Pimpin Ken reveals Rules to the game "We flip em like IHop" Be careful you might fall for them

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] let me ask you a question how did you know how to get how much money to get from a girl and like [ __ ] get me $100 with like a chart [ __ ] well the rules you want the rules of the game well let let's talk about it so the rules of the game is that you know a pimp cannot have sex with a woman unless he get paid and if he has sex with a woman they call him T tender in the zipper or they say that you know he's a suckle he miss pimping and Miss pimping in this game ain't no pimping at all so you know what I'm saying me you know the rule of the game is a choosing fee so when a woman mess with you she got to give a choos Fe everybody got different choose my choosing fee was 5,000 but I took 25 00 at a time so [ __ ] had to get 2500 to get in my business you know what I'm saying because I said you know if you think I'm handsome pay my Ransom you know what I'm saying you got to to my pocket like rocket drop it out the [ __ ] and put in the pimp soop you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying if I'm going to take a chance give me my cash in advance it's first person ass SL you know what I'm saying that was the model that's what I was taught and you know so a lot of times man I can see a pretty woman and I definitely want to be with her I said damn man you know she's so fine you know what I'm saying mean her momma should had triplets you know what I'm saying she so fine she could be in look magazine I really wanted the chick but you know what I'm saying the gang would have tainted me i' have been [ __ ] up if I you know got that money can't get high on your own Supply and then ho snitch they a snitch hoes a snitch on the pimp if you a pimp and you [ __ ] a ho for free she's going to tell the other hoes oh he's free [ __ ] girl oh yeah go you had to give him no money yeah they tell on you like a [ __ ] man so I do that you know what saying me so I kept it real but I had the experience as I spoke to my man you know at comedy hype I was telling him you know that a older OG taught me the gang he told me man you got to go to the doctor and have all the sympathy move up how you have a triple bypass meaning that you can't have no sympathy you know what I'm saying so I had no sympathy you know what I mean it was always you know per first and ask last you know what I'm saying so that's the rule you know what I'm saying me you got to get your money up front because if you know it's like baby king you understand mean you know if you let get if you if you let them get the sex before the money The Thrill Is Gone Baby King say The Thrill Is Gone my question is what qualities do you see in a woman that says I can bust this [ __ ] this is a this back she work at the mall whatever well one thing I can tell you for sure that there's no [ __ ] that can't be turned out really man listen I had this one CH I heard that ho man I heard had this one chick man you know uh you know I had this old old school dude you know what I'm saying me May rest in peace you know what I'm saying he would play like he a trick so I tell the BR say look this old man you know he won't sit down with you for a few minutes never turned a date in her life never had a trick she said go give me 500 so I would give him the 500 he' give it to her and then I tell her she got to give it to me but I know a whole bunch of people like that you know I'm saying so that was one way that we would use but the another way you know what I'm saying I said hey look Pierre is in town tonight I know this BR like Pierre he's got a comedy show so I have her come to your show and I be whispering your ear like you know I be pointing at her and I said yeah Pierre want to [ __ ] with you so she think Pierre want to [ __ ] with her I said but the caveat he's going to give you some money he said he got $1,000 he said Pierre got $1,000 he said yeah I said but you know what I want you to do is I want you to get ready for pier I give her a deildo take this deildo and have sex with yourself you know saying because you're going to have another man's penis in your body so I want you to get the experience of having something inside you other than your man damn and so she said okay well cool you know what I'm saying so she in there you know doing all her thing and nut on herself and then you know what I'm saying me when I get to PE I said look here the same way you [ __ ] that dildo put a put a condom on pier it's going to be like a it's going to be like a dildo you know what I'm saying and believe it or not you know these goofy [ __ ] man if they like you or if it's Lil Wayne or if it's uh if if it's baby or if it's somebody in the industry they go for the [ __ ] all the time you know and I and and y'all call them groupies see but the thing what a pimp do is a pimper find a [ __ ] that's promiscuous and he'll say hey you know what I'm saying you [ __ ] for free let me show you how to [ __ ] for a feet and believe me a lot of these hoes is [ __ ] for free I mean Atlanta you know right here and where we stand I mean you could damn near tap of [ __ ] and [ __ ] it's just it's just that promiscuous around the world you know what I'm saying mean so and then you see these women on on IG you see them all them they showing everything for nothing so you know a pimp job is to try to turn them out you know saying me and show them like look you're a ho but right now you whole boring right now you Tippy to let me show you how to hold and be a [ __ ] Pro you know what I'm saying and that's what the gang do you know what I'm saying we flip them like IHOP you know we flip them like you know pancakes you know what I'm saying right right have you ever had sympathy man one time you ever one man I never fell in love with a [ __ ] because I I was taught in prison by the guy Pope to never fall in love and he gave me example I talked about other say like once you know when a pimp got a woman he give her instruction so basically what I tell hey pick this up go do this hey open the car hey cook me some food wo wo wo wo wo you know what I'm saying hey you know what I'm saying I'm going to brush give me a tooth but so instructions mean the bigger the instruction the bigger the production because you know what I'm saying me you know she's not used to that you know what I'm saying so once you get her used to that and you turn her out to serving the pimp you know I mean being subserviant to the game then when the next [ __ ] get it and he get that type of treatment he going fall in love you he going to mistake that for love and you know I'm saying me that's why you know we don't fall in love or we don't allow our feelings to get caught up because it's like a fireman when he go out there he ain't tripping on who's getting burned he going to make sure he try to help that person a police officer he going to shoot five [ __ ] a day when he go home he going to be a husband you know it's a job just like any other job you know what I'm saying mean but it's a job that every man can't master you know what I'm saying because a lot of [ __ ] think they can be pimps man that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] because let me tell you something man the hardest thing to master is a woman oh you know what I'm saying I mean the hardest thing to master a woman that's why pimps are so unique and that's why they get paid they get paid because they they got the ability to master a woman's mind women are some of the smartest creatures on the planet a lot of people don't know that they think that women are dumb you know but like I gave an example you take a [ __ ] that's 68 you know what I'm saying his wife tell him [ __ ] bring your ass home oh man I can't go my wife tripping that [ __ ] happened all the time you know what I'm say it's it's it's it's a reality but with a pimp ain't no [ __ ] going to disrespect no pimp she know better he ain't got to put her hands on it's just the it's just the rules of the game and people feel sorry for ho but they don't know that 90% of these women are horing like it Ain even really it ain't really that much pimping going on but there more horing going on than there's pimping you know go go go to ig they selling [ __ ] go to Facebook they selling [ __ ] go to only fans say go go go to uh uh beehive whatever the [ __ ] they call that [ __ ] they selling [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so it ain't even never been about the pimp hoes back in the day they use pimp for protection CU it was a track so you got 100 holes on the blade you know you got other pimps they they sweating hes and taking their money like [ __ ] you under pimper rat you disrespect the game My hoes can't get money cuz you you know you [ __ ] up the game that was the game you know what I'm saying mean so you know I mean turnning out a woman out essentially basically means you know what I'm saying mean you know y'all agree to be in the game right right I get that but let me ask you something um is it a situation where like gangs once you in you in it's hard to get out is that how's that work when get come to you say I had enough my [ __ ] beat up [ __ ] let me let me no no you know it's by choice and not by force you know what I'm saying mean I just make sure they let the choice be Rolls-Royce you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I got chose with my mouth closed you know what I'm saying me you know I was handsome so they pay my [ __ ] R so you dig what I'm saying so you know what saying when you're a nice looking guy you keep yourself groomed the objective of the game has always keep your fronts up so I you know you know I pull up in the 560 B you know what say brand new car you know I've been that all my life cuz I know the game you know but I ain't pimping no more I'm doing that because people respect you when you got something of material status so women you know what I'm saying me have you ever seen them ride around the dude ride past the oh that's my boyfriend you know what I mean he pulling up in a nice uh box Chevy or he got a beans or Rolls-Royce or some type of slick car reals and the music boing you know that's how women are women women are motor drunk you know what I'm saying mean they jewelry drunk you know what I'm saying they material drunk so a lot of times when you looking good and you smelling good and you driving a new flick wood hey man guess what you know saying you going to get chose Co and that's why I always got chose you know if you look at some of the videos of me all you see me is $50,000 main Co so $100,000 jury that was my secret I I had to do less work as long as you look good as long as you dress nice the women going to come to you I don't care what it is because first thing when they see me they say hey uh uh who you who who you with what you play football or something I said no I don't play football you I ain't in the NBA but I'm in the NPA what's the NPA the national pimp Association and I'm the two three of the peak I'm ma [ __ ] Jordan you understand what I'm saying not Michael Jord and on she once she start asking you got it then yeah yeah yeah nosy C Noy I like that nosy C Noy C you know what Dam dam turn me up a little bit if you like that clip hit the Subscribe button or the notification Bell in fact why don't you hit both of them
Channel: Comic Pierre
Views: 23,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pierre, Comedy, Stand-Up Comedy, Actor, Funny, Comedian, Humor, Urban
Id: M9yxGQ2ZihI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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