r/TalesOfNeckbeards | I DID NOT Consent...

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host captain Zac in today's subreddit these are slash tales of neck beards don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called don't want to accept rejection okay I'll just give you a reason to hate me obligatory mobile blah also I don't know if this story fits here but do tell me where you think the story is more suitable in all supposed to son are slipping rings I'm from Hong Kong so apologies the grammars wrong its story ibly pretty long so till the arc bomb so back story am 18 just started college and took up German as an elective same elective that our beloved neckbeard took up this neckbeard Alex isn't really a neckbeard more of a creep apart from the god-awful acne on his face in powerful body odor Alex as well as I study hospitality management during the first week of classes I was pretty shy and timid and didn't sit next to anyone because I didn't know anyone but one day Alex comes up to me and asked hey beautiful this comment isn't really off-putting as people in Hong Kong say this often in the joking matter as a greeting is this seat taken I smiled and said no and that he could be seated class was boring that day and he'd chat with me whenever he could honestly at the time I didn't mind because I thought he was being friendly as the week's progressed whenever we had classes which was every weekday he would almost always sit next to me and our classmates have started to notice it as well some classmates who eventually became my friends told me that it was very obvious that he had a crush on me after hearing this I started to take note of what Alex does when in class one time I wore a crop top to school one thing to note is that I have a navel piercing and a tattoo along my rib and waist in class I raised my hand to ask a question to the lecturer which caused my top to write up a bit buddy Alex here was not hiding the fact that he was OGG lling me up and down other than those instances I've caught him taking pictures of me while I was napping one where I was up an escalator with a pencil skirt on also during group presentations since we study hospitality management one of our lecturers prefer us wearing professional attire meaning blazer pencil skirts Kings blahblah because it's more professional I bring up stockings because while waiting for our group to present Alec sees me rubbing my thigh one because they were cold and two because I like the feeling of my hands rubbing against the stocking Alex asks why I was doing that so I explained big mistake he then proceeds to shamelessly asked if he could rub my thigh I was so shocked I just shut up and waited for our turn to present in the middle of the semester it was very clear that he liked me but it was also very clear that I don't reciprocate his feelings I've told him that I only see him as a friend and that I am more comfortable with us being just friends Madonna doesn't process the thoughts in his brain and still continue to prey on me at that point I was tired of his antics he'd called me to ask what our assignments were when our class group chat clearly already said what it was at the same time I was fooling around on tinder and chatted with a guy on the app we talked here and there and I mentioned how Alex kept pestering me and how my college is pretty spacious and cool the guy will call him girl while interested in visiting me at my school he was also willing to help me get rid of Alex by pretending to be my boyfriend so the day comes when Carl visits me at school I introduced Carl with my friends and we ate together at the usual spot where we eat our lunch Alex comes over with a smile as he spots me but it quickly disappeared when he sees Carl next to me ice popping shoulders jokingly for the rest of the lunch period Alex remained sulky and left me alone that day and that day only in comes the announcement of our last group assignment before semester break Alex kept begging me to have him in my group one because the whole assignment had to be English a language that he was absolute crap in into because I was fluent in English I was pretty reluctant because last time we were grouped together I did 80% of the work and he did things very last-minute or not even doing things at all but still like the pushover I am I took him in result I asked in the group chat to give me a time of day that we are all free and to respond before a certain day or else be switching to another group sure enough the chat was completely silent dipped out of the group and I was sure this made Alex mad not only could he not depend on me and a free ride through the assignment but also when the day came for us to do the assignment presentation I was looking through the classroom door to watch his new group I'm surprised they even took him in present he saw me glancing at their PowerPoint and flipped me off don't know what his deal was but okay we saw each other a couple of times after that he was absolutely silent around me and my friend think I finally got rid of him yay but too bad he doesn't want to talk to me and I could have reminded him that his German written assignment was way overdue guess you'll have to fail yes me and Karl are now dating ha ha ha I think this is what set Alex off what the hook man she should give him one chance he just wanted to rub her thigh to make her feel good man that's true love man never give nice guys a chance man whoa this story's called basement dweller tries to touch me all right I'm very new to read it that's ironic so please excuse me for the formatting as I have never posted before here's the cast there's me a 17 year old female and let's call him Big O no basement dweller 19 year old male though a bit of backstory this actually happened yesterday so this should be nearly word-for-word I've known this guy for around a year but I've never met him in person as he was a friend of my exes that we used to play xbox with in the morning I had been posting on my snapchat as I'm somewhat of an Instagram and snapchat influencer I constantly post my animals and cute outfits of mine while keeping in touch with as many people I can respond to basement dweller has been messaging me about my animals which I normally respond to easily and just respond with a thank you which then basement dweller began commenting on my other pictures of me it wouldn't really bother me as many guys do this and I find it flattering but something felt off basement dweller continuously messaged me for details about what I was doing and protested about me moving to New York soon basement dweller soon asked if we can hang out at my house which I felt very uncomfortable comfortable with I simply stated no basement dweller I have landscapers at my house right now and cannot have you over basement dweller was unhappy but agreed continuing to pressure me I had caved in drove about 15 minutes away and went to go pick up basement dweller I pulled into a sketchy Street in the city where it's known for bad neighborhoods having to pull over on the side of the road to get him i sat there wondering if I should simply leave but then I saw him in my rearview mirror basement dweller was short had a widow's peak from a receding hairline and was stressed odd almost like what maybe a nine-year-old boy would wear I immediately wanted to leave but I'm not much of a confrontational person basement dweller got in the car and smelled exactly like a gas station but I began to riving the small talk began and basement dweller began speaking about relationships to me it felt very uncomfortable but then he told me the directions to the park I drove and parked where we then began walking to the edge I felt extremely uncomfortable as we've reached an area that was placed away from people I questioned basement dweller where are we going responding basement dweller said we're just going to the edge of the park I quickly stopped and we just stood there talking where he put his arm around my shoulder and I just moved away slowly as I'm realizing I think there may be something wrong with him Californians some what are people to keep to themselves so this was extremely odd I mentioned how it's cold and we should go back to my car and he grabs my hand wanting it to be over quickly I walk back to my car with him in tow and get in trying not to upset him since I feel like he doesn't have social cues I didn't want somehow to get yelled at he placed his arm on my thigh and kept touching my shoulder I start my car and drive to his house making up an excuse I have to go home and cook for my mom's and she's expecting me he kept on begging to go with me but I continue to insist that I need to go alone we reached basement dwellers home and he sits there I says he needs to hurry so I can go home he asked for a hug and I agreed just to get him out basement dweller hugged me for the longest time it felt like ages he then made me pinky promise to get him in an hour but I had other plans as soon as basement dweller got out the car I sped off even though I'm terrified of using my phone while driving I blocked his number snapchat Instagram everything the same night he proceeded to make fake accounts on snapchat to message me as well well this is such a long story but I had to finish it up since I have to go pick up my friend if anyone wants more details or tells me how to eat up the story let me know it's really sad how easily guys can make girl's uncomfortable like you really gotta be aware of your actions guys seriously holy crap do not do crap like this that is not okay like honestly stuff like that is enough to make a lot of girls fear for their lives and you know that's not really a good thing because what they're expecting is you know just a nice fun little hangout time and then you put your hand on her thigh what the hell don't do stuff like that okay in my opinion girls should be the one to initiate body contact so you know it's okay because unless you're a hundred percent for sure but even then it's kind of iffy to God trust yourself on that unless you're not socially illiterate and also if you put your arm around a girl and then a few seconds later you notice that it's no longer around her because of something she did yeah don't try a kid what the hell this story's called that are neckbeards in scotland hey my week cream pies oh I'm back again this time with the story of a neckbeard I encountered while I was visiting my family in glorious Scotland during the summer of 2019 I was in Scotland visiting my sister who recently got engaged to her boyfriend to celebrate we decided to go out that night to a local nightclub the legal age to drink in the UK is 18 if he didn't know so don't worry the lights were flashing music blaring everybody having fun and a couple of people being idiots but all in all a great night anyways gassed again me 19 five foot four quite curly beard bait apparently sis my older sister at 30 my heroine of the night smelly the neckbeard now tell each one is ridiculously over smooth of moldy cheese Doritos and way too much links body spray got that good let the tale commence me and sis took interns getting drinks and eventually it was my turn when I got up to the bar I realized I left my purse the table I asked the bartender if he could hold on to the drinks for a bit until I get my purse then a voice went that meme lady smelly arrives wearing a Metallica t-shirt denim jeans and Trish who's with the freakin Fedora as he got nearer the smell got stronger I wanted to throw up so badly I tell him no you're okay I'll just be two seconds he insists on paying eventually I give up and say thanks he then asked wait where's my repayment I thought he meant by money so I said I'll pay you back in a bit my purse is just over there I pointed to the booth me and my sister were in big mistake not that I'm had to kiss he said with a snarky tone mate Wow uh no I've already got a boyfriend but thanks for paying I guess I say confused and wanting to get the hell out of there I don't see him anywhere he's probably some dad who cheats on you all the time I on the other hand I'm a genuine nice guy you don't deserve that treatment come on back to my place and we'll get to know each other milady he said he's a tip disre Dora oh no you did not just say that about my boyfriend you chubby truck okay first of all don't ever talk about my boyfriend like that again - the reason he's not here is because he's back in America and three even if we weren't dating there is zero chance we would be together at all I said as I was getting pissed off okay the cricket [ __ ] I try to be nice to you yeah you act like all these other floozies I doubt you'll ever last long with a Yankee bastard anyway considering you're miles away from him and also leather trousers what are you a horse smelly Rance I was fuming at this point I live in America you dumb puck I'm just visiting my sister who by the way is with me and who the hell are you to judge what I wear you freaking fat slob I shouted him then sis here's what's going on and walks over green pine I mean - normally I'd say Opie but that name man what's wrong who's this guy she asked looking at me and smelly so you're her sister man I should have known the two of you would be slags you're just like the spitting image of each other ha he's scuffed so you insult my boyfriend my outfit and my sister you're screwed now excuse me swag who the hell are you calling a flag this roared hit him like a lion I was being nice I paid for drinks and she wouldn't give me a kids she deserves a man like me a livin that Yankee she have a boyfriend she has smelly ranted with spit flying out every time he says a word okay pal you don't even know her boyfriend and you don't even know her and she deserves you no girl deserves me with a horrible human being like you you disgusting freak and for mucks sake take that stupid hat off and shower you stink of crap she shouted at him again he tries to get a warden but sis keeps telling him not a word and tells him to step off fine whatever getting chanted on dumb floozy he says walking away says helps me calm down and we had a great night together - that interaction was blubber ball after that we got home but before we left we saw smelly getting dragged out of the club and trying to fight the bouncers apparently he'd been chatting up other girls and ranting at them when he got rejected when the manager told him to leave he refused and tried to punch him he failed and got kicked out he stumbled off into a taxi giving everyone the two fingers and telling them that he'll sue sure good luck pal I did wake up with a hangover the following morning and that's the end of our glorious encounter a long one but a good one sorry I haven't been posting much to college as a bench but I'll be back with more stories about Scott's spirit soon my wee sherab so until then bye e I gotta give that story the coveted rating of our slash that happened and that was a funny one though I figured it's about time before we get a fakey in here I know I know you guys don't care don't like it when I call a story fake but she even confirmed it in the comments that's ridiculous and remember guys it's not about the authenticity of the story it's about how entertaining it was and that it was entertaining to say the least this story's called today I flippity do doubt up I'm making my wife thinking I'd killed myself this one actually did happen today my wife and I had been in a bit of a disagreement so I went to work in the garage to cool off for a bit I'm tidying up a bit and I drop a box of black powder and reloading supplies and a primer goes off there's a bang in a bit of a powder smell but I didn't think too much of it I've been using power tools so still had my earplugs in it didn't seem too loud to me so I keep going about my business unaware that my wife who was upstairs with our two young children is convinced she'd heard a gunshots and now I'm not answering my phone a few minutes later I hear the kids screaming so I go upstairs to find her on the phone with a 9-1-1 telling them i just killed myself in the garage needless to say my wife was beside herself the emergency operators were very confused and i was feeling like a jackass oh well that's enough to end a fight I'm sure and start a new one now I'm kidding I'm sure most people would you're still alive thank you well that stupid fight we had was so stupid let's love each other forever unconditionally now which is what you should have done before you got married okay I don't know what I'm saying don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 26,147
Rating: 4.9008265 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/TalesOfNeckbeards
Id: YzahxjZNs-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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