Pimp interview-Vinnie Mac

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all right Vinnie Mack yes Vinnie Mack yes where'd you grow up where are you from originally amen they called me Vinnie Mack the five star general I'm Long Beach finest man out of Long Beach California man tell me about how you grew up I grew up as a nickel and dime Hustler when I was a young kid I saw weed when I was young uh then we we you know of course Long Beach is is a [ __ ] City so I was one of the founders of the Crips back in the days I did my hustling in the streets Dan and then uh I ended up learning about the game as usual the two books Iceberg Slim and Donald goines I didn't like Iceberg Slims but because he was trying to you know he's really mean to women and stuff like that I'm not into that you know my name is Vinnie Matt I'm a Mac I'm not you know if I got to put my hands on you I don't need you I don't believe in all that type of uh Mac is more like a gentleman pimp yes sir I I could really consider myself as a perceptional gentleman at leisure you know what I mean and she got introduced to the game early yes now I'm gonna kick back and I'm gonna take you in the ride you get in the back seat let me tell you this story Mark I cut my teeth right here across the street back about 20 years ago this was a major hole stroll right here with your Studios at right here Mark I used to park my car right across the street so my girl she used to work right here to make my ends meet I would work three or four whole strolls a day to make everything come together so I when I when I cut my teeth in Hollywood in 1978 I had a a giant a legend was Hollywood snake and we was part of the old Hollywood division and when I got with him we toured the country together Snape was a pimp who had on the girl had snake tattooed on their face ah I heard that yeah that's it that's Hollywood snake and on the ankle so I I came up under him you know I I I came up in Long Beach of course I got my Stacy Adams on because in Long Beach you know that's from the gangsterism versus Stacy Adams all the real gangster with slack Stacy Adams abused real sophisticated we kind of modeled ourselves after Al Capone but the stations on the slacks I didn't have to think armbands on here had the Hat linked to side at the time you know this wasn't this is all while I was in high school I was always a really nice dresser you understand what I'm saying so what happened was when I cut my teeth in Long Beach and snakes even though he's Hollywood snake he was actually from Long Beach and so when he cut into me I I was I was had a couple of girls at the time and uh this is what happened mark it was a guy that came to town his name was Billy Joe he came from Alaska he was 10 Deep they had two sets of twins I admired the man so much but you know what happened marked when you admire man so much and you talk about a man so much in the household he knocked me from one of my girls and you talking about a bad feeling ask Andy pimp when you get knocked for one of your brawls it's getting worse than punched in the stomach in the jaw at the same time and shot in the foot you dig what I'm saying man so if any people tell you they don't really talk about it on there but what when they knock your boy it's a cold feeling but anyway you know I I overcame that nap with my first knocking I got with snake and then we end up going on the road we worked Hollywood for a while we didn't go on the road I was like five deep and snake stayed between 9 and 13 deep so we we left from down here we went up to Bakerfield on Union and handled 13 women at the same time well I only had six it sounds chaotic well and let me tell you something about that it's a good thing that you said that Mark do you got to put this in perspective I'm six deep right but I must have went through 50 women to get six girls to jail together you see what I'm saying because you don't just get six deep in everybody's State you got all these different and personalities some of them like each other some of them don't so you know when somebody say they're six deep they don't get behind the story how you got the six deep you go you know because you're dealing with all kind of mental issues that sometimes you got all these different challenges with different women and they have to gel together and fit together or not you take all them girls together and you don't really know them guess what's gonna happen you're gonna get knocked again you know say what I'm saying and so by that happening not trying to tighten up my game but snake was a real master at the game to be 9 to 13 deep consistently on a consistent basis man-to-man was game was so heavy you know it seemed like the ground would shake when he'd walk you know I'm saying I got the pleasure of meeting uh when we was in Hollywood I met Bishop Don Juan I met a Detroit slim yes they want to send something you know of course you uh uh it was Joe cater was back in the day he had to he's about and Joe kale by the way is like 30 deep you talking about deep he was like 30 deep with two Rolls Royce a real master the Minx and all that you know what I'm saying I'm saying and if you went into Cato country nine times out of ten you was gonna get knocked so anyway so we back to the story we we we start mounting up and we started he took me he took me he showed me how to go International so we went to Bakersfield it was on Union at the time it was about 80 90 girls working but snake told me Vinnie all we do is mess with major tracks so we want our name to go out there we got Long Beach on our backs we from the Hollywood division yesterday I'm saying we're going to take this on the road and at the time man we was dressing since we was from the West Coast we had Cowboys had linked to the side we had the long perm with the shingle coats on with the dripping when we wore cowboy boots and stuff like that so we had our own flavor for the west coast and so we went from Bakersfield we worked down through there then we went to Fresno on Blackstone the parkway then we ended up going up to it was a little city called Salinas Salinas was is it Northern California right out of Oceanside Salinas was a little British place in the host Road Mark was only three blocks long but guess what mark it was 90 girls in them three blocks and when we got there man it was like a lot of international pimps I got to say and I want to say this here this is where I met Kenny red at I don't say rest in peace his funeral is coming up you do know that he passed away I've had Kitty red I met gangster Brown I met Pippin Pierre Mario all of these were the Bay Area fellas so we was kind of we came together right there and I met a couple International Players sleepy out of New York uh uh Lucky out of Detroit a lot of international players but when you're on the track it was it was more of a camaraderie than you know it was uplifting it wasn't it wasn't like the game is today so we went on to stomp down around there then we went into the Oakland the Bay Area you know I worked up there for years I had some family that stayed up there for about uh 30 years I was back and forth there then we worked in the tenderloin you know then we went up to Portland you know Washington Seattle at these times all these hotels 30 40 50 100 girls on all these tracks I never went to little small places you know what I'm saying I'm a major pimp and I still I would stick out like a sore thumb you know I got my Cadillac I got tipping eight easy on the back I got some ladies on the back I got all these white girls in the car so we tried to stay International on big tracks and you've you've stayed out of prison during your career no no no no no I I was on vacation with a stipulation yes I was I I did my time I did the crime and I did my time and I'm back Jack you did yeah so and so yeah I I went through that I went through that you know you're going to go through that in the game you know but I was under demand act by the way that should say enough and you know I went on to that's when I I certain my book American Fence Divinity Mac story that's why I wrote the book at in prison so that's that's where I got the inspiration at well I took a dark turn in there when my mother passed away when I was I was I was incarcerated and so I ended up being in a federal hole for about nine months and I started writing my book then so the guard would come by and say hey what are you doing I said man he said I see you writing every day you're getting ready for your case I said no I'm actually writing the book and I told him about mother died he said um I ain't supposed to do this but I'm going to take you in a law library and let you start the typing it Mark and that's how the book came about I want to get too far off the track but since you asked me about the jail situation I thought I would explain it a little bit more so you know that's that's where I pinned the book like I said and drugs are part of your life no no I don't I don't I don't I don't really care for drugs but I'm telling you something right now Mark anybody said oh no my girls never use drugs it's more than likely lying because see The Dark Secret in the game is you really didn't talk about what your family did because if you talked about what your family did they gave the other people advantage of being in the inside of your home of course everybody at one time that had a drug addict or two and I'm not going to even lie and say I ain't never had one you did what I'm saying it happens but you know either either but the situation is you want them to try to come up out of the game you know you want to try to uplift them off a dope and then nine dimes out of ten if I couldn't get get them off with dope more than likely they would run off because that's what they really wanted to do and sometimes they were hard to manage you know what I mean but you know everybody goes through that though so like I said once again they said they never had no girl on some dope they probably lying and Vinnie Mack said that so you know I know you did that past interview and they kind of chopped the white boy real bad but you can check my record yes I'm saying that's why I'm putting it down in the ground so I'm an international player for real you dig what I'm saying man what was your childhood like huh what was your childhood like you had oh man my childhood was magnificent my mom worked at uh a uh Douglas aircraft and my dad my stepfather worked at Douglas aircraft they bought a new car she made the newspaper and all that my childhood was perfectly fine I had a wonderful job and I was pretty smart kid and by the way what's your parents attitude about the direction in your life took well my mother was like this because my stepfather died when I was young and uh you know she she didn't really really really really care for it but then you know she supported me in whatever I did but you know what I'm saying but she didn't really care for the lifestyle that I led you know what I'm saying and you know I felt like kind of like the black sheep of the family so to speak you know what I'm saying and uh you know that was that was her take on it so I I actually took a little break I had I had had some uh two two of my kids was by one of my girls and when she left I ended up having getting full custody of my kids so I took a break from the game to start taking them to school I started going to college because I want to be a you know a good father and you know if I'm telling you go to school if I'm not going to so that's what took me back to to college and where I took up radio and television and I was in marketing themselves like I said I took 32 courses learned all aspects of that game you know what I'm saying but during that time I had had a heart attack and then I find myself I'm not going to college I'm not getting my grandmother now here I'm a father right and I got these kids I need to raise and then I got back into the game back to my mother's Point she said you took your ass to college you got all that [ __ ] education and then you got your ass back in this [ __ ] that was where I had to do more God Rest our soul what's more important to You Love or Money you know what uh love is more important to me than money you can always make money you can't make love you have to fall in love or be in love you make all the money in the world but you can't make love you've been in love before you know what Mark I'm telling you something right now I've had a whole bunch of women and I'm gonna tell you something right now anyone's with me I loved all my women because if a woman goes out on the track takes a risk to risking their life giving you all our money and you don't love that woman you got a hole in your soul man and you're doing what's for the girl when she's bringing you all the money well you know what Mark you know I did a lot of things Mark you got to realize in this game it ain't it ain't no 401K in the game right so I would give my girls a daily allowances that they got a chance to put away all their father refers and it in my program Mark every 30 days I would buy my woman some type of jury you understand what I'm saying for 500 start off you know it may it's the longer with three thousands of dollars now they got to keep all of that their allowance all the Furs the cars and the money so when they did when they got out of the game at least they would have something to fall back on if they started to retire I didn't have none of them go get with another pip and gave them all the assets that they had built up in that line nothing like that a lot of people don't know Mark in this game today the life expectancy of a girl in the game is only about five years if you keep a girl past five years you're really doing something because they grow tired of the game you know in and out of running around and doing all these different aspects of the game and then it's dangerous and I'm gonna tell you something else Mark that a lot of people don't know when me personally every time before my girls went to work I would hold hands and be in the prayer circle because I was actually raised in church you understand what I'm saying so I pray for my girls and I'm gonna tell you something else Mark that a lot of people don't know since the game is so dangerous my main girls I send them the self-defense classes yes I was saying so if they got in any type of situation they'll be able to handle themselves they figure they just some hookers but boy they'll they'll whoop the dog [ __ ] at you because you get to messing around whatever you jack you got another Fame coming messing with Vinnie Mac's team you dig what I'm saying man yeah so your style is different than the the the stereotypical pimp oh yeah oh yeah quite different quite different you know you know in this situation it's all about a lot of times it's not all pimps and I don't want nobody trying to do no rebuttal on Vinnie Mac to pimp you dig what I'm saying all pimps ain't the same Mark you got the characteristic of pimps you got to remember a pimps is a hose manager right but you got to realize Pippin is one thing Pippin is a job but they're men before The Pimps right and it depends on the attitude of the man when he gets in the game where people selfish if he was brutal if he was mean and he got in the game those are same characteristic he brought into the game you know this is a gentleman's game man you know this this is a hands-off sports man you know I'm not going to go through all that all that how would you feel I know how I know what I know one thing if I was with somebody and they beat me before they went to sleep they more than likely they not gonna wake up yeah and so I felt the same way you know what I mean because you know in the game you know you can find a lot of cases where where hookers had actually killed her cases here in California one of the girls was getting out finally from from that and they have several other cases of that so you you know you kind of underestimate your girls and and if you like I said depends on the man itself Pippin is one thing but we all men first Mark you see what I'm saying so it depends on how you were you know what I mean how is it how has the game changed in all the years you've been doing it oh Mark let me tell you something man I'm gonna give you the game has changed let me give you a couple examples the the time has changed for one thing and I'll tell you something let me put this out here mark all the hookers choose their pimps or what they so-called films right so what happens was when when they end up choosing a gang banger a drug dealer or something like that and then they have a bad mishaps in the game they say they hate pimps but they never had a pimp in the first place they took somebody else and tried to make them appealth but there wasn't pimps in the first place so the game has changed because those type of people got in the game they didn't learn the game see I learned from Hollywood snake a true veteran I learned watching gangster Brown feel more slim a bishop I watched them come up you know I came up right but the days guys they don't want to have ah he's OG ah he didn't want to hear nothing you got to say you understand what I'm saying so what they're doing is they're making up their own style of the game Mark and what they didn't infiltrated all this gangsterism and and this drug dealing all this deception and being brutal means so they just stepped up the game Real High you know a regular whole case a pimp case you get from about 16 months six years now the feds have stepped in you'd like to get 10 20 30 40 life triple life depending on your record you see what I'm saying so the by the MP those people are getting in the game not really know what they're doing and be getting pimp cases but that don't mean they're pimps they just have got it and let me say every month every guy that receives money from a hoe ain't no vent Mark you understand what I'm saying it's a different that's how that's what then then got in the game I'm gonna give you a perfect example mark I was out on Figueroa about five months ago right I was out there with I got some some banners that I put on my car I bought my book America pip the Mini Max story right I pulled into the gas station bar guess what that marked free gunman ran up on my car and tried to rob me you know anything said me Mark the police pull in the gas station right there on on Slauson and fig you know at the Chevron right there I know you familiar with the area and then them guys swooped up instead of getting any kind of game anything they wanted they want to come rob me and they was and they had guns yesterday was that that's in the old game they didn't do nothing like that Mark they didn't wasn't up running up trying to rob you and kid you now if just three guys with three guns what you think they're gonna do with them mark that's what I'm saying the game has changed I'm I'm dressed like I am today got the advertised on the car way more jewelry on at the time though you see what I'm saying and that's how it's changed today and I'll tell you what if you go out to figure it right now you got dudes down there Speed Racing up and down the track jumping out chasing women down the track all this just stuff to give the game a black Iron Man call them whole hustlers you know what I call him in the way ass [ __ ] that's what they is they're in the way and they they got the game all blurred man all that is not game art that is from the guys and gangbangers them drug dealers and Hustlers see what they do is when international players come to town they don't know how to talk to you they want to rob you or they want to chase your girl around what they're trying to do is run you out of town you know what I mean so you it looks all glamorous you see all these girls out here and Mark let me tell you something else the average hooker in America makes about 400 a day that's average so you got a lot of below and you got not and you got some above you understand what I'm saying the average stripper in La only bank is two thousand dollars a month mark these effects gotta look them up so you got to say that these got lots of a lot of these girls out here they're getting 200 225 240. did those are the average now you got holes and you you've got these guys they got super hoes super hose is just natural born holes to check a thousand fifteen hundred two thousand three thousand depends on the day but the average price is my classification of a super hole is twelve hundred dollars a day or more a day you're doing a super good job seeing what the average is you're doubling over average and a little bit more do you think prostitution should be legalized I actually do think the team Mark and that's a good question mark you're a great interview I like you man in this in this lifestyle it would be better to legalize prostitution and put it in a controlled area because you see plus some places in Mexico in in Southern America they got one spot I looked up they got a part where you with the girls to date in the car they pull into like a farm area and you know how you have those car washes like that they could pull right into the stall date the guys in a secure environment and they can drive them right back to the track if we could have that control situation over here it would cut back on a lot of the crime it it cut back on all the seriousness to go with the game you know and you know what the longer goes without the murder the robberies the rapes and all these type of things that would go all the way matter of fact uh you know they made it so uh uh uh for Lord and for prostitution here in California there's no crime no more so they're on the right track the right steps but I think to get prostitution legal in America make it taxable is to create a lot of revenue for the American government in in in in in in in a closed setting and it had revenue for us and we could take that same revenue from the hookers and start you know giving it to the homeless put a homeless something together you know what I mean just to improve our environment you know what I mean so in my opinion yes I think it should be legal and like in some places you know it's certainly like in in some parts of Nevada you know it's got that legal like the Mustang Ranch and stuff like that we need to spread that abroad not only to Roth but street workers too like I said and have that closed environment where they could just park and and date and do the thing and it would make things a lot better and all that other crime that goes with it would go away but most of it anyway I can't say it go away 100 percent pimps are one of the most hated segments of of society is the most hated probably yeah pedophiles what do you what would you say I mean what do people not understand about temps I mean I know there's many different types see first of all you kind of answer the question there are many different types you got to remember pivot is a is a job title it's the man itself that gets into the game it will give the game a black guy make it hate it because all you hear about is they make women go to Fourth they force them into prostitution they kidnapping them they raping them they do hell against their will but that's so far from true it's ridiculous that's it I would say in about I was I wouldn't even give it seven or eight percent of the of the overall 100 scope that that actually happens you know what I mean and that's why the laws are going up for people like that but overall pimps are not not I know I wasn't a bad person I can't speak for each individual Mark so it's kind of a blanket statement statement I'm making here you know what I mean what kind of qualities does a woman need in order to do this kind of work what do you look for well what you got to first of all first of all Mark and just as I've studied this a little bit right a lot of women that get in the game is these have been uh molested by the uncles or fathers or brothers they've been in foster care been molested abused by the foster care system so those types of women come out of that strong because they had to survive all of that so that so that it has to be a person that that that's kind of been through something to be able to go through something especially being in this type of game now they got some people that ain't nothing everybody's not like that but a high percentage and I don't want to miss quota percentage but the high percentage comes from that background or you know they came from the mother on welfare uh the mother was on drugs you know the speed meth heroin and they grew up like that seeing that environment and some of them just wanted better their lives and I'll tell you what Mark a lot of women that be on drugs and get a man they'll they'll end up putting their daughters out you understand what I'm saying I'm gonna tell you something else mark sixty percent of the team that I had I met their families and once they got to know me as who I am and knowing that's the way the dollars was they got my blessing because you know what I always respect to help their families their sisters their brothers some of them had kids out there a lot of the women in the game either their grandmother got the kids or their mamas got their kids they get in the little County check but they wasn't getting an extra so I would try to give them some extra money like I said put something to decide for them they really try to help them and their families you know you believe in karma yes I'm leaving Karma yeah how does karma play out in your life well I went to jail that's how comfortable played out for me I went to jail but it's a part of the game that's about I didn't go to jail for pimping I went to jail for Miss Pippen that's making sure this make this true and correct right when you miss me if you go to jail you pick it right you don't go to jail but yeah karma is a mother then I'm gonna say when you stitch by Karma all those guys that beat the women forced the women do all those that thing that brings that Karma back on you it's gonna come back to them double or more you know what I mean so all so when they get it oh I got 20 years oh I got 30 oh yeah well how was you acting when you got him that's Karma do you regret getting into the game no I don't I don't reveal it how old are you now uh you know I'm yesterday man you did what I'm saying yeah I'm ageless you've been around yeah okay how about that yeah if you had your life to live all over again what would you have done differently well you know what Mark I'd say this for you but I I'm a religious man we're all in the Book of Life already Mark you couldn't change your life if you wanted to because guess what and I could have been born a thousand years ago and you could have been born two thousand years from now and guess what we wouldn't be having this interview if God didn't want us doing it here now Mark how about that so there's there's lots of drama and Chaos in the life that you lead I mean tell me tell me some of the stories about some of the girls you've worked with or well some of your friends yeah uh unfortunately you know I I've been I was blessed to be in the game for a very long time and I I've only had one girl that actually got killed in the game and she was messing with the what the the what's a mafia won't say which one and when she got with me she was dating one of the guys and so she's some kind of way she owed them some money in them up yeah yeah yeah with my I won't say which one right I'm gonna leave that alone but they wouldn't even take the money back Mark they want to take her life instead I've had uh it was interested in the game though well here let's I'm this is this is a very good topic do you remember the Green River Killer I don't do Green River Killer started in Seattle he went all up and down all the West Coast murdering women on the track then we had another incident in Bakersfield was another killer out there killing all the women on the track so there's a lot of tragedy that you really don't hear about the backstory of how that goes you know what I'm saying the serial killers the rapists and women have been some kind of stabbed and you know that in some case hit with a hatchet so it's it's a lot of tragedy in the game that's really unspoken that really needs to be talked about and dressed you know what I'm saying mark it's a very dangerous lifestyle it's a very very dangerous and I want to say this here if you've got something that's better to do find another occupation and that's real talk I'm just telling you from Benny Max protector I don't care if you pimps don't like it and what you got to say this is my own mouth and I can say what I got to say is doing all the tragedy and trying but somebody got something to do something different try something different go to school get your education man try to visit yourselves as a pimp Your Role is to be not just their money manager but their Mentor right what other things among other things you know what I'm saying of course of course you you psychologist you your lover in my case since I kept a lot of religion in my household you brought the prisons of religion into the household and stuff like that you know here you basically do everything you know what I'm saying and uh you know and like I know you've heard this before but your girls are like your wives you know what I'm saying it's like it's like being in Utah you got eight or nine girls together you know what I'm saying so every all of them are like your wives if you treat if you treat the game right that's it's a it's a lot of game I'm gonna tell you something else Mark a lot of pimps get killed I'm gonna tell you let me give you an instance about how dangerous it is for us like the statement I told you over on Figueroa now we we in Hollywood on Sunset this girl gangbang girl came by and was talking just talking crazy to us right and said you say something I go get my men he'll come get all y'all Mark you understand me I left and guess what happened that man ran up saying you guys pimps and started trying to gun everybody down so it's very it's very dangerous not just for them for us too you understand what I'm saying so it's a lot of that backstory though that they haven't heard they've had they've had pimps get killed by tricks you understand what I'm saying those type of things are unspoken that you know really needs to be addressed so it's actually really dangerous for us also Mark that you I've watched some interviews that the other pimps hadn't talked about so that thank you for answering that question I mean asking that question and Vinnie what would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life well you know you know you know the game it it humbled me because I actually felt for each individual that I had you understand what I'm saying so to me it became a humbling experience being in the game and I also a grateful experience because to like I said to have women trust in me believe in me and actually virtually put my life into their hands it like I said it was just all so humbling man you know what I mean it's very humbling experience Mark you know to me it was fascinating exciting and you know of course we got a lot of money at the same time you know what I'm talking about yeah all right Vinnie Mack thank you so much for sharing your story okay May thank you Mark I appreciate you baby we wish you the best of luck out there all right yeah all right man thank you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 615,356
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Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: nYnmmjW1Svs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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