REPLAY Downhill | Crankworx Rotorua 2020

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[Music] [Music] this is how it's going down a perfect track here at skyline Rotorua with just the right amount of functions fans of everything fast the wait is over Frank works downhill racing is back a packed list of king and queen contenders about to break the beam hungry for the title round one from Rotorua is on in 2019 Canadian queen of Crankworx via verb eat used her downhill chops to lock in the title but with three-time Queen joke enter back in the 2020 mix every single point counties the race for king a season-long balancing act between raw speed and consistency and if contenders to the throne like Austin Warren chaos cebre and Keegan Wright are hoping to stake a claim they'll have to go through 2018 king of Crankworx Sam Blankenship the ultimate experience in mountain biking and the crank Rhodes Rotorua downhill presented by goal are coming at you [Applause] [Music] sunday sunday sunday welcome race fans it's time to race some downhill I'm talking about the Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by goal it's been a wild week already here stop number one of the twenty20 Crankworx world tour I'm your host cam McCaul and it's a party up here in the booth I've got two analysts and who knows I might even get some more I've got my good friend Andrew needling and look at this we got Elliot Jackson joining us today first off Andrew you've been walking the course you actually rode the course it's gonna be a good race today isn't it it is indeed they've made quite a future today Elliott a little bit of an issue in practice which is good for us to have you up here hanging out with us what happened yeah there's a step down in the woods and there's a root right on the landing jumped it rode away totally fine but my front of my shoe went right into the root so I have a hurt tone Jackson he's talking about jamming his toe into a root on the trail let's take a look at an overhead view of the trail via trail Forks up here there are so many trails in Rotorua New Zealand but we're gonna zero in on the one we will be racing on today a trail that is only open on race day at skyline Rotorua gravity Park this is kind of a legendary racetrack you said that they've made some changes to it Andrew but is it maintaining roughly the same flow it has it's got the same feel I mean this is the famous will tracks champs back in the day when Sam Hill won here and every time we come to this race all the riders excited because it's really natural and raw there's a lot of off camber the track cuts up it's just an all-round challenge of Donnell skill all right well that's what this the track sounds like with words let's get a visual let's go on board with Troy Brosnan and Tracy Hanna in this GoPro course preview and I'm Troy brozen and this is the crank wax rider Rua downhill presented by co GoPro course preview we're off beautiful start at the top here such a good view of Rotorua coming out to a bridge to get over the shuttle ride back into the forest send up under the ridge this is all about holding space right here flat drop now getting into the skate oh it's so limey imperfect - there's a brand new second yeah brand new section it's so tight and loose I was coming into the lower part there boys Oh coming into the latter parts now we're coming out this is where all the spectators consider to the finish new young back into the finish here we go I told you is gonna be a party we just had Troy Brosnan on there on screen doing the GoPro course preview would it be cool if we had him up here in the booth boom let's do it hey Troy prosit how's it going man not racing today no I told her to maybe maybe not I've done my neck in I don't know why it's just gotten so tight and one practice running spasmed and it was locked up so here I am missing out on a beautiful day you needed it you're not missing out on a beautiful day you're just not racing you're hanging out with us you need a neck for downhill race and so it makes sense but it's good to have you up here in the booth how was the course running for you before your neck seized up luckily for me the course wasn't too dusty and blown out it was running so fast with with like all the dryness that we've had normally it's raining and wet here so the track is gonna be really fast to the right it's going to be testing to to not overcome it and lose the front wheel in all that lomi dirt and new sections so I think it'll be a very interesting race and one that I'm excited to watch Troy Brosnan and Elliot Jackson off the start list but that's opening up the door for plenty of the racers out there let's take this opportunity to look at our women's start list here and the Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by golf what do you make of this Andrew while we dropping in with legend Annika Burton then let's look at that via via BEC she's looking for Queen of Crankworx points but Jill Kipnis also in the field air with not a lot of practice because they'd be doing so many events and then defending champion and Series champion Tracy Hanna will be dropping lost so Jill Kenner with a hundred point lead in that queen of Crankworx overall via Verbeek looking to close the gap more race and action coming your way after the break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back rays fans day for competition out here at Crankworx Rotorua and Wow the first three were absolutely insane so many highlights for the record books in case you're curious where we are we're flown in the middle of the Pacific Ocean let's zoom right into the beautiful country of New Zealand we're on the North Island town called Rotorua if you're a mountain biker got to try to make it down here sometimes so many amazing trails in the woods when you're here for the event so many highlights so many great moments I'm gonna put you on the spot Troy Brosnan you've been hanging out even watching the festivities what's one moment that really stands out for you so far yeah I think everything's been so amazing you know all the all the events have just really kicked off but for me Karl straight just going full beast mode in the slalom snapping chains still winning I don't know how he did it but it just shows to all the training that he's done paying off I agree Elliot for you yeah for me it was really the pumptrack like I got a like a front row seat right at the beginning and to see those guys and girls really getting into the meat of the of the rollers was like insane I agree you guys are on point my highlights go a little something like this let's reminisce over our top five moments so far here at crank arts Rotorua 2020 this has to make the list Tommy well this has to be the closest pump-fake race of all time Tommy Zula was ecstatic with his win yeah 0.01 all the wind they've taken a gold medal perfect time run number one Zula edges out teammate caught hudson by a hundredth of a second insane all right number four look at this best slopestyle run of all time your thoughts Andrew well I think it must be but you would know more than me so we've got back-to-back these are the best runs we've ever seen in pumped wreck and now in smoke stop looking at this run it's like if you were trying to remember everything you did it's like you heard a symphony and you're asked to recite what every instrument was doing at every moment in one song this run was pure magic all right third top moment here Geordi Scott in women's speed and style for the first time well it's great to see the woman attend even been at Jody Scott and taking that win and then she would back it up and take down Jill kidney in the pumptrack what a week for her so far so Jordy Scott a force to be reckoned with but you saw her beat out joke in right there more on that later take a look at this Thomas Lemoine returning to form here in speedin style well will a woodless season olav lost season he comes back with a bang yeah and he takes that gold medal big week for him he was back for slopestyle the very next day but speaking of being back Jill kinder was not going for Queen last year she gave that up to buy a Verbeek but for 2020 she is back in strong she has returned and she has won two events already disappointing in the contract but let's not forget Jill Kidman is here to dominate this Queen of Crankworx Tyler [Music] well guys what a week it's been and to think we're not even done yet we've got Sunday race day this is the Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by goal and it starts right now [Music] the crowd just left this is like a phenomenon by grace okay where's the night goin everywhere [Music] yeah all right crank roots run root downhill resented by goal and take a look at the woman's start list well first to drop manic appeared and she will be most likely on enduro bike so it'll be a challenge for you but look at that big hitting list we have all right well Casey Browns gonna be the fourth to drop let's go to the pink bike bike check Casey brown and Christina Chiappetta well what's up folks Christina schibetta here at pink bike and I'm honored to be joined by Casey brown here she's got a beautiful downhill whip and she's gonna give us a quick little rundown here yeah so today I'm running this track session park it's got an aluminum rear end so it's a little bit shorter than the downhill one carbon up front we have a boxer on the front with a hundred and sixteen psi and I'm running title bars with seven hundred and eighty millimeters cuz I'm huge I'm running a 450 spring in the back clip pedals and what tire pressure you running this weekend for this super dusty course yeah so it's pretty wild though that I'm running 24 in the rear and 22 in the front alright guys you heard it here she's kind of a big deal so if you think her bars are wide there's probably a reason behind that yes well look at this we are into racing right now it looks like we have Annika Bearden on course well Troy spoke about how much of a challenge it's gonna be to get down this course cleanly and I've seen some of those holes there they're developing talked to us about being on enduro bike I couldn't even imagine trying to tackle this track on an enduro bike like those those dust holes like you can't see how deep they are so once you're in it like there's only one way of trying to push through it and make and make it out and you need all the suspension you can get so this will be interesting to see if she can you know hold on to it and and have some good time yeah unfortunately means she's 19 seconds back clearly had a problem there but this course more than any other years is going to be a challenge for her to get down on that enduro bike like you said those holes they're deep it's quite tricky with the light and the wood and you just don't have your balls sit up but really high enough to keep you up [Applause] so Anika looking to match up some queen of Crankworx points she's got a work cut out for a ready 19 seconds back iDate dude this reboot points down quite far down there kind of standings here so she should be able to get some points so on that topic she's five points away from Kilani Hines was one step above her in the queen of crank arts overall standings and to get five points you would just need 26 place so it's about the war here not just the battle we'll see what the story is when she crosses the line so respectable any losing another full second so all the damage was done in that middle part of the course and that's where all the holes are that's all the new sections those off-camber bits the holes I mean every run I think is getting worse and worse from what I could see so Vinnie Armstrong with the time to be right now 357 this time from Annika beard will be not close to scrapping - scratching close - Vinnie Armstrong's time it's all about the points here for Queen of Crankworx let's see where she sits in the rankings with seven more women to go so yeah she's looking for that 26th place she goes into sixth place so that's definitely going to help out her points in the overall all right next racer on course should be Georgia Astle George is coming into her own she won the Garbo th which is our long version of downhill in Whistler she's won that twice already ninth year last year to look for her to really try and knock on those top steps of this leaderboard so far is pretty up then she's doing a lot of kind of bike time definitely I think riding the bike is just it's just there's nothing that compares to it compared to the gym or riding a road bike or something like that so Troy how much would you say you spend like bike time with versus fitness you know where's the happy medium there for you I mean it's different for everyone yeah it's definitely hard to find that perfect the perfect happy medium and that's what we're all trying to trying to get out so always you know more time on a downer bikes always going to be better than less time so the more you can get out there and do it and also train around it it's just going to make you faster so we're we're scratching for you know hundreds of seconds so it's going to be a lot of time on the bike to go faster well Georgia asked told through the line she was only 0.37 back at the last split so losing quite a bit toward the bottom of the course not going to overtake that hot seat Vinnie Armstrong getting cozy but six more female competitors to go in this Pro downhill race who look who we have up next on the start list currently sitting in second place the Queen of Crankworx overall standings via Verbeek looking to inch closer to the leader Jill Kentner here she is I'll just point three three baths so she's with him in touch point three three pack and she's through the most challenging part of the trek survivor Vivek has really worked on an all-around riding she's doing great in speed and style a new discipline for the ladies she's a great downhill rider in her own right doing well in slalom competitive in pumptrack a reigning queen of Crankworx here and that canadians leave that mean she's our current Canadian down--all champion that's definitely one of the things to think about all of these men and women who are competing for the title the overall king and queen go from pink Ric's they didn't get nearly as much as the prep as practice as all the other downhill riders they jill's only started practicing via as well there we go she's made up ground too clearly taking a little bit more conservation those upper slopes of the course but here she's letting it all hang out a bit yeah Jill only started riding this morning vias well I think she got a few in here and there if you were really good at managing your schedule depending on what you're focusing on and even here are you going for the win are you going to just get some points for the to the race looks like she's just going for the fastest run she could get she let the math work itself out afterward via Furby put in a strong run not going to overtake the time from Vinnie Armstrong but sitting in second place right now which is very important as Jill Kanter is coming up in a couple riders but here we go we saw her bike check earlier this is Casey brown so Casey brown opting for that park bike smaller wheels probably a little bit smaller fit for us she probably wanted to do the whip off on it maybe she feels even more comfortable on it was shorter rear end but she's still running 20 75 wheels but it's just gonna be real maneuverable not the tallest rider out there but she has so much control over this bike especially with that short rear end and yes Casey is known for all-around ability being able to work doing the speed and style but when she focuses and once to she is a really force to be reckoned with on the Donalds circuit taking fourth last year the Canadian Open she is eight seconds back this will be a challenging course for it because it really is one of the roughest roars tracks we've seen on the circuit well it's been a challenging week for her as well a speed and style crash left her with a sore neck Troy you can relate to that yep I guess we could just call it a butt cheek because that's what it is we've had a big butt cheek bruise and a sore neck so just be glad your butt cheek feels alright Troy yeah I'm glad for that I'm assuming it does yeah that's one of the things about Casey that I don't think most people realize she kind of why she has so much my control having everything she can do so much on a bike it's ridiculous I've been on long trips with her I've been on no big freeride jump shoots with her and when you're riding with her it's not like gone are the days of oh she's a girl this is going to be different she's just another one of the riders so capable she's always pushing everybody else on the trip and she's always got a smile on her face always having a good time I think a lot of youngsters at home can really look into that somedays you're not gonna have your best day on the bike you're gonna crash look at these two next to us I mean obviously they want to be out there but they're not able to and they've got a smile on their face it's always another race coming up so Tracy I mean Casey coming down to the finish it what will the clock say so losing a little bit more time as cam said she's a little better than and bruised from doing all those events taking a crash all right here we go this is going to be interesting joke in or on course right now the leader in the Queen standing she's a hundred points ahead of Viper beak who's undoubtedly going to pick up some points of her own joke ender needs a smooth run here to play defense and maintain that lead so chatted to Jill earlier she was really struggling she's not feeling that comfortable because she only started practicing this morning and the same as worries and there you go but I had a sneaky suspicion I was speaking to bring us it I know that when she gets the pressure and when she's in the gate she makes it happen and there you see she's four seconds up I'm interested to see how this bottom split goes because it seemed like Vinnie had a really strong bottom yeah she put some time into fire we didn't get to see you oh that's a mistake from Jill that's where you need to be carrying good speed is that gonna cost I think it will and I think like what Troy said I mean this is where she hasn't had any downhill bike time in the whole week so this is a strong ride from Jill kitna she only started practicing this morning so Vinnie with him strong bottom sick then there you go that mistake has cost her she's lost a second with that mistake and this is where she needs to let it hang out a bit because Vinnie's bottom sector was strong and this is big for Queen of Crankworx if she can hold on to this time she'll be ahead of buyer and put some more space between those two on the leaderboard of the queen of Crankworx this should be your new fastest time here cam coming to the finish Jill kitna what will the time say Jill kinder through the line of the time of 356 and only 0.35 separates her from second place with three more competitors to go Jill kinder celebrates a great run over the perfectionist she wasn't happy before practice and there you go she's gone into the hot seat cam not even feeling that comfortable this morning oh we have a new leader for the first time in the broadcast let's look back in her run joy I've noticed Jill she's really good with her eyes I mean you see infinite pumptrack she's looking pretty far ahead what else do you like about her technique I her technique having such good you know Solomon pumptrack school she can really use everything that pump there and she messed this up a little bit but just looking forward and getting all those pumps really helps to kind of get back sides and and drive the energy forward and then you're you're not having to fly to you know go faster you're always just humping and moving forward so yeah you're I've noticed with you that's really big in your technique you're not always pedaling but man you're always working the bike you're always trying to find time and I think viewers at home can take their chain off or go ride and not pedal and see how much faster they can ride by pumping certain bumps doubling something and I think you've really taken that to the top of the world stage yeah for sure yeah so here we go three more competitors to go the first Mille John set here on course this is only her first year in the elite she won Valdis all the Junior category last year first in Canadian Open first time yet Rotorua that is a storming top sector so far one second up on Jill Kitner yeah true what do you think the biggest thing for her coming from the top of juniors it's a hard transition like you have lots of confidence and stuff going from the juniors and then you step up into elite and all of a sudden there's the top ten and massive names right so it's really kind of daunting to jump up and you feel pressure and sometimes it brings out the best in these juniors and sometimes they go a little bit too hard looks like it's working out really well for here Wow interesting line selection I think that top line might be better I think you can carry more speed even though you drop back onto the trail which is tough what would you guys say this that's a hard one like when I did my couple of practice runs I found I could really get a lot out of the bottom and pumping was the straighter line but it could be could be interesting with all this dryer dust and trying to hold that now so she's put more time into Jill 1.87 and this is where Jill wasn't that good compared to someone like Vinnie Armstrong had many coming to earlier this is only a first-year lead first big racing season losing ground oh it's all coming unstuck on that old chemical Millie it is so off camber they're like really hard to see on the TV yeah the cameras not doing it justice how technically challenged that both cam I still managed to do the jump but she's lost time then that's gonna cost her Wow Jill Ken are finding one in the street here really John set with a late run mistake putting her 2.28 back into third place well so Jill celebrating right now because she just dodged a bullet look at this mistake so this is weak commitment his key Troy and indeed you guys would know it's when the ice starts sagging down and you're not as committed you start touching the brakes and the traction is gone yeah what's the key to riding that section in it for me it's a it's an interesting one because it's the last section on the track any year you've had a really good run and you have to say I know it's off camber I know it's sketchy but I have to push so that's what you were seeing or try to do but it is it is hard to hold those lines like that it's made it even even harder this year yeah definitely when you're coming to the bottom of the run you you know you've had a good run all the top section and the pressures on and when you just you tap the brakes just one too many times and then it'll put you right off the line so it's all about looking forward and just staying committed yeah I think it's something like when you get to the end of the run you're kind of like okay I've done all the hard work let's just get to the finish and that's where the problem the doubts come in and that's when you see me stay up so next up she had a huge result here just 12 months ago second place let's see if she can back that up this is Kate Weatherly yeah breakout she also had a third at the Leo Gang World Cup second here last year behind Tracy Hanna what is this you're gonna produce the track is even more challenging than last year it was so interesting to see her progression throughout the World Cup Series the the mindset and the mental growth I think a writer has to go through to do this series it's really impressive that is the challenge shake I think a problem there it seemed like she might even in the car a cleaver so maybe had a crash-up dick it's great getting that first result and I think sometimes then you put even more expectations on yourself maybe sponsors do the same and then you're expected to back that up and that that becomes even harder challenge and say getting that first podium yeah I think a lot of people think you know all you need is that one result but the one result can actually bring more problems than it solves yeah it's like some riders getting that factory ride that sometimes brings more pressure an unwonted expectation that you didn't have when you have privateers so you know it's not always that simple and easy for every rider so Ankit Weatherly finishing second in last year's race it means once you cross the finish line we only have one racer to go of course that will be last year's winner Tracy Hanna so maintain that split so clearly on race pace but a problem up in the lodges we cannot describe how rough lock technique it is and the course is also changing sometimes the hole gets bigger the poems that we helping riders stay high they're getting blown out by riders before them so even a bit of luck of the draw here plays into some of these race results so Kate Weatherly through the line seventh place which means Jill Kiner has guaranteed herself at least 80 points to buffer that queen of Crankworx lead so there you go just showing the problem she had something to do with her brake lever either knocked it on something or a crash so next up going to be last year's winner Tracy Hanna no stranger to the top of the Crankworx downhill podium no not at all winningest downhiller that we have in the women's category she would do something that Troy done she's 5 feet at the Canadian Open she's also won the series as you can see so she's all reigning Series champion our reigning champion from here all eyes on Tracy Hanna she's had a good offseason spit up at a time with her down in Queens on which she was getting her bike time in and her pre-season testing this is gonna be good in the course preview she was already going fast so I'm excited for this one now she is annoyingly fast to follow isn't she Troy these are the exact conditions that she thrives in it's dry it's loose in Cannes a lot of the year around she loves it when it's rough when it's wrong Tracy Hanna from Australia a reigning champion here and show me you just why she's four-time Series champion this is big for her you can really see the speed that she's carrying it's it's an overall average speed that's so high everywhere yeah she's confident this year we had to talk her out of doing some of the dream track jumps which you know she just wants to push her riding push her progression and we kind of had to say you know you've got a big season coming up you've got the momentum of the wolf what she knows she was World Cup champion for the first unders it's big expectations and pressure but she's living up to it 19 seconds she's demolishing everyone in this race she could stop for a team and still win the race while looking on these lowest slugs so that's the old Camus section that many came unstuck it doesn't even look okay crazy this is your new forces time by a mile Tracy Hanna coming to the finish n road to Russia smashes the time what a performance out of the cheap Tracy Hanna extending the lead once all is said and done twenty four point three eight ahead of Jill kinder wow wow wow wow glad you're not if I don't want to get things right they might be comparing your time guy alright let's savor the precision of this run from Tracy Hanna hopping into the back side that is something the men not doing and it's not even that easy as Elliott said you can visually see that she's going faster she was very prepared a lot of the other ladies didn't get as much track time but still this was a class act this race yet the aggressiveness you see out of all the turns is trying to pump and pedal where no one elses I always think that's but the thing that you can see really staying high up there getting a crank in yeah and I think that momentum with being aggressive carrying more speed it made the off cam is actually easier for you and that's a challenge like if you're going Foster it's actually more corrupt but to actually commit to that in and actually to have the skill to go that fast is something else and I think confidence is big in this sport so coming off of last season what she did there's almost no stopping her this season yeah it's great it really is that was an impressive ride she impressed us she impressed the crowd you gotta wonder if she impressed herself if only we had a hat with headphones and a microphone Tracy Hanna we we we are speechless up in this booth whoa what on earth was that and did you think you could do such a huge run and put that much time into other ladies ah no you had no idea but you know I have to train a lot like last year with my mental preparation and I trained super hard because la SEOs like the hottest season of my life so going into this yeah I just wanted to be as prepared as I could be and here's the first race and I wanted to prove to myself I could do it and be good let's go you've obviously been training ridiculously hard we got to know where have you been training in the gym just like have you seen there's holes all the tracks last year is just like always strength strength strength so just spent in heaps of time don't push-ups in trying to get stronger and um yeah just didn't spare many minutes not training for this season so congratulations that's one of the best runs I've ever seen and I don't think it's only due to the gym there was a lot of skill there good luck for the rest of the season thank you round of applause for Tracy Hannah bravo Bravo golfclap look at that Vinny Armstrong and grabbing the bronze medal Jill Kentner grabbing the silver end 80 points valuable points for that Queen overall title and Tracy Hannah just absolutely running away with it in the Crankworx road to ruin help presented by gold what a doozy in the women's category of course we have Pro men coming up after the break stick with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back race fans we just saw an amazing finish to the women's category in the Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by gold men coming up in a second and Wow throughout the women's race all we were doing was talking about the Queen overall title if that doesn't sound familiar to you we'll break it down for you Andrew while it is one of the most difficult competitions to win it's a season-long comp multi disciplines multi skill set you got to be healthy you got to collect points in all these disciplines and then at the end of it they're gonna reward you with $25,000 last year Metro pilato added up the most points for the men via verbeek is the reigning queen coming into the 2020 season but Jill Kenner took the 20 19th season off of course she's finished with us in Whistler but this is the first time we've seen her go for that crown again in the last year she decided to sit out the first two events last season and she's back with a bang isn't she she is and that downhill performance was strong yes Tracy and a 1 but getting those points off to not having much practice is really good for the title hunt so Jill Kendrick Rob in that second place means she extends that lead over via verbeek but the season is still very very young so many of our points left up for grabs innsbruck whistler and these two girls they compete in so many different events it's insane so speaking of all these events try unfortunately you got a sore neck you're not racing today but we will hopefully see an Innsbruck right yeah definitely I'm gonna do it all the stuff this year pretty excited for that and I think as much as I might be out of the the overall I'm gonna just go for the next two wins so yeah excited to try and screw up I haven't been there for crane works before so definitely exciting for me well it sounds like a busy year but that's only the start of it of course we're gonna see in a couple weeks at the first World Cup right definitely I'm taking this one off two together neck better and get it ready and try and get that win and and do a really good season this year for the World Cups so of course that will be in Portugal just two weeks ago until we kick off the UC downhill World Cup Series we're gonna be waiting for that we're gonna be rooting for you it's fun hanging out with you up here because just in a couple weeks time I'll be just like you out there staring at my screen going go Troy so for those athletes that aren't following the entire World Cup Series they don't have the sponsors well somebody's got to step up right take a look at what goal is doing to help the young up-and-coming athletes so I came to Crankworx just over a year ago for my first ever Frank quote came as a spectator got so stoked off of watching everybody else ride I was determined to come back this year and give it a shot myself it's been awesome being on the world stage getting to compete against some of these girls they're just their next level and just being able to ride the same tracks with them and have a chat has been unbelievable it's so good being on the world stage the experience is incredible the cheering just gets everybody really amped up there's a really good vibe to it it really helps get you going when you know you've got a big crowd just cheering you on I've been really lucky goal has been looking for their next athlete and I hide they've been helping me out as a a grassroots sponsor at Frank works this year give me a lot of support I've been doing the dual slalom AVH and speedy style and yeah without their support I don't think I'd have been able to get this far totally stoked to get out there riding my bike now and going to show crank quotes just why I made off that is too cool everybody needs the support she found it from goal will be wishing her the best of luck in her season as we focus our attention now to the pro men's category here in this Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by Gulf and what do you say we get racing guys let's do this first rider we're going to see in the gate right now out of New Zealand rod is going to be cheering for him down here in the finish Corral this is Charles michaiah the Charles managed to win the first national round here in New Zealand podiums is a junior in our crank hoops event so we have seen him a bit it's only second year elite he's on the main show yet how much of that is going to affect his riding is the pressure gonna mount one of the things that I always try to do is really pick a spot instead of just trying to ride the up and pick a spot to turn I know Troy like if the track doesn't have a lot of lines and stuff like that like where you body position wise on some of these but yes these days it's so like formally a 1 you go to stay central and be ready for everything you don't know what are you gonna get kicked from the back or hit a big hole and go out the front so the the more sense you are to your bike the faster you're going to go the whole way down so Charles two point three three seconds down on Lewis Hamilton another local boy always puts in good finishes here at the road to ruin downhill while he's made up some time 1.64 back Knights made up almost a second riding nice and loose look it's similar to like Rick does down this last section looking to hold that High Line good body position as Troy was talking about not pushing too hard on those soft ledges losing it just before that Charles McKay puts in a heart of the finish line making up a little bit more time as well let's say going into second place right there yeah he's sick of place mine Lewis Hamilton no surprise there great rider in his own right Troy we were gonna speak about it later if you weren't dropping but you're not I know you're on a new bike 29-inch which was a bit of a surprise with your height speak about that quickly for us just like those switch to 29er yeah we've we've just wanted to develop the bike as fast as we can and for me you know I just tried it just you know I wanted to try everything this offseason to see what worked and what didn't honestly just the big wheels they fit I don't know I guess it fit works for some riders and doesn't for others so we'll see how that goes on the racing yeah maybe you've got longer legs and then we all know how it looks on screen a short torso maybe thinking you're gonna have your pants stuck in the rear wheel the whole time with a bike like that so truly international field here look at this in the nationalities but also diversity in the bikes chosen dropper post single crown here for Ireland's Daniel Wolff dan wolf news signing to polygon you are and guys if you haven't seen this team video and some of the parody acting that these guys have been doing go log on and check out the polygon you are Sam Reynolds has a funny big in there and Dan aka the big bad wolf I don't have you seen it Elliot outside I had to watch it it was actually like so well done they're getting better and better at actually I watch the whole thing's amazing yeah well I go to how much riding he's been doing because maybe too much acting cuz he's meant to being in camera there already so maybe a problem with that he is on enduro bike like we said with Annika this year is not the year to be trying this track on enduro bike the holes are huge you can not see all of them and it just sucks at front will so he's over a minute facts may be a big problem for him thanks man wolf with big bad problems here a minute back it's one of the things that's so hard about racing a track like this is you have to commit 100% to everything but by the time your legs button comes down there's probably been 100 riders that have come blown out all the turns and things like that that you had all these perfect inch perfect lines or and it's you think on your feet every run is a different run exactly you can you can know where you're going but once you get there everything could change so Dan over a minute back take a look at who the next rider to drop will be it looks like this is going to be Sam gale also from New Zealand there's a look at Gale in the starcade right now does Sam one be a big race in New Zealand and Bernhard ker actually hooked them up at the bike this year so he's riding a pivot will be riding pivot at the at the first couple of races at the World Cups and really just a rising rising star in New Zealand yeah that's great to see from Burnet and the pivot factory racing its own conspiracy elite is it really taken second at the national champs this is one guy we're gonna have to look up there are a few for New Zealand guys coming up through the ranks it's great to see him get some support and see if we can get into the World Cup stage so losing a bit of time there 2.91 Lewis Hamilton has a lot of experience on this track clearly it's paying off and Troy what about not having a qualification here what's the strategy like for that it's definitely tough because you can't gauge a way so you can maybe ride with a teammate that's what I do a lot marvelous that will be dropping in laughs and I don't know I think you just need to do a couple of quick runs just to make sure you've got the speed and the lines work at the highest speed and then you got to go for it see what happens yeah it's definitely a different way of racing putting back some time here keep doing that while going fast looks like he's made up time yet he Sam Gayle all right even if he didn't go green through the finish line I already decided I'm a Sam Gayle fan and choosing insight there onto the last jump out of the woods thanks gets textbook scrub there from Sam Gail that's camera cause a new favorite right I think this here it a jump you're my new favorite rider all right Karen Bennett on course so venture though I sport Karen Bennett race full-time for many years not sure some great results more of a part-time racer now but no slouch still and Donna bike if you look through his results he's still doing national champs and still those national rounds really loves the racing aspect of our sport drifting white on that badly right sick but look at him go I had a feeling you could put a good run in here there's no pressure no expectations gonna be seven seconds up let's go good of the racing yeah a lot of Foss riders still to come so he's opting for low like Troy said sometimes you can get some good momentum from that line didn't look like he know that as good as you wanted it's just crazy how mental downhill is mentality what it's like on psychologically you see riders it's grabbing and stuff like that it's fast sometimes but sometimes it's really just to put you in the zone like feeling good on your bike you can see care yeah you lie I think that's biggest sometimes writers get caught up on what's the fauces line that it's what's the fauces line for you as a writer what are you comfortable with riding and a 10 out of 10 commitment so Karen Bennett he's gonna smash the time you wanna run by him kill chickens on it Wow new leader by 5 seconds with 15 more athletes to go oh that is a big run from Karen Bennett he must have done something other that is fast I think if you get the top committed and perfect you're really gonna put three or four seconds into someone that dared so if you hesitate in those lodges yeah it is time to be made there but you can also throw your whole race away so here's somebody we've already seen a lot from this week Austin Warren already has competed in pumptrack slalom and speed and style now drop it in for his downhill run how much energy is gonna have trying to get all those points for king of Crankworx Austin warrant high up on that leaderboard what is it touch 0.72 in he's on flat pedals as well so you might be able to be a little bit more aggressive and then just dab a foot or get away you know sometimes and it's tough being on flips from those really really off camera sections yeah sure what do you think about you know he won't have nearly as much practice as everyone else how does that factor in so good always bad I don't know I think it's a tough one like if you're gonna be you're gonna be really tired you ever want to have lots of practice on the track you know when you want to go this fast so he's tired and hasn't had much practice so that's probably the worst combination I think you can have so expect Austin Warren to be a big part of this story as we move through this season he's already been gathering up points throughout the week so losing point six for the second day he's losing time drifting back hip can he hold high net-worth can with those flat pedals and make it up can he do that Kitty Bennet by just well Honduras Austin Warren is your new leader yeah we got 14 more competitors to go so he's looking to pick up at least 18 points for that king of Crankworx overall it's always amazing when I see such a big time gap like that and then the next rider comes down right there well that is a big ride from Austin clearly offseason training paying off that he's got any energy coming on the last day of crank cooks or into the downhill aspect oh yeah alright for those of you who follow the sport I'm sure you're a fan of this guy right here chaos Seagrave one of the most exciting riders on the circuit yeah one of the most brightest riders to come out of the UK lately it's gonna be an interesting kind of next couple of years so two seconds down his chaos gonna stick to his racing is he gonna become an all-around Crankworx rider it's really when you're so good at everything how do you decide claiming anything but there were less options when I was racing at this level there was Daniel and then slopestyle just started basically when it came to get to new heights you can be a media writer you can be a face writer you can be a wolf cup downhiller you can be a Crankworx writer like it's just insane which is fun for everyone at home the viewers but probably not for either how does he decide so cast Seagrave took second in the whip off a few nights ago and that's just evidence of what you're talking about right here you wonder where will they put the energy it's kind of fun to see athletes just putting their energy everywhere spreading that cross it's good for us the fans yeah bus running I did a hangout with him a bit at the doll face obviously he was showing everyone what his but date but he was committed to his training and said no he's not doing that session because he's got a morning training session to do so still very committed to racing and that's a respectable time for men sliding into third just off the pace there two point four back from the lead good run for Kaos Seagrave he could also become part of the story for king of Crankworx as we work our way through the season he competes in slow man speed style and whip off Austin Warren soaking it up you got to enjoy that time on the hot seat when you got 13 more of the fastest riders still to come Austin Warren sitting in that hot seat with a 305 point 12 Kieran Bennett nipping at his heels and then chaos Seagrave he's in third Sam Gayle the youngster with a respectable ride there and Lewis Hamilton rounding out your top five here's the run that is doing it at the moment of Austin Warren it's great to see see awesome it's up at the parking lot working on his bike as I was walking up there so he really does his own things don't program and it's good to see see when it pays off you hear wrenching on your own bike doing all the disciplines it's nice to get some of that payback when you fly home with some meddlesome hardware that's never had time okay so I know I'm like a broken record here but considering who we have in the circuit we got to talk about the king of crackers overall standings bass fans Steenburgen only one point away from the lead they are currently being held down by Kyle Strait now Austin Warren eighth place so he's sitting in the hot seat right now every rider that comes down and does not knock him out of that hot seat that's just more points he can add to his name but let me look at my notes right here let's see here Basavanna Steenburgen needs one point so he needs to just finish in 30th we only have 13 people left to go he's obviously already done well I shouldn't say that I'm gonna put quite a lot of my own personal money if you want oversee baby's gonna go into the top 30 I'm pretty sure you today but barring a flat or crash so it's not over till the fat lady sings but we're looking to shake up that king of Crankworx leaderboard and that's the interesting thing Kyle Strait is opted not to enter Daniel even though he comes from a downhill background yes rampage when he was younger to do jumping but he's got some amazing World Cup results as a youngster so fast fans teen Bergen needs a 29 to get those two points to put himself in the lead he wasn't planning on racing downhill here but this morning he said you know what I realized that it would sure be nice to get back on that airplane being the current leader so yeah all race downhill yeah it's crazy all of these these guys that girls competing for the title Batson vibe brought four bikes each so you can just imagine what traveling is like for them I can barely fix one bike Rd I mean how do you get to a weekend with four so let's see what is so best friend seen Birgit intake in fact I'd like against it he's looking for points and that goes all the way down to 30th position he hasn't had time on the kite let alone on this Trek probably looking like is gonna ride conservatively just to maintain some points that's nice here usually you're watching a downhill race and you go there in the red big deal boring don't care anymore but with this I mean we're gonna be biting our nails till he crosses the finish line if he gets 29th he's leading newzeas leaving New Zealand as the current key leader yeah it is so interesting Trey I know you've been in that position where you have to switch your mindset from thinking about it on a per race basis to think about it on an overall basis it's it's tough like you can go from race to race trying to wing it Wynnum but then when you've got this this thing at the back of your mind saying our overall overall you it's really hard to get in a race run and just go all out you know you always got it there and you think I won't hit this corner as faster okay we're seeing and put in a pretty decent run here considering as an ad not practice when you go to protect something off and start riding tight and that's when crashes happened you're almost better off opening it up a bit but that's just easier said than done what's the rank he gonna be 15th nice go in there 16 points if he sits there yeah worst case he's gonna be 27 28 so that's a good ride from a Nissen to get some points guaranteed at least three points now even if every single person beat them but let's talk about who's beating everybody at the moment let's check in with your leader Austin Warren Austin what a run from you we were wondering if you're gonna have energy off to all those disciplines how much time did you actually get out on that Donald Trek oh I was about three laps on Friday and getting here this morning totally different track so I had no idea what I was going into so all I know is my arms were super sore from last night so I was like if I can hold on I'm pretty stoked and got down without a hand coming off so that was nice so what do you think the lack of practice runs obviously you're not knowing the track as much but it's gonna change so much by the time you actually do your race run do you think it's nice to be spreading your attention across and not just over analyzing the downhill race yeah I mean you got you just gotta be race by race and I wasn't even thinking of downhill at all like throughout the whole week and just day by day because literally have an event each day so it's sick it's a hard thing to think about but when you just switch in for bikes throughout the week it's not easy to come in and just smash it well Austin we're having a look at your run here flat pedals how much did you think that paid into a favor in those loose off canvas in the middle of the track with all those holes for me it definitely helped out because I was everywhere I think the new part of the end part of the largest it was honestly he was just holding on and I hit every rule possible and not making a line possible actually he doesn't know how I got through wet stuff to get down that with the flat pedals because all I do is run flat pedals so that's the glad I kind of had a well great run and all the bass enjoy that hot seat thank you you 11 racers to go here in our Pro Mansfield so who's it going to be next Keegan right no it looks like Matt Walker now alright little switch up to our start order yeah that's that's another one of those guys who race everything he was already here last weekend for the enduro and yeah she's a marathon of a crank works for him yeah but between him and Eddie they're all really fit yes you see them having a lot of fun see what the Todd chase 1.03 third place finishes this week so pretty successful crank oats for him so far not to have some big either depending on the doubt of course it can be a force to be reckoned with yeah this is a you know home race for him so he's got that whether you would say it's in his favor or you know it is definitely pressure you have friends and family here now you always want to do well at home I think that's one of the biggest challenge but he's already got three planets made for him this is just a bonus it's thrown out there I heard him say oh that is gonna be a tough ass but he's putting in a valiant effort he's only point three back on Bubba Warren yeah so Matt Walker aboard that twenty nine a pivot staying high they on that off-camera look by clearing really good speed he could challenge the time here [Music] Matt Walker sneaking into the finish line I'm not gonna be another thing he kind of chilled out of it there you look back you're like I could have made a point maybe he thinks Austin's gonna get sick in anyone's I don't know if that's going to last but right now Matt Walker is sitting in familiar territory third place whole lot more actually to come though Karen Bennett in second Austin Warren in the hot seat I gotta say Troy Brosnan it's been a pleasure having you in the booth my man thanks for lending us your wisdom yeah thanks so much there's an awesome insight to see what goes into racing yes so nine more athletes coming up for you after the break in this Crankworx World Tour downhill presented by gold stick around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful sunny day here in Rotorua New Zealand it's downhill Sunday Crankworx Rotorua downhill presented by go we're right in the middle of our pro men's field right now with Austin Warren holding down the fort at the top of the rankings at the time 3:05 point one two if you think about just 12 months ago the man who found himself on top once the dust settled was our good friend Brooke McDonough let's take a look back at this ridiculous run Andrew one of my favorite runs of the whole of lost yet Brooke McDonald plotting those heels and making the last section of this course looks so good unfortunate not gonna see it this year that you all know he is injured but more portly we've got him up here in the booth camp so we're gonna have so what a crazy year last year if you followed downhill of course you're a Brooke McDonald fan and of course you've been following the further those of you who haven't been following this story Brooke had a big crash at a World Cup we saw the images of him in a wheelchair but knowing Brooke his determination his work ethic we were just locked on to our Instagram screens watching him rooting for him sending him sending him well wishes and the progress was insane they went from you know a frown on our face just just you know emotional for our friend and then and that frown just turned into a smile as we saw the progress and you know I was looking forward to the first time I got to see him and then guess what already now less than a year away from the injury I'm looking around the pits there is Brooke and here he is right now adding to the party welcome Brooke thank you yeah I'm so excited I let out our secret to have been excited the whole week are we gonna get Brooke up into the booth and there you have it I'll let the secret out but thanks so much for joining us what an inspiring journey you've been on man yeah it has been it's it's been a spinning roller coaster the last six months I never thought in my life I would have to deal with something like this but to be honest I've actually really enjoyed learning to walk again and taking step by step of just improving day by day and learning to yeah do things again a lot of people don't have the ability to look at it that way through such a rose-colored lens was it hard was there ever a moment in time where you went alright I'm finding myself sinking in a negative thoughts or were you positive from the get-go I mean from the get-go I was positive as soon as I knew that I could move my toes and and move my legs I said ago and that was yeah that was just stuck in my head and I mean ever since my injury I've never had a day that has been rough or or you know I've I've doubted myself a struggle that's just been everyday I've progressed obviously when I spent so much time in Canada and coming home straight to Christchurch to rehab it was pretty hard like just being away from home for so long so there was there was a bit difficult but I mean I had great physios good doctors and just really good people around me I was lucky enough to have my girlfriend with me the whole time so it definitely made a big impact on everything and yeah I mean six months later we're we're back here at Crankworx sitting here with you guys and loving life and the crazy thing is you've even posted some shots of you back on a bike yeah I mean I was riding a bike better than I could walk it at one point I think it was about five or six weeks after my injury we sort of a bike out and yeah got on a bike in it obviously it was there was some some things that weren't you know weren't great but it just it honestly felt so natural to be back on a bike and as I said I honestly could walk ride the bike better than I could did you ever have any hesitations with that with getting back on a bike and no neither I mean that was what I wanted to do I wanted to get back on a bike obviously sooner than later because yeah I mean that sort of less well I know I've grown up doing and I feel like the sooner I got on it the sooner I felt like I could you know kind of judge when I was was going to be back what an inspiring story and yeah I mean that's testament to your attitude being positive and and I think that's what people at home can learn it's not gonna be easy obviously had ups and downs but to hear that and you have been speaking out of it it seems like you someone that wants to help the sport and and push the sport would you say that you feel the riders need more of a voice in terms of safety how the courses are set up like yeah definitely I mean obviously before my accident never really thought of that but from what I went through in Canada with my accident it's like yeah it's something that I'd never want anyone to go through because it was it was the worst day of my life and yeah I think the more we voice about that sort of stuff I think the more it can be put in place and and that we know what what is going to happen if there is an accident so I really think that yeah us athletes voicing that sort of stuff will make a big impact hopefully something can be learned from that situation your positive approach to it and we're going to enjoy watching you continue your progress it's inspirational for all of us last year you were at the top of the leaderboard you know what it feels like to be in the shoes of Austin Warren right now who's your current leader this is how he did it are we gonna have Brooks stick around a bit cool some runs with us what do you like about Bubba's riding stuff buhbuh I mean yeah I've watched him for a long time we needs to race World Cups and always enjoy watching him I mean he's definitely a talented athlete and he has so much ability in our all different aspect of the discipline of mountain biking so I mean to see him put together a good run I spoke to him earlier on ACN look I feel if you you know just put together a clean smooth round you're probably going to put down there a good time so it looks like that's what he's done so Bubba Warren a 305 point one two that's the time to beat let's take a look all right all right Andrew you said this guy could shake it out the youngster to hotel Ricky penny from New Zealand from Rotorua first you took a bronze medal the junior world champs last year won a Junior World Cup so we saw min Patrick how fast he went looking made a little mistake of course but it's nice to see all these youngsters doing so well clearly a bit of a mistake from him because the time is drifting by so Brooke is a few young up-and-coming New Zealand riders from what I can see yeah it's it's good to see because I guess since probably George brenigan there hasn't really been anyone come through and it's I mean yeah as I said it's good to see like toto and Sam Gail coming through those boys have definitely shown speed this year at Nationals so it's definitely let's hope that we can have some yeah fast fast riders come true and perform on the World Cup circuit so it's not time for a recap na in the po track last night obviously an issue in his downhill run we were saying yeah it looks like he's just lost ear in the rear tire as well lucky for his it is his fushia lead he's not gonna feel like it now he'll be pretty despondent but he's got so many more races to come with the help explain that to him there's a chance that this could be a breakout performance here at Crankworx Rotorua kind of similar to the breakouts we've seen from Keegan right Connor Matt who week Billy me clone we thought all right it's gonna be his day today but a mistake and a flat tire we'll wait until next year I'll give you another 12 months to regenerate the worst tracks I have a flat tire huh all right so what do we have next looks like Bruce Klein in the gate no stranger to the Crankworx podium over in Whistler sickened lost you in the Canadian Open he's had two podiums as well he's clearly moving up in the ranks I spoke to him he's looking to get a full season this year getting some more support because he's clearly got the speed defi on the right tracks he's a podium contender crank yeah definitely yeah this is first year over here to crank wicks from the u.s. gets ride with a decent amount back home it's so hard when you know you have the speed and to put it together mentally it's definitely one of the people you see in practice you're just like how is he not not right up there with everyone yeah he's a guy that can win practice right right well he's 2.99 back yes bit of a margin but it's his first time over here this is the six year we've come over you is often a time adjustment to a course if it doesn't suit you it takes a few years to get going limited practice as well yeah that's always a challenge here aren't a bit of a mistake from him dripping into the soft stuff he's gonna lose further time there so interesting I think you know for me coming back here year after year before they tape the track I had like every single pump I review every single route you go around you know you just get it down become second nature and so for our personal icon first year it's always really difficult to get on to everyone else's yeah he's got no qualification to do race feed either so Bruce kind time drifting back their slots into six yeah Brooke I mean first time here after you know a year away how does it feel missing a race for you now this is more real I think that you know yeah I guess yeah this is obviously always my first international race so it's always an indicator of you know how well I've prepared myself for for the season because the dirty of the top athletes coming over but yeah it's it's a bit different watching I mean it's definitely good because then I can see how people are riding and what I can compare myself to you know I come back yeah I'm definitely gutter to be missing missing a home race alright we're gonna get our first split here for Mick Hanna second place two years ago there you have it two-point eight up and speaking of gauging your offseason preparation Mick Hanna does the same he is looking to see where he stacks up against the guys and this is the first time you get to race against most of you today competitors almost three seconds up scoring time for me 19th season on the circuit 2nd year in 2008 which was a mud so grace but speaking of that he's often for spiked tyres and it is a great choice clearly for him he thought that he could push hard and there's off-camera sections where the spike time he's been running that all week he's stepping up his Frances to keep the balls out of the bumps and holes and it's clearly paying off Mick Hanna gonna smash the time near bubble Warren somebody with a little bit of experience in the dust the line with flat point one six almost five seconds ahead of Austin Warren Mick Hannah is your new leader let's look back at this run you can see really the track like this really suits Mick because he's so powerful and get such good pedals such good pumps really just carrying your speed is what it's about and those spike tires that Andrew is talking about the middle that we're not able to see is super super super loose so anything you can do to to get some traction on that yeah I mean his riding sauce over the front anyway so he's so strong he's used to being over the front or hitting bumps in that position yeah it might be easier for him how long will make Hannah be able to enjoy his hot seat experience it looks like we got Joe Breeden on course I'm sure they've been practicing together so this could be a similar time a new truck cranked experience he's new to polygon you are his third in a leap but he's had some really standout results at the British national series for three seconds back it's always tough switching teams Brooke when you get on that new bike is sometimes you comfortable see what the race speed is yeah definitely comes a new bike also comes a new team and you know it definitely can take a bit to get used to how the team environment works yeah I think it's a good idea that he's coming out here and you know it's been a bit of time of the team and get racing early before the World Cup season start I think there's a bright future for him he's a hard work he trained at Allan Norway's former trainer of key åkesson of Danny Hart so he clearly puts in the work he seems like it's got a good nature so it's gonna just take some time like you say it's fit in with the team environment fit in with the bike he's never seen this course so slightly sick and place the mickhead of Stormers he's only 2.59 back from the veteran Mick Hannah and McKenna is Foss on this track we go smile on Nick Hannah's face he is exactly where he wants to be at the top of that leaderboard we got more to come here though this guy always puts on a show on this course especially when they had that old finish the stuffed up route favorites here George Brannigan yeah George branding a new team new bike city's getting on with it really well it was comfortable from the first ride so that's always a good sign so he should be up to speed on that bike so that shouldn't be any excuse here third year last year always wild to see Brooke you can probably tell me some more funny stories of George and his riding style 0.6 back well within touch of Mick yeah I mean George is definitely a loose cannon one one memory you guys can remember is the Wyndham I think that writes when we go down in history it's uh yes like for crash yeah loose is one way to describe the man but incredibly incredibly gifted crazy on a black out for some caps it just really shouldn't be on if it's some in Queens down I think a few years he's one of those people where whenever there's a gap with the track you will everyone to be talking about in the pits and then next thing you know George is like oh yeah yeah I did that earlier so George panicking losing a little bit more time to Mick Hannah I feel like this section here so Kate root crucial to carry a speed into the finish line because it looks like from George to make from it carrying a lot more speed than he did yeah he had that thing dialed maybe the tires planes his favor so he slots into second position two point three eight good solid ride for him on that bike that just goes to show how fast that run was from Nick Hannah there so with only two riders left to go you know Mick Hannah is feeling good one more bullet dodged and hilt and secure himself a podium but before the end of this thing we will see a man who's won many times here Sam Blenkinsop yeah obviously knows how to set his bike up for these conditions so let's check out what he had to say about his bike setup sampling it's up here this is my Norco Orem HSP we've got a pretty cool new color scheme that the teams running this year the silver kind of metallically kind of rainbow kind of cool color everything's working good got the cool little kind of oil slick chain on there to kind of grin with this the kind of color scheme a little bit and the course here is a little bit different than we have in the past we've got some fresh grass sections that are a bit tighter so I'm kind of thinking of changing my tire to like a spike tire because it's quite bomb holy here cut needs the support so I've gone up a little bit more and the full pressure so yeah running the full Shree mixer cranks shifting gecko breaks and rock shock forks unlimited beautiful yeah pretty stoked to just keep my winning it's going yeah one the IDH so I wanted to obviously another one but Troy's here so it's always hard to beat that little Ripper and just yet do my best it's all I can do and have fun will be able to see that bike in action in two riders to come here but next up will be Bernhard Kerr let's see if he can shake up this leaderboard Mick Hannah the man to beat this is what it's run looked like traditional Mick Hannah fashion just all-out yeah that experience shining through your big cannon had another little kill at home so maybe all the sleep he's getting here on her braces is paying for vacation so it is literally a holiday for him I think to Mick Henin that style head over the front opting for the spike tires and it paid off over two seconds up on his nearest competitor yeah you can see what Troy was talking about that sinner body position really attacking and committing to the off cambers so big Hannah with only one more bullet to dodge secure himself a guaranteed podium spot that next bullet will be Bernhard Kerr but Mick is loving what's going on right now hanging out between that waha raw that's the way we do it here in Rotorua New Zealand we got a washer o at the start of the course at the bottom of the course three minutes flat the time to beat Bernhard Kurt you think he has what it takes to take him out that is one guy I think can take it I think Sam bacon sub is the favorite out of the last three what do you guys think I know he's been training really hard he had a lot of time in the motorcycle earlier in the in the offseason but he's been in Queenstown tons of gym you know the three a day kind of stuff where you're really just training hard trying to get ready for the season yeah obviously seen Bernhard in America training on the Supercross stuff so yeah looks like he's definitely put in some work he's looking a lot leaner than he was that's always that's always a good so he's the good side yeah so Bernard blankets up Wallace will be the last three riders we see to go we're about to find out if any of them has what it takes to knock out make Hannah out from that gold medal spot Mark Wallace looking quick this year he is he's another guy to watch but speaking to blinky he seems very relaxed he says you know what I kind of relaxed because I've been doing this so long I know what works he's opted for less Donald like time but more racing so when he rides is Donnell bike is under race conditions and he knows how fit he needs to be so for me he seems the most casual and relaxed guy out there so what was the story with Bernhard ker he was trying to get into Anaheim Supercross or something yeah it's a true story and I think last minute the licensing when he told he was allowed to race or he had the license they actually pulled it at the last minute on a technicality so it was not a hoax no technicality here we're gonna allow him to race her on course fourth year last year trying to regain some of that form I think Elliott in 2018 was one of his best years and then he got knocked out with a bit of an injury but just one of the most talented riders out there yes stay focused on Donald for long enough he can be can be a podium contender yeah for sure I think he's one of those people that also just has so much talent but getting the mental side of it getting that you know he's pushing so hard but a lot of the times just something won't quite come together for you know what I reckon II probably could do is probably getting someone to run his team from it's pretty amazing yeah I would agree I think someone like you or when I was by Gracie I could never have done that but he seems like most unique people that could because I'd be worried what he would do with on a spinning further time Bernard Kerik owner and team manager of that pivot factory racing team holding that High Line here but this is preseason so this is when you see what work you've done what it feels like is it gonna pay off someone like Brooke has won here before and that's giving you a momentum for the rest of the season here Bernhard he might have to go back to the drawing board of it so Nick Hanna securing a spot on the podium that's got to feel good let's see how it feels from the horse's mouth make had a look at you in the hot seat only a 19th season out here how does that feel being an odd seat I still feel like a beginner honestly and to be on the hot seat with all these guys that just I mean I watch their instagrams and I can't believe how fast they are and it's still tough to so long I still can't believe that I can match it with them so it couldn't be more happy really every talking about the dry dusty conditions out there are a lot of off camber on this course did you know from the get-go that that would kind of play into your strengths uh I mean honestly we all wrought good in all conditions these days it's the sports at such a high level so I just I took my run nice and steady I felt like I was actually it kind of felt like a steady run but I executed all my lines just the way I wanted to and that looks like that's what needed to happen were you disappointed that you didn't have a jump to soui this year yes very disappointed then the one jump we did I have I come in too hot and I have to shut it down so I didn't go in the crowd that's the first thing I thought when I saw you in the gate I was like well where's the jump for the Sooey yeah the only decent jump for the natural gas in the woods and that's a bit gnarly landing landing that off groceries sir well Mick it's awesome to see that that offseason work is paying off or maybe just all the sleep that you're getting away from the family well done and you've secured yourself a podium so far yeah thanks very much thanks guys right on Mick alright back to racing here next rider with an opportunity to knock Mick out of that top spot if anybody can do it this is the guy Sam Blenkinsop a man on fold coming up for winning adh are we gonna witness the winning run you out of Sam blinken saw more focus more relaxed than ever before we're waiting for the time to tick by oh he's down 1.67 that is more than we expected to see Mick has put a storming top off it yeah I really thought blinky would do something special here but obviously it's super important to put together a solid run and seems like that's what mixed done yeah I think that was what we spoke about pre-show is it's gonna be a big challenge to get that perfect clean run it's not just about being committed going fast but you've got to link every section up and if you didn't do some full practice runs at speed you might get surprised in your race right exactly and I feel like mech definitely has the power for this track Wow so surprising not to see being keep even up at the first split McKenna's put being running and he's drifting further back two seconds back bank and sub yeah this is weblink he comes into his own he's exciting in these type of off-campus sections hopping pumping the bike everywhere so Kenny put himself in the top three blankets up coming to the line yet he'll be behind McKenna what will it say in the second place Mick Hanna Dodge is another boy and it will be up to Mark Wallace if anybody's going to beat Mick Hanna let's look back real the tape back into this run from Sam Blenkinsop about 1.4 I believe it was behind McKenna so we overheard the city seems to have slipped out even at the first corner so maybe not the cleanest run but that's racing you've only got one shot to do this it's one of those tracks it's so so hard because you have different sort of soil conditions at the top because it didn't rain all the grass is super hard packed so the guys wearing running spiked tires they're gonna really struggle up at the top the middle is where they'll shine and then down here they're kind of struggling this off camber as well a good track for Mick Hanna all that pumping and speed that you need to carry and be strong through the bumps so blankey not managing to dethrone Mick Hanna but giving a valiant effort one point for back and then there was one well honey moja rider left to go he's just always look so good his riding style was just built for slow motion even if he's going slow chillin it just looks like he's going alpha Lily exactly there he is the last man with the opportunity to beat Mick Hanna here is Canada's Mark Wallace I am so interested to see how he does in this little bit because he is one of the guys that you watched at a World Cup and he is able to make the most difficult lines look easy it's incredible and he's on a new bike they're they're onto a 29 inch wheel so this is the first time putting in competition but look the time is going by and it's going by by a lot just as something must have happened incredibly tricky to link up those sections not to mention stay on the bike and a lot of those things if you miss then hook up rut you actually just go straight in a tape mix pain attention and it is it's definitely one of those tracks like he could have had a line that he was doing in practice and come into it super hot at race pace and it's just totally gone under the tape or something so it seems like we've got a big problem from Mark Wallace hopefully not a too big of a crash that Mick Hannity Wow looks like he is [Laughter] unofficially resting at the top there's not that many sharp objects but they are a route or two that he could have landed on one so far for Mark Wallace trying to see what his offseason preparation was like so he is part of this Hannah fish unofficially / officially let's eat now big win for him Ballmer affirm our ball is good to see that he didn't have too big of a crash it's a mechanical but look at what we have here a big day for the Hannah family Tracy Hannah taking the gold for the women and Mick Hannah locking it out for the men oh that's incredible he's 19th season here on the circuit Mick Hannah Hannah show the Hannah absolutely and by good margin as well in the men's field one point for over blinky keeping up with the Hannah's we launch in a few reality TV shows I love that Mick is such he's such a nice guy always a good attitude and for him to just come out here and be able to perform like that I think sometimes he goes under the radar but he's so this is gonna be good for his confidence he hasn't had the best season he'll be the first to admit the last few years hasn't mean what is expected yes on a certain track or when you go throw him at Cannes world's I mean he he'll shine but this should give him a good confidence booster going into the rest of the season and we will see how Innsbruck will see Matt Whistler mechana so easy to root for it like you say Andrew can't wait to see what the rest of the Crankworx tour brings for Mick Hannah of course Russell the World Cup tour he's a busy man but starting out the 2020 season strong Mick Hannah with the gold here Sam blankets up with the silver and George Brannigan with the bronze [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it it's official the 2020 Crankworx World Tour is off and running that was our last event of the festivities here in Rotorua New Zealand and it came down to the wire make Hana grabbing that gold medal but look at that Austin Warren there were some six that's going to be something we're talking about throughout the season Andrew yeah Austin Warren getting some king of Crankworx points but McKenna what a big win from him above Sam blingy top who was looking good man on forum George Brannigan always force on this track Bravo Nick Bravo and hey Brooke good to see him a man thanks for joining us here it's been rad having you thanks so much cool thank you so much guys it's been a pleasure and I think Red Bull T V need to do some work and get you three boys on the World Cup circuit well if you get back on that circuit quick we'll join you can't wait to see it we'll be tracking your progress Brooke thanks for joining us speaking of progress take a look at what we have coming for you a lot of progress on the queen of Crankworx leaderboards things moving constantly that's the name of the game the world tour we have so many events each one of them awarding points and this is like a river it's constantly going to be shuffling but Jill kinder back where she likes to be 420 points she's the only person who knows what it feels like to beat lead in the queen of crank work so I can't think of a better person to talk to you right now well Jill it's all smiles for you but this morning he didn't seem that comfortable well you you really put down a good run they talked us through it what a shocking end to the day for me honestly I was super discouraged coming into this one because literally I got three runs and a roll down the track and felt really unprepared and was a little discouraged I didn't know if I was gonna race Anna goes to show you just got to kind of show up and obviously Tracy's had you know what ten runs or more on this track and I was just trying to like musing together with such little Intel but yeah a long week good to be on the downhill bike again you know it's it's coming out of winter for us and had a few events this week so I'm pumped very surprised and pumped and glad I yeah exactly I was gonna say who slaps you around when you're having silly thoughts like that let's not forget Bryn everyone's in your corner but you know what it's really good to see out there it is tough when you're not come through on a technical track like this and you've been riding the whole week but that's also you've also got way more points for the king of Queen of Crankworx title so when you get home off this race you're gonna be thankful you out there so well done with that yeah and I'm so happy for Tracy going into the World Cup in a couple of weeks like that's just awesome and she's not for him it looks good and kind of pulled us all along this week because it was a hard course and obviously this morning I was like I don't know where I'm going it was cool to see inspiring well awesome we glad to see you back at the crank Walter we'll see you in Innsbruck so good luck until then and thanks for everything right now you can bring refreshments if you feel like it we'll be up here a little bit some tasty Red Bull so the next time we see Jill will be Innsbruck Austria stop number two of the Crankworx World Tour what am I talking about you ever watch Innsbruck this is what you can expect [Music] [Applause] [Music] well tickets are on sale right now for stop number two the Crankworx world tour in Innsbruck if you're looking for a European vacation great place to go to they got mountain biking it's a city nestled right in the middle of the mountains easy you fly right in the venue's right up the hill super simple maybe you live in Europe hop in your car drive out there we will see you later on this summer when we will give all these athletes another opportunity to add more points to their name speaking of that let's take a look at how the king of Crankworx overall standings are looking after this downhill race look at that a shake-up look at that batsmen Steenburgen as we said just had to get down clean he's put some points between him and Kyle Strait but not many it's only eight points and blinking something he shot up that leaderboard and then Mick Hanna will we get him out on some other bikes trying to match those points showing off how good he can be on a Donnell bike this season is so incredibly young but bass fans Steenburgen wanted to leave New Zealand as the leader he did just that I'm sure he's stoked but there's only one way to find out for sure bass hey how's it going well best challenging for you we heard from Jill you didn't get many runs with a schedule but it's great to see you out there how good is it feel to leave with the leader in border excuse me leader is king of Crankworx yeah it feels real good I saw last night there was one boy one point between Kyle and I and I was like - we'll try to race the downhill and glad I did so it was lava bar race downhill one point I think you made the right decision yeah I may have skipped the lava bar part but the other part it's pretty accurate well you did so many events maybe it was both but we take it and look back at your run obviously not a lot of practice what did you focus on in your run - get down cleanly honestly I was just trying to not make any mistakes like it's so blown out out there and it was pretty tricky so yeah just trying to get down clean and obviously the speed wasn't quite there but that's all good fast is it weird doing a downhill race which is typically a scenario where you just go all out the fastest run is what your objective is but here you're focusing on points is it weird to kind of hit the rev limiter I don't know I wasn't trying to think too much of the points during my run obviously or I liked before but I just couldn't really hit the rev limiter because I wasn't quite sure I was going just yet well bats it was great to see out in all the disciplines great results and you know what we'll see you in Innsbruck you the leader of our King of Crankworx sounds good looking forward to the Enduro what is it enduro slope cross yes you are mine my man you bring those zebra pants you're going down I'll bring them Campbell cross challenge version to 2020 you're mine buddy all right later bass see in a couple months - all right Elliot I think it's been really fun having you in the booth thanks for joining us and I got one more question for you final thoughts oh right yeah this has been incredible it's it's been so good to learn from you guys it's incredible how good you guys are at this I think some people don't don't think about you guys being that good but I know I wish I would have been able to be out there riding this is one of my favorite tracks of the year crank works this is my favorite event of the year all of them so yeah hopefully I'll be in in Innsbruck and I will also be in Whistler so can't wait well we love watching you on the bike we love having you hit you up here hanging out and if you just can't get enough of Elliot Jackson he's been doing some videos for red bull bike YouTube channel right that's true at the World Cup so I go and talk to my friends and then they put it on YouTube so that's it's cool yeah well log on check it out so it's awesome to get the behind-the-scenes insight what a race cam and final thought well you kind of called it though we were going back and forth I had blinky I had Troy I know Mick's gonna be solid you had him for the win so put some water on it what a race man next time we will alright next time next time we're gonna take all your money well next time is going to be a few months away ah after four days of events I wish we could just keep it rolling into tomorrow but that's all she wrote for Crankworx Rotorua 2020 you know what I gotta thank my co commentator Andrew kneeling for hanging out with me Elliot Jackson it's been great having you thanks to our entire production crew everybody who makes Crankworx happen but overall I got to thank you our loyal mountain-bike fans across the world we will see you in Innsbruck [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 506,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, crankworx, mtb, mountain bike, best trick crankworx, rotorua, crankworx rotorua, crankworx 2020, bas van steenbergen, jill kintner, crankworx replay, red bull rotorua, red bull tv, mountain biking, downhill mtb, pump track, DH, downhi, downhill rotorua, crankworx dh 2020, mick hannah, tracey hannah, uci, uci downhill, pinkbike, downhill, bike, finn iles, loic bruni, downhill crankworx replay, full replay, uci world cup, downhill mountain biking
Id: u8FU-REtcrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 32sec (6512 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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