Wendy’s BMX Street: FULL COMPETITION | X Games 2021

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northern san diego we are in the town of vista at the california training facility otherwise known as the catf which plays host to x games 2021 as we get set to kick off wendy's bmx street hello everyone i'm jimmy coleman here in the booth alongside scotty kramer we got jack matrani out there in the field tonight and well scotty you can talk about x games bmx street without mentioning the most dominant guy in the field that's garrett reynolds and he is chasing a potential record out here tonight tonight garrett reynolds can get his 14th x games gold medal now the theme that's so crazy about that is he can tie the likes of dave meera and jamie bestwick he could be the most decorated x games bmx athlete of all time but that means he's only one medal behind sean white he had 15 gold medals so this is a big night for dow reynolds it's an amazing stat and doing that in the span of 12 years as well another rider in the field to talk about let's mention felix prangenberg coming off of the silver medal at x game shanghai in 2019 felix prangenberg is coming off of an amazing real bmx video part but this guy is so consistent in his competition runs he is dialed so it's not going to be easy for garrett reynolds at all but statistics show that gary can do it well it's definitely gonna be one for the x games history books here at wendy's bmx street we talked about two riders to watch for in the field however it is a field of eight out here tonight and well it is a 30 minute jam session and it's the best run that counts out here tonight that's hopefully going to get you on that x games podium and walking away with gold scottie we talked about garrett reynolds we talked about felix praying and bergy also got to mention chad curly one of the few guys who's ever actually beaten garrett in this event in the history of the x games there's no doubt about that but chad did end up injuring both of his ankles he had fractures in both of his ankles from filming his real bmx parts so i don't know exactly how much that's holding him back i just saw clip on his instagram doing a crazy line with a nose wheelie and a bar spin in so hopefully he can ride flawless tonight and give garrett run for his money you've also got dennis anderson in the field he's a two-time former silver medalist in this event i mean this is a stacked field out here and you can see i mean there's a lot of obstacles out here on this course and i mean let's just talk about the technicality that's going to be involved out here this evening yeah technical is the word for sure there's rails everywhere here now one thing about this course is that it runs pretty long ways so these guys will be able to link up lines so they'll do like a grind to land in a manual or a nose manual and be able to continue on here we go we are ready to kick things off here for wendy's bmx street we're gonna start it off with lowell massachusetts matt ray he is a former silver medalist in this event as a matter of fact he got that silver medal uh at his second x games appearance in minneapolis in 2019 so he is going to kick things off it is a 30 minute jam session the runs are 45 seconds in length and we are underway with matt ray nice up rail to hard 180 bars right there so a lot of these guys are going to be doing switch and regular tricks it's going to be two different ways but look at that double truck driver down that step right there throwing the bars twice such a great start for matt ray and look at that doing the double big run to nose manual to 180 across the clutch like that that was so beautiful just so smooth so dialed wow look at that bars into the pegs and then bars out people hard 180 straight into a low flare i mean there's not a lot of transition on that structure there now the last couple of seconds here so matt reyes putting it together to get things started and that is gonna do it with a solid 45 seconds that is a great way to start off a cop scotty now matt ray's been carrying so much more momentum into his riding when it comes to competitions and just check this out right here this is my big freak out moment when he did the double truck so you see the bars go around twice he's got to catch it and he's got to land flat so you saw that impact coming down on the body you need to make sure he was secure and this one is just crazy to be in a bmx three competition it should be in a video part doing that nose manual all the way across there's no breaks to feather to hold yourself up it's nothing but balance on that front end so that's amazing so this is how it works i mentioned it's a 30 minute jam session they're gonna run in the same order throughout the competition eight athletes the runs are 45 seconds in length that's the max amount of time if you have a fall before 45 seconds that will end your run and it's your better of all of your or your best of all of your runs and accounts as we take a look at tucson arizona's kevin perrazzo oh i love it especially starting out just the way he did this is kevin perez's first time in bmx street and i am loving what i'm seeing so far he is flying around the course he's bringing a different kind of energy that you don't really see in the street competitions but that's what's so cool about it because we want to see riders ride differently we want to see him mix it up but look at that he can still do the smith to nose to the marshmallow right there so he can do technical tricks i guess i should correct myself tucson's his hometown he's a san diego resident these days as of february of last year wow a smile on his face of course just like always that doesn't change between a park or turret or street apparently let's see that little foot down there if you hear that horn before 45 seconds that means they've root they've deemed that a fall so that will end the run as we take a look at some replays look at that it's a huge wall right to tailor and the speed factor bringing that much speed on this course it shocked me at first i'm like where's he gonna go but look at this a half cap tail whip so landing backwards and then 180 out and correcting yourself forwards with the taillight so one thing we haven't mentioned yet you're not going to see scores in the past you've seen scores up on the leaderboard this is a live ranking with the judges so you'll never see a number what you will see is that ranking the names will move around on the leaderboard this is one of the guys we talked about at the top of the show a former silver medalist felix prangenberg out of germany felix is such an amazing rider look at that up rail it's a hard 540 are you kidding me this is ridiculous riding look at that combination i didn't even see that coming what a way to start the run i mean really three guys deep into this competition we haven't even gone through a full four minutes yet and it's already looking like this and i'll be honest with you i said it from the get-go when i saw this roger list it's like any of these guys can be on this podium tonight and it just goes to show right here felix is riding amazing nice bartsman to ice pick round right there so there's a full 45 seconds for mr brandenburg again your x game shanghai 2019 silver medalist also competing in real bmx this year look how high he pops up out of that grind right there at the hard 540 so he's spinning away from the rail he's got to clear the rail with his wheel to be able to get that spin so fast such a technical trick so matt ray sits in that top spot as of right now followed by kevin perrazza oh no felix prangenberg finds himself in that top spot so again i mean we said this a couple of times but can't say it enough i mean this is a great start to this competition right here another former silver medalist in this event he got a silver medal as a rookie at x game sydney in 2018 this is australia's lewis mills wow you just did tires down that rail to bargeman that is such a difficult trick to do in competition smith on the rail to bar spin out as well now you're gonna see a lot of different styles of these guys there's gonna be fast-paced stuff there's gonna be guys that are going to be slow and doing more technical grinds and the technical stuff is really hard to do in a competition right there double pay grant up that rail to 180 out oh man he just slipped out right there on that full cab on the way down but that run was looking really good for lewis so five minutes down just under 25 minutes left to go here in this jam session at wendy's bmx street again runs are 45 seconds in length or a fall will end at the run prematurely taking a look at alex donaghy here your ex-game city 2018 bmx street gold medalist i can't handle this there's just so much technical crazy rail trips that are happening right here it's so wild to see and like let's talk about alex's style this guy is so technical on rails look at that you shouldn't be able to hop into a crooked grind and look at look at that over toothpick it's manual took qriket run to 180. that was perfect as well what a combo line that was 15 seconds left in this round for alex wow up crooked grind to 360 out of the rail so i'm gonna go out and say it this street competition right now is next level nollie to peg somewhere with 80. we've still got 23 plus minutes left to go here i'm in shock right now this is unbelievable riding that we are seeing well we'll get to some highlights here in a second but just it's prangenberg ray and mills you're one two three as of right now so look at this over to toothpick right he's locked into a manual comes over to the next rail pops up he lands in a crooked ground so you can see he's on both sides of the bike right there and now he's spinning a 180 out of it absolutely perfect the technicality of that run so that was up there that'll put him in the number two spot so looking at a silver medal potentially here lots of time still left to go we have yet to go all the way through the run order what would wendy's bmx street whether it be without some tweets from wendy she says perfect scores to anyone who eats wendy's spicy nugs during their run well we appreciate the enthusiasm there wendy but that wouldn't be very fair and what would the tie breaker be at that point if everybody did it you'd have to see who would shove a frosty the fastest i don't know i think we'll stick with live ranking here but uh keep your eyes on it wendy because things are going off here at bmx street dennis anderson another san diego native on course oh look at that wall ride pocket wall ride out of that bank right there looking to bring in the speed with the follow cam nice huge wall ride out of that extension on that quarter pipe gap to feeble to bar spin right there and that was a switch bar spin and point that one out like the grind up and over the eight frame rail switch whip up that small euro now dennis can ride everything we know he's been on the park he's been on the dirt he's also little in street this guy is the real deal on a bmx bike i mean going back to 2010 and 2011 x games la he got double silvers in both park and street those years yeah his consistency is just on a different level when it comes to just showing up and being confident on your bike this guy is second to none so under 22 minutes left to go here in wendy's bmx street felix prangenberg sitting in that top spot but let's look at some highlights look at yeah i love the use of the chorus right there you went fast on a course like this and trying to do something different than just using the rail or using the ledge i love that so 21 and a half minutes to go you are looking at another san diego native this is chad curley as we mentioned earlier in the show this is one of the only guys to actually ever beat garrett when it comes to bmx street here at the x games and this guy is just so smooth so dialed in known for excellent bike control skills yes and his style is just so good and i like seeing that truck driver down that stair set because we know that he had the fractures at an angle so that means he's feeling feeling good switch pegs up to manual smith to nose to bar spin beautiful combination for chad that's that mean that's just exemplary of what i was talking about right there just that bite control how smooth he is hangs on here that's good combination i love seeing the use of the rails and the ledges with the parsons in and out of the tracks nice nollie to bar spin to manual to crooked to 180 i'm giggling right now because i'm looking at the clock and i just know that we have 20 plus more minutes of the driving we're not even a third of the way through this thing yet and as you mentioned earlier i mean he fractured both of his ankles jumping over the fence next to the 16 stair set at hollywood high while filming for real bmx he was off his bike all of last month to rehab i mean he friendship broke his ankles in may and he's out here doing this yeah it doesn't really add up touching it but it looks like he's doing just fine look at that crooked grunge 180 right there but he was mixing up he did the big truck driver out down the set of stairs he was doing the grind tricks as well well before garrett reynolds drops let's hear his thoughts on this year's x games in this wendy's athlete profile my name is gary reynolds i'm 30 years old i'm from toms river new jersey and i'm a professional bmx rider and a legend of sport garrett reynolds dropping in from tom's room as weird as it might be covert has helped the bmx industry quite a bit just because a lot of people are getting back into being outside and riding bikes with their kids and i feel like also a lot of older heads are getting back into it because they had all this free time the group of people that would be invited to this contest we don't get to see each other very often you don't see what everyone's working on collectively together i think there will be a lot of surprises and different tricks being thrown in there because one people are excited but true there's been so much time you know time's the perfect thing for progression well that's fitting because garrett's been known for throwing us surprises over the years and as we talked about at the top of the show eleven time x game street gold medals 13 gold medals overall the other two come from real bmx gold in 2016 in 2020 and he's in for his first attempt already he just did 180 to backwards toothpick down the round to one indiana tires up to barnes by the way chad curly jumped up into third place oh very uncharacteristic fall for gary that's that's things to see because there's a lot of tricks that he did before that that were really hard really difficult uncharacteristic but still a lot of time left on the clock and it is best run that counts out here at wendy's bmx street so we've gone through one round of runs out here there's still 20 minutes left to go on the clock as of right now it's your x game shanghai 2019 silver medalist felix brangenberg sitting in the top [Music] spot [Music] well you can't join us in person this year but be sure to visit xfest on xgames.com it's filled with music games experiences and prizes check out xgames.com xfest and register now welcome back everyone to vista california here inside the tf for wendy's bmx street out here we have about 10 minutes off the clock here with 20 minutes left to go in our jam session it's felix prangenberg sitting in that silver metal spot or bronze gold metal spot as of right now however there's still lots of time left on that clock getting another tweet from wendy's out here this time around if these bmx streets could talk they'd tell you wendy's is the official spicy nugs of the x games well wendy we don't need the streets to tell us that you're the entitlement sponsor of the event so that's why we call it wendy's bmx street but let's get back to business we go back up to the top of the order again felix prangenberg sit in that top spot followed by alex donaghy and chad curley you're one two three but it is best run that counts out here in this event so it is far from over as we kick off round two with matt ray amazing start again up rail hard 180 to bar spin bar spin two parchments nice nose bar all for the ledge bar spin to ice right there it's just so crazy to see guys i love how he did that as well he made a a half cap where the bars came out of that 540. nice full cap truck down him he had it bully riders going uh sideways as well a lot of guys are going back and forth this way big first run to start it off he now finds himself on the outside looking in sitting in that fourth place spot there's that flare again on that that's all you think that quarter is like three feet not tall enough that's where it should be not tall enough scott he says so coming up on 19 minutes to go here in windy's bmx street as we take another look at matt ray's second attempt yeah so he did the 540 but look he did the half cap uh 180 bar out of it so it's awesome to have that much confidence in your ride you're like all right let me just try to get as many points on the board as possible taking a very good use of this opportunity so that'll bump him back in so he bumps up one spot so he'll he'll send chad curly down to fourth place so matt ray will jump into podium contention there here we go with kevin perazza competing in park street and dirt out here at x games 20 21 oh i'm just getting hung up coming off that wall right bummer that was a waratsu tail but it was an opposite tail it was a downside tail as well so he definitely upped it from his run number one so the runs are 45 seconds in length or if you fall that will end the run early if you're just joining us yes you see he just kicks the flag and he just he just didn't have the right pop off the wall to be able to get back into the quarter pipe right so he'll have to sit it out here for the meantime and we'll look to see more of him in round number three your x games shanghai 2019 street silver medalist sits in the top spot as of right now and he's in for 45 seconds oh wow that was a nollie to feeble to nose hard 180 out so technical come with some speed again oh man so he was going to do a hard spin off of that rail but sometimes you know you just can't get the right pop off of it you're only right grinding up on pegs that are you know only a few inches long so using all that momentum and all that speed to pop off of there sometimes it backfires on you so we'll have to look to round number three so we get set to bring in the lewis mills lewis sits in that number five spot kind of wedged in there between dennis anderson and chad curly as of right now nice he did it again it ties down a horseman on that long rail right there not a lot of people notice about lewis but he's an amazing painter as well so so much now on and off the bike but in run number two right now oh it was so close yeah actually owns a studio louis mills art you can follow on instagram at lewis mills art yeah and his painting is it just it's jaw-dropping it really is it's crazy to think that he is just that talented on a bike but when it comes to painting it it's unreal so we're just under 16 and a half minutes left to go here in wendy's bmx street it's felix prangenberg in that top spot followed by alex donaki and matt ray here in round two has jumped back up into that top three speaking of mr donaghy he is up next here you mentioned before gold medal at bmx street at x game sydney 2018 he was the first scottish athlete to meddle at x games but he accomplished that feet grind so hard 180 out in the middle of an x games run somehow look at that crook to crook to 180 just those it says four tricks alone like it's it's just unreal i haven't seen him do that one before i'll go out there and say that oh man just fell apart once again bringing all that speed to the up rail and you're just trying to grind on the pegs but he's going up crooked as well so he's crossing the bike over the top of the rail the pegs get even shorter that way so but check this out he says crank arm up pops up to dole peg grind and then spins a hard 180 out away from the rail so technical but i love this ice pick grind so hard 180 he was just holding it locked in the whole way down he knew he's like i got this but this is where it all fell apart just so much speed and the bike just just couldn't do it just not enough rail n peg connection there so he will stay in that number two spot for now as we are under 15 minutes left to go out here so we're just past the halfway point dennis anderson dennis sitting down there in that number six position he's another one that suffered an injury earlier this year march 2021 torres right pcl no surgery just physical therapy just recovered this month oh look at that big wall ride again on that big extension oh right there he got really lucky to be able to continue on on that crank arms line man he was moving so again a fall will end the run it's best run that counts out here keep that in mind we've seen some falls here in the second round but it is the best run that counts out here well chad curly's in x games mode and we are trending on tick tock to all of our fans out there if you want to join in check out the x games mode hashtag challenge and show us what happens when you're on x games mode taking a little look at chad curley some practice here earlier in the week he was in podium contention got bumped down to fourth matt ray bumped him out let's see if chad here can try to trade that favor back here the 13 and a half minute mark nice changing up from run number one he just did the 180 tail up over that little euro nice fakie hot bar down the stair set such an awesome original move to putting your run switch pigs up to manual to smith to nose chad's known throughout bmx for being able to to connect uh lines via grinds and manuals oh man he just did the switch ice but looped out we say loop out when the bike gets away from you and you're falling backwards right there so but here's that 180 tailwood you can see how to get his feet in the right spot to be able to pull that fakie the right way this is where he did the switch pegs up as well when i say swish you can see that there's uh four pegs in the bike so every rider here favors one side over the other there's no rhyme or reason either it not has nothing to do with uh you know whether you're lefty or righty it's just all about comfort so chad naturally is right side pegs and he went up left on that side so that means the switch so we'll have to look for more of him in round number three as we are just under 12 and a half minutes left to go here there's garrett reynolds garrett had an uncharacteristic slip up there in that first run that's why you see him down there in the bottom of the back right now he's in eighth place same start as he did to last run as well horseman to manual to tires to double bars wow he's kidding me oh man that's one of a kind right there it really is did over crank arm right there and i think that's where the crash was so that was a switch 180 switch bar spin over that round to flap pegged up to switch tail whip so opposite direction in his normal way coming down to the final 10 seconds here nice 180 whip down the stairs so flat on that bars from the manual is connecting it this will count yeah as you see he got into that before the buzzer sounded so there you go and i didn't want to say it before time and change it but this is typically what he does when he has a hiccup in one of these runs he comes back and he just lays it down afterwards yeah just one just one run later than expected that was it i love this look at that doing the bar spin twice and he was one of the first people to ever do that well he was the first person to do it on street for sure i'll go out there and say that he changed bmx with that a lot of people caught on but this is the 180 tail up on the way down the stairs but look you got to find the pedals because you got to go fakie you got to make sure you stay nice and balanced so your free coaster doesn't engage definitely a high-risk trick and it's not surprising after that he puts himself in the top spot so we have a new leader at the end of round number two garrett reynolds is on top of the leaderboard here [Music] so he's an 11-time street gold medalist and he's paving the way right now to make it 12. can he hang on we'll find out when we come back to the catf for whitney's bmx [Music] walton street we were already x games as big as it is is helping kids out there with this pooling prevention program you know it means so much to me because i was i was one of those kids you know that that was different did different things you know and now now i'm here and and i'm you know putting the biggest smile i can to the world to show everyone that being different is completely okay and you know and positivity always wins so keep going whatever battles you're dealing with in life keep going and you know make the impossible possible nothing's impossible well shred hate the x games bullying prevention initiative and i can't think of a better ambassador for that than a guy like kevin ferraza if you'd like to find out more you can log on to xgames.com shred hates here at wendy's bmx street we had a big lead change at the end of the second round it's that gentleman right there garrett reynolds he was at the bottom of the pack after a slip up he now finds himself in the number one position followed by felix prangenburg and alex donahue however it is far from over here at wendy's bmx street there is still some time on the clock here it is a jam session it is the best run that counts here and we start it over again back up the top of the order here with matt ray now matt had found himself in a bronze medal position but after garrett jumped up to that top spot matt now finds himself back on the outside looking in here can he put it together and jump back up here again scotty kramer no he definitely can't put it together this guy is so talented oh man just messed up the rollout right there it was a very very difficult trick though he did that in the last round before that looks like he's gonna be waving this one off though i have to say as he came across there he threw his hand up so i guess he's waving that one off again runs are 45 seconds in length just to recap if you're just joining us and uh if you fall dab a foot they sound that horn that'll end the run early but he looks like he just waved that one off because we're just under 10 minutes to go yeah i think he was conserving energy because you know when you mess up your first trigger like that you know it's not gonna be your best score and uh you definitely want to be able to bring your best out there so i think he's looking for his next run so kevin perazzi saw him on that shred hate piece when we came back from break and here he is for run number three again competing in park street and dirt out here at x games 20 21 first to compete in all three of those disciplines at the same x games that's a lot of this play but he's going to handle it with a smile on his face beautiful quarterback just gets hung up again yeah he was looking for a hard spin out of that i think nice footjam whip on the quarter pipe so you can see that he's bringing a different style than the rest of these guys because he's got such a dedicated background in park and in dirt as well so i love seeing the mix of different styles though that's what makes bmx bmx look at that kept that one together takes a hard one eight to full cap to fakie and a flare at the end of the buzzer right there he's down he's sitting in eighth place as of right now with 8 45 and some change 8 46 when i said that to go on the clock how high that is look at that why the whip he's above the camera guy's head for sure such a big move to start out your run with and there's the flare to finish things off showing you know hey i'm the park rider as well but i will mix it up so that'll bump him up one spot he overtook that number seven spot so that'll put him in seven so take a look at felix prangenberg right now he was your leader for the first round he now finds himself in the number two position here in round number three barely hung on to the hot one he put the fast plant 180 over picks up to hard five 40 once again and pulls it insane struck fakey to manual to 180 off of the ledge i love hearing all the guys cheering them on to the back now just to see you can hear the reaction from the other riders there nice we have kept down the stair set with some speed oh we switched his feet up on that one i was going to bring it up earlier he's been switching his feet a ton rotting so you can do switch pegs you could do switch spins but now guys are doing switch feet so it would be like imagine this a lot of guys are right forward left and forward switching your feet would be like kicking a ball with your other foot just feel terrible but imagine doing that while you're doing like a very high risk bmx trick it takes a lot of confidence and a lot of skill so he'll stick with that first run as of right now that's got him in a silver medal lewis mills currently sitting in sixth place here we're at seven minutes seven minutes left to go here in wendy's bmx street that is three in a row now of doing the big tie ride down the rails of our spin insane to see nice over smith up to barspin i would love to see him be able to get this wrong because it's looking so good at that time [Applause] bringing some speed to the upper rail i think let's see switch off to the tailwind that was so good coming down to the final 10 seconds here wow manual oh yeah switch as well [Applause] nice people to three right there at the end that's a that's a tough one because it's like he's like riding away yeah yeah you know he's kind of in control but he's just running out of real estate there i don't think it will affect him too much on his score with the judges who put that obstacle there yeah but look at this this is the switch pegs up and then he does the tail without kicks the bike is coming around look at his feet we're barely finding the bike his foot ended up on top of the top two but i love this ice pick grind you know you're keeping the front end up you're landing in the manual keeping that going and then he bar spin down and that was the switch bars and he threw it with his right hand so that means it was opposite different direction then he learned it so again no scores out here it's a live ranking so that'll jump him up he was in six pre-runs so that moves lewis mills up into four so knocking on the door of podium contention here with just under five and a half minutes three that time he upped it from his previous run once again and that's scary to think about this is scotland's alex donahue crooked too crooked so imagine that krippy ryan switching to overcrook and then 180 down he's doing it perfectly nice to crooked grind to 180. his consistency on these technical tricks is just amazing to watch it really is all right he's setting up for a trick on this up rail oh crook it's a 540. are you kidding me that was honestly ridiculous so that was the trick he messed up before he was setting up for that trick and that was huge what a way to end your run but look at this you start things out crank on two pegs to hard 360. you have to pop the bike up so high out of that peg grind to get that rotation but this is the banger right here up crooked grind and then he starts spinning so hard he gets the 540 gets the rotation corrects it a little bit but kept momentum so that's good to see so again without scores the judges is talking it over in the booth and they put these guys in the order for live ranking the order they feel they should be in there so alex gonna stay in that bronze medal position for now as we take a look right now high speed dennis anderson there's a gap to feeble again that time he landed on it i didn't have to worry about sliding out so dennis you know brings a lot of speed to his riding as well you know he can do the technical rail tricks don't get me wrong but he's covering so much real estate on this course right now compared to somebody like alex donahue it's just different styles and that's what makes bmx so great what's he gonna do here with this final 10 seconds tires to nobody can can nice he's got his new signature bands on right now awesome to see oh man also a new dad said their son ace of horn beginning in this month july 3rd so we uh didn't get up here for a lot of practice coming in to x games 20 21. yeah on instagram i mean i listen i don't have any children but just seeing someone like dennis anderson who i've known for so many years now just so happy about his son it's it's it's it's really cool to see chad curly the owner of six medals here in bmx street two gold one silver two bronze finds himself in the number six position as of right now pre-run nice he just did the fakie hot bar down the stairs again chad's got definitely has a chance of getting on his podium no doubt about he's just got to make these connections right here nice let's get the bars been out i think he lost his x-games wristband right there wonderful be allowed back in the course for the next run or not that six medal i mentioned was a silver from real bmx in 2017 that line was pretty ridiculous this is really looking good nollie bar to manual to crooked to 180. it's gonna be the end of the run right there wow great run for chad really great run so just under two minutes to go one more rider to go on the rotation here we may get another round of runs here scotty i hope we do because this competition is too good to end but look at this combination going committed all the way in the nose and then dropping down onto the back wheel no breaks he's just nothing but balance hops in with the toothpick hangover down that rail perfect what a great line so as i mentioned he was in sixth place pre-run there see what happens with the ranking here for chad sweet await the all clear to bring garrett reynolds in so looks like chad's going to stay in that number six spot as of right now so with a minute nine and counting down here and again the max run time is 45 seconds we'll see if we go into round four here but right now you're taking a look at your current leader who's also chasing an escape bmx record tonight this is garrett reynolds so he just had to put a foot down right there oh he put sufi down on that one so with 41 seconds left we're gonna go back up to the top and it looks like we are going to get another round of runs so it is not over yet scotty good i wasn't ready to be finished i want more the fans want more well guess what you're gonna get it here at wendy's bmx street we're getting another round of runs and we're back in last chance here for matt ray sitting in that number five spot oh look at that oh man that was so close being able to pull that combination back again to matt ray so talented when it comes to technical tricks and big tricks like that if he wanted to i've said this before he could ride park and he could definitely be a contender for sure nice full cap truck down that ledge forced into pegs you seem kicking out the bike right there that's the control speed because of all of these guys aren't brakeless speed when they have too much they kick the bike out flare again on that small transition coming down to the final couple seconds and that is gonna do it here at wendy's bmx street for matt ray so the jam session clock has run out however we do finish out the run order so everybody gets the same amount of run so this will be the last round look at that bar five beautiful it was so high up out of that small uh quarter pipe as well he's got so much power when he rides a nice quick flare i've seen him flare even smaller which is crazy to see it looks like he's spin as well i think he's happy that was his last round so garrett reynolds in that top spot followed by felix prangenburg and alex donaghy sitting in a bronze medal spot here we are in the final round of runs here as we welcome back in one more time kevin look how fast he's going that wall right there you go he's got redemption on that wall to switch down side tail oh no kp getting hung up there coming down the stairs bummer man coming with that much speed and momentum looked like it was going to work nice tire up to switch tail with so what's so cool about this too is yes this is his first street when you're doing a trick like that the nose to 360 out he's getting respect of all the street riders around the world i mean he's already had it everybody in bmx loves this guy but it's so cool to see him finally be able to be into a full-on street competition and the biggest one at x games and be able to deliver like this great showing for kevin peralta so in seventh you see him going up getting congratulations from dennis anderson and chad curley after that run right there i mean like said it before especially if the shred heavy piece one of the happiest guys you'll ever see on two wheels felix prangenberg mentioned him silver medalist from x game shanghai 2019 looking at another silver medal right here tonight as of right now but he can upgrade from that he's capable of getting the gold his tricks are so crazy nice he's got that hard five perfect the run is looking good he's got 30 seconds left too so much time on the clock is that manual to 180 again just can't believe you could land that every single try well we mentioned that shanghai silver a couple times a year he just missed the podium in x games minneapolis that year and set up for more than no man what a tough break so that's gonna do it there for felix prangberg however this is his fourth x games appearance and as of right now looking at potentially adding his second medal to his trophy case this is louis mills in for his fourth and final attempt he did the tires again that was his fourth time in a row of getting that successfully oh he's missing up a couple cues on this one i know the tricks that he wants to do and have a little issues with but i think he's still gonna put on show for everybody bringing some speed to the up rail nice pegs 180 to full truck down it beautiful flawless it just looks so clean nice over switch pegs 180 out see if you can connect this line at the buzzer nice switch pegs and 180 out once again so sitting one spot out of the podium as of right now he finds himself in that number four spot and it looks like that is where he will stay with four riders left to go we've got alex donahue dennis anderson chad curley and garrett reynolds left to go alex sitting in that bronze metal spot as of right now again this is the final round of runs here at wendy's bmx street this is ridiculous the fact that he just landed those once again back-to-back it's just mind-blowing i i just can't even believe it [Music] look at that credited crew up to 180. nice toothpick manual quirky grind kept it going popped it back over so he's got 17 seconds right here he did that huge crooked ground to 540. crooked oh just once again i'm only giggling at that body placement right there i mean these guys have been riding hard for four runs straight now doing their biggest and bettest tricks so i do not blame him for taking a quick little break so he will stay in that number three spot dennis anderson setting the playlist there figuring out what he wants to listen to in this fourth and final run nice awesome angle following dennis with the uh the skate cam right there that was cool 360 down there bringing speed to the big wall ride again nice got the people to ball gets that one likes to cry up and over the a-frame switch he's got such a cool switch with the way his legs kick out lock it in the crook around the long rail [Music] oh he just didn't have the speed to make it all the way up there he still managed to get the tires in over the cam cam now oh and he pulls it that time defense plan will maybe down the stair side [Music] his earphones came out halfway through that run that didn't look like it felt too good slapping him in the face ripping around that course for half of that run [Music] so again congratulations to dennis and odessa for the addition to their family asap born in july third but here we go with chad curly he's the last guy on the outside of the podium that could shake up our top three can he get it done in this last run up real barbara to start it off he didn't do that one yet today nice truck down the stairs tanked up to nose oh nice popped right off the ledge chad is one of the best knows wheeling guys in the world for sure he's been doing them for years nice good line right there for chad straight to the flare still got 10 seconds on the clock oh no oh he had to put the foot down a tough break there for chad curly but with one guy left to go you know what that means garrett reynolds is going to get the victory lap out here ladies and gentlemen [Music] that is going to make it 12 x game street gold medals that is going to make it 14 gold medals overall and he still gets one more run everybody he's not gonna slow down no he's gonna keep it going and it's amazing to see him pull that at 182 backwards uh toothpick grind 180 out nice bar to bar again and you guys get to see right now in my opinion the most talented bmx rider to ever do it i mean out of anybody out there first to be able to touch their bike and just have that much control that much confidence and the level of tricks there is nobody like garrett reynolds and we're seeing it right now over and over again what's that up rail to 180 switch down whip look at this did the air to the manual the bar's been down the stairs [Music] and tonight he is making history it's just it's it's amazing to see it and everybody that is there riding with them they just love that garrett is just riding at this level consistently and he feeds off of that i mean if it wasn't for these guys garrett wouldn't be able to keep on pushing himself the way he has so alex donaghy walks out with the bronze felix prangenberg takes the silver and garrett reynolds makes it 12 total street gold medals 14 overall he now ties dave mira and jamie bestwick for most bmx gold in the history of the x games we talked about him chasing history out here tonight and he's done just that scotty this is just amazing he's only one medal behind sean white now that is just absolutely insane and remember he had that hiccup in that first run right there he was at the bottom of the pack and then comes out in round two and just lays it down i love that trick though he did that one every single time that 182 backwards toothpick grind to 180 out but just so clean everything that he does just looks perfect he has so much confidence in his riding amazing to see so yet another amazing street performance out of garrett reynolds so right now let's send it down to jack matroni thank you guys appreciate it congratulations garrett reynolds your 14th gold medal tying you with jamie bestwick and dave mira into the goat category how special is that just hearing that in your career can you believe that you're here right now um no i really can't just being like you know being in that same company with jamie bestwick and dave muir that's like those are the best of the best so it's an absolute compliment to be uh my name be up with theirs well congratulations you've deserved it and from practice all the way through the competition everybody was on their a game what did it take to get it done here tonight um same thing it always there's just like a solid run the thing is street riding takes a lot of energy and when you're out there you got to kind of change your tricks around a little bit if you can feel what tricks to do and what tricks not to do thank you so much congratulations one more time thank you ladies and gentlemen 14 gold medals are you kidding me so garrett reynolds with yet another amazing performance here at the x games in bmx street so bmx street one of the most technical events out here when it comes to x games it was an all out fight but in the end scotty it's garrett reynolds that etches his name even further into the x games history books by adding his 14th total gold medal and tying dave mira and jamie bestwick along those ranks you
Channel: X Games
Views: 347,592
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Keywords: yt:quality=high, x games, x-games, watch x games, x games highlights, x games bmx street, x games bmx street highlights, x games bmx street 2021, x games bmx, x games bmx street full, x games live stream, x games live, x games 2021, garrett reynolds xgames, garrett reynolds x games 2021, chad kerley x games, alex donnachie x games, kevin peraza x games, lewis mills x games, dennis enarson x games, bmx street, bmx street x games, bmx street x games 2021, trending, bmx
Id: 4bksk2YI2XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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