r/idontworkherelady - Nurse Tries To Force Me To DO HER JOB!?

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good day there guys airhead marky here and welcome back to another episode of r slash i don't work here lady now if you don't work here either i don't blame you because i don't know what's going on i hope you guys enjoyed this episode today tell me what you think about it down in the comments and enjoy all the stories posted by user for fun woodworker titled not my job to clean your patients first time posting on mobile so please forgive for typos and grammar this was a few years ago but it's still very satisfying thinking about it backstory i was a 24 year old guy working as a mental health technician at a county hospital in arizona i was specifically trained and certified to work with teens youth adults and elderly who were a danger to themselves or others this included those that were brought in by the police for being violent and needed one-on-one supervision 24 hours a day it's generally very boring and easy because the patient is sedated and strapped to the bed the story is about one of these guys a patient had been brought into the er by the police for whatever reason and had been extremely dangerous and violent with the police and hospital staff i had been requested to go to their wing of the hospital we normally only work in the mental health ward and monitor and restrain if needed for the hospital staff i was stilling in the corner of his room on my phone probably playing games when a nurse came in to check on him the conversation went something like this the nurse said i'm gonna need you to do something more than sitting there in the corner on your phone um excuse me i need you to clean him and empty his urine bag nope i'm not trained to do that listen i don't have time to deal with this you're going to do this or i'm going to get the doctor do you see cna certified nurse's aid on my badge anywhere it says mht mental health tech i am not certified to do a cna's job if i did clean him and change his urine bag but did something wrong it would be your job and not mine go ahead you can get the doctor and ask him for yourself and the nurse says you have no right to tell me what your job is i will have your job for this she storms out of the room and looks for the doctor after a few minutes i can hear her voice just outside the room i go just to the doorway i'm still able to see my patient to hear her and see the doctor the nurse to the doctor says he pointing at me is telling me that he won't do what i asked him just because he isn't a cna me to the doctor says she's telling me i have to clean him and change his urine bag but i've told her that it would be her job if i did something wrong and the doctor says to the nurse he's right he has no responsibility nor is he certified to do it he's supposed to sit with him and watch him to keep you safe do your job and stop trying to find someone to do your job it turns out that there was no cna for her area that night she was trying to push her work off on other people and die was her last attempt until the doctor lost his patients posted by user mr music titled are you color blind i was recently in a hardware store the employees wear dark blue polo shirts with the company name embroidered on it i was wearing a bright orange t-shirt with my company name in large letters across the back i was looking at the safety glasses when i heard a middle-aged lady say excuse me do you work here wow i'm not even wearing anything close to what the employees are wearing but she did ask very nicely and i say sorry but i don't work here immediately she apologized for bothering me she was so sincere and nice about it and i having 30 years of retail experience could not suppress all those years of service i found myself saying what are you looking for maybe i can help you find it she said she didn't want to be a bother but just could not find an item she saw in the stores weekly ad i knew where the item might be and a moment later i had helped her find it it was in a large box that looked a bit heavy she said she had bad shoulders and asked if i could help lift it off of the shelf for her i said i would do one better and took it up to the register for her she was so grateful and kept thanking me for my help she had another item that she wanted to find and so i got the attention of an actual employee and sent them off on a new search i saw her again as i was leaving and she thanked me again i smiled and just said that i was glad to be of some help we agreed that these little acts of kindness add up to make the world a much better place and we all need that posted by user oh farmboy titled maskless lady this happened just yesterday and my wife thinks it's appropriate for here i was shopping at that expensive family clothing store named after a military branch you know the one the store is mostly empty because it's the middle of the afternoon and because of you know what most people aren't out and about for shopping for no reason anyways i was looking for some jeans at the front of the store because they were on sale mind you i was actually wearing a pair of jeans a plaid shirt a vest and a mask that all could have been from the store as i'm searching for my size this lady approaches with her phone to her ear and her mask in her hands i pause what i'm doing and look over at her and she says to me do you know where the men's athletic shorts are no can you ask someone no don't you work here no oh my gosh i'm sorry why didn't you say so because i was trying to figure out why you wouldn't put down your phone and put on your mask when talking with a stranger in public the lady's face went from confused to horribly embarrassed she immediately turned bright red put on her mask mumbled sorry and headed straight out the door sans shorts i find jeans in the right size and head to the checkout behind me the cashier has these big smiling eyes and i can tell she is smiling behind her mask she tells me the look on that lady's face was priceless have a great day posted by user nemo watches titled oh i'm quite certain i don't work here i am a firearms instructor for a law enforcement agency generally we don't get featured on tv shows or movies so people aren't familiar with our uniforms we usually wear khaki pants and a red polo with a sewn on badge now these uniforms don't have a bunch of identifiers like arm patches or logos because we don't get seen in public too much but we do have the telltale heavy gun belt equipped with a firearm taser baton etc so while i try to never do this being a father i have to stop and pick up some items from a store usually i get a call on the way home from the misses asking me for an emergency item the closest store on the way home is a target you can see where this is going so shopping in a target while wearing car keys and a red polo is just asking for this i understand this so when someone walks up and asks a question i generally will politely tell them i don't work there or if i happen to know the answer i will answer them however some people seem to want to cause problems and things don't go as politely as i hope first i was trying to buy some shoelaces for my boy and i clock a guy looking around for an employee i hear him walking my way so i look him up and down and make sure he isn't a cop hater or something he walks up and asks hey you work here gruffly i respond no sir i don't and he replies are you sure i stand up and turn to face him i say i'm extremely sure he looks me up and down and stops at my gun belts then his eyes dot up to my badge he pauses and thinks for a few seconds and says oh you don't work here and finally walks away on another occasion i'm loading a heavy item into my cart when an older lady with a thick new york accent walks up and asks hey where's the dog food i replied i'm sorry i don't work here i'm she cut me off curtly embarked i didn't ask you that did i i look at her smile and i say of course the pet supplies are over in that corner and i point to the far end of the store she looks over and huffs all the way over there and she starts walking that way another young lady walks up to me and says i think the pet supplies are in the next aisle i reply oh my mistake this lady smiles at me and says oh well and keeps shopping posted by user distinct standard 308 titled i'm sorry i don't work next door so i work for a martial arts studio my husband is the instructor and i answer phones sell contracts and do the marketing we're in a nice plaza with a very popular restaurant on one side and a tutoring center on the other due to pandemic we leave the doors locked and only allow people in if they have a reservation for the class students are only allowed in five minutes before their scheduled class there's a large sign on the door that states our business name with a large logo the text on the sign is large enough to be read by parents attempting to drop off on the curve it states no reservation no mask no entry no one will be permitted inside until five minutes before scheduled class today my husband went to the back to check stock on uniforms and get an inventory together for me and left me up front alone to sanitize between classes i'm masked up and spraying the air and all surfaces when someone tugs on the door a lady and her son that i don't recognize were standing on the sidewalk looking at me expectantly i figured they wanted information so i grabbed my keys walked outside and i greeted them i say hello welcome to the martial arts studio how can i help you and the lady says we have an appointment for my son to take a placement test me realizing they're wanting the tutoring center says oh i'm sorry this is martial arts studio i think you're looking for the place next door well their door is locked let me in so my son can take his test we have an appointment she then tugs on the door to our place look i'm very sorry but without a reservation to one of our classes i cannot let you or your son in we are a martial arts studio and not a tutoring center you want the next door down let me show you i walked to the next door down and knocked on the glass to get the people inside's attention the lady says just use your keys and let me in or i'll take my business elsewhere this is horrible customer service i see again i don't work for that company i can't let you in or help you with that i knocked again as the tutoring center is quite large the young girl that works the front desk came out of the back and smiled at me and opened the door and the woman says it's about time this woman would not let me in she has the worst customer service i've ever experienced i have an appointment the tutoring girl says she doesn't work here but yes come on in and i'll get you situated i went back to work and told my husband who wondered where i'd gone anticlimactic i know but it gave me a chuckle so i thought i'd share posted by user ratty atkins titled i work at a petrol station so i apparently work at all of them this happened just this morning i'm tired so i'll keep it short so i had to collect a jacket from a seamstress i had to pop into a petrol on the way now i've worked in petrol stations for years and i still do the last one had full american style service and i was the attendant for several years i left that place years ago and went to another as i was leaving a little toyota pulls in and a woman of about 60 jumps out rtl is old toyota lady and me is the night shift zombie she says to me can you feel my car i immediately spotted that she was talking to me my mistake old habits i say uh i'm tired from not long ago finishing a night shift i am a retail vampire come join us the undead she says to me come fill up my car she repeated clearly annoyed i don't work at this garage i shouted back over the traffic noise she says you work at that one out of town and please note i'm tired hungry and have to complete my vital mission you'd understand if you know the jacket's owner well that means that you work at the rest of them then i have read a load of i don't work your lady stories and i don't want to go through the crap of karen's so no i don't i say and i got in my car and drove off there are traffic lights right outside the station's exit and it's red i heard her say well i never and saw her take a picture of my car as i waited at the red it turned green before anything happened it's just the way she spoke that tone that retail workers everywhere here before getting a migraine i was too tired to give a damn and besides i didn't work there edit and update this one took off okay the update the old toyota lady did call in to complain as in she went to my station and called my manager not through corporates but drove to my station and talked to my manager who has worked there for 35 years she takes no prisoners she had to confirm it was me because i worked solely nights and that confirmed that i was off the clock not in uniform my everyday is dress trousers plain shirts and black frock coats and the location of the incident mainly knots on our premises she basically told her to grow up stop wasting her time and get out she's met customers like this and knows they will be laughed out of the building no matter who she talks to so no f's given as for a few comments full american service at my old job means filling cars with gas glass cleaning tire checks oil top-ups directory service street names and business locations and light emergency mechanical works like blown lights tire changing etc posted by user zeke and nougats titled no the county is closed today i get these types of calls quite often ever since the pandemic started to make it more vague i work call center we answer questions about all kinds of benefits but most times we transfer them to the right number to call meaning i have no actual power over their cases this is why i make sure to include the fact that i'm only an information line for my greeting but so often this is ignored the following conversation still cracks me up i say hi thanks for calling how may i help you and karen says my money is not in the card okay let's start off with your first and last name i don't need to do that right now i'm telling you my money didn't come in today look yes i understand you're frustrated but in order for me to check your case i'll need for you to state your first and last name ah fine whatever my name is blank okay well it looks like you're gonna have to call the county for this you're not due for any renewals or anything so you might just need to call the county to talk to them unfortunately they're not open today oh my lord this is ridiculous what's their number well it's blank but again like i said they closed today you might have to try on monday well that's not good enough look i understand you're frustrated but can't you just give me some emergency funds or something i demand you give me emergency funds what no ma'am i'm not the county like i explained beforehand the county is closed on weekends meaning they closed today then why are you answering calls today ma'am i've explained this already i'm not the county we are an information line the county is closed today i'm not the county is there anything else i can help you with today no and she hangs up the ends posted by user banana codes titled i'm just gonna ignore you if you try to talk to me so this just happened so i'm shopping around the ever busy yes i call it that i'm wearing a jacket a wool cap with a huge pom-pom on it and i'm wearing my purse and i have a cart full of stuff i'm looking at pizza and i hear someone say excuse me i ignore it because why the hell wouldn't i i grab my pizza and start to push my card away i hear excuse me again and of course do my own thing i'm walking and i hear the woman behind me repeating excuse me excuse me but i keep walking i glance behind me and i'm the only other person in this aisle than this woman and she's glaring at me as i go to exit the aisle i hear the woman shout the people that work here are so god damn rude like lady how do i look like a work here edits some people are asking even pm'ing me are you that bored lol they're asking me why i ignored the woman why am i so rude etc look i am shopping out on my own time doing my own thing i'm forced to put on a fake ass smile and talk to people all day at my job when i'm on my time i want to be left alone and will avoid speaking to people if i can if you find this rude that's fine i find it rude to bug people when they are shopping also i find 9 out of 10 if you think someone is talking to you they aren't but that's my experience and edit 2 i compulsively check when i am out and about that my belongings are secure and my pants are covering my ass and again my first few thoughts were this woman wasn't even addressing me if you think i'm rude for not swinging my head around every time i hear a noise and think it's directed at my fat ass getting pizza that's cool that's your thought process my process was pizza pizza yum yum smiley face all right that's where i think i'm gonna end today's episode guys as always i really do hope you learned something or just really enjoyed the posts that were put up today quick shout out to all my new and existing patreon and channel members you should be able to see your name on screen right now and if you don't then i don't think you're part of the club and you really should join the club because it's a great club and i want to thank every single one of you guys for supporting me in this journey it really means so much to me and i love you all so much for it thank you for helping me out as you can tell i'm now happy and healthy back in australia thank god it's not cold like ireland i don't like wearing jumpers everywhere i prefer the heat thank you very much i know that's an unpopular opinion anyway guys i really do hope you enjoyed today's episode i'll see you in the next one have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and i'll see you later bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 14,675
Rating: 4.919373 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 7SCB-c6C3ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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