Men's Snowboard Slopestyle Final | Winter Dew Tour Copper 2020 (Day 3)

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beautiful day at Copper Mountain Colorado high atop the Rocky Mountains as we welcome you to Duke or 2020 coming up it'll be the men's snowboard slopestyle final it'll be a massive field we're talking 17 of the best slopestyle riders in the world have converged here on Copper Mountain find out who has the stuff today and this course is no joke also no joke is the man sitting to my left he is snowboarding icon Todd Richardson TR as we look at the conditions I mean look behind him this yesterday folks three feet of powder biggest smile on that man's face because it was a powder day yeah and then today totally different they've proved it they've cleaned it all out the Sun is out we're ready to roll massive shout out to the snow park technologies crew and also the people up here the Woodward parks and it's it's unbelievable the amount of snow that they had to move to get to the jumps that were under all that snow and it looks like everything is back to normal it's sunny day conditions are great time to get some slopestyle going my question about it everyone's excited making their way up to the slope style of course then it's up on the hill is a thing of beauty you will not want to miss it it'll be a two run format where only your best run counts but we started the day with the women's snowboard modified super pipe presented by Toyota and what a show it was Todd the conditions could not have been much better the Sun was out the pipe the modified super pipe was on and speaking of being on luge oh you of China well let's just talk a second about what is a modified super fly ball basically it's a super pipe but you add features that you would find in a slopestyle course there's jumps there's channels you've got to combine all those tricks together to form a perfect run and impress the judges with overall impression technicality of tricks and how big you go china's lu lu lay down a beauty 92 and that would be the mark that everyone would be chasing people just could not find the same rhythm a team a stroke tried her best didn't have to throw up the double Crooker but she would finish it second place yeah Maddy Mastro you know she has a big move it's double of that move right there she didn't get a chance to bring it out and it was really all about the rider from China coming through this course 540's up top combining them with big 720s in the pipe basically just a formula of clean riding all the way through she did just enough she was kind of waiting to see if Maddy was gonna head I throw that double Crippler and then kind of face her run off of that but it was all about those smooth 540's the 720 back-to-back in the pipe and just good combos up top the judges liked her run to the tune I mean 92 and that put the pressure on the rest of the field in the end it was Liu Xiao Yu kidding it maddie master had one more shot curl hastily gave it a go but Maddy just could not solve this it yeah on run number two Maddy knew that she had to kind of up the ante comes in here tries to go for the inverted 720 off and over the channel and then on her third run still fresh in her memory that second run slam goes down on the Crippler over the channel as well but that left the door open for crawl cast delay of spain to come in find her way on the podium by virtue of a couple big back to back nine hundreds in the super pipe so amazing run for her she was off the podium that came on her third round she gets us back-to-back 900 that was all adjust to find herself in third place never account the Spaniard out in the end Liu Xiao Yu reigning supreme at copper 92 maddie Mastro would finish in second and chrome cast alight finishing in third at the women's snowboard modified super pipe presented by Toyota [Music] [Music] now you see a beautiful look up the modified super pipe to the left Todd Harris Todd Richards with you on a beautiful day and the conditions are really totally different from yesterday was a powder day and now we have today you we do have today and you know as the day kind of progresses on I'm gonna lay the lay the weather forecast here it was Bluebird this morning there's another system that's moving in to the Rocky Mountain tonight this afternoon but before those systems come in we get a bit of a milky sky so contrast not ideal but what it will do is bring those temperatures down maybe move the speed up a little bit in the jumps there's some factors to work with all that fresh snow kind of leaves you know the playing surface in between the jumps really soft so you have to be on your game flat light will play in as the Sun begins it's Westward Journey here but there's gonna be some heavy riding going down the slope so all I can say is watch out Al Roker this man is after your job Todd Richards with the forecast on spot here he has lived in this area for quite some time so he knows what he's talking about we'll have much more including the men's snowboard slopestyle finals after this [Music] Dew Tour is brought to you by Mountain Dew do the dew Toyota let's go places bumble make the first move [Music] you you [Music] we are ready to ride here at Dew Tour 2020 for the men's snowboard slopestyle final 17 man final it is an absolute beast but it's a who's who on the world of slopes now the course is buffed out is ready to go todd has given us his assessment could be a little tricky on the lighting later on today four flat magnetized give it up as you said the SPT would work for clearing all three feet of snow that came in yesterday and the guys have been able to go on today get a little practice in the rails the creativity let's not forget the big kickers that wait for them at the bottom is not just a three pack this is a monster pack of big launchers yeah it comes after this first set of features up top 17 snowboarders to run best run counts overall impression so it's how you interpret all these rail features all the jumps can you put the line together will you have consistency of line if you land backwards on one Jim you don't want to spin around the flats and get yourself going straight up the next one you need to keep your consistency of line up make sure those grabs are grabbed no flaps in the air and you'll come out on top Todd you're the man in the known you've been around this game for a long time who should we be keeping a close eye on who do you like if you are a betting man well max Pro is no stranger to the podium here at you to are also you know we've got youngsters Brock crouch Judd Henkes and also you can't count up Mark McMorris he knows how to do if it's solid sand back from last year coming through in the team competition destroying this upper section I look for him to do really well today and let's not forget the Olympic gold medalist the reigning Olympic gold medals red Gerrard from just down the road in silver Thor how can I forget about red Gerrard he's got more family members here than a staff for the Dew Tour all right let's talk about the competition format it's a to run because it's such a big field they were unable to do qualify how does that change things up and you're gonna be sitting for a long time if you're one of the first guys to draw and a to run format you like one throw away and then it's game time well mother nature forced us into a crunch position I mean they were supposed to be a slopestyle qualifier on cut down yesterday couldn't happen because of all that snow so what they decided to do just get everyone to shots at this so you don't have that third run like saving you can you have to throw it down run one run - the pressures really on I kind of like this a little bit better it kind of forces these guys into throwing their best register fight out of the gate 17 man final they are almost ready to go before we release the house let's take a look at the course in this GoPro course preview hey guys my name is fun throw your own main Haley Langman we're here at Copper Mountain and here's your Dew Tour GoPro course preview let's get it when I rolled up to the park today first thing is like a really dramatic rail line there's a lot going on there's some different options in the beginning a down bar flat down and of a cannon into a quarter pipe there's a rainbow rail there's kind of a butter box and then that there into a triple life solid-looking heart jumps one of the key things that I've seen in this course is the first real feature it has this rail and you a codified landing which I've never seen before in a flipped out course I think that the snowboard slopestyle course designed to for guessing slope style is everything that I love showing up here so style course and having my mind be like wow I have no clue what to do on this it's about having fun and riding your best and just not getting too attached to like winning or the result but more so just trying to write good and enjoy the whole experience [Music] and it's always good when you have Olympic gold medals give you the GoPro course preview and it is a thing of beauty Todd the option the word of the day has got to be options because there are so many different lines that take when read gerard rolls up and says i have no idea what to do here you know you got something yeah I mean and it definitely it taps into your creativity like you get used to these same old slopes down horses but this really makes you think like read said and that's a good thing you want you want to see people outside their comfort zones there are the numbers you need to know 12,000 plus feet above sea levels the top of Copper Mountain dropping down to the base which still sits at 9,000 so make sure you got your oxygen as we get set to roll here slopestyle for Jim features three jump features and again options are aplenty there's so many different mines as Jamie Anderson said so everyone I doubt we will see the same run twice well let's hope so but there's a lot there's you know what happens is people start to gravitate towards one line because I sets you up better for the next line I'm really anxious to see that round bar feature the big cannon feature into the quarter pipe I think that's really cool and inventive there's also that gap up into a wall ride I saw Brock crowd a nice lip slide on that the other day so there's definitely a lot of options and then they did this big three pack of jumps and they are no joke it's no joke indeed framed against the Rocky Mountains and they even look big so you can see just how much snow on the side of the courser on that third jump on the bottom you can see so much powder that's what it was yesterday and then some yeah that is actually been compressed down just a little bit as Todd mentioned clear skies for today you see the clouds rolling in for the storm that's supposed to come in tonight drop maybe another three or four inches but right now we are good to go clear for takeoff and this course is different in the sense Todd that is farther up the Mount usually it finishes at the base so the fans all be around you're kind of on your own out there there's camera people of staff people out there but you really once you're on course it's all yours that's true so we are set to go this will be the men's at snowboard slopestyle final no animal was injured at making the outfit for tortilla burger up but he does love himself some white tiger he says he's a zebra that's what they call that outfit so he's taking a look at it thinking about where he's gonna go they 28 year old from Oslo in Norway when you say nor will you say snowboarding I have never met a bad snowboarder from Norway so who we got go Toki are getting ready to drop it into this course it's all about camaraderie up there now this first rail there's four different rail features and you can see when you look down this is a smattering rail so you see right there straight into the quarter pipe off that round bar cojiro give us a good show through of what is possible up here on the rails and just how its laid out at time we'll probably see things changed obviously from the first and second run yeah I would think so a little bit but not too too much you won't see I mean you only have two shots at this so once you lock in your run you just want to make it better and better come in here to these patented toe gear switch backside five with a late method making it look really good that speed definitely an issue he's got power tuck going here coming into the knuckle chucker on the bottom jump okay so what that tells me is that speed is definitely the competitor that you need to beat today so he was good on the first two kickers the third one though was not feeling the speed to clear it you do not want to come up short on these jumps they are no joke yeah his rail section of top was really strong you know as as far as fanning out on the tricks that happened his first jump switch backside five labor doubt method that is insane I would like to see more of that in snowboarding less whirling less less flying through the air in great poses more books more flying through the air and great poses less flippin flying meatballs alright so togeer up top on the rails looking good but watch this as he just brings it in to the Tuck here okay Ratchet it down a little extra there and this was the setup look at that just waffle lock in pops out lands backwards watch the lock out of the body the shoulders are already twisted it's that late 180 and that brings them into that beautiful switchback five with the late method that we will not be seeing no chore here skipping the final feature because of speed and it's a fifty one six six all things considered that's pretty good because he did beat this a whole VJ he's still standing yeah you don't want to come up short on that bombshell did you hear he just said there he said guys it is so slow so that's gonna be relayed back up to the top and people as tight as I mentioned they may have to change things up from running one two tutorial he's going to tip your waxer mikey Ciccarelli now out of canada the 23 year old goofy footer so he'll come into this one starting off switch scissor rally looking good first rail nice 270 on nice overturn so Mike you Ciccarelli looking good he's got one more rail featured and navigate up here carrying good speed Mikey's board doesn't look very slow now he's gonna just race four feet looking it off look at tuck stay low I'm getting a nice 900 around staying low it's all about carrying that speed through the first and second jump like looking solid that yes making short work of the three jumps plenty of speed on the last one nice work from Mikey Ciccarelli so the Canadian having no issues possibly getting some information that chore gear burger I'm having some issues on speed he went straight line no speed checks at all between those jumps and the first rail yeah and also he carried a lot of speed through the upper rail section as well you know maybe opting for that just to make sure that you have enough momentum to propel you through those bottom three jumps watch right here comes off 450 450 degrees of rotation then straight into the power tuck there's that rainbow rail and there's a little small gap into the flat bar after the rainbow rail here's the above shot snapping into the rotations 900 it's two and a half fit into that and then the bottom jump all about the style snaps in it gets that grab holds on the entire way around look how long he holds this grab for grabs melon that's the front end right behind the front binding and stays locked in that position all the way through the rotation lands in the sweet spot Ciccarelli is gonna be happy with that one especially considering the lack of speed that looks like it's happening out there and ATS gonna help his cause no question about it so something to build on for Mikey Ciccarelli of Canada they call him the fridge this is free shop Tischendorf of norway 22 years of age at oslo and todd he is kind of not politically at contest but his post on Instagram and such his social media falling because of one piece of equipment the backpack the backpack what is in fridges batter will anyone ever find out bridge with a very unique line in nice work I kind of think when you're spinning as much as these guys are that's gotta be just otters he's just so used to it now I don't know but it just fridge is absolutely perfect on the rails he's one of the riders favorite riders to watch he is crazy stuff always looking like he's just coming off the hill beautiful double that was such a smooth touchdown Wow fridge winding up casual backside 1080 and then in here to the bottom jump double quark ten tail grab fridge looking good like you know just got a little extra weight in that backpack to get him get him through the flat fringe with the double cork ten on that last hit with the backpack I don't he's got a six pack adieu in there or what but it's just such an odd thing that it's flopping around when he's out spin it I guarantee you I would not want to land on a six pack could do in my back get yourself a little spine bruise whoa but look he's almost sandbagging himself like in the other way like yeah I'm gonna handicap myself as I come in here cuz that backpack is all over everywhere it's shifting from left to right but he don't care bridges making short work of these rail sections very smooth and I like the way he came into those rails as well and then straight up into the double up and over the double heave-ho but this right here the double double cork tail grab dip in that front shoulder two times holding the tail grab all the way through the backpack right and hide the backpack you have that one freeze off Tischendorf waiting for his score to drop down always a smile on his face the Norwegian looking to better Mikey sister Ellie's eighty and it's gonna be a 72 which will slot him into second place American Kyle Mac out of West Bloomfield Michigan 22 years of age been around the game for some time even though he's only 22 tied kind of a big air specialist we'll see how he fares in this rail section and then into the three kickers you can see right there the above view of the angle of that flat bar into the quarter pipe feature interesting the way they have this whole thing set up and I can understand how you roll into it and you're like where am I supposed to go there's just way too many options here but it's great because it gives it gives these guys a chance to become really creative and the judges do reward if you take a non-traditional line through these rails and you don't go just you know the obvious straight through right judges do reward them so Calma have trying to keep that speed up coming a little bit short on that knuckle not enough speed so this will be a throwaway run for Kyle Mack because he skips that final feature yep and the pressure is on really it your speed is gonna start after you go up that last rail feature you're gonna make sure that you are dialed in square it up with that first jump that first jump is gonna set your pace see Kyle Mack here full commitment to that rail comes up a little bit early but it was really about the jumps you see this right here just not able to land in the sweet spot with full base down I think I'll tries to get it done but coming up a little short there double cork 1080 unfortunately so Kyle back backside double cork 1080 with the melon grab comes up about two bucks short of making it to the actual landing lot of pressure from run number two and 25 lbs throw away he'll look to run to talk about some of the young and open comers Luke Winkleman certainly fits that bill 19 years of age out of the snowboarding hotbed of Blowing Rock North Carolina last two months though Todd his suitcases has been his best friend as he has traveled around the world some of the biggest events in locks and sai-sama Italy and we saw him recently in Mammoth Mountain so here he is now at Dew Tour 2020 I mean some of the landings of these jumps have about the same vertical as he did and growing up at home yeah police small resource tower producing some of the best rail riders on the planet whoa coming off a little early for Winkelmann right there just to finish that dot you know Zeb Powell coming out of the same place that he did don't think of the Carolinas it's been a hotbed for snowboarding at all but they do have mountains as long as there's jumps and rails you can show you this amazing snowboarders so Winkleman on his third and final hit Todd I gotta give credit for a massive salvage job because that rail that could have been disastrous and it really shows you that you have to be so perfect not only for the judges but in order to keep your speed Oh to maintain that Eric down there at the bottom of the pipe unfortunately not able to have a perfect complete run Wow run number two years old I just got it off that rail look aerial view of the course here at Copper Mountain the folks at SPT and wood we're doing a fantastic job of give these athletes something to think about there we go with Luke right here a little drop down pops off a little tap out that right there little tap 180 those are the little things the judges have to take into consideration that maybe can differentiate you from the rest of the field on this jumps it's really between that first and the second jump where all that speed just gets siphoned away little bit short on the last jump there's nothing worse than having a perfect slopestyle course laid out in front of you and it really comes down to speed it's you know how to do it it's just mother nature's not allowing me to perform in about twenty five six six Luke wiggle then also one of the athletes will be looking to run number two there's the start house there's the first feature there are all the options that await our next athlete from Blowing Rock North Carolina the hotbed of snowboarding to haiku Hawaii this is Lian Farrell talk about a kid that has mastered boards of all sizes and shapes is a fantastic surfer skater and you know went out and spit over to the mainland to get the snow at ride I've been lying since he was just basically a baby and they used to go and spend a lot of time in New Zealand during the summers there and paste live there and now they would make it basically a a year-round perpetual winter as you can see from above Oh unfortunately for Lian just kind of off his line there's that little butter box feature that rail sets you on top of the butter box you have an opportunity to do a trick on and off there so this will be a throw away for Lian as he's just trying to melt some speed to get a taste of what he'll need for run number two it's a straight air and he's still just clearing the knuckle right just see it's so critical nice frontside 360 that seems like it's the first and third the second one doesn't seem to be giving people problems it's the first and this third one if you don't have maximum speed you're gonna be in trouble and it really comes down to who's your wax town did you wax correctly and the temperatures are kind of all over the place yesterday you mean it wasn't too cool but but as it hasn't cleared up last night and really kind of sucked some of the moisture out of this snow it's really dried it out the snow got a lot colder and it definitely changed up what you need to prepare your base if your snowboard record so right now it's Mikey Ciccarelli that leads the way with an AM the fridge sits in second with a 72 inch auger burger the first man to drop it who missed a third and final feature and sitting on third place with a fifty one six six so everyone seems to be kind of figuring things out as Tom pointed out blacks is a huge issue right now Brock Crouch the next man to drop it from Tom's neck of the woods down in Carlsbad California just 20 years of age and I looked at guys like Brock Crouch and the next guy Jed hankies to figure this out because these guys are just perpetually in parks and they find ways to milk speed when there's no one else's finding it Rock popping off that round bar into a bit of an alley backside 360 coming in fast Brock looking good up top there's the rainbow rail now this will be the big determining factor is he going to have enough speed carried through as you frontside 360 s off of that rail is he gonna have enough speed for this first hit you see him correcting his line big frontside 900 it's just one kind of pumping it there another 900 so beautiful kind of a safety run to back-to-back 900 s rock is capable of much more in a big double core 10 nice and clean from top to bottom good strategy for Brock he's probably considering how little speed there is today he had on this course just putting down a run being smart Todd would you say that's better than KT though that would put him to first it may be just because of the way that he look at that he kind of gapped up over that rainbow rail and just caught the other half and here we see frontside 5050 pop off luckily landed right into a tuck lands in a solid tuck he's becoming quite the smart competitor Brock is uh he's competed at a very high level in surfing as well he knows strategy you wouldn't know it though by talking to him in the lodge but Brock Brock knows strategy 64 six six is what the judges give Rock Crouch comes a little low but that puts them in the third that's a really really low score and I was thinking super low all right this is Jed hankies 18 at a la jolla california tie we like to refer to Miss Lord of the boards because he's fantastic on a surfboard amazing on a skateboarded not too shabby on a snowboard and he just seems not a big guy but he seems to find a way to create velocity and momentum and he just seems to like no other athlete I've seen on the slopestyle course before he'll come off rails and be able to milk speed John it's a powerhouse here we go you can see right here there's that flat bar rotating 270 into the quarter pipe feature 270 again and you can see how tightly packed these rail features are there's not a lot of time to think in between oh nice save 270 up and over the rainbow now for the Tuck coming in just a 540 knuckle in for Jud so it really comes down to how you leave that feature we talked about leaving the rail feature in a good place and Jed Hank he's having some issues there but look at this what's up and lays it down beautifully on that third and final feature where he found the speed for that I do not know shape of things to come number two beautiful with grab show there two times but it was just that little squeak off of speed up top that cost him basically a clean line through now technically he didn't fall look at this right here 270 up and over the rainbow he's on it comes out like bars and just somehow power squats out of that that was a great save you need to land kind of high on there I go right there to be able to keep that speed up 540 comes around that one this isn't going to be a very high score for Judd but it was all about that third Jim oh my gosh adding up a lot more style into it than just the typical graph mute and start flipping your body through the air once you start grabbing your tip and tail it slows down your rotation jug getting that tail grab on the second portion of that but still almost coming up short so looking is gonna be an issue today for those guys out on the course it's a 57 sitting there for the American for Judd Angus so halfway through the field Mangum top in the two mountain next up Italy you kick done' of japan the twenty three-year-old set to drop in still at 80 leads away with mikey Ciccarelli cicero he was a second man to drop in Todd and you would think the word would be transferred up top to slow course keep your speed keep your speed knows that they just are able to get it done you know just depends on some of these the last real feature is set your momentum if you're smart you take a rather pedestrian trip and just kind of maybe even a 50/50 on no trick just a leap up if you've got big big jump moves you kick it down a master on the rails Yuki's also one of these riders that once he starts flipping through the air you never know what's gonna happen he's was the first person to unleash really the 16:20 into snowboarding when you were competing do you ever think a 16 20 was gonna be on the table no that's usually how much lunch cost for four people back when I was competing here we go you key into the first jump 1080 holding on to it trying to keep that speed up there's a wind up Clair's it switchback 12 into the bottom jump trying to keep his speed don't 1080 and almost you saw it Wow Todd he was pumping for speed on that third and final hit and you couldn't find it unfortunately for you think you don't know he had such a good run not able to put it down so could Nona the ninth man of 17 here in the slopestyle final that has still been unable to solve the conundrum that is this course and finding speed for the kicker's there he is out of the butter box switch backside 180 out you see here's the 270 Han set him up that first jump so straight into a switch 1080 just a little hand drag after that tail grab and switch backside 1260 for his second jump and I thought he had it I thought he was landing high enough up there for this bottom jump but unfortunately you keke don't know coming up just a little bit short on that third and final jump so he hits the knuckle Lance flattening gets bucked into the back seat a lot worse exactly to be honest I think if you know when you land on top of the knuckle like that that's a lot of momentum coming down you can really get I got actually destroyed a couple years back I mean like 10 years ago blew my arm into a million pieces on a similar slam so they can go really wrong and keep you down against a 46 3 3 on his first offering talking about fan favorite riders favorite this is Randy Rooney congas from Finland if you could bottle what ready ready Curtis has whatever he's you and meet you at out energy drink all the energy drink sponsors where is he going oh my gosh Rene with a completely unique line Miller flip on the quarter pipe how did the judges even comprehend what's going on here we're talking Chris Miller at the Dew Tour in snow actually no that was Darrell Miller Chris Miller is not responsible for the Miller flip that was Darrell Miller slide to fakie on the wall ride holy macaroni is he talking he's talking here he goes trying to stay on his feet just dreaming of Sona because all finished riders they they look for Sona Hana of course you for Sona here he goes bottom rodeo perfect landing switch double back rodeo holy cow so how does he find the speed he starts off with a gyro carve into the 10 to the Miller trick not Chris Miller not and then he ends up with a double Huck at the bottom was that switch backside now he's regular foot so check this out ops around this power cars back up the hill Miller clip Miller flip frontside invert comes around lands fakie and as I was saying that is Darrell Miller that invented the frontside Miller flip the original DC yeah and then right here 270 off and watch just tries to keep that speed up gaps up and into a backside lipslide Wow comes off fakie lands backwards and then still going this is when he talked to the cameraman he's all whoa almost comes up short on the 270 off and then played it pretty smart I mean he is capable of so much more on jumps but he just wanted to land and keep his speed up basically for this right here big up and over double backside rodeo bodies landing already a 180 switch double backside rodeo to end off that run what do you think better than an 80 I think then it's gonna be up there that was a solid run and 276 so ready I mean the congas of finland goes into second place my key sister really still leading the way with an 80 said or grinnell take his crack at it the 25 year old at a stockholm follow cam treatment spent organ very strong rider out of Sweden following in the footsteps of such incredible Swedish riders as Ingemar Bachmann and Johann Olufsen legends in this sport switch frontside boardslide you can see how the combos play out on that butter box feature I do like this follow cam I wonder how spin feels about it 450 off how the power tuck comes off the seals Oh snaps through that and straight up and over a nice double cork frontside 1018 put it together a nice clean run here spend plenty of space Lee done that is how you do it good strategy for him as well keeping a lot of momentum going into those jump features I'm talking a lot of style coming from the Swedish rider the big question is is it enough to move him into first place in an 84 my vote I'd say yes I like the butter box you can see the combos go down 180 out switch backside 180 off that's fun I like those features in snowboard parks too it kind of kind of keeps you thinking and here is he snaps into double cork frontside 1080 grabs lob front hand in between the front bindings and then grabs crazy stalefish on this comes around backside 1080 very nice so spent looking for a score and it's an 88 synth organ goes into first spend sits atop the board with an 88 Mikey Ciccarelli sits in second and rendering the congas sitting in third truly the International podium right now with Sweden Canada and Finland that takes us to Mark McMorris of Canada for time do Tour champion 2018 Olympic bronze medalist round bar 270 off into that quarter pipe feature mark packing it in such an accomplished Rider mark you can just tell he's got so much style it's real small Oh Nick more is I thought that was going south and ends up just corking a 450 off big 540 right there let's see if he can possibly whip himself into a frenzy down here up these jumps coming in off his heels boom triple core Wow frontside 1440 the first person we've seen down throw down a triple today McMorris doesn't with style frontside so the question is Todd did he have to change things up because of a speed issue on the jumps mark is incredibly savvy competitor lots of smarts going in there that inverted that Corey out spin the 450 off of that round bar that's gonna give him some points yep he did just do basically a basic 540 in his run I believe was a 540 I didn't take off but here's the butter box combos switch to seven switch to 360 off of that butter box and then really watch this right here comes in 270 on basically slips himself off into an inverted court out move sets the self up switch and this is I think he just did a you know basically a 540 then moved into a double cork 1080 into a triple dip of the front shoulder commitment one dip do dips now watch the third the head initiates it you can just see the head moving around to make sure he comes around fully McMorris he will move into the lead with this run for sure just by virtue of how technical some of those rail tricks were and the big triple no one's even step to that yet in this funnel so McMorris feeling it there and the score comes in it's a 90 point three three so Mark McMorris takes the lead yeah that'll work so the Canadian now takes the lead away from Sweden spent Doran Mikey Ciccarelli City in third Canadians now holding down first in third the next up tottaly max perot and what a story he has been max Perot the 24 year old from Vermont he has been through so much a 2017 Duke Cup champion 2018 Olympic silver medalist and it has been a long road to get him back up and riding and healthy to the 2020 du Tour and just when you think the scores couldn't go any higher enter max Perot of Canada hey what's up I'm max parole I'm a professional snowboarder and I've been snowboarding professionally for the past eight years exactly a year ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma and I had to miss out my whole season I've never missed a single contest in my and now I had to miss a whole season for me it was not an option of not winning against cancer every time you get a chemotherapy you get really sick you get nausea your vomit for a couple days at the end of my 12 treatment it showed that the cancer was a hundred percent ground the accompanied person for the past years definitely helped me battle cancer it was kind of another competition just a much more bigger one and a one that I had to win I'm really excited to be here at Dew Tour this year especially since I missed it last year and now here I am back in a new venue in copper with a really nice little talk course anyone means a lot for me [Music] already a winner max sense Poirot cancer survivor set to drop back into competition Todd and I think the entire snowboarding sporting world community was pulling for him I can't I mean it's it's unbelievable what he's been through it come back from that and come back so strong he's already won a couple big air events fairly recently and Max is just the ultimate competitor so he comes off the heels of Mark McMorris just laying down the first 90 of the competition at ninety point three three so already for Max's first run here whenever they get two runs max a little bit of a problem up top switch backside lipslide there's the butter box combos so right now he's coming in switch switch 270 on so that means this jump is gonna have to carry a lot of speed max winding up switch double backflip [Music] and here max trying to keep this speed alive now this is a fairly pedestrian run maxpro and oh my gosh that is a textbook example of what can happen when you come up short max hits so hard you saw how far he bounced down that landing the Board says no bad day but that was a start to a bad day he took a heavy fall tod landing completely flat coming up short on the knuckle and just get bucked Wow unbelievable he's riding away she's thankful lucky stars for this snow being just a little bit soft just gave him a little bit of a cushion but he probably cleared about 30 feet after that bounce off of the knuckle long enough to be like I've been in the air a long time before I'm slamming and not in a good place and that was a fully committed double cork move coming around blind all the faith is that you're just gonna put the landing gear down here we go up in the butter box feature here things were looking solid up top he had one small pop up at the very beginning of his run you can just see how confident he is and then here is that big actually just a double backflip actually I call that a switch double backflip it's a double backflip and then trying to keep as much speed as you can that double back up and over things were working yeah things working out good but I kind of could tell he was just a little off maybe off his game he came off the first rail but watch where he comes around on this front double cork 10 boom right on top now there is where you just get full section not really knowing when you're gonna hit clearing so much but luckily you can see that snow poofing up right there it is rather soft that probably saved him from some heavy bruising from that slam back sense Perot of Canada taking the heaviest fall we've seen so far today in any competition here is one more time a long way down but if there's anyone I know that can come back yeah when it's all on the line max burrow gets one more shot at this we know what he's capable of he knows now where the speed is at I look for him to clean that up and Max is still gonna be one to push for the top of the podium down to the final four athletes here in the first run of the men's slopestyle final and this is a good one another Norwegian crusher Mons Roseland Mons is such a powerhouse rider strong Norwegian rider look at the combo right there nice we into up and over that have rainbow carrying a lot of speed 450 out giving the judges something to think about early and often here look at this tail press nollie front flip off Max's board seems to me I mean excuse me Monza's boy board seems to be running really fast as he tries to pop off of that that'll do it Todd unbelievable maybe the best rail section we've seen so far I will say this though his board does seem to be cooking down this hill he touches some Norwegian wax I don't know what it is unfortunately I mean man what could have been what could have been basically using that rail as a jump to project it into the front side 725 unfortunately for Mons rhyme number 2 will be a pressure cooker but we can see what he's gonna bring to the plate here twenty-three-year-old out of Oslo Norway we'll have to look to the second and final run here in the mint slopestyle final work mark McCullough sleeps away by a large margin at ninety point three three spent Dorgan in second with an 88 and then Mikey sister ally of Canada also on the podium right now with an 80 look back up top that big pop out so much strength it takes a lot to make yourself projec watch this right here tail press pop out to Manuel tail press to nollie front flip off of that I was a unique interpretation of that line up top that's what you got to do keep the judges happy here's what the problems you right here goes into basically a boardslide puts all that weight there it snaps up and off look at just the full commitment of the body but not able to bring it around clean comes up just a little bit short of that rotation and that would be it for his clean first run you got a land that rail feature perfect in order to keep your speed up for the jumps final three athletes to go Mark McMorris leading the way setting that mark with a 90 point 3 3 lead our C sharp red Gerrard and stahl isang back the final three feet no Darcy sharps sister Cassie Rd a winner at the Dew Tour is she one ski modified super pipe earlier today a lot of talent yeah miss Canadian family 23 year old out of Whistler now on course Darcy Sharpe 50/50 backside 180 in there good so far no slide backside 180 out oh look at this unique line right here we go that is that's the way you kind of just roll through and interpret it your own way Joe just definitely pay attention to that setting himself up for this first jump there's the power tuck [Music] switch backside 1260 and set in his edge here dip in that shoulder 2 times backside double cork 1080 as much speed as you can possibly muster into this final jump big double cork 10 lots of power I think that's a top 3 run will it be enough to take down Morris I think he's gonna sandwich himself right under Mark McMorris that's my gut instinct right now so to get on the podium he needs better than 80 to move it a second place needs an 89 I like this right here opps out of that round bar then jumps up and over catches the last part of that flat bar and that's that's his interpretation of that line they go do all that work to create all these great rail features you know even the people that create the courses they want to see you utilize that and create a perfect you know creative line through there Darcy looking good on these jumps to landing in all the sweet spots making sure that his speed counted quite easy here comes around on that frontside double cork 10 the Darcy Sharpe happy with that one giving himself a little clap claimed this score 73 6 six of the babies slides down don't agree just the head of fridge so fridge will bump down to 6 as Darcy Sharpe finds himself in the top 5 Mark McMorris still on top with a 90 point three three we're in the midst of the first runs of two in the man's snowboard slopestyle final here at beautiful Copper Mountain on a beautiful Saturday afternoon it'll be the Olympic gold medalist the reigning Olympic gold medalist red Gerrard coming off that bronze male performance in Aspen where many people thought maybe that should have been a different color metal for red he's all good though just keep on riding so Girard will go and then it'll be Stahl ease on back the last minute drop in by way of winning last year's competition here we go his red drops in we're gonna ride along with him big alley-oop 360 into the shark fin or the quarter pipe switchback 270 coming out [Music] comes into this feature right here he's gonna have a cork move here also dumps it off of there into a cork 540 off of the end cork 450 off the end of it into a frontside 1080 tail grab red trying to keep this up keep the momentum here backside 1260 setting up here for switch backside into it big switch backside double cork 1080 Todd his landings are so precise and smooth hardly any snow kicks up as he just sets the board down so smoothly Red's a cat when it comes to landing he can set those board into the landing so smoothly no matter how it lays in the area always seems to be able to put the board down perfect kind of got the job done backside 12 and to switch backside double cork 1080 switchback 270 to come out forward that's super hard to stop that momentum on the rail popping out into the butter box switchback 270 off of that it's a read a lot of good combos up top and watch this right here sets himself up there's that switch back to 70 coming up forward as I said and then here's that round bar dumping himself into a cork 450 off essentially using that rail to set himself up for this right here and able to just barely squeak by the switch double cork 10 at the bottom will it be enough to overtake Canada's Mark McMorris and 90.3 393 so red Gerrard is the Lully [Applause] Wow a shock attack do you think they were a little generous if you get your juice too little points for the cork 450 off of that laptop I do I still think with McMorris without any speed being available in this course to throw down a triple cork 1440 it's definitely but actually you know what the horse did do a 540 in his run right okay take that back I see where there's there's been a little bit left on the table from the course a little more complete you're saying the jump section that's right so read Gerard a 93 let's look at these jumps again okay so starts things off back 1260 landing I mean like nothing it's great into the switch backside double cork 10 this is the final jump double corks it maybe he wanted the 12 but the speed just wasn't there is he dips his shoulder two times nice save usually he does switch backside double cork 12 60s into sleep but just speed they'll take your switch backside double clock tend to put him into the lead so what that does in the 10 run format is red Gerard has one more run and everyone's now chasing this with a 93 atop that is a big score with a course like this we turn our attention to the final man to drop in twenty six-year-old Stolley son back out of Norway the Dew Tour champion from 2018 back to defend his title and he will have the difficult shore of following Brett Gerrard in that 93 I'll tell you what Stolley absolutely in the team competition here at Duke destroyed this uh perception getting a dent for Team Oakland look at that backside lipslide popping out the opposite way into that court apply the super technical already up top very similar to what he was bringing in the team competition this would be a big lip slide whoa 270 out on that stall a is not playing around on the rails we're in drag style a flat spinning landing up high will he have enough speed for the second jump 900 flat spinning that's Talia's signature move typically doesn't dip his shoulder as much as some of the other riders but land is so smooth so in my opinion Stolley has had the most technical Yelper section of rails so far out of anyone do you think the flat spin it's harder goes higher with a just way harder because when you start courting things you can actually kind of cheat the spin by dropping the different shoulder yeah when you're flat spinning you're really using your edge and body momentum just snap you through that rotation look at this right here gap hop and out to lip slide pop off 270 nice just a lay the folks at the chairlift get a beautiful view of Scala going large on that Woodward box I was so clean and watch right here this is the hand rag look at that knuckle hot pan dragger pick up and over inverted 360 with the hand rag there's another shot of it right here I feel the pick up your car keys you just dropped and that set him up here as you tried to melt as much speed as he could 1260 up top and comes in office heels 900 and then into a flat spin 1080 there's another look at that 9 gets the Indy grab holds it basically through the entire rotation now watch how his body doesn't cork he doesn't drop that shoulder stays basically upright definitely drives his front shoulder into the rotation as much as you possibly can but still really difficult to keep your spin going when you're not dropping that shoulder into course skali soft back red Gerardo's right Reds giving it to him it's a 91 3 3 so Stolley and red so close figuratively and mathematically 93 and a 91 with Mark McMorris snip third those three into the 90s good ties being had by all for more on the athletes instead of down at Tina Dixon yeah celebrating they still have one more run but right now red you have that lead with the 93 what is your oppressions of that score yeah I mean I don't it's it's really crazy out here right now there is some extra snow on the course right now so it's not writing as fast as we would like it but yeah I mean I'm just like to land my run and after that I'm it's not really up to me but I'm very excited for sure do you have anything left on those jumps those bottom three jumps maybe in the run I'll think of something well there you go true red style thanks red and he's the leader right now from Reds backyard to the top of the podium right now a 93 has read Girard leading a head of some heavy heavy hitters Stolley sawn back gave it his best with a 91 33 and Mark McMorris sitting in third with a 90 point 3 3 and his Tina pointed out still one more run to go Todd what will they come up with next well the pressure is definitely on and red shows that you know you just have to really be creative with the rails and be smooth on these jumps I still think well McMorris has left something on the table with that 540 if you can clean that 540 up turn it into a 900 it's not gonna be so easy for ready to just waltz through here because mark does have triples both front side and backside one more round to go at the bent snowboard slopestyle final here at the Dew Tour built by Mountain Dew we'll have that when we return to Copper Mountain [Music] you [Music] it's the 2022 tour for beautiful Copper Mountain Colorado Todd Harris Todd Richards Tina Dickson with you and you have tuned in at the perfect time the second and final runs of the men's snowboard slopestyle final [Music] what we can tell you is local red jurors with just down the road in Silverthorne leave the competition with 893 dollies on back with a super technical first-run sits in second with a 91 33 of course Mark McMorris the Canadian Ripper he sits in third with a 90 point three three during that commercial table though we were talking about all the talent that is on this board still and they all had little bobbles here and there they clean it up we're gonna probably see runs in the 96 97 range to win this thing well I think for sure I mean we've got you know maxpro heavy slam he's not one to beat down and out so he's gonna come back hard just a lot is still a lot of talent come on Roy's --lens gonna probably do a little bit better you think of guys like you dono Jud hankies Brock Crouch it's all about how people can manage the speed F tour gear is on course right now having some problems with speed on run number one so he missed the third and final feature because he just didn't have the speed figured out but the white tiger out and prolly mil 28-year old out of Oslo Norway here he comes in switch backside into this first hit and there's unbelievable my vote for best trick that's been done here yet today forget all these twirl ease that incredible what again has to revert out it's gonna clear this way mercy my gosh so you see what happens when you jump off something in the flatland you get bucked into the finish area so tore gear having issues again on that third and final feature but that first jump off that first jump did it for me Tork years switch backside 540 regardless sign and just kicks it out is unreal unfortunately just going down check it out right here port here switch back 270 off his style is so he's so good and so strong I wish that today didn't come down to being like who can manage the fresh new snow and it would just be a full-on battle of tricks now watch this as he comes in here switch backside spin well actually we're not gonna actually see the best trick of his run but we're gonna end up seeing this right here is he washes out on his heels and he still went for it going for that frontside 10 and then right here just not enough speed oh they're coming up so short that he ends up just compression popping himself into the flats and I really want to see that switch backside 5 that was the best trick that we've seen so far here today as far as stuff so Tokyo's day is done he will not factor into the podium as we go back to the top Mikey's sister Elia of Canada the 23 year old from Ancaster led for most of the first run with an 80 until guys like max Perot and excuse me Mark McMorris dropped in the 90 club this rally big 270 coming out forward once again hard to stop that momentum from going coming off a little bit early on the rainbow - down down top if you really make the judges forget about that bobble if you bring something super heavy to these three jumps but with the way the speed is right now it's just not gonna happen that 180 unfortunately for Ciccarelli he's still in 5th place though a top-five finish would be great big frontside 360 a lot of speed that's a precarious fifth place though he's sitting on an 80 names we dropped it had baubles early opportunity missed therefore Mikey Ciccarelli so close though he did look so strong sit in that top five about time being but as you're selling with me we've got so many years that came down all and really had some big mistakes in their run one bobbin with a feel this deep 17 of best and you have a bobble in the rail section unless you pull off something just mind-bending in the bottom of jumps you're lost Rick Jarrard leading the way this is the fridge they know speaking of mind-bending good free stop t-shirt door from Norway with the backpack intact well you know you're always ready to leave that's what that's what the backpacks all about you're always ready to get out of here look at that big air to fakie into the quarter pipe he'd do that in the first room you can't do that in the first run look even bigger fridge you can just hear the ding dongs of hitting these rails it just tells you how hard it would be if you just wrapped your knees against them it hurts here we go fridge popping up and over 270 let's see what the backpack can do swell double cork 900 do the double cork squeaking it into the landing some out fringe coming around just a little under rotated on the bottom of the course maybe it's parachute self pack parachute [Applause] so close the fridge the legend Dorf out of Norway look at the game shot oh yeah that's it kick it at Orcutt work get some selfies so fridge unfortunately but still up top though in the rail section that was some of my favorite little 180 tale press pops out onto the downbar that rainbow is cool look at this right here pops be 270 up and over I'll show you more like a 360 off the up flat [Music] bit of a tail slide up into that pop up and over sit around squeak that one head works right did you see his nose this nose basically clear the knuckle and then goes into the Baxter rotation at the bottom are you familiar with the lobster brand oh yeah that's that's a towel brand lobster Lobster coming out of Iceland basically a certain kind of rider to ride for lobster and fridge fit it's bill 72 on his first run will be his best score of the day for Tischendorf look up the course the Sun is still out light not an issue as of yet the course the only issue right now I think the athletes as red drug pointed out would be more speed sure are though not complaining because he got a 93 on run to the 1 and we are off and running now with Kyle Mack fight the velcro snow that is happening in between the last rail feature and the first jump he had problems on run number one remember a comic coming home with a medal in the Olympics in bigger hair trying to hold on to it milk the speed this is his strength once he hits these jumps 900 off the first trying to milk that speed Oh anti-pop off of that Jim summers again caught that fresh snow and all dude so if he can't generate speed unfortunately for Kyle not able to get it together on run one or run too so Kyle Mack was trying to build off of something big from rut number one because he was sitting on a 25 remember trying to track down Red Rocks 93 and again tied it came down to speed who's pretty good on the first kicker but it's that second jump that caused him issues it looked like his toe edge on his board just sank in just sinking to the take-off basically you know as much as snow Park technologies and the crew here from the Woodward Park water parks there's only so much they can do right you know mother nature really dealt the hard hand yesterday as much fun as we had riding it it's really hard to clean up these jams and make them absolutely perfect now you see the standings red Gerard Stolley song back Mark McMorris the current podium Kyle Mack having issues getting himself top to bottom coming off a little bit early and it was into the jumps here you can see if that long flat section between the last rail feature and then when you move into the jump nine hundred and then lands and tries to set in his toe edge coming off of his toes and just not getting the projection that he needed off of that jump to clear the knuckle and that was it actually he the fact that he survived a time coming up that short that's a win Todd is this something that can be adjusted on the fly if he can they bring the landing zone in tighter is that just it's just not possible well basically that would take moving about 60 tons of snow so no short answer no so red Gerrard sits on top with a 93 Sally song back sits in second Mark McMorris in third and then send or good Mikey Ciccarelli rounding out the top five remember there's six Americans in the final and right now one of them is leading an Olympic gold medalist red Gerrard as we take a look at the top of the hill while we have just a moment we're gonna get you caught up with the athletes personal pursuit of excellence here at Copper Mountain a Dew Tour 2020 [Music] Copper Mountain has a really unique place within action sports these days where they have a very progressive on Hill scene you've got Danny Davis's Peace Park you've got the 22 foot deep super pipe that hosts the Grand Prix's here every year and now the Dew Tour and it's no doubt that it's drawn so many professional snowboarders here and skiers because it's really all about progression it's one of the best parts I've ever ridden and also it's one of my home mountains I've been coming here since I was just a little tyke copper's a lot different they're so driven by rider feedback they have so many great facilities here they have the Woodward barn the barn is massive it's a good place to come train and shred if you want to come and push yourself to progress and be the best that you can possibly be places like this and also up on the hill are perfect for the athletic pursuit I wish I had foam pits like 30 years ago I think it's pretty great that you can work on new tricks over there and then just transfer it to the mountain and they just opened Fred's backyard which i think is probably the coolest aspect of this entire resort last year my mom and I made this like pitched copper and powder core to try to make a free hike park at the bottom of their mountains Red's backyard and they were down the terrain around here is just really fun to ride I'm like a POW day or you know the tree runs is all in general there's so much that copper has to offer [Music] you do tour is brought to you by Mountain Dew do the dew Toyota let's go places O'Neal always summer on the inside you are looking at the start of the slopestyle course we're ready gerard is the leader with a 93 saleh song back in second and Mark McMorris currently sitting in third place blue skies and the course is running very smooth but not Todd Richards very fast and that has been the problem for many athletes yep we don't want to see a waxing contest luke Winkleman now dropping in the 19 year old from Blowing Rock North Carolina had some issues on his first run and Winckelmann looking to improve upon a 2566 it's gonna be hearing a lot from Luke Winkleman in the coming years he's such a good rider he's got a great style snowboarder Mac has it more zi8 up and comers to watch and I would agree with that easily pops oh it's caught by the fresh snow snow snake just up and grabbed him gosh that is it's so hard to deal with because everything was so on point he just took it too deep off that rail was trying to carry all that speed he was doing there checking the right wing he came out hard on that right shoulder was good again a bummer here we go loose hops in 180 and I thought he had it just a simple 180 out switch 180 out or actually back to the holding yeah and then just goes over to the Isles landing so far down they just couldn't handle the compression you can see how fresh that snow is man rocked been there many a times what a bummer unfortunately Luke Whitman's day is done so we keep the youth movement going from Luke Winckelmann up to lion feral and lion looking also to improve he he had a real struggle on the first run having issues in the rails only picking up an 11.6 line went down early in run number one but this kid's got so much talent it's plenty the next guys that come these it they'll ride together all the time lion and Luke and all these guys they just hang together a little four pack talent coming up next lying much better on this line now gap out 270 off lunch slide 270 and then here we go chance like 458 clean into his sock you can see that wind is blowing uphill now so not only did you have the problem of the snow being slow the breeze is starting to go back uphill and just catches lying on the knuckle so top this is gonna force a lot of these guys into changing things up because with that wind blowing and good on you pick it up that flag but look at that at the bottom it's going crosswind but that first kicker it's blowing right into their face it's such a weird one here Colorado is very unique in the way that the weather patterns play out especially with competition I mean you have these days where it seems like at the bottom yeah it's the wind isn't a factor but just in between like the first in the second jump it's blowing uphill here we go lion just not getting enough trajection here to make it into the landing tries to come around on that comes up about a buck short on the rotation it gets cut short because he just doesn't have enough air time to squeak it around so now like I said wind is now becoming a factor this is Brock Crouch out of Carlsbad California Brock had a 64 66 on run number one trying to launch himself on the podium to do that he seemed better than at 90 you know I slip slide to 50 to 70 on 270 off rock trying to make these combos up top maximizes scoring potential on the upper rail features working this thing like cool borders there we go Brock trying to carry as much speed as he can into this first jump 900 on the first and then speed up coming off his heels 1260 Brock trying to put one together here coming into the bottom jump triple cork 1440 that's the way you get it done you can see the arms come up but he's so stoked that he landed that Wow and just moments ago those same flags were howling for Lion Farrell and Brock crouch catches a little bit of a window at some house so happy my word what a run nicely done the Brock the upper rail section strong coming into the jumps also strong and finish things off with the triple court after run number one having problems run number two comes through and a clutch everything was smooth up top you saw the combos going down pops over for that big wall ride feature watch this blunt slide you see his shoulders switch pops off 270 nicely done and then Brock just trying to keep his speed up here it's a nice frontside 360 min grab off back and then just tries to get into these jumps with as much speed as he can possibly muster cap 1260 with the nose grab land at that good he had enough speed just committed to this the triple dip of the shoulder backside triple cork 1440 you see the wind up there drives that front shoulder down one two squeaks the third one around and rides out of this watch the ride out he's just like oh my gosh I did it so good nobody's comin happy he was waiting for the gust of wind and knock him up his line it never came so he finds the perfect window lands it clean and this should be a great score for him Brock kolache 95 six six four o'clock crouched as he goes into the lead first of all he's happy that he just finished the run on his feet then he gets the wind break the respite from mother nature and then taught the sport ninety-five six fuzzy cow there are some people going mental in North County San Diego right now let's send it down to Tina oh yeah and with weather being an issue speeds we haven't seen a lot of triple corks yet brought crouch you just threw down walk us through your approach to that final jump last run it was pretty slow and I got to the top and Ryan McDermott I was like yo we need some juice this run I was going pretty slow and I luckily got to the third and final jump and my coach was like if you get to the third jump go triple like I think you could get a pretty good score so it happened and this is crazy initial reaction to landing that an initial reaction to see in that giant score when I landed I didn't really know what just happened because I haven't done that many spins this whole week we've had insane snow and crazy day I'm so happy what a second run for Brock crouch guys Thank You Tina congratulations Brock crouched on just waking everyone up we are starting to think that it might be a survival fest and Brock Crouch comes out and shows us what's available his coach told him to go for it he's the one Todd that's got to put his life on the line and he does it and lands it to the tune of a ninety five six six what you're saying is this Brock is really open to suggestion unbelievable I'm very happy for him you know Brock always seems to be the guy who wins practice and then comes in and just implodes during the event but always back on his game line nice work everyone just for Brock crouch of what he was just able to lay down remember just before him lying faragon and was buffeted by big gusts of winds Brock goes and sends it so now it's up to Judd hankies at Aloha California to try to up the ante ninety five six six get you on top a ninety one three three just gets you on the podium John Hanke is gonna try to feed off of his buddy Brock big score and try to bring his own flavor in here these guys are all so good and as I said before they all ride together they all feed off each other there we go he had problems with that on run number one Judd big front three off that round bar much better line coming in to hit number one check the flags they're blowing a little bit 900 set himself up switch backside 12 looks like is he gonna have enough momentum he does gets it around he's gonna set himself up for potentially a triple cork 14 as well one two nope just the double cork ten but still very clean run much cleaner than run number one he's gotta be happy with that 57 six six is what Judd had on his first run now this is gonna be a big bump as you pointed out but remember to get on the podium now you need better than a ninety one three this rail features were all on point up top a late approach there off that round bar hopping into the quarter pipe like this right here gap out 270 over the entire rainbow that and then pop off 270 you have problems with that on run number one and then here the 50/50 pop out frontside 360 and then just motoring into these jumps switch backside 1260 and then down here at the bottom and look at the flags you started gusty to see came over flags are pegged to switchback 12 and then snaps himself up into a double cork 1080 at the bottom I love how he locks on those grabs and holds it for so long nice interesting to see where this scores I mean that looks good he had a good combos the top was really strong as well Jed hankies now waiting for his score to come down certainly it's gonna be in the conversation with the 2022 Olympic Winter Games come around in this field for Team USA is going to be stacked but right now he's concerning himself with the 2020 dude tour right now the mark to beat is it so comparing contrasting six comparing his run to brock crouches knew he had a nine switchback 12 double cork 10 so gonna be interesting to see where this places so ninety point six six for Jed hankies we're having a few technical issues getting those scores fed up to the top ninety point six six has Jed hankies currently in fourth place jump up into the top five for him we're only halfway through these second runs as we kick off the second half with you don't know why is the field so big because the powder that came in yesterday stopped us from having qualified so the 17 man field stays and that becomes a final remember best run counts Oh again just a little bit of relaxation there that fresh snow takes out you dono you don't let issues on run number one but not that early a 46 three three and this is where a problem that you might talk about hey if we had a ten minute final we'd probably be going three runs best counts since it's so big at 17 it's a two run best counts and watch this right here Yuki lands this and he just relaxes he's like I've got this but fresh snow and sharp edges can often time result in disaster look at that he's still rotating boom that just that toe edge and just smashes them into the ground full scorpion snow snake grab on the toe side edge and that spells the end to yuki kudo nose run mister happiness renovated congas he was sitting in third for a long time and Along Came Brock Crouch read Girard stall his son back bumped him down now sitting in eighth place he has a 76 tied but we talked about he has the ingredients he does and he's also the human embodiment of sunshine if you're lacking in vitamin D just go stand next to Rani Rena congas look at this the United line he comes in Miller flip again Darrin Miller Darrell Miller that's right Chris Miller just brought incredible style [Music] bluntslide 270 out as Renee comes up backside lipslide 180 out of that coming in with a lot of speed I got just floats into it just floating trying to keep that speed up into hit number one nine hundred tucking here there's a wind up front fourteen flat spin I didn't think he had no way in that speed for that he had to carve into that third and final jump because his line was so he went crazy eyelet in the left side of the course frontside flat spin 1440 off the second jump into a huge jump over backside rodeo to make it happen Thank You Renee alright here we go this is the Miller flip as he carved across the course I love that and that is truly who ready ready congas is he will find a different line from everyone else and make you smile while he's doing it lot going on right here step one slide 270 out the gaps up backside lipslide comes out of that fakie [Music] those landing backwards off of that hopping into that landing [Music] right here switch 180 boardslide popped out 270 [Music] there's that flat spin frontside 1440 I didn't know if he had it in him to get it off but he does and then just because of the lack of speed basically what he's done here is just lunge flipped himself into a backside rodeo 900 off the bottom jump and just makes it happen on run number two he ad-lib for the backside rodeo 9 that is amazing for any ridden congas yeah Reni's gonna get 276 it's gonna be his best score of the day not an improvement that's where he was sitting in a play place oh that was amazing oh but wait go 93 thank you see that's what happens you you come in here you have any individual interpretation in the flat fin frontside 1440 to the giant ha ready on mine he's still celebrating that save you're looking at spend or grand last time we saw him he gave us the GoPro course preview a GoPro team rider is set to drop in now in a second run he was one of the guys Todd that did not have the first one that he wanted picked up an 88 but left so much potential out there with the judges spent organ 270 on that first top rail trying to combo up top love that butter box it just kind of breaks up the momentum up here and then here it is this is the great equalizer this flat bar into the setup for the first jump holding on to it can he keep the speed up looking better than his first run up and over big double cork front 10 and then into the final jump whoa we have got a cop now ladies and gentlemen either this course is trying to run faster or these guys are just kind of finding their mojo stalefish backside 1440 on that final jump rider out of Sweden based on what Rena Rena congas my core is I mean that was a big score ready rips I'm surprised that he was boosted up that high because the judges have been really critical about things lately today and there's that perfect setup it's all about that setup into the first jump there's the double cork front ten squeaking that around for spend and that would set him up for this flat spin of the flag watch the line up in the snap there's one there's two there's three and he's gonna squeak one more in here there's four rotations backside snailfish fourteen forty that is such a gutsy maneuver time see that the flags were blowing to go for that current standings Brock Crouch leads with a 95 Renee just jumped into second and read in third and just moments ago Renee just shocked everyone with that 93 6 6 so will the judges respond in kind with spent door ground tell you what the judges are getting a lot more loose with the pen and pencil right now wouldn't shock me if we see a big leap for spend organ right here in the in the running to and for the first half of the first runs it was Mikey sister Ollie's 80 that was leading the way so now the 90 club is in full effect with a 93 3 span thorin welcome to the podium richer our score of 93 dropped on I thought well maybe it's game over because if the wind picks up and the conditions deteriorate Brett's gonna walk away and now red Gerard finds himself in 4th place so Mark McMorris now the MEC next man up mcmorrises already in a good position with a 90 point 3 3 which we thought surely that's a podium score Todd that's 6th place now all right well if McMorris wants to find himself on top because I know mark is a winner yep he's gonna want to bring out both of those triple fourteens quick glances flag down below that are blowing perfect up top that speed up mark a little wild honest exits off of some of these rails but he came more than make up for that once he gets into the jump section it's one of the only riders that has two triple corks in his bag somewhat Morris looking clean as he enters into the three pack of jumps flags or stills switchbacks on 12 first jump fighting it to stay on his line there's a wind up big double cork ten a lot of speed into this final jump frontside triple cork 14 there is mix it down in typical McMorris fashion he was writing being Bronco the entire way down that course the rail section while his rails were perfect definitely fighting it a little bit in the flats oh my gosh he's claiming it towards the bottom and still fighting the land geez you want to talk about guy took a lot of strength that fresh snow there's just a lot of inconsistencies it had run out of some of these features watch mark a key when he's on the rails perfect watches he's kind of riding out that fresh snow is starting to harden up again or something because it's just been wild for these guys to stay on the right edge and in between jump one and jump - mark was kind of dealt a little bit of a sketchy landing there's that butter box feature really if you want to draw your attention to any place where things could have gone wildly wrong it was definitely in between jump number one and jump two in the flats so switch backside 1260 on the first jump in between these jumps watch he's toe edge these heels well the upper body wants to keep him rotating fights it almost finds himself in the fresh snow somehow it gets it back together again enough for a double cork backside 1080 squeaks it over the knuckle and then sets himself up for this there's the first tip of the shoulder the second tip and you can't alleys forcing it he's got that other arm up underneath his knee and when he lands this comes around triple cork for frontside 1440 lands gets over to that fresh snow and it's just trying to fight it that back arm behind him claiming it almost goes down to euro Carville oh my gosh that would have been horrendous you slam in the oh man McMorris it's got to be one of the rails they just like the exits up top on the rail run outs you can see Rena Rena Kong this is kind of stunned on that too but really it comes down to what the judges are being hypercritical on so Mark McMorris a 90 point three three is not even good enough for a top six as he sits in seventh place just ahead of fellow countryman Mikey Ciccarelli who led for most of the first run with an 80 so we're down to the final five max Perot if anyone needs a big run here it's max sense Perot we already told his story coming back as a cancer survivor and here he is getting full-fledged into competition again toddy he has the skills to top a ninety five six six can he get it done on this course we're gonna have to see max is super clean and technical on his rails he needs to be perfect though switch backside lipslide switch 180 180 combo off Max is just kind of holding out here till it gets into the jumps and then they can just start winging through the air max nice staying up there comes especially flags are still whoa and just not enough speed Wow max having a lot of trouble with the speed double back wild cat off the second jump unfortunately for max plug all the rails were perfect just came down to wax it seems like so max skips the third and final jump on the slopes of course it's just not feeling it he would have needed a 93 3 to jump into a podium position he's not gonna get it here today second check this out right here max just trying to come in just not maybe just not enough the snap but he knew it was over look at the flags just squeaks into the double backflip up and over [Music] see right there oh that's not what he wanted to do unfortunately for max today was not his day [Music] so bro it is an improvement 36:6 hands going the air smiling face he'll be back and then there were four moms Roy sling we saw him earlier would it just shock you to the core Todd reduce if I told you bonds roylene currently is in last place with a fifteen point six six nowhere to go but up that's true I'll tell you right right now Brock Crouch is down at the bottom just biting his fingernails oh geez Brock Crouch dodged another dodging a bullet and I'll tell you I've known Brock for a long time since he was basically a baby you know just a little snowboard rat riding around this kid has got the best attitude little Spacey at times it's got a nickname a brick but man oh man is this kid just the embodiment of snowboarding he's just you know he loves it he lives it he's more hype than anybody else he's a mood enhancer when you get around him it would be amazing if Brock came away from the do tour with the Big W so American sits on top of the board right now in Brock Crouch we've got a Canadian another American in a Norwegian to wrap up the competition and they're all chasing that man ninety five point six six it's like he still can't believe it welcome to the pressure cooker cooker this is what happens Brock when you're on top of the podium and you got some heavies to come down they stick a camera on your face and they want to see tears bring tears so ninety five six six but it still doesn't feel comfortable normally that's where you sit back go there's no way anyone tops that however Darcy sharp red Gerard and Stahl Isan Beck will all have a say if it makes you feel any better Brock you are guaranteed no worse than fourth so Darcy sharp would be the first man to take a swing at Brock crouches score the 23 year old out of Whistler his sister fresh off a victory earlier today in the women's ski modified super Piper Darcy 50/50 180 into the quarter pipe he's so good on Rails Darcy's just amazing all around not great right just a fraction of the talent that's come out of Canada X Games champion fresh off a win there straight from Aspen right over here to copper to put to work on the slopestyle course carrying it deep to deep I don't know we will find out shortly [Music] baby just squeaking around at the backside 900 setting up switch backside 1260 one more hit big double cork front I chanted shits putting his board down I was just about to praise his whack so what kind of maple circuit he'd rip on that beauty because he had the speed and the distance to clear the knuckles bullets flying everywhere around brought a crouch he's like a rubber band in the wind dodging bullets but unfortunately for Darcy sharp who had an otherwise flawless upper section that last jump would claim his run for the title see the overview right there I really love the way he kind of gaps into that transition makes this line truly his own and then down here at the bottom basically I thought he had it as he gets that grab a little bit late lands the trip of the double cork front ten and just watch so so now know better then a podium finish of bail works I mean no work it's largely help a spot on the podium he's trying to look cool you know he's just freaking out inside ninety five six six with two to go Brett Gerrard who had the lead after run number one by way of that 93 and then it'll be the defending champion Stolley sawn back Stolley currently sits in fifth place with a ninety one three read another one of these riders who knows how to pull it out in a pitch do you do the same run if you read Gerard I think that red has got you know he's got options it's so cool to see him coming in here big melon 360 into the quarter pipe his slide 180 out switchback 270 coming out forward super hard to counter that body movement [Music] combos are looking good up top this is gonna be the cork off of this dumps it into an under flip now to keep his speed up what's he got off the first hit red hold on winding it up back 12 into the final hit switch back switch backside triple cork 1440 wheelies he came into the finish drop but that was an amazing run for richer our switch back triple comes through in the clutch this is gonna be a big big score for red Gerrard and just think red Gerrard just nineteen already with Olympic gold medalist pocket from Pyeongchang he is such a clutch rider in the big moments I'm still in shock I don't know but I did not expect to see a switch not triple I love that right there switch back to 70 Han coming out straight 50/50 front 180 on to the butter box switch backside 360 off and then that set them up here it comes in switch 180 boardslide dips that shoulder under flip 450 off sets them up perfectly good at first jump first jump he comes around stomps that out setting them up here it was all about concentrating on what would happen down here at the bottom switch triple cork 1440 low but still arguably the hardest trick that's been done off the jumps here today run ten back twelve switch backside triple core 1440 that's the heaviest combo attractive seen down here today this is gonna be a big score I think Brock Crouch is going to get bumped out of the lead he's better than a ninety five six six red Gerrard to go into the lead get on the podium he's getting better than a ninety three point three three Brock Crouch is ninety five six six leads the way with one more athlete to go Brock knows he's on the podium for sure Randy arena Congress is the one that's probably really nervous currently sitting in second with Stolley still to come and a score this is RIT's backyard what a combo at the bottom like it's over meanwhile it ain't over last year's champion it's not I said back is still up there in the start gate do not rule him out he's just got the word that red Gerard jumped into lead with a 97 3 3 first him to get on the podium now he eats better than a ninety three point six to get a win he needs a ninety seven point three four or better Wow six Americans in the 17 man filin right now the Americans sit one and two stall a has something to say about that the defending champion last man on course Stolley sawn back see he's trying to be as precise as possible up here on the rails there's that front 270 out does he have something that can counter a switch backside triple cork 1440 at the bottom there's that knuckle drag up and over into the first jump here we go two more to go stall a looking strong not going on jump number two squeaking it around Stahl a sign back coming in with the flat spin counter to what read Gerard brought with the triple shoulder dips what is going to happen here man that is a monster score to take down nine two seven three three read Gerard's currently in the lead so good up top yeah look at this gap out lipslide pops out to 70 oh that's nice so precise look at that and then he goes into that knuckle Huck right here backside 360 hand drag up and over that knuckle and then just trying to make it happen you see it that's what that's for that's a knuckle to get hot top of Stahl a sent back is it going to be enough 1260s there's a cap 12 see here the flat spin the counter like stylize answer to the triple cork dipping that shoulder style light keeps it relatively flat in the air oh ho this is gonna be a hard one for the judges to work out I kind of don't think it's gonna be enough a 97 but I think they may be bumping Rennais out so the pump running off these needs better than a ninety three point six six to take the leading is better than a 97.3 to go into second use better than a 95 there the current standings right now two Americans and the Norwegian with Stolley City the replace there comes 94 star lay jumping up into third place I knew it was gonna happen I just felt like star lays up top portion there's a little bit stronger and a shoulder ride for red Gerard styling sock back jumping onto the podium to join the two Americans it is red Gerard that claims the victory brach Crouch second and Stolley sawn back in third let's sit it down to Tina Dixon with the winners interview I know get a ladder right congratulations red ants thali as well what a podium out here brought crouched finishing up in that second spot and when I talked to you after that first run you said you weren't really quite sure what you were gonna do on those jumps at what point did you decide switch backside triple well I kind of had this feeling the whole time this is like these snowboarders are messed up everyone's insane everyone's riding great courses awesome I kind of knew second run people are going to start going crazy triple cork split started pulling out and yeah I just kind of decided that was I probably have to step it up on the last show brought crouched threw down and since that run I mean it was just a completely new contest how much did he motivate you and what were your impressions of his run are you kidding me I mean well he was just in a massive avalanche two years ago and then he goes second run and lays down one of the most insane I've seen and our buddy back in the contest and back on the podium yeah absolutely I do tour it seems like not that long ago you started coming here as a rookie how much is it meant for you to come back and now win this event it means it a lot I don't know I'm speechless to be completely honest I grew up watching the do tour the US Open next games so to have an excuse medal and to do tour medal I cannot believe it I'm like beyond and with my best boy yeah let's see if we can get Brock crouch Brock get over here cuz you kind of set the tone this was all your fault the rest of those runs the moments you had watching everyone go down what were those thoughts I was pretty nervous but honestly when I watch my best friend drop in I'd watch him ride these courses every single day and so I knew that he was probably gonna put down a really really good run because I've seen him do that run like 200 times now so I don't know I can't believe it honestly this has all been a dream and this is amazing going to Jackson to film tomorrow how long have you waited to be on a podium like this and be on a podium with red Gerard yeah I mean today is literally a dream come true at X Games I got fourth and that night I was just so bummed I was like I just want to get on a podium so bad did I think it was gonna happen here no but it did and I am so thankful for everybody that as a part of my comeback and I'm really happy to be bit congratulations what a contest Todd no question about it Tina youth is served today as Brooke and red represent 19 and 20 year olds with the defending champion Stolley sawn back coming in third place an amazing performance by all the athletes as it came down to those last five and six runs they kept upping the ante Todd Richards Brett Gerrard claims the win here picks up the Dew Tour title Brock crouch in second and Stolley sawn back in the third but more poorly seven athletes cracking the 90 point barrier time the progression was amazing it was and it after Frick seeing run number one I kind of thought it was gonna be a waxing event but all these guys came out run number two there were some definite heat being thrown hats off once again snowpark technologies the border park crew to come up here and make it as perfect as it was and give these guys the opportunity to really throw down red gerard and just backed up what red said Brock was in such a savage snowboarding incident a year ago then it comes back from that - this is incredible red Gerard has the triple now he's got an X Games medal a du Tour medal an Olympic gold medal he's getting it done at the ripe age of 19 clearly the best rider on the mountain today 97.3 three on his second run to get the victory ahead of Brock crouch and Stolley sawn back who had the last say and was able to jump into the podium truly an amazing performance by all the athletes today in an amazing course here at Dew Tour 2020 the men's snowboard slopestyle final is now complete red Girard is the champion here at Copper Mountain [Music] you [Music] the hits just keep on coming to do to our 2020 mountain dew team rider red Gerrard in his own backyard gets it on his second and final run at 97 0.33 Brock crouched and laid down a beautiful run thought he had it done 95 6 6 before red bumped him up and Stolley sawn back the defending champion GoPro team rider came in with a final one of the day getting clutch Norwegian fashion Stolley a 94 to jump himself on to the podium Wow when mother nature reared up with wind and gust and it looked like there wasn't gonna be enough speed for a lot of these guys to clear those 2nd and 3rd jump they came up with the goods read Girard rock crowd Stolley sawn back the list goes on and on ready Riddick congas was amazing death organ jut hankies you got to give him credit and of course Mark McMorris max Perot mom's royland Darcy sharp I mean what a list 17 of the world's best here at Copper Mountain in the end he was another gerard party allah Yangcheng 2018 red Gerard dip deep into his bag of tricks and as he told Tina Dixon he knew after what Rock Crouch laid down he would have to do something special and he came up with it on the final hit of his final run here in the slopestyle competition Todd Richards I can't say enough about how impressive this was with Bret Gerard coming up with the goods we'll set it down now DC and the award ceremony you know one of the things I think is so cool about this event is you can have such common strat contrasting styles you know Stahl a he spins all of his spins flat he doesn't triple cork anything there's no it's not that he can't he's just opted that is his style and to be rewarded sometimes when it was flavor of the month quarks quarks have been real hot in snowboarding for a while style I still just paving his own path the defending champion finds himself on the podium and then this kid right here rocket carlsbad california unbelievable the comeback kid from last year with a broken back and his face was jacked up and he barely had any teeth there was so much crazy stuff going on for him to come back from that this strong unreal avalanche not strong enough to take down brock crouches he is back riding in a great form but I'll tell you what he needed it and he did it Brett Gerrard went huge on that final jump it's unreal how many people here support Reggie our Summit County Colorado loves their heroes and Reggie are already having a signature park here at Copper goes home with the Big W unbelievable they talked about he's got the gold medal X Games gold medal now at Dew Tour he's got a gold medal from the little thing called the Olympics it's kind of like the Egon the Emmy the Grammy the Oscar the Tony so I would say the US Open would probably be the final piece of that ego right do Tour champion read Girard Mountain Dew team rider on his final run lays it down to the tune of 97.3 for the wind rock crouched 95.6 and Stolley Shawne Beck a 94 to join them on the podium we pitted some heavy competitions before but this one now I'm gonna put it right up there because what looked like you said a wax contest after one run what they did what's Brock Crouch dropped that 95 was amazing it's so impressive I mean these guys have been riding so hard yesterday is a full-on powder which will blow the knees out of a normal human but these guys have come in here absolutely crushed it you can see the entire clan out there supporting I think there should be a party tonight Silverthorne brothers big big weekend for Reggie art Wow so final thoughts Todd Richards on what we just saw drop here at copper changing the guard quite possibly read Girard Brock Crouch Stolley son back the future of Park snowboarding is in really good hands no question about it once again the podium here at the amends of snowboard slopestyle final read Girard gets the win Rock crouch in second solace on back in third nothing less to say except the world of snowboarding and snowboarding progression in very good hands and in a very strong state so the State of the Union and the Dew Tour 2020 his red Gerard Brock Crouch Stolley son back and a whole lot more progression as everyone came out and tried different lines the options were so many big props to SVT and Woodward for giving us such a great course to deal with after yesterday's epic powder day and they turned up the volume and this is what we got and the pressure was applied and definitely the best thing for everyone out there who's watching you can come to copper you can ride these Woodward features Reds backyard down here at the bottom you can ride that for free it's a hike park of rails they do such an amazing job Danny Davis's Peace Park Red's backyard and just putting together perfect freestyle situations for you to get into unreal and while we celebrate what great accolades that happen today and the state of snowboarding we want to step back and remember the man that really made it all possible and it's so fitting the two Burton riders on top of the podium as we take a moment to remember the one and only Jake Burton [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Dew Tour
Views: 437,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dew tour, copper mountain, snowboarding, slopestyle, Livestream, winter dew tour 2020, dew tour copper mountain colorado 2020, copper mountain colorado, ski, skiing, freestyle skiing, freestyle snowboarding, superpipe, streetstyle, snow, full dew tour event coverage
Id: UkcUqBdBedw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 55sec (7555 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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