Prostitute interview-Ann

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- [Mark] All right, Ann. Ann, where'd you grow up? Where are you from originally? - [Ann] Texas. - [Mark] What part of Texas? - [Ann] Port Arthur. - [Mark] And tell me about your childhood, you had both your parents? - My dad, you know, he was never there, just me and my brother and my sister and my mom. - [Mark] How was your childhood? How was your childhood? - It was fine, until she, her last marriage, you know, after her last marriage then things changed and became difficult. We went from being spoiled and having everything. And then when she got married we had to move into a one bedroom house, which it left me and my brother and my sister sleeping on the floor, you know, with rats, roaches, and all kinds of crazy stuff. And then her husband had a son, a grown son, and he was... he was molesting us. I mean, he started with my sister, my big sister, and he started molesting her and everything like that. And then, but she would fight him all the time, so, once he got through with her, then he started going after me, you know, and which, one night I was sleeping, like I said, we had to sleep on the floor, in the living room because it was only one bedroom. So I was sleeping on the floor, and he came to me and you know what I'm saying? And he, like, put his hands over my mouth. I was laying on the floor, and he put his hands on my mouth like this. And he said, "Be quiet," because he used to always bully us and beat us up and stuff like that. So I was really scared of him. And when he put his hands on my mouth, I was so tiny though, and he laid on top of me and I just remember, I couldn't breathe. You know, the weight of his body on top of me, I couldn't breathe. You know, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't say anything- - How old were you? - Huh? - How old were you? - I was nine and a half, getting ready to turn, no, matter of fact, I was 10, 10 years old, 10. Yeah, and he was 23. Yeah, so, you know, he's laying on top of me, and I couldn't breathe. And for some odd reason, you know, we had an earthquake, and my mom ran out of the room, and she was like, "Did you feel that earthquake?" And and she stopped dead in her tracks, because he was on top of me. And then he jumped off of me. Like, he jumped back, and then he just started digging in the carpet like this, real hard, in the carpet real fast and real hard like this, like, a dog was scratching something, he was doing like this. And I don't think I can remember. I was, so I was so exhausted from him being on top of me. And then I was sleepy too, 'cause it was early in the morning, you know? And after he did that, so my mom, she sat on the edge of the couch, and she looked and then she got up, and she went back in her bedroom, closed the door. And then she came back out the bedroom. And by then, he had got up and went, sat on the couch and, only thing I remember, basically, is them pouring out a lot of change on top of the table and he was really, really nervous. And when my mom came back into the room, she kept calling my name and tried to make me sit up. But I was so tired. I couldn't, I was exhausted. So I was just wondering what the hell just happened. You know? And I remember his semen, his sperm, was on my leg. I didn't know what it was. I just knew it had a smell that just made me get really really nauseated, you know? And my mom, she went, after she came back out the bedroom the second time, she looked at him, and she was asking me questions and stuff. So by then, she got up and went in the kitchen, and got the biggest butcher knife she could find. And... she came towards him, in which he ran into the bedroom. Like I said, it was a one bedroom. So there was only one bathroom in the bedroom. So he ran in there, and right when he was closing the door, she came down with the knife like this. And I remember that, because the knife was stuck in the door like a couple of days because they couldn't get it out the door. I mean, that's literally how, it was one of those thick doors, it was literally how hard she hit the door. And my stepfather, he grabbed my mom. They started fighting. And then that's when he ran out the room. And, he left, and my mom came back in the room, and she looked at me and she said, you know, "I'm not gonna let you mess up my marriage." 'Cause they had just got married. She said, "I'm not gonna let you mess up my marriage." She said, she looked at me. She said, "You probably wanted it anyway." You know, I said I didn't understand that. Now, I didn't really get, it was early in the morning, so they made me go to school the next morning. I mean, with no explanation, no one talked to me or nothing. They just asked me stupid questions. And I went to school that day, and I was just numb the whole day. And I think that's when I started being withdrawn and stuff like that. And when I got home from school, all my things was packed, and, excuse me, and my mom took me to my grandmother's house in the valley, and just dropped me off. And she made the statement again, "I'm not gonna let you up fuck my marriage." And she dropped me off there and it seems like my grandmother, she was really angry with me, because that was her only daughter. So, she's gonna side when my mom, you know? She seemed like she was very very angry with me about the situation. You know what I'm saying? And no one talked to me, consoled me, nothing. It just seemed like they just made it to be my fault. Like I get something wrong. So now I'm staying with my grandmother, and it was hell because it's like, she hated me. It was like, she wouldn't buy me clothes or anything. She used to go and, you know how people throw away clothes in the dumpster and stuff? She told me she was going to the dumpster and get clothes. And then the clothes I had to wear to school and everything like that. Okay, so now about a year later, her husband, my grandfather, started molesting me. You know, he started, doing oral sex on me. Eat my pussy, you know what I'm saying? And it's like, at first I thought he was just torturing me, because he used to grab me and pin me between his legs. And he scrubbed the shit out of my neck with alcohol, until it was just red and bruised. I mean, it was just straight torture, He was always grabbing me, but I didn't understand it then. But as time went on, I'd understand what he was doing. He was grabbing me, and he was putting my head down in his crotch, 'cause he kept my head right there, on his dick. And he would just scrub my neck, scrub it, scrub it, scrub it, scrub it. And you know what I'm saying, if I didn't do what he'd say, he would do all kinds of bad things to me, beat me, pinch me, you know, one time he took a knife and stuck me in my back with it. Not really. I mean, it bled a little bit, but not really deep, he used to beat me with extension cords, and whatever he could get his hands on. So that's growing up there. And if I didn't, I wasn't really used to it. So I started being real, real withdrawn and stuff like that. And I started stealing, you know, and all kinds of things, and stuff like that. So by now, when my grandmother found out that my grandfather was molesting me, because he was taking me to the back of the building, and you know how you go into a car stall, and then they have the, like, storage place above the car stall? He would actually make me get crawled up in there, and he would get his big ass up in there, and that's where he would molest me. And he used to choke grab me by my throat, hold me down, choke me, slap me, spit in my face, made me open my mouth, then he would spit in my mouth, you know what I'm saying? And telling me I better swallow it. And if I didn't swallow it, he would beat me. It's like, one time he took a belt, like a real stretchy belt, and he's like, telling me to get on my knees, and I was crying. I was telling him, I didn't want to do it. Please just leave me alone. And because I was in the bed, I was trying to hide. I was playing with my baby dolls. Actually, I was playing with my dolls, because by now I'm withdrawing. So everything that was happening to me, I used to how do you put it, acted out with my dolls? You know, the things that was happening to me I used to recreate- - [Mark] (indistinct) Yes, with my dolls and stuff like that. And I would sit there for hours doing that and crying, and stuff like that. But he took, this one time, he took this belt and he wrapped around my throat, and he just pulled it and squeezed as hard as he could. And all I remember is blanking out. And when I came to, he was making me drink his piss. 'Cause he had one of those bags, you know? He had a catheter, and so his urine, it went into a bag, but he took the tube out of his dick, and stuck it in my mouth. It was drowning me with his piss. You know what I'm saying? He had that belt around my throat. So I was getting choked and drowning in piss at the same time, just straight torture. So by now my grandmother, and then he was also giving me money too, hush money, which didn't matter to me. I was just scared to death. So my grandmother found out about it, because she went in my wallet, checked my wallet, and she asked me where I got the money from. So I told her for grandpa, Why did he give you some money? So I told her, so the next day after that, after I told the truth, I'm getting shipped back to LA. And I'm like, wow. So when I got back, they shipped me back to LA, that's when I started, just really like, acting out, and stuff like that. You know what I'm saying? I was always shy and stuff like that. But... These, I mean, I used to get beat with extension cords, I mean, whatever kind of cord they could find, the thickest cords you can find, the thinnest cords you can find, they used to beat me it. I mean, webs all over my body, and back then they didn't have child protective custody. So didn't nobody care, because when you went to school, the principal was able to whoop you. You know what I'm saying? So I went from getting beat at home, to getting beat at school, getting tortured by my sister, and all the rest of that stuff, and molested. And then as I grew up and stuff like that, I started trying to, you know, I kinda like started right away. And that's the first time I came downtown was when I was like 13 years old. I ran away from home. Because I, you know, I knew she was gonna beat me really, really bad, because I stayed out too late, and I just didn't want that beating. I just knew it was gonna be really bad. So I came down here, downtown, and I remember staying in Tent City, and all kind of vacant buildings and stuff like that. And so much stuff would happen. But you know, it's like, it's really hard today, because everything, you know, my whole childhood was took from me, you know, I didn't have a childhood, you know? Excuse me. I went for being a child, you know, to having to be grown and deal with everything. 'Cause it seemed like no matter where I went, what I did, some grown-ass man was molesting me. You know what I mean? And I remember when my virginity got took, it was took by a little boy, my age, you know, I wasn't expecting it. I was with my friend, and we went down into the basement of the apartment, and I didn't know what was going on. And the little boy grabbed me, and he just raped me. You know what I'm saying? I just took it and everything like that. And that's basically what's been going on with my life all this time. Like now, what happened to me this week, I was kidnapped. And forced to be a sex slave. - [Mark] By who? - Well I can't say the name, but- - [Mark] But you work for (indistinct). - Yes. And a person that I know came to me, and he said he had some guys that wanted to, wanted a girl. He said it was only a couple of guys. And he said he would be there with me, everything would be fine, won't nothing happen, and everything like that. And he said it was for a thousand dollars, so I went, because I needed the money. And, when we got there, basically the only thing I can really remember is everything was going fine at first. We smoked marijuana and had some drinks, but I only had one drink, and I didn't even finish it all. All I remember is waking up and I was hogtied. You know, I don't remember when I went out, or nothing. I just know that when I woke up I was face down, with my hands behind my back. And my feet was, like up like, they had my feet tied, but my hands and my feet were tied together to where they was pulling together like this. And I can just remember the pain. I mean, my body was hurting. I couldn't stretch, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. And they had me gagged. They put a red ball, some kind of red ball with a black strap, in my mouth, and had it tied really, really tight. 'Cause I remember the back of my head right here was hurting and they were just touching me. You know, they took tasers and tased me and my vagina and everything. They had all kind of dildos. And I don't know what else. They were fucking me with all kinds of shit. I mean, they shaved my head. This is a wig, it's human hair, but it's a wig, you know what I'm saying? Because they shaved all my hair off. You know, they just, first they was just pulling it out from the root. They just snatching it out. - [Mark] This happened just recently? - Yes, yes. They released me Friday. I just, I just got back a couple of days ago. I'm still kind of like- - [Mark] Did you call the police or anything? - No. I can't. - [Mark] When you say can't, why can't you? - Well, if I do, and the police don't do what they have to do, what they supposed to do, and they just take the report and stuff like that, they find out that I went to the police, and my life is in danger, because of the person that I know who did it, you know what I'm saying? It's like, the police is not, the only they're gonna do is make a report of it. And even if they knew a person's name or whatever, they're not gonna directly arrest that person. You know, they're not gonna direct you arrest him. So therefore I'm in danger. You know what I mean? So what happened was like, the whole time I was there, they did so many things to me, and I mean, at least 10 guys, within three days, maybe more than 10, I don't know. I kept blanking out. They kept making me do drugs. They kept me high off of sherm, and make me take pills. They wouldn't feed me. They didn't give me any water. And they had me tied down. Okay, you know one of them plastic lounge chairs, you know the plastic chairs that would be in a... Yeah. There was a hole. They had a hole in the middle of the chair, and they had my breasts tied. Like, each individual breast was tied to this criss-cross, and going around my throat and my hands were still bound. And my legs were bound to the bottom of the chair. Around the side. Like this leg was here, this leg was here, but it was bound really, really tight. And they, they wouldn't feed me. They wouldn't give me water. They wouldn't do anything, and every now and then this guy, he had a mask on, I couldn't see his face. He had a mask on his face. He came and he laid, he scooted up under my leg, and his face was like up under the chair, right? So he kept telling me to piss in his mouth. I'm not, I'm like kinda out of it, you know? And I'm like, what the hell is really going on? You know what I mean? And he said, he'll give me water if I shit in his face, in his mouth. And I'm telling you, I can't, I don't know what to do. I can't do it. And every time I took it off, because I couldn't do it, then they was taking wet towels, and just beat me with it. Wet towels. Yeah, so wet towels. Then because I wouldn't pee or shit, he got up, and he came from behind me, and strangled me until I passed out. And when I came to, he was laying up under the chair, and I don't really know what the fuck it was. I just knew it hurt like hell. He was fucking me with something. I don't, I couldn't see what it was, but he was... - [Mark] So you've been working in the streets for how long? - On and off for maybe, I don't know. Since I was in school. I stopped, I mean, after the incident happened with my stepbrother and my grandfather, and they brought me back to LA, you know, I started rebelling and I wouldn't go to school. I couldn't even tell you where my classes were, or homeroom. I used to go up there and, get the kids high, you know, just drink 'till I throw up, and stuff like that. And then I would leave, when the bell rung, I would leave, and just wonder around all day. All day I would wander around, 'till I would find myself, sometimes, in drug houses, you know, like, where they sell heroin and stuff? I would hanging out in there, or wherever I could, you know what I mean? And... then that's when I started going to, like, finger war and everything like that. - [Mark] But has anything like what you just went through happened before? Have you had anything crazy like this happen to you before? - No. - [Mark] This is the first time you've had something this extreme? - Yes. I mean, I've had things happen to me, but never that extreme, never that extreme, you know what I'm saying? - [Mark] Does it make you rethink your decision to work the streets? - All the time, yeah. But I kind of have no choice right now, because, I used to do hair, but because of the pandemic, you know what I'm saying? I lost all my customers and everything like that. So I can't do that, and everything like that. So like I say, they kept me hostage. They kept me in that house for like three days, with all those different men coming, I mean, so many different men, and they just did whatever the fuck they wanted to do to me. You know? First I was rebelling and I was just like fighting it. But after a while I was just, I just submitted. I just did whatever they wanted me to do, because he was saying, he said, you know, I won't kill you if you just do what I want you to do. And they were filming it. I think it was one of those, they was doing one of those, first I thought it was a snuff film, and I was gonna die. But then, I think it was one of those hardcore porns, I think it is, where, you know, they torture the female, and stuff like that, and have sex with them, and stuff like that. And it was so many different men's coming in there. I mean, at one point there were four guys trying to stick their dick in my mouth at one time. And they were trying to force me to suck them, you know, and I'm throwing up and gagging, and they're just... Dicks in my mouth, dicks in my ass, dicks in my pussy, just everywhere. I mean, it was so bad, it felt like I had a dick in my ear. You know what I'm saying? I just didn't know which way to turn, and just, it was just, you know, I just prayed that I made it out of it. - [Mark] How many days did this go on? - Three. - Three days. - Yeah. And they kept me drugged. Okay, the last day, the day I thought I was gonna die, they, and they kept me tied the whole time, the whole time they were, I think they let me go to the bathroom on a real toilet, maybe twice. And when I went into the, to clean myself up, and so that's the only time I got water. I had to drink it out of the faucet, because they wouldn't give me water. They wouldn't give me food. They just gave me drugs. And, I think after the first 24 hours, I was ready for those drugs, because those drugs kept me numb to where I actually was out, I mean, it felt like I was outside of my body, watching me get tortured. You know, at one point it felt like I was just floating and flying, and just like ,trying to get away, trying to get away. And then it seems like, hell, it must've been Satan, or some other body, snatched me back down. And then the pain comes again. The pain comes again. One guy wanted to stick a hot knife in my pussy. And, at that point I just knew I was dying. I just knew I was dead. And, this white guy, he was there. He said, no, don't do that. He wouldn't let him do it, but that guy right there, the one with the knife. I mean, he set it on that fire, and that motherfucker was glowing red. He wanted us to get in my pussy. He wanted to cut my nipples off. He wanted to do so many, I mean, I'm like, what the fuck? What did I do to deserve this? You know, why me? And, I don't know what it was. But one guy, one guy out of all those people, stopped him from really, really hurting me. Like really bad like that. He wouldn't let him do like, physical harm to where it will show, you know what I'm saying? So apparently, as I was looking around and stuff like that, at one point, 'cause they had this mask on my head, and it was like a mask, it covered my eyes. And then they had a red ball with elastic thing on it in my mouth. Where I couldn't say shit, scream, do nothing. They knocked my teeth out. Yeah. - [Mark] You're missing teeth? - All this. It's is still swollen right now. But you know, - [Mark] You had your teeth knocked out just a few days ago, and you had them put back? - No, they're not there. - [Mark] Let me see. Oh Jesus. Oh my God. - Yeah. I mean, it was awful. It was crazy. I mean, I remember some of this stuff, but a lot of stuff I don't remember, 'cause I was in and out. I kept passing out from the pain, and well, I didn't realize I was there for three days until after I got back on this side, because they took me and dropped me up on the freeway. I don't know which one it was, but he dropped me off on the side of the freeway, and I was all naked. And some guy pulled over, said, "Are you all right? "Let me call the ambulance." But I said, please don't. Just please just take me home, please. And he gave me a jacket, and some boxers, I guess, you know, he had clothes in the car, so I put on a pair of his boxers, and he gave me a big coat that like covered me up, I had no shoes on. My toe, I just covered with fingernail polish. But it's really hurting really bad, because this toe, they ripped the nail out. This toe, just, I mean, they did so much, so much. - [Mark] But you got to work the streets to be... - Yeah, because when I got back where I live, they thought I wasn't paying the rent, because I stayed in motel. So they basically threw all my stuff away. So now I have no clothes, no shoes, no nothing. And, I asked him, why would you do that? And they said, you know, we didn't think you were gonna stay, because you was been gone three days, no one heard from me or anything like that. I said, you could have put it in storage, anything. And I did get seen by the paramedics, but I lied about my name, and wouldn't tell them the whole story. I just wanted to get treated. That's when I first got back. - [Mark] And do you have family? - Huh? - Do you have family? - Yeah, but not out here. I have no family here. So that's why, I mean, you know, even after all this happened, I still have to go out in the street. Let me get this soda. I still have to go out into the streets and, do what I have to do, because right now- - [Mark] You gotta pay the rent. - I have nowhere to stay. I don't have any food, no clothes, no shoes, no nothing. I basically I have to, you know, buy this, just to come here, you know what I'm saying? It's just real, real hard right now, it's crazy as fuck. It's real crazy. I'm scared to death to be out there, but I have to be out there. I have no choice. I mean, what am I gonna do? If I'm in the streets, now I have nowhere to live, something like that could happen again. - [Mark] What does this make you do? How does this make you feel in terms of how you view men? - What, men? - [Mark] How can you view men after this and not be afraid of them? - First of all, because I'm a child of God, and he says we supposed to forgive. It's hard for me to forgive right now, but I don't like being touched right now. I mean, by the grace of God, things have been a little easier, just a little bit easier, to where I don't have to have, well, I haven't had to have, do too much to get any money, you know. I just knew this guy were just helping me out a little bit, but.. - [Mark] Well, this'll be the easiest, (laughing) easiest hour you've ever spent. - I'm serious. This is crazy. I'm like, I really don't want to do this. I'm like, why me? Why I got to go do this? And I'm crying my eyes out. But, I want to just, ball up in a knot, and just disappear right now, excuse me, and disappear right now. But, I can't, I mean, you know something telling me I have to survive, I have to live, I have to get past this, you know? And I seen my friend today. And so she said, well, if you do this, then maybe, you know someone could help you with a little change, so you can get some food and get a room. I haven't even had a chance to deal with all this. I guess I'm still numb right now. I been, so, I mean, constantly drinking, I been mixing Hennessy with tequila, and smoking weed, and you know, that's why I'm sweating right now. It's like talking about it, just, it just, it just, you know, it's hard for me to deal with men right now, but at the same time, I can't judge everybody for what other people did. - [Mark] We're not all like that. - No, I can't do that. You know what I mean? 'Cause everybody, didn't do it to me. You know, just specific people. But, every time I have to get in a car, excuse my language, suck a dick, or let a man touch me right now, it just kills me inside. It's just so, it's just killing me. It's like, I get nauseated. I want to just throw up. I just freeze, I don't want to feel that way. You know what I'm saying? I guess, all men, because of what happened, you know, because I know everybody's not bad like that, you know, but it's not hating men, it's more or less hating what I have to do, and what I have to deal with, you know, really it's really hard. - [Mark] Well, Ann, thank you for sharing your horrifying story. And I'm happy that the money I give you is gonna be the easiest money you made in awhile. - Yeah. I can maybe get some clothes, food, and a room for the night. - [Mark] I'm sure. Okay, thank you so much for sharing. - Thank you. - [Mark] Be careful out there. - I will. - Thank you. Jesus, that was crazy.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 409,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, prostitute interview
Id: lzDqKrWKZAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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