Pimp interview-Late the Great (follow up)

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[Music] please answer your pimp apparatus please answer your pimp apparatus all right late late the great yes sir welcome back i'm happy to be here it's been about a year i'm happy to be back though it's been a while right mm-hmm what tell us what's what's going on with you since the last time we we talked oh man mo over what else you know i mean just the basic the basic [ __ ] that you know i'm saying i go through you know getting money you know ducking and dodging staying on top you know the basics so uh you have some new girls since last time you were here right well hey man i got to answer that question similar to how i answered one would you ask me am i still active man i can't confirm or deny all i got to say is you know i still do my thing what it takes for me to survive i understood i understood so you've been doing this for how long hey man you know i've been familiar with the pepe culture since the 90s since 1999. and you operate in what neighborhoods huh because you actually without making that admission that i'm active okay my familiarity of it you know i ain't mad and got down on fig sunset uh all throughout new york and hunts point midtown manhattan all up and down eighth avenue should uh support it in the valley languish him [ __ ] even downtown straight up some skid row money you know what i'm saying but i made it feel like beverly hills money though you know what i'm saying with the caliber of women i had out there so i mean you know i haven't been around man i didn't make my rounds i'd have my fair share of you know what it takes to make a person a worthy participant in this game and the the girls that you'll help um some of your girls i've met and they've drugs have been a part of their lives right oh man you know hey man they say some say you get it all for the wound and not for the spoon man but you know uh it's not necessarily a guarantee that a pimp is going to put put his business out there what drug or girl does you know what i'm saying cause i don't make you like you know the sack is a pen but not him but you know i'm gonna tell you like this though just to advocate for everybody who's had a drug added girl out there has a drug addict girl right there if a girl go out there and work a shift and make seven hundred dollars and she comes back to the house faithfully in pocket like a good host post do with a pimp and she only consumes 80 yards of dope you just made more off of that sack than the dope dealer did so hey man you know it ain't really nothing to knock it's not what's done is how it's getting done with the progress consists of while it's happening what about drugs for you oh man i'm drug free man you know i don't get high off with nothing but life and making money in progress not even pot not even pot man this this thing right here in my hands the only thing that i consume period you know i don't need i don't need to uh you know be devoted to a substance or some endorphins being released in my brain from a controlled substance that's going to make me feel better than you know what i'm saying the feeling of progress and getting money and you're going as far as the pimp goes your style is what because there's many different styles of attempting i can't i can't have one designated style because as we're dealing with individuals everybody operates in an individual capacity so i have to have that versatility man i might have a girl over who's a knucklehead so i got to respond to her in a way that guys respond to girls who are knuckles i might have a girl over here that's a sweetheart i got to respond and operate with her as a sweetheart you know it it's versatile man you got to know how to how to shift it up it's just like when you're driving down a dirt road you're driving down a dirt road it's best to have a full wheeled car drive that's built for it tough or you know you get what i'm saying if if you up if you're up in the sky you have to know how to take the pilot wheel you know what i'm saying the cockpit of the airplane you get what i'm saying so you have to know how to switch it up man there's not no one designated style it's just like the nba right the nba has one general set of rules okay that everybody has will bye bye in order to stay in the game and not get a technicality or a foul or anything like that called on them right however each player on the court still plays and operates the same way michael jordan was different than magic johnson but there was still a certain certain rules within the boundaries of the nba that they didn't step outside of yet they had their own own individual style and they made progress doing it their way while staying within those rules and guidelines in the nba same thing with the dmv they give every driver when they when they read the manual when they take the driver's test there's one set of rules man you know don't run a red light you know stop at a stop sign even if nobody's around you know so forth and so on right but no two people drive a like but what's important with that is if they get from point a to point b safely so same thing man what are your thoughts on prostitution being the oldest profession since a woman is young she becomes aware of value as far as you know the company of a womanhood right so you know they capitalize on that when they grow up so it comes to more like when they're in adults they realize okay men are success symbols somebody that can take care of me or somebody that could be somewhat of a benefactor to my well-being okay and then while they're sex symbols okay like if i look good i'm gonna be qualified for somebody that's got it to want to take care of me so it's kind of a thing that goes hand-in-hand and that concept is kind of common sense in human nature man since the beginning of time so you know that's why that phrase is in is in you know existence right now what's more important do you love her money hey man uh i answered that question before but let me see let me see why i stand with it right now man as you know i said last time man you know i'd rather have i'd rather have a uh uh respect and money because that's the coupons coupons of life and so forth but um you know love here's the thing love coming from a woman like i told you before it's usually a term of endearment the girls are emotional creatures whether they're a working girl or not right so they quickly carpet emotions say i love you and this and that while a girl is acknowledging the man along those lines that's cool because i mean [ __ ] you know if she's telling you i don't like you i'm feeling some type of way about your presence whatever y'all trying to have going on you know it's the woman's choice at the end of the day okay so whatever y'all have going on you know it's not gonna look like it's it's smelling like roses so what a woman is saying shoot in terms of endearment toward you i love you and stuff like that that's a good sign as far as the men saying it women especially the qualified ones who looked good enough to attract men and been knowing that they had that advantage for years since a little girl if a guy's telling them oh baby i love you they you know prostitutes here from their tricks and they clients a whole lot man i love you you're so beautiful they start to take an insult to that [ __ ] because it looks like okay they look at like here's a man telling me he loves me but is he qualified for me to give a [ __ ] about him telling me that he loves me who the [ __ ] is he if he's saying that to me a total stranger or a girl he's picking up on the streets he'll say to anybody he's just before companionship so it becomes nothing it becomes uh superficial to him you feel me yeah it's an interesting angle on it but me myself hey man i like whatever whatever's uh progress is the result of at the end of the day if a person feels like they love me and their performance and whatever it is whatever the contract is whatever the contract consists of is reflecting their definition of love then hey i'm gonna give it right back cause me i don't go around telling people i love you and this and i just perform it you feel me i don't have to tell a person i love you not one time to where my actions my behavior toward them is a1 so you know that's my take on it right there it doesn't mean i'm i'm a cold-hearted person and oh i'm too tough to say i love you to somebody i just perform it man that's all i know how to do i perform it when you know it's appropriate to do so what uh what qualities do you look for in a girl hey man i look for good looks i look like i told you before the magic word competency you know don't might want no crazy [ __ ] no stupid [ __ ] you know i mean she got to be somebody that uh is eating communicate with good communication you feel me communication rules the nation man because it brings dedication and um you know if i can't communicate with a person just like a regular relationship if two people can't communicate man you know you communicate to build bonds and to to keep them solidified and also to patch up things if there's no decent line of communication there then it's pointless it ain't gonna work so communication good looks because i mean [ __ ] nobody wants an ugly [ __ ] so if you qualify the way you can have you a cute [ __ ] on your team somehow some way whatever whatever it is your relationship consists of that's a bonus i mean we're men you're a man mark i'm a man one of the qualifications is always beauty like i said women are sex symbols and many success symbols what about the ethics of uh tell me about the ethics of sending a woman out to go do this with with guys that are questionable and maybe are gonna do you know things that well i look at it like this if a woman doesn't have a pimp while you sit back and just collect the money i i look at it like this man if a woman is going to have a pimp right then the concept of her going out there without a pimp is not really making no difference toward personal ethics and morals and guidelines and what's right what's wrong according to you know i'm saying everybody's opinion differs on what's right and wrong and stuff like that so i mean when it comes to work ethics when there's a contract between a pimp and a hoe then you know that's part of the performance part of behavior i was telling you about that solidifies where she stands on her because at the end of the day it's the woman's choice so if the woman is loyal to the person whose management she's up under then this shit's gonna work out because there's a particular set of guidelines set in place for certain reasons just like the nba just like the dmv you know what i'm saying those rules are in place so they you know they're they're less at risk of hazardous [ __ ] from uh unpredictable tricks less at risk from going to jail less less at risk from getting distracted on some drug [ __ ] on some uh some whatever consists of some out-of-pocket [ __ ] right so if they're dedicated to the set of rules coming from the program that they're involved with just like a regular job this shit's gonna work so ethics ethics is more important than anything man i mean because without that it's just like a person that has to get up and go to a nine to five every day so what you offer is kind of guidance to keep them in line keep them doing it in regards to my familiarity of the game man you know uh uh the guidance is to let them know how it's supposed to be done the motivation is to let them know that you know you got somebody here with you that's going to give you that extra push you know what i'm saying that you don't have when you're by yourself because it's for example mark you know most of us men man we get up in the mirror and dress every day we shave we iron our pants and you know what i'm saying we brush our teeth and stuff like that somewhere in the back of our head a certain percentage of our brain is looking like i want to look good in case there's a woman who likes what she sees you get what i'm saying so i mean you know women can let that go they're self-esteem they're they're where they're at in life whatever phase they're at in life that can be put all the way to the side they don't give a [ __ ] that's why you see a cute [ __ ] that's a bum you get what i'm saying homeless don't care people say oh you're so pretty they don't even give a [ __ ] about that it's neptune because they know how pretty they are up under that bum outfit they got on because that's a phase they're going through a life what the pimp does you know what i'm saying is motivates them to recognize and appreciate that they're beyond that you get what i'm saying and make money have a program a lot of people can't do nothing without motivation or push man a lot of people a lot of people like if they got somebody to please if they got somebody to report to if they got somebody to impress like i was just saying about how us men get up and we shave we want a nice car we want wins we want acknowledgement man we want a [ __ ] to say wow that guy right there got it going on so you're saying the pimp uh gives them motivation to realize their potential like i said before in my last interview with you a year ago man motivation and inspiration that's real they're just something that sounds good at rhymes you know i can spit rolls rhymes all day but it's the meaning behind it man so motivation inspiration is what's necessary because you want a woman to feel good about herself you want a woman to say okay if you motivate me to look good stay good stay clear minded follow a set of rules what the [ __ ] am i getting out of this you understand i'm saying so that goes back to the theory of how you know saying a girl has to see her money not just work and then live day by day paying for hotel rooms paying for cigarettes paying for gas like with the hamster on the wheel effect putting all this work and all this mileage and stuck in the same spot she has to actually see the progress so she could sit back and say wow you know what when he met me at day one this was the situation a year later this is a situation they like that [ __ ] that's what it's all about i've heard that a lot from a lot of guys yeah it's the truth man just a different version of it yeah would you ever switch places with a girl where you're you're out there on the street making money and she's collecting the money that you bring in well you know what man during my drug dealing days man you know i i was out there beating my feet to concrete you know what i'm saying and uh on the front line hustling as far as on some can i put myself in a woman's frame of mind that question is uh the meaning the meaning applied to that question if that's what it is would be more like asking a wife and a husband would you trade places for her and get some dick pumped in your ass i mean i was born a man man i can't think like a woman don't try to you know i mean you know so i don't put myself in that i don't even i don't even put myself in that frame of mind but as far as being the one to hustle and having a girlfriend to bring it back to you and stuff like that hey man you know i've been in a situation i'm sure all of us had you get what i'm saying but when it's a pimping whole relationship a pimp and hold contract believe it or not even though the women are doing the dirty part of the labor there's a lot of behind-the-scenes work man that the pimp is doing to keep that operation going successfully so it's an equal amount of work on both fans just different types like you got dr dre and you got snoop dogg right just because snoop dogg's on the mic and and on front and center on the stage doesn't mean that dr dre is is is doing less work you get what i'm saying he's behind the scenes making beats producing you know so forth and so on he's doing his producer working snoop dogg is doing his performance work but it's still an equal amount of work being put into the project so uh you you meet a girl who's like on skid row here there's there's a lot of homeless girls okay do you ever see a girl like that and and see that you could you know as a lot of tim say elevate her into uh a moneymaker here's the thing with girls on you know in in uh homeless poverty-stricken environments right if they look too cute they got too much of a cuteness to him regardless of their their current condition they usually got a boyfriend why i've seen i've seen boyfriend girlfriend couples intense and [ __ ] like that man and uh you know them girls some of them girls they come a lot of a man like for example white couples they come from out of state together they took a trip to california because you know it's a big old attraction people out of state his life is easier in los angeles and they they come there and you know the girl don't give a [ __ ] what you come with you can come with a big old dope sagger for a drug of choice you come with a big old bankroll car yeah baby it's my car right here [ __ ] with me you know what i'm saying do yourself a favor and change your flavor you can hear with all that right but if she don't want to go she's not going to budge your dope sack don't impress her because she know how to get out turn a date or two if her boyfriend allows it she knows how to go out here to store do some boots and steal it and take it somewhere in the part of town where she could cash it out buy her bag of dope so it's not imminent that she needs the assistance of a pimp so she got that little bit to survive on where she gonna hold on to her boyfriend her comfort zone she's always gonna always be able to fall back on knowing that he accepts accepts her in every situation she go out [ __ ] a couple dope dealers come back home to him a couple weeks later go out work for her work for a sac mac pimp you know what i'm saying go back to him he accepts her you know guys like that man it's not just that they're in a relationship this is more like a family member too now not just her lover this is more like a brother to it not just for lovers so them kind of couples right there it's kind of hard to break apart man so usually when the girls end up choosing a different situation the guy goes to jail for boosting or for warrants you know i'm saying [ __ ] like that when it becomes imminent which i said it wasn't you know in the beginning of you know what i'm saying answering the question so i mean you know then some girls you know they feel like a [ __ ] they know what he doing finally came along the same you know a pimp would preferably not go through the hassle of pulling a bun [ __ ] up out of a tent or something like that man cause for a lot of people to even get themselves that deep in the situation it's looked at like you know that's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] right there what i'm gonna try to turn the [ __ ] straight for and i don't mean [ __ ] i don't mean [ __ ] like a man born with testicles i mean like you know i mean not homosexuals but the ones born without testicles when i say [ __ ] i mean a disobedient dope fiend conniving low down [ __ ] man you know what i mean that that phrase [ __ ] and the pym culture you know has a broad meeting man for the most part it's a disobedient [ __ ] man i like to show opposition to what's going on you can give her a million dollars uh the uh two answers of the drug of her choice a hug and crying arms say baby just please good please be good and do right by me for just one week and she won't do it it's just in her nature man so you know i mean and a whole lot of other elements that you know i'm saying makes her a [ __ ] so you know that's what i mean when i say [ __ ] [ __ ] are some of these girls just too out of control too too much of a hustler to to reign in and can keep in your stable it's not even being so much of a hustler man i mean you know uh you mean a [ __ ] [ __ ] uh any girls i mean oh i mean you know uh uh when when a pimp propositioned a prostitute to work for him man and you know what i'm saying tries to recruit her interviewing stuff like that you know the likeliness of her choosing up or not usually applies to the situation she's in now no don't get me wrong you know what i'm saying pimps talk bad about renegades and yeah every [ __ ] needs some pepe man you know blah blah blah you know it's easy to say that right but i know some women men that are professional escorts they don't do relationships they don't partner up with nobody they don't have a man to report to her to go home too that's [ __ ] on them day and night you get them saying they are independent but they're successfully independent too you feel me they're not on dope they're not letting drugs compel them they maintain their own rent so it's like what do a pimp what does a pimp have to offer them that they can't provide for their self now what a woman when i when when women that are successful like that on an independent base have asked me what the [ __ ] do i need to give you the money for and then they lay out the credentials of how they got it going off for themselves believe it or not i actually stand down i say hey more power to you it's all good right but when it's a woman talking about huh if i sell my ass and just suck somebody's dick the [ __ ] i look like give me what i'ma give you the money for man i pull a bankroll out of my pocket and say i thought hundred dollar bill on the ground say if you give me change for 20 you can pick up that hundred and keep it they always got excuse oh my money's in the bank my money's on the card uh i don't walk around all my money on me they don't have it you get what i'm saying so and that's just usually the women is what i call man haters you get what i'm saying they're not gonna fall up under a man to where they got to partner up with somebody so that's just the bug up they asked man that was you know that's another form of being a [ __ ] you just got to let them be man because there's plenty out there you know what i'm saying and we all meet each other those who meant to be for one another as far as pimps and hoes and who's compatible they all eventually meet one another man so we focus on the ones that's about it not the ones who want to remain without it you feel me i've also heard from a lot of the guys that uh a lot of a lot of the girls they'll work with are terribly terribly bad with money yeah well you know hey man i'm not a doctor they can't handle yeah i know you said i'm not a doctor i'm not a psychologist i don't have a phd in psychology or diagnosing things but one thing i know from common knowledge is self-education reading books when i was in prison and stuff like that and just from you know the experiences right a lot of profits but not all but there are a lot who are bipolar one of the things bipolar is man they'll get a lump sum of something and then i'll think of the terms of a manager and i'm thinking that like okay i gotta keep this and make it last i gotta invest into something i gotta flip it they think okay i got five thousand dollars i'm gonna go buy a whole bunch of [ __ ] i'm feeling my friends i function what i'm gonna make them happy and hand it out and share with them if they're doing drugs i'm for the go and you know smoking out my partners and smoking them and getting high with them and [ __ ] like that you know and then it's all gone to where if they had a pimp and a [ __ ] with the right kind of mind you know the money wouldn't got [ __ ] up they would still be able to be living off that money as they're going along in their relationship with the pimp you feel me so you know a lot of it has to do with bipolar a lot of it just has to do with certain women that don't have okay okay men especially pimps have the framework i'm a king i will not go broke i'm not gonna be a bum ass [ __ ] asking nobody for a cigarette panhandling asking my partner for a joke say p i need a jig man you know pimp down it's not cute it's not attractive you get what i'm saying so by us having that king-like ego that we're supposed to have because we work hard to maintain the things that make us a king you know a [ __ ] ain't trying to put yourself in a situation where the bankroll is going backwards you feel me so when a woman puts the money in our hands it's not going to get mishandled it's not going to get mismanaged and that's what she's going to give us credit for inevitably you feel me so i've seen you with different types of girls tell me about the difference between a white girl black girl mexican girl hey man there's an old saying right that a a a black hole make you pimp with a white hole let you pimp right but that's just talking slicker [ __ ] like that really it's like silky slim said in this song i don't give a [ __ ] what your racist we just give a [ __ ] with your paces you know it's more along them lines right now when i was here before for an interview i noticed i caused a uproar on the feedback the comments i got from the views on uh youtube or whatever right about when i told you that i prefer white women or hispanic women over black women that caused kind of an uproar right so i want to take this moment to clarify something because i got some i got some nasty results man people said that's hitler himself he's more racist than hitler you know he's he's against his own people and it's not like that man for one what what i may be attracted to personally that's the same thing as any basic uh interracial relationship okay because the whole world if they're available to make a comment on something will comment on oh that mexican woman is supposed to be that asian guy or oh that white woman ain't supposed to be with that hindu over there i mean but when it comes to human beings man there should be no color lines as far as love company companionship we're human beings man if two different ethnicities breeding was inappropriate it wouldn't be able to make life i myself am a product of the interracial relationship what i mixed with is not even relevant for me to comment on this thing but as light as my skin is i am mixed but hands down one of my parents is black black than a [ __ ] black it in the ace of spades i identify as black i've been on the front line in prison having riots race riots against other races being called the n word while me and the people other blacks is outnumbered okay fighting our asses off being called the inward i've been on the front line of what so make no mistake about it i am black and i am proud regardless of how light or dark regardless of my complexion this ain't this ain't nothing real light skinny nothing red goes back to the days of prince all the way up to drake it ain't steph curry it ain't nothing new right so by no means am i racist against my own people but when it comes to my business i deal with what works best for me you know so i became accustomed to what works best for me black women did not work best for me how will i who gives a [ __ ] it is i love my sisters like i love my brothers like i love myself okay like i said one of my parents is black meaning that i have black grandparents i'm hood grew up in the hood with blacks i function as a black you know i'm not racist against my own people and i would never want a black woman to say oh he think that you know uh uh black women they get up because if i say i pimp white women they're like okay us black women ain't good enough for you to work with if i say i work with black women it's gonna be quick so i'll be able to say he wants to do that to his own race that are building up he wants to break it down and have us turn our sisters into prostitutes or work our citizens process so i mean there's no such thing like i said earlier there's no such thing as right or wrong everybody's gonna have an opinion about something you mark your photographer and the interviewer there's people that might express opposition to your job just because it's not what they do there's police officers dude are they necessary in this environment to an extent yeah if i see my mother getting raped i would hope a police car rolled by and intervene that [ __ ] do i give a [ __ ] about the police of course not i'm a criminal i've been to prison you know i thug it i'm not saying i'm an active criminal it's not a self-emission but what i'm saying is i'm more familiar with the criminal culture than not so am i in acceptance of the police and all they do of course not but are they necessary yes so i mean the same way pimp's necessary same same reason why you know white girls black girls hispanic girls women of any ethnicity end up with a pimp you know what i'm saying the street level or whatnot you know the black man's game to it so you know it's not about a racist thing it's what works for me so the way the cars fell and so forth you know white and hispanic and non-black women are the ones who worked who worked out for me in that business making it what it was and making me become the pimp that you know i have lived as you know so that's all that is right there man my sister they can calm down on that man you know two black too strong tell me about law enforcement law enforcement man i think you mentioned something like this before man look let me tell you something i'm glad you asked that mark you know and somewhere around 2011 right they came out with the human trafficking thing okay and that enhanced a basic pimple fence to where there's other elements that was involved with it it gets exaggerated enhance the charges to a whole bunch of crazy [ __ ] what pissed me off is the lawmakers who came up with this idea when they when they ran the proposition for i forgot what proposition it was they shot the commercials man and had a little girl swinging on a swing in a playground then they say yeah these women have taken off the streets and turned into prostitutes and made for human sex trafficking and it's showing a little girl on the swing then the swing disappearing giving the public the image of pimp just kidnapped a little kid that's only if a kid is on a [ __ ] swing they're obviously under 10 years old generally okay like a pimp is some kind of big bad wolf predator and got this exaggerated ass law into existence but i personally that was just too enhanced what i personally don't like about is this here right and i've read a whole lot of case laws on pimp cases reading the whole trial the results from what the charges work and what i don't like about it is this here right it's denying a prostitute intimate association with a man that means every dick getting pumped in her ass has to be that of a trick the only time she gets to have sex with somebody is in the commission over work can a prostitute have a man can the prisoner have somebody she come home to and consider him her superior the one that she does something with that she don't do with nobody else like bring him the money because just like a a faithful wife in a relationship ain't gonna ain't supposed to just give anybody some [ __ ] that's a sacred you know activity between her and her husband her and her boyfriend or her spouse well the sacred activity between a prostitute and her superior which would be her pimp her folks or daddy or whatnot you know what i'm saying it's supposed to be the money she made from that so she's throwing it in the pot contributing to the household you get what i'm saying now but that's her intimate one right there that's that's that's her guy that's her dude he's that guy you know what i'm saying so how the [ __ ] is it law enforcement it's supposed to tell a prostitute you know with the end result being the same whether they're telling her that verbatim or not but how's the concept still supposed to come down to okay a prostitute ain't supposed to have a man because every every dollar that a man lives off of or anybody lives off of from a prostitute is a forbidden dollar except with the exception of her co-dependent children you get what i'm saying i saw a case of i've read case law where [ __ ] in jail in prison for a pimping charge because the guy was a regular guy he was just a regular guy live off social security check or whatever his wife of many years where they got kids together by happens to be a prostitute okay she goes out and does her thing and he's at home and he does a little thing with her but he's not a pimp he don't know other pimps he ain't out there no tracks no blades bringing girls out there he ain't trying to recruit other girls he doesn't call herself pursuing a career as a pimp he just her dude and whatever he stands in the inside of a household that ain't nobody's business but there and she happens to be a prostitute but because she goes out there and makes money that way the police law enforcement get up in a mix and then it comes down to open yes i live off some of the money she makes so yes he lives yes some of the food in the refrigerator was from my earnings as a whole because he's sitting down eating living off that money that's a [ __ ] crime you get what i'm saying so i mean you know it's all it's just law enforcement man you know what i'm saying trying to trying to keep a hand in what they personally don't like because you got certain law enforcement squads man they got narcotics squads they got prostitution squads they got sex offenders squads you know what i'm saying every you know police stations got their own particular detail advice for certain jobs okay yeah and a lot of ones that's on the human trafficking and pimping the prostitution vice squads man a lot of them people that sign up for that and this i know because i've been told personally okay they already don't like the concept of a pimp being involved with a prostitute so this is just their opportunity to carry out a grudge because hey man don't nobody like a pimp except for another pyramid don't nobody understand a pimp except for a hole in another pimp you feel me so this is a whole bunch of pimp haters man just taking the law for what it is how it's written how it stipulated and getting a little getting a little revenge or a little resentment out you know what i'm saying by sticking sticking a hand in it and uh doing it because i'll tell you what man no girl that's ever been up under me is a [ __ ] victim the crowd would like to think of the girl's victim i've had girls that had previous recent previous ex-boyfriends and [ __ ] like that that they just been fresh out of relationships with like that and what word gets around they say hey late man i heard man you're making her do this or somebody's saying you could really pimp it on the [ __ ] i said does she look like she's being gorilla pimped on she was looking like a [ __ ] bum at first she's happy she's sitting right there clarifying it like no this was a [ __ ] upgrade where has this guy been all my life and i just wasted two or three years on such and such that we're talking about this ain't no forceful thing but the guy the spouse from the previous relationship once put it out there like he can't accept that she's doing what she's doing so he wants to look at her like okay uh she must have been forced to do this or must have been coerced or tricked this can't be what it is with her you get what i'm saying so it's more like something to soothe a person's conscience you feel me but uh you know hey man the women have to go out to work women that are grown enough to work the streets to pay your pimp and understand how to have that kind of job with the rules and the guidelines and the morals and the cooperation and communication that comes along with it knows god damn well man how to find their way to the nearest police station how to down 9-1-1 when they're fresh out of his sight and get away from it ain't no victim situation man that's just that's just and you know when people catch these pimp cases man they describe the woman as the victim law enforcement that is the victim on the district attorney's side the victim you get what i'm saying now don't get me wrong there is a situation in a situation that pimps don't really respect where a [ __ ] like i think peanuty said it gorilla pimps ain't really acknowledging they're not really respected because they give everybody a bad name you feel me that they give people the ammunition to think okay this is a forceful situation she ain't doing that she wants to he she she's doing that because he's got her out here doing it but you know what no victim comes to mind when the girl's doing it by herself a person will be quicker to to pull a girl to the side and say hey why do you got a pimp why are you doing that for him why is he making you do that they'll be quicker to pull to the side and express opposition to her career as a prostitute if she's with a pimp knowingly then it will she's doing it by herself she's doing it by herself all of a sudden they want it if it's a man he's trying to get his rocks off too if it's another female oh i know this guy she's trying to pick herself i know this guy that'll pay you 300 girl you're pretty you're just a type come on now they trying to procure her for their own benefits soon as the pimps involved all of a sudden there's a whole bunch of opposition and [ __ ] being expressed but in most situations man the girl with the pimp is looking better and doing better and living better than one without the pimp man so i say all that to say man it's it's highly exaggerated with the concept of this imaginary concept of who's a [ __ ] victim and not that's uh that's just ensues the conscience man and also it's to not make pimps appear to be glorified because the media you know with movies rap music you know stuff like that man you know the word pimp became glorified something that appears to be honorable in society something that's leaning toward when it's expressed it it gets accepted and honored and looked looked up upon right so they came with the human trafficking to try to put pimps and you know sexual predators all the same category and that's a misconception man so i hope something this video right here man somebody that's clear minded enough to understand what i'm saying knows the difference i'm not saying there's not situations like that but it's not one i've ever been involved not one of my partners and i [ __ ] with other pimps that i've seen their interviews on because we all appear to be along the same lines to a degree to a high degree okay so you know i just had to clear that up real quick that's a very good explanation of of aspects of this that are very misunderstood i think well somebody's got to say it man because they don't man people are going to run around with this misconception that uh a pimp is a sucker a pimp is a predator you know and stuff like that man but you know that's just outside of looking in at the surface because they don't get much behind the scenes footage unless of course you know mark the thing you guys said where people can hear it from another aspect the outside you know the inside coming out and there's many different levels of this game that they're very oh it varies man you know like like i said earlier man you know with the nba and and the dmv rules you know it's one general set of rules okay but everybody does it their own way which works for them regardless of the methods you know the internet you know what i'm saying uh the streets uh bars what the [ __ ] ever okay uh what ethnicity of the girls they work with i work with them you know everybody does it different yeah excellent like thank you so much but hey man for the record man just just for the record i'd like to say i like to sign up for this note man late the great the golden state heavyweight man a young host dream a white hose king and a square's nightmare man and i'm out thank you late you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 143,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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