r/EntitledPeople - Texan Family REFUSES To Move Out Of MY NEW HOUSE

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g'day there guys our slash entitled people are going crazy throughout the town and i'm gonna tell you about them today on today's episode now if you enjoyed today's content please do sit back relax and smack that like button and tell me what you think of it in the comments posted by user tgnotat cerner titled yes you bought the house but we can stay in it right so not my story but my brothers tldr at the bottom my brother and his wife were moving from one states to another and one of those states was texas so it was not a one-day move if that makes sense they had gone house hunting found a place one that needed a little tlc updating since the owners were 70 plus years old but since they are both great diy-ers it was worth it for them to buy it cheap and improve it they drive and get into a hotel in town the night before closing late with a u-haul full of all their stuff they arranged with u-haul to have people there to unload at noon the next day after closing this is important the next morning they go to the walk through before closing and the house is not packed up as in it looks like people are still living there the realtor drops that the current owner might not be ready to give up possession at closing for brother this was a no-go they didn't have the hotel for another night and had already arranged and paid for people to help unload so no contractually the current owner needed to be out they go to closing and the realtor for the current owner says that the current owner needs to stay in the house again overnight again from my brother no it's not arranged in our contract we only had the hotel for one night and i have the unloaders scheduled the current owner's realtor says well in my day we just sorted this stuff out it didn't need to be in a contract and brother says okay when we gonna tell us at this point it's too late we made plans based on taking possession today so unless your client will pay to reschedule the unloaders pay for another night in a hotel and with a pet deposit since we have two dogs this won't work this is why it's contracted so that i can do things like not drive down here until the house is move-in ready come to find out the current owner's realtor is no longer practicing as in was retired but came out of retirement to do this for the current owner so closing proceeds and my brother and wife go to what should be their house currantona and all their children and children's spouses are there just hanging out not packing not getting things out just chilling and my brother says um so can i help you out with anything and the crew say nah we're good and resume chatting repeat this every 15 minutes for about an hour and a half including my brother adding that he has people coming at noon to help him unload at 11 they tell my brother that they're ordering a pizza does he want some he says no i do not want pizza i'm celiac and can't eat pizza however i do need you to get your things out so i can move into my house the pizza arrives and they continue to offer him some at 11 30 he finally loses it he says no i don't want pizza i need your u-haul out of my driveway in half an hour because i'll be moving my u-haul into my driveway to unload my things into my house they finally caught a clue cue chickens running with heads cut off for the next half hour during which my sister-in-law brings the dogs in wife of formerly current now previous owner says you can't bring dogs in here i'm allergic sister-in-law says yes i can bring my dogs into my house and you had no problem getting gluten-filled pizza all over my house when my husband told you that makes him very sick well what about the floors yes what about my floors this is our house now you need to leave they finally got their stuff and left but i figured this was a perfect example of very entitled people posted by user chatzi red titled brother wanted me to drop my life and serve him this happened years ago i just thought about it i was living in colorado had just had a baby a few months ago and married and have an autistic five-year-olds my husband works in the oil field regularly gone between a week and three weeks no notice the money was good my brother is one of those guys that believes women should always wear skirts and dresses and have no opinion his wife is cool with this i despite being raised by him am not i have a brain at the point of this phone call i hadn't heard from him besides a congrats text for months he's like hey opie hi big brother you busy uh not at the moment what's up can you come to florida take care of the kids and wife for a few months we're moving and wife is pregnant she can't lift and the kids are wearing her out you're joking right i have a baby at five years old and hubby works in the oil fields or have friends help i need you here no he's in shock silence that female defied him and says then what good are you click didn't hear from him again for roughly six months not that exciting but happened regularly until i gave him the old boots about a year ago posted by user oh holly hell titled i scolded a woman like a toddler for trying to cut into drive-through line apparently at 50 years old i have zero f's left to give and all my chill has evaporated i was in line at the drive-through of national coffee chain the drive-through was one where you had to turn left from the parking lot to get into it so drivers were lining up and leaving a space was left for cars to turn into the parking lots it was a long line and it was apparent to anyone who was not an asshat that all of us were waiting to turn into the drive-through lane i was behind one vehicle with its left turn signal on clearly waiting for traffic to pull ahead so they could pull into the drive-through line i also had my left signal on many many cars behind us like at least seven a chick pulls into the entrance of the parking lot turns on her right blinker and is apparently convinced she's just cutting in front of all of us dude ahead of me turns and i pull forward she inches forward to get into the line ahead of me oh hell no i've been here for 15 minutes already have not been properly caffeinated and am not equipped to deal with foolishness this early in the morning i pull my mask down and just shake my head and very obviously mouth no over and over line inches forward i start turn i see her start to turn as well and roll down my window and just yell no like she's a toddler if you saw the booboo jeffries sketch on snl think that except far less patience i then proceeded to turn into the drive-through she waited a moment then pulled in behind all the other cars no cheering no parades but a small feeling of satisfaction posted by user cupcake commercial 666 titled entitled sister talks crap behind my back then throws fit when i won't buy her gas and cigarettes anymore when i catch her my sister smokes not great to start with and on top of this she smokes very expensive cigarettes each pack is almost 10 bucks which i really didn't care about before when she had a job because how she spends her paycheck the part not being used to care for her kids anyways isn't really my business but she quit her job lamar during the pandemic a month or so ago because she and i quote don't want to deal with that boss of mine anymore and was coasting on the money that she had saved well now she's run out of money shocker and instead of looking for another job she's instead trying to sell her car but in the meantime she's broke with no way to buy cigarettes i don't smoke so she can't bum anything off me but our mum smokes so sis could technically bum a couple of her but she doesn't because mum smokes those crappy cheap cigarettes no she wants her brand of cigarettes she's never heard the term beggars can't be choose as it seems so she's been in a pissy mood for a full week because she can't afford her expensive cigarettes won't accept any cheap ones and none of us are coughing up ten bucks to buy her a pack that she'll blow through in maybe a week but today i'd had enough of her catty attitude and decided to do her a favor i said that if she would go through the place a drive through for me so i could get us all some food her kids included that i'd help her get some gas and a pack of cigarettes she eagerly agreed but rejected my offer to get her any food and place a wasn't open yet it was like 9 30 am and they opened after 10 am so she'd have to wait till they opened then she sort of paused and asked if i really wanted food from place a and not place b which is closer place b is legit right next to the gas station while place a is like maybe two buildings down so still very close i say no i've been craving something specific from place a so she relents and says okay and that she's gonna be sitting outside drinking coffee until then so maybe 20 minutes go by and i go out to give sis a written list of what to get cause she has a not great memory and will forget stuff and i get close to the side porch door which is open and hear her tramping about having to go through the drive-through for me to our mom just how i'm so rude for asking her to drive so far and how food from place day is just so fudging gross and how she didn't even want to do this anyways well i heard our mum tell her to be grateful because nobody else was offering to buy her food gas and her fancy cigarettes well sis scoffed and started seeing something else but i walked outside and she shut up mom and her had wide-eyed looks but i reached down and plucked my card which she was going to use to get everything from her hand and just said never mind i don't want to burden you i'll order through doordash instead then walked back inside she tried to call me back and say that she was just messing around but i ignored her and when it was made clear i wasn't buying her crap or coming back i heard her pitching a huge babyfits and her mum laughing and telling her she did this to herself by being ungrateful so yeah sis threw her fit and wore herself out before going and sitting in her car for a few hours to pout i really had no issue helping her if she did a little favor for me in return but i'm not going to help anyone who bridges about said help behind my back posted by user vladvlad60 titled your culture allows that not in this country with my fiance my best friend is a huge dude he is scary if he isn't smiling but he's a huge teddy bear a great guy and he'd give you the shirt off his back if he needed it he's also brilliant he was studying in europe and met a girl from the middle east also studying in the uk she was a petite quiet shy soft-spoken young lady and to everyone's surprise the massive american and petite middle eastern beauty became a couple he proposed as they neared graduation she accepted as her parents wanted her to return home so they could arrange a fitting marriage as is their custom she told them she'd met fell in love with and wanted to marry an american student the fact that he was an american infidel was the icing on the cake she returned to the states with him and she informed her mother that the marriage would be in a few months and that she was staying with his sisters to her surprise her mother contacted her and wanted to attend the wedding saying that while her father is not happy he is willing to accept that his daughter loves this man arrangements were made and her family arrived were met at the airports and put up in a hotel near the venue my friend and his girl came to visit and meet her family father mother and brother it was a bit tense at first but they seemed to accept that my large friend was in love with their daughter and would move heaven and earth to make her happy all seemed to go well his sisters had taken her dress shopping and helped make all the arrangements the venue was ready the food flowers etc and everyone seemed to be having a good time her brother was very quiet then just before the ceremony his fiancee was heading into the back to get into her wedding dress when her brother stopped her to talk the talk included him registering his displeasure at her by grabbing her by the hair and slapping her for disrespecting their cultural history luckily one of my friends sisters saw this and called her brother now while my friend is a teddy bear with those he likes and cares about he's a grizzly bear if you hurt or threaten someone he cares about light alone loves a few seconds later my friend arrives at full speed snatches her brother by his throat and lifts him off the floor and explains that if he ever touches her again in such a matter he will break every bone in his body so many times that they won't heal her parents are offended as it is their culture that women are to be submissive to male members of their family until they become subject to the chosen husband's rules and authority my friend freely admits his lack of diplomatic skills and responded with first we're not in your country we're in mine the rules here demand respect for everyone second the reason that their culture had gone from the most learned in the world mathematics science astronomy etc to war-torn backwater was not growing past the rules of the 13th century when you had to protect wives and daughters from bands brigands and rival tribes to understand that women can do just about anything a man can do and just as well he pointed out a picture of his sister and himself skydiving needless to say after the wedding her family returned home and her brother is insulted but his shy sister did point out that it was better to be offended than hospitalized which is exactly what would have happened if he hurt her again she also let her parents know that she did not want to live in a country where her family picked her a husband who could beat her just because he felt like it and she was expected to accept that it was his right to abuse her as he saw fit his family loves the girl dearly and dolla's friends have taken to her and welcomed her to the states she speaks to her mother on the phone and tells her that they'll send her a plane ticket when they're going to make her a grandmother her brother will not be welcome anyone ever heard of the when in rome do as the romans do posted by user cheesypeter1994 titled entitled ex-friend is upset at me for getting a job in our fields dave 35 male and i 25 female met in an advanced math class at community college three years ago i had finished my bachelor's and needed to take a couple extra classes to prep for my master's program in ces dave as he came to share had spent ages 18 to 28 playing video games in his childhood bedroom and from 29 to 35 he had had an awakening and decided to start doing something with his life he planned on getting his bachelor's in cs but had somehow managed to spend six plus years taking part-time classes at the community college the guy was 35 had never had a job outside of one summer stocking at a grocery store a decade ago never paid rent in his life either when we met in that math class despite his past i was impressed with dave for trying to turn his life around this guy was smart but over time i started seeing another side of him dave constantly complains about his parents the same parents who pay his every expense including a reloadable starbucks card and an annual disneyland membership the latter of which he uses two to three times each week anytime i ever offered to help dave get a good starting job in it or cs he would laugh and say i couldn't possibly work even part time with my academic schedule or 30 bucks an hour i'll be making three times that when i finish my degree what makes him think that his three months of job market experience from 2005 at the same time he always went around saying he knew more than his professor did he should just teach the class etc he would tell everyone he's a computer scientist and a true academic well this summer i got an internship turned job at a major tech and entertainment company i'm on track to finish my masters next year the sad thing is my friendship with dave was over within two months of me getting this internship he started calling me a sellout and saying things like working students didn't actually care about understanding computer science they just lied and cheated to get through classes random bs like that when i told him that wasn't true and that lots of students work his response was to ignore me for a week and then write a four-page letter saying that i don't understand how hard that he has it the entitlement is mind-blowing for a near-middle-aged man who has never supported himself to tell someone who worked their way through most college in retail and as a maid who now works full-time and mentors kid in stem while finishing a second degree that she doesn't appreciate how hard he has it mind-blown i hope he's still having a good time spending 40 hours a week studying and being a computer scientist at starbucks all right that's where i think i'm gonna end today's episode guys as always i really do hope you learned something or just really enjoyed the posts that were put up today quick shout out to all my new and existing patreon and channel members you should be able to see your name on screen right now and if you don't then i don't think you're part of the club and you really should join the club because it's a great club and i want to thank every single one of you guys for supporting me in this journey it really means so much to me and i love you all so much for it thank you for helping me out as you can tell i'm now happy and healthy back in australia thank god it's not cold like ireland i don't like wearing jumpers everywhere i prefer the heat thank you very much i know that's an unpopular opinion anyway guys i really do hope you enjoyed today's episode i'll see you in the next one have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and i'll see you later bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 19,069
Rating: 4.9328027 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, reddit, r/entitled
Id: DbOYEXh3aD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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