r/EntitledParents | "KAREN GOES TO THE GAME SHOP!"

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I want to play to mommy let's let my son play your silly little game with you Oh you'll regret it our first story we'll be reading today you can't stop stupid three roll four initiatives from user D fat man after that so what if you have social anxiety I need to have my friends over entitled through main story thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe for new stories from reddit every single day it's a whale no it's a plane no it's your favorite ari army security guard here d fat man with another set of stories of the entitled variety as normal my previous warning still applies and my previous stories will be linked at the bottom a quick warning this post has a very painful point so readers discretion is advised with that out of the way let's jump right into it now let me start with a little needed context first one I'm a geek and I mean like almost old school geek that played a lot of videos and tabletop games which these stories kind of revolve around as well as this all happens at the same location namely a net cafe it's one of those locations that you could pay for some time to play on their computers for the sake of these stories we will call the place the game station which obviously isn't the name of said place but it will do now during this time I had just freshly turned 18 before this summer so I was considered a full-blown adult during all of this well during most of this summer me and a group of friends would go to the game station to hang and play games mostly to play Dungeons and Dragons or D&D for short for those that wonder I would play either a barbarian or a bard the latter because I like telling stories of old campaigns well during this time we had a bit of an issue with another customer of the game station a little entitled kid which for the sake of the story I shall call him piglet namely for a few facts one he would snort when he would laugh like a hog sort of two he loved to quote piglet from Winnie the Pooh with oh dear now normally I don't mind little kids as I'm very protective when it comes to them especially if they're being bullied mostly coming from having been in their shoes and knowing when a big kid our guy was on your side was a big bit of support but in piglets case he would have used this to the point that he had some large guys on his side and would use them to muscle his way into other people's account mostly by accusing them of kicking piglet off his computer and using up his accounts time to play which the owners would side on the kids site mostly because there is no proof but after a while even the owners weren't believing this as it had happened so often but finally this was put to an end when piglet would tried to accuse me of doing it but one small problem I had been there long before piglet even arrived that day and he would do it right when he gets there seeing how much time I had mostly because I had said I was a software guy and would help troubleshoot some of their problems when something caused a computer to freak out so instead of paying me they would credit my account with free time so I had no reason to play on piglets time I had plenty to use for myself and even some days I wouldn't even play on the computer because I was more there to play on their TV or to play some tabletop sadly those two weren't even safe from big lid when it comes to playing on the TV as long as no one else wants to play you would be allowed to play a one-player game but as soon as other people want to play it had to do one of two things either share the game or switch to a multiplayer game which most times it was either DDR Dance Dance Revolution or Super Smash Brothers I don't remember which version it was at the time piglet was the worst kind of player either overly mouthy if he was winning or would throw the controller if he lost I had to replace a few of my controllers because of the latter but tabletop was the worst when it comes to piglets annoyance now the only game we would play tabletop wives was Dungeons and Dragons and we had a dry-erase mat and figurines mostly cheap ones but we liked our figurines and we had a few of them just disappear on us even this larger figurine was a dragon that one of the other players had made themselves and I will admit had looked pretty awesome if it wasn't that then it would be piglets snorting fit when we wouldn't let him play with us mostly because we know of how he acts when playing a video game and we were not having that when we were playing mostly because we all had our piglet war stories and just wanted to avoid it sadly we couldn't go to anyone's house to play so this was our only option to play some semi piece that and getting a bottomless cup for the foundation was a bit of an added bonus the first night when all this came to a head was like I said something in the middle of summer and we were planning to do a long session mostly because we had a large dungeon in front of us and sometimes it sucks stopping in the middle of one we started right when the place opened up around noon when piglet came in was close to about 5:00 so we were pretty deep within the dungeon most of us were having fun except our thief who was having a bad time with his dice rolls it happens and I mostly because the game station didn't have enough chairs for everyone partly because another group took most of them for a little gaming marathon that they had gotten the okay from the owner so this time we had a cooler with mostly snacks so none of us had to make a run to the local convenience store that was just down the strip mall from where we were so everyone was sitting higher up in the table when I was closer to being eye level with it it was a tall folding table and even with me being a big tall man just made me look like Gilroy when piglet walked in with his mother of all people a woman that looked like an old school entitled woman from I would say the 60s or 70s hard to tell which but she looked just like a walking pain about to happen for the sake of the story let's call her Miss Piggy when piglet noticed this he rushed over with his standard beggin let me play let me pray that maybe it would continue to say this over and over again till someone said something to him which most the time was shut up but not in this case our dungeon master for this campaign was not having any of this for this story let's call him mark mostly because he's a large fan of markiplier later down the line even getting himself a pink moustache but night igress not today piglet go bother someone else but why not he then squealed the closer to a read when he wasn't getting his way because of that right there now leave us alone most of us made a sound of an agreement to this this gut piglet to let out a loud squeal at this this got the attention of Miss Piggy who from what I had to guess was getting her little son more time for his account what is it piglet these people won't let me play their board game with them this got his mother to look at us angrily and who I won't you let my handsome little son play your little game aren't you all too old to be playing games this got our friend Jeff to chime in now Jeff can and will be a jerk to anyone that annoys him Jeff aren't you too old to butt into other people's lives how dare you talk to me like that you should respect your elders I say and you should respect other people's wishes but here we are this got Miss Piggy to look at me who was sitting low to the ground and mostly hidden by the table why don't you say that to my face okay I stood up and walked around and stood right next to her now even while I was in school that was a tall guy still about six foot assha round this time and this woman was close to about five foot five to about five foot ten range I couldn't tell to be sure and frankly didn't care as I said you should respect other people's wishes well Tabo it looks like someone needs to lose a few pounds and someone needs to get a few brain cells if you couldn't tell I was not having any ones crab this mostly came from having to match sharp wits with my father but would needle you every chance he got to make fun of you so I was well versed and come back fool do you know who my husband is hopefully someone smarter than you how dare you say that to me apologize right now for insulting my husband after you apologize for interrupting our game of Dungeons and Dragons as soon as that left my mouth something changed and Miss Piggy's Damir did did you say Dungeons and Dragons like that's a cold game I just gave her a flat look everyone should have known at this point that Dungeons & Dragons was not some occult game I mean if you broke it down all it is is just math and role-playing which if anyone should know is fine it wasn't like we were trying to summon cut through or anything of that sort no it's just a tabletop role-playing game I don't want to hear your lies piglet let's go I don't want you anywhere near these people we all watched as Miss Piggy grabbed her son's arm and dragged him out of the game station after that I sat down and we went back to our game we did crack a few jokes later down the line and even told the owners after they asked what happened they got a kick out of it after face palming at how stupid Miss Piggy was sadly dear readers this wasn't the end of this a few days later the group of us met up again and we were playing on the TV most of us were playing DDR Mario mix at the game so we were working up a bit of a sweat mostly this allowed people after doing a song or two to sit down and let the next person play now on mario mix i could easily do super hard mode and only miss a note or two i'm not a dancer but i can at least do my best after doing one of my favorite songs and worked up a pretty heavy sweat so much so i had to clean the sweat from my eyes which required me to take my glasses off the deuce all for those wondering I'm nearsighted which means I can see thing as close to me but not far away after I sat down to give my legs a bit of a break and to catch my breath I felt a tap on my shoulder at first I thought it was one of my friends to ask me something personal now this wasn't anything new to me as I tend to be a great listener for my friends and often would try to give advice to help them out sadly this wasn't a friend this was Miss Piggy and right when I turned she gave me a face full of mace let me state this as clear as I can mace really burns as soon as it hit my face I began to scream in pain I will admit I didn't hear what happened next but was told this next bit later after they helped me clean up and try to deal with it as best I can even going as far as to make a run to the store for some milk but from what I was told my friends took direct action both mark and Jeff jumped on Miss Piggy and pinned her to the ground making sure the mace was out of her hands all while a friend of mine that I will call Ginny took me to the bathroom to try and clear it up as a fourth friend ran to tell the owners and then go get the milk mark why did you do that to him he yelled at her you Jiggs deserve much worse let me go God knows I'm right Jeff got a crazy one someone called the cops the owner they are already on their way what happened Marc crazy here just maced our friend get me up from there the cop arrived and she was taken off an officer came and got information from me as best as I could I sure as heck pressed charges and luckily obtained no permanent damage but I haven't forgotten that feeling even after all these years I figured I would share a story where sometimes I wish I had kept my mouth shut but as I said wisdom is only earned after the fact just remember to pick your battles wisely as it goes to show you you can't stop stupid but you should be wary of the crazy ones out there so thank you for taking the time to read this and mister read in if you're reading this thank you for reading my previous stories and this one and I hope you're having a nice day thank you for reading hope you enjoyed editor's note waves frantically hi youtube next we've got so what if you have social anxiety I need to have my friends over entitled the roommate story I was reminded that I meant to post this after I moved out of my old place but never got around to it after you read a story about a sloppy roommate making their roommate sick and not caring so here it is I'm not on mobile and I majored in English in college so I have no excuses for bad formatting or grammar also this story takes place over the course of 11 months or so so this will not have very much dialogue when I got my first place of my own it was an apartment I shared with two other people who will call roommate one and remain two this is mainly about roommate one as roommate two decided that rather than do anything about the tension and situation they just wanted to stay out of it roommates one in two and I move in together in May I had known these two nearly all my life and while I was fairly certain roommate two and I would get along fine roommate one and I were not meant to be roommates we were great friends but had discovered over time that we couldn't even stand to be in the same house for more than a couple days much less an apartment my protests about the rooming together were ignored however and we signed a year-long lease and moved in before we moved my mom told me if roommate one got to be too much I should just go to my room now it's important to know that I have social anxiety that was developed over years of working a customer service job straight out of high school and due to me being the odd duck and it being a small school I'm not even joking it was less than five hundred kids gay through twelfth I didn't have any friends there my mom once said that for all the social development I got going to public school she'd rather have homeschooled me and saved me the stress it's also important to note that roommate one was the most social of social butterflies as in they couldn't stand ever being alone and wanted company all the time the direct opposite of me who would likely be the world's happiest hermit if I was ever given the chance now for the beginning of the year a week or two after we moved in roommate one started to bring their friends over every weekend to hang out at our apartment since my social anxiety is mainly triggered by having too many people in a confined space or too many people too close to me having even one or two people was overwhelming for me and they were bringing them over every weekend in groups of three or four when roommate one did this I would go to my room and hide until they left as well as the visitors would stay until 11:00 or later most weekends now I only have two days a week off from my job as I work full-time in five eight-hour shifts so roommate one having people over every weekend was making me spend one of my days off hiding in my own apartment I never thought of it as a home for six to over eight hours because they had to have people around all the time it got to the point that if someone was there that I didn't know I became physically incapable of leaving my room at all all I could do was curl up on my bed with my headphones on and hope that they left in time that I could go get food or go to the bathroom after two or three weeks of this I came up with what I thought was a reasonable apartment agreement each of us would have one weekend a month to have visitors at the apartment and one weekend we would do the major cleaning and if the person who had that weekend for visitors didn't want to bring any over no one else could either roommate one could still hang out with their friends but they couldn't bring them back to the apartment and I would get some much-needed a recovery time but when I proposed this plan all roommate one had to say was you shouldn't make rules that target me it's not fair I have to be able to have my friends over when I point out they can still hang out with their friends just not at the apartment because it's causing me issues with my social anxiety they still say it isn't fair and refused to go along with the plan instead insisting they be allowed visitors twice a month whatever it's better than nothing they have also agreed to a no visitors any later than ten rule as well classes started back up and mercifully the visits stopped though I still had trouble leaving my room if either of my roommates were there and awake but I slowly started to calm down each day at work I seriously considered not going back but things seemed to be getting better we even had new neighbors move into the apartment below us which is important then one day about four months later before the lease is up on my day off BAM roommate 2 tells me that roommate 1 just texted them about bringing people back to the apartment right that moment I launched into a near panic attack rehearsing and gathering my stuff and getting into my room with the door locked just in time to hear the apartment door open and about six people enter the apartment I'm curled up on my bed headphones on trying not to cry as they are being so loud I can hear them through my headphones they are they're well past eleven and I have to work the next day but roommate one clearly doesn't care the next day I wake up exhausted and start an earnest search for a new apartment and I tell my roommates that they can only have visitors at the apartment while I'm at work not before or after that's 40 hours a week for visitors now they agree to this surprisingly only to bring a visitor over in the morning before I go to work not two weeks later this pattern continues roommate 1 bringing people over early or having them still there when I get home from work forcing me to hide in my car until they leave to go into the apartment finally after 11 months of this with my meagre social tolerance completely shredded I move into a new apartment in my home town without roommates I doubt I'll ever trust roommates again and the only people I feel safe inviting over are my immediate family and I've hardly spoken to roommate 1 or roommate 2 sins and congrats to our regenerative the day D fat man dominant Reaper Sansa and Krissy spider become tomorrow's regionals by dropping as many breezes you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 47,720
Rating: 4.8916607 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: hZn-Uh8hA9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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