LIVE BROADCAST - FWT21 STOP #1 Ordino Arcalìs Andorra

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[Music] [Music] oh wow [Music] off the top [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome welcome welcome friends family free ride fans free ride world tour 2021 is off we are in ordino arc lease in beautiful andorra my name is derek veus i am here with former freeride world tour rider and powder aficionado kiwi austrian transplant neil william o'neal what a journey it's been to get to this place what a journey from almost bringing you verbier in march last year to bring you andorra now wow the emotions that have gone through us and all the riders since that time it is great to be here well the principality of andorra is an absolutely gorgeous spot sits high in the andorran pyrenees and it's got a rich history both for skiing and just in life founded in the early 1200s sits perfectly between france and spain just nestled up high in the pyrenees easy to access from barcelona and toulouse not hard to get here definitely hard to leave skiing is a mainstay in andorra and it's become a mainstay on the freeride world tour the resort of ordinarcley is offering so many options for the rider absolutely loving it everyone who comes here when they go they cannot wait to come back this place grabs onto your heart and just holds on yeah that's right it has become a mainstay on the freeride world tour now has been hosting competitions here for for many years and before that it had four stars and it still has juniors and this face we're using today is one that was a forced out on the free will qualifying circuit before it became a world to a stop and one that actually competed on myself so looking forward to seeing the writers throw down on it it's a it's a new one uh coming up today we've got the ski woman ski man the snowboard woman and then snowboard men coming at you on this new face ski women dropping first we are very excited to see this field get after it the the ladies are excited we've got some rookies we've got some veterans we've got tour champions uh in all categories so uh and you know being on this face pretty exciting it's a new one the conditions have been up and down we've had some heat we've had some wind we've had everything but the face is looking good you know we watched a couple people ski it we watched the guides check it out i think we're in for a show today yeah absolutely i'm excited to see how the riders throw down since i've had this uh resource to look at from the last few years of people competing on junior competitions and four stars but this is the world tour you know this is the big show where they try and do some of the same lines that people have done in the past but they look for new ears that people haven't done before you know they stick to their their safer runs to try and get some points in the bag at the start of the season or are they going to try and get a title from the start well there's only one way to find out let's take a look at the ins and outs of this face this you know there's a lot going on on here on the portal route run us through it neil what's going on up there well we've got two different starts just next to each other it looks like they take you to different places this far look as right and the far look is left or accessible from those two different starts at 26 and 26 22. 305 meters are not the longest venue we've had but it's a quick one you can really blast off some of those features and it's a north east aspect with a quite a steep 45 degree average angle so shutting down speed to make sure you can hit features in between it's going to be pretty important i think derek yeah absolutely techniques going to come into play here the the athletes definitely going to need to use their resources their deep bag of tricks in order to keep things going you said short but tons of action it's it's the compressed nature of this venue means even though it's short you can really fill it with features which is what the judges want you know line score line score line score you've got to do a lot to impress them because they're not an easy group of people to impress yeah exactly they're used to seeing some pretty rad stuff go down and just like say i think linking features is going to be crux here because the landing angle for one might be the take off angle for another one and with this there's pretty fast snow today it's very stompable but it's also quite fast means you're going to have to be super on it between your features and not accidentally blast past something that you wanted to hit yeah that's one of the critical things with the athletes taking the time to do the face check and visual inspection in particular you need to figure out not just which features you want to hit but how you're going to link them together the shape of your turns the speed you need to be going because what the judges really want to see from the from the riders is not scrubbing speed dumping speed trying to shut it off but controlling their speed using the shape of their turns and in the compressed nature of the venue and as you said neil the fast fast snow running today that's going to be absolutely critical for them to be able to uh to do their best and to put on what we want to see here at the free rail freeride world tour which is a show that's right we've got a forerunner coming up soon in this live show to demonstrate what the snow is like for you at home and for those athletes uh just a quick side note before we get into that uh we are doing our best to keep everything as corona safe as we possibly can here on the freya world tour as you can probably see we are wearing masks and sticking to bubbles and uh the only time the athletes are not wearing masks is when they're just about to drop like this guy max palm in the start gate right now about to show us what the snow is like a moment for max palm this guy is a current junior rider you imagine being a junior rider on the junior tour and you get the call up to come and for run the freeride world tour but not just the freeride world tour the first stop after a shutdown year max pawn peak performance rider dropping in so excited to see this kid and see where where things go for him absolutely take the same start gate as when i fall around yesterday but getting straight into the gnar steep gnarly terrain in there and just working his way through it super quickly beautiful jump turns and sending an air as well stomping it like at nothing what a four run so far yeah max paul maybe didn't get the memo that a forerunner is not actually in the competition he's putting down his dream line here max actually won a an event on this face in the past so he knows exactly where he's going if you don't follow this young man on instagram search him up it is always worth a watch he is making you know what he's doing right now he's making the riders feel great yeah yeah this bottom here i think it's gonna be a popular one today showing us how the landing is gonna be and it looks good the run out a little bit hi sketchy though and a back flip off of the bottom one lip wow just like you said eric i think he didn't get the memo but it was pretty damn fun to watch i mean that's what you get when you let a junior do the four run is you get a show because juniors are the frothiest of all the free riders and that was an unreal for run there for max palm great to see he's so psyched to be out here you know he was honored to be uh to be brought on as a forerunner and he certainly lived up to the task wowza max palm in the finish line now about to give us an interview and tell us what it was like but let's see a quick replay first beautiful technique from this young man just making it look easy up in there yeah i mean we said it before but this is gonna be really really positive uh and sort of positive reinforcement for the riders standing up the top everyone was a little concerned that we had had some hot weather and now it was a little cool but max showed everybody that you can absolutely get after it right now the conditions are totally fine let's check in with max max palm welcome to the freeride world tour you just did your first floor run of what i'm sure is going to be many tour runs tell us a little bit about the snow conditions up there uh at the top was like super soft and super good but then uh when you get down uh it has uh been hit by the sun so it was way harder but still pretty good and super fun yeah that's what max you've won a competition here in andorra before how would you compare the snow conditions now to how you rode and then [Music] they they were pretty similar i think okay cool thanks for that man so you were ready to shred then and now and you're ready for the writers to trade too thanks for your feedback and we're looking forward to having you hopefully on the freeride world tour sometime again in the future all right so one of the most important things for our riders here is to know where they're going the the way they get that done is face check visual inspection we got to have a little look behind the scenes at how that process works for our riders on the tour [Music] we are going to have two foreigners [Music] three two one the snow is a little bit firm and punchy but like pretty predictable so you know we're gonna get if you're riding early go look his left if you're riding late go look his right me nice and soft hopefully get some spring slash coming at you uh you know it's a little cooler today but i'm excited to be on a new face i think that's gonna be a really fun thing for all the competitors and for myself as well um i'm really loving to see everyone even if we have to keep distance but it just backed good to be back with the fam i mean i look forward to compete but we'll see i mean if we're not blowing off the mountain we're giving our best ah neil you were four running yesterday giving the riders that vital information on what the snow was like how things were running what the terrain was all about how was that experience for you i think it was quite similar to the one that max palm had just then at the top the snow is good on the sunning part and a little bit firm on the shadier part where it's been wind affected down lower you have a little bit of a sun crust where things are angled a little bit more to the east and uh coming out the very bottom the snow is not so bad for shutting down speed so a lot windier yesterday as well and so you said we're dealing with like immediate effects of the wind and now it's like a little bit kind of stabilized and the sun is melting anywhere that had a bit of a wind crust uh so yeah i had a good time surprised how good the snow was it's better than it looked from the bottom and i think that part of the reason for that is that crazy saharan sandstorm that we had parts of what you now expose so you can see of a bit of sand in the snow there but that's not rocks just to let you know all right well first category up today is going to be our ski women it's a brand new field we're ready to go let's have a look at where the ski women are going to be at [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] elizabeth [Music] [Music] barely saw it with the overfly there and the woman's ski field just absolutely going off right now the difference in the last couple years how things have just stepped up has been amazing to see and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down right now so many heavy hitters in this field today let's see who we're looking at right off the bat we are looking at zuzana vitish it's got to be terrifying to be a rookie first on the day first run on the free ride tour world tour ever but she's ready well she's that blend of terrified and stoked which is i think perfect elizabeth garretson she's a proven veteran mode best so excited to see her back in the mix she was a true contender a big threat and then lost her acl she's lost a year to it she's back tracy chubb she was the reason uh region 2 fwq champ she's a rookie on the tour we'll see what she's got for us yeah that's right julie wilman the only french rider in the women's ski field today followed up by other big heavy hitters like hedwig vessel looking to take her first title this year she's been aiming for that really hard recently and lavie mcneil the wild card out of north america due to the injury to jacqueline pollard really sorry to see that unfortunately ariana shikomi not able to make it today but should be back with us for fever broom yeah lots of interesting little side stories there in the women's ski field like you said we've lost a few uh we've lost a few riders unfortunately not we're not seeing jess hotter here who is always a fan favorite to see absolutely fly down any of these faces jacqueline pollard is out but i'm pretty excited to see olivia mcneil she is fresh out of junior she did a half a season before things shut down on the fw did finish second overall so she was the natural wild card when we lost jacqueline pollard uh pretty exciting to see her and very exciting for her i'll tell you what all right yeah the fun bit if you don't know about this already look it up on the website they just summed up really quickly here is a percentage summation of the people that have voted for these people in terms of how they think the podium is going to end up so ninety percent of people that have done the peak performance fun yet think that head for guests will be on the podium today 72 think elizabeth gerritsen and 31 thank juliette willman so heidrick vessel in the absence of ariana tricomi a strong favorite today derek yeah and if you haven't done your fun bet your peak performance fun bet uh for this event it is closed the events have started we are running but we're going to be running more events this year and you got to get on there because the prizes from peak performance are insane on the fun but we're at the start gate freeride world tour comp number one ordina arkley's our first athlete in the gate neil i mentioned it before but susanovitch she's a polish writer she's living in switzerland she speaks fluent french um she's making the rest of us look like idiots with her with her cv of just languages and and obviously the skill here but you've been a rookie on the tour how is she feeling right now having to drop first first first first first first first polish rider on the world tour first out of the gate on the first competition position of the year yeah i saw her physically displaying signs of nervousness over the last three days only just got to know her went from smiling happy and bubbly to still that but just this look in her eyes of just so much concentration going into this one moment what's gonna go down over the next two minutes has been basically all she's been thinking about for the last three days and it can really make or break your mind game for the rest of the season it shouldn't and it doesn't have to but it can you've been looking forward to this moment so much focusing on it so much through all the qualifiers you've done and the getting here and the travels being difficult enough and like standing at the top of this venue and you don't want to be having gopro problems for example that's not really what she's uh looking for right now but yeah she'll be excited and nervous and one of the most memorable moments of her life i think yeah and speaking of the mental game i mean clearly zuza has demonstrated that she's got it she was the the winner of the region one free red world qualifier last year so the skills are there the mental game is there but now you step onto the big stage you've got the heli in your face you've got the world watching you're in that start gate that ordinarco stargate all branded up look at free ride world tour uh yeah it's a weird combo of terrified and so excited and for zuza she is ready she's such a good skier if you're uh you know if you've watched her compete before you know she's got the skills and i think this face is gonna suit her yeah it is tough to battle your way through the fw right now i mean it always is but but especially at the moment the level is just getting higher and higher you've got the juniors that are like coming through onto the fw from the fjt every single year and that makes it even tougher so uh competing in switzerland or based out of switzerland and during the european comps uh this polish writer has proven that she deserves to be here i'm really looking forward to what she has to offer today to open up the free ride will tour 2021. yeah it was great to have a chat with her yesterday about her line selection she was pretty excited all right we are underway fwt 21 is on and zuza vithich is on course starting it off with a nice air off that one blood confident coming into that heart of snow so obviously backing her skills to be able to shut down speed in an area that doesn't necessarily have forgiving snow another air off that one coming fast gears right into the rocky zone yeah this is extremely technical susanna loves that kind of ski and she's got the billy goat heading right into the guts of it and we are on now neil she's kind of making her way through looking for the zones where the snow is going to be a bit softer now right into it oh neil well this is a great way to get the tour started this year absolutely really smart skiing staying in the good softer snow that you can you can see with your eyes quite easily that the hardest snow that you don't leave a track like the forerunner and then softest know that susana is managing to stick into zuzia coming down to the bottom section now this is where the bigger cliffs are what we're going to see from the competitor stomping that one and coming out hot she's starting to feel good now she's starting to think i've put down my first wheel to a run i'm going to get to the bottom of my feet another little side hurt there i think she was hoping to take that off the nose but getting another one and down the bottom linking the features together just like we talked about and she is done she is coming to the finish line that euphoria of relief and excitement is going to be washing over her as the heli follows her into the finish corral susana in the finish line with a smile on her face big ups to the new polish rider rookie yeah that was awesome look at that smile i can only imagine how good it it's almost infectious that good feeling you put down a run like that we're all feeling it we're feeling it in the booth everyone on the on the crew is feeling it look at that right off the bat nice shifty getting things started that kind of stuff can really shake off the rust for you you know competition season you're kind of feeling a little tight and then boom you get that shifty out of the way look like she got a little hung up on some rocks there look at this the way she's standing over that downhill ski nail i wondered when people came out of the bottom if they were going to get caught up by the ice we saw it with our first forerunner uh who was off the air before max but no problem this these are tour riders and they ride like tour riders that's right it was a super nice run to get things going and we're so psyched the will to it is happening again if there's anything i think the judges will penalize her for is that it was a little bit traversy between some of the speech features especially at the top i think that she lost more speed than she wanted to that snow was fast and there was some rocks that had to be avoided didn't manage to come off things off completely off the nose which is what i'm sure she wanted to do so score coming in and 63-33 so the judges giving themselves a little bit of space to work with these numbers are you know they use them based on their criteria also on the ranking system so susanna right now she's sitting in first and we'll see if it holds up as you set that lower start it does offer a bit of traverse at the at the top but it is getting getting you somewhere and you know within the criteria that the judges have to work with they know what they're looking at the riders also know what the judges are looking at so they're choosing runs that they feel are going to give them you know the best option to ramp the score up now you know we go right back up to the top and we have one of the heaviest hitters in the game elizabeth garretson she is a burbear extreme champion she's a young swiss rider with a ton of style she's uh in my opinion an awesome combination of serious and hilarious i love that about her she's super focused as an athlete but as a person she's so fun to be around super interesting but man when she gets into the stargate look out yeah that's right va champion from from two years ago so currently holding the verbier title actually since last year unfortunately got cancelled at her home mountain back in the start gate now and pushing off olympic performance rider taking the same line as zuza so far another shifty off that ridge and another competitor's managed to stay in that nice softer snow on the further look is right taking a similar line to zuzia so far i thought we'd see more skiers on the lookers left at the top but uh creative ears that i didn't pick myself coming off that bigger hit and taking it far more full line stomping it from elizabeth garrison but coming unstuck in that snow that hardest snow that we could see and we talked about before didn't quite manage to stay out of it and has lost both the skis and all of it points very unfortunately right off the nose the stomp was no problem for elizabeth but unfortunately controlling the speed after proving to be the challenge so she's waving arms she's okay but she is extremely disappointed as up to that point things were looking great super fast super fluid and for sure i know we're only two riders in but far and away the biggest error of the event so far taking off a huge bite of that and yeah really handling the landing but speed control we kind of talked about it let's have a look you'll analyze this yes stomp in the soft oh no the ski just blows off okay so not necessarily the fault of the the transition from the softest know to the hardest snow that we had thought i mean it was in that area that it happened but it looks like it might have been just catching a foot in the crust one foot diving one foot not maybe even a binding problem that unfortunate and unlikely and uncommon but it could be that sometimes it happens i'm not sure exactly what happened there but it could be a punchy crust that she landed and one foot broke through what do you think that's a nightmare for for a tour athlete to have their ski come off after you've stomped a big air like that uh you know obviously we'll have to catch up with her later and find out the specifics of it but looking like she had it stomped and then on the run out just walking out of that right ski and unfortunately um i don't care how good you are you're not finishing a tour run on one foot you know what if somebody's gonna make me eat my words somebody's gonna make me eat my words and do it these are the most talented athletes on the planet um but that is extremely upsetting for elizabeth as things were starting off with the bang i'm glad that she's okay i think right now for her it's going to be the spirit that's feeling a little bit down hopefully physically she's she's good there but man what a bummer for elizabeth starting things off so strong and then unfortunately going down in the guts of it now just waiting for a ski runner to come and get her equipment for her we do have a um basically a massive crew of support here both medical ski runners uh set up riders all kinds of stuff we've got we these riders are backed up to the nth degree just to make sure everything's safe and things are uh are clean for them that's right so elizabeth is starting to hike for a ski there uh that other ski is quite far above her so we've got a ski ninja ski dude or a ski dudette coming in to help her out and retrieve that other ski for her she's already made her way to the first one and the second one will be retrieved for her soon hopefully uh waving her arms both to show us that she is okay and out of frustration i'm sure uh yeah pretty pretty frustrating way to start the tour season after missing out on verbier last year as everyone did you know the competition got cancelled even though the the venue wasn't just prime condition so i think a lot of athletes have just been absolutely frothing to get back into the competition scene and ensure what they've got and she sure did coming out of the gate huge air stomping it losing that ski almost riding it out on one foot and instead having to wait for for someone to come and get her ski which is quite far above her so neil we've we've chatted about this but i want to talk about it again we don't know who's got what right now because it's been such a long time since we've seen a competition feverbroon 2020 was the last time we saw these athletes in competition so it this is really the time for a lot of riders to lay their carts on the table i'm wondering up at the top everybody just saw elizabeth absolutely throw down do you think that people are going to be changing do you think that people are going to be reevaluating you know what do you think is going through the rest of the ski women um up there after watching elise you know she she kind of put some heavy cards on the table she put some aces down didn't quite uh didn't quite pan out but man i feel like she made a solid statement there very strong statement yeah that's right she she's really stepped up to a big cliff straight out of the gate on the first competition of the season she's looking for the win she wants an overall title she has the the skill and the ability to do it and i think that if you're standing in the start game you saw those first two runs then it wouldn't really necessarily help with your decision making because uh zuza skied a little bit of a safe line i would say you know which is fair enough as a rookie in your first comp with the unpredictable conditions and uh she's you know come down she's got a score in the low 60s that you know probably enough for a top five which you know not bad for your first com elizabeth she's come out there to be like i'm here to win this thing you know or at least podium and with a run like that if you keep going the way she was then she would have so if you're standing in the start gate you still don't really know because you've seen someone like throw their cards down and be like i'm going to win or crash and crash and someone not throw their cards down and be like i'm here to like get a feel for the free i'd wheelchair i'm the first out of the gate in my rookie year so i would i don't think it's helpful with the decision making it's just showing you two options yeah we we know less than we did before but i'm even more excited and more intrigued um which is great and that's right where i want to be sitting in this booth watching this event so elizabeth garretson she's getting her equipment back together she's going to ski out her run so for for the scoring when you lose your equipment you're given an ns that means no score uh you you go basically to the bottom of the ladder and you will finish with equal last place points so that's that's going to be a heartbreaker for elizabeth uh but if she's proven anything in her free ride career it's resiliency she can come back she knows how to do it she's um you know she's she's a smart rider and she's extremely talented as a skier so we're going to see elizabeth back on the froth i have no doubt absolutely and maybe she's going to get another chance next week we are going to try and host another competition here and and uh an ordinary so just coming into the finish line now the peak performance rider out of verb a switzerland the reigning verbiage stream champion style master elizabeth geretson in the finish line now yeah not as much of a smile as fazusa understandably yeah that's a that's a tough thing to take as an athlete when you you do your bet and um you know your your skis don't your equipment doesn't but it is unfortunately part of the game and we've seen it we've seen it too many times to to think that it's anything but possible to happen again and unfortunately it's happening to elizabeth there but we move on the competition goes on elizabeth is done for the day but we are going back up to the start and this one is fascinating mode best verbier rider she was a rookie on tour two years ago did two events in her first event she was on the podium and then in her second event she went absolutely massive and tore her acl and she's been out since then but she has been shredding at such a high level at home i'm super excited i think mode best is a dark horse possibility for a title this year she's back she's fully healed she's totally engaged look she's visualizing her line i had a quick chat to her yesterday and she's like i'm a hundred percent and i am ready and i was like oh yeah and she's back on course uh first one out of the top start gate straight into that steep gnarly zone and making super short work of it really quick i think this is the the 50 degree section of the slope up there which brings the average up to 45 for the whole thing and you wouldn't know it because she was here through this so quickly some riders were worried about the ability to control speed on that apron under the steeps mud having no problem with that whether that's snow quality or her quality as an athlete either way mode making short work of this clean through there now she's coming into these lower gullies where we've got a lot of different options super interested to see which way mode is going to choose to go popping off that middle nose and coming quickly down through that slightly crustier snow you can see the stuff that's angled a little bit back towards the sun has got that firm crust on it but keeping well in control of that and doubling down through that bottom section quite a similar line to my full run from yesterday i would say boom boom boom dead fall line top to bottom if you put a ruler in our view from the summit to the finish line she went absolutely dead straight down the middle of that ruler and she is back mode best back on the tour super clean super fast and very technically uh technically sound really happy to see another rider come through that middle section lower where we saw the forerunner get a little jacked up and manage it by using good technique as a coach that stokes me right out yeah nice one we've got the judging criteria coming up now the line and fluidity both in the green control air and style and technique all average that would uh point towards a 50-something score for me i think that that'll be something that we'll talk about a little bit later as well but more bears showing that she can get down on her feet maybe seeing her swiss compatriot out of verbier going down losing a ski just before her and uh maybe turning back the line a little bit based on that what do you think hard to say i mean for from from the uh mind game perspective for mode return to competition can be daunting mentally uh right now she needs to be better than 6333 which was zeus's score so for mod to come back at maybe not a thousand percent in terms of difficulty of line but skiing at what looked like a hundred percent in ski quality i think that's probably pretty sound strategy for this for for this first event back you never exactly know how your mind's gonna work 6933 so mod dropping herself into the hot seat you know what i think the judges really liked about that neil was a the tough start at the top and b the directness of the line you said it when we watched zuza a little traversing mode none of that exactly i think the the speed of the skiing and the size of the ears was quite similar between zuza and marg but uh starting from that top start with a steeper top section and skiing it so confidently well probably made the difference all right well the competition rolls on tracy chubb in the start gate she was our region two free ride world qualifier champion she's an american rider she's a shredder she's a veteran 35 years old she's been at this for a while but man she is so excited she's like a full froth monster i was talking to her yesterday she loves skiing she's bouncing around the mountain loving all the little side hits and stuff skiing with the crew i'm super stoked to see tracy get out here she has a bit of a reputation on the north american scene for some pretty heavy sending so hoping she's going to get after that here on the freeride world tour absolutely i did some comps with tracy back in the day some of the four stars in the north american circuit and awesome to see after injuries she has battled her weight onto the tour and on course now starting with that same topi off the window up that we saw zuza and elizabeth do and coming over maybe to the same cliff yeah it's just so fascinating to see riders who on their own do the visual inspection without really talking to each other and then end up on the same features although tracy taking a slightly different approach now you can see this snow is firm she's not even leaving a track in it now getting back over into the softer snow through elizabeth's bomb hole taking a slightly lower line nice little chip off the side of that so things looking clean here for tracy so far yeah that's right i wonder if you can see the cliff elizabeth hit from the top and see the fact that she crashed and i wonder if that made an effect on her decision making because uh tracy like you said quite the center and has a reputation for that in the freeride qualifying scene in north america but lining up something at the bottom now maybe as a double i think she is this is a big one tracy chubb pointing into the shoot a little bit off the side but coming out and control on her feet nice and clean there for tracy and heading over to the wind lamp oh looking like the uphill foot hit it a bit before the downhill foot but she managed to handle it these athletes are are ninjas when it comes to balance and fitness so a little thing like that not going to throw her off so tracy chubb another rookie now just like susanna who is in this finish gate with a clean complete run that's got to feel good yeah absolutely staying on her feet i think that she maybe got caught in that crusty snow a little bit on that one lip uh making it even more impressive that we've seen a trick of that today uh but yeah like you said uh that slightly harder snow which didn't leave a track and that looker right look at his right hand gully uh i think she is gonna be looking at a similar score to susannah vitic maybe a little bit lower based on that judging criteria of fluidity and aaron style being down like you see a little bit out of control on that very bottom one loop here even though it's a small thing it kind of judges affects the judging the criteria and the points because you have to compare people against the other people who have not done that waiting in the school and sorry big smile on her face there tracy she's stoked to be in the finish gate that's got to be that's got to be a great feeling to get that first run on the tour kind of out of the way i don't want to say out of the way because you said it before it's one of the greatest feelings in the world you want to cherish it but also to be in the finish and just be done with it it's got to feel good now you can start to focus on a little bit of strategy there you go neil you were bang on three 57.33 so just a little bit below suzanne vitic uh based on that uh fluidity and air in style i believe similar line uh similar size of jumps and showing us that there is cool terrain and some good snow in the venue today but having to be a little bit careful of that hardest no in the middle of the lookers right hand so sitting uh third at the moment i believe uh current in podium contention but we've got three big names coming up yeah there's no guarantees here uh until all the riders are finished and this is a young lady who really wants to have a crack at it she has got incredible technique french rider juliette wileman from chamonix she said she's been ski touring a ton because as we all know the ski resorts in france not open so her legs are strong julia's been going uphill a ton wants to go downhill a little bit 20 20 last year fourth place in hakuba she's got that ski racing background i say this every year when juliette drops in for the first time i love how she skis i love to watch juliet ski i'm really excited to see this run for her yeah me too derek who's the coach of the whistler freehand club speaking as a coach loves to see good technique and juliette wilman certainly has that the second rider to start in the steep steep stop section you can see that it is gnarly up there and she is making sure to get through that without losing control because that would be terrible for her body and her score but stomping an air through there as well we didn't see more best do that the only other rider to go through that section so the first person to drop something in the steep technical start start one on course we've got julia wilman the only french rider in the women's ski field today juliet moving into this ultra exposed double airing out super clean you can see when she has to make turns on the exit that's where she leans on that technique standing on the downhill ski now juliet is way into a great run right now and over top of moore oh juliet this is a new juliette williman she has we've we've seen her ski well but sometimes choose the mellower line well that juliet is gone and this new juliet is looking absolutely unbeatable that was unreal boom juliet wilman i have been waiting for that kind of run from you and that was absolutely hammers that double takes so much commitment it is directly above big exposure and you saw how hot she came out of there part of her shut down didn't leave a track in the snow the snow was hard but that perfect technique allowed her to shut down that snow down the speed in that snow just like she needed to do perfect control great technique you can see that all of those green bars are right up for the judging criteria a little bit down on the floor for a hesitation at the top and the steep gnarly part but i think we're going to be looking at a new hot seat person here today derrick foose absolutely that run was such a great blend of good skiing solid line and fluidity and the places where she slowed down you had to slow down you know obviously these riders are concerned for their own safety 7867 for julia willman dropping into the hot seat that she just set the bar right there for the women's field that was fantastic i'm so excited for her it's been an evolution for juliette in freewriting and and to see her now drop into that hot seat and we got to give a nod to the hot seat this year built out of the uh out of the retro dynastar skis that is just so cool to see juliet step into the uh the arena here and really show us that the uh the women's field is absolutely firing that's right so juliet women guaranteed a podium now with two riders left to come more best and second zuza vitic and third uh well the rookies going to be stoked the returns from injury the wild cards uh but we have some people coming up that can definitely knock them out of there who have we got next on the start list well i tell you what if there's somebody to be scared of when you're sitting in the hot seat it's this woman right here hedwig vessel she won here last year she's won plenty of events she was in second overall going into the finals last year when the tour shut down she is here only to take a title she's very she's a happy young lady but man she is a savage competitor and she wants it and she's such a good skier i love watching epic ski because you never know are you going to get the freestyle head vig or you're going to get the big mountain gnar head big we're going to find out right now big mountain gnar so far hedwig vessel straight out of the gate with space just coming into that steeper gnarly issue on the look is right we haven't seen anyone go down there yet i believe continuing even further right into the zone below the start too and teeing off with a huge backflip head big vessel blowing my mind oh my word hedwig vessel is not messing around she is here to play sending it through that gap that was absolutely wild and now look at the pace she is pinning it through this lower section hedvig it was one second ago she did a humongous backflip at the top and her run is almost finished she's on the apron at the bottom absolutely pinned even a little extra credit there over the step head big vessel flying well we said if you're in the hot seat you should be afraid juliet you should probably be afraid because head big vessel is here to play i am losing my mind about that run that top back he was so committed the snow up there isn't that forgiving not even a steep takeoff not a good poppy takeoff it's almost downhill look at the replay now boom perfect landing had to shut speed down as well before this next cliff you can see this rocks right there so confident that she could just take that and then take on the next hit straight away afterwards this is also above exposure no hesitation no worries head vessel wow i think we're going to have another new person in the hot seat i mean kids if you're at home and you're you're a young free rider that's how you do it that is how you do it strength commitment skill talent all of it in in one package there for a headache that was incredible look how happy she is that's going to feel good to put that run down yep go to beat julia at wilmington the one thing i think that the judges might penalize it for she was a little bit out of control coming out of that landing from the backflip understandable because the snow was difficult it's the same snow that made uh elizabeth gerritsen crash but when it happens above exposure you can't 100 reward that you've got to say oh that was a close but judges have spoken 86 6 7 for hedwig vessel we have a new leader no surprise there the judge is definitely having to uh having their work cut out for them but we saw the judging criteria they're just lit up top to bottom like a set of traffic lights except no red lights on that one that was all green fluidity and i mean the line like every piece of that like you said so exposed so much risk and just taking the risk and handling it like the veteran she is that was a boss run from hedwig vessel she wants to be the overall champion this year the peak performance rider out in norway making her case for it she went win last win last and now she is looking at a win again she either crashes or wins and what a way to start off the season and her championship all right well we are looking at the last woman in the women's field this is our wild card olivia mcneil right out of the whistle free ride club she was second overall on the fwq in north america and she got wild carded when we lost jacqueline pollard two weeks ago she was at home in university and now she is dropping into her first run on the freeride world tour also opting for the steep gnarly start and also opting for traversing a little bit to the right just like we saw hedwig this will do we're dropping into that shoot steep and gnarly in there lucky the snow is good catching her a little bit on one ski but popping around very similar to the forehand that we saw from max palm so far yeah so far so good here for olivia nerve wracking for her dropping into the first tour tour run of her life going big there solid so far for olivia mcneill she's looking like she's adjusting her goggles that landing looked firm yeah super heavy hit but uh taking it with the legs and just adjusting your gear to get into the next section i wonder if that uh maybe chatter to focus for the next section but for this bottom section she's got another big one lined up into a steep landing that's a transfer you've got to make that landing and she does coming out hot oh looks like that crusty snow costs her a ski just like elizabeth oh that is such a shame right in the belly of the turn loading it up and the ski just walked off after that huge air olivia showing us that she belongs here but unfortunately just digging in there maybe i don't know if she wanted to to shed a bit of speed or if she was looking to get over to to catch a little extra credit air off that pepper but whatever it was it just took her ski as she broke through the crust and that is heartbreaking because things were looking good there for olivia mcneill that is absolutely heartbreaking because i think there was going to be a podium run there derrick yeah i agree you're a junior out of the whistle free eye club three of them on the freight world tour now that's the first one we're seeing today and the first girl at the whistle frag club to be on the free air world tour second i apologize yeah so let's take a look here big one clean stomp there heavy head for liv and then digging into the turn she did drop a hip there and when the hip went down the ski was off i hope she's okay that actually looks a lot rougher uh on hopefully knees and ankles and everything are all right because that one when it dug in it stopped her ski absolutely dead yeah that crusty snow a little bit uh of the more angled from the look as right to the lookers left stuff is where it's a bit more sun affected and crusty but uh popping that ski on her way out to what i think would have been celebration in the finish line and it's still a celebration because of what an amazing run that was especially that transfer yeah where you had to make that landing and she did really impressed with that that's kind of veteran level stuff and she's doing it as a rookie so awesome to have olivia mcneil here stake in her case on the freeway world tour really sick first round for the rookie unfortunately not quite able to take it all the way to the finish line this time but i'm sure in the future we're going to see some more big stuff from the young gun yeah unfortunate there for liv as she she goes down losing a ski but i think you're right i think that's a run she can be proud of as a rookie it's definitely not easy mentally or physically but she went for it she said she didn't want to do a lame run that's what she told me she was terrified of that yeah that was her worst fear rather rather go down swinging than uh finish in in a lame one so definitely did that and i i i feel like good things are big things are in store for olivia mcneill that was a good way to kick things off mine is obviously throwing a shoe so her and olivier sorry her and elizabeth can co-commiserate together and go back to the drawing board as they're going to look to uh they're going to look to come back swinging so here we go neil head big vessel juliette willman mode best that is your one two three ski women here in ordino arcalis yeah cards are on the table now yes you're uh wow and so every girl ninety percent of people thought that the peak performance right at annoy was going to take it today or at least be on the podium and they were right julia willman also taking 30 of the vote for being on the podium also backing that up uh the other person that people thought were going to be in the podium to join those who was elizabeth harrison no score today losing a ski and more bears with her comeback from injury like you said she see she said she felt really good and she has displayed that with a podium on her first bomb back exciting stuff there from the ski women's field definitely making uh there were a lot of questions about the snow conditions about how the riders were going to handle them they're definitely difficult you know there's some some changing conditions as i said the only uh the only consistency is the inconsistency uh but we now know that it is possible to throw down a pretty badass run on on this face so let's drop down into the finish area this is uh i mean it's the first category to be done hedvig vessel uh wow first of all we would just both like to congratulate you on your win i'd like you to walk us through the process of your inspection face check how did you put that run together with the snow conditions the way they are ah thank you so much thank you so much well first i was like okay i need to find something that motivates me and that i want to do and i saw that cliff and i was like i think i could go back to there it's it's a kick and i like that so oops sorry um but when it's snow like this i just thought i don't want to jump too big of cliffs in the end and then i just wanted to have a pretty straight line and i chose the upper upper start to get a little steeper in the in run and connect that well with the first backflip so yeah incredible head vague amazing backflip to see to start off the women's ski for the free world tour 21 we're going to shoot into the man ski now and see more action but congratulations again and looking forward to the next stop with you thank you so much all right so neil as you said ski men our next group on and let's see have a little look at where we left off with our ski man [Music] holy crap hey [Music] oh [Music] another backflip huge transfer there ski men well the ski women gave us a a look the ski men i have a feeling now after watching that are not going to be holding back we're gonna see a show from this guy and it is a stacked field of heavy hitters man i cannot wait to see these guys get after it let's have a look at the start list anyone on the start list could win today and i don't think it was like that five years ago but now it is every single person competing could just take the title today uh tao dani david cooper tom they're all super solid out of canada and andorra austria and sweden coming from a mixture of veterans now or qualifying through the free will as daniel being the the local wild card yeah and then our reigning champion isaac freeland they're dropping 11th can't wait to see what he's got for us jan rao sees all of these guys imar he is kind of at home here definitely the local favorite ross tester another rookie out of the u.s and then look at the swedes stacked up water gorick back on the tour the french rider man you know he wants to go and he can go huge there are so many things that we can see so peak performance fun bat if you want to know if you want to be involved if you want to go deep this is the way and have a look so you said it before neil this is a percentage of you guys who think that these guys are going to end up on the podium what do you think of those numbers yeah interested very interested toodle for 59 not that surprised by that isaac freeland 41. i mean he's a reigning champion but he's only in the second year on the tour andrew pollard 29 rookie of the year in previous years so also a strong contender but much more spread out than the woman ski you know much more of a we're not really sure this is a bit more open there's more guys yeah definitely a lot of options there as you said i mean it's so hard when you look down that funbat list and you're trying to decide who you want to put your money on you can pick three for the podium and there's 19 that makes sense for the podium so it's really hard to lock in looking like turdell freeland and a apoll making the cut there for you guys if you haven't done your bet for this event it's too late you missed out you blew it but you can do it again and we are looking at hopefully running another event here in ordinarco east while we have the snow while we have all the athletes here while we have the crew here so we're going to keep you guys posted keep you updated on what's going on there we will uh if you stay tuned to all our social channels on the instagram facebook and everything we'll uh we'll let you know but your your fun bet is done for now but let's go up because the first ski man is a pretty exciting one tau cryback he's an austrian rider if you're an instagram addict and and you love to watch these guys like i do and see what they're up to tau has been getting after it backflips threes he's learning corp sevens he's doing all kinds of stuff the snow in austria has been fantastic and tao has been making the most of it he's such a he's such a joyful rider he's always just so excited to ski and i'm really looking forward now to seeing that expressed on this canvas yeah absolutely tal kreibek he's all seen all the time and he's about to go i know that he's got at least one track lined up on this face having just seen hipfig vessel stomp a massive backflip will be super motivating for him and the fellow peak performance rider getting the guys ski credit kicked off out of the steep start so far today he had the same mindset that we heard from olivia i don't want to put down a lame run i'd rather crash doing something awesome and so he's going to do that 360 right off the top over the exposure cannot give enough credit to how difficult and scary that is tau now right into the guts of it into this double stomping it lining up something else down here but unfortunately coming unstuck in that shh crusty snow damn it tower is going to be so gutted about that he's going to go stand on what i believe was his take off and he's going to send it anyway boom he knew that line win he'd been studying it for days i know that he was so psyched to flip that i'm pretty sure that backflip was what he had planned there and it looked like he was coming in hot for it but that crusty snow just catching him out that is super disappointing man yeah and you know this is where we're gonna see technique come into play i keep harping on it if you throw your skis sideways abruptly in the crust it's not going to go well everything in in this snow condition has to happen smoothly you can see tao almost got taken down there but he managed to hold it and then put that down that's a veteran move to be able to come back from an unbalanced moment and then throw a 360. and then tau here at the bottom with this massive scent getting a little sat down but you know i think you got to give it to him there because that was so big and definitely firm conditions to be landing on exactly i think a lot of people are going to be teeing off that today and so actually kind of nice of him to put a bit of take-off and landing track in there to show people where the angle is also i think it's just so psyched to hit that they didn't want to step away from it after the unfortunate control issue just above it but yeah you can see on the judge's criteria control and fluidity down which is unfortunate for tao but it does make sense given what we saw throwing things sideways and then unfortunately just not able to hang on dropping the hip to the inside so tau he's pretty disappointed as he was on a pr a solid run there that three at the top man i can't even talk enough about that how impressive just the risk of that was 45 points for tao uh yeah as you said neil gutted for him even with the crash he's still not far below the 50 mark which would be kind of a good four run so tal kreibek really got it for him today i'm sure he's got it as well but uh yeah unfortunately reminding us of his hakuga run last year where i thought he could have taken a podium place and coming outside at the very bottom he's got it in him and he's going to put it together one of these days soon yeah absolutely all the elements are there they just need to all come at the same time for tout it's there we will see it for sure we saw it last year in february finally putting all the elements together looking forward to when we see that from tao we're going back up to the top local rider wild er wild card into this event danny fornell pratt he has been a tour rider in the past he's now he's working here as a as the frontier guard and we saw him uh we saw him wildcarding into this event last year as well the locals love him the riders love him everybody comes back to see danny and gets so excited and really fast out of the stargate i think going a little bit further left and most people have gone from there making three turns into a transfer air into the next shoot landing in some crusty snow and still holding it together danny for now pratt charging down here yeah showing that local knowledge and really you know veteran there the patience look at danny getting right into it oh but catching up on that hurt and falling down through that double i think he's all good i think he might have lost a ski can you see there on the screen derek yeah hard to tell it's uh yeah he's definitely got a ski off but he's up and moving he's waving that he's all right i think just pretty bummed meant aggressive skiing from danny fornell pratt there he was coming into it just as you said caught up in the middle of the double the snow conditions are tricky and they are not consistent so from one turn to the next you can have a completely different climate now danny is back on the move it looks like he has oh no are we watching replay here no no uh yes i believe we are getting a bit confusing sometimes uh between watching with our own eyes live and watching the screen what's happened there oh yeah so he bumped off the rock while his angle was just a little bit off he bumped off the rock wall it took his ski and then he was in the middle of the shelf middle shelf of that double on one ski facing the wrong way which is not where you want to be in a situation like that but danny's up and moving and good he's just now waiting for the ski ninja to get his ski which is going to be a feat in and of itself if it's still on the middle patch of that double yeah i think that's where it is isn't it and that's a world tour rider quality of skiing which is quite a big ask of a ski ninja of a ski dude or dudette that a volunteer workers a big ups to the volunteer workers that have uh have come today to help us with things like that the local crew very supportive the whole community here in andorra in ordino the town and ordinary collective ski resort uh really helping us out that was very welcoming and very supportive of the freire wheel tour and you know whether it's uh making sure that we're that we're comfortable and and welcome and set up to do the things we want to do and the jobs we need to get done or you know trying to collect someone's ski from the middle of a double drop and a slightly exposed section of a free will to a venue you know they're really committed here imagine how that guy feels right now he volunteered to be a ski ninja and i thought i might have to retrieve a couple skis and you know get some get to meet some tour riders and now he is in the absolute heart of the gnar looking down being like what how am i supposed to get that you know he's gonna have to hit that air and stop immediately honestly i'm really glad to be sitting in this commentary booth right now and not up there in the ski ninja shoes because that uh i am not jealous no that's a tough situation for that i mean maybe we shouldn't be laughing he's probably terrified yeah i feel bad but danny fornell pratt showing why he is given the local wild card into this uh into this event absolutely pinned you can see where he came in on the side angle for that double that's not that's not something that everybody would have spotted you know that's that's local knowledge and and veteran sort of uh line choosing for danny but unfortunately not working out for him now and we're putting our ski ninja to work to collect danny ski there we go so hopefully not gonna leave too big of a pit there for our um our subsequent riders but i think i think those guys can handle it yeah i think so too a bit of side slipping is usually what people do to prepare jumps right so he's just preparing the jump for the following riders uh danny waiting patiently above some exposure for risky delivered he's pretty relaxed guy in the mountains in fact working as a border patrol policeman in the mountains for andorra to prevent smuggling across the high passes so very specialized job yeah it's pretty cool to see him uh step out of that professional role and step right back into the role of professional freeride world tour skier pretty diverse skill set on the man and glad to see that he's all right after that it was looking a little bit scary for for a moment as we lost sight of him bumping through the center patch of that double but danny's all right he's gonna get a ski back on get back down to the bottom and uh it'll be virtual high fives and socially distance hugs at the bottom with the other athletes as they finish yeah exactly so danny florida i think that in some ways local knowledge might have almost let him down a little bit because that line that he skis usually goes a little bit of low tide year here in andorra and or latino are police this year and uh that line usually has a bit of takeoff so he knows when recently it probably went you know a week or two ago i'll go ski that no one will ski that because they don't know it as well as i do but because other people don't see that it's on it doesn't look on right now he tries it catches a rock on takeoff because there's not enough snow and and loses the ski so not always beneficial to have local knowledge yeah glad to see danny up and riding pinning his way down man i i'm just so impressed with the aggression that he showed in his skiing at the top of this venue it is so steep and definitely a little bit of funk in the snow we've seen a few other riders get caught out he was clean through there the patients waiting to load up the turn instead of doing it quickly throwing them sideways that's uh you know that's that's the kind of thing that comes from experience comes from years of doing it you don't rush these things and if you keep if you keep the patience in play then you're gonna have a good outcome that's right all right moving back up to the top rookie out of region one david deliv he's a swede he is a shredder he's been roaming around with uh with some of the frenchies and the american rookies just going for it i love the way this guy skis he's such a free spirit he's he's one of many riders on this tour that just seemed to do it for the absolute joy for the passion of it and and you know as a as a spectator of the sport i'd love to see that so let's see david's first run on the freeride world tour david leave coming straight towards the hedwig vessel cliff i'm going to name it i wonder if it's going to have the same result big becky and stomping it so cleanly first thing on the free eye will tour from david to leave and he is right into the night i was really excited to see this guy and it's already slaying putting down is he going to hit the tail private cliff is i'm going to name that one i think he is and another massive backy off that one but coming unstuck oh the the trajectory just a little bit off you can see it's so specific the way the tau hit that was the only way that you can hit that and david's trajectory was just a little bit off and it sent him off that next air he looked like he was balanced but uh pretty hard pressed to keep it together when you've just landed a uh i don't even know a 10 meter backflip to to accidentally fly off another cliff david fine he's up he's already into the finish line but man well we're talking about cards on the table this rookie has just laid down a handful of aces unfortunately a joker in there which was the slight uh off angle let's take a look at this first one oh just so clean on landing i mean hyderabad's was awesome and david's was too but like just to control straight into a turn on that one and this bottom line even bigger the dynastar rider lucky to avoid those rocks actually i'm glad that he's come out of that in one piece his body and skis both completely attacked but uh the first rookie run for the young swede you know the hungry swede they call him damn amazing yeah that was solid and you got to give him credit for the full send attitude absolutely cracked wide open on the throttle just maybe a little bit of if i could say a rookie mistake there with the angle at the take off for for david to live 38-33 so that's not going to cut it for today but man we have seen what he has in his pocket and i think we are in store for a heck of a season there from this young swedish rookie woo the men's ski field already delivering quite an exciting show we're going right back up and this this one this is close to home for me cooper bathgate another free our whistle free ride club athlete known this young man since he was a a very young buck he's been at the freeride junior world championships a couple times he's here on the tour he was second overall last year on the fw in north america he's pretty excited he kind of likes the look of his face his twin brother jackson won here in 2016 at a junior event uh so coops has has a bit of a an affinity for this for this venue hopefully he's going to be able to show us what he's got on this face that's right starting from the look is right start a bit of a change going over towards where we saw elizabeth garrettson go and uh yeah stinging off that transfer yeah really nice way to start things going into a completely different section of the venue we've seen anyone else go slashing it up showing some freestyle fun-loving attitude and approach we can't see him right now at our own eyes but on the screen he's coming back to a completely different section of the view you've seen anyone else go to so that transfer just classic true to form for cooper he loves that kind of cross-court stuff he likes to go really far off things oh huge there as well coop's working this lookers right skiers left side now coming in fast into this lower section we'll see what he's able to get sending over that entire section cooper bathgate in and out in a blink so super different line but finding some massive features in that section oh that was exciting for cooper he's going to be pleased oh creative man it's awesome to see google i'm pretty sure he's about to sit down the hot seat our first three have crashed and then a fourth person has gone somewhere completely different super style on his feet and just made it look like a lot of fun yeah i love this one at the top it wasn't a big takeoff but he went so far off it and then finding his way through this ultra technical middle section going big there look how firm stable steady he is on his skis so clean fluid smooth and to the bottom the only thing i think the judges may have to say about that are they going to consider the difficulty of the line there for cooper 6333 so if i if i had to guess difficulty a line may be the thing that held that one back for cooper because yeah control was there fluidity was there aaron's style all there line line difficulty on this face maybe not quite uh we'll see what everybody else is going to have in store but cooper sitting in the hot seat on his first run in the free red world tour cooper basket kind of reminding me of a young drew tabke yeah i think that's a fair comparison for coops he's uh he as we said he's got the affinity for for those cross-court features and uh these two young boys well they're men sorry grew up together tom pifer in the free ride club but could not be more different in their approach in terms of terrain if uh you know if cooper is a young drew tabke tom may be more of like a like an imar navarro but with some tricks he's he's loves the steep the gnar the ultra technical and he just likes to go so fast so let's see what tom pifer has in store for us right out of that steep start that's right as you're saying different to cooper starting from the steepest start and getting straight into the gnar i think that snow is already getting a little bit worked with the number of riders who are coming through but same as tau krybik three off the top super smooth stompy solid and taking it to across earlier really far across the hill a little bit backseat because of that hard snow on the landing and a little bit of flat landing but it's so flat there tom concerned about the flatness of that landing you know we chat sometimes about his lines and i tried to with all the athletes and he was like i don't care i'm still doing it i really want to now another new section being opened up here neil tom pifer opening up the complete look his left side where i think the snow is better turning it into a double pointing off that managing to avoid the tree and come out hot into that bottom area nobody else has gone even remotely close to here the complete opposite side of the venue to cooper the two young canadians showing they can be as creative as you like and with another air that nobody's hit into the good snow keeping it shady keeping it smooth tom piper another good run for his first of the season wow i think that's going to be a potential hot seat competitor that was straight to plan for tom the the three at the top i mean we saw tau do it that must have been reassuring for tom to see tau do it to know it works and then going way over into the other side of the venue into a uh a previously unwritten section really relying on the tails of his skis there to hold him up as that was absolutely pancake flat and then this massive double skirting next to the tree tom keeping it clean showing he's been doing his squats over the off-season that was a solid run for tom pifer things are looking nice in the green uh on the on the bars there fluidity a little low not sure where the fluidity was down on that one but exciting to see what the judges are going to make of it as you said just totally totally different take on this face uh what we saw from cooper and everybody else so far so judges deliberating now cooper bathgate with a 63-33 as the score to beat tom pifer he's looking you can tell he's looking at the screen looking at the judges trying to figure it out really interested to see uh you know this is where things get tricky for the judges when things are so different between runs just like you said they couldn't be more different uh starting from one start starting from a different start sending mellow ears really far you know doing something no one else has done and tom pie for 74 points that is super solid the judge is preferring that probably because of the line choice like you were saying before a little bit steeper terrain managing to flash through things that is a little bit gnarlier rather than sending mellow ones really deep and tom piper sitting in the hot seat 74.00 points yeah and i think likely they zinged him a bit on control for getting sat down on that long cross court uh transfer in essentially into the flats um but the rest of that run for tom very solid the 360 we saw it with tao that 360 is rowdy it's so steep up there you can't can't say enough about how rowdy it is to do a 360 up there in the steeps it just shows the level that we're at and boom straight back into it former rookie of the year this isn't a i mean we're going to go through this all day with this start list but every single one of these athletes as they stand in the start we we we could be looking at a potential winner andrew pollard straight out of all to utah wants to give a big big shout out to his sister who is at home jacqueline we miss you we know andrew misses you big slash at the top andrew pollard on course that's right this guy got third most votes for how many people thought they were gonna be on the podium uh so quite a crowd favorite quite a local favorite had the golden bourbon for a while was it last year i believe and uh coming to another creative looker's right section of the venue similar to cooper at first but then transferring back into the big open shoot andrew is a master at finding roots through places that other people don't see he is so smooth so fluid and coming down now into this lower section andrew making short work of this and teeing up a huge one right off the top andrew pollard wow another run with a whole bunch of features we haven't seen before at all andrew finding transition that is his if i had to say his super power he always finds transitions you never see a paul landing flat there had to be a commitment to that clip as well it's quite long and although the takeoff angle and landing angle work quite well you see the transition was found you have to come into that worth pace you have to be completely confident you found the right take off the right landing just like david didn't quite manage to do and be like this is gonna work as long as i go fast and he did he was so smooth and fluid in there andrew suffering a dislocated shoulder a couple a couple weeks ago at home he said to me i can't take a big impact so he's gonna be looking even more than usual for those ultra smooth apollo style landings and he found that there never once did you see the heavy head never once did you see him even really dig very deep into his travel look at this that's a huge air boom clean stump he's got long strong legs and managing to hold on to that one nice and clean so another super different run for for andrew pollard different than what we saw from cooper different than what we saw from tao and david and different from tom so really challenging for the judges to put this all together i'm loving the variation today i'm not sure if the judges are much easier to compare people that ski the same line and no one is cooperating with that right now awesome to see so many different features so many different takes so many different interpretations of this venue and andrew pollard sitting in the hot seat with the 76.67 knocking tom piper out he didn't get to sit there for a long even though he had such a sick run so wow damn we're seeing a north american uh sitting in the podium in the hot seat with two other north americans behind them right now but plenty of other riders still in the start gate nothing is decided yet as we as we well know this this field is absolutely stacked with talent and a lot of hungry riders both new and old well not old maybe new and veteran uh who want to have their say in the final outcome of this current standings right now andrew paul is sitting first a tom piper in second cooper bathgate in third those guys happy with where they're at but this guy he wants to have uh he wants to have to say mayell olivier qualified number one out of the fwq in region one that is europe and oceana and he uh well he did it with authority when you watch my owl ski it's powerful it's fluid it's fast and it's always huge i can't wait to see him unleash on this one absolutely big fan of this guy now oliver getting straight into the steep gnarly technical zone skis so strong just like he was saying it's spinning a three into a double what is going on up here wow miele spinning into that hourglass that is a risky move we wondered if anybody was going to air into that well question answered now as not only did my air into the hourglass he spun into it and he is making short work of this face that was a flat landing too is he going to take on this monster at the bottom it's got a quite a short landing and he does he takes it on he stomps it's like it's nothing finding sniping the perfect landing and coming quick over to tom pifer's bottom here yeah he landed in the only possible place off that huge one that is that you could and still stick it way up high in the landing yeah and my also finding that uh that tom pifer zone at the bottom over top of the cave he is happy what a way to start a free ride world tour career rookie run run number one mile olivier throwing down the gauntlet so to speak with a fantastic run that was solid and look at the judging criteria lit up i have a feeling the judges are going to like that one yes i do uh yeah i've been waiting to see this guy in the world of quite a while he has ah that three into a shoot into a double unbelievable great drone footage too uh winning the slovakia competition years ago and then uh two years out with a head injury it really debilitated him for a while something you've got to look after i'm really glad he did look after it so well but still able to come back do so well on the fw last year and then that year on his first fwt run i think we could be looking at someone new in the hot seat and i'm gonna be saying that all day yeah that was a really strong run the line the commitment to spinning into that hourglass straight line at the top with the double all of it and then the huge air hitting the transition absolutely bang on perfectly putting the judges to work is my andrew pollard sitting nervously um well he's in the hot seat now olive there 89 points that is so banger for your first run rookie on the tour been wanting it and deserving it for a long time and it might be a little while long until that hot seat gets changed just got changed twice in a row but i think this guy might be for a bit longer derek that was a solid run that was a great way to kick off uh a great way to kick off his career on the freeride world tour as you said we we kind of expected to see him on the tour a little bit earlier than this year but miele had he had that head injury and and as you said and for for you young riders out there you want to listen to this you got to take the time to get that stuff right it's worth taking the time because if you do you can come back like that if you go back too early things are not as solid so stoked to see mile back in the mix christopher turdell now in the start gate so this guy's uh pedigree needs no introduction but fwt overall champ 2018 he was second overall and really looking to take take it to isaac on the back didn't get the chance to so he's coming back hungry the mellowest guy who is a jekyll and hyde at the start gate he's so calm when when you're free skiing he wants to go for a coffee drops out of the start gate and you get fireworks yeah that's right so many different interpretations of this top section so far today i've been loving them all hedwig vessel cliff i'm going to call it that and he's doing the same as her with the perfect backflip but getting hung up in the landing christopher turdell damn the guy with the most votes for probability for being on the podium today and i think that lanny might be getting a bit bombed out because he was perfect in the air yeah it looked super stable and and i i gotta say for turdell that is super uncharacteristic you don't see him go down very often he is usually textbook especially on a flip maybe you're right it could be a bit of the landing uh hard to say but definitely coming out swinging there for christopher as he wants that title again you know like uh like here let's just have a look christopher really solid up at the top coming in blowing off his ski came off that is unreal that's the third athlete in this event who's just walked out of a ski and had a fantastic run uh unfortunately dropped by uh by a technical issue by the bindings just releasing that's really really unfortunate to see for christopher like you said neil you're like the flip looked good i don't know what happened there well now we know uh hard to ski away from a move like that on one foot not sure if he knows where his other ski is he looks like he's almost walking around probing for it uh yeah i mean like the snow in general is pretty good pretty rippable pretty stompable but i think a couple of places is kind of this like crusty breakable crust no sorry he wasn't probing for a ski he was just pulling out of the snow and so that break i mean these pro athletes know how to use the gear they know how to set it up they know how to select the right stuff like i don't think that it's like a gear failure i think it's just that this this catchy occasionally grabby maybe breakable for one foot crust in some places that's hard to predict where it is has cost elizabeth gerritsen christopher turdell and uh was it olivia mcneill at all skis yeah that's heavy uh some some some solid athletes going down there with uh with that i mean like you said not necessarily equipment failure but just the snow conditions so quite a contrast here we've seen some absolute banger runs and we've seen some really good runs go sideways so far in the ski men's field so not really sure where we stand yet you know we've seen a bit of both and both ends of the spectrum and we are only eight athletes in so peak performance rider christopher turdell you know he smiles he's i mean he's the most wonderful man out there he's just such a great guy to be around and we're gonna hear some stories i'm sure he's bummed um but plenty more athletes to go up at the top so no score for christopher as he did lose a ski on that run that's right the peak performance ride out of sweden the previous world tour champion and could have been world tour champion again last year if the victor ross happened unfortunately canceled due to the cover nation but uh christopher turdell smiley's man even though he's crashed and we'll see more of them the next stops hopefully here and hopefully next week yes fingers crossed for that we're going back up to this rowdy rowdy star gate up in the gnar our another one of our north american region 2 rookies is ray mcdermott out of a basin in colorado this young buck hussein he grew up ski racing didn't compete in free ride as a junior and then kind of uh you know dabbled in the queues a little bit and found himself three seasons later qualifying for the free ride world tour and now standing in the start gate at ordinarco's he's got a great attitude i really like watching race ski he's he's kind of playful he's fun but super sending charging and he's looking to make a mark here on the freeride world tour yeah that's right very modest young man so he snuck onto the front wheel tour but there's no sneaking around the qualifying circuit you are a cinder if you make it and he's starting off with a really nice center i love that kind of air full speed floaty nice grab just looking so controlled and confident leo slimmer-esque for me yeah it's been cool to see ray michael mohn these guys have been traveling with some of the european athletes he came over early um you know hadn't really skied in europe before so wanted to get used to the terrain used to the snow and all that so been skiing in ordinarcley's for for a week now and just loving it these guys are having a great time over here and now ray lining things up at the bottom getting a little forward saving it all that was a ninja move yeah ray known for his freestyle as well and uh chucking in super smooth grab off that bottom here too i think uh the first guide to hit that that air with that landing that's a bit more sun crusty and you know it didn't lose a ski but one of them kind of went out behind him for a little while and well done to pull it back yeah i feel like that section is going to be the most variable it was really crusty early on we saw our forerunner almost wash out on it then we saw olivia get taken out by the breakable crust i i wonder now if it's actually starting to melt if the surface is going to is going to change again like this one for ray so you know i'd say for ray right now this was a dip of the toe into the free ride world tour he didn't come out absolutely swinging but what he did do is come out on his feet which is a strong suit or a strong showing for a rookie and you know you're going to be happy with that you're going to be able to build into your season there for for ray when you see the first three people come out of the start gate crash and lose skis it doesn't seem like a bad idea to step on your feet get to the bottom get some points in the bag you know the snow was variable and uh you can either just absolutely send it and and go for a win or crash or you know just do a smart thing go for a good ride dip your toe in as you were saying and get some points to hopefully stay on the tour yeah so here's a look at our standing so far mile olivier is in first 89 and then a pretty big gap down to a paul tom pipe for cooper bathgate right now sitting in fourth and that is the crash line tau david uh christopher and danny all going down tao and david to live keeping their skis on so they were able to get a score so right now we're going to just wait and see what the judges thought about uh about young mr ray's run on that one first run on the freeride world tour what a mental game when you're a rookie you're standing up there and you're watching guys like turdell go down before you and eat it and lose their skis that must play games with your head when you're you're in the start gate ray 67 sitting in fourth place right now and he has got to be happy with that we are almost halfway through the guys ski field today so 67 points and sitting in fourth halfway through the guys ski field on your first ever competition that is not bad yeah good way to get things started we'll see where that ends up after the rest of the men's field we still have almost half the field to go so plenty still to play for as we see the gorgeous pyrenees the view up here of the pyrenees absolutely spectacular here in andorra so the next competitor in the gate now we have blake marshall out of new zealand and one of the only kiwis able to make it one of the most difficult countries to arrive from uh blake marshall one of the only uh two kiwis out of the seven that were qualified here this year and uh yeah he's ready to go he wanted he said he wanted us to give a shout out to all the kiwis here and back home the ones that couldn't make it the ones that did make it to europe and he got injured and couldn't come here to compete like sam lee big shout out to you big love to you i came here wearing my kia kaha hoodie which is a picture of akira on it and i guess the only new zealanders will get that joke but uh sending it out to you and big love to you guys so blake has been through the ringer he traveled here from geneva to barcelona they lost all his equipment his his ski bag his duffel everything gone so looking at blake he is in a collection of the freeride world tour family's gear to get it done he's got he's got skis from his sponsor which is fantastic stoked to ski he's wearing some of your stuff neal he's wearing my helmet blake is but he said his attitude about it was great he's kind of walked around the hotel collecting equipment from people and was like yeah no i'm good i just need a helmet like all right cool yeah back protector yeah abby gear sure sweet no problem so blake you know he's not letting it phase and he's so stoked he's such a happy guy but man i'm so excited to see him drop in here because he is a he's a dark horse contender i think for a win here absolutely so solid so technically correct so much style as well both ski instructor and a park coach and bringing a tail grab three off that damn dude what a way to start it off on hidvik vessel skis i believe yeah that's so cool to see him just style it out with the tail grab there into this double zone that's caused a few people some problems now blake laying on that turn getting over into the middle section of this course now that ski instructor technique just working for him and now lining up the cliff that we've only seen male oliver hit and taking that with style down into the landing shifting it out going for the grab landing a little bit deeper and just popping off that on slightly shortest keys than he's used to because they hit big vessels tail grab three off the top coming into the finish corral celebrating and doing it for the kiwis he is psyched big congrats bud wow blake uh unreal run look how happy he is to put that down so right into the guts of the nar at the top and then into this thing the way you have to set up that turn immediately immediately above that cliff shows such a mastery of control for them to be able to spin off it and then this one again the landing option is so small the window is tiny if you go a little too far you miss the transition and you're gonna pancake yourself blake knew that he did it exactly the way it needed to be done and that was dead clean so stoked to see him standing in the bottom with a smile on his face mile loving it the only two to hit that bottom ear that i really liked and uh blake marshall is he gonna sit down on the hot seat with all his borrowed gear and stoke doing it for the kiwis that can't be here such an impressive run from the kiwi and second place with 83 points blake marshall yes yeah the kiwi's back home the kiwis for the kiwis back home he's saying it he's calling it fifth place overall on the free egg world tour last year and looking to improve on that giving a fist bump to the hot seat male oliver yeah mael gonna hold on to the hot seat for the moment with plenty of action still to come here in the ski men's field free ride world tour stop number one we are in ordinary in andorra it's friday that means it's comp day and this is an interesting man in the star gate isaac freeland he was a rookie last year i'd say outside of the us and canada virtually unknown but those of us who knew him who watched him grow up and watch him on the qualifiers knew what he had in the bag and he finally unleashed it last year right here in andorra with that switch underflip that just blew mine's freeride world tour still milking that clip on social media because it's just so wild and isaac went on to become the tour champion in his first year now he is back as champion heavy is the head that wears the crown he's like yeah i feel like a bit of pressure now as the champ yeah that's right uh getting picked up by black diamond since winning the fred world tour last year this he's a black diamond athlete and so is victor de la rue so they're holding on to the two returning champions and with a massive backy off this top hit taking it like a champ stomping with those stomp legs it looks like that landing is getting a bit cut up but managing to deal with it with his rad technique great technique and isaac is so strong if you follow him on the gram he does burpees with a backflip in them instead of a squat he does standing back flip burpees the guy is a powerhouse and he's showing it he is coming in here so fast above all this explo exposure isaac transferring across that gully stepping over that second rock wow we lost we are lost for words we are speechless about that i'm not 100 sure if that's what he meant to do off that bottom here but with those stompy strong legs he just took it like the champ that he is landing on the take-off of another ear isaac freeland just blowing our minds i'm gonna go out on a limb and say he didn't mean to do that because he was smiling at the bottom and if you did that by accident you would have that i almost died face and isaac didn't he looks stoked so massive flip off the top so strong and then look at the speed he carries into this just taking it deep going for the not getting it but on those long and low sometimes it's hard and then let's look at this transfer here at the bottom now taking off before the take-off pre-ollying they call it and uh landing like in a place that worked for him uh again i'm not 100 job looking forward to asking him later if that was exactly what he meant to do but i think the judge is gonna like it you know even if it's something you didn't mean to do but you stomp it that hard that clean and show that it's no problem for you you're completely in control well how can you not like it i like it i like it too there was no loss of control there was no problem there was no falter in technique that was that was absolutely banging flawless at the bottom uh on purpose or not uh it was unreal and like i said he was stoked after so this is kind of a a serious challenge to maya olivier's run isaac freeland really showing that his win last year on the tour no fluke you know he had a bit of a strategy to ease into it last year well that strategy is now out the window because everyone knows what he's got so you might as well come out swinging and he certainly did yeah for sure i wonder how you compare his massive backflip where other people crashed at the top to males three into a cool while with a double that no one else has tried very difficult as a judge super glad i'm not that that's not my job 8167 for isaac freeland so that's going to put him into the third spot interesting loving the you know the judges man they are working hard there so blake right now holding on to second miele holding on to the top spot and isaac moving into the number three so he's looking at a podium finish currently but you cannot count on anything with this many great riders still in the start that's right not a lot of space between isaac and blake there so the judge saying they had very similar runs maybe just that missing the grab could be the difference in the situation like you know so tight yeah and blake got the grab on the three at the top all those things factor in and the judges you know they've got their whole set of criteria that they that they roll with so we are up back at the top and jan rossi's the swiss shred dog he was also injured last year we didn't see him again after kicking horse but stoked to see him he's a second overall or sorry second in hakoba he's a always a threat on the back in verbier here in ordinarco he's kicking off his campaign in 2021 that's right starting off from the steep start and probably the most key line from the the guy ski field today starting from the steepner and going over into the cool way that has a jump possibility out of it seeing a couple of 360s off it today opening for the strategy today january says looked like he got a little bit bucked in the takeoff maybe that snow's getting cut up by the others that have been through there already yeah tricky for these athletes to handle the changing snow conditions as they are changing quickly and and drastically so grape see ian making it nice and clean through that double i always like oh he's got a new one doubling down through that or maybe just a straight line in the shoot a little bit difficult to see from this angle but popping off that next feature smooth grab yarn rails is very creative skier taking a new line no one else has done that yet and the same bottom section as tom pifer i believe coming through that quickly has the track to follow and makes the most of it pumping off that bottom one coming to the finish line with his arms out he is happy to be back great first round back from injury from jan rossi's yeah another one in the ski men's field finding a completely different section to ski the creativity in this field is just so cool you know i love seeing these guys their take on on the line and where they're skiing and finding takeoffs and finding landing zones that other people just haven't seen really like that turn right before the air this one right here that jan rosses makes that maybe the cleanest anybody's done that i know it's just one turn but i really like that one and then as you said not getting the three but that one that's classic yan rossi's to me yeah absolutely floating a big side hit with all of the style and this one as well no one else has even gone near that puts in the grab off that too i think that this gray area of judging where it's like if you do something that no one else has done especially late in the pack where other people had chances to scare it it's kind of like ah the creativity's so nice i wouldn't reward that i mean i want on road then maybe it's good i'm not a judge yeah that's a tricky one because creativity not a category in the judging criteria but yanrow sees getting rewarded for it 73-3 so putting him into sixth spot currently uh still with a fair few riders to go but as you said neil that's a solid return from injury for jan and glad to see him back in the mix and showing that trademark style it seems like it's something in the water with the swiss riders they all just have a certain style and a certain way of interpreting the mountain that uh it's very pleasing to the eye all right we are back on talk drew tabke the condor the american eagle he is uh man he knows how to fly and almost guarantee we're going to see something that nobody else has seen he's got such a great eye for original lines so smooth that's what i like about drew he's a an interesting combination of smooth and really aggressive in his skiing really strong but he makes it look like it's easy even when it's not that's right the 2011 and 13 freed world tour champion not enough to get him votes for being on the podium from the general public today what are you going to do these days he's here to show and prove he won the huckabee event the first event last year so why would you not vote for this guy he's so styling such massive crosshail ears like this one what are we gonna see taking it clean there stomping drew tabke now getting a little bit caught up i mean the snow conditions are just so variable so many different things super fast now off this lower section drew moving across court you can always count on him to find something cross hill just like that drew landing in the saharan sand there but it actually looks like it was a nice spot to land lining up this other bottom here as well the two dudes in the hot seat and second uh the only two people who've hit this and he's hitting it as well taking it even deeper than them one two three coming out of it so hot and drew we know he loves to line up wind lips after big cliffs and there he goes doing it again with the grab smart skiing from the veteran the 2011 and 13 world tour champion i don't think that's going to challenge the hot seat i don't think it's going to challenge the podium but it's very smart skiing to get a solid run down start of the season get some points in the bag get the feeling back for your skis you know be ready for the next competition super clean super smooth i like this you know drew saw christopher go down there on that one took it a little bit more to the skiers right which actually worked out super well for drew and then this one cross hill finding finding zones that other people haven't and this you know you can see there on the judge's criteria to fluidity a little bit down as he may be hesitated a tiny bit more and some of the other riders that may have gone in at the same speed they hid their slowing down a little bit better in turn shape versus withdrew throwing on the uh the old pizza there but he actually went bigger that's the crazy thing you've got to hide you're slowing down and they did it super well because they look so smooth coming in and drew a little bit more hesitant coming in but then goes bigger and stomps it just as hard so yeah it's tough to be a judge tough day to be a judge drew tabke happy all smiles in the finish line every rider that makes it to the finish line on their feet today you got to give them full credit because that is a difficult task lots of different things going on on the face lots of different snow conditions judges now you know they're working they're uh they're cracking the math they're they're putting the code uh in play miele olivier 89 even absolutely mind-boggling run for a rookie but miele i mean calling him a rookie is a little bit of a misnomer because he has been around for a while he's he's not a young kid he's done a lot of this but he's a rookie on the tour and that is what it is and he has shown that he belongs here and is looking to uh to put a stamp on things here in ordinarily never too old to be a rookie never too old to win a competition either drew tab keep winning how could be the first stop last year and uh saying afterwards now i'm 35 years old now i didn't know if i could keep beating these kids and uh obviously you can he's got the skill set to do it and to prove it so it's awesome to have him back on the tour and uh competing against literally a rookie although not that much younger than her oliver crushing four stars five six years ago and having taken a couple years off due to injury head injury is always something that should be taken safely and then seriously so uh judges taking their time with this one it looks like you know they've definitely got some some things to think about 6833 there for tabki so that's gonna put him in seventh comfortable inside the top ten for now for drew towkey so we'll see if that's going to hold up with uh the rest of this ski men's field tons of talent still stacked up at the start gate and things are starting to kind of light up as the picture starts to unfold for us we've seen some rookies throw down we've seen some veterans go down definitely things shaking up a little bit on on the ski men's side of the field here we still have snowboard men and snowboard women to go after this so action-packed adventure for us all right back up to the start gate imar navarro local hero this guy is a ski god in andorra they love him here he's from spain but he spends a ton of time here and they love him and you know why they love him because he sends it imar navarro full throttle all the time it's always exciting you never know what you're going to see some of the highlight moments for me uh all time on the freeride world tour have come from this man in this venue he's always going for it he's got such a such a different take he finds huge errors into straight lines he finds straight lines into huge errors and he's just so stoked on skiing you watch him you know the films he's made with the um yeah the south lying sound in south america the the coolers from his from his perspective look like they're not wide enough to make a turn and yet navarro flowing through them like water he's got such a great style and just so sandy i can't wait to see imar unleash on this space yeah absolutely uh as you're saying a big deal here in andorra big deal all over the place but uh doing very well and some some of their stuff here in andor although not on this exact venue here at this this resort at ordinary uh but not before on this exact face he's just about to ski so we've seen some fireworks go off here already here on the puerto ri just about to do his own bit of contributing to those a bunch of the athletes have done that big slash at the top i love that it's such a great way to get your mind into your line uh big slash get some snow moving and just feel the stokes start to burn for you so i'm are kicking things off with a big air up the top and now moving into a section we haven't seen a lot of traffic in the same as danny fornell pratt danny losing a ski on the takeoff can ima manage it yes he does doubles down through that and takes it real fast crusty snow not hanging him up that perfect technique you were talking about just serving him super well there managing make his shutdown look easy coming straight into another big one that was a massive sense for imar and him taking it another two ski lengths past any of the other bomb holes we saw drew go a little bit bigger than the other guys and then i'm are really taking it wow so that was a classic navarro run top to bottom almost dead ball line super fast with a couple of massive hits in it i'm really glad to see him do the same move as we saw danny do just almost to give credit to danny to show that it does work it's possible to do it and navarro and danny the two kind of local legends local heroes both skiing that like you said that you know other people may not have even seen it wasn't a bad idea does go ima navarro proving it coming to this one at the top i don't think we gave him quite enough credit for hanalei that was at the top no one else has lined that up and that landing is just as chopped up and uh this one too you can see he's literally skiing over rocks to his take off side hill direction change stomp almost goes forward and then changes the direction well the light floating control iron style and technique all massively into the green and i can see why yeah and then flying off that i'd say he caught the last ski length of transition on that landing any further than that in his pancake town but imar can take it he's so strong the kite like around there he's giving given props to his home resort now we're waiting these judges are they're working hard they've got their work cut out for them another very different run seeing that line work out 80.33 for navarro putting him into fourth spot so that's uh that's a strong start for imar to get things kicked off for his campaign here on the 2021 free ride world tour season all right we are going to head back up to the start gate you can see the pyrenees absolutely stunning the scenery around here these mountains this mountain range the andorian andorran pyrenees absolutely gorgeous and look at the star gate is just tied up there barely holding on to anything what a place for those riders to be that's gotta be terrifying to move into that yeah the hike up to the stars not only by itself yeah absolutely so we're moving back to switzerland here with carl renval this guy was the man on the junior tour he was unbeatable for a bunch of years he made it on the tour as a very very young man after only one year as a qualifier didn't make back but then when he requalified he has now solidified himself as a tour rider fourth you can see there last year in andorra with an ultra stylish run he's got such a such a kind of stylish take on skiing super different um style but it's very much his own slashing i'd say carl's uh kyle's trademark those slashes and then the massive stylish 50s exactly out of nowhere like you don't think it's a cliff and you go ski so fast at it that it is transfers from one over another one stomping that one and making it look easy the sun guide rider out of verbier swedish heritage swedish name french-speaking swiss style just like saying all those swiss is so stylish where was that how did that work i still don't understand and i still don't know creative ears from kylo renville and another new line was that a rock tap mid line mid-air there did he tail tap that rock it's so hard to see i know we're gonna get it on the replay if he did it 100 looked like he did it on purpose which is absolutely sick there for karl renville you can see he's got some snow on his goggles from the slash turns giving himself face shots all the way down carl in the finish another rider happy to be at the bottom safe and sound and healthy moving over into the uh into the waiting zone carl always good for a smile so let's have a look here a couple slashes at the top carl you can see he's that trademark he's low and crouched and then it allows him to unleash the pop when he gets to the lips of of his takeoff unleash the pop you cannot deny me this is a good run all right let's see did he tap the rock uh we're not gonna get a look at it there i'm not sure whether he did or he didn't all lit up green there iron style fluidity and that's the one that carl always kind of wins on he's so smooth and fluid as he flows down the mountain heading over for a high five from in the hot seat now anxiously waiting for carl's uh carl's score to come in the judges they're looking at you see line fluidity control air and style technique and then the blend of all of those categories is what gives the judges their overall impression of the run and that's where the number comes from that number assigns them a ranking amongst all the other riders and uh from that we get our results we get our podium places we get our tour champions that's right karen the judge is wondering what to do with him today because he is such a unique one sitting in six with a 75 that is a pretty bang a start to the season for him there's not that many riders left to go so i think he's going to be happy with that walking his way up to the vibram car ride up there yes so let's see where we're sitting right now mile olivier on an 89 even with an absolutely spectacular run blake marshall the kiwi skiing on everybody else's gear sitting in second with an 83 and our reigning tour champion isaac friedland 8167 absolute savagery for these athletes imar navarro and andrew pollard rounding out the top five i'd like to go down into the finish area and see if we can have a chat to our current leader there mayell olivier miele you're a rookie on the tour but you just blew our doors off with that run maybe run us through it top to bottom what did that feel like yeah um at the moment it's kind of still stressful that i'm super stoked to land my run and also stop to see all the riders from the bottom and enjoy the show and man i can't wait for the last four races still very good riders on top so we'll see yeah i think that's a great point mile there's a ton of great riders up at the top we've got you on the screen can you see the screen there can you run us through your run and what it felt like when you were doing uh when you were doing this run yeah so i just came into the skinny shoots i played to the 360 and was like super narrow so i'm super stoked to land it in between the rocks and then i kind of link this this part is kind of sharky so i just tried to don't eat anything and i went on on this big one and i just jumped over dude i was i was talking about that and then coming to the the biggest one i tried to cut the right angle i i kind of landed right next to the rocks it was a close call but well land and then came down and grabbed the grab the last one to me it's like kind of mandatory to go in the last few years i don't want to miss anything so i can't go and pass next to a rock i just need to jump it you know i'm glad to hear that man it was an impressive show to watch you've been fighting your way through the qualifiers for a few years now and it's awesome to have you on the tour you really deserve it how different does it feel being on the tour to being on the qualifiers yeah i just say that i've been battling for years on the qualifier so i i feel a divas deserve this but so i i feel like i'm i'm right where i need to to be so i don't know feel good i i mean i feel good stuck nice one man yeah it is and fantastic to have you here you kind of reminded me of vatic gorick also a frenchman also battling his way through the qualifiers for years proving that he's got it and then uh coming out and you know winning the the victor ross uh is that kind of your main goal you're really trying to get to verbier or you're just trying to qualify for next year i mean i know it's kind of the same thing but like it looks like you're coming out firing looking for a tour title yeah obviously i'm looking for very but i kind more inspiring of guys like leo we who is not here today unfortunately because an injury but uh we're gonna try to keep this consistent consistency as leo got for the last years i mean and try to to stay with you guys on the tour for many years oh my al thank you so much that's exactly what we want to and with runs like that we're looking forward to seeing many of them for years to come so just a reminder for you guys sitting at home this category is not finished the ski men are still rolling and we have a few more to go it's not done he said it and and nailed it uh mael is he's in stress town right now you know he's kind of freaking out he's feeling good because he laid down the run he wanted to do and he's feeling good because he's in the hot seat but there's still a ton of talented riders up there that could have a say in this podium so it's not it's not time for him to uh to relax just yet he's not even guaranteed a podium right now we have four more riders left to go and all of them like every single rider in the start list has the potential to sit in the hot seat to win to podium so i can understand why he's stressing out it could be this first world tour comps first world tour win and it could be his first world tour comp as first time half the category in the hot seat and then not a podium yeah absolutely so we are just so you guys know we're on hold right now we're refueling the heli so that we can give you the best views we've got about five more minutes and speaking of you guys at home you're hopefully watching from places where you can go skiing whether it's every day or whether it's on the weekends or whether it's a couple times a year skiing is part of your home it's part of our home and it's a big part of peak performance peak performance has the my home run contest that's such a great way for you to get involved show us what you've got peak performance my home run ever since i was a kid i've been driven by curiosity my friends and i were always drawn to the next adventure around the corner maybe that's why i started skiing in the first place finding new runs and rediscovering old ones the world might be upside down right now but i will look for inspiration in the mountains nearby maybe you can do the same it would be great to watch edits from your home mountains post it on instagram use the hashtag myhomerun and win fantastic prizes from peak performance [Music] here we are back live free ride world tour 2021 ordinarca lisa you can check us out on you can check us out on fuel tv you can follow us on all the social channels facebook instagram twitter wherever you like you'll find us there and it replays both freeride world tour and dot com and youtube but right now we're here it's happening ski men is firing neil what do you think so far i'm super impressed with the level uh only a couple of people have put down safe runs and i could totally understand if more people put down safe runs you know it's the first comp of the season we don't know how many comps we're going to be able to have get down on your feet get some points in the bag seems like a pretty smart thing to do but people have just been absolutely sending you know lots of lines that could win on a different day lots of new lines such a variation people have already put a lot of effort into scoping which is awesome because it's the first time we've used this venue and a lot of people often end up chatting to each other and kind of ending up deciding on the same same lines together but even people that scope together and ride together you know the same nationalities the swedes the french speaking crew they're not skiing the same lines they're doing their own cool creative stuff and it's just such a pleasure to watch yeah i'd almost say more line variation in one event than we've seen in a really long time and it's got to be killer for the judges but they are doing it there you know they're super pros they know what they're looking at they've been doing this for a long time but from from us from this seat and from your seat at home it makes for such a great show and for you guys at home you want to be involved you want to be in this show peak performance fun bet is your way to get involved you can vote on who you think is going to be on the podium and then if you win well you're going to be decked out in all the best peak performance gear hi coloring near here i'm a skier on the freeride world tour my dream is to ski back to ross in verbier again but this time all the way down and make it to the podium with peak performance fun bet you can guess the results on all stops of the free red world tour and if you do well there are great prices to be won you can also create a private league to compete against your friends [Music] and hey my final advice bet on me and i promise you i will make a flat three peak performance fun bet you gotta get into it you've missed it for today if you didn't bet you blew it i bet it you better we're gonna see that is that a word i don't know but we're gonna see who came out where uh it's a great way to get involved and i love the idea of doing leagues you know with your crew at the office or your shred posse you know see bet on your bet with your heart bet with your brain whatever you do just make sure you do it and then you can brag to your friends that you have nailed it when they have not that's right so isaac freeland of the three people that were voted to be on the podium in the top three from that performance fun bit that you guys sent in is currently in the top three i wonder if he'll hold on to that spot the black diamond rider out of north america like you're saying black diamond one of the tourist sponsors the safety sponsor for uh avalanche safety equipment airbags and so on uh they've only got two riders on the tour and it's the reigning champ for both uh ski and not the reigning champion but actually the previous running champion victor de la rue last year niels minnick took it out but victor will be looking to get back on top yeah still champion pedigree there and we are still kicking in our ski men's field right back up to the start gate heli is refilled look at this ross tester he was the junior world champion in 2017. he was telling me that he was really worried about visual inspection and i said ross the last time you did visual inspection it worked out pretty well for you it was like oh yeah yeah totally all right oh i am good at this so pretty sick and then taking the overall fwq tour in region 2 last year ross got a great pedigree he kind of comes from i think neil the isaac freeland school of skiing technically super solid but with a very very thick bag of drinks dude that 360 was unbelievable mental from ross chester right now is just about to say i was the fastest person throughout top scene so far today and backs it up with a 360 into the next and then this iman avaro danny for now pratt line trying to double down in a different direction where is this guy going facing the complete opposite way a little flatter in the landing there but raw's proving he's been doing his squats wow what a way to start off a free ride world tour career ross tester showing his oh well i'm speechless almost ross is on fire right now this is such a strong run from a rookie with a huge backflip at the bottom massive backflip and then popping out of that wind lift in full control that was unbelievable from this yes young man the ross testicles just blowing my mind i cannot exaggerate enough how much this was an incredible run start to finish top to bottom steepest biggest tricks in there as well looking in complete control the whole time wow sitting there waiting for the hell to refuel thinking about you're gonna do that all right let's get a look at the replay here that 360. just as i was saying he had a deep bag of tricks unreal and then look at the technicality of this moving we saw danny and imar turn the other way but ross just bolting out of it a little flat going deep into the travel but handling it and then this at the bottom finding a little bit of a lip so he could get himself upside down with a huge backflip ross tester throwing it down cards on the table what a run and another different interpretation on this face um i'm going to put it out there as a podium just a guess safe fat fun bat uh mile olivier in our interview two minutes ago said he was stressing hard well his stress level just went through the roof into the red zone as ross tester just staked his claim on a potential trip into the hot seat you know the judges have to work their way through the criteria through all the line stuff but certainly miele's three into the hourglass has got to be nearly equaled by ross's cross court three right at the top of that skinny chute both of those i mean i we keep saying it keep coming back to it so glad not to be a judge right now just enjoying this as a spectator loving the show those guys have to make a decision on that run versus miles run not an easy call to make the opposite of what you would expect from someone that just said oh it's my second ever free ride will do a visual inspection rust ester 91 92 points one as a ranking taking a seat in the hot seat 92-33 on your first run on the freeride world tour unreal way to start there for ross tester well you know what so far he's he's he's showing that he's pretty good at visual inspection he's uh he's done it twice and both times he's been in the hot seat will he stay in the hot seat we don't know there's a couple of guys who would really like to take it from him uh all of them have been on the podiums and in the hot seat before but ross tester certainly staking his claim to win the event today here in ordinarkleys well if the next person does not beat him he's guaranteed a podium and the next person would very light very much like to beat him he has come close a bunch of times but we haven't seen him win one yet and carl regner erickson peak performance rider out of sweden would love to take the top step here in andorra or anywhere second place in kicking horse last year with his good friend the only man above him christopher trudell carl is hungry for it he's been a couple years on tour now he's kind of solidified his spot in uh in the family but man that event win has eluded him and he is coming out swinging yeah super fast straight out of the gate barely turning into these two big hits transferring a three up the hill to make sure he could turn back towards this other hit we haven't seen much traffic on it but another 360 off it and coming towards elizabeth garrett since here popping that one taking it deep stomping it this is unbelievable stuff so far from the end wow carl is kind of going what we've seen leo schlemmer do before which is do as many threes as you can in a run and it worked for leo and i feel it's going to work for carl as he gets a little caught up there that i'm going to go out ahead or go ahead and say this fastest run we've seen today yeah i totally agree well known for that top to bottom they uh they time the scandinavian big mountain championship still and he's won that and he's often the fastest in a big mountain competition chip you don't usually see a lot of timed events and it doesn't count towards the score it's just for like a tiebreaker kind of thing and carl well that's a speciality but one thing he said he was gonna do a flat three didn't he only if you bat on him okay not enough people beat him he wasn't in the top three picks for whether people were going to podium but he might podium without a flat three is pretty sick run yeah let's have a look so we see in the judging criteria everything is jack fluidity obviously through the roof line score could be the achilles heel on this run for carl as he didn't quite pack it with as much stuff and especially as much difficult stuff as we've seen from some of the other riders hard to know though what the judges are going to do with that he was so fast and the three threes up top i mean one he was barely out of the gate his tails were almost still in the start area and he was already uh backwards in the air so another rider here making the judges work hard for it uh absolutely pinned there for carl regner erickson what a show we've got here in the ski men's field and dora arc ordinarco is in andorra delivering the goods today for the tour incredible i wonder if he was planning a flat three off that bottom one that we just saw ross tester flip and wonder if the take-off didn't end up being the way that he thought it was because he he took a great angle for the landing and the two other people that have hit it uh isaac and ross took not a great angle for the landing they kind of landed in a double which i still think was a little bit unintentional but it made the takeoff work for them so maybe you saw that and was like i want to land in i don't want to crash this after a bang a run but that take off then wasn't maybe as poppy as he was hoping and made it unflippable yeah and that's one of the really difficult things about visual inspection is the takeoff shapes and angles are so hard to see from below ross i think really wanted to take off where he did because he wanted to do that flip and so it had a little bit more lip and obviously that worked out really well for ross um yeah hard to say what was going on there in chris or sorry in carl's head but he made it work and uh he got down to the bottom in record time now just anxiously waiting to see what the judges are going to do with it oh yeah look at him he's he's looking at the screen there just nervous waiting to see he's got uh i mean three threes at the top we've seen it we've seen it work for leo in the past 81 3-3 for carl so judge is loving the freestyle element and uh and i gotta say probably the speed there fluidity so is that just behind isaac freeland isaac still holding onto the podium for now calorie near the peak performance rider yeah only 0.3 back from isaac so the judges you know they've kind of uh they've kind of painted themselves into a corner there with their numbers but they're making it work they understand how it works far better than we do uh but let's uh let's go back up because we're not done and if there's anybody who can come out of the cage swinging it's this man he is a veteran 2012 world tour champion um second overall twice and one of them quite recently is recently at 17 and on the podium last year in hakuba where everybody thought it would be a freestyle winner miranda barcarette is on course oh he's going to see in this crosshail hit as well yes he does i love it classic reign of barca like you said previous world tour champion couldn't get enough votes to be predicted to be on the podium today by the general public but this kind of speed into that kind of terrain is going to do something for his score he's just so solid his technique is so perfect the dynastar rider out of sweden taking a similar line to uh that we saw from uh was it drew tapiki yeah and he and drew often you know work together they get along really well they've both been on tour for a while finding the transition there taking it deep kind of similar uh to to what we saw from drew and going across some of these hits that you can see we saw it up top there and there on the wind lip at the bottom from reyna really hard to get the pop on those sharp takeoff lips when you're going that fast exactly almost too fast go a bit slower and put more no don't please keep going so yeah he's popping the ski off dynastar a big supporter of the tour renee barclay he's a fixture almost uh not almost he's kind of the father figure to a lot of the young riders especially the young swedish writers i talked i saw him chatting with max palm yesterday you know max's max is up and coming he was our forerunner today up and coming rider out of the swedish scene and reigning kind of the uh the godfather of that swedish freeride scene that's that still remains on the tour so it's great for those young swedes to have a guy like this to kind of bounce ideas off to help them through the process just seeing this replay he was so fast through that whole section i think that drone angle really did it justice he barely turns the only turns he does i need a little bit less speed for this otherwise i'm going to overshoot and then just like goes as fast as you can still catching training it's incredible the consistency from this guy over the last 10 years re-qualified every year except one year that he missed the last event because of a family member passing away he has never needed a wild card he's never got injured badly enough to not be able to ski and re-qualify it's unbelievable the mayor of stomptown as he has become known for moves like that so strong so fast and another product of this i guess the scandinavian big mountain timing uh where you have to haul and he certainly did 7933 the judge is loving the pace loving the line brandon barker at dropping himself into seventh spot right now and uh looking pretty good with uh with only one man to go rena guaranteed to be in the top ten yeah and they're so tight in that 79 to 83 point range you know there's a i think four places between those four points so really tied up there tough day for the judges but uh well who have we got we've got guaranteed podiums for uh ross tester and uh and all right well let's go back up to the top what a gorak he has one on the back he was injured and we lost him from the tour for the end of last year but he is back and he is so hungry for it water cork i don't want to make any wild predictions but i do predict the backflip in this run wanik's almost always good for one he's so pinky so aggressive in his skiing and always with the original lines there you go the vatic gorick backflip taking it so deep no trouble for this man getting a little bit inside that uphill hand dropping a little bit losing a bit of pressure off the downhill ski going into the navarro danny for now double and finding a way out of it clean super fast there that must be getting harder and harder to get through there but water managing it and he is still absolutely firing down the mountain nice bottom here from there as well i wonder if he was aiming for that other air i suspect he maybe thought that takeoff was taking him to the one that we saw a bunch of those other guys just hurt including reina but solid run from vedic gorick we saw the uh 2019 fred world tour champion christopher turdell go down on that same backflip at the top and vatigorix stomping it he looks a bit disappointed i think he must have missed that bottom hurt he was planning to do but still a pretty sick run yeah let's look at this he just throws it upside down trying to four point it looked like his one pole went way deeper into the snow and then finding his way through the section he didn't hesitate there at all that was so fast and knowing how difficult that is seeing what happened to danny there and he's such a great skier that kind of gives almost gives that a little extra boost in my eyes of of what wadak was able to do by flowing through there so look at his fluidity super high on fluidity classic watercouric he's uh you know i i think he's going to be another one right in that mix the adrenaline just coursing through the frenchman's veins they're so stoked to see gork back on tour uh as he has clearly showed so look at this so tight there in the top ten right now and i have a feeling we're going to see wada korek move into one of those spots yeah so male 1 villa the name that just slipped my mind before guaranteed a podium now blake marshall could get pushed off might stay there isaac freeland's defending champion sitting in fourth right now calibrating the ericsson fifth so really solo top five will he be i think between fifth and tenth but i'm not exactly sure where that backflip was pretty dope yeah the judges once again deliberating taking their time making sure they crunch the numbers and get it right as obviously big implications for the overall tour title in play right now as well as re-qualification for some of those athletes so uh you can see lolo best there he's the head commissioner and then the judge's panel we've got um excuse me bertie and dion the kiwi judge larry uh gautier out of uh out of canada whistler canada actually and then our video judge is uh you know he's the the french writer yeah stoked to see him back in the mix as he's been kind of focusing on the four-star tour and uh to see him here with the freeride world tour on uh on the video judge spot that's why our uh numbers when when we get those graphics are so bang on what are correct the judges taking their time here neil yeah i think that they want to just be really sure about this like you said we've seen so many different runs today so many variations on this venue so many different styles you know it's really tough and i think you might be around that 79 to 83 point kind of kind of lime i would probably say personally just below that but i'm not sure it's really tough and then you know within those like decimals of points out of a 100 point system and they just want to be sure it's the last rate out of 19. here we go what did they think 80 flat for what gorak right on the money 80.00 that means watakorak drops himself into seventh position in the ski men what a show that was so a lot of uh questions are now answered a lot of cards are on the table we have seen what the riders have we know who's been spending time on the trampoline we know who's been spending time in the gym ross tester i said he came from the isaac freeland school well technically perfect freestyle packed first run on the tour 92-33 maybe we'll call it the ross tester school from now on because he just won his first event on the freeride world tour we go down the list we see tom pifer there jan she's tabki ray coops tao and uh and then we got uh christopher danny and david uh in the on the unfortunate position not david but of losing a ski and a rounding out the bottom so we're gonna check in in the finish area with our men's champion here in ordinary ross tester hey ross congratulations on your win first run on the freeride world tour 90 points so i want to talk to you about expectations hopes and dreams what were you hoping for out of your first uh your first stop here on the tour um mainly just to have fun with it um just land my run and just see how it goes from there and usually that's how it works so stoked it worked out unreal well huge congratulations ross we are all so stoked i know everybody back home north america is going to be frothing to see you take the top step congrats ross tester your champion here in andorra stop number one on the freeride world tour you indeed young man first and 10 000 points to the overall ranking just pipping olivier and blake marshall the kiwi the only kiwi able to make it out of the five that were qualified for the scheme in taking third isaac freeland defeating will to a champ fourth and calorie near fifth yeah so that's your overall standings right now but we move on these days go so fast our next category is going to be our snowboard women the ladies have made their way up they've watched the ski and snowboard men are sorry ski and ski men and women drop and now we're going to check in at where they finished off coming into the season [Applause] yeah so up here at the top so steep rookie this year and just stopping that thing flipping the edge of that rock and going down hard and a big one there at the bottom all right snowboard women's category is stacked defending champion marinerty but for the first time in a full year we have another former tour champion back in the mix with manuela mandel yeah and then a bunch of these women who have said i'm going to say publicly that they want a title yeah yeah mikayla davis meehan said it we've got a new face as well katie anderson and uh neri castonboron the semi local rider out of spain and riding in the ponies but now moving out to underbrook and all over injury wildlife coming back and uh clear mcgregor out of new zealand yeah rookie out of region one winning the fwq last year erica vikander is going to be kicking things off for the 1000th time she has the the unlucky or lucky i guess depending on how you look at a distinction of during the bib draws almost always drawing bib number one for the snowboard women's category she was shaking her head about it last night she's like i don't understand why this keeps happening sometimes it works out well for her sometimes she doesn't love it um but you know for erica it's it's worked out great because she keeps on re-qualifying third overall last year such a solid rider so did you bet on her did you guess on her peak performance fun bet this is the only way you can get involved from home so let's take a quick look at where the vets went this is a bet on who you think is going to be on the podium neil no surprises here really marion airte defending world tour champion 90 of people at be it thought that she would be on the podium and understandably she has just been ruling it lately eric if it counted 53 percent of the vote she got here last night she got here super late travel worries and uh not as much time to unspeak so probably a little bit tough for her and then michaela davis me and the young australian rider taking out third on the percentage of the podiums yep so as we said votes are closed you missed your chance to do it for this one but we're hoping to do another event here in ordinarchely's andorra later in the week or early next week we're gonna have a little bit of a storm come through we're gonna get some new snow we're gonna get what we like to call the fwt top up on the venues around here and then we're going to kick things off so erica vikander as you said neil travel nightmares absolute struggle street it should took forever you know you have to get so many tests in order to move around the world right now which is good because we're all safe and and keeping things safe but erica was uh basically arrived in andorra last night and now first thing in the category she is dropping in on the port del rey from the top start the stephen gnarly one as well and it seemed like the starter was trying to tap her on the shoulder as she was leaving the target to tell her something had no time for it i think she's been a little bit tired of the things that been going off the travel and she is just taking it out in her riding which is the best place to take out their emotions because she was so fast for that top section that's steep and gnarly in there and she just made it look easy yeah erica is kind of known for the flow in the nars she she's she's always got that smooth style and she's able to just transition between the turns back and forth to keep it like when it looks like you should be side slipping erica is not side slipping yeah nice and coming through the the middle section now uh making that crusty snow look easy and and popping away on down a couple little features in this galley is similar to where i forgot yesterday and uh putting a nice grab in there as well putting the indian again yeah aaron style one of the critical categories here and erica ticking those boxes as every single air she's hit in this lower and middle section has had the grab now coming across you can see some old debris in that section it has the potential to catch riders up and another one there so erica nara at the top freestyle at the bottom that is basically a textbook combo for getting it done on the freeride world tour and erica you know i gotta give her a ton of credit she rolled into into the country last night super late she was a little bit frazzled kind of you know and then getting the bib draw number one but she's really risen to the occasion here on this run yeah you can see both the line and the air in style are right out there you know the fluidity control and technique are too but like the the parts really stood out for me is that the fact she got into that nar at the top made it look easy put in four different grabs i think or four indie grabs in that run judge is going to like that you know it didn't have that much time to scope either so big ups on putting something together like that so quickly yeah her her strategy that she told me yesterday evening was that she wanted to keep it simple she didn't have the time to put together a complicated you know run and 75 points for erica vikander that's a great start definitely a strong way for her to kick things off on the freeride world tour 21 season all right so we are back up to the top katie anderson young canadian rider out of fernie katie has been in a an interesting position in that she tied for first on the fw in 2019 but the count back didn't go her way it went to michelle locke who came to the tour last year katie tied for first again coming into this season but the count back went to her she grew up riding border cross her technical technically super sound rider and all was fast yes flashing this top sheets and while going a little bit further look is left than most other people have i guess she's got a feature lined up out there also nice get fresh tracks when you're the third category of the day and a lot of people before you taking ear off that and making a way out the look is left from the snow looks good out there it does and she went big off that's katie anderson kind of staying true to her roots here with the speed making short work of that top section you can see her body the middle of her body is right over the base of her board right over the center she never looks like she's getting thrown around she's got such solid techniques super strong rider and going into this really exposed section here on the lookers left katie anderson breaking new ground here getting into the gnar and earring out of it as well finding some nice turns past the debris in the firmest nose she's still in her feet and that is going to be a good score yeah that's a rowdy zone to go through and katie definitely looking at something or finding something that we haven't seen anybody else move through katie anderson clean to her feet that's i think that's going to be a you know good challenge for eric if i can't really score there with 25 and a great way to start a free ride world tour career the rookies really been impressing me today neil absolutely i think it's going to be continued for the hot seat yeah well i would think yeah for sure katie look at the look at the criteria lit up green green green line score really high air in style really high she went big at the top and then getting into this rugged zone at the bottom and airing out of it katie anderson definitely making a case to put her on the podium so she's nervously waiting you know she's a good canadian kid as we said from fernie she's got that kootenai life sticker on her on her helmet katie excited nervous all of the things that come with a rookie campaign on the freeride world tour but man that was a great way to get things started so excited for katie great to see a canadian flag in there and she is uh well i think the judges are gonna like that one i'm pretty excited to see what they're going to have to say about it judges taking their time to deliberate to think about it they've got their criteria and each one has its own sort of set of numbers and its own pluses and minuses based on either things that went up or went down went well or went poorly not much you can really say went poorly in that run for katie anderson and i think the judges are going to yeah there we go 71-33 for katie so that's gonna push her into second spot erica vikander holding on to the hot seat so far but we are just getting started here in the snowboard women's category yeah take it back katie anderson with a completely different line to erica but eric with four grabs i think making the difference that aaron style getting it done for her today but awesome run from the rookie too yeah there's there's there's nothing to uh nothing for her to not be proud of there um but this is gonna be a nervous moment for erica vikander sitting in the hot seat marion rt she has run the table she's won the tour three times she's straight from basically straight from jackson hole where she was second at natural selection marion herti is hungry and she never gets full she never gets satisfied with winning she's she just wants to keep doing it yeah that's right superstarly right out of france like you say is multiple world tour winner really showing that she's got what it takes and coming into the steep now on the look is right a little bit further towards where the the guys skiers lines have been and and getting into this bigger ear we saw some nice tricks off it today putting a grab through herself and just stomping that heavy landing a bit of a heavy hit there yeah marion this is what i kind of know her for she took that line she took the air it looked like things were going to get wild and then you can see the core tighten up and the legs engage and they don't get wild she just handles it she's so strong and so balanced that when it looks like a rider should get thrown around she doesn't and that's classic marionette yeah there's a coach's eye you're speaking with there derek trained coach sign nice ear off the bottom that's classic marion as well not many people have heard that one i'm pretty sure we put a fresh landing in that only the second one to hit this ah just just such enjoyable riding to watch it looks like she's having so much fun makes me want to go riding and just how can you not like that i think the judge is gonna be stoked well she stacked her run with features and you know none of them were small she had she she knows how this criteria works and she can ride to it whether it's a product of strategy or good line choice or just purely because that's how she loves to ride she does it and she does it well look at the line bar neal absolutely through the roof and aaron style i think that's a product of how big she went off all those features yeah like this solid hit a lot of the guys skiers came off that as well and she just made it look it was nothing exactly what you said like gets the core over the board and just doesn't make it look like she's ever going to crash very in control very solid and then hit that other area i think it's the one just about to come up now that we didn't see any tracks off yeah and dead clean off that you can see she put the back foot down just a little bit heavy on the back foot so that if she were to break through the crust she's not going to get bucked and go over the bars really strong run i i mean you just can't say enough about this this young woman she is three-time world tour champion for a reason and boy we just saw the reason yeah exactly out of breath at the moment since you've had a bit of a tough time lately with traveling and stuff she also had a bit of a travel nightmare uh getting to and back from the states so maybe that's what you should do to get into first place hot seat getting taken off the travel nightmare woman by a travel nightmare warren mount rt she is used to sitting in the hot seat and she is right back there for now 84 points for the french veteran 84 even for marion archie she's taking over the hot seat big hug there for uh sorry her and erica no apologies needed the stoke is real the vibes are high here at the freeride world tour that's right so we've got a good mixture of different countries and the woman's snowboard today we've got usa france spain russia austria and australia as well as new zealand so splitting it all up all over the place and we've got our almost local rider here this young lady absolutely goes for it she was second here last year she wants to one up that and stand on the top of the podium nuria we know when when we've seen her riding she goes huge she's a center we're waiting to see it on the tour we've seen it a few times we've seen her on the podium look at this though neil turns in that section that is a challenging place to throw a board sideways and move through yeah i'm really stoked to see all the czech snowboarders have started from this and she's getting into the absolute now this is where mal oliveira went and sliding her way through that so easily doubling off that and just making it look like it's absolute pleasure to ride and i can tell you that snow is a bit crusty in there and she is making light work of it yeah that's that's awesome to see the snowboard women's uh group here nuria going into that hourglass shoot that's so technical and then you've got to drop off the old um the old avalanche crown at the end which is so tricky because the snow after that is rock hard so neria now making her way down line score gonna be through the roof is she needs to finish strong if she wants to uh have a shot after kicking marion out of the hot seat but a few little issues there i think getting caught up in the cross hand going down for neria so we'll see what this is going to do to the score but so far looking good an absolutely rowdy start for nuria custom baron yeah really nice i love the top half of the line i think that the bottom half of the line is going to let her score down a little bit because you saw how marion finished so smoothly so cleanly so confidently you know she was out of breath she was like really struggling by the time she got to the finish line and nuria charged at the top and had a cool bottom section too but maybe a little bit more hazard this at the top though really really sick that's such a great view from the drone you see her actually step out of the exit drop and then immediately over the uh over the crown so you can see on the judge's bars control definitely down and and as we watch the replay neil i think that backs that up yeah cast on baron not looking quite as stoked as i thought she might have been with that run i mean the top section was was really rad bottom section maybe nose that she put a hand down and had a bit of a control issue and that's why she's coming at 61.33 sitting in fourth at the moment good level in the snowboard ladies today with the run like that not being on the podium is it's tough yeah so free ride world tour you got to be pitcher perfect if you want to even be in the mix and we've seen katie erica and marion lay down flawless runs different zones different lines slightly different takes but all of them dead clean near and not dead clean and uh it's reflected in the scores yeah unlucky with a run like that yeah so back up to the top anna orlova anna she's the russian rider she was a tour fixture and then she was injured we didn't get her back last year but so pumped to see anna orlova back on the tour right now she's always got a smooth styling take the way she rides just kind of stands out a little bit from the other riders and now going over to the riders left of that big castle formation and getting into something very very steep up here neil it's spicy up in there it's real spicy the veteran russian rider as you said fought away through the fw's going to fwt did good got injured came back really stoked to have her back she only found out she was back on the tour quite recently and airing off that one too cool different creative take on that because other people have taken it for the look is left and she's taking a further look is right made a bit of a larger cliff face and a good little training where she landed yeah i wonder if we're starting to see the sun affect the snow a little bit because it kind of looks like anna getting slightly thrown around but man she is taking a bite out of this venue moving into this double that we saw a bunch of our skiers go through firing through it and is she going to come out clean almost just a little bit of a butt touch there but anna orlova getting big marks on the line score through that double yeah absolutely as you're saying though i think that the the control is gonna take a big hit in the score because the rhymes have been so good to other people put completely clean lines down so although that line score be super high i think it might be tough for her to bump it up into enough of poverty in place with that only yes well we will leave that to the judges to make that call but anna orlova doing her best going big but as you said a couple couple spots where uh where control is is an issue potentially um i'd like to just say such a pleasure to have anna back on the tour great to have a representative from the russian federation out here on the freeride world tour truly an international affair here that's right coming back from injury blowing up a knee a couple years ago and as you can see the fluidity and control bars down a little bit there yeah lined super high watching her getting making her way into this double and she flashed it but having a little trouble oh you can see there as we got the closer shot from that camera angle her board just kind of slipping slipping out from under her um so a bit of a butt touch back touch there anna popping right up and she actually hit it well well enough that i didn't even see it the first time but the replay does not lie no no lies on the replay william kosher going to be all over that the video judge our fifth judge whose job it is to give those score judges indications and then the real uh score coming in at the end the 52.33 for anna putting her in fifth moment uh yeah tough tough gig in one snowboard field today you've got to be pretty perfect yeah you know we talked about this earlier neil you and i but um this field is looking stacked we've got a bunch of talent as we said we've got riders who have who have really kind of come out and said i want to take a title you know marion's not going to give it up easily though she she loves this she loves it and uh winning feels right to her so you can see she's stoked on the sponsors but here is one who would really like to take a piece out of out of marion's title hopes michaela davis meehan the aussie rider she was second overall last year she was first here and she was the first one in a very long time to take an event win from marion and uh she wants to do it again and again yeah i'm sure she would love to do that again today and taking the the lowest start the start to the first woman snowball to take that start today so interesting what she's got for here for us here today the australian rider riding for sun gold the iowa sponsor of the freed world tour making our way back to that same cliff that a few people come off today and doing a good job of it a little bit of a butt touch as well similar to anna all overs in the last run but yeah that crusty snow not really treating it that well yeah and and what i what i'm seeing from their riders is if you get the board sideways in the crust it bounces you all over the place staying in the fall line it's super committing and probably quite scary uh but it is the way to stay on your feet through there and that's that's a hard thing to do now michaela coming down above wow terrain so she is looking to take a big big big bite out of this uh out of this port they wrap venue as she makes her way down is she going to put the board the nose of the board into the fall line and point it through this section it is a pretty flat landing in there so i almost hope that she doesn't i think she might maybe be a little bit lost but i guess if you get onto that ramp and come back off towards us then it could work as a and it looks like michaela is lining that up big ups to that girl wow so she is on that incredibly exposed shelf now just looking to find her way look at the slough pouring off that mikaela eyeing it up basically the line the slough is taking is gonna be the line that she takes as she moves over that through that and hopefully cleanly out of that yeah it's the only way to get any kind of transition in your landing is to go exactly where that slough goes just like you said but getting closer and closer to the edge and i think it's going to be a case of a bit of a bomb drop here looks like it's soft in the landing i think it's lucky that it is all right michaela taking her time as this is a serious move and not one you want to rush into tricky situation uh she's got herself right down to the edge now kind of eyeing it up as you said neil the the transition there is a tricky one it looks like she wants to get as low as she can before like you said she goes for the full bomb drop michaela davis miam got herself into a bit of a pickle here bit of a pickle having a good think about it and taking off and uh maybe face a little goggle adjustment but like showing that she got legs of steel to deal with that really good think about it and then decided to take it on putting it basically straight to a board not a perfect landing but about as good as you can hope off something like that yeah i have to admit i didn't think we were gonna see anybody go through that section today uh in any category um michaela though she found it she went for it took a minute to get through it but i i'm really grateful that she took the time to do it because that was not something that needed to be rushed yeah all surprises but that top section was super nice a little bit of a butt check but the grab in the air was good that crusty snow catching around so the sun god rider look at this spot that she was in absolute stone cold gnar and then taking off pretty much from pure rock it looks like she caught her cotter grill with her knee there hopefully the face is going to be all right so line i mean you can't say enough about that line fluidity control the technique those ones down in the red that's probably not going to be the score that michaela was hoping for but happy to see her at the bottom with a smile on her face 2167 yeah so getting absolutely zapped for fluidity in that and that's gonna gonna take her out of contention for the win today but happy to see mikayla at the bottom safe and sound yeah that's right only two more riders to go so marion rt the defending champ already guaranteed a podium place but someone's got something to say about that in the start game manuela mandel austrian rider 2018 overall world champion this uh this rider she doesn't mess around she is i mean she's a comfortable in the steeps she's comfortable going big she is coming back off an ankle injury so she said she doesn't want to go too big and risk losing the rest of the season so i think what we're going to hopefully see from manuela is some smooth technical riding that's right steep and technical this start number one suits it perfectly her kind of line anyway i'd say she would have definitely started from this position even if her ankle was 100 but it's taking an air into that as well a little bit of her ascending on her word about not going big off anything because she is just flashing this so far my take on that is she found great transition there so it wasn't a lot of impact it was uh i mean it was a huge error but the landing you watched it right away it was nice and smooth which is exactly what she needs to keep her ankle going she's packing right now packing this uh this run with features yeah really smart riding from the veteran austrian like you said 2018 champion manuela mandel is like making sure that she's lining up the bottom section after maybe hearing that uh michael davis minion got a bit lost and taking the same year as marion air tea and taking it i think even a little bit bigger really solid run from the austrian so far i think she was saying she was uh having a bit of a hard time scoping this venue and finding almost mentally challenging but no signs of that in her writing no this is a great return to form for manuela mandel and also a great reminder to all of us and all of you guys watching this at home this is a tour champion she's here to play and she wants she wants that back she may uh she may speak about how things are challenging for her with the injury but she's got it she knows what it takes to win a title and uh and i think she just proved that once and for all to any doubters uh with that run because that was extremely solid technique a little bit down on the judging bars i'm a little bit surprised about that maybe a little bit slower in the top section than some of the other riders but i thought it was pretty good just seeing you coming up that vibram carpet there to to stop it from slipping and falling at any point you didn't show any signs slipping and falling on a weight down on this run look at the stomp off that bottom here like you leave the ground yeah that was a clean fast fluid smooth run with a challenging line i think the judges are going to like that one they got their work cut out for her or sorry for them to score her so marion sitting in the hot seat manuela mandel looking to make her claim on it erica vikander right now holding on to second spot is manuela gonna knock her out only time will tell uh i feel good about that run i think that was a great way to start and uh you know i think marion may be feeling a little bit nervous more nervous than she has in a while yeah a smile on on his face always a dangerous thing if you're sitting in a hot seat manuela mandel part of the uh fwt by train uh project that we're doing also with nuria captain baron and myself traveling to all of the freed world tour stops only with the train so i traveled from innsbruck to here through zurich and paris on the train grabbed the electric rental car into lou and manuel manuela mandel sitting fourth in the moment was 69.67 i thought it was a pretty good run myself i thought it might be in the podium contention but uh not today for manu a solid start to the season but no podium for her yeah so some interesting connotations there erica vikander guaranteed a spot on the podium today and uh katie anderson depending on what happens in this next run could also be sitting on the podium all right rolling back up the last woman in the snowboard field claire mcgregor she's kiwi she's your homie 2020 she was first overall in region one fwq this young lady could shred she got it done as a champion on the qualifying tour let's see what she does here on the freeride world tour coming onto the lookers right part of the venue and as we're saying snow a little bit more wound affected and pressed in that point so not treating clear super well at the very start they're getting nice air off that and coming back through that rocky section towards the main get nara gunara in the middle of the venue yeah claire mcgregor she's she's excited you know i was i've been speaking to her and she's just frothing she couldn't wait to get out on the face she wanted to show her stuff and another one here who i think is really in it for the passion the joy look turn that into a triple but just please stop there catching up on the rocks there on the third one that was a rowdy line choice the first two went well but you can see actually the exposed rock on the edge of the third one that she clipped and yeah letting shutting herself down before the next section of rocks these riders are all experts at the uh the self-arrest which is great for us uh you know hopefully mom and dad of claire watching at home didn't have too much of a heart attack there she's good she's up and she is back in the mix yeah big shout out to mom dad mcgregor back in new zealand it's clear getting it done on the way down here one of the only two kiwis able to make it out of the seven that were qualified uh big shout out to all of the others that couldn't just hodder sam lee hank billis craig murray and uh jamison hampton not able to make it today but uh claire and blake holding it down from new zealand unfortunately not going clear his way but uh unless she's kitted out with a sweet black diamond airbag yeah things were going pretty well and then she had a little bit of a jam up at the top and then this this triple uh full props for the send let's just have a look here neil nice and clean super fast and then oh yeah something catches here on that last take off hey yeah there's a there's a bit of an offset rock that was sticking up that she just wasn't quite able to get around so really glad to see claire come out of that intact and all right she's looking pretty bummed not the debut on the freeride world tour that she was hoping for but she's intact ready to ride another day and now we know that everyone in the snowboard women's field has the chops to take it on any given day so we'll see let's see 36 3 3 for claire so that's going to be a 7th spot for her and we'll see her out again on the next stop of the tour yep mcgregor winding it up for the snowboard ladies [Music] looking back at the venue now the one that i can't pronounce right please help me out derek the port del ratt has given us a show for the women um and really right back to where we left off on the top with marion airtie at 84. erica vikander dropping in second spot with a heroic effort basically from her travel nightmares and then young canadian rookie katie anderson rounding out the top three she's going to grab herself a medal and that is a great way to start your world tour career man well amanda kicking things off back from injury and looking good in fourth position there yeah that's right so it turns out you just need to have the worst travel plans or not plans i think the plans were well planned but the worst travel experience is possible and then suddenly you do well in the comp all right let's check in with our winner today marion airte no stranger to the top spot in the podium marion how did that run feel for you you've been struggling a little bit you said getting with all the travel but that looked like pretty classic marion to me uh you know just uh i tried to have fun and even if the snow was not the the perfect it was fun to ride to be here with the friends and i'm just happy to to be here you know we are we are super lucky to be outside with the friends the maintain happy that's it well thank you marion it's a pleasure to see you ride and congratulations for taking the win i want to talk about that a little bit a pleasure to be out here with your friends the freeride world tour family it's such a it's such a huge part of this and i think marion absolutely nailed it there how good is it for all the riders from different countries some of them are that are in lockdown some of them that can't ride and ski to be able to be out here doing this together yeah i mean it's awesome isn't it marion french all the resorts in france are closed right now so really cool to hear that they're appreciating and just being outside on a sunny day with a good group of people i mean it's it's hard not to like it we really appreciate the places that are open and we really appreciate what dinner arches for having us and hosting us all right so snowboard women wrapped up we are moving on to the snowboard men this field absolutely stacked let's take a look at what we've got in store in the snowboard men's field [Music] [Music] [Music] absolutely [Music] is he gonna jump in he's the first snowboard man well nils midnick he's the champion reigning champion but we know we have victor de la rue in the mix we another former champion but look at this start list it is absolutely stacked i i have no idea where this is going to go oh this is so packed i mean giggy roofie he can't be here today he got injured just after natural selection unfortunately but i think that any other rider here could take it out today uh really dominated by by american and french riders also got cody brammel the half british half swedish rider in there too and uh hugo sarah so yeah it's really solid list of people have been competing all over the world interesting combination of french riders competing in america on the qualifiers and and the other way around as well comey i know he's back wild carded onto the tour and uh really high level expected here today is one of the strongest snowboard fields i think i've seen in the guys all right so let's take a look at what you thought was going to happen victor de la rue this is remember a percentage of you who in their fun bet thought these writers would land on the podium victor taylor 89 percent of you thought he would end up on the podium sammy lupke 57 you're sleeping on nils midnight this is the tour champion only 44 of you think he's gonna be on the podium i don't know if you guys watched him at natural selection the guy is a snowboard god i would put him at a very high percentage chance of landing himself on the podium but there are so many good riders here i really don't think there are any guarantees with any of these guys as everybody wants a piece of it there's only three spots on any given podium and nils midnight wants it another one with with the travel nightmares hey neil yeah that's right maybe the people that were voting knew that somehow his board bag didn't arrive and he was wearing a whole bunch of borrowed stuff that is in fact my jacket and pants i think it's your helmet derrick and he's got all sorts of other boring stuff on as well yeah but it's not going to affect him niels didn't he didn't even let it slow him down when he was roaming around the hotel looking for gear he got boards he got all the stuff he he was fine with it he's like i'm just here to ride i want to have a good time let's see what he can do on borrowed everything yep boat bought by bindings boat boots and also so far borrowed slaying from himself with a big three just making it look so casual oh and that's a risky move the judges love that kind of thing up high on the face so nils right now making short work of it he's so smooth that's you know one of the things that i love about his riding grab they're tweaking it out always making it look stylish he's such a fun rider to watch that's right getting here a little bit later than some other riders as well not having as much time to scope and opting some really fun transfer ears out here on the sunny side it's probably getting a bit slushier over the side by the time this time of the day and neil's popping off that to do a double on purpose this time maybe embarrassing some of the other riders and popping another three off that too how many tricks can you fit in one run man the the transfer into the shoot with the airplane turn to line him up dead perfectly with the fall line and then the back three at the bottom nils really putting a stamp on this snowboard men's category getting it started in exactly the way we were hoping i mean wow that's just such a great way to start things off something i have noticed though is a lot of computers that have gone to the lookers right side of the venue haven't done as well the line score is affected but somehow it seemed to transfer in some of the other categories as well so neil's midnight i'm not sure if that's going to be reflected on him as well because i really like this ron what a smooth backside three yeah so nailed it neil you absolutely nailed it the line scored low everything else looking pretty high so nils i i do wonder if that was a bit of a product of not having a ton of time to scope you know he's he kind of rolled in super late he didn't have his gear so sometimes when you're in that situation in that position your mind's elsewhere and not 100 focus but 7667 that's a strong start and a pretty good way i feel like to kick this category off from a guy who was uh in frazzletown only 12 hours 12 short hours ago razzletown making his way back into funtown all right well let's go back up from uh frazzletown to basically the unfazable sammy lubke is a multi-time champion on the back there us he's a multi-time tour champion nothing really gets him down nothing gets him uh worked up he's always kind of calm cool and collected and then he kicks out of the start gate and he's just got his style you could you could be two chairlifts away across the resort and see him riding a face and know it was sammy yeah this amazing style really smooth and confident like he takes that top here similar to nils and also heading out heading out to the lookers right hand side of the venue hopefully the snow has softened up a bit because took down some riders earlier on but sammy not one to be taken down easy with hits like that yeah big back three there for sammy a little bit of a butt touch on afternoon and he is in that section where we saw earlier skiers not even leaving a track he aired out of our sight there and it looks like a bit of a backspin unfortunately for sammy i was caught up on the landing there i think it wasn't quite the transition he was looking for and uh bored dug and body hit the ground i think it's gonna be really bad for the control of the judging criteria yeah that's unfortunate for sami as he was going well he had that high consequence three at the top and now coming in same feature that we saw neil's midnight with that surgical airplane turn sammy getting bucked again unfortunately not his day sami luki but it won't faze him we know that that's right he's a positive guy and he's a great snowboarder oh well sammy what's he got up his sleeve at the bottom here nice hand plane really do really dope dude i like it a lot sammy lipki never a stranger to having fun and putting his own signature style stamp on everything just like christopher turdell is one of the only guys that can smile after a crashed run just love snowboarding and hopefully he's going to get another chance next week as we're hoping to have another competition here not on the same place hopefully yeah maybe there's lots of babies in play right now so oh yeah you just saw it there he he exactly as you said neil he got caught up in the cross and uh it basically your board at that point acts like a tripwire your feet stop your body keeps going you get kicked and uh well that's that's it you can see the criteria fluidity and control way down for sammy but huge props for that i absolutely love that a lot the spirit of snowboarding right there encompassed in in a moment so sammy scored not going to be what he was hoping for 45-33 and uh the king of frazzle town nails min nick holding on to the top spot so far but still plenty of talent waiting up there to have their say on this so we've already seen our reigning champion drop we have the champion before that victor de la rue victor is a threat in anything freestyle big mountain we've heard from some of his french compatriots that victor's tastes have ranged more to the uphill lately he's loving the touring the split boarding uh getting into the uh getting into the mix with the climbing the mountaineering the alpinism you know maybe taking a page out of his older brother's book he's a well-known alpinist on the snowboard but victor is not here today for alpinism he's here to bring himself back into the top into the conversation for freeride world tour snowboard men's champion yeah that's right i'm sure he didn't not like the hike to the ridge their ridge hike spicy one up to this top start gate looking pretty focused now but uh yeah i think that he's got something in store for us today's uh comes straight from natural selection and he's fired up he's riding good uh apparently lost his past for a little while due to ducking a rope while he was over there but uh you know it's just the same as being in france with a lift to close maybe he's wanting to feel more at home yeah tough transition sometimes for the european riders into the uh particularly the american scene where the rules are i'd say a little bit more rigid um so yeah victor suffering from that but he's he's the kind of guy who will it'll just slough right off his back and he's able to to focus refocus and uh and take on the task at hand and the task at hand today is the port de la rat here in in andorra look at these shots from the top love to see the spectacular pyrenees showcase like this it's such a great place for free ride kind of has become the the southern european home for it for me and it just feels right to see these guys dropping off this summit yeah that's right well this is his home uh home range he's from the pyrenees just like saying derek and uh so so fast charging into the top section the black diamond rider out of france the french pyrenees like we're in the in fernie's here and then wicked three off the top front three that's a bold move i i okay we're seeing his first turn he's straight line basically across court the whole first part and already two 360s in and absolutely flying victor de la rue making a case here maybe he's taking a page out of the swedish skiers book the faster the better and it worked out for those guys now interesting line here kind of catching side hill on that victor wow yeah really creative and different they're super fast down the bottom too two front threes in the back three i believe it was getting the freestyle on the andorra face yeah really freestyling uh a totally different take on this face using the the riders right inside of that boundary cooler finding again i'm i'm consistently amazed at these guys ability to find stuff this late in the game that nobody else has done yeah yeah so we see that front three there stomping it getting the grab line a bit down again and then back three no stranger to freestyle we've seen three threes win comps and andorra multiple times before yeah so this is going to be really interesting because nils had i would say a little bit of a slower run down the middle of this venue victor was extremely fast with the three threes but on a mellower arguably a mellower zone so 71 6-7 for victor i feel like we we kind of are on that really good riding on a slightly mellower line right now good enough for victor to drop himself into second place i think he'll be happy with that it's a pretty great way to start the season well we head straight on back up to the top sun god rider michael mohn this guy is a rookie on the tour he took the title on the fwq in north america in 2020 he's talking to his old coach brennan metzler he said michael rides better in competition than he does when he's free riding he's got that he's got that beast that just sits inside the cage in his chest and then when he pushes out of the start gate the beast comes out and michael loves to get after it so pretty excited to see him out here he's a rookie uh on the freeride world tour but man such a strong rider he's been rallying around with um with hugo sarah and and some of the other frenchies enjoying europe with uh with ray del mar there or um anyway michael is on course right now and kicking off his campaign here as a rookie into the hourglass neil i love this feature it just looks so much fun and people have had so many creative takes on it so far today i got michael moore just earring out of the bottom there and uh getting quite quickly through here as well i think one of the first snowboarders we've seen go on the side of the venue at all yeah and we saw skiers getting rewarded for going down this side it's definitely steeper it's definitely uh has lots of and michael now into the guts of it a big double there michael man he may be a rookie but he is riding like a tour veteran right down the middle the judges love it oh taking that double as a single this kid is on fire right now and really staking his claim to be here not just be here on the tour as a lot of rookies want to do but similar maybe to what we saw with ross tester uh i'm a rookie but i'm here to win that's right the sun god rider just lighting it up with his first ever run on the world tour and so different to the other riders so far on the main snowboard category and you can see it's been rewarded in the judging criteria line floating control in particular super high more technical really fast i think this is going to be a strong challenger for the hot seat yeah i think so too you can see he's got the grab there coming out of the double he got his board sideways but not putting him in a position tweaking like the the criteria lit up michael he is happy man he's waving at the folks at home pumped to put that down as his as his first free ride world tour run i have a feeling the judges are going to really like yeah a lot of features a lot of features and hit well you know at speed with good landings style on the air yeah that was awesome says michael yeah it was man i enjoyed watching it a lot i'm sure it was a lot of fun to do are you going to beat nils midnick and in your first rookie run on the free egg world tour get to spend some time in the hot seat let's just take a second to digest what you just said this is a young kid who's grown up watching probably watching nils in and victor you know in snowboard movies and watching sammy win the world tour are you going to beat nils midnight with your run and you know probably yes what's that gonna feel like for this young kid man he is so stoked now we're just waiting anxiously he's grinning away because he know he just threw down a great run michael mon wow what a what a great way to kick things off he's he's just frothing right now so stoked and and his coach's words proven true there comp monster he let the beast out of the cage and and the beast took over you know sometimes you need another driver and when when uh when the comp monster took over driving for michael moan it drove very well oh yeah just standing there head on board hand on her talking about how fun it was i mean that's exactly what he's hoping for me standing in the start gate this is this wave of euphoria like i did my run it went as planned i'm not bad at visual inspections you know it's tough for like north american writers coming to the wilter they don't usually do many visual inspections and he is sitting in third right now michael moore 7133 super nice line from the rookie rider all right so taking us back up in the glorious andorran pyrenees ordinarchilis delivering the goods here cody bramwell in the start gate he's got the union jack on the helmet this young man like you said he's a diverse background swedish parentage british parentage defense half this summer in greece um we saw him last year blow some minds and thiever bruin he did the channel gap that we've never seen anyone do on a snowboard he is always a threat and just got the spirit of it he's he's a free rider at heart yeah absolutely with mad style really love to watch and ride with this guy perfect swedish perfect english perfect riding coming up to this big old top hit and a back flip first time from a snowboarder we've seen it off that and it just stomps it perfectly what a wildcat straight to bolts there for cody above that exposure you can't say enough about doing that there that's such a scary place to do it and he absolutely greased it now coming into this lower section cody is on fire and finding another new line yeah pre-ollying that so far back ollying over what could be a double as a single with completely blind takeoff and just pointing it into the finish line how's that for another unique run derek what a tough day to be a judge oh this venue is just delivering the goods time after time after time cody bramwell let's let's go through this because there was a lot to unpack here i can't believe how hard he stomped that on a cut-up landing skiers were crashing on a snowboard the double shifty there air in style almost maxed out yes so smooth so stylish and you said at the top the guy's just oozing style all the time really happy to see cody put that down the the judges are going to love that they've been loving uh looks like we've already got a score in 85 there for cody bramwell moving himself into the hot seat i'm not sure if he knows that may have been a bit of a technical glitch on our screen but we know you know and now he knows there it is there's the moment where he just learned 85 points so nils plopped bumped out of the hot seat by cody bramwell he's another guy who hasn't won one but we're kind of waiting to see when he will and this may be the day maybe maybe not still a lot of good riders to go but cody now in the hot seat just hoping he's going to be able to hold on to it yeah he's so solid really stoked for this young man put down such a run above nielsen how much that feel yeah that's unbelievable for a young guy like that to just be sitting in that position he's mind blown absolutely mind blowing great run there cody brown all right well speaking of great runs i'm so excited to see this guy back on tour french rider kamiya armand fifth overall in 2016 or 20 in third place here in andorra that same year he was a he was a fixture on the freeride world tour he's been off he's been pursuing film projects but he's back as a wild card and man he has been throwing down this year charging into the steep shiaki section on the look is right getting into the shade now hopefully it isn't affecting the snow it doesn't look expecting his riding and also going for the back flip but under rotating how did he land back on his feet there what did he just like do a front punch front flip and land straight back on a snowboard backflip front flip it looked like he found the only spot there where his board didn't penetrate the snow at all he just bounced but being the cat that he is he bounced straight into a front flip and back on his board uh i'd love to say i hope the judges didn't notice that but maybe they'll count it as two flips um but that was an unbelievable back flip there for cami armen now coming into this big section wow yeah apollo in it him and andrew pollard the only two people to hit that air just greasing it like he knew exactly where he's going i don't know how people line stuff up like that they're so blind this is a rollover take off you have to pre-olly and stopping the stopping the snow out of that yeah so really unfortunate that cami went down on that backflip because that run was really really solid yeah you can see him just get absolutely ejected uh but came out of it like a warrior and let's take a look at this lower section popping in a different spot to apoll and yeah a little celebration on the way out there stoked on that one but yeah only two people to hit that cliff that's interesting for me it's pretty nice training on it aaron's style really high technique lined pretty good unfortunately with that buck on control 51.67 for camille armel so not going to be a podium contender today looking at fifth spot right now with uh with a couple more riders to go but again you know we've kind of been saying it all day cards on the table he's here for serious business and if we see more flips like that which kind of his trademark uh we're gonna see we're gonna see quite a show on the tour from that french rider [Applause] well as we take in the glory of the pyrenees we have another young man out of the u.s griffin sorry blake muller griffin muller's younger brother blake started free riding by doing the free ride world qualifying tour and ran the table first first first and first overall that was his first time free riding this kid is the joy and passion of snowboarding personified in a human he loves it he lives for it and it shows in his riding i can't wait to see what blake's got for us on uh on his tour debut yeah same so much fun to ride with just popping and flipping off everything so is that what we're gonna see here as well yes it is laid up backflip hand down but stomping it really nice one there completely seen three snowboarders flip that now it is not an easy thing to flip coming straight into a double in the gnarly section yeah and that couldn't have been easy mentally for him after watching cami armand go down taking that double so clean look how centered he is over the board never looks rattled he's got he's got the style but also just technique with that triple oh man we knew you know we all kind of hoped for this and talking against it to brenda metzler blake's coach he he said he's got it he's uh he's unknown so far among a lot of the european snowboarders but again in north america this guy we know what he's got especially after watching him just run the table in the qualifiers and riding with him out here well there you have it you said he was your doctor laying down his claim he wants it and just it just looks like so much fun he's such a balanced rider look at the look at the category no trouble shutting down that crusty snow either and this he turns it into a triple one two three stomps it and just shuts down a tiny bit of speed before he goes off two more hits man there's almost a femme tuple yeah and managing to redirect just just enough to keep it smooth and fluid now blake you know he's just chatting away like he just loves it so much he likes being in the mix with the rest of the crew uh now waiting on scores but i think what we can say for sure is blake moeller is here oh yeah as you're saying younger brother to griffin muller fred will to a skier in the past and now his brother here blake on a snowboard it's a very talented family yeah absolutely shout out to uh to parents to shannon mohler a member of the ifsa board of directors volunteering her time to keep free ride flowing in north america but right now she's a free ride parent she's a proud parent watching her son absolutely crush it in his free ride world tour con here in ordinary just chatting away right now um with uh with the man in the hot seat cody bramwell cody and blake have been shredding together a bunch and i think it's one of the coolest things about the tour is these top-notch riders super talented super driven riders from all over the world they get to come together and ride and collectively the level comes way up oh it's so much fun to be a part of you know like you think that they might be competitive and not sharing secrets and not helping each other right and push each other and suggest fun things to do but that's exactly what they're doing you know you've got fun crews riding around just shredding being i want to try this oh that i want to try that you know people doing things they've never done before just because they're competitors who are actually their buddies are like encouraging them and pushing them and it's like one of the best things about the world tour man so check it out the judges really deliberating putting some time in on this one cody's run was spectacular blake's run also spectacular you cannot deny me this run you cannot deny me this was a good one everybody all the boys back home mom dad let's go ah the stoke i love it he's just so fired up and uh cody for sure nervous moments here sitting in the dinosaur hot seat waiting to see what the judges decide to do with blake's run tick tick tick what are they gonna say yeah i mean oh oh 83 blake muller sitting in second in his first ever free ride will tour calm just behind his buddy cody what a day a day for the young shredders so yeah interesting you know stoked to see i'm sure blake's gonna be pretty pumped with that cody a huge relief because right now guaranteed to be on the podium actually guaranteed to be in the top two as we only have one man left up top yeah that's right i think the difference for me man was the hand down on that back flip at the top must have been what changed it was so close yeah cody was dead clean at the top blake a tiny blip but we're moving on because this guy he has a chance to take it all home too here's sarah hugo sarah french rider 2020 first overall in the fw europe oceana but he did it entirely in north america he said he wanted to ride over there to experience the difference between the two different systems yeah that's right blake getting injury work after winning the north american season and last year hugo winning it last year a lot of product coming out of the north american fw like this dude back three off that perfect landing stomp from hugo what's he got up next high up on the face that's a high risk maneuver definitely going to be rewarded from the judges he's uh he's hugo way taller than a lot of the other riders so that can be an advantage and a disadvantage he's got the long legs so lots to uh lots to work with when he's absorbing errors but also a higher center of mass so easier to get flipped over kicked around knocked down not seeming to bother him right now though seems to be uh working out for her hugo yeah popping off that as well and landing in a carve that is like a mastery of snowboard technique landing on edge arcing around before he crashed into that rock that was clean smooth fluid and ultra fast for hugo yeah smile on his face yeah he's stoked for cody as well that's exactly what we're talking about the companionship and the world tour these snowboard guys this year especially is so stoked for each other so look at that way high up on the face with that three like i said before high risk move and then check this out the early takeoff tweaking out the mute like that kind of stuff it comes from experience but also you're rolling the dice and betting on yourself that it's gonna work yeah that bet has come off he just backed himself and stomped it i mean really really sick run but i don't know if it's going to trouble blake or cody yeah i think you're right you can see there on the on the judge's criteria the one main difference the primary difference the line right those guys with that huge air at the top and adding the flip so line score and aaron style when you jack those two up high on the face it's hard to catch up from that i don't want to say deficit because hugo also had a great run but if we're talking about first or second no here we go the judges have spoken 64-6-7 for hugo sarah that's going to be sixth sixth spot for hugo so what a show you know neil we talked about it before the snowboard men's field absolutely stacked and it has lived up to and exceeded my hopes dreams and expectations by a mile yeah what a show today big ups to everyone so far that has put down a run because it has been such a pleasure to watch like we're saying the snow conditions have been a little bit challenging but no problem for these pro athletes just getting it done all right so a little recap here cody bramwell the swedish brit the british swede taking it out blake muller rookie on the tour but number one in our hearts blake muller's second and nils on borrowed everything rounding out the podium with the top three victor de la rue michael mann first go on the free ride world tour in the top five hugo sarah kameer armand sami luki both those guys going down and gigi roof as we said not able to show up here but we're hoping to see him again in february so what a show from these guys man this snowboard men's field actually we've seen i mean four categories and every one of them blew the doors off yeah amazing fourth victor de la rue with a sick run like that the black diamond ride who was a free odd world tour champion two years ago yeah it's crazy it's crazy stuff man all right let's go down into the finish area and check in with today's snowboard men's winner cody brown what a run that was can you run us through top to bottom what was going through your mind how that felt for you oh man yeah i am just yeah i'm overwhelmed i can't believe this is actually happening yeah i'm so stoked but yeah like that back here has been eyeing that all day and i talked to like david levin like the winner of hedwig from the women's as well and she's just like yeah just go for it like it's it's easy and then yeah it worked out like go around perfectly and then that little weird gap at the end and that worked out as well yeah i'm just i'm lost for words so what you're up there in the start gate you're getting ready for this run what were your concerns i mean were you nervous about that flip because that was definitely pretty badass and to have seen you know we saw cami go down on it but you were straight to bolts on that yeah i was yeah i was definitely worried how heavy it's going to be because like obviously it's not that much power in the landing so i was like i gotta like just be as strong as possible in the landing and like i came around perfect and i just it worked out yeah all right so we've kind of been waiting for this moment you've been on the tour last year you blew our minds and fever burned with the channel gap this is your first win on the freeride world tour what does that mean to you cody oh my god i've been like wanting this for so long i i can't even believe it right now what the it's one for what yeah i'm yeah i can't believe it man sick all right and and then just kind of i guess on top of that i want to add who you want against this field is so stacked with talent guys that you've probably been watching their film parts for for your whole life what does that feel like to be standing you know in this circle with with those guys it's insane like every rider here could like win on any given day so it's like yeah it's so stacked stacked and like like i said i've been watching like snowboarding like all my life and seeing these crazy video parts and like i'm like competing against them it's it's unreal eh it's unreal well cody i want to thank you for your time in this interview and also a humongous congratulations first world tour victory i have a feeling it's not going to be your last you just stamped your claim you're also leading the tour right now pretty exciting stuff from cody bram well uh huge thanks to all the snowboard men that was everything and more what a show we've had today so let's take a look this is our standings overall right now they're going to look awfully similar to the uh to the standings that we saw from the event cody bramwell now leading the tour he's second year on tour blake moore blake muller rookie in second overall nails midnight he's fine in third he knows how to get back into the mix and uh you know when he's riding on his own board and boots he'll probably have something to say victor de la rue michael mon hugo sarah this is it this field is so strong i cannot wait for the next event to see these guys throw down again snowboard men right now in a great place this is it this field is so strong i cannot wait right now all right so we are moving on the competition is done stay tuned though because we are going to be showing you our podium ceremonies everything coming up next right now i'm sitting here in the booth with young up-and-coming peak performance rider out of sweden but living in france max palm welcome hello all right so max you are a forerunner today but you're still a junior i wanted to i wanted to talk to you and get some get your take on what it means to you as a young rider to stand in that start gate oh it's so cool and like i'm so lucky to be able to do that and to see all the biggest name in the freeride world and just be able to write the same face as them and it was so cool now you your four run looked different than a lot of other four runs i mean you really went for it and we kind of put it down to the the junior stoke you had a big air in there and then a backflip at the bottom what were you thinking in the start gate were you planning on doing that flip in all those errors or were you did that just come in the moment uh all the air i was i had planned but then i wanted to do a chill run but then jump a little bit and then when i was on the wind layup at the bottom it was like easier to do a backflip than a straight trim so i did a little backlit awesome well max so stoked to hear you uh we're going to take a look at our ski men's winner here ross tester rookie on the freeride world tour something i'm sure you're going to be very soon absolutely blew the socks off of everybody on his very first tour run [Music] overall fwq tour in region 2 last year ross got a great pedigree he kind of comes from i think neil the isaac freeland school of skiing technically super solid all right so we have this run right now ross tester gold medal max were you watching this run yeah what did you think tell us kind of run it through yeah from an athlete's perspective the tree at the top was just insane then a big cliff here yeah super different take on that double than we saw we saw danny farnell pratt and imar navarro go through that direction but ross just taking it in a totally different direction and right now he kind of had that sense that that he was building towards something ross is not here to mess around what a way to start as a rookie till have a look at this one whoa it was huge huge backflip and he the way he found that piece of the lip we saw a lot of other guys hit that uh that feature but ross took it from just a slightly different angle up in your forum how difficult do you think that was for him to do that that way i don't know because he is on the next level he's so good i mean this is why he's a tour rider and even as a rookie every single rookie here has earned their way onto this tour and ross tester proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt so exciting to see him so max things are going well so far in the junior tour you're at the verbier freeride week tell us about how that went oh it was super good i did a nice trend and i took it home in the first place so that's nice to start the season like that yeah for sure and what's your next move where where are you off to after ordinarily uh after dino we have uh nanda in uh next weekend so if i'm able to make it i will go there and otherwise it's verbier and then the championships at the end of the season all right well big things in store for this young man max palm props for you for the 4 run can't wait to see where the rest of your ski career goes thanks so much for joining me so much we want to have a quick chat here free ride world tour we're uh you know we're all about keeping things moving we all want winter to go so sustainability is the number one thing for us to keep skiing and snowboarding moving forward on the planet today [Music] [Music] my title is the old judge all right so keeping things in mind there sustainability we got to keep it going we need skiing to skiing and snowboarding we need winter and that's up to you and you and me and all of us to do that together i'd like to welcome to the booth with me bertie denver bertie was one of the judges here at stop number one on the freeride world tour bertie first of all overall take on the event today well we had a great show the snow conditions were tough so really a lot of respect for these athletes what they could show us in these conditions was amazing so as a judge we are in the best seat to see that show and we enjoyed it yeah well i certainly enjoyed it from here hopefully you guys all enjoyed it from your spots all over the world i want to get into some specifics here the snowboard men's field stacked field the riding we saw was incredible we're going to take a look here at cody bramwell's run can you run us through the way you guys judge this and where where the where the kind of points came from yeah so he started from the start one so it's steeper and more technical to approach uh his first jump it was a tight decision between first and second place but part of that decision came from choosing the more technical line to access that backflip which was perfectly stomped when the rider who got in second place had a couple hands down that back flip here there's no hesitation nice grab although that was easier than than whoever got in second place and we love that last air where he actually popped before the ski tracks this jump there so it took a much bigger jump of that finish line but second rider had the nice triple so it was a close call and uh we discussed and basically the technical ride into the first backflip and the perfect landing made the difference and gave cody the win yeah i mean you guys saw it for yourself these points of difference and i wanted to have a quick chat about that because it was really tight between blake and cody and the differences are pretty subtle yes they are and you know it's also sometimes the the judge's feelings so it's not perfect science there so some had a feeling that the really technical flowy bottom of lake was great and could have beaten uh cody even though the backflip was not perfect and in the end start one with a bit more riding and a bit more technical approaching that bad flip helped cody's score as well so but it was a close goal we had to talk it through and it could have gone either way well it was a tough day to be a judge i i gotta say i much prefer my seat here in the commentary booth because you had you guys had your work cut out for you thanks so much for taking the time to run us through that bertie it's fascinating always to see what the judges are seeing and how the points are allocated we're going to head down to the finish area to do some podium celebration ceremony first stop on the freeride world tour for 2021. let's take it down to neil williamson in the finish with our champions i am neil willman here in the finish area now thank you for joining us here today for the conversation we are going to keep this short and sweet let's start with the ski woman the first category to come out of the gate today and i hope that all the podium getters are here in the finish area with me we're keeping it socially distant and corona safe with our masks on but let's get the podium winners up on the podium and the first one the third place coming out of switzerland on a return from injury it's mud bass [Music] there you go there you go welcome back to the podium mod after a second her cooper a couple years ago and now back here after injury it's awesome to have you back congratulations all right moving right on up right on up to the second place another sick run today really high level in the women's ski category and coming out of france it is juliette willman [Applause] [Music] but today there was only gonna be one winner we're going to hand out all three medals at the same time once this girl is up on the top of the podium with one of the most amazing backflips i have seen on the fred wheelchair in the women's ski category it is none other than the norwegian peak performance rider hedwig vessel [Applause] we're organized here on the freewheel tour we have slots in the podium now so the riders can hold their skis and the metals at the same time putting them on themselves keeps ourselves corona safe so the hedwig vessel can lift up the winner of the fred wilson stop here in 2021 andorra congratulations they're smiling i promise even if you can't see congratulations girls here comes the champagne shake it like a polaroid shake it shake it drink it champagne already for the winner today sure share a little glasses later congratulations again girls big ups pulling off the first stop of the fred world tour welcome back to the top all right going straight into the skiing man the second category of the day to run wow it was crazy show today and only one kiwi was able to make it out of the many that were qualified stuff has been tough but this guy holding it down from new zealand pretty proud you're going to say blake marshall you yeah buddy [Laughter] you many people have had trouble problems and this guy today is skiing on borrowed gear nice is it hit big ski cool the andorra crowd holding it down for us get up on him first ever come real well to a rookie out of france second on the freeride world tour and your first ever stop here in andorra or do you know arc release 2021 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but today it was none other than the rookie out of north america winning the tour stop here in his first ever competition after winning the north american tour in the fw last year get on up here ross tester what a show rookie's on top so good to see fresh new talent coming up and through congratulations yeah team don't think it's gonna be the last time in the podium few boys you can swap that champagne for the winner's trophy it's a french champagne since the french man on the podium victory never tasted so sweet congrats boys all right all right the next category was the snowboard woman also putting on a super sex show today and another rookie on the podium out of north america after winning north american tour last season it is katie anderson [Applause] fighting away here through the qualifying tour tying her first twice and now in her first fwt comp she is on the podium congratulations katie second place another american also having super strange travel worries getting here at the last minute and getting on the podium again it is erika vikander you what's up a freaking hype all right and in first place today no stranger to the top of the podium straight from natural selection to here it is [Applause] just experimenting with the new technology congratulations marion erica and katie yeah you it's tough at the top congratulations girls here comes your champagne yeah i said your name wrong i'll see the drink wrong tool do what i want [Music] [Applause] congratulations girls yes i can can you take it please yes you can i'm sorry all right all right so the last category of today and damn wasn't it a heavy-hitting one the guy snowboard stack field did not disappoint in the slightest so many heavy-hitting so many big backflips on snowboards what a pleasure to watch let's get them up here in third place the defending champion niels midnick you yeah buddy no snowboard with him today because he didn't have his own snowboard he's all borrowed gear those are actually my pants so good work man on all borrowed equipment third place first party of the season big ups but in second place a really promising rocky after winning the fw series in north america last season straight onto the world tour like his brother to perform it is black baller [Applause] so dog dude and another almost rookie second season on the fwt first season riding for gross britannian it is cody bramwell yeah buddy the brit with the kiwi accent they called me the brit with the swedish accent on top of the podium today congratulations boys let's see that winning trophy lifted high in the air just like those backies [Applause] we'll swap you for some champagne for your winners trophy and you're gonna have to stick around as well because we've got one more thing for you and the three other competition winners that first timer gets called out by the bit not the last timer [Laughter] cody bramwell congrats go that congratulations again boys but cody i'm going to stick around i'm going to get you to stand straight there where you just were and i'm going to call the other three winners up hedwig vessel ross tester and marianne t come grab your golden boobs golden bibs golden tickets get back on up here it's raw gold it's gold ore congratulations again to the team to the crew for the organization for pulling off this event against all odds for ordinary for having us here in andorra it's such a pleasure always happy to be back here and always hilarious to watch athletes trying to put bibs on over other boobs with gloves on and hoods and all the ski that makes that kind of thing hilariously difficult congratulations again to the gold medal winners today the golden bib holders today thanks for tuning in back to derek in the commentary booth to wrap this thing up thank you everyone for tuning in what a day all right a norwegian a brit swede a french person and an american are three four category leaders coming at a stop number one on the freeride world tour what a what a show we had 2021 it's got its challenges but we are pulling it off and we had a great event here huge thanks to ordina arcalis to the people of endor the locals the volunteers everybody involved in pulling this thing off it was an absolute fine-tuned machine and everything went beautifully massive props to the riders to all your families back home all the friends fans watching we had a great time here we hope you had a great time out there we've got some news for you we have a big storm coming saturday sunday monday wind snow all kinds of stuff we're looking at basically the classic freeride freeride world tour reset and we're going to be shooting to do another comp here in ordinarchelys sometime early next week stick around to our social channels instagram facebook twitter we will keep you posted thanks for watching if you tuned in on fuel tv freeride world tour top number one is in the books we'll catch you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] them [Music] you
Channel: Freeride World Tour
Views: 208,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freeride World Tour, freeride, freeriding, freeski, skiing, ski, snowboard, snowboarding, FWT, powder, snow, Backcountry, mountains, outdoor, Verbier, Valais, Switzerland, Suisse, Xtreme, Finale, Finals, FWT20, DROPIN, FWT21
Id: 6IWDyK0u1Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 45sec (13185 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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