r/EntitledParents | You WON'T Believe What She Said!

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another r slash entitled parents don't forget voice veterans to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story was called crazy racist anti-vaxxer EP think she's being victimized or discriminated against when she doesn't get something for nothing a post in another subreddit reminded me of this story i have a friend who earns eight hundred acres she invited some like-minded friends and family to come live on the property they're all craftsman and homesteader types they worked out a system that kind of works like a much fairer type of sharecropping or commune it was working so well they thought it would be a good idea to invite a few more people to join them a member of the group said they'd received a call from a family member about another relative in desperate need of housing in a safe place the woman was about to be on the street and she has three small children the landowner has an unused cabin on the property so figured they could put the woman there until a better solution was found the landowner asked the friend to invite the woman out there so they could work something out for her the woman shows up with her kids and immediately starts complaining about things how rural the area is the road into the property etc the kids are screaming and going wild the landowner and friend raise an eyebrow but say nothing they invite the woman EP in landowners house for a chat as soon as they entered ep's rowdy kids okay smashed a lamp in the entryway EP said nothing didn't try to control the arc A's or apologize to landowner the landowner called a resident kid over to take the arcades to the playground area so they could talk in peace and save her house from being demolished landowner offers ap coffee and before she could even grab a cup he starts ranting about everything being unfair how she's losing her place and how all those welfare queens get everything lay around all day having babies and she's being discriminated against because she's white I wish to all the gods in the universe I could have seen landowners face at that moment landowner family informed her that racism is absolutely not tolerated and not to go down that road again landowner explains a little how their group works and asks EP what they do for a living think she might be interested in doing and before she could finish up EP says she can't work because she's homeschooling her kids when asked why she needs to home-school her kids EP says because the school is full of and she realizes she's about to make another racist remark and stops herself EP then says the school system weren't accept her kids because she refuses to vaccinate them her goody a racist and an anti vaccine has a small list of things she simply will not put up with and EP is managing to check them all land owner and friend tell her all the children in their group go to the local public schools and homeschooling is not something she should focus on at the moment as she needed to worry about supporting herself and the kids they also informed her that the kids would definitely have to be vaccinated if they were to live there EP literally starts screaming in Lander in his face about how she can't tell her how to raise her children at this point landowner was done and told her to get the freak out EP yells I will not and you can't make me landowner stands up and says wanna BES EP thinks better of getting her butt kicked and leaves yelling obscenities to landowner friend goes out to have a word with EP about her behavior and make sure that she leaves EP asks friend where she needs to put all her stuff friend is confused and asks what she means EP had stuffed a van with as many of her belongings she could cram in there are you crazy you're not staying here I was promised a place to live I already told the apartment I was out I can't go back you are crazy no one told you to do that and no one promised yes they did I was told I'm the one who called you so I know exactly what was said so if you want to stand here and call me a liar know that it's not helping your case you possibly could have moved in today but that's not going to happen now well you can still make it happen go tell that B in there that I'm staying she's not a B she was trying to help you you only have yourself to blame for it not working this is her property and she said no she doesn't have to do anything well guess I'm staying with you then oh you're not you're not staying here you need to leave now hey landowner please call the cops EP jumps in her van and starts to drive away did you forget something I didn't forget crap and I certainly won't forget this your kids may be EP stars screaming out the window for the kids they've finally come and after more screaming they get in the van she takes off down the drive not too long after EP pulls back up with the police behind her she launches into her second tirade at the police landowner missed and friend missed the first one because it happened near the main road the police asked landowner what was going on everything was explained the police told ep she had to leave and issued a trespass warning in case she decided to come back she would be arrested they followed her out and hung around a bit to make sure she left landowner and friend thought that was the end of it friends other relatives started calling her ticked at her for tricking EP after she explained what actually happened most of them cooled off a few others still tried to shame friend for not defending EP friends didn't really know he P that well not having seen EP much since she was very young it was learned during all these calls that EP only has an eighth grade education and should be educating herself before she tries to teach her kids each of her kids has a different father and all of them pay child support she was in subsidized housing because even with the child support it wasn't enough to pay rent nor is it supposed to she was working for a bit at a fast food place and told everyone she had quit because she didn't have childcare she did have childcare and she didn't quit she was fired for making racist comments a week or so later landowner gets a call from a lawyer the same lawyer she used to set up a trust crazy pants EP came into his office wanting to sue landowner for discrimination and seemed to think she could sue for lots of money plus the land landowner owns her lawyer told her she didn't have a case and basically laughed her out of the office the day after he met with her he got a call from another lawyer warning him up a potential visit from AP and not waste any time entertaining her delusions EP set a ton of crazy stuff in the lawyer's office but the ones that stick in my mind are EP apparently thought she was being given Lander in his house and complained that it wasn't kid-friendly and looked like a witch decorated it well at least she got the last two things right EP also said landowner specifically told her to move out of her apartment that she was being evicted from with no intention of giving her a house just to see her suffer nevermind that landowner hadn't ever spoken to her before she physically came to the house the group is still interested in adding members but this experience made them reconsider how they would do that they're discussing a vetting process and a legal agreement in the event they'd ever have to kick someone out there meeting with the same lawyer to help them draw it up the whole debacle still blows my mind update I called landowner for some clarification I was told the homeschooling thing was alert of crap she thought would get her out of having to get a job she bought some of those workbooks she find at a dollar store and tries to pass that off as schooling the school board had sent her numerous warnings about the kids not being in school and as a procedure you have to follow to home-school her eldest is vaccinated she apparently picked up this anti vac stupidity with the second child the father of the eldest has joined custody and makes sure the kids get vaccinated she has tried to have his rights terminated over it but when she was told the child support would stop if she did that she backed off and well isn't that convenient she has all these particular values but as soon as money's involved mysteriously it doesn't matter so much anymore there are usually two types of people in her situation those who are unfortunately in that kind of situation or those who are very intentionally in that situation I wouldn't be surprised at all if after the first kid and realizing she's getting all these child benefits guys mm-hmm maybe I could reproduce these same results I don't doubt that the kids were probably bratty considering the mother they have but I can't help but just feel bad for them their mothers literally using them just for money and was going to try and just mooch off this commune without having to get a job pretending to homeschool them this story was called well they want this you guys can afford it you don't have kids brother-in-law hello again I'm back with a new one from my lovely extended family you might remember me from such stories as my brother-in-law demanding we buy his house and give him aus in-laws not believing I have a food allergy and mother-in-law getting high on stolen chocolate it wouldn't be Christmas without a new story right now I don't personally celebrate Christmas and have become very defensive of this over the years I didn't used to be but being told it's more important than my silly beliefs kind of sets a person off after a while I also grew up very very poor so I'm not used to a big lavish event I've gotten better over the years but blew up a few years back and demanded we do a Secret Santa to keep financials from getting out of hand that year I was blamed for ruining Christmas and taking the fun out of getting presents how the kids didn't complain nope the in-laws did why do the kids get so many presents you didn't get us any no you weren't my Secret Santa you didn't get me anything either I digress but now you know how this usually goes my dear husband and I plan to skip town for Christmas this year and had a vacation planned this resulted in the mother of all mother-in-law meltdowns I was blamed for the idea of course apparently my dear husband making all the plans himself and surprising me with it was just an elaborate lie to hide my controlling nature we are tentatively staying in town for one day then leaving on a vacation a vacation is a road trip so if things go sideways we just up and go cure the Secret Santa guilt trip yet again because I'm not buying gifts for everyone period my dear husband feels the same way so again we are ruining Christmas no good we just won't come then in-laws no no you have to come your family Secret Santas are a go awesome get my shopping done for one person perfect ding text from brother-in-law her joy hey what are you guys thinking of getting 40 kids for fraks sake dear husband and I haven't discussed that yet she get dim in said expensive gaming system remote controlled drones various electronics etc I thought they already had a gaming system that's why we got them the deluxe edition game for their birthday yeah they played GAAP but they need something new I ignored my phone for the next little while sure enough I come back to various messages each for sale here store should have this in stock store can ship it today so they can have it Christmas Eve dear husband and I already got the kids something you'll see it on Christmas what did you get dim if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise no I need to know what did you get starts repeating items all of those were too expensive we got them something else oh my goodness each one day a year really you aren't getting him anything we didn't have to get them anything we did you'll see it when we open gifts they won't with your dear list you guys can't afford it yeah how's Ben gonna raise I know he did you know what maybe we won't come for Christmas after all I'm tired of being guilt-tripped you do this every year you're going to ruin my kid's Christmas because you're cheap once again brother-in-law got blocked and removed from all my points of contact I texted the screen shots to dear husband he was absolutely unimpressed we've contributed to our nephew sports this year their hobbies a few camps and some wicked birthday gifts and this is what we get more more more at least the kids are polite and grateful I'm tempted to show up on Christmas keep my curtain boots on give the kids a gift give my Secret Santa theirs wait for them to open it then peace out screw your brother-in-law you want your kids to have a great Christmas start by setting a good example you think they should have a new gaming system hoverboards iPad bike give them your dance self her wait you have and now you're broke that's my fault because can't wait to go on vacation I'm sure you know somebody in your life who spends all their money on crap and then claims they're broke and so when they need money for necessity food rent what have you they come to all their friends begging for money because they're in need the thing is if somebody's spending their rent or food money on luxury items then it looks like their friends are paying for their groceries but they're really paying for all the luxury items in their life it's a really sneaky and manipulative way to use your friends and the friends that always fall for it are always the nicest people they're the ones who are the most generous and kind-hearted because I like well I don't want my friend to suffer and starve so whether it's a friend or a family that does this try and watch out for this trick because you only end up enabling them post your stories memes and fare not at all / Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 51,291
Rating: 4.9065628 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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