Nitro World Games Rallycross Qualifiers & Moto Event Finals

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welcome back to the 2019 nitro world games coming to you from the Utah Motorsports campus how's it going everybody I am Todd Richards and we are here and we're already underway with natural world games we had the hooligan flat track racing went down we've got all kinds of stuff though in here if you want to come and experience what natural world games has to offer we've got all these crazy beautiful concept cars like the Hot Wheels you can come out here you can check out the pits right there you see team Subaru working on their cars getting them ready for what's about to come nitro rallycross so I'm up here in the booth we're about to get underway we're switching from two wheels to pour and we're gonna get sideways in the dirt and I am joined here by two freestyle motocross freestyle motorsport icons we are here with Blake bilko Williams and Josh Sheehan now you guys predominately known for flying upside down through the air I'm really heavy motorcycles but you guys are both petrol heads in the sense of like you like to get cars sideways now bilk I know you just got done doing a Pikes Peak race which is you know that that carries a lot of weight especially because Pikes Peak as a it's notorious for taking people out plus you've done like cross card stuff you've done lemons races what's gets you the most excited here besides competing in the freestyle motocross events well I definitely start to watch the rallycross these cars are awesome just the suspension travel the jumps they have and the action packed fast racing a lot of a lot of bumping lot of contact so it's yeah the elbows are out the boys definitely sent it and it's the best rallycross track in the world it's obviously with the jumps in that so it's just an awesome event to be a part of and we're just lucky enough to do a freestyle contest on the side yeah right so Shinya obviously like you know anything that comes out of Travis Travis is very much like the American equivalent of a bogan like he's definitely likes to play in the dirt and rumor has it that you've got some trails around your house or roads around your house that you basically are sideways constantly and if you're not jumping on a motorcycle yeah that's right grew up on a farm so we always had you know cheap cheap trashes and just that progressed so Road cars bikes everything we've just always enjoyed thrashing doing up doing up the engines and yeah boys love rallying buff you know I've got a Burnout pad outside the shed now so continually growing but yeah we all love it and you know we love people like them you know Travis and the crew at night Troy came down to have some fun so yeah I think we get along well well I think you know it's everyone's kind of young kids dream is to be a racecar driver I think that's like the one of a astronaut racecar driver maybe fireman's thrown in there somewhere but earlier today we had the flat track race that went down and rumor has it that Travis is gonna try to get in here and qualify as well how'd you get done flat track stuff at all I'm all about the chopping spices the flat tracks pretty gnarly and dumb like going oh my god old eggs right onto 4th motorcycle road so I think if I went out there on the flat track it it'd be fun for a few laps I'm in doubt pushing it too hard and as you can see right there I don't end up in the fence like that guy how about you two yeah well I got excited recently and got a CBR 600 to do some road racing I've done a couple of road tracks is really fun but these bikes are heavier hard to handle slower no they're awesome bikes but GD they're a handful when you're writing them off-roading the dirt so I'd love to give it a crack but maybe maybe next year yeah it definitely seems like you'd be leaving a bunch of skin on a track somewhere for sure so switch gears here behind us we're about to get underway with nitro rallycross now introduced last year kind of you know Travis 3 is whole Pastrana thing into the mix and kind of you know mess with rally to make it way more exciting well how much do you want to just get out there in a car and rip around this thing as well I been hanging around the Subaru pit sold I waiting for him to leave the keys in the ball and it hasn't happened yet I did a ride-along with Travis last year and you know having a motocross background and a little bit of experience in rally cars it was a whole nother experience being out there with the bolt turns over a job but then you just it kind of goes quiet for a second when you're in the earth and land smoothly into a bulk corner like you go around naturally it was like a motocross bike on four wheels so obviously the roll cages hand excuse me keeps he said so Cheney did you watch yesterday just see some of the highlights that went down yeah what's a little bit of it's just it's awesome we love seeing like good job but it'll go to proportion but that's it's bigger than what we have it at most of the competitions it's nine signs so it's awesome to see the cars so much power you hope just become gone berserk out there it's awesome the craziest thing to me is like you know Travis going out there and he has to kind of guinea pig everything before he sends anybody else off it and I mean how similar do you think it is like when you hit it on a motorcycle and you've got to translate that into a car that's far heavier you know and then Austin yeah I guess this is like top 1/3 here yeah well I think I guess the one thing that makes it a little similar is the the fact that it's a long flat jump so suspension doesn't come so much into play but at least you know if you get pretty close to the same speed and you don't try and jump too much or do too much on the block that tricks better yeah yeah well that's a great segue because you guys this afternoon we have the freestyle motocross excuse me freestyle moto competition that's going out here as well as quarter pipe a freestyle mode are you guys are comfortable in there and I was asking you bilko before if you ever mess with the quarter pipe at all out there look I did it the first couple of days when they had it set up and I got about fifteen foot up and then over the next few days the the big boys came out to play and start a gallon 35 40 45 and I just decided to pack it up and never really want to go that high cuz I it's quite risky and I mean it's a fun job when you can do it it looks so good and smooth when they jump so high but uh it's just not for me so I can't wait to watch the boys in New York Cory Creed Kobi raha Beaman they're all gonna just throw it down it doesn't look real it goes so high it doesn't look real well we're moments away from the start here in nitro rallycross we're gonna send it down to Laurette nickel right now with some more from you thank you so much down here with Steve arpan my favorite Canadian driver but he qualified second yesterday and Steve I had the opportunity to talk to you about how you were preparing getting ready for nitro rallycross and you said that you are so focused on this event all year so talk about the preparation absolutely you know our guys all of our guys that loan bro Motorsports we did so much work to these race cars over the winter and ultimately when we're looking at the season nitro World Games this is the pinnacle this is our Super Bowl our Daytona 500 our Stanley Cup playoff game whatever you want to call it this is it for us so it's the biggest jump so it's high banked corners it's the place where we push the car to the absolute most extremes of any where we're gonna go so really everything is is directed to making everything perform best for this event okay so let's talk about the track you love the track all of the drivers had some input on how Travis and the track crew were going to build it but you said there's a lot of reward and there are some consequences out here talk about that it's so cool because these cars the technology is so in there's so much technology and that's hard to make mistakes so when you have a track like this it promotes such good racing because it's easy to make mistakes there's so many different places there's areas of this track where you have to be so disciplined and just like doing everything to rein yourself in right and and otherwise you can lose a second so easy by over driving but other parts of the track were that you just got to send it and it rewards just being crazy travis Pastrana designed the track so obviously we're gonna have those sections right but it's one of those places we're just so easy to make mistakes it's so easy to push hard in the areas where you can't because your Adrenaline's going you want to pass the guy and it screws you up so it's gonna be wild racing out here and there's so much going on out on the track there's a lot of dust all the drivers the caliber of drivers out here is incredible so I know the key is to getting a good start but how do you hold on to that lead it's tough you know the launch is so important in rallycross but this is one of the longest track to race on there's so many turns so many different characteristics of the track but honestly the biggest thing right now is just hitting your marks you just got to hit your marks it's a it's an awesome Joker in this place we go through a tunnel right like we got three left we're gonna be going over the tabletop once in the main over the big jump every other time the Joker once so it's gonna be I don't even know what the strategy is yet to be honest I guess I don't know why I'm trying to pretend I'm smart you are smart and you're a great driver and a wonderful man so the dust out here are you concerned about it it's always a concern you know but it's kind of one of those things where instead of freaking yourself out about the best you just got to focus on not being in it so we have one of the things we're working on a lot in the offseason was there launches and we're still fine-tuning it with this altitude we're up to like what 4,000 4,500 feet our cars are down about 80 horsepower so we've had to rework our launch strategy a little bit but we had a couple options yesterday and it worked good we found one that was really good maybe a too much wheel spin and another one that I bought the engine so we're gonna find a kind of a happy medium in the middle today and hopefully here in about 20 minutes we'll see if it works all right Steve arpan give me a high five best of luck today we are about to go racing so Todd we're gonna go back up to you thanks Larry and you know proper question I like to ask you guys Steve was talking about the altitude here messing with you know just the amount of power that you guys can get in the responsiveness do you guys feel it when you're doing freestyle motorcross - she does a lot more with the double flip requiring a lot more acceleration but the one place that really takes away the power is Pikes Peak yeah I bet I bet yeah you have 14,000 feet up there that was quite a challenge with the altitude you felt the car get sore as you went up but Josh you want to comment on the altitude it does affect us a lot thankfully we're not too high here I don't need too much power on the ramp I can just come in with more speed but using the smaller ramps or trying a double flip I'd need to do a bit of engine work or you know a turbo would be ideal right there as well best of luck to you guys we're gonna have natural rallycross coming up next we're gonna leave you with some highlights of last year's freestyle motocross competition good luck thank you yeah [Applause] Lu's first person to attempt well somehow I just got third I must have cast a magic spell on somebody or something because I didn't see this coming but I'm pretty excited its whiplash backwards but bounces right up when I first got off after the crash I was a bit rattled my shoulder was pretty saw it just ejected and the Thai economist raping Ram was shot in Korea God almost thought I couldn't ride again but to be able to go out and do that again and land it was awesome just stall out there around into the rotation nacho well Games 2018 it's done and dusted I'm super pumped right now because I go first place and I have the complete collection third second first place trophies and I'm super stoked to be gone home safe [Music] from its inception night to a world games exploded under the action sports landscape changing the contest world as we knew it last year night roll World Games expanded with more locations more events more athletes and some of the most epic moments in action sports history highlighted by the debut of nitro rallycross this year that expansion continues and the contest will be the most competitive we've ever seen from FMX best trick to moto quarter pipe to flat track racing to nitro rallycross it will be like nothing we've witnessed before right now it's all about nitro rallycross live from the Utah Motorsports campus just outside Salt Lake City welcome everyone to the Utah Motorsports campus here in Tooele Utah tehsil along with Andrew Coley the wreck nickel is down there on course getting all the info for us we are ready for Nitro rallycross and Andrew based on what we saw yesterday in the qualifying this is going to be I think we'll call it a doozy doc can't wait based on what we saw last year you know it was epic last year and and the course changes this year it's super close we've seen a passing opportunity at the back which Pastrana made the most of we've got different jumps this year and I just think the course is better you know well the amazing thing about this course is the fact that Travis got to purpose build it and that's it's unusual that you get to come out and really you take something that's in your mind and you create the reality so these massive bank turns and that there that you're looking at the hundred foot gap the hundred foot gap is back you know that was massive landscape you can see under the hundred foot gap on the tabletop there there's now a banking in and out of the tabletop the Jo collapse move the Yokohama Joker lap now dips underneath the bridge and comes up at the top it's about four seconds it's significant you know the time difference so a fantastic step up jump up at the back and yeah we can take a look back at some of the action from yesterday well yesterday we went through some qualifying rounds and basically got everybody sorted out the top two from yes they actually went straight through to the finals and and check out some of this action here yesterday well Sam Dale of course was one O's went straight through a news absolutely fantastic and kevin has got with him so two of the three sweet had gone straight through the man who didn't make heat Timmy Hanson of course the nitro RallyCross champion from last year and then we had we had some brilliant feisty we can't blog verses travis Pastrana and AK you think Travis's pass on Ken cost Ken a place in that top 2 so really that great to see Ken back here and racing with us but you're looking here at Kevin Hanson I mean he really was the class of the field yesterday he really worked hard to get himself through that transfer spot into the final as you say Patrick sent down the other transfer spot the Swedes they got it here this weekend yeah they had three different sessions yes it was like a hot lab session when she sat down wanted that put him in the box seat to take that top qualifier spot he also then got during the track conditions we saw test if we where it was slightly damp at the start the track just edged away slightly and a Patrick had to deal with those dry conditions in the a session and he still got the job done kevin had some maybe benefited a little bit there were so many drivers who were so close it could have been anyone who'd gone through that top two but that was it and you can see those results really out of yesterday Sandell and Hanson the top two qualifiers it was all based on points from a qualifying run and then the racing that means those two actually get to seed out the whole day today until this afternoon later about 5:00 p.m. local we'll be running the final there straight through to the finals they don't have to fight anymore it's interesting isn't it because II on the one hand that's great you know they don't have to put the effort into the cars they don't have to use anymore sets of tires but of course they're you know they're gonna go in cold to the final later on so be interesting to see how they cope with having have no lap times of course these guys are going to put some laps in now to try to make it through to that final not have to go to the Last Chance Qualifier well you saw the guys on the line ready to go great course here in Utah and let's take a look at our Red Bull course preview Andrew here we go a nicer rallycross 2019 taking off down the first rate well over a hundred miles an hour we had a little bit of payment so a tax lien makes it to the outside of the inside should be equal as she goes at the first her home flip us pardons there but this is the gel blood coming around the outside gets me tight to be here nice and slick make sure you hate a Mexican to the right there's that Joker to the left is an option that you can hit me trying to say side by side over at the job or at least allow someone else to come you sinusoidal one comes up short 10-minute catastrophe baying maples turn to the right and then as you say coming over this single Lana chief horses feels like a roller coaster there actually feels like a jump jump over here [Music] [Music] [Music] what I love about Travers is said going over the big jump we may allow someone to jump next to us he did that last year didn't we Patrick's and delegates and Ellen Pastrana across it we're not gonna see that now because of course sandals gone straight through and these guys test they're fighting it you you win one of these races you go straight to the final you don't win you got to do the last chance to qualify so we've got three great races coming up which is going to get us through to the final and look at this ken Block sitting there on the start line ready to go in this heat and he had a bit of an interesting day yesterday in a qualifying race and this is a replay please replay moment of the day and it's got to be the block Pastrana race yeah this revealed to us a great passing opportunity the back watch this block has the car super sideways you can transition it to the inside bar Travis is there Travis has got late and deep on the brakes he's allowed the car to run through the apex here it is from the side Ken turns in the actually cracks of the door on the way Pastrana runs white uses the berm get past ken lookout Rose can walk straight into the line but Travis got him and the thing we didn't see there is the strap to get himself ahead of Travis he thought he had this race but here we are ken block Timmy Hanson and Cabot Bigham on the line from there down there the ante lakhs on it's a long old hold on the lights those guys wouldn't normally sit there for that long so I wonder if they might I think they're bought at the start they have you can see the start of support at the start so these engines they run 600 horsepower so that the turbos in there everything gets super hot and there's a point of which they would want to abort the start so maybe they help the lights a bit too long there and we're gonna get a restart on that one so at least we can take a look at the lineup and of course we're missing someone tests well we're missing Scott Speed that that blank blue rectangle at the top there Scott Speed unfortunately yesterday jumped something a little bit long land it flat and has come out with a back injury so has had to withdraw from competition today but let's let's focus on that that front row Timmy Hanson obviously amazing last year ken block didn't get to race last year because his equipment just wasn't ready yeah the Ford Focus RS rx which was the previous car it just couldn't do the big jump it had it had a certain suspension geometry meant he couldn't make that gap now Ken had a bit of a sore back at the time he had a lot of commitments coming up he was competing in America's rallycross he was heading across to the UK for an event and he had to withdraw so this year the Fiesta that he's back in it's a chassis he loves and it's got the focus engine and transmission in it it's a weapon it's so fast that car and Kent nearly went through yesterday didn't if it wasn't the Travis game is so close and then Timmy Hanson in that Bojo they're on the on the front of the line the older of the two handsome brothers but it's actually his brother Kevin that's gone through immediately to the final because he got second place yesterday yeah and it's Kevin that's leading the FIA world rallycross championship where both the brothers compete they were p1 and p2 for a good part of this season so yeah Kevin's got the better and Timmy now Jimmy's looking to get the better of cab a bigger and ken block and a word for Bingham he's on for Reese he's got right on top of that car here we go three lines were launched were racing nitro rallycross from the nitro world games and block trying to get around handsome war Hansen up the inside contact their blocks get a stop it at the apex cap of bigots got inside that's a good move for Bingham we know this one is slower bar test he's avoided the carnage on the outside of turn one that was an absolutely brilliant hood from Bing oh look at him he goes Joker Timmy's got Joker straight away so that's in response to losing the place to Kent block become coming up on the merge with Ken there into the back bend you can see the dirt flight binghams up the insider came along and did you see that just at the end there it's lovely Timmy came out super hard out of that Joker hope he didn't do any damage to the car but this was us I mean just an amazing move from Canada yeah bigger made the choice there to go tabletop on the first lap in the heat you know he was on the back row I think they're pretty wide I reckon it's about 47 of a second the difference between their tabletop line than the standard line he was hoping the block and Timmy would get right into each other and cost himself more time than that as it goes block managed to get out in front of you Timmy though has got Joker and he's gonna chase these guys down hard now Tess so we need to see one Gambas back to Timmy Hanson here he comes now that's pretty good is there it's four point five now the joke is about four I'm confident they'll send ken block on the slap I spoke to Derrick dawn see this morning the team boss in having the race division I think they'll sink into the Joker in response to Timmy they so he doesn't they don't Sam it goes to the Joker yeah they're giving Timmy an extra lap to chase him down and that means must meet their confluent the Ken's got the pace over Timmy I'm surprised by that let's see where till he comes out just ahead a cap bigger bigger miss playing a great race at what's key here is the bigger ones right on the tail end the Ken Block so Timmy Hanson now at this point in time the birch is gonna be absolutely side by side watch that clock at the top of your screen if it comes down for four point five Hanson it on to take the place for a flock and that's the turn there you see him coming into now where this amazing pass was made yesterday perfect his needs widely loose gravel it's our highest in opportunity yeah it was a great block pass and it was fantastic to see an overtaking opportunity on the circuit awesome threat debris coming off Ken's car there now clear Ken's gonna I think that's why the eyes Tyler your tire maybe so he's taken the rear tires off Ken's rear left has gone down so Ken's maybe not the tire off the rim the gap was down to 2.97 with Jimmy Hansen Ken's giving up Joe could it's going to be too late disaster for Ken block there we didn't see what caused that problem with that rear wheel but taken out of contention but yeah and this it is gapping cap and Bigham right now but blocks not too far behind he's dropped to p3 and remember how one person goes through test years only one place you want to be in this one and that's the place with Timmy Hanson Tim you're not allowed to go they've all joked it now so you know Timmy's just gotta make sure we don't do anything have any issues I'd like Ken's hat so we saw yesterday a couple of people were a little bit too sideways there's a lot of loose dirt how they got to try and keep your wheels straight and avoid pushing tires off rims and you just look at this and you think about the fact that the tire has kind of stripped off the back of Ken's car yet he's still on the back of this group and contentions it shows you what these cars can actually do it's amazing how these drivers to know Ken's out there three boats on the car and he's still sending it fully so I wonder if you'll avoid the big jump here because that would be a bit of a risk I think you might see Ken take the tabletop but let's see his bottles will be on the radio to him so with a tent if you like that test I think you'd be brave to take the big she managed to draw to any Hansen fee the cancer thee and ready RallyCross feet depends don't catch up with re tires can walk over the big jump with three tires wild ladies have to take that jump with three tires is brave beyond belief can't blocks fits Bingham is looking for a way past Hansen he's got the speed this is a tease his now-or-never test and look Timmy goes defensive so Timmy's got defensive it's gonna cost him time he knows he can block Bingham beacons gonna try and get him on the run for life he won't together eyes it to the downside and Hansen's gonna take it smart run there from Timmy Hansen defending it Hansen goes ooh to the final where he's gonna be with his brother Kevin Kevin big and though I'm gonna say a fantastic race strategically from that team they really did call it well and he almost had it say I'm sorry I can't go to camp like this you know I'm cabin Timmy well done but ken block just sent it over a hundred foot gap jump with three tires like the guys it with what's wrong man he's wild Timmy Hansen he goes straight through to the finals now so he will not have to fight through that LCQ as Cabot Bigham and Ken Block will I'm sure Ken will be rolling back to the garage to fix things up and you just take a look at this and I think maybe here Hansen getting into the back of block that could have been where the tire was cut yeah there's a little bit of contact down the turn one and that was like a bit bigger murder face if he gambled on that's why he went table top you see Timmy Hansen makes quite a late decision to go Joker that decides not to follow ken and I was surprised they didn't respond with Ken on the next lap you don't give Timmy handsome two laps to take the gap out of you we know he's fast as it goes you didn't matter because Ken look you could see the rear tire was off trying to see where it happened Ison the the step-up jump at the backside I'm wondering if the initial damage wasn't where we saw Timmy kind of come into the back of Tim right at the start there this was big of Joker and that Ken heading over the jump in front of Timmy this was earlier on the race look at that fantastic the tracks pretty slick test that's nothing we haven't spoken out so they watered the track a lot the fans here today we didn't want the fans covered in dirt the drivers were well aware that just means it's a little bit more slippery but actually I think the grit levels are high and potentially the water in the dirt has made it a little bit tacky so great stuff look at this he says not much just behind they're getting a lot of speed onto the jumps this amazing ken Block it's a hundred foot gap he's only got street eyes he you would tell it he launched him sideways because the grip from that other rear tire but Ken's not afraid what's his ain't care I think is his hashtag and he certainly living it there and there Timmy Hansen he blocks Kabat Bigham from coming through on that final corner section great race for Hansen and a very smart race for bigan absolutely hates from all of these guys so next three are up there like waiting in the pre grid area to come down and get gridded up we've got a fourth car as well cause Pastrana ARP in Faust and Atkinson waiting to come up there's Travis he was quick yesterday wasn't he you know he had really was if he hadn't had to put that pass on Kenny he was only point four nine behind Kevin Hansen if he'd beat me Kevin Hansen time it would have been Travis that had gone straight through and we saw him last night he was our man I really wanted to go straight through his like promise your sacred stuff as I'll say you were good yesterday so he's hoping that he's gonna be good today test how close is it I mean all of this racing is super close we've got three different lines when you come out of turn two and that I think is changing the dynamic of this in a loud cab at Bigham to try and do something different when he knew he'd been kind of forced to the back and and what it's doing is it's really making every single piece of this race exciting oh I think Biggums tactics would pay off better in this race because there are four there are four cars in this race so in the first one of course there were there were only the three guys so Cabot went Joker Tory the alternate line over the tabletop to try and avoid the traffic but with only Ken and Timmy on the outside there wasn't too much carnage now with four cars we could potentially see more carnage so I think that tabletop line could be a good choice on this first lap and you know you you're watching this at home and it's an absolutely amazing race it's been crazy the whole way through as we saw yesterday and especially the way Ken's been racing and I think we can go down to Loretta nickle now is actually with Ken Block Laurette you guys that was unbelievable well we just saw ken Block taking that hundred foot gap three tires did you know you were down a wheel yeah you know but anything can happen those guys were battling in the front I needed to be there in case they took themselves out so you know you got a battle to the last corner and that's what was in my head I'm a rally driver ain't caring take care what that wheel was doing I was gonna make it to the finish and if something happened I was gonna be there unbelievable so how is that track holding up that's incredible it's the funnest rallycross track in the world and I am loving every minute of it it's every time I get out there my turtle it's pumping and it's it's incredibly fun it's just disappointed that I've had three punctures every time I brace this week and I I'm trying to be nice to the tires and not pushing them too hard but they're puncturing in the oddest places so it's basically ruin my weekend is there anything that you can do to conserve those tires I don't know I'm trying I was actually driving them harder on in practice on Thursday and now they're you know if I've you know tapered back a bit to try and save them and they keep going so I don't know what to do but I might have been top qualifying yesterday but I had a puncture in each of the each of the heats now puncture in the in this race so I'm car is amazing the Ford Fiesta arpan Brahmi is well the best cars I've driven in years I'm putting in the lap times but I just can't get any luck well we're wishing you the best of luck Ken thanks are you guys thanks Loretta and our adrenaline was pumping up here too just watching him do that here the results from that challenge erase a Timmy Hansen goes straight through to the final Bingaman block now go to the LCQ three sweets in we've got both the hands yeah that's rates and ales so we're gonna need someone from over this side of the Atlantic can't wait to get themselves through and we got another place off the gravity challenger race B and then of course the LCQ where we're gonna put the final two drivers through so lots to play for test this race that all four drivers any one of them could take it we know that in the day we've seen this year we've talked about this quite a bit how the Subarus have come into their own in 2019 so the Volkswagen that Tanner Foust is in used to be dominant and now things are switched a little bit the gap has been closed last year we knew that that the vox mark of people was the car to have certainly in America surrounding cross when they came here they were super quick so the super wasn't quite on the pace this year it's absolutely on it these guys have won three rounds of America's rallycross this year they've won it around each Actos and Ellen speed Steve our pin right up there we've seen how fast that car is ken block could have taken at the top qualified spot yesterday so any of these guys could be up for it of course travis Pastrana the mastermind is in it and pulling them off the grid right now there's a at Cole we're gonna have to check to see what the story is as we get ready for this challenger race number two and again we've got to go back to the fact as Ken said the most fun rallycross track he's ever driven but I think the fact is it's designed by travis Pastrana and he was free to do whatever he wanted to because here at the Utah Motorsports campus they gave him this this kind of blank canvas and said go play Travis yeah go nuts and that's what he did yeah I think what's great is to see the progression from one year to the next so last year we came here and everyone was like what is this this is this is Matt you know the the gap jump everyone was freaking out about whether or not they could do it this year O'Connor you know the gap jump but what was nice is with in conjunction with the other drivers and of course the crazy inventiveness in the inside Travis Pastrana's mind he came up with this year the banking in and out of the tabletop the the step-up jump that we seen at the back just so much so much good stuff out on the circuit this year I think so a big improvement here we go there's that there's the step-up jump it's great it's into a hairpin test you know this place is a roller coaster of call well we're talking about the crazy mind of travis Pastrana and let's take a look at just what happens when travis starts doing then [Music] hey guys my name is travis pastrana from Annapolis Maryland and I'm an action sports personality he did have to take a brief intermission after that last run because he chipped his tooth with nitro wargames you always try to be the big air of action sports with any discipline rallycross is gonna be no different big jumps banked corners pretty much everything that I love from all different forms of off-road and car and truck racing combined to one high intensity big air platform just give me like he'll track off the car I believe this port can really take over auto racing and the next generation of what action sports once just put on an awesome show and the crowds gonna know what we're doing and he really did get to put all of the pieces in I think he thought of a lot more last year than he could actually finally create and this year the fact that there's a three part crossing where you've got the jumps and the Joker yeah they came up this I didn't they for the for the underpass last year as an alternate line so the idea with the alternate lines is that you're able to our week ago so you see some track repairs so that's the little hop ramp which is in turn one and they said that the leading edge was getting picked up yesterday where some of the cars where they were braking and that and the under floor of the car was digging into the front of it so they made some modifications this morning and you can see the track crew out there working hard now and that guard the rights got a grinder this is full spec there's a big hammer there test I think it'll be okay so long as you have a big hammer you can fix just about anything and I've got to say the crowds that came out here to Utah Motorsports campus today absolutely phenomenal there was a massive line to get in here it was just absolutely crazy to see how the fans are really embracing this whole nitro world games and loving this rallycross now they are down in the pit area and they've got a new fan zone out the far side of the track where they can get a good view of that step-up jump into the hairpin so yeah they're there more around the venue and they're moving around out there between the different disciplines as well yesterday we had the qualifying rounds which turned out to be very exciting they were really shooting in those rounds to get the maximum number of points and yesterday the number one qualifier was Patrick Sandell yeah Patrick was on a mission right from the first session so they had a solo laughs and they went out and laid down a lap time which none of the others could match now that would mean that he was going to be out later in the next session and he'd be on a slightly drier track again he got the job done I think he was paid for in that but absolutely fantastic drop by Sandell yeah we thought he had it in the back before we went into the B section and an indeed enter qualifying it was sent down we've got the top qualifier spot and right now Laurette Nichol is with Patrick send out thank you so much I'm down here with Yokohama Motorsports manager drew Dayton Andrew you are here to present a very special award this is the Yokohama go strong award which tenacious driver is taking this tonight this year for the Yokohama go strong award we selected Patrick sendou last year than the first event at nefra nitro rallycross Patrick had a tough race encountered some mechanical issues and finished in fifth overall yesterday Patrick was able to be the top qualifier and that's why he's receiving the go strong award drew thank you very much let's present that to Patrick Sandell and if we can have him step in here our number will in qualifier Patrick and what does this mean to you oh that's awesome yeah as you say it I had a really tough tough event last year I knew I could do more but unfortunately how I ended up more or less in the back in the final but now yesterday everything worked 100% according to plan and I was p1 out of the qualifying straight into the final so this means a lot thank you so much Patrick Sandell congratulations guys lot more racing to come tests back to you thanks Loretta and I you know it was amazing considering how bad his run was here at 2018 comes in yesterday and really just he fought his way through every one of those races he's been on it this year it was Scott Speed and Chris Hansen who took the wins in the first two rounds of our exits and there was you know a bit nervous about the fact he was the one driver who didn't have a win he got the job done in in round three so they won the first three rounds and I think miss Sandow that was a big monkey off his back you know the got the win I've got the job done I'm a factory subaru driver I took a win now that fresh who have money to prove we know he could do it but you know even in a professional drivers head they want to get it done for the sponsors for the team he got it done and it's release and Delta to give the performance we know he can and that's what he did yesterday to get that tikis bot so here we are four drivers on the line only one of them is going to get to go straight through to the finals travis Pastrana Steve ARP in frontline and Pastrana yesterday he was barely off that advancing spot yeah he was absolutely brilliant that pass he put he also managed to edge Kevin Hansen over the over the big jump piece Pastrana's on it you must remember Pastrana and ken block also are the two guys who are not competing full-time in rallycross this year these guys are jumping in for this event to go and send it and have a great time so they're short on seat time but you know they're not short on talent both Pastrana and block put on a great show yesterday and I know Travis will really want to go through the LCQ he wants to take the win here we go challenger race be the number one place we'll transfer straight through four five Red's up then here we go watch for a good start so there's a long hold a great start and a fast runner and a gap ice threes in there longside he's not happening to Pastrana Pastrana into the tires and in fact about starfish goes inside so faster that Gibson of both got that low table top test this is strategy we weren't expecting to see today and I'm actually surprised at how well that tabletop is gonna work so there you see our pin there you see Pastrana so they really haven't lost much ground they haven't and they stayed out of trouble which is what they were looking to do but again they would be hoping like a bar vegan was hoping that there will be more carnage on the outside a term or I'm guessing town was hoping three cars would go outside so we can see that the tabletop is low but it does keep me out of trouble don't watch for that tactic in the LCQ and in the final word we've got forecastle practice so travis Pastrana and second place right now got that live in our town of these pass through the middle eyes st. parses yesterday's get a get up and he's got my exactly our boys my buddies still the job lon and Tanner Foust go through past Artman two objects bit really bump it down a corner the exact same move they did yesterday are you doing take the spot he was right right behind him and now if he's under pressure now from behind from our kids and so foul space to capitalize there went Pastrana round him wide bit of contact so yeah great move now who's gonna go for the joke of this laughs that's really the question because I think if you're maybe open or bounce outs outs is God for it and ADCO has followed him off in tastemade laughs he's gonna hope now with a bit of clear space he fronted me get the get the hammer down and try gap those guys behind it but that was a disaster for our meeting he was looking for items leading but we knew the Travis couldn't do that tested for they needed to be aware of that it's lap one you know the company boy shut the door and I think what happened there as Marvin was trying to defend that space but really it may not have been the smartest time to defend may have been smarter to let Travis go through just keep pace with him because he lost that place the fouls just because he was already offered yet on the exit they're lost alone time you see our post tanneries to him now he is at Noah the judge you look at that brilliant shot more accuracy because these guys Pastrana is looking strong in turn to get himself committed on the brakes - so Faust is only 4.6 seconds back what we've got to try and figure out now is can he close the gap enough on travis pastrana I think Travis is probably going to take on Joker on the last lap I may ask - now only Boylan was drawn over to God protect you on that one but maybe they've looked at the lap time to decide the Pastrana's quick drops to keep down down yeah yeah to be fair Pastrana John places a Subaru think Pastrana's go on a place to get bounced by more and make that version not so tight so that's what they're hoping that they can get get Pastrana to hold on to that spot when he takes the Joker on the final lap exceeds pokemon he does not want to have to merge into this traffic so you're watching the battle now third and fourth and Steve arpan and Chris Atkinson and oho is looking on the inside there yeah he's Ronnie big he's pushing the water out over the jump east winds maybe there was contact on the way in but I can lose that's right now activate Gibson's car Atkinson scar is on fire at the bottom of the job looks like it's gone out from the competition we could say there it is they were here but we saw it looks like our pins tire is shredded we saw all kinds of tire debris there the gaps gone up it was it's gone up to four point seven nights ever stronger you get this wonderful girl there's Foust Pastrana looks like he's got him oh wow straight home to be grinded Hardeep Pastrana have a up at the Talladega turns Travis just driving off the job don't even that for a pass on an often you get a focus lock test watch this house is not just gonna learn and run he's gonna fight as hard as he can he may have left it too late mr. honorable come break off here but he's not there enough anyway test you know you look out throws off course and indeed Pastrana makes no attempt to hold him off and afflicts the car back round the other ways go under steer on the exit no review I'd doesn't matter oh they were huge frames on the back about Coast Guard ever been in a go but not so the Pastrana brilliant drive straight of travis Pastrana and that's gonna make him very very happy indeed fish pumping over the line you can see in the car was beast pumping like mad he's got to even go through straightway yes they've got the job done here in Challenger race be so fantastic job by Pastrana with Jenna Sivir the final his own event Adkinson little get-together there it definitely damaged one of the tires on Arbenz car I think there was contact on the way into that corner and I think there might be a little bit of payback on the way over the jump on the way out test so yeah great racing we're gonna see a bit more from but they're gonna have to get ready now super quickly for the LCQ well travis pastrana draw joins both of the Hansen brothers Timmy and Kevin and Patrick's and L in our final later on this afternoon everybody else is gonna have to battle the Last Chance Qualifier but when you look at this from the start Steve arpan was doing well but really he's made a mistake I think defending himself against travis pastrana in that in that lake turn on the first lap but me he needed to eat need to do the defending on the way in now here like he's tried to get alongside and as you got into the door over weight to the rear quarter of Pastrana pushed him up yeah he's right he's lost more time so yeah right once you've lost the place want to protect from behind but he should have been protecting that on the way in and that just opened the door for Tanner Foust to slip through I'm gonna see that moment from a contoured I mean it looked at this the run up towards that massive jump this was the Joker for our pin where the strana went straight so RP by now knows it's lost that time his Jess with the triumph maker make it back up brilliant stuff from the drone and here we see Pastrana jumping his way through and he's really put the gap on Foust at this moment and then I'm not sure he was super close was there contact or did ATCO loses the weight Kevin the other way at this point they were flying pouring out the back of Actos car you see the smoke and that was where comes the engine was cookie cutters running the car backwards we might see it from this angle - there's no strana great drive though great Drive so Pastrana Timmy Hansen Kevin Hansen Patrick Sandell they're already in the final and we are now going to reset our nitro cross course ready for the last-chance qualifier and oh do you know what I've just looked at the times as well and Pastrana one challenger race be in a faster time than Timmy Hanson one challenger a spy Timmy's a full-time rallycross driver in the world championship Travis he's on he's won a optic this year and he's covered done an absolutely brilliant job that you could seize absolutely stove's great result well Travis Pastrana's down with Laurette nickel grabbing the rent unbelievable there's so much movement the fans ran down here to congratulate Travis taking that win in race beat travis pastrana that was incredible and it has been a whirlwind I know it's kind of cheating I mean I built the course we got the test more than anybody else but I tell you what to be competitive with these guys and they the best drivers in the world the guys that are willing to fly send it test himself test the car's Testament the Yokohama tires my starts they've been apart it's like a space shuttle launch early a 15 spot procedure it's like one of those you know you're doing opposite directions things that was the best that I took off but I still wasn't there we got some work to do but man I couldn't say enough about this super team and we made the final like I never in my wildest dreams I was making it so that's good and I know you were a little bit disappointed that you didn't move directly into the final yesterday and we were talking and you actually told me that you felt a little bit like the underdog Barna way I mean you know it's awesome coming out here but even we're out till you know the middle of the night last night and literally this morning making sure the tracks as safe as possible as good as it can be I mean you know hope Scott speed and heals up it's it's such a technical track it just shows you that it's a lot of fun but if you mess anything up you know it's it's it's dangerous it's back to the racing in the 80s and I just think all the drivers should be in here all the crews for trustus and I made the final moving into the final a great job trap guys back to you thanks Loretta that's absolutely great he'll be on the second row of the final next - Timmy Hanson and I'm just I'm so glad this is paying off for him because you cannot imagine the amount of work travis pastrana personally puts in to making this all work he does he was at the drivers briefing yesterday he's a great figurehead for this event I spoke to the drivers about what I could expect what he wanted to achieve on day one he spoke about the process of learning the job remember we've got guys you who haven't done the jump you know and how he was gonna teach them to do the gap how they were gonna learn to do the speedy he's a great finger head and he's another look at that rock so he did leave so early off the star Foust got a Korean stop he can't find a way through our peak shuts the door off Pastrana we split the field here and again we surveys we sort fouls to what his teammate big up did and it didn't make up enough time but it was a good gamble if you've got the start you might as well it was a great gamble and here he is the 199 travis Pastrana flying over the hundred foot gap I would say he lands at Oh at least a hundred and fifty feet there that's the spin for a coke backwards down look the first row there's Vince in the dark hate that that's what it means true that's what he means you sure I think the speaking ship again last are that he was worried he wasn't failed to do it today he knew yesterday was a great one and you can see how how fired up he is these are the best drivers the world yeah they are they are the best drivers who are competing full-time in rallycross and Pastrana's just on a quicker time than Hansen and he's put that slightly far away I caught white so again straight through to the final travis Pastrana and he will join Timmy Hansen Kevin Hansen and our top qualifier from yesterday Patrick send down there you see I Tanner Foust did run a great race I still I love the strategy that the Volkswagen Andretti rallycross guys are doing now because in almost work Bigham almost worked for Foust if they've tried it too and this is key test so they try ok they still need to book a slot in the final but they tried it before the LCQ and before the final and that's when it's gonna pay off the most is when you've got a load of cars going the outside line into turn one maybe some carnage that's gonna mean then that that tabletop line could work but we're gonna see if it's gonna pay off in the next one the LCQ the last-chance qualifier and let's take a look at how that last-chance qualifier is going to play out and there it is Nigam and Loused are gonna be on the front row so bail on this time block and our pin on Row 2 so you see the problem they've got here tessie's he's like I think you might see them split the strategy I think your 5:1 will go but then on the other hand see now my head's work it's a risk because if you check up early from the front row to go left with a low table top there's a strong chance to get collected by the guys in the rear we want to go deep to the split with a big jump on the Joker so if you're on the front I think it's dangerous to go the tabletop route I think we'll see that certainly for the guys who are further back the water Bowser look test backing up to the top he's not gonna do the gap though I'm gonna do it I mean you know if can help us in it maybe get definitely wouldn't need all the tire I only only three what's gonna happen here is that I think Bigham and Faust they're going to be able to take that jump together a hundred feet sail through the air together and that will get them way way far forward compared to the guys who are going to go over the tabletop well we hope the last-chance qualifier coming up so in the meantime let's take a look back at what happened at nitro world games nitro rallycross 2018 [Applause] here comes Adam Jones cut loose for his personal attacks with last backwards but bounces lineup number two the second go-around when I first got off after the crash I was a bit rattled my shoulder was pretty sore just rejected and the Tyco on a straightening around my shopping whoo yeah God almost thought I couldn't ride again but I thought okay so just to be able to go out and do that again and it was awesome yeah so nacho well games 2018 it's done and dusted I'm super pumped right now because I don't go spice and I've the complete collection third second first place car VZ today it is all about nitro rallycross all coming out of the mind of travis Pastrana and you know what happens when travis Pastrana thinks of things well they become big and they become exciting see from why he's Brittany's gonna drop at least default on the entire lecture brother he's gonna have to take the job for granted Japan smug this is what we were talking about my job a baby a baby when he's got it here we go tinny hands but she is extra my first time racing in the US and you know he couldn't have gone better I think we guys in Europe have a lot to learn from you guys about about the show you know what a day nitro World Games winner and on on a course like this may be the best rallycross track in the world you know there was some great racing out there and I'm super happy to be able to take the win in the final first corner really chaotic everybody went to the gap jump and I took the tabletop and I needed it but for me the bigger picture is one that goes got to taste on rallycross 2.0 made by travis Pastrana and Nitro games thank you had a lot go on here at natural world games day we started things off with freestyle motocross then we went to nitro rallycross and we are going to end off this day with the incredible quarter pipe event that's about to happen here behind us it's 32 feet in high knees guys are going to be launching themselves about 50 60 feet in the air probably even higher [Music] here feel [Music] Oh Commonwealth first look here in a salon seven inches the families of that's crazy everybody was riding really good being that high and there's like pretty pretty gnarly you just hoping the whole time you come down right and win being cold we were just pretty much just going at it to see you could go to the highest office things there's another competition doctors here my hat's off to him he wrote Gooden can't win him I'll be here next time and if it wasn't already a ballet of chaos last year in 2018 we've added flat track into the mix for 2019 you can see the massive crowds they're getting ready for best trick or FMX best trick coming up this afternoon two and then that just insanely huge quarter pipe to follow and it's hard to even fathom these guys are like 70 feet above the ground I can't get my head around it so we oh we can't me with rallycross don't we and we think we're all cool we're doing a big jump and then you go round the back of it you can round the back of the grandstand you see the FMX guys and it's just well but you know it this is a look back at a and B races where we got two winners who went straight through to the final and there that was where there was a little bit of contact with Ken block that we saw that block had trouble with the tire later in the race cabott Bigham the VW going underneath there and this was a smart move for bigan because he really did have a challenge on ken block and didn't lose a whole lot of time now it was super close between all these guys look he's right behind CB Hansen I say big him has just suddenly got on top of this Andretti people yeah he eat RIT he's really feeling the car now he picked up a lot of pace he's lost but can endure a couple of weeks ago so you know I think we can expect big them to play a big part in the O'Reilly last-chance qualifier which is coming up because he's on the front row with his teammate Tanner Foust and keep a you could see the results here and it would be Timmy Hansen he gets the first nod to go through to the finals joining his brother and Patrick send Dale Bigham and block transfer through to that O'Reilly last chance qualifier and look strangely enough Loretta Nichol has managed to catch up with Cabot's yes we're standing right down here with the big ham himself Cabot unbelievable he's in his rookie debut for nitro rallycross and this has been so much fun for you talk about your experience well it's I'm just surrounded by all my childhood idols right now you know I got Tanner as my teammate that still gets me starstruck a bit and then doing the jump with Travis in the Razr before the weekend even started was an unbelievable experience I had my visor cam rolling so I got that footage saved for life and then even in that last semi final the Challenger race racing and being on pace with Timmy Hansen was incredible I mean he's one of the fastest in the world and such a great driver so being able to race him clean and know that I had the speed to pass him was a mega boost of confidence that's so much fun and you told me yesterday that you have so much confidence not only in your car but in your team so that must carry a lot of momentum yeah definitely rallycross is so dynamic in such a contact prone sport that if you have a team that emotionally supports you through all of it even during the races on the radio then it makes your job ten times easier and being with Tanner who's someone who's been here last year and has done crazy stunts jumps in the past it just made the the whole learning curve a lot less steep so we just had the challenger a and B races we're going into LCQ what is your team working on currently to get you to the line well both Tanner and I start on the front row so that's good but it's also you know not ideal we wanted to have at least one car guaranteed in the final so we didn't have to race each other too hard but we know that if we both stay clean and run a good race that we have a great chance of walking away from the other guys so yeah absolutely and so with both the guys on the front line how do you get that great lead and keep it well you got to have a really good start firstly and then you really have to protect up the inside and know that you're not going to overshoot the first corner if you can do that then the rest of the race kind of plays into your hands have a Bigham best of luck we are so excited for the LCQ coming up soon yes yeah thanks Loretta yeah great day was different cabot bigger man you see that what a difference the confidence mate was his teammate Tanner Foust look who's got the best start but from row 2 tests he couldn't find the way through he couldn't travis pastrana got that little bit of a squeeze on the inside there too into the tires but it didn't do any damage to him so he was trailing Steve arpan and look at this I'm just sitting smiling watching cars fly over cargobob desperate I need to see utter joke on the table top and the Gabriella's greedy now yeah I'm greedy we gotta get monster weed we need to sit it we can't see it now we got enough cars on track now look at what it meant to Pastrana to go straight through to the final a nitro rallycross and you know you could don't bet against him no never gonna bet against travis Pastrana on his own course and they're sad for Tanner Foust though because I think he was he's trying to push and find a way through but travis Pastrana Subaru was just so wide on that race travesty the great job you know Travis he's the only guy at the moment who's consistently passing people for position on the course you know everybody else at the moment doing it via Joker tactics fire by different term one tactics and Travis's past Ken a you know he he passed Steve so he's doing a great job there's the Yokohama Tire truck getting everything ready they've got a limited number of sets of these tires that they're allowed to use but most of them are using new tires in most runs yeah there was a little bit of talk earlier talking to Derek Dorsey about how sticker tires and maybe a little bit of the green turn one so they might use some scrub tires at some of these races if they're in if they're in doubt about what's gonna happen in the first corner well Yokohama are the tires of nitro rallycross and let's take a deeper dive into our tires the yokohama advan AO 54 is the official tire for nitro rallycross it's a tire we need sliding sideways through tarmac through gravel zero to sixty and 1.8 seconds with a lot of horsepower the Yokohama AO 54 s handling was tracked better than expected I've had very little issues with the tire itself it's making fantastic grip especially considering this track has a lot of ruts a lot of banked corners everybody it's using the same tire so it's about figuring out you know the strength of the tire and second car I'm recording too then every car nitro rallycross is using the exact same tyre Yokohama AO 54 and it's amazing when you look at those tires and you compare them to your road tires how slick these things are and you're on dirt you're on this slick mud when it gets a little bit watered it's it's surprising what these cars can do yeah it's an incredible tie you know the rallycross tires that developed to be able to work across all surfaces they've got to work from cold remember straightaway they're going to work launch a 600 horsepower all drive car the home tarmac on the loose whether it's wet or dry yet Yokohama doing a great job supplying the tires and talking at articles these guys test have had to turn the cars around really quickly decide whether or not to put a new boot on it whether they want to scrub tires on the car do they want predictability to do they want brand new tires on the car into the first corner refuel Reap prep clean the cars particularly the guys of course a challenge race B they've had even less to learn let's look at this if you think about that second row you've got the two Ford's of ken Block and Steve ARP in both of whom had tire problems and then in the back you've got ATCO who we saw get punted backwards had the store flames I mean who knows what's wrong with that Subaru yeah of course he had a motor change overnight we believe he had a problem with a motor yesterday which saw him down at the back of the qualifiers and Chris at the minis at the back of the O'Reilly's Last Chance Qualifier so what area is Chris Atkins anyone around of America's rallycross the SDS we know he's on it but the tactics for him a crucial test because he's the one guy who can respond to what everybody else he's right at us so he can have a good look he's on his own on the road so let's see what hat Co does and what I want to say here it really is we need to give the space and respect to the teams that are behind these drivers because you just watched these races and you saw the carnage that happen to these cars and here they are back on the line ready to race absolutely absolutely ready to go you can see the guys there with all the sleeves on that's because they're working on two super hot cars to get them ready for the O'Reilly last-chance qualifier son and this is our o'reilly last-chance qualifier format we've got four laps you have to take the Joker lap but more importantly unlike the two races we've just seen the top two will advance to the final and set our field of six so we're looking here at the Ford of Steve arpan and let's look at the unique point of view of rallycross through the eyes of Steve hey I'm Steve arpan I'm living in Charlotte North Carolina now originally from Canada chasing the NASCAR dream and since then I've found a new home here in rallycross and I absolutely love it rallycross is just different it's so action-packed it's short burst of life just intense racing driving from Steve Hartman in that CBD and a Ford Steve Hartman scoffs me later going away they killed it for the first year of nitrile role games I can't wait to come back next year like year one the best track the most fun this is amazing the first one back in 2019 for nitrile role games but round two if you look in the dictionary and you look up the word Canadian and there's a picture I guarantee you it's that guy because he never stopped smiling Steve arpan just a great guy great competitor super positive and he's worked really hard you know make no mistake he's worked super hard to get those sponsors on that car they worked really hard they were told you know over the winter look you won't get the Focus RS rx running gear into the Fiesta chassis it can't happen they did it and look at the deep end they've been really competitive right on the pace at the Bob the Volkswagen was the benchmark they haven't done any work over this winter box bargain they've they've been at the front for four or five years now so Tanner Foust doing his pre-start per se Subaru and the four to the of Longborough racing a right on place so yeah it's all to play for here and then ken block coming back into these races today is great to see him back it's funny we were talking earlier about how ken block is the oldest competitor and Kevin handsome the youngest is thirty years between them yep 21 and 51 so Ken's got a place on it oh I know it's won't amazing yeah really great job and I'm gonna go back again jumping a 100-foot gap jump with only speed either son you know you are there should be some sort of gold medal for that no beds for Kent block for a three three we'll jump yeah amazing and as Tanner he's got that line on the front row and he's been kind of that he's like the shark in the water around here today's been very quiet he's very quick Tanner I spoke to Tanner a lot recently because at the start of season Kappa Pingu man you heard him talking to Laurette saying I was struggling and under my seat he said about how supportive the team have been we know that cars fast because of course Scott speeds car last year he won America's ran across the speed and felt were right on it here now Tanner said you need one friend in the pack you need to know there's one guy they didn't get a turn in a fire you off because Cabot is now on the place he's got that in Cabot Bingham and they're on the front row together these guys can support each other test they can they can get a double hole short or they can hold off the rest of the pack by going too wide yet tactics tactics it's not even like you need team orders because as Cabot just said in that interview with the rent tenner is a childhood hero of his so he really wants to make sure this race is clean but they're gonna have to defend that second row because those four words are going to come quick and here we are we're getting ready to go the old Reilly's last-chance qualifier there's two spots open in the final which one of these five cars is gonna grab those two spots looking forward to this and we're gonna see carnage down in turn one are we gonna see some tactics watch for the red lights on the arch they're great shots from the drive and here they come the lights are coming on Renne around star across the great big it's going to have to drop it before mind he can't up it's already up his inside camera begin to try and shut the door aren't we looking for a way through a coast on time so echos done exactly what we going to do he's got time on the outside they've held each other up a bit but not too much it's faustus got the holeshot where's he getting out who's going to go through the test on this one the second two cargo truck this Loretta Jade so one vw1 Ford go in there it's blocking big observe rock a big you've got Joker fast runs wide in the back key our peach right on it but look where a cow is that goes up EP baby look at harp and he is really really motor and he is looking for a way past tanner foust already Scirocco it's hard to know is if whether or not that life was a real success because the two guys I've been finding jokes in anyway if they don't got to serve the last people to see whether the gamble paid off going on the low table top or I'm gonna look up the inside can't make it stick though Faustus managed to be late enough on the brakes off it's coming under pressure now for my car that's where I thought I'd go they give up and a little nudge because of what they did in their last race yeah bit of payback remember these two you think the weighing in and allow armpit struggling for vision the carpet screen now becomes pre-washing they love the wipers going like mad to try to clear his vision echo right up behind him one if either need to go Jose what's the gap the gap back to block 34 so block and fast this is blog versus bounce to really care blocks flying in the background heartbeat together go chug he's gonna lose out there we go you see there come up and over the jump there goes Cabot big antenna faust tagged on the inside he hit that tire where's ken block's dropping so drop got his teammate up and I thought he would because the gap was formed to bounced he was ahead of our pin so our heroes eight tens back from that this is all about our town of bells vs ken block remember the top two both go through at the minute we've got just a common foul still to joker so when Faust comes around here he takes this last little hop back onto the tarmac what we need to look at is the time between Tanner Foust and Ken blog because boughs and have not taken joke about Yokohama Joker is coming into play heavy here what's this calendar here watch from the camera gonna be enough Tanner Foust he's in a tricky one here does he take Yokohama chocolate now when he knows he's three point four it couldn't be closer or I think he maybe has this down for another laugh because they know they've done at the gap test he's gotta stay out on to the 4-flat see if he can get that back up to four seconds he'll be hoping the blocks gonna catch up it's always gonna slam down he's gone Tanner keeps cutting the inside there and tagging that tire he's super tired low what he needs Tanner's got to get a perfect laughing here's to say is forward yes they we thought three point five is different between speed standard and Jo cover we're thinking four seconds roughly let's remember here the top two will go through so the question is when Tanner Foust comes out of that Joker who is he going to be looking at and I think he's got blocked and Arvind may be close enough within striking distance let's look at the gap I think he's get a split the two if the gap stays the same they see if he's got it done on that lap one off three point five four block where's our picture will happen there harp it's got a prob these eight point four back so now it okay so looking they're like it's gonna be blocked and fast to go through felt it's gonna go into the Yokohama choke alone now but the gap actors are these gonna be fast to block now she's got to be careful on the out here that he doesn't bounce and damage the tire note good driving natella Foust right behind Ken Block you called it he doesn't need to fight block he needs to stay in that position because they'll both transfer yeah they gotta make it through to the back row and I think we might see some serious tactic till we've got six cars at the final later today but this is a great drive by Ken Rockies have the face all weekend we thought he could have gotten top qualifying yesterday but you had these issues species laid those goes to rest our block looks like he's gonna take it with vows great tripod these two here we go this is the final turn and harm that will bring a flag on to the front stretch and it looks like it will be Ken Block and Tanner Foust transferring through rallycross final and a great run at the end there from Chris Atkinson but at Ko just couldn't make it amazing job we talked about ken Block all day long and it's played out well he got back in this Fiesta chassis yesterday that she's the day before and he said you know what all I did I drove up and down the street I did a couple of handbrake turns he said this car fits me like a glove and with the focus engine in it the Focus RS are exempt you know running gear in it it's super fast he loves the car got the job done and as he results the last two in our final block and Faust and ATCO are pen and Bigham are gonna have to head to the showers what I did notice there his ken Block looked like he was having a similar challenge to Steve ARP in that windshield the screen is really dirty and it looked like they couldn't get it clean with the wiper why it's another reason to try and get the hole shot in turn one of course we know Faust a block and not gonna get that in the final two they're gonna be at the back of the field they wanted this track a lot this morning that's gonna depend a little bit intense on how much they water it ahead of the final later today so here we go and we're looking at the over and under a co went on the lows below run there who's a good choice and okay you came out saying from of these guys he was really have been hoping for carnage on the outside of turn one that you would have made up someplace there it is again look but the moon to take that Joker early I think was a smart one to look at the Joker's a good difference this is the thing is about four seconds so that's what you want does you want clear air so if you lose the start you Joker you make the clearer by dropping four seconds back then you've got to hammer the laps in ken got that done emphatically and put himself up with Faust we could see couldn't we that fountain look like he wasn't gonna make it and the Andretti guys decided to keep him out you know Keith Faust out cuz they didn't think you had enough time could Faust make up the time no he couldn't and then Ken Block just knew that he was gonna have the opportunity when Tanner had to take the Joker there's Ken he makes the flight and he takes that position for a second it looked like Tanner was gonna fight him for that position then I thought Tanner realized oh wait we both go through to the final I do what brilliant isn't it what they've done with the Yokohama jokl app this year they moved in so another one of the changes that Travis made nobody used the tunnel last year because it was slow as they said do you know what that's perfect for the Yokohama Joker and it played out brilliantly because the merge now after the big table top you've got the Joker one side the little table top the other and the picture up in the middle fantastic there you see Chris Adkinson chasing down ken block but it wouldn't be enough and this O'Reilly last-chance qualifier would give us our last two in the final Tanner Foust and Ken Block we've lost one Subaru one for the one Volkswagen so it's that's the way it's gone weekend over for those guys man this has been a great day erasing so far I mean absolutely incredible how this track is playing out and the dynamics of the strategy are almost mind-blowing black and Foust as we said through to the final they will join the two Hanson's Sandell and travis Pastrana we're hearing that we're waiting for some penalty decisions or reviews from race control but I think there's nothing basically there waits for an official result so what has to happen is the stewards have to look back so the other incidents if there are not then they sign the bottom of the piece of paper put the timer down on it and that's it that means then that the result is official and I think that's going to stand it was it was a brilliant race it was a clean race it was a clean race but they're also again we can't stress is enough the tactics that the guys are putting in now and the way the teams are talking and that the spotter that they've got up in the tower watching them it's really making a big difference in this race now that we've got three different lines the spotters play a huge part you know they're on the radio to the drivers but it particularly in turn one saying whether or not they're clear they're giving them a gap they're giving them a sense of whether is an option to take the Joker on this lap or whether they have to take it now of course the driver can make that decision for themselves and often they do in turn one but I think what's key here is with all the option lines and with the FAQ we're gonna have six cars in the final later today they'll be talking through what if this happens what if this happens they're going to be sitting out doing the homework looking at they almost even looking back at these starts and basically playing the statistic game what do you think we do we do remember yesterday Ken joke it on lap one even though he's got the holeshot because he wanted to cover off the guys behind they'd seen you know it was a surprise yeah I mean what actually that was where travis pastrana was taken totally by surprise because ken tucked in there but that's the thing the Tanner Foust is going to be sitting now in that back row so they heard of that yeah they've got enough of tactics test they've got to look really so they need to look now go to you what happened when Aiko went to the low table Tapia that's what Ken's team did yesterday they were in the last race all four of them the guy who lost the start remember it's two car qualifying runs the guy who lost start with Joker's they went to know what if you win the start will go Joker anyway because then we know Travis hasn't got any option we're both going through the Oklahoma Joker together great and in fact then of course Travis stuck a party Travis get he found yeah we didn't even know there was a line to pass right there but Travis proved there was and we've seen a lot of fun in that turn today and you know we've seen guys going backwards we've seen people getting pushed wide but that Tanner's got to be so happy right now where's Tanner's cap holder tennis cog most of us have cup holders in a car town I had a cap holder in now I saw him reach in him and get it on there's Tanner Foust he's down with Loretta Nicola Rhett hi man guys it's it's hot down here and in the cars it's very hot in there Tanner there's so many lines out here on this track for you to choose where do you go good question I mean it you the first time you go around the track you can see a couple wet spots here and there so that changes it when you come to turn one in turn two basically it's determined by whatever chaos is right in front of you so in that case being in pole position and getting the a good start basically just have to go along the inside wait for a hit from whoever's behind you and try to hold your line and then after that there's really not a lot of dust so you could choose the Joker take it early but that sets you back into the pack so it's sometimes better just to take the fast lap over the big jump as many times as you can and Joker last Ken was able to make the Joker work for him and get around me in the very last turn I gave him a little nudge to let him know I was there but didn't faze them at all and ended up puncturing a couple tires of mine so Karma's a you-know-what so but yeah ultimately it makes for great racing with so many lines so many lines out there are so many choices contact I mean how are you compartmentalizing all that no idea I don't know I mean I'm just hanging on screaming so lucky my eyes are open half the time I mean there's there's a lot to think about in the temperature gets to you so the main thing is that you're able to control your your body temperature so that you can actually make a decision but a lot of it has to be visceral I mean as a racer you want everything to be by the numbers this is my breaking mark this is when I get on the gas but in rallycross it doesn't work like that like a quote that I've said several times before is that you know like Mike Tyson it's from Mike Tyson he says you know everybody's got a plan until I get punched in the face so you can talk about it all you want but once you get in the first corner you see what's unfolding you just have to react and hope you made the right call absolutely so again we were talking about the heat and how hot it is and then how very hot it is in your car out of the LCQ going into the main what's on your mind well now we start in the back and there's uh you know nothing to lose it's a hoot kind of I was hoping it was gonna be both VW's there so it's too bad Cabot was superfast probably the fastest lap of the day and still didn't make it so sometimes a puncture you're a puncture away from making the show but in the final as we saw last year there's a huge amount that can go down and the first corner and the second corner are very tight they don't look that way maybe on TV but they're very very tight so I think the strategy is if there's a big mess take the slower table top lap and I think there's gonna be a lot of cars choosing that route to try to stay away from the melee that's gonna happen absolutely best of luck moving forward so much great racing coming up Tanner Foust second out of the LCQ into the main guys thanks Loretta here is the start list for that championship race and just wow what a list you know look at that both the Hansen's are in the the guys who've been at the forefront of the World rallycross championship this year you got Sam Dale and Tanner Foust who both won in America's run across this year we've got our two supers and our one-off drivers and pastrana a block either it's gonna be incredible well you've seen some racing already and we're moving through to the ultimate final of nitro rallycross with just an unbelievable field and the question is how is the strategy going to play out on this new nitro rallycross track finals coming up later on the day when we come back and you know you're not going to want to miss this it's nitro rallycross at nitro World Games please don't miss it and remember to come back for more [Music] [Music] coming up next the craziness of FMX best trick this looks like it's gonna be absolutely wild Todd I know you're on the edge of your seat I always am I mean look freestyle motocross is crazy it's like I look at that coming from like a skate snowboard background like having to chuck something that heavy around in the air it's absolutely crazy and one of my favorite things to watch involving motorcycles these days is the quarter pipe event and I'm with Kolby raha and Colt Danny right now now what a world well you came into this thing last year basically like support 'less going to Ryan it's good still all right I mean what's it like to come into like a big event like this you get the tap you know Travis is gonna send it because it's kind of like what the dude does you got always building the biggest and craziest stuff what's it like rolling in in this venue this is just awesome out here man Travis really kind of supports the the old school if you can ride it participate attitude that kind of is the backbone of freestyle so it's awesome man and Colby you last year you came out you have the what's the record right now forty five point two feet forty-five yes forty five feet pretty much and I'll argue that that you guys were going higher in practice just because of the wind factor so quarter pipes a little bit bigger this year what do you think I said you think you guys are just gonna be able to max out the the height meter what yeah like even last year it was elimination and I didn't get to go as high as I felt like I could have and then it was over I didn't have to do another run but this year we're for sure going over 45 in practice we're giving it just about everything our bikes got really and uh yeah Creed's Creed's going huge we'll see just kind of send it so what when the wind starts to blow especially with a quarter pipe like talk to talk to me about like be having that hang time up there and kind of be able to feel that breeze just kind of tickling on you yeah so you definitely feel it in the air but I feel it more when you're on the run in and the flagpole is just like [Music] it's gnarly but it's everybody it's windy for everyone so I don't know I guess it just adds to the gnar factor and plays into my style well gnar factor is huge let's take a look back at what went down last year it was crazy this is gonna get crazier this year and call the I mean yeah like where D you don't even really get a chance to practice on quarter pipes that are this big really this is like you roll up you get like two days of practice three days of practice and then this is go time yeah you can't ride this ramp all year they just set it up for just this event which is cool cuz then everybody's getting the same amount of practice so they give us like four days before the event which is cool you just take your time get comfortable and then start like ramping it up closer to comp right on well let's take a look back to 2018 in the quarter pipe competition we are gonna end off this day with the incredible quarter pipe event that's about to happen here behind us it's 32 feet in height and these guys are going to be launching themselves about 50 60 feet in the air they get off that take off on the right side they're dipping that shoulder down putting the head down toward the pavement it's about how high you can send yourself Cheers Oh routine slides out here hoary Creed's Commonwealth feet seven inches the battle is on ladies and gentlemen my goodness forty-five feet two inches it's going to go to Kobe Rajas out here pain cold we were just pretty much just going at it here you go the highe stop this thing stuff it was another competition that's the sir my hat's off to him he wrote didn't can't win them all be here next time trying to go back for that gold it was crazy everybody was riding really good being that high in the years like pretty pretty gnarly you just hoping the whole time you come down right and win pulled it off so stoked [Music] well that was last year and now we have a bigger quarter pipe and you know basically you can as far as like the rules go to size to amount of air I think it's always been pretty pretty common knowledge like you can go as big as the quarter pipe is high at the top if you think that's what Co likes yeah basically yeah okay I guess I get you know when you're riding a motorcycle all that all that is out the window because you guys you come in kind of to the transition pretty slow and then you're gunning and at the bottom because it messes with me cuz I always picture coming into court applies either skate or snow you're going so fast so how do you how do you gauge throttle coming in so throttle changes the game because you can you can either choose to come in with a fast entry and I don't know you kind of always want to be accelerating you uh when you when you really give it some gas you catapult up there you know so it looks slow and then yeah you just gotta you can't come in too fast cuz you know just like explode on impact like of the ramp like the g-forces get super heavy so you gotta come in kind of slow and then just pin it basically off the top and like it uh the x-games ramps a little it's like a lot smaller than this one I went in super fast trying to go higher and then pretty much like the g-forces of like yeah that looks super sketchy screwed me up yeah you know I got super curly thanks Cole for noticing so well you got when you're up there and you have a lot of hang time and something's going wrong I mean you've got a ton of time to think about horrible things pretty much just because it's like you're just floating yeah either help you or hurt you but a lot of times like luckily you're up so high where it seems like we're gonna under rotate and I like more time to kind of get ready for so do you think like Travis's role in like you know the progression of freestyle motocross and with this like he's he really he really stresses the fact to try to make it safe enough for you guys to progress do you think that he's really been doing that as far as like you know the quarter pipe and the different venues that he has yeah yeah I think he's it's cool that they have the astroturf for the ramp so I think when you fall you just like if you were to bail and then I think it's it's cool that they're making the landings padded for the trick guys because those guys come down hard and like yeah it's better than dirt I think even uh to their that best trick you you think I gots an air bag or whatever but carry me yesterday yeah dirts uh it's gnarly either way man dirts way more gnarly and like I like the old school style too like I'm the Fanta either way either way they're riding dirt bikes are going big and I'm a fan of anything pretty much like extreme sports I think is rad right on well we're gonna switch gears here we have freestyle motocross best trick coming up we have eight of the best in the world they're gonna be absolutely chucking themselves over here I mean you guys grew up you hitting dirt jumps like talk about the progression of like best trip competitions and like what what it takes now to even like be be in that top you know top conversation I was like and like the best straight guys don't want to hit the quarter pipe so it's funny that everyone's got their scale of wrath of gnarliness or whatever but for me I was like what do I got to do off a 75 now yeah the backflip so credit to those guys was like man I ride BMX I got started doing this quarter deal yep and that was my thought behind it was like hey this is something more attainable I guess and Kolby what do you what do you think like the future this is I mean like trick wise on the quarter pipes I don't know I don't know what kind of tricks they're doing the stuff they're doing is so gnarly that's why I'm like I'm stoked on quarter and what what I'm doing with like step-up and everything because because the tricks are so now I feel like almost like bad those guys are that's their job now it's good right so big double backflip no-hander kink like everything but then again like quarter pipe for us is getting so gnarly too now like we're going eighty feet off the ground like if you had a bike malfunction or you messed up off the take-off you're still 80 feet in the air like I'd hate to see somebody bail and hopefully none of us do but right it's it's actually getting pretty out of control like how big we're going off this ranch when so I'm gonna flare the back I think that's gonna be a little later than we think because it's just gnarly man and even the guys who do the tricks they see the quarter pipe in they're like huh so I think you're gonna see progression in height but man if some flares that's just insane well I mean the level is this progressed so far in freestyle motorcross backflips are basically just like stock at this point so what do you think the hardest trick right now is in freestyle oh no like the front flip variations basically by the front flip or David Ronaldo's back flip body although that thing is he who knows where they're gonna go I think they're probably gonna start doing like what BMX is that's the way it's always been it's like BMX will do something and then dirt bikes look kind of copy and you know after what they're doing so probably bike flips at that point I think it's kind of why quarterpipe is like such a good you know alternative version because you have all this gnarly trick stuff going on then it's gnarly and I'm a fan but also like I'm also a fan to just bigs yeah clean riding so you can't argue with bit like when people go big you can't you kind of can't get an idea if someone's going from A to B on a jump there's just something about being on the side of a quarter pipe and seeing people go you judging too busy now like I like big you know hold the trick you might like more tricks right and so what I like about the quarter it's cut and dry it's like you you go 37 feet someone goes 38 feet they went so because sometimes judging you know kind of muck things up yeah for sure I'm more of a fan of just going out free riding and making videos like but the competitions are fun and it's a payday and everything torna it's fun getting competitive but I think all in all like dirt bikes everyone should probably just go get one go on the hills a couple of drinks and just have fun with hydrants and that's really the root of all of it this is good entertainment though for sure like hopefully everybody's respects this stuff everyone's doing cuz it's not it's not safe at all and yeah but fun will prevail right well your winner from last year Pat Bowden won FMX best trick last year he's about to get this thing underway we've got a lot more to come here from Nitro World Games 2019 we have more flat track more nitro rallycross but right now it's freestyle motocross [Applause] Pat Bowden launches off the big one double grab here you got second place of 2016 you got third last year will this be the year that it can come out on top here we go with attempt number two candy make it happen they up sight to see this is in the bump side down hook his feet in the wind out here now he's run the trifecta and he will stand on the tallest part of the podium here at the Utah Motorsports campus in photographs best trick today I'm Pat Bowden I'll save in Salt Lake City at nacho L games from its inception night to a world games exploded under the action sports landscape changing the contest world as we knew it last year nitro World Games expanded with more locations more events more athletes and some of the most epic moments in action sports history highlighted by the debut of nitro rallycross [Music] this year that expansion continues and the contest will be the most competitive you've ever seen for its brook FMX fest terrific samoto quarterfinals to flat track racing to nitro rallycross it will be like nothing we'd witness before right now we are going to keep things moving with the most competitive field we've ever had in MMX best trick [Applause] what is happening everyone - welcome to the 2019 that nitro world games we are back here in Utah outside of Salt Lake City at the Utah Motors Motorsports campus for yet another edition of this party that we call nitro world games good afternoon everybody my name is Jimmy Coleman sitting here in the booth alongside my friend Micah Krantz we've got Loretta Nichol out there in the field and well we get to do something amazing sir we get to sit up here and we get to talk about some of our friends doing some amazing things on dirt bikes and the name of the game here at nitro World Games mica is progression yeah progression is absolutely name of the game we are going to push the limits of what is conceivable what is can happen I mean the number one thing you got to know is people are collecting cell phones at foam pits to be able to not let this stuff get out to the world there's going to be mind-blowing mind-expanding tricks done in the next hour two hours that are going to be written in the test of time moving forward that's what I'm here to see that's what you're here to see and it's absolutely going to happen well let's talk about the format we've got eight riders in the field out here today and it is pretty simple they are gonna get two attempts at it here they're gonna take their attempts one right after the other so when your name gets called you get two shots right they're the best possible score that you can get out here today is a hundred points and well if you are the best trick of the day you're gonna walk out of here in the top spot and win some nitro World Games prize money is the better of your two runs that counts taking a look at Greg Duffy right there hanging out at athletes staging that guy's got a couple of big front flip combos in his arsenal tricks but we will have to wait and see who walks out of here with top honors out here today there is your start list we've got some past champions in the mix Micah who do you see here as possibly emerging as the victor today I mean it's anyone's game and it's who's going to ride away I mean in the format we have we literally know the scores we literally know who is going to go into what point there's like a little bit of variation which the judges can put in there but it's very much who is willing to risk the most which is what the judges are rewarding they are there amazing ex riders themselves I mean the list goes on and on but if I were to take fire a gamblin man Pat Bowden is always in the mix Josh Sheehan a little controversy last year for those that follow the games yes there was he is due to say the least he's gonna put down a gigantic trick sadly we did lose hair II think he would have been on the podium I think without a doubt but Adam Jones both pampered flake Williams have more time on this ramp with Greg Duffy than anyone else so they are not to be left out as well two of your past champions in the mix over the last three years as well we talked about Greg Duffy and Pat Bowden out here so it is all up for grabs here eight riders two attempts each best run is going to count right now let's take a look at the ramps that they have as options out here today and find out what these riders are gonna be contending with out here let's take a look at the course profile right now presented by CB DMV [Music] [Music] this is bilko we I hear the Nitro World Games FMX best trick comp we have the moon Buddha ramp which is 15 foot tall four foot wide we have the front fruit ramp 8.4 foot tall 2 foot wide and the landing 23 foot tall and 61 feet long these ramps make for some awesome actions so come watch it this is what it looks like from my point of view all right so we're gonna line up the bear boot I will trouble my hand flip first yeah yeah thank you digging the onboard camp shots right there with Blake bilko Williams having a little too much fun out there but chilly for the POV view what it's like doing a no-handed backflip right there kicking off the movement remind himself as he's coming around out of the rotation hey by the way put your hands back on and they have too much fun by the way bilko is going to kick off the party here he's going to be the first athlete that we see as we get this competition started this gentleman right here he's a regular on the Nitro Circus shows as you know you get to spend a lot of time on the road with these guys he was the first international rider to win an X Games freestyle moto 2009 he happens to have six X Games medals to his name by the way yeah he's a speed and style freak for a couple of years there had some ghost crashes take him out like you said this man is the epitome of why CVD is a real thing like this man has been through more injuries gotten back up his ankle barely works CB DMV put some heavy work into that kid check out the crowd that we've got out here right now the Utah Motorsports campus dare I say a little more people in attendance out here then what we saw in 2018 again as we said before they're gonna get their runs consecutively they'll go once they'll come back they'll restart and then take their second attempt and here we go this is Blake don't go Williams from Australia up first and that is it big trick he is a lot of time doing backflip and it's a lazy boys what they call it throwing those legs forward putting those hands all the way up yeah I mean that's he does that trick on 75 feet day in day out but you're putting in a different projection you're taking it to this moon booter which only exists within this Nitro Circus compound it just puts you in a whole new trajectory of up instead of out which is really puts different speeds and different spins which is worth it take a look at it right here looking as he takes off from the lip it's very poppy and it pops you straight up into the sky right there so it's warm up where rather than traversing out but he makes this one look super easy as he lays back into the seat Pamlico sideways he got I mean I got the wind no one's talked about the wind at all not one of these riders I think it's maybe one of those elephant in the room kind of things gonna say it's like Fight Club you don't talk about it you bring it up it's gonna kick up but for sure the wind is definitely a factor to check out the vibe out here look at all the people that are on hand that lovely aerial shot here of the Utah Motorsports campus on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon in Utah how do we do it Utah's the state of sport I was unaware well there you go learn something new every day so here we go round number two he's gotten the lazy boy plate for the books what is he cap it off with your jump number two variation it's gonna be a cliffhanger flip look how long oh that no hander lander was kind of a last-minute addition to that we kind of talked about in his head tank put his hands back on do you think you dad said don't put your hands back on eyes you know he probably thought you know I need a little bit more than this I've got a little hang time that's what happens we can move booter you got all this time up in the air and bilko doing what he does best having a little fun right here and putting on a show for our aunts he loves breaking the rules that is his favorite hobby by the way on this trick he was the first ever to land a cliffhanger flip to dirt yeah I mean if that says anything about it imagine hooking your tippy-toes to your handlebars throwing your hands over your head blind landing for the majority of it but look how long he has to think about this that's where the danger comes in when you think too much in this port review react and those reactions usually are not good he had to wait to the last minute to take those hands off take the brunt of the impact that's her that's taking a car crash they're gonna feed a wait to the last minute he just decided it to last minute I mean watch how scary this is it's hard to tell from this angle but watch where he takes these hands off yeah that's not where you want to take the hands up if you're gonna try to go into a no-hander Lander that is no point though he managed to get out of that one virtually unscathed the flying goodness so may the suspension saved your life my goodness I'll talk to him about that one later on to find out what he was thinking so he'll get a seventy eight point three three mister Adam Jones currently up next or may have taken a run so Adam Jones one of the elder statesmen to the group out of Reno Nevada making another parents out here at the nitro world games before we cut him loose and see his two best-trick attempts out here we had a chance to catch up with him earlier and learn a little bit more about his approach coming into this event I'm Adam Jones I write freestyle motocross my approach is the same as it is every other year just be practiced up be strong be mentally focused I want to go there this year I ride my absolute best run here comes Adam she oh it's cutting it loose first first of two attempts okay so watch for the pump off the lip is it upside down hook his feet somehow I just got third I don't cast a magic spell on somebody or something because I didn't see this coming but I'm pretty excited I got third place at World Games but did you guys know I got third I got third it takes years to be a good freestyle rider it's a long tough road you definitely got to put in the work on all assets of your life whatever it is well that's one gentleman right there he would definitely puts in the work you see him on social media he's always out there practicing back home in the Greater Reno Tahoe area and I love how he downplays what he does well in a bit so I got third I can't believe it yes you did last year Adam and guess what you deserve every last bit of it this guy is all about great extensions whenever he does his tricks with the right side up or they're upside down there's never anything tentative about it and he really worked hard that that's one of the things that he trains on is making sure that he gets the mats extension being his own worst critic tons of great things yeah let's see what he does that is a dead body I mean to have that kind of trust in your shoulder I mean you saw Blake before his run literally trying to work his shoulder in to keep it in place Adam Jones just couldn't have done more of a yoga move like 70 feet into the air that's just one of those things too when you get your feet over the bars and just complete watch where he puts his body into position on this I mean he's completely parallel over the bike rate I guess at that point then the backflip you're under the bike for all intents and purposes but I mean it doesn't get any better looking than that nobody comes to a dead body flip I mean that is this textbook as it could possibly be and Adam the problem with Adam's riding he makes it look too good but realize it's supposed to look easy it's supposed to look smooth that extension and that background should be everybody's Christmas card this year but nonetheless how amazing was that trick I mean we you talked about the shoulder being an issue watch his back on this one what he over art so that's a great look at it right there from that head-on angle that is that's giving me lower lumbar pain right now just watching him come out of this that's that's as good as that trick can be done there's not a better background or a more extension or better logo placements that could be done than what he just did he might eat one of those CB DMD bath bombs after that one it for the lower back pain he'll get an 81 flat to start that one off so you'll be the water's to say this reps cares because he's later on in his career he's in his mind he should be retiring but he's still just placing a podium he's still getting invited these big things and he's still progressing which is why he's on the motorcycle just driving it gifts like this they're powered for a tip number two for Adam Jones Oh Adam Jones taking barrettes away and again so much extension on that when you watch when he grabs the cutouts right there watch how he just kind of throws those legs straight back and just arches is lower back to just get on that trick and your feet be further away from here feet pegs see those these seat cutouts you can't go to your local sport the chip dealer and get a motorcycle with those seat holes you got to be good at this to have him and you can see he puts his trust in a little bit of grip tape and those Fox gloves and he puts those feet as far behind him as he can again like you said in the intro Adams gonna give you extension Adams gonna give you some of the biggest tricks you are never gonna see and that's that's day in day out in his sleep he works harder than anybody else like I said he does not like this ranch he does not enjoy riding it I mean I can't say he does enjoy it but to watch him progress and once we do that big of tricks is astounding simply put he's got the extension but another thing too is he holds it once he gets into the peak of the trick he'll hold it for the max amount of time possible till he has to pull himself back on the bike and make that rest of the rotation come all the way around so he'll end up sticking with that first run score so the judges are saying hey we like the dead body flip a lot better with an 81 flat so that's gonna keep him in second behind bilko as of right now taking a look at this gentleman right here how the Gresham Oregon it this is beau bamberd if you've got a guy that you know very very well from your time on the Nitro Circus tours yep cue the van Halen he's from Gresham Oregon which is where every bass player of every band is probably and this young man is a freestyle motocross the Northwest he has done so many shows we called him the basher then you're about to find out why he's got so much power so much control when he's in the air no matter what he's riding he's got gravity Games gold by the way if you want to reach him deep into this game that's that's it that's mental knowledge any written up that's that's about here say you know deep for that when you went back all the way to 2000 2000 2001 for that one yeah if anybody wants to go action sports knowledge I will go Topher till both Bamberg has eight just a litany of absolute medals and in world's first and like his name might get lost a little bit but when he's riding when he's had a show when he's out of performance ways of the Nitro World Games he is about to absolutely firm something in here memorable he definitely makes his presence known and I bear witness to that over the years I've seen this guy at X Games do to her and even as recently with you last year the US and European tour for the Nitro Circus shows check out the crab they just keep piling in out here at the Utah Motorsports campus once these guys started to take a practice run the one that as soon as everybody heard the dirt bikes firing up it was just this sea of humanity everybody just came running up cell phones were out they were all impressed by me it's the barricades but here we go first of two attempts for Gresham Oregon globe and burn it you can just see if he looks like a pitbull under that helmet I assume he's just barking is that correctly doesn't have that menacing stare oh yeah he will look through your soul he's very nice motorcycling because of this we mentioned with Adam Jones and both affricates out there it just puts on his own extension party in man he ragdoll out of that and just look at him just the shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing get up he's more embarrassed at himself nope oh that was unbelievable okay so it was a kiss at kod flip right but you call it a ruler flip in the show and that's about as far as you can extend it I mean it's exciting out here right there's a thousand people screaming at you there's all these lights there's money there's yeah let's see where this thing goes from like my look right here watch the extension okay look for his faces man is he he knows right there he's going too fast look him hold it he's trying to slow down the rotation he knows he can't wait too long he has to get look at the core strength of the passion putting his feet on he's just trying to get the back end down Oh what do you do watch at this point he slows kind of shoulder and chest goes into the seat oh no that is one of the toughest people I have ever seen on a motorcycle he couldn't hold on coming down from that that says everything we're talking 50 60 feet that is terrible right back down and again bow is tough he is brides motorcycles all of the time all he's back on it are you kidding so I was gonna say number one he got back up right away except for two I mean I the crash was gnarly it was amazing to see him get up for that but the extension let's go back to the trick before it went wrong the extension on that was absolutely ridiculous once you take off that lip there's no going back you you pump the lip is what it's called which means you're engaging the suspension when you go off the top you're gonna start leaning back depending on how hard you lean back is how much you're gonna spin and motorcycles you can kind of slow it down by hitting brakes you can kind of speed it up by giving it gas but Bo as you can see in that position there's nothing he could do to do any that he doesn't have the option his feet as far away as it can be well he's down at the staging area and I don't know if he's gonna take his second run but we have Loretta down there so let's check in with her Laurette can you get the inside scoop on what's going on with both guys thank you so much bo bamberg we just saw you hate take a really hard hit first question are you okay yeah I'm good just a little beat up but nothing more than the normal you know I'm an old guy and now when you hit the ground sometimes it beat you up a little bit but yeah it could have been a lot worse and you know I'm just glad to be out here I'm glad you guys are joining the show and thanks for coming out oh thanks so much guys back to you I get look at the extension on this I'm not downplaying the crash by any means but look at where his body is positioned right there I mean that's got to be one of the most maxed out positions I've ever seen anybody do on that trick why is he thanking us we should be thanking him he put his body on the line he tried to hold on he went he looks like Evel Knievel trying to jump at Wembley Stadium look at you see riders put his head and his ribs over he's just trying to get away and the bike almost gets him in the visor and the goggles right that's a nightmare crash that's the infamy crash we talked about things being burned into your head I was right I'm never gonna forget that my life tough break for Bo Bamberger right there but you sir are a gladiator to see you get up that fast and ride away under your own power I both Bamber giving us all a little bit of a scare out here but again good to see you up and walking riding away so apparently Adam Jones is our leader we had a little bit of a scoring glitch earlier so it is Adam Jones who is in that top spot with an 81 flat so mr. I can't believe I got third last year is currently sitting in that lead spot as of right now as we are at the halfway point of the run order with this next gentleman 23 years young out of a des of Texas superior geographically challenged that's out on the west half of that state right there and he'll begin riding at age five friend took him to Travis Pastrana's house many many years ago and it all changed his life and that's what he decided hey you know what this racing things not for me I'm all about the Freestyle and now he's out here at the nitro World Games $5.00 for every story that started with and then I heard - Travis Travis house I've heard so many of them that's Duffy he's got a gold out of it what in the world is is he gonna try to take off the seat here you pop it up like that of it it's quite like it though it's called freestyle for a reason right there's not coaches I wasn't knocking it I was just loading you with that question yeah different look at his motorcycle there's some sort of extendo on the foot that's a little interesting it makes it something cool I like stunts people call it action sports but it disagreed with the nomenclature the whole thing I think it's you're not a fan of that turn oh man this is this is a stunt this isn't a game this is a man risking it for fun and for progression for himself and he's gonna do something he's not comfortable with for himself - Dawson please he's going to attempt from what it looks like from our vantage point that he is going to start this trick whatever it's about - because we have no idea I love he's gonna stand on the back of the seat sometimes all these guys stand on the side of the seat do we call a jet ski takeoff what is Davey Johnson bring into the party here at the Utah Motorsports campus was cool what kind of crazy circus did that just happen that was cool that's exactly what I was thinking of in my mind when I saw that never saw that kid do that over a BMX dirt jump on a bike do you remember when Travis handed at the X Games you tried that back he tried to bar spin that big and it all just came apart what sort of apparatus is going on - you're not supposed to be able to rotate your bars all the way around like that on a dirt bike ladies and gentlemen what kind of detangler can you make the mechanism work with brake fluid how much retakes off right here we call that a decade in the BMX world like your swing yourself around the head - but your BMX bike but I don't know what the Moto guys are gonna want to call it either way call it mate courtesy if the Lone Star state's Davey Johnson I love it put it in the top ten it's an amazing movie was a little over rider you look back in with swab and after the ride on that one I saw him in the pits yesterday and I didn't go take a look at his bike when I'm gonna have to go eyeball that thing right now and find out how the mechanics of that all works I I didn't think about that till after he banners like oh yeah oh wait a minute your bars aren't supposed to turn we should make more rules maybe we should make more inspection absolutely how excited Travis is right now he's like you know what I tried to do that back at the X cubes a long time ago and my bike came apart 88.3 three Davey Johnson the 23 year old now sits atop the standings here that was memorable that was absolutely memorable I love this you don't have to take your second round by the way you do get two runs but if you feel that you got what you needed to do out of the way the first time around the rule state you don't have to take your second run so I'm gonna guess the helmets off he's hanging out over there with Laurette he's done he's like I don't be here to do why do it again that is absolutely amazing trick that explains the seat stand that explains all the things being covered there's a whole lot being swung around on that I mean that's a we call it a world's first in a world games for Emily and yeah that ain't never seen that before and again that's one of those I'm on Instagram and Facebook constantly trying to find what's going on and I've never seen anything like that well we're about to find out more about what's going on because we're gonna send it down to the Rhett once again he's hanging out down there and athletes staging Davey Johnson what the heck do you call that trick the trunk turn obviously a man of few words but you just parked your bike over here grabbed your heart that must have scared you oh I was so scared but when Travis is here you gotta bring out the a-game Davey great job thank you guys let's take another look at it right here started off with his feet on the back of the seat and just slingshots himself around the front end of the dirt bike wow it rides away like a champ and puts himself in the top spot here what a light imagine training all the time figuring out that trick doing it on a huge stage barely barely riding away from it and then Loretta nickel comes and starts talking to you like I wouldn't have a lot of words to say there yeah you can come up you got travis Pastrana patting you on the back all smiles and telling you how awesome that was and then you get your knee with a red but look it out he can't believe this right here welcome to the big leagues homie you're gonna love it here well looking for the big leagues and welcome to the top of the leaderboard as of right now so we're halfway through the field so there's only four riders left that stand between him and a possible win out here however it is not over yet we still have four other riders left to go including two past champions in pat down and Greg Duffy who are still yet to come here in the runner Greg Duffy is up next this guy has done it before he got the wind back in 2016 with a double front flip can he do it again let's take a look back right now to how he got his victory in 2016 my name is Greg Duffy I am from churched in Maryland I started racing when I was seven years old did all the amateur Nationals went up to the professional ranks soon got in a freestyle after that he just got hung up on the top there don't realize how high he is that is a hard part impact we get used to seeing guys crash but then getting up and walking away is always good this is life and and you know I'm I'm fully tuned whether I'm on my bike or not I'm looking forward to the next World Games well here is your next chance mr. Duffy that was back in 2016 that year was his first ever freestyle competition and he brought that double front flip and did you see the landing on that mica he was literally leaning forward put his chest and gut into the bars and all that I remember watching that happen that night back to the rise second stadium just on the other side of Salt Lake City and that was just absolutely insane and he went into the history books that night got himself a win he needs to beat a top score right now of an 88 point three three being held on to ADT Johnson oh boy there's the ride of a lifetime front flip me on the moon booter throwing a variation called the heel clicker toffee I mean these are X motocross racer when you put in the time doing do you know how hard it is to be even a semi professional motocross racer you could be the best freestyler in the world which is kind of proof watch this so Hugh clicker and then it's almost like he's trying to kick back a little bit cuz he doesn't put the beat right back on almost like he wants to go into a Superman yeah I don't see any flip levers that makes it about 40 times harder to actually get yourself around you can see that all upper body yeah there's no flip levers there that is always easing his face to get that motorcycle around that's a creative way to get it done but the OL did you see that left foot watch that left toe on the left boot yeah I don't see it from that angle but it's it's falling off that peg it's barely hanging on and that's what happened on the world distance record jump that's weakly broken ankle you can ride away and still break your ankle like those boots are some of the strongest in the business and still you're only human man look at that leave describe that color as bald eagle in case you're wondering it's very patriotic so 86 flat for him he's gonna take another run right here yeah what is he gonna do this time around I dive saw working on that all weekend since I got out here that's a hard trick but he'll clicks into it before he's even really dipped down into the front flip that to me is what is so crazy to watch with that trick 300-pound motorcycle you have to move it with your wrists play stupid games win stupid Francis just made the quote real right there watch out for that back fender buddy you are toying with consequences beyond the measurable capabilities doing a trick to make me laugh I love you Duffy it's called a cap and look at where he's at but free good did you ever think that you would see someone to try to just mount themselves part of the crowd in the middle of a front flip that's where we're at that front flips have become so controlled that you can do that put on the bars one foot of the seat your hands on your hips and look over at people and make Nikon town that's just good how are you toying with this look at how it's just lawn darts itself his body's completely parallel to the ground and he's looking over at the crowd right there I take it back that's money of Christmas Parker please give out my lists how is that possible what does that look like it's freestyle right anything you want to do is awesome and this guy's like man I could win $30,000 or I could do a front-flip Captain Morgan to make my friends laugh well that's good you know what the the first version was good enough to slide up in second so it's Johnson Duffy Jones you're 1 2 3 as of right now as we look into athletes staging there yet again you see that's william van de Putte and that's coming up next he is so much fun out there he's in this contest alright let's check it one more time with the red he's down there with Greg right now Greg Duffy is having a great time down here is that was that a Captain Morgan front flip yeah that was a Captain Morgan front flip I actually landed one in practice I was feeling pretty good going into that just had the front end a little bit too high and just Manuel doubt of it well great job thanks for making everyone laugh and making eye contact with the crowd awesome thank you guys you guys that's what's so badly to me about that whole thing he didn't just do it he held it and he looked at everybody he was mean muggin everybody in the front row right there look at this straight I contact lookit it just holds the pose exactly come on you're doing a front flip and you've got your front boot up on the bars right there like we do a lot of shows I do a ton of performances and fairs and festivals all over the world that trick is a crowd-pleaser never seen it in a front flip the wherewithal to that is that one's going to be a campfire story that I'm going to tell for years to come a lot of crazy things on dirt bikes over the years but that one that was entertaining I love that thank you Greg I love action sports cuz you don't always have to have an answer to why you don't need the answer why cuz it was awesome that's a good enough reason for anything speaking of awesome this next gentleman right here William van de putte the first ever Belgian rider to backflip eight dirt bike started riding bikes when he was only eight years old and then started racing motocross back in 1995 he actually his podium did this event before he finished out in second place back at the 2017 it's deletion of the nitro World Games when to FMX best trick I love the International Flair it's just to watch freestyle motorcross progressed I mean the Internet has an awful lot to do with it it's cool to see that you know it's such an international cast so taking a look at our standings right now Adam Jill and sit in that number three position with that 81 flat with the dead body flip you got Greg Duffy right there with an 86 flat from that front flip heel clicker to Superman and then Davey Johnson holding that top spot right now the 23 year old from Texas brought a brand new one to the nitro World Games with some crazy customized handlebars too we're calling it the decade I guess right that is a trick motorcycle I assume is it bluetooth is that how you make the brakes work I don't understand how do you shift work in so many question we're gonna have to go down there and figure all that out once we get off air either way I call it done and call him your current leader right now crazy crazy turn of events you told me 10 years ago I'd have seen that today everybody told me tomorrow it happened yesterday I believe I've done I it's unbelievable and going back to something to call me raha said when he was at the hosting desk with Todd Richards earlier is that you know we're talking all the crazy things that have gone on the sport I've never say never because the minute you say never somebody comes out and does the things that you said never about a year and a half later and look at the progression look we're at right now I mean the back foot came around what 2000 2001 and the only ones started doing the right side up tricks in the back flips and then the double backflip came in and then everyone started doing double backflip combos and now guys are throwing doubles in front flip combos like it's nothing you're one of the best announcers in the game remember what you used to say video game tricks yeah you don't say that anymore because we're past that I don't kind of do but we've done things that passed even computer programmers and think about on these things the creativity level how many ways can you dunk a basketball how many ways can you jump this room we're about to find them after you think that they've reached the limit somebody comes out with something brand spankin new and we've already seen that today out of david johnson but we still have three riders left to go this Belgian rider is in the chute right now ready to come out and wow the crowd I would try to pronounce his hometown but I would probably butcher that so we'll just leave it at he is from Belgium yeah so you know he's a good time instantly and you can see come gonna see sponsors and see like where the guys are riding like that masters airbag like this guy has access to training facilities that weren't available in the past five years with all this progression in the Nitro World Games in Nitro Circus live have have a ton of influence on that Pastrana obviously pushing the progression to safety has always been his moniker and because of that this sport will never not stop progressive so lots of things going on out here it is an action-packed Saturday afternoon out here at the Utah Motorsports campus for yet another installation of nitro World Games we started things off with super hooligan flat track racing qualifying we had some nitro rallycross now we're in MMX best tricks we've got quarter pipe high air coming up after this more rally and then more hooligan flat track racing act I can't believe we're packing all this into one day yeah they don't want to do it man this is definitely the best company he was stomping out of fire on his handlebars looking like he's counting up like that's the difference in life like he is currently in the air probably just put a finger or a hand back where it needs to be which is just another Sunday that gloves coming off pretty quick maybe he just kind of got ass finger caught on one of the load just shredded the glove right there that got torn pretty good that's case scenario look like he was trying to kick his handlebars I think that was another Captain Morgan front I was gonna say the same thing he looked like he was trying to be the captain again in the front flip just stomps his handlebars what a ride that so it's it again that's a joke trick but done at this level I love it I love actions I love I don't know if we can say that because there's nothing joking about throwing yourself into a front flip with a 250 pound motorcycle underneath your feet but he didn't go for the hands on the hips on this money because the hands just kind of stayed off to the side it's still kind of a cool trick in that like it's sort of a it's a flatland trick you ever seen when they do the spins where the foots on the handlebars oh yeah that's our flatland friends are gonna be mad that we didn't know that for that oh my goodness what a shot to the face he took no and it looked like this left side of the bars might have got him in there lower stomach region right there but after that that slo-mo shot right there made that crash look extra gnarly but mr. van de putte is going to get back up and take his second round that is one tough Belgian I mean your favorite athlete might do an end zone dance mine gets up after falling seven stories from the sky this is a tough human being tougher than any other app that you will ever see in your life okay strategy do you do that again or do you throw something else what would you do I know in my life when I fall and do riding it'll torment me in my nightmares I have to do it again I have to pull it or I can't sleep it okay here we go with tip number two from William Pitt de pute and maybe that's what he was trying to do the first time around he wasn't trying to get the foot up on the crossbar there he was just trying to get it over yeah he doesn't it just got hung up gave it all he got I mean I start taking hands and limbs off and wrote it in when you're spinning you start slowing down instantly so I mean that was way more stretch the first one maybe he went a little bit faster but if you're gonna stretch that far you got a minute brother what the heck is going on here pants come up first in the front flip that you've got the right cutting style I mean you're not even holding on to the bike you know what that is that's a no handed candy bar think about that if you know what you think about it you're absolutely correct shut up Matt Hoffman for inventing the candy bar Brian why there would have been very very happy of that assessment if he was in the show right now look at this that is cool that's good style you're holding on to it 250 pounds here I've been holding on to its resting against the underside of your left boot so your two big toes on your left foot is holding 250 pounds of a motorcycle what I have to go talk to him after this because I wonder if that's what he was trying to do the first attempt in that book just didn't get all the way over he just didn't have enough pop either way it was hardly looking cool trick that is a really stylish really cool trick we talk about style it's not something you learn something you either have or you possessor it's something you want to develop into into something and that was a really unique way of doing that you're I've never seen if assuming that wasn't know handy candy bar I've never seen that in my life well he's gonna have to settle for six right now so it's still Davey Johnson in the top spot followed by Greg Duffy and then Adam Jones you're one two three with two riders left to go but we've got a powerhouse coming up right now this is Josh Sheehan before we unleash him here for his two attempts let's learn a little bit more about him right now g'day I'm Justine from West Australia I grew up on an orchard it had to be the room on the farm and just always ride motorbikes when I was younger and loved just doing jobs tricks going fast and it kind of just led into a freestyle competition which lit the fire and yeah next minute I'm here the tricks have progressed so far got a lot more people to double flips I didn't have to do anything before but now I have to step up it's great it's pushing this borders washing asses we keep feeling like we're getting to the end but new stuff just kids coming out or we get bigger ramp so we can just get more done on the ramp [Music] so he had a heck of a crash out here last year it still eep still walked away with a third place finish out her in this event but he had a pretty gnarly crash he saw some slow-mo highlights of it right there but this guy is the best I mean he's just a monstrosity of human being works out all the time takes great care of himself so when he bounces off the ground he gets these crazy situations that he walks away from and unscathed he was one of the first guys I ever saw to a double backflip it bounced nothing is the battle he had an X Games two weeks ago was memorable to say the least he definitely has a vendetta here where he did a crazy trick last year this man is hungry this man wants to win and the height of this trick this trick has claimed careers this trick has taken catastrophe on people and he has the audacity to take his hands off at that high spot is landing can you name a better big air rider than Josh Sheehan it's crazy he gets into that first rotation he's still coming all the way around for it hands are off he extends it hangs on to it gets back to the bars and then Yanks for that second rotation but it doesn't even look like he's working hard for it it's just easy for him right there and the landing was just super super smooth oh is that good yeah I mean you would think at that point what your hands are back on the bars you're yanking for everything you've got trying to get that second rotation around but no that was just casual butter or casual like it's just strolling down to get a smoothie for him that would almost be like okay I got that one out of the way now a bit ready to do what I really want to do and I think we might get a snippet of what we saw dry last year that's now I'm gonna walk that plank set up your setup trip Hezbollah houses I'd be amazingly I mean you just broke it down attempt number two for Josh Sheehan you might think this is not consequence this is not dangerous he just took a shot he comes from a family of gold glow bugs this man has fought his whole life whether he liked it or not he is back on his feet after falling roughly six stories from the ground what an animal not even the height but on top of that you're rotating with a double backflip just the gravity of the g-forces of that alone plus the weight of the bike as well and you're all tangled up with it flip number one so you have to now take your feet put them to the ground yep so your wrists are not holding all the way now you have to get your feet back on the pegs and then crank that second flip around because if you don't it's gonna be a rough night and here's where the problem is just a little under rotated the suspension tried to take it there's nothing he can do the head shot to remind you you're alive yeah that's suck oh that wasn't fun what a rough with rough ride for Sheehan with the front tire dab this one will give you a real good look at it right here Blagh extension look watch the yank once he gets back on his feet sky looking for the pedal or the other peg cranks it's just putting all the juicy can into the back wheel hoping it comes around and yeah you can hear just revving out of that second rotation and a real-time speed from that angle right there you could you can see him take that head slap right there on the landing as he slides away but Josh Sheehan is at that top spot which was by virtue of the first trick with the double backflip no-hander so he was in that top spot he didn't even need to have to come out and do that or didn't have to come out do that she'd say so it's Shannon Johnson and dummy that was Adam Jones out of the top three times tough break for Adam but it's Ian Johnson Duffy you're one two three with one more rider to go it just so happens to be last year's champion just a pat bow all the way Joshy and I've said he finished third last year I think myself scare you there like that we get too much pop and then it throws you a little too far forward on that front flip rotation yeah but he made that he made that he made short work of that one there lots of a playboy you just made some moves his nitro World Games FMX best trick career has been nothing but podiums in 2016 it was a second place in 2017 it was a third place and then he stepped it up last year and walked out of here with the big win look at this everybody I mean you snapped your neck back it doesn't get any better than that if you lose his line of sight which means he makes the more important than the spin which is something the judges absolutely want to see so he snaps off that lip Frank takes his heels cranks it back in to watch his head that's all the difference the fact he can give a hundred percent for that 90-degree up-and-down area I mean there was no lack of extension I mean last year he tweaked his behind just a hair more on the other end of that trick but that might be enough to be honest take it away that is such a unique trick he couldn't have executed it truly much better I mean he has a second go I don't know if he needs it but yeah this guy just eats nitro World Games trophies and I don't know that he's going to have to take a second run right there because looking at the scoring monitor over here he's got a 96 we're into the nineties I should have to even take this second run he's won this thing last man to ride you get two attempts but why take that I thought he was going to go he's just over there you that you can't wave into the crowd you practice all year for this you just do want to do the one trick there's no reason to push it just go enjoy yourself get yourself on that podium go talk to the beautiful Loretta nickel and you know what this meet this is the next one it is for appearances here at nitro World Games there's never not podium he's got a third a second and now back-to-back firsts yeah he is definitely a grinding a bright shiny star in the world of freestyle motocross done a bunch of shows with him but definitely he flourishes in this setting this one jumped super trick contest tile format definitely lends itself to Pat bode more than anybody else apparently he's also set another record because he's the first repeat winner when it comes to FMX best trick here at nitro World Games Duffey won the inaugural one in 2016 he ranked 2070 by the way shout-out to Harry pink wish you well and recovery Harry injured himself in practice yesterday so we're sending you well wishes Harry we'd like to see you back in the lineup soon and then Pat last year with the win and he wins it so our first repeat winner as well but how about that career yeah here at nitro World Games I mean I put some of the likes of Ryan Williams I mean I believe he's the only other to kind of make those moves but yeah what a crazy crazy contest oh my goodness what an appearance out here by Pat Bowden let's check in one more time with Laurette who is down there with Pat well the first question that I just asked Pat Bowden was how high is your heart rate it's pretty high no you told me that you've been working 11 days straight to perform here and do a world's first pop out in that was unbelievable nitro World Games is here and it's trying to stretch your comfort levels how far was your stretch today yeah that's right I only had 11 days to learn this world first trick and coming into it I had the idea I didn't know if it was possible and I had so many problems like thing after thing that I had to overcome and I just kept pushing gave it a 150% effort but honey I was gonna win so these old guys they got to step up their game you know oh I think the gauntlets being thrown down in the pits down here the guys can hear you but what were some of those challenges that you had to fight through so my compounds like four hours from where I live so to relocate my training facility four hours so I could write every day I relocated to the first place we got shut down by the council because of noise complaints after one day of practicing so we had to load everything up again reload read like transport another 200 kilometers down the road and by this time we're like running out of time well I don't think that's possible but I've come too far to give up so yeah I don't know what to say I'm so happy right now that's unbelievable guys the determination the strength and the tenacity of pop out in your three-time nitro World Games best-trick champion congratulations back to you and he also called out the old guys I snapped the old guys gotta step it up that might get a little dicey there and once they get back to the pit area but take another look at it here they Christ their front flip yeah I mean it doesn't get much better performance looking like a limo Olympic divers doing poli divers is that a deal reference you just made right there is a holy God you sir I'd like it doing my best mom take it deep into your 80s metal roots right there so I'm gonna get you to walk a plank right here look at the scoring differential he saw me just she and did a double backflip no-hander what do you think the judges liked so much about the front flip Chrysler to make that such a huge gap of the scoring um it's a world's first and Josh definitely did the double back kod last year which almost ripped him naked he fell so hard oh and a jersey issue last year yeah wardrobe malfunction I mean it was just done as perfect as you can Pat always wears that wait to be seen I mean people might think it's goofy he looks a little different but speaking of world's first we had another one with the young man from Texas Davey Johnson well but we're calling the decade air I'll have to check in with him begin an actual name for that a little bit later on either way it's never been done before and he brings it to the party out here at nitro World Games in 2019 he gets third place Josh Sheehan walks out of here in second this year an F of best true f of X best tricks with this double backflip no-hander making it look way way too easy Micah yeah I mean the extension the way he just stays not tough if you see his hips go to his handlebars he's in trouble he isn't a nice relaxed comfortable position Chuck's like he's riding down the street man that is intense but when it's all said done the day belongs to Pat Bowden bringing another never been done trick to the event man to take your hand you're off the landing and he says he's a training facility this ramp doesn't exist keep that he can't train on this ramp so you had to come out here now learn the 11 days of the trick now contort it to what this ramp is what this landing is what this angle is props for the hard work and props for the tenacity and being brave and that is a really really beautiful stuff I mean it doesn't get any better looking than that and it puts that one down butter smooth and it makes it lets him walk out of here with the wind that's two years in a row our first repeat winner when it comes to FM s FM x best tricks here at the nitro World Games yeah look at that we got a beautiful girl giving out all sorts of trophies this is what all the hard work is about man maybe looking like this for Davey Johnson finishing out the third place right there getting his trophies standing on the podium there and again that decade decade it was wild and I'm gonna have to go take a look at his black cuz I want to know what happened what he did to the bars to make that work it's neat to see technology progress the sport I love defending his 2018 championship here in Utah let's give it up for Pat Bowden winning gold at nitro in 2019 check out that podium just think about what just happened here your podium your podium 2019 perfects the best trick you've got a decade you've got a double backflip nip my answer let's make you've got a cry stare front flip let's go down the list first place world's first front flip variation unbelievable Joshy and second place the tricky tried is arguably the most dangerous scariest trick ever that he foul on the double flip kod third place world's first you want to play in this game there's your letter then you've got two worlds first if one of them is only good enough to get you third place out here that was absolutely ridiculous what an amazing competition out here your final thoughts before we say goodbye for this part of this cuz we got to get ready for the next one oh I'm excited to see what happens in Wales it's gonna be a whole different demographic whole different crews it's gonna be good so here it is one bar go looking at your podium here your night roll World Games FMX best trick podium here in 2019 Davey Johnson starting off on the seat brings it all the way around 360 around the front of the bike we call it a decade in the BMX world and well you're just not supposed to be able to do that on a dirt bike there mr. Krantz absolutely right Jimmy Josh Ian what you've called arguably one of the scariest looking troops in the books the double backflip no-hander right there but he puts that one down super smooth but at the end of the day it's pat bowed and he walks out of here with the win with the Christ air front flip look at it spot is a thing of beauty what a neat so there's so many complications I could go wrong so many parts to that trick that if he doesn't get right he's going to the hospital and he makes it all work out to walk out of here with back-to-back wins out here in MMX best trick here at the nitro World Games we are not done with the Moto stuff just yet you see the warm-up taking place right now it is the return of quarter pipe high air here to the nitro World Games we'll let these guys warm up in the meantime we're gonna send it back over the host deck desk and top Richards all right well welcome back to the host set and we're watching right now just these guys warm up for quarter pipe which is coming up next I mean that's for me that's one of the highlights of watching this whole thing but next to me right now I have rolling sands Steve arpan rolling coming out of the Flat Rock event that started us off this morning I want to get your thoughts not only on your event this morning but also on just everything that's occurred today Ames it's just a step above everything else you come out here you see tricks you're never gonna see anywhere else of front-flip captains yeah you know I mean that's one of the craziest tricks I've ever seen the bar spin we're watching you know we're watching this rallycross and guys just sending it like across a 90-foot gap I mean it's incredible you know so to bring super hooligan out here and have it be part of this circus it means a lot it's very cool let's talk for a second about super hooligan I mean to the average person that maybe doesn't really know like how it falls into like the between freestyle moto and rallycross like what is it that draws people to super hooligan that are really into it I think the coolest thing about super hooligan is we're doing something you're not supposed to do you know we're out there race and heavy Street bikes and we're pushing them to their limits it kind of is it it balances it out so we can get a guy who's a freestyle guy come out I mean guys ride freestyle Harley's the riding freestyle motocross bikes we have road racers we got rally car drivers Rob is coming over and we got you know plumbers and photographers and just kind of people from every walk alive coming out and racing with us it makes that's what makes super hooligan special to the mixing pot it is very cool lot comes down to like traction on these very tight tracks which leads me to you Steve your forte with the rally car natural rallycross being such a special event here we were talking earlier before you sat down the set just how important this type of event with natural rallycross in particular is to just bringing a spark of life to drive and rally cars around dirt course absolutely everything we did we were tirelessly for nine months in the last offseason and everything was in preparation for this event this is like our Daytona 500 or Indy 500 or the championship game in the NHL playoffs right like this is the event that steps it up to a whole new level it's and like what Travis is doing here with rallycross there there's no more room for traditional rallycross and in America like it's this is wild like this is what people want to see is so crazy were launching over 100 foot gap jumps big bank corners like four or five different lines in every corner this is real racing I can't wait to get back out there let's talk about that just as far as like you know you roll into this event last year was the first time that you know Travis debuted this 100-plus foot jump you roll up day one and you look at this thing and you've got to kind of take Travis's word for it like yeah if you just kind of go from here you'll be fine but we all know who travis Pastrana is and Travis kind of likes to shove you into terrible situations - laughs what did you think of like the first the first time you rolled out here onto this course well Travis does definitely love to shove you into difficult situations just laughs but I pulled up here in sight look at this thing it's absolutely incredible it's what I've always dreamt of doing it's I just pushing things to a new limit unfortunately last year we just weren't in a place to be able to jump we didn't have enough travel in our suspension but this year we came back with an incredible race car and it was awesome diked lunch and over that thing for the first time was it was just a thrill that I'll never forget grab that's awesome I mean okay so next up we just got done with freestyle motor you talked about that quarter pipe is the next big event here about halfway through this crazy circus out here quarter pipe for me that's one of the highlights of my day just because I can relate to it from my skate and snowboard background it's got to be one of the most death-defying things to watch in person when you say I mean it's absolutely insane one of our hooligan riders Tyler Behrman he's riding with us today and written our whole series he got we got silver @xo he's here to try and who's fat he wants the gold today I'm excited to see him go out there Kobi raha you know you got coal from coal from San Diego's out there riding like these guys man their heart is in this thing and it's gonna be exciting to watch awesome well as we look right now at some of the highlights for this from the super hooligan event that went down this morning was there very much drama going on it go gotta how you expected it to just for the qualifying round you know we're pretty smooth we only got five guys on the track at once right now for the qualifying heats and they were qualifying for the don't laugh - Prakash and you know it went fairly smooth outside of our winner and you defect knocking it in and trying to take out the tyre wall and you know on the cooldown lap so that's kind of expected yeah right there what are the wrecks like in super hooligan as far as like just stacks of human beings falling all over each other it can get ugly out there I mean the first corner we got 13 guys trying to get through that first corner and a lot of times the guy who leads in the first corner might win the race you know they're fighting for every single inch they can get right on well Steve also you know got to talk about you some bad luck today with a bit of a tire mishap but how was and how was the race going you're the forwards are looking like they're running very fast today so you just kind of catch you by surprise it all sudden you know that's its the little things like the tires that you wouldn't expect to go absolutely we turn the fastest lap of the weekend yesterday in our second race and fortunately I didn't get decorative start but our Fords are strong this weekend the car we have plenty of speed thankfully ken block's in the race yeah we're in a qualifying spot both races and cut down to tires just if there's a little bit of debris out there I guess it was just not my day and I went and found it so what like how when you're driving and you like how soon do you know a tire goes because it kind of seemed like for a bit today we're watching ken block's race he kinda didn't either he didn't know or didn't care they have blown out a rear well hey that really knew it I think you got a guy like walk if he just doesn't care yeah so but when you blow it left through there's a lot of left-hand corners around here so it's hot tire right so little right rear in the right front and it just wasn't really a it wasn't really something wicked we could recover from serve just we're kind of out of it ken jump that hundred foot gap note Sloan tied Weiss region exactly I was just sitting in my car like that's my boy it was right at the Redeemers all right last year for not jumping well we just got done with Evan that's best trick we're gonna wrap it up here with us and send it to where the real action is over there on the quarter pipe more to come nitro World Games 2019 from its inception night to a world games exploded under the action sports landscape changing the contest world as we knew it last year night roll World Games expanded with more locations more events more athletes and some of the most epic moments in action sports history highlighted by the debut of nitro rallycross this year that expansion continues in the contest will be the most competitively ever seen for its from FMS best trick Komodo quarter pipe to flat track racing Buddha to nitro rallycross it will be like nothing we've witnessed before right now we are keeping the contest going with the biggest ramp ever built in moto quarter bike [Applause] welcome back everyone to the Utah Motorsports campus just to the west side of downtown Salt Lake City it is the return of nitro world games here in 2019 that 32 foot tall monstrosity right there is what these riders are going to be contending with out here today as we are set to kick off the return of Moto quarter pipe out here at night roll World Games look at those flags of flying up that was a beautiful shot with the Great Salt Lake in the background and we are set for an epic showdown out here today in Utah the state of sport my name is Jimmy Kolb and I'm sitting alongside Micah cranes we've got Loretta nickel in the field and well let's talk about how this is all going to work out here today Micah we have five riders in the field and well basically they're gonna go into round out here today each round they're gonna get two attempts if you're the last guy in the bottom of the rack there you get you through the lowest height you get eliminated that's fits pretty cut-and-dry right there no scores it's all about the height perfect that's a great way to do it just we don't need to be measuring this thing we just whoever last guy goes last tie goes whoever goes the highest all the glory like it's a little bit more complicated than that but we'll dive into it here in just a second we've got cold any Jared McNeil Tyler Ferrum and Korey creating Colby raha your 5 gladiators for lack of a better term out here today because again that's a 32 foot tall lip right there and there's a 50 foot height ball up on top of that deck these guys are jumping basically having multiple stories into the air it is absolute insanity it's just it's a monstrosity for lack of a better term and again it's a 50 foot high pole but let's learn more about this thing out here today in the CBD MD course profile what up colder aha here we're here in Salt Lake City Utah at the Nitro World Games we're riding the moto quarterpipe it's 32 feet tall 70 feet wide and we're going close to 80 feet off this thing last year I went 77 feet set a world record this year looks like it's gonna be Bernard I love riding this ramp check it out this is what it looks like from my point of view [Music] [Music] and Kolby raha treats this thing like it's just a super kicker I mean he rides this thing with reckless abandon and he makes it look so so smooth while he's doing it he is your winner at this event last year 2018 was the inaugural moto quarterpipe event out here at nitro World Games but let's not count on kori Korea that guy he got third place out here last year and they just had this event at X Games a couple weeks ago in court and Kree walked out of here with a cold but here we go we are underway this is cold any get the party started here again they're gonna get two attempts per round right here Cole is one of the coolest stories in action sports started with an Instagram account we just kind of built ramps out of matchsticks people you know neighborhoods would drop off cars and he just built this cool ramp and we'll just look neatest stunts ever followed that cash pool from SD take another look at her right here again you just have to be one of the top Heights getting out of these first couple of rounds if you're gonna try to put yourself on the podium the lowest height and out of each round does get eliminated right there so cold any out of San Diego 28 years yeah look at that look at the style so they just said the 40 feet one last year we're already in that ballpark 45 feet two inches he actually Colby raha set a record with that last year we're at 31 feet 10 inches is the official measurement that we're getting for a cold any right there as we take a look at Jerrod at McNiel yep coming your way next out of Australia the guy on a two-stroke riding the Jarett very accomplished when it comes to riding the quarter pipe minute you know it's not like there's a lot of these things out there that these guys can go practice on I mean this is a relatively new thing to the sport of motocross he's got one of the McNeill partners on private territory but it's adopting this big here we go the two-stroke it would sit little differently that's all right yep today safe definitely stay safe you're gonna get a couple more chances at it jared is such a unique rider he rides so differently he's not your stock Trick Trick Trick guy he's valuable is the word about him he'll get one more attempt at it right here as we take another look and look at that adverted style right there and he just kind of turns that left shoulder down and you're inverted at that point on a 250 pound machine in a little tentative though there is a run-up compared to what we seen out of him in the past there is a difference between the two strokes of the four strokes you can not only the sound but when they're in the air he told me it whips around faster and it's a little bit weirder to get around this man is a motorcycle legend in what is 20 s 27 years all that a Templeton California styler Barrowman got next Games medals he's a boolean racer his dad also a hooligan racer this man if it has handlebars he's really good at I've watched him in practice this week as well him in a quarry creed have spent a lot of time together training on this corner by him here we go in tent number one for Tyler Merriman just so you get inverted and you're at the apex of the jump and then you just drop out of the sky Mike watch the landing point for these guys we looked the slow-mo on the replay look at where they put the wheels down just under the lip this is my favorite one to listen to the engine stops when you go that high you're falling in earth you can't adjust you're just falling down you can't go forward back side to side you're going straight down the engine won't help you you can't there's no reason is a twisty throttle you have no choice you better lay it down straight I have no idea how they just you were on their dog and then they tuck themselves back in and just dropping right under the lip you were on that ramp for the Matt Hoffman infamy picture correct I was not okay but that's the view right is that not it yet have not been that Hoffman like we're doing something no one else has done let's see how high we can get on this structure built in a desert I mean that ramp looks like a brontosaurus just kind of laying down it's a monolith out here in the salt flats and here we go 37 feet for Tyler pyramid now again each round of competition they're each gonna get two runs and if you're the lowest height you do get eliminated from that round so you just maybe you could save a little bit here this opening and you just don't want to be in the bottom gap right definitely it's kind of like the Bears chasing you don't be the slowest the exact Cory treats Australian and taller picking up where he left off at Minneapolis at the US Bank Stadium out there with a tentative that gold medal at the X Games just two weeks ago why F weeks ago I should say first bike is over at least from that camera angle it looks like his bike is over the high pole and I've said it before I'm going to stress this a lot that things 50 feet tall on top of a 32 foot lamp everybody it's like playing super bug suits like playing Mario Brothers trying to jump onto the flag at the end of the level it's like that's just it you're trying to get over that thing what the consequences are real look at the wind Peter laptop lightning just going thousand rpms and Cree just spotting the coping if there is such thing as coping on there it just kind of recesses back we'll call it doping how's that I mean it's a lifesaver man I saw a couple guys in practice really would've hung up back wheel that has we've seen from BMX vert catastrophe happens this ramp is just lends itself to progression so forward thinking it's the biggest one in existence there's like three or four out there a couple in the backyard but this is the Big Daddy alcohol I guess what why don't I tell you the big winning height was last year the record setter 545 feet two inches guess what Corey Crete just got 45 feet eight inches so we've already broken last year's record Wow we've already broken last year's record by a half of a foot Corey Creed came to America this is the first round eating metals just eating so what happens now this is the bottom part of the runner here Colby rod it's to go last then everybody's going to get one more attempt this guy has one of the most expensive backgrounds at the course I actually take it back nicole has a real good one too charging quarter pipes on a BMX bike the charging water pipe on a motorcycle are two completely different animals there has to be some overflow because I think oil makes it look really good for him because when he gets up there to the top that peak at the jump but almost looks like the back ends gonna keep rotating around two riders right but you just drops down to bring that one back in now definitely didn't get as high as Cory on that well em to get what you need to do here you just don't want to be you want to be one of the top three Heights because the top three Heights are automatically going to move on into round number two all five of these riders are absolute warriors these are some of the toughest rain missed men you will ever see put a leg over a motorcycle this is not child's play these five riders are absolutely flirting with consequences for their progression for your enjoyment this is absolutely one for the books earlier the day after rallycross was wrapped after the first edition of rally crash I should say Todd Richards had Colby and cold any up on the set and they were talking about this and they were you know say it like you know there's there's no greater there's no margin for error on this you don't want to see it happen but they're like you know if something goes wrong you know you're dropping out of the sky from some pretty impressive i'ts right there's not gonna call Denny look at that out there the ribs up denim vest it's just a true fashion style right now here we go cold there buddy yes sir sit there with a 31 feet 10 inch height from attempt number 1 so right now your top 3 Heights it's Cory Creed Kolby raha and Tyler Bannerman so how this works the top three Heights automatically advance after everybody has taken both runs the bottom two they are gonna get one more chance of what we call the LCQ they'll each get one more run the higher height will move on into the next round and the lower height will be eliminated I just love his style you know I mean like I'm a strong proponent of like hitting racing out of motorcycles I can put some freestyle in do like hold as a BMX background he's 100% will be the first he's rockin the Motorhead patch on their back we did the keys to get the spikes on their action he is doing it to scare himself have as much fun and make it make it freestyle that is his freestyle is again 31:10 was his best of the two so that's gonna keep him outside of that top three as of right now so look I'm like cold and he's gonna have to go into that LCQ Jared McNeil first attempt here we go under power for a customer to get the trust of this year tell another story about Jared - at quarter fights two years ago at X Games he took a nasty slam in this event and he actually dislocated his hip and it took several doctors there in Minneapolis actually getting his hip back into place so be hard to shake something like that out of your memory bank so I'm sure he's still a little tentative on this for good reason he took the shot on it last year as well he yes he did I forgot about that yeah so this would be the first time he got out of this event clean and I think he licked your wounds and live to see another day hey you called it self-preservation is the name in the game it's a long season again he's in hooli but it's right he's riding who will he get tonight ah yep ain't done yet so was this guy all right it's a Tyler Barrowman back into the mix he's currently sitting in the number three position so basically how it works here and this opening around five riders top three automatically advance into the next round and then the bottom two Heights are going to eat one so our last three guys take their second rats here that was massive now already in these guys are already going around - [Applause] it's deceiving we get the camera angle and it looks like it but then you see it pop up on the monitor oh it's full-on as precise and you will never measure anything in your life they've got like laser levels and all sorts of crazy things doing these measurements I mean it's not gonna get any more precise look at that shot right there a beautiful there's my Christmas card to get in Salt Lake but I found traffic from your nitro world traffic on i-80 out there hi everybody this is what I do in Utah I set myself ten stories into the air however it's all gravy how was your trip to the state of sport well you're not gonna believe this I went above let's see 34 37 yeah that's a bigot 30 39 feet 7 inches own attempt approach this is the opening round by the way we have three more rounds to go after this but he's already knocking on the door of 40 feet right there if I can say anything about this is that we had to get a taller height poll this year than last year we already need a taller height poll for next year I quarry Creed has proven that point in Tyler bear it's also making his case for that point as well look at this smile at a species yeah you know what we'll see you around - Tyler right lower so I got this Helen escapes gold medalist this year put on a finished third in this event last year he is hungry he tasted the success of Minneapolis he says I want more I was talking to him yesterday said the party's not stopping after Minneapolis I want more I want to set some records I want to win it nitro world games so he's got such a good style when he does it you almost see him take his body and try to put that bike flat watch when he's up there now he shifts a little his body the style right look at think he's Mike hell lair and putting that thing sideways right little Simon tap run right there that's a beautiful look from that trick style for miles and again I want to do one of those sound engineer things we give just the sound because it's crazy you hear the engine stall out and it's to freefall it's peaceful and then you hear the thunder of the crash I mean the aesthetics the volume and the it's just such a cool this whole event is so different for the senses it's definitely a couple of different contrasting sounds and styles right there 45 feet 11 inches can't wait for that Christmas card 45 feet eight is what he did the first go-around now he's bumped it up 3 inches remember last year's winning height was 45 feet 2 inches this is the opening round he's already made it into round number 2 Oh call me Roz doing tricks at this height that was awesome downside can I wash your BMX knowledge in me I'm fully aware how the people felt the people taking a leg off its swinging and off to either side of the bike ride there in this case the down side hits the downside can't take a look at it right here I love it bring some tricks right your inverted lit comes off nothing tentative about that you're just trying to go as high as you can and he's saying hey I've got the height and I've got the tricks the name of this is called moto quarterpipe it's not freestyle motocross quarter pipe it's mobile quarter pipe so you don't get any tricks for doing or any points for doing tricks but you know what's cool about freestyle you do tricks you're free to do whatever you want but you're given reason still do it even if it's not within reason still do it he's going to be in to that next round as well so Creed Barrowman raha moving on to round number two it's the LCQ it's Jared McNeil and cold any so the run order is determined now by whoever has the lowest height has to go first so Jared McNeil will go first then we'll see called Danny take his final attempt they get one shot at it here in the LCQ portion of things jared best height moves all that joins a Creed bearmanor Rafa and round number two lowest height year done for the day Jared's won a million contests in this format in step one rarely has he seen himself in the first round LCQ of anything in his career he set a record at X Games by winning step up again for could sec out gold to that once - congratulations to you on that one some charity launch of medals as well he is a very very talented on a dirt bike for the bench pants he's trying to bring back baggy pants like from the 90s the freestyle days he said unfortunately yes I've older the dirt so I'm well aware of the nineties look at Jerry he's such a showman he is so electric on that Yamaha he takes two strokes to the moon on this one they say thank you we'll take us that like you said earlier he's right super hooligan later on tonight so maybe saving that one for later on this evening but how about Jared we feel the year that means having out here and again he took a nasty crash of this thing last year back in 2017 x-games yeah he just needs to get away from this one clear I mean when he puts his mind to anything to eat absolutely excels like I said he built one of these in his backyard already he has also deserve nothing of this size lives in like nature you can just go and find it out there so doing your best I mean again walking away from something like this is as good as getting a medal sometimes all right so here you go Cole all he's got to do is best 21 feet 2 inches get one attempt if he's able to do it he's moving on and around - did he bump the back wheel that's what we talked about that coping it's this metal piece that goes on top of a vert ramp there's it's not there and I wonder if the black at all is something you have to see cuz they they angled the top the Goggins we got a start key beginning it's beveled back a little bit right there the goal is to land both tires has so close to the top there's an angle not the very you can see it kind of cuts up to an angle you'll be able to tell better for this angle right you got the last bit of it it wasn't as bad as I thought it wasn't real time speed however that's enough I mean for how high you're going into the speeds they are you just a little crease in there that's the difference call it a roller roller but it's the difference between driving away smooth and picking up so you get something we ride on the gurney right there 35 feet 3 inches fork also calls gonna get out of the LCQ he is going to move on and join our other three in round number two that's that was scary right sweaty palms man I love this well so cool what happens we'll be getting around number two the run order is gonna be based off of height that we saw here in the first round however this time around it's to the top three automatically moving on the top two are going to move on into round three and the bottom two are going to get one more attempt and our LCQ yeah good format definitely to everybody a good chance to work themselves to get this thing going again the winds a factor we've never really talked about it cuz I guess we assume we're in the desert in the summer you're gonna have wind that's just sort of what happens well we are right next to a rather large body of water as well out here in the salt flats so that definitely doesn't help because these guys have not complained once they've said nothing about it they've actually the ramp is completely adjustable that's such a forward-thinking ramp they have all sorts of these crazy things you can screw and unscrew to make it more angled the minute they built the ramp the guy said but put that thing more vertical which means more up and down and from the top that's where you get the height from the more vert you have more to the moon you go yeah another thing that we changed this year too from last year was that the quarter pipe turned and it was facing a different direction last year and the wind in d2 blew you away from the decorative loo you into the deck and neither one of those things they're any good whatsoever so winds still a factor but now at this point you see the flags when it's whipping around out there it's actually blowing into the rider as they go off the lip and a quarter pipe and turn into turning into the wind to me did that be a little bit safer to deal with it opposed to having it push you over the deck or push you away from the lip yep correct and a lot of these riders have like a dominant wave which means you're going to turn to your left and turn to your right and the ramp actually kind of makes it CG go either way it's kind of your own personal preference the same as throwing a baseball like no one necessarily has the answer as to why it's more dominant it just is so very very very excited to see what round two is going to bring I know that we're just going to get higher and higher on this thing it's going to cool it's like start us off here that's the Instagram account I have followed that this guy is exciting again lots of DMX started hanging out with a militia guys who's going to pitch land and speaking of militia guys a bit cold we have a pretty awesome clip drop he's riding his dirt bike through the wall right it's pretty wild I mean how do you even talk about suspension setup no one's ever ridden anything like this there's no you can't go on google and figure out how do I set up my bike moto quarterpipe doesn't exist so you have to go and figure it out look at a table little Vic Mercado what foot tape right there he's taking a page of the colbys we like oh you're gonna take a foot off so much I love it you're gonna do campaigns I'm gonna do one foot tables again all the most BMXers are gonna do BMX things he is tried and true just fun and good times and again you should see what this man does on a three wheeler in a spare time tell me more yes is that going back to the Instagram thing you're telling people eh you know what go follow Cole's Instagram page if you want to see this stuff he brought it out last year and traffic Rumble runnin and he was told this you're down to bringing it all trying to rev a run three quarter by yes that's what up call that's my heart right there look at that 35 feet four inches for him the the heights from round number one are eliminated once we go into the next round it's a clean slate so again there's four of this go around if you're just joining this top to automatically advancing to round number three bottom two are gonna go into the LCQ this is last year's defending champ oh here aha trophy he wants he wants to record more importantly look at how far he drifted across the face of that thing right there I believe he said this thing was 70 feet wide that he did this CB DMV course preview he traversed a good chunk of real estate across that quarter pipe proposed another one of these things on the other side so they can do like the low-end cars to like you take a Crider like Jamie Bestwick right he's gonna go far far far across the couple of sheets on curve and then he's gonna roast like you see here and goes up and down as you can know it's a little safer to go further but then you get the roast as we call it or the pump or the juice where you find that perpetual angle which is more straight than it is further again this is all prototype this is all the first time that existed these are the best in the world at it and it's only gonna get more popular so last year's champs in the 40 foot plus glove right there 42 feet one inches there on the first attempt for Collier ah is ready to bring back a Matt Tyler Barrowman again as we go through this it's only the time two pints that advance into the next round and well that gaps gonna get shorter and shorter with each round as we eliminate a rider Tyler Berman they get the turn on her power first first attempt here in round to form a straight up and down kind of approach it was going back to Colby raha we saw the takes off from the outer part of that lip there in traverses across the quarter pipe just kind of more of a straight up down he goes up the middle of that thing and keeps it pretty tight I mean they could almost extend it that's it I mean it's what 90 feet I think in between those two I mean it's can you imagine if you're a truck driver right now driving east on the i-80 into Salt Lake City and you're like look it over like wait like to see a motorcycle fly multiple stories into the air what is going on over there two exits down is like an EDM festival thing - I wasn't going there but you brought it up if you're 80 you've got a plethora of eye candy as you make your way into Salt Lake City the state is weird keep driving speaking of plethora this guy's had a plethora of impressive heights here so far Corey Creed third place last year got himself at X Games gold medal earlier this year he wants the win here at nitro World Games before we cut him loose let's learn a little bit more about the mind of Corey Creed those Australians alone battles here we go to the left not right gods have given us our plenty of practice which has been awesome sorry I've been out to get comfy and I feel right at home so I think we're all pretty pretty ready to go I do a little wheelie before I get onto the operon once I've done my wheelie then I know it's gone and it's just pretty much just positive aqua guys start from the bottom all the way out a deeper visualg catch by the Madsen's I've over the top of the pole like a fish shop you once you're up there you can see everything [Applause] I'm Cory crate be back next year my Tom and come back for redemption well that is an understatement for the year that he is having thus far like we've said a couple of times already X Games gold in the quarter final event Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago and he's 50 he's already beat the best height we pulled the tips that we had around the one for him what if you round number two how we're really too sore that's what you do I like the puddin style he's got you see pops up the front wheel just a little bit right before he gets into the quarter pipe transition the same as shooting the free-throw and basketball you do at the same time every time you know what the speed is you know the gauging is like I talked to it like it brought up Michael Aaron earlier he tells me he actually could count how many times he pedals in between ramps there's an absolute science to this but no one talks about that isn't reported that you only know if you do it and when he does that power really he knows exactly how much he's giving it exactly where to go and then look at him just manhandle that motorcycle Corey Creed is the real there's no two ways about it taking a look at it from the overhead at the drone shot right there and it goes out of frame on that one forty six feet again the height pole maxes out at 50 what if you do somebody goes over 50 how do we gauge that at that point the lowest base jump is 100 feet that's all I gotta say so right now it's created Rob looking at it possible transfer spot so we go into the second round here can't top to automatically advance to the next round bottom so we're gonna go into what we call the LCQ the last chance qualifier when they will get an additional bonus run to try to move on into the next round this is he's down there at the bottom of the pack right now for this group style what on earth possesses someone to go again let's see the style again watch with the back wheel kids look at the jean jacket just commanding respect the Motorhead patch flapping in the breeze man it's not expressing yourselves without having fun stuff not listening to people this is gonna be the angle right here you can see how that knuckle the lip for the quarter pipe right there keep an eye on the back tire yeah you see the goals land is both tires that the close to that angle as you can that's Jimmy set the back tire we call this Jays but again in motocross I don't want to kink that is that necessarily in case because if he doesn't look sketched out about it I mean it looked as almost if that was just almost like not yet great it's not a case you're right because it oh do you want to engage a suspension because if you don't it'll actually literally pop you back down so my apologies that was exactly text because you want to do it yeah when you land higher up on that that angle where both tires hit well then you get kind of shot to the bottom and you can't correct it almost it's a style that we've seen on him though that's almost like that's his safety zone right there knowing like hey I'll just get the last bit of my back tire right there on that knuckle that's where I want to go going back to you were saying about muscle memory and just remembering what you need to do with the free throw reference and all that Mike hell there with how many pedals in between ramps and all that stuff that's the appears that that's coal style yeah definitely I mean as loose as he looked that's a calculated man right there that is someone that knows what he's doing is he's comfortable with what he's doing like I said the things he's done on a three wheeler our Travers has talked to him about it the enthusiasm for weird toys from the 80s it's so rampant on the Internet and this is one of the best to do it and it doesn't go well so at this point we've got Cory Creed and Kolby raha have the top two heights as of right now Cory Creed with 46 flat and they called me raha with the 42 so basically Cory created Kolby raha saying that they're happy with their first - their first attempt so they're looking at transfer spots which means Tyler Behrman says he was good with his first attempt of 39 feet so that puts him in the LCQ if he does not elect to take his second run here Cole's taken too [Music] okay circle him back into the wagons kidding them get situated coal right there Biermann again X Games medalist this year also he and his father got to race in the hooligan class there was a pre qualifier in California then they both had to do and uh it's cool to see anything with handlebars being kind of growing up it was very regimented you neither did this or this or this these guys are breaking boundaries and taking new artistic stylings two different apparatuses so this is an LC q basically Tyler elected not to take his second run there so now Cory Creedy Colby raha have automatically transferred on into round number three which means Cole and Tyler hare are each gonna get one more attempt here the better attempt up the two is going to join Creed and raha in that next round this season Tyler Barrett's head going back to the excuse been the office you were talking about racing the hooligan with his dad he got first place the best whip he got second place and a quarter pipe high air out there in Minneapolis so he had a really good ex games a couple weeks ago good see how you uh relates on the biggest quarter pipe in existence that thing is 32 feet tall with a 50 foot eyeball on top of it Cole getting Street out there this is wall ride the jersey barriers on that dirt bike one attempt ever cold Danny here thank you the foot comes up again but see look at the back tire that's the style that's where he could that's what he's aiming for that's what he has to do to get any sort of movement from the motorcycle he was up there he saw something either didn't like or something you had to shift get it they hear through his whole body off this thing you see his head right now is looking at that point where he wants that back wheel to hit just just so it engages when he goes down oh that's cool doing some gyro down side table topping what a cool guy he is again follows Instagram by whatever he's selling this guy's the real mom about shot my foot comes off twice on that one yeah double the double pump on the one footer it's cool II just took the handlebars cranked it again kids you don't got a do tricks you don't gotta be flips Taylor just and torque the bike in a cool way that's what the cats with the judges so he's got 37 feet eight inches which means Tyler bear that's gonna have the best that in order to move on to that next round if you're gonna join the likes of Cory Creed and Colby really so again second place in corner 5 at X Games Minneapolis gold medalist the next games best whip he's gonna be racing in a hula get a little bit later on tonight from what I understand as well super cool yeah I'll get the dugout here at the pro class this super real good guys mark and Tyler Barrowman best 37-foot gonna be close whatever yeah I would celebrate - yeah I would throw my arms out as well what an absolute feat of human just human ability every time they go that I guess this sounds you can right here they're pumping and pumping it I've been from here down the motor is done there's nothing to it until you hear the thunder of the crash it is such an aesthetically sergeant pleasing sport whoever decided whoever decided that this was a good idea needs a high five what a cool existence uh real just looking for that spot where he wants those beautiful and he does not take his eyes off it gauge the landing ride away smooth dance a little bit it's just mind-boggling how you get yourself and this 250 pound machine into these positions from these Heights into the wind no less it has managed to bring that thing around to put a rubber side down shiny side up for back for lack of a better term and what is it going to be on the hat and 40 feet 5 inches so he didn't want to take his second run and put him in the LCQ and he found himself going into round and number 3 there by jumping up into the 40-foot range so now it's going to be Barrowman going first in round at number 3 followed by raha and then creed I mean do you ever get comfortable with something like this I mean obviously you get to a level where you can play with it but it's I guess the last time on it the better at some point to find comfort but how do you even wrap your head around tackling something like this just to practice for that let alone coming into an event like this in the wind you've got all the people out here you've got the cameras rolling and whatnot you can Tyler kind of psyching himself up going through the process right now you can tell when when they're fighting it you can tell when it's not smooth you can tell them they don't like it you can tell them they don't like landings I mean it's visually easy to see but when they're up there they are just casual they are what I in in BMX the looser you hold the grips the easier it is to ride but it keeps you it keeps you calm because you settle and it's such a chaotic TRUCKING area to try to find that piece is a weird meditative spot Tyler's listening to Gucci Mane or whatever he's doing and put him in the spot now he's gonna try to touch the top of that tight pole well speaking of Tyler here he is he's gonna have to start off around number three so here's what happens in this round again they're gonna get two attempts at it right here it's the best height automatically moves on after both of those runs then the bottom two will go into the LCQ to join your top height in that final round it's been looking Tyler Barrett's first attempt was coming all the way around on that one and that's to the point you've been making a couple times about dropping out of the sky and give me that one with the noise do that noise thing with that that's a great example that's the biggest one he's done then he gets to this point he's a book flip that back in just keeps coming around coming around see fine landing right away you talk he got scared on that one a little bit well he was already tapping his chest a bit as he was getting ready for the run in because it's terrible yeah absolutely terrified scary to sit here and watch and call this I can't imagine what it's like to try to send yourself off the lip of that thing but commitment that it's a big old air and he's right back into the 40s here in round number three forty-three feet two inches right there bar is set or never they're gonna get to a tips and then after that it's the highest Heights that's going to go on the next round and then the LCQ so taking a look at colby raha here getting ready to do this for a shot right here let's take a look back at Kobe Rajas performance from 2018 I think this one we're going higher than anything before guys are going so big on this thing it's dirt bikes man it's like limitless to what you can do it comes down to this if Kobe is not able to get to 41 feet eight inches axel will not have to take that second run of the inaugural nitro World Games FMX quarter pipe competition and here we go can't told me raw get it does it go goodness [Applause] and it's going to go to Colby raha out here that is settle for a silver medal and quarterpipe at the x-games and he walks out of here with the way that nitro world games on Coley raha and I just won the first ever nitro world games high air quarter pipe competition yes you did sir it set a height of forty five feet two inches what an exciting finish that was in 2018 what are we gonna see when we get into that final round here in 2019 we'll have to wait and see how it all unfolds here in round number three and as we get into round number four again they're gonna get two attempts each Tyler Barrowman has already taken his first attempt he had set the bar here at forty three feet two inches I where do we go from here Micah to the moon we're almost to Mars at this point pick your favorite grab a fistful of throttle right there and taking that with them almost to the top of the high beater right there there's not much left I mean again the gearing has to be special there's the suspension has to be special every time he takes my brother but he's up there at the 40s as well 43 flat so that'll put him just behind and Tyler Merriman as of right now two attempts at it take another look at his first here so nerve wracking I think I would just scream the whole time I was in the air just at myself at others considering my existence having the life choices that themselves what am I call my mom to set you into the sky like this I go to the gym what is oh yeah I gotta land anyway look at this just time to think about your income taxes did I file them right am I gonna get audited oh yeah power wheelie oh what a good time so he's still gonna get another attempt here as of right now Berryman's looking at that transfer spot however we still have Cory Creed and left to go here in this round and then they're all gonna get a second attempt before we second attempt before we see who goes into that LCQ and this man has just been on point out here all day I'll just look at solid this is Gold Coast Australia is Cory Creed the top of the high pole we got a bigger height pool Jimmy they said we need to go I mean we would we have 45 last year was what we had on that big 46 yeah we gotta bigger we're still there just to the moon with them like that's the highest anyone's ever been on a motorcycle and land without conversation come at me different give me any other scenario someone's been that in the air on a motorcycle on purpose and then landed I like how you added that little asterisk oh yeah not on purpose not been to county fairs way to cover your bases on Twitter oh yeah there's some of those show me a picture some Yahoo and South Dakota some they're getting loose but this is calculated this I like that you brought that back to the ranks of doing fair shows you know thank you for taking me out of memory know your roots car decreed 46 feet 8 inches so that is the best height here out of this first round of attempts here they're all gonna get one more shot at it here so Cory as of right now is sitting is that automatic transfer spot into the next round in the territory where you're uncomfortable you've gotten into the later stages right now that's been uncomfortable since we started this I just acted white-knuckled every time he isn't under power towards a quarter play but now it's on them because now they're shooting for the highest they can possibly because because it starts to matter when you're kind of strategizing to just get yourself into the later rounds is one thing but now it's okay well now you have to send it every time every time you have to max it out every time I mean right now only the best height is going to automatically move on yeah at this point and then whoever is at the bottom of that those two riders are gonna have to go into an LCQ you had a grandstand or you go so here we go it's the second runs here for this group but before we get into this let's check it one more time with the rat down there in the field here aha unbelievable job talked to me about this contest yeah it's the biggest ramp and we're going super big everybody's everybody's stepping it up the wind's coming in but it's actually I guess it's not too bad yeah biermann's killing it Creed's killing I got respect for anybody riding this ramp third bikes are fun I don't know and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go as big as I can I guess these next couple rounds and see see how it is best of luck thank you guys mr. Colby like big shots the Colby no one gets into action sports to be interviewed in between the Hutts no one got into this to be like man I really want to give sponsor shoutouts before I risk my life he's so casual about it though I mean any time he gets interviewed about this weather great calm we're not here talked about the approach the quarter fireman what it's like riding this thing is style how different it is compared to others he's just so casual about these it's very candid he's a gentleman for even doing the interviews cuz all I see when I see this is let me ride I just want to ride let my ride and do the talking that's the kind of guy here all right Tyler bear that's gonna get one more attempt at it here you got forty three feet two inches the first time around what's he gonna get here the second attended good I don't know I can't tell ya power nose really your way into the hearts of things that's up you know what it's that you're down but you're not out at this point if you're not into the best at forty six eight and there's still that LCQ round one rider is going to emerge from that LCQ round if he's not able to best 46 feet eight inches does it need to see the car right there coming off the very right side of the ramp you can see them all kind of landing very similar um a lot can be told by just the track of where they're going in bobbin part that motorcycles upside down Jimmy you can't tell me it's not completely inverted when it's at that peak once you've gotten to these Heights I mean at what point look at the decide how much more can I send this right here what else am I gonna have to do what else am I willing to do at this point I hope aliens invade us today and they get to watch with this and try to explain what these boys are doing okay so he's not able to best 46 feet eight inches so as of right now he is in at that LCQ so it comes down to colby raha because if he's not able to best 46 feet in eight inches Laurie will not have to take a second run because he'll automatically get that transfer spot he would he would fake in the interest of self-preservation if you've already got that spot why risk it with another round to go yep strategizing right even all right under power it's coming near ah he needs 46 inches to get a transfer spot into that next round we go flat that was the lowest landing that I seen out of him this weekend all it was scary we said glad we mean to the bottom part of that landing there's probably easily 40 feet of actual rideable area when you take into the idea of all the bendy parts all the transitions in the movie so you want to land like who said is tall to the top of that ramp towards that angle part as you can he pulled out a little bit meaning he went out towards the concrete side not the deck side and he paid for it what a cool shot what a great song beautiful maneuver I'm glad he's alright cuz as we could talk both Bamberg's one of the toughest humans ever in freestyle motorcross best trick he could over on that motorcycle he is one strong dude and these guys are you know way younger they don't have the physique plane that is a sumo has but these guys aren't just maniacs holding onto those handlebars just how do you compress from that from how low he landed on the transition so Corey doesn't have to take that run he's gonna go on to our final round to determine our winner which means Tyler Barrowman and Colby raha are gonna have to duke it out one more time each the best height out of these next two attempts will move on in joint Corey Creed in the battle for being the 2019 nitro World Games moto quarterpipe champion it's very I mean either way at this point you're already on the podium yeah which let's not let's not gloss over that you've made it this far congratulations to all three of you guys yeah to say the least that's quite a year for a lot of these guys I'm gonna be soft Colby's real FMX part the next games is he several sections of a 60-second video I've ever seen like this a lot of these guys are concepts the video parts getting big and creativity is getting it's one dumbness go around you last year's champ trying to get to go up against quarry Korea to the final round now is it going to be enough that was his largest air of the day you can tell that was the one he knew it he knew this he's gonna go home he is gonna make Tyler absolutely fight him he wants to keep going he wants more time on this ramp it doesn't exist in nature he's gonna get it 43 feet six inches for him knocking on the door of that top height that he had last year remember he won last year with 45 feet two inches on earth what do you do to go to another gear I suppose you can't I mean what are you to get more emphasis that the wind is what it is tickets for skis a little windy or goes down I'd be if the wind doesn't look like it's intensified at all I mean the flags have been pretty consistent foots gonna be into the fourth you're looking at the silver lining of things I mean the wind you know sometimes it whips around all over the place and there's ever-changing conditions it looks like it's been at least consistent out here yeah it's just a good thing cuz you can adjust and at least get used to it rather be pushed around like the transition and over a deck or over the transition yeah so 43 feet six inches for him so as of right now he's done the work Tyler Barrowman if he's able to best that he will move on into that next round but again at this point congratulations to all three of these guys because they will be on the podium for right in battle to see who moves on to go up against curry Korea to be crowned for 2019 thanks yo for games moto quarterpipe champion the second year the event has been here at nights our world games tyler pyramid feeling the pressure right now Micha he drifted the furthest we've seen her furthest we've seen across the quarter pipe out here today you can see him Pat the chest right there that game a little scare yep exact trajectory we talked about if you go straight up you're gonna go higher than if you do this look at his car he goes way further to three of those big carpet swabs what are you have to call it again he almost ran out of real estate yeah I like that you call the carpet swabs call them hot brother with that do you tell me I was giving you props I appreciate that swabbing it out over the Utah sky right there through the Utah Sports Commission flags right now that is just so after the school sees arm just kind of over correct at 8 p.m. putting both those rubber tires to the moon I think Colby's got him by a little bit on this one I think Colby's moving on to that I think we're gonna see the Creator AHA battle and it is Colby rah is going to move on into that next round a Tyler Barrowman though Congrats to that young man he will stand on the podium out here today but you can see that he was a little frazzled by what was going on every time he come off of the ramp or before going dude he riding really lose chest what verify this is not something you get over this is not something you get used to this is something you do we're gonna see him it's super hooligan yet again tonight we're not done with beer yet no he's got more riding to do out here and again congratulations to his x-games appearance that he had he got second place a quarter pipe higher as well as a best whip gold medal so great summer Tyler so here we go oh let's see if we go over the high pole this is what's gonna this is it this is to determine our winner out here again they'll get two attempts each now the rules change a little bit here in this last round so Colby's gonna have to go first because Corey had the better height from the last round so Colby's gonna go then Corey then they'll do it again a second time around so whoever is in the high spot after those two attempts the other rider is going to get one LCQ attempt to try to best it if they don't there's our winner if they do we kind of keep going into this sudden-death routine if you will cool I love so the format changes here in this last round so we could see some drama unfolding here but here we go this is down to these final two riders will it be Colby raha will it be Cory Creed raha is under power beautiful absolutely poetic style on that big air attempt moto quarterfinal oh it's just a good contest he had a 43-foot six-inch air that last go-around this one should be pretty close it should be right in that wheelhouse see how he actually want to do a tabletop like it BMX he set himself back God will be called hold it and hold it in my industry sir I thought take that elbow you were full of chips today I love it look at that hand off point at his mom saying look at this 43 3 in perfect cursive Jimmy the shadow on the nitro World Games backdrop on the deck of the quarter pipe there I love that trick a one hander is perfect cause it works anywhere you're on a bike a skatepark your mom goes a little fast over train tracks take that hand off put it back on you planted your first trip kid all right Cory Creed he has been in control this entire competition out here today picking up where he left off he's coming out here to just put an absolute stake in the ground saying I'm from Australia I am better than anyone else at these absolute death-defying you heard it his profile earlier he said he wanted Redemption and he's getting it no two ways about it he came out here every major television contest in the industry he has toyed with toyed with it it has been an absolute but Ted Williams like year for this man give him a hit the batting record I'm Tim the Gold Glove give me some of them weird Oakley's all that stuff you know like that is unbelievable just having a little fun with it they're good hit peak I love it take another look at it right here in the BMX one in the skateboard one it's 27 feet tall and you don't see them get the heights like this you get the big they says there's three different transitions in that take off meaning there's three different angles which will reject them into the moon to get that height I mean if you don't pump in the right spot you don't get it gas at the right area if you don't land the tires at the right time you are having a long night Cory Creed toying with consequences absolutely destroying this competition all right so that's the first round for this this Giller out of this heat I should say 45 feet seven inches right there for Cory Creed believe it or not that's not the highest that he's gone today no he went higher in the opening rounds so here we go it comes down to this last round right here yeah but he had already bested last year's winning height in the opening round it was 45 feet two inches and he had gone higher than that in that opening round yeah I mean we are getting into three like I said we are getting into BASE jumping Heights on motorcycles but there's no parachute in this game there's a little bit of suspension and a whole lot of white knuckling to get you to the bottom and back to safety well this will get interesting strategy wise again so Colby's gonna have to go first so if Colby's not able to best that 40 excuse-me 45.7 Cory would not have to take that second run however by virtue of the rules for this round that I stated they're still gonna be that LCQ attempt Colby's gonna get one more attempt at it to try to best that hide however this is far from over he won this thing last year we've talked about it time and again he's got the skills to do it he's got the style he's got the technique down pat it's gonna come down to either this attempt or the next one will he get the repeat win or are we gonna see Cory Corrine walk out of here the champion this year it all comes down for Colby wrong I don't think it was there I got it but I walked that link with you two I don't think that's gonna be enough either however if Cory because if you either way Colby's gonna get one more shot at it yeah and then that's gonna be this the shot heard around the world my friend he's not here to lose he is here to ride motorcycles he is at a Cinderella gear from this time last year to here right I mean blowing minds in this discipline is what he's doing I love to look at the crank in that you can see them literally pulling it and pushing back and forth to get that front tire where it needs to be you there is no missteps in this competition there is no second chances love it all the noises isn't that a great shot I drop your shoulder put your elbow into your hip and then just maneuver that bite through that motorcycle where you need it to be again these are some of the craziest individuals in the world these five people the sounds that that makes when you drop down out of the sky I mean you can hear all that SCAF or the structure back there just rattling when you hit the bottom of that so 42 feet 11 inches that attempt right there so he is going to get I mean if you're Cory Creed why would you take your second hit at this point you don't need to you're the best height but however with the rules at this point there is an LCQ each round has an LCQ option so colby raha will actually get one more attempt here to try to best that 45 feet seven inches can he do it of course he can you know why because he won last year with 45 feet two inches so he's already done it last year the other Pattani do it again here in 2019 the potential is there like I said Jimmy we were around and they were messing with the ramp a little bit they got different angles on it I mean it's hard to replicate like I said they shifted the ramp into a different area there's a lot of consequences against him but this is one of those kind of simple simple equations like you just give it more and you go up higher but to deal with so Corey's not going to take that second run so it'll come down to this however this if Cory excuse me of Kolbe best that height if he goes higher than 45 seven that doesn't necessarily net him a win because at that point Cory would then get a chance to answer back we're playing a little motorcycle chess out here today with that quarter pipe so we could see a little bit of a battle go on it's kind of like an iced kicker you wonder you wonder how they're gonna deal with it right he's at two shots he's not gonna get a third chance at this and this is the one that really counts I mean it was the first two warm-ups yeah exactly get in your right frame of mind get to where you need to be make peace with anything you need to make peace with just get to the top of that pipe he is in the zone the bike is fired up he's got the goggles on 43 to set the bar at 45 feet 7 inches will he get the winner is Kobe raha gonna come back here in the LCQ and best down over that and make this competition drag on out here it comes down to the water here a potentially dramatic finish out here at the 2019 nitro World Games out here moto quarter pipe final round here comes Kofi rock that was the biggest one he has done all day when it was pressure he made diamonds that was awesome he did it I absolutely think he was up there Oh was that a good attempt just had to get past 45 feet 7 inches remember last year last year's best height was 45 feet 2 inches I agree with you I think this is the highest Cole he's going out here all day buddy coach just looking elevator to the top the man if he didn't beat it he is just millimeters away pick your favorite system again of the two options yeah you get two options you take one I'm gonna push them together get these people oh that is such a cool angle look how picturesque this is yeah oh you brought a flag we're gonna go over that for sure what on earth are these guys thinking I mean that was the one in elevator to the top bump up up up up up up yeah he needed 45 eight he's close to 40 ice looking like he's up there around just a tad over 46 from that side view it's hard to tell looking at all those replays however like I said if he does get over that height no it's not gonna be enough a 44 10 so that beats Cory Creed is going to get the wind out here he's already got himself the next games gold medal it's event and he walks away the 2019 natural world games muddle quarterpipe champ as well is such such a nail on the clock have a great right here for this man Australia he came he brought his mechanic that's the man tennis right there put a ton a ton of effort to beat two major televised TV contest two gold medals man we were talking on there's a bunch of action sports in the Olympics this is definitely our Olympics in action sports and this guy just crushed the all-star game australia is definitely stinky that they are the best in the game Maurice that therefore the fans look at the emotion right now of Corey's face all the fun for all the kids at the skate park for all the people load and unload motorcycles this is what can happen you don't even have to do this man maybe you're not into the contest side of things go out put on a helmet have some fun this is what if you like to have this do this for fun you should definitely keep doing it he's had a heck of a trip over here to the states thus far another big win Laurette get in there and talk to the man Korey Creed we can tell how much this mean meant to you you were sitting over here your approach was completely different it looked like you were carrying so much pressure on your shoulders taking deep breaths can you talk about the bravery that it took for you to go 45 feet and seven inches one of this one pretty much the whole year since I lost last year X Games quarter pipe gold was a bit of a beauty but this one hits hits home pretty well yeah it's not easy you know rotting as a tram because with a throttle button down the hallway I mean I'm so stoked yeah this is like a dream come true Conte Rockstar engine unit showed some FX boost my ball MX stall rah the link man everyone supports me my mechanic ties killed it all week we've been here all week practicing putting in the work you know my fiance back home at Kleinschmidt family eyeshadow X Scotty boy we did it man we did it you did it you did it and when you are sitting here you're looking at this takeoff ramp and you're breathing and you're visualizing your runs can you even talk about how wild that was to drop from that many feet you were dropping from six stories and how many visualizing uh since Tuesday trying to put it all together and then figure it out if I did win or how I can win yeah I pretty much I flew here to come to work you know it is fun and games but you know I want to do good I want to make a name for myself so I take it very seriously now talking about visualization were you able to visualize this win or would that have been too much of a distraction for you yeah too much of a distraction these dudes are so good on a dirt block I've got so much respect for Tyler and Colby you know I never counted them out until obviously the last jump you say yeah mad respect unbelievable job congratulations ladies and gentlemen Corey Creed is your winner of FMX quarterpipe guys talk about the level of dedication and the drive that that young man has we thought his profile earlier in the show he said he wanted Redemption when they came out and put the new hide pull-up they didn't tell anybody that's they made him taller that they made it bigger so all this was kind of by accident because the cops trying to gauge it by last year yo homie absolute he was on the phone in last year finished out the third place he had a height of 38 feet six inches and believe it or not in that opening round he had broken last year's height record we had 45 feet two inches last year he came out in an opening round and went 46 feet eight inches just to get the bar he started oh and a party it is they are gonna be celebrating in Australia for a full year he's said it man there's a couple other contests out there there's a couple of his show teams with Rams like this this is the big daddy this is where you put up or shut up and the five bravest human beings to put legs over motorcycles came out here today and Cory walked away victorious getting the Red Bull shower right there with the water shower right there from Tyler pyramid but man what an amazing competition and hats off to all five of those guys you guys are true motorcycle gladiators out here your final thoughts on this I can't wait until next year I know there's some kids just drooling watching this live feed on the social media guys get on social media build these things let's keep riding and let's see where you can go so it's Cory creative walking out of here with the win it at a height of forty five feet seven inches out here for the second ever moto quarterpipe final out here at nitro World Games that was absolutely insane our athletes have set the bar incredibly high for next year but we are far from done for the day still to come the super hooligan flat track racing finals and make sure to come back at 450 today for the start of the absolutely insane nitro rallycross finals you will not want to miss one single pin to the action here for the Utah Motorsports campus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 1,356,739
Rating: 4.7357903 out of 5
Keywords: extreme sports, rallying, rallycross, motorsports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 52sec (12832 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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