Silky Slim on Winning Pimp of The Year, Leaving The Game & More

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the shark tank what's happening no jumper yes sir sharpest coolest podcast in the world and today it is an honor a pleasure to have a distinguished brother like myself in the building ladies and gentlemen i would like to introduce to you a real player that then came from the game my man mr silky slim i rehearsed that now i like that bringing in though you know that was a good that was a nice bring in we got mr silky slim in the building today ladies and gentlemen and for the ones that don't know about him i'm about to get ready to introduce you to him hey you know yes sir talk to me man what life because i know you in the music game you do and you do it well you know what i'm saying and you really are putting on uh a different you you putting on for the culture right you're putting on for the culture man you know with the music game and we gonna get to that but i want to talk about mr silky slim the p who he was and how he moves and what his his mindset today well i mean [ __ ] my mind said it's kind of uh the same as it's always been you know what i'm saying continue to elevate continue to grow you know what i'm saying i come from the gang you know um and did it well you know what i'm saying it was just time to like you know what i'm saying yeah grow you know what i'm saying hey man i was telling another brother that man when you see that window of opportunity because it's small right right right that window opportunity don't come around a lot man and i thought that when you get into the game or anything that you're into right you always looking for that window to to make way well i look at it like this right the word pimp is scary it sounds scary because it's real taboo right but i don't look at it like a noun like a person-placed thing i look at like a concept you know what i'm saying once you understand that concept you can apply it to anything you do a lot of people just associate it with street money you know what i'm saying and and and and sex but that's not how i look at the game i look at the game as once you understand the concept of the game you can apply to anything you're doing whether you're doing this podcast whether you're doing music you know what i'm saying whether you um you know you think these record labels ain't pimping like a [ __ ] you understand you know the world well i i forget whose song it was but the world is full of pimps and hoes you know what i'm saying the world so i mean the whole thing is just you know record labels pimping these tv networks is pimping you know what i'm saying business owners and and you either pimping hauling or tricking white men and other people i just people regular people made their own brothels man and [ __ ] like that ranches bunny branches right right but i look at it like uh you know that [ __ ] is clocking in to work at the at the uh at the grocery store you know what i'm saying yeah somebody up there pimping somebody up there hoeing and somebody up there spending money tricking you know what i'm saying so it's just whatever you do in life you know what i'm saying i just look at it like that i don't necessarily attach it just to to the taboo part of it you know what i'm saying yeah i kind of look at it like it's a concept you know how did you how did you get into it man when did it all start for you when did you say man this something i'm about to do about to get into the game man i'm about to get ready to start i i want something different man so what did you when did you start in the mixture of all this when did you say man [ __ ] it man i'm about to start pimping um allegedly you know back in i mean so we talked about it you know fast man you know like you know i know it's cliche but it's like the game chose me you know what i'm saying yeah you know i can't show you that's very well you know what i'm saying the game chose me yeah and um it was something that i fell in love with you know what i'm saying yeah you know so you know that was that was uh i was about 18. yeah you feel like i fell in love with you too huh yeah i fell in love with it you know what i'm saying they fell in love with me you know i'm saying love is a beautiful thing we out here trying to spread the love baby right oh real [ __ ] yeah i fell in love with it you know and it was something that um it was something that it was probably the first thing time in my life i felt like i was great at something without having to work hard at it you know what i'm saying i'm a hard worker so i always play sports you know what i'm saying so i always i worked everybody that's what made me great at things because i worked harder than everybody you know what i'm saying i wasn't always the most talented but you know i was going to stay after practice i was going to be there early you know what i'm saying and and i was going to work hard yeah work ethic yeah work ethic man some [ __ ] i was just this was just natural to me i didn't feel like i had to work hard at it i was like [ __ ] right is this even right no real [ __ ] yeah how did you how did the name silky slim come about man i'm glad you asked me that because i just got back in contact with this dude it was a [ __ ] named prime minister primo velasquez man and uh [Laughter] [Music] and he was trying to knock me out he was in hollywood he was trying to knock me off you know what i'm saying so he was keeping me close to him because he was trying to knock me off you know what i'm saying so he was giving me all his gain because i had to have enough game to keep up with him so i could stay close with him he didn't want me to go nowhere so i knew he was trying to knock me off but at the end of the day i was like man i'm soaking up so much game even if he get this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah you know [ __ ] i got the game you know what i'm saying yeah but uh he couldn't remember my name so back then i used to wear my [ __ ] pressed out all the time you know what i'm saying yeah i know what they feel like being late yeah yeah so uh when he introduced me to people on sunset you know what i'm saying he'd be like this is my partner uh silky yeah and then sometimes he called me i was skinny back then so sometimes he just my partner slim and so i just kind of some people started calling me silky some people call it me slim yeah and i just kind of put him together when i started doing music yeah where's that dude that day you still talk to him i just got to kind of man i've been looking for this [ __ ] i went to prison for a little while and um i just lost touch with him and i was in vegas i stopped by a dc in them they got a a restaurant so i'm sitting at the restaurant just shooting the [ __ ] with d.c and um i'm telling him that story yeah and he said wait a minute you know prime and i said yeah you know him he said man he come from me i'm the one that brought him in the game you know what i'm saying yeah i said you could get a hold of him and then they could call the dick up i just got back contact with him probably about a week ago yeah yep that's live right there yeah and he got a book um um um right now yeah well his protege wrote a book about him you know what i'm saying so i just been reading that i was just on the plane on the way out here reading it that's a hell of a compliment right somebody to write a book oh man when i tell you this when i tell you this [ __ ] code if i could get him up here yeah he gonna man man man i never seen nobody that sharp man mouthpiece man he was like the terminator on that track you know what i'm saying he'll see a [ __ ] and all everything some coming he knew exactly what to say when to say how to say it i've never seen him lose never seen him when it comes to a routine man standing there having staying on that course yeah but he influenced a lot of uh you know my early early days you know what i'm saying i wanted to walk like him and talk like he mean you know what i'm saying you know he was giving me the gaming you know before i was able to find myself you know what i'm saying you know it was yeah he influenced me a lot yeah no i feel that and you know what man like with my partner i got a partner man juice jones that's where i got a lot of my game from man you know i don't you know back in the day man i was like i was going cross country everything you know what i'm saying like man i really that's where i got my name from was cross country you know what i'm saying i wasn't never taught to like man i wasn't taught to ever have mac in your name none of the to be honest right right right it was always to have a pimp's name right i'm saying that's what my name was sharp rob you know what i'm saying it was never no mac nothing like and i you know i started out like that calling myself mac rob and you know going cross country man and getting my name like nah man you sharp you dress sharp and you fast yeah yeah you move fast you know what i'm saying so that's how i got my name sharp right your name's fitting too hey man [ __ ] are you you've been saying it to me for a while man you know and i i say this man like with that that that's what really takes you to a you you get your name from from pimps man p.m a name you see you didn't go through nothing wrong you actually went through the right process right right to me you know like just because [ __ ] start calling you that and it just sticks it's just you know what i'm saying i feel like they'll be the most organic names in anything yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that i think that man like i just i love the game silky i love the game i just don't like some of its players today i don't know how you feel about that you tell me man what do you think about the game today and some of its players i mean i think honestly i think the game is pure as it's always been you know what i'm saying like you know when you talk about the true essence of it you know what i'm saying because of social media because of um you know the internet a lot of people that have no business uh of getting some of that information you remember we got in the game right you had to be down to get the game you don't have to be down to get your name yeah you had to be down to get your name you had to be down to get no but i'm talking about even man you go to a circle of peas and they chopping it you know [ __ ] don't know you they say you know they get away from you you know what i'm saying it's like you had to be down to even have these conferences to even be around these type of conversations because squares was in square environments you know what i'm saying they wasn't getting these conversations now with the internet and all that other [ __ ] you got a lot of people that should never get this type of information now they're able to sit at home and get enough of it to [ __ ] around go out there and that's why you see so much [ __ ] up [ __ ] you know what i'm saying because you got people that uh ain't doing it from a genuine place they're doing it with [ __ ] up intentions you know what i'm saying and they're doing it wrong they're doing what they think you know the same way a square look at the game you know what i'm saying these [ __ ] are squares that's looking at the game saying where square looking at it so they're doing square ass [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah and and giving this [ __ ] a black eye and it's a lot more of those that's around it just because they have access to certain information but the game the true game it's always meant pure like i just don't look at them they don't pay attention to them [ __ ] them [ __ ] that be popping all that [ __ ] i was in vegas one time man and um and uh you know i ran into one of my one of my og partners and [ __ ] and um you know i'm like man these are punk ass [ __ ] out here and these [ __ ] just weirdos and this this that another and the [ __ ] say man silk there's somebody out here that's doing it the way you want to do it there's somebody out here that's having the things you want to have you know what i'm saying they don't have the punk ass they having everything that you want you know what i'm saying but your problem is is that you're focusing on these punk ass [ __ ] you focusing on these weirdo ass [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so you're not attracting the [ __ ] that you want you're attracting the [ __ ] that you're focusing on so that [ __ ] changed my life i stopped focusing on them punk ass [ __ ] you know what i'm saying that the [ __ ] don't entertain me i don't sit online and laugh and and haha and all that [ __ ] with the [ __ ] i don't i don't do it i unfollow people that that that that don't post positive [ __ ] if you go look at all my followers these [ __ ] people that i follow see the people that i know in real life or like comedians or inspirational [ __ ] because your brain is a sponge and it soak up everything you know what i'm saying whether you're conscious of it or not so the [ __ ] that you focus on is the [ __ ] that you gonna track because that's what you notice you ever bought a car and then right after you bought that car it seemed like every car on the road is the car that you just bought yeah it's because that's what you're focusing on now you know what i'm saying they've always been there but now you're focusing on it so i just don't even focus on them weird ass [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna be honest with you i don't even focus on that because i was always taught man you know you could be sitting in the benz admiring the man in the ferrari next to you but you don't notice the person at the bus stop that's admiring you in the beings right right yeah i'm saying you got to be grateful and just stay on your track you know but i'm gonna go back to the [ __ ] real quick church because we got to talk about it nobody let's talk about i really feel like you know okay these [ __ ] to me they don't even really want to [ __ ] with no true game no true ism anymore because they feel like they can go find crutches within other [ __ ] man there's other [ __ ] that's cutting deals right they're playing they're willing and dealing why they gonna want to deal with us when they can go deal with a [ __ ] that man she can make him and a [ __ ] can't make me well he can't make me no i'm already me yeah this ain't build-a-bear [ __ ] you know what i'm saying at the same time i don't even want that [ __ ] the [ __ ] just looking for a [ __ ] like that i don't even want her because [ __ ] you gonna get everything that you pay for you know what i'm saying you don't get everything that you want you know what i'm saying you want to go [ __ ] with a sucker because he was going to be a sucker towards you you know i'm saying a lot of these [ __ ] they want a [ __ ] to be some stomp down ism just not with them right it's like it's like yeah i want you to go hard on the [ __ ] just you know what i'm saying putting me on the pedestal we got something different square with me we got something you know what i'm saying yeah yeah my thing is man i'm bitching i don't even [ __ ] with them [ __ ] the [ __ ] i only want no [ __ ] i don't want them [ __ ] because it's still like i said the game is pure there's still some good [ __ ] that really want a real [ __ ] that really want somebody to stump just like okay this is who i am and i want somebody in the same lifestyle as me you know what i'm saying there there's still those type of and and when i was [ __ ] around you know what i'm saying those were the type of people that i dealt with i don't even the square [ __ ] they want the sucker [ __ ] man y'all go be happy together i'm happy for you [ __ ] you know what i'm saying i will come to the wedding and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying me too i told [ __ ] man i'll even sing at your [ __ ] yeah paper man go get my check together i'll sing it yeah y'all gonna book me the company y'all can book me to come to your weddings and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying i'ma go ahead [ __ ] do your favorite song from slim you know what i'm saying you can still make it seem like it's a playing wedding you know what i'm saying we could still make it seem like it's some more player [ __ ] going on yeah i'ma show up man how many songs you want me to do you don't talk about yeah hey no that's real [ __ ] but i'll be honest bro like i said man you know i've said this before and i'ma dig deep on this one you know [ __ ] that are in the game or move around in the game around the game they want you to you know play square with them and do all the extra [ __ ] and when you don't guess what they do they go and find the [ __ ] that does but let's be real [ __ ] it takes a real peculiar mind to be able to even lay his head next to you at night right this isn't for the average the average yogi the bear right and people don't really understand that man this should make the the biggest man with the biggest muscles cry right right but because he can't even accept what his [ __ ] is really doing yeah but it it it takes it takes i look at the game i i look at i look at [ __ ] that's in the game like this it takes a strong person to be in the game i mean physically mentally and emotionally emotional you know what i'm saying yeah you got to be mature enough to like to to separate those things you know what i'm saying it just did like one [ __ ] look at these [ __ ] like they just smoked dumb ass [ __ ] no these are some of the strongest women on earth you know what i'm saying because of the things that they're able to endure you know what i'm saying accomplish the goals they set out to accomplish so i look at it like you know [ __ ] got to be a strong woman you know what i'm saying a lot of these [ __ ] just like there's a lot of [ __ ] in the game that don't belong you know it's a lot of [ __ ] that just don't [ __ ] you wasn't ever supposed to be in the game in the first [ __ ] place right because you able to post the ad now you're able to do only fans you're able to do certain [ __ ] to where you can kind of convince yourself that you're not a hooker you know what i'm saying yeah so so you know you only you're only horn on the weekends you know what i'm saying when you don't have a boyfriend or some [ __ ] like that you know what i'm saying you wasn't ever supposed to be doing this in the first place you should go get you a job you know what i'm saying to find you another kind of hustle you know what i'm saying where you're gonna find some type of success because you ain't gonna be successful cutting corners like that you about to [ __ ] around and keep ending up in the same [ __ ] predicament blaming the [ __ ] when [ __ ] you need to look in the mirror and blame your [ __ ] self for making bad choices and if you know you're a habitual bad choice maker look in the mirror and think about what you want to do and do the exact opposite of that because you know you make bad choices so do the opposite of your first mind [ __ ] you might get somewhere in life [Laughter] you know i've said it before and i'ma say it again church you know when people i'm gonna say people i ain't even gonna say [ __ ] i'm gonna say [ __ ] or or just people when you when you choose it's to choose up it's not to choose regular it's not to choose down it's not to choose average it's to choose up may your next move be your best move and when these [ __ ] they choose wrong they want to blame the people that they are well it was him no [ __ ] it was you you chose right you knew exactly what the [ __ ] you signed up for these [ __ ] are not game goofy right but but they but they got to be realistic with the fact that [ __ ] you're not built for that life you know what i'm saying and and you know you you get you get [ __ ] who you know just people like you said in general men and women that that they're not realistic with with the [ __ ] that they want to be you know saying you're not that so you about to come in and [ __ ] you have to get hurt you're about to get your heart broken you end up in a bad predicament when you really wasn't even supposed to be in that lifestyle you know what i'm saying and that's why a lot of [ __ ] running but you know like i said they don't they don't ever get my [ __ ] way you know what i'm saying yeah we're not even on the same playing field you know at all like i said i you know i i took this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying to to you know to like i said there's a lot of legal things that you could do if you get your [ __ ] head after saying you know what i'm saying to stop thinking it's only one way to skin a cat you know what i'm saying is is it's plenty of ways to be the p that you want to be the whole thing is is that maybe these streets ain't for you you know what i'm saying and so find a way to to to understand the game you know what i'm saying you know it's pimping your own lane yeah pimping your you know what i'm saying that's the real [ __ ] that'll be your own name and that came from some game that was called right there in your own lane man and they don't necessarily mean man you dealing with a [ __ ] we might have to put that on a shirt if i said i'm not going to encourage people to run into the streets because you know i went through a lot of ups and downs when i was in there you know what i'm saying in in the streets and um you know i'm not going to encourage people to be in that life you know what i'm saying i'm encourage people to learn it you know what i'm saying the same way [ __ ] learned religion you know what i'm saying learn um a trade you know what i'm saying you know i feel like you should take in as much knowledge as possible you know you read you know what i'm saying actually read stop just reading your twitter feed you know what i'm saying to get some information you know what i'm saying and and take what you can apply it to something legit you know what i'm saying i actually got knowledge in the game yeah like i got knowledge like i got smarter i didn't get dumber i watch these only fans chicks they run around they got monies but money but they're dummies it's like the lights are on but nobody's home right nobody's home bro right the lights are on nobody's home around this [ __ ] you know they don't really have no type of understanding like i say this and maybe it's because they never really went through that but see what i was taught in the game if you're going to tell somebody something or tell them to inspire anybody to be in this telling the bad [ __ ] to come with this [ __ ] too right right so they got a clear understanding what the [ __ ] they about to put both feet into right but but a lot of people they not even uh capable of receiving gang yeah you know what i'm saying that's why you get so much [ __ ] frustrated because why not because they received they received the game on social media not receiving all the all the dudes on social media received the game they interpreted how they square mine interpret the game you can't interpret this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying it's it's it's like you know it's you can't it's it's not for everybody you could [ __ ] gonna be watching this interview right now taking notes thinking that that light bulb going off in their head and you got it all wrong you still didn't get what you were supposed to get out of it because you wasn't built for this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and that's just what it is you know it's certain [ __ ] that i stay in my [ __ ] lane you know i know i'm not good at like different languages as many times i don't try to learn a couple different languages i remember where i failed them you know what i'm saying that's just my brain wasn't operating like that you know what i'm saying i know what i'm good i know i'm not good at it you know a lot of these [ __ ] they they try to learn something new and then they figure they got it all figured out now you know what i'm saying the wisest person in the world know that they know nothing right right so if you approach everything like you don't know [ __ ] you'll be a lot more capable of receiving the game yeah but first you have to understand you got to get out your own [ __ ] way yeah you know what i'm saying yeah [ __ ] got to get out that way [ __ ] they worst enemy cause they don't listen they don't it's like they'll take one thing we can have a [ __ ] hour-long conversation and they'll take the one thing that they want to fit them and just hang on to that that's why you got so many arguments in relationships can [ __ ] listen and respond you know instead of actually listening i've noticed that a lot of people get on the internet and every morning they wake up the first thing they do they don't even grab a [ __ ] toothbrush bomb they don't even grab a toothbrush put it they might get to be getting they get some peppermint on their tongue or something they roll right the [ __ ] over grab the phone and get on instagram facebook twitter they get on these plates they get on all these little social medias right it's me and they and they tell people hey but it's me but uh but i'll tell you this but i'll tell you this i hope that you're not a person though that gets on there because what i see a lot of people do is they get on there and they look for those sites to tell them how to live for the day oh no no instead of living for their own like you know you would meet a chick and should be like you know or you'd be [ __ ] with a chick and all of a sudden she'll spring something on you like why are we doing this why are we doing that which where'd you get this from well i saw this somebody else was living like that [ __ ] that's not your life though right right maybe we can build there see that's the problem everybody wants it now right right because what because they've seen it online but you don't even know the [ __ ] that people went through to even get there it's the gratification you know what i'm saying man my one of my favorite words no i i i use social media the same way [ __ ] turn on the news in the morning like it's like you know it's just like i know you turn on the news i turn around man every morning man i'm watching cnn i want to see what's going on and i'll do the four o'clock shot two to three o'clock shots cause they're already up on the east coast yeah they're already you got to be on you know well you know i think i think the first thing i do when i wake up i go over i look at my phone yeah let me let me ask i want to put it in the question what does mr silky slim do as soon as he wakes up what what is his regimen take my dick out the [ __ ] mouth that's the first thing i did no i'm playing no no first the first thing i do is i check my messages you know i check my emails you know what i'm saying the first thing i'm gonna check is my emails you know what i'm saying uh well my text messages if i got text messages and check my emails you know what i'm saying then i might go going over the uh uh um you know some investments that i got you know some stocks and [ __ ] like that look at what's going on oh look at the glasses look look at look at the crypto [ __ ] they thought she was dumb you see [ __ ] be thinking like [ __ ] like ourselves are dumb listen to what you just said you get up and do the average man can bro right man that wakes up the hops in the lamborghini he's playing with crypto right he's playing with stocks right look what you're doing but they expect you not to have that mindset right why do you have that you're supposed to be a [ __ ] that's living in a room with threefold [ __ ] and it's only two beds right in a little two bedroom room in the motel six that's what they expect for the game well that's what they think well in all fairness i've been there before i've been there you know what i'm saying but i mean that's not where we wanted to be that's not where [ __ ] want to be that's not where [ __ ] wanted to be right right so you know just it was just about elevate and then on top of that if you ain't taking your money and and investing your money you know what i'm saying then like like what are you really doing you know what i'm saying you setting yourself up for failure right you know what i'm saying but it's the instant gratification [ __ ] want that [ __ ] benz right now you know what i'm saying [ __ ] instead of taking this money and fixing your credit you're going to take this money and pay more for this [ __ ] car you know what i'm saying just so you could be riding instead of uh fixing your credit and and you know having a better uh apr and you know going about [ __ ] the right way but [ __ ] want that instant gratification i never understood getting a rolls royce and pulling up and parking it in your apartment smart little parking spot pulling it up to an apartment i never understood that right like a [ __ ] getting a rolls-royce whatever you get something that's just you you paid you're gonna pay at least a little over a hundred for this car right and a [ __ ] pulls up to an apartment man i can't do that i'm sorry bro yeah i don't give [ __ ] you at least get yourself a house have a home to put this [ __ ] in versus but everybody wants that's about to go and stunt and it's not always about that especially in this game bro because you got to really count your blessings yeah the [ __ ] might do good for two weeks but what if she gonna drive for the next two and a half right right but [ __ ] run out [ __ ] run out like i got a ball the [ __ ] gonna make it back again i think a lot of times man when the [ __ ] comes from not having nothing you know what i'm saying and you know you start getting some money the first thing you want to do is spend yeah you want to feel like you know you want to feel good you want to buy something you want to have something cause those things make you feel good i remember the first car i bought was a a caprice right 96 caprice i had one out of two door yeah it was custom tutorials yeah and i out of four door and and and and i put some spinners on that [ __ ] remember them spinners was popping yeah you know i got some rims you know what i'm saying i got some [ __ ] beating that [ __ ] i felt good about myself you know i never had nothing nice you know what i'm saying i never had a nice car you know and to me that was it at that time you know you know that [ __ ] on my wrist right you know what i'm saying still it's still around there and and and it'll hold more value but but at the time you know what i'm saying it made me feel good about myself yeah so it you know it's just it's just you know you i feel like i feel like anybody that they never had nothing unless you have somebody uh older somebody older that's been through it that you listen to you gonna [ __ ] that first bag off for sure you know what i'm saying like yeah i mean i not even have to but i feel like you only learn when you go through that like you got to do that go ahead and blend it you got to get that [ __ ] out just yeah get it out you know listen bottles and [ __ ] go up and let everybody know i'm that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and then i ain't like feeling broke the next morning though church what i don't like that feeling what now you got your game looking at you funny like [ __ ] i just checked such and such or did such and such a [ __ ] the very next morning it's off now your energy's off you're stressed you're over you're not going ham on the business she don't even know why it's because you didn't blew the whole thing right right now we gotta think right now now she wants something did she feel like i've been work i deserve it you can't go get the [ __ ] that [ __ ] cause you've been turning up with your homeboys you know what i'm saying the [ __ ] that they even did they don't respect the game but i'm just saying [ __ ] trying to prove something to the [ __ ] man [ __ ] i want the [ __ ] to see me sean man cause that's what i thought wanted to see me shawn any [ __ ] way but you know we all gonna go through that [ __ ] uh you know you don't want a [ __ ] learning his lesson the kid is to not make the same mistakes repeatedly you know prove [ __ ] that's why it's easier to come prove [ __ ] to [ __ ] hey man don't come prove nothing to me [ __ ] cause you gonna [ __ ] around go broke i start i'll send that to the viewers don't prove nothing to me and i'm sure don't try approving under this man's just stay in your lane you will get there fast pimping your own lane you will get in your own lane man you will get you will get there faster and probably [ __ ] catch a slip stream and get there five minutes early yeah yeah yeah but you know like anything like just any any game in life any anybody coming from the streets whatever [ __ ] choosing to do in the streets you know what i'm saying i i would i would give advice and say you know what i'm saying don't don't stay there too long you know what i'm saying if that's what you feel like you needed to do in order to get to where you was going you know what i'm saying make sure that you're constantly moving forward because you know what i'm saying it's a lot of bad [ __ ] that's gonna come with you staying there you know what i'm saying do you and i'm talking about actually being in the game not pimping businesses because that's what we didn't turn into we still we're we're pimping businesses at this point right that's what me and you do we're at a whole nother i'm gonna ask a per a fellow person like myself fellow game member right do you feel and i'm talking about actually being in the game down still got your resume moving through the streets do you feel that you can pimp forever um forever that's it that's it that's all i'm saying just that that's all i mean i mean at this point if that's the life that i wanted to live i feel like i'd operate you know at a high function for a long time i don't know about forever you know what i'm saying that forever is a big word and you know that forever yeah you know i don't know about that what i'm saying i mean the thing is when you got the game you got the game you know what i'm saying and you gonna constantly evolve and you know they say it's a young man's sport you know what i'm saying and and and it is to an extent but but that's only because if you if if you get older you wise up you're not going to just stay there you know what i'm saying i never looked up to the [ __ ] no disrespect to none of the og's that that i came up around but i never looked at the [ __ ] that was 50 years old down on the blade every day i never wanted to be like him you know what i'm saying i respecting them you know what i'm saying but i never looked up to that and said oh this is where i want to be when i'm 50. you know what i'm saying [ __ ] that you know what i'm saying obviously we all here you know what i'm saying we try and we in the game you know but but like i said i never wanted to stay there you know what i'm saying so could i operate like that forever you know what i'm saying i feel like you know at that basic at that basic level of function yes but i don't want to be basic you know what i'm saying you never got into me basically yeah i don't want to be making it be basic working on little seasons i mean we never got it when i got in the game bro i never got in it to be basic and i never got any just because that's just what i like to be honest with you bro you know i got into it because i was damn good at it right i was damn good at it bro right i wasn't good at selling drugs i wasn't good at it none of that other [ __ ] i'm gonna smoke all the weed up right somebody's gonna be mad at me later on so i don't even want to put myself through that mixture right but when i when i was [ __ ] with this [ __ ] church i was great at it yeah i was good for many years yeah for many years i've never [ __ ] with no kids never you know what i'm saying goddamn like bro none of that [ __ ] don't mean that ain't even my forte ain't my before man i ain't no gremlin looking ass [ __ ] so i'm sure i can move a [ __ ] of my taste right you know what i'm saying i know how to at least do that right but just back to you and just being in this level what did this did you get in this because you just got into it or did you get into it because you really did feel like man i'm gonna make it from this [ __ ] i'm picking i'm picking back in the day when you first got in you were a kid you weren't even 21 yet [ __ ] you couldn't even buy alcohol no hey you want to know some funny [ __ ] i used to be down asking [ __ ] to buy me a bottle and silk you ain't 21 yet cause i have been around so long at a young age you know what i'm saying and i was operating you know i was having things you know what i'm saying i wasn't uh you know it's like like i said i mean i got in it you know i just fell in love with it like i said the game chose me and you know what i'm saying i just fell in love with it just i was good at it you know what i'm saying so that's what that's what it was you know what i'm saying it was just it was the same reason why i started growing my hair out in the first place i was broke but i knew i could always get a [ __ ] to break my [ __ ] for free i couldn't afford a haircut you know what i'm saying but i knew i i could get one of these [ __ ] to braid my [ __ ] that's when i that's why i first started growing my hair in the first place you know what i'm saying so i mean [ __ ] if a [ __ ] look at life like that you know what i'm saying i always talk a [ __ ] and get me whatever i want you know what i'm saying yeah but you know it's like i like how you said this and i gotta i have to stop you dear i can always talk a [ __ ] into getting me what i need what i want right you never said force you never said i can rob a [ __ ] and get what i want i can force a [ __ ] and get what i want i can see they always look they they think that's that's our loophole all we're forcing we're no when we're doing it we're forcing we're taken we're no you have to understand something this girl that was probably dealing with this man or a man or whatever the case may be she was probably already doing this nine years before she met this man ten years before she met this man right now all of a sudden when he gets her it's a problem it's right he's from that perspective i was always like this this is who i am this is what i want and it was either okay or it was no and that was fine the note was always fine with me because like i said i don't pay attention to people that that you know what i'm saying i don't pay attention to it okay you know what i'm saying that's what it was so yeah no it ain't there for us man and these [ __ ] be playing these [ __ ] victims and shopping seeing these [ __ ] all on the thing it's like [ __ ] you knew what you was getting yourself into you know what i'm saying and you knew the type of [ __ ] that you was getting yourself involved with you know what i'm saying it said the people out there that that wouldn't that wouldn't treat you in those ways you didn't choose them you know what i'm saying don't play victim now you know what i'm saying because i'm gonna tell you something i went to jail one time for uh driving on a suspended license and i'm in the holding tank and everybody in a [ __ ] holding tank in there for domestic violence it wasn't not one [ __ ] pimp in the holding tank yeah that was in there for domestic violence these squares beating the brakes off these [ __ ] you know what i'm saying man if you think about it you do got a point but i'm gonna tell you this that goes back to what i said earlier these [ __ ] aren't choosing members from the game they're choosing somebody okay well how much [ __ ] will he put up with because i come with a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] already comes with debt and regret already as soon as she comes through the door she's got a million problems million problems so who the [ __ ] is willing to put up with my [ __ ] the most it's not gonna be you because she already know you on top of your game right it ain't gonna be going down [ __ ] we might last a week right if that tops right because you're gonna run some dragon you might give me some something solid for the first couple days and then the rest of it's all drama and don't [ __ ] excuses i tell my [ __ ] all the time you can't pay somebody to love you you can't pay no you can't you can't pay you can't pay me to love you can't pay them you know what i'm saying oh a [ __ ] pay for time you know what i'm saying [ __ ] get you some money for it for give me some money for a show you know what i'm saying they got my time right you could pay for some time but you can't pay me to like you you actually have to be a pleasant person to be around i don't give a [ __ ] how much money coming through because they because i don't move off of money see i'm not doing it for the money see when you do it for the love and that's why a lot of my fellow i say when your attention is right you know what i'm saying when you really want to see that person next to you grow when you really care about that person next to you and you're not just doing it for the money because if you're doing it just for the money you know what i'm saying you you're going to be willing to do anything for the money you know what i'm saying and so it's a vibe bro it is it's a vibe and that's how i took it in my life man i don't want to just when i was in i never wanted to just mess with chicks just i did that i came from that because i thought that kept a label on me right really didn't know that i was really hurting myself right doing that i'm saying trying to just [ __ ] with every [ __ ] because that's what i thought you know a [ __ ] in this game supposed to be right right right no no man you're supposed to be choosy too yeah yeah you are choosy too and i've noticed that a lot of chicks don't really understand that what is this but like [ __ ] think relationships is hard and i'm not just saying this for you i'm saying this in general i don't feel like relationships should be hard why should i have to work hard to be with somebody i don't have to be with you know what i'm saying it shouldn't be a hard that's a general story to get along it shouldn't be a hard thing for us to make each other happy and if we have to work hard at being together we probably just shouldn't be together you don't work hard to be friends with your homeboys nobody don't even [ __ ] with each other y'all don't so why i got to work hard to be friends with this [ __ ] we don't get along but like i said if a [ __ ] doing it just for the money you know what i'm saying then you're going to run into those situations and it's going to be a toxic environment you know when you when you allow yourself to be in toxic environments you know what i'm saying toxic [ __ ] happens yeah you know i've allowed it i've done it before time i really learned from it right right but then you also learn that a lot of [ __ ] are just toxic you know what i'm saying and um you know it from the gate so you you can't fix people you know what i'm saying people have to do the work to fix their self if something's broken if something's wrong but a lot of times our ego will say oh i could fix her or i could fix him you know what i'm saying i could no some [ __ ] you can't change him no change can't change nobody people have to want to change for themselves listen i said that [ __ ] before i was like look man you could send somebody to rehab man you could spend a hundred thousand dollars on a [ __ ] rehabilitation program but unless that person really wants to change man that was just money you just spent that just got burned right right right church right we got a few minutes but because i wanted we got we didn't got caught [ __ ] i love this i love this yeah because this is when you know a conversation really going good yeah you know i want to tap in about your music yes because we've we've done uh and i appreciate the game that you even brought to the sharp tape because you really did bring it pleasantly and you brought it in a way that i hope the viewers can understand you know our mindsets right you know and maybe one day me and you we can come back and we could tap in on that again anytime you need me here but i'm saying and i'm gonna have you a lot i'm not gonna lie to you because i just like your style like having you around but i wanna tap into the music for you we know you got the game right right we just talked about that we just you just you just put out just a piece of the seasoning you didn't even drop everything right he didn't bring it all right you got some of that left at home right you didn't know you had to bring so i'm saying this was a lot already small but let's let's talk about this music man what what's up with them so so you know i was able to take my life experiences you know what i'm saying and say you know let me do something legit legal and positive with my life you know what i'm saying to focus on that you know and really it was i my [ __ ] 211 right uh uh uh i was talking to him in the studio one day he said silk you can't do both you can't be successful at both damn you know what i'm saying and i didn't hear him when he first said it but it always stuck with me so i had to make a decision you know what i'm saying okay let me focus on this music because that's what i wanted to do and i'm good at it i'm talented as a [ __ ] you know what i'm saying bar for bars not too many [ __ ] [ __ ] with me and i'm coming in again running back tomorrow it ain't too many [ __ ] [ __ ] with me you can go listen to silky sundays one through 51 to find that out you know what i'm saying yeah but you know it's it because i still i still believe in like content you know what i'm saying like actual bars and and metaphors and you know what i'm saying all that i enjoy that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but i'm coming from a unique perspective because i was really uh uh that [ __ ] when i was performing in these streets you know what i'm saying so i could talk about [ __ ] that a lot of my [ __ ] just can't talk about from perspective that a lot of [ __ ] ain't never gonna have you know and and and you know i just dropped um um uh what said my man i i i dropped my album stay down to come up a couple months ago you know what i'm saying and that was uh something i was real proud of you know what i'm saying so what were you thinking about when you were writing that project like i was on house arrest and um you know for some [ __ ] that got dropped you know what i'm saying because um um you know i allowed a toxic [ __ ] around me you know what i'm saying and you know when you got alcohol involved and all that other [ __ ] thank god i had cameras at my house you know what i'm saying because my [ __ ] like really lied on me and it made me realize like you know what i'm saying tighten up your circle you know what i'm saying and if i don't hold those cameras i would probably wouldn't be here right now so i was on house arrest and um it was the first time because normally i get in the studio and i just go you know what i'm saying i just go whatever i'm dealing with that day wherever i'm uh feeling you know at that moment i just go this was the first project that i actually sat in and um and thought about you know what i'm saying every song actually mattered you know what i'm saying and not saying that all my music doesn't matter but you know sometimes you get in the studio and you drunk and you just you know whatever come out come out you know what i'm saying but this one i was able to like take my time with you know i had a lot of time to think you feel me yeah so yeah that's fascinating bro to hear that like every song was thought out because probably at that time being on house arrest you know fighting the case whatever the case may be all you have is your thoughts and i don't think a lot of people know that man they don't know what it's like when you ain't got nobody really with you yeah it's cool you got the homie calling yeah he he gets you through a few words but when it's just you man that [ __ ] you know it's such a different demographic of your mentality because it's just you you you in your own thoughts man so [ __ ] i've done i've done music and some of the best music i ever i've ever written was by my by myself me just being by myself right no nobody else i just wake up at like six in the morning and i'm like [ __ ] i'm about to get ready i'm gonna drop something right right and cut some of the best [ __ ] like just to me you know my own personal [ __ ] so i do understand that and my brother-in-law fernand was a great producer he started just sending me beats and you know i'm at the house and you know what i'm saying and then um you know i was i i i'm proud of all my projects you know what i'm saying [ __ ] i got uh cash mouth volume one cashmere volume two cashmere volume three pgo the mixtape value one pgo the mixtape volume two and um stay down and come up and i have uh uh i was doing these things called silky sundays um for a year straight where i was doing freestyles every friday you know what i'm saying yeah and um i got up to about 51. i missed week 52. yeah you know so i got a lot of content you don't seem happy about that you seem like it bothers you well because i didn't get see what it was i was doing all these [ __ ] freestyles on these beats that i can't get paid from so i got this big body of work right i got this big large body of work that that you know my fans love but you know what i'm saying i couldn't i couldn't financially reap the benefits from all that content so you talking about 51 freestyles um you know two and a half to four minutes long 51 of them joints that's a lot of content i get what i'm saying absolutely no because i do something called church on a sunday man every sunday and it's yeah they they add up but then after a while it's kind of like you know you start getting you you're doing other things it's hard to you know that that [ __ ] it takes energy yeah well it takes a lot from you you know people don't realize that and their life changes you know when i started it i was in the studio every [ __ ] day anyway so you know but as i got to moving around and doing this and then that's like [ __ ] i gotta hurry up and get this done you know what i'm saying so a lot of people they'd be like still bring back the silky sunday sabrina and i'll probably do some freestyles here and there but i'll never do those again just simply because i can't get paid for them you know what i'm saying you know that's cold some of these producers want to want to clear some of these songs yeah yeah do you feel like you understand the musical algorithm today and how to hop in and when to drop and when to put your music out just like i kind of when you came from the game you got to know when to set your game down you know when to pick them up have you learned that same type of game absolutely not absolutely not i because i i real [ __ ] right here bruh i don't you know what i'm saying i [ __ ] around i drop when i drop you know what i'm saying yeah it's like i don't you know and i should probably be better at that you know what i'm saying but you know you know it's all the learning process i'm learning yeah hey unless you're willing to learn it you should be willing to yeah yeah but yeah for the most part i just drop when i drop you know my might be back to back i might take a little hiatus you know what i'm saying just depend on how i'm feeling because i don't want to make anything that's forced i don't want to do music and everything i've done you know for money in life i did it because i love to do it you know what i'm saying once i start feeling like work i don't want to do it not saying that i don't want to work but i was always told to find something that you love you know what i'm saying and so that's how i do music you know what i'm saying when i start feeling forced when i start feeling like i have to put this out or i have to make a song like this that it you know what i'm saying it's not fun to me no more so you know yeah i still want to i still want to be fun i enjoy it and you know i'm far from famous but i'm popular in certain circles hey man i know you hey man so so hey man you you are [ __ ] that i'm not gonna let you say that no you are i mean i'm able to i'm able to i'm able to get money in the music you know what i'm saying in my community you're famous for the streets that's where we came from yeah to me i mean [ __ ] you know you can't buy that yeah i'm a small part of everything major me too i'm this [ __ ] a rapper you know what i'm saying i'm telling you all the time my music wouldn't have worked you know what i'm saying if it wasn't coming from a genuine space you know what i'm saying it just it wouldn't work you know what i'm saying that that's how the music spread in the first place well you've wrapped what you live near you've wrapped i've heard your raps are what you have lived right your experiences and what you have seen and i think that some of the hardest rappers homie are storytellers right those are the ones i like to listen to is the storytellers the ones that done been through some [ __ ] something i can learn from okay he telling me pretty much if i if i haven't crossed that path already hey man this is how it happened to me and it's how i approached it whether you take that or not right right whether you take that or not you can at least hear it from somebody else and other perspectives right right right silky you got to talk about champ was here before we get about there we got to talk about this one right here man we ain't even going to talk about the year man but it just says number one man i i was actually at this one uh-huh i was actually i've been i made sure man [ __ ] of hell i helped you down from there yeah you know what i'm saying when you had to stand up and you know talk yeah yeah yeah tell me what tell the viewers what something like this just even mean in our community man and just to people like us because they probably look at it like trinkets but to me this is all the respect yeah this is all like in in in in what we have done throughout the years this is all the respect right here and i'ma be real it don't take my perspective real quick it don't take having 10 20 [ __ ] it doesn't take having the hardest car because it's not the ride it's the play inside you understand what i'm saying what does something like this man when you wonder what's something like this mean to you well i mean [ __ ] if it feel good you know it's a it's to be acknowledged not just by your peers but by the people that you came into the game looking up to you know what i'm saying and respecting you know [ __ ] it was a good it's a good feeling and i feel like everybody got their time to shine and they just felt like that year this year you know what i'm saying it's his time it's his time to shine we're going we're gonna shine some light on you not so much necessarily for uh like you said it's not about the money it's not about the [ __ ] it's not about none of that [ __ ] it's it's just a respect thing you know what i'm saying i feel like um um you know you know they felt the way i represent myself and the way i represent the game you know what i'm saying they felt like it was time to give me some acknowledgement and you know i accepted the award you know what i'm saying with the most respected and and you have heard you have my you know what i'm saying you have my voters appreciate yeah yeah appreciate it appreciate it silky we had a time church i i could do this [ __ ] with you for another hour and 20 minutes like of what we can talk about and where the conversation can go i definitely want to bring you back loved one and i'ma tell you this man like hey man god bless you in all your endeavors man i hope to see hey man cause i work we're going to the top yes sir and [ __ ] whether you got to grab me i got to grab you we knew me and you both know where we come from yeah and we know we got to do it yeah church i appreciate you appreciate you having me tell people tell people where they can find you at uh uh at mr silky slim on ig twitter [Laughter] your um as well tell them where you're from uh uh you know everywhere it's all streaming platforms youtube apple music spotify you know what i'm saying mr silky slim you know what i'm saying if you put the silky slim in there some of it might pop up make sure you put the mr you know what i'm saying it's all gonna pop up you got any merch uh yeah i got uh uh we got the pgo the brand clothing you know what i'm saying i didn't i didn't wear none of this it's actually pretty clean no you came in just so it's gone by day yeah but we got some high quality [ __ ] my thing was when we got into the news because i'm not i'm not that's more bone he really good with the fashion you know what i'm saying yeah four-way bone shout out man i see him in the building today i'm not i'm not i'm not great you know what i'm saying with with with fashion all the time you know what i'm saying the newest looks and all that but i knew that if we was going to do it i wanted to do high quality merch i don't want to do the little [ __ ] 20 hour t-shirt you know i'm saying i want something that you feel like you gotta take to the dry clean you know what i'm saying so you know that's what we that's what we're doing you know we got the chanel patches for the for the suits we got the uh the custom jackets you know what i'm saying you know all that [ __ ] so yeah yeah merge everything bring your ass back man anytime call you listen any time pull up church any time when i need your help sometimes i'm gonna need you or some of your empowerment around too cause sometimes they don't believe it when you know it's one person but i do become like 98 people out of that hundred yeah and i still and i still owe you that drink we didn't have that drink and that's what it was and they go man [ __ ] we rolled all the way back ate together everything church so you know we got to do other things and we can still have ourselves a drink man hey man listen to me man the shark tank no jumper silky [ __ ] slim silky [ __ ] sling the champion's here i'm with the champs i have to eat this all year man go ahead man stay man eating and picking out your teeth do what you got to do man hey man hey josh peppa's on the [ __ ] up out of here [Music]
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 685,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silky Slim interview, Silky Slim no jumper, Silky Slim podcast, Silky Slim sharp, Silky Slim sharp tank, Silky Slim vlog, Silky Slim behind the scenes, sharp no jumper, sharp podcast, sharp sharp tank, sharp adam22, sharp reacts, sharp no jumper vlog
Id: PwrmSZxzwQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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