r/EntitledParents | Won't Take NO For an Answer...

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let's not be a beautiful bastards this is your host captain Zack DeFranco and and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called update but the baby okay hopefully this post won't get removed but I have an update since this doesn't fit in just no mother-in-law I thought I'd post it here I have an update boy howdy do I have an update first quick recap for anyone who didn't read the first go-around because they can't since it got taken down my neighbor's mother-in-law told me her daughter was expecting a stork delivery next year and demanded that I either get rid of my cats or she'll get rid of them for me and I threatened to bury her if she touched a hair on their fuzzy little heads it might sound extreme but you weren't here last summer onto the update first of all I followed the lovely thoughtful advice of several commenters and talked to the police now I didn't file for a restraining order what happened was the chief small town came into my work for a coffee we have free coffee for on-duty officers and everyone knows that I cleaned the machines and make sure the creamers are stocked and I explained I did not mention that she threatened my cats because he's old school and an animal that doesn't work isn't worth anything but I did mention that she's been standing outside and screaming at me when I go for my morning run which is right after I get off work and that it's making me very uncomfortable I also explained that I didn't want to formally do anything because I didn't want to hurt neighbor or pregnant neighbor he nodded called me six kinds of idiots I can't remember who said I shouldn't set myself on fire to keep them warm but he repeated it's almost verbatim and told me he talked to them in an unofficial capacity as long as I promised a file in an official capacity when crap goes downhill so Christmas night one of the officers stopped by my work to tell me what happened in the wide-eyed awe that you could only get when you witness something you just can't believe happened first the chief with an officer is back up told the family neighbor pregnant neighbor and mother-in-law that I was nervous with the way she kept yelling at me when I went on my morning runs in that after what happened last summer I have every reason to be nervous this woman this woman throws a tantrum she starts screaming stopping her feet picked up a piece of the nativity set and threw it at the chief I gates when the officer told me this for context this is a deeply Christian area and messin with a nativity is almost sacrilege around here so the chief having had enough and not caring one bit for rude entitled people arrested her for assaulting a police officer she went to jail and has seen the error of her ways okay no she didn't when I got off work yesterday neighbor and pregnant neighbor came to meet me in tears she told them that she'd bought their mortgage and she was going to evict them if I didn't drop the charges the charges I would like to remind you that I did not press I just stared at them in astonishment for a good five minutes before my brain rebooted told them to talk to the bank explain that someone is claiming to have bought their mortgage and asked if it's true spoiler alerts it wasn't now that would have been bad enough except that the bank manager they spoke with happened to be J for the sake of anonymity and because I'll always have a fondness for the men in black J is a notorious gossip she can't pass 5 people without telling all of them every detail of her day so when she learned that not only did someone claim falsely that a mortgage had been bought not only did someone threaten them with eviction which apparently only the bank can do if they didn't do something but that person was the mother-in-law wow I'm surprised her flapping lips didn't herald a win advisory and I do mean that in the best possible way if you're reading this love yo J never change even if she gets off with a slap on the wrist not likely our chief has many memorable qualities but he does hold a grudge she can't even get a bail hearing because her lawyer has to appeal for an in tradition judge I think that's what it's called when you get a substitute judge because all three D of ours are on vacation and the earliest ETA is January 3rd and the bank is the one the mortgage was through is also pressing charges because it's illegal to claim you own a mortgage that you don't owe and her name is mud in our town welcome to life in a small town bench okay well we don't really know what the initial story was however this woman is as entitled as it gets this story's called entitled mother thinks age and height are the same thing hi everyone I'm extremely new to read it and never thought I'd use it for anything but I thought I'd share an experience that I've had with an entitled parent I live in Los Angeles and have a passion for working in theme parks I've worked at Disney Universal and Pacific Park the pier with the roller coaster in the ferris wheel in gta5 for people who are unfamiliar with the LA area this story is only one out of the literal over thirty I have with working in this industry for so long so if you all want more I'll gladly share this is from when I was working as a ride operator at Pacific Park for a small children's ride that was probably the most tame and boring ride in the whole park luckily it's not there anymore because that ride was the most painfully slow to operate especially if it's an eight-hour shift so when kids actually came up to the ride I loved to interact with them as much as possible to make time go faster the ride was meant specifically for children and there was a height limit for this ride it was 42 inches this is a very common thing in all theme parks in the chance that they were to shorts I'd politely take the parents and the kids aside a little to explain the reason their child's can't go on the ride sometimes they were upset but not as insane as this one woman I had to deal with once you work at parks for a while you can just tell from almost ten feet away if a child is too short for the ride you're operating and when this mother with a child that hardly even reached her knees started to walk over I knew instantly I'd have to turn them away she sits on a bench a little ways away from the ride and lets her child run over to the line there wasn't anyone else in line or on the ride so I was able to give him all my attention right away I got on my knees to his level and he tried to zip it right past me and open the chain to let himself into the ride without touching him I moved my arms around him and directed him away from it holding on to the chain so he didn't unhook it's as I said whoa whoa hold on there buddy I need to make sure you're tall enough to ride is that okay he nodded and gladly pushed his back up against the measuring wall he was at least 5 inches below the line I put my line where his head is asked him to step away to look at it for himself and show him why he can't ride after I explained I can tell he's a little sad so I said hey you know what I'm pretty short for my height right now at the time I was 20 and only 4 foot 10 when I was your age I was all the way down here I pointed to only a few inches on the measuring wall near the floor he smiled and laughed after talking some more I told him to go let his mom know why he can't ride he walked over to her and after talking a bit she immediately shot a glare my way I took a deep breath preparing to use my super nice customer service voice I smiled happily as she walked over to me holding her child's arm conversation went as follows did you tell my child he can't ride on this yes ma'am I'm very sorry but he's a little too short for the ride he is 12 years old he should be fine this kid looked at the most six years old his age has nothing to do with it it's his height I pointed to the measuring wall showing the 42-inch requirement he is way older than that he can write this if he wants to I gave her a confused look and glanced over the sign this doesn't have an age requirement on it it's the height requirement I know that I can read I'm trying to tell you he can go on this and I'm trying to explain he is too short for this she doesn't listen and reaches for the chain to lift it up pushes the kid forward to go under it and into the right area I quickly moved my hand in front of him to block his path because honestly that can be potentially day interests if he goes on the open track like that I ask him to come back and bring him safely under the chain again I tell him to stand next to the measuring wall to show her what I'm talking about see he needs to be at or above this line for him to write it he is almost 5 inches below it but I paid for this ride I paid for him to write it he needs to write it I'm sorry he can't she scoffs at me and grabs her son's arm fine then what right can he go on honestly he won't be able to ride any right at all all the children's rides are at 42 inches and they won't let him just like me so you're telling me I wasted my money on this stupid Park that my child has been dying to go to his whole life I shake my head in sympathy I'm sorry at this point I was expecting her to say then give me a refund or even maybe then let me speak to your manager but she didn't she just glared at me picked up her child and walked off I thought that was the end but no it was just getting started she goes to sit on the bench for a while and waits for about 30 minutes or so the park was really empty but there was one family who was hitting up all the children's rides and they came over to me I get them situated on the ride and everything is going smoothly I glanced over to the entitled mother to see if she was still there and she wasn't I felt that was really suspicious so I looked around more and saw her getting in line for another kids ride with the same height requirement except this time she was holding the child in her arms to reduce suspicions of him being too short I quickly opened a little phone box we have that he tried to communicate with other co-workers and call it the ride she was in line for unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and he already let them into the ride so she can buckle him in before answering my call once he picked up I said hey man I'm really sorry to say this but the Karin you just let on with that little boy yeah he's not tall enough to get on that he's like five inches under I know our manager is going to be making rounds soon and I don't want you to get in trouble he thanked me told me he'll check and hung up I was trying to focus on the ride I was operating and wasn't able to hear what might go down at the the ride at that moment as my ride ended I quickly helped the kids off safely and gave my attention back to the other ride the kid was already buckled into the ride and the entitled mother was standing next to him screaming at my coworker this is where I started listening that's bullcrap that doesn't mean anything Mike baby's nine years old he's old enough to do whatever he wants I know I know I'm just asking to see his height before he can safely let him ride I don't care it's his birthday just let him ride the ride or else I'm going to fire yo my coworker was doing his best to try to calm her down and explain more than he already explained so I decided to call my manager over before they could to make things easier on my coworker as I'm doing this she glances over to me and gasps yo you're calling security on me I can't believe this my coworker gives me a thankful look and I just calmly explained the situation to my manager as quickly as possible we hang up and I continue listening to the entitled mother yell and scream at my poor coworker we aren't leaving I paid to be here she was yelling this as my manager came over to help them what's the problem ma'am you're disrespectful employees are kicking my baby out of this ride he doesn't meet the height requirement by almost 5 inches that's not true he's 10 years old oh okay well can I see if he's too short and if he really is over the height then he can ride the ride but if not we can't let him know you can't it's his dream to ride this right please ma'am please stop yelling all we can do is see if he's tall enough if you continue to act like this we will have to escort you out you wouldn't dare you touch me or my son and I'll sue you for sexual assault you child lover my manager wasn't having it he took out his walkie talkie and called security as they came to get them she screamed and begged them to stop her child was gently escorted out the whole time she was yelling I can't believe you would do this to a pregnant woman to a white pregnant woman I didn't think she looked pregnant but who knows if she was maybe her hormones were out of control to the point of becoming hysterical about a small $10 children's ride for her son who didn't even care about going on it or not I still think about her today and wonder how that kid might be now hopefully nothing like his mom okay I'm sorry but that last thing he said was like if she was pregnant maybe her hormones were out of control you don't say crap like that day that's like um when those those dudes those sleazy guys on TV or something they're like oh we can have a woman president there's like their hormones that's just funny I know he probably didn't mean anything bad by that it's just funny um also I kind of felt sympathetic at first for the kid obviously he's too short but I was like I kind of understood where she was coming from because if he was 12 and under 42 inches I couldn't understand why she'd be like call come on he's 12 yeah then then she lost me this story's called entitled dad mad he was not in front of us in line my mom and I went to the grocery store to buy some food for my brother before he went for university and once we were done we head for the line around this time we got there a dad entitled dad and what I assumed was his daughter nice kid were walking to the same line as us just as they got closer though my mom and I made it right before them into the line note that they were not as close as we were when we were walking to the line we were closer and got there before them there was only one line today and so things were going slow until another cashier opened my mom noticed and began to go there not before entitled dad had some things to say about us to his daughter oh look cashier opened up let's go dad those people came before us let them go well thank autos in line he was whining when he said this now they were first at this point my mom gave them a glare before giving his stuff to the cashier as I was trying to get the stuff I didn't have any room to get everything from the farther side of my cart since we were squished into the two cashier tills we entitled dad a nice kid to move their cart away so we can move our cart out and I can get the remaining groceries but entitled dad just rudely said no a nice kid tried to convince her dad to just move a little so I managed to squeeze through the cashier tills to get to the remaining items as I was packing the groceries I can just hear the entitled dad complain about us taking up the whole damn area to pack groceries even though I stayed on the side to put everything away oh come on you know what at least try not to act like you're having a Freaky Friday situation geez don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 32,669
Rating: 4.8492551 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: zvuvIPlYBdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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