Martina on Why Pimps Are Important, How She Became a Hoe & More

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church we going yeah here we gonna go ahead and sound on off man because there was lessons and blessings going on man and we need to go ahead and capture this fox the shark tank no jumper no chopper sharpest coolest podcast in the world in the world church i like how you get sound that off with me right there i appreciate it man most definitely i got my co-host today it seems like man bring everybody to work week so i got my co-host dunno from the crew of course prestigious we know already and i'm gonna tell you this today man we got a martini you're okay baby yes i'm finding my zig zags okay yeah i'm getting it together yeah go ahead and get your weather together man you need to get you some i'm just just i need some water you know what i'm saying because you need some water very parched can we can we get her a bottle of water thank you so much oh we got one right here for you oh right there we got one right here for you baby there we go i have the yeah yeah we're getting a call one two church you won't want to call one for the song i'll take this one from you mama there we go church it's all love hey man listen we got martina i knew a man [ __ ] just of the game and just where she came from i knew a resume man but you know she did jump up off that soft white underbelly she's one of the first i've got to interview other than mark who runs the channel man shout out to mark like for man from hey man soft white underbelly man you you you took care of us church you know what's known don't even need to be explained 100 we got martina today a real one stomped down mother hen to the game [Laughter] did you get that yes we got martina from soft white underbelly and you know what you was uh before the cameras that came on because we had told you stop you you was talking about uh you know what rituals and you know ism is like people want to know what this is yeah it's a culture it's a vernacular it's a lifestyle well before we hop into that how did you get brought on to software underbelly how did you land a interview um i was at the legendary of bishop don juan's birthday party and he's known to give the best parties and um i didn't even know that i was going i never even heard a soft white underbelly first off all i know is kenny redd said go in room 419 and he won't you know say a few things about our lifestyle say a few things about our lifestyle so i um he wanted me to go up there earlier and i had a sweatsuit on and i was like no wait till i get dressed you know and everything so i got dressed straight out the bath went to mark and he told me his name is mark knock on the door so i walked in and i seen all these lights and i was like oh man it's my titties right wait what was my hair right what like it was just like action i didn't know it was like that so it was no scrimmage it was game time and all the questions was just straight off my dome like i didn't even know what i was getting into and so they were like watch soft white underbelly and the first person i ever seen on soft white underbelly was you sharp oh legends everybody kept saying i didn't even know that about this game just like sharp that got to be sharp [ __ ] and they was like no the age difference he's a young you know guy yeah and she's like you know a mature older one is it her son in another world because the man looked like my father yeah my father's italian and black yeah and he looks like you he was a passer yeah in the 60s oh yeah he was trying to die laid you're the new millennium cab callaway yeah yeah i'm trying baby i'm trying so back to you getting on soft white everybody so that's how i got on it was destiny it was it was just fake because i wasn't looking for that you know i didn't know i was just there for you know bishop well you know a lot of people are right man shout out k red shout out to bishop daryl magic wand but you know you weren't there because you was a hoe off of skid row you know and i think people need to get that that straight right now because a lot of people think that you know soft white underbelly i know you've watched a young 100 episodes everybody that goes on soft white underbelly is nine times out of ten off of skid row right outside the man's building yeah i think that's maybe the perception that a lot of people have of your guys's lifestyle like you know like the the super tweaked out yeah grown ass man just whoopie somebody that that's that's the perspective and and and and i'll be want to say that that was probably the perspective that i had but damn you know because that's real that was bigger yeah because you because you automatically assume that every man in that world is a piece of [ __ ] yeah yeah that you're that you you look down upon woman you you spit you [ __ ] make them feel less of what they are but then the more you hear people talk the more you learn i understand that there's a whole other world because when she walked in talking she didn't look depressed right she didn't look sad she didn't look like you had trauma like like like you've been trying to kill yourself for a couple years like and then when you see some of those interviews it's like uh you kind of feel bad and then you start questioning the behind the scenes like mark are you still asking all these questions when you know she's scared it's like damn but then obviously when you see certain interviews you're like oh [ __ ] like you know there's more to it than what it's what it's portrayed to be you know i mean i want it to be a hoe and that's real [ __ ] talk i used to see my brother's [ __ ] and they were so fly and raw and just i used to be like oh yeah oh yeah i'm gonna be just like her and then the punk [ __ ] would be the maggots that they'd be mad at i'll be like oh i don't want to be no maggie my brother mad at that [ __ ] i'm gonna be a good [ __ ] but in my head it's kind of sick if you think about it but if you're in the environment i'm a product of my environment like my dad was in the service for 30 years he was a meteorologist but my mom had a lot of children and i was like that baby like that keep that [ __ ] baby but it didn't work you know what i'm saying my mom and dad was split up during my the pregnancy so they didn't have daycares in the 60s so my mom worked like three jobs you know and um my brothers you know they like 15 years older than me like very much older than me um i have a sister that's 18 years old me and a brother that's another brother that's 17 years older than me so you get it so i grew up with my nephews and nieces like i was a young and i'm the young auntie so i used to see a lot of things you know what i mean and hear a lot of things and when my brother brought my mom money and me and my sister was sharp you know for christmas and stuff i looked up to that my my brother rico the pimp he was the first man that ever gave me a ring and put it on my finger and got on his knees and gave me my first emerald my birthstone and my sister jackie and um he told us don't you ever let these [ __ ] run through you like he always was like gaming me up like you're gonna be hella pretty and don't see god must have knew he was gonna die at an early age because he gained me up he showed me how to play chess told me not to be messing with these dudes because all they gonna do is hit it and quit it get something out of them because if they you get something out of them they won't go back and tell and trash your name and then they gonna come back and give you some more money because they're invested they invested in this [ __ ] you know what i mean it's a mind thing you know and it's real it's real in my life like it's real this isn't as real like purse [ __ ] first and it's just about that and you know i came out the womb with a shovel in my hand i you know i was a gold digger you know looking i want the money want the money got to get the money yeah yeah but with rubbers i ain't being no throat baby around here that [ __ ] was like ugh like these young girls they doing that you know i can't judge them and stuff but baby don't do that yeah i wanted to know that's nasty martina what you really felt about like some of the chicks because you know me and you've spoke and you said you you watched some of the chicks that have came on my show i got to ask you as you know a real veteran a veteran to the game that didn't really stay down and then knew she has something to take care of what do you think of these chicks today that you saw come on this show or just chicks that you just see what they do on the instagram i think y'all turning into some real witches like this instagram [ __ ] is like gets you [ __ ] up and it gets you mesmerized it's kind of like voodoo it's like the cup you know what i'm saying like on um you know like some would say like some witchcraft yeah like these [ __ ] just do anything for this money like um i don't let nobody talk about prostitution because rahab in the bible joshua chapter two she was a part of god's plan and when the spies came to take over jericho they came to the whole house because you can find more loyalty in a whole house than you can in the church house cause deacon jenkins over there might be a child molester you know what i'm saying but a real whole house we ain't [ __ ] with kids because that's when it becomes sex trafficking we [ __ ] with [ __ ] by choice not by force that are seasoned yeah so so yeah so [ __ ] other questions like like see that what you say right there is like the perspective that people have yeah and it's not like that yeah i know that's what i'm saying but i think that's why when this conversation like between you and sharp or what you did on shopify under belly is like uh oh [ __ ] we thought it was like this but in this shirt and rotten apples that [ __ ] up the whole game it makes the whole thing look like like a whole [ __ ] community is just a [ __ ] like you know like it's just looked down upon i've seen not trying to even people may say try to talk stuff about me but i'm gonna keep it 100 and funky i didn't seem pimping change a [ __ ] life like real pimping not these hoe hustlers i mean like the baby daddy ain't [ __ ] the family ain't [ __ ] ain't nobody got no money in the house and this [ __ ] ain't got nothing but her [ __ ] like [ __ ] you better you know hold up a blow up and the whole family got everything she's like a celebrity when she comes home every three months you know what i mean for holidays and stuff like pimping and change hoes life you know i wasn't that whole that got into pimping and got into this game because i was molested and god bless y'all who've been through that you know what i mean i'm not taking nothing from y'all but that didn't happen to me you know what i mean i ain't never been molested my refrigerator stayed full i kept staying in the nicest clothes you know what i'm saying my pimp brothers had nice cadillacs and you know what i'm saying nice vines as they would say in the 70s and uh you know it was good life was good yeah you don't understand my mama didn't ask no questions she used to get the money you know what i'm saying my brother used to give my mom a hell of a money like that was a life they little sisters and so i had it real good and so i used to see all these beautiful hookers and you know you know different stages first string second string and third string because my brother didn't you know um discriminate with this pippin you know what i mean it's a place for everybody in this game so you know you got the top-notch you know ones and they can get in places where other hoes can't then they got ones that's on the track that you know that's where they're comfortable at they don't even want to elevate to go to the carpet and they comfortable there if it's not broke don't fix it and they get good money they stay reaching you know what about the third strings the third strings are some dookie booties and they come in all shapes sizes and colors now george i told you for one dookie could be a black girl a red [ __ ] a mix [ __ ] if and you ain't about your money and you just a dookie booty crusty ass [ __ ] that ain't trying to elevate your game but you just sticking around do you [ __ ] do you allow your first strings to interact with your thirst strings of course yeah you do you do okay i mean but we need cross country what you mean it's like one might be in hawaii one might be in vegas it ain't like we all together like a football team i mean i mean i'm just saying like i mean like my thing is i mean if i don't know how it is where did the police get all your [ __ ] all right you gotta you gotta put them differently he's just or she's just because he's just asking a question and she's just trying to tell you what we're gonna yeah i was just wondering like what's the like like what's the conversation with the third string and with the first strings obviously i'm i'm seeing that perspective when you put it like that i'm thinking like the first string is the one you treat different no no oh no no okay everybody get treated the same but you know what i'm saying them dookie booty's gonna get cussed out they're gonna be called a bunch of [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] all you got like [ __ ] you can't even buy subway you know that's like oh [ __ ] extra luggage and [ __ ] you know that's if it's february and it's black history month and the pimp feel bad you know i'm just playing i'm playing no but um everybody's important you know what i'm saying everybody play because you know what i'm saying that dookie booty might come across a rolex you know what i'm saying the dookie booty is the ones that run to the store do everything like something like a gopher but they just want to be a part of an organization and you don't want to kick them out they're going to learn but but i tell you later on they ain't going to stay a dookie booty forever okay okay they ain't going to stay a dookie booty forever because they going to learn so we gonna learn [ __ ] okay okay so there's so there is room for elevation it is always room for elevation and you that's why we always the first train got to keep it into fifth gear we can't just sit back with our feet up like you know you know what i'm saying we got to put it in the fifth gear because we have to show them an example you know get up at this time wash your ass you know what i'm saying eat your food then scram you know what i mean get your money you know what i'm saying when you first entered the game were you automatically the first string i was automatically a first string so let me tell you about me so before i was home i used to be a booster i used to be a booster so i just be stealing hella clothes i just put a girdle on and a sundress and go in the store and i roll the clothes up like a blunt it'd be like this and i put it all in my pants all up the side of my legs and just closed so i stayed with clothes i stayed fitted you know so the first time i went on the holster i wore like i had on suede and leather i was the [ __ ] [ __ ] thought i was a veteran cross country and i was a turnout because i knew what to do i was pretending i was like had a cigarette in my hand acting like i was grown but i was 20 years old when i turned out but i've been breaking on guys you know what i'm saying i'm being breaking on guys every color you know i have a baby by a spanish man my daughter is mexican and black your daughter must be super beautiful she's hella exotic and pretty and you kind of look like her daddy a little bit yeah yeah i'm mexican you gotta look like her daddy in school i didn't deal with the black dudes because i knew that they just wanted to hit and quit and i spotted the mexican dude and he had a car hit around the corner from the school because you know he wasn't allowed to have a car because he wouldn't you know but he he he had weed and i used to like help him roll two like 200 joints so we could sell him at lunch and that's who i went with because my brothers always taught me don't [ __ ] with [ __ ] they gonna try to [ __ ] you and you know leave you for dead so i used to be looking at the big picture like i'm going with the mexican heat of [ __ ] hell yeah and guess what i've made him i don't even like this conversation you know he used to take me shopping and i survived yeah but i picked out stuff and i just had him fly and he didn't talk to no girls he was in check he already knew martina my girlfriend damn that but maybe i need me a blogger maybe maybe what you think about that that yeah you think i'm open to everything i was taught at a very young age by my mom and my dad when he was around so never you know whatever you [ __ ] with is who you [ __ ] with just cause you ain't black like this don't mean [Laughter] i have a question when you when you decided to get into the game were your brothers around to see it um they were cross country and i turned out in san francisco and i turned out with this white girl and italian girl and they was like top-notch [ __ ] and um i went to san francisco with them in the first night i made 500 it was june 1st 1985 on a saturday and the city was lit i wasn't even born yet and guess what [ __ ] was dating for two-digit midgets i was asking for a hundred so that was like big money back then i was getting white girl money you know what i mean and i i was like like i was saying i was a booster so i was like dressed i was like fitted and i looked like money so you know tricks knew they had to pay the money yeah yeah pay the price yeah for you you coming into the game who was martina before you even thought about even stepping down on how strong i was a booster and i was a mother and i was a good mother you know what i mean what made you turn out um um i needed money and my job at the post office sorting mail wasn't doing it so these girls i knew the white girl and italian croc they kept going out of town they was coming up they had money the girl bought a continental and i was like what's you what y'all i didn't know what they was doing but i was like i'm about i want to go with y'all yeah so i went with them and i was going with them on the weekend and the weekend went from just full blown horn and that's when i met kurt you know what i mean um god bless the dad curtis good out of berkeley yeah he was my folks you know he was a finesse pimp yeah he was real cool calm didn't you know he wasn't gorilla but he was he treated me so good like oh my god he treated me so good and then he got really sick and he had a heart transplant he passed away so kenny read i got with kenny red and it was a whole nother ball game but it wasn't like i couldn't take it cause my brother had [ __ ] like kenny red you know what i'm saying my brother had a cold-blooded thief she was so cold blood her name was the terrorizer my pimp brother reggie rose and she used to be stealing he used to be having like big old fat traps and then she used to be teasing his other hoes and calling them flatbackers like [ __ ] you're a flatbacker [ __ ] you'll never get money like me oh damn so she was like dumbing him down making him feel like [ __ ] yeah yeah that was and i'm and she was a dude that's the name of the game so you have to understand something man even when pims got into it man it was word smiths it was [ __ ] who can cut who amongst gentlemen you know you put your game to the test you know you put [ __ ] all your tools and all your jewels and everything see when i watch [ __ ] sit there i want to just put it in the camera no [ __ ] come put it in the streets it might get beat that's what's going to hurt a [ __ ] see it's easy to put it on the camera and [ __ ] want to sit there and floss and do all that extra [ __ ] but [ __ ] come out on the street and see what that [ __ ] really do for you man when you see a [ __ ] ride up yeah you might be riding 550 but watch this [ __ ] come up on you [ __ ] s63 [ __ ] amg and brush your [ __ ] head and tell you [ __ ] you ain't working hard enough and he don't even know what you did to get that come outside and come play it's a little bit different church when you ride up [ __ ] you think you king kong [ __ ] donkey kong [ __ ] and a [ __ ] show you [ __ ] who godzilla it's different bro it's it's funny cause like i noticed that you know squares and [ __ ] like that right there laughs and [ __ ] like you know where ronnie came from or people like ourselves came from but [ __ ] we had more than everybody yeah it was [ __ ] even rappers [ __ ] biting off the jewelry out pimps and people like that hoes and [ __ ] they even act like they thought about today [ __ ] they took the game from somewhere there isn't been around before rap you know how long there isn't been around yeah there isn't probably been around longer than the illuminati but we have different rituals you know it's always a ritual to a secret society that we live in ism is a secret society it's a culture it's a vernacular but it's a ritual that goes with it and it takes money you have to have money you have to have choosing fees to get with that pimping for who's for who's allowed to teach the islam without approval who's allowed to teach the ism because like how you were just saying this [ __ ] i think they doing it but they're not doing it like like who's allowed to be able to like like what makes you you can't stop nobody from thinking that they know what they know when they calling themselves kicking something to somebody they don't really know no business or even have any business even talking about church all you can know is how to separate the real from the fake you know if you've been around it enough man everybody make mistakes church you gonna make mistakes even believing in the people that's why i say man your best game at the end of the day is you because you can't you can't live like me jack you can't live like her you can't live like the next or the rest all you can do is maybe take a piece from us and go and make it on your own utilize it to you know what i'm saying you you could never i could never be you church i could be i can land in the same [ __ ] position that you landed in tomorrow and it might not happen the same for me even though it's the same type of situation definition it's not gonna be the same outcome because different people i'm treating it different or i'm doing something different you know what i'm saying in that mix that that you did that i might not have did or something that you did i didn't i didn't do or any could have probably got me out who knows you know what i'm saying but i didn't do what you did you know i'm saying we're all different people for a reason and that's why i try to tell people man like for the game itself and for people that came from it man nothing was by force you know people need to understand that man you know especially when i played it it wasn't it was never by force you never forced a woman to do anything for us i wanted to be in the organization i loved i love i just i loved it kenny was just so fly with his cars and his raw hoes he had thieves he had first second third string and he had fun with his [ __ ] and it you know we was getting money in the 80s it was like it was just getting money and marion barry was over there in dc smoking crack with rasheeda you know what i mean so we was just the city was open the police they were tricky everybody was just cricket you know what it was just getting this money but it's totally different now yeah totally different now it's like these people make their own rules and it's like everybody use the word pimp and hold so loosely and he's like oh she's a hoe that [ __ ] just [ __ ] for free that [ __ ] is a [ __ ] the [ __ ] i don't like that that pisses me off that really just grinds my gear when somebody called a [ __ ] a hoe and she ain't getting my hoes get money always short for hooker okay damn i never knew that yeah that's crazy i don't know now yeah no that's crazy i hear from somebody your hoes get money and they clean and they use rubbers and they smell good there's [ __ ] out there that just be [ __ ] for blunts and taco bell or a purse you know some [ __ ] give me some [ __ ] some [ __ ] to make why would you give your coochie for free like that just bothers me like even if i was married my husband he don't get my new car i want i'm turning my back on him so love doesn't play a factor in your life i'm jumping off his dick off of the chandelier and i'm gonna do a hard wheel and land on his dick if he do me right i paid a cost to be the boss oh i know how to freak him up yeah i'm not a dude you've had a chandelier i've never even had a house hey pretty much she asked you church you ever had your dick sucked from the back i bet you ain't never had yeah close close she looking at her like damn she do that all day i never yes you'd be like baby but you want what you want what you want i'm telling you so love doesn't play a factor love does sometimes so this makes a girl that you fell in love with and like i loved him but he had to have money he did oh but he did but what if he did it i wouldn't have [ __ ] with him you think about that church she's kind of [ __ ] up i need you know what no i i get it i get it but what i'm saying i need something for you guys like that i do need some therapy but i'm still gonna be a happy hooker yeah because i'm a happy [ __ ] i take lemons and turn it into lemonade i'm not no bitter [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] make you look old that [ __ ] would write you in the inside you got to just leave it at the altar and keep it moving stay prayed up paid up and keep it moving because it will take you down you know god give you only 24 hours in a day you're gonna use them 24 hours to be negative be crying over a door that's close and he got five more doors open for you you better tap into the spirit world man i gotta you know i gotta go ahead and uh chime in with you on that one because you know i notice a lot of people get stuck on things that they think that are gonna be for the rest of their life but you have to understand that you know sometimes things are only a stepping stone or what you really make of it you know even if you feel like your value ain't getting held man where you at at the time or whatever it doesn't really matter man you know as long as you know your value and how you can really see your foreseeable future come fit you know people don't really do that man people don't you know oh i'm only as good as what the next person to say i am man i want to take this to the i want to meet jeff bezos i want to be the first hoe to go to the moon and i believe i can yeah why not i want to be the first manifest that [ __ ] to be on the moon jeff bezo take me there all that man i'm gonna get you right baby don't worry about it that's why i'm here and he likes a mexican girlfriend and i like him and he goes to the uh you know he goes to the you know the urban areas and find smart children and give him good opportunities you know i like that man but i i just wish he would just let me go to the moon and open up a magnum jeff bezos man you got somebody that's out here looking for you church if you thought man nobody loved you hey man this woman right here man she looking for you today tonight and tomorrow in the daytime with a flashlight i'm gonna ask you you know because people think that it's so watered down you know it it has become a watered down game what do you think of the only fans chicks like you know i'm saying the chicks that are doing only fans and you know things like that you know porn i was watching this show called badass with natalie nunn and um one girl was on there and she was like getting at the white girl like are you an escort but she on only fans like sucking things doing all kind of stuff i guess because no one's touching her it makes what she's doing not gross because what you're doing is gross but you want to try to knock her because she escorted she a stripper and she gets to the money as long as she using safe sex i say do your thing safe sex is everything safe sex is everything all that doing something strange for some change i don't believe in it martin has there ever been a time that you've slipped up and you know you just being out in the game when you was was there ever a time that you slipped up you know and you let a a trick hit it with with nothing with no rubble hell no the [ __ ] you know i was expecting a different action [ __ ] hell to no i'm i'm in control of my tricks i don't let no trick just do me [ __ ] get on lay on the bed put the rubber on it sit on it a couple of times come on you ready and i'll be looking at the ceiling like oh yeah kenny gonna be happy yeah hey oh yeah hurry up have fun you gotta miss the hey it was like we always had that one little filthy [ __ ] that would do nasty stuff with tricks in my day but all the hoes i know they was like real flat full-fledged hoes that didn't you use rubbers and and didn't do certain things like it was just certain rules that you just didn't do yeah were you for do you ever fall in love with a trick hell no i'll be mad at when they stop [ __ ] with me and the money gone let my heart be broke like [ __ ] i missed that trick damn go ahead turn around [Applause] what anything you was curious especially if he was a good trick and was giving me good ass money that was giving me good money and he went to japan and left me and he served me the news struck he served me the news that i'm not gonna be able to give you no more money this is gonna be the last money i give you i was sick what was your and if i didn't look but there's a question i always wanted to ask um sharp as well like what was your guys take on um on [ __ ] was that movie where they made pimping look super like damn this is not it is the hustle on the floor well is it that one that was uh oh when he had the [ __ ] and all that that [ __ ] was that that was the word listen to me homie shout out to memphis shout out to memphis man you know and culture is culture oh you know i just think it's different cultures for how certain things land okay so that was so gonna be my so each state has his own thing i i mean they got their own culture however they feel like they think that was on some third string [ __ ] cuz they got some first class they got some memphis they got real hey man they got some real stomp downs hey man shout out to memphis tennessee because i know some of the real ones around there man really is moving that [ __ ] was just a movie that [ __ ] was just a movie yeah yeah the [ __ ] that's always because they kind of [ __ ] like this in oakland they got some [ __ ] like that going on in l.a before that movie even came out so all the little comments the [ __ ] that you'd be seeing that might have made you even ask that question trust me we could dead that one right here now [ __ ] i was doing it before that movie even came out before it was even thought about yeah cause i always assume like damn why don't why don't they just leave that house is hot like a [ __ ] or why just is this [ __ ] what is wrong with you they were sweating and and my perspective because when you read certain books so when i was in juvenile heart i read like a lot of books right right so there was there was books about like malcolm x and [ __ ] right when he did when when he was doing the what you guys say the islam right and and and then and then i read other books did you read um iceberg slim i didn't read that one oh okay did your dino going you might need to read that i might need to read that one so when when when you assume you always assume like yeah there's a it's business but you also got to take care show love and provide and then that movie just made it seem like they were all down bad like they need to get a job at the store for you yes yes what if people just so happens right off the whim actually did the things that we might have talked about or have portrayed through these cameras right yeah what if people that were doing things like that actually did it just have a better life what if we were actually doing it to try to live normal because we see how doctors and lawyers live we see how politics and governors and you know politicians and governors and people like that we we see how they live what if we just want a piece of that too but we don't got the same type of resources that they may have had because it seems like to me and i don't want to get too deep into politics but it seems like to me it's not about what you know it's who you know you don't have to go to college for eight nine years man to become something like that you can be somebody's long-lost relative and as long as you was in the bloodline and they cuz and grew up with your cousin and all and we're all family and all that they they bring you in me and you will never have that same type of outlook so that's why you're like damn you know why the certain people do what they do we know why we do what we do man even when you might not always understand it 100 you know like oh my god that's why i call him the shakespeare of this year when you might not always your question is basically like what do you feel about people do what you guys do and have done yeah and and have done done because i'm retired yeah i think i'm just speaking on it i'm retired i think just like i think like even like example like i think the bro for every game there's gonna be a rotten outfit that's gonna make everything look bad how i said the example earlier i remember like i remember like trump always used to say about mexicans like they're drug dealers and they're rapists and i'm like [ __ ] my mom worked hard yeah right my mom clean houses and she work hard pays her taxes and and then [ __ ] like that and then you know i mean i think i just think when you i was taught to never look down upon about what anybody does there you go do you a hundred percent have to agree because cause look because look i'm gonna keep it a book i was raised by only woman i was raised by three dishes and a single mom so when when i back when when somebody mentions pimping you think about a [ __ ] just slapping a [ __ ] and telling her what to go do and it's like [ __ ] i wish the [ __ ] would slap my sister like that or my mother well when you think about you you could say the same thing for a whole when you think about a hoe you just think about her being a [ __ ] and she's just flat back and she's just laying it down and she don't really care if she had a condom that day or not exactly but that's not necessarily true exactly so so i just think i think [ __ ] like you are needed in the world to talk about what you guys call the ism right because it's just like it's like i was saying when you think about something you think about you see certain movies like i even seen the media movie when the girl was she was like the prostitute and she's like she hates it she's crying while having sex and you think well [ __ ] that's nasty that sucks bro like how could a [ __ ] feel good about himself telling the [ __ ] to go [ __ ] the [ __ ] that's gonna rape her you know what i mean and then when you see like even like the movie we were just talking about where i'm like okay well at least if you're like how are you there you sweating you in a dirty ass house and then no not looking down upon memphis because i'm pretty sure the movie would just portray like that or whatever the situation is but you do feel bad but when you learn when you hear congress when you understand people's life and you open your eyes to not just yourself or just your universe but everybody else's universe you're like okay i [ __ ] get it like i mean i i might not agree or or or i might not 100 agree like like if i was being honest i'm like what damn like why didn't you just try to move up at the post office right and [ __ ] like that but but then when she talks about it come every two weeks and it was yeah crappy yeah but that's something they're telling you to leave no jumper right now and they can go work in produce yeah yeah that's crazy yeah so when that you gonna go play that when you know [ __ ] you that made it already easy for yourself 100 percent so i think i'm not gonna do that yeah so i think it's just a perspective you see it on like when you let people because sometimes people tell the people stories and they're and they're just and they're just writers like you're being a writer and being a storyteller are two different things because you could tell me your whole thing and i could write it and be like right sharp is a piece of [ __ ] right now you tell it the same i get what you're saying you'll never be able to tell the same as the actual so that's like that's like a narrative for like every movie like this you know like or even like [ __ ] that from what i know is that when you read certain [ __ ] right or when you see certain movies but i'm also a millennial kid right so we're we're we're accustomed to oh that movie that's just based on a true story and i automatically think like damn that [ __ ] some [ __ ] but then when you i like where you at with it because and i don't i don't mean to interrupt you you gotta like how you said millennials so i want to i took that word out of your conversation and i want to throw it over at her go ahead 100 how do you feel about the millennials today and like even listening to him and like listening to his insight of what what he thinks it is because he's seen a lot of it on tv and you know what they might have portrayed to him or what his homies have said to him throughout the time like this is what a hoe is what do you feel like i want to hear your get back to what do you feel like these millennials are these new up and comings they uh do anything for clout okay 100 they do anything for fame um i wrote a poem about the power of [ __ ] compels talking about the instagram [ __ ] and how just just all kind of deep stuff you know what i'm saying um the game is messed up and we need to make ism great again or get out of it quit calling yourself a pimp quit calling yourself a hoe if you that ain't what you really doing you know what i mean that's like calling a giraffe a bear to me and i think and and and [ __ ] i think being an imposter yeah and [ __ ] i think that pasta hope hospital yeah and i think stop it yeah i think that's like a big thing because i think if you're gonna do something i feel like you got to be happy with what you're doing like if the game or the ism isn't for you which i'm pretty sure you got i'm pretty sure you both seen a lot of people not making the cut right didn't make the cut yeah bro you you you gangbanged you did all that you could i think tiger for sure okay tiger for sure okay cool you came from a certain circle that not everybody might necessarily agree with at one point in time 100 but you're still 100 loyal to it and you still stayed true yeah yeah no matter what anybody said only because everybody's gonna always have their [ __ ] outlook everybody's gonna have their perspective on what they think something is even if they've never touched it a day in their life they've only seen it like we said on [ __ ] tv yeah um society got um the is messed up you know like i said it's a secret society and they try to make us like we're so bad and we're sold this and that but like i said about that other organization look at the crazy stuff they do and it's to keep your mouth shut i come up missing you guys you know no i'm just [Laughter] but i'm saying like i wouldn't want to be into this ism more so than i want to be into these other societies you know what did you i'm gonna ask you this martini what did you cling to and using your words the ism what did you cling into the ism that you felt like you didn't cling into working a regular job or doing something else what was it that you felt like yo your soul clung to it's just clunk to getting this money i was just to just wanting to go across country just for the hell of it just hit every state getting this money and uh i just had that mentality you know being around my pimp brothers and it's kind of bad you know what i'm saying i still got ptsd that's pimp trauma stump down yeah pimp trauma stump down disorder you know what i'm saying i hear something man i didn't expect that one i hear certain songs i'll be ready to put my heels on to go yeah yeah gotta get the money this is it again no i you know that's crazy right it's in me not on me it's in me i am just a happy hooker to the day i die and i don't care what nobody's saying i want to ask you why didn't you why did you decide to be a hoe instead of a pimp well let me tell you something i i i never wanted to be a pimp because first off i don't even like coochie and i'm a woman and i respect i i mean i i thought i thought exactly listen to her second off a woman that does have an escort service is called a madam and yes oh i'm adam okay i'm sorry because i knew i was up under ism and i used to have to break myself i mean no money you know what i'm saying my all my money went to my man so when i had my escort service and i turn a girl onto a date for a thousand dollars i just want 300 service fee and they keep their money and keep their problems and do it moving because when you take somebody's money you take their responsibilities and i wasn't going to be responding and it's a whole got some culture old school game that's something there's something in the why may not every listen to me not every person who would even consider themselves allegedly a pimp or whatever the case may be would even want to take on every problem because see it's about a vibe you don't just look at a woman for her beauty you look at her for her duty and her vibe right what she can vibe on you with what she can be with you for how she can really come and concile with you church just really just record just be on some other [ __ ] other than just sit there just trying to be on some oh well you know i'm i'm breaking on you because i'm pimping and you're hoeing no it don't work like that that shit's never gonna last and it's gonna be some it's gonna be some ugly but you're not gonna want to take care of responsibilities of a woman that you don't vibe with you got to vibe with her people think just like hey i'm gonna be martina i got to say this even for you you had to love something about the [ __ ] that you was [ __ ] with to pam don't know average [ __ ] just pay no average [ __ ] right now i loved his last year dirty draws and drink his dirty baby she's gotta upgrade yeah she can't be downgrading love my pimp love my pimp we gonna cut this [ __ ] brain right where the [ __ ] is that because martina hey we ain't got the vents open and it's getting a little too hot in this [ __ ] the sharp tank no jumper the coolest podcast in the world sharpest coolest podcast in the [ __ ] world with a little bit of do you know hey man we out this [ __ ]
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 849,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharp interview, sharp no jumper, sharp podcast, sharp vlog, sharp doknow, sharp swu, sharp soft white underbelly, doknow interview, doknow podcast, doknow brown bag, doknow cholo, doknow no jumper
Id: Wuk9gLIiGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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