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hey everyone i'm jeff i'm your host here at jeff's barber shop we got a big episode today we got the big pranksters the knelt boys but first things first i want to address something this week i was betrayed by one of my employees here at the show it's not funny what are you laughing at i was betrayed by joe volpis one of my ex-employees here and i say x because he's no longer with us he has been banned he's banned from the shop his picture's hung up on the door he's not allowed here anymore you step foot in here you will be executed he knows that after guests are featured on the show they go into a 14-day quarantine so they don't release any photos of the haircut before the episode is fully edited and ready to come out he knew that and he still went ahead to post all this stuff on his youtube channel i spent four [ __ ] hours working on that pineapple i made you this nice chart here to showcase all of our nice haircuts that we did we're not having you here anymore your haircuts are no longer featured on the show so that's that and that little race car that you got me that you click baited you got me a brand new car we did a little something to that too roll the tape [Music] using this clickbait so this is just a little message to you joe your job here is no longer hello hey how's it going bus um i know you guys were making some videos in the back and i have no issue with that at all but there's a mess that was left behind there oh yeah that we're going to go clean it up right now the rest of it we got of course i'm just giving you the heads up the manager scene and like the pictures like everything um before we go on with today's episode a quick word from the sponsors today's episode is sponsored by case defy case the fight is a great company that makes these custom phone cases all types of cool designs this one here i had my name put on at jeff we tested these out they can withstand serious serious stuff this case was able to take a full beat down from a whole gang of guys we all smashed it up with baseball bats go to backslash jeff to get 20 off your case you could get you can get jeff on your case and match with me or you could get your own name on there we did a drop test i'll do one right here in front of you it's a real phone it's not a dummy phone look the phone's fine it still works great it's all the biggest celebs are using these cases kylie jenner uses it and gigi hadid and they're tough they're military grade protection these things could be ran over by a tank go down in the link in the description get yourself a case to fight case and now let's get on with the episode after the accident when you look at me i don't know if you're looking at me why go ahead say it you've been saying it a lot go ahead let it out say the joke let's get it out of the way that's the only joke that's that's i just feel like you're looking past my ears okay my eyes still healing i shattered my eye socket and skull if you want to make jokes about me having a lazy eye that's fine but you'll be canceled me having a lazy eye is not a choice i didn't choose to be beaten down in an alley with baseball bats what you do to yourself at night here is disgusting i took a picture of your fridge i came down here i looked at it because i wanted to clean up before the shoot this is what it looks like right now that's his fridge after living here for just three days you have a full pizza in there a cake that looks like you just go in there and just bite out of it okay off at least i can fix my fatness you can't fix your wobbly lazy eye i don't have a lazy eye it's rocking back and forth all over the place okay enough of the lazy eye jokes you're gonna make me very insecure before i start this episode and i don't want these pranksters to pick me apart they'll spot my weakness my vulnerability and they'll eat me alive we got the nell boys here full send i'm sure you saw their pranks all over youtube they think life's a big joke they prank innocent people i'm a little nervous right now because i think they're going to prank me but at this point hopefully they kill me hopefully that's the prank where they just end my life and i don't have to do this show anymore i don't have to see this guy anymore because this is hell i'm living in hell um the migraines are again intense i had my eye socket shattered by a gang of hoodlums they actually kind of look like these guys here today but i don't think it has any relation where are you guys from i'm guessing florida some florida some canada some sacramento some africa okay africa nice oh is my cigarette bothering you it's not bothering me it's just in my nose you're making me feel uncomfortable now second-hand smoke is just a conspiracy it's not real i'm just venting dude all right i'm not like i know about it it's a barbershop you could smoke in the barber shop yeah it's fine making smoke um let's get into the haircut what do you want to do you have any pictures i don't know just fix it okay do that dude okay just cut steve's mic sponsors are gonna leave we could also have these haircuts available oh i don't mean oh yes you get the number 11 for sure [Music] what the [ __ ] was that oh you're trying to prank us [ __ ] edward scissorhand over here edward catch buddy we're going to do a prank on you guys but we just said [ __ ] it we figured like you guys are going to know so we just hang out and drink beers with us oh that's awesome so how'd you guys all get into doing the pranks and stuff like that you guys big fans of jackass yeah big fans nice start doing it doing it for fun honestly you guys are good at it you execute them well there's a lot of people on youtube that do pranks they fake them but all you guys this stuff's real right yeah that stuff when you run up to people in the grocery store and yell in their ear oh those people are completely cool with it after what the [ __ ] are you doing who the hell are you come up screaming my ear yeah cheers boys to getting haircuts [Music] buddy i'll throw you a hundred bucks if you [ __ ] it up i can't i would love to take your money but i can't jeopardize my barber career you guys ever like fake the prank they're all fake they're all fake yeah yeah huh oh here we go uh my brother he's selling candy for his basketball team okay they all have cancer so he's trying to oh yeah okay buy a chocolate bar boys you guys have any cash all right i forgot you guys actually don't have any cash i only use my card i know you i see a merch everywhere i thought you guys are making a lot of money here no we don't have that in canada who carries a cab just keep all of it yeah i got smokes for the kids i'm sure they're stressed out cancer kids there's probably stresses you guys have any other trouble come back here i'll take care of you i'll help you out all right jeff's a good person my pleasure thank you my pleasure have a good night guys i hope everything works out with that team let me know when the game is i'm gonna come and support you guys i like to do a lot of charity stuff i just don't put it in my videos you know yeah that was just random i wish you guys sent some guys in here to beat the [ __ ] out of us or something man i saw that bryce hall prank and i was like i wish they'd do that to me oh yeah yeah but if we were to hit you we wouldn't do it right now you're gonna be like eating like supper tonight in bed watching a movie and just bam okay so now i have to watch my back for life yeah you have a lazy eye jeff i don't have a lazy eye i got into an accident my eyes still healing it'll be fine which one's lazy both ladies rough guys lazy i got two lazy eyes i can lose the weight but your lazy eye is not going to disappear what the [ __ ] that guy do with the lazy eye though he's he just wants to insult me back because i insult him a lot do i actually have a lazy eye no it's fine it's a little tired i'm fine all nelk's pranks are fake they're all fake okay we're gonna do a little shave oh you can put your head back and relax what are we shaving shave your face clean you up nice i just shave i'm gonna shave you again all right why are you wearing a mask on your eye we don't have to shoot this segment if you don't want how much can you see right now out of 100 i'll be honest i can see maybe 10 percent oh boy my depth perception is off big time and damn i can't find the thing i'm looking for jeff we know each other but we don't you know we don't know each other that well do you guys not do stuff like this no no we don't do that i got a heart problem okay fair enough i'll put this away steve you can have things [ __ ] no don't give it a steal wow here we go i'd rather see don't [ __ ] turn on me bro no no no oh john joy i don't want it stop stop that made my leg kick man i guess they do look kind of similar yeah well we're pretty much done with the cut yeah it looks dope not bad for one eye huh not bad man it's clean how does it feel i have two eyes i've never been without one so it's pretty normal well that's good for you um we're all real happy for you and that's it for the episode ask more questions about his eyes no i'm all right go check out full send merch zero percent of the profits go to charity oh look at this oh look at that oh it's good zero yes nixon this guy slays [Music] i [Music] i just wanna go to burn the man and suck my own thing i [Music] they don't understand why i am the original alien
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,565,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, NELK, STEVEWILLDOIT, MTV JESSIE, Full Send, pranks, kyleforgeard, Bryce hall, Saliim
Id: uxU5X0G9yJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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