to go back to Kansas City, she was like, no I wanna stay with you, and I'm trying to tell her, I'm not with the game, I understand this is you, but this ain't me, you have a kid. So, I just think, well I'm not gonna say that maybe if I would've kept her, this wouldn't have happened, because when it's your time to die, it's your time to die. I just hated that it happened to her. It really affected me, and I just had to sit back and thank God that I'm not in that lifestyle no more. Where I could've really pursued her in a way, because she really wanted to be my girl, doing that, and I'm like, I'm 60 years old, sweetheart. I'm not doing that today. - [Interviewer] Do you think the relationship a woman has with her pimp is somehow trying to recreate the relationship she might've had with her father? They call you daddy, they look up to you, they give you the money, they bring you--. - You may be a father figure to some of them, yeah, because they was missing that in their life and they wanted that, and needed it. - [Interviewer] And sometimes had abusive relationships with their fathers and they end up in a real abusive relationship again with a pimp. Not you guys necessarily, but in general. - Like I said, you gotta be their everything. So that means a father figure, because you're basically guiding these people along the way, what you want them, what you perceive you to be, so you can want the best for them. So, yeah kinda sorta. - [Interviewer] All right you guys, very interesting talk. Thank you very much for coming in and sharing your experiences. - Yeah thank you for your time. - [G No] Thanks for the guidance, yes. - [Interviewer] Thank you very much.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 322,962
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Id: EocALB6YMik
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Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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