Men's Slopestyle Finals | Burton US Open 2020 - FULL REPLAY

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yeah homie what's good dusty how you doing buddy you kind of went from like kid on the come-up to the dude with the target on his back yeah crazy it's been life-changing this last couple of weeks it's very cool let's talk a little bit about course here like are you thinking about different tricks for for the different take offs and all that stuff it does it does it affect your trick selection yeah I mean definitely I mean I kind of just show up to a course and kind of see where my tricks fit on the course and then you're trying to piece it together but what's the trick on the cannon box you got a name for that bad boy I'm here to figure it out here like a switch boardslide flip pretzel maybe we call it the dust roll I'm the dust bird or something let's do it I'll do it we rooting for you [Applause] finals Friday live from beautiful Vail Colorado the blue birds are singing not a cloud in the sky at the burton US Open of snowboarding 2020 this first event took place in 1982 and here we are in the fullness of progression at this event celebrating the legacy of the one and only jake burton and it is slopestyle finals time we saw a glimpse into the mindset of our number one qualifier from Mammoth Lakes dusty Henrickson only 17 years of age and his life is changing with this number one qualifying position and we are ready to party 41 degrees of joy this course is running fast run one about to go down again best of three run Sal Masekela here with t-bird Louie Vito tina dixon team are we ready oh yeah yeah I mean this is the weather that you want for a finals everything's coming into place that's unbelievable first off from Norway Torgo Berggren all the style all the power aside from being on Red Bull TV Direct TV and Fox Australia we also have a Japanese broadcast is happening on Red Bull TV and right off the bat target looking smooth on this top part of the court and check out these off camber takeoffs it really forces the riders here in the finals to take a cross fault line approach it's no longer the days where a slopestyle course is straight down the hill all the time and then as you see right there two jumps a rail feature and then your standard booter right there as toward Gerber groom ends his first run with a perfect method that's going to be a throwaway run but Louie the beauty here today is all these routers get three runs it's the best of three runs so definitely look for people not only to throw down their first run but continue to build and in semi-finals we had a little bit of flat light which was giving a lot of difficulty to the riders but today you couldn't ask for better temperatures better light better course not a cloud in the sky 41 degrees zero wind you see what happens there at that side take off just a little bit deep on the landing for tore gear but hey nothing says I'm happy to be here like a beautifully executed method by a goofy footed rider that is true that is very true each feature scored out of a possible ten points or so there are no throwaway sections of this course and you see that trick score and then coupled with that overall impression score how would you describe the overall impression score you know the way I'm saying it is you look at a piece of art if it makes you feel good you like it that's that's how the judges are looking at this right yeah if you are watching them write down and you're like oh that gets me excited to go ride that's kind of the flow score like that felt good they connected everything its style its trick difficulty its execution all that good stuff welcome everybody watching from around the world we are happy to have you again we can't stop going in on this weather during qualifying we have wind we had to deal with all these different fronts that would move in and for the men's semi-final they were really riding by Braille like really having to feel their way through the course today not a problem as you can see perfect perfect conditions of light wind at only 7 miles an hour it's an unbelievable day yeah like sound like you were saying and semifinals you know the underlying issue really was the light it was flat light it was gray you couldn't see shadows you couldn't see contours today that's not a problem you can literally see for miles I know I talked to Stolley and he was like I did it but I don't know how I did it I just kind of went down the mountain yeah not that not mistreated and the big talk when we got here to Vail was this course had the burton US Open continues to always innovate and try to push snowboarding forward we're gonna take a look at this course from the top to bottom and get you excited for why this course makes such a difference right off the bat Louise so many options I love it you have so many simple ray lobsters but you can get creative whether you have the flat tube and then you have the traditional long down rail with a slight little kink at the end and then into the next rail section you have to keep tube which will riders can gap over than the down tube the flat down tube and then of course the wall ride option you got to have a wall right in there and then we start getting into these new transitional features you have both sides so you have to hit front side and back side there's no option you have to hit those features right into the second one normally you see a transition feature you can hit it from either side or hit it straight over this one there is no option and then we break it up with another rail section you have the flat bar and then the cannon box and then the traditional big-money booter and in your run with the bang it's always nice to it's a crowd-pleaser I would say it's a check casher is what they say 30 I'm sorry we are down to 10 riders top three runs are gonna be your podium here in the finals now what's interesting about this is 60% of the run is made up by individual trick scores 10 points per feature Sal you said it before there's no place to hide on this course absolutely not and no place to hide down at the bottom look at this crowd fired up they know they want to see hope snowboarding at the highest level people coming in by the busloads on a Friday also I seen a lot of kids I guess maybe it's a holiday and maybe finals Friday is a holiday locally in Vail US Open it's a holiday holiday in town there you see toga going first read Girard who did not qualify the highest but who is our defending champion you could arguably say that this is his event to lose but anyone just like in our women's field any one of these ten riders I mean you got you dono in there he won in 2015 shocking the world with back-to-back 1620s anybody could take the cake here today well here we are with the old soul at 19 years of aid red deraad momager are down there representing oh yes that's my baby up there he's about to do his thing red been spending a lot of time in the backcountry filming for the upcoming Burton movie we'll be talking more about that later I know he's been some injury yep over the course of the last couple days I know he's gotten treatment and is feeling good we'll see where he's at right off the bat boardslide to front board to fakie coming into the second rail island switch backside 270 to regular look at how far back he is taking off frontside double cork 900 into the cab double cork 900 now this is where things get interesting because you get into the mentality of hitting jumps and all of a sudden you got to launch off a cannon box before this final jump and he's heading into this thing switch going for that switch you kidding me well that's like no I did not qualify first but I'm about to be in first and I did win last year yes I am the defending champ let's not forget it you know I think what's such a strong suit of reds is how we hit those transition features yeah I mean you see a lot of riders hitting it on they're doing some tricks but where he takes off and how big he goes plus the tricks that he does so let's just start with this rail section I mean and this was a totally different look than his semi-final run you can tell the lights good the weather is amazing he's switching it up look at that 9.2 on that switchback right here 217 just pause it right here notice where he's taking off you see so many riders that might be hitting off the corner but he hits it so far back because he knows that he's going to have that angle in the trajectory to make it to the landing right there and that's why his air is so big and so perfect yeah and the problem in semifinals of course was the light right you couldn't really see where you were taking off and where you were landing look at it now it's contoured it's shadowed this course is running really fast and red Gerrard just put down a ridiculous first of three runs this trick it's just mind-boggling the way he does it he and dusty both have that weird pretzel out on the cannon that I it's hard to comprehend it really is and then he finishes up with that switchback side triple cork 1440 in the semifinals we only saw three riders even attempt 1440s look at all that purple in the tricks course this guy just going max to near max on every single feature you couple that in with over impression red Gerard has set the tone and the rest of the field will react accordingly just like we saw in the women's fine well and remember - that was run one usually the judges are a little bit more conservative in the first of three run final because they don't want to just blow it out in the 90s however that tells me that judges were like that run could win this thing and that was just run one so they scored at eighty four point four great score there's still room there's still room and you have to remember that's why red wanted to drop last because the judges take these earlier runs to really warm up all right well why don't we just hear for the man himself good you you mishit mission accomplished in run one yeah what was what was the strategy for you had meant to this three-run final obviously yeah I mean I just kind of want to land some runs I was super hyped as always you know three-run final to land your first one always feels good and it's really cool to know that you have two more left yeah this can be a crazy final though so many of my good friends and so many heavy hitters so how does landing a run like that and putting down a score at eighty four point four on your first run how does that change your mindset four runs two and three and what kind of confidence do you have going into those runs it does change my mind but I don't know that's all I got so anything else will be a little new for me so should be fun hopefully it stays safe then yeah I'm just hoping to land more runs it's always fun when everyone gets a good show and they get to watch them gets an opening and I'm sure they're gonna get that today humility just by the boat loads from the defending champ red thank you we're looking forward to two and three from you buddy thank you guys full pull happiness as back to the top with seventy book from Belgium 24 years of age who really really was a standout in the work that he did in the semi-final to get here this kid is one of the most powerful snowboarders I have ever seen right he's pure power very fluid amazing style but he's he's a big dude and you can see it in the way that he approaches the slopestyle course speed power execution switchback lip just getting a little hung up on the kink there like you said even though he fell in that first row you can just see the style switchback lip to start it out unfortunately that'll be a throwaway he's gonna have fun for the rest of this run here at 780 bucks makes his way into that second transitional feature to the sky frontside five nice and cooked out in the boardslide or front blunt 270 carry and you can do that at ease new double at ease let's see what went wrong here Louie it was the kink it was that kink that got him you know in semifinals it got a couple riders to that kink yeah well in it's interesting right because it is such a small little extension on the end of that rail but it really does matter that you go through that for your sport you have to go through it where the judges are gonna dock you will throw that away shout-out to the memory of the one and only Ben Hinkley yes may he rest in peace who made that lawn dart pop so so popular back in the day at X Games as we head up to the top to hit okie kunitake 18 years of age from IG Japan and part of this massive massive movement we've talked about it all week if you know the Brazilian storm of surfing that's what the Japanese are to snowboarding yes do not sleep on Hiroki this kid is extremely talented [Music] 270 off and that will not do it ladies and gentlemen this is finals as we saw in the women's final you know that that necessity of being able to be have speed power and flow through this course with Jamie Anderson just textbook every single hit that's what you need she knows how to put those puzzle pieces together and match them perfectly and can I just say right now on record that zoe Sadowski senate's double cork is the coolest thing in snowboarding right now it is absolutely perfect a style that she has in the air on that human gyroscope but how about this starter kit here backside 450 on 270 off basically Hiroki was like I'm gonna do it back 7 and there's gonna be a rail somewhere in there and then right here on the front nine tail you just cranked it a little hard and he pushed and that's where I think he kind of went it's like going uphill on an alley-oop and a half might be just hard to land and he kind of just kept spinning but it goes to show as we've talked about all week how precise you need to be on these side quarter pipe features because it's not the same as a straight takeoff you know I really think too that for 50 to 70 out when he kind of bobbled and that's you know set the tone for the rest of it yeah all right from Sweden's spend thorin 25 years of age regular footer which means he rides with his left foot forward but we will not hold it against him amen oh you goofy footers it's just been dropping in switch switch back lip 270 out into the cab 450 broadside double cork 1080 and he sits it down that dock for that but if I'm spend keep going get more practicing put a rundown show the judges what you're thinking to do and it runs two and three well and also what you can do because each one is out of ten is you can just see how your trick is going to score on a feature even if you fall on one see what the judges like on the other features absolutely then you kind of know where they stand for you're exactly right when you do connect them all I enjoyed that no grab beautiful floaty backside 180 that was nice and things off yeah you know Sven got second place here last year behind red Gerrard and just in front of Mark McMorris as we're taking a look at the second rail feature cab 450 on back to regular his upper rail section was amazing there's the double cork 1080 just a little bit in the back seat cuz the thing is is you're not landing back you know perpendicular with the wall you're landing on a jump so you have to really get those shoulders going downhill and not over your edges yeah it's not a jump it's not a halfpipe it's not a hip it's just but you know we've been saying all week these these style jumps are the equalizer well again we know what's been is capable of after that second place finish last year was got some nice things to build off of heading into that second run and that's what I love about the three run format you know some people are gonna come out on their first run and go ham as we see that the young jut Hank this is a potential winner right here well it's what you just said this kid I don't think he has a safety run he's my pick yeah it is 100% always put on the gas all right mark it down at home folks Louise calling out Judd for the win Tina I've seen a bit contest throughout this season and he has the game face on every event and I've never seen it more than here tab 272 frontside 270 frontside 900 coming in switch to that second transitional feature 1080 from Judd hankies a little too much impact I think he might have just sent that one a little bit deeper than he wanted to definitely went deep there's a lot of compression on that and he changed up his line from what he said I gotta see was that a crazy stop or was that he took that to the knees and somehow stomped up what are you talk I get what do we see he's 18 that was unreal but Tina that goes back to what you said right even though that wasn't going to be a top scoring run for Judd hankies he now knows how the judges are gonna score you know the other features individually that threw the king was amazing yeah that was proper oh man he makes this thing forget about it and right here let's take a look at this landing and he holds the grab so long switchback 16 I think it but his board down is just crunching his knees he saw him after he got to the bottom get out of his bindings 18 18 years old uses okay let me see him everything feel good alright he's giving us the sign he's good oh man second rounds gonna be nuts [Applause] he was walking a little ginger yeah he was to the fence we'll have to pay attention to that Yuki k'tano aka oh no and I say that because anything is possible with this dude like like a judge just one speed and that is full scent I mean 2015 Mark McMorris is the most dominant slopestyle rider alive Yuki Kyo no comes out back-to-back 1620s shocked the world introduces himself to snowboarding with a way makes the win you know I wasn't here on site during that year but I remember exactly where I was but he did that my gosh coming in second teacher what 900 to the moon into the cannon box I t-bird you got take that 6/3 but to the bottom that run was ridiculous will we see a score on run one in the 90s is it gonna be that type of day because I need to go get some pepto-bismol I threw my pen at Louie sorry if I hurt you I was too busy enjoying that that blew my mind that was unreal switch backside 270 on 270 off and if you think that's crazy that is a very cool angle that really shows the contour of those features right there and doing it back to back look how big that is right there and then to the cannon he just goes watch this front blunt 630 grabbing melon I think what threw me off was how far he went down the landing and still had time to set up for this last jump the switch backside six triple corks 16 the hardest way to spin switch backside we all agree and then the somehow throw all that death into it that was for those people at home yeah it was more of a flat spinning rotation wasn't it point six for his trick score alone and a big overall impression score second-place donut in place right behind red so here's what I will say I believe that red Gerard's rail section was a site a bit better cleaner than then Yuki's I will say that and I think that's why you know they're within one point four point points of each other we call the Burton u.s. open the snowboarders event stylist Sam Beck is one of those people who love snowboarding in this event while it is competition is about the spirit and essence of what it is we'll hear more from him I mean snowboarding is art I think it's its art looking at people doing these tricks in the backcountry or in the competition showing uniqueness is important I think people can tell and something is looking good when someone's smiling at the end you know and just just have fun what it is snowboarding you know it's supposed to be fun we compete to it you want to be the best but it's also fun to ride and learn all these new tricks you know 26 years of age and just still loves it like he was like he was a kid the oldest oldest competitor in the field to think that at 26 he's considered the veteran of the field is incredible but you know Starla is one of those riders that he rides all year round and he cuz he enjoys it so much he's not necessarily training but he's on his snowboard so often well you heard him right at the bat he said I think this is art and I get to go out and create all my snowboard back one switch nosepress into the hard way cap 270 here comes the cab double cork nine there's always such a strong halfpipe rider as well there's no crazy acts is a lot different than we've seen some other riders who do that there's that front blunt 630 what's it got on this third and final jump feature back side triple 14 not quite able to put it down and that landing sounds a little firm I mean it's sunny out there but I think sounds a little firm right there so stall ace on back that will not be enough to dethrone red Gerrard and we'll take a look at the replay see what went wrong on that final jump that right there back one switch nosepress I like this right here just the way that he corks is so different you know and that's a really astute observation that you did have louie is the forestall a was you know a slope style rider he was an incredible halfpipe riders still really really good at transition so does he have an advantage on those jumps he's a three-time Olympian one of those Olympics in the halfpipe yeah you know I've always said sound like when it's to run best the two runs there's a lot of people that might fall yeah there's a lot of pressure on that when it's best of three runs you see so many more landed runs adding just that one more run it really pushes the riders and you see even more lands a shot of the happiest man in snowboarding the fridge giving counsel down in the bottom there was fellow riders we've been talking about this course and what it opens up for progression and dashi sharp has some feelings on it but I think it's really neat at this contest because people are kind of putting their strong suited spins on the transition features because they're harder to ride so then you have them doing kind of newer tricks on the bottom jump that usually would be like what they would do on the bomb jump is what they're doing on the side hits to be more cozy with it so that's cool and we talked all week about the fact that like most of these events the riders can somewhat have a game plan for the season of what a run looks like depending on where things are at but these back to back side hits change everything changes the entire landscape of this slopestyle event and I think slopestyle events moving forward in competitive snowboarding and do not count Darcy sharp out for years Darcy was one of those riders who's always in the running but didn't have his big marquee win he just got it in Aspen X Games gold and you know sometimes all it takes to build momentum is one big win and then you're off and running it looks like Darcy sharp is in that right now switch backside 900 coming into that cannon box frontside 180 on switch backside 360 off and here it is what's he got frontside triple cork 14 from shots fired bung bung bung Wow so the one thing that Darcy did that's gonna separate him is his landing so just clean watch everything is landed perfectly and the SLS scoring system is beneficial to a rider like Darcy because his rail game is just as strong as his jump game there's really he has no weaknesses on a course like this judged with this system backside 270 on gets through the kink 270 off switch no slide pretzel that was amazing and then right here Louie backside 9 knows the tail that was sick the way he just mix up the grab showing the control in the air to be able to do that so all the scores so far have been in the eights except for that one right there was a six point seven and this one goes back into the eight I mean and look at his live rank he was between one and three on the entire his entire scores trick run and on that jump you could see him two spot to land he know he was going big so he opened up just a little bit to have a perfect 48.6 on the individual scores and just missing out on taking the lead what's great about this though is like you can literally be like what did I get on every single thing and now I can make adjustments accordingly oh I got room for another point on the cannon it's those tenths of a points that are gonna make the difference because he's not that far off from red but those tenths really do that's the gap well why don't we talk to the man himself Darcy Sharpe welcomed what's it what's it like when you get that pull pull and then the crowd is just like going ham for you right there I can just feel their energy because my music so loud I can't hear them but it feels really good and then like second like let's use some noise it's pretty pretty great feeling and I mean the reward of just landing that last jump and coming out clean feels like that's why we do it Dorsey Darcy how are you enjoying those transition features cuz it's something so new yeah I'm really enjoying these ones these ones are built very pristine they you can go as high as you want you might feel a little bit on your feet when you land but they're really getting today's all slushy and stuff you can't really ask for more one thing that you'd like to improve to get into that top spot will try to do something that I haven't yet tried on that second quarter pipe but I think it's there and so just do the run again little upgrade there and hopefully I'll be able to go get after little Reggie great job thank you this guy's making a name for himself throughout snowboarding in real time at the burton u.s. open 17 years of age from Mammoth Lakes California dusty Henriksen this dude summer time working in the surf shop in San Clemente painting boats in Tahoe up until the snowfalls and now he's like yo my life has changed yes something tells me this kids not painting boats for much longer he is extremely talented your number one qualifier slopestyle finals coming into the first jump and then there's a frontside double cork 9 melon got the japan got the melon coming into the cannon box and there's his pretzel thingy what does he call it dust wall the dust roll listen Jim if you thought that the number one qualifying situation was a fluke dust is just like you know I'm here for the whole thing well in how many times have you seen a newcomer you know rattles emerge the US Open qualify first and then the pressure gets to him he's in his own world right that's exactly what I was gonna say you know we wondered it how that pressure would bother him if it would at all and he said no I'm in a t-shirt I'm enjoying myself here in Vail t-shirts pink beanie let's go frontside 270 on 270 off and then this grab right here watch this tweak hole it the Japan Barry Kyle Mac esque sage kotsenburg asked right there back to back and then this thing I love how there's not really a name until you gave it gave it one I mean I'm gonna run with it highest score on the cannon with that hard nine and then the backside triple cork 1440 notice the landing oh hello Wow I'll just put this down right here you know I first see these scores so I'm seeing right now feature one can be improved upon yep yep maybe he can up the technicality of that one a little bit but a good start nonetheless throws him in the fourth place he knows where he needs to go man what a great and right now right now if I'm a rider like dusty Henrickson and Darcy sharp and Yuki Kudo know you're chasing red Gerard I know that I got to clean up the rail game a little bit yeah every single feature counting well look at you dono and Darcy sharp I mean it's just point eight five that's separating them you said it before astutely tenths of a point are going to count for everything everything in this final you said it - you cannot hide on this course no everything is there for the judges to see no place to hide except Louise gonna go hide and then he's well I figured I'd give you guys an upgrade with one of the most dominant slopestyle riders to ever compete so you're welcome you guys say goodbye to Louie we're gonna welcome in Mark McMorris on the next run but first let's take a look at our tarp top runs here in run one yeah red Gerard was on one inrun one he is your current leader he is last year's champion you are seeing exactly why check this out switch backside triple cork 1440 the tone set it and we welcome in four-time winner at the Burton US Open the lavender King way on your mark thank you so much really strong color for you trying to bring out spring I like you in my color we know that you wanted to be in this final but we feel lucky nonetheless to have you you've been busy all season like a lot of others straight to it what has it been like working on this hotly anticipated Burton one world film yeah working on the burden one word one world film has been absolutely unbelievable we've had a couple great trips already getting a lot of footage and for me as a competitive snowboarder to have the block of footage I have at this point in the season has been unheard of for me so it's been a nice change a little bit frustrating obviously not to be competing it's a perfect day I would do anything to be up there but being here with you guys is a close second we'll take it in meantime let's take a look at the trailer I mean I don't I don't know who's who's spending the budget but they got a nice budget for this film [Music] [Music] looks pretty like just regular just like average I mean goosebump central yeah they've done an absolutely unbelievable job producing it there's been crews moving around the whole the whole world really and meeting up with different riders and different locations filming different sides of snowboarding and I think it's going to be a great representation of snowboarding and you know the burton team runs deep so it's gonna be a hell of a movie indeed well we'll head back up to the top so stoked to have you with us mark as we're celebrating the spirit of the one and only jake burton who made this thing possible we saw that footage out in the open you know going all the way with this thing goes back all the way to 1982 and the one thing that we do miss as we celebrate Jake's life is is seeing that face and his energy at the bottom of the corral as we welcome in target program for his second run what was that like when you get to the bottom and there's Jake just so fired up oh man the the feeling is unexplainable to have a guy that pioneered the sport and to live in that generation this sport will go on for hundreds of years you know to be in that position is just unbelievable well and here goes toward air torque you're on course here cap 270 on coming in switch to that first transition jump features cab double cork 900 that's exactly what went wrong on his first run yeah those those features are really tough to ride and a lot of slopestyle riders haven't had a ton of time on them but it's such a good good addition to Sol and I think there was the coolest thing I've seen on this course all week Wow landing in a nose shock - nose press from like 40 feet deep incredible talk about control he's got it unbelievable board control and sellin I'm just super happy to see him in a final again he deserves it he's just had crappy luck with contest yeah he's been so busy with contests but it's so nice to see him in the final mark I want to go back to the movie you're all good I was just gonna ask how hard it is for you to do a movie part make that movie part that kind you know the way you want it to yeah a lot of times you'll get asked to do a video part and it's you really focus on contest is that's what I've been doing and you jump in when you can and then when Burton makes a movie and you're a big rider on Burton and you want a good presence you you get out there and you make that your priority and contests have sort of been the second priority this year you head back up to the top our leader defending champ big red to rod who absolutely loves this course rad rides these transition features course probably one of my favorite courses I've ever gotten to ride it's really cool they started to bring into the side hits I think the US Opens were the first people do it we have two sad hits back-to-back which has never been done where they're mandatory everyone has to hit him I think it's really awesome it's been really fun to watch like people doing different tricks than you don't normally see and all sorts of these 900 variations and but yeah overall Marilla big fan of course I think his voice is getting deeper yeah either that it just goes to interview voice just get serious he's getting up there at 18 you see his mom flying the red flag you were saying about red in this course yeah red in this course are made for each other he is an unbelievable rail rider jump rider and transition rider and it's definitely catered to him and he's riding it so strong Darcy was definitely nipping at his heels I really did think Darcy was gonna bump into first but we'll see what happens and run too and if I'm ready right now I mean Tina you said it's gonna come down to every tenth of a point that you can get my foot is on the gas no safety run clean up those rails keep doing your jump line maybe try to step it up there's that frontside double cork 900 into the double cork 1080 he's taking it one step further from his first run is that switch boardslide under flip out just casually comes in blind side I think I know what we're gonna see here switch backside triple cork 1440 and it's it's official red Gerrard is on one today how hard is it when you when you sending it that deep and landing a little bit we lead up to find your center on that last jump I can be really challenging obviously Reds riding a custom X which is the stiffest board Burton makes and I think that definitely came into play on that one that was an unbelievable run stepping up his cab double 9 to a cab double 10 and then also stepping up the up box feature and then keeping the switch back triple 14 the same but even going bigger and almost landing it cleaner so we're gonna see a huge increase in his score and it's gonna be tough for people to catch him when he gets that momentum going it's definitely tricky and on this last jump right here right the switch backside triple cork 1440 I mean mark the number of times that I've watched you put down a ridiculous trick to end your run you stomp it clean the crowd goes wild that's got to be like a drug like an unexplainable feeling if you can even put it into words yeah I was just gonna say it's it's unexplainable if there's no better feeling to know you did it when it mattered and with all these snowboard fans enjoying it it's just unbelievable there you go Wow does not improve well it's the first it's was the first feature he got a 5.7 on that hello he stepped up things down the run just that one little feature si last no lie that's the last no live for show that should have been a higher score that's where the overall impression maybe takes over right scores yeah call well seventy buck had a tough start - had some issues in his run but I mean totally capable mark if he could just draw it's a beta buck in one sentence what would that sound sound like homes have a sleepy style doesn't ever look like he's trying I'm not sure if he is right now but it is such a rad thing to see him in the final because he is everybody's favorite snowboarder he has unbelievable style to be that tall and looked that gracious when you're snowboarding isn't an easy task and he is he's at the forefront of that how so so sev ADA buck that's gonna be another throwaway run it was the exact same thing as his first time I think that little kink on the end of that down rail you know we saw it in the course pre that was insane I was that's what we like to see if you're not gonna have a full pole do something well you know love ya he's the master that he's got a deep bag of fun tricks to watch just slow motion back row just like I'm just gonna hang out here and fly a kite we check out the replay here switch back switch back lip just gets hung up on that key you know as I was saying before it's like it's literally eight inches of rail but it's difference maker in your score and whether or not you know you ride away from it or you don't need to think it's just that small little part that was most beautiful backside rodeo not a lot of people grabs tail on back rodeos like me and bang I hope he puts it on us puts it together on his third run because he is such a treat to watch and I know he's got it in a I love watching Seb a ride he's got one more run to go alright well we'll head back up hit okie kunitake from I cheat depan 18 years of age and when you're getting in your mid-20s Mark McMorris is what what's it like when when the whippersnappers start nipping at your heels because you were that not too long ago yeah very much so I can remember that time and I can vividly feel this right now and they keep getting younger and they keep getting better I've never even heard of this and that's always what the open is they'll just show up and blow up yeah it's always an introduction for someone frontside 1080 tail grab already this is a much improved run from that first one that was insane back 12 - like nollie back rodeo yeah cab 14 trips going for the cab 16 even if you would have maybe just done a cab 1260 just to get something down on his feet yeah he's 18 Tina he wants to get on that podium and that's what you need to do and he did have a couple pickup so he he needed to he needed to do that bang her at the top with that backside 450 and that frontside 1080 tail grab right there scoring a six point four out of ten and there's that back twelve this is where it gets weird half cab on nollie back rodeo Ollie back rodeo out I think it's been so cool to see the mix-up in the traditional three jump line it's two of those jumps that are quite unorthodox a random rail feature that also provides a lot of airtime to so they can keep their speed for the final jump and then the big-money boots you got really fun to watch you got to think that the hit okie clinic talk he could easily be a runner for that Rookie of the Year award 100% absolutely he's showing a lot of potential here besides winning the event so many different other opportunities with that Rookie of the Year award the Burton riders Choice Award with called amongst the peers and here comes from Sweden Sven thorgan yeah this kid is just so powerful and so precise in his approach to slope style riding battled a couple injuries the past few years but came back stronger than ever switch back lip same way 270 into the cab 450 what's he got here he went huge on that frontside double cork 10 into the double backside rodeo okay that was that could have gone so terribly wrong you saw him it was like a split-second of panic and then he was like okay I gotta get out of this stayed very composed 99.9% of snowboarders alive that split-second of panic turns into more panic his turned into composure that's that right there it's just called air awareness yeah he's like oh this sucks but I can deal with it but yo he this top half of the course he went nuts yeah he really stepped it up in that rail section and the jumps to frontside 1080 double cork look at the pop that he gets and he took off from way back landed perfectly deep this double back Rodeo 9 clip on the start yep oh no he hooked his edge on the snow he totally had it heavy and he just caught that heel edge contact point of his board and it sent him to his back good spirit eight nine eight nine so I think there's potential the highest score that 9.2 on the first side hit that was the highest scoring event yep and his top rail as well was in the nines that was one of the highest scoring I'm looking for to his third run I mean this is what it is like no but there is no chill at the US Open zero chill all right well this was this was Louie's pick to win this thing John Hagee's he has the tricks to do it from the snowboarding mecca of La Jolla California cab 270 on 270 off and the ripping surfer as a result frontside 270 to regular yep frontside 1080 lays it back a little bit too heavy on the tail into the backside double cork 10 that'll turn into a 69 run three if everything goes according to plan well you know Marc and now any competitive snowboarder has been in this situation before where you can't put to to your feet in a best of three run format are you feeling the pressure the heat on at that point how does that change your mindset a hundred percent heat is on he's gonna be nervous as it could be you know and he knows he's capable of doing and that's the hardest part is knowing you have the tricks to do so and that's almost where it becomes more mentally challenging than physically physically challenging 104 getting out of your own head yeah I've dealt with that a lot I was gonna say you've unfortunately been there more than once but there seems to be a part where you thrive and be like okay this throws me into another level of focus a lot of times it does enhance my riding or enhance my performance and I'm super grateful for that and a lot of people it can hinder them and you got to take it as positive energy and it can be tough at times and I don't know it's it's just one of those things well it is oh no time Yuuki k'tano aka Oh No that first run was mind blowing again we have a simultaneous broadcast available in Japanese on Red Bull TV the audience and the the snowboard knowledge and love within Japan well they are just producing some of the best snowboarders on earth right now sloped pipe all of it so Yuki armed for a switch backside g70 on 270 off now that's where he did need to clean it up his jump line on run 1 was insane sector e on that was perfect there's the cab double cork 900 among Yuki ya Yuki is on one right now mark what are we gonna see right match back 16 go go go go go team I can't I can't with him he don't know that is one of the tricks he shocked the world with in 2015 he did it again in 2020 I love Yuki he's had such a tough time with contests since he won the US Open in 2015 and he's always been capable of doing it and it just it brings straight up so much joy to me I'm so proud of this kid he's the nicest guy going well that scream just literally was the definition of everything that you just said mark now keep an eye on these live ranks here eight point one he did clean that first rail section up and here's the switch backside 270 on 270 off super technical rail trick eight point five on the live ranked and he just nailed this that trajectory where he lands on that landing it's perfect and one of the trickiest tricks to do an alley-oop backside 12 to stop the rotation is insanely hard and a perfect cab double all in the eights and nines he's so there's an eight point eight and then the final jump which backside 16:12 gonna have a new leader guts that's the highest jump score we've seen today nine point four out of ten it's the hardest jump trick we've seen impression is coming in hot behind it and he says excuse me ready to ride but I'm here with some oh no for you you cook at da no back in the top position for the first time since 2015 that was ridiculous quintessential US Open men's final slopestyle running his reaction on his face says it all yeah he he's a he's ecstatic he's tried for four years you know and to go to go and do it when it counts has just got to be an unbelievable feeling for him you can start to doubt yourself and there he goes and does it why don't you ask him yourself because you dona is on headset right now that switch backside 16 feel know us unreal no no nothing perfect you're perfect top to bottom congratulations thank you so much the last time you won here was 2015 five years later now 2020 what's it feel like to have that score again well they're watching you in our separate broadcast from Japan do you want to say anything to the fans at home and Japanese look forward to your next run welcome back to the top you dono whoo you know you've said it mark like ever since he won in 2015 I think there was a level of expectation put on him and just the contest scene wasn't going his way yep the pressure can get to people and when you when you do so good and then everyone expects something from you it can totally hinder you and he just rose to the occasion and nothing makes me more happy to see that well looking focused to build on that momentum is Starla Sam back his her him say yeah Yuki that was sick and what is it we talked about it with the women but you know when someone lands a run like that and then you get to go next it can be can be tough but it can also be motivational and stall a is totally he totally has the tricks to win he's an unbelievable transition writer and you see him taking off from the Red Bull wall ride future on that cab hard way to the cab double doesn't look like it's on the right axis finals and put those first two rails I mean he was in his zone he was in the zone and he rode really well on Wednesday he totally deserved a spot in this final and has the tricks I just didn't come together there yeah we've been talking a lot about what the differentiator was on that day and it was hands down it was the light that light was really tough that light is never easy it's hard to see transition it's hard to see landings it can it can really just hinder performance and for me I think I just played it a little safe I wish I would have done a back trip on the last jump but those are only things you can work on to change for the future but today is a picture-perfect slopestyle day there's no wind the Sun is out and the course is amazing on those transition features how long did it take you guys or you to figure out exactly where to take off on that lip it can take a little while and you start small and you move your way back as you want it as you want to do a bigger trick or have more hang time and as the week goes on you get more comfortable with them and everyone you go around the world is different you can see how they're on a a can't yep you know you're coming down into them a lot of times you got to go wide and come into them so this is a this is a unique way of building them and I think it's actually we're seeing some of the best back-to-back combos we've seen so I think yeah it's it's the best it's been we look forward to stall this round I mean he got a nine and a nine point two on those first two rails he can continue to build on that how about we take a look at some comparative we'll do a little spritz blitz green between Darcy and Yuki and we can just watch the different approaches in real time yeah so we got so Darcy's taking a little bit more technical approach on the first rail but Yuki's hitting the more technical rail pretty similar on the second feature and Yuki you see doing a backside 1260 and Darcy doing a backside 9 double grab though thirsty with a switchback 9 taking off way deeper than you keep it yuki doing a cab double cork 9 and sending it deeper yep Yuki doing a front board 8:30 with Mellon and Darcy doing a front one to switch back five and then obviously a switchback 16 Trump's a frontside triple cork 14 yep absolutely side-by-side comparison from the man himself Mark McMorris but I feel like you know if you're Darcy sharp now you know what you have to do don't overtake you don't know and I think he can totally do that it's gonna be tough but he does have the bag of tricks all right well let's head back up to the top and see the manner in which Darcy sharp is able to dig into that bag again that the joy that SLS system with Darcy inch in third is knowing each exactly where you need to improve on every single feature of this course yeah you can get as a rider so analytical with it in between your runs and know exactly what you need to improve and Darcy is a astute competitor I guarantee you he's gonna try to rise to the occasion that much better than run one was insane 270 on 270 off I think we're gonna see the first trick the same but then he's gonna go switch back to all along this next one so trying to go gotta go gotta go gotta go Oh switchback 10 and he sent it a little deep there but do you see how far uphill he took off and he's taken off so deep so he can catch the top of the and not have that crazy impact because the trick he's trying is incredibly difficult that won't do it for Darcy sharp however I'm really interested to see his rail scores I think they're gonna be a vast improvement and if he can you know get his the first run jump ability second run rail scores it's it's game off see oh he kind of stalled it out right there and then came down and landed he took an crate in the middle we all felt that just a little too slow switchback 10 and then who doesn't like that yeah thank you for that dark yes score or no score speaks volumes in and of itself just a classic backside air just a method so he'll stay in that third place position and you see 41 degrees that bail is basically like 80 degrees at the coast there's kids down there and t-shirts enjoying the vibe on a absolutely perfect day mark you even mentioned it like just the fact to not even have to deal with wind hey yeah it's it's a perfect day for it well our number one qualifier dusty Hendrickson in a t-shirt he says yeah t-shirt vibes all day for me with the pink beanie let's go it looks like someone out of cool boarders and he showed up not intimidated in this final you would give you what you wonder like okay number one qualifier would he get rattled but he is clearly here to get on the podium all that was amazing well he's already won I mean he won that Grand Prix in Mammoth just a few weeks ago his home mountain and I think after he won that he realized like you know what I'm here this day yeah that trick defies all logic and physics in my opinion backside 16 you gotta go buddy he put it right to his feet oh my god I can't guarantee that was the first time he's ever tried that rider I've ever seen actually land that as Kris Corning yeah that trick is so ridiculous to be honest but I'm surprised he didn't just go switchback six or I mean backside 16 but obviously landing regular is a little bit easier and he had the time to do it and he almost had it I didn't know that he had that trick I don't think he does t-bird did you see how hard he pushed off the take-off he almost went a little early but he totally got that around one two almost like he was surprised he put it to his feet I think he was I heard him say to someone right before we went up back to the top of the replay is like whoa that was scared I bet there is some serious consequence if you don't rotate that and hook an edge there's so much momentum that is easily in my opinion the scariest trick in slopestyle snowboarding right now and that's why you don't see it and imagine it being your first ever US Open finals experience I mean he's got absolutely nothing to lose he would kind of make his move or make his mark well you said you know the Burton US Open is it's the place for the FTS for the first times now why don't we check in dusty how's it going I'm trying that it was I knew it that was so close dude you're crazy I thought you're going back 16 first sure what's that I don't know I was on the lip and I don't really want to land switch at the J oh yeah so I figured what's another flip no doubt and you put that thing to your feet you're gonna get that on run three buddy thanks buddy appreciate it were you surprised that you put it to your feet yeah pretty stunned actually perfect you're you're just flowing good for you man thanks dusty you easily could be you know intimidated you know coming into this final qualifying number one but right off the bat you showing that like you feel like you deserve to be here what's giving you this this energy to not be intimidated and seize the moment I don't know I'm just riding with all the boys it's pretty mellow vibes so how can you get too scared hey dusty t-bird here real quick how does it feel to be the first rider to ever attempt a quad cork and a t-shirt I don't know pretty cool wind resistance there you go well done buddy keep partying and we'll see you back up at the top good luck to you sir thanks guys yeah gotta love the energy I mean we get paid to talk and I was speechless that was insane that was absolutely incredible alright well there you see you don't know the oh no he's saying I want this one Reds gonna have something to say these third runs are going to be ridiculous mark thank you for coming in man thank you for having me I gotta go out there for the live show yeah buddy all right but here's we'll catch you later we will be back with the deciding third and final runs here at what is always a historic time for snowboarding at the burton US Open snowboarding championships it's finals day three locations three disciplines and some of the best snowboarders to have an experience like this together is like magically I'm the luckiest person in the world really mark and Craig explored the evolution of snowboarding in this series with a delight Ella Travis Rice and a bunch of young guns brothers McMorris now available on Red Bull TV shred all year long on Red Bull TV be prepared for anything is it weird that I'm just like naked in the the best snowboard movies and live events on one channel backcountry and fun parts and Street spots we love them all good stay out here forever snow is our passion it's what we live for this is the future for sure so nice follow us around the globe on the hunt for the perfect cow the snowboarding channel on Red Bull TV available anytime anywhere welcome back to a magical day 3 final-stage slopestyle at the burton u.s. open snowboarding championships live from perfection in Vail Colorado we are about to head into our third and final runs the deciders and it has been incredible you Donal presently in the first place red jurado defending champ right behind him one of the great things as we welcome Lily back into the field here one of the great things about this event is that it wraps up the entire season of snowboarding and for a lot of people that our viewers at home they think ok well these guys maybe just do contests and that's how you make it but for the majority of riders it's about the contest and also simultaneously creating content and those two things making them flow together that's what you have to do to be a pro in 2020 yeah and honestly you know these these riders are brands in and of themselves they are marketing themselves to the masses and then the companies they ride for are also doing the same well yeah they're constantly creating content when they're not competing yeah gone are the days that you can just rest on your laurels for the thing you did yesterday in an event or content-wise and we'll take a look at what that means in 2020 yeah it definitely takes finding your balance to get through a season of doing a lot of the big competitions and then getting to film filming just takes so much time and energy they filmed all day SJ during my competition season and you know obviously probably the most like exterior and internal pressure I put on myself during a season as well when it's a good film day you're pretty serious you're making sure everything's dialed you're leaving super early in the morning I would say it's similar to that in competing I'm waking up starting to stretch mobilize and really harnessing in on what I want to accomplish on that day they both have a different aspect of pressure but they're both like oh fun it's kind of just a natural balance we just have gimble gah travel around and we just press the cord and then we go best thing we could do after X Games it's back to being young dumbasses it [Music] getting to juggle that competition element with this show honestly it really helped me because when I wasn't snowboarding it took my mind away from that day on the mountain and it allowed me to be you know more in the moment I think it's crucial if the family part snowboarding is not just based on the salts it's it's based on image and style and your personality - you know how I ride when I'm in the backcountry doing something totally different I'm almost reef Alling in love with snowboarding and in such a good ed place when I come to a contest you need to find that balance and do what makes you happy because too much of one thing is no guilt there very few sports where the lifestyle of the thing is just as important of the doing of the thing and that showcases it right there in snowboarding yeah I love it when I get to go to a contest and see Jamie Anderson in this context win and then watch her movie part and just it gets me excited to go ride backcountry and then I booked my next cab boarding trip exactly it gets you fired up to do the thing my personal favorite is Scottie James is all-day SJ show if you haven't seen that thing on YouTube on ripple TV it is it's all time it's like fly to the courts it's like five of the Conchords meets snowboarding speaking of snowboarding hey let's get in this stylus into this rear AK as we head into these third and final runs you see you dona who is now in first place gets to go last a separate ebook will start in that number one slot and what's that rewrap do to your head space you know as a competitor you know I think it's almost pressure when you're seven you're like oh gosh I got to go first now whereas you might you might have been seated a little bit deeper but if you're you know Yuki you get to watch it all I get to understand what do I need to do or can I relax and right now it's Yuki Kudo no Darcy sharp and red Gerard have just been going blow for blow but then he got dusty Henriksen trying the quad oh this is this is going to be beautifully weird as semi buck happiness on set based first who runs this it was the first rail that took him out can't quite seem to navigate this down rail with a little kink on the end he was going for switchback lip he's doing it again handles that's normal sabot about right there that's right the switch boardslide on the flat down to 70 mark talked about how it doesn't ever really look like Savage trying like he he's style is that much ingrained in them into a frontside double cork 1080 and unfortunately I mean top 10 at the US Open slopestyle just wasn't quite 7/8 - bucks - you know what making the top 10 at the US Open double dart just chuck the casual double front no worries again doesn't even look like he's trying throws the helmet there's a lucky kid in there it's leaving it with that helmet I want that helmet I'm a huge fan of 70 buck and just right here downhill credit Baylin didn't have enough height to get that last 180 around but doing it for the people here at the US Open double front flip making it look easy I don't think it's a stretch to say that he was a crowd favorite today they're loving them down in the corral best hair award also yes ma and Pat Bergner yeah best hair of the US Open here in the men's field all right nine more runs to go to crown a 2020 champion and it's Tokyo Pegram it was in ninth place what does he need I mean if he can put down the run he's capable of it's the transition feature that he's been having problems on so he needs to get past that first transition feature let's see if he can do it here this kid is immensely talented one of the best all-around riders in the world you know Louie you were talking about stall a kind of has an advantage on this course because of his history and a half pipe riding tour gear is a ridiculous transition rider I think it's it's in the water in Norway because the Norwegians just produce all-around snowboarder yeah but he rode away much better than the earlier runs see how he got his weight over both feet on the second transition feature the first one he's just doing a little bit of AXI but that was insane switch boardslide to nose butter in the landing into the backside fourteen triple that was ridiculous the he fell out of the sky two bolts when you hear that landing that impact that is the tour gear program I'm used to seeing that was a sick run you can always count on tour Gare to do something that just blows your mind it might not be the most difficult but you know he has those rewinds on this on the 540's and bring it back and then he has the nose butter off a rail where you're going fast and you're landing hard difficult oh yeah so many bad things can come out of that and you see just a little bit still back he doesn't have his weight over both feet you have to land kind of stacked over over both eager feet the way I like to put it with tour gear is his his riding matches his personality it's very fun-loving very loose but very powerful that's kind of how he is as a human being I was the power in that landing yeah that Cliff rail to nose butter for me is one of the highlights of the week and he brings it back yeah so that just shows the control on that you know unfortunately I think that one hand drag on the first jump is gonna hurt them all for sure yeah yeah but having problems on your first two runs and then finally on your third run at the US Open getting down to the bottom and finishing up with the 1440 is it enough for top three 68.5 is gonna put him in fifth place right behind dusty Henrickson well it's again it speaks to the overall power that run that even with that hand drag he's able to move up 30 points almost congratulations to him all right this is Louise pic I believe you know I wanted to mix it up you can want to go with Judd he's he's been there so many times but hasn't quite cracked the top of the podium let's take a look at what he needs to do here this is what he needs to clean up right there and again it goes back to what we were saying with torger he's just over to back for a little bit and but I think it's cuz he's also going so large see backseat you got to be able to shift your weight to prepare for the downhill jump landing and how do you do that as his shoulders you had shoulders and just kind of making that shift in the air and kind of dropping the front shoulder down just a little bit well that second transition feature on that second run he did that backside 1080 and that's what he was doing in semifinals and that's where he actually lands it on that one here goes Judd hankies on his third and final run oh oh cab 270 on 270 off big pop out out of that tank into the frontside 270 clean rail section this is where it counts double front 10 a little bit flat but look how there's that backside 1080 so the backside allows you to kind of bring that front shoulders downhill which helps rather than spinning uphill so front blunt 450 coming in switch you is going for the switch back 16 which mark even said he's like if everything's going well that's what we're gonna see from him on the last jump he came in really really hot like hardly a speed check on any feature also I will say if you'll remember to run one on the final jump yet that funky landing where it looked like he you know mighta like tweet to me or something like that that could still be playing against him here on this course but all in all that was an incredible run from Jed hankies right here spinning down she's got to drop that front shorter but you're going pretty big and you're falling from the sky look like you've jumped off a balcony of a hotel just falling it more or less that's what these riders are doing that's how high they're going unreal the impact that these guys and gals have to deal with did you see that backside 1080 I got a 9.3 on that [Music] [Applause] won't for now bumps himself up in the seventh place on that last run even with the fall but a great performance all week from the eighteen-year-old Jud hankies you know you forget he came through the junior jams here at the US Open he's been competing a long time like oh he's still really young yeah you're like that's a little jug yeah just now isn't it out now he's let's look at spent Oregon's second run yes so he starts it off coming in switch here pay attention to all these tricks because I feel like if there's one area that spin could improve upon it is that rail section and then there's the front side shuffle cork 1080 puts that down sends it into the deep end into the double backside Rodeo that trick is spend for grins bread and butter he is so good at that double rodeo and that's where it went wrong he just kind of lost himself slid out on his heel edge just a little bit and sent it a little bit deep that's twice it's one of those where he was on his feet and he's probably a little off-balance and when he went to make that adjustment he didn't have the balance controlled to get back on his board well he was really on he was on one up until that fall he was on a burner spent or in third and final run that was clean switchback lip 270 through the kink into the cab 450d clean up that top section those are going to be high scores frontside 1080 double cork doesn't quite get the full rotation he's gonna keep it going no double backside room landing was better he just doubled worked out of a switch boardslide switch boardslide to double backflip [Applause] that was ridiculous how does he even try to hang on to that that was insane the first router we've seen do it double off of the cannon box unreal you know obviously he had the fault on the last jump but that first transitional jump feature unfortunately it's just not enough at the US Open slopestyle finals but this top section was so on point it was insane and then this is that's what's gonna cost him right there you see five point five on the live ranked and the double backside rodeo and I love that he's doing that trick on that feature and in a nine and this is coming off of that bail that scared us in the second run you almost wonder if he was thinking about it a little bit too early and that's where he hung up on the snow yep some big scores there you see second side feature and span bumps himself up in the sixth place great performance from the Swede spent Thorin little shot of dono with his posse just watching seeing whether or not he'll get to take a victory lap as we get to see stylist ambach go it again there are no regions showing us so much potential for his run I love that backside 180 to switch nosepress from stall a into the hard way cab 270 coming into the first jump back to goofy right foot forward blonde 630 tail grab it's like know so many hammers and then that last jump is just they're sending it DP the flow is just going and then they're taking a deep to think about the difference between semifinals and finals that we were calling sevens nines tens now we're calling quads he's gotten a 9 for that backside 180 switch nosepress everytime judges in love with it as he should that is a traditional proper well-done rail trick but notice how far he goes down on the landing and then he's just straight pointing it to that jump so he's hitting this with so much speed foot or two more of airtime to get that all the way around comfortably what a showing from stall a song I left it all out here for you all week and you know what something we appreciate it sir still able to improve up in the six six place in this top ten at the burton US Open he's got some fans down there they're like just doing wall hits and it was the most entertaining thing to watch you see a shot of the defending champ red Gerrard will be going second-to-last currently in second place what kind of pressure is that kid gonna be under I mean he's also one of those dudes that we were talking with Mark McMorris about you know when it becomes a little more mental than physical red can overcome it he's a mentally very very strong rider all week long we've talked about Japan being the place that is producing the future and you said a t-bird you said if you think you've seen it from the kids you do know what about the ones you haven't heard from it mark mark mark McMorris ed hit okie kunitake this is the first time I've ever even seen this kid and he's doing this thing that he's incredible I remember seeing him in New Zealand hitting a big I was like who is this kid that first jumper rookie kunitake frontside 1080 tail grab into the backside 12 a half cab on nollie back rodeo real thing cuz that's just freakish [Music] [Applause] that was insane unbelievable switch frontside 16 20 from Hiroki kunitake and that landing was perfect you think these people know who he is after that all those people officially know the name Hiroki kunitake you know and we've talked about the level of riding and how at the US Open especially when it's finals day you know the first thing I think about is the incredible quality of riding from these guys and gals what about the rider camaraderie yeah I mean they just basically tackled Hiroki kunitake stall a and span ran over and are so psyched for this kid because they remember what it's like to be in his position exactly they've all been there before so they know the emotions that that he's feeling so they're like we want to be there with you 16:20 reader you dono he gets to drop last look at that eight nine for that switch frontside 16 20 big score and when I talk he pushes himself up in the fourth place just outside the podium it's a great showing he has yet to go down to fit well and then the other little side contest that I've kind of realizes happen is Toyota Rookie of the Year dusty Henrickson rocky kunitake yeah something to keep an eye on - indeed well dusty Henrickson in his last run didn't ft a first-timer first time in for himself first time for further open decided you know what I'm just gonna see if I can get weird and Chuck a quad let's take a look at it there's pretty much left all of us in the booth including Mark McMorris pretty much speechless when we saw that he was in fact going for a backside quadruple cork 1,800 South you have announced hundreds of events from the 90s till 2020 did you think that no phrasing would ever even exist quad 1800 the only only place I think I've ever sweat have seen that was on a video game it sounds like a dirt bike yeah it literally sounds like some cool boarders SSX type ish but now dusty Hendrickson he told us he's here for the for the podium qualified first will he get the opportunity to chuck this thing again front two on 270 off into the cab double cork 900 into the frontside double cork 900 Heelys is word this is where things get interesting he looks very chill he looks very chill right now for someone that is about to attempt this right here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was the second time he has ever tried that trick and he stomped it well the first one he put to his feet I think he surprised himself like South said so he knew I have this trick I am speechless like you said in the hundreds of events that I've gotten to call and snowboarding never in my life that I think I'd ever see anything like that I have goose bumps this is reminiscent to 2015 when we were in the booth calling you Donna's and they ain't changing all the riders Brock Crouch all the filmers everyone like this is snowboarding history what did I say earlier dusty will do it 17 years old dusty Henrickson just shocked the world this kid was working in the surf shop last summer paintin boats in the fall before this season making duct-tape wallets all to get to this moment in his life in career and he sees the day double cork 9:00 into the front side double cork nine so now just real quick take a look at this six point nine out of ten on those on those two so not scoring extremely high but look at that nine point two I'm calling a ten on this last hit how about that nine point eight on that quad cork so close you can't put it down better than that I mean what else did that what else the landing was bolts how does that angle to with the packed house down at the bottom so pay attention overall impression score just waiting waiting for him to get down there all right that's 60% of his score what's the other 40% gonna look like oh man you dono on your left waiting for Dusty's score to come in will he knock Yuki out of that top spot [Music] he was so smooth he's gonna be in second place what a day for snowboarding and a day for dusty so he just bumped Darcy Sharpe off the podium and read Girard down to third place right now still sitting in first place he gets to drop last but we're gonna see Darcy and red go Darcy excuse me dusty Hendrickson buddy the second try kid dusty you hooked there was there was a calm that we noticed through that whole top half of the run but you were in a weird autopilot space yeah that's what I'm trying to do sir yeah dusty this is t-bird I will say after your first jump Sal tapped me on the shoulder and he goes he looks smooth right now he looks calm I knew it was going down man how did that feel describe the feeling of stomping that and then the reaction you got from the crowd in your fellow riders I'd literally would have been dreaming for since I started snowboarding man this is the most life-changing season I've had and it's I can't ask for anything was you just threw down an NBD at the USO pit son I'm pretty high dude as you should be my man hey dusty we were all sitting on the edge of our seats Oh as you approach that jump kind of take us through what you were thinking as you were approaching I don't know I kind of just have to commit or not and on the lip I was pretty set on doing it so how much of a confidence builder was it on Run 1 to just put it to your feet Oh men like as soon as I saw that I could like figure out how the fourth one works yeah dusty I'm gonna say this I'm going out on a limb I'm guessing that the next two weeks are gonna there's gonna be some life-changing things that are gonna happen in your career and we are excited to see where you go way to step up and just really seize the moment and opportunity we know you work so hard for this man congratulations Mammoth Lakes right now there's just go nuts does that mean that run might bring some snow to Mammoth that kid just went public and I want stock now Louie we say goodbye to you one more time dude thank you for having you in this last run we'll see you down to the bottom of the corral with the winner and Darcy sharp you know he's got you he wants to have a word in this he's like okay look we I understand I appreciate everything that just happened with dusty but you just took my spot what just went down with dusty felt like it was the end of this event we were still going yes there's still drama we got Darcy sharp we got red Gerard we got Yuki Kudo no Darcy sharp on course backside 270 on 270 off the way he stalls that when he comes out of that spin and there's that backside nine hundred double grab into that switch I think he wanted to switch back 12 on that I think he wanted to up his game he looks so so perfect through the top half of that run but again just a great great great performance I mean Darcy Sharpe nothing but love for dusty yeah same thing he's been there before he's had those feelings of his first US Open everybody out there recognizes what dusty just did and everyone is psyched for him an incredible showing from Darcy Sharpe net Tina this is what you're talking about oh yeah I stall and then the switch noseblunt Oppo 270 also called a pretzel there's that switch backside 1080 so committed look like he wanted that 12 he almost kept rotating like the top part of his body did I mean I'll take that front five tuck day - absolutely sir the US Open in this field walking away just outside the podium walking away the top ten period even making the finals here yeah it's big especially with the conditions and the cut thirty-two riders down to ten this is the best of the best of the best well here we are you're defending champ red Gerrard was in first place he would like nothing more than to make this a two-man event between him and Yukiko dono who was the only rider left what does red need to do to take out yuki throughout the years in watching red compete and in situations similar to this he always surprises me he always comes through with something that I did not expect he did it at the Olympics he did it at two doors do tours in a row and he did it last year at the US Open right on this very soil in Vail Colorado his summit somehow only 19 years of age but he competes with a focus of someone who's been here a lot longer read Girard on course third and final run switch backside 270 to regular that is insanely difficult frontside double cork 900 into the cab double ten perfection switch boardslide under flip back to fakie I think I know what's coming here he socked himself he stomped that did he want more out of that spin I think he did but sitting you saw him open up the parachute which is a crazy feat in up in and of itself yeah to be able to slow yourself down or in essence stop yourself from spinning and flipping that fast is exactly what you just saw read Gerard do absolutely insane run regardless but I'm really interested to see the replay on that final jump hear what he just said I was gonna die wild 9.2 on that switch backside 270 there's the switch frontside 1080 double cork switch boardslide under flip let's watch intently what he did here so he goes 3 yeah he opened up he knew either he didn't have it or he was uncomfortable doing it pulled the ripcord that is incredible when we talk about the air awareness and the ability for these riders in any situation to have to make choices and you just you just watch it at the highest level right there and still comes down with a huge trick landed right that's the crazy part not going to be enough for our defending champ he will stay on the podium in third place which means that for the first time since 2015 when he shocked the world Yuki k'tano aka Ono is back and he is your 2020 burton US Open snowboarding champion what what a long road for this kid and that right there is what it's all about these riders spend thousands of hours in thousands of dollars to chase the feeling that you dono is feeling right now and when I see how happy he is and how happy not just his team managers and the brands that he rides for but the writers he's competing against are for him you can't help but but feel that you know we talked about it all week about this snowboarding is individual but it is collective in that the thing you you can't move the thing forward by yourself it takes being able to see what one person does and like oh I can add to that on what that other person does I can take from that and then you can create a moment and it is this constant creation amongst the in the entirety that moves snowboarding forward especially in these concepts you can snowboard as an individual but snowboarding is a community it is it is a collective and how apt that we look at it that that through that lense especially at this event as we celebrate the spirit of Jake Burton because that was what Jake was all about building this collective this lifestyle this culture to push each other in joy and snowboarding and we are watching it at the absolute highest level with our new champ you kokuto know and this is just a straight up victory lap for you dono what a way to end slopestyle here in Vail big old double pump method to end it and he's getting by the whole posse that right there is what it's all about that's why we do what we do for living and you have to remember he won this in 2015 and between now and that time he has not done well at contests he's had some rough luck and even Mark McMorris said that that you start to doubt yourself and you really just kind of have to keep pushing forward and keep riding you know last time you won this event was in 2015 you're back on the podium today just tell me how you know what today was great day everybody good riding definitely sure you wrote amazing you watched so many good runs were you nervous sitting up top before your last run [Music] whoever gets better is what it is but he did what he could did on behalf of everybody here at the Bern US Open Oregon took Zayed mosque that was amazing thank you so much you heard him say it today was a great day that body language does not lie and he spoke to the fact that that everybody riding at that level that the what what it played for him and I mean we knew that today would be special when we woke up and saw these conditions but once again in both fields the women and the men next level let's take a look at three two one because there was just such a close margin and those performances were insane reg Arad your defending champ up first I mean yet red came to play today he came out swinging on his first run board slide to front board to fakie into that switch backside 270 pull back and this is just getting started here frontside double cork 904 young red into the cab double nine and check this out here on the cannon box boardslide under flip and then approaches this bottom jump switch and goes for that switch backside triple cork 1440 that's the 1440 number one qualifier dusty Hendrix in his first US Open at the Big Dance with an invite we wondered if he'd be able to hang or if he'd get rocked he was not shook in one bit throws down an NBD there's that cab double cork 900 right after his insane rail section into the front side double cork 900 this is right about Sal where you looked at me and you're like he's got this he's looking good he came in so chill and casual check this out backside quadruple cork 1,800 the second attempt ever he stomped in the first one P it's pretty this one well before this run reg rod was looking solid in the first place but you dono said you know what I'm I'm ready it's been four or five years I'm ready to come back to the top and he just wrote perfectly and you just can't help but be stoked for you dono cab double cork 900 on that second jump into the front blunt [Applause] six-thirty and here it is switch backside triple cork 1620 is your winner a trick that he did in 2015 he brings it back to round out his run it all came full circle for you dono and there are our official Arad results cadeaux no back on the podium for the first time since 2015 dusty Hendrix in the rookie his life has changed from this event and red Dhiraj showing us why he is the gatekeeper and the future defending champ back in third and a tremendous showing from the entire field every single rider showed that potential for why they easily could have been on the podium today you know in a rider like Hiroki kunitake welcome yeah welcome welcome to the fold my men were psyched to have you incredible day from all the riders here in men's slopestyle and women's this morning was bonkers yeah you have to go back to that women's competition where they weren't going necessarily for the scores yes but it was more about the tricks Zoi continued to go for the double cork Hannah gasps are just going massive and of course Jamie Anderson taking home that win no surprise there snowboarding is in pretty incredible hands I would say in 2020 you guys have been letting us know how you've been watching continue continue to do so hit us up at Red Bull snow at Burton Snowboards and of course the hashtag is Burton US Open and since we're on Red Bull TV I'm just gonna let you know one of the dope things that you can watch on Red Bull TV from the world of mountain biking Crankworx rotorua back in New Zealand the Crankworx World Tour 2020 from New Zealand March 5th through the 8th you can watch that live on red TV the progression of mountain biking is just bonkers well today was finals Friday tomorrow is the Big Dance our modified halfpipe finals men and women it is going to be next level who will start off with women tomorrow at 11 a.m. local time yeah we'll see Maddy Mastro will be back she's the defending champion if you go back to last year this was where she landed the first double Crippler ever for a women in competition yeah she's landed at one other time this year just one other time this year in competition so we'll see if she can bring it back to the US Open and defend her win from last year and then of course in the afternoon the most dominant halfpipe rider on earth right now can scotty james go back to back in the US open pipe finals we're gonna get some rest and try to recover from what we saw today and we will be back with you tomorrow for the Big Dance on finals day until then here are some highlights from today thank you to all of you for tuning in from around the world we will see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 1,755,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, extreme sports, Burton US Open, Burton US Open 2020, Men's Slopestyle Finals, Slopestyle, red bull snowboarding, Yuki Kadono, Judd Henkes, red bull winter sports, burton us open live, slopestyle finals, vail colorado, mark mcmorris, burton us open slopestyle, snowboarders, burton, colorado snowboarding, snowboarding competition, snowboarder magazine, colorado, dusty henricksen, red gerard, quad cork, darcy sharpe
Id: zeDUIgJ6yjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 1sec (6781 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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