r/Entitledparents "YOU'RE MY KID, YOU'RE MY SLAVE!" Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our slash entitle parents were a mommy and her precious son point a gun at Opie our next post is from Spartan with a gun this happened last week so I'm trying to wrap my head around it still firstly I love guns nearly everything about them the sound the recoil the fireball what I don't like is when an idiot is given one when idiots have guns people get killed so when I see an entitled parent and her nine-year-old son at a gun range I was initially happy - this kid was being taught at a young age I go to my BAE right next to the entitled parent and son who was actually quite nice when I see entitled parents hand gun pointed at me so I jump out of the way of the barrel and tell her to keep it downrange she's scoffs at me pulls the not loaded BS to which I replied that I don't care always treat it like it's loaded I had two guns with me my Springfield XD 40 subcompact handgun and my ar-15 now continuing the story the kid goes up to shoot he starts firing and when he's done he sets the gun down so that it's pointing at me being a kid and probably new I tell him to always keep it downrange for safety he acknowledges this and points the gun back when I feel a firm smack to the back of my head don't talk to my son like that I'm trying to teach him gun safety if anybody gets shot at one of these ranges this place can get shut down don't talk back to me she moves - hit me again - which I hover my hand over my XD 40 which was resting on the table that sends her enough signal to back off when she goes up to shoot she pulls the trigger to which nothing happens she points the gun at me again - which this time I yell at her to keep it downrange she decides to ignore me ma'am if the gun misfires keep it downrange because it may have had a delayed firing shut up butthole I go back to shooting my handgun - which I see once again that the gun is pointed at me the worst part she was fiddling with the freaking trigger to those who don't know the rule is that you can point your gun at somebody if you feel they genuinely jeopardize your life I wasn't quite there yet so I called over Range Safety Range Safety told her off and she listened until she did the same thing again now I point my gun at her what the f are you doing keep your gun down range range safety comes over to call me down and he takes the gun from entitle parent then entitled parent tries to throttle range safety so I take the gun from him and field-strip it this is simply in case of emergency I noticed the safety was on but the gun was fully loaded so I point my gun at entitled parent and tell her to get on her knees with her hands behind her head I'll sue you for this B as I say to the little kid never say anything you've heard today until you're older then back to untitled parent go ahead I'll just show the camera footage Range Safety calls the cops and when they arrive I field-strip both my guns I get cuffed asked a few questions and then released to put my guns in their cases entitled parent is screaming bloody murder as she's taking away and the kid is just crying so then I go to the kid and try to calm him down entitled parent then screams that I'm trying to kidnap her son I just back away and the kid has calmed down and just put my hands up cops closed the car door and then they get contacts for the kids dad still waiting for a court date I will update you and I do get one nothing screams entitled parent quite like how dare you not let my precious baby almost murder you our next pose is from Acker one my aunt was always playing the Big Shot of solving people's problems but using my cousin as the actual person to take on the problem always for free if someone insisted on paying entitled aunt kept the money need a babysitter a ride house cleaned yard mowed errands run oh my daughter can as far as my aunt was concerned the only reason emily existed was to cater to her emily was her ultimate trophy entitled aunt was entitled long before it became a huge thing my aunt has always been entitled it's her personality type my mother couldn't stand her little sister so we tried to avoid her while maintaining contact with her husband and child my uncle their brother lived further south in the state so we always tried to avoid entitled on knowing when we were visiting on this trip I was staying with my cousin for a couple of weeks in the summer and we were going to do tourist things entitled aunt thought that the university not being in session meant that cousin was slave labor one day Emily decided that enough was enough she was supposed to run errands for a friend of entitled on and had told her mother she had plans her mother as usual acted as though Emily had agreed and expected her to comply Emily just didn't run the errand for the friend as demanded it was that simple my mother and I had arrived about 10 minutes before the phone rang entitled aunt called and though this was back during landlines she was screaming so loudly that both my mother and I could hear both sides clearly how dare you embarrass me with my friends you call miss no-name and apologize immediately you are grounded for a month and you may not drive the car at all now you make that call and go run those errands now if anyone can explain how she was supposed to do this without using the car I'd like to know Emily said mom I'm 22 I do not live in your house you do not pay my bills and you do not own my car run the errand yourself I have plans my mom was a little nervous leaving us at that point it's a mom thing and a she has met her sister thing even though we were both fine she left just after meeting Emily's boyfriend we left and went to a water park and a few other things we got back to the house and we're talking about where to have dinner mom insisted on paying for us to go someplace really nice for dinner that night we get back and Emily's car is gone she called and asked where it was mom do you have my car yes I do your father brought me over so I could check and see if you had obeyed me I told you that you were grounded and you were not there when I arrived I'm keeping the car for a month but I'm going to let mrs. no-name borrow it because you have been so horrible to her mom that's stealing I want my car back now or I'm going to report a stolen no mrs. no-name can't drive my car I'm your mother what I say goes Missy you need to learn some respect and to get it through your head that I'm in charge and you are a child you don't own anything it's mine because I am your mother the police will likely arrest you for wasting their time emily hangs up and looks at me she is so angry she is crying in rage Opie if I call the police she's going to know you are here I can live with that that fallout is a whole other story she picks up the phone and calls the police tells them the car has been taken without her permission and where it is Mike Emily's boyfriend drives us over there we do not want to miss the show the police officers knock on the door and entitled aunt answers hello officers do you need something ma'am the vehicle in the driveway matches the description and location of a vehicle reported stolen it's my car I took it from my daughter because she is grounded from using it for being disobedient and disrespectful I see may we have a word with her please the entitled aunt looking very smug she doesn't live here the police officer noticed us across the street you three come over here please did one of you call us Emily said I did it's my car officer my mother seems to think she has control over it and me it's my car I'm Your Mother and you have to obey me it's the law tell her officers actually ma'am there is no such law your daughter is an adult there most certainly is a law I'm going to report you to your chief for not knowing it I may even sue may I see the car registration and your license please Emily hands them to him ma'am this car is registered in the name of your daughter and only your daughter it's her car and you have no right to drive it entitled aunt looks at the registration the officer is showing her and then snatches Emily license from him and slams the door the police officers look at each other for a moment and then shrug and ring the bell again entitled aunt answers it looking very smug ma'am I'm going to need you to return the license now entitled aunt Hanson the license that she has cut into several pieces now she can't drive because she doesn't have a license she looks at Emily as though she just scored some odd victory then she finally notices me a hacker what are you doing here just trying to have a nice visit with my cousin she has hated me for years you need to leave I didn't give you permission to visit where is your mother I don't need your permission my mother is not here I can travel without her ma'am you are under arrest for destruction of government property apparently cutting up a valid license is a felony in some places who knew and grant that did this car you can't arrest me I'm her mother I have rights yes you do he then reads them to her the officer explains to us that until she destroyed the license he had been willing to issue an appearance ticket then instead of being arrested she would just have had to appear in front of the judge and get a fine this was a much bigger deal Emily ran into the house to tell her father what had happened we all chatted for a little bit until the phone rang it was entitled on telling him to call their attorney we left I drove the car back to Emily's and took her to get her license replaced the next morning the attorney called by my uncle apparently didn't know my aunt and he showed up at the first hearing a week later to try and get it dismissed it looked to be going her way at first her attorney said Your Honor this is a family matter it's simply a case of a mother disciplining her child and the child calling the police because her mother grounded her from using the car the judge said so she got mad and called the police and she not knowing that it was a crime to destroy the license did so yes your honor that's pretty much it prosecutor do you have nothing better to do today the prosecutor said no your honor I don't I consider it rather important when a 22 year old woman has her car stolen it doesn't matter who stole it she has just as much of a right to justice as someone who has their car stolen by a stranger 22 the victim is 22 yes your honor the victim is a 22 year old woman who is the sole owner of the vehicle in question the mother became enraged at her daughter she then went to her daughter's home stole her car and later destroyed her license Your Honor I was not aware of the age or living situation of the victim I was under the impression that the child was a minor who resides with her parents entitled aunt was sitting there still looking smug her attorney was sweating bullets entitled aunt do you realize that these are very serious charges and if convicted you face up to eight years in prison for what I had the right to discipline my child as I see fit she disobeyed me she will think twice before doing it again no you don't you have the right to discipline your child within the confines of the law you have stepped outside of that parameter you stole your daughter's car I'm her mother it's my right it isn't really theft because she is my child and her property belongs to me by law where did you get your law degree I don't have one then let me be the first to explain to you that your child is a legal adult period you have no right of anything of hers without her express consent period you may not take her car without her permission period you may not enter her home without her permission period do you understand that you don't know what you are talking about I'm her mother that gives me the right I'm in charge no ma'am I'm in charge this case will be held over for trial I went home a week later entitled on eventually took a plea deal where she had two years probation and had to take parenting classes the parenting classes were Mike's idea and the prosecutor thought it was great we laughed hysterically over that because my cousin is an only child ole-ole Emily and Mike married a year later and moved the heck away from there this took place about 30 years ago entitled aunt maintained for the rest of her life that the judges there were 5 4 different status hearings didn't know what the heck they were doing and she was right most entitled parents treat their kid like they're the second coming of Jesus this special brand of entitled parents treats their kids like modern-day slaves this is classic r slash raised by narcissist behavior if you'd like this story I recommend checking that sub out personally I don't feel comfortable covering those stories on my channel because technically it's a support sub so if you do visit be respectful and lurk without making any post unless of course you were also raised by a narcissist but there are some insane not-so stories on that sub our next post is from dragon's fire two for two I work at my local supermarket obviously we have all sorts of idiots and entitled buffoons come in but this one clearly takes the cake so this mother came up to my checkout lane and started putting stuff on the belt apparently she decided to give her kid the box of Oreo she was buying and he elected to tear through that stuff like there was no tomorrow so she pulls it away from him the situation ensues Tony put those down she turns to me now with a half-eaten box Oh I'm sorry could I get a refund for these um ma'am you haven't bought those yet yes I have and I can't use them now can you give me a refund ma'am you haven't bought them now you have - that'll be five bucks roughly um no I bought these and now I want my money back now I don't know if this was some god-awful scheme or if she was actually this stupid but either way ma'am I cannot give you a refund on a product you haven't bought you'll give me a goddang refund at this point she pulls out a Taser and starts waving it in my direction I hit the button to trigger the silent alarm the cops are now on the way give me my god dang refund you idiots look ma'am I can go get the manager maybe he can help fine go get the freaking manager so I go back and get him and he goes out and talks to her I didn't hear what they said because I cowered in the office for fear of being tased but the cops showed up after about four minutes and arrested her so it was a heck of a Friday Hey look on the bright side Opie at least she didn't point a gun at you that was our slash entitle parents and if you don't subscribe to my channel I'm gonna tell every entitled parent on the subreddit that you insulted their precious little baby enjoy getting tased and then shot and then tased again
Channel: rSlash
Views: 4,256,762
Rating: 4.9087052 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: cC2XXMeIyzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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