REPLAY: Red Bull Roof Ride Finals

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we need [Music] hello and welcome to katowice in poland for red bull roof ride the world's best riders are here we've got an enormous course that's been built and i promise you an incredible afternoon of slope style riding coming your way my name's rob warner and when you talk about the world's best slopestyle riders you can't ignore the man stood next to me an incredibly an incredible rider in his own right matt jones joins me matt how are you great thanks for coming yeah cheers dude i'm buzzing this is going to be a hell of a show and even though you've stepped away from competition over the last couple of years i know you've been really busy with other projects yeah i haven't done a comp for a year or two but to be honest i think today is going to give me that itch and a bit of a bug to get back to it i've definitely been thinking about it i want to return to the comments but i have been busy i've been doing projects yeah here's uh what i was working on just last year actually design and conquer where myself from red bull we put a lot of time into some new tricks so that's yeah running gainer backflip that was three months a bit modest to say it but you've been working on a lot of world first right over the last couple of years from yeah yeah yeah i've been sort of putting time into tricks that no one's done which is a big mental game but actually putting tires on the ground and doing it really was insane for me and this was yeah purpose-built bespoke course for all those tricks and i loved it it was brilliant great opportunity you know that more of that and you've lost none of your competition sharpness i can see that there and talking to competition of course they've been a bit thin on the ground right for the slopestyle riders this year yeah it's been a rough couple of years for slope style i think for the riders for the sport it's a it's an eager time to get more back on the map but i mean only one week ago we had copenhagen we absolutely up in denmark and it was emily johansen who won i mean what an incredible athlete he is isn't he emil he just exploded onto the scene so young so raw with his skills here we go this is emil just one week ago rocking he's insane look the style he brings is classic swedish perfection he goes higher than everyone he spins the bike round more than anyone but it wasn't surprising that he won this event this was a windy competition too and it's just the the intricacy the amount that is going on in those moves in the air it just blows my mind yeah that was a 360 double downside tail whip he's one of the few riders to do that and this was his sick gold event win in a row no one has got near him and i got to tell you actually that he isn't here today in poland he won't be starting he's having his second vaccination against the dreaded virus and who can blame him with all the travel that he's got coming up what that does mean though is that today there is a massive opportunity for someone else to step up and take the win and i got a feeling that that man might you know they've got the godziak brothers we've got to talk about them first of course because this is their event and they were in action last week in in denmark as well yeah so simon godziak david godziak they're so well known in the sport david came from bmx and simon he's stepped away from competition in 2018 i think and he was back at copenhagen that's the first time we've seen him competing with a great result huh right here yeah second place so he's proved to the world he's still got what it takes and with runs like this he's he's going to be a contender for the win today at red bull roof ride but yeah this was amazing to see from simon coming straight back a cork 720 no hander one of the only riders to do that in a competition that i've ever seen and like i said it was windy here today the conditioning polar might be better and we could see even bigger tricks from from the polish rider and of course his brother as well i mean am i right in saying that simon and david godzilla they both kind of come from very different backgrounds is that fair to say exactly david is a bmx he's a bmx rider as we know him he's got an x games gold in bmx and now he's transitioned over to slopestyle on the bigger wheels and he's proven it here that he's absolutely got what it takes to be a contender for slopestyle and that is so rare for two brothers to come from different backgrounds and cycling and now be competing head to head in front of a home crowd yeah it's unreal poland's gonna go mad for these two boys they really are can they do something bigger today then incredible a lot of pressure on them yeah but like i say they're this is kind of like their event isn't it they've got polish fans in a polish country they're going to love it yeah you know what they've designed the course they've built is incredible nikolaira gatkin i mean you know again he was in action last week surely with the absence of emerald he's going to be want to be putting his name back on the top isn't he i mean what an opportunity for him yeah interesting you say that sorry emil has won so many events in a row he's kind of like hogged to that top spot that victory spot but it's all up for taking now that whole podium is open and nikolai is a crowd favorite that was the 14-40 he didn't better strike four hole spins in the air nikolai he brought that to the competitions he brought that to the world it is there is quite a lot going on there i'm gonna say it looks like a trick that has been dropped from outer space what is he an alien how on earth do you do that really that how i just can't get the way that comes around and he lands exactly where he wants to it's absurd isn't it four hole spins no one no one no i should be able to do that but nickel i can absolutely we'll keep an eye on him this afternoon we had qualified here over the last couple of days actually in poland and i'd say it was pretty incident packed it hasn't been easy for the rider split over two days but it was griffin paulson that came out on track i mean a great result for that canadian huh yeah that was a surprise to me to be honest to see kind of a rider that's very very new in slopestyle competition take top spot in qualifying we'd expect to see someone like nick elippa a banger run together especially on a course that's so well suited to big tricks and here's griffin's run so i mean we don't know exactly what the canadians got in the bag he released a massive massive video only a couple of weeks ago to show the world what he can do but on a course like this he's he's proven that he's definitely got what it takes for the win but i must say that practice didn't go too well for the riders there was very limited windows of good decent practice because of wind and we saw the same happen in qualifying but this was the top qualifying run a double backflip the judges are going to love that aren't they it's a dangerous trick i don't know what you think of all this stuff wrong but yeah it's a bit beyond me i don't mind admitting it it's wild out there in poland i think we're going to see some absolute ins insane runs i can't wait well that was our first look at the track let's take a closer look at it then with two of the big stars today here's simon godziak and nikolai gatkin one of the craziest courses we've seen in a long time i'm gonna follow simon through the course right now hope you guys enjoyed all right bro whenever you're ready let's get it coming into this first little drop cruising it now we're cruising into this step up nice fun feature down to the moto gp flat corner trying to stay as fast as we can around it this easy little jump now we're coming to the big drops [Music] [Music] job [Music] let's go now am i right in saying matt that that is a huge course the gaps to me look absolutely massive yeah it's it's a berserk row of jumps it's a different sort of course actually to what i'm used to seeing you kind of have to treat it in two halves the stuff up the top is a bit smaller than what we're used to in slopestyle and that's going to lend itself to the more technically able riders i mean to throw a nationality out there the swedish are very very good at that sort of stuff they ride a lot of skatepark there's snow all winter there yeah yeah they're indoors then it opens up to the big features that drop the judges are going to be looking at that big drop for an absolute banger there that's a good way of getting points on the board and then the last three jumps i mean i think we've got 13 meters huge tricks are going to go down and then they're high in the air we've got the air time for nikolai to do his best stuff griffin paulson's proved that double backflips are on the cards yeah yes gonna be insane final well simon godziak just took us down the course there on that preview let's have a look at what he did in qualifying where he gave the polish fans plenty to shout about with a second place actually [Applause] step up he's already gearing up for something big this is the smaller feature i was talking about just chooses to manually plenty of points on offer up there right matt yeah it's all about setting yourself apart from the other riders it's not doing the best trick you can do it's sometimes about doing different tricks to everyone else you've got to think outside the box some riders are better than that of others than others and simon's got a unique style if he can bring that out with his fmx tricks and things a second place where i might turn into a first place right now yeah yeah well the crowd i mean home crowd advantage must be massive right yeah it's gonna have confidence for this i imagine if he came second in denmark let's see what he can do in front of the polish chaps paul kadurk there was in third place the frenchman i mean another strong ride what do we know about him can he go can he go all the way today yeah paul's really really talented he brings opposite tricks to the table we'll talk about more about that when we see the riders but he spins both ways he does his tail it's both ways and he's also very very creative he's done some amazing edits in the last 12 months and like coming around that flat corner there he's good on his bike he should be able to do all sorts of things over this jump box and then here's the big drop we spoke about a flat drop flat backwards stepping over the top tube that's going to set him apart so even that drop might have put a lot enough points on the board to guarantee him in the finals but he came third amazing so watch out for that frenchman this afternoon yeah you know i'm not sure if that last quarter pipe feature is actually being judged so we'll have to keep an eye on that i think yeah and of course simon we saw is run david godziak i'm down in seventh place is he gonna be happy with that in qualifying is that good enough for him i mean he's in the main show right qualifying's qualifying there's no points up for grabs overall i mean his run was spectacular but he's got more to offer and i think this just kind of stems from maybe maybe a lack of practice and a couple of the features he didn't go as big on as he can but jump in that box i think that's that's a good way to start it shows he can get around that turn really well a flat drop tail it doesn't look as impressive to the crowd as a backflip but don't don't write that off because it's very technical and yeah the win can affect you badly on that but seventh he's in finals all you have to be is in finals and he is whether you're 12 for your first they're all in finals today and they can prove themselves yet again and today actually it's a bit different isn't it we've got three runs for these riders right which is unusual what does that mean yeah it's not something i've ever kind of been up against i've never ridden in but i love it as a concept three runs it's usually two two runs best run counts in poland at rue ride they're offering a third run to riders which changes the whole approach to how you how you compete usually you'd kind of drop in you might do a safe run you get two chances to land your dream run let's say you land that second go they've now offered up a third run where you're gonna go for broke you're gonna do stuff you don't even know if you can land you might have never done in competition and we know that an opportunity like that people like nikolai you might bring out the 14 40. you never know well one man who would have been happy actually to have three runs in qualify they only got two it was tommy g my favorite riders thomas janon who had a flat tyre in his first run so it all came down to his second qualifying run and he did just scrape in there but right on the edge for tommy g yeah jenna he's been on the scene for years 2012 he turned up into slopestyle one red bull joyride out in whistler and here he is he brings a such a unique style to the sport i don't know let's have a look like a tail we're playing without one of the few guys to even clear that box let alone trick on him yeah 100 i think he'll be disappointed with 12th in qualifying but he's experienced enough to know that just being in finals is enough to just hit reset start again and show everyone what he's really got and he is one of the big guns right he's won joyride over in whistler in the past so i mean he has to start as one of the favourites yeah he'll be first on course today i can't wait to see what he's got but he's going to offer he's going to offer some tricks that i don't think anyone else will even even think of trying well it's time we went over to poland then the riders are now at the top they're getting ready to drop it you will hear myself and matt in commentary in a few moments time but stay with us after this break here comes red bull roof ride experience select live events in a whole new way on redbull athletes profiles and kpis start lists and results head-to-head analysis and animated guides track information and obstacles keep up with your favorite athletes and artists the new sidebar is available exclusively on red bull tv he is one of the best street bmx riders in the world courage adams born in nigeria and raised in spain he discovers his roots and rides with a legendary lagos bmx crew for me bmx is just something i really really love encouraged now available on redbull tv [Music] so perfect looking afternoon here the weather doesn't look like it's going to play its part like it did in qualifying right starting high on the roof there katovich in poland you can see the course laid out in front of you it's a great location isn't it going to be something good it's lovely on it when we take mountain biking actually into the city centers 24 degrees centigrade so that won't be bothering the riders over the 30 seconds or so they're on this 25 meter track and the wind more importantly saying five miles an hour i mean let's not beat about the bush here the wind is a pretty critical factor when you're flying off the roof for building on a bicycle and that's why we had the problems we did in qualifying yeah i mean you can't put a number on it the wind you do you do everything by feel sometimes a headwind is better than a crosswind i'd say crosswind is the worst and to see the riders kind of pushing qualifying right back into the evening it's not surprising starting 22 meters up in the air up on a hill up on the rooftops i mean people who work on roofs don't like it when it's windy when you're doing mountain bike tricks 20 minutes in the air it's a similar story isn't it you're not going to want to go to work i can't blame them for that that's for sure so um i guess all the riders are gonna be feeling the pressure right now it might be the first sort of time they've got to try out this course with no wind and they're dropping in in finals they've got three chances best run counts the judges are going to be looking at every single detail these the jumps are huge they're going to be looking for what they have to offer on the big airtime ones but also a small feature that's at the start the small drop that tabletop it all counts you can't discount a single feature you've got to put together the perfect run to win and these are the 12 riders we're going to see in the final here today david godziak takes his way up that's diego cavalzi he's a favorite for me actually yeah he does a humongous trick that no one else that no one else really does backflip cliffhangers he did a backflip bass pin to cliffhanger at copenhagen last week yeah the cliffhanger has a motocross trick he's doing on a mountain bike there we go yeah thomas stood from the uk sam pilgrim as well in the final well nicholas gatkin messing about holy toledo what was that matt he said yeah that's not even in the competition no cork 720 fly out on a quarter pipe that he's uh he's spent many years on the bmx in the skate park and he's proven it isn't he so uh it's good to see sam pilgrim back at back at slopestyle competitions too i'm so excited to watch him drop in i've got a lot of insane memories with him traveling the world and he's back in poland and he's qualified well too go on pilgrim yeah be good to see what he can do today that's griffin paulson number one qualifier he'll be dropping in last which comes with some pressure but also that could limit your three runs to two if if you get to the end and you're still leading you get to see it all happen you're last to drop in and that's quite nice it's lovely the most relaxed afternoon you can have so those they're the boys the 12 riders we're going to see in action thomas janon alex alanko victor duhan max frederickson sam pilgrim david godziak diego thomas dead nikolai regatkin paul kudur simon godziak and griffin paulson will be the last to drop in the canadian with that phenomenal qualifying run but loads of big hitters in there and i think i know matt that we said after qualifying you said that yeah that's definitely the best 12 riders that have gone through to this final yeah definitely i think we're expecting to see a start list that looks a lot like this one and i'm pleased about that we're gonna we're gonna get a hell of a show and there's quite a spread of scores in qualifying yeah i think about 15 points spread first twelve things that's right that's right but with so many mistakes and not much practice i think i do think that's going to be a tough one for the judges that's going to be narrowed it might not be 15 points it might be less so and interestingly matt you know griffin paulsen the only rider to break the 90 point mark yeah and then point six six yeah yeah here we go so thomas jenner he'll be looking for a 91.66 he's done it before he goes dropping in at red bull hardline a few weeks ago on the big bikes that's an opposite 360 with a foot player really technical real signature thomas jen on style double tailwhip on the step up so he's building points here on the smaller features which is important i love that no foot can clear in the box into the massive drop the 360 table more complex than the 360 to another humongous 360. [Music] so much better than he did in qualifying right he just stepped it up instantly yeah he's got a confidence boost there that's unbelievable i think um jenon's gonna use the three-run format to his advantage he's clever he's experienced if he gets a score on the board with this run which is bound to look at that double tailwith on a step up [Music] look how big that drop is the guys are on hard tail bikes i mean you know bearing in mind i come from a background of downhill look at the height on that and the style on that incredible yeah gen on styles unique you see that's upside down he's upside down he's turning the bike even further i think don't don't concentrate too much on the score this one the first rider on course the judge is using the benchmark that's right yeah so the score is something to base all the other riders on if it's not in the 90s it doesn't mean it's not a top run they need to give themselves space between 0 and 100. especially with a three-run format right exactly if this gets a 95 they're not giving themselves much space it's early in the show so but it did look faultless to me it was very smooth it's classic gen on style if they're looking at anything to maybe bring the score down there we go 80.33 he's gonna be stoked with that good man and i think we got more to see from tommy g here this afternoon two more runs of course don't forget back to the top for alex alanko here's the sweep alex another rider that spins both ways you might see cork 720s in both directions the judges really really care about that once upon a time it was all about the difficulty of your trick now it's about doing that both ways and a man who has finished third in an fmv diamond event in the past so very capable there it is called that cork 720 i'm so stoked oh my word he goes from the hardest trick to falling off on the easiest part of the track well luckily he's smiling about it i was just saying earlier how the swedes are so gifted with riding wood and skate parks and he's lost his front end on the flat turn oh can you imagine how that feels through a cork 720 one of the hardest tricks on a bike unfortunately i do feel for him i can't imagine how it feels but i can imagine how that felt but i mean let's be honest it's not really a part of the course the riders are going to be giving too much thought to is it you know what i mean it's just it's it's just between them jumped no we know that flat turns aren't ideal on bicycles but you wouldn't expect it to hamper your entire contest right well what a show no i do feel for him but that cork 720 like i said that's a huge trick don't count out the cop we've got two more runs that was not that was not villa volvo he won't be happy with that but two more goes so yeah and of course you know the difference being matt if it was a two-run format he would be under massive pressure for that second run another sweden swedish rider now victor duhan 26 years old super talented rider he loves front flips i can always guarantee we'll get in front without a victor a nollie 360. that is a lot more difficult than a stock 360. wicked starts the run there is the front flip unturned down turning the bike onto his shoulder he makes it around the turn oh i like that a manual up and over the box that's the skate park style 360 on the big drop there it is no way no way front flip suicide on a 13 meter jump over a tight oh and he went down hard yeah well he did hit his head best medical staff immediately to him but he did uh yeah did come down pretty hard there that front flips suicide no handle though rob unbelievable trick i've never seen anything no i don't think i've ever seen one in the competition oh really yeah front flip tuck no handle we know but suicide where you hold grip the seat leave the bars way out in front of you i hope we get a slow-mo of that because that's over 30 meter jump that must just feel like he's actually flying oh yeah we saw nikolai gat kid actually in qualifying was he qualified in practice over rotated on the step down yeah a flat drop backflip he looped out very similar to that crash and you know what riding on wood like this it's easily done you don't get as much top grip on the back tire when you start you start holding that manual and it's likely that you end up here we go here we go so this is the crash don't i can't get my head around the amplitude of that jump honestly that's enough air time for nikolai to do any one of his tricks is it really yeah and any other rider they might have something something to do on that so rob there hasn't been any big slopestyle competitions for a couple of years it's been a rocky couple of years hasn't it yes yes exactly and i think we're going to get a treat from some riders that we don't expect to have new tricks they've they've got they've had two years to progress to work on new stuff and this is going to be where we're going to be where we're going to be seeing it well the swedish riders are coming thick and fast max frederickson the next man at the top good to see victor doing back to his feet walking away from that uh nasty looking for we just saw oh good start nollie bar spin so using those technical technical ability those boys learning the skatepark a double tail whip similar style to thomas jenner who's currently leading what's he got on his tech in this box 180 bar spin to half cab back in super tech truck driver on the drop i love that that's a huge trick for a flat drop judges will love that backflip tailwind he couldn't have landed better silky smooth for max backflip double bar spin to tuck no handle this is a winning run right here what and a 360 double bar spin to unturn down that's a mouthful rob i don't think you'd have had the tricks on that one if i left that to you it was complex and it was tech i i i did spot that he looked like he was struggling struggling to get his hands back on the bars there's a lot going on man there is a lot going on here we go they've got a replay here for you rob so you can break this one down for us double tail up on the step up you have to slow it down a lot more than that you know that one 360 bar spin on the drop max really couldn't have landed any better on this flip whip look he caught the bike so early hardly bends his legs this is the swedish style we know and loves flip double bass bin to tuck no hander all comes down to how much air time these jumps are giving the riders so good to see max and a good run go on max [Music] so jen on leading with an 80.33 i'm gonna if i was i'm gonna bet on max being way above that with that run okay let's go down what an amazing run tell me more about how poland is treating you and how do you enjoy the course the course was terrifying in the beginning but now i kind of like it yeah you seem like you're super confident with your tricks how can you improve for such a great run uh just gotta send it right yeah let's just send it let's see what the judges have to say about it yeah hopefully they're pleased yep fingers crossed so there's the top three at the moment thomas that feels good that feels so good and he's got two runs to go i don't know what he's going to offer yeah but this is what we're talking about well you know this man very well sam pilgrim from the uk yeah everything else in 2013 he was unstoppable yeah weekend after weekend sam would just win event after event he went on to be world champion now he's back in poland with a tail whip i'm surprised about that from sam this is awesome what's he got on the step up huge 360 start it out with a little tweak sam could shine easily on this box gets a drift on on the flat that's all right he makes it work with the bar spin and now he's gonna really shine flat drop back flip fair play unreal trick the judges love that flip whip oh my god he's got deep too a lot of riders going along with that must be 15 meters flip turned down maybe trying to get his hands off there and a 360 tower epic i'll tell you what for someone that i know focuses on youtube that was an unbelievable run right is that surprised is he just so capable of that sam he rides his bike every day doesn't he's unreal he's so talented and he's the most he's got to be the most experienced competition rider there by a landslide i know he's got i know he's got more to give but the good thing about sam's one there is a lot of variety it wasn't repeating the same tricks he's going upside down he's doing 360s he definitely was going for a no handle on that backflip turndown which would be a sick combo i'm sure it would only be sam bringing stuff like turndowns to mountain bike competitions look at that the air time on that jump the 2013 fmb world champion this man but i must say you know matt i don't know but to be come back to competition that sharp i know he was at copenhagen last week but he's less and less on the comps really in the last few years yeah definitely he's not been doing the comps but he's shown he's still sharp he's still got what he takes and this is going to be a he goes into third but sam knows he's got more to offer brilliant this is shaping up to be a hell of a comp three rounds rob three runs we're gonna see every rider three times well one of the locals next david godziak 27 years old from suzek here in poland headphones in here we go truck driver on a very very small drop he's doing well to fit in the bath spin there polish crowd are gonna go nut front flip no ander on a big step up here we go this is shaping up to be a good run sort of unturned down clear in the whole box i know the judges will like people tail whip don't underestimate the twists down that's the 1080. yes dave gone he's putting it together bassman to know ander what's he got in the last jump he's gearing up for something big a cash what casserole bar spin rob and he snatched it around and landed it perfect [Applause] unreal tricks on those last three booters a twister and a casserole bar spin i'll tell you what the judges are gonna have to be careful here this afternoon not to out point themselves it's three runs not two and we are seeing some gold runs already yeah what are they going to do with this round eh i don't look pretty good i know i said the course is probably going to be split into half with how you look at it small jumps big jumps but david's absolutely smashed it on everything fast bit no hander not the most complex not the hardest trick but i tell you what he went high and he landed good and that's what it kept the quick takes well we're gonna hear from david now [Music] there it is epic amazing stuff perfection [Music] david what goes through your mind after landing such a nice run thank you yeah i'm stoked to do the first not that crazy run i would like but at least i learned something yeah i bet nothing crazy something different for us and for you can you explain to our spectacles how to do the twister twister is like you go to the front a bit and you spin to the side as much as they can then you see the the clouds then you see the floor then you see the landing and then you need to the land oh sounds easy tell me how is it to host world's best athletes in katowice it was our dream to host all the best athletes here especially with that good course we got here it's so amazing yeah can't wait to see what you prepared for the second round so yeah let's hear the diaries well i'm excited to see what this man gets now yeah me too such a complex run but like you said max has already trumped the 90s they're not giving themselves much breathing room to score 12 riders three times that's right but it's about it's got to be in the 90s doesn't it 8.33 i'm a little bit surprised about that i think the judges are looking for honestly everything to be perfect like max but also not to not to exclude a jump i think it might have been that bass pin to no hander on the second jump which arguably sends you the highest of the whole course maybe that's the place he's got to improve to take on first place great great analysis matt and now it's diego cavazasi 27 years old this man and third place at some of the biggest slope style events on the planet in the past so a man very capable he looks hungry doesn't he looks fierce he looks revved up for this one what can he do 360 on the first drop he's going to shine here i'm sure backflip no hander that's a jump the people getting caught out on qualifying flat drop backflip that's huge that's good land's good front flip no hander massive backflip bar spin look at the air time on these jumps they're all landing low which is more time in the air and he had to finish with a tuck and a handle so he clearly lost a little bit of speed on the second big hit down there at the bottom he might be disappointed with that i think he is he looks it yeah thankfully this is a three-run format and you know matt this course you know as we say wouldn't take off sporting landings ramps etc i mean it's pretty perfect right which means to me that we're going to see the biggest tricks these guys have got this afternoon like it lends itself this course to letting these guys really show us what they can do as we're seeing already it is it's a it's a playground for progression this wood is going to roll the same speed every time yeah and assuming there's no wind oh he went five six meters too long on that jump but it's already the biggest on course but that just just justifies what we're talking about the air time is there to do almost any trick wow so deep on that front flip i think to be honest we're seeing riders use the three-run format here where i know that i know what we've seen in the past at crank works even a couple years ago events some of these riders have a bit more to offer so i think they're just getting a safe score on the board yeah it's wise yeah there you go 69.33 for him then as matt said we know the italian will have more to offer what a location beautiful five riders to go then in this round one of three and it's an englishman next to british rider tom instead from cornwall 29 years old let's see what he's got and a great qualifier for him saw him go fifth with an 85.66 can you improve on that there's a 360. tom really really excels in the big jumps front flip on the step up he's going to make it count down the bottom 100 just rolling over the jump box that will lose points right yeah back flat draw back flip he'll claw some back backflip no hander this is what we're talking about tom's playing it safely he's getting the score on the board flip bar spin huge head tight i can't get my head down that jump and a corks there we go cork 720. he did it was good to watch it was nice to watch he landed perfectly it's not a winning run because he can offer more everyone knows it but i think we're watching first hand this three-run former actually be worked to sunrider's advantage because he's gonna be on the board he's gonna got a score which isn't only good for points it's good for a confidence boost flat drop backflip i'll never get my head around now you can backflip off no takeoff it took me forever to learn that trick do you know what it's one of the most impressive things i've ever seen and you know i mean watching rampage with the cliffs the flat drops backflips it's just madness yeah the day somebody said i don't need a kicker i don't need a lip to do a backflip i know change the sport really change the sport right so thomas dead he can double flip there it is he can cast roll we're going to see some mega runs from him oh i wonder what the wind's going into those tricks huh yeah exactly i wonder what the winds like for the riders it'd be interesting to get a view of some of those wind socks because it did hold them back a bit in practice 77.66 then for thomas dead it's a good score he goes fourth yes very good then for the brits [Applause] well conditions looking good at the moment here this will be a heater i'm excited for this one yeah a strap in for this one look nicolaira gatkin emil johansen's done all the winning over the last few years this is a massive opportunity for gabriel gakkin to get back on top fast plant 360. we're already on to a good one here that's up there the best trick on the first show come on out of the gate just choosing to manual that might hamper but there we go nailed it today the twister on the big jump he's good he's gone deep the size of that jump what was going on there that's honestly the biggest 1080 i've ever seen in my whole life he's flown 16 meters through the air he did land it's pretty obvious what nikolai's tactics are this afternoon throw everything at each run judging by that that was absolute madness yeah caught 720 on that not the biggest jump on the course but he couldn't have landed any better could he no that's a 360 backflip essentially flat drop backflip showing that he's got a good enough flat if in fact one of the best flat joke tricks in the game look at that that's blowing my brain down three the bike is the wrong way around almost before he comes in just before he comes at the land i don't think there's anyone in the world that could have written that out look at that and bang i mean he was so close just over-rotated a little bit almost punched himself in the face forces well that's right on these big jumps small mistakes i'd imagine matt slightly off axis on the landing and things are going to be punished like that you can't hold on to it when you've jumped 13 14 15 meters through the air and done a 1080. don't forget that let's not forget that just to make sure you're giddy before you land well amazing ride until it went wrong we're going to see more of gakkin this afternoon two more runs for him and i'm better he gets one of them to the bottom incredible stuff here if you've just joined us this is red bull roof ride from poland kanovich and we're now at the top with paul kudurk he's pretty stealthed out all in black with his black lenses i love it i love it actually here we go paul's brought some of the more creative moves to the game in the last couple of years of some big videos which my wall was a big one yeah yeah yeah showing both sides of uh when it goes right and when it goes wrong oh no oh and a bad start i wonder what he's gonna do i bought i reckon looking at this maybe that's the thing about slope style if you're not 100 on form you know you're not going to be able to fight for the win and he's probably been wise there to not go and hit those further six features save himself stay at the top of the hill but it's disappointing it's hard thing to come back from when you make a mistake yeah it could go bad to worse and pretty much write your afternoon off right the confidence disappears it's like snapping your chains throughout the starting downhill they sometimes win when they do that though i don't think paul was coming back from that one one man made it happen ever that's why he gets three runs but yeah oh he's going to cruise to the bottom he's taking a moment to compose himself then oh straight into a casual backflip off the roof of the building not that it matters big slow rotation on that amazing seven features on this course rob would you have a run pinned out you've got seven tricks probably not uh give me a couple of weeks to work on it matt you know what i mean you come right back so i wouldn't want to go in cold i would admit that i'll come over have a go on your airbag yeah i definitely need to go anywhere near anything like that no the the size of the jumps the technicality of the tricks i mean it's impressive snipe style is incredible isn't it yeah i'm so happy it's back on the map and back on the back on the calendar that time that spell we had last year with no events it actually built excitement for me to see what people were going to come back with yeah absolutely right and here's a guy who's come back from a couple years off competitions simon godziak then 29 years old this man a massive day for him here he had a big crash in qualifying actually but it's not it's not it's not hindering him is it a nollie 360. cork 720 wow oh almost looping out but he's still got it he's still on course so many worlds first to this man's name manual over the box truck driver i love that guy landed good there it is backflip superman secret that's an fmx trick i've ever seen one backflip basketball whip gets back here we go we're on now 360 tailwind yes simon the polish crowd are going to be in awe of that run that was a great run there and he knows it as well look at that he's pumped you can see on his right arm he's burnt it crashingly qualifying that'll be sore but he's proved he's at rampage later this year as well so a man who can ride the big bike as well as the little bike he looks super stoked i'm not surprised cork 720 straight up at the top of the course probably the windiest part of the course almost looping out we're covering the brake to ride it out this is awesome this is brilliant i love the slo-mo's too to see what's actually going on yeah you need them so backflip bar spin already an insane trick and then he kicks a late tail whip all the way around catches the pedals and he's got to look up for the final jump where he saw a 360 tower this is classic simon style the fmx tricks the backflip superman seat grab rob a lot of riders are going deep on that jump yeah they are it feels like they've probably practiced with a bit of a headwind and either that's gone or maybe it's now a tailwind but their speeds off yeah a lot of riders landed deep down that landing and the more experienced riders will be watching watching this happen and thinking i might need to dab some break coming into that the complexity there so it's got everything for the judges i'm excited to hear from simon though see what he thinks absolutely amazing let's hear from him i'm incredibly stoked about your run the cork 7 was the only exception for a perfect run you made tell me do you prefer to keep it technical or send it big i like to send it big for sure i like to have everything every kind of rotation and technical stuff and big moves in my run so i'm trying my best to put everything in the run so so yeah and how stoked are you about having such a lovely crowd out here it's the best i mean we had once in katowice one sick event which i won and coming here knowing that the support from people from polish people gonna be big and it pumps me up a lot and i'm motivated to send it for them yeah let's see what the judges have to say thank you a lot noise in the crowd for this man then waiting for his score to come in he gave a perfect explanation actually of what it's about what the judges are looking for it's about there we go 89 33 so he's in second very very close to max's score he's gonna be happy enough with that that's right yeah you know he explained that it's about variety it's not just about your bangers it's about making them look different making him look good spinning both ways i think he did a perfect a perfect run there to show that but it wasn't enough for the win first place qualifier now so the last man to drop in for run one as matt said is the number one qualifier just 24 years old this man from prince george in canada griffin paulson and he knows what's gone before him he knows what he needs to do i know there's three runs but uh if you're out for winning qualifying i've got a feeling he's going to push hard every run this is a guy that we know has been working hard while the comps have been away because i've not really seen him compete at this level and he's coming he's qualified first i'm so buzzing for this round here we go truck driver 360 bassman on the first drop what's he got on the step up backflip tail whip he's landing good clearly the judges are looking at him landing clean carrying speed emmanuel over that flat drop flip yeah here we go what's he got on this big jump where's the score coming from oh massive front yeah the rotation so slow in the other way double battlefield goodness one way than the other and a 360 tailwick yeah looked easy for him the front flip was one of the slowest things i've ever seen what's inside yeah and then the size of the jump right exactly you can't you can't pop too hard without much airtime you have to always be patient with the front flip which is unnerving so the 360 bath spin is a good way of getting points at the top 100 backflip tail whip same story i think that jump box you know that third feature that looks like it's not a big part of the course it's actually an important part of the course well when you look at the scores now close they are he's like what point seven seven off the lead yeah you've got to take care of every part of this course haven't you every feature there's seven features that double backflip look at that i love it he looks down halfway through spots to landing adjusts so he can land perfectly what's it like to do a trick like that is it you know i mean you've got to have a lot of faith in you yeah i love it i love it you love it you love the double backflip it's a trick that you can't build up to gradually you go from one backflip and then you have to do two you can't do one and a half you can't do one in a quarter and when you decide to pull the trigger on it you get you get such a buzz the fear of crashing's insane but the delight the desire to land is even bigger is that going to be good enough to take the lead 85 it's not no i'm not surprised actually i think not tricking that jump box and maybe the straight front flip with no variation after we've seen front flip no handles and things like that we've seen front with bass pins and qualifying i think griff's got more to offer but like we said the three-run format we've said it enough it's so important and it's changed the game it's changed the way the riders are thinking about taking on this comp and there are the standings in after run one max frederickson from sweden at least with a dead 90 on the board godzilla pushing him all the way david godziak in third there so the polish in second and third this crowd are going to love that griffin paulsen we just saw him goes in fourth and it's thomas zhinon in fifth at the moment making a great recovery from uh a little bit of a worrying qualifier but you know matt what's it like if you have a bad first one if you're a bad qualifier is it hard to come out and put that behind you it definitely uh has an impact on your mentality because you kind of see yourself down there in 12th spot you might be thinking guy i only just scraped into finals but it's not genon's first competition it's certainly not his first kind of time sending it going big wanting to be in finals he should be in finals and he is in finals so he's got that opportunity to go again three runs we're going to see him climb the ladder 12th isn't good enough for him everyone knows it but there's some other riders as well actually that i'm surprised to not see up there nikolai gatkin it's not unusual for him to maybe have a crash and pick it back up and still get the win so is that right yeah he's i mean even with the two-run format nikolai can go down look like he's probably too hurt to go again then he'll drop him with an absolute heater and win so this leaderboard it's not going to stay the same there's no way that's why we're going to get a good show and you know it must take years and years to get these tricks unlocked like this to be able to throw them back to back in a run i mean i'm blown away by the accuracy by the by the ease actually with these the way these riders make most of these tricks look i mean there's a lot going on the rotations to come around and land where you wanna it's incredible absolutely mind-blowing to watch seeing some of the faces in the background there the crowd people are just they're staggered by what they're seeing the interest the intricacy of the tricks is a big deal even a flat drop backflip look at that that's what right on paper you think is a backflip it's not there's no take-off there's no there's nothing to start the rotation for you have to produce that on flat ground that's hard that's like a full body experience front flip no hander that's two tricks in one he went deep i want to say he went 20 meters man yeah yeah 60 foot through the air so um yeah it's all to play for the riders have got a trick bag a deep trick bag they can mix it up they can do their tricks in a different order and it's also first round you're kind of getting an understanding of what the judges want to see it's a judged event we're not competing against the clock here this is about what judges expect what they want to see and the way they judge things actually changes the way you approach competition so i wouldn't be surprised if you see people mix their runs up entirely what an event [Music] well victor doan won't be starting in run two the swedish rider went down hard on that first run we did see him getting to his feet though and walk away thankfully but uh well that was an action-packed first round here from roof ride and we go back to the top then for the first rider run two now run two of three and it's thomas zhinon a former winner of red bull joyride all the way back in 2012 one of the big hit is today matt there's the fast part 360. spinning the opposite way double tail whips this is beginning the same as his first round which scored an 80.33 but with 10 points to find we know he could probably climb a bit further for the win so opposite 360 on the drop that's big that's complex into a regular 360. the judges are going to love that those are going back to back yeah showing that he's got both rotations ah no extension on that no a mistake another opposite 360. so something happened there which made he only did a tuck no hander which obviously rob i know you're probably thinking give me a bike i'd probably struggle to do a no handle on that job but we know 10 can do better it's true isn't it don't i love that sometimes we're disappointed and then you think look what they're actually doing opposite 360. so learning a 360 on a bike it's already hard enough and then to do it the other way perfectly on a flat drop that's like writing your signature perfectly with both hands back to back it's not easy double tail it [Music] so jenna's got two runs out the way and it feels like he's kind of pulling together the ingredients he has mixed it up it's the first time he's brought the opposite trick the opposite 360 on the flat drop into his run so i wonder if he's just sort of piecing together a final third run 61.33 for his second run he looks pretty disappointed with that yeah yeah i wonder what it is we don't know actually how bad the wind is but to be honest seeing riders go deep on that massive booter might be playing a part yeah it could well be so alex alanko the next man to drop it another rider that loves the opposite tricks he loves spinning both ways because he knows it's a good it's a really good way of building the score the judges have got their work cut out at this event so regular 360 on the first drop and looking to improve this man after a disastrous first run corkscene 20. wow perfect landing absolutely perfect over this jump box he's got man there we go he's added the bar spin hopping in now into the flat drop regular 360 on the drop big money booster front flip i love that this is big this one's got the big airtime backflip double bassman looked like he was going for the no hander and a 360 triple bassman three bass pins and a 360. elanco's really brought a lot of elements into that run he's going to be stoked with it he's bound to score way above his first run but is it enough for podium i don't know good run nice to get one in the bag though matt exactly and now he can go out on his third run and really push that's the point so a cork 720 we love that the judges love that three six on that big drop that is 16 meters in the air over a rock hard concrete car park it's got to be unnerving rob riding off a drop and spinning backwards looking looking down over concrete you don't have to tell me that just reminded you mate i know you've got your eye on slopestyle well i've been talking about it long enough and that front flip though is absolutely massive it's astonishing backflip double bar spin and then he went into a 360 triple bass bit well let's hear from him now alex little mistake in the first round now everything went perfect was that the biggest front slip of your life yeah i think this was actually yeah it seems like they look sky jumping but you're on a bike tell me what goes through your head when you do such a massive jump uh i guess you don't have time to think but you just yeah go with the feeling and it feels so good also i love the tech how you went later on is there any space to bring any more tricks or is it your final run uh i think i got something more actually okay let's see and what the judges have for you yeah i love that he's keeping us guessing isn't he i know he's got more to give but he said here we go wow 82.33 then sees him go fifth well that'll put a smile on his face yeah i love that as a regular at crank works the biggest slopestyle competition in the world alex just said that that's probably the biggest front flip he's ever done but it was like 20 meters i mean it was a fair size here we go so sam pilgrim now at the top 2013. no man there's stood at the top of more competitions in more countries than sam and he's really sharp here today [Music] so he's currently an eighth he's got about 15 points to find if he wants the first place spot let's see what he does tail whip flat drop tailwind killing a bit of speed to get in the back wheel 360 table so he's showing he's got style amplitude and landing good landing clean is so important bart's been up there might have been opposite i need to watch that back but that's a flat back with table yeah flip whip and the table this is good adding variation adding additional components to his tricks again so three features he's adding a tabletop onto the end of his trick showing i can't just do that trick i can add this too some absolute baggers there from cell phone yeah he's already filming he's there for the vlog well amazing to see pilgrim back at competition and riding like this yeah this is good this is good stuff from sam the table top you don't don't underestimate adding a tabletop to a trick that's already insanely difficult like that seems like every run is just saying all right guys i can add a table to anything name a trick or table out of it flipped her now to turn a hander he's got to be one of the only riders doing that trick it's a proper bmx trick to turn down and he's do it out in poland on the mountain bike comp i love it colchester's gonna be happy with that one yeah they'll all be going mad and then yeah yeah let's see what the judges give him then sam it feels like it's 2010 again you're at the top of your league like how it's possible to be so consistent after so many years i actually don't really have any idea i'm so old now and uh i've just seen all the guys still having the best fun and i was like i want to come back join in and get involved and uh super stoked to came over here loving catervise and all the crowd amazing yeah i'm a big fan of your youtube channel and i was wondering which bike will you choose to write down here buzzers original gangster for the flat drop you still bring this trick like you are the inventor of it yeah um loads of years ago i invented the flat drop backflip and um stokes we had to do it in front of everyone here yeah the kids brought like stole it for you but you bring it back today yeah all them little gets stole it well i've brought it back here yeah yeah can't wait what the judges think about the restaurant because i'm in love see you later cheers mate well the polish mc's in love are the judges let's have a look see what sam pilgrim gets it'll be a good score because it's a unique run adding all those additional little tabletops things like that [Music] 75.66 on from one and he goes back so pushing the 80 marks 79.33 i think that's a good match it's a good score it's a good score i'm actually surprised i thought that run i loved watching to be honest maybe it was missing elements of variation just focusing on backflips and 360s 360's they maybe were looking for more front flips tell you what everything he did he absolutely stopped yeah well this man will be looking to do the same then david at godzilla now at the top must feel good right in front of the home crowd and with your brother that's rare isn't it yeah so dropping in then there's the truck driver god he landed good and high up with that landing front flip basketball this is good and he only just looked to me like he got back on unturned now clearing that perfectly carrying speed for this flat drop with your tail whip oh huge huge tail whip here's the twister don't hand the two oh wow this is a winning run rob here we go [Music] no handle what an amazing dismount incredible stuff yeah he knows how good that was and so did the crowd here yeah he's pulled a winning run right there in canada [Applause] this is going to take a lot to beat so front flip bar spin to no hander no way rob i wish you i wish i gave you the chance to call all these tricks this for me is the absolute favorite right here it was a twister no hander so that's a 1080 it's a corked out 1080 and he take the extension two was unbelievable couldn't have landed any better up the landing imagine what it feels like linking these tricks back to back with no time to think hardly any time to prepare and you know you're doing your hardest tricks it's actually what it takes you can't do any less than that you have to do your hardest tricks every single feature that's right of course you do if you want to win it the younger the godzilla brothers it was simon who was impressive last week in copenhagen i love that but david coming to life here it's going to be well in the 90s this rob has to be let's hear from him david your smile steals everything just one question what you're feeling right now i'm super stoked to land the twister no hander which is my best trick so it's a dream to land it in a run yeah let's see your score [Music] and he goes third no no second excuse me round 2 95 on the door wow 95. gonna be scratching his head after already getting a 90 and then being done by five points scratching their head now yeah tell you what someone like diego he's gonna be thinking right i'm gonna dig a bit deeper here nikolai's gonna be up there going mad too you imagine what he's gonna bring to the party here we go he goes up well this is hot enough we were only halfway through the second round and there's a 95 scorpion scored already puts a huge amount of pressure on these riders three seasons on track backflip no hander he's going to dig deep in the bottom jumps he needs the air time he needs the amplitude to do his big tricks tucked and over the box there's the flat drop backflip quite looks like he hardly pulled for that front flip no hander deep again he's got miles but he's still on course backflip basket tail whip this is good wow that casserole i've never seen someone hang off the back of the bike like that that is the way to do that trick he's pumped an amazing run then for that man the italian 69.33 his first run he's going to beat that i think matt he's bouncing he's bound to improve his score he's pumped but i'll tell you what to follow david godziak after that right yeah that's a bitter pill to swallow see it i see a competitor to do a run like that what does that make you think when you're about to drop in i have no idea well especially with you know the noise coming from that crowd yeah look at that i know it's like a condor it's like what reese wilson did at leget except he landed it did rhys go 20 meters with a front flip i think he did maybe more but uh it didn't have a very good outcome yeah he looked somewhat akin to an albatross up there saw it didn't he quite a wingspan on the guy exactly incredible stuff look feel free to jump in rob if you know the name of some of these tricks thanks matt i will i'll take the slimo's off because the afternoon progresses right diego he's no stranger to being sat there waiting for the school to come in he's bound to improve on the first run but me being judgmental from here in the commentary booth i'd say it's definitely not enough at first no and i would concur with you waiting for the scores to come in here that feeling where you sat there waiting for your score is high pressure it's all rides on that these roads are doing competition to competition they're in denmark last week poland only this week there it is an 87 rob [Music] nowhere fourth place goes fourth yeah he's gonna be happy with that definitely definitely but you can't stress the importance of kind of linking these competitions together getting fire in your belly [Music] so things are hot enough 95 the score defeat at the moment tom it looks pretty motor doesn't he's gone for the full face and goggles for this cop a lot of people choosing to get the open face helmet we call the piss pot yeah i think i'd be wearing a full face and a suit of armor i don't know i'm just saying i'd want you to wear a suit of armor flat drop 360 front flip no house oh my goodness it's now expected to see him link some backflip some more 360s show the judges some variation i'm surprised he's not tricking that jump box but flat drop backflip that looks lovely after after the front flip double flip on the long jump he could have landed better this is amazing wow huge extension on the flip bass pin to no ander and a cork 720 this is what we're talking about variation front flips double back flips cork seven twenties tom look at him he's stoked another stick in the box is for the judges we think the score will tell us the man from cornwall is delivering here he is he is the double backflip has been in his trick bag for years and i can't believe he didn't pull out in the first run but that's where i'm not surprised we've seen it in the second run he's got a whole nother run to go look at that that's the longest jump on course probably the flattest takeoff too so he's really got to work to get two backflips going off that lip look at that he's tucked in he's spinning sports is landing can you i mean it's not a lot of control of rotation once you left the lift of the ramp is there you can certainly speed things up and slow things down yeah yeah yeah you open up to slow down it's the law of physics a bigger radius is a slower rotation there ain't no laws of physics being obeyed this afternoon einstein would be turning his grave watching this it's insane as far as extension goes through that no handler couldn't have been bigger and a cork 720 so they're they're the component parts they're the ingredients for insane it's saying school i'm blown away tell me what goes through your mind when you do a double backup on such a big jump not a lot i just have to slow myself down as much as i can so i have to just pop really slow and just make sure that i'm not gonna pull too hard i'm gonna rotate where do you find courage for such a big trick i don't i was really scared to be honest yeah the ball seems heavy yeah let's see the daddies i'm scared of watch as well tom believe you me yeah double flips and he goes he goes in a fourth with an ata then so he's just improved by nearly 10 points from his first draft that's true it shows what tricks like double flips cork 720s all play a massive part for the judges they're looking for they're looking for big big tricks down on those bottom jumps nothing else is going to work nothing else is going to amount to a score in the 80s definitely not the 90s talking to scores in the 90s it's bad get ready for this then he's got what it takes the man who took slope style in a very different direction bringing in so many spins so many moves he needs a good result he needs to get down this one fast plant 360. perfect for a small drop like that cork 720 landed good high on the landing ground the flat turn so here we go this is similar to what we've seen from the other winning runs emanuel over that box flat drop back flip yes nikolai this is it there's the twister come on nikolai it's worth the biggest cut down i've ever seen and a huge front flip yeah nikolai some absolute bangers in that run there's the signature fist part look at his celebration he's nfl-esque isn't it he's the best in the business as far as those celebrations go and he's a man who really thrives off the crowd yeah he loves the crowd to get behind him that excitement's so genuine for nikolai this what is going on there right so that's a cork 720 is effectively a 360 backflip very very similar style of trick on a lot of these jumps though so whereas some riders are doing no handles bar spins tail whips in their rotation i've got that that's the biggest casual i've ever seen in my entire life that's humongous nikolai with the twister the cash roll the cork 720 i mean even mentioning those three tricks in a row is obscene but what he's not doing is the tail whips the bar spins the additional additional variations to customize his tricks and that's something that we saw from the first place run from david godziak he did a twist of no hander so naturally nikolai's twister is going to sit a little bit below that that doesn't mean it's not up for a big score judges have got their work cut out today they have there's only room five points above uh above david godziak's 95 so not far for these judges to go now it's true they're getting squeezed towards 100 points aren't they yeah i wonder what it would climb to and what are they going to give nikolai a gap in here then good enough to go into the lead matt you think think about no not the lead but thinking back to max's round that scored a 90 i'd say it's on par without this will be close to a 90 but i don't know if it will be let's have a look [Applause] do you want me to have a guess go on quickly before okay i'm giving it a 91.33 taking the judge it's a while to decide on this one yeah this is hard for them because the the tricks are difficult he landed great but they looking for combos they're looking for more than one trick per jump the only man ever to win the triple crown nicolaira gatkin he's shaking the sport up hasn't he yes big time it's 40.66 for run one what's run two 89.62 that's exactly what i said yeah matt's got a uh he's obviously got a text message from the team apparently they'll fly me to poland very shortly to score the rest of the riders they currently employ three judges they now know they only need one we'll never hear the end of that it's exactly what i said my car yeah right let me just uh sit back and judge this run for you rob okay paul caderick now the french rider 24 years old this man and a mistake on the first jump in his last run so what can he do now no all right again again oh my goodness do you think he's oh man honestly he is that's that's a hard thing to come back from sometimes you look at these these first features these set up features as they're not in they're not in the forefront of your head when you drop in you think you're beyond them you think into the 13 meter jump where it really matters but of course every feature matters everything's just as important because you are judged on your full run he's crossed he is absolutely furious i don't blame him either so he's got one more go at this this afternoon he's walk then toby doesn't just keep walking there yeah yeah headed for the border what did he do wrong foot misses the pedal doesn't it yeah maybe hung up a bit that's a hard trick but it's one we've seen from a lot of the riders so it's clearly possible god he's already so gutted you know what though traditional comps two runs he'd have been out already headed for the flight home but he's got another chance well the drama here at roof ride red bull roof ride in canopic poland just takes me sending some cross texts he's putting on some really gnarly heavy metal yeah i know yeah we could have britannica for rugby he's already in fourth with an 89 which is a huge score but in front of the throat in front of the home crowd he's gonna want to take on his brother nollie 360. i love that it's tech it's quite bmx esque looks good there's the cork 720 [Music] you can lack good on these wooden landings rob if you land high and perfect it really shows manually over the jump box technically a trick but not a full-blown trick truck driver that's scored some points there it is the huge fmx background superman seat grab backflip bar spin tail this is looking a lot like his first run 360. he goes down nearly he'll be feeling the friction burn from that wooden landing yeah you will right so that's similar to his first run but the truck driver tail hit the truck whip the 360 basket to tear it it's hard to talk about these tricks rod it's been a while since i was calling out combos a lot goes on in each jump there is an awful lot going on wife and kid there yeah great to see he looks stoked though he must still be good being rewarded by home crowd a few efforts he's still up there with a high score his brother's in first and he's got another run so he under-rotated there and said the biggest influence in his life was his granddad brunon who was the first stuntman in suzek where they live so i don't quite know what that means but obviously a big influence on his grandchildren david and simon sounds like a legend and simon 57.6 remember david leading his brother with that 95. [Applause] great crowd what a difference it makes having a crowd to listen to too oh it's amazing isn't it have people back at the event oh god i'm buzzing for it proper event to back on the riders are stoked too so griffin paulson first place qualifier last man to go clean his second run he's pretty new on the scene to be honest i thought his first round was safe he's got to find 10 points yeah he's got to find 10 points 85 for run one for this man then for the canadian 24 years old here we go can he take on david godzilla truck driver on the first drop so far so good once he got on the step up backflip tailwhip landing great round the flat corner he could get some points here what's he got see a manual over it i think that's a place these riders could be getting more points yeah flat drop back flip there's the front flip front flip yeah double backflip bar spin what what a trick 360 tariff he lands the run honestly that bar's been in a double flip i don't think i've ever seen it in a competition no why he put it out in an edit oh my word is that good enough to push david godziak that's it [Music] [Applause] look at these boys mates on the bike and off the bike these two a double backflip bar spin in a double flip you are locked in you're strapped in buckled up you're holding onto the grips you're pulling in tight it's all about finding that rotation to find the additional space for a bath spin it's astronomical isn't it it's it's i've never seen anything like it and i don't think you have matt this is your sport i know i know i love it so i can't wait to see the slow-mo it's a very similar component parts to his first run flat drop backflip a front flip here it is so he throws the bar spin immediately then he has to go for a whole another backflip he's using all the air time this is what we were talking about big jumps mean big tricks go on griff honestly though david godziak still still has an edge yeah a twist to no hand or a casserole bar spin it's it's different it's unique it's massive but to be honest after getting that last score perfectly executed judged i might i might not risk doing another one i would i would leave it there quit while you're ahead griffin polson then with a banger [Music] nicola gatkin acknowledging how good that run was will it be good enough to see him take the lead it's top three for me it's gonna be top three here he is let's hear from him dude was that the word first uh i believe that was the world's first in a contest for sure only done it two times before but double backflip bar so stoked to do for this amazing crowd awesome event let's go come on yeah yeah man like amazing after the freak mode i couldn't wait to see you live and yeah it's a blessing thank you for everything you put in front of us and can't wait to see what you bet for the best trick oh we'll see you guys have to wait around and we'll send even bigger and better tricks let's go well a world's first matt what are the judges gonna make of that yeah i mean for judges to sit down and see a trick they've never seen before in a competition it's only going to raise their eyebrows isn't it getting thinking there it is 89.5 wow are you surprised i mean fourth it's not podium but that score is tight it's only a tenth of a point behind nikolai it's very very close i think it's just things like i mean the front flip on the huge jump we've seen a twist to no handler on that there's clearly room for progression there griffin is going to use his last run he's first place qualifier currently sat in four though with a big advantage at the moment well there's two down one to go matt i mean you you've been one of the you are one of the best slopestyle riders in the planet you've competed all over the place you've got two in the bag what do you do on run three is this the one that is all out now is there nothing to lose or it has to be i mean i can't imagine the riders have much more to give but they'll all have elements they'll all be thinking what are we scratching their heads what can i do what have i done over the last year without competitions that could have what it takes to get me more points because with less than a point separating fifth place to second place all they have to do is find an additional bar spin a toboggan a no-hander throughout this course of seven features that's gonna be enough to put them up the leaderboard by five places or at least four excuse my math sir a lot to take in there's a lot going on here today [Music] pilgrim another rider that could really up the ante he's already adding tabletops to all his tricks but we know he can do back with double tail whips cork 720s and there's only one more runner as we've said and now the riders go actually in reverse order of points from the first two rounds so it's going to be paul kudurk who will go first if he's still around that is it well he's definitely still at the top of the course he's one of the few riders to not have to walk up the hill that's the only advantage there for paul so we've got david gauzier leading and what a position to be in they re-racked the order so he's going to be last to drop in as a current leader that might mean and this is good when it happens he doesn't actually have to do another run if he still holds first place at the end of these third runs he might just choose to go for glory fist pump the crowd take home the prize money [Music] look at that double backflip that will never get old no what a crowd pleaser what a terrifying trick to watch let alone do yeah red bull roof ride i'm excited to see this in future years hopefully this is a regular on the fnb world tour well that's right it's the inaugural actually the first time we've had this event simon and david been working on this event for a good few years to bring it here to canovich in poland [Music] i've got the larry is that a world's first in a comp a backflip backflip baskin he was stoked with that incredible i got the bug brother i've sort of got the itch to get back here and compete did tell me off air but you're thinking about getting back into it next year here's the start list then for run three the final run here at red bull roof ride paul cadot will be the first man to leave the top thomas young goes for simon and godziak and then nikolai regatkin max frederickson david godziak and don't forget griffin paulson and we just saw that world first double back flip basketball there he is rob i can't compete next year because you've got the tricks dialed now haven't you you can do the whole show give me a chance to go there and compete it was a slight pause as i pronounced that trick but i think we'll be all right to world's first problem you're the first to say it [Laughter] i called it amazing afternoon sunshine is out the wind isn't bothering anyone and we are coming now to the finale of red bull roof ride it's going to be a few minutes break and this is how the uh track came together the course came together yeah it's hard this is what i love about slope style we can take the events into urban environments into famous cities by the spotic arena here in poland it's cool it gets it gets the sport in and amongst the public people might just be passing by and think what's going on here they've built this insane course in my hometown i'm gonna watch a bit of mountain biking yeah this time-lapse shows perfectly what it takes i mean this must be 40-50 sheets of plywood just in that one landing all off the ground so the crowd can sit sit get amongst it watch bikes fly through the air watch world's first tricks and they might not even know a world's first what spectacle yeah amazing huge amount of people down here in the town center looks like a spaceship that building doesn't it yeah it's amazing isn't it beautiful structure a bit of wind there map those big flags are blowing around the windsock looks like it's a little bit of a headwind actually perhaps down those jumps now yeah it could be changing it could be changing yeah it was interesting seeing so many riders go deep and go long on that first jump and this is the backyard of the godzillax they're in suzek their hometown i know that a lot of riders went there in the week for a bit of a jam and you know some of the riders said we've looked up to these two forever what a treat it was to go and actually get to ride with him in that compound yeah i've seen countless videos of these two boys training sending it doing new tricks at this place it's pretty iconic in the slopestyle sport to be honest we've all got our kind of compounds our private places to train but this is unique having a comp in your hometown means that all these best riders in the world have come together just have a fun evening session look at sunset but your compound i'm right in thinking that when you're in the air you probably can't look left or right and seeing at the neighbor's bedrooms right now that is a town centre set up look at it it's true i wonder what they think when they draw their curtains in the morning and they see a backflip cliffhanger some dude flying by the window upside down yeah great fun for a first week yeah yeah the novel you might draw centered yeah glad he caught the edge of that ramp that landing yeah it might be different when you uh you wake up and see an ambulance outside just look at the tricks they have to do do you get a lot of dirt takeoffs in slopestyle these days or is it pretty much all ramps it's mostly ramps but i actually find it's interesting when they bring the dirt lips into it because they they're not they don't have the same radius all the way up they're unpredictable exactly exactly adds an extra challenge to the riders and it's something we see a lot of crank works now that compound's brilliant air bags resi landings foam pits it's got it's it's a recipe for people how big a game changer was the air bag landing right because it's it's a relatively new addition to training isn't it yeah definitely so foam pits were the original kind of progression toy where you want to land safely but airbags meant that you could not only land well you could ride away and that gives you the confidence to think i can do this in a competition so people are buying them they're ordering them we're seeing more that's why the sport's going crazy and you could turn up in cities and see tricks you haven't even seen the week before so yeah what a session i've got to miss that one you'll have to get back to the competition side of things matt what does it take though i mean you know we know that you've stepped away from competition you're working more on videos right and imagine that the hours and hours you have to put into any of these runs like there isn't much space for anything else if you're if you want to be at the top of that right you've got to be competition driven you've got to be relentless you're going to be obsessed you've got to be all about the tricks all about repeating them you can't just go and do it once you've got to do it 100 times well there's paul kudur who crashed off this first jump and he goes for it again and lands it this time he's drawn back a bit it was a foot player 360 in the first run there we go so that's an opposite 360 double bar spin or maybe it was a bit of a flip flop where he passed in different ways i'll check that bar's been up onto the box so he's now he's got further through the course and so far flip wow flat flip step through the can can backflip double bar spin he's gone from 12th place he's way up looking for a better oh no that's disastrous well he hasn't had the best of days here but where that was that was impressive until he fell off it was it was a cracking run with opposite tricks the flat drop backflip can i love way way more difficult than a trick that's already insane but i'm glad to see is all right to crash on a jump that size and just slide out and walk away it's cool yeah amazing yeah the riders i mean a long career in slope style one thing i noticed quite early on is you don't only get good at landing tricks you get good at crashing it's important why is it with the riders with the headphones in i mean i see it with a lot of riders for me i couldn't think of anything worse than not being out here what the bike's doing yeah it's something i i struggle with when i was doing those worlds first last year i listened to music a lot big drama bass mix heavy metal anything to get me kind of in the zone pumped up and forget about my surroundings but i'm surprised they're not wanting to listen to the crowd noise it's quite gladiatorial yeah it's like colosseum-esque listening to a raw from a crowd that's right you've got to be quite good at something in life to hear a crowd cheering i wouldn't want to listen to the beatles if i got that chance i can't imagine he's listening to the beatles french rap what do you think it could be that band that was playing outside a hotel last night i don't think so do you no but the the acoustic fellows well the next rider we're going to see will be thomas the french rider 2012 red bull joyride winner this man tommy g i believe he's not made it into rampage this year right because he wasn't top 10 last year i think yeah that's it it's gutting for him he's uh he's so good on a downhill bike he was incredible at red bull hardline you were there with me as well yeah downhill event he really like stuck out as amazing just hit well he couldn't believe how dirty the landings were how rough it all was compared to the groomed kind of you know the work they put in at rampage or something yeah it did surprise me a little bit actually but what a well what a well-rounded rider to be riding these wooden features here these huge jumps red bull hardline and we've seen him at red bull rampage he's got to be one of my favorite riders on course today and definitely hands down in my opinion has the best style from him 27 years old from belgium actually lives down in the south of france now there's paul caderks so he's had a he's had a rough ride so far genome with 12th in qualifying yeah but we keep saying like people like him pilgrim who have been on tour for so many years they can they can scrub off the pressure they've it's a tough place to be at the top of these courses there's so much going through your mind you're thinking about all seven features but with time it gets easier but it still matters so sam pilgrim victor duhan both sitting out this last run as we go now for thomas g then on track there's the footplat 360 opposite rotation too so already pretty much maxing out the first feature double tail whip he's still repeating what we've seen so far i love that tailwind all the way over clearing the whole box where most people are manually opposite 360. the air time on that three is massive 360 table oh he's hung up yeah just like that it's over tommy g's had a mare showing his skate park skills there but he's gonna have to right this one off the 2015 world champion of the uh free ride mounted by tour this man so he's flying back to belgium without probably what you would hope to have been a podium yep double tail it see tommy g's yeah i'm a bit speechless to be honest i'm just gutted for him because his style's brilliant and when he brings it all to the table with the style the difficulty the score could climb well into the 90s that's where it went wrong there is it is it a case of you know i come from downhill mountain bike racing but you know you have time training on friday then qualify and then the race run and if those early components of your weekend haven't gone well it kind of trips you up the confidence isn't there i mean he's had a terrible qualifier maybe it's just put him on the back foot yeah i was about to say back foot everyone's human and when you start to get a string of what feels like bad luck it's quite easy for that to continue so the remaining swedish rider alex alanko max frederickson as well didn't start his second run as i said victor two are now after that crash in round one what can this man do then last attempt at roof ride 360. we've seen him caught 720 this jump so far let's see if he opts to do something else opposite court 720 he's spinning the absolute other way to already what is an insane trick big points there at the top manual over there but what different stuff like that's going to make to his run he's clicking the points here big time regular 360. front flip no hander what a massive jump what a huge jump he was looking for a no handle there on the backflip double basket he didn't go for it with a 360 tailwind now this is going to be interesting because we've seen him do a lot of these tricks so far but at the top of the course there he started with a regular 360 and then opened up an cork 720 there is spinning the more difficult way he's spinning towards his front foot which is so much more difficult your hips don't point that way it doesn't feel nice it's not friendly but he's stomped it right there at the top of the course where it really matters that's going to boost his score quite a lot in fact it depends what the judges think of this so this was a backflip double bar spin and he had time to maybe pull in a no-hander it felt like he was going for it yeah so he sees subtle things where he's almost displayed the scope for progression but not committed to it yes i got you and the judges will see that but you can't take anything away from alex that's an unbelievable run crowd will love that cork 720 at the top looks mental doesn't it yeah it does look absolutely mad the run started so strongly for him [Music] life's short stumped it and he goes 85 so it is his best run he'll be happy enough that great run from him boosted the points but not enough what was that eighth place i think it was so an 85 score rewards eighth place that's how hard these riders are pushing yeah and 85 is only just inside the top 10. diego's currently starting seventh with an 87 [Music] so here goes the italian there here we go then let's see what this man brought to the table that surprised me he's just chilling he's cruising [Music] well he's just written this one often happy enough for what he's done so far he's throwing his name oh that's still a flat drop backflip for a laugh another backwards small gap is it he's throwing his name in the hat for the after party getting this crowd to all hear his name called out three times in a row he doesn't want to miss his chance and he's got an 87 on the scoreboard i mean it's pretty good won't be improving with that yeah sometimes playing it safe is a strategy not just for the combat for the season now we're getting comps back we've got we've got bc crank works coming up in a few weeks he'll be thinking ahead to all of those mainstream events those big diamond events you need to stay on tour don't you so yeah and let's be honest it does carry quite a lot of risk what they're doing today yeah absolutely does so that is that's a strategy what diego's done there it's just cruise down be happy with your score one rider i must say who very very rarely adopts that strategy is nicola gatkin he's going to go for broke i think in the final run he's going to be sniffing the winner today yeah is regatta going to be disappointed with anything less than so seventh place for diego cavazasi still some riders to drop in here though red bull roof right watching us live on red bull tv it's the third and final run i'm rob warren i'm joined by matt jones and now we go back to the top for tom iced [Music] there he goes he started me doing the same strategy here look we all know isaac can trick that first jump yeah look almost a mirror image of what diego's just done there could be a lot of factors here this is like i said strategy for the whole season pumps career table still doing a flat draw backflip but there's also the wind might have picked up you never know ah well that could be right man that would see these riders perhaps bring uh risk last win stock though was looking uh limp pretty deflated there on the background yeah but i stead might be happy with his work from run two yeah that's the thing this third right 88 for it but of course yeah it's new to these guys as well look at the height on it i know i love the backdrop too that that arena's humongous looks like a ufo ship yeah this this three format is new and if if it plays into your hand if you want to use it some of these riders that are yet to drop are watching these guys not improve their scores and they're thinking okay i'm safe i'm top five i'm going to stay there but do i want the win how much do i want it [Music] 42 for cruising down doing some backflips [Music] and there is a beautiful aerial shot of the spodeck arena and there's another man that's going to be dropping it off the roof of it simon godziak then huge score in his first round with an 89. he sort of crashed in his second fifth isn't good enough but it's your home crowd is it no go 9360. so he's stuck in he wants a third run and he's using it cork 720. massive at the top of the track definitely definitely going higher than most on that jump manually over that this is where it counts now truck driver huge technical trick on a big drop there that's the extension he's looking for massive superman secret backflip oh my goodness open it up slowing it down there's the 360 tow it's all clean it's perfect he almost stalled that double back flip out he's insane he's stretched out to slow it down because you are so high up on that jump my goodness me door they're enjoying it this afternoon as much as we are enjoying one of the five a day there yeah with a bit of post-run veg insane he landed perfect on everything here rob this is like it's what i love to see huge tricks do you see him open up there straighten his arms out unbelievable slow it down so he can land nosed in and carry speed for the final jump that's where they look best sidewalk yeah just cruising there'll be a screenshot in there where he's perfectly upright midway between two flips inside be hilarious yeah he couldn't land it better anywhere to be honest bringing some of that fmx influencing so he swapped out a backflip baspin tail whip on the second jump for a double flip so he's got a change from technical to just mega difficult amplitude it's hard for the judges though and he could have took himself out with a low flying bicycle at the end there nightly i'm so happy about you ryan tell me is what that was your dream run no i'm actually upset i wanted to do way more and uh yeah sorry dude don't don't they tell sorry to me like you're an amazing fighter thank you for the show and thank you we've cut away the crowd for you yeah cheer them up thank you janky [Applause] disappointed obviously with what he knows he could have done and i'm obviously curious to know what these riders have been working on behind the scenes but that was an unbelievable run i mean he's fighting for it he's had a couple of crashes but he's still going to go on to the next event which is key look at that burn on his right arm yeah that's from qualifying slid down the huge first landing which probably heated his elbow to a thousand degrees exactly no doubt about that yeah he's stoked so right now he's looking at is his brother in first place yeah 95 i mean unbelievable score for him 89.33 the best for this man so far for simon godziak didn't sound like he was best pleased with that run though surprisingly no exactly everyone knows what they can do it's hindsight's a wonderful thing when you finish a run right away safely you think i could have added a bit more perhaps but we're waiting on his score still obviously the judges are looking at that double backflip and thinking what's that worth what do we add for that does it make it better than fourth place do we put them in front of grip and paulson this is all the things they have to think about when the scores are that tight and griffin paulson will not start his last run which is an interesting decision he is yeah so he's gone from first place qualifier and he's accepted currently fourth but simon only needs honesty a tenth of a point two tenths of a point to trump him i'd love to see simon on the podium with his brother wouldn't that be cool wouldn't that be cool one point separates him it would be like a dream for these two brothers straightening the bike up she will throw it 20 feet in the air that's what happens what a buzz when you finish this run when you finish a contest you feel you feel on top of the world no feeling like it ain't matt no you feel like you bit toward back it's cool yeah still waiting for this score to come in then crowd are eager to know too they want to see their own favorite on the podium with his brother huge crowds here we go then it is it's up 89.8 three then so he goes up 5.5 0.4 in the point five excuse me my math is off today as well so as far as i see it rob they're both guaranteed to be stood on the podium together both godzilla brothers look if if griffin paulson who should be next to drop he's going to choose not to drop yeah he's just cost himself a podium there is there is a small matter of this man oh it's true yeah god why was i nicolaira ragin is gonna be all under on this one isn't he matt last chance for him it is it's the last chance and he could pull it back right yeah oh absolutely here we go then regatta on track fastball 360. that's his regular way of spinning it's going to be cork 720. [Music] well he went up he went for broke rob he did what we do he went for a cork 720 no hander he would have been the only one to do that anywhere on the course i'm gutted for him he's fourth place for nikolai and all right i'm now right here simon godzilla he's gonna be happy to see nikolai safe but not on the podium with his brother oh the flat backflip oh he's still at the twister oh my goodness what was that yes watch it it'll still trick the last it's bonkers casserole little cool seat grab no one does it like nikolai no one crashes and still wants to absolutely impress the crowd to that degree with a twister go on nikolai 25 years old from massachusetts he looks gutted like we're talking about earlier with emilia hansen away yeah take your hand off just for a laugh take both hands it wasn't far off either having a little bit back wheel heavy it's minor mistakes like that pulling too hard on the flip made him uh over rotate it's costing the podium the level is insane it's unbelievable this is yeah take me back 12 months before we had the break from competitions i don't think we'd have seen this level of tricks on these jumps but what a story that's coming together of at roof ride in poland we've got both godzilla brothers i'm gonna say it now i know i was wrong before but they're both guaranteed first and at least third aren't they first and third i'm nodding with you because max is it max frederickson in second with a 90. we need to see this it's godzilla leading with a 95 david max frederickson second there with the 90. what an event it's an amazing event yeah absolutely there's proof that the third run this format has shaken up the entire standings max frederickson the sole remaining swede in the competition currently stands second with that amazing 90 scoring run there we go oh he's just messing about then bit of a stem shag on the step up well he's had a good day's work here just going to enjoy this one a lap of honor for this man yeah and good for him for still riding down the course because he's on the podium he's got second and for max he's had a rocky couple of years a few years where he's maybe sort of fighting for mid play six and seven he's getting points to stay on tour he's back he's hungry he's been working hard he's been training all year in sweden a second place is going to feel good at an fmb gold event hugging out with nikolai but i miss it [Music] well probably not a big point scorer with the judges but the crowd will like it yeah different sort of crowd pleaser to what nikolai went for so david godziak i don't know if he's going to drop in i don't know he's going to want to fist pump and celebrate that i mean he's been it's incredible yeah david godziak is going to be your red bull roof ride winner what a dream for the polish rider let's celebrate it when we can see him a little bit more on screen it is and after a bit of a maybe an unfortunate spelling qualifying he's called it back and he's actually won red bull roof ride amazing absolutely amazing [Music] good for max with second i'm stoked for him yeah definitely here we go up on top 22 meters in the air a victorious winner the work has been done today for david godziak yes you've won red bull roof ride in front of a home crowd here then so the biggest lap of honor for this man what's he going to do is he going to take it easy or is he going to throw it out there looking stylish honestly i'd like him to still do a twister he might oh big flat spin he's taking aesthetics he's done his job he's done his work yeah that just goes to prove qualifying although it could be good for your confidence it doesn't right the podium no that's right but it does take something special to come back from that right from a poor qualifier yeah only 10 last week at copenhagen now he's won the gold event in poland [Applause] and we've still got the best trick competition to come rob so i wonder if the champion on the polish channel of red bull tv after uh me and matt say goodbye a 45 minute best rick competition is coming up but it doesn't matter it's david godziak that has won the inaugural red bull roof right him and his brother thought this event up so very fitting indeed that he's come out on top his second run an absolute banger [Music] cool [Music] an amazing event matt yeah some real standout moments with uh some of the tricks there we saw the twisted no hander double back with bar spin and we'll talk about these more later but to put them inside the contest runs amongst seven features their their best trick tricks their tricks you see in the best trick competition not not in a contest run it's unreal there's the podium look i mean you have told me that you are thinking of making a bit of a comeback to competition as today as the level put you off or has it inspired you because it's never been higher right no there's yeah there's no way we'll have seen tricks like that ever before this is it's blown my mind completely that's it yeah but i'm so i've got the itch back and when you've got that you've got to go after it haven't you yeah i've loved i love doing the projects what i'm doing at the minute with red bull with um new tricks new videos i'm i'm not going to park that there's no way but to squeeze in a few events like this be ultimate definitely still feel um okay we're going to hear from today's winner matt it's um [Music] you just won red bull roof right 2021. tell the crowd how what does it mean to you to win in front of your own guys yeah it's super amazing for me especially for the crowd from poland from my local place that's so amazing thank you so much bring it up for david gojek [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and there's the results david godziak by the big margin of five points in a class of his own here actually today the swede max frederickson comes in five points off with a 90 dead simon godziak there in third place a bit further down the ranking thomas didn't really perform like he would have wanted to do to come into ninth place sam pilgrim does massive things on youtube does massive things still in fmb competition taking a 10. so everyone stay with us and me and matt jones we'll be back to have a look back at this incredible event in a few moments time we'll see after the breakfast foreign [Music] experience select live events in a whole new way on redbull tv athletes profiles and kpis start lists and results head-to-head analysis and animated guides track information and obstacles keep up with your favorite athletes and artists the new sidebar is available exclusively on red bull tv when you have found your passion time and space seem endless a cinematic journey from lush coastal jungles to other worldly landscapes join brandon semenok emilio hansen and friends in an extraordinary adventure return to earth now available on red bull tv [Music] this is the next chapter in modern day bmx [Applause] three years of dedication endurance and pain oh brother [Music] it's now time for etnies chapters available on red bull tv now what did i do boy roll like a man in the 1990s jimmy levan pioneer daredevil and bmx rockstar bridge the gap between rebellion and progression a reckless innovator who made bmx history jimmy's life would have killed anyone else that wasn't a bmx or like a thousand times over yep go fast pull up the chimney levant story now available on red bull tv [Music] my name's rob warner i'm taking the best young athletes on a quest to ride the world's greatest trails and meet the people who live in some of the wildest places on earth never had myself down as a andrew type it's the first sight of the himalayas you know lions take the weakest and slowest rider rob warner's wild rides now available on red bull tv anywhere around here you can get a cappuccino well i can tell you one thing matt that yeah a mind-blowing event and i'm so stoked to see all the riders back pushing the limit pushing the boundaries of the entire sport at a brand new event in katowice i mean world's first tricks in competition runs is rare i mean it's very difficult to find scope and and range in a sport that's already saturated with insane bangers and it carries so much risk right to do like a pull out of worlds first isn't it i mean yeah because you say it's something more for best trick exactly to have to do one of your best tricks right before that and after it to squeeze it in to pull it into an entire run it's rare but i've loved seeing it but yeah what a podium as well and you know yeah exactly i mean two godziaks both of the brothers in the top three but let's talk about david godziak and that unbelievable run he had today i mean wasn't it something special to see and to win on home saw to deliver that under all that pressure of a home crowd watching him that must feel pretty damn special exactly so i mean the run was it was all time he mixed together all all the elements of what the judges want it wasn't hard for them to reward this with first place was it five points clear of second he jumped that a lot of people weren't clearing it tail upon that less of a crowd pleasing than a backflip but it's different no one was doing it and that was that for me a twister no hander in the middle of a run on a huge huge jump effectively a mega ramp yeah yeah yeah we already knew that it was going to be in the 90s and then he did a cash roll bar spin another another trick that only david was bringing to the table so yeah you can't you can't be surprised that he's walked away with a win can you and 95 points on the store you know that that's a huge score right by any standards of any gold or diamond any fmb event it's incredible any sport any sport 95's mega he didn't really leave the judges anywhere else to go with that did he but no yeah five points ahead of second place man today which was max frederickson right i mean the swedish rider an incredible right result for him it is definitely a gold event second for max is maybe a few years ago it would have been expected i do feel that max is kind of like in a way drifted away from the podium a bit but he's back and i can't describe the feeling that gives you the fire you get in your belly to go to more events get on the podium his run was brilliant he has a very very perfect swedish style where you can make intricate tricks look good look effortless he's strong he trains hard see there that's that was cool a 180 bass with a half cabin he's not jumping it but he's using it as it is a skatepark features a trick that just everyone loves spinning the bike round upside down backwards double bass been to no handler was again that set him apart from the rest of the field yeah brilliant it's interesting for me as well just you know the top of that track like we said some riders kind of ignoring it they had the flat turn and then that that little jump box there i mean which i called a fun box earlier yeah yeah yeah but but a lot of artists kind of ignoring it or struggling with it but there was points to be made there if you went for it right which frederickson did it's a feature isn't it and yeah and each one of them counts it's only seven on the entire run yeah so it's like what 10 12 30 of your run is that it might not be the biggest feature but i think all the guys on the podium were aware that it was part of the course they used it properly and yeah you did call it a fun box we haven't had one of them probably since the 80s but it's there and it's in the course and those guys actually maximize and utilized it so good for them david godziak took the win but what an amazing day for both the uh the godzak brothers with uh with simon coming in third today i mean he's not going to be too disappointed with that a 1-2 would have been nice yeah yeah you're right but one three isn't much worse no what a story both on the podium but their own event they were the brainchild that brought this to poland been years in the making yeah he had a fantastic run but what a story if this happened somewhere else in the world it would no way nearly as epic was in front of a home crowd so his run again it had a bit of everything cork 720 i feel he's definitely went higher than most of the riders there and the judges look at all of those details an extra 50 centimeters didn't you know he made up for it down here that we talked about his fmx style the only one hanging off the back of the bike that big double double yeah so where he may be yeah i love that run it's got everything 360 tail whips are uh best dismount of the day the most ultimate ghosty we've saw so it's uh slopestyle's about bringing all of your tricks together but you can't repeat the same thing you can't just do bath spins you can't just do tail whips godzilla did that backflip superman seat grab which is such a cool trick the crowd love it and the judges just look at that and think he's selected that trick for the biggest jump on course and he's followed it up with a double backflip which is one of the hardest tricks and they they can't deny him of a podium they can't i often feel that slope style you're not looking to grow your score to a hundred everyone starts at 100 and the judges are looking at ways of chopping yeah you slip a pedal you kind of case a jump you don't land smoothly they're taking points off they're not always adding them on and when you land smoothly and you go high like we've just seen both godzilla brothers and max do there's no places they can fault you so you think what podium lyra gatkin quickly was it was it a bad day for him i mean fourth place not a disaster managed to get himself an 89 almost on the podium is he going to be disappointed no emily or hanson i mean good to see someone else step up and take the win of course but yeah amongst the best riders in the world anyone would be stoked with fourth but nikolai won't be he knows he can get he knows he can win he knows he can win he's got all the tricks he's got unique tricks he's got moves that nobody else can do so no different to simon godzilla high i mean it's a very very similar run but big accident on that qualifying i believe so oh look at that it's insane yeah nicholas computer game what's going on he got okay right where i said he didn't go as high as simon he's absolutely blasting the jumps down the bottom it's so nice watching these runs back seeing why and how they got rewarded with the points they did and i really don't envy the judges for their job to have did they get it right yeah yeah yeah david hands down best run best run i've seen for a long time in fact not just at this event nikolai his run was unbelievable it was huge it had magnitude had difficulty and it's not that we know nicholai can offer more it just didn't it didn't tick all the boxes that david godzillak did because the places that it was made easier for the judges were things like that twister nikolai did a twist they're already an insane move david gossick took his hands off in the twister you can't argue with it can you risked it all yeah paid off you can't argue with the the additional level of talent the additional level of training and and he made it all look perfect so what an event and actually the podium the crowd are gonna be very happy with this one let's go back to poland then for the podium and see the godziak brothers taking first and third today so crowd all hanging around for it of course they're going to hang around two locals yeah he's had a few big crashes over the weekend simon we watched him have a big off in qualifying didn't we so important part of the parcel of course but it does take something special to knit to put it behind you get back up to me the risk involved in the moves that will win i mean you know to actually to actually be able to pull off what we see these riders under all this pressure to pull it off in those runs that's what's blown my mind like to actually stomp them tricks that are just insane back to back with no time to think no time to kind of settle yourself if you've had a bit of a dodgy landing these boys have all put it together this is kind of i want to say it's history in the making because twist to no hand isn't in mid run is is going to set the sport in the whole direction that a lot of riders getting into it might think i've got my work cut out these people have been relentless with their training yeah that's right the sport's changed congratulations to our top three simon gosliak max frederickson with second from sweden david godziak with a win but yeah you know matt like a lot of these action sports over the last few years they've become ultra professional when you watch that you can almost see the hours and hours of preparation that goes into every single move i mean i know just from following you on instagram that you're at your compound every day and you know not disrespecting you but you're not even competing now i mean you're working on big single tricks for edits and stuff but but these guys i mean it doesn't stop does it and that probably is why we see a lot of riders like the slopestyle riders go off and do other things sometimes it's an intense place to be isn't it the competitive arena yeah it's full-on isn't it i mean your kind of weekend in weekend out back to back having to send it and push yourself to your absolute limit yeah not on your home jumps on a course that you've never ridden and that's why you see riders with bruised arms like scabby shoulders in an event because they've crashed a few hours before the day before and that's why i said earlier it feels like going to war and back because where at home you might pack up the car pack up your bike and go back for dinner because you've had an off here you can't you're still faced with a competition where you've got to be at your best so you resilience is a is an attribute that stands out and if you're not if you're not obsessed with the sport no that's right you ain't going to you ain't going to win the storm and get to the top but i've loved like the angle of kind of the kind of tangent i've gone on with creativity and learning new tricks and putting them in videos because it gives me an opportunity to do things that actually of course like that wouldn't enable me to yeah yeah that's right i've got absolute advertising and stuff for every rider at roof ride it's been it's been a hell of a show it's been one heck of a show and actually the mountain biking is coming thick and fast on red bull tv it's summertime and only a few days to wait now before the uci mountain bike controls world championships get underway in the hallowed venue of valdezale in italy things kick off live on red bull tv on thursday with thursday with the first ever short track world championship saturday join us for the cross country world championship races and on sunday it's the downhill and what has to be one of the most fearsome downhill tracks on the planet the third time actually that valdosta has hosted the world championships and i promise you it will be breathtaking do you watch any of the downhills matt yeah it's the best show ever isn't it it can be it can be it's been good this year i must say you add to it rob thank you sir thank you and also thanks for throwing me there and also there's some crank work stops as well to come later this year as well we go to bc british columbia end of september all the events that usually see at crown works dual slalom slope style of course the blue ribbon event there but a great festival and that will be a diamond level event right matt so the course will be a little bit bigger again than what we saw today or yeah more features bigger jumps but it's just overall it's more gnarly they they go big for these diamond events especially crank works the course builder tom how he always uh throws in some curveballs with dirt take-offs that we're talking about and uh if there's anywhere where you see i mean we saw the big bangers today yeah we do the roof ride so that makes me even more excited to get my teeth into crank works and see what everyone's gonna do there because the jumps are bigger the dirt land is a it's hardcore in it you slide out you it's cool and don't forget red bull rampage coming up in october as well plenty to look forward to and i will be watching matt it's been incredible to have you thank you very much for uh giving us thanks very much for just being a judge getting that score right halfway through unbelievable but no it's been amazing thank you very much thank you very much for joining us at home and we'll see you on red bull tv hopefully this week for the world championships goodbye though for now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 229,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, mountain bike, mountainbike, mtb, red bull roof ride katowice, red bull roof ride, roof ride, dawid godziek, szymon godziek, nicholi rogatkin, katowice, poland mtb, red bull tv, mtb slopestyle, mountain bike slopestyle, slopestyle, slopestyle mtb, thomas genon, mountain biking, slopestyle katowice
Id: tUdhEsOWkqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 5sec (7445 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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