Crankworx Whistler 2014 Red Bull Joyride Watch Party

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welcome Canada welcome the USA hello Germany Spain France and the UK and a very special hello to you Whistler it's the biggest night in all of mountain biking for the Red Bull Joyride day number nine of Crankworx well that starts right now [Music] oh yeah a big night coming your way and a night of Revelations here in Whistler for Crankworx date number nine two of the items we'll get to later on in the show but one of them who is gonna be crowned the Red Bull and Joyride champion that's up for grabs we'll find out but before we get to that let's send things down to Jackie Montgomery Jackie we are here at Whistler mountain for year number 11 of Crankworx tens of thousands of fans are here packed into Whistler Village to watch the best slopes aw athletes in the world battle it out on the Red Bull joyride horse for more on the course breakdown let's send it over to Ryan Meier thanks Jackie this course is immaculate condition we've had all the trail crew putting an ample shovel work time all the rocks are sweep swept out they've even sifted some of the dirt to get everything immaculate so that the riders are in tip-top mental condition as they're going for their big tricks here you see in front of the face of the lip here even this has been packed in for an aesthetical appeal that just is perfection to any trail crew we're in for a massive tree here on this course and that's exactly why you come to Whistler crank works over you Brad thanks Ryan we've talked about the course jockeys talked about the crowds but I'm here to talk about the progression it is gonna be insane ladies and gentlemen are you ready Whistler thanks big Brad yeah well we're just about getting ready to start and I'll tell you what social media always playing a big part and if you can be taking the photos and chiming in make sure you hashtag RB Joyride hashtag RB Joyride and also hashtag Crankworx you want to follow on instagram want to follow twitter and facebook that is at Crankworx well i'll tell you what we got Jackie standing by it with a guy who has his finger on the pulse and could determine the outcome of tonight's event let's send it down to Jackie right now Jackie thanks guys well I am here with Paul Raque our head judge for the Red Bull Joyride so Paul what exactly are you looking for from the athletes in today's contest well pretty much up this event we're looking for riders to trick every feature do their top tricks but much for the most difficult tricks and land their run from top to bottom and get on the podium ten features from top to bottom on this course is there anywhere on this course where riders can really separate themselves from the rest of the pack pretty much the best way to separate yourself is trick difficulty trick bigger and better than the other guy will move you up where you do that is your choice all right easy enough Paul Raque our head judge any questions comments or complaints after this event this is your guy right here hey guys back to you oh thank you so much Jackie Montgomery well that we know when everything is said and done the dust clears that's the guy to mind Paul Rock right there no Paul Rock does an amazing job and his judging crew they're set to make things happen and do the best job that they possibly can out here with a packed house I mean every single year it just gets bigger and bigger if that's even possible it is like mountain biking on steroids all right well let's think about last year what a big year it was for your Joyride last year and by the magic a video let's rewind the clock a year ago and check out last year's Red Bull Joyride take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] pilgrim right now currently ranked number [Music] [Applause] and there is a look at him right there barn so does Trump nollie 360 off to the top Joyride drop 360 over the next go broke tennis court 360 neck neck style oh yeah double comment cabin boys being up top the cabin the cabin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah that's how played out for you last year Brandon sama not getting his second win the Red Bull Joyride Martin Soto swim in that second spot in Sam pilgrim in third Martin Soderstrom not in tonight's event sound pilgrim not in so that's gonna leave two open spots on the podium for someone else to get in on that well we'll be getting started here for you in just a moment thank you so much for everybody coming out you guys this is the place to be because it's the biggest event in mountain biking and it's coming your way don't go anywhere it's all on the way for you right here your Red Bull Joyride it's coming up don't go anywhere it's always des double nine Crankworx whistler biggest effect coming up your red bull joyride boy I tell you what we have a packed house indeed out here showing up blowing up and representing mountain biking freeride the way they know how it's all on the way for it you can take a look at our aerial shots right here all the way to skeeters Plaza this finish Corral and how packed it is some of the best in the world out here got the two-timer Club guys like Brandon seminar he's in the two-time he's won it twice you got guys also like cam Zink he's won it twice but no one has ever won it three different times well early Jackie of course Jackie Montgomery caught up with a contender here at Red Bull Joyride let's send it down to Jackie Montgomery Jackie thanks guys reader now Bret you missed out on last year's Red Bull joyride because you had a back injury how good does it feel to be back competing this year in 2014 yeah it feels awesome my back is 100% this year and I'm healthy and I'm feeling good on the course so far you've been out here in Whistler for the past week riding this course trying to get your run dialed in how confident are you feeling coming into today's contest it's it's pretty good there's been lots of events going on so our course hasn't been open the full course so you know we could maybe have used a little bit more practice we've had a few bad weather days but I think we're all making it work and and we're all getting ready and we're gonna drop at five tonight no we were just talking before we started doing our interview and you're saying today really it's anyone's game to win this event as we looked at the stat list of competitors what is it gonna take to kind of separate yourself from the rest of the pack I mean consistency is always key my biggest goal is to do the tricks that I know I can do and not go too far outside of the box and I think I think hopefully that's what it'll take all right Brett Reed are looking for his first win here at the Red Bull Joyride guys will send it back over to you all right Brad J up at the booth let's send it over to Ryan Myers and check in with Ryan Ryan well you've been hearing it from us all week this is one of the best Troy ride courses to date eleven years in the making and let's talk about why it is the best some of the most features on a slope style course nearly a dozen trickable features they're saying and that's what's gonna wrap it up are you gonna be able to have the tricks in your bag that you're able to make it unique the whole way down and are you gonna be able to keep to your progression and keep things moving we had the four pack on course and that's gonna be something where you see all the big tricks of combinations the best tricks the opposites but I don't think that's exactly where it's gonna make or break a certain riders run it's gonna be on the small little details and when we're getting into features like the Red Bull up cannon that's definitely something that I think is gonna be a high scored feature when I talk about a cannon you think okay we've had this on so many slopestyle courses but not exactly like this they've really stepped up the incline on the log and that makes it work exactly like a kicker a lot of the riders are feeling comforted comfortable doing flip tricks and other combinations off that and if you're able to do that the judges are gonna score you very high moving into some other features that are going to get very high points if you're able to trick them the Joyride cabin right behind me the flat drop on the bottom that is where some big tricks that I've heard are going to be thrown down some stuff that we haven't seen is a massive 20-foot drop and if you're able to trick that go inverted potentially that is where some judges are gonna really boost you up into those top podium positions from all the rest Brad to back and Ryan Meier breaking it down for you you know what and you've talked to all the riders out here all the guys that are competing I had a chance to catch up brenton seminar just about an hour ago and I was just asking them straight up is this the best course in the history of redbull Joyride and Brandon Salmon Hawk said yes so he agrees all the other riders agrees you can't get better than this by myself surrounded by mountain bike elite here in the booth right now I got Aaron chase pro rider and also a judge too as well Aaron chase I got one question man who is gonna win red bull joyride well I'm feeling the breeze coming over these mountains so I'm thinking some of these veterans like a cam Zink or even your brother cam a call so I like those guys I mean I gotta say though this is looking like a salmon of course so you say you're thinking salmon I go Katie Mac of course you're not able to saw a cliche answer you're not able to compete because you're injured but if you have to pick one guy and I'm making you pick one guy who's the guy ouch paper one guy it's Brett reader I think this course seats in there's ton of chance for Oppo just alpha stuff stuffs back-to-back and he's just always on when he's on his bike and he's not hurt his head's always in the right place and he's always on so I think this is his course I think he's gonna win Ryan my partner crap what are you saying man I think that's pretty safe bet that we're gonna have a Brett reader and Brandon Semin XO but what happens to those guys crash out I think I'm going with Tommy G what Tomas you know oh no all right well jack in that's the pic that I'm looking at and we'll see how it all shapes up we'll check back at halftime with a Red Bull joyride panel I will let's take a look at your ffb leaderboard as it stands right now take a look at this right now and this is of course your FMB diamond series standings right now Anthony Missouri he's got a thousand points because he got that win and laid this out towards you know he got second out there so he comes away with 900 points from that Sam Reynolds in third not gonna be seeing Sam Reynolds out here but a guy who has a chance to move up that leaderboard Nikolay brogue at Caen in that four spot that's her FMB diamond series leaderboard going on right there all right well it's time to check in with Jackie Montgomery she has a report a Ryder report for it so let's check in with Jackie Montgomery with a rider report what's going on Jackie thanks guys not just a ride report I have a rider here with me Carson Storch Carson this is your first year in the Red Bull Joyride you're just saying you were always down there in the crowd wishing you could be here so what does it feel like to be dropping in here in just a few minutes feels amazing I've watched from the sidelines for years and ready to go ready to put down a run you said you've been working towards this all year long competing a ton leading up to this how are the nurse feeling going into one of the biggest contests in the slopestyle industry there's definitely nerves but uh just trying to stay calm just focus on my run all right we're gonna let him a focus on his run Carson Storch the first to drop in guys we'll send it back down to you alright Jackie about Gary and of course just added to it Carson Stewart's at a band organ doing it for Diamondback 21 years old he's getting the nod and that's gonna be exciting stuff to be getting the nod like that I'll tell you what well come for Matt let's take a look at the comp for Matt I got Ryan Mayer up here in the booth there and Brian Mayer cup for Matt Ryan what is it gonna take out here basically we have this simple to run format we're not having a super final this year riders decide okay we just want two runs to go threes a little too much so it's gonna be a lot more stressful on them I feel you have to just put in a Bangor run on first run see how things go and hopefully it's gonna get you on to the top spot so when you have a to run format do you think that is better that happened the super final and having that third run later or is it it is safe for such a way from you know I personally would have liked a best three run for myself because I could catch up that way but I think they're super Indian just having two runs so it's not to sketch you have to go up for a third run and then even step yourself up again so just two runs it seems like that's the format they're super happy with I think we're gonna be happy with it as well because you're gonna see jam-packed stuff in run one all right well there's an elite club we talked about the two-time winner the two timer Club and that's cam Zink he's won it twice Paul bass is one of twice and then of course Dominic has won it twice but a whole slew of guys have won in a single time but I'll tell you what it's gonna be hard to see if it can be done three times let's take a look the list of the winners the Champions Red Bull Joyride take a look if you can win here if you can put it all together [Music] the right run in the right place at the right time if you can lay it all out despite the danger in the stress only then count yourself amongst the very best elite company winning Crankworx just once-in-a-lifetime is a huge achievement this isn't just a normal event this is the Super Bowl of our sport the first ones would go back-to-back and to win it twice so a huge moment for me in my life means the world I mean the ring it's just a possession but it's awesome does it signifies something great [Applause] privilege isn't given it's earned [Applause] welcome to the club buddy who's next well I'll tell you what I'll tell you who's next we got previous winners in the mix out here three previous winners who are actually competing out here and I mentioned cam Zink he is one of them cam Zink right there at the USA 28 years old he has won it twice he is just absolutely on point that Brandon's stamina he is also won it twice as well so he's another member of the two-timer Club when it comes to joyride and then you got Tomasz you know and a guy that of course that Ryan Mayer was picking to possibly win this Toma I did it two years ago he got on the podium and he took the big win out there and it definitely changed his life and that's what it does you went out here it changes your life Ryan you know a lot of people said as well tell me G didn't you know he didn't win that full fully and I think he has a lot of redemption came back he really has proven himself within the last year especially in the offseason you can just see his skills on the bike have improved immensely he is so comfortable that's why I picked him for doing really well tonight well he's definitely a guy can do it but then you got to look at all the other single guys I'll tell you what a lot of other guys can make it happen well we're just a couple minutes to go don't go anywhere people this is the place to be Red Bull Joyride that's coming at you next Red Bull Joyride I gotta ask you one question are you ready Wessler Ryan Meyer this crowd is off the hook out here today are off the chain however you want to say it but we need to take a look at our start list to break it down for you who are the heavy hitters who are coming your way here you're gonna be competing in your Red Bull Joyride take a look at this Carson Stewart's we saw him on there - mwah mwah and the rest of the crew right there exactly - Carson and Simon both won themselves in a spot here because the injury is previously Jeffco love each local boy Louie red bow as well winning himself in a spot from friends Thomas Ida Bret reader of course Tommy that were always expecting to see in top three contention Logan Pete Santa Cruz rider Cameron McCall definitely no stranger to slopestyle I mean cam has been known here for many years he's been able to compete constantly in slope style Darren berrecloth Yannick Granieri the French boy Simon Garcia cam Zink definitely no stranger to mountain bike free riding he's always one to be on top there Nikolai Rogan Brad tell me something about Nikolai Rogaine well he's a guy that I picked just because he's been so solid the last few years I mean he got there I think fourth it was out and laid his out then he got on the podium in Colorado so he has been on point but then you got these guys Anthony Missouri got his first huge win he did it in late his out Tomasz you know we know he's already won it before and Brad does sound like five freakin podiums and two wins man all right well that's how it's breaking down for you that is your start list well let's check in fourth member of our team big Brad Brad you and let's send it down to Brad Brad I could see a light in the course Whistler this course is absolutely perfect for today's festivities are you ready westward [Music] [Applause] I said are you ready well I'll give you Red Bull joyride alright it's time to get this thing started no other competition start Red Bull joyride date number nine we've been waiting for it since the start of crank words and it is go time right here in Whistler and our first competitor is locked and he is loaded and ready to drop in here and do battle a recent addition to the program talking about Carson Stewart's doing it in a big way for Diamondbacks is 21 years old a two run format he's out of Bend Oregon put your hands together for our first rider Carson Storch so Carson's rolling up to the first drop here are joy ride drop the course might look similar to you guys if you look watch from last year but this drop has leveled itself up regular 360 off of that drop for Carson saw it bore spin as he's popping over the giant up box three width for Carson over the next double and coming up into that Stram curve wall ride feature that is going to be difficult to treat top no enter to bar spin over the first four pack jump not quite getting the second one off of that big red bull double he's busting around here into the cannon feature really nice dump 360 for Carson oh and going for the transfer whip hipping from the left side hip over to the right side landing 360 up out of the cabin and 360 off up away Tok no hander or toboggan pardon me coming into that little loop feature bar spin up 360 finishing it off first solid run in the books for Carson starts holy crap we got ourselves a competition and only our first competitor people of lesser let's hear it for the full pull by Carson storage [Applause] well let's see if we could take a look at some of the replays from that blistering run from Carson Storch so just check-in out step up to the cap in here that's where he went for a regular 360 up then the opposite way spinning off the cabin looks so clean you couldn't even tell that it was opposite there's that nice bar spin into the Bud Light whale tail and that really nice solid 360 out really clean landing on everything in the first solid run for our first rider down on Joyride course and we wait for the score to come in for Carson this will be the first score in the books the benchmark is a 60 even one more time of 60 for Carson Stewart's and our first run in the books so now we take our attention back up top one of the best or the best Red Bull Joyride courses in all eleven years that this has been going on the best course riders agree so one of the youngest guys is well in this contest eighteen years old all the way up from France Simon posess he was not sure if he was going to be able to ride in this contest due to injuries from previous riders yesterday and this morning he earned himself a spot into the final here today who's ready to do it up in practice and let's just see what the young French boy has for us first year in Whistler first year at Crankworx here comes Paige as his first run of the to run format looking to be 260 and 360 off of the first Joyride jump a nice bar spin off the giant up log three whip over the Bud Light step-up coming around the ceramic fast into this four pack backflip bars spin off the first Ram Center and into the red going down hard for pizzetta's but he puts his hand up and you need to put your hands together for him right there he is okay let's hear for Simon patches not sure it won't went wrong there we'll have to take a look at that Ryan it looks to me it looked like he just came up a tiny bit short little off axis on that flip of end up casing it and just spun him around go take a look at it in the replay well maybe we can see possibly what went wrong there if we can get a replay of that particular crash there from Pat Jess here's a look so here just blinking up into that flip whip but a little off axis and tiny bit too short yeah yeah so we ended up hanging up and just toss him back around nice to see he was wearing that solid full face helmet something that the riders are all opting to do these days safety first all right well let's take let's to see what the score is for him that's not gonna not gonna battle with that top spot the 60 so far so 27 4 is what he'll look to improve on but I think what we need to kind of break down as the keys to the comp keys to the competition Ryan Meier well we were talking about this before we have consistency precision and first run bangers so when you're talking about an entire slope style run how consistent can you be it's not just that one jump that you're able to do that banger trick off are you able to do it the entire way down and can you do it for two runs consecutively precision are you able to get your feet back on the pedals are you able to get your hands perfectly inline so that you can link up to that next trick and are you able to do it always every time when it's required from you and then we're talking first run bangers that's really when we talk about the guys who have those big tricks and who is able to do those big tricks first run because we're saying two runs you've got to go for broke first time around and are you able to do it indeed and you arrive first run bangers you know I'll tell you what judge is looking for them to take chances the earlier you take those chances in the run the better you scored now we take our attention up top for this next gentleman his first run tomorrow Levon he is from France doing it for Santa Cruz bicycles 217 years old and ready to come in right now on the biggest show in mountain biking right here here we go next up put your hands together for the Frenchman tamale mom I don't know if you guys have been here throughout the week but he's as well been competing in a lot of different events he did very well at the duel speed and style as well as up at pump track just killing it and look at slopestyle tossing that nice 360 off the first drop 360 X up over the giant box and into the Bud Light step-up solid big backflip coming out of the French rider only 17 years old and flying high meters in the air big ole backflip bar spin off the strand sander back lift talk over the next Red Bull ramp and coming up into the hip section this is where you split off left or right decides to go for the Red Bull can in future oh and he's going for the transfer as well bars been a tuck no-hander up into the joy ride cabins tail whip up top 360 off the big drop it's a 20-foot drop all the way down over top the banister of that cabin and Lincoln up into the bottom jump here tuck no-hander into the Bud Light whale tail huge Babbo [Applause] Tomasz LeMond right they're putting in a good first run remember the score to beat right now is just a 60 so that's what he's trying to be I love the fact Ryan he's taking chances up there at the beginning of the course and not just kind of putting in stock runs yeah I know as well he has a lot of extra tricks in his bag he was trying to hold it back a tiny bit for that one but look at we're talking about precision and consistency are you able to do those tricks all the time so I think he's often let's go for the ones that I know are gonna get me a first solid run then I can go for the second one but tricks like that flip whip up of that top Bud Light step up that's really what's gonna get him on top of the leaderboard here and that nice taco hander in remember you have to be able to trick all these features there's 12 features that the riders are saying are trickable on this course that means you have to be able to do a different one off each jump alright score coming in looking to beat a 60 even that's what he's trying to beat Carson Storch has that 60 does he do it seventy-three point six four two miles LeMond right there taking over the top spot with that score so a nice run for the Frenchman all right well I think it's time to show the people good people what it's like to do come down this course let's check out our GoPro course preview and take a look what this course is all about check this out hey I'm Jeff Gullah and this is the GoPro course preview of the Red Bull joeri course just rolling into this pretty basic got a fun little rolled up he can manual 3 keep some mellow to speed here nice drop the start let me got a school ball feature then I always overshoot killer step-up jump I love that thing we got time for the next one totally awesome now always whip that out right onto the cabin take a mellow stroke off the drop those guys cool toilet bowl feature grave at BMX world yes well built where you have cupcakes in high fives and that's the GoPro course perimeter guys and that's a GoPro course preview courtesy of Jeff gulley out of North van how many gulley fans we got out here in Whistler today a whole bunch of them well he is locked and loaded and it is now his turn for his first run well I'm coming to you by way of North Vancouver 27 years old doing it for Rocky Mountain put your hands together for the local boy gully Jeff galovitch sassy rolls through I think the crowd is gonna get hyped I know he has a few friends bicycle rockers stepping down that red bull cannon let's see how hot you can get on gully here real nice 360 for the local boy off that first drop nice down side one footer coming up 360 table over top of the step-up and into the SRAM curved wall ride here comes Jeff on to the 4-pack whipping it out nice dirt jumps tease not quite getting the tricks they're still making a smooth run come around for Jeff and into the cannon feature looks like Jeff's just gonna hold it out he didn't get a couple of the tricks he was looking for cork flipped from transferring ripe lip to left landing coming up into the jaw into the gorge cabin here with a nice 360 off Jeff is really showcasing his big mountain riding abilities on these draw features and even with a bug like cabin here we go big cork flip for Jeff Kovich so gulley the north van local put your hands together for Jeff galovitch one more time Whistler come on now [Applause] [Music] so we'll take a look at dust Oh looky plays look at this cabin up here that Geordi was going for the tuck no-hander up but got a really perfect 360 off of that big 20-foot drop really showcasing his big mountain ability Jeff is what is known for doing so many disciplines in mountain biking and his putt light whale tail we know Jeff likes to go inverted and he does it here so perfectly for the crowd in Whistler all right score to beat a seventy three point six is what he's trying to beat score coming in 43 2 for gully so he'll I was work cut out from on a second run coming up in this to run format out here in your Red Bull Joyride it's hard to believe day number 9 the biggest event of all of Crankworx taking place right now welcome but everybody watching us online rebel TV on your Apple TV Red Bull dot CA there's your leaderboard right there beam along with that seventy three six storage a recent addition he's in second with a sixty gully in that third spot and pass yes of course went down so that's why hence the lower score right there for him and now we take our all of our tension up top here we go next up who do we got up here Ryan Louie ribbo Louie Robo one of the most stylish guys in mountain biking right now definitely one of my favorite riders on the contest scene kind of that guy who decides to go for style over the biggest tricks but we've seen some big stuff out of him cork 360s as well so who knows what's gonna come out of Louie Robo these days well here he comes right now Whistler put your hands together he's coming by way of France this is Louie Ripple so Louis actually winning at the swash crown line in Munich match selecting himself a nice position in big tailwhip off of that up box 360 invert that's that style I was talking about such a difficult trick to do and especially right to do it in a contest that just shows he really wants to showcase that dirt jump ability big backflip barzmann flat spin 360 tons of style when he dumps around and into this Red Bull Canon nice tail whip out coming up into the hip features transferring over massive amplitude that some of the judges are really going to dock high for that point category big backflip up top of the cabin oh and going for the tail up missing his pedals and going down at the bottom of the landing and I think that's just more frustration put your hands together for Louie ruble right there he is up having a good run right until that n Ryan yeah unfortunate he had to go down on that he had a really solid run linking up really nice to see Louie Robbo out here though so let's take a look at some of these replay I think we got one of the flip flip here yeah so this is just coming out of that strand while the riders are flying at about 50 kilometers an hour into that first jump backflip tailwind into that flat spin 360 just perfect executional all that first rider receive do a backflip up top and had tons of amplitude and going over into that tail you just see you got a little off-kilter look like he missed a pedal on that right-hand side trying to get that foot back on the pedal there looked like he just kind of got a little blown off there and feet didn't miss didn't make it onto the pedals and unfortunately that's exactly what you need to make that landing as a competitor what do you do there when you have that fall like that Ryan D how do you shake that off for your second run well to run format you can't even think about it you just have to go back up and know that you have these tricks in your bag select it into your head and just go down and shut off that switcher being scared I gotta ask you Whistler are you enjoying the Red Bull Joyride are you not entertained [Applause] Oh big ol crowd out here now we go to Lamaze Ida now for you from the Czech Republic we look for dawn or 24 years old for Xena in this first run Ryan one of the one of the riders who seems to be going to every single contest on the FMV circuit I've seen him do two contests in a weekend the other day just a rider who loves going out and competing always doing big combination tricks and you're gonna see that with his tail whip stuff here well here we go Tomasz Ida from the Czech Republic his first run coming in hot the Thomas coming up into the jour I drop 360 X up into the giant box nice bar spin 2x up this is the combinations I was speaking of backflip whip on the step up and around the SRAM wall looks like he was going for a bar spin there I'm gonna be excited to see some riders doing tricks nice regular no foot can into a tailwhip off of the next four pack feature don't have been to the Red Bull cannon Zaida with a bar spin linking it up on to that Oh going way too big on that tail and I think he was getting a little excited you guys were cheering too hard for him no no no you can't share too hard Ryan Meier you definitely can't share too hard but you know what you can do is put your hands together for Saito one more time and send them back up top with some authority on his second run here it's just it's getting a run top to bottom like Ryan saying getting a trick on every opportunity you can't let's see if we can see the fall here what happened he just went off on that but light lip and tossed that whip it was way too high I believe on the hole and it just looked like the whip went around couldn't quite catch the pedals to rear and heavy well that's one of those situations you kind of kind of plant your tricks you got to know what you need to do 29.8 that is going to be the score for him 29.8 hey all you people enjoying yourself you're watching it at home you're watching here live and Whistler social media man help us out let's get behind this hashtag RB Joyride RB Joyride here's Eric Raquel let's go Brandon salmon I can Logan Pete wish I could be there watching it on pink bag live and Lewis Gulliver let's get her done RB joyride hashtag hashtag crank works and you get to do the same RB Joyride hashtag RB Joyride and hashtag crank works well coming up for you we got Bret reader coming up Logan Pete on the way cam McCaul the claw and more they're all on the way don't go anywhere cuz they're coming up next more beer redbull joyride oh yeah welcome back to the biggest event ever in mountain biking your Red Bull Joyride right here and beautiful Whistler let's take a look at how things are stacking up so far Ryan Meier Thomas Lamar Thomas the MA first time out here in Crankworx and on top right now seventy three point six Carson Storch as well didn't even know if he was gonna ride yesterday in the mix 60 in the second spot Jeff go this local boy gully third place Louie ribeaux fourth Thomas Ida in fifth and Simon pages in sixth spot rounding it off well this score to beat is that seventy three point six too Mopsy mom with that score right there and that's the score to beat in her next guy that's all you're trying to do is you're trying to beat that score and this man right here had a rough season last year he was injured most of the season but he come back he is healthy he is ready to go and he is locked and loaded ready to drop in he is from Mount Albert doing it for the tracks III project 21 years old and rolling with the white walls I like the white walls I know the kids got a lot of style as well he's got that Tim Hortons plaid representing Canada on the bike there but we're speaking to I was speaking to him at least early I showed up about nine o'clock looking at course and there was reader hovering over just planning out his run but he said you know I'm calm and collected I got this thing I just got to believe in my abilities and Whistler get behind him because this is getting crazy now Big O truck bar to bar back front flip off the step-up this is what's going on Whistler make some noise for Brett reader Figo backflip whip card 720 o is so dumped in with his front coming up into the into the candy big backflip off the cannon this is what I was talking about that jump is so dialed this year 316 the hip transfer and up into the chore ride cabin bar up 364 oh and what does he have coming into this 270 loop up into the Bud Light whale tail whip in is that all you got winter for the local boy let's hear for Bret reader [Applause] well that was a jail run can we just get a couple replays on a few of those things ask and you shall receive Ryan Meyer let's take a look at some of that run from Bret reader check the Marquis up first start joyride drop sending it with a big bullet backflip off of the flat drop then we go into a 360 bar to bar back off the giant up log and that front flip over the next feature everything was jam-packed not only was he tricking stuff not only was every jump unique look at this that was the opposite tail whip up into the whale tail and a perfect backflip whip off so just a banger run Bret reader score coming in score to beat 73 six does brat reader do it and I dive a 4.2 are you kidding me I'm ninety four point two on his first run for Bret reader put those hands together one more time [Applause] reader that was absolutely ridiculous man how does it feel to get dot on your pocket huh I don't know I'm speechless right now sitting here with a broken back last year and then finally coming down oh dude you crushed it is that the Evel Knievel stunt bike buddy yeah it is that's what I'm talking about ladies and gentleman Bret reader I mean I don't know I don't even know what to say I mean that sends a message to the rest of the competitors out here look I'm Bret reader I'm back I was injured last year not the case this year and I'm gunning for the top spot at ninety four point two amazing so you got Carson sorts in third with that sixty then you got seventy three point six four total montly want in that second spot and Brent reader dropping a bomb on Whistler with a ninety four point two Ryan ooh 20 points over 20 points lead already on second place and we're just getting started that is unbelievable earlier of course t-mac is looking like a genius he was calling reader to actually win this thing let's take our attention back up top and get things going we ain't done yet we're just in the first runs right now Logan Pete here's the guy that could put down a run in the 90s at any point in time so Logan Pete he's out of Robert's Creek he's 24 years old Logan doing it for Santa Cruz bicycles and he's ready to do battle right there he knows the score to beat here he comes put those hands together for the Canada's Logan Peet and no stranger to riding well he's out there on the coast living with Brandon seminar you may have seen it on barred for live 360 and then opposite three off of that up box perfect flip whip out of Logan feet you know this rider had a super hard leg break a couple seasons ago he was out so long the wooden heel and look at how solid he's come back backflip bar into a nice flip over there and coming up into this full cannon three six he's so smooth going for the right hand but light hip they're nice top side tail up from Logan Pete's scrubbed a tiny bit of speed go for the tuck no-hander on the cabin up Oh 360 off and coming around up into the last jump here the Bud Light whale tail big backflip so a nice solid first run finishing it off for Logan Pete now I'm not sure not playing the judge don't know what the judges are gonna see on this but I'll tell you what Logan I think taking it just a little bit easier than Brett readers aren't maybe just trying to make sure you get a comfortable run under your belt Ryan oh and that's nice always to be able to get the entire run under your belts and you're down at the bottom you said okay I stomped everything look at this pile Logan's face I think he's stoked but is it enough to challenge 94 to a really nice rotation on that flip whip coming up into the Bud Light whaletail and just sending it off with a back flip by keeping it nice and safe making sure that he has that first run under the belt this does not want to crash definitely on first run and a 65 for 0 for Logan Peet and that's gonna put him right into that third spot with that score 65 4 behind Limon in that second spot and prep reader still at 94 over 20 points between him in the second place finisher right there there's a look at our our leaderboard with reader on top and now the veterans turn we take it up to the vet cam McCaul locked and loaded now you remember cam 2012 got third place was on the podium that was the era Tamar's genome won that year the cam McCaul getting on the podium and you know that's what he's looking to do here right now just to crack the top three got to be 265 for for third a 73 6-4 number two or at ninety four point two for the first bottom there he goes from the USA let's hear it for Ken McCall Oh going opposite 360 off that first drop tail whip over the giant up lock 360 weapon Oh sliding out cam oh it's hands up having a good time though really unfortunately got a little off axis on that landing super bummer for cam McCaul baby's gonna be able to finish the run for you guys here whistler make some noise for cam not to disappoint going back hiking back up on that landing I'm gonna finish off this run and here he goes back on the bike one more time for camp McCall blasting around that scramble he is gonna finish it up nice big backflip on that first jump styling it out obviously we know that when a rider in mountain biking crashes that's pretty much his run done but cams doing it here Superman seat grab off of that first off that log feature might just begin a little bit of practice in as well as he's blasting up top of this joyride cabin bar up whip off [Applause] and into the Bud Light whaletail finale jump here solid backflip at the cam yeah put your hands together one more time for Camp McCall his first run had that fall but he's got another opportunity to go for the full pull and see if he can get up on a podium position like he did it 2012 now let's take a look at this ride and maybe you can dissect maybe what happened to him here but look nice and simple after that taalib but see he gets a little too off axis pass he had he looked actually almost like he stopped spinning with his bike so sometimes your body keeps spinning and your bike doesn't he had to pull it around there and it just unfortunately wasn't able to keep that front tire on the dirt so 34:8 right there he'll look to improve and he'll have another shot at it I called this deal back to back to back legends right now cam McCaul now the claw getting ready then be followed by Yannick Ronnie arey coming up and a flaw showing us the horns right there so you know he's ready no we've been I've been up here for 11 years Darren berrecloth was one of the first riders who I saw just blow my mind my brother and I were standing under that road gap that used to have in course o'clock comes down on that blue specialized 360s off that I mean these are the moments that are made at Crankworx the memories that are out here for the spectators well here we go drop it in next for his first run do it for Red Bull put your hands together for the claw Oh Darren nice 360 as we mentioned one of the first guys starting to do those tricks on drops Indian air off of the next giant box oh and going for the 360 as well not a kid running man almost running out of that staying on the bike think claw just did a 720 whip but not completely in the air the whole time unfortunately as well missing the 360 whip opportunity on the Bud Light step-up claw is gonna have to finish his run so Claude just getting back up top here he goes gonna finish off this run here comes the claw and into the Red Bull canon just airing it out get a little bit of extra practice time before he has to go up there wait for all the riders to drop so that he can then go for his second run 360 off the cabin no big deal just 20 feet up into this Bud Light whale tail on another nice solid 360 from Darren berrecloth and one more time for the legend the ambassador whatever calm let's hear for Darren bear claw right there look ha all right now we saw kind of what went wrong when he went down but let's see the good things about that run that he did pull off in that run that if he could just add those without the fall he could be looking at a good piece of score I mean this was just practice here we know Darren is very solid on his 360s especially coming off of drops and the score coming in for him that's gonna be a 3-0 he's gonna head back up top one more run to go for the claw one more time let's hear it for Darren bear claw [Music] so let's take a look at our leaderboard there's your current leader right there that's would be Bret reader high fives from the boys in third of Logan Peet with that 65 for Limon in that second spot with a 73 6 and reader the story of the day thus far with a 94 point - Yannick Ranieri now getting ready to go it's gonna be his turn now Yannick knows what he has to do he knows the score to beat and if anyone knows what to do here Yannick does here we go in his first run from Frandsen for whitey Industry 27 years old Yannick Granieri so Yannick you see he was just trying to memorize his run as he's going down playing it out 360 off the first drop for Yannick up into the giant up box nice tail whip it's doing it for whitey industries on that hard tail bike you're going to notice some of the riders opting to ride a dual suspension slope bike here Oh big flat spin 360 acts up from Jana can he do a flip flip Yannick has some great signature style on those flats Ben 360 huge tuck no-hander off of the cannon and into the red bullet with a nice one foot down side coming up into the joy ride cabin cannonball whip down super clean landing for the French rider Yannick as he busts around nice and fast into the Bud Light whale tail up and into a big blue in the Yannick let's hear it for Yannick Granieri one more time right there on his first run now I don't know if that challenge at the top but the deal is just to get in that top three and get on a podium out here is something that's hard to do so we'll see what the score comes in for Yannick still trying to beat that top score so far other day bat reader 94 - let's take a look here at the replay here I think that's we're gonna get a look at that you know we saw a lot of big amplitude out of Yannick especially his first job here that's his signature trick flat spin 360 X up and then into this massive flip whip definitely the heart L is giving him an advantage there's he's able to pump through and gain a lot of speed and into this Bud Lite whaletail didn't quite get the trick he was probably looking for up into that and a nice backflip out so he's gonna be able to capitalize on that for run number 2 but he knows that he has the other stuff totally linked up yeah that's a confidence builder no matter what whatever that score is gonna be for him it's a full pull just to get in the podium position he's got to beat a 65 for for third a 73 6 for the number 2 spot or 94 2 for that top spot so it's about getting into a podium position out here right now and the judges definitely taking their time they want to find the correct spot for him where does he go in the mix so Yannick waiting a little bit of wind kicking up in the booth out here so not only do you have strategy I also got to play with the elements too as well when you're out there what tricks do I go and look at you saw how big that back he was and how high he was up you know that's the plagued word that I'm never on a sixty one point four sixty one point four thought it might have been better than that but that puts him in four what do I know just an announcement here and he's in four spot on low compete in third you know we're talking about that plague word I've never actually allowed to mention win but I guess you can oh yeah I did say that did I so let's take a look at your leaderboard so far well there you go Logan Pete in third 65.4 Dumas LeMond in that second spot of seventy three point six and Brett reader with a ninety four point two it'll be interesting to see if Brett reader still has the lead when he comes up for a second run what he does in that second well that's just a completely different level 20-point different how are you gonna be able to compete up into that ninety four that's what those next riders are thinking i'ma go cheek and I'm gonna be coming up for you next from Poland twenty two years old but a rider who has a lot of big banger tricks him and his brother both red bull athletes his brother on the BMX side so you can see that in his riding ability he has some massive dirt jump tricks but the nice thing is he's able to translate it over to the slope style and big mountain scene and he's also fifth in the diamond series standings right now so he's in a good spot a good position finish here would be great for him here we go so I'm good the Simon goes check post Ryder dropping in dumping the 360 off of the drop truck driver off the China up log and a big tail whip over the next step up feature flying around that Schramm curved wall rod huge tsunami Superman and into a double grab these are those big tricks I'm talking about one of the only riders I've ever been able to see do a double grab that extended such a difficult trick on a mountain bike to do it translates from motocross where the riders are able to grab both seats into a Superman have able to do it all in a big backflip up not getting the amplitude needed hitting his front wheel on the way up Oh big disappointment for goats yak builds yak not happy with that one crowd let him hear you put your hands together for him he's got another opportunity to put one in the books so an amazing day here whisker day number nine they got to send the ladder up to get him off that cabin right there that has some serious altitude right there and not able to put that together so he'll have another shot at it now but red got regardless of not being able to get up on that cannon and finish his jump I really want to take a look at that big old four pack we have on course where he just stomped some of the sickest tricks we've seen just like a crapload of amplitude in that run so check this first one is the tsunami Superman extend the bike out vertically and then as well this double grab look at the extension on the feet fully extended arms and the difficulty in this trick on a mountain bike is that the bike weighs only about 25 pounds the handlebars spin all over the place when you do that so unlike a motocross bike that's 300 pounds it's not that easy to go and slam all your hands off the bike grab the seat pull it right back into you without the bars spinning around all right well the score 37.6 is gonna be the score for God's yak right there Bo 37.6 for him looking to improve I'm not trying to get up there Brett reader the current leader just had a look at what he's all about and I'll tell you what he is in the driver's seat big time Logan point Logan Pete he's got that third spot 65 for duel monthly one in that second spot seventy-three point 694 to your leader Brett Rita and we'll be back with more the first runs it's your Red Bull Joyride once again a packed house out here in Whistler Crankworx day number nine and your Red Bull Joyride in full effect right now for you and there you go Pete in third the one in second reader in the number one spot but I'll tell you what just to get on the podium is such an amazing task to trying to accomplish and it's only been done a few different times you got a guy like this cam Zink now he's a member of the two-timer Club no that's not being unfaithful two-timer Club is about how many times he has won it and there's only been three guys who have ever win it twice talking about Paul bass and Oh for no.5 and you got to bring in cam Zink to that mix too as well he's got two wins on the joyride and Brandon's seminar also with two wins so cam Zink couldn't do it he's already proven it and he's ready to go for you right now and I know I got some cam Zink fans in the house and I want to hear you put your hands together for his first run for cam Zink Oh big pop backflip off that first drop we're always so nervous we don't know what's gonna come out of the sleeves of cam Zink but just not able to get the trick you see the head pop up there he was bombed out he couldn't get them a huge backflip Superman Oh slipping the panel's but going down easy easy I say from that one because it could go very wrong on a backflip Superman seat grab one of the only guys in the game doing that trick and he's doing it very very well unfortunately cam Zink is gonna have to rack up for run too and it's been you know been a good year for him too I mean he laid his app and speed in style cam Zink on on the fourth of July came out and took the win with greggwatts becoming in second place well let's take a look at him right now he's gonna finish things off cam Zink first run is gonna have some work cut out for him on a second run you know you guys might think why are we always so hyped on cam Zink well cam Zink is one of the innovators in our sport one of the most well known riders you ever seen a big backflip off a 50-foot drop on Sportsnet I think you have if you're not knowing what I'm talking about it's probably because you don't know mountain biking too well well this is one of the best guys the biggest legends in the entire industry and he's always out there having a blast such a fun guy to come out and see at every single contest one of the guys who was just so humble so nice and caring his family is just in front of us just cheering him on well let's see cam Zink here starting it off a really unique way of actually doing that had a big pop manuals all the way on to the end of the lip and popped up almost into a big jump and looked like he actually had an over rotation on that backflip Superman sea crab well obviously this is not gonna be the score of cam Zink looking for a 30.4 so cam Zink will go back up top he's got a second round he knows what to do he's been in the position before he's won it twice only three people have done it he's just trying to get his crack a podium position and right now just to get into a podium position 65.4 and here is the new blood I've been hyped on his riding game Nikolay at rogue Atkin he is ready to go he'd come off a fresh off a podium in Colorado trying to get him there Nikolay rogue at Caen he's fourth in the diamond series standings and here he goes for his first run give it up for Nikolai roll captain well you've been really hard on new client the entire mountain bike community has been hyped on Nikolai why because of big tricks he has some of the biggest stuff and innovative stuff coming from BMX background backflip Darwin on this step-up spinning that bike two times around Lord or cry flip one of the signature tricks coming on naegleria getting huge castro oh this is what it's gonna take to get up into that 90 position nikolai okay i can double whip over the Grandville cannon into the hips tuck no-hander coming up into the joy ride cabin what is nikolai have big old backflip on top of the cannon tell him no oh and he knows that was an amazing run he was putting in right there didn't go his way but Whistler let him hear you right now put your hands together for Nikolai Rogan but new blood that was a banger Ryan Meier man we have seen Nikolai rug at can just pop up onto the slopestyle see in the last couple years but especially this one blasted to the to sit blasted into the contest scene with tricks like that casual the lawn dart front flip even triple tail ups he's been in some of the highest profile contests and even winning them this year so this is why we were so hyped on the kid and we're expecting him to do very well for that second run well he wants to hear you right now he's gonna finish off this ROM put your hands together let's do this for Nikolai oh yeah can't bring him on in I'm actually actually one of the riders who has been getting a lot of flack because he doesn't wear a visor on his helmet well it doesn't matter he does that for a reason so that he's able to do those cash rules and those lawn dart flips he said it's a visibility issue and he likes riding it that way I think it's the new thing that's gonna catch on these days look at that big backflip double tail whip starting it off that's so risky so high up in the run and the lawn dart front flip first big double there in the four pack and right into the Castro that's a massive jump 25-foot gap to be able to do that cash roll trick got almost like going a front flip into a backflip well here you go this is where it went wrong form right here tries to get those feet on pedal just kind of washes out to the side right there and let's stand it out with Brad you lanced antibiotic lab rat oh man what a run you had to be stoked with the top section of that course I was so stoked yeah unbelievable vibe unbelievable noise from the crowd and came on top of the cabin ripped off got blowing a little little by the wind but you know we're up on the mountain and we're riding we're having fun happens you know hope I get her next time so what do you think of Whistler British Columbia bro what there is why is that greatest place I've ever been I mean always the best times here and still want to leave really welcome my friend you're here let's dude run - well I'll tell you what I've been hyped on him I predicted him to do very well in this competition if he could put that full pull together on that run he could get up there and challenge Bret reader for that top spot or even getting to a podium position let's take a look at the leaderboard so far this is how it's stacking up still no changes in your top three Logan peat a 65 for in third - a motley one in that second spot of 73 six for him and you're currently - Bret reader with a 94 point - we'll be back with more of the first runs redbull Joyride right after this big ol packed house out here in winter thank you so much for showing up like you guys do every single year for your Red Bull chili arrive and not to disappoint it is off the hook out here blow compete number three spot 65 for Limon in that second spot of 73 6th and Brad Arena doing it in a big way with that huge score of a 94 point to Kelly McGarry up for you next from New Zealand amazing year for Kelly last year right Wow have you ever seen that big backflip over that road that's absolutely massive massive canyon gap attic Kelly McGarry and hey guess what do you want People's Choice Award as well at rampage nearly inches away from taking the title there as well so a rider who's been able to step up onto the top of the podium for a lot of these four very high-profile contests and as well he's competing in the biggest slopestyle event he's competed in the biggest big mountain events and a very versatile rider in him and claw course the same age 32 years young he's two guys and that shows you just how tough they are to be able to compete at this high level at their age here we go Kelly McGarry company and on his first run put your hands together for Callie McGarry Kelly nice 360 almost at nollie 360 off that first a bar spin over the giant up box 360 over top at the step-up flying around this rim wall and heaves a backflip tuck no-hander over the first jump broad flip from Kelly oh and missing the snap on that front flip and not getting the full rotation off that redbull ramp and he is okay he is up and he needs to hear you right there let's give him a word of encouragement give it up for Kelly McGarry Whistler let's do this but we're gonna be able to check back and look at the previous tricks he was doing in that first run he was killing it off the SRAM sander with that big backflip tuck no-hander yeah it looks like he's just gonna make his way up back up top see if we can take a look the replays here comes Kelly right here that was cam and he was flying around that Schramm walling into that big backflip talking to on the scram sender and into the redbull Ram just didn't get that full snap on the front flip required to get that rear wheel around you really got to have that snap don't you Ryan to really get that front flip around don't you yeah that's that's a difficult thing I think on some of the massive jumps are able to you know just just lay it out but yeah you need that snap to get it around I like the combo though going from the backflip and then going to the front flip mixing it up like that good stuff out of Kelly McGarry now we take our attention back up top we haven't even really talked about this guy and he's the guy who wanted and laid his out his first big win and he's also your FMB diamond series ranking leader right now with that win he got third back out here on the podium when he was 15 years old now he comes out a lot of pressure on him right now to do things in a big way but he's coming off a great big win and he wants to hear every single one here from Canada 18 years old for more business let's hear it for Anthony Missouri you guys loved him when he was 15 years old out here blasting super high on those hip jumps tail whip off of the first drop truck driver on the up box Anthony Missouri's doing it big front flip tuck no-hander he gets it around no bobble and into the SRAM wall Hughes flats being the invert clicking it super big style backflip bars been over the redbull Rev and coming up into the Red Bull cannon big whip from Anthony and into the hip jumps cork cork slipped coming around on that Bud Light right hand hip and into the cabin to the big backflip up top pedals so he has enough speed into that 360 he saw nose around just making it right nice and tight Bud Light with the bar speed up the bar ha ha ha ho Anthony lazarey right there a decent run out of Missouri the winner and crank work Slater's out and coming out of here trying to crack a podium position and your overall FMB diamond series leader right now so let's take a look at some highlights on that run Anthony Missouri I think he's got a boost of confidence coming off of that win in ladders L broad flip tuck no-hander off that Bud Light step up that's where he was really getting things going and this is busting the big backflip onto the joy ride cabin lands really far up there has a snag a pedal as quick as he can so he has enough speed to do that 360 and him through the Bud Light whale tail as well has a nice smooth run into the finish line well the Fox rider awaiting for that score to come in for him just to get on that podium once again we keep talking about it Logan pizza in that third spot with a 65 for a 73 6-4 to Milan Juan in second and a 94 2 for Brett reader in that top spot and when you're the FMB diamond series leader this is what you want to do just try to get up in the top and an eighty-two point for the second place for anthing emissary that's good stop right there lazarey dude that was ridiculous how are you doing buddy good you know just glad I made it to the bottom healthy absolute that one boost man I think NASA I got you a blip on the radar bro was that ridiculous was for her watch dude you're sitting second right now you got one more run you're gonna throw it down or what oh yeah I don't know I just want to get this run is like a little safety ride maybe throw some more things in for the second run giver buddy just have to Missouri ladies gentlemen right here right now a safety runner I admire that's a safety run oh man where have we come I'll tell you what if that's a safety run I'm Brad Ewing's cousin LeMond in that third spot 73 six lug of Pete bumped off the podium right now Missouri in second and then you got reader in 94 too but Missouri the thing is Missouri in second that's good because he's already got a first place for the diamond series ranking so a second place puts him up at the top mix no matter how it finishes and then there's this guy a former champion Tomasz you know not last year but the year before it took that big win and he looks focused he looks like he's having fun and Ryan Meier I think this was a guy you picked to do pretty well out here today Tommy G I mean he moved himself from Belgium to the South of France he's been riding with the whole French crew there Louie Robo Yannick Granieri and the whole mix of them and it looks like he's really improved and worked on his technical ability 360 off the first job for Tommy G Oh double tailwhip off the China box 300 over rotated 360 looks a little uncharacteristic for Tommy looks like he was maybe going for something else and pulling out after the ceramic for Tomas Shin known well now we've known that he's been in the position before you know that Tommy G two years ago made a name for himself he came out here and not a lot of people knew a lot about a mountain here in Whistler but he came out a couple years ago and took a win and that basically changed his life for sure Red Bull picked up the sponsorship of him and then here he is competing in a big way let's take a look possibly get a look at this double tail whip this is something you can be expecting for the rest of his run just jam-packed things that we have not expected double tail whip off of that giant up box the really big trick and we're not going to see many riders doing that and that's why he's sitting so low down on this leaderboard already I mean he's already is a second rider to the second last rider to drop that means he is so highly ranked in the FMB that he's just killing it this year well Tommy G let's take a look at our leaderboard here so far show you how it's stacking up I'll tell you well Bret reader has been there for about a year but right now don't want him on in that third spot the seventy three six lazarey coming out with an 82 four and brent readers 94 - but I still bring it up Anthony Missouri he's our overall FMB diamond points leader and that's a thousand points for that win in lady's out so if he could end up in second place and get that he would still remain in the lead for EFMB diamond stops right now and there's reader looking on right now that's all he could do as fellow teammate is getting ready to drop in next the man what could you say about him I'll tell you what you can say about her Brian Mayer he has been on the podium five times five times in redbull joyride history he has been up there in the podium and not only that he's won it twice only three guys ever to win it twice and then also you got to remember nobody in the history of the 11 years of Crankworx has ever won it three times I talked to him earlier today he told me this is the best Red Bull Joyride course in the history of the Joyride and he's expected to do some big things and here he comes right now he's out of Squamish doing it for tracks III project 23 years old Brandon's seminar so be you know be up here big backflip one foot Ken stepping up the flat drop tricks 360 tuck no-hander off the up box backflip Delaware oh it's getting big around the surround wall into the Strand Center with a backflip bar spin corks 720 this run is shaping up really nice opposite whip for Brandon and into a regular whip over the hip transfer up into the jaw ride cabin backflip up Oh Oh bear claw one foot push up into that 360 tuck no-hander in car seven step down are you kidding me Brandon seminar on his first run booyah [Applause] can you believe that the two riders that have had the craziest runs we've seen today just went down and had a big hug for each other so much I broadly in this sport as well tell you what Ryan normally we'll do a highlight once that one or two but can we look at this entire run here we go we can definitely look at it all backflip on the flat drop adding a one-foot cam 360 tuck no-hander and check it backflip double tail I'm not even going for the regular tail of throwing a backflip in there then we're going to well this was almost the easiest part of his run backflip bar spin into a cork 720 such massive jumps to do this over coming up into the cannon feature I mean this rider has everything linked up to opposite tricks and let's just talk about this blast jump each of the Bud Light whaletail have you ever seen a cork 720 off of a step down before no I have not have you ever seen that in the contest he comes out here for this first run and tosses a cork 720 off the big Bud Light whale tail step-down feature and just stomps it like he did it in his sleep well what does the service have what do the judges say there's a Bret reader right there your current leader he's got the 90 4.2 waiting for the score to come in the whole way Brandon 7f on his first run taking the lead over Bret reader and his teammate a ninety six point eight where are you at Whistler let's hear for seminar [Applause] [Music] man oh man Brandon seminar Whistler do you want to see these second runs start off I'm almost speechless at this point Meier what the heck well let's take let's take a look at the leaderboard right now we got some flip-flopping all kinds of stuff going on out here but I'll tell you right there that was a near-perfect score at ninety six point eight I'm not sure if that's the largest one in the history but it's got to be pretty damn close well there you go how about those maple is Canadian flags three two and one Missouri and 82 for and third Bret reader in the second spot with a 94 - and Brandon salmon ik with the unthinkable ninety six point eight let's hear it for all the riders out here today more coming up run number two red bull joyride coming at you right after this alright Whistler I'm gonna need you guys to just quiet up for a second because I gotta talk to you here Whistler we promised you at the start of the show that there was gonna be some big revelations alright we talked about the course coming up but rampage yeah we're also going to unveil the winner out here we'll get to that too but something very special brand new but Crankworx revelation number three take a look at this we've been welcoming people here for generations travelers who disregard the tyranny of distance explorers looking for something spectacular New Zealand North Island Rotorua they come for the earth when you write it you'll know a mountain blocking paradise welcomes mountain biking's defining celebration Crankworx Whistler Crankworx ladies help Crankworx Rotorua world-class riding Wow huge news for the mountain biking community and now I am joined by two or very special guests I have talked mu to the event director of the new Crankworx Rotorua what can the athletes expect when they go to New Zealand well I tell you what we're about to show the world how we do it down under then it's gonna be good times we've got our trail crews for next six months building our tracks turning that road or a dirt into trail go what I'm so looking forward to it I tell you one of the biggest things to is our culture men our people we're gonna love having everybody down there you know we're a humble culture admittedly and one of the biggest things about us is the spirit of our culture and I hope you all get to experience that really really soon we've got a little saying that we have in our culture because this here I heard two men do we out there okay I gotta hit tongue at the katana ten what does that mean that means what is the most important thing in the world the people the people the people well we cannot wait to head to New Zealand and now I have Darren Kinnaird whoa this is some big news he is a general manager of Crankworx how amazing is this for the global series it's a game-changer you know for Crankworx this we're now gonna have a Crankworx downhill series with four races live coverage big prize money we're gonna have pumptrack Challenge series we're gonna have a series of dual speed and style events and the big one is we're gonna now have a Crankworx Triple Crown of slopestyle for all the best athletes in the world to come compete it at a new stop on the Crankworx world tour like I said we cannot wait to head to New Zealand some big news we just revealed here at Crankworx Whistler but we still have some big news yet to be revealed and that will be who will take the crown of redbull joyride champion guys ah thank you so much big news and crank risk heading to New Zealand stoked on that one okay it's time for a red bull joyride panel got the boys back up in the booth talked to him earlier and I say Aaron chase man I like the call you said Salman ah you look like a damn genius right now what we'll get into that that call I mean you know Salman uh right well yeah I mean I didn't get lucky with that call someone else a crowd favorite yeah yeah the whole Whistler crowd was holding their breath the whole way down the hill I got to say I'm really impressed with how everybody's riding and I just can't wait for it a second round alright so t-mac your call was reader when reader put up that what was at the 94 to that he put up did you think that score could even be beat do you think that that's it he's gonna win man he sure set the bar high and this is nothing short of what we were expecting pretty much a reader seminar show they both train the hardest they're both kind of elusive and secretive with their training and Brandon's gotta be one of the most exciting people to ever watch a bike nobody ever knows what he's gonna do everything he practices he keeps a secret no one knew he had flat drop combos but kind of expected it kids insane Brett's insane a couple other people I'd like to make their runs but so far a great show alright and then Ryan Meyer you pick that you should know now I know what he can do it but what is he gonna have to do to get on the podium well he's definitely gonna have to make it down the course we already talked about this though it was gonna be a reader and seminar show we thought but I'm picking Tommy G because I have faith in the kid and I have faith in the style and his ability to make it down so run number two I think he's gonna be able to show you guys what's up alright now my call was declined real gakuen I'll tell you what he gets that run in top-to-bottom that that upper section was solid that kid could get up in the 90s what do you think Aaron could he do it yeah did you see that lawn dart front he on the first jump cash roll real nice and tight on the second job which is just a treat to watch the kid sends it you know he's got way more I mean I I'll be rooting for him again okay do you my question to you do you think that seminar is gonna take the win Aaron chase Wow is he gonna win of course he's sitting in first right now all right t-mac can reader come back and take the one away from salmon or oh seven Oakland Bret readers gonna win that's a bold statement but think you can do it I like your style man Brian Mayer who's gonna win this thing oh the underdogs I like rootin for the underdogs but these two are pretty much the top ones in a betting pool right now reader you know I think you have it men stay focused really stay focused you know you can do the tricks that we were talking about this morning so just get it done boy all right well you heard the words from my partner crown Ryan and Meyer well it is all coming up for you the second and final runs coming up at Red Bull joyride j9 here Crankworx we'll be right back don't go anywhere right after this and there you go picture up the Whistler here date number nine Crankworx what a great day first runs in the books for your Red Bull Joyride and I'll tell you what what a competition we are having indeed Ryan Meier Brad today with a call and one three two one Canada Anthony Missouri 82 four and third Bret reader in second 90 4.2 in second spot and Brandon salmon at ninety six point eight can we do you think we can take it look at that run again ossama night I think I think we should be able to take a look with so you want to see this one again oh yeah well take a look at this your attention please let's take a look at Brandon salmon hook once again on that leading run here let's just talk about how difficult this event must be for Brent and I mean you've heard me talk about the tricks and everything so let's just go into a mental game a lot of these riders are having so many different things in their mind versus just are they able to do these tricks down the course that isn't really the difficult part anymore who can keep them concentrated while they're going down here it's such a mental game for this rider as we've seen in previous years he's had such difficulties even on simple tricks he knows he's able to do off the final jump after everything's gone through and then things just blow up and that's that's maybe letting the stress and the pressure get to you but Brandon salmon act looks like he's chilled out over the offseason and he's definitely on fire right now we haven't seen him in a lot of contests at all throughout the entire year and this is something that we really like to see he just comes out here and impresses us was something we had absolutely no expectations of you know and the thing is I've spent some time with him in the last few days out here just talking to him and just talking with him he just seems different he seems like he's happy he doesn't seem like he's being pulled in too many positions he seems like he's really focused and just having fun riding his bike and I think that's the key here I think that is the key I really agree with you on that Brad all right I think it's time to check in with the band Brad you and let's set it down to the big boy Brad Ewan what's happening my man oh my god Brad Jay that was the most intense round one of competition I've ever seen in my life Missouri Readers Seven Oaks who's it gonna be it's all about the podium Whistler are you ready oh because it hasn't even started round two coming up next stick around alright I want to see if you guys are fired up Whistler on the count of three I want you guys to go absolutely crazy and hold it for 40 seconds one two three Whistler you're ready for run two Ryan it is a sea of people from the spot down here in Skewes Plaza all the way up top but here's the difference from run number one to run number two mr. Ryan Meyer we reracked them and do that in the order of how they finished on their runs how does that play into effect I know some of you are looking up at the screen seeing Tommy Jian saying why we just saw him come down so soon well unfortunately Tommy had a run where he crashed on and this means he has to have the pressure and drop it in first right now well here he goes he's the past crank worst winter he did it two years ago coming in next doing it for Red Bull let's hear it for Tommy G tomorrow at home the Belgium rider he's won here before is he going to be able to get the full run in double whip off of that up box Oh 360 whip to 360 bar to whip and goes down on it I think he's more bummed out than anything such a big combination trick that the Belgian rider was trying to get for this crowd here in Whistler looks like she's running back up on the landing do you want to see him finish his run Whistler of course they do you can see the tweets coming in hashtag a Crankworx hashtag RB joyride Frank works in New Zealand very cool that's from NAR bike park and you in the UK there we go Thomas is showing off a lot of his big dirt riding ability all nice 360 having fun up here dumping another one off of the cannon Paul bass I'm still saying Brett for the win see that Paul bass a two-time winner he's the green with team act right there two-time winner hey yeah Paul bass we know you're in the crowd watching us thanks for coming out this is whistler man it's like the mecca of every sport I've seen even like my absolute idle talk travis Pastrana he's been competing in all the events out here yeah this is just blowing up Whistler is the place to be right now well tough break for Tom our genome but I'll tell you what he is a very talented bike rider because that man took the big win two years ago and that is not a fluke when you take a win that's such a big competition like this so 27.6 and that's gonna wrap up his day give it up one more time for Tomas you know and a past winner out of here at Red Bull joyride so switching things up for Genoa not able to get in there and now we're gonna take our attention back up top for this man Kelly McGarry and you always see the man with a smile on his face this time just looking a little serious here hello McGarry 23-8 had the fall run number one look at the try and get up in a podium position right now here we go drop it in for you next he's from New Zealand the next stop of Crankworx put your hands together for Kelly McGarry like we're saying you've seen him a lot he had the biggest backflip in a contest over that canyon gap at rampage and as well he's doing good on the slopestyle scene here a nice 360 off of that step-up Kelly going for that big backflip Tok no hander gets it clean and on the red bull jump the front bloody line stomps that one and coming up into the Red Bull Ken and Kelly McGarry tuck no-hander popping up into the Bud Light a hip nice back foot from the Kiwi and into the big joy ride cabin 360 off for Kelly McGarry coming around the toilet bowl here and into the Bud Light whale tail big backflip from Kelly McGarry [Applause] all right Kelly McGarry finishing a run number two taking a look at the replays of Kelly right here look at the front so smooth he got the snap there and that's where he all it well went wrong for his first runner who wasn't able to get the rotation on that front flip I think he's gonna bump up his score significantly with his second run as he was able to get everything on lock there's that smile that Kelly McGarry smile I'm going to his home country for the next Crankworx top I'm sure Kelly's pretty pumped about that going to New Zealand aren't you Kelly happy about that one hurts again yeah so the top three right now Missouri 82 for in third reader in second with a 94 - ain't that a 94 - only gets you second place out here today the 96 eight for Semin up in the top spot [Applause] but what does it mean for Kelly McGarry right there where is he gonna end up score coming in and that's gonna be a 56 5 so 8th place right there and one more time looks here for the legend that is Kelly McGarry such a rad dude if you ever stand next to him he is one tall dude as well he might even be like 8 feet tall I'm not sure well maybe he's not that tall right I think when his hair is hanging down when he's doing those back from cipa feet oh well now let's take it up top so has now 27 for and this dude can score this dude can put some points in he can rock him up he just needs like Ryan keeps saying you got to be clean from top to bottom and that's what pads yeah this is gonna need to do right here his second in final run here he comes drop it in next from France Simon patches first time in Canada the first time to Whistler BC they made himself into Crankworx final because of an alternate position so big ups of the kid he hasn't had as much practice as the other riders but he's stepping it up with tricks like that 360 whip on the Bud Light step-up coming around the nice Schramm wall into a solid big backflip bar spin into a quick starts it clean and into the cannon feature here all just missing the tuck no-hander out into the Bud Light hip right side there you know this rider as I was saying he wasn't sure if he was even going to make it into this contest last night but seen as a couple riders dropped out due to injuries he was able to get the call up and play with the big boys now he's finishing off run to in front of you boys big ole backflip for the Whistler crowd here yeah Pasha is right there and that must be just an insane situation Ryan well you don't even know you're gonna be competing at all and then all of a sudden you get the phone call that's gonna make your heart skip a beat or two right all right I think so especially when you're only at the ripe age of 18 years old oh man that was just coming out of the backflip bars been into that huge backflip Taylor perfect execution not a tag at all on the couple riders have tags into that no trick into the whaletail but a really nice backflip out of the Bud Light whaletail and definite improvement from his run one so Pasha is waiting for the score to come in for him where does he get in there does he get in the top ten yes he does 10th place 49 for not bad for someone didn't even know he was competing yesterday had no idea he was in the mix and here he is competing today and the biggest mountain bike event in the entire world here be a Red Bull Joyride so there you go right there that's how it's stacking up five Logan peat and fit so mottley want in the four spot Mazzarri in third reader in second seminar in the number one spot and you look at that four out of the top five guys all Canadians just shows you how strong all these Canadian free riders are for sure so our next rider time to get him up there and I think we're gonna be looking at our next one's gonna be Gulliver so I'm pretty sure here as we go back up top tom is a - I was I was trying to trick you there tom is Ida out of the Czech Republic up here with this girl as well cheering him on a little bit of family while you cross over the pond is nice isn't it here comes Ida right now this is gonna be second and final run last chance to crack the top three with Thomas Ida Zaida like we were saying earlier he has a lot of combination tricks 360 acts up off of the first drop 360 invert off of the giant up box big backflip tail up and he cleans it on that step-up feature flying around the ceramic curved wall ride into the ceramic Center no foot can read bull kicker with a big tail whip I believe he was maybe wanting to go for a combination trick because that's stuff that he loves to do tail-whipped a bar spin bar spin the tail if that's a signature move from this rider that's where it all went wrong in first run he stomps that tail up not going too fast par speed up top of the cabin 360 off and coming in to this beautiful horrible bar spin into the total the only rider we've seen trick into that feature today bar spin up top into the whale tail and a nice solid 360 out and coming down into the end for skiers Plaza right there one more time let's hear it for sign of their second and final run for him and that's what you want to do you you want to be clean top to bottom is what you want to do and if you're looking at it right now 82 point for the final podium position right there that's Missouri he's in third with an 82 for so we're gonna check out some unique stuff this is coming into the toilet bowl that's what you're talking about you did a bar spin into this feature just skipping over that it's a very high speed and you cannot mess it up so that you have enough speed making it into this last Bud Light whaletail tommy's Ida is the first person we've seen do a trick in there I think the judges are gonna like that one all right 82 for that's the score you got a beat to get into a podium position now to get you up in the top three I don't think that's gonna challenge the top two spots of reader and seminar but there you go you see the 82 four right there Anthony Missouri in that spot he was also the number one leader in the FMB diamond series rankings right now so the better Missouri finishes the better is going to be for him eighth place fifty nine point six for Xena and he'll crack into the top ten and he'll get himself in eighth well Crankworx calm we've been pretty much putting up poles every single day and the pole today we'll be putting that up there for you here showing you our Crankworx pole here take a look at this one right here crackers pull what does the future of mountain bike slope style have in store rottenmeier I guess we're just gonna have to let New Zealand decide for us more technical riding bigger burlier courses strategy will rise to the top more the same it's always awesome as it is you can vote go to Crankworx comm and vote would you pick Ryan I would I don't know you know I'm picking between more of the same it's always awesome and bigger perlier course how can we mix that together because I love slope style but I love the big stuff as well things are supposed to pick one man you don't allowed to get too too indecisive you're Ryan Meier you could pick two where are we going for dinner tonight I don't know it'll figure that one out we'll go to two places all right let's take our tattoo back up top the claw now stacked and rack the claw putting on his goggles and he is ready to go 30 on the first one had trouble on the first run down there in the 17 spot you know he can get up there he's been on a podium before here here we go drop it in for his second and final run where my claw fans at its Darren bear claw you know he isn't a stranger actually to slopestyle yet he hasn't been able to snag a win here at Crankworx can he do it in being there off the up box 360 weapon putting a foot down still getting the pedals in let's see if he can have enough speed for this RAM sender oh I'm not getting the trick in there for Darren going for a Superman to know if it can bringing it back to about 2006 Indian air off of the cannon Boston a nice tuck no-hander over top of the transfer hips into the cabin Oh and missing the width up for Darren big unfortunate mistake there wasn't able to get that kick and the rotation around now darren rowse actually one of the first riders we saw doing tricks like that 360s off drops he was one of the innovators of that I remember when he came into our sport just kind of this bum BMX dude shows up to rampage does like a 3-ring guard no hasn't even heard of what a chain guide is starts doing Superman sea crabs off drops built lips on top there major major innovator in our entire sport and we owe a lot of stuff to Darren berrecloth and you know I mean the second year of Crankworx he came out and almost took the win over Paul bass but ended up in that second spot he really shocked people out there the second year of Crankworx in 2005 getting on that podium and then that was it he was a mainstay he was here to stay after that after that second place finish in 2005 so the claw up with a smile on his face just having fun and doing it for Red Bull good GoPro shot in there as well thank you claw or everything you have put into this into free riding all right let's check in with Brad you and standing by Brad what's going on big Brad Oh Berek well you said shoelace what's up dude yeah my shoe glaze got caught in my eye chain ring when I did that whip oh man hard luck man no worries it's just fun out here with all these boys these boys are killing it let's see the rest of the show Darren berrecloth ladies and gentlemen he born entertainer and since the little tyke age when an awesome dude for sure I had great fans on here supporting and just showing up alright let's take an attention back up top there's the name synonymous with free ride em Z or as his pants my comp Cameron Zink 30.4 a member of the two-timer Club he's won it twice only three people to do that Paul bass cam Z and Brandon salmon I carry comes second a final run I want to hear everyone put your hands together and make some noise for cam Zink stops the backflip oh oh Zink slipped the pedals on the landing there had a little bit of a case on that flat drop flip and that's gonna be it for Crankworx whistler and cam Zink oh it's a major upset I was really looking forward to this run we know Zink always has an action-packed mindset on what's gonna go down and when I heard it I was all thumbs blown off my feet I mean baby boy the way you know you want to see what's up but Ryan that's what it's about it is about all of this I mean yes you want to see everyone do good but when sometimes your name is called things just don't come together miss a beat lose the rhythm unfortunately for cam Zink he's not able to get up there but you know what we've not seen the last of cam Zink you know what's really cool Zink has been in this sport for so long and he's still keeping up with the big boys the young guns he's able to go out and learn new tricks like that they say can't teach an old dog new tricks while Kasich is definitely not old because he's learning constantly yeah the evolution of Campbell Zink member also got the win out there speeding style out there and ladies out there's a former racer but really making a name for himself all the way through the ranks and there you go Logan Pete now in the fifth spot to motley Juan in that fourth spot Anthony Missouri just to get on the podium got to beat an 82 point for Bret reader got to beat a 94 to for second birth the unthinkable at ninety six point eight for Brad and Sam like we'll be back for the second runs redbull Joyride I'll tell you what man when you look all the way from skiers bottle all the way on top of the still run this has got to be the biggest crowd in the history I've been doing it for ten years you've been around here for every single year what do you think about it just keeps getting better and better every single year and your cool thing is we have people from all ages and all different backgrounds you don't have to be a mountain biker to come here enjoy this stuff these guys are crazy we know they are but it's nice to see you coming out to the masses and the crowd just keeps getting better and better every year and it just seems like weather cooperating yeah we got a little bit of wind and but that also plays in I think a little bit of the strategy of the riders suit and what they start thinking about it well in our next up our next rider think about this I mean he's been doing it for some time now and he was just on the podium just two years ago ended up in third place he you know he can creep up there and grab a third spot maybe a second spot I'm talking about cam McCaul here he goes right now we ready to see if he can make it happen Whistler puts their hands together legend freeride legend that is cam McCaul please he used to be a running joke that he's a number plate was for because constantly got fourth place in every contest he broke that barrier and came third here a couple years ago and he's doing big-time 360 whip coming off of a nice solid 360 on that first drop big back foot a lat Oh Oh going down too hard that is one of the hardest ways you go down from a case like that hopefully he's just winded and just trying to regain himself you have great medics up here in Whistler I know from very personal experience firsthand and him just seems to be a trying to regain his composure there on his hands and knees unfortunately he just did not have enough speed maybe pop too much on that backflip tailwhip visibly shaken up but he is standing thumbs-up you coming up for cam McCaul come on now everyone here at Whistler man that means so much the mountain biking cam McCaul glad he is okay after that one let's take a look at the replay and see what happened there Ryan so as you see he just popped in here and really popped super eye on that backflip tail whip case blew off his paddles and blew right over the bar landing super hard on that shoulder I'm not exactly sure if it's the one he's had a shoulder surgery on let's hope things are doing okay and not re-injured a past injury there well give him the time he needs to the 25/8 he's gonna keep run number one but right now we're not worried about any of the scores for Campbell Hall we just making sure that he is okay that is the number one priority out here today second rounds going on here Red Bull Joyride thanks for joining us around the entire world so many countries are watching this all over the world I don't care what time it is you make sure you got time for Red Bull Joyride the number one event in slopestyle the number one event in mountain biking you can see everything here whether it be racing whether it be jumping whether it be kids works you can come out and have so much fun at this event so I come back every single year indeed you are correct sir all right I think it's time to check in with Jackie bount Gummer E and get a report from her of Senate downstairs - Jackie Jackie thanks guys well I was just up top with the athletes asking Bret reader what he has planned for this next run and he is as cool as a cucumber right now taking pictures with fans autographing things for kids he I asked him does he have what it takes to make up that three-point difference between him and Brandon seminar all I said was yes with a big smile so let's see what he has in store for us and his second run guys all right thank you so much Jackie you know what we can take a look at Bret readers first run that put him up there in that situation Bret reader of course in that second spot in 94 to take a look at Bret what's got him in second here look at that that was something that we didn't see from any other Ryder truck driver to to bar back so 360 with a bar spin in the opposite rotation bar has been cork 720 like we saw from Brandon as well in his in his first run their bar up truck driver off opposite tail up in and a regular flip out so that's where you're linking those opposite tricks right in with those regular things and I really like seeing that you know what I really enjoyed is after he landed that you could just see him bunny hopping all the way across through the Red Bull arts right there he was so excited he knew that was gonna be a big score yeah can you imagine the adrenaline when we have 25,000 spectators cheering for you as you finish a run like that and Bret reader right now it will settle for that second place behind his teammate on track Brandon settle not the top dog right now and I don't know I mean you and I were talking and during the commercial break about I don't think we've ever seen three scores in the 90s at a Red Bull Joyride so this would be the first time if somebody was there but like a Missouri or a nicolabird hackin was able to get in the 90s yeah and you know these riders actually are capable of it it's just can they pull it together for second runs you only have two shots at it and this is it it's not like you got a real safety run in there I mean I know we heard Missouri say a safety room but with a two run format you pretty much got to go for it well you say Missouri set a safety run and the others definitely went for it for broke so who knows maybe we do see Missouri bump up into the 90s but Louie Robo that's what it's about right now of the French rider doing it for the Whistler crowd first time out here in Canada as well 360 off of that top jaw ride drop nice tail whip off of the giant up box 360 Cali style table inverted as you loop around the strand wall here flying about 50 km to that next jump why gold backflip tail up massive three-sixty dumping it around said it before this is one of my favorite riders to watch he has so much style it flows out of him and you know the funnest thing as well he loves having a good time didn't we see him out last night I did we did you know he's just all relaxed and taking this entire experience in as it should be solid back foot and then into your tail up round around this toilet bowl what does he have into the Bud Light whale tail Louie river Whistler flat spin 360 oh that's a filthy flat spin three right down at lure a bow right at the end of his run and he wants to hear it let's hear it for lure ball he's pumped on that one right there and just so much style losing out of this rider he's one of my favorite guys to watch it's nice to watch a rider who doesn't just go for the biggest and most innovative trick but he works on his style this is what we're gonna see in this replay here check the amplitude let alone the technique and how confident is he is grabbing the pedals on that flip whip and look at this flat spin inverted twist in the bars Oh getting a ton of style as he dips that nose around and check this flat spin 360 off of the whale tail feature finishing it off love the flat E okay he's trying to crack into the top three 82 for to get you on the podium right now there you go Missouri 82 four and third reader 94 two and second salmon are your leader with at ninety six point eight Robbo what does he get can he make the podium he's got to beat an 82 for to get up on that podium it was that enough Paul Raque and the judges putting up a 79 for just missing the podium in fourth place but that's a solid showing let's hear for Louie Rabaul one more time I mean I'll tell you what Ryan Meyer we were having brews with that guy that's tonight and now he comes out in fourth place calm cool collected back up top next competitor ready to come down this course I'm talking about sign me gods yech timing with the 37.6 there we go next run coming up second in Fowler on her assignment gods yet Simon gods dick has some of the sickest tricks out there like we saw in run number one that double grab Superman and let's see what's popping up here 360 into a truck driver off the chine up box Oh back the cliffhanger oh and he just goes down that's a massive trick you don't see that one backflip cliffhanger attempt let's hear it for goods yak one more time come on now Wow and that was all hey that was off the step-up look like he just didn't have enough amplitude to get that one fully around I wonder what would have happened if he did it off of one of those four pack jumps didn't have that stepped up landing but just big big risk as well doing it so high up in his run I couldn't imagine that he had a lot bigger stuff as well popping into the bottom Simon goes yak one of the riders who just rides constantly when he's back home his big jumps in his backyard his brother as well professional BMX are doing it for redbull they just have a lot of fun flowing off of each other this is always able to come out and bring us new innovative tricks like that cliffhanger flip haven't seen that for a long time and something you just don't see every day Stewart Kenny chimes in huge news about Crankworx 2015 there bring on the third slopestyle event and rotorua nicely done all I can say is Wow Zach Layne talking about Brandon's seminars run oh good good still trying to go for it you want to put on a show for you Whistler give it up for Simon go Jack [Applause] well I like this one summon I can read her bow this is what competition is all about Katie hauled in the chiming in with that one so nicely done out of all the competitors make sure your house sagging while you're out there RB Joyride hashtag RB join and hashtag Crankworx as well and thanks once again here we are in our second runs as a reset going on for you here that's your Red Bull Joyride day number nine here at Crankworx the sun's shining down and this place is packed top to bottom for our second runs all right let's get back upstairs we got Jeff galovitch ready to go gulley the look dog out here but it broke so much fun always and such a local up here he's teaching kids how to ride always a fun spirit to have out born and raised in West Vancouver making a living of mountain biking Jeff gull of its dropping in for rod number to Whistler big old 360 for gully on the first drop coming up into the giant up box galley-style table and into a 360 off of the step up beats are flying around the surround curve wall and into the SRAM super booter biggle went from Jeb huge Superman nice to see some big tricks from golly thrown out there into the canyon where his boys from bicycle rockers are tossing the horns nice cali table over that cannon big backflip on the Red Bull hip coming up into the cabin what skully got for us 360 off the big cabin dropped 20 feet down over top of that banister around the toilet bowl coming up into the last well beagle cart flip from Jeff [Applause] well Jeff gold right there finishing off his second run and it's way too quiet looser put those hands together for gully right there the local boy out of north bag come on a Crankworx redbull joyride mainstay Jeff Gulliver's right they're gonna wait for that score to come in still once again going over the top three Missouri in that third spot with the 82 for breeder in that second spot with a 94 two and seminar with the ninety six point eight so where is going you can see rebo now in that four spot he bopped in there on his second run so 79 four so a 45 six so one more time for Jeff gulley bits 45 six that's gonna wrap up his day well I'll tell you what if you're looking to beat I'll tell you the biggest run we seen today that would be Brandon salmon X 96 point let's take a look at it right here Selma nook right here let's take a look at his run here that put him in that top spot with that ninety six point eight well it's gonna take I guess combination back foot flat drops it's gonna take combination 360s gonna take opposite tricks and double flip whips gonna take cork 720s mid run backflips of the step-up sounds easy just not a regular 360 but clawed out and cork 720's off the last jump if you're able to do something different and still have that difficulty maybe you're able to bypass him alright well there you go right there this is how it's playing out Anthony Missouri in third eighty two point four at ninety four point two reader in second salmon ik ninety six point eight will be finishing up second ofon ions coming up it's your redbull joyride and earlier in our Red Bull joyride preview show we were all talking about you know Aaron chase was saying Sam inductee back with Sam reader Bryant you were Stan's you know and there's one guy that I was talking about Nicolai truth gak and the reason I was talking about Nikola he told evening Colorado he is fourth in the overall diamonds series that means he got fourth out there and laid his up so he's a guy that's been on the rise a lot of people didn't know nigleria gakuen last year he came in he's starting to turn some heads and I'll tell you what the way he was putting down that first run if he puts down this run we could see him in the 90s and we've seen this before at two six tricks in Austria this is a run is it a rider who did not make it down for first run came back second run in a heap that was filled with 90s and top five and he was able to make it on top with runs like his yeah we see what's gonna pop out from Nicolas Roeg gakuen tail o tail up off the first drop slipping a pedal but still getting a bar spin off of it we need to a back with double tail whip off the step-up feature is he gonna put it together we saw it tosses him off and you know what I said it earlier I'll say it again it's one of those things you miss a beat you lose the rhythm and unfortunately for Nicolai Roy gakuen that is today is not gonna be his day but she keep an eye on this kid because you're gonna be seeing him up on the podium in the next few years that is for sure so one more time give it up for Nicolai rogue Atkin come on Whistler [Applause] the real unfortunate mistake there just a little bit under rotated on that lawn dart flip let's just take a look back at the top part of his run or no we're just gonna watch the knick line go down for the rest up into that rebel can doable with all for the Red Bull cannon busting out he knows he has so many tricks he wanted to show for you guys big backflip up top and he knows this easy gonna count he just wants to showcase his riding ability for us ler making it down nice and safe though on the finish line jump you know it just wasn't his day today but his day will come that is for sure good people wish there one more time for Nikolai brogue Atkin let's hear it for him right there that's the future the look back here at that backflip double tail whip we saw Sam and I do that and I think he was like okay we got to do this as well if I want to pass him into the lawn dart flip that's where I went wrong just a little under rotated held that lawn dart the the Superman area thing where you basically go ahead first to the very last point possible and snapped that rotation held it a little bit too long and wasn't able to get the full snap on that coming around I'll go out of the limb right there I will predict the niccola gakuen will be on a podium at Red Bull Joyride at some point in the next couple of years oh he definitely has the years he's not one who's coming in this sport old he's definitely a young character and being able to bust out tricks like that there's no doubt in my mind he's gonna be up there good one there Thank You Ryan Meier on that now we go to our next guy this looks like Carson Stewart yes indeed Carson sorts put up a 60 it seems like a year ago that he dropped that 60 in there he's in eighth place right now so he's had so much time to think about what he is gonna do he saw what reader he saw Missouri he saw seven ik now it's his turn coming in for you next looks here on a betting organ for Carson starts barson starch Bend Oregon as well one of those riders who wasn't sure if he was gonna make it into the heat this evening go to wildcard Hall last night and there he is 360 bar spin 360 whip up the step-up flying around the surround wall into the Strand sender going for a tuck no-hander to barzmann and into the redbull jump big flip whip out of carson Storch keeping it going flying around oh did he get up mechanical flat tire on that flip whip I think and you ride it there it is looks like he will check it out in the replay but looks like he may have gotten a little sideways on the landing for that last flip whip off the redbull cinder I think it was a kind of case that landing a little bit up probably caused the mechanical right there for Carson store so unfortunately that's not gonna be his day but hey you came in you showed up you dropped the 60 that's still pretty darn solid right there top ten eight to place let's see if we can look at it and see exactly what happened right there it looked like possibly that case maybe caused it here we go so it just take a close replay check it out pop super high looks like it was coming around really nice yeah you're right Brad case that one and blew the tire immediately yeah and you know and those when you talk about mechanicals that you can change that's a mechanical situation that you don't case that landing your putt you're not gonna have the problem if you land on the transition yeah that is that is true very very unfortunate though sometimes you have just a little bit of a head win there throws you off speed but you know what once again you just got a look at it he wasn't even in the competition he comes out and right now he could finish in eighth place top ten that's so solid no matter what maybe now it is time for Yannick Granieri now the French has been 27 years old for whitey industry the Red Bull a 61 for he's in seven so he's right above Marcin sorts right there and Yannick I mean he's got the amplitude he's got the bag of tricks can he put it all together right now because this is second and final run for Yannick Ranieri the Onyx sitting in seven spot as we said this is amongst the world's best slopestyle riders if you're a local boy coming out here from Vancouver and you haven't seen mountain biking before you know that these are the world's best 360 double tail up from Yannick Granieri coming around that Stram wall flats been 360 X up any too big super clean going off still making the speed into the Canon tuck no-hander it's not gonna get deducted too many points of that slide out it was not on a jump at all busting around the hip and flying into the jaw front flip off the cabin Yannick Granieri worth of meiotic fans let's hear it for canary and improper style makes the bow that is what I'm talking about progressing right there Ryan Meyer and Yannick has a lot of tricks that he's definitely been working on he had reconstructive knee surgery before and he was really wanting to showcase his abilities out here a lot of the times he's come out he hasn't had too good of luck here unfortunately the same story wraps up for 2014 yeah the Fox Rider the red bull rider let's take a look at the replays right here for Yannick I liked what he was thinking here man so check this flat side be 60x have really signature trick from Yannick he lifts with perfect speed flying up into this cabin it's not expecting this at all an older rider do that run flip up the box land so hard blows his hand off the handlebar where was it where did that come from no one expecting that one out of Yannick and just come out and just say oh you want to see a little something-something I got something for you so 41 he's gonna keep the 61 for let's hear for y'all canary come on now [Applause] well let's take a look at that leaderboard Logan Pete now has been down to the sixth spot Tomas DuPont in the fifth Louie Robo in the fourth he is all set and done anthing the missouri coming up with a second run brett rider brett reader coming up with a second run and Brandon salmon are coming up with a second run so is it going to end up one two three like that we'll find out second and final riders coming up right after this day number nine Crankworx Whistler the Sun getting ready to start setting out here but not on the competition because we still got second runs for some serious heavy hitters for your Red Bull Joyride thanks for joining us Red Bull TV on Apple TV Red Bull dot CA and Crankworx comm and all the good people here at Whistler showing up or representing Yannick Granieri right there doing fronting up the cabin something we had the scene and that's the kind of stuff it's going to take to get up on the podium and right now your podium the way it's playing out lazarey's number three readers number two salmon X number one and if you look at all the guys Missouri surprised basically the world and getting in that third spot back in 2011 Mount Logan Peet and you know vogue compete like you're saying coming off that injury he's a guy that definitely has the skills he's in six place right now he could put a score in the 90s but he's gonna have to be clean top to bottom well I don't I don't think that he's gonna have a problem with that if you've been watching the bar for life series you definitely been seeing Logan peat he's living on the coast with in Brandon's house the bunch of other incredibly talented riders traveling all around the world with some of the best names he's making a big one for himself as well 360 off the first drop opposite 360 off the giant up box backflip tailing for Logan peat flying around is he going to be able to make this one clean and stomp backflip bar spin on that first sender double tell Logan this rider he's really been able to showcase his style in the last couple years I think he's going to be able to do it up here in Whistler I'll whip the whip coming up into the cabin bar spin up the cabin for Logan Pete obviously 360 laughs big trick big big trick off of that step down there and into the whale tail big backflip for Logan Pete finishing it and now it all goes into the judges hands for the score for Logan Pete Logan is got his work cut out was that run good enough to beat lazarey's 82 for and third or readers 94 - and second I don't think it's gonna challenge 1 & 2 but you got to think 82 for maybe he could challenge that one Ryan let's take a look at some of the replays of Logan Pete here and I think it's just so fun being up here in Crankworx Logan looks super stoked to be able to get that run down off of his chest solid tricks like this that backflip bars been so smooth and collected and into the double tail up we're talking about precision earlier on things that you need to watch as a slope saw rider Logan definitely has a bunch of that able to cast those pedals like nothing else like those two tail whips didn't even happen under his feet so now once again here we go the score just to crack into the top three that's what he's trying to do there you can see the Missouri score of the eighty two point four I don't think that's gonna challenge the 94 - but we'll see if that can get him in a podium position as we wait for Logan Peet and see where he ends up here today your redbull Joyride segment run in the book all they can do is sit in wait and see and the judges Paul Raque of the crew they're just making sure these put they put these guys in the right spot because with the talented riders that are so good at what these guys are doing it's hard to pretty much pick up exactly where to put them so you really got to compare it do shorthand what all the other riders are doing compare the notes and that's what the judges are doing the judges definitely you know they get a hard time sometimes judges are always having a difficult call you know some some people think oh that opinion wasn't right my opinion was better but the judges you know a lot of the time they really have so much pressure on them it's nice that we can just give them a tiny bit of extra time so they're able to tabulate the stuff and make sure that the riders are sitting in a fair position after that result comes in that's really what it comes down to they want the riders to be happy with the result that they got all right well is it enough can he get into the podium position waiting for the score to come in the score coming in and at eighty three point eight low get Pete into the third spot he's on the podium right now with an eighty three point aid for Logan Pete so he is pumped but I'll tell you one guy is probably not pumped panting in Missouri and remember what happened Missouri said after his first run he said that was kind of a safety run for him I mean I don't even know if that exists anymore well we've seen Anthony be able to do a lot of stuff and I think he's learned throughout the days as he's getting a bit older than he's had to calm it down and run number one and then he's gonna pull it out and now so Molly Wan what can he do now and him on down in six you know what he's already put up a decent score you would think the seventy three point six is gonna get you up there well seventy-three six with the competition today is only good enough for six so he knows what he has to do it's his second and final run and can he do it when it counts tomate Lamar going in for the second and final run here today telling him why he was saying he's a little homesick he's missing his girlfriend Carla out there who's watching him on the livestream nice to see he's I doing it for the crowd here though solid truck driver into a flip whip up that step up no blow in the feet off on that Tom on the wall that's gonna be it for run number two I think and you know the situation no matter what Ryan if you look at it still if Tomas still remains in this position when the Senate done stays in that six spot which it looks like he's got to be in there that's respectable with the with the caliber we're seeing today Oh totally and especially for the first time out here at Crankworx you know I'm missing the zebra pants though do you remember we saw him in the car yes he said oh I thought you were making a bit too much fun of me well up here in whistle you can do anything you want bring it back a big tuck no-hander two bars spin and then bars Ben tuck no-hander shown he has so many tricks in his bag he knows it's done waving to the crowd Whistler give the French rider a warm welcoming up here in Canada we know you're so friendly Toma slim walk going down for his final run in Whistler big ol 360 off the cabin styling out into that toilet bowl and up for the Bud Light whaletail tabletop up big tuck no-hander out well tell mother won't gonna finish it up right there and he is gonna end up in that sick spot with just three more riders to go we're talking about Missouri on the way Bret reader on the way and Brandon's seminar on the way well one thing is guaranteed it is gonna be in all Canada podium out here today [Applause] all right so let's start focusing at Omaha sixth place next up we're gonna have anthony missouri coming up for now Anthony Missouri we talked about it earlier he had said it was kind of a safety run just to get in that position he's your overall leader when it comes to the diamond series right now fresh off that big all win in France and ladies out that's what has him leading the diamond series standings right now he's on the outside he's looking in and here's a guy that can do it right now here it is second and final run for the red bull rider puts your hands together and get loud and proud for Anthony Mazda a really saw tail off that first drop double truck driver front flip off of the step off oh come on Canada get behind your boy his family's cheering in the crowd below me cheer for this young boy Anthony Missouri pumping it around back flip bar spin line up into this cannon feature nice saw tail up from Anthony he said he has some big tricks up his sleeve what's he gonna be able to do we know the kid goes higher than anyone else and we know he has balls made out of other material than matter 360 off of that step-down feature cleans it nice and into the toilet poll the last Bud Light whaletail bars been in Blackfoot boy speedo haha Anthony Missouri when it counts puts it down a relatively unknown back in 2011 came out here and shocked Whistler took third place and then just a month ago ladies out took a win can he do it Ryan Meyer can he get on the podium because right now he's in fourth he's got to beat Logan Pete's eighty three point eight for third readers 94 to four second or 7.x ninety six point eight but let's take a look at these replays oh and this was some additional work that he worked out coming up look at this here come and just off the double truck driver into that front flip perfect execution have we seen riders under rotate a few times this evening Anthony did not do so bars been up into the dish and that backflip bar spin out totally taking his hands off the handlebars while they spin around 360 degrees when he's inverted difficult trick especially doing off that final jump all right well it all comes down to this once again may I give you a history lesson 2011 he got that third place nobody even really knew who Anthony Missouri was back in 2011 but after he got third out here at Red Bull Joyride he made a name for himself Red Bull picked up the sponsorship of him and he became a big dude in free ride and he took the win and laid his up a lot of people say that was a pretty darn legit win by him taking that win now it is all up to the judges at this point does he have enough to crack into the top three right now for Anthony Missouri Crankworx being the number one event in the league this is really what brings it out of riders he had a hard crash earlier in the week he hit his head and he came back I'm really happy to see him land two runs and down let's say the score what is Missouri gonna get does he get on and Missouri look at this at 84 he's back on the podium right there but Aiden here for Anthony Missouri Ryan oh he looks just taken back but we're not we expected that the run that deserves it Anthony's back up there Anthony of Missouri you're guaranteed a spot on the podium your face said it all but what are you feeling right now you know just way too excited to be I don't know just you know kind of here all my friends here and everything it's it's awesome you said you're feeling a lot of pressure coming into this event to finish on the podium in all in front of all of your family and friends what is it what kind of accomplishment is this you know just feel so good bad enough just can't wait to celebrate with everybody that's helped me you know throughout the years all right congratulations Anthony Missouri finishing guaranteed to finish in third here today third place has been determined that is said and done so let's move forward Anthony Missouri is gonna grab third he's on the podium but it's these two guys two more guys to go I'm talking about Brett reader I'm talking about Brandon salmon egg reader in second seminar in the top spot the reader is gonna get the nod here for his second and final run he is all about game face and here he comes right now currently in second with a 94 to get loud mucho respect for Brett reader Brett reader had his game face on early this morning when I saw him and he was contemplating his run big backflip off the flat drop 360 but no [Applause] oh he's up is okay he is up you know what to do Whistler let's everyone everyone in here show your respect he was injured last year he's come on out here he's ending up in second let's hear from front reader everyone here in Whistler come on [Applause] well let's take a look at Bret reader it was all or nothing at this point you've already had a smoke and run Ryan Meyer so you got to even step it up if that's even possible so let's take a look here at reader on a second run you know I know he had a lot bigger tricks that he had to worry about in his run than that truck driver to barback but uh unfortunately it looks like he wasn't able to get it over rotated that truck driver I thought it was a little uncharacteristic seeing him do it do it a little different in run two but let's just check out what went wrong let's take a little look back at the replay of Bret reader second run up here on that giant up box goes for the 360 bars from the bar back and doesn't throw the bars I think that's what made him over rotate a tiny bit I mean that's just my guest looking at the screen nice to see he's up and about though you know he's gonna be coming in a very good position as well so I know Bret is very happy from his performance today still no matter what you definitely don't want to hang your head low on a sit on a show that he put on today with that first run putting up a 94 point to Bret reader is gonna take second place and get his way on down and then we bring him down here to the base I want everyone there he is right there let's hear it for him here he comes Bret reader an amazing day an amazing first run and he's going to come away with the second place finish out here redbull joyride well you couldn't ask he couldn't script it better than a Hollywood movie what a battle between these guys Sam and I can read her off the bat you know what and you've seen something I kept trouble on the first run in the past but today he did not have trouble on his first run that is 100% for sure as a reader coming on down he's getting around the whale tail here and as he comes into skiers Plaza right down there here he is at the top of the knoll who is sir you know what to do come on just do it [Applause] Brett reader second place out here today with a 94 - and a respectable finish for him and now Brandon salmon och the local boy has done what no other freeride man has done in the history of the Red Bull Joyride and that means he's wanted three times six podiums and a three time winner as he comes in for his victory lap giving up much respect for Brandon seminar [Applause] he's not even going to take it easy backflips off flat drops are common practice I guess for the local Whistler boy come on Whistler your last rider your 2014 Crankworx wizard champion Brendon seven haha so much solid four days nobody thought he could do it he thought he was going to crack under pressure but he proved you all wrong he doesn't do a lot of contests these days but he wins the best one there is the Red Bull Joyride man how sweet it is three times the winner redbull joy ride protected sama knock on the victory lap six podiums to his credit during the Red Bull Joyride but three wins the first ever member of the three timer Club give it up for Brandon Savin up one more time [Applause] the send it down to Jackie Montgomery and see if she can get a word in as they manhandle um right there trying to get to Brandon but obviously a huge celebration down here Brandon the first person ever to win the Red Bull joy ride three times how does it feel to be champion once again like words can't describe so awesome so stoked I landed the last jump can't even believe it to do this in front of your home crowd your local boy is it even more special yeah of course like so much friends and family here in a massive crowd that is cheered so loud it's so sick congratulations on the win now I have Bret reader here Bret I know you're hoping to finish that off strong you had so much plan for your second run but you missed out last year competing because of a broken back how does it feel to come back and get second place also it's hard to describe it feels awesome to be down here I mean obviously I wish I could have done a second run but you know these runs are so complex that they're so hard to make it down you know every single time so I'm just happy I stuffed my first run also from Canada I know that you and Brandon are good friends is it a consolation prize to share the top the podium with Brandon yes it is man of few words guys we'll send it back up to you I'll tell you what now Ryan Mayer I just got to say first of all there you go take a look at that Canada for Canada three Canada to Canada one Canadians sweep out here hey but the French guy CIB catching up we'll have to see what's planning out for the next one let me just say this I talked to Brandon Salman uh you know we'll do that in just a little bit I definitely want to talk about what I went down and talked about Brandon salmon egg man all right well it is time to get done with the awards here for you for your Red Bull Joyride and it's time to hand out the hardware in third place doing it for Red Bull with a score of 84 even give it up for Anthony [Music] lazarey [Applause] second time the Missouri has landed on the podium he did it in 2011 and he's back on the podium in 2014 put that bronze of Crankworx bell around his neck there you go Antony Missouri third place and getting himself on the podium once again and in second place doing it for truck at ninety four point two yeah for Bret [Applause] Brett reader coming back from a tough injury last year with the broken back coming out with vengeance this year relax calm cool collected podium and call around but the biggest podium of his career right here today [Applause] [Music] and the moments you've been waiting for your gold medal winner he's been on the podium a record six times with your red bull joyride this is his third his third win and the Red Bull Joyride due to protract the local boy get loud for bread [Music] seven are no other rider has matched what he has done like I said six podiums and three wins and your redbull Joyride and he's your champ redbull Jerrod 2014 Brandon seminar [Applause] how amazing Ryan Meyer is a per brandon sama not to do what no one has done I mean first of all a three-time winner that's never been done six podiums Red Bull Georgia that's never been done I mean he said it himself he landed the last job that's been like the diamond in his head you know not being able to getting everything done and not being able to last the final thing I mean it's I'm ecstatic for every single one of them my friends on the podium there it's so good to see those boys do well and you know the nice thing def everyone came down okay today there were no big injuries and I really like seeing that in a contest this big and I'll tell you what also you got to think about Bret reader I mean broken back last year I mean the guy was in the driver's seat he was having an amazing year to start the season off last year then he gets injured and it takes him out the whole mix the entire season and he had to wait till this year for redemption and sharing the podium with a teammate that's probably pretty special for reader oh it is and all these guys are teammates in some way or another there's such good friends we all hang out constantly we go out for dinners together especially when we're traveling around here with pretty much dirtier your best friends so I think it's just a win-win for everyone now so stoked to see the little man Anthony on the podium as well he really deserves it and I gotta think that Anthony Boozer I didn't sound official this one but I got to think he's gonna be still leading the FMB diamond series rankings because he got a first and he's got a third so far in the first two diamond stops so that's big news for Anthony Missouri well we'll be coming back out to Ryan Mayer Brad Jay in the booth we'll be breaking down our final thoughts we'll be coming right back with more right here live from Whistler and your Red Bull Joyride don't go anywhere I'll be right back oh I don't know where to start with this one Ryan Mayer Brad day in the booth and rindy got some final thoughts he's wanted to help me out after this whole thing I mean we're pretty much speechless just like the rest of them like I said I'm incredibly happy to see all these boys make it down in one piece to run four matches up we didn't have that big super final and I guess we didn't need it because that was an incredible show they've been on for us I'll tell you what and then here's my thing right now after talking to Brandon summon I can dive and I've spent some time talking to him I've been out here for about 10 days here at Crankworx and I've talked to him probably three or four times including today the one thing I noticed about him I don't you know a lot of people say the pressure is there I didn't see any pressure in his eyes I saw him laughing I saw him joking I saw him telling me that this is the best ever Red Bull Joyride course in the history of the Red Bull Joyride so when I saw that I started thinking to myself like he's really comfortable the pressure is not getting to him and he's doing good and he showed it out here to a pressure didn't get to him comes with the win and I think that something Crankworx capitalizes on so well is being able to take a rider input and putting it into their courses like this you said he's so comfortable on the course I think that was the consensus from every one of the riders they had so much fun out here because Crankworx does it for the riders is such an event there they have so much fun coming here it's just a blast it's I'll tell you what the best riders in the world the best course in the world the best venue in the world and the best freeride mountain-bike competition in the world bar none and you just saw it all go down well I'll tell you what tomorrow Canadian Open coming your way we're gonna start that webcast at 3 o'clock and that'll be going on to a 5 and the sad part is that's gonna be the 10th in final day for crank work so sad indeed 3 to 5 tomorrow meeting open it's gonna be something you don't want to miss always saving that one that's such the fun event and please join us for that the webcast will kick off 3 to 5 also go to Crankworx calm Crankworx calm for all the information regarding Red Bull Joyride that is the place to go all that and more I'll tell you what thanks for coming out on behalf of Brad Ewan Jackie Montgomery Ryan Meyer DJ science on the ones and twos and our entire Crankworx crew I'm Brad J goodnight from Whistler the biggest trick clean up on to that [Music] [Applause] and work on his technical ability briefing very cool that from terrified and coming into this beautiful tournament Barbara's been off top into the way up till midnight so did you like that one Buneary coming up engineer Ryan Louie rip oh good good echo 41 let's get back up stupid why go down for the rest up into that rebel can double wide into the job the cabin [Music] you
Channel: Crankworx
Views: 38,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crankworx;, Crankworx, Rotorua;, Les, Gets;, Innsbruck;, Whistler;, Red, Bull, Joyride;, RBJoyride;, Joyride, Crankworks;, mtb;, vtt;, Downhill
Id: y0QTQvnUZhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 29sec (9509 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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