FULL BROADCAST: Women's Ski Slopestyle, Men's Ski Big Air Elims, Men's Snowboard Slopestyle Elims

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Colorado greetings and salutations everybody my name is Chris uncle e Ernst what a pleasure to have you here and I'm alongside longtime staple of the x-games miss Jenn Hudak and down below DC in the mix getting the information that we can't get how the heck are you today Jen couldn't be better on believe yeah we got beautiful beautiful conditions out here the course is all dialed in wits me it episodes with weather earlier in the week what are you thinking of this course oh my gosh well it looks pristine today we've had so much snow earlier in the week and the sun is shining this course is running fast I think these women have an opportunity to put down some insane runs and it's gonna be an amazing contest these eight ladies compact field uh who are some of your favorites I'm really liking the look of Maggie Boysen she is of course the 2018 gold medalist at this event so she's defending her gold medal and she was hard at work this summer she learned double cork 1260 and she's landed some in training so I think we're gonna see that out of her today and has a great shot at another gold okay now let's talk about the triple threat super last night five Kenny's new Kelly's elder oh this girl is beyond talented sixteen years young she won both ski slope style events at X Games that she has competed in she of course missed last year due to injury but doesn't seem to be missing a beat so I know she's hungry for it and she's gonna be doing everything she can yeah keep in mind she's 16 she's doing all three events as well there's a start list on the left talking about number 4 from Switzerland number 4 Sarah hofland she's our 2018 Olympic gold medalist and she didn't compete she didn't put any of her doubles into her run last year but she has them in the bank so I think we're gonna see some big stuff out of her today yeah I'm gonna get the steering wheel so to speak and drive this thing all the way home so it's gonna be a fine competition and let's get ourselves right to the start this young lady who were gonna kick things off with is 16 years of age age shows up at her first X Games in Norway at the big air event in wins of gold two years later here she is oh I might also mention she wanted silver at the Olympics last year's no big deal her name is Mathilda good a moan from Switzerland this is her first run of three and let's let's run you through the course right now we start off with some rails she slides it on down and then into the next one which is the sofa ticket Jen so far so good through this rail section and Mattel does shine ooh nice tail grab on that 270 off there and coming into the jumps where she really does shine 720 landing clean coming into this second jump a little bit more speed beautiful so clean held that grab throughout really really good run for Mattel starting out nice switch seven on the bottom talk to her a couple nights ago and she said as long as it doesn't snow the speed is perfect and flows grade and taking a look back at the the rail section up top there's a look at that first rail came off a little bit early the judges want to see you slide all the way to the end like she did there and really nice to be able to get a grab off of a rail you don't have a lot of time in the air there so it was really nicely done here's a look at the left side 720 grabbing tail for a second not quite holding on to it as long as we would like to see but pretty solid and there is a look at that switch 720 on the bottom really getting a good hold on that mute grab that time tweaking it out for the judges and landed the super clean and speaking of the judges Mike Atkinson our head judges with a crew of five and they get a look at that replay as well to see how the grabs are or the grabs what he touches are they holding it throughout whereas the composure where's the control will be a little repetitive here on our commentary because it's a it's a you have to have repetition good read repetition here and that's how it goes alright competition for Matt break it down for us again in the showdown today they're each going to get three runs and the best score of those three counts and the judging criteria is on a hundred point scale on overall impression they're taking into account how well you're doing your tricks how big you're going what kind of style you have and the technical difficulty that you bring to it alright she's good to go Tesla do from the floor France where a lot of Legends come from like multi-time X Games gold MELAS Kevin Rulon as a matter of fact she is related a cousin to ketamine Tesla do with a silver in Aspen in Norway back in 2017 so she'll take a breath as we will we what goes through the mind and start up there Jen you've been a theropod she's just about to say it looks like she's taken a minute to compose herself maybe visualize her run one last time really nice on that first stage but then taking it into the rainbow rail which is one of the more technical features in this course nice for fifty out looking over the left shoulder setting up for the jobs nice switch by Oh 900 there and coming into the second jump she's got the BIOS anyway not enough speed on that second jump and landing on her - as the knuckle which is always a relief that hurt my knees yeah from experience that does not feel good not good to have youth on your side at 17 yeah she's resilience so much human growth hormone still here it is right here just short sorry yeah no it's okay teeth are so ataxia no cavities released and she's still file it took a second is that due to her back in December so she'll live to ski another run member best of three here back up the top - Juliette tano she rooms actually with our first competitor Matilde Ramon and they feed off each other both from Windsor Heights Switzerland and as she's all of 20 years young and welcome back by the way after a left humerus which is an arm bone fractured last season as she missed this event last year got injured on this course so I think it's it's always a testament to an athlete resilience to show up here and take to the course again and and bring all you've got Oh does that happen pretty clean through the rail so far not the most technical that we have seen here is the right side 900 again a little bit short shoulder at this [Applause] speed there yeah I don't know if the sometimes when the when the Sun comes up and things start to warm up on course it can slow down so I don't know if we're seeing that happen now maybe the speed has changed from when they finished warming up to the competition run so here is a look at that switch over the left shoulder not getting the jet grab and then again she just knows she's coming up short on that switch nine so she just kind of opens up early and prepares for impact yeah so per chance she's gonna switch that run up cuz switch you're not getting as much speed as you are straight on so what does she learned keep that in mind we'll get back to her rig Ramone is the only one who's finished a run thus far so we head back up to the top to one of our highlighted athletes cooking X Games gold medal big air in her first season and she's our oldest competitor got a mentioned she applied for med school five times Sara Hoffman here from Switzerland she said I'm done with med school I'm gonna go skin and here she is first feature and I switch off coming in switch disaster 272 the bottom down part of that rail quite a commitment there solid backside to cemani off the bottom rail into the jump section right side 540 starting things off looks like her speed is good so far we'll see if she's merely getting it to double cork I'm not sure in the judges eyes if they're gonna count that as a double cork 1080 but super solid certainly one of the better runs we've seen so far today yeah up on the rails here you see her rotating around watch the head spot Cellini on that 270 off boom really nice I mean - compared to Matilda who was getting a grab on on that rail just cleaning up the style I think is only thing I would have to say really good on the grab there on her 540 spotting her landing but again I mean I think speed might be a factor today for sure alright score in 90 breaking the bar into the 90s so 15 ahead of Hermosa setting the standard there nice job she's a little surprised all right up next is Bill Atkins not only a professional skier but it students and college let's learn a little more Isabelle second x-games she's locking on to her grabs on the on the jumps overall I think that's gonna be a good sport I'm Izzy I can I'm a freestyle skier and I'm 20 years old so I go to school at Colorado College which is in Colorado Springs my professors are all incredibly supportive and appreciate the fact that I pursue skiing at a high level and they understand that sometimes that takes precedence over my studies but I feel like working on schoolwork definitely is able to sharpen my focus on 2-1-1 tasks and I definitely feel like that works in skiing as well it's been able to help me get into the zone and stay focused on what I'm doing and not allow any outside thoughts in all right the studious one interesting fact here she lives in the u.s. her father is British so she's skiing for Great Britain we'll get into more that in just a bit she also trains with the Great Britain team she prefers the coach there so here she goes right now in her first run sunlight out and in rail sections we'll start things off on that box or not the best start to the run but we'll see what she can do with the rest of this course which 270 disaster again coming off early she didn't quite make the full 270 rotation so she didn't land super solid on that rail but cleaning it up in the bottom and now she moves into the jumps really nice this is where she shines that right side 900 getting her tail got her tail grab and there is the switch left side 720 that is her unnatural direction and here into the money yeah again speed we're gonna need some of the grease on the bottom of those skis to speed things up yeah it's just so impressive to see all the switch skiing by these ladies is just really pushing the progression of sports but up top as you mentioned the rails it's coming off early the judges are super hyper critical of all that and then switch good distance they're good distance on decent distance I think she would probably have been a little more comfortable with a little more speed reaching down for the mute grab on that not quite getting ahold of it but a decent start yeah it took a silver last year here at the X Games and visibility logs at fifty eight point three three so from the rails to landing a little bit sideways on the bottom jumps she's gonna tighten that package up we set our sights back up to the top of the hill how about this five medals in five X Games the double threat area serum big hair big air later on Johanna Keeley is on course represented in Norway a goal he's loved style 2007 rales well looks like something happened so welcome making us hold our breath nice 450 off of that bottom rail coming into the jump section now over the left shoulder switch to the left side 540 get in the Japan grab first feet looked a little bit better here nice quark 900 now coming in switch over the right shoulder into the money booter landed pretty solid that was one of the better runs that we have seen so far and Johanna is a little bit heavier than some of the other competitors in this field which may have helped her carry a bit more speed through the course good point here's the jukebox up top that was really nice I think we missed that in our first first year things here so switch into this backside 270 off here's the slow down division shifted way on over there so okay so clean rail section there that should get her into the guess in the eighties Johanna Keeley again five medals so big air she's taking a second place a couple of times one of slopestyle as you said in 2017 and crowd anticipate in the score again judges they have the mid-80s 84 second place it's like we do this before okay to remain excited for these final two coming up next took a silver last night in the super pipe she's doing the big air as well but right now all her sights are set on this Jeep slopestyle course Kelly sealed the room from Estonia 16 years young we've got a bio card here with so much information that we're gonna we're gonna spread it out over a three runs right now it's just watch run number one from sue the rule I can't even keep up with her rails like this girl just spent so much on everything and it blows my mind nice 450 off that was so well done so much technicality 900 her speed looks totally fine capping the tail grab here is the switch left side 9 10 80 and that's her unnatural direction almost came up a little short bill and it's super clean so that's gonna be a good solid score for Kelly yeah that's gonna contest Hoffman for sure the rails were magnetic meaning that she took off clean grease them and then nailed the landing straight for here's a look at the sofas own website 270 on to that down rail super technical and then a 270 off and here's a look at those jumps look how high up on her ski she's able to grab that mute grab just whipping it around no problem so five exhange competitions six medals boom new leader no surprise there Kelly silver 94 just yeah her first run in the influence who's 13 was a 93 and you see that happy little dance and forget that so the 16 year old is killing it right now on her way to another medal okay so we will look at this young lady after we get a another peek at how it went down last year Miss Maggie Voisin take it away so no us woman has everyone at gold out here so Maggie has a great chance at it something strong contender dude on the rails and good in the jumps and there it is there's the gold the precious hardware congratulations to maggie Voisin well that was then this is now voice and just saw with silver who put down and that is one of the higher scores we've seen in women's slow style history so Maggie's gonna see what she can do we know she's got that double cork and I'm afraid she's gonna have to bust that thing out she made me two really nice on the box 270 out to the down rail that we saw Kelly do that as well but added up to 70 out and there is a 450 out of that bottom feature and now into the jumps similar features on the rails and see the jumps right side 900 to start things out and then he switched left side 900 coming into the bunny booter and there is no more 1260 my voice that we forecasted it she knew she had to do it breath pressure was on for sure and she rose to the occasion let's take a look so here is that right side 900 also very similar to the one Kelly does Maggie missed her grab a little bit there so there will be a slight deduction but here's a look at that double cork 1260 the only woman to ever do this and she landed it on her first her first run yeah well you know she had to come out of the gate swinging to just say hey silver oh I'm here I'm here so the double cork impressive as it was there was a little washout a hand touch down there so it can be as great in the air as you've ever seen but if that land isn't clean it's not gonna count for say a hundred points on that particular exactly there you go score 79 clean that up and that could be an up top the first rail was not as clean as it could be you're totally right and that's just you know I think there's so many nerves when you know that you're going in to do a massive trick you've never done before yeah so silver ooh is underway to another metal of three events we will see what happens when we return one run done gore coming up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well so far we've seen the course now let's break it down I'll start with the rails yeah the cheap rail section up top and then into the sofa section which kind of has two parts to it a top and a bottom super technical and then finishing off with the Monster Jam yeah all sorts of options there then three jumps progressively getting more grande as we go down the course 65-foot to the sweet spot 75 foot on number 2 money booter check it out shall we as you saw the double cork by our lovely miss Coughlin is about 85 feet to the sweet spot so that's the animation here's the real-time welcome back to the x-games 2019 in aspen cheap ski slope style this is the women's ski slope style final I'm on Kelly alongside miss chin Hudak we have DC down below and we're going back to the top of the order right now again our leader is miss Kelly silver oh and everybody else is chasing include the Swiss rider Mathilde green moon up top so what are you talking about that much of a before will goes on I think it depends on who you are and where you're at you know one thing I do know about Mathilde is that she also has a double cork and when you see someone come out swingin like magna Voisin it makes you think what do I need to do to stand a mix here rails we've seen a lot of 450s off there's a 270 off so more rotations more spins gonna give you a bigger reward as in the jumps as well left-side seven on that first jump they're looking much better at this run into the muder switch left 720 TPM you grabbed that was a really solid run I think there may have been a little bit of an issue on the rails up top but overall pretty good she's still sitting with a score of 75 which is comfortable but definitely not what she's gone in for tonight yeah that's in the in the same range as her previous world we'll take a peek at her jumps coming off this is the 900 ya reaching back for that tail grab I just love watching their vision how they can see where their feet are gonna hit back on the ground and land it blows my mind there's and there is that mute grab so solid on that switch seven at the bottom switch seven was the winning run by jf cusan the first big air at the X Games in Crested Butte night and I can believe that no women are doing like an ain't no thing fall in the X Games for a while the first of all this in 1997 here we are in Aspen in 2019 ladies men ski and snowboard and it's a great affair on day number two let's get going with miss Tesla do from the palm fronds a silver in 2017 and both Aspen in Norway 110 pounds so she's got a little weight differential here and she's only 17 years of age so watch out here comes tests currently in the seventh position [Applause] nice 270 out there and coming in to switch to that rainbow rail almost getting bucked off but holding on to it under the final rail 450 out so she lands switch to set up for the jumps remember land at this one speed was an issue there's a double this night yup right side bio 720 [Music] no speech jokes okay losing both of her shoes on that dub 12 she looks to be okay holdin her head her helmet wondering where it went south she had a little frustrated had the distance I was committed she did she had the speed yeah I see you breathe no sex I believe she didn't you know switch into the second jump last time I thought she did it was that Julia Julia there she almost gets bucked off and just fighting with everything she's got to hold on to that rail that was pretty impressive save great camera shot here in the Monster Jam and I believe that one was a 450 out yeah yeah so that 450 is is the one and a quarter rotation that you can't get one and a half cuz you're going sideways across the rail so these numbers are confusing to you we'll give you some education there's the mute grab and here comes the fall what do you think happen on this landing gear man she went pretty massive on this comes around and just omigod that did I heal just released immediately upon impact yeah they're supposed to come off if you're a skier you know you have a hard fall those things here they're gonna save your ankles yeah that was huge though and really really good so she can hold on to that and run number two it's definitely gonna put her in contention here yeah a knuckle in the second and then a have a crash on the second run so here we go Julia tahno she yes have yourself a little issue on her first run Juliano fourth of the slopestyle in 2017 we are also seeing her in big air where she has preferred a silver and a bronze before so doing double duty out here the cheap zone box now [Applause] so much pressure when you don't get your first two runs done we saw last night with David wise and the super pipe okay okay he put his he puts his training to the test first and giving everyone panic attacks all right Julia tunnels who use this one as a a training run right now get her jumped out in find the right speed so she's gonna stick with this here's where she had a problem before she had the right speed this time to use it as a training run and try to figure out the speed so she can really dial things in for run number three yeah more of a big air specialist really and we'll see her later on in the evening a big air here's a look where things went wrong she just kind of slipped off that box jumps are always in some way is more impressive because we see how far they travel through the air but often times when things go wrong or in those rail sections it's just so technically difficult and in those rails are slick they're like a sheet of ice yeah it's Mike Douglas said put your shoes in Crisco and slide down the slide at your local park yeah Sarah Laughlin Widow she was the first lady to crack into the 90s and now she's got her work cut out for it's good clean on the rails slide them all the way throughout no bobbles this morning and she was saying she was feeling nervous about tricks today so I'm wondering another double out of her in the jump section down below she's got it she's good so far so good through the rail is really nice backside 270 off they're downloading the speed there's a bright side 540 getting the high view crap on that first jump what's so frustrating that is super frustrating and sometimes even if you just get like the littlest bit of snow or ice in that binding when you clip in it cannot throw things off yes you know it's third run they're gonna take a very close look at the clickin there's a look at that 270 off landing super clean yep this is where things go a little south I mean she landed totally fine I really that's unfortunate technical error there yeah that's the nature of the competition so she has one more run to try to climb to the top she stands in second looking good there so hofland out it's all about Kelly silver who right now we'll see what happens when we return the rest and run number two stick with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back in to the ski slope style onto the Jeep course it's all about the women throw it down we're halfway through the competition one two three runs is what each lady gets and right now we're to have a peek back at our current leader Kelly silver who's on a mission this X Games Jen she's been nothing but on fire all week long so far look at this so solid out of Cali clean through the jumps the most technical rails that we've seen out of any of these women she does not have a double in her run so I know there are some other women coming out swinging yeah right now in the lead with a 94 33 and have a look at the leaders right there so Kelly and Sarah Jana Keely a lot of talent there and everyone else is chasing again we're just in the midst of our second run here at the Jeep slopestyle course and absolutely what we call it Chamber of Commerce time of day the the Aspen area has received over 14 feet of snow since October and it's magical magical here indeed all right back to the top we go X Games silver medal in 2018 that was last year at a Park City Utah is develop at Caen she's currently in sixth place had a good run she made it through but she had some problems on the rails and some issues on the landings on her jumps let's see what she's learned from that clean through the first feature just a straight slide coming off switch switch into that next rail and here we go into the monster zone nice 270 off and into the jumps where she got right side 900 getting the tail grab speed is looking good switch left 720 Lanting clean so far and the switch right test and it's super clean that time I definitely will see an improvement in that sport whether or not it's gonna be a contender hard to say these women are on fire yeah well personally you can see when she landed this time straight backward to give a little fist pump cuz she was sideways on attending the last time yeah and there was the switch up she didn't fully get around on that switch up so she didn't land with her skis totally sideways on the bottom part of that rail so again judges are looking for perfection out of these women the standard is so high and here is that mute grab really solid spinning around the rest of that rotation so that's good increase her score don't know if it's gonna jump into the podium zone there but personally I know she's fired up on that one again again best two runs of three this is the finals absolutely perfect day for showcasing your skill so what at what's happening right now is the judges are looking as to where to position it based on where the the rest of the field is it could be a third place run so they're definitely gonna take their time making this decision yeah oh and it's it's close yeah fourth place eighty-one point six six she has one more to improve upon maybe a little more the amplitude we'll see what happens here yeah okay here's a look right now before you wanna he gets going gold check out five two down the line in the history of the sport rails up top through sliding a local place for Kili I switch up there cruising through here 270 haunts and that down rail again just didn't look like she was super confident on the rail section nice 450 out on the bottom one though really starting to pick up the energy switch 540 getting the Japan crab speed is looking good there is the amount of speed and again we see you come up just a little bit short and you see it coming and you just say okay I hope I hope I can hold onto this one well let go over the slopestyle Norway in 2017 a fifth in the Olympics and here's a peek at the fall one more time you see it you see it was like oh I think that was intending to be a nine and she realized she was coming up short so she just opened up and prepared for impact it seems to be in one piece collecting parts of her equipment yeah she's setting up towards the the Knoll of the final jump there so for Kili she's gonna stay in that third place spot right now clean it up see what she's learned and roll back for run number three okay current leader out of the first run ninety four point three three how about this stat she podiums at 20 at the 26 ifs EMP sanction slopestyle events between 2013 and 2016 in which she competed and she won 24 of those 26 of Beckett I can't I can't even fathom yeah what that would be like yeah all before right around the age of 16 I mean this is something we have not seen in the sport of coming in switch backside 450 out so much technicality through those rails and here is the right side cork 900 getting the tail grab really liking the axis she's spitting on there and here is the switch and here is the right side switch 1080 not quite enough speed opened up a little early and release the grab a bit early but men these so much consistency with Kelly to which i think is really astounding to be her age and to show up and so consistently perform at this level yeah she has that she has the looks like you knows and you know us and went through the courses so many times and looked effortless and his landings were so on the guys side of things but I'm seeing a comparison he was just so smooth that you're like it doesn't look like crying yeah like her watch the landings here it's just magnetic she's in the air she gets the the reaching far back tail grab there so showing the extension showing her commitment then watch boom you know a little bend the knees and gets ready for the next one this is the only variation the only thing it was a little different and just not as much as far down the hill but still a great landing I don't think it's gonna put her higher than she hit well there I go I'm not a judge I think she did do a switch left at that time and I think last time I left seven that's it so so technicality but I'm gonna reach with Nikora researcher that I think that's our highest score okay okay we'll get back to that but hey that was a huge it going to art Maggie Voisin we've got ourselves a little profile on this young lady check it out [Music] so Maddy Bowman and I we both had an awesome year we both won X Games and you just wanted to do something new and get out of our comfort zone so we decided to go to Pemberton British Columbia and ski some back country with Keita Minogue obviously it's way different than contests skiing it's just free it's you in the mountains and I've you know I've done a lot of touring back home especially with my dad but it was my first time ever Sonoma being a backcountry skiing I'm definitely gonna do a lot more backcountry skiing my goal is every season to do one big trip a year and kind of make an edit out of it so I'm really excited yeah keep in mind it's not all about competition you learn to ski and it having fun then you're like I'm good at this I can win some competitions then you're like hey let's go out in the backcountry and enjoy the the true essence of it okay Maggie voices she has the EE sound saw it down in the bottom this has to be flawless up top match exactly what we've just done by miss silver rope and keep it clean throughout switch up their back 270 off here's the 270 on coming in forward to this bottom rail feature and there is the 450 out on the line there is the right side 900 reaching back getting that tail grab and here is the switch left 900 setting up for the double cork 12 6 does she have it I don't know that it's gonna beat that ninety six point six six she just doesn't have the technicality on the rails that we're seeing from Kelly well this is the that's that's her best rail right there the 450 oh and Kelly actually they do the same the same thing on that rail that's compared to jumps then and then the jumps the first jump for them is actually very similar they both do a cork right side 900 and intend to do a tail grab Kelly held that telegraph the whole time Maggie didn't quite get it she misses the grab again here on that switch left 900 and then coming into this double cork 1260 it is one of the more technical devils she gets the safety grab kind of more like a Boop crab there and landed so clean that run so definitely a podium run probably not knocking still drew off that top spot yeah I would greet great analysis it's the grab since the details is our good friend Mike Douglas always said it's in the details and the judges watch that back as well and it does not improve upon her first score so little things game of inches she's gonna see if she can tighten that up get those grabs in and that's Maggie Voisin still in the second spot our story is all about Kelly silver who from the top we said it she's a triple threat won in pipe she's going for another gold medal here we'll see what happens we come back with run number three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] g'day y'all welcome back into the Jeep slopestyle course we are gearing up for the third run of three here at the women's ski slope style finals Jen hoodak funcly' along side CC down below stay nice and warm with this beautiful day this cheap course has had some challenges for some of the competitors here's our top three right now do a little recap as to see where we are Jen here we go we've got Maggie Boyson in that third place spot she's throwing a double cork 1260 at the bottom but needs to add a little more technicality and get her grabs we got Sarah Coughlin in a second really nice through the rail sections she also has double corks on the jumps so she's in the hunt and here we go our leader Kelly sailed arrow sitting in first place with a score of 96 point six six absolutely insane but this girl is skiing with a level of perfection I haven't seen very often again at 16 so we're still looking to see unofficially that's the highest score and women's slopestyle will get confirmation of that but she's just she's a storyline in herself we have a bio card that reads it fills up the entire bottle card yeah it gets dizzy reading it so do remember that name the Kelly SIL guru she's coming to come up with a third run here back to the start we go 8 ladies see the the results list can change it all we started off with Mattoon girl mole the 18 year old out of Switzerland as a rookie came in to Norway at 16 years of age and took a gold in the big air so knows what's going on mr. 2018 with injuries so she couldn't defend at the big air title but this is slope style now shoot risk/reward Oh so frustrating for her she really was taken up the technicality on the rails that was looking so good and just a simple little mistake but rails really can cost you your entire run frustrating day for Mattel so she's gonna have to look to her next contest big air later tonight yeah she's so young she knows she wanted nuts at 17 she won a silver medal at the Olympics so she's poised for oh man that is frustrating with a frustrating day when it goes wrong right off the start so here's a look at this super technical opting for one of the more difficult rail combinations a switch up on that right at that little kink and then going for the 270 off and she lands it and then just I don't know it looks like there's yeah snow snakes no snake or skis Clank together and just took her out yeah she'll stay down there with the her highest scores her first run 475 so she'll stay in sixth as we roll on back to the top Tesla do another 17 year old her from the plum front gals got some skill and she was eight she was here to watch Cathedral on when it's gold medal and the pipe back many moons ago related to that being their parents are brother and sister focus take a deep breath final run for tests will do is she is in that seventh place pot has yet to land a full run [Music] oh man what a bummer and it's so tough you know she crashed on that dub 12 in her second run and when you know you're planning on doing a massive trick that's right on the edge of your ability it's so hard to maintain focus and keep composure through the rest of your run leading up to it so I suspect that her mind may have been elsewhere and not quite on those rails yeah so protest will do this will wrap up her competition so say I love it just showing us what should give you showing us what's to come tonight in women's and big air finals so we can look to her to to impress us all alright so up top you see right out of the gates she just left ski just hooked up on that box when you're spinning in so quickly you really have to bring all of your body parts together as one unit and she just got a little hooked up there now here's a look at that dub 12 really great takeoff getting the mute grab the whole way through landing better her skis stay on her feet that time it'll be fun to watch her later tonight and that score will be a trash can and that's about that for Tesla do [Applause] go inside stay warm so I call that a nice winter day [Music] to disagree [Music] this expects games weather [Music] and back up to the start we go for Julia tano out of Switzerland she has not had any success in her two runs either so the regroup the refocus this is where you become a pro athlete and see if you can put it all on the table on that second rail feature 270 on again she saw some of her competitors get caught up there so she just wants to make it down to the jumps nice 270 off of that final rail feature here is the right side nine hundred a little bit of a hand drag there but stay 900 not going again it just doesn't have the speed out there today that she needs that's too bad and again we'll be looking to big air assuming she is all good to go here's a look at that 270 off of the monster feature yeah look clean up top well until the landing yeah little difficulty on that landing there here's a look at her right side 9 not quite getting the grab but landing okay or speed was pretty good there a little bit of a hand drag and then here is where she just came up a bit short she sees it there she knows she's hitting that knuckle oh well behind that blue line on her feet seems to be okay I'm sure she's bummed yeah so she'll do no better than an eighth place but up next Sarah hofland she did not make it into med school after five attempts but did make the finals here at X Games so let's listen in this happy profile Sarah I didn't get into medical school I failed it's something that I worked towards my whole teenage yes and I was so focused and I still didn't get into medical school there are too many applicants and I think I just always ended up in the wrong pile so I ended up doing neuroscience at Cardiff University and actually it was when I was at university that I discovered freestyle skiing and decided to do ski season when I finished uni it was just an outlet for me that I knew that there was something that I was good at that maybe not everyone else and I think that's what made me want to just keep pushing and I never stopped well it's not like she failed at med school she just didn't get accepted right so this is a neuroscience so what do you think she learned in drug sounds like focusing of the brain there's her brother also by the way he's a great dude hung out last night neuroscience absolutely neuroplasticity your ability to learn new things and change and evolve and she knows that at 28 years old she's not the cleanest we've seen off that rail section for her 270 off there again just getting a little bit caught up so little feature it's so hard to get back in the groove so it's gonna look like no better than second place for Sara today yeah in 90 position and she needed to be clean lean and mean those rails and now it's just a show but showboat time on these jumps making it through healthy and safe or an 80-foot jump it's just so floatier the air for so long it's like slow motion yeah the neuroscience master this is where the the focus had to be a little more complete yeah going for that 270 off just didn't quite get her feet on the bottom part of that box long enough to complete that rotation that 270 out and then just kind of threw her off for the rest of her run we should also mention she is your excuse me your Olympic gold medalist so what a year she had last year big air gold medal and then at limpid gold medal I mean whatever here and even though she's one of the older competitors she hasn't actually been competing for all that long so I just think she we're gonna still see a lot more out of Sarah Hoffman over the next few years yeah good soul also she's staying where we are she's just approachable kind and wise so that's the greatest accent yeah it's magnetic all right Maggie boy Santa is coming up chicas she gonna contend with this young lady Kelly solar ooh it's hers to win [Applause] welcome back into our Jeep slopestyle course beautiful beautiful picturesque day as we've been talking about the competition is just about wrapped up and here as the standings so far at stories Kelly silver with a ninety six point six six Hoffman just finished her run she will stay no better than second maggie Voisin who's in that bronze medal position she is yet to come this has been you know remarkable to see silver road do what she has done so far Jen it's unbelievable what she's done so far the thing is she her technicality through the rails is absolutely unmatched and then on the jumps she's super solid spinning both ways you can't tell which way she's more comfortable spinning and she gets all her grabs yes and thanks for our fantastic researcher Barden a headed by Vince and the goal our experts key research we asked a question they got it to us she is tied with the highest score ever held by kaya turski back in 2011 with a ninety six point six six so she may just break that but that's yet to come this is Isabella Atkin who aren't a silver here last year she's got to be as OnPoint as ever clean through the rails so far switch to 70 on to that down rail nice 270 off reaching out for the Japan drag trying to infuse a little style and here is the right side 900 tail grab switch to the second jump the switch left 720 setting up four at the muddy booter here is the switch right teni gets around the grab a little bit longer maybe a slight improvement on the score but not I think we're creeping into podium position here now we're gonna take a look at these jumps here is a look at that switch left side 720 a little late on the grab but she does get the safety grab in and then here she is the switch bright 1080 down below hold on to that mute grab a little longer and then just comes around super clean like no impact on that landing yeah Isabella I can best run 81 points six six and we'll see what the judges say on this people have asked for years when I when I come home they're like how do they get so good where they train there's places like there's a Woodward there's also the Utah Olympic Park you get to jump into a pool off these killer jumps they redid it a couple years ago to change the angles for the free skiers that's right and it's so awesome to be able to jump into a pool not worry about your landing and learn it I know you've spent time there I have indeed yeah it still hurts Butler so you don't land flat on the largest flat water does not feel good okay so 83.3 3d slight improvement there you go still staying in fifth place but definitely a little improvement under score that good beautiful smile there Isabelle Atkins in Park City Utah virtually from Maine all right Johanna Keaney again five medals on five X Games we'll see her in big air as well a gold in Norway and slopestyle back in 2017 she too yeah again just getting caught up you know the the box while it's a wider platform the plastic that's in between the rails on those boxes is so slippery and she and just came off a little bit a little bit early got chucked just having fun on the jumps down here a nice 360 for the crowd [Music] all right well that secures Sarah Coughlin for at least a medal so she sets up for that switch up and then lands a little bit off-center on the bottom part of that box and just can't quite hang on to it unfortunate for Johanna yes we will see a lot more of her for the the Norwegian great to have her out in debate and I will tell you this right now we have three can two competitors remaining the order can change but all three so guru Hoffman of ocean Dodd metals but hey before Kelly still bruised steps up for her third and final run let's hear more about her career as a young skier so say new leader yes we do I'm Kelly Solero I'm 16 years old animal is a skier I started skiing quite young and I think I still don't know at which age I understood that I could be a professional skier but like just at some point it happened mostly I travel with my family so like my brother and with my dad who's also my coach so he has been coaching me from the very beginning so I love when he's around and I think it's good to travel with your family because like it's better than just having a team so if you have a problem so you can always talk to them alright I said it before your threes ago when she won the gold remember the name I remember when I saw Mikayla schefren race when she was 14 she is now the dominant force in ski racing remember Sarah Burke when I saw her at the US Open years back we just need you just see it doesn't know it you know and she is one of those and she's yeah and she's on a March right now like I've not seen in a long long time so Kelly's sealed rooms trying to improve upon a ninety six point six six okay I gotta say this we back up sorry so 2010 circuit kaya turski she doesn't take she got a ninety six point six six so if she cleans this one up and nails everything she's looking for gets a higher score she will break that record well the rails were certainly flawless so we'll see what she has for us on the jumps that right side cork 900 getting the tail grab the whole way through here is the switch website 1080 holding the view kind of get the entire rotation and here we go last trick and she does the switch right lancet so Smee I mean that was a better run okay so the monster rail does it she was that ding on purpose I don't think it was on purpose but I really enjoyed it it felt like a lunch pail that was that joke see the landing 2/3 land he was better than the third landing on her on her second run yeah look at this he was her pole hitting that was so perfect that 450 out I think her body position coming off that rail was a little better than her second run she holds on CAPS the tail that's what we say when she gets the very very tip of the tail to put the tail and here's a look at that left side switch 1080 and she holds the mute grab at the top of the skeet the entire rotation and then yours it switch right side 1080 like so good she went a little faster that run speed was better grabs were better I mean okay I'm going I'm going 98 if not higher even she's done but that I mean listen we the skiers aren't known for throwing out the scores of a hundred and ninety-nine and skiing is basically like saying yeah that is the best we could expect out of anyone yes so there had to have been a hundred in there so they're in the judges so that about the hindmost someone gave her a you're not gonna see it yes someone had to have given 100 so so at Wow well you know in some ways there's no pressure on men pressure on Maggie right now she can just go do the best run she could possibly do and what more can you ask for solid 360 switch up there coming out switch what I need to try alright we'll see what maggie has for us down below if she hops to take this as a training run or she's just saving it for yes yes thanks 60 beaut Crabtree a spread it's super impressive from Magnus forty oh my god she thinks she went a little bigger than she was anticipating there but all I can say is this was insane to watch and it's gonna be so fun to watch them take to the bigger of course later tonight Oh still guru Hoffman voice in here top three right there that will not improve upon so that is a great moment in time get in there and give her a gold medal would you yeah it's the hugs super happy for Maggie to go to I mean to landed up 12 in contest for the first time that you're competing it and get yourself third place yeah and you're let your ex games has been 2019 X Games gold medalist Kelly silver from Estonia DC get in there Kelly Sela darou congratulations back-to-back gold medals and slopestyle in 16 and 17 you had to miss last year due to a knee injury what does this mean to you to come back this year and have the gold around your neck again I mean I had yesterday super successful day like whatsoever in halfpipe I was super stoked about that and now Cole here I just oh well congratulations with that 99 on the third run the highest ski slope style score ever at X Games way to break some records out here what are your thoughts heading into tonight's big air competition I'll just go and enjoy and do my best well congratulations best of luck tonight in big air one more time your gold medalist Kelly Silda room poised for absolute greatness to the two ovens done one more to go bronze for voicing out of the USA silver for hofland of Switzerland in silver ooh with a near-perfect score the highest we've seen in slopestyle history a ninety nine old speeches what a fantastic competition so excited do remember that name Jen that was fantastic wasn't it such a good show so excited to see more out of these women yeah here is the nadir always keep in mind Kelly's silver who don't forget coming up next the snow banker cross finals when we come back great stop here on day two of the X Games Aspen 2019 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings salutations no comment' Bienvenue and aloha if you're watching over to Hawaii it's time for the real cost men's ski big air D number two absolutely Chamber of Commerce a picture-perfect day out here hello everyone greetings citations my name is Chris uncle he hurts alongside the legend Tom Wallisch we got DC down below Jenn Hudak up top full coverage left right center and back little ones are not in school today because they're here to watch it a little bigger action and it promises to be it all out what we call a Throwdown showdown so the progression has been insane we saw something in practice Tom that we've never seen before by Fabian Bush and we happen to have a little video they'll run us through what this is something insane I was at the bottom of practice for this and I was losing my mind what Drupal core 1980 ain't never been done in the history of skiing happening here at X Games you could call that the miracle and snow because in 1980 the u.s. hockey team took the victory they're just a bear called snow backstage who got Oscar Wester here we got Christian Newman Dahl tons of talented guys in the elimination round today and it's just gonna be a Throwdown to see you can make it into that final round okay here's how here's how it works eight skiers 25-minute jam session two best scores count 50s gonna be the highest you get to 50s you get a hundred can they throw the same jump they cannot throw the same jump twice so think about this they got to spin one to the left and one to the right so to show those different tricks they're gonna have to do two different tricks add those scores up one left one right so a little bit of a game and a little bit of strategy and it's gonna be kind of a tough one to figure out what you do first when you fall it up with how you play the game okay see down below already qualified woodsy boys Sam brought in Henrik Carlo ironically those are the three same guys in slope style that sat there and they do relax you don't have to risk themselves and keep the physicality under control yep they're already prequalify NAL's because they're the medalists from last year so take a look at the start list we got a ton of talent Alex Hall out of the US the up-and-comer been winning a lot lately one to watch out for of course poppy and Bosh with that quad will we see it today in eliminations I don't know yeah Christian Newman doll from Norway throwing a switch 1800 and we're ready to get things going I'm gonna get my stopwatch going you folks at home do the same 25 minutes and we'll see how it gets going Park City Utah I know you have a big thing for this guy we're not big thing what you're saying big dude 64 180 not afraid to throw it around we're underway clock is started here we go Alex Hall Senden coming in with the switch double cork 1440 now what's so unique about Alex is his grabs and his rotations so on that one he's doing a switch double cork 14 and reaching over for a seat belt Japan and tail grab combo so only guy in the field may be the only guy in the world doing this trick with this grant watch reaching across seat belt Japan with the opposite tail grab holding it perfect landing Wow great jump right off the bat yeah 39 to start off out of a 50 there so we are underway with just over 24 minutes left the Triple Threat Gus Kenworthy man he was in slow qualifiers he was in pipe last night he's banged up but it's Gus let's see what he hasn't jumped number one starting it up kidding it was in the air there double cord 1440 missing the tail grab so with the judging and with the competition that the level that it is you got to be getting the grabs perfectly landing all these jumps perfectly to make it in you can see kind of misses the tail grab off the start has to reach back forward again and he's gonna need to clean that one up yeah well he separated his AC joint in his shoulder about a week ago so you know he's feeling that who go to the suite and land Stockholm Kidd Oscar Wester his first competition when he was 6 years of age big idol you'd Olsen yeah this guy's got a lot of different tricks and slopestyle he just looked a bit tired couldn't put quite all of his jumps down so I think you know maybe he just got a drink a Red Bull get fired I haven't come out here alright not afraid to spin to win Oh double court 1440 there and that is the same trick we saw Gus do but you can see he held the grab he got to grab a little bit longer so definitely gonna be an improvement on that score reaching back gets a tail grab not quite at the very end of the tail so a little bit more on the toxic we say on the inside of the ski but still good landing holds that ski the whole time so 31 right into the grabs right there you tell the difference in mittens and gloves he was just grabbing with his finger there so showing composure control dexterity there the fingers already qualified for slope style in number one position now he's in the big air we called EDM at exit but most Shaun at a cold Quebec City he's to be the first competitor to come in switcharoo ski yeah coming in switch right so his unnatural direction going switch right side tell Bogart 1440 with the opposite telegraph and a different strategy a lot of guys have been going for their natural spinning direction first so when you have to spend one to the left one trick to the left one trick to the right though strategy comes into play look at him locking in that tail grab coming around switch double cork 1440 to the right and he's stopping that one clean we'll see if he can do a left one to follow that one up 37 second place right now we bring it DC down at the bottom the upper perspective for us brother yeah guys caught up with baby Emmet breakfast this morning we're staying at the same hotel he's feeling good all right said he's feeling good but he's right here to a BM how you doing so good right oh well there you go back to you guys with the action alright that's a B I mean it's on baby and Mosher a while talking you over just throw down Wow right side triple corks 16:20 so while we're talking - hey V I'm taking a look at this right side triple court 1620 so one natural direction he's the guy we saw throw the quadruple cork in practice and right there doing a triple cork in his unnatural direction all right triple it's a thirty nine so tighten that up a bit I don't think we're gonna need to see the quad right here this is just about qualifying remember twenty five minutes on the clock as many runs as possible we take the top five out of this aid and Marion with the three qualified Evan the Cochran he's also some qualify for slopestyle here's his first run coming in switch off the take out spinning like a top dumb oh my gosh going for the switch double cork 1,800 that is five full rotation so a lot of numbers being thrown around here but all the numbers basically equate to numbers of degrees of rotation so here he's doing five full degrees at 360 is one full spin so five full spins there to make it 1,800 backwards - backwards such a difficult trick and if he can put that one down that could be a score in the 40s 63 178 from Norway we saw him throw a switch 1,800 in practice this is Christian Newman Dahl coming in switched right about switch trip just learn that one recently here and X Games in practice and bringing it out on run one like a video chat this out spinning like a top look at that mute grab it looks like he's going to pull the ski off let's go a bit early on that last rotation but still massive air good landing switch triple cork 1,800 that's got that TG Shiller type of pole right there love it no no no hand drag right there such as a solid landing and there you go 43 first one switch trip report 1843 he is now in the lead remember two different jumps have to happen one of the right one to the left top five advanced under 20 minutes remaining burr crude from Norway getting it on right now the 18 year old sensation not afraid to hawk starting it up Oh very stylish with the double card 1440 so similar to what we saw at a hoist I'd brought in last year that secured him the silver he's doing two different graphs watch this off the take-off double corking and grabbing with the left hand on the left ski then switching and grabbing right hand on the right ski very unique grab combination in any sort of variety like that different tricks is it's what the judges want to see it look at that yeah all the details right there variety earns himself at 41 slides in the second place and we're getting into our second run out 18 and a half minutes on the ticker Alex Hall the dude a lot of body mass floating around it's good for the extension on the Reach's Zuri's all the way back there could play some good basketball for some of the teams and here he goes thrown it down Wow switch right side double court 12 so here's what the strategy is gonna come into play for these guys if you have to spin one rotation and left and one to the right after your first jump do you try to clean up your left side rotation or do you jump right in and try to stomp a different trick to the right he's choosing to go for that right side trick the only guy doing an opposite mute grab with a double cord such a unique way of tweaking the grab pulling it into that second flip and gets a good score for it alright 39 meets 35 our first two put down two jumps right and left we go to Gus Kenworthy kind of got lost in the air last time Gus had a little bit of trouble in slopes out and in super pipe last night this is his final event and I think he's gonna go for broke going for the gold yeah no Gus no doubt a bronze in 2000 years back and look at it like that crab held tight gosh just ripping that tail grab so unlike some of the athletes you've seen when they get that grab all the way out on the end of that tail grab it is such a higher score higher level of difficulty just hard to get your hands on it back there Oscar Bester with his right a 31 see if he can tighten things up spinning double cork 16 20 why there are so many double corks triple corks 1620s 1440s this is already this is a little look at all the spin in them again to grab those little details spotting that landing keeping rotating around yeah holding that grab the whole way so good trick we saw it a Gus yeah you don't want to sleep on the land exhale I like to see that all right 37 improves upon the left on the right-hand side run here sixteen and a half minutes left we go on to EPM out of Quebec City Canada again a bronze the slopestyle in the Olympics and he's ready to come in and switch he had a 37 on his first run looking to improve upon it here he goes spinning to the left this time with the switch flip triple cord perfect so another guy with two runs and a left and a right side spin at first he took that new trick of his that switched right-side 1440 and now he's bringing the triple cork to the left so stepping it up going with this that looks like a bow and arrow he's actually doing there but started by TJ Schiller but a little bit of truck driver bow and arrow style grab and nice and smooth look at that landing flawless yep a BM top qualifier in slope style and the score yeah boy that's lidded and hits live in the first place I missed it but boom that work for him maybe ambush we saw the right triple cork 16 20 this time spinning to the left going to sleep like the monkey off the takeoff look at this spin we're seeing Adrian yep so we're seeing a replay baby have fun fabien doing the 1980 that is the triple cork version hump the quadruple cork that he can do so spinning like a top off the take-off and then getting into that grab a little bit late but wow it slides into the lead with a 40 there man this is again elimination round these guys are just busting it out of the macaron out of Oakland Canada due to our winner 1800 oh yeah so 1800 represents five flirtations 1980 is a five and a half so we'll keep saying it if you're just tuning in because you're seeing things we have not seen before these are tricks that are hardly ever done let alone all done at one event look reaching back gets the tail grab throughout almost that entirety of that rotation so difficult to do smooth hands right at the side on the landing so stylish 44:44 massive scoring bell on that first run so he's only got one score you're not gonna see him up on the leaderboard yet because he doesn't have a right side trick so soon as he gets another score to add to that it's gonna go through the roof NUMA dog the 43 left side here he goes right sides is one double court 1260 so this is still an incredibly difficult trick but when I'm saying things like 1800 and 1620 doing the 1260 just isn't quite enough it's his right side trick so he's got a great left side trick down but you do the grab yeah you can just you he's crazy that is that's a basic trick for these guys well 12s were huge when you were winning slopestyle right that was the thing of course that was six years ago right the progression keeps drawing I give it up for the X Games if to to challenge them to do this a few years ago people could understand this format but now everyone's got enough lockdown they're treating for it here goes the Norwegian burger who hasn't left at 41 will he go this time go his right right side oh my gosh so trying to do the same trick where he he's got that trick to the left this one he's going right side double cork 1440 so another guy doing 1440s reaching for that opposite and then for the second tail grab but just going a little bit too big on the jump this jump is massive to begin with it's over 80 feet to the sweet spot these guys are taking it almost a hundred feet and I hit it earlier this week it has so much wu-tang so much pop and you were going straight up in the air it is awesome yeah so how you do that was awesome good to have Tom Walsh at the booth from experienced fourth place right now Alex Hall at a Park City Utah the big fella in the tall drop of water he's got both sides and they try to clean up his bright now climbed up on the right side yeah you're right there's the switch right side 14 so he's got a left inner right side score last round we saw the switch right side 12 this run he steps it up all the way to 1440 still going for that opposite mute grab so reaching reaching gets it there at the end and then a little twist to the hips all the way back to switch so 1440 still could clean that up even a bit more I mean the 12 was grabbed so long then I think if he could grab that 14 longer it's gonna up his score that did no better at a 32 this will most likely be a right-side toss right now from cousin Gus Kenworthy guys he has a 40 on his left and it's on the clock spinning Oh right side double cork 12 with a perfect mute grab then all the way out of the nose again only at 1260 but things like this look at the graph the tiny little details all the way out he's on the very tip of that ski and the judges love to see little bits and pieces like that that add style composure different elements to your score the triple threat Gus Kenworthy now into fifth place at 27 on that score we go to Sweden now Oscar Wester right side 37 here goes left side going big with the left side double flat 900 otherwise known as the kangaroo flip first done by usual yeah doesn't look a lot like a kangaroo I think you just learned it in Australia we wanted to call it that that's it beautiful though look this is laid out this is super small but again it's a 900 so I know he's got a triple flip version of that he can do a triple flat spin 12 so maybe he's just warming up for it wants to get a jump down oh he said 24 to the left so he's in sixth place remember say the top 5 out of these eights we're just approaching the 10-minute mark right now we have mr. bbm looking to improve upon probably his right side going switch lap triple cork 1440 so ok interesting strategy this is where all these different athletes can kind of take their own approach depending on what trick they did and how their score came out for each rotation they can go back and try to improve on bits and pieces yeah Chucky's grabbing as both skis both skis grab the entirety of that rotation 1440 so upping the level of difficulty with another 180 degree rotation 44 so he's stuck with what he's knows on the left side to improve his score at 81 baby you're number one alright me I'm Bush we've seen his spin up right 16:20 and then a triple court 1980 what does he have here he's going for the right side triple cork 16 again so he's already got both jumps dialed pretty perfectly and it looks like maybe he's gonna go back and try to change up the grab or try to get the grab a bit better this one reaching down we've seen this one before he gets the safety perfectly on this one it could be an improvement on his first run right side score yeah cleaning up the little details right score who's a 39 that was a 38 so he'll stay in second place it's a BM Bush Neumann Dolph hall and Kent Bernie those are your top five with just over 9 minutes remaining so now it's starting to get a little bit difficult to follow except for Evans so we haven't seen a right side track out of him this is the right side triple cork for top 60 and 20 oh my god it is so difficult to keep up with these numbers folks this stretch of punch so much spinning so you did the 1,800 to the left and here's the right side triple court 16 20 so grabbing safety also grabbing behind is neither tucking up so you know gotta get that rotation around just really forcing the whole rotation we gotta love it heating up here in a nice chilly day and asked me for the real cost of big air elimination round this is Christian new Badal 8 half minutes left on the ticker pretty good Christian right inside job of court 1440 so you know he knew that that 1260 wasn't maybe quite gonna be enough and now he's spending a 1440 here coming off the lip with a little pre spin but still holds it together gets that safety grab coming around nice and smooth sticks the landing I mean we haven't even seen hardly any fall I was just so it's just gonna say that there's a testament to these guys ability but also the way this jump is built by snowpark technologies they really put a lot of thought and time in did you listen to the athletes of the competitors watch a pool slip and this has just been a top notch absurd yeah yeah this is knock on wood this is so impressive there's so many tricks getting thrown down it's amazing Brewed Pauline place there's the right side 1442 mirror the left one he's already got Wow going for the two tail grabs - I mean there's one for each patient count Amir comes to full and then he count three slow-mo really helped see how it goes you can really see it - he gets two grabs in there the second isn't as defined as his left side rotation in the left side rotation he was really able to capture the grab on that second part of the rotation this one kind of a tickle about 34 so puts him into fifth place the spot you want to be again eight people start three will be eliminated at top five will move on Burke rude all the way up in good position Alex Hall Kenworthy investor have a little bit of work to do and we're in the about the 8 minute mark right now as the athletes are charging back up to the top to continue this madness his blitzkrieg of air oven press for elimination mazing yeah so remember we're in the elimination round and we're still gonna see guys like henrik carlo james woodsy woods and øystein brought in the finals so these guys are battling to get in there to compete with them Alex Hall looking to improve upon his right side I believe yeah massive snitch right side 14:40 so trying to improve on that right side trick looking back at that one he's trying to get that mute grab the opposite mute grab a bit better reaching down let's see if he can kind of get that grab right into it this time so we're last time he was reaching sort of missing coming back for it that one was much smooth there is a 37 so he slides in that fifth spot knocking Burke through down at the sixth position so a game of inches and numbers we move on now to mr. Kenworthy who's in that seventh position need to do something solid and bigger 1440 to the right I don't think I've ever seen Gus do that one so grabbing mute so where we saw the 12 last time he knew he had to up it got a low score in the 20s he got to be getting scores at least in the 30s if not 40s to make it through goes back gets the grab takes another half rotation sqweep's it around 1430 and score in was a 36 so he now is in fifth place knocking halt it rude and Leicester out of the elimination round here we go chopping down the inrun the Swede Oscar fester there he goes oh great follow cam Wow yeah so impressed with the guys falling camping this jump so they're going off the jump with these athletes which is crazy and here reaching back sort of missing the grab and I think maybe that grab threw him off a bit he's able to bring it around to his feet but he was looking to do on 1260 so one more little rotation tool and backwards and sad lands forward but still what's it to his feet lived to fight another day get back up there so a 32 that doesn't really fit puts him in that 8 spot proving he's got to figure out what to do with probably only get one more round in at this point under 5 minutes remaining coming in back at words a switch ABM that of Canada curly at second going to improve on that right side trick oh [Music] that's our judging a lot on amplitude in the big air contest name of the game is going big landing at the bottom showing you can go massive and still stop yeah if you can put that one down I mean it could it would definitely improve going that bed yeah with the 81 he's in comfortable position because we're not gonna have more than one one more run in right now with four minutes on the clock Fabian Bush ready to get it down currently in the fourth spot right side triple cork again he is just nailing these every single run it's this is his unnatural direction and two three years ago this would be a winning trick in anyone's natural direction so the speed and progression of the sport is just incredible oh yeah that's so touch in trying to figure it out maybe for the finals now that he's he's trying to prove on that score but like if he could get a double grab in that triple cork it could bring it to the next level if and when right three and a half minutes Evan McCarran who is in the leave that 84 Hill trying to prove on his right side now triple cork again so these guys won't stop he's sitting at first pretty comfortably but still trying to improve on those scores see what the judges like and don't like getting ready for that final event could call here's that 16 20 so again grabbing safety grabbing behind the knee sort of in a tucked position trying to make that body flip as quickly as possible right side score improved 43 distances himself from the pack of the 87 McCarran charging we go to the top now Christian Newman Dahl his fourth ground jump so yeah now what does he work against right side tray on the left side track let's see so just a switch left 1260 so that's the way the direction we saw the switch triple cork earlier so maybe doing kind of the setup trick for that triple cork maybe he wanted to try it got a little sketched out by the speed it just yeah it's kind of up to these guys so we have to mention on the clock yep two minutes remaining we will get another round in here because Berg broods the last competitor and run to number four he's in seventh place he's gonna try to improve on his right side spin right about now there it is right side double cork 14:40 again I think I think that's an improvement I mean he's going through those two grabs and if he can lock in the second of two here he gets the first one grabs that one perfectly let's see we can get the second grab there it is holds a crap better so definitely an improvement there on that trick yeah this is one of the best consistent no crash run comps I've seen here we go 34 44 whoa routes flight in a second so judges liked what they saw right there and we go right back to the top for Alex aw who's gonna gently I'm gonna say he's gonna go for the right side here try to send it he's the seventh yep switch 1440 trying to improve do this graph is so crazy that the way he spins is just so absurd I don't know how he gets his skis in that position yeah well right now we're gonna throw it down to DC is with øystein rot and wait for the score to come in hold on a second 44 so that puts him into fourth place nice shot DC takeaway though he Stein thanks guys hanging out down here with 9 brought her several medals from last year sizing up what you're gonna be going up against tomorrow night and the finals what are your thoughts Emily it's just crazy today everyone's throwing down and so many cool tricks have been done already today so it's gonna be a sick finals tomorrow right on ball Norway soy Stein rotten look forward to seeing you in action tomorrow night back to you guys Thank You DC rant øystein along with mr. Henry Carlo and James Woods have been sitting down here since they've been here since Tuesday and they've yet to compete the first competition is gonna be slopes big big air for them tomorrow night this is the elimination round the clock is running out but Gus Kenworthy is gonna try to prove his right side here continuing to up the ante every run with a bigger and bigger spin so they're going for the right side double cork 16 Wow yeah and that's gonna be that's gonna be a rat for Gus the clock is running out this at the beginning of run number 5 so Gus at the time it doesn't look like Gus is gonna make it into the finals here Oscar faster he has to do something magnificent on a left side right now get above a 40 41 there's that triple flatspin 1260 that could do that was an amazing landing look like he never left the ground after that first try at the triple flat spin I didn't know how this one would go but blocks in the grab super smooth and just flipping this so where some of the athletes are doing triple corks and they're more on the Cork's spinning for variety of rotation this one is very flippy it's more back flippy it's more triple flat spin and it needed to be greater than a 44 for him to get into finals and fortunate for best or he's gonna stay in that a spot he will be eliminated as well all right a guy who's not gonna be eliminated as a BM he's comfortably in that third spot is two people have already been eliminated here he goes right now again looking to improve on that right side rotation switch right side 1440 so so many tricks being thrown out today these guys will not quit trying to score just continuing to spin and spin yeah impressed by a B and look at that one full rotation two full rotation getting the grab looking spot in the land a love that the area aerial awareness and bam the landings in that you see very few hand drags only a couple of crashes spectacular okay let's take a peek now at Fabian Busch he is on the outside looking in he needs a he's gonna go right side of the bed is these greater than a forty one forty one point three three he's gonna go right we've got top right side triple cork again look into a groove I don't know he's looking for the double grab yeah he's right off what do you bring him right side triple cork goes safety then he looks to go to switch up the grab and go - you missed it oh just missing it but still such incredible jumps yeah but put that against everybody else 32 that will not work so it is bush Kenworthy investor who have all taken five runs that's a wrap we have our week we really wanted to see Fabien in finals trying that quadruple core yeah very unfortunate mi Mac at current next up and he knows he's in so he doesn't have to do anything overly spectacular switch bad 40 he's just having fun he's in first sitting comfortably with two really really great jumps he had the 1800 and that right side triple core switch triple 82 me come on what are you gonna do it's hard to be yeah so having some fun out here are the the the next few jumps will be will calm pseudo victory laps because they've they've made it on through again this is the real cost big air elimination round if you just tune it in we had eight guys to start things off with five will qualify and a half qualified now unofficially into the finals which is Saturday night rodeo five we were joking the other day that Christian new adult by then Christian with otter doorway if we were joking if we call the double flats been the kangaroo flip maybe we should call what the rodeo five is just what's the smaller kangaroo like a Joey or something Joyce the baby will be adjusted Joey yeah every Dave some jokes beautiful just stylish having fun it's it's an under fleetly under under flip meets up Lincoln loop is what it looks like a little bit everything yeah all right Christian ooh Madonn Norway you've made it in you or the fourth fifth place qualifier this is it final competitor of our real cost elimination round bur crude from Norway X Games Norway winner in 2018 and the biggest goes for a double funny yeah just having fun with it these guys already know they're safe and sound made it in so just having fun just like that we started 25 plus minutes ago and saw let's see five times 840 spectacular jumps if we did all the math it would be like probably 25,000 spins right so Jesus all many rotations such difficult tricks being done but then you still got to get the grab so we're bobbing didn't make it in he was doing some of the bigger spins you got to be holding grabs the whole time take a peek there it is five up Newman dole Norway Hall USA a BM Canada Brook rude Norway and the Kakarot from Canada those five advance on to beat Harlow boy Stein and cheeps woods right now down in the mix we've got mr. DC with Matt Cochran these guys get down here with your top qualifier from Canada Evan macaque ran in the house for the 87 top call ever going into tomorrow night's finals you're saying that surprised you why is that I don't know I mean I'm kind of new to the whole big air thing this year I just kind of figured out some tricks and everyone's insane so I can't believe that my skiing ended up on top in this qualifier and I'm really looking forward to riding this jump at night now right on well with your big win back in Breckenridge in December I think you proved you jump promise so we're all cheering for you and congratulations on being taught top qualifier to tomorrow night thank you so much back to you guys macaque written beautiful work thank you DC so the important thing about this is everybody walked away it was very safe really saw in your thoughts Talman at the elimination the easy could have been a final easily could have been a final a lot of flips a lot of spins so much talent here is your gold medal look at all sorts of craziness that's spinning around here and again it is new module Paul a bein rude and McCarran that was what is known as a real cost bigger life days from for DC and mr. Tom Walsh my name is uncle e day to still continue on with greatness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no filter necessary for this beautiful day at buttermilk as we welcome you to the men's snowboard slopestyle elimination what's happening everybody Brandon Graham alongside Canadian art drop Craig McMorris and we come to you live from the Jeep slope style of course Craig this is a happy elimination we've got 16 riders only 7 moving on to tomorrow's final three north of a baker's dozen gonna be cut down to seven as you said and it's gonna be hard to make it into that top 7 I'm ecstatic to be in the booth with you and we can't forget the third member of our team down on the course at DC who will be giving us updates throughout this event but it's gonna be a heater brand oh yeah love this edition 2019 of the Jeep's up slopestyle course these riders who are going to have some fun get very creative here now let's highlight a couple guys who we think have a very solid shop making in that top seven what about this young man right here Chris cording 2018 big air bronze big air aficionado but he's got some chops on the slopestyle course wants to do a quad in the finals if he makes it oh another guy making noise in both this slopestyle course and big air Sebastien Toussaint he has won this event outright twice before and he qualified second for big air I mean this guy's got a very busy schedule but more time onboard means well more landings so who will be joining these two out here today and eliminations as we said 16 riders that's just the first half of the field now it is gonna be so tricky in this elimination what gets you into that top seven remember you don't have to win this thing you've just got to get in that top seven to join our three already pre-qualified brand that is correct sir those three Mark McMorris Darcy Sharpe and read Gerard of course our defending gold medalist Marcus Cleveland breaking that kneecap just a month ago unfortunately he will not be out here to defend his gold such a heartbreaker to because he was supposed to really headline that knuckle hock event that we've added to X game so it's fun to not see him in the slopestyle not go hot to end big air but ecstatic to see this young man in slip sound qualifications let's get it on free job say there Tischendorf I'm not going to say that name very often today because he goes by the nickname fridge and I like saying that better the best thing about fridge beyond his riding ability yep is that he always wears a backpack when he's on the slopes and now we have a new addition to the backpack he had a speaker off so he's listening to his own songs and a creative creative approach and this pop rail section here three rail sections but the second one is kind of broken up so it almost looks like two and one there for job trying to get through this rail section clean whoa cat 360 out of that gap down flat down box and now the question is time and time again yeah we ask it every time and he keeps it very locked down but right now he's come together a little run Cregar we get one run one full pole from Freddy haha the fridge looking solid there a couple bobbles on the rails up top but I mean that's a full pole I've ever seen one very well-rounded young man for just 21 years old loves snowboarding obviously skateboarding and writing poetry really haikus what are we kind of talking limericks Memorex that's good because I was actually gonna do a slam poetry event here in Aspen later this week so I got a extend an invite to my man fridge we saw him in Oslo two years ago he placed 18th in big air this is his Aspen debut and I it's tough to see Carlos Garcia night.the a gentleman who he is replacing obviously watching on it maybe hoping fridge we'll have a great great show I make it in that final yeah that is a good point fridge was an alternate four point six six it's so much going on Craig we don't even give you a chance to break down this format here in the eliminations as we said 16 athletes out here two runs each we count that single best for but again these seven moving on only seven and every single run is scored out of a hundred so it will be my assumption if you will that to make it in that top seven you gotta have a score in the 80 90s maybe maybe high seventies rope a tone Therese 26 years old this is his seventh X Games appearance yet to find the podium as get it best finish came in 2017 at X Games Norway when he came and settled nicknamed the honey badger because he is a beast he was top he has ability to land stuff that just doesn't seem to be much cleaner through the rail so far not as a not creative like fridge we saw kind of coming off a rail earlier than jumping on that down flat down but rope eight on Terry getting to the ends be it nice and clean going front side ten eighty right foot forward his natural way of riding [Music] 1014 flat at the bottom okay now that that folks that could be a top seven score Craig you have ridden this course all week long you've been riding with the guys the general consensus is these jumps potentially feel little poppier than previous years they are pushed back maybe five to seven feet so there's a little bit more airtime and we're so thankful mother nature's cooperating and letting us have the speed that these guys need to make it so we're gonna see a lot of 1440s we're gonna see a lot of triple corks so a strong first run for rope eight on Tori it's always tough in that 16 man field when you're one of the first couple to drop 70 0.33 so the bar officially being set here because there's obviously some big names still to drop so you sit and wait but he'll get another attempt here's Nick Baden 21 years old out of Steamboat Springs Colorado and one of just three Americans in this 16 rider field here tonight to close out rail Knicks boo Wow big bubble on the second rail feature now Nick baby got a lot of momentum ending video part in snowboarder mags beta movie very very fun watching he's such a fun rider to watch in any circumstance the first rider we've seen taking that quarter pipe approach and he's doing on a not only jump one but two as well he's our 2018 transport working of the year pretty good reason so this obviously a throwaway run for Nick Baden due to that major bobble on the second rail feature he was on one for a little bit but just lost it there on that teardrop rail that's the challenge of this format that's the challenge of this course that the slightest error early in your run can deter everything else I think he was gonna go maybe like tail tap to back lip or something like that but obviously didn't have the line to put the board fully 90 so he kind of had to save himself there but I really like the approach on the jumps not many people are gonna be taking both quarter pipes and that's where Nick baton sees a window of opportunity and he's going to take it so let's see if you can do that run - yeah he'll try to clean things up 43 our next rider to droppin out of Ontario Mikey Ciccarelli this is a rider you know very well he's making his third X Games appearance he's got success at other contests it's been tough for him to find it here at X Games them but I think 2019 could be is here Big Mike switching towards same way on that closeout riding it all the way and going cap to pull back on the second of three rail features almost looked like he was going nose pressed back three but I don't give it to him I wouldn't give it to him back 50 back three Mike seem to lost him on the first jump backside 1260 on jump to coming into the third final jump switch here going cap 12 Herta wow you could hear such a sigh of relief when he landed and gave that clap there hey the value of mic and being able to train with that Canadian national team I mean that that's what pushes you to the next level when you see guys that are your peers doing gnarly gnarly tricks cap 12 back triples it makes you want to do that and that's what elevates Mikey's riding but I love how he does those tricks but he's got Mikey Ciccarelli style money making Mike money-makin Mike guy makes money big bike he's got nicknames for days such a good individual so rope a tonne Therese still leading early on with that 70.3 3 but a solid first run from Mikey Ciccarelli judges taking their time on this one I think it's gonna be a little bit stronger than rope 8 on Therese but not by much I mean it could be we could be right in that 71 72 range we'll see they're really really deliberating on this one that run that to run format is tough though especially in eliminations a lot of these guys used to the three run format where you get obviously three tries at your run and you can really work on stuff but in two chances if you make one random mistake and run one the pressure is on so it's good for Mikey and ro pay to get that solid first run down and you don't have to they don't have to sweat as much and run to that three run format you're able to get your legs under you a little bit on that first attempt but no room for error here with a seven spots available in this elimination round good look at the riders warming tent up at the top they're obviously all looking at the scores so we're still waiting on that score we'll take a quick break when we come back I promise you we will have Mikey Ciccarelli sport [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back let's take a look at this course we have the jeep subside course correct what a baseline - for this course preview here first this is actually the second of three rails here it's kind of split up we saw Nick Baden have a bobble on that that ended his run but the third of three rail features always a high-speed setting you up for the three pack which we love to call Brando that's what we say that seventy five footers the second but then the third we call it desert we call it the Money booter that's where the checks are cashed 80 feet and already these guys put in work on that final jump again I think this course is really set for technical riding but as you set off the top these jumps are ready for 14s and maybe even 16s and who knows maybe even a co-op somebody that can do all those things well read Girard our very own DC's down with them right now DC what's up that's right guys hanging out down here with red chard fourth place last year but unfortunately with Marcus Cleveland our defending gold medal it's being injured with that kneecap injury you're now into finals thoughts on that yeah a bit crazy I mean I'm kind of you know it's a little weird for sure but yeah I guess I'm in finals already so that's pretty cool now how's the sex games experience going for you've had time to practice on the course I saw you taking some pipe laps talked about these past couple days right it's been really fun me sage kotsenburg Brock Crouch Nick Batum Benford somewhere in Jackson Hole before this filming so we haven't really got to ride too much slope so just trying to take advantage of all the practices and it's been insane X Games is always good because they give us led laps and all that so we're we're getting our reps up out there and thanks for bringing up that Jackson trip because we were talking about that a couple days ago and you got a really cool project coming out next year talk about who you're gonna be filming with or who you have been filming with and when that project is gonna be coming out yeah the project is called joy we got sage kotsenburg Ben Ferguson and some other homies involved in it and what no no vamper keep your eyes peeled it's gonna be crazy heck yeah sage kotsenburg how's red holding down in the backcountry how is a sled handling skills coming around sleds good he's not very gonna building jumps though I gotta help him out well there you have it red Gerard need some help building some backcountry jumps back to you guys yeah thanks DC I am stoked for that for that video joy joy here know what about it you know it's made by Tyler Orton who I had the pleasure of riding with in Switzerland Sasuke and he is one heck of a filmmaker and that's gonna be a great project all the names have been dropped for that one what about the year that red Gerard has had in the last one months I mean the kid is on fire and rightfully so he's got the tricks he's so down to earth he's got such good style he can ride the backcountry he can ride the pipe he can ride big air knuckle Hawk slope style he's got it all and he deserves it all yeah it's neat to see him becoming very close with sage kotsenburg and filming with him because you can almost see parallels to their careers absolutely that's a really really good point I know because they both share a couple of gold medals you know the whole nine yards so we move on here with our men's snowboard slopestyle elimination we were having a bit of an issue on scoring that's why we were taking a minute to get on the mic you score there you see the athletes tent right now rope aids on turi leading the way with that 70.3 three we've had four riders drop bombs boys waiting for his opportunity but again 16 riders only seven moving through you hit it right before the break if you don't have three runs you have to go for it you can't say well I'm gonna put a solid score down and then see where I'm pacing there's 16 of the baddest dudes on the planet in this field you've got to put that banger out run number one and what's hard about run number one especially when year-long Joycelyn is you have to stand at the top you know scoring we're figuring that out right now and when it's like oh it's time to go and then what that does to your mind you start maybe I found this in practice or like thinking about all this kind of stuff you kind of have to silence your mind and that is so hard to do as an athlete and just focus on hey I gotta sit down hang out for five minutes and then I'm gonna be able to ride in just a moment's time but I mean that to run format is cutthroat and again just a really tough year for the men's slope style and big airside when you think about the injuries when you think about just the unfortunate timing of everything happening with max Perot we'll get to in just a little bit but let's head back down to DC you got some buddies down there on the course that's right Brando I'm hanging out down here with the gentleman that a snowboarding world loves and knows but we've never seen here at X Games we got him here for the first time with knuckle hawk this year mr. Kevin Backstrom in the house what's up Kevin not much to it just out here what's into voice dude a slow style thing and it's yeah it's looking pretty good so how so far has your first experience at X Games been you haven't competed yet but have you been out able to get out and enjoy the sights and sounds and not really yet I flew in from Japan last night so I just kind of passed out early and got up early and now I'm here all right looking forward to knuckle Huck definitely sounds like a like a fun event I missed a practice but the voice said it was cool so yeah I think he's gonna be fun I think it's gonna be a lot of fun and it's gonna be fun having you here because if you follow Kevin backs from on Instagram this dude has some skills and it's gives you some creative stuff back to you guys yeah an amazing contest in store the very first knuckle hook that's coming up this weekend scoring we are good and Mikey Ciccarelli taking over the top spot with that 79 but I did want to say quickly max Perot who's won this event before and is the most decorated big air rider just recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma we're rooting for you all thoughts and prayers to max Perot fellow Canadian Michael Ciccarelli currently sitting atop our leaderboard and men's elimination but this year Norway's very young moms Roy's 'ln javon's Roy's Lyn does have a bronze medal to his name he earned it in 2016 here on this slope stop horse he is so good at spinning switch backside switch backside heads-up cuz he had a Brenda lest we forget moms is less than a year removed from perhaps the heaviest crash of his career breaking his sternum tearing ligaments in that right shoulder good to see him out here I mean it's it's fun to watch right now you know when people are landing and stuff like that but there's a reality of this sport these jumps are massive this is gnarly if you fall you get hurt and almost every single person in this field has had a major injury you don't get to this level without falling you kids at home you're not falling you're not learning so Mikey Ciccarelli leading the way with that 79 rope a behind him 70 point three three monster Iceland trying to enter the top of that conversation as well wanting to be one of those seven moving on to Saturday's final Fran if I'm watching this at home how can I get involved you can answer the conversation that's for sure so she's calm okay at X Games across all social platforms and I just got a highlight our X game social team especially on weeks like this it takes a village and the amount of content that they're spewing out is remarkable I'm amazed I love phone give us a follow join the conversation that's a great point Mons Roizen with the score of 67 currently in third but I think the leaderboard is about to be shaken up Brenda oh boy 17 year old Taku Otsuka winning a gold medal at big air X Games Norway just last year he was a slopestyle alternate here in Aspen last year shots fired on rail number one gap to the flat of the down flat down high-impact area and cab over to the tech prowess of this teenager be overstating right I knew he was good jumping I didn't know he was that gnarly on the rails no Socceroo see this is that point we were trying to make with two runs and such a big field going down on run one you are sweating buckets but if he can dial in this jump section and we're excited to see what he has really in his X Games slopestyle debut we just saw things at the top on the rail section that we have yet to see from the rest of the field by far the most technical approach at the rails talk throughout cyka getting through that but then the front end double he's capable of front-end and cab 10 triples on character uncharacteristic fall from top guru there he was barely 17 years old 17 and a month when he won gold in big air in Norway just last year becoming the youngest big air gold medalist and X Games history we saw it on display in eliminations yesterday and big air but we would love to see him in the slopestyle final I mean with a rail run like that he deserves to be there so crazy that he went down on the front 10 doubled up so that obviously will not put him into the top seven he will rely on his second of two runs cow Mac in the riders lounge looks like a bank robber surprised you can even tell was him he's always he's fluorescent yellow safety number one was doing that last year - he was the canary yellow K Oh got royalty Jaimie Anderson with a piece of memorabilia from last night going down hard in big air glad to see her okay and earning a medal in the process the color bronze cab double nine and I think our very own DC's with her DC with Jamie thanks guys here hanging out down here Jamie Anderson tough slam with the face Mack on the landing last night on that 1080 how are you feeling I'm definitely pretty sore that was intense feeling okay but definitely as you can see pretty smoked yeah it sucks you go out there you want to do your best but sometimes happens thankful I'm okay though and my head's okay tweaks my ankle a little bit I'm not sure if I'll be able to write or not gonna rest and yeah see what connects all right well thank you very much I appreciate that and yeah we're gonna have a little clip on last night's riding and we'll see what we see up here but Jamie we're stoked you all right we love you yeah yeah so here's Jamie Anderson's fall which I'm sure she's probably not too stoked on watching down there at the base of the corral but I think this just talks about the warrior that she is I'm sure DC will ask about this she was going for it I mean this was that trick that was going to potentially give her a gold medal Hertz seeing that one cool hey that hurts seeing that one but we're glad you're alright we all love you so much out here so hey keep up the good work Jamie much love to you back to you guys yeah that was uh that was hard to see and obviously we talked about it the big air final yesterday so many of the top riders dropping out and Lori bloom at X Games debut that was an amazing huge gold medal that was a very well final but I just gotta say this Jamie Anderson you were tough as nails you had great two scores and you wanted that gold medal you went for it you're the best Rene Riddick congas this is his first X Games appearance yesterday he's moving on to the final I actually had breakfast with Rene this morning and he was in very very good spirits what you guys have fruit loops both of us actually cap 12 off that first of three jabs no wait I got I was right why would I ever question myself front twelve cat twelve I do it all the taxa a triple 1440 old yes Froot Loops worked ran a huge huge run the whole hate through a distant just to clarify you are taking credit for this first or I'm gonna take all the credit for this one I was in his year coaching a little bit there hey do that front 12 do that cap do that back 1440 and he did Rena Rena congas has probably one of the best attitudes and snowboarding and it shines through in his riding down he's positive he's having fun he's energetic and you can tell in that run he plays the bass he plays the bass I mean it don't get better than that and the at7 gog is jumping up into first place earned a spot yesterday in the big air final tonight and his band catfish is playing a party tomorrow here in Aspen he said the rest of the band just got into town and they're ecstatic and they're gonna be ecstatic about that who's having a better X Games Aspen 2019 maybe this guy said in a book always having a smile on his face six foot four twenty three years old electing again to the old yellow kit out here the big banana I find it appealing that he went all yellow [Music] works the same way 50/50 backside first which 50/50 backside 360 pardon me same day the buck is sold so good at riding switch on these rails skateboards left foot forward snowboards right foot forward I was thought it was unfair for those guys because they're so good at swift backflips or switch front boards and unfortunately he washes out there and you'll have to make up some ground I really like this run especially have top almost the entirety of the rail section is switch he's got that talker rule approach where you know what some guys kind of just try and get through the rails they're like no I'm going to shine on the rails because remember it's overall impression the jumps are scored higher than the rails or vice versa its overall impression so you have to bring it on every single feature set me to buck doing that up top but obviously not landing that job isn't that the challenge though for some of these riders that are so good and have that skateboarding influence off the rail gardens at the top that they want to show off that tech skill and sometimes it's to the detriment of them getting down to the first job it's such a fine line to what we'll talk more about that line when we come back from a quick commercial break [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the men's snowboard slopestyle elimination we're halfway through our 16 man field and it's ranae Rena congas leading the way with that ridiculous 87.3 three but eight riders still left to drop in thank you for watching wherever you're watching that's what we got to do more I think shout out to the people at home watching us watching this great slopestyle event because without you guys it wouldn't have I watched the ski women superpipe final last night on YouTube yep being able to chat with other fans watching was an amazing experience I hope you guys are doing that if you're watching on YouTube right now here's you keep Padano Craig he's so good in big air but his debt to podium and flip style explain to me why it's either the most groundbreaking run you've ever seen or it's crashing and fiery flames you keep the donuts late but he's just got a Ricky Bobby yeah he's got a Ricky Bobby you're not first you're last and I respect that attitude so much you dono is capable of some of the greatest tricks snowboarders have ever done whitening aka gimbal got hitting all three of the jumps falling you dodo on that solid-solid first of two runs Wow do don't know he's got 5 X Games medals of gold as silver and three bronze but they're all from big air the 22 year old yet to find success on the slopestyle stage well 2019 be the year he bucks that trend so far it's trending in that direction top 7 going on to the final joining our already three brought pre-qualified pardon me brand and new Donal throws his name in the Hat because that looks like a top 7 score to me and again I hope you're following x-games on all social you have to this week especially but you got to follow him with God I mean the guys got clips for this you didn't sleep he snowboards all day hits these massive jumps and then edits all night so that we can all enjoy some of the best follow cams we've ever seen gimble god it's a hell of a drug you dona with an eighty three point three three putting them all the way up it's a second place so here's spent thorgrim 24 years old our slopestyle gold medalist from x-games Norway 2017 he's having a heck of a weekend thus far qualifying in what place well first big air elimination yesterday and we kind of got to talk about the schedule and normal speed very advantageous that maybe do your best first run guarantee yourself a spot in that top seven and then rest because these guys are going to be doing the big air later tonight Wow oh my how do you land that far down the land double 1440 stalefish and well nobody doesn't really quite that well that stalefish on the backside rotation so hard to stay compact but Sven thorgan he does it like a boss we talked about it in big air eliminations yesterday as well much like Mons Roseland it's good to see him healthy yes right he yes he was broke off last year he is battled injuries almost for the entirety of his career really you know a broken right collarbone last year kept him out of X Games and you see the type of damage that a healthy spent organ can do I mean already qualifying first in big air and looking to qualify right at the top of that seven in men's slopestyle elimination so we're getting to that point in the lineup where some noise is starting to be made spent organ will be busy and bigger this evening a 94 spent taking over first place I set it off the top I believe to make it in that top seven you're gonna have to have a score of something very very high 70s or 80s or 90s not 60s or 50s well no I you know I'm not good at math so I take a stab and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't that one obvious is inert there's Kyle back in his X Games appearance took a seventh place finish and slopestyle last year but really good to see him coming into his own it felt like last year 28 opted out of big air dealing with a bit of ammunition and suffered filming in the streets so opting out of that play here trying to rest get as much healing time as possible and wow that cap too and that tab back one on the down down box tile match that was really sick on that first job side 1080 I was wondering he started that front side rotation squeak around that last 360 to make it a 1080 and obviously gonna be a throwaway run for Kyle back but the paralysis on the rails up top was really really sick here's that frontside today that took him down obviously not getting enough rotation to get that right foot in front according to your score you don't see that as a potential final so you're gonna have to be birth of night team as of right now but you know what I'm saying we're looking for something high 70s so that's did - Tom the montreal native in his 13th X Games appearance he has won this event twice before we finished an uncharacteristic tentatively sighs okay front boarding through that down flap down at the very first rail the kid confront boy that's an absolute guarantee have to pull back on that second rail feature front blunt 450 coming into this first of three jumps which stands cap 12 off the tail it's funny we used to tap 12 with a switch stay land market boys just to do the club with the tail pretty much just swapped in there grabs be diverse and backs that triple okay bye my my set toots is on fire that big air elimination he was making no mistakes and makes none here in slope style that is gonna be a qualifying run I think it just is so automatic in the jump section for Sebastian and it's it's not like it's always been that way right remember maybe two years ago he was really struggling with this backside triple but he's been working on it and it looks like the easiest bag and his the easiest trick in his bag last time he got on the podium in slope style it was 2016 when he got a silver medal ninety two point six six ladies and gentlemen we have a new leader his name Sebastian - Tom don't see now this is this is the point I was trying to make does he even take his second run with such a monster score well we'll have to wait and see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to a beautiful day - here at X Games Aspen 2019 we're wrapping up run number one near the men's snowboard slopestyle elimination Sebastien Teuton just putting the entire day old on notice with that run Tyler Nicholson can match him as he drops in for his first attack just before Tyler goes I gotta commend the weather mother nature and Aspen always delivered it was very cloudy this morning but Sun has shown for the slopestyle elimination and the sun is shining on that first of three really great features for Tiger nificent Tyler earning a silver medal just two years ago in this event so he knows what it takes maybe a bobble or two up top but I know Tyler Nicholson can clean it up here on the jumps big backside 1260 on number one switch backside rotation so that cat ten put him barbecuers left her viewers left if you will on that second landing and he wanted get over to the center and then for that switch backside rotation but just didn't have enough real estate here's that little bobble I was talking about when he does that cab to onto the up rail he's not completely ninety which you have to be if you want to do that for fifty out so he really has to fight to get that around and then this kapten just pushes him over a little bit yeah so if you have it a little bit more straighter I think you would have had a lot more speed to get that switch backside rotation around on the third jump twenty seven point six six good enough for ten if you're just joining us it's a 16-man elimination only seven will be moving on to the final will that include stall ace and Beck a three-time X game slopestyle medalist twice silver once bronze he has never tasted from the will 29th can be any different I know he's focusing a lot more on slope style yes he chose not to ride in the big air elimination he had a spot he has the tricks to probably get into that event but he wanted to focus on slope style and he's healthy that's just like the last three winters there's been something ailing or something keeping him powered his writing has really dictated that in earlier winter of contest so far front one same way at lawn now beat Paul pulls out future lipslide front so cap to pull back [Applause] to 70 on that gap two down so solid through the rails the backside 12 I'm gonna guess a cap 12 three and a half rotations taking off switch landing regular now that was so uncharacteristic Sully San Beck was on one through the entirety looked so in control almost like he just had to shut his brain off and finish this run better look like he went almost triple look how hard he whips it off the tag off one two he's already finished two flips and he's still falling like 20 feet so was either commit to another flip which would have been a front side triple 1440 tail grab which he clearly wasn't going to do no cuz he obviously was so opened up that high in the air that was very uncharacteristic of Stolley sandbag yeah he's probably mad at himself because as you said he was on one he knew he was on one this is his 12th X Games appearance he's so dialed he knows exactly what he needs to do hopefully he can clean that up on a second attempt Jud Hank is making his second x-games appearance was part of our slopestyle elimination last year but did not move through I love that bro toe into this Oh huge over to gapping from that side take off into the down flat down that was so gnarly Wow Jud hank is just 17 years old you've written a lot with him in the last year I had the pleasure of doing a oakley shoot and a red will shoot back to him so I got to spend a ton of time with Jed haggis and he is a stand-up individual such a good kid and so talented switchback 12 so what he's got on this third and final jump one two three backside triple 1440 judge huge sigh of relief textbook from the youngest competitor in our field here today that was so solid I love the way he started his run kind of that set to approach I'm gonna do something so gnarly right off the top that's gonna set the tone for my run once I get past that I know I got this and so far we're seeing it that the judges are rewarding that Sebastian spend renning Yuki the guys that are taking care of business off the top and then delivering on the back end but those top ends as you said it's a full pool it's a complete look at from the judges perspective overall impression that gets you your score out of 100 Jud hankiss I would say definitely in the ladies [Applause] so sad still leading the way with that ninety two point six six right now mom's Roizen holding on to that seventh spot there you see Judds mom Jenna making him wait for it on this one top seven up these sixteen going through to that vinyl joining our three pre-qualified Darcy sharp Mark McMorris and red drove 80 point six six he inserts his name into the conversation taking over that fifth spot now our final rider to drop for his first attempt here in the elimination field Chris Corning a bronze medal at X Games Norway in big air we know he has the jump tricks what does he have at the top though great I don't know we're gonna have to wait and see I didn't get to watch much rail practice from Chris Corning here so 50/50 switch up switch back three out on that down flat down cab one back three frets i-270 coming off a little bit early on that teardrop rail and 50/50 backside rodeo out so getting through the rails this is where he really makes his name in the jump section here right foot board that's the way you usually rise frontside 1080 truck-driver 1440 he was pulled a pulled our research team are crap pop research team battle fallen babe yep said : I'm probably gonna do a quad triple quadruple court in the final if I make it slopestyle so so there's that but as you said it looks like he does enough on the rail section but it's it's the jumps where he's clearly a separate yeah and that backside triple at the end he can add another flip that's what we're talking about that quad look for that in big air look for that yes she's just 19 but there is a confidence to him and you know he made his X Games debut just last year and I think there are some people himself included or saying you know I feel like I could have been riding at X Games for the last three or four years for sure for sure and that's what you have to have as a rider you have to know that I belong here because it can be intimidating when you drive up to the parking lot at buttermilk and you see how big these jumps are and you see who you're riding against it can be intimidating if you don't have that can-do attitude you'll get pushed aside Kris Corning does not want to get pushed aside yeah Corning has that edge to him and you see it in his riding an 89 so that puts him up into third place he's got to be feeling good with one more run to go here in eliminations so run one officially in the books and it's Sebastien Teuton leading the pace more from elimination after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a gorgeous day to here at X Games Aspen we're midway through our men's snowboard slopestyle elimination Sebastien Teuton setting the basement 2.66 the top seven from our field of 16 will be moving to the final right now Mikey Ciccarelli clinging to that spot with a 79 but the moon all of the competitors still have one more attempt to go thanks doll a sandbag sitting in 12th place I mean if you wouldn't have that that fall on his last jump I think he probably could have been in the top two top three of his qualification now if you remember last year some of our big names in this elimination round we're on the outside looking in and it made things very interesting for that second attempt not necessarily the case today as you said stall ace on Becks perhaps Tyler Nicholson marks Roseland there are some heavy hitters that we expect to be in that top seven fridge drop it in for run number two was he listened to little Tom Petty up to that was some Heartbreakers whoa whoa whoa okay so he hangs on to it he wanted to come off that first rail early and tag that down flat down but she must barely made it front one switch backside three left the court is naturally three-on-two that down flat down but not really getting it coming up a little bit early cap 900 this backpack on is by choice for just joining us here site 1080 tail grab going down obviously visibly upset because we probably as well audibly and visibly probably physically we made this point a number of times in run one so sue me okay two runs is so gnarly because when you're standing up at the top you know you don't have to win this thing you don't have to get first second third you just have to get in the top seven so you know all these guys have a run to do that it's just it's all up to you you're the only one who can make or break this and knowing you can't make any bobbles with one chance I mean that is the most amount of pressur pressure pardon me eighteen so unfortunately for fridge he will but again he wasn't alternate and the first guy to drop you it's never easy it's never easy but he will be in our knuckle Huck event we will get to see fridge again which I love I wonder what track selection will he will take therefore nothing oh I do love his musical rotate on turi he's sitting in eighth just outside of the top seven he would need at least a 79 plus to bump out Micah Cicero I don't think you can really do much better on the jumps what he can do however is pick up the rail technicality but not really doing that here sticking to 5050 360s out so he's really gonna have to make up some grip here on the first three jumps frontside 1080 but not perfect but still up and riding in this capital team watch here Wow so just not enough speed they're obviously rope a ton Terry will not see him in the finals unfortunately tough bake break excuse me for rope a once more as he said this was going to potentially be the difference-maker for when it came to his score he just needed some more up top I mean a 1440 backside 16 on the I mean like those are massive massive tricks but if you don't couple that with some technical rail riding the judges just aren't going to give it to you know thirty eight point six six oh no his first run score but will not move on I think I can still hear breeches backpack bridges near our audio guy we always know where fridges I love his first rail that front noseblunt here on the closeout boom so solid you rides with authority now can use a power to his stomp there it was that that he fell on and it looks so easy for her but he's actually doing some of the hardest tricks we've seen huge front three gap no net fade in the only rider we've seen taking advantage of those quarter pipes and you don't even have to do when you're the only one in the field using those features you don't have to do the craziest Drive you get rewarded for having a unique line and Nick Baden one of the most unique lines not only on the rails but also on the jobs just unable to put it down going frontside nine on that quarter pipe feature just lacking the English eliminated we turn our attention now to Mikey Ciccarelli he's sitting on that bobble spot needs to give himself a little more breathing room how can you replace that 79 Big Mike this is the place you want to be and there's nothing worse than sitting at the bottom being on the bubble there's nothing better than being in the qualifications when you still have your second lot to do because the power is in your hands like you Ciccarelli can to pull it back [Music] there's that no stress back three no tap there that would have been in this video part front sight double-dipping it [Music] excite 12 come on Mike you gotta hang on here buddy super to final jump I don't think has enough speed at 12 on that last job three-and-a-half rotations but just didn't have the speed because he lost it on the landing yeah so he thinks Mikey Ciccarelli will have to play the waiting game for the rest of this elimination as he sits in that bubble spot frontside 10 truck driver for a minute let's go that backhand here's that cap 12 look he just knows he doesn't have enough speed to generate the rotation needed three and a half full times around for a 1260 but Mikey Ciccarelli only going one and a half cap five first run score and wait Hans Rosling sitting in ninth place he's coming up next we're a fun out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to another beautiful sunny day here from Aspen Colorado there's a great look at the Jeep slopestyle course where we are contesting the men's slope style elimination 16 riders getting cut down to 7 currently on the bubble with the score of 79 Canadian Mikey Ciccarelli with a whole plethora of big names yet to drop like this young man right here now that Norway Mons Raceland X Games for this young man the 21 year old best result here in Aspen slope style bronze there's a good look at his parents making the trip from across the pond and I was a huge Norwegian contingent at the X Games now what you gotta look for with mom's rosin is the backside and that switch backside rotation he is so good at generating pop off these kickers we have here today and he's so good at to creating pop up the up rail there brando there's a reason this guy has won a medal in this event before bronze back 20:16 his rookie year if you're from Norway you're really good at spinning flat fronts and I'm gonna do a full paper on it because you're just gonna say you're really good at snowboard yeah - I could prove that too but that frontside rotation keeping it flat I don't know how did the Norwegians are so good at that stall ace and Backman's royland I mean Torstein Horgmo who we've seen many many times at the X am so so talented but Mons Roizen obviously has to toss away that second score bomber because early on in this contest we thought might be able to squeak in and improve upon that 67 but it's today taco Roo otsuka we saw in his rail game perhaps as impressive as anybody out here but can he deliver and put together a full pool and get into this final day watch this first rail watch how he doesn't slide the down go straight flat front one half three and then that cab over - and when I say / - he takes the tail of a snowboard goes all the way up over the down rail and then spins 270 Chopra super wet down on this jumper on one not run to folks describe what were you going to say I was gonna say that this this young Japanese rider is he's just a massive boulder rolling down a mountain because he has so much momentum yeah he has on the top of every podium he's been yeah even around in the past year I mean this kid has all the tricks and I am absolutely gutted to be honest with you that we will not see him in the slopestyle final yeah just 17 years old he was an alternate last year and now you're seeing his potential unfortunately will not be moving on he won't be moving on here at slopestyle but he will be riding in men's big air later tonight as selfishly the fact that he didn't make the final here means that we're gonna see something absolutely mental in big air Rene Rinna congas the young man making his debut here at Aspen was actually leading this thing out right for about half of run number one he's gotta be feeling pretty good sitting in fourth place right now I mean such a solid jump sectioned didn't really he's not got the 16 or something he's not just got one big trick that's really gonna solidify him he makes up his score on every single feature it's overall impression out here judges love to see how he puts it all on the line every single time he hits rail board [Applause] frontside 1260 grabbing melons solid now watch for this cap 12-6 him he's gonna switch up and run from Rabin's tail not bringing that one around so I'm suggesting that first score that has them currently sitting in fourth beretta again top seven moving on but there are some big names still to drop in for their second run Renee feeling pretty good I would say in that fourth spot but given myself I could but a strong first run s'more eighty-seven point three three so we'll have to wait and see if that will we turn our attention now to the tallest competitor in our field Seb eight about six foot four and full of muscle was that a men at work reference thought it was he actually looks like the symbol for the for the band that was really good Brandon please so seven a buck dropping in for run number two he sitting in 16th place almost the entirety of this actually the entirety of this railgun movie switch a switch fifty switch back free cat to now watch this gap switch back lip I really really love a good switch back lip and said he's got it almost switch back tail and the back foot there look so effortless it does ieaves we went down on that first junk that were online save a run to in the game dirt I loved his approach at the big air elimination when he was like maybe I'm not gonna Chuck super hard but I'm still gonna do a double backflip blade out double front flip laid out I'm still gonna send it I mean this is just majestic he's des Larry and Larry the enticer of our field well that's the Fred you know we've seen him savvy he's still so young and fun to watch and we see the potential of what's to come always has a smile on his face we are midway through run number two here an elimination will Mikey Ciccarelli make it find out after this [Music] [Music] just seven will be moving on from our men's snowboard slopestyle elimination out here today Mikey Ciccarelli holding on to that seventh and final spot but he has to wait as you see up in the riders tent there are still some big names yet to drop in for their final attempt Sebastian to top though Craig's to lead the way I mean bigger elimination and slopes elimination have just been breezes for that young man he is on fire at X Games 2019 so as you see some of those names Kyle Mack Tyler Nichols install a sand Beck outside looking in but they've still got one more attempt here's you del no he's sitting in fifth place with a very good opening run we talked about it before so much success in big air harder to find on the slopestyle course for YouTube he just goes all-in all the time like that cap 450 on a big closeout rail of first rail of this feature and now I like you key though he's taking that speed approach because when I was rounding the slopestyle course the rails I mean if you make a bobble on that second one it's hard to really regain speech so you can fit on a pulling a speed throughout the entirety of that top section currently sitting move that score with a 16 as opposed to the 14 that we saw and run one obviously not putting that down that nollie back to not really getting it slow motion is just nobody's friend out here today it really exposes the rail slide because when you're watching it in real time it looks like oh you came off the end you know he had it solid but when you see it slow-mo he didn't really come off the end you know judges will take that one of the busier men out here of course he's got the big air final later this evening I've heard rumors of eight years so I've been told four years old and I feel like we've been talking about so many names and here's been spanning goes hey hi I'm healthy and I'm lethal back side front side that's a great way of describing spent order I know that's just a joy to watch we watch them in big air eliminations yesterday just have no problem he's sitting in second place he's gonna make some noise in this final backside he came out of that so wildly st. organ actually does have rodeos I've ever seen I've seen him do it on a lot of crazy features so when he's upside down on that second flip you know he knows where he is see look that's such a weird way of flipping and then obviously having to save it there but good air awareness that's definitely not going to knock off his first score and I don't think he really cares because he's got a 90 and I think he's I think it's pretty safe to say he's sad to say that he will be moving on a sixty two point three three but again Sven didn't just come with a qualified oh that's a podium potential yep so here now sitting on the bottom rung right now 16th place didn't have a full pool trying to get in that final screw 50 transfer to back front one same layout mishap to pull back yeah I like how he puts it right on that back foot making it even harder for himself does that tap that one Switchback nightstand ground already a much stronger one than this first attack [Music] side okay this is gonna be very very interesting full pulling yes is it enough to knock out Bubble Boy Ciccarelli I'm he's sitting in seventh with that 79 I take another look cab to pull back and he really puts it in between the bindings that is so proper you can't really do it much better than that frontside 1080 tail grab just kind of landed very back seat and put his hands down and here's a look at that third final jump backside 1080 I don't think it's gonna be enough to knock off Ciccarelli just the jug technicality didn't match Ciccarelli that is correct sir fifty two point three three moves him up into eleven but he will not get into that final seven group tough break so now here our current leader Sebastian - Todd he's feeling good moving on to the finals group is this a cruiser or is this a preview of what's to come tomorrow you never know a seven I think it is gonna be a cruiser because in Run one he's front border through that down flat down run - just go in front blunt on that transfer rail only taking the down option but I mean we highlighted him off the top of the show and rightfully so he has been on fire in 2019 I mean did you see that clip of him in Philadelphia he was everywhere in Philly he was at every single sports game and then he slipped the longest rail that they had to just put there I had a chance to a Facebook live with septage and they imported all that snow it's good to see Sebastian to taunt riding like the Sebastian to taunt that we've known began we haven't necessarily seen it the last couple of years obviously it started last year with the Olympic gold medal yeah and now we see him in the contest leading up to X Games finding success yesterday and the big air eliminations sub-2 taunts is looking for gold potentially a double gold potentially a triple bold as an alternate in our knuckle hook as well I be quite the weekend hey three gold medals for a snowboarder I don't that's never been done before my key Ciccarelli weights on will he move on to that final group more after this here now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just four riders left to drop in for their final attempts here at the Jeep slopestyle course it's the men's snowboard slopestyle elimination Sebastian suit on leading the way and Mikey Ciccarelli has been sitting in that seventh and final elimination spot for seemingly the entire contest and his wait continues because here's a guy who could potentially bump him Tyler Tyler Nicholson had a great showing for almost the entirety of his run in run number one but that last jump incorrect line from the second landing so he only put down solidly aims on there that one cap 2/4 coming off that up rail [Applause] switchboard side door so backside 1260 now watch for any plans on this cat lips to see at least another day not the landing he was looking for and now there's one last guy who's dropping it right after ty Nicholson that could potentially bump out Mikey but take another look everything up until that second jump was what ty Nicholson was looking for and it was very tough because I'm the captain 80 it makes you drift here's a great look at a captain 80 switch nose the partner that cab 14 for it I think it was cap 1440 anyways cavitation for putting them so far over on the landing and it's so part because those jumps are very very close together so if you land anywhere outside the middle you're really fighting back to get on the next takeoff so Mikey smiles but he knows there's one guy left with three riders to drop who could bump him out stall ace and back he's sitting in 15th place everything until he went undone on that jump section was looking like a finals run Craig I am still confused we are still confused and I bet the folks at home are still confused what was the trip selection on that third and final jump because he looks so solid on the take-off and then it looked like he was going triple and then just completely surprised himself it all comes down to this Ken Starr leg get into the finals on this last attempt everything needs to be the same only change that last job because his run was so solid so solid best part backside 1260 [Music] well 60 okay here's where he went down much flatter take oh my goodness you thought he had it he looked so in control in the air Craig and cannot write it out sharking development Mike he Ciccarelli who was waiting the entire contest through middle of run one sitting in that seventh spot and somehow someway he'll be moving on that last jump was just detrimental to our two final riders who could have cracked that top seven must we forget Stahl they saw that drop out of big air to focus on this event and now he's not even moving on to finals that is so tough because he was looking so solid to have the entirety of his right that was just so shocking now Judd Henkes already in that top seven we will see him in the final and hopefully we see more of this how about 700 all Jud Hank as' earning his first final spot here at X Games and he along with crisp warning and red Gerrard who's already pre-qualified provides us with three Americans in the finals field and if I'm not mistaken there were three all three Americans maybe four in this entire list in eliminations switch backside 1080 of that second job but I don't think he's too worried knowing he's got a berth in the finals switch backside 270 on that second round that's really gapping to the end of that trying to carry speed for that slow rail section jut of course from the ski town of La Jolla California you do much ski in there I don't get out there much in it so he'll hold on to that first run score and he is moving on to the final he'll be joined by this 19 year old Chris Corning sitting in third with that 89 he didn't come here prey just to earn a spot - he didn't come to get a podium spot Chris Corning will not be content unless there's a gold medal around his neck now it's really interesting to see the way that guys who party after spotting finals approach that second run you know like do you practice do you work on something new you just do the run you Rd it's gonna be interesting to see cuz Chris Corning they're just kind of getting through the rails and you're gonna be taking this one as a fun one to try and be the first American to win slopestyle night's game Shaun White into well with four in the finals the odds are better than ever really random the last American to even earn a medal in slopestyle with sage kotsenburg in 2012 speaking of sage we're gonna be seeing him in the knuckle Huck event excited he has been everywhere this weekend hasn't hit you really every single practice 21 so hold on to that run one score and elimination now complete Sebastian to taunt leading the way he is our top ranked qualifier but it was Mikie Ciccarelli holding on throughout that entire contest and he moves forward as we take a look now at our final results those top seven will be moving on to tomorrow's final and that highlighted name at the bottom in seventh Mikey Ciccarelli what an eternity he had to wait Nicholson San Baek all had the opportunity to knock him out but they were all taken down by that last jump speaking of Mikey Ciccarelli our very own DC's with him now DC yeah thanks guys hanging out down here with Bubble Boy Mikey Ciccarelli on your first round the 79 and then nine of the best snowboarders in the world could have bumped you off that bubble spot what was going through your head through one of the longest bubble runs we've ever seen out here yeah that was crazy honestly after my second run when I didn't up it I was like oh that's that's how it goes and then it kept going and going I was like this is wild well wild indeed but congratulations we're gonna see you in finals what's going through your head what are your plans to get ready for finals I'll get some more spinning going I think yeah more spins alright well there you have it Mikey Ciccarelli sneaking through on the bubble congratulations Mikey what a story that is for Mikey Ciccarelli getting in final list is complete taking a look at that group of names gray that is a terrifying final any single one of those athletes could get that gold medal a lot of favorites a lot of rookies I mean it's it's everything we ever asked for in a final yeah and a lot of these names will also be competing tonight in big air what a day out here at X Games Aspen for the men's snowboard eliminations it was Sebastian to taunt setting the pace and Mikey Ciccarelli holding on for that final spot that never happens you always get knocked out but Mikey Ciccarelli hung on for Canada congratulations to him for DC and Craig McMorris I'm Brandon Graham thanks for watching more action from X Games all day long here at buttermilk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: X Games
Views: 423,380
Rating: 4.5726209 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, X Games Aspen 2019, Buttermilk Colorado, Elimination, Ski Big Air, The Real Cost, freeski competition, big air competition, ski big air competition, qualifies first, highest scoring run, first-place finish, advances to final X Games Snowboard slopestyle, Men’s Snowboard slopestyle, slopestyle snowboarding, top qualifier run, Women's Ski Slopestyle, how to watch ski slopestyle, how to watch ski big air
Id: _s1sfxe3zck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 0sec (12240 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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