Jeep Men’s Snowboard Slopestyle Elimination: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Aspen 2020

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That knuckle he hit broke my ankles just watching

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sabatoa 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
live ranking there's no scores you're just ranked and it's happening as your runs go you're judged on the entirety of your work here in that 50 minute jam session here's a look at our start list random this is only the first half top-to-bottom our first eight riders there you see some names we know CeBIT a buck bra crouch but look at this group on the back end again only five will be advancing max Perot red G SEP to taunt as you saw Chris Corning stall a stomach I mean I'm just listing names but I'm listing heavy hitters needless to say there are going to be some superstars who will not be moving on just because of how fierce this elimination is wrote 16 to 5 this is not nice that's gonna be hard to get into now you can see out there the light is a little bit flat and there has been some new snow so you're gonna see a lot of the riders struggling with visibility and with speed poor gear burgum are first to drop out of Norway Oh comes down on rarest look at our Jeep slopes of course some of the riders are saying it's the most challenging slopestyle course they've ever ridden before some gigantic rails but plenty of options for the riders and as we said in this new format you can fall and your run is not over it's not best run counts it's all your runs put together overall impression so for here Berger wants to keep putting down tricks even though he fell on that first rail now target Berger was an alternate we were gonna see him in big air already had that spot locked up but Marcus Cleveland and Carlos Garcia Knight had to drop from this event due to injury so Brock crouch and Poirier Berger the alternate get the start here today in tortilla burger I'm obviously gonna toss away that very first run but he's got 49 minutes and 6 seconds to improve upon that the great thing about this new Jam timed format is that as we saw last night in the slopestyle our excuse me the super pipe eliminations we're actually getting to see more runs than we've traditionally seen in eliminations where a lot of these riders are used to only getting maybe two cracks at it last night we saw the riders get four now there are more athletes in this field than what we saw last night but could they get a third or a fourth that's possible absolutely three seems in play here's brock crouch brock crouch starting off clean on that first rail pull jam up 180 switch 50/50 cabin three out on that first rail to seven in to seven our second a forty Bret's proper from brock crouch switchback ten double puts it down not struggling for speed on the switch backside rotation and not struggling for speed on that cab 12 now if you watch last year you'd think this would be the last job nobody beter nope we got four jumps three big rails this course is tough to get to the bottom but Brock Crouch that's a full bowl how about and last kicker by the way quarter pipes on both sides a departure from that money bleeder we're so used to seeing for a free traditional drum jumps at the top and then a quarter pipe on both sides 50/50 front one switch 50/50 cap three three rail Gardens four jumps this is not your brother's xscape now this is yours no hand-me-downs out here seven a book one of our favorites always in a good mood a tall glass of water six foot four Oh big drink of water it's just for X Games appearance trying to get on the podium for the first time trying to get into the finals get today switchboard switch up front board right foot port naturally come to this rainbow rail switch front blunt same way now I just like the way you said 70 bucks names the faster you say it more exciting it is some of the book Antwerp Belgium now how he trained for this event he was in Japan with the DC team that was a very cool backside rodeo stale switch back to all lying goodness that knuckle came out of nowhere I just rude uninvited if you will separate a buck going down on the switch backside 1260 but we can't say it enough this live ranking format overall impression I mean you can fall you can get away with it and maybe find yourself in the top five and for you and I and for the fans watching at home you get to see the judges reactions ultimately in real time as correct we threw the numbers away it is alive ranking and I just love that term alive ranking as soon as you're done you know exactly where you're sitting fridges in the Jeep currently free job save their Tischendorf there's no place you'd rather be on the Jeep slopestyle course then in the Jeep it's a little bit chilly he's got the heat cranked out talking with fridge earlier this week he went with the aquamarine frost on top of his head I like it it's it's bold and it says something we're still trying to figure out what it is because it might be in Norwegian yep twenty-two-year-old fridge always riding with the signature backpack won the knuckle Huck the inaugural event last year now trying to get in the slopestyle final that that switch 50 switchback 3 out was probably one of the craziest Falls I have ever it's looked like his controller died a little bit on the rail got a little controller disconnect and then it started going at the back I want to jump back to that comment that you made about the backpack from fridge always has it on and you know have to start a lot of commentator says what's in the bag what's in the bank that's a very personal question and I feel like we just stay away from it we're seasoned veterans you don't do that yeah we also did it last year the beauty of this course so many different rail sections and in each jib there are so many options you're going to see such great variety of rail tricks Craig McMorris you will be competing in the snowboard rail Jam later this week that is correct that will be on those three rail features at the top excited for that be on Sunday but let's move on to Luke Winckelmann welcome we Coleman making his X Games debut 19 years old out of Blowing Rock North Carolina I had the pleasure of doing a number of photo shoots and video shoots with Luke Whitcomb in last year and today he's got the best attitude is an understate Oh Luke where those photo shoots snowboarded related they were okay but as I was just prop one of the best attitudes it's snowboarding but just goes down there unfortunately in between the rails but I can't say it enough keep going keep working keep doing tricks the judges want to see you keep riding so different from that best run counts it's a jam session at all counts good way come in taking off switch toes on that fourth and final feature 180 portside I think you want to parental out of that but I went board side fifty-fifty so that was a obviously a mistake there but he keeps checking on the jumps and you set it off the top partner steady snowfall all day today yeah gray skies what's that gonna do to this course throughout the day if conditions hold up well you know what as long as the snow doesn't accumulate that's the only thing that's gonna really slow it down so as long it's not snowing heavily the light yet sucks but it's an even playing field so here's my key Ciccarelli uh-oh Oh money making my money making Mike Big Mike if you will also known as psycho Mike he's got nicknames glory nicknames that is a record in this field and what a kit from Mikey loud with the pants and served it with the jacket business on top party on bottom absolutely here we go Mike big big frontside mercaptan a forever Park frontside 1080 pardon me not enough speed for that third jump but come to this fourth and final feature got to get going on the cat dub he does fourth appearance here at X Games for the 23 year old Canadian Mikey Ciccarelli trying to break into that top 5 we take another look solid up top on the rails 2 7 in 2 7 out in training you took a hard crash on that rail so it's sick to see him put that down in the cab double at the bottom here off that quarter pipe to jump landing it's a very popular feature we've seen it a lot of slope Styles lately and I'm fat it's very difficult to ride though I'm gonna be honest so now dropping in 18 year old Jud Henkes out of beautiful La Jolla California which has produced so much snowboarding town no not really but it's incredible what he's been able to do in his young career as he makes his third X Games appearance frontside over to his first jump left with 4 natural way of riding and he's a little mellow front nine cab seven switchback well okay that's not bellow you know but I like this approach put a solid run down Wow missing double in the corral crank one more time Judd ankus of course had a part in the Shred hot chatbots part video we tried we tried that is correct couple features a couple hits in there now I love I love Jets approach this is a different format this is judged differently let's get a solid run in and then mix it up so he's got a full pull already it's gonna be sitting very very good Brock Krauts currently sitting in that first place position but I believe Judd Judd Hank is gonna take that just due to that last hit the reason I think you will live rankings oh so Jen Hank is sitting in second place the judges do not agree with me they think that first first two hits was a little too mellow coz man on the forty minute mark here is Yuki Kudo know who's had so much success in big air yet to find the podium in slope style with in X Games we say it every year it just it it boggles the mind does it's one of life's greatest mysteries I agree so there you see a first look at our live rankings Brock Crouch leading the way and its fridge holding on to that six spot that's the bubble spot remember top five advance to the final well I have met a fella can the entirety of that jump section so far I love that do a miller flip do something off the nut going me remember that cap tend to switch back 12:00 was so sick from you keep on that switch back to a landing it said no I'm not gonna give you enough speed for that third jump let's take another ultimately as we look at this Craig the judges want to see entirely different runs every single time from each other now entirely different is is extremely difficult to do if it would be almost almost impossible to go down to three separate times and do every trick totally different but that's what the judges want to see you strive for they want to see something new because it it did lend itself to the exact same run every single time and this new format you can't do that now making his X Games debut a flyin Hawaiian here in Aspen Lian Ferrell 21 years old a haiku Hawaii opting for the entire but can sneak up on these rail features to send into some now little boardslide to fakie they're so approaching this first a four-pack switch big cab 9 switch have the grabs in the middle of that beautiful credential flow again yeah the credential swag is you can't miss it oh good control coming in that fourth final feature switch back nine so taking that quarter pipe feature switch on the toad look at Lions family they're fired up as his lion football lion out a top-five finish in slope style at the burton US Open last year has had some the impressive contest finishes in his young career but again making his X Games debut but as we said before with this format riders might spend two or three tries trying to dial in that best single run knowing that's what counts now the riders have the opportunity if they ride and do something that they liked on run number one they can look at those live rankings and figure out what they can do to shake things up obviously if the judges something entirely different as you said maybe not trick to trick but showing lasting different moments so here's spent Auryn no stranger to this stage a gold in this event he's got four X Games medals total backside three in front one out that is not easy at all cap two in 450 output landing with not enough speed to take that first jump so he's gonna bypass that one attack the second one with a big method that first rail hip was a thing of beauty and I'm gonna explain that in just a second right after he takes this fourth and big backside rodeo 720 nose now rails looked pretty good they look really really good but he landed that third rail feature with not enough speed so he couldn't hit the first jump but here's what I was so ecstatic about big backside 360 NCI catches that and then frontside 180 out that is so tough to stop the momentum from the backside 3 and frontside 180 out you know what we call that spinergy with spinergy it's a difference of energy so Brock crouched still leading the way in our live rankings and it's Mikey Ciccarelli holding on to that fifth spot as we're closing in on the 36 minute mark here in snowboard slopestyle eliminations Darcy sharp a huge gap it's tough to see though but he took off on the opposite takeoff cross-court it to that down rail so that was very very cool as a very hard back jacket and this cab over to I cannot express how big that is the take-off that Darcy sharpest went off is completely flat he went up like four feet bringing the tail over that is so difficult so solid thus far for Darcy sharp going back big frontside 720 that was an incredible full pull that's what she wanted to see from Darcy sharp specifically on the jump side because we know he's a rail sick yeah we thought this course was going to be great for a rider like him he left no doubt about it on top and bottom of this run so he takes off of that take off gaps all the way over lands and boardslide that is a big impact these rails are so high off the ground then goes back triple sometimes it might be tough to differentiate that landing snow and that cloud cover of sky but Darcy sharp makes no mistake I if I was a judge I think I would put that in first place but let's go down to DC see what he thinks hey guys yeah just uh hearing from Darcy that was an improvised run the whole way down once that first rail didn't work out the way he wanted it to improvise from the whole way down we got a freestyle of Canadian out here guys and talking about utilizing the forkful course man Darcy's on fire style a getting ready to drop in yeah thanks CeCe sounds like Darcy just just given us some jazz yeah from from jazz exploratory here's stall ace on back a mainstay on this X Games stage we fully expect him to compete for a top five spot what's he got for his first run a hole Jam back lip back to in two out a big cab 270 on that third and final rail cap 12 I don't think anybody can do it better than that that is one of the best cat by the way and if you're looking at our rankings right now Darcy sharp taking over the top spot putting Zeb a into that elimination spot and that was all because of that back triple and the technicality of the rails I got one right darling gets one right too big double Crippler to cap things up now this is this new format just lends itself this is a chess match now we've got a couple riders putting down a solid first run not not a gold medal winning run but a solid first run and that leaves room for improvement they can do something different catch the judges eye but that puts them in that top five thus far stall a has two silvers and a bronze in his slopestyle career crazy to think it's the 13th X Games appearance for the 26-year old now that double Crippler we're gonna set a lot of those double Crippler maybe double 1080s but stall a sandbag going absolutely yard on it the amplitude has to be noticed there's Chris Corning who's such a force on the Big Ear side but trying to break in to the slopestyle final and stall a as you see our live rankings climbing the ladder up in the third now putting lion farrell on the bubble now normally that bobble at the rail from Chris Corning right there would really play heavily into it and this would almost be a throwaway correct with that bobble you got put out of your mind and keep riding forget about it it's like doing a backside rodeo off that flap there this corning cap 7 off the toes switch backside take off switch back 12 putting that down three and a half times round hanguk takeoffs rich off the heels just not oh yeah that's tough one that is a tough one you know those first two jumps crank are really close to each other they are that is the thing I want to talk about I had the pleasure of riding practice with the entirety of this field and the women's field and those jumps normally are very close together and there's usually only three of them so three jobs close together you push those even closer and put a fourth feature in there that is like BMX style you're on the landing of one and the before you blink you're on the take-off of the next Sebastian Teuton he's got two gold medals in this event six medals overall it's his 14th X Games appearance crazy to think he's the oldest rider in this field at 20 Sunny's that 50 back one switch nosepress on that first rail was so sick he may have came off maybe a foot or two early but that hometown really grows you at the rail so for him to stop it I want 80 very impressive but going down there on that first job that just this course lends itself to to no mistakes you can't really make a mistake in this for packet jumps because if you do you lose all of your speed or that next takeoff it's almost like a it's almost like the super pipe event last night you bobble on any run with that new snow for any wall very very tough to keep the amplitude up and hit the next switch lips same way hold it on the back foot there like cap 12 just not enough English on it Lance most weight on the heels get Lance flat base or toes if you want to come away with that clean well we're nearing the 20 minutes into this Jam and we are almost through our entire field of run one Wow okay Reggie red Gerrard out a Silverthorne Colorado it's his fifth X Games appearance still crazy to think in search of that first-ever X game to metal trim he's so good he is so some is so fun to watch snowboard does that first rail picture that Camel an import side pretzel Oh now one thing of no speed is an issue sure today and when you're one of the lighter competitors speed is just it's just that much harder to hold that new snow jumps close together it will be tough for red dirt you know maintain speed to this entire floor but if there is a rider much like Darcy when you think about this course and the innovation that's really needed you think of a guy like retro absolutely I mean last year we had that quarter pipe feature it was really off to the side but he was the only one that he realized yeah yeah so I think this this are recalling it now that that's the end of the read effect here in 2020 yes that's exactly and what can be said that hasn't already been said about max Perot what a story winning gold in his first event back just two months after his last round of chemotherapy for treatment with his Hodgkin lymphoma cancer and he wins gold in his first event back at X Games Norway late last year but now he returns to a familiar place here in Aspen / - on that first route and switch back to 270 out we're part of a regular back to 270 out let's go on 270 out 270 or 270 in 270 out on the second and third rail features but he just came off a little bit early double Wildcat frontside triple oh now I got to mention this on the first day of practice maxpro to the berry hard slam and that ankle was really bugging up so it has to come into play a little bit here max of course had one of the all-time great years at X Games back in 2014 when he went double gold in both big air and slopestyle joining a very very exclusive set of names to snowboard gold medals X Games in Aspen there's a good look at that bobble here's that front triple that he went down on max Perot so not it's not gonna bump into that top 5 and top 5 moving on to our slopestyle finals Darcy sharps still leading the way run one in takeoff from Aspen Airport takeoff from the Jeep slopestyle course more when we return here at X Games Aspen run one in whoa love the pacing with this new format yeah Darcy sharp coming to play Darcy sharp is not messing around I mean these rails I I sound like I'm scared of them because I am you are so big they're like six seven feet off the snow and all sorts of transfers and gaps and Darcy sharp is making it look like child's play yeah a better term yeah there's no doubt about it again cutthroat top 5 moving on I set it off the top of the show there's going to be some names of your favorite snowboarders who aren't going to get in and it's not for a lack of trying no I mean this is every year slopestyle elimination is one of my favorite events to watch because you have to be so strategic in the final go all-out do the best possible thing you you can but in elimination you got to just find okay where's that bubble and I want to do the land the run that I'm gonna land most likely just to get me in there so it's a very it's a very game of cat-and-mouse I'm looking at the standings some of the kids they're in the top five right now line Ferrell Judd Hank is Brock Crouch I mean we could be seeing some new blood in the slopestyle Arnold and that would be very very exciting to see but we've got a lot more snowboarding left so let us know who you think will be in that top five in the comments if you're watching on YouTube and we'll get back to the action in just a minute run one in the books here in the men's snowboard slopestyle emanation here on the Jeep slopestyle course what a great day one here at X Games Aspen a look at our standings again just the top 5 advancing and it was Darcy sharp setting the pace he is 1st place overall but I love these live rankings forget about the scores and riders finishing the run waiting to see what the judges scored it it's live rankings in real-time Darcy sharp just gave me a shout-out he said thanks for the chicken wings yesterday Darcy you have as many chicken wings as you want we had a nice lunch together he told me was fired up sharp was there too and she said you know what you were doing for lunch and I didn't get a reply service toward your burger room our alternate went down on that in Run 1 but he already proves upon that so maybe if you fall on a trick the judges want to see you go back to that trick stop and get out of the way and you don't really have to go back to it again overall impression means so much in this event in this format cap to pull back on that third and final feature into the front 10 into the back looked like he was hunting for a back 12 no scrap but not enough juice to get him over the knuckle that knuckle is where he landed on and in the sweet spot just past that knuckle slope landing there so target burger I'm two runs two bottles that will definitely not put them in the top five but Brad but again riders are incentivized if they fall or if they miss a jump they don't have to just ride off to the sidenow and forget about no you thought it back go last hit yeah your entire body of work in this 50 minutes is judged do something progressive do something technical do something unique and you might find yourself in that top five it's being led by nursery sharp the Carlsbad kid Brock Crouch 20 years old sitting in second place as we look at our rankings right now what can he do for an encore and keep himself in that group of five so switching up that first rail gap led to 70 in run one eat at that fifty-fifty 180 cab three tote switching up the rails this is what we talked about this what you want to see whoa 50 front five tuck me on that very tall flat bar how do you feel about the kid Randall I like him oh you know I love it that's the shade of magenta I don't get behind there we go bully switched up right now for Brock crouch big back triple there we go Brock crowd for California he was actually just in Whistler staying at my house friend Russell giant roommate was taking care of him he was competing up there riding a little bit and it seemed to be treating him well because he's got two full pulls in the bag oh I see so you're gonna take credit for Brock's performance let's take almost a hundred percent credit and I frankly the reason he's landed Oh Brock Crouch was here early we saw him in the athlete lounge this morning he he always kind of has a little bit of a vibe to him but yeah felt like today might be his day more of the same from Brock and Wow he leapfrogs Darcy after that run to take over the top spot that's overall impression Brock Crouch has done more than Darcy sharp does far Darcy sharpest only had a chance to do one run foot Brock Crouch two different runs that's gonna put him in the top seven a buck City in seventh place what can he do Craig to try to crack that top five well he's just got to stay on his feet that first run definitely took some major bobbles switch fifty-fifty switchback three out AB 900 Wow max that rodeo stale I love the way that trick such a cool ground on one of the Class six vehicle front double on that quarter pipe to jump landing that's clean as clean he's such a great skater Craig yes we thought these rails were gonna be friendly to him it's correct and you know what he did pull it off a switch from blood same way then switched back to well then he went down on and run one but makes the improvement in run two and the front double nine here so he got to see him hit that last feature due to the fall in run one I think with the bobbles in run one don't think he'll jump into that top five just yet maybe as of now because he does have two runs in but the judges seemed to think so he climbs up a couple spot a look at the live rankings as he gets into that bubble spot so here's fridge sitting in 14th place big back one here's where he went down and run one switch fifty-fifty his controller died last time but makes a mistake this battery charge yeah cap 900 coming to this next jump left foot forward what not like a Murphy flip no scrap that was very difficult to call Wow front end tail grab oh my goodness that was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life what that was the craziest thing what I have ever seen what just happened okay yeah let's show this but but can we get to the thing that the thing would have a stop how what okay that was that I was a Murphy flip the front okay the last issue well this is about ten not tail grab okay so this is a quarter pipe feature but he goes right off the front of it so I've never seen any what did this he purposely knuckles that's the crazy I am at a loss for words look at the field a response that was crazy let's go down to DC who's with fridge I gotta get his reaction yeah checking it with a fridge down here what was going through their head on that last feature there I had no idea what to do just send it straight and hope for the best so that was complete improvisational energy yeah first time today these Norwegians guys fridge one of the best-loved it he could try that a hundred more times and I don't think it would have that outcome when I saw him take off the front of that quarter of people that quarter pipe feature I thought we were gonna watch a gentleman bring both of his legs and what did he do he did a backflip it a 10 Luke Winkelmann now in 11th place he's got to make up some ground hey fridge jumping up into the top five so fridge right now in that fifth and final qualification spot Winckelmann though by the way back to fridge for a second yeah that's what this new format is all about I don't know if in previous years that would have given him the climb I don't we just saw Jess I think it would up but this year's different it just it's different right now Luke Winckelmann he's hitting different with this run as we're talking about fridge Luke Winkelman had a sneaky brother backside 9 on that final feature but I mean wow okay there's a lot going on here so we'll see what kind of bump that gives Luke as we turn our attention now to money making Mike Big Mike Mikey Ciccarelli and Winckelmann jumping up you see just in the sixth place right outside of the top five like Mike going front to in two out big cap to on to that third and final rail feature that 12 make no mistake Big Mike's putting it down front side 1080 on that second of four features so he's going back side on this third back twelve and this is a new trick for Mikey Ciccarelli coming in this corner place switch on the toes cab nine you gotta get going Mike face down first but the hand and you can see him grab his helmet he knows he was lacking English rotation we take another look from Mike's second run so salt that really only take away I see from him is that that cabin I needed on that fourth feature didn't really quite land it clean so Judd Hank is sitting in fourth 18 years old and his third X Games appearance trying to make it to the big show would love to give himself a bit more breathing room can he do it right here on the second run is we're under 20 minutes to ride with on the Jeep slopestyle course one thing of note if the clock expires the rest of the field gets to go everybody gets the same amount of runs corrected we're in the midst of save run number four correct and there was already one rider putting in number four and we still had 14 guys left they would all get a crack at it assert whoa 50/50 lifts bretzel tough to bring your body back from that one switch front boards same way from jet hankies switchback 9 it almost looked like he was gonna try and whip around a switchback 12 but holds it there big back 10 tail grab that was such a sick axis on that 1080 at the very bottom there Wow more of the same from Judd very consistent through his first two runs Craig yeah in Run 1 I thought he was maybe gonna maybe gonna stay ahead of Brock crouch just because of that last hint he did that backside 1080 but at the top here on those first two jumps and run one he kind of kept it a little bit mellower so I think the judges liked the entirety of Brock's run more than judges last hit here Judd you know he's adding to it he's building on that body of work so here's you dono who's trying to clean some things up from the first time we saw him out here he's in 11th will he elect to go back to that run or shake things up here on his second attempt well he follows Judd Hank is who I was just referring to has now bumped into that second place position so the judge is liking him putting down two full different runs captain and switchback 12 took them out last time not this time not today at jet back 10 double 15 hangs on to a little bit of a bobble but still able hit that for the final feature frontside 1080 that's tough to take off on that quarter pipe on your heels and then have enough momentum to make it to that jump landing and using that Jeep feature as a as a fifth and final feature in that jump back love that shot cap - in 450 out will off-kilter - they're very cool as we said Yuki so much success in big air hasn't been able to match it here in slope style so we move on to Lyon Farrell who was in that top five after run number one Craig and x-games runs in Lyon Farrell's family that lady right there that's his mother Angela Cochran won a gold medal in 1995 she's here today to Brando which she won a gold in women's win surfing at the very first extreme games in 1995 Wow now lyon 21 she obviously did that before he was even born but clearly x games in this family's roots and lyon Farrell has we talked about before you've gotten to ride with him quite a bit an impressive young man just 21 very very funny really enjoy spending time with lions farrell now as you mentioned he wasn't that top five as the riders have come down has been pushed out of it in 9th position he's just build on that keep going keep going keep mixing up your rung keep putting things down backside 1440 kind of coming out of that rotation fighting it around by putting it down clean and getting a lot of speed for this frontside 1080 [Music] with perhaps an even better run than what we saw from ron one dry eye I agree I love this frontside 1080 at the bottom a lot of guys sticking to that double Crippler but bring that frontside 1080 around I think the judges obviously have to take note of that there's good look at it from her cable cam that around and a full pull for lion farrell we'll see if the judges think enough of that to get him back into the top five fourth but we move on to spent organ who's sitting in 15th place craig a veteran in the field yet you know you'd think he would maybe keep it a little bit mellower and runs one but he kind of swung for the fences and swinging for the fences again one out on that first rail that's tough lion didn't crack the top five but you dono did bumping out fridge so cool you got to keep your eye on that live ranking system you can see it at the top left of your screen that will be jumping around all day top 5 going through to the final okay that's how you do it backside 1440 if you anybody was asking double backside Rodeo grabbing melon sped Dorgan brings the spinergy from Stockholm to the top of butter bill and your ass penny aren't you part of the fan club thus Penny's not to say to say I'm a fan of spent I don't know if I am a patch member but let's head down for more from DC out on the course DC which guy thanks Brando yeah we got a lot of spontaneous improvisational energy going on down here we got Judd Henkes saying that his last friend was so sketchy yours is trying to hold on but hey he held on he did and he's up in second now Lion Pharaoh that double 10 he did off the side tourney he's never done one note before that was a complete complete switch up to his game and just reacting to land at a 14 instead of a 16 and coming into that forward so this is exciting stuff guys yeah thanks for the info DC you heard him say it right after he landed what did I just do here's Darcy sharp though sitting in third Craig a couple bobbles on those rails so not as clean in run one and obviously the jump technicality a little bit lower there with lack of speed but that frontside 1080 off the toes grabbing nose he's very very sick and a backside 360 on that quarter pipe so not you know if you talk to Darcy about that he would say that's not ideal he does get to the bottom on his feet but the technicality is not what Darcy sharp is capable of not what we saw from him on run number one so we won't see the climb we won't see the climb but he's not gonna get knocked down somebody's gonna have to come and take it from him if this was a game of snakes and ladders it would only be ladders correct stall a sign back 26 years old out of Norway he's sitting on the bubble in that fit spot spend by the way jumping up into the top five as you saw that bumps out Yuki so now stall a needs to give himself a little more breathing room switch limp 270 that take off we saw Darcy do that cab over to on that thing that is so flat and that rail is so tall so tough to get up to big method from from since always sound back pardon me there and I just have to say this brand the level of riding were saved extremely impressive it's been showing every single day for the past three days and the light is very very flat so when you're hitting jumps of this size and you can't really differentiate the landing from the sky that is tough to put your snowboard down in the right plane you've been riding this course as much as anyone Craig you know that some of the riders were also kind of taking that into consideration of practice right and you wondered how's it gonna be showcasing elimination so far these guys really not holding anything back no I mean you see lion Ferrell doing a trick he's never done before you know they're just swinging for the fences they want to do something different and people are doing stuff that's different are getting rewarded Chris Corning sitting in 12th place as we're closing in on the 10 in 18 second part of the gym stall a still holding on to that fifth and final spot [Music] backside rodeo the first backside rodeo we've seen off a rail we saw him do that and run one and he doesn't in run two as well only only person we feel good ow ow ow ow ow wow that is a massive jump to land completely flat on [Music] we hope that Chris Corning is okay as he gets to his knees [Music] it's like we'll be able to get someone from x-games medical over there if you remember last year a left foot injury in that big air final captain from competing in Sousa last year we were able to see him pop up we'll take another look at that fall that wouldn't look like her now all these features are so close together yeah and you have very little time to pull out of a feature when you're on the take off of a jump you can't just stop instant correct you have to follow through because your momentum will carry you off that jump and that's what curse Corning had to do there he probably knew he wasn't gonna make it to the landing but he couldn't really pull out because it would put himself in greater risk it's good to see him getting looked at it's also good to see him riding away so a look at our standings here in the midst of run number two in a men's snowboard slopestyle elimination on the cheap slopestyle course it's Brock Crouch leading the way jut Hank his star C sharp Sven torgren and stall Isan back holding on to that fifth spot still a lot of time to ride with you today an elimination Sebastian to taunt he's gonna have something said about that group of five as he's currently sitting in 13th if he starts just run the same way that he does what okay [Music] he's got cheat codes on or something because that holds so casual and so effortless Craig speak to the difficulty of that hole Jam back one in switchback one out like are you kidding you just said a lot of tricks I did say a lot of stuff and he just he just makes it look he doesn't look that hard for frontside double 1080 hanging on to it there see what back triple yes that was that was gonna be a heater of a run from set toots if he can put it down from that back triple playing mind games with set toots up top great front 10 double great but here's a look at that back triple that's what took him down he's got to get going lands really bad foot heavy and obviously can't right away so retro art sitting in 15th place this is his second try here in elimination so light on his feet when he snow cap two in two out kind of lost in there on that third rail so I don't know what trick but I do know that this is a frontside 1080 and Reggie go in front 10 back 12 third int right here switch stance yes okay okay Reggie you know one [Music] [Applause] [Music] jump three and four is where Reggie really went to work we haven't seen a combination from Reggie like that that's new that's exciting and that will be rewarded registered into 15th right now I don't think he's gonna stay in fifth yeah I don't think I'm gonna go ahead and guarantee he's gonna move up to where he moves up I cannot say keep your eye on the live rankings stall Ehsan Beck is holding on to that fifth and final spot he's on the bubble here we see max Perot getting ready to drop in okay okay okay we got work Reggie Gerard in the fifth place so red Gerard enters the top five knocking out stall ace on back so max Perot is the final rider to drop in from the field and with 650 to play with that means each of these riders will get one more attempt on the course Craig and I can't wait now in run one max Perot went down very hard on a front triple he had a hard fall in practice as well three days ago so okay or you just do it you can just do it too that's that also works front triple back ten double it's got to get going okay so max is playing behind the eight ball if he gets that third and final run which we assume he will but he was so solid this is the only thing that took him out front nine double truck-driver grab on it but puts the hands down five touches that's a fall but to the conversation of overall impression did the judges see enough throughout the bulk of that run to carry onto something new on the next step I don't think so but we will get to a more technical answer when we come back from the break men's slopestyle elimination continues hey guys having a good time hanging out down here in the crowd and to seeing who's all out here we got friends and family all out in the mix right now I'm with the family of flyin feral in the house and his mother Angela once again getting the medal in windsurfing way back in 95 how's this x-games experience different from that first one for you when we did it it was like few people on the beach but this is super exciting this is fun now coming from Hawaii please explain to people how your son got into snowboarding his dad's from New Zealand so he used to go in the summer and snowboard there and then when he was 12 he did really well in the Nationals he won them in New Zealand and then was like he wanted the snow words that we just gave him that opportunity and we got his little sister Phoenix in the house you proud of you big bro yeah you like getting on snow yourself sometimes stressful sometimes and his girlfriend Sydney out here the mix you got to be proud of lying out here throwing down I'm so proud go lie there you have it beautiful people down here in the crowd again friends and family we got the crew from snowboarding magazine out here in the mix too getting some good peanut gallery action back to you guys what a battle it's been on the cheap slopestyle of course you're in the men's snowboard slopestyle elimination so much moving and shaking on these standings Brock Crouch leading the way and read your art speaking into the top five we're in the closing minutes of this Jam format but each of the riders should get one more attempt on this course and there's still some heavy hitters who could make some noise to end things here today Craig Tour Gerber Graham could be one of those heavy hitters has had some unfortunate bobbles Falls thus far but its overall impression it's not over til the official results come in once everybody has dropped tore gears best slopestyle finish here at X Games came in 2017 in Norway when he took a fourth place finish he likes that home court advantage well ham and cheese front lip on the front foot continues on with the 270 off their frontside 1080 right foot forward his natural direction of variety oh that backside 12 was looking great it was looking fantastic and then that knuckle like an uninvited friend to a party came in there and just ruined it you ruined it so tore your back room again an alternate didn't know he was going to be riding in this contest until this morning we turn our attention o to our current leader Brock Crouch and we have to talk about it I mean we're not even two years removed from the avalanche that nearly took his life in the Whistler backcountry of course the broken back the ruptured pancreas was filming for beta and to see him recover and recuperate I mean we weren't sure what the future held for Brock crouch and right now it's currently first place in the slopes aisle limbs I mean it's it's crazy to see an individual this young take something like that and then battle back and then be here at the X Games we just mentioned torger Burgin was an alternate Brock Crouch was an alternate as well he was practicing and thinking yeah I might get in and then last minute you get the call you got a drop and you find yourself in first place qualifying position the mental fortitude on Brock crouch is something to be admired just in a zone all day Craig and houses compared to his previous two runs so far he's different and so far being different is rewarded so I think Brock crowds having three full polls is gonna be really tough to unsafe maybe he won't hold on to that first place position as everybody drops but I don't see five other riders coming in and knocking him out because he has had such a solid afternoon it's that gray sky it is I love it I don't know what that filter is but that's what I use on the Instagram a lot yes just darkened correct kind of emotional insects it's an emo Thursday said about sitting in tenth place Craig he's looked so good in the rails he's had his moments in the jump section he's just got to put it together for a clean full pool here and he can you can kind of see in his body language those first two rails came off kind of early it's kind of like I don't know if that's gonna be it it's not getting the grab on that cab 900 but fighting it around backside rodeo oh it looks like he lost something on that San Beda buck as we mentioned he's a big boy and you know we talk a lot about the taller it's a particularly in this field sometimes the the taller athletes maybe don't it doesn't come off as stylish in the air but no but that does not apply he looks so good on his snowboard by the way following up six foot four seven two bucks six foot two fridge it's almost 13 feet of snowboarder coming at you back to that what fridge did in Run 2 will never ever be forgot you're gonna look back it will always be a throwback Thursday I remember when where were you when every person on earth will remember where they were when they saw fridge do that it's almost how do you continue how do you move on after you witness something of that just in life in general I'm not talking about this event I'm talking about every I'm oh my okay is he gonna do it again here so he goes down and then it's kind like a Murphy flip 900 now remember he was going for the center of this jump last time electing not to do it which isn't even really a jump there now it's not really the feature no but he rode off the spine purposely knuckled little Murphy flip tail grab there that last run got him unconventionally into the top five unfortunately he's now an eighth fridge but we turn our attention to Luke Winkelmann who looked really good early in this contest this will be his final attempt though to try to get into the top five so run one had bobbles that was definitely kind of a throwaway maybe more forgetful run too has a full pole climbed into that top five conversation for a moment's time but was knocked out that's why I love about balls in his court you're right solid you have a shot captain 80 switch backside ten eight of taking out Luke Winkelmann there's not that luke way come in as a huge fan of the show Reno 911 I didn't know that I did he's just new boot goofin out here Luke lives with his parents in North Carolina but crashes at red G's place in Tahoe during the season him and Reggie have a very I like the way they arrive you know when you ride with somebody kind of you know you get a similar style a little bit very very unique but you can see some similarities so you see we're closing in on the expiration of time but don't worry each of these riders will get a third and final attempts here's my key Ciccarelli so back to a little bit of bobble there but hangs on to it frontside 270 it's got to go to work here on these jumps this is a rally Big Mike unfortunately not having the momentum to get across that knuckle but here's here's the thing this is what I love about my kisses Cirelli he maybe knows it's gonna be close I'm going for it anyways I'm gonna put it all on the line I want to get into that top five and if I'm gonna take a hit I'm gonna take a hit that's just standing in the pocket making a play and showing again smoked and Mikey's this really does that again credit to the kid today yeah it almost looks like he's got black pads on then I love the black pockets jut Henkes in second place you know what's really cool is the friendship between Brock and Judd and their one and two right now that's right what is rad Thanks ooh tough start to jets Ronnie here but I want to talk about Judd and Brock's approach not maybe their craziest run not the craziest runs they've ever done but they're landing their landing a couple of runs not just one crazy run and then falling they've landed two separate runs and they're very very safe right now in that top five okay like switchback one two back triples 1440 frontside today the way he dumps that over on that second rotation that's nice chew on this though Kreger if you get top five and you move on to the final yep you would have had to in theory put down three potentially different runs in this elimination and then get into the final where you get three maybe even four more runs in this new format so you're talking about six or seven different contest runs ish yes well that's tough but I gotta say this I think they're gonna probably wipe the slate the stay clean so you maybe you'll see some of these elimin this eliminations maybe to kick off their final runs possibly have to wait and see I don't know so you kick a Donald sitting in seventh he was in top five but obviously he's got bumped out Reggie still holding onto that bubble spot do you notice the clock has expired but the rest of the field obviously will get to drop three runs in this elimination and we love that because usually it's two runs mess where it counts we're on ot we're an OT I want to see more snowboarding and that's what this this new format lends itself to so tough day for you can cadeau no I mean he's always got the tricks trick ajiz not the issue it's just execution on this Aspen slopes of course that seems to have gotten you Dona a couple times here so what a story Lian Farrell as you heard earlier his mother an X Games gold medalist in windsurfing back in 1995 right now he's trying to earn a spot in his first ever final he's sitting in 11th tough top start there you're gonna do 270 same way outlet lands almost 180 so really lands that heel edge kills all the speed not ideal execution this first jump switch cap nine [Music] frontside 360 and that was a speed issue you can tell he didn't really have enough speed to do something of any magnitude on this on that second jump there had to stick with the frontside 360 to 1216 on that third third jump there takes him down so this is where it kind of went wrong for landfill at the top 50 front four tries to do 270 out but obviously not getting the rotation they're landing with all the weight on the heels so not a fall but definitely not a make so Sven sitting in fourth in top five but again there's still a few names out there that will have one more attempt at this thing so if Sven wants to put his best run forward and give off a lasting impression here's his chance so already switching it up from runs one and two taking a very different rail line thus far front board 450 switch backside nine I didn't think he had enough rotation but really fought his way around on that frontside 360 [Music] 14:40 so this new format you're seeing some setup tricks but you're also seeing some hammers that you maybe wouldn't see all the time double backside rodeo from spent thorgrim does that move them up I don't think so I don't see that much of a difference especially on the jumps from spent organs so I think he's gonna he's obvious gonna stay in that fourth position but I don't think he improves upon that that's just me the judges will have final say but you're looking at live rankings right now Darcy is listening to future featuring Drake I believe so so Sven Thor and obviously stay in that fourth place as I mentioned Darcy sharp he's got the tricks like are you serious cab one hold jam into a board slot into a pretzel out it's a mouthful out here we saw him do that cab over two on that rail that got me real fired up front-nine off the toes I love the way Darcy sharp spins off the toes front side and calves you see a lot of guys maybe spinning off the toes that front side rotation one or the other but Darcy does both [Music] and Craig as he closes this out the struggles that followed him on run number to nowhere to be seen on this third and final run it looks like Darcy technically God is difficult maybe as that first run but still a full pulp and I can't five there that was just a survival technique doesn't get the grab just wants to stay on his snowboard knows he doesn't have that much speed to do anything with more rotation and talking with the judges throughout the week having those conversations who had Judge Tom's ekeus yesterday yep staying on your board all each run is important even if you get that one being a run and you bail another run die that's into the overall impression but what a great day at the office for Darcy sharp as he sits in third and has to be feeling pretty comfortable about his chances moving on you know who's not comfortable who our next rider stole a sandbag currently sitting in that sixth position he outside looking in brand not the spot you want to be when it's all said and done but he's got something he can do about that right now it's got to go to work hold jam back lift that nose bog back one on the rainbow rail switch lips same way can he leapfrog read Girard switch backside 900 feet spot needs speed big method here backside twelve six yes I know and there you see retro are [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's on the bubble now Stalin was on the road to perhaps the best run we had seen from him today but he just landed that backside 1260 that's so tough to land a jump trick get on your edge cut outside and come into that fourth and final hit so tough one for solace and how about Chris Corning going down oh so hard on run number two so good to see him out here giving it another go definitely rocks the system these are big jumps and when you're landing from that high on flat that is tough impact to take but Chris Corning he's tough now what I just don't like how he's done the same rail trick on that third and final rail feature three times in a row the judges are definitely going to take note of that is obviously gonna be a throwaway run for Chris Corning currently sitting in 15 I don't see it improving maybe bumps him up one two spots in the live ranking but there's no way he's gonna jump into that top five and remember Chris Corning also competing in big air yeah which is an event that has garnered more success for him over his young X Games career thus far as well absolutely Sebastian Teuton crazy that he's sitting in 14th place crap I mean that's the way this contest is paired out but when I say the name Sebastian to taunt you know the resume it's wild that he might be on the outside looking in unless he shakes things up right here two in a row hole jab back one switch back one out two times in a row perfect alright guess who the rails here needs to hold speed and you can see the snows coming down with white quite a bit more than it was on the start of this elimination breath double hangs onto it does he got the 14 get going [Music] and said goes down hard he appears to be in pain x-games medical coming down to take a look we take another look right her to top that first Ralph I mean Brad I'm speechless I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just that was ridiculous to do that that perfect two times in a row I've hit that rail that pole Jam is so sideways it doesn't match up that well but SEP 2012 at the top you couldn't do it any better than that now again it's the jump section that gives him trouble is he's not able to bring it all the way through Craig you're flying 75 feet in the air and you're just not able to put your snowboard down first that is that's tough so while medical attends to Seb we take a look at the standings again brought crouched leading the way red Gerard still clinging to that fifth and final spot crazy to see if he'll run that all the way through and he still got one more attempt to go so red still has another attempt he can improve upon his situation sure he does not there is one rider left in the field that could knock him out guess who that is we would have not watched sitting outside looking at could it be max Perot that is a great answer a hundred points for you there is max Perot so he is sitting outside that top five he doesn't seem to be fazed by it their current leader see me talking about saps fall he was actually talking to Eddie wall yes he what pro snowboarder what do you think he's texting right now maybe [Music] hey guys down here with Brock routes currently in the top spot like you are advancing on through to finals and right on Jake you definitely did right on for Jake represent Jake Burton carpenter and his dream indeed what do you gotta say about your emotions and what you're feeling out here right now probably yeah this week has been crazy it's been snowing a lot out here in Aspen and this morning was pretty crazy the course was riding really really slow and then we got some snow to lay off the course for a little bit and then it speeded up and now it's slowing down so pretty crazy day can't thank all these people right here enough my friends my family x-games for having us this is insane as a dream I was an alternate last night and now I'm into the final so that should be should be fun it's gonna be a lot of fun it was a lot of fun watching you today you were saying your first run you would plan that run but the other two runs you just completely freestyle that and just roll with it can you explain more on that for me yeah me and my coach are up at the top and talking about this new format and he said hey let's just focus on one run at a time and that's what was working today and I get back to the top wow I can't believe I landed I run and I switch up the rails it's crazy this new formats pretty fun it really shows who's the most consistent and after your Avalanche experience that accident that was such a crazy incident such a scary incident and it was amazing tinea bounce back all the hard work you put into it would you say it was worth it to have this feeling and ride like this today yeah 100% it's been pretty emotional for my parents the last couple days back home they've been calling me and they were just telling me how crazy it is to think where I was a year and a half ago a two year and it's pretty crazy but now we're here and let's get it and talking about your parents your mom and dad they both put up some beautiful posts on social media just talking about what a crazy ride this is been seeing your recovery what do you want to say to your parents because I'm sure they're tuning in right now yeah I love them with all my heart I wish they are out here but they couldn't make it this year but it's been amazing I love you guys thank you for everything you guys did it's pretty crazy what parents go through when one of their child's I guess we're so stoked to have you here with us we love you brach and we're so proud of you thank you [Music] so if you're just joining us sebastian to talk is who x-games medical is attending to right now we do hope that he's okay we're not going to speculate but he certainly went down hard jump what positive here appears he is standing up on two feet they have the sled there so that could help him get down but he's standing on his own two feet that was a tough fall to watch but sep 2010 - yeah as we set off the top if you're making predictions as we do generally before we go on air we always anticipate when there's a contest with septuagint will be one of those last few that make it on to the final unfortunately that won't be the case there are some big names who really are on the outside looking in with just two riders left to drop maxpro the last guy that could possibly push out red Gerrard who's sitting in that fifth spot in the bubble spot so can read gerard give himself a little more space he's sitting in fifth right now he's got one last chance here on the Jeep slopestyle course as we look at the standings as we said Reggie holding on to that fifth spot Brock Crouch leading the way before we get going for Reds last run let's head down to DC hey guys hanging out here with another couple of guys that did an amazing job out here today on this Jeep slope style of course we got Darcy sharp and spent Oregon in the house Darcy you're talking about as well we said we heard Brock saying he improvised his runs and you're talking about how yeah he just kind of went out and want winged it on that first run after you bobble on that first rail yeah I think usually maybe like call it or be frustrated but with like the talk of the gym the past couple days it kind of leaves your mind open to like all right I'm always gonna push my run and do my best so I think it like lets you just really flow with it and it's kind of fun like that last run for squirrely but like super fun to just see somebody throw things instead of being like I'm gonna preserve my energy for a big-air later or whatever you know you you always want to hop your run it's kinda it's super sick in say can you attest to that as well with the jam formats that open your mind a little bit with your approach here to today's contest definitely I got kinda out of line on my last run and just winged the switch back nine and it's actually my first switch facts I spin in a contest so pretty pretty relevant but that's what it's about you know like progress and not being too serious about every single run and don't have anything everything planned I was more this is more snow worrying to me so we got finals coming up on Saturday Darcy what are you to do to prepare for finals lots of time swimming in the pool and hanging with my sis and good friends eating good food all things Aspen has to offer really there you have it answers from some champions out here nice work guys way to go very proud yeah way to represent snowboarding well it's cool to hear all these personal n biddies going down and it's Justin eliminate but let's look back right now at three two one thus far in the standings craft so three two one and fourth places for that matter totally safe only red Gerard is has the ability to be knocked out thus far we saw Darcy Sharpe Jetta hankiss who was riding so solid all day he's currently in second and then Brock crouch our number one qualifier as it stands right now an alternate Brando an alter he didn't even know if he's would be riding in this elimination but he gets the nod and what does they do he comes correct puts down three runs solid and there he is talking to Eddie Walt maybe getting some some pro tips he's a good guy to get them from Brock Crouch looking so good out here today but there you see red Gerard he's sitting in that fifth spot five move on to the final so you'd like to think you're feeling good if your retro are but not when you know that max Perot is the last guy to drop behind you and he's not in the top five here's who's already pre-qualified mons Roizen Rena Rena congas and your brother Mark McMorris with perhaps the performance of his career last year with that walk off that walk off I mean you could say it any better when you've won a lot that that's awesome but it's just the way that mark won last year was really really incredible so he's pre-qualified as I mentioned Rene and lawns and the top five from this so currently if it ended right now red Gerard would be joining those three far eight man final but it's not over it's not over at all there's red Gerard's family they're obviously all pulling for him right there want to see him put down a run now balls in his court he's currently sitting in fifth he can improve on that he could knock down span thorin into that fifth position and then max Perot if he climbed up he would knock out spent so fall is in red Gerard's court and the only man that can disrupt this party is standing right there Brandon we're going to see it in real time with these live rankings here in elimination it was good by the way a little earlier we saw SEP to taunt being able to walk out off of the course we hope the best for him will hopefully get a report on him a little bit later but you think about that sebastian Teuton going down we had a course hold red chard happens to be that guy that's sitting on the bubble spot that's got to play with him he saw one of his good friends go down sit and wait knowing he's got to put it down right now that games right now and you could see it it's tough for him but that's just the the reality of contests especially this jam part it was one fast it really was as soon as somebody was done the next rider was going so to just get stopped like that disrupt the momentum the rhythm if you will that's got to be very very tough another thing to note as you could see you can see the snow coming down so as this as this elimination has been run there's been more snow accumulated on the jumps slowing it down even further and we've seen throughout the entirety of this elimination people knuckling and not really going that deep so the more snow added to that the slower it gets obviously if you're just joining us there has been a course holder waiting for medical to clear it set toots went down very very violently but he was standing up under his own power and there you see the snowfall coming down very hard now it's progressively gotten stronger throughout the day we'll see if that affects these final two runs so we've officially been told excuse me that the course is clear but because obviously Medical had to get there to attend to Sebastian to tun now they've got to get back into their place so we're moments away from that and if you're just joining us we're in the last runs here on the cheap slopestyle course retro are trying to qualify for this final right now he would but max Perot is coming for that final spot take a look at that most x game winter medals effort shaun white ever heard of them 18 Mark McMorris Joe Parsons and Jamie Anderson who are all competing out here this weekend are poised to either tie and possibly even break that record so here's retroarch on course after that break I mean you'd think it affects somebody but not read juror he is so talented he's so good making it through that rail section now he's got to go to work here cab nine and you can see I'm just talking fighting for speed that second jump is always tough to make the third one a little bit faster but retro are just squeaking that around switch on the heels on that corner plant okay that is a little bit of insurance okay read Gerard puts down a full pull not the craziest no triples nothing like that but a solid bold pull that gives them a little bit of insurance it has to from max Perot climbing up there because if we remember what max Perot has done thus far it's been good it's not been great he has taken some hard hard spills but red Gerard has been pretty solid throughout Pireaus gonna need something that puts red into third he's moving on that puts pen into the bubble spot Wow you couldn't ask for a better performance to close out this elimination than what red Gerard just did he's guaranteed in as his Darcy sharp in that fourth spot now spent organ has to sit and wait max Perot can he get in on the final run of eliminations you just gotta hold your breath he beats he can't do what red Gerard Justin red Gerard needed one down for a first down right he ran it up the middle solid solid play max Perot he needs a full ten he needs to take a strike how do you hang onto a front-end double when you fully knuckle that was incredible back triple needs it oh so max Perot currently sitting in 13th with that fall will not in my opinion has got a fish over in my opinion will not crack that top five and spend Thoren in that fifth and final position would get a berth on Holly sat back sitting in six that is the cutoff you would not make the final spent or grant would obviously it's not over till it's totally over and the official results are in but I don't see max max is rut putting them into that top five what a glass case of emotion for spent organ one moment you think you're in yep then red Gerrard goes and does that put you in the bubble and then you see max Perot going down and somehow someway it looks like he might have been qualifying through let's take another look you're spent this is Spence third run so in runs one and two is doing back three in front one out switched up that first rail went front two in two out then cap 270 on to that rainbow rail 270 out now I like this the format lent itself to consistency in the mode or here the guys who were successful hats reef full runs brought routes jet Henkes red Gerrard made our c-sharp it wasn't the craziest runs we've ever seen but it was solid it was very very solid eliminations in this discipline in previous years always gave us or the riders I should say two runs each of the riders got three attempts and that shook everything up so the standings are official and it looks like this Brock Crouch Judd Henkes red chard Darcy sharp and Sven Thorin have qualified to the final they will be joining our already qualified riders the podium from 2019 Mark McMorris Rani Rena congas and the Norwegian Mons Roseland but retro art in the red jacket there I gotta put my hands together from him great heady snowboarding he realized I don't need to knock it out of the park I don't know get twenty yards let's just get that first down and that's what he does get some in that top five so here's a look at our start list for the final sven thorgan will kick things off and Mark McMorris will anchor that group of eight something for everybody in that final we're excited Saturday 3:45 Eastern on ABC I'm excited for that final the weather will be much better and this jam format gets a lot more snowboarding in so we're gonna have Sun and we're gonna have a lot of high quality slopestyle snowboarding Brandon loved the pacing the speed of this new format here on the cheap slope style of course congratulations to all of our riders Wow something for everybody out here today never forget never forget HD they won't Iowa I hope you never do either thanks for joining us Brandon that was fun man for DC and Craig McMorris I'm Brandon Graham thanks for watching keep it posted here day one of X Games Aspen rolls on [Music]
Channel: X Games
Views: 518,384
Rating: 4.9168792 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, x games, xgames, x-games, x games aspen, x games aspen 2020, x games aspen live stream, x games aspen livestream, watch x games, watch x games aspen, watch x games snowboarding, aspen x games, winter x games, watch winter x games, x games aspen 2020 lineup, x games highlights, watch x games highlights, red gerard, sven thorgren, brock crouch, snowboarding, snowboard slopestyle, darcy sharpe, judd henkes
Id: jp193OS8t9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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